Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we have la bored to produce the most effectual 'alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power., as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to Cure. It is believed that such "s‘ remedy is wanted by those who Suffer from Stnimous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of• our afflicted fellov,--citizens. How completely this compound.will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : SCROFULA. AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD III:AD, SYPIIILIB AND SYPHILITIC AP i'ECTIONS, MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, NEU nALoin or Tic DOULOUREUX, DOCILITY, DYS PEPSIA AND INDIOESTION, ERYSIPELAS, Rose OIL ST. ANTHONY'S Flux, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Inapt uvry OF THE BLOOD. This compound Will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves front the enthirance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through_which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, OT sores; cleanse it when you find it is-ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. Bat the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the - virtue that is claimed for' it, but more because many preparatiials, pretending to he concentrated extta,•ts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, orliny thing else. During late years the public I.ave been mis led by large bottles, pretendine to piic a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar I\lost of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sapoma rilla, but often no curative properties nhatev cr. Hence 'titter and pandit] di , appointment has followed the use of the vitriol,. a, t , of Sarsaparilla which flood the 1111,1 k, t, is the rihnie itself IrsflYiVsPiseir aid li:i: Li i air synonymous with imposition and che at. Still Ave call this compound Sarsapari Ila, and i, tend to supply such a remedy as shill te , cite the name from the load of obloquy \\ -ts upon it. And we think we have grolmil for believing it has virtues which are irrisktilile by the ordinary run of the disrupts it is intend ed to cure. In order to scenic their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should he judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. =I DR. S. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, Price, 1 per Bottle ; .51x Bottles: for 5 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , has won for itself such a renown for the cure or every variety of Throat and lung Complaint, that 0 it is entirely unnecessary for us to I ecount the evidence of its airtucs ' wlierocr it has Leen em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do 1001? than assure the people its quality is 1:0 pt up to the best it ever has been, and that it inay be relied on to do for their relief all it lws ever hero found to do. • Ayer's -Cathartic Pills, FOR TILE CURE OF Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, V.Ottiry, foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Ain Diseases, Liver- Complaint, Dropsy, 'letter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Wor ins, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and, for i'ta.ifiiiay the Blood. They are sugar-euateti, so that the naist sensi tive can take them pleasantly. and they are the best aperient in the n•orld fur all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for $l.OO Great numbers of Clertzymen, States men, and eminent per,onaees, tints lent their . 44pig2Iggertify the bigtat t d these remedies, but our :lave here mill not permit tine insertion of them. The Agents la low named fa ttish gratis our A MEIticAN At. ti aN ;in mllielt they are gin en; with also full elt,criptions of the ~ho, e complaints, and the treatment that ,lioultl ht fnl lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled deah re aith other preparations they make mute pl , stit on. Demand AY ER'S, and talcs uo otters. fire sick want the best aid there in for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by Fur sale by St W. ilavor.tl,l, shot S. It Pi, Sarnuol Elliott. in Car'inle. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! SINCE the late victories Domestic Cot ton Goods have declined, and there In new a plO4 poet at gettiol a supply of Cotta. (Se. ( LEI III( SAWYER A: MILLER, at the now stun e. 11ot,o1, East Main street.,) are rovoiv tug dolly la,go 1,11 , plies of NEW SPRING 0001)s, which, our old stork we are determined to sell a CITY PRICES. DRESS GOODS of every Vllrit;, Plain and Fancy Silks at all Prices. A large lot of now Black Silks at 75, 57 , ..;, IMO, I 25, 1.50, 1.75, 200 2.50; new Spriog Delaim, nl 2 vents: 4,010 yards boot quality 31orlinar, C00n.e,,, 1 , ,,,•i0e a nd American Prints, dark and light c010r... new sty les, at I.'2„i”; a large lot at 0. 8 and 10. Full and SECOND MORNING PRINTS, best quality English, 'ls. All kinds Domestic G high/min 12 1 ,1 ; Thinchenter ls' , French and Scotch Dress and Bonnet Gingtonts at 25. BROWN AND WHITE MIJSLINS at wholesale and retail, a good quality 8, fine 10, 4 4 wide 1234 Also, 54i 104. 11-4, 12.4 at corresponding prices. All kinds of 11i•IAVV (1000 S in largo supply at reduced Mices—Tickings, Stripes, Cheeks. lhillinro, Osnaburgs,Eotton Diaper, A:7, Ac. Linen Goods of all Hods, Table riot hs, Shadings, Linen Diaper, Nap kills, Shirting Linens Shirt Fronts, Collars, :It the old prices. White Uoods, all kinds, at old mica,. SPRING MANTLES, DUSTERS, Shawls, Embroideries, Ac. , Hoop Skirts direct from the factory. 800 doz. 1,:olleo', Misses, Men's and Boy's BUSE, 1244 to 25. Alen',; and Boy's Wear— BLACK CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, all grades, bane!, Cassltneres, latest styles, Vestings, Sutiuuts ? Jeans, Cottonades, &e., kr.. Having scented the services of a first class Tailor, we Are prepared to got tip Clothing in the most fashionable style at short 'notice. CARPETS! CARPETS!! We are, receiving obi... Spring supply of Carpets, compris ing Minket various kinds kept in it fit ht. clast. Carpet lousy. Carpets ranging in price 11,111, 1 . 41 to 1.25. 011 Cloths, all widths. Mailings, Looking Masses, Shades and blinds (train:lnds. 1,01)0 lbs. Carpet Chain; Nenthors Cotton Batting; Countorpatt cs, ,tc., &c. Ali the above goods and litany others, fte offer to put chasers at a small advance above rest. Winter Press Goods—Situ wio, Mantles, 'twit. loss titan first root. We aro - atormined not to he undorsuld. Please rail and czatnino our flamenco stock. -vo...We will make additions of Now Goods as the sea son advances. All Goods warranted to he what we sell them for. •LbIIDICII, BAWYt.It 6c 41114.1i11 Carl lulo Fobrnary '2B, 186'2. SHAVING SALOON.—Having fitted up in the very hest etyle, the room In Cramer's buildlng„next_dOOr to A.,L. Sponsler's oflios. lam pre paredto give my tonsorial attentions to all who may honor mo with a visit. I shall constantly bo sie - plied with competent and polite hands and shall spat:elm effort to give general satisfaction. I wish to employ a good boy, betiveon 14 audl7 years old, Apply Immediately to . Carlisle, Juno 27,1862-Iy. J. 411t111113, 1862. SPRZNG. 1862. ISAAC LIVINGSTON now offers one_ of the best and most attractive assortnwilts of Piece Goods over exhibited in this place for Nen and Boys' Wear, of ovary style, quality and price, and is continually re celvino•actditione as the season advances, of all the latest novelties and styles to suit all classes. Our stock, bfItIIiADY..MADE 04.:0111111•40, all our own Manufactue, cannot be excelled for DURABILITY, . • STYLE • AND CHE,APNESS, • of ovary variety to suit the seasomi taste, and pocket. All vie weals a cal Land see lot yourselves at• :'; • • .. ISAAC, kaI'INGSTON'S • • North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium. •- N.ll. All godds bought from us by the•plece cr. yard, by persone•wisliing to'have it cut to measure, can be accommodated free of charge. , . • duties, May 1. 1852. • , , R OOTS AND received at OCITI•CY'S'Oheap Cush StOru, nn °nth° now stock or tactics', MIS9,OII' and Chthiron!A Morocco Roots, shou awl Onttorn, oftbo beat quality and lowest, pricu DR. WILLIAM B. HURDIS 111 - 1111 - 11 - W - A - Stiti A SURE REMEDY FOR A Bad Breath, Sore Mouths, Canker, Diseased Bleeding Gums, Nursing, Sore Mouth, 4 ND the best S'pecifie now in use for ANY diseased condition of the mouth. it to particularly beneficial to persons wearing ETIFICIA TEETH, rnmpletely dostroyitlg Ovary taint of the mouth, ab sorbing and, removing all impuritim Insuring A SWEET BREATH to nll who make wie of it. No Youtru Lira , or Yourra ULLSTLUSA.N ‘vho IS afflicted with e 13 AD 13 R It; ATH 1e`,41 , applying this remedy, Mr it It n certain cure. nod i, approved nod recommended by every phy Ficlnu ruttier whose nature It hits 1101,111t011:411t, Dr. Ifni Il 1/U/lIPS MOUTII Prepared at Dr. llenn'm Dentol Wilco, N 0.77 Fourth Strevt. Brooldyn, E P. t=i Price 37 Cents per Bottle.- A liberal cn , wount 111:“10 to dualerA. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, UEV_Zt% COTTUN AM) LINEN PA NT ING S, g roat variety :Ind nt 01.1 prices. MEN AN 1) BOYS' iV EA K. DR. WILLIAM 13. HURD'S I A very hanils,no lot of . . ~ No. 1 Sproce Street, New Tofk. Sold in Philadelphia, by D , , , ott Az Cn., 'AI North 2d St.t. , et. it :+.lllibb.•ll, Wu Chestnut street; and by all Di u:.,..iuts TOO 1 1 II PO \V D lq, This p a:esaa's the IC 11 ITHIHIT TIII•: I N.II. 1{1(1U,-; I'Itlll'I?it'I'll•:.l up EH Itt`nAl, and I- h...• loan 111. Arida ra .111,01,s that vain In the I,:ist injnr , i it,•iii. ItS:u•tltn ail' holy ulta.hanlcal --poll:011,w wit !halt wearing rt,nmr•l. Dr, Urm. B. Hurd's Tooth- Powder r,v.minlowled II nll Eminent Ihmtigts . - at 1/r. 1111,1's Dotilal 0111,1., No 77 Fourth 1113,..•t. I), fp'!or Price 25 Cents per Box. A lihrral olkrount, Ina , le to cloalcr, Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Street, New York. 9)0.131,. by Mark .1 (•t., Avow))) 11.401; d rod linutcdr. i 1 131).adway; L. S. 1:011 Broadway. aud by nll Dritirgl)ds. DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S TOOTHACHE Damps Ciire of 7'oolheteloe, nert , F. It k 1.11 tkullrly 1. , ..110.11,1 :1111trt0.1 v, it 11 t)111 11A1'111 , :. 1 . .tr,11t , rin ru'lie clicno.el, eh Flow tli.nt. diatle,hing 1 . 1 ,, nJ Ly LOSS OF SLEEP, fri,m ri TPirl'llA /11. the Propme.t it ib. !lord's 1)04.11 (Wire, No 77 Foto 111 St.,' 11, E. U. " ‘mly 12 CetlN rcr A like:Aldise,int Address Prlncipal Office, Tribulig 'Buildings No 1 Spru,o trout, Nev Yolk. t. L 1111,1.•;!, 1 ilu and by nII DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S EUItALGIA PLASTEhS, wolf THE Olf NE It.IIAIA Oa l'IlE I'ltlll , l('Ll,us CM Ds I, \I. ruled by 'heir :,,•r 10. e arharni, and are (I). 1,111.1 , , in thPir not prtaitloa a II Inter, aud, 1,v,, l, napi,,tiant result, Dr. Wm. B. Iluni's Neuralgia Plasters !Ai give mtli•tal (ion to mil Wilt, test their virtue nparr•l al Dr. HOT grti NO. 77 Fourth Str••••:, !1r4.4.1.1,,, 11. kt : r Price, ()illy 15 Cents Each. — Cia A disc .tolt tilt• deakrs. Address ni. , teips.l Oltiee, Tribune Buidings, No 1 Spruce Street, I.Jew York. ! , ,.14 N..rtit 2.1 ,) S. bill, :ti••et; an,' by all /11('k:.—We are daily orders to seind I , y (1110',1 I. II tirl's iiital Iteuirdiss, Iv 111.'11 " i . bid :\ 0110 are mailable exvi•int \ idrla hi an 011Vel , 11" 011 n. I.oli/L Olt lw lithe , n•-. 1. 1, I toil nine stalain. Ital tin an. i ili• ,Inrre till ill ud'iti•ta mot idi•retn—pnir , ntrii l'n•lointill pot pd, It 11 0 , ill 011i11- 0011.1.1 101 1 0,00. `O, 1.11 1110/0, 1.1" 0010. 1111/1 1 , 11111111.,0111 , --0 On 1000 intitainitip n hall, int lirßah. ainil I silt he a i s , nil 'I in' 111 I'o 1101 1110 Nsitrindzia Plaster, a inilualnis little 'I inn, 'I tlllti LLelr Dititiss, the Lest mean, i tlisto .11.1 the !sip, pa tin. tit of tli rot the slit". eye, i0.111(0 sr inissni, inr inareints 111111 T,•uu l ; •tindry (Hoero,4 ksary al ticks; 1,0 nix packages 101' tir/. SPIIL isinr, (lir...civil As sliattr,es are anent um. Id ei ll' adv midi! inn a 111,1, than 1111 1/110. it is tar nnrnlin t six 00 a dui.ru pa...it:Aidos at utio Chas.— .% lan ,s2tlo all. nor tit , • hill cart hr dls 041 ~ 1* 11.1:111. linll.ll. Lewd., in i isnd i i n •..: in. Do. ,11-',111,1111•11 , , 0,1/10. , 0. L s „ 11 dime .11/A 1111011, 0101 LI rv. rt r,r , r7 rxml rc -frninray t h It i In p 1 , 1,1 \ 11 It 11, „. Inlll nip_. \ p% on] lit .• harit• And 0 . 1.1, I it hiatto ,vllll cr.,111 PIP 11 • relr I rhe Lt, or II it . 1,,1h1 tilt. 431111 e, Mill I . jli• hati I , Ui , kit ti to the h s if the 1I11,11,•:111 I I' F. it,,r1111121, Coq, t hth.; ‘VtiOtt he 1,11, it n.)id who bus almv.l3 ot ,lured supply. etc. 1 00 0' ik NT S AV ANTED Ti, lhlrodtlee DA.. It ord • P jutn ever y I.ouill v. !Oen or 1011011111111 ant 1, 11110, I.lllllllly van do better with these articles I halt ally tili,l4 ill übn het. They are pew, 11,,,dit1, low prieed, and or err ~ .pen Inla tit...awls in advet thdnu then, for the benefit ot .% gents. Ilexes of samplen,ol,lillillil/g. dll/.1•11 01 the one dollar itatelsagt, above specified, with 0111 he sent, oh evelpi 01 M. 11.0 dollars. about h at. Ire. person o Ishrng to test his or her ill 1/Pl'ollllllg an Agent. 11 „. “111pn[bdl l'onttnissions to those o Ito 1111,0 ,1111,1111,11. Ne‘s I, the tinu• Lit L. husinlo,. Fiji address reh Truro aye nhocc. 1) RUG S, BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C S. W. lIAVERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Car Pen'n'a Ilan jin t opened rill assortment, al ' , rush D r ug s , Pan rr Goo , k, 081 hooks, l'crfut,ery, Fruits, and or !Jecti surp.t.vsrd lu this bur for ni.ielty Ana clog The vi.l.crti selected with v,rritl and 31'0 ea lrulelrJ in and pike, to ru 1/il,lllll hastirr. FANCY I.IeODS, which' omprlqeovery variety of fancy . articles of the roost avolisite nnit.li such AS. raid, MIC , 0.1% Eiega I alabaster and porcelain Ink-stanch and trays. Fancy iV.•ry, pearl arid Atoll curd lvties' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing In strtimon ts, latdie:f ea has, ‘criting Desks, and Port fe.ms. Port Mammies, of every variety. pens and pencils. Palley paper weights, and a large verity of ladles' Fancy statan,ery. Motto se, Is and wafers, ail It and head purses, Riding whips, elegantly finished. Flue cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes ()revery kind for the billet, • X. lin-tin-and li. & tl. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of V 21110114 killdS, Fancy Pins for head dressee and shawls. • Musical Instrumen together with an innumerable variety of articles elegan ly finished and suitable for lIOI.IJJA Y RESENTS, to which he invite:, special attention. Also, an extuuslvo and elegant collection of BOOKti, comprising various English and American Icorks, richly embellished vol:TicA I. Wilt KS, Bibles 111 A Hymn Bonita, elegantly bound In vul vet with metal clasp, 11111 i et amen; Ills assortment ii School Books and School Stitt lon ory IF also complete, nod comprises everything - used IS the Schools. lie also desires to call t h e particular attem Von of Families to UM elegant assortment of LAMPS, .tc., from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising ever• style of Parlor; Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard. Sperm °I Etherial oil; also DYOTT'S celebrated Kerosene or Coal ell Lampe v togothor with Flower Vanes Fattcy Screens, &c. Ills assortment In this line le us: equaled in the borough._ Also, dIICIARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the Bworito brands and a fine assort moot of NIBCRSCIIAIDI smommd AND the celebrated Killocochink Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. F It. U I T B, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes, Ice., FANCY CONVEGTION.kRY—NIJTS—PRV., 9 Gilt' BD FRUITS, MR . ? EID- r N RAT, ..PICICLES, -404 , In every varlet} , and 'at; all prices, all of which are pure and fresh such as can be confidently recommended to his frlandg. Ills stock embraces everything in Molina of Fancy Goods, with-tunny other - artleles — tietffin — tO housekeepers which tho public aro especially invited to call and examine." Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposiiirflto Bank on North Hanoyer street, Dec. 20, 1801 AILS ! NAILS !! NAILS. 1! ! 1. X largo stock of good, Clean, Dima s and ,Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. Our nails aro worth 600tO a ling more, than any other make of nails. sold in our town. tlils.is the opinion of mechanics who havo tried them, wo also have ,a fall aasortment ItI.III.IIING MATIIIIIn of Pao latest and most approved etyles. Alt goodies war ranted ne represooted. .30111 1 / 4 1 I'. 1 . ,Y1 , 7}; 44 EON. - ,ilUiccllniicuita. GREENFIELD & CO., One door ,west of the County Prison. FAE Y just received a splendid As . so r t num t of New Onods. from Now 1i rk nod Phliadelphirt, which will be sold unusually cheap for cash. Fancy Silks in Great Varieties, of all grados, from 75 cents to $1,50. Io tho ahovo line of finials we day competition. SILK AND WOOLEN FOULARDS. Silk Poplins, Llante Cloths. Mozambique", Shepherd Plaids, Wool de Lalnez, üballies, Lawn", La. • SPRIXG DEILa YI nt rekluend priers. Wo urn now (dforing our eu tiro stuni, of unw sty les,of f'pring Do:Julio% at 20 mar, north 25 routs. I= IEI2EI • rovheene, Merl into and : , prnguev it 12. 1 ...• Itleached and oriblerreinel tlnelins nt 0, 1 nod 10 I,IIIN Extra trriallte. nue yard eralt. at 12 1 1 vents. Lancaster Oing halllaat vents. CLOTH; & CAS:IIIEIiES, WHITE' GOODS AND NOTIONS. A foil Hoe of the elt.,e seeds ntwevs tel heed. Also, IlmtP Nt'w telt . I t. 4.500 yards of at pets. all ..1 the new.ot designs and pat , 1.1.11 S in the niarJ,et rate.fl tie in prier. from 12 . 1 „.y etc. to il.no per yard out eloo.ed the ahn.• assort ...tat in Nu,' Ul• 11/orged to otter ruperint Inducements to all who trill tax or It. ith eail. As stir now a permanent 111.4111.11,1 ill I . ,trHloo, Wl!are deternoned n.Cht• 11.11.10 I n o ha , " an ready , e,talpitsinol) nl o.lling cheap, note.lo, - .lntiinLt. the vadat... non,. that ha, e lawn circulated in regard to our I. aolog town. GREENFIELD A CO. Carlisle, May 2, 1002. " dialtfirtf.4 1 3" FAM[LV GROCERY AND TEA m•or:E Jtv-t re. - elved nllll In .41.1 , - A frt.Sll;tll trell S.l• trrtod o te ns , rtnnt nt lil t, .I.lva and Mani t ~It. e. 1t0,,5t.0l t 1 •41., Crushed Itolllloll and of Ito, 1 ...W.. ' 1 1;4“1 , , snimtdor ~1 I , l n. I , Vvr, Starett, Pnr111:1 nll , l Ch.. - 01:41 0 l'h••••or toil 111r1 T.4..1ar ,“,-1,•11 'lll4 ir.l 411 , 1 t'nrittmlm - Seed. I ,- 1 - /31“ •I‘ , .11i1:t.1.I 111 VArknV.I.F, 1.1, !, M.• 11 A , All other art I , 'l. 1 .11-111,-.-101 I,t thi.11111,4 10471:1.11i; .1. W. I:11Y - . . _ OVEM 13 Elt 2: , .11. r,,• ~ , .t the -1111111.W' are reminded that I hitit 1,1 •fr•on Im elt 1.11,,_ 0 supply of .t , 1 1.1 . .1 , 11 lie \ll 1,1,1 pried .01 1 51-- - tinl 1 - re h fre,h Musllroolnq the Itintlit of l 010.10, and Ifrollges, 111, • ! 1,- 1.111•!,-- 'rite. Molasses. - 011 l'ido vor,t Ilmt Itrandies, Illd ItA e 111.1,1, 'tt A ,- : (111•111 111 11110 ~r ltath - , offered ' at the very Inn eql 1111 I 11 1: sll NO )1. BENTz. arli - ' , - ",--' ‘,.... ..,..1.,_, "- oundry, --i . --...„,,,.: .) -.- . _, , "4,c. ~,,... , A Ol- 2 .. . ,- :,.,..,„ , ,-- - - - :.;.;„,JA:f.,: i. ~, -,, ~ , , 1, 1 , ,,,,- .-,,, ,r ,i • .-..--" - 4'-:.,f. , ;: , , -, , • , ' , -•• -- ...t5TT 1 , -...,..-r--:„:„2-2 , -..:-;.- , ii ,,,. . ~,:.-,: ; .::. ~-.„.- ~ : ; .,5 % . - 4 . .... -- , L.Z.46: .:. ci z .! : °,-;, - .4:--4..:,, - : . ,,i'i , ~...'-.,,,,,. a tiT,t64 l . , „.......,::,,-,- , t,..;.,,ATA , p.::- .._, ..,,,,,,,,,,... T. %,,-....., ...z_,---,-, P. r N in )•,w .druta ri ete I,ern ern ,ttinth ~ •Xt4.ll.l%,:".trainllrths,,,,l:nst 3 ,,, q tIlf , •11t of A It I ' I. T A 111 I'l. E E app, ii - N I:I! a I 1.0111. i ,, to IV Li.ooti 111 I' Al EVE srl,lai) ikon ta., I . ltl oinn, at State .00l (lon ly • Ole armers o runl wrialol. orkry v.o:111.110 o irlool 1,1 'Teak in dotal! or I no, it, of thl , titill.ra• ne nom in °s, 111 I lie lo•,1 1 .11 111, in those rounl ID- DI/utak tlon is 101,1 r nol most rotoplelr llrmin Ilrill inaloila,lllDol in tl,l r -.rah. It 000 11 loop L. 11\.. 1,110 11.11,a, Dol ttlof ula o hot Imo. too, lo• ./oa 'I ilo,loiss "50, 0,0•1-n1 .. -,r-en4,4111-4 , ,,1b117,71i117,1" hi. 11.11“Tol o. /11.1 hn 1..0 ') II; I , ll'j I- 11, 1 1.1 ..t Inl N\ 111111t1 t i/II • .1 •I• 1 ioa t Ir.. 51 a 1.0 11 I aaonalool 1 o Fat moorsn n 1,1141. .1:1.1.1,1111•11I S. .I::tta. tot I.l'll ' I t ..it \ pi, k I. II x'11;41 1-Iii)1/1.0 T'rj LEI. lIA 1. , CI I/I.li t I 1.. I Elq.'l.ll A Icco. 'I hit, and 1- . . cur 1,101. e l'icmccrs nl cl '1 Itc cc,lciccg . \ rcicct 1 rv , ic t i 4•141 ICcc!lcci c•I V:1111.11 , paLtl•ll,. 1 11111 t r l 111 1.. and col., /IT tlt . ie`. for Facricc4cr, tc.4. uu microcc , 14. toccict co,. A Int, Egg Coal Stov,cc m1.1'1'4.11 Plate. N 1 t %till. nil iconcelcme lac tict% c.I ..t114•1 .ca,cl ii ~ thorn. Bat e c11,4c altlactive tut lilt' plittecol, for ZF.CIS7 11-rIILLNGS, CENT 1•: It I,N CLi.),CI; IS to which we would all Si rain ,I;:ilgineN anti 111111 Gearing. To tit, depglthrel.l r,,ur I.nt,ltlel.s NI, gine 1/111 tiru la r attentionloll 101111.1 y esten2.ll e stock °I patterns Jr 4) Paper. 11 .:oinpr. It r' 1. ini•relicing. Mill slid Mil 11 lights fp, nished with a printed 1' ilid,llo Ol coin 1311011,1 11,11, ouup pli, 111 hl. naehine,hopeninprises all the ,arinos tonls t , r tinning, plah , ng null finishing rAntilin, anti ings. g , .4111 II•ilin:181H. sTATiosAtty ENnINF,s of Iny (lesfrolde from tell to Lwent)-firehorse power. built lit the hewt and t, elhilhcidating tiO hu,lt nl tail. est:o4lo/I.dd any be n in opolaticoi iii 111,110 rut largent and 'fan nerien in ('n+ urn ('uniberland Perry dud Ihttlidun I °unties to there here of a Web we confidehld) refer for illifillitation to I'ol.'ll, wanting ,11,1111 are rinrhestly re quested to cull and usuutiue he ti n y contr.,cling else. here. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Connected milli our. e,tal)lo-hownl N ;iteam Sash and Door Manuftu tuip alilub Is win lu romplute meet for the num ulao me of esel j dur.ro Ipth it of for the ttniol teed]) at- well as the plainest 1101100. Win dow 7...111111111i-114 d In•w L cents upward, 2,01,1111 g to viol of gross; Riotion I tooles irons $1 31 upward; flutters and I.olltog blluds 111.1 gt 70 upward; four Paned limn. trot. $2 12 opwold Mouldings. Castings Architraves 11:1,11 Biondi.. litarkt•ts. htory liropery, Scrolls. and other at ti; l's orri:ed In house foronsitell at tits 1. 11. 01 111111, vitO nt tho best qualit3 ul i t i ta l tar . CU)- 11 e ore nit prepared. us lierettfore to bullet :1111i 1 ,10 i! iit' I; DEN t..1.:1 for troosporterson the railroad. with prieoptnes...toti to, rctimittoble 1, ran, 'not coo ti mtitt not rent al;r•.I be pu Llfr il•respect;ully solicited. tholes', it; total pr.,mptly .Ittt...kd to. May 11. '6O. F. GAM/NI:11 Sr Co. Second door ra.,t of I/o house zn Zug's Coelor. irt EALEIt IN PIANOS. New Rose w(a,d Plano,, from Ihr La t The host manustettn,l In.it, tllllollb , from $l5 to $lOO Ouitars, !worths..., Mutes, Fifes, Drums, Ban jos,'l'authourines. Vlplin awl On!tar 5111111, , ,5, and MUM l'al MeIdIMIAUFU in gozwral. SHEET MUSIC. A complete tusortmeut thr all instruments. Tho latest publications ale ays on hand. inkier on the Piano and Guitar, I ostriunantal and - Vocal Music. - Pianos and MeAeons tuned and repaired. .., March 21, Itlll2. "A. LENK. JUST opened the' largest and best as eortment, of Ilardware, Valuta, Olin, Varnish, Glass, Iron, &c., over hrought to Cumberland county, bought exclusively for cash. and which We are soiling at the lowest prices. We invite the public. generally to give - us a call hothrtantalling their purchases, an Weeny fully sustaining our old reputation of selling the Roturning thaolcs to I„generom public for their past liberal patronage hoping by pursonal attebtion to their wants, to merit it continuum', of the mum • JOHN P. LYNt & tiON, - • • --At the Old•Eitand-North-I:anovor Street. Carlisle, Juno U, /862. OA-RPETINGS-,-So received ttt 0011.11Y'8`Choap Cash Store, a new stock of Car• potings. Druggeto and Floor Oil Cloths, which will ho sold at very low figures, Plaits° (n11111)(1 °salable thastock. Carlisle; Oct. 26; 1881. • W. mtvEßsticg UMJIELTING , I . OF Just reeolved a large assortment of all slaon'— Glum lh tfurn Hose, hum Pa-king. &c,, mut for sale elltsmi nt the I.laoloxarn Store of Juno 22. 16(10 • N.IPS & OEM 100 barrels' of Colinit, with n large assortment of Chain and Iron l'unipmjunt receir.nl and for Fah, cheaper ban over. Content sold by'rtio quantllyitt inannfacturria privet March 29. it. SAXTON. 4 BLACK SILKS, DOMESTICS for le Itt•ys' ‘ r ,,, r . at low prices. AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT GUM =I A. LEINK, NELODEON,S' BEST GOODS A'V THE LOWEST PRICES 'Watches ant) aewefru. "V i ti ATCEIES, JEWELRY, AND y y BILVERWAIMAT CONLYIVS. old established .Btand, West Mein - tit., pettily opposite the Cumberland Talley Bank. I have just received a new Assortment of watches, evrelry. medallions. silver ware, be., in addition to my orator stock to Which] Invite the attention of the public, The assortment embrateeS floe gold and sliver lover watches, Hunting and open case do., gold An chore for Ladies and Gentlemen and ‘4llver famines and Quartier watches 02 every variety In style and price. Also line goleiledallions. Breast-pins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob, vest. curb and , necli chains. Gold bracelets, finger rings, cuff-pins, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, Ate. Gold and silver thimbles, sliver and plated butter knives, forks, table, ten, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A largo 'assortment of gold, silver and common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we invite special titian tion. A fine lot, of (MD PENS from the hest makers, Tect.kole rases, fancy boles, silver and pearl card lases, gold and common bracelets, watch chains, A • Mantle Clocks and a •nriety of articles usu • ally kept In Jewelry establishments, which A lt, I will hOll low for rash. All articles war saa tan tent be he whet they are represented I articular Ittentim paid an usual to „, 11C1I REPAIRING wad all work war ' A.- ,y ranted. THOMAS CONLYS. her. 23. TlVir 0 1 ,4 and 8 rentpt MIMI Cumberland Valley Bank. . T will be seen by the following silver tintt floury A Sturgeon, Eng ha- retired from the firm Xif Kee, Dunlop CD., poll that Smulte,l - EFq.. of Car Hole. Climb co., l'• ha , heen an wif II the remaining partnere in thi - firm of Kor, Dunlap it ro.. and that Ylilhaln W. Kophorn ham hi on of seted l'Ashier in the plate of Mr. Sturgeon. 'l'lll. Proprl,•torn arc 001 ICrel, 1100.1' Iterxxr.mky, 1111111 AM) tN nona, JOHN S. 001 1111 err. Jous Ifusiav, dons DUNLAP, This Bank, will enntitine to do o general !Linking toil Exelutiiire busine.s. at their laanking Dense in Carlisle, under th. !mule and xtt le 01 A. Co. Money will be reeeired on glep,ll vnd p.tigl hark on degnattgg without notice tertilieate• I gi••p-rit hearing ligterent at the rate Of 5 p.ttr reht a I betted Igor a., :Itort a period no ireul ggiggnth , Into, .tall eertiti• Cateswill crane at riggitigrlty but ~ ...•tilit'ALYS aro renewed st 3117 theren:l-r for another given poring]. tlge. shall Leer the sgange rate of In terest up to the tin, of rg,,grral. 'Poem) gilts notice must ha Oren Of allArir• c ith,lraer ig.terest gle posl I s. propgietggrs would c. li ghr gi tentig•rg IgAgrinerg-, :gleehaggig, ,tig•l tll g Iher , eh-. gr• •gr, a • gg• I g r) fur their 111.111 , y the th hie to the agnpurt grth El= h. •Ll] 3111 .0 /1-. EMI p a rt.leura ; t • th. [..,, • Au) the 1110T.,1 - - lietuil tam., intrl id the 1:11i1.. , 1 Env: and Irt.1:1 They %, ill ,tall lime , he ple k•ed to-ivv 3oh.rio. 116,1 410 , 1n0l io re, 11./1 to 111-1,-% net l l et , The faithful :11111 r . tknii.ir•lito 11 ~ .,,111 e lo or nll ht/.ltoe , t.. til,ll 11c, he retie-111p... Th, 11:Ittk ,111 opon f.t er.cn ~',, t ovh in thc.111.,. `IIIZ 11•1 , 11:i the.iltl.llll4.ll. I l,r Twit 11:1, ov,•ry ' 1 , 111,1),11 Ithil . llll . lPhi I. No, Yolk )111.11 am I ivtlraide G,1114 •i , . r to I:ta. At: NV 11.11'.. A 1.111 , t • NI hm,ier rti \V. \V. H I=l (MKS! l'.\ 1Z Fridley would j t• Vit.l7 , llA .11 Cnrll.l.• t ,Ilerally rhar h.. h 4,1111 1,1:1111, tint iii.inut.s• Luting ntl:n .14,1.1 n 1t itun to t•it , •,” str.n•t_ dire. tit 't h tit Al nil Intr.w ha: .• hr.. HI to all thin, in 1 . ...01i0:hi , hi 11.. rt II "t a lash in hh. ith neat nu, and it. h. All ull, 4,111 61,1111 \ and n conitatLent, hand In k I•FIS 110 ,Lpi” A 1.., ran at all thin , had th',..o • \ `.l 1.111 . 11' lNit A 11•0fid , ...p.0f flog mo f dolfl,irlif of all kinds do'no at oof 111:111e of t,, i mini. pol.l f0r',.14 !loping tvtrirt attention , tfol n dos', lea. , 111 td •,,fve t.lt ICII iPt pdldie pat., utimge. Parlislo Ifet. 1,,n11..1y. Ew co.\ LANl)k,c)ll;v:it LI The "0,, iher.s have thi, flay rtitrra'a i Lc part ilLl , ldp I 0 irade iu _ I I \ i lurm,4l tt , order nil 1.11. d. of nou r-u d L 1,111,1 It FR.%ICII: STUFF, I t la.ering lath. -111,1a/in, Lath. Flour Inv; auil NI ant luilliiacrillua ay,' I ail,. and e`ter . ) 1.17 . 11 1 111111 t lailortui to 11 LUNIliFit `i A I. All hind,. oi h. VII' I‘ Cute•pihe. 11,unlock, ana (oak, "r d tlll.ll/ , 11• Ha, Ha; ( ( us lit our 111111 cc c o van tu-nlahl.il!.,ceder 1 , 1 au . ) leliuth and c iizi • at the ',lloilo. 11 , 11'1 1 1111d 011 the nuist (cu,l...di. a V iipt under Thaltiwy Ica turoi.ed di y al ail 1A.,. WO iiii,,,lutantly on t nd all hind. ol l nmily Coal under rover, wLirh w r will driver rlran Co any Fut of the borough. TO IT : 1,1'1(l:\` V.U.LEV, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut 1,,r1(E 1,11,1)1,ER, =I =I MIMES whl.-1, we pledgeonrselves to sell st the lowest prises qualit) of ,r, is and I;lacAsuath'y . 1 1w,i), ;in hiu l ,r•hich w w 111 ;t1 tti• rOITt.,t lirura Y.tt tt 01 litaum3r A \l,] ii , '} Lli my 2". I way J. R. NONEMAKE.It' I 4 I ORWAIMING AND COMMIS : 4 10N 111W: 4 1:, FLOUR AND FEED. CV AL, A,T El: AND SA LT. The suh,,iber Latin the ware House ears mini list ures ut 11 in 11. AlunAN's urll hic w estal Ilsh men \Vest Illah vet. opposite would inform the pubile that he has eni ered multi a win ding and Commi•simi Inns: utis. The hiehest tnarket price Nit] he paid Mor .midproduce of all kinds. The, are also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowest rut.u.s,im ilh safet am! despatch. PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly nu hand, amid FLOUR AND VEEP at sm holesale ur rctall. Cm. , oral] kinds. embracing. LYli EA'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLEII, SUNBURN' WIIITF. A SII, LI IITST it A I', •• Limebnrner's and BiacksmiliVs CONSTANI'I.I toll EPT UNDER COV ER and delivered dry to any palt of the W'li. .1. it. Ni)NEMAK Carlisle. A ugust 17. 15:At LA 1“; E ARRII' A 1. OF Flt ES 11 11 Roc ERI t.:: , -1 , 1:z11 'l)4' A LI. Ii INDS. Among which Is s lot 4.111.6. rval genuin.. lI lll +norr dry slit II LICItI NO. In ouk hirr. is, NIACK 4111'1. parrs that In molly astonlshingl) Pickel, of all SAUCES, PRES PI 107 ES, and n good ..Ortlnt at of TOBACCO Ai , 0 SEGARS. LIQUORS, &C . , at the lowett rates tor CASH . ur Couutn PI Othlep W ItENTS Catilsh.,.lutie 21. ISISI QELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE PElt OLIN T. BELOW COST!! At the sign of the E1,, , ±1,%" 3 de." s shore the Cumberland Valley 'lnn and two doors below the Methedirt: Churol, on West Main street, the largest and bust selected stork ul wATcnEs AND JEWELRY In the town, is ill be sold 30 per sent lower than at say plane in the State The stork comprises lergo assort ment of tiold and Silver hunting-case notches. Lovers, Lepines, A merlon° watches, am] all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, field Pens and l'enellq..lelvehy of all kinds, Spectacles Quid and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEVS, Oil Paintings, a great variety of limey articies.and_a lot of the finest Pianos, which will be sold- In per cent laver than over offered in town. Thc,..e.utiediaocl: of Watch maker tools, .1.813 F, large Mimics, and Safe will he sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. Oaring selected a first class workman all Lauds of re- pairing will bo done as usual, at reduced prices. Three Name, et $lOO below the factory price on ac count of the Philadelphia Conipany closing oat. I will sell at the Jewelry Store, TERRE 14,05 E WOOD. PIANOS,.. warranted, at two-third their maxi value on easy terms 'retailed on noon. PAINTS AND OILS.- 10 Tons White head. 1000 Gallons of oil. Just received with a large assortment of Varnishes, 111 re Proof Paint. Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored 7: -nc, Litharge, Red Lead, Whiting, Boiled 011" -- „ Olue, - - Lifid 011, _ Itiperra.oll,. Brushes, Fish Oil, —Colors of every deserlption dry, and Oil In multi and tubes at the Hardware Store of ' HENRY BAXTON,, Carlisle, Ort. 28,1801. , • pRII,IAD BISCUIT' &-e. . • ) ..Ma Omani ' of Tartar "Substitute" Is recoeimem .ded as a superior article In combination ltith Saleratus or Soda foolisking purposes. It produces bread cakes &e., which whon cold nre sweet, - moist and gratafil, while those of Cream of Tartar are ofl on dry and taste less. It will cost less than Cream of Turthe and is used In the soma way for cooking, dc:' • THIS SUBSTITUTE, H. PAXTON together with Saleratuie Focht, 1 ttro Crest,' of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow Root, Mustard l:teed.,groplul and un• ground. spleen of , all .Icinds unadulteraled; and also Alrocerles in every vakicty constantly, on hand, and at the lowest prices foils:do by Dea.Ll, 1.64.. .1. W. EBY. = =MEE A N 1) L U JI 1; E U, MEE =MEM E=!! ntisctitancans. JAMES R. WEAVER'S CABINET ND CHAIR MANUNACTORY, I= Having biten engaged In the business for over twenty years ho would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to hint in years gone t•y, and further assume them that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. 'ounnts AND FURNITURFI, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to he ,•f the beet quality, of the la. test style, well finished, and solo at the lowest possible priers for cash. _ Ile also continues business as an TINDERTA IL ER.— Ready tondo Collins, Metallic or otherwise. Rcpt con. stun tly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or Country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, largo sizo, a oil finihhed and lined inside, from B to 12 dollnrs. =I v - 2h. 1 559 -1 y (TILL TRIU.SIPHANT. The complete ttnr:ress of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the subserlher in railing the ~Mention of all who may want 11 superior stove to call and ex• nmi Ile the only stove that has given universal satiniar. Lion. WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS Imt. A saving of from 30 to 00 per rent. In fuel 2nd. A hotter and quicker riven from the some fire, 3d A layer liven than any other strove qf the MIMI' siztl 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinkink sn•ing repairs, sth. The heNt Ihikcr 4 Roaster, and Conk now In tine, :th. A superior orrsugement for deannnne the (lure, th. Aprrueet ()as Consumer r• r trot d or void. The Prairie Fliiwer ix wnnFa, toil to give sat 'fvllnn in every particular. and will he .shown with pleasure*, NH who mar still. whether t, purchase or MA, Any quantit' r'eferenee in ton ic i r °mars A low other •stoves on hand, hirk will he t. 0 1 ,1 very Inn C., rI , S , stuck , pouting. 3oh wm - k. C”prer - smlthlng and ,het flog wort, promptly At t.V1111,11 or r 0,”,. try. All N‘lirr.llllieli at the old stand, Hanover street north of Luther M %RV M. MORRIS N. B. Ohl eoppor, Itot. , rowl or lAight., and th ktdA. Mardi , t7:l4:::knat .! \ NI VMS 1,1)11.,1“:10,1.;];;-: / • •I V.• It ell :I; :a Inh • d I ,. :y;rul. 1.. rI , TurI..I , 1'4,11 1 hi , • ••••11 , • .11 '• • I, •I•rti. ••I h. has. r , ., tirz. lich pel IN L t 1.. r• 111=11111111211=11 W In( r Limn h./ II tr. I r • I.is% this r ISI ,is II S. -ts is. Iw Yr, Ls p,.1 t,ll I rlall Irlse urs•parts.l hrt.ssertsiii 11.1,1 1 lit , sinoh I r I•Orrl :,ii 'k I= 11, 1 r 1.1 . 111{1:it iw largu And oiplete :Intl will /It the 1“w est pr•.• 4 te to.t we re , p, tfull,) 3 11.11 t it:111111'P Or ',Mit, 1 , e4 a ‘‘' .t 11) A. s•• ) ) \'l 1 J . .1 I I, A I) F. I. I. II I • I l w l iffiillm tied t he re•li,t Inv tpi ,111 t no,l Idl t o,peelyol . l n r un I lii,ea., \I EDW.\ I. A DA Wl'. UIN 4,1 Ula iS t.bl. A .11111 K Sur rem, te all e I.) Ir Ll er. %ill, n their • . 1111111 , 1..11 I n.. /1.1 1.1 ilk, AC../ 1/ Vg.. ‘.l "F , (tretri , lllNY,ll.y. Nitalivines tarn i... 1 el, \ 1.1 11.1.1: Fll..l'•it'US. m. Sper..rmt...r.l44v4r. :I,lli of 1), /A. 4 4 4.'4.44d , t or. th.- \t 1.1 4 "rt.1.14.,...1 it , the 141,j 4,...,1) ti. t 14.• attic 44.41 iu I It, tyt ..1 of [bre.. L ,i 1 .....•41.1441.144 "liII,I,FN Actirw Nt. 2,01ih Street. Philadelphia. Pa the s., • h:Z. It .1 U. 11 E, 111'11 1,11„ Li EU. FAII:C/111.1). Stwr..to ry. Nlnreti Y. I` o .l .-Is EW STORE, AND NEW (MODS, ATS. i'A AND STN.% 11' GiII IBS. T C I . A; .t om _ tee, Th. kuliseriker Int. r •ntlr or(iied it New Storf at th. "old A. 111,1 of .1. 11) 11:111 , iirt In North I Intiover Nt (if ifiiikitti t ln flank. II:011(e (rim] Noiw Nit , rl( :mil Phil 1/I.ll.hiii. •( . 11 . i•te.1 .tenor tttt nt of hie lino" ! bill -tuft a: ii,k nod- (I:11'i , , Iroin 11 ind t tin no. Flit, 611. K AND C.IS!SIMINE HATS of Silk ILO.: for . F Mink"J,lr, au 5.000,1 Black, 13,1,1 :111/1 141.) Childrons Fill t..r 61.1, Fur trod C....11ars f r 111.1., 131514'Fit LO HOB ES, Awl pries the limos. A ko. Crir pct.' Bags &r. CS TO SILEE'r T/111' TY ..r.LES• A -o, 4;orpot VKII , ••• 'Crunks, !Isn't Trunks roolool;ss. A n asset tiornt of Pribie Scgara and Tobacco : —fv--47 Th kl,ll her t6,.h it nmage alveavly reeeiveil ho would ihe pul.lie generally in give 1111.1 AC. PB BOAS, Agt. L.,. h.!, S 11A1:I)WAR A. BI) nett& Son have just Clempleted opening lhrii :"I , IJII, 'l4 r•k tiara ts are. t Vit ft! ',he, they in vite ti.....nliV nttt,ltii)ll thi• pu blip 1t t• hat,. tread} 1.1110,1• Ii 1 , 1.1 r stoo. in all Itt.tnches,ttittl t uu 11,W Igecounnudate the p üb• llr tv kit RELIABLE GOODS. in large or small quantities. al the I.west privet; Dui WY do net wlah the piddle lo underidand that we have lirought all the 1. oods in Philadelphia and :Yew York to our to 11. 1 , 111. w an assure them tllnt, Ont. 1110 k into our tore ell! collniiire them that We havel.llol,th to d supply the enkind in thin market. Persona eanting goods in our inic nlll find it to their ad, antage tO VAN,e a veil elorot making their purchases —All orders personally and punetually :It tl•llded t.., And 110 fibre jll , 4olllatioll, , wade to Of f 14.1 ,110, Nl,t3 2 t 0 1 1 11111: I N;;IIIZANCE. - TuE ALLEN AND CAS , 111.:1'UAL IN SURANCE COM PAN Y CI Cumberland eounty. incorpre by an art 01 Assembly, in the year Ina 3, mud liar. Ina ri had Its shorter I,iolllloll to the year 1003, Iw now nett) , awl VI:(4110. 11111.1atit.11, under the Fll• perititetidouro of lb., nun., log Bowl' of Managers, the: It. lioraas. Christian Sta.} Man. M. el.oolll. D. !tally, Ales. Ca thellrt..l IL 1 2.1VOM,J11)111 F. 114101 bee nor. dossph Saud. 3loses Bricker, Itud.lph 'tart!, .1 3i siti Co rind .1. C. Dunlap. The rates 01 insurance are as low and 1400r:41de no any Compa tbs. 6i ud in the State. Porno's wishing to borrih. , e invited to plaice appliaiation to t lio agent. of the eutupany, who are willln4 to natt upon thew at any thou. %ITN'. R. AS. Preridont, ly`s 'll Ills, I'. 0 CII lasTl AN STA I . NI A N, Viee President rarlit.le. P. 0. .101 IN" C DUNLAP. Seet•y. . tleeluartieshurg MICIIA El, COORI,IN. TrouFurt•r, :7:llepherdntou u. CUMBERLAND ciMINTY.— John Sher-ink, Allen Henry Zeal lug. Shiremanstown; Lafayette Puller Dlekintom Homo Bowman. t'hitrehtow ; Mode h ail fith. South Middleton; Saam od ❑r,aham. W. Penns bore': S:11111l11.1 Coover. Meehanieghnrg ; .1. W. Conklin, Shepherdi•tol% n: U. Cour°, I'ppi'r Al 11.11 ; I,nx• ton, Silver Spring: John flyer, Carlisle; Valentine Seeman, NOW Cllll , b. land. VORIS COUNTY.— W. S. Pinking. Doyer: Jas. (Irlfil th, Warrimo nn: J. F. Deaulot 11. itshington: Riehey ('lnn, 1 , 1111;burg.; D. Rutter, Falrvir, John 1) A 1) I'll 1 \ liourer, IlarrhAmrg. Members of the company having polieleeshout to rx plre. a n have them renewed by nothing application to any of the Agents. Feb. 28, 18172 SLR S RYI P Xll E late brilliant victoriea achieved by I our Federal Arndt, have gladdened every American heart, giving assurance of a speedy restoration of pears to Cob: great country. In viete of this 1 have resolved to otTer my tremendous stork of —DRY — GOODS; pIE --: it ---. ••esthat will satisfy every person are cheaper that) ran 1,. is Right from ti no other house lilt), litultMl meant:Just commencing business. 1 have 10,000 yds. of BLEACHED MUSLINS, and tho iaino ,iunntity of unbleaelpol op liana. I can dell gond whita Mualin at 8 cents, and extra qoality at 10 and 123,1. Also, 10,000 yards of of Merrimack's, Sprague's and Cochren, at 1x:, 1 ,6 cts. the old prices. A large assortment of excellent second Mourning at old prices. Very desirable at 6234 75, 873.- : 1, $l. 'rho 873,e is tho canto that sold at $l, and our dollar quality Ic tho min, that has boon and 'Watt!' soiling at $1,25 per yard. . , In great profullon at . 12 , ,t1 ! old - prlays. - Also, - Cantan - Planatels and-liantnelfdratts, at the old prices. 'And in CIAIII'ETS and OIL 01.01115. I guarantee that no stock outside of PhiladelphLt ran Login to roldpete, either in quantity or price. In fultAtion to the above, I have a very large stock of Itibbone. Larea,Bodtreld rlits,-DiOnt n us; CutiLniarod, Merlitoie, COLUrgs, Flanuelfl, and ()the! of the latest styles and Mu icest patterns. lry hiseeess heretofore has enabled mu to Mier hdrantages *only old , customers and the publie_generally, which are not pos sessed by others, 'particularly those who hre compelled in commencing now. to lay In a stock at the preSent high prices In the prinelpal - A discriminating public:will satisfy themselies of the truth of the foregoing before purchasing elsewhere - 4 My tremendous stock of floods, laid In principally be ' (ben the rise, IN admitted to be the largest. between Phil `,minipills 'and Pittsburg., I Incite on persons In want. Of_iihrgains In Dry (Mods, to call and exentine at the old and well known stand of Feb 2;41062. ' . A. W. 111 AMES.. '6OO pairs Rallies . on hand of all kinds. 'Elliabniihtouto • pattern; London do.. Common do, with and without pot.int'fltattluitigs, cheaper than over at 11. SAVEOI , I'B,, Kist Mum at. Maieli 2S 1802 . • \ JAMES it. IVEAVER MEE =I =I Neill: I limes Carlisle MEE ~ CALICOES, BLACK ,SILKS, DRESS GOODS, 31aif CAUMI3ERLAND 'VALLEY AND I,_/FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. F-'739 7!"! CHANGE noußsT On and after MONDAY, MAY 5, 1862, Passenger Train, will run as follows! (Sundays excepted FOR CHAMP:R.3III7RO AND HARRISBURG. Ist. Train. 2d Train Leave Hagerstown, 7.00 A. M. 2.43 P. M ‘• - Greencastle. 7.37 " 3.30 ~ Chambersburg, 8.30 " Arr. 4.20 ," " 6..: Lento 12.55 " Shippensburg, 0.00 " 1.28 " " Nen,'lle, 0.32 " 2.00 Carlisle. 10.10 " 2.43 Mechanicsburg, 10.42 " 3.12 Arrive at Ilarthibum, 11.15 " 3.40 FOR CHAALBERSBURG AND II AGERSTOWN, tut Train. 2(1 Train Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A. 31 1,35 L. m " 'Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.15 " Carlisle, .„ 0.27 " 2.55 ' " " 5 , 1 e, ~ ille ' `10.02 " 8.211 " Shlppenshurg, 10.33 " 4.00 " I hambg', (Arrive) 11.10 .1.10 " Greencastle, 11.55 5:10 " Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.35 (1.10 " .. NOTICE TO PA SS PING EILS : At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, 0 revneastle, Cliam bershurg. ppensburg, Nl,Vvllle, Ca - lisle, Mechaniccs burg and Harrisburg. a millet ion of I'LN cENTs eneh Ticket will be made to all Passengers that pros ilk themselves with Tickets before entering the ea,. 0. N. LULL Superlt Railroad rlßlre , ChanThersburg, slay 1, 1862. CARLISLE AND PEILADELPHIA VAgi, 13% PM. DAILY FREIGHT LINE FREED, IVAIID FREYD, lII=I =I I= gt - r Cars or this Line leave the Depot All MP hot ledly, at 4 o'clock. P. II Lenvr Carlisle, Daily, at 7 ,•'rloolt. A M. i;oods lot ,ended Per this Liar should be n asked C ' Pally Freight Line, and sent in by 4 o'clock. Mas lIAT AND CAI' E11)0131t 111! fl'he un(lerFigne(l having purellased tit( st , el, ,1r tl' \m 11,11 nut lld •itnnt•ltztrt• t.•• ihp public t h will co •i not. tht II ATTINt; Itt . :••1 \ at the old •Ittutt. ••-t 11,4 h t•tri•et. attl.l 1111 1,1 Mai (411111'11i plodu• t• t ot Ilettcl I Iv,- ••I 1 -, ,,rty, Style rn,d Ylrtlay, Ilint shni ki ki•i•piug th.• ..1 lb. 'rl.nud fully up t. t h. NO,. I, ,t• I hi% ..11 hand a sylenditl / /1,01014.10 XV,tilS i I AI'S AND (' .k pc: of all 1t•..74.1166.5, (rim 11.6 rl.t,lffion Woo U• Iho tin,st 11 I: .%.\ :•11.K 11.1T:=; and at pi ire •th•rt mupt , q - lit oNorrone 7..:hr. - haf , an oYe 16 I ,etlUiig th ,‘ 6 1 th l.i 116 , 6.01,). 'I hr st6ll, 116Ies, \lt C.ISSI.II I II E. It 1.",,11 Fl I.T II A TS. tt of ort t.t) taut! color and utotoryotsted /..t I,lt/ `. I r.. I•I II A Itll.lTl AND : i. IltoNtt nt ,tat) • ht I t tat 111 (Ito ottutttry. )1 Itit(l t.11111./11.L.N....." ATS nod CIA I . Sr, tto loset ~a,nhtniit tot loco d. Ito r..t.t.t•ot toil, it, Ito , all It 01.1 pat root. :Ind 11 111., t•non p0t.4.11.1e, to giNt• 121111 Apr 2r.. 1,111-7 v i,'I.IC(INI) SITING ..1111111"..kl..- 1 LANGEsviti.H..s 111.• John It 1. Ili, N. COI nrr of 11111,1. tili• plsrr 1" 1,1111,e 11..1, :hoe, .hots x l'nr. 'at prirei"Chlt defy cirlopitiill.ll. Int• u-I icturnrol r m tier I n:4. Oh the largest oolnplo , to :issorttnonhnt ann that he 11,1. ei/or ptesoulhol in this 11.1nmunity, And i% hi, h In olotiormineol to soll at the loNiost ponsi lhe ion on. Ills stork olohracen eN tiling in Lin line ol bo-inesn, such an MEN 8 P.OVS PINE CALF 'BOOTS, Kip Iteet., 111111 l'a I.lltll, eel Tien, col and l'aeeet land In, (init., Can N ulletet e rb, lull,,,:: Kip liengtens, cleppen,, he: Fine French 11 If I,tenite-le I,l,linn Gaiters, Meerocen, Call and ell Been's. P inn Kiel Sliplerrs, Feeney L - lippers e e Ihereeccee. and Kid Pindeien e . At• .. NT I ss. 11111.1,1:EVis of all descriptions oinbrovin, tine I.listing Gaiters, Morocco Lasting hoots. orro here Boots of all hinds, fancy hhors :crimes ,es e II 11 . - l',•lnle•re , . Fur And IVOlil fiat, of align:lloh and as , ortnlvnt ot T, llootF Siva.• coole to r at Cho , horlosl n ntlct Ilepair protopti:. done. Coofolf ot of hip al lity to pleaoe all • of artorners, ho r,pectfoll3 - iovitta. Ilic to oho hint a ,all. Itetlocolla, the place, N. 11. corner of the I'ut,l is S.loa. Nay :10, 'Ca. A. B. EW N FURNITURE WARE-ROOM - - flirl (e: ',„•12_,, ____ -I , :ivf...-7,--,_:,-A71,,..:,,6 1 §6 2 ;?'- , :,: j-P ''' "'i'se•A West High Street, Carlisle, Pa (Premium elu-ard,ed at the Ciinik,ri (army .Iyricallorol lair of 3837.) The suhserlbuT has just revolved the most splendid assortment vt ticks in his line. ever brought to this ph, e ,—, hip h he iv deturtoilll'd to sell at prices that do f) c‘pmiwtili , o. Parlo r 1 Chamber, Dining-room, ).FUItIVITURIL Milt:hen and I °dice - _ teevery article used by Mauve nod Hotel keepers, of the most approved and tashionable desi,tn and finish. Including also Cottage lurniture In sells reception :lltd Camp Chairs, Mattrasses, tlilt frames. pictures, Re., Ituvhasers are requested to rail and examine his stonid at his 1.3. X touchya wart rosins, West Main street. North shit, A. it. EWING, Atir Parileular attention given as usual to funeral, orders from town anti country, attended to prompt and on moderate lector. A. MENZIEEIE=9 Tumb ER AND CU AL. OLIVER DELANCEY t I.IJM It ER A\ D COAL YARD! On the Rail Road, near the Gas IrorAs. The ,ula.erlber keeps constantly on hand, a full g borttnent of i OPT . Lumber Sc Coal, hie)) IM - . can fur- T;ish to mder prmnptly and 011 the most rea sun able terms. LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings. Plastering and Shingling-Laths, Worked Floor lug.‘‘ eat herlioarding,Pcists, Lite Plit, Itemlork and Oak Shingles, of every quality. 110 uiuu rut, loh Milli Co on ,of am , lentil and size, al the shot test , naive:llld ON the most reasonable terms. Ills ~,rhed boards ara kept under rover, flu that they eau he fur. sided dry at all times, lie lot, constantly on' hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which will In delive, o ct clean to any part 01 the borough. To wit: LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, • TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties. and all the various sizes In use, _which he -offers todlor pubilemt,,the lowest prices. 1,1 TI If Hu RN l AND BLACKSMITH'S COAL al way s on hand, at the hiwe,sicash price. Thankful for 4 klk;4llt4l,lnage of a generous public, be stowedtipon the late hen, of Black & Delaney, be would solicit a continuance of the same as he will strive to please. All orders left at the residence of ,m cot, Shrum for Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to Ito heretontre. OLIVER DELANCY. July 26, 1 —ly. Interesting To Farmers. TOHN P. LYNE & _ hist received a large lot of those celebrate(' SCYTHES, made expressly for thvir.own sales, which 'hove always given en tiro satisfaction toutl wko have used them.— You that want a keen cutting and easy running Scythe, we would bay try ono of their superior wakes %Ye have also a fu4l‘stock of Smiths, Whet Stones, he. hakes of Christ. Myers' and other celebrated snakes. Grain Cra dles of an - the - ImA makes- in Ala.roaufy, with a lull stock of all kinds of Toole and Implements for Feriner's use. All of which we aro selling cheap at our store In North Hanover street. Carllslo,June 0, 1602. • • - r , 113LOVAL:÷ llat and Cap store ' Tho - kno w n as 6 , ,KELLIMtI3," has boon re movedoppeslto the pal stood, two doors, nom A mold's clothing l d w l r r e o t ot l3 store. - The business will Lo conduct• od as berotriforo,ond all the goods, both home made and e ity_ oi anufacttiro,Ytartanted_to_glco siitlsfaltlon-as-i, coramondod. A: full patronage, Is respectfully- soli& ,rd es every effort will be made to hoop the assortmer. of moe a nd boys hats and 'caps complete, with prices t o Milt the Mmes. KhLLER. toy Spring styles of Milt hate now ready. March lb, Una NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS 1 1 A very handsome assortment of new Ex. anti deeintble f.ro.i4H fr(.111 Philadelphia, hove just been opened :It the lar fluent cheep Moro of (ill EN FIC11.1) k Stir I' 'tit. I'. S. Remember. tl 'ittorei one 'door Nvest of the County Prlgen. Multi Street. Oetober . tit,'ltiV2. S BALTIMORE' LOOK KOSPITA • ESTABLISIIEILAS A REFUGE FROM. QUAO ERY TOE ONLY PLAGE IVIIERE A CUBE CA 1111 OBTAINED. - • DR. JOHNSTON. has discove ed the most certain, speedy and only effectual remedy In th, world for all private diseases, weakness of the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and blad der, Involuntary discharges ' impotency, g eneral deblli ty,mervousticss dyspepsy. languor, low spirits, confu• spa] of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity, trem• Itlings, dimness of sight or giddiness, disease of the head, throat, nose or skin, affections of the liter, lungs, stomach or bowels—those terribly disorders arising fre.ni the solitary habits of youth—those getout and solitary praetiees more fitlal to their victims than the song of Syrena to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting . their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, impossible, VOUNG DIEN Especially, who have become the victims of solitary vie, that dreadful and destructive habit which annu ally uweeps to on untimely grave thousands of Young Mon of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the liming lyre, may call with full confidence. ISIAIVRIAG3S. Married persons, Or young men enntemplnting mar Hag, twine: :mare of physical weakness, organic debll deformildos, ,te., speedily cured. • lie Who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as n physician. ORGANIC) WEIVICDTESS intino,ll.itely cured, and full vigor restored. This dis tressing offection—which renders life miserable and marriage Impossible—ls the priority paid by the victims of Improper indulgences. Young persons ore too apt to commit caresses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that uudes• stan.l4 the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation to lost sooner by those falling into Im proper habits than by the prudent 1 Besides being Jo- prived Oro pleasures of healthy offspring. the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and rifled arks. The system becomes deranged. the physi cal end mental functions weakener]. loss of procrentiva power. nervous ifritability, dyspepsia, palpitrition of the heart, 1,1.11;1,01m, constitutional debility, a west ing of the ironic, cough, consumption, decay and death. OFICE NO 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. Loft hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe entwined number Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc.- ter'f'Dipitition. hang in his °Bice. A CUs: E WARRANTED IN•TWO DRYS• Nn Mercury or Nauseous Drugs.—Dr. Johnston. men, Jer of tbe Royal College of N urg ,tiFt, London, 0 rad unto from one of ihe nne.t eminent Poll. gee in the United Stoles, and the gi eater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia nod elsewhere, lion effected some of the most ni•tonishing ore- that were ever known; ninny troubled with ring ing ill the bead and ears when asleep, great nervous- 11.•-•., being alarmed at sudden mounds, toctslafulcouloc, scith frequent blushing. attended Notn..t.imoti with do ra II of wind, wore cured immetlintoly• TAKE I'ARTICUMII.II NOTICE,. addresses all those who have Injured themselves bv impnop.', iinlidgence and solitary habits, Which ruin beth lely and mind. unfitting them for either bus nese, id of v, marriage Of the isid and melancholy effects prn.liired by early hale is of youth, viz IVeitkness of the Inn•k 3111 i Violins. pains in the head. dimness of sight, Ins, ittnieittlar pncer, palpitethin of the heart. dyspep.. iiert oils irritability. derangement of tine digestive in.neral syitopt.onis of iionstimpt ion. . . 31r.NT LTA' —Thn frariul effe•cb on the mina are.Tllllets Im Ali eadi•ti— ills , of 0011 sy, 'ran fuhion of idea.., de of ito, 1,11 foreliodlogs, it version to society, li-t l u.t. hive of ~11tedii, timidity, hr., are acme of tlie aid), priatortill. Thousand , of pi•rsolis of all ages ran TOW judge .what[ thy eau , i• rd' their derliuing health. luring their Vig or...becoming. weak, palo,iervons andemeristed.hartng siu~ulni appeara ore :thou( the eyes, cough MI d.sym p -111.0 01 0,1.111111100, ITOUNG BEN SCho lair e thetn,lres by a certain prattler indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from el it ro an pan ban, or at s. blod, the effects of which are nightly felt, even wben asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impos-ible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately, Ii hat. it pity that a mine man, the hope of his coun try, the dar li og of his parents, should be pinatched from ail pia oyocrts nod enjoy Mt nt, of Ilfe, by the conseqUtlOff Of tb• ti 11 rim], the path of natur6 and Indulging In a certain secret baba, Such persods must.before con leinleating =MIMI retleot that n sound mind and Lolly are the most Ito m...qtry requisites to promote vontiuliinl buppino..— I udr.i, i 011.11 t these, the journey through life becomes it wen ry the prospect hourly dnrkenn to the vle‘,; znimi he,tanes shadowed with despair +neck tilled W ith t hi, melancholy relleetion that the happiness of ;unit lnrr 1.1,011), Lligh ted tvith our mvu. DISEASE OF FPG.PRUDENCir.. 'St hen noo misguided and imprudent votary of plea sure 1111. IN 01:it he 1.;:s imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often bappeus that an ill timed Renee of shame ,•,t• dread of difomvery, detars him from applying to those who. front education and respectability, can him, delaying 1111 the constitutional symptom , of [llk horrid disease make their apptarancel sit , ll as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noeturna, plies i'l the head 41111 1111111 H. 111111 nesF td sight, dralnfl/13, nsl•s oil the •hie bones and arms, blotches on the 1102111. trier 211111 ex to•mities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the honer, of the nose tall in, and the victim of this a tr fel disease becomes ti horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful suffering., by Feud ing him to '• that Undiscoverqd Country from whence no traveller returns •' It is a inelath.lioly fart that thouiatols fall Vlrtima to this lurrilde disease. owing to ill° tinliklllfuluess of Ig u:t pretender- it h.. by the use of that deadly r,l - y. Lau the cutistilutiou_liuti make the re sidue el lite miserable. Tt to.l not year 1k ea, or troll h, to the rare of the 111:111, mile:lt:ilea and not shim prct.•udrrs. de•titule of toitue or character, who espy lir. Johne.ton's vii ti.ratents., or styli• themselves, in the urn .pipers, re4k il ar i, educated physioians. incapable of curing. they keep y nr hitting month after month taking their filthy and tr.i.:onous compounds. or OS long as the smallest fee ran 1..014411nm', and to despair, leave you with ruined hoalth to sigh over your galling disappointment. hr. Johnston is iho only Physician advertising.. Ills credentials or diplomas always hang Sn his omen. 11 is remedies or to atment are unknown to at I othern, prepared from a life Fpent to the great hosplt ale of Eu rope, the lint In the country and a more extensl•e , leate practice than any other phyalclan In the world. INDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS 'rile many thotp,Ands cured at this Institution year rifle, year, and the !Malt - 011S illipOrlalit Surgical Ope niti,us performed by Dr. Juhnstan, witnessed by the repo, tees of the "Fun," -Clipper, - and many other pipe's, notice% or ahirh have appeared again and again lieri,re the public, besides his standing as in gentleman of ,Ilaravier and responsibility, tau sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. SICIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. Perseus w be particular in directing their letters to this Institution, in the f . iillowing man ner .701iN M JOHNSTON, M. D.. Of the 14altimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. May 2, • GREAT EXCITEMENT gas been raised in Carlisle and sur- I rounding country on leernln lthat the subscriber r,•torned - from the City_ with a retnendous stock of 1) n C all Nought for ash end to he sold at such low print us 11111 reese taxa PEOPLE to bhuke In their bot,ts. • lu this very exterinive stork may be found great piles DRESS GOODS. • • or sin, p.ohls 'Culam Lustre, Faulty Silk■ in variety, Mil. Sillsa uI the most eel. brated manufacture, Mohair Plaid. Poll Cheek, Embroidered Mohair, Plaid. Cheek II 01.11111bique,Challi Do Lalues, Doha bazittes, Lawns. do , Ver. ti ags, Bays wear of geed quality and ilealeable stylon, Tickinw, Checks, Flan no/s, Lawna and CALICOES of Ply handsome styles anti In sufficient quantity tn clothe esi sirs tussle in ti County. I have also thu largyst assortment of CARPETS and 011 Meth In the interior of Pennsylvania, of all qoalities and at very satiafaetory prices to the porch*. Besides, I have almost every desirable article in my lino 01 business that can he mentioned, selected with gi eat (we, and a ith an eye single to the wants of this communily and the present times. The public is advised to see these magnificant loads of goods before purchasing elsewhere, as I MO confident that advantages will be gained by a careful cam:ulna- Lion of my stock of Garde, which for immensity has nev er been, and perhaps never will be, equalled in this place, for size beauty, and cheapness. At the old. 5111 known stand of April .1,18n2. —l'ilatrimony Zade Easy," A NIM work showing how either sex . .tiL may ho suitably married. irrespective of age or. I position, prepossessing or otherwise, with a treatise on, the Art of Fascinating any person you wish. A curt• ono scientific experiment whirl, never Ma Free for. 25 cents. Address T. WILLIAM $ CU., Publishers, Ilex 2.200, Phlladelphla. March la, 1862—1 y JUST received the largest, best anc. CD cheapest assortnient: of • Scythes, • Forks, Smiths, hakes. , Whet Stones, . Shovels, , Riffles, • , lloes„, .. Water Cans, KO, de., ever brought to this county. All of which I .have. made expressly to order, in large quantities, sb that they can ho sold at very low Mewl and warranted as reprenun td. i• The trade and cradle makers supplied at manufam turer prices, ht tho"cheap Hardware Stoll. of HENRY SAXTON, East Mehl St., Culled°. MOE The Confessions and Experience of an Invalid. • DUBLISHED for. the._bonelit-and as a warning and a caution to young tuerkwho'sulTer• from Nervous Bahian - Premature Decay, Bc.; supply-- hog at the same time theineane of Self cure. By one who 11118 cured hhnself after hang put to great expenee. through modleal Imposition and quackery. By enelo, sing a post paid addressed envidone, single copies may be had of the author, NA.1111,4110.1;11, YFAIIt. Esq.,„ Bedford, Kings Co., N. Y T r • Morel; 14, 18,62.—1 y . . • • TO FARMERS':.' '-'' ' '.'' ' - ':' . • IL T have boon appointed soloAftent j Or Cumberland.: county, for several now and auperlor mites or FARM BELLS, whichl an sidling at very reduced prices. Call find sJo them before purchasing, at the cheap. Hardware store of June i 3. 1 1 2.8.1:11.X.AGE tJJIt 4 I CLOTHS, CASSINUItiES, A. W. IIEtiTZ.. Scythes & Snaths. SATON