order to give . Mr. Mifflin an opportunity of addressing the large audience present. The answering and proposing of questions was next taken up and disposed of with much interest. The ,Superintender.t frequently participated in this exercise, and seemed highly gratified - With it. Ile c onsidered it a very useful auxiliary to an institute. After the disrasition of this exercise tin opportu nity was extended to and ace pied by Mr. Mifflin to address the m eeting• lie made a very appropriate and stirring educational address. In the course of his remarks he spoke of the excellent workings of the. Penn. ' sylvania Common School System, proved it the best ever contrived, and thought it lack I ed but one thing, and that was the compel- ! sory clause of some of the European States' system. Ile tried to .prev it upon the pad rents the great necessity of sending children regularly to school, and showed the salre sults arising from a neglect of this duty; he tried to impress upon parents the importance of frequently visiting, schools; he thought it had a very stimulating and wholesome effect on the scholars, and would he very eneoer aging to the teacher. lle thought parents should at least manifest as mulleh desire for the welfare and care of their children as they would for their domestic animals, ;(11c11 he had no doubt received at (heir hands all the necessary care and supervision their comhti and prosperity required, Ile closed by an 'appeal to the scholars. lie tried to impress upon their minds the imp 'rtance of close application and perseverance Ile said in a few years hence they would be the men and women of our country—upon them would Test our country's woal.or woe, and !list it is necessary that they should try to prep!ire and fit themselves so as to be able to properly discharge the duties that will so soon devolve upon them. The following resolution was then read and adopted : Resulted, That !he thanks of the Institute be tendered to Mr. Mifflin, our worthy Couto ty Superintendent, fur his paiticipation with us and for his appropriate and edifying ad dress, It was suggestod by Mr. Stock that the meetings of the institute hereafter be field at some central place in the township, for in stance at Middlesex. Hut hirt suge:estion, were overruled, as it was tlion.lll that. Ow benefits arising from willm-tsiog the elites drills of different schools and other advan tages would counterbalance the inconve nience of some of the teachers in reaching sortie of the n.ore ri•inuto Singing, the closing exercise, was per formed by some of the teachers The President thanked the large atidier.cc present for their kindness and nitention. On motion, the liediteie 11.1joureed meet algal!' in two weeks at Mr. Main:lig:l.l's school. GEoRr;E ()if On the sth i.,st,„ 111 Z VP,17111 II danghter nt Iferiry aid h.,11.A .11..41 . 11 CI ors and 4 nee. 0, - 1)e :Iftar(lets CARLISLE PRODUCE PI A RKET. Reported weekly for the II eraltl 1,3 - R. C. Woodward. . . . i'lrli.r, I) 1.1, INl' FLOUR (Su loo . fi Ile .... *1- 11 do. k Extra.) h do RV! , 1 WHITE NY II 1•'. kT I RED do - I RYE CORN 1 OATS.... ....... ....... .. .... .......... BARLEY F IL I BARLEY S PR I NC . ........ ...... CLo V ERSEL I/ TL D ITILY: , 1 , . Pi I Nell} RO 11 crtictitents LOST ON SaturdayjDeo. Gth, on the road leading flint carlhde to \ e‘t till, :I Moe Bronze Carpet Bag. tt l?'the nann• of ) I tr,an•S It Woo , h, on tho bot LORI. An) 111,111, illo• will he reaaornihly nit anlod hn irluiuiog it to this .•Ilice Deeendwr 111, iso2--3., Private Sale of Real Estate. T II AT very deF,irah w L 1( le Farm, sitco] of, mil, 1,111 C:11" Intl' the! prop, tr 01 An.frow adjoininc; I . Vlil privato, Iry tho hens of A \ II —.1 , 1 heft', the Intl .ivv miry. I. pmilli the Iv] of A prll next. App.', t,. Cal - lisle, De, 10, 15,',2. NEW DRUG STO It F. 911 IE undersigned has just opened n new Drug l-toro, In South Ilauov,r street, no‘t door to Inhoff's Urucery shire he has Just re - calvod nod opened a large stuck Drugs, Chemicals, Porfumery, Toihd Soaps, and Fancy Ai Ako, /urge lot of gobacco and Segars, of the most favorite brands; Coal tit Lamps and Shades. Burning Fluid, Confectionaries. Fruits, eta, iiil, Alcohol, Stationary, Patent Medicineh. and all oilier Articles connected wish our line. All Of Wink h ive sill sell at prices to suit the tunes. Prosel iptio us rareftally compou.ded by a competent druggist DAVID 'Dorlialn, Pm'. 19, 1002--ly THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE 1863,1 r IIE NEw-Y()RK Tit N In IR4I, now In its tivent.seeot/1 tear, has In lei nod both a larger and a mine in 11,11 eirc.ll - than any Giber newspaper puldlsheil inn ha. Though it lute suffered, in 1 ., 111111 , 111 Si inn ot hor 31.1t1 from the volunteering and departure of tells i•fl thou sands of its patrons to serve in ihr tzar lie the rition. Its circulation ou this until of llrrrmhw, lon 2. IN as Ito lows: Semi %Weekly Weukly, Aggregate, 21.`, Preeminently a journal of Now, and of Literature THE THiIIUNE has political cons ictions. which are is ell characterized by the sloglin word Itt.ei I. is Republican In its Int , arty adhesion to 111 in great truth that of one hioit r all nations nl men -Republican in its lISSHII.IO'I of the 11,1 able rights of all Inert libm t 3, nud thy poti-n.t of happiness Republican in its stcidlas , e , t, defiant hostility to every scheme and effort of the Slave Power. frJni the Annexati n n i t,' as to the great Rebellion, to grasp the Aunt e ?'re' "rid and wield the resources of i lir country fir its iiwn nn grandinement—ltepnhllrnn in its antagonism to the aristocrats and despots of this lilt World. whin fondly hail in the perils and calamities suddenly tins to.t upon ua by their American I.ollllterprirt the overthrow and ruin of the Model Republic—Republics. In its hope and trust, its faith and effort, that this atrocious Re bellion must result in thin ins si (111.014, of tin plat_ tern, nod the firm estalilklinient of equal rbzlit, and equal laws throughout this elude nsteut nt out V"1111- try. wherein Liberty and Onion shall indeed be anti Insoperablt•" henceforth and forever Tue. Polaris, 111,1`tOS lattilltioll in calmer times, anil to some extent in these, to Education. Temperance, Agriculture, Inventions, and whatever else may min ister to the spiritual and material progress and well being of mankind; hut for the present its root glee and 110 CUlumns are mainly devoted to the invigoration and sureties fit the War for the Union Its special corms pendants accompany every considerahle artily and re port every important incident of that great strvglis witi li we trust is serin to result hi the signal and con clusive triumph of this National arms and In the res poratitin of Peace and Thrift to our distracted, bleeding , country, believe that no otherwise can a fuller or InOre accurpte view of the progress and character id' 'this momentous conflict be olitaliud than through the n regular perusal of our columns. And we earnestly so licit tine co operation of ell friends of the National 'taunt,, which wo ruin rd mut uphold en I 11:1 t. or [slyer sal Humanity, to aid us hi extending itt circulation. TERMS The enormous Increase in the prior of printing p3por and other ,pal oriels used In print log no, ..papers, coin— YIN UR to increase the price of TUE TILUIUNU. Our terms are : DAILY 'IItIBUNZ 'Bincle enpy, Mail auliseribers, one 3 ear (311 issnes) SIVIII-W EMS LV T luau \h Ono copy, ono year (I )4 ihaiiod) 3 on 'Two copies. ono year, il CO Five copies, ono year, • 12 tin Teti coplei olio year, 22 GO An extra copy will ho rent to el the of twenty and over. WEEKLY TRIfIUN One copy, one year (52 issues) Three copies, ono year, Five copies, one year, Ten copies. oriwyear. Any inrgor_nnlnber, nildrcqow.d to wimps of AU6Nr:II - *l,OO each. An extra co py will ho t ent to ui , ery chitiortim. - - .--,-, -- --- , . Twenty copies, to ono address. one year, $26.00.1 any larger number at same price. Au extra copy soul be seat to clubs of twenty. :fo Oahe of thirty the :Semi- Weekly Trillium) 01, he mint. To clubs of fifty the Dally Tribune will be M alt gratis. ' ii,dttrega TUE TRIBUNE, Tr'bum) BuildiugH, Now York Whcmdrafts can be procured It le much safer then to remit hind< bills The name of the Post °lnce and State should in all amen be written: Subscribers who semi .money by Express, must pre. ay. the Express charges , oleo it will be deducted from tite remittance. • • The 'rribune'Alinenac for 1863, mill be ready about 04rifitmaji. lIAVE just reeeived. a beautiful assort ment of NEW DRESS GOODS, which we after as subs:Antes for Cafirm', Gond Delaines plain at 20 cents. figured 199.1' etc. Extra qualities. 20 vent, (.0 yat heheautiful new style REPS, at 25 eto., but for than any Delaines. Alwavs on a look out for your in/errs', hove now 111 11 Intl lot, f 11.11111 aI SS that will I: nark the spots out of any thing in Lho shape of Dress bloods le Carlisle. Shawls of every description, at law 111,Nya and bleached MUSLINS lowa than Ca i ho lJoutht her. AiSl, II full uusortmont, of the begt prints in Ills vounly hand at all prices. Wu also hava 011 hand ur usual assortinont of and Figured Jkrinors, plain (' , burr.., Alrwras.ll.lmbnzines, hosiery and Loaoroidely fu t11,11,111,1n0e. Carpets Carpets ! At the old prices. 4500 yards Inmelst before the rise, n 111 I•r lor this ty da3s, nt the old prin•s nn. Carpet sit 40 rts.. Itae Carpet at ;el •• It, toss ts.at y e 0.4 elsain dn. 65 '• 11(.314,11 Carpet nt 4u •' •' All wo,kl & 75 Hest quilt. 4 ply its market from its it .4 hr.ns all 1,0 kl ihiLe ply. eNtIA all ese,l. $1,25 Gritaid The abnvu t;00 , 1, must, be sold, They were butight to Fell. Vl' have a dilll ss Inr Lug k keeping, e c pre !, the eaeh in exchange int (had, \ HELD k SITE iFEIT, tine 11,, west al the l'onnty Ps ison. Dne. 1, 1 1:11S I t! ! I Another 1•re:,11 lot dPnr..ivan••( - 111KS. SIIA NVI.S, nle c;.pt.ds, a ;4r.•aihilley (i us.ds. nit-11 :01 , i3lllli is•tY, 101:11, S , nrtn. 11:1 liltsinssllAs, Nes I: li,nts o ..11arv...V.t. til' limo to boy tutor PreFento Plea, oall nt LEI1U:11, NA 'VV EIL 111.1.1,11t 1 13 nr.991119, 19. I;-;1‘. \ 1,3 No I I(' 1..;. N, ict• I. that Lott,: r 1,•1 .1,11.• . ,L - 1 .. 11/ IL . I 1 . 1 11l I-II:III I. 1..•r1y, )1111s, a... 1 od r. i11A1 . 1.1,1 tip III! U . -I it.. :Irv... t,. !111 !lA% Ing .-1,1111, 1.1.1..111 dial) atilditin— tioil.•.l to I= WANTED. Tcachers En. Penn town hip Ippl, Idanh l'untret T D Z irTIFTY COAT AND VEST NAKEIIS. \NT A N El ) i nii i liately lifty good \ •.I'I.IY NO, Ate In.tke.L j.. 1.. 1 di Ire ppl) al \ 1.1 \ 12. INt.2 FOR RENT, rp TTE . tn 1. Ilnblit nn rr t. , lately twotrptril I, Mr. .11.1Ai 1(11.1.11). its a 0,10,11- wary ~, u y 111 .:hoe. f 11'11.1. rout I;,r uno year fr,,m thr I.t. I .11 Ap:11 Iw‘t ila,/ F.ilwtto W w `ill. II snwt•l . Hr , .. lo• Iwut 11.1” s.. pwi l 6 hwl I , ww. l'W• at— t wiwd ha- a Iwim, C. out 3,1 1,;(..1;., awl two 111 , 111. TII , •1. I , %.11ir , •11 , 11 , Ir uit "11 the 1.11•111,,, EMI 'hill it: Lists iiti tie A,si , t,titt loi.ttzAn 1 crollitv. , vill t,i , Opt I.r vxanlina (l., at (Ii ~ 1 11 thi• \ At t .. iq the I".th ... :I 1 1 '1 ' 1" 17 ,h. / r au/ / / I. t il t: th /* ....1 1• 1 , :•1:1 : / iii , 11 u ill 1 ,1• 'ifill4l plarrS, ii - ~. ;01 , 1 ~ 11111, I •ing 11 . 1 . 11 ///•11, 111.,. [pp r I; .r turl).l.l . •I•ur • r• :it 11, 1 11/• 11111 I • • —./1 11 1/ ... i111/1/ II 1.! . .1• ' ll /11 /11, .1%1111 /,‘ :/"• 1 / 1 1 1 1 111, /1.. 11 , , 1111 I - 1, / /11111/1 . 1./1L: 1 1 0,111 , -.1/ . 111/1 1110 li./1 . /.11.-1/ • 1 il'11 , 1.•. 111 111,. 111 • S lit I'-tl4 4,1 I III! .11 .$1 .I.tliti at ThLt,l I I, ••• (”, lisitips of S:lrprpi,liii,.l Itt l 31,1 Iflllll. nll.l . tlliit 111 .111 th , • 11111 v 1 .1 1 111 .1 ,tltl h.. 1,8• .t rho 1. , 11 :•)1..• :1111.11, , ,1- 1114 111e.55 P•1111,11,t, 111 11...1 t• 'I is) tkr taxat,,n, ,‘,.1 1;11.•1 W NI. 11. MILLI:It, or A nll.l, 1119.:0 o tb IL. I 7;". (11n - r - 171,1'0r ^nr -- t - tt rl,- , Alll,ll r...111,1.,1; 01111 , tat, 2,!. 111),1 ..r t•I 0. 1111 , II Pi —Letters of Admit)ist r“ii,)r) ttnitt Rear, ileo . d. late ttl-Weet -1,01,11.11 t it.. It I% to,: IPV of Cooti, lend t't.utttt. Lit the multnorlltt•r.r.sidiott in the s:11111• 11.relir ,j,t, to nll per.oliS judr•hted to , ,11.1 hil Masc. 1111111.1101.- 1 , 03 meta, anti t hoe,• hay i z I":lints to to est•tit them ooly nut hen tsolid settletoettl Lo „ lIIIMI N( Yl' I ('l.;.—Letters /Inontii th.• •••13It• It , I;o lir Upper Alle ry w ',hip, 113,1. II gt.tntori Icy th.• n v,plinly. t , thv untli•rsigwvil Ir— ,litte. In hit ine ,i3 . ll.lHri All poi .iing I,K lo lit will tanke lulu,. imywient. and 1.113... wI llit Sou L. them properi) analw.llll3itti 1 for ti 1 11 V, celebrated Ett,brocat ion for frost - tind,s pat up in a 1,1111 . II Mill urikeF it 1 1 14 ' 110t; IE hill t illl til all. A Lain gal, tar 1,, it As it laa.,,tli),- tar it It I.llil 1/111•1` rlr Persona at alik -1311,2, by itu. hal , a pad:- a.--• .0111 1.. 11. t,, all tat th.l 1. , 1...11-4. 11r pia 1,4) A/1-11/. 11. IsINII,-- , /11111i it CO., 1 , • 1 1.11 - kol NW:L. 1. 1 ,11e1•. 12, 15i.2.--1111 SCIENTIFIC AMERICA 41. The Best Mechanical Paper in the World NEW volume of this Popular Jour tiii• lirnt ul ./,tou.trY• It ix ,t..•ids. ‘..ry i, um l. I:J:11,On,, six Loot* 11.r40s of 11,0.1 in:, not ( ion. mot trom lit t• Lon otigi-, nal 1.141110 itt t tl, 1,l two' in vt•tatoos anti ilisoovoriott, or ',ldyll are pi elm red expiet,ly fsr its columns. To the ilerlionie flnel No person enginonl ill any of the ineelutnivol or 111211,• 11filc11111114 1111,11113 0101114 1111111, of doing without' the :n•lentill, Ann, lean. II eokte but six C 1211114 per “erk; ornry number 1 .1 ,11t:11. &Mil SIX to ton of new 11111rhilips suit 1141,111k/11N, which still 1.4 in luuud lit thy otlu r publirathal. The scientific Alllllll9lll is indispensable to ovary !vi reo or. US it. Hot only contains ill ustratod descriptions of nom rly al I the best. ID Viatical. CC I lie Out, but each amnia, coutains so Official List ..1 the Cham, of all Lil.. I'alent4 iccued fain the United Status haunt Office during the wools oreyvou.; I has ci, lug IL correct history ut tin:pogrom ol ins endow: in I mile CO wary. We are also receiving . , every work, Ilia best belt:raffia journals el Grrnt itrl tai u, I rnnro. ttilli placing to our possession all that is transpiring in ma ch:llllva! science Arid art in lhesu old countries. (Vu hind] vont faun to traasffir to our Sanaa copious ox tracts from these journals of whatoyor w o way doom of intorebt to our random A pamphlet of Instruction no In tine best mode of oh• tattling Letters Patent on DOW DIVOIIi4OIIB, Is furnished free C,ll Messrs. Noss & Co, have acted as Patent Solicitors for more th•tu seventeen yours, In connection with the publication of the Scientific American, and they refer to 20.000 patentees Orr ',Mn they have 010110 littsincils. No charge is Made for examining bketchesand models or new inventions and Fir :141,11111g Inventors Ins to their patentabilit y. cots. ,yfi 00 Chemists, Architects, Millwrights and 200 fi 0) 8 00 15 flu 'rite &tenthly American will lm fund n most useful journal. to.thom...c All-the now like/ivories In tiowietwe or given In its co luinits,amithelutere6tti ”r to, architect and carpenter ale not bvprloolto ; all the new inventims and. tilso,vcries appertaining . to theiin pursuits bring published from week to week.— owrinlom. port..ioing to tho In torests of millwrights and milkon ours will hu round 10 the Syletithly American,' which Information they , 1111 not posdbly obtain from any other source. Sul t jocts in which limners aro Intel.. led will be found dlayu sod in the Seler title AltiQnV/111; most IX the linprnymintoits in al.trlcultural linplenient's being illustrated fu ititcoluntim Tkitms —To mall sob.crioers: 53.00 I year. or Si for four months 'rho velum. Cf 11111111,111,0 iirat of J„„„,lry and .ful,V. SIMVIIIII3II copies will he scut knit s to any part of tile country. GREENFIELD & SIIEAFER, (-RFIENFIP,I,I) & ;;11EA'VEl1, Etil:1:1,1". FOR RENT .1A.4 .1I rwr. =EH U. S. TAN_ i S. NOT CE TO TAX X.A.VI7-RS llt oR ACE II A V. 1 , 111 Penus ISAAC BAL lA\, FII“STI . .1) I: A ItS. IZ4ISTET) FA 1: 4 I LET. rtt,) , T F:1) 1 , 1•:1•.T. II IND , : 1.1:,,;'1 I, Ilk\ Tr , . I I:1) It I. iZ , H El> 1.1)11tS. IL I, 5S1'IL1"1'I:I) EmiiTEEN ME= 'Pe the Ihrento? 1 7 U 7 VIC IS MUNN it: CO., rublieberni 37 dark Row, N. X, The Atlantic Monthly. BEGINNING OF A NEW VOLUME The Number for January, Eleventh Volume of the Atlantic illoUihN • "FAWN the commencement, in 1857, the Atlantic Monthly has Vapidly Inereaued In cir culation, and it now has the largest Hiles of rendorn 'Alive Its beginning. five yearn ago. lis prosperity stead- II) augments, end it continues, amid elltthe fluctua tions Mill dangers incident to nor national enjoin, to gain IrIMIUti in the entitn.l,l of tbepubile. At a time so pre:l,Nnt with event, e. . h [omit the future [testi „r Am on e:. in ev,rn n 1141 particular, the Publish. era and Editors do not deem it necessary to promise that its pages will never swerve from the honest paths of level patriotism and universal freedom. Ito opin lon, hare always been on the old° of Liberty, Progress and Right, and the mune it first adopted in its early career will ever be faithfully maintained. THE STA FP 05 WRITERS, regularly contributing to the Atlantic Monthly, embraces all the best known Writore In American literature, and sat route the Pub ihhers In prom king to Its readers, ' ” TIIE 111,S1' ESSAYS. - TIIE BEST FrmtlFS, 'ME 111-ST POEMS, Which American talent can produce. In Prose And Poetry the " Atlantic" Stalin(' Writers is unt.4lnaled. 'rho foline log anthers tire still anionic the retinlar t.nntrihuterst Jane, Itta,ell fleorge S Henry AV. Lone:fell-iv, Hoot y bile I,ollin Agacsin.. Wriltor \I lLrhrll, Ralph \I alin Etnerintn. Henry 'V. l'utel,ertnan, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Airs ii Beecher C. !Tazewell. liarriet :Ilartlneztu, T. ".• Hi/Vinson Charles Hinle, )Tre, Jolla W !Imre, rrnintry Parson," !Ills A It. T Whitney, Rion, Tor, y, Wirer W Mitten:, Harriett E. PreFrolt, ,1„t,,, 4; IVllittler, Ittitert 'l'. S. Lowell, V. Whipple, .1. 'l"rettivbriden, rd lor, Edtetied Everett, Charles E. Norton. fret A. A ntlittr •• \tar, et lintelit" J- 1 411 Reis. n„Tho fureguitni list Includes the lending write) sor A r 11011,11.. t M,—Tho A tin n tie is for sale by all Book and Peri- I'd VP 22 eto n sum her. Su' scriprions Gar the your ill,oo, postaue paid Yearly rubscripi •reivd, a of tight numbers supplied by any dealer, or by the publit4iers. Sp.chnon numbers sent gratis on application to the 111k1tICHIll•II t s for subserihing. I.lets or rr,o,flu,ns, , furni.ht.. , on appl , cution t.. the Puhlislwrs. TICI,NoII k }.l 1.1,1)R, IVashisgton `creel, Bo.too. tin s. 12. \ I )(.:si ral)le residences; t uateil on South i.tren.t, in the 01 owned I,;h, I,,tr inn t lip, o.r.•iliviney nl I;vn W. 1 , 1, I.lml. Thi, I , woo the iwo de...hi:thin prickle real !iv Ill•es t. lid', h." it.; mil the ndcmntacr, of 1.i1C, , 1111,.11_ , ,1 Penni, ,10. relit I'lo[ll kl,ll I=t, or will lie on lo I ei to =iIMEMBM R() I, A)IAT I ()N the II ."..1 1111. , 11. r, II kII %.". the r.l I, 4.: C.. 1,11,1, I'It••:t. l'n rry la I 111 ntt . „11 It , eral tiont.l.3l .1:01 ”ntl.•q. n,1 , 1 Hon. NI. Co.•K nd I , 01 DTI lit r, .111,1 In ul the 0,111. ,••1 ornti 1,42 r arld Ininlivery. tint - (lin• trial nni nil Inpitail iintni r inn tam ni 1,0.•op1, re , tn , 1..1atn..1 Inc 1 :11 \1,5101/.,,. I , .1. InI; ,do rd dud e. 1,1 jl')t.ll,,y I', tin/. 11' i 1.-M et W .......inn th , • 1 , ,,, n„. I...rahlts. IN, 0 SVl•eks, \ • , IS II Elil.:111' it I I EN to the C0r0t..., .li, tikes titi• id . • ••11111y of land, flint thee Tip' the :till lifro'rtif rt,n. 1,. I :wt. and there it, tl:.•i, pop., .•e-o.oi, ilit Iteir null.. I nl inqui it unrt. ex moon Ciotti. 1,11.1 /.1111 . 11110,1.••1', Li/ t'll th 1.1.1 thin:,, uhivh Lilo le• ito.l f that are h•ttztt I...orttiztmee: lip itett.e, .•1,• .teinei the 111111.11,1,1 the jail outity,re •. 1 ,0 titer, itroio•••tile Hoot) :1, .11.311 be .1. 'l'. 111 , Shot iff. Dee, =1 EVERY BODY TAKE NOTICE, 11T E, LI:11)11'1f, SAWYER )111.LE12, Ea.t. Hain:;[, one tin't, I i“tt.l. NN'INTER G()0I)S, ,;lit.ll r.r gnaiity, Tarioty m•evpiotottess, emiuot. be I,lt flti }Ds, Ia C,•sii mp n iMii,/ , llllii 11,5,1 Nlerillt“, Einp,s4 tit. A full ut , ut, of v.,) U l'E itloll SILKS;, II tin and f1.2:111,1 - •tirdly of RI, I,g, ',o u ght 1..1, I. Ow 110,0 price tho 1,1 - I‘,llf•.r. t ,rie ui [it i Ql,es try. hi dit., t•tl , l :tient Itt:t to' : A tF,: sti.lo, 11 a• t C1...11. , fiatl,:,•}, t% 01 Fl.ll I th:t.a til tin.. nud ti: :ikIiOURkT . ING GOODS, ~,.] 14, • 4" N ,', ~t ~ ;,, Ii11, 1 ,1'.1 1 :111111•1••• • 1-11111 , 0 1,11i1lig• H1'110,1.1111, I11“,•11, A , 31.1 , 1 y " , f 11113,1.31 11. , 13' 3 ,, 333.•111, 1.311.,1031• 1,11 11 1,t,, 5.,1 01 11.031,, 114) , InrY Se. F I T , I nll 0.1 II ~t. 411... n,•t naafi tt• ,, ln .$1 thr—tl,ll tho i/lVilo -M4 1.01/14:1 of .PULLIC Jo thy t r Int•titlonrd. I,EIDICII, A \ 1 . 1 . :11 I LI.EIt. I= Valuable Town Property at Privato Sale, rill; subscriber offers at private sale, _to e following valuattle Town Ptnocity, von t .kflo g of the t Mit• • 11 1 , 51 the IlArrl-hurg t ttroptke. directly noptNite the resilen, flt \I. IJci Ittottfled on the went by it lane, in the north by John Noble, an 1 tot the east by %{l.O at. tleu tlettou. containing 1:1,11, 1 / 4 BEM:, A dmini,.l.l at HS Tile oilier l of is on rile n o rth.we,o et le or the rut M%% het in known AN Logutc, ie.. ; I o I of John N the north, and Peter zspahr on Lice These ere very valuable LoN. and are well worth the attentio el purchasers. For tern), and other particu lars ',quire of JO :1. 1). HALBERT. Devonll,er 1,, IS,32,—am TOWN PROPERTY. On Fridrz 11 , December 19, ISG2. r E undersigned, AHsignee of tilicllael Ni 111113 sill .all S:tiv, on lilt, al.lnve day, the salnaHo. rowil 1 . 1 (IV, ties, : 'II'NV4) 4)11IT-11,0TS, 01111ir• 11, tli •I , o l of th.• •::, r ..01. 10 tllO l'allisle. n lj,anir, lands Ih,:mrr Iniuo . Cates 11 . Ahi, ati.l Voter Fi.ahl, c.11:alt:!”, , , 101, It Al':: td. A ki , , all that vertala 1 , 0.. of ~.. ' lIHICIi HOUSES, 64-rN on D.,,t Arcot ton in number. l'looo 031, J . :f.`,. 1 i . .-- lioun ' osaro I.:lilt of Drielt and 1i . i . .1 rata alateria's, al c 1, , , , , btorl, Iligil, 111 H ._..,...„,.. good pa, o, 100 LOW nand .Her great ludticetnents to thine ,I,:ii 'lug contlorp,b:o lint's. It? :Nh, 15, la. Ithld a . .Vho C, ,11 . :. I:.J urn, in until llorollgh, at Di I it 1,01,, A. fl, f Milli day, wheu looms will ho mad° I.nowii by ,-• DANIEL. 1X15.11,:4, As , lgneo. Carlinlo, Don. 5, f852.—:1t S \ 1) ITI3LI C, .i i,E (lb' lil AI. ES- ON P7I.IDAY, December 19, 18(32 Thrt au Ltrri Lnr n .dh•r tit Public• sal.. on Ilu• abliva day. at I 1..0t urn Ta ta a. In \lw luttliehlourg, tho L:4Littu Via • No. 1 A tract (11 - ' i,auci, situate in v., Spring twoorliip, IV, miles Nth Meclonlesburg. north thu 'l'llll,llu Spring road. hounded by lunch of Heilman, Ilrouvoutwull, Bold, and 0. Liao, containing 9 Acres and 119 Perches, In v Int; thtwoitn united a good two -4.. _ A . ---. c , i i rl dl 2 .— -- - 1 ' a l l:Z, l. t 'l li l t ' !r " t l: e i o l e ' s ) e l aT::: .. ltVll:ll " il i c ; ll ' „ l g L\ .; kV ~_ I A never falling. Well of good wator "F upon the prellibu, Tins Loot is of a prime quality• in n god neighbor hood, nod offers particular inducements to any person maul i lig a condortable home. No. 2. Two lots in the Borough of inumbored 204 and 205. These lots are eft uated op the !evil weSt, corner of South Market, sheet and- Shapson ru in. adjoining property of David Long, and haring thereon erected a two story Westherlasird. ed licalSE with Barkbuilding, a good STABLE on the pmuises. To this property belongs It water right to tho %Veil on Market street. The house Is now occupied by WM. Wily. Any further information In reg+rd to these. proper. this may be had of David Landis, Sr., residing upon tract No. 1, Sale to commence at 1.0!4 o'clock on said day, when terms will be made known he = IISTATE NO'rlCE.—Letters of Ad jnd,,l,ti,ition on Ow ustata of Mrs. Mary yl ceulloch t late of Shippentshurg, dee'd. haying linen INHllftli the Itmoster of Pu•ol, Cu. to fhe ouhocrihrr, n.odolgi n 1.01111 tp, lIntlt•O i 0 hureby given in all I 11 nn 0,1111111014141 to o:dd rate to to 11141,e pit Dumf. t wee vl„g (•121 lion. to _prommt them duly - autlientltated for settle nlol4, l-IN,- = °TICE —Letiers of Adlninistilition I'i uu tho of Henry Rupert. dee'd., Into of Peon tOW I.llip. /MVO 11,11 mooed by the itegl,ter of Cotolnur . land Comity Loth" unolersigoed [ . ..siding inn the HlllllO towashlo. Notlee to Inereby Riento to all pon•Olf, Indebted lo N:tidectittu. Lo lotnnw , lnal , " 1n 3 1 1, ne.t. - 71.1n.he hntlog CI3IIIIS, to prouon4 I lin-inn duly :kw hontion led for net dement no llowornt It umn,rt. of tp., or to ()ATHA lON E Nov. 2H, 1562-61* . Wood Wa i ntecl,at this. Office. 1863,, begiim the = For Salo or Rent. JAS IL SMITH, A_•t. I r the owner C1.0.1!:ti! (.I.(l.licS! Ken's and Boy's Wear, i! h. \ '.1t1.1), Fl), I) •111 , ..)•),I in Inntitn,n. cnpply. (///, I v,(117,,, 5 Arres awl 100 I'errlics 3 AereS, more or less Public Sale of Valuable AIILLER, Jr =MEM LOCHMAN'S Now Sky-Light Photographic and Ambrotype Gallery L. - LOC EI M A N is happy - to inform • his numerous customers, and thu public gone. ra y, that he has romovod bin establishment to his I\rew Sky•Ll"ghl Gallery, In the hull ling c ecupied by Mrs Neff. as a Millinery Store, opposite the Cumber/and Valley Bank, Mr. Loam/tills now able with Ills splendid light. and .the addition of new and expensive apparatus, the very best man ulltetured, to produce riI,VrOGRAPIIR, CARTES 1)12 VISITE, A 5113110- TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE OF PICTURES, equal .le the boat made In Philadelphia or New York. Pictures can be taken now equally well lo cloudy as In clear weather. Daguerreotypes or Ambrotypes of decoAsed personii copied. enlarged, or made into enrte.% do vlulte, Carlisle, Nov. 24, 1862. REGISTER'S NOTICE • NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in terested, that the following accounts have been tiled in this office by the accountants therein named for examination, and will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Cumber land county, for confirmation and allowance, 011 Tuesday, th , . 231 day of December, 1862. 1. The guardianship account of Thomas B Bryson, guardian of T. B IS. McGuire, a mi nor son of James McGuire. 2. l'he first and final account of John Phil lips, administrator of Peter Phillips, latiof Silver Spring towut-hip, dee'd. 3. The account. of 'Flionuts B. Bryson, cx eencor of the last will and testament of Snail. 11. Adams, late of the Borough of 'Mechanics burg, denl.ll. 4. The first and final acconnt of Margarot •tdmiuistruu'i,z of Thomas F. Ilickernell dec'd. f The first ri.l final account of Daniel May, atlininigiraior of James Tolbert, late of ElOl p nsb on,' township, dec'd. 6. First and final account. of John Bobb, administrator of Josiah Jones, late of Silver Spinac township, dee'd. 7 The first and final account of J. Burr otat of th.. ctircutors of the last will testament or Lydia. Heck, dee'. 8. Guardianship account of Levi Mel'lde, Esq., gnortlian of Agnes C ('rain, now Agnes C. Sayler, grand daughter of Alel:ander Wills, late of Vi 11,14, ilee'd. 9. The qceootit of golfgn Couver, tor or the ht t will . intl testament of Barbara ('roll, late of An( a township, 10 The !t.u.,r,lian.hip account of John C. UunLili v.l it .lion at Fiances A. Culbertson, died. E. A. IEtAI)V, Rrgister, Calll-1, , , N,,v 22. N'T.2 AUDITOI3'S NOTICE under,42.1;( , 1 appoiutt.2d urt t'-uttt.urt I".eno, to ntarshal anti tlt•tt Hutto ~• .1 , "ti II Ii t , f John 11. r'uos or 1-1... t 11 , I , i 11,1 :intone lite creditors. Ituret t.'.tn. • 11,31 t... At. ill :Wend to tit,' titttj t ,g,,, !Cut t,ttpuitttitteut un 1 . 114 1,. 11,1211, by of December, 1,,,, ~,, .1,1111 1 41'1 1 0. n the liotugh of rtit elti , It ell NA t'l take Tuttle, READING RAILROAD, WM% 'n egit*M l WIN I'E It AIIRANG 101 ENT. EA'l' Trilnl: Line grunt the North Niirll.oll,l for )"ork, !lead intr. .... Ilai Jr.. odelphia, NUN' YOrk, PI.I 01,.. arid all Hilt, diatistettions. Lid I • I I Yorl. I..pr I. ;7, - 11 nt 315 nrnl In nl' www at 10-11 1 i w , s . wwwo kr. iUg. Faro , , 110 11a11i.1,111-4, 1 a Now w k to if . .. and 11,014,11 It. It'llVt• \ ' .••v Vtirk al. 0 A. \I , N,01 , 1. And 7l' NI 1 . 4E+1,, 1 . 1111:111Viphla At. 8 I:. . and :31 NI. P, tht • NIII% . V , rl% o,lTrath,,throUgh it/ ill t •/.1111,. w 1 ),111:1 by the l'au,s ),, lonve T'ort at..) , Phil i 1. ;plO., .‘,1,1 all Internie.. 11, and at P \I I . jr.l Philadelphia, 'ev 1 . ..1k and Nl.ty 1 . 1 . 111 S 1,111, 9IS A \t ,t _:10 P. n, r And NI, 1, rl,: and at. tier Au• I.urn awl Ling hen Vino (i,ov, .111. i 'Ail!. , hi• lir ,::•) • ~(1 oturtiing tr ill it. ad..: at I. M.. r .k i•I leas. Itea , littc.: )1 r, l'hi'ud,•ll , l,N. I P. P. U. All tins. totl. A,t1.1.:0v tram at. .•A. , '1,04 I.•!phi. NI. l'0111.1l1L.1(SPILS. , 11. :uill EN. 11,1011 TiCk tfttr , l p0i31 , 1. 11. A. NI( 12111!IIIMI N 1T I 'E. rt:11 Annt,ittl, n, tito {:.• \ 11AI , ii.ll mt ',two - fttlttp, t utttltorLitol count), 1,1 . 0 nqttnittl tlot of "el ttotmy It , tit, , ttloteribor' residing in Ft . ..hind town•ltlp. ms Indoblett to fttol tt-tttittt tt, illeNted to Rinke hinntollnto poyntettl, nod 111o:to having t iairOS n ;II proNent (nom for I,ottle- RIZTO =I 1 4 1 E N 01' I ( t,,,y nn thr esttite n,f Szttnitt.l ‘‘,„„i 5. ;;,... lalr ,d 1 , 11 . 1.511111, hind I . OIIIIN, 11/110 1:1•1.1/ by Ike 1., he 111 tollll,llll, .\11111d.21 ,, ,..1 tip .aid ,sinto ale reque , ted not I.otoodilie I.)tocut. and 11.0., harm. rittiol9 vod lot,ent. thoot opt, ;y alLootticatml lor ,flt t'o..- 1:Ito,t S l'i•:1. )1. WOODS, 11111!il NOTICE voTIcF, iv hereby given of an inten j_llloll t. eNtaltli,h Batik of lliFruuut, Depoidt and Cireillai ion, under the pens isions of the net entitled n it nr free banking, in l'enn ,ylvailia. S ancl the sunnbitornts thereto. Snit: kink Li) 1.0 I . L ,, PLICS Li) be loenteti ~, th e 11,,,,,gh .I,...hattirshtirtz.ettottemiathieottr,ty, AI . II a ctvital 01 lllMllundt rd 11l U. Irll divided into tit t 6, L 1.11 1 ,1 0.1 . 1, 01 flit) . ea.•ll Novrinlair 21, ISr2-11itt FOR RENT. l ITE subscriber offers for rent the store 1,0111 Ina tilliiin,, 011 FAA Ninin St, recently no - ruple,l C. I:l3nirr .I,•neller. Moo, a Dwelling 11.,,e ' Irvine I= NEW GOODS AGAIN, vo)\‘' openi n 2: at (lgilby':l cheap cash ,tort, nt.0,1,4, ..1* \\ inter Ih oss Ii L i,. 0 u ew all,l. ty ha:l,l,mo. Pnitnoral H.tri 4, 11 n”.l t , v l,lol•it•i:, , , to :twit trivt n laz—o l• t t. t N\ .1, CD II !171ur halienCluaks, CLOTHS AND CASFIMERES Alen io n ) wvar, tvilh n vri•at tarkty a I pun Laud t ir Niel), and trill hr told at Ihu very low Pnt lot IN, Inv cat', CHAS. OGILBY, ur.teo I=l BOOTS di. SI-10 EIS FU I. i assortment, or 'Ai en and Boys' .1 - vito,ts and Slt suitable her lho reinter. Also, I.tt :es Alissea's italhed..l Bootees. IThlldron't: nonte 01l I , etitletnen's (MINI Over Shoot:. old rusts•rieres :t11:1 all In S t I or good arid heap lloots :1:1:i sill colt end Sinn:1110 the stoelt, before purt•lmsing. Main street, nearly opposite the Depot ==l! I= G ROUE RI ES GROCERIES ri l l un:ersigttod would call the atten tl,) Ow public, to tho fart that ho aril) korpa on land an ostentivo assortment of PANEILV GROCERIXIS, no the South-east corium of the Public Square, whore the public aro invited to cull find eXAIIIIIIO n RtoCli N+l cds, which, in elegance, v a, lay and extent, will defy competition; cernpriblug iu part tool',lump. crushed and la OW 11 PUU A 11.5, Java, Rio Ai Roasted CiilL PE E. Every variety and quality or TEA. (ground and unground), Sooees, 'ruble 011, New Orlecnc and Sugar i V . house Molasses, Now York & Philadelphia Syrups. Cheese, Corn Starch„Farlua, Cho. colate, Extract of Coffee, Relined Sugar, IVushing aud hnk(ng So 10. TeIPICCO and Stigma of the finest quality. A beautiful assortmout of lb [tannin Ware, plain and gold hand China Ware, Glass Ware, Queens, Stone and Earthen Ware, In great variety, mg eleuunt lot of Fancy - Seips, I•:stracts and Perfumery for the toilet. BK II I : Including Peaches, Raisins, Cranberries, Pry Apples, Citron, Almonds, Oranges, Lemons. ....I r--- 4 LIQUORS: whußnak and rotall, I • a im i... ril embradng column') titl old Bye NylklH• ( Fl, - . .... ,4 17 i y ,0, , ,, 1 , 1 . 1-7 , t , l n ri l l.:o ,l . , ll,: t i v r:l a t . t , ilt i l , z p , o r lu e , .I , T , l:o h t , i , ,1,..... 4 " 41 ,e. ; ,.. AP ~. tn,l \ lusclCWinos In ..,..1.1, +ma but- U., ti.,,t.,!1A - 61-alibkoy, 11, ( 11d9 „Gin_ an _Scheidurn ehrsalsyss. ' " ' ks FI4II ANC) FuT.T A ~ t 1,.1 `.I PS. 1,14 , 111,711 w tlyat t.'r, celebrated Era "aro° nr en:11 oil. ulcn Sparta, l'lna, Lard 31111 C 1.131 OIL Burning Fluid. Sparta and Star Candles. CEDA 1t. , W,(111i AM . ) 'BttnOMS. Brutil.os.„ Ropos, Door..rn:ax, Ivotors, firm lettor and note pitpOr, Willow ' Co w"ollon 11,1,4,, and hob" Hos°. and n full stiwk of Including tho well known Honorer (suet; Market ilia ut• All kinds I,Aken In exchange for goods 0. INIIOLPF, CarUelq Nov 1862. - _UST received from New York at Gi*:NFITILD <47 B.IIIMI'ER'S ow nod Cheap Store, a beautiful usrurtment of new and desirable CLOAKS, which will he sold low. Persona - 11.3111g from us will have the satisfaction of knowing they ate getting new Cloak, as we never kept Cloaks before. consequent ly could not have any old stock as °thorn have to lay over from ono season to another. We out nit our stock to the pithily for examination and feel coundent wo can undersell any house Jo tnwn. 1. ItEENT• I F. LI) A: SHEA Fmn, One door west of tholJounty (son. pettish', Nov. 21, 1802. CARPETINGS. NEW ]ot of Carpets, bought, for "leash al norllnn, now opening and soiling low for cash, at the uhvap Blot, of en rlisle, Nov. 21, 1962 D R IT G S, BOOKS, FANCY GO ODs. coNFECTIpOICA RIES, FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRE:-!EIIVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, C. North II rnorer ' , et, Carlisle, Pew,' a linFjVlSt Opollo I rill , o , orttnett t, for Frog!, 11,,g,, oy lut•ery. ',nits, and Cont., nonory, ite:er been ,ttrp.to , ed in Liii.. bur, °ugh. Ibr moven.) and eleguiro. soloettol with great on e. and are ealrolnte.l. in quality and pt leo, to command the toution of purchaser, FANCY 9001)8, which,omprke every variety of fancy articles of 1.1, most 83,01 site nuish anti wri, Papier A! 2,111' Megan I :l:,lpagter And porrolain Ink-etands and trapi, Fancy isoo . pearl and shell card earns, Ladies' Farley Itrit.ket, Fancy Work hoxeq, n P.ir ~ • .viny l n,tru month, Ladies' C 3 1 , 3 ,, WriLing DV.ikS. and Port fir.ioo. Port Mono:des. ol every (lOU pros rid Fnnn y paper weight.,. r. , 1 a large rurinty of , t.ll.l , piJery. M”tto seal. awl wan•rn. aid head put Ithlitr:: tv hip.. ele,;.letly hnishrd. For, cutlery, Perimne :r,l Brush, qd ea err lir. i I. r the hil t. X. Om zl and Ii .41 ti ii rizhr Pertunron of vorlon, l'i•O I 0d0.34 d-O. :oc w; togoOlerm ii), iri,iuuin ly lt. JIHLII),I I' to which ho ~•;a1 an ov.tolit•ive comp, i -I lig hl, 11i'ki\ I in vi.lvi•t 111( . 4.1,,,t1lortl(1.1 11,4.1 (”1.1 (hi!, in (110 5..11,01 , .1 .h•ni r, , t•, , ail t h.• pr r!i..lll(ir a to :• it Fawiln t 1-I ,, ,zunt tu1.,1 (.1 from 0 ,t.'11 , ; , •• • ; ttILLI Lotto,: Lt ..s . L.rs - 1, of .sPLiI •ILL Is I..t•LIILLL. t•ithrr ILard 5;.‘,L11.4 ;I :el IL s 1,11 L.LILLIsrAtesI KL,Lic:..• L. 1..L1 thi 1.. L , ti. Punta il Flt.ss.Lr Fr.` , 4,001,i 11 tYI• :11/0 is un pq v. 11,1 ill Cl.. 1.1,1,,,1L llr TII Ll9l_A udu,,r " - • ;rffi: - T = q2 rt-hi; !h.. ' I 1 ., I . A t; ;; ,• of 'II ;Ale ,1)1•At, I 1;;'!• ',of.. Lr~nrhl.:a,: : as 1,"11.1 .. l'runer. Xt... I \ 1 • .. N 1 . 1 1 , 1 \ \I I --1.1i1.- 1•11•11tV141) 111.11 . 5 . . MIN I It- \IP:A I, 1 1 11141,1:: 4 , In every S . :llkt.: at al; pro. e-. all of e It, 11 aro pure and tre4ll sn. If :L. •ao 0,111 l ilt it t,:tt,ert,ll,l to hisrri , •nd•. Ills stoat, esolirl,l, (sV11 , 1 . 11.11:1 till. :VW of I , ines St st• /II tl , ll.'s liil to hou*olteeinr• .i/ *. • •••-r• Ittrti to , •ell unit evannne Rtnnionl , er Elio,l)l4i I, .t; !•,1 k en Ell= N(YrICE.-I.olters or Ad miois:ration th, , Ill 4 tlVllq rnsi r.41 , 4.'41 1:4444 4" 1,44. r 14,4 1,4 44, I, 444, •4-44..1 441 ti,e .14 iII lb- 4-11414. t•-, 1, I;,:ist, 4,1; 44441• ..rip, I 111 , 11 , • IS Ile' III• lio•r•ern, i., khl leei lee s.u,l t It, 1, , le lyntvot. I t 1,1.1 1 , 1 1)....\ I I I, 111 Pi'. Ntty, 14. Its•t.2— ht. st...ii . s. 1,,, I t 1.,• ht.., It) ••I 111.‘ . le. pt•r— p, z (Itt,t) It itt.l •itt , t, t-a i l' .1.- ‘• 11..••••• I, ilt th.:l z ntti hchi • ii't•. :.111 . 1 I •;"1. T N(YFI ( E. n. 4 1,, , t td t I . I :he t,ll t.l C•ti .‘ -4444111 41 1141 4 :•( 1 4 I 4 411.4 4•• 4 1114/ • . 4 1 l • 111nLi• I.• :••• II ol.• ‘• I • t• 11 • • r.l • I; ;'. Cl.l ii . A N. 14, IS.. •..t. LADIES AND GHILIHIE:.;•s” INTE,IOKe clitemq a haild . 4o)iiel , t,...): of 1.1 0 , 1,11 , 1 i•*.ilg =I BEI IME= I.x•ii”v inviN. 1 t.)4.011.cf0 li.t II.,; exanwle ,ttl • 1.,k, CIIA I; 11.11 „,o C.•l A. :1.•+1;110.. -•et, ::1 htticipilk. EMEM=! 11 110 W I,(lS'l' 110 W )tE'sToi.l N 1) Just Published in a Staled Envelope, --- Priv...lc...as: a I..eitne en the !intl.,. — if lir t, rniturut, and _ lura Or sumlunl itil ne-, I tar,' gretiell Tlelullt v, and linpetllinents to Marriture eenemlly, Ceti sonoptien. Epilepsy anii l'lte; Mental 7.11.1 .1 resultini, (nun Self k1.u.0, I:I'I. , ER , CU. M. , A n.ll. rof Ile. uorltl ennnwip , I author, hi this aanil, ,Lic. I -. tore. dent p,.n11 eyperi.., lint . awful conee.wence...l . S-1( may he rorn..ved inert!. lee and wilheut plea' ot r. I poilltlnu out a e t w10..1. e.lutt I.le ...m -lli ion MAN hi', lany .•ilf prlvat, le. tee,. A 1„„,,, to ttp,u_ ll= Soot vrolor 1,171 V i , 1 .1“;” Sri pr 1 coot., or t stamp., 1, ". y .7r.. , 11 :I -1.7 Rum:. 14. 1..; TO, FANCY PLITI.S! FiIINICY FLTR - )!! .„- JOHN FATLEIRA, 1. No. 71,i ARCH ,STILE ET, t bolu, I.:lahlh. 4,111141,1 e ~t ..4t t.t,, ...4 \IA :: i i: A l t., A n t .) I I:: : 1 1:21:: ,, • 1 )! Pi) It T I.: It AND .t , ,l 4 1 tt and 1)1:211,Elt In A 1.1. Il ip ..: l i','' . 44 , li i, .. ,4 kinds of . 4 1, 4 , • ~ ~ ~_ l'A NCI' FURS, ; A ,q-,v, =-F - ,-: 7: . I v0 „, 1 14 , ;f; , .., , --- r-:/ ,,, Lathes - and Chll_ , mitl l. l• l 4 . ' - 4-', - --- , ,iret,'S lee t r 21,..`'. - : • ~: '•,:' ,z. ', •-•,:,_..,.-f.••=' • ~,, I ,),' ' - ',•t,.1,71•0•",,r I d.-sir In sal' to my i , - , 't :,- ; ,:•---.....1.' ? ' t , . 44 , '' . 4 e,,,.' i!-....,..' ' tfri.md 0 of k tuntwrlatui ~.. ..,t4 :F t, t u, l the sun i,utl In,: -,-' - - -.-.-, 71'1,74141 i 'on 11 ties that I I. ll` ' '- 1' 111. 111 t.tE.r... ,ul., 01 the largeFt and lIINt heautllllllll.4o,lllll,ts of all kinds and qu lit i,s 01 I , .INI'V I'l'ltt 4 , 1.-r I,a , lip,' ar,Cl'll 1,1,11's near. that will 1,.. woru during this Fall :1,111 u Intim Ft.! , were p 11 1 ,1 1 .1, 0 ,1 in 1:1111, pluVi , ll, to the rlso In Sterllll.-, 1 . :•11.114!0, will! the Nvw Duty Imposed On all Fut s, Inliowtert slue. the.firM - of A ugunto would also , tale, that as 1.114 us ulr Jl lantn, T wilt oil, II ul, i r r I.rerr nerroortirronte to w hat tho prods cant ore; lit. it will Ire Imp.oohh , I , r 1 , 0 t o in,pot, and 11:tutay.tura any 'urn., Fur, and viii thutu at the .111115 pikes. owing t the un,ettl,l ttate o: the affairs of the Country. tic name, numl,r, an'? slur,( JOHN FAREP A, 71R MICIt Street 111 ILA D.A. ✓ A PULL. TItliT111 , 1:14. AND T771117,,L1NG ~,Of history of the mustl.6.Alltl tif, of human strums gles. by .Nad. As, S. ST SPII ENI wri ttoU With Ills. furies' Ilfelltlo Cy, and all the rividnuso and hi Mien. ey of description that ha VII roildpred her works so deeservedly popular with the people, la I.OW In press. The Pictorial History of the war fur the E Eden will be produced In two Royal Octavo &moms, •Infi pores each—in the finest sty le of the art. Embellished with over 2t/l) first class engrn rings. F. Quiff, by subscription. PV2 um e. .SO per volne. (illOl/ agent to i can secure eXtlillnlVll to ritory and commence theirs Cllll9flt. oiler' Such a e.hallell for AC4111! 4 deal offered, ass good hibtOrrOfthiti we, 1111114 t sultrier or later tied its tray into every Yor terms and particulars, ruddier a .1011 - s U. WELLS, William Street Now York. Pict 7- GOODS. TUST received a very largo stock of :,o-r its. - cAsstm e4Va, . n oVERCOA I PSG S. V E.TI viS, Ro., a t ihp N'orth liver Street Clothing Emporium, to v, !doh I he tml‘twrilh r be em a ear, ful intliectlon of tioo publle In hie elltlllollso vtill , t) . or Men and Boys' Clothing, of all styles and. sizes. dartneble made to, order with neatness liVid dispatch at short o i d,,, ArrAn to A fiber no sale. l'4•16,111H to buy Men's and uoyoe wear by the yard, ell! lied a superior asearttnent of Goods, and trill be nit, free of charge if tivElred. 1;. AAC, LI VINLISTON, Qpponito.Amorleau 140trof• . Oefobor 14, 180, • CLOAKS! CLOAKS! C 11.1.5. (AIII,IIY, Trustee S. W. HA VERSTICK, MEER= MT =lllB 1111=13 .111 N I,E'. IVZAD7IIOOII NEW GOODS! , NEW GOODS! AT OGILEY'S CHEAP CASH STORE TUST — received - a - large assortment of eleguet new style Fall and Winter Goods, to will/ h the attontion of the public In gonciral Is ro spootfully invlted. In Um • GENTS' DEPARTMENT, ol”ths Cor.l.errs. Vestlops, Shirts, Shirt Collars, N erk Tleti, eras:its, Suspenders, thluntlets, ()loves, Sce., LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Silks, Poplins, French Merinos, Do Loins, figured and Barred Rupp 's, Pull Do Cheviers, Flgured and Flain Velour,,Cashmeleg, Paramettas, tlinghams, FIOCCt. Car. sots, flab morn Hoods, :on togs, Skating Coaiit, Nu. bias, Vests, Nc., Ac. A full assortment •f GOODS for 0110dr...cr.' 'soar, of all kinds. Tisk Ings, Cheeks, ;duo. lins, birilliugs. Flannels, Blankets, fusel nets: JOHns, Cords hest quality and cheap as the cheapest. llosincy and Moves of all decd iptinns and prices. SHAWLS AND SCARFS. A largo assortment of Shawls and Scarfs of nil dos• cri talons, and cheap. Travelling Trunks, well made, and Carpet Batts. As It is impossible to enumerate all the articles, I would tespectfolly ins Ito nil p 01,40111: in want of hand. mane and cheap (IC 101),t, to call and look at my stock pttrehasing else, here. die Recollect the place, West :‘lain sttect, nearly opposite the depot. Carlisle. Nov. c, N. Clothe, (lassimere, and V,tings, will be matte np L. order, (if in the best uuun and warranted lii lit by in experieneed tailor and tho best worklunn in the Moto. C. 0. Office of JAY COOKE, St 1;.-wi,11 lON Mill:NT At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, 111 sucin 'I RIM) :11;1;1 I. 'rho unilorskno,l. havinz "C/111' TION /01 NNT by 111.. Soo,tnry of the Tressury, is now propare•l V. rtIrlii11)1, at 1.11 , ,, t li,, NEW TWENTY YEAR G PER CT. BONDS. of the United Matt s, de-tgnnted as •• I It tt Twenties," re, t•entatte nt the pl,atottt erottovit attar five t rnr.M. and a ilthurizlnt by Act of Congress, approved Fehruary ft, I (,2. Thu l4rupo orn 1,11.: in rums of &,0, ;10:1. 0 • Th. Ith:of:iTEß ISONII. in SIIMFOr - 1.50, $5OO, $lO , lO, S;11Illi 1, I Ittrftst of Slx t ont. per annum is 111 COninittneu rrk.. d.lO 01 . pitrt . ltilse. and iN PAYABLE IS GOLD, • Semi-lnuuall V . sr1 ) 10, ic equal, at the 1 prmni. iiT pEit cENT. l'Elt AN -74 UM. Fat ”lors, Iferf ,. .Antq. eztpitali•tP, and all haveulp ith.tiey 1.• inveFt, know and rf, 1:11 , e1 til'it It .•11.1Q 111 vIT,,t, a I I kit I"; }M.; upon :ill 1:2111r,a,15. Ptovks till s, nit I lit, 11111.101 W. ,if tutu . . ill the out ry /11,41 toutii,t r 1110 14 ipah II•It.IIIS tutu ,ll,l lot1.1,1:1 serve, lit .11 IN the s', ailal,l,. and Mast l'opu,',lr In reshncnt in the floc, 111...1 '.1V1•11 '‘ It NOtp, ”. ;1 • .111 1 111 . 1 , , , :1111, at Jra I lii , a , it•lphin v. ill I!,r•itc /)1 . 0/11Irt 1•„11 , 1% a .• • d'i.,ti.nt!ott I:I he ;:ilordeq iL•ti At II le •trl A f.1!1 bn 1 1.1nd 11,1,1•11. .1.11 . COOK E, 9u hsot ii,tl , a Agent MEI ARCH ST. CARPET WAREHOUSE. :111,4 lilt Id! 01 (lii tprtipy, I' nll 11, pvw I hit, I'l3 , A .. . (,11, DIU:(.1; •rh, ,ct• r.thkr, ,•1" h c .,11,.d , 0 nit 0 11 ‘.1,111. tilr atko% e, w'a I,tiy .0.11 .•1.1,. prov.ir , ..l (0 I , l l li it 1, 11,111 •11 1 .•, 1 ! 10.' ! -11 , 0,110 1:11 , 11:1 1 111q 1.1! 11,11 1111, 1,01, 10.'1.11-100 )4) ()1 it )71 , or AOENT, Tt) k 1 \l''s' I I. "TV DlLuitEf) NI 'IIIE I • I l'; ,r \ \. 4 , 1 \ Ii1:1 \lt N L •I• InlploGrrl .1•1 g lu, 1`..c2 ; cos ,D 1 111.81, jror tii I , dt , , or 1 .• .1 1.1, 1,, 1,1 , , I.“ty vo•uth, 1.2.1011 w,> .11 •11111 y h:::h..1.1.11 1 , .‘ 1 , 11 1 .:11 1 A:\ 1/ 11.A11.11.1A11 ' r.lsol 11 El ..f 11; 1 - q;;; 1 -;;;;•• :In Ch 1001.15 Ir. 0 ,1,, ~,;;;:,5 El 1.111 11%11,1;t11;1 1,,N 1;11 ITI•I WOIII4II lo per clay. acid %, I Ack all trial., tu ij• SOLI /C..1 1 / 1 1 11,.• =BM= (In 11. , Y• ,lIIVAFS I. int nit•hea 311 TM I rl.l .{ uor •t.ttt. ti.t I.• a tow 1.‘,11,11 i 1 Il.ria \ t . C“.1)1,111.0,. .1. 1.1. .:1/. 11,-1.1 , 1..1." \S r , ur -r /1,I111:1.‘lary• 1.11 , IP ,• 11,1111, ~,.t j 1 I' l VI , . 1 , 11 I,llll'll IS 111 ' 1 ' •$ ! , I 1 1 111sss . 5 1115 . 1.111 , 1 i 11.1 . .1S ! St• And 111 J. 1 . 1.1111. N I s.tirle e• fu 10: 0/110, INDIAN:., di Ihn old v aut hot ity tln Gen. Enell and tho War Do Ln moot. oar) ref o oda,: to any ono finding nu ran In it:. -Pit rr Fl,lll ti,l , Telhu no, Aug. 2 • , !,1:11D'S 11.11.11 E 1111GI11. 1 11/ZVI.AND, AND S 11,1 A N: ‘l,l , i,j.nv Izrize . : its ,rout Lilt s, ..12.1 it xi, :Air.•ll.,:etl.” .1) )1 %I . OF THE RIC- A :!PAL Grvevs !kr tn, itAtt 1,1 Vol' h'i LoUIS. • +110,,1'l 1 , 1• 1,11.1t1,1 11111111•1,111 St. I. $.l, 1, , ht.ll‘lll , l 1,1) ,:111- an.li Ir.. 1111.• ht ~.kunr.r.g Ind St.t `l l I,lll.lllltll2,Uotillq,n, with 11t•1 ly t. j , !.. , 1111• 11. NT, \r; I. 17, Istl2. .I.T. 1... yk , klr. Map v. it 11 p I.• or rot U. p HIS NI triliS•ippi is hill SS many as era TO. qulr" .l i.r s.itt 'OIDI.:t)N 1V1,1.1,E5, :•ocreinly the Navy. E __, :5 , 1 ____ ij SY WI LsOi r) ._. .--„.2_,..._____ -... : ..,k - --' P• l' WR. - j SPNiNC \ -, 4- e r-- *--- ~- Ie \ ? WITII VALUARLE IMPROVEMENTS =I •• This unwhine makes the leek stieh And rinks high est on :;, t ut f elitAii•ity• permanence, beauty and goneral of the lig when done, And the a itio or its applicathin."—lßeport of Amer). Call lo.tiin Nen V.irk it , , o'Sna 1 - tg Marblito Is adapted to all I s holv of family 'l'ho Look Stich made by c.v. - mot be rat oiled. prcgrnting tho as LllO 111 , 1 ,. .11.111 01 . 111”.11 1,1411 nil. of tilll inneldn , is recondomniol ror the following quail- Itvnoty and rt.culh•nco of Mich upon each s lto of tot-ri• , ;.Ictigth, lu °moos and durability rfso.azn that 11 W lint rip or rnvrl • and made with' Ot . ollllllly of t ill cad. nonl thotrofzhncss of construction, 1110110 it°, and Illitllap`lllollt and quiet- 1.5 2i5 inaollines of all hints worn said in the year 1 Sol by the ton ilift,rent manufacturers. 111 this 1111 - b, 1 n,71tl were or f o r wheolio.,t Wilson manufacture, hciec or one half of all sold during the year. 15 ab.l upwards according, to finish. Ms chines win rant,' to do their worit Machines can Ito he., by ~.,11 .110 I.liiroad (Mice. All Inquiries alto, ..1••11 J. CA!11 1 11ELL Agent. C.Lt 1i01e..1.1e, ;27, 1,4;2_1h, NEVIM ELL HOUSE. (IN THE ErRoPEAN PLAN, C STREET, BET. 1 AND (3th STS , Near the National Hotel, and Iwo 3quares from ,the Railroad Dejiot, WASHINGTON CITY. . , FINE PARLORS FOIL TILE. ACCOMMODATION OF I A DIES. Room and Board. par day. 4 00 Room alone, per day -- 1 00 MINOS. each LO Ludglmc, If the room Is vacated by 7 a at 60 Otherwise It trill he considered by the day. Tho KI7IIvIELI,IIOUSII is newly and elegantly tar nished, and in every reepect a first class Hotel. I invite the politic to call and examine. KIMMEL'. Proprietor. Oct. 11. 110th. t f WAR ! WAR ! ILITAItY suits pf every deserie , made at iihort naive, of °very stslo, colOri iiial quality, at Inotlvrato prise by ISA AG LIVINGSTON, Cq, 21. North ll:mover Mt. . _ I).‘INTS ! PAINTS t! . OPS.lnvite the attnn. tion or the public. to our ouperior LEAD, put up rely In tin Wei, and warranted to be imp°. riot. to any other lauds sold In this inarkut. A great variety of whoa 01 the host qualities/Ind selling at tha towe.st prices, at John V. Lytle h Res, North I,lantorer street, Oarlhde. . ~ , June d, ' 62. -•--• • • • li.nti II -AI ACK E liE L. -, .1.• A lot of Macherel—nor eat elt—To negorted-pack_ get of Halves, Quarter, owl Metal} :140101. Also, SALSI t 1 NV ''l for SSW et the Store Of the subserlber. -i) Oct. SS, '&4,. ' a w EBY. z•z - c3•W c>3P.m• MAMIVIOTII I= 6 32lla4clL(33tvblilast' (LATE LEVY & CO'S. DRY GOOD STORE,)' FOLIVIEIRLIT 8 24 WALNUT ST A d u 4, 20, 1802.-3 TOM = Philadelphia, Nov. 1. 1862 Dkor,tion is the great ogsentlal, primary and prepa ratory process of lift,, and therefore to keep In repair the digestive Organs should to the great hi - minces of Th,. whieh Is the grand digestive labo ratory, and from Its groat and e,sentlal function, has sA mpathy throughout the whole body. flora no lo, courontrate, her powers for the formation of uourinhment• oil here It is that : , ters In at the time of need to assist the process of Dr. Zador Portrr's Stomach Ilittera stror When the In an extranrtllhary manner. 'lhoy are of the hilthe,t value ill liallsria of th e Stomach. INIZZIII t;ettetal Languor. Nan heen, Teething of Child's. Comp!. Worms, of Appetite, I feaatburn. Waterbrash, Sick Headache. Jaundice. 'Hwy correct the 111 effects of one holeaome u•itta- much fruit may he caved from r , lio and ztlartni Mr affections of the bowels, by tho free 11, , of lir. Z.l , Prater's Medicated Stomach Bitters. '1 hoar ho 1140 ardent spirits will find limo stomach C..r,ect,d in 0 in , bf remarkable manner by this prep,— rotb.r, there iF an unplenFant feeling in the Sto nle,h !nit en 2. till,: eaten or drank use Dr. Porter'• Bitter s, . :Lod r.tiwt will ,00n ho hag. 'and t-2. - by gi'tS. 11.1 LL RUCK EL, l' roprletors, .2.1 S ilree..Nvich Street, N.. Y. Fur sale in Col li,le be SA M El,Liurr. NEW FAMILY 11.0CE1:1' AND QUEENS- WAKE 81'011E. r 111 E subscriber has lately entirely re o'd stand on the corner of flaw, er Ind ',miller Strot ts, arlisle, lately occupied iv SC. II ett, awl Is to, ',ten trod to furnish his nld mend , :,,Id the !titbit, with every thing that la nice, new and in sh. In hits ivy of =MO Family Groceries, Ills gto-k i.r lar g e and Enlortetl with the greatest care,' eel NN ill he syld at the lowest prices the each. It eon. , ,i , to in port It old Ciovernment Java COFFEICi , hoe S U I'S.—:\ W Verk. lloFtou, and Philadelphia Sy— sery I,st ~luatlf ire, N be-t the . market affords.— w-lied. Saud, and Pulverized Sugars. his A. II and C. Sugars. which cannot bo hur— p,c,d, and a< the tune Is now hero for pre,ervlug, Is— ,w I, ill plc ISO One 111 En a call and f , xa mine for them— Nell ea. .511 his SPICES are of the purest and best es— ti, lea. N, , huinl,ug aivaul them. Lin,. Corn S:arrh. N. rrl on, fiandell'ne C,llree, Essence [rated Lye, :cap, Caudles, CHINA,..GLASS, AND QUEENS WA RE. A huge ar.l Witl I St.!, ted stuck of the very latest pat— Fer— I,ovor thAn ever in price, and batter 111 umauty. LII/11 WAS (11 Ulatutm. L. • 1 NN and NN 6.3 as Tubs II•t, Ito? • ami I horns hest eta of every description; Children . . l• %Rill All ES, Stoneware, Cream Puts, 8ut— ;0•,..ht1... hymn—. 0 Jere. Jugs. till sizes. A 1.,,0 .1u olt:ty f thn col..hrated Execitior RAMS S ',LI I.y the ocsrli. Dairy and (I. A. Salt. Thr leoling encouraged by tho patronage estvioloil to him by Me Merida and the pub i. , I rwThect folly invite them to call and examine his nee nte.•l, n t the new Urn°, corner of Hanover and no,aher July J. D. HALBERT. M. PEN ItOS E, Attorney at Law. t)flire Rhoeufs hull. Pn.fuENional busi pr.dliptly At tended tu. Ivbrunry PII FUS SII.A I'LEY, Attorney at Law. rardsle I'll. Attends to securing and col, leettne Soldiers' PAW, Ilttnntitts. and Vert:dons. Office uu sentit ~ t rcot, opietaite Boutz's attire. i t .1. MA IiSHALL. — ATTORNE AT o Lew (Mice wall W. M. Penroue, iu Rheaad• T EA K E .—A t torn ey at Law. . of:1, soath Hanover ntreet, opt.lte Itonte Dry lloollK At )ro. All ororossional busluoBllont.nrsted to hl:n roUl Lo promptly' attoudod to. IA W CA It 1).-C II ARLES E. MA OLAUGITLIN, Attorney at Law, Office to In twit', Lail lin,g,just opposite the Market House. 1:m1i:do, March I CI I'. If UM RICH, Attorney at Law. .—ontro on North Hanover street, n few ;too., xnulh of t“.igi' Hotel. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. (April 15, OSEPII RITNER, Jrc., Attorney al Lan and SprNeynr, M.:amnia:burg ; Pa. Orrice on Rail hood Streot, two doars north oi Ow Bank. 2: 4 :0" Ilu , iness promptly n tAended to. DR. I.C. LOOM STV" „ South Ilannver street, riltrirA opposite Iteutz'A .5. goods ME p R. GEORGE S. SEA-' - "RBI liT, DENTIST, from. tho Bak; thnore College of Dental Surgery. en Mee at the residence m his mother, haat Louthei street. three doors below Bedford. March 10, ISlni—tf. GEO. W. NEIDICH, D. 'D. & Late Demonstrator of Wpm alive Dentistry to the, ;;: o tl n t t l: i l t lo s r u o r;o C r o 7 l . lege of r itlro W Office at his residence, oprosito Warion ILall, West Main street, Carlisle, roan No•. 11. 1857. S. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist,. North Ilanovor Stroot, Carlisle. Physirlan'sproseriptionsearoftilly compounded' A full supply of fresh drugAnud obornicals. , DR, WIYI, H. COOK, HONI(ZOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN, II AVING recently located in Carlisle, hits taken nn office adjoining Herman's hotel, whore ho can be consulted by persons seeking medical advice; or token desired, will v,keit them et their roar deacon, either in the town or country. Alm 2, 18e2-I.y Mir FARE REDUCED. --1514 STATES UNION HOTEL, 606 &. 008 Market St., above elath, UNITED STATES HOTEL— S, E. Cor. 11 th Narket Sta., • PIIILADBLP H. W. 33.0...NAG.ap PROPRIETOR. Jan. 4,1660. rip RIJ N KS, VALISES; Carpot Bags. ji French Solo Leather Trunks of nil elves mud prices, Ladles Traveling Trunk', the largest vises. Brass Bonnet Canvass Trunks, Valises, Carnet Bags. Plush, Oil, &e. 18AA0 LIVINGSTON, North Itanovor Bt. Q HIRT S, -Drawers, Neck Ties, Hand— Oterchlobi.,lloso. n very lar go stock and In apdlan varisty at low prices. The best t i ne SHIRTS in town. Slx for ton dollar. Made to order or 'ready Iris*. MAO IaTINGEPD,N• North Minerva St. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, 809 & 811 Cheeinitt Sired GEO. J. HENKELS, '• fi o.,th of all earthly blessings, 'tie the beet, Which most Is valued when 'tie least preserved.. f : : '. .-- --:"•• ' ~,,). 1 , , i • c ..... 0 4 / 1 {:„.FFi x , -,•!, 1 • S o ,c,/ :4 '. -4 fl, ._, " :T. • 44-3!,-_,_,-,4„..-.4, n "~~, ~~ ~I~~J OF FOOD &c. EMI Dr. ZA.DOC PORTER'S ST IVEACEE RITTEIRS. MUM Indißo do n, CALE AND SEE TUE !.1 :ssll .I t,z ,it.. : ;s i , 1, 2 and 3 Mnokornl. No ...1D No.l Herring. 11115111CSS Lards =I JAMES W. POWER, Promlotoi TERMS:—SI 25 por day. Ju30.513. Ottelittlo, Oct. 24 Carlisle, Ott. a Dr, ZADOC PORTER'S MEDICATED STOMACH Bitters! A Vegetable Medi clue. and Sure re medy for all Stomach AND Bowel Com plaints ! DILLIOU'g AYPECt; TIO'VS. Fermentation Juno 1, 'O2