• e_tool_t_ef_rage, domestic and imported. Can not now be had. If the price of paper increases as much (lu ring the next thramonths as it has during the past three, it must have the effect of stopping Many papers which are now pub lished by political parties. merely for the sok° ,of having organs. It will also stop !o( .many other ephemeral publications, such as yellow covered literature, and even some papers that hold out will so contract their dimensions, by using smaller type, that the supply of paper will be found ample in a very short time.— Papers'so well established as to fear no re verse will raise the price of subscription, but in the end the smaller and cheaper publica tions will take their places. Taking these ! things into consideration, then it becomes necessary for everybody to assume the office of a domestic rag picker. Every one is inter ested in this; for although it my not be a I very lucrative employment, it will certainly do much towards keeping the price of paper from advancing higher. LOOK OUT FOR COUNTERFEITS.--Coun 'forfeit. fifty cent postage notes are said to be in circulation. The front side is n bad im itation, and the figures "50" on the bock are turned up side down. The " 50" in the corners of the front side have been stomped en separately, and the green ink used shows on the white paper through the back. SECOND AMU VA LI V I NusTON has just received his second invoice of Fall and Winter Goods: consisting, in part, of-a heavy stock of piece goods, which will he made up to order in a fashionable and substantial manner, or sold by the yard. In ready made clothing he defies competition, in price or quality, Cloths, Ca4simeres, Vestings, Satti nets, Army Goods, &c., in great abundance, and of every style and quality. Call and ex amine his immense stock before buying else where Teachers' Institute According to adjournment, the members of the Middlesex Teaclier.i . Institute met on Fri day evening Nov. 28, 1862, at Mr. (Junkie's school. At the appointed time for opening, the President called the house to order and an. nounced singing as the lirNt exerciqe in the order of the evening, which was performed by some of the teachers, after which a very fer vent prayer was made by Mr. Ileagy. Upon calling the roll the following mem. bers.wore found tibseta, J. Ruh', .1. W. Kerr, and J. W. Bentz After the calling of the roll, Mr. Stock ad dressed the meeting. Ilts subject was Chil dren to be trained fur Chad and or ('win/in, in the course of his addre=s which Mks well delivered, lie spoke to the great importance of training children aright, and then 4lit the present wicked tebellioa was the re.mlt of not training children ip accordance with his sub ject, ho showed in a number of instances the sad results ari'Sing from the neglect of this important duty, devolving upon parents and teachers, and thought a 'general ret urination in regard to this matter neccessary. Arinthetic'by Mr. Tripuer, was the next, exercise in order,—who gave his mole of teaching that branch by resolving 80111 e of the teachers into a class, this exercise caused a good deal of mirth owing to the apparent ignorance of his class, he however succeeded in effecting his purpose. After which Mr, ("tinkle exhibited one of his classes in Orthography and gave his mode of teaching that branch. the manner in which the class aquitted itself, reflected great credit on him ss a teacher. Mr. McGonigal next gave his mode of con duating Dictation exercises, through a class of Mr. Cunkle's scholars. After which Mr O'Hara took up the sub sect reading, after speaking of its vast impor. tattoo in connection with other studies, he proceeded to give his method of teaching that branch, together with his 'mintier of over coming the most difficult errors and improper habits which pupils are must likely to fall into whilst read tug, he closed by reading a selection )rum Wilson's 4th Ibeader, under the ,b xurrotc fur, ?/ic *ad. The proposing and answering of questions was the next exercise in order, is which the teachers nmnifested more than o.ual inter This is an exercise of great Wilily inasmuch as it requires a teacher to rend a great deal and search a great many dillu•reut. books in order to be Well enough posted up to answer such questions. It fliers err calls into tic tion and strengthens the lausilties of the mem ory of mind and reason, and It.t: a tendency of bringing out a vast amount of information and instruction. The questions proposed should he altogether of such a nature Ile to admit of a demonstration iu answering rather than a mere affirmative or negative reply. As no promiscuous business was on hand, singing the closing exercise was next admira bly performed by Mr. Cunklo's scholars.— The President tendered the thanks of the In stitute to the large alidience prestut for their presence and good decorum. On motion the Institute adjourned to meet again at Mr. liengy's school on Friday eve• fling Dec. 12, 1802 J. C. STOCK Pre,N , lent OEO. O'HARA'Secretary Monroe Teachers' Association According to adjournment the mionliers of the Association convened at School House, Dee. oth. 1802, at 10 o'clock, A. M. House called to order by the President.-- Minutes of previous meeting read and ap• proved. On callinr , the roll Messrs. F. A. Cain, S. Kline atoll). Plank were found to be ab9ent. Additions to the Ily•laws, impo ping fines upon all members who are not punctual in theirattendance and who refuse to perform duties assigned Riem, were adop ted. Selections were read by M 155 Carrie ]rock and G. \V. Reading was then discussed and the methods of teaching it given by Messrs. J. A Eberly, C. Richwine, J.'Bingaman, and S. P. Goodyear. Ad journed till 1 o'clock, P. AFTERNOON SESSION.—Miss Kate Gleim read an Essay'. No Oration, Mr. F. A Cuin, who was aPpointed that duty being absent, Mr. G. W. Titzel made a few remarks on reading. Parental co-operation was next discussed by a few of the teachers. On motion, it was agreed that the teach ers who had not spoken on parental co-ope- ration be required to rend seTections, where upon Messrs W. Clark, J Bingaman and U. Richwine, and Misses K. theim,l3. Culbert. sou and C. PMek read: At the request of the President the teach ers formed themselves into a class and read several pieces. On notion, it was agreed that Mental and Written Arithmetic be the subjects for dis cussion at the next meeting. The President appointed Miss E. Culbert son and Mr. S. Kline to •read s'•lections; Miss C. Enek,.Eisay; and Mr. F. A. Cain to deliver au Oration. The followina resnlu- Oen .was passed; Resolved, That the 'thanks of the Associp.. tion are due to Messrs Peter Brindle, John Gleim and Henry Bingaman, 'for their hos• pitalitieu to the members. kiljourned to meet at Giblor's School 1 - 100,i1, Dec. 20th, at 10 o'clock, A. M. S. P. GoonyuArt, Prat. To the Nervous, Of both sexes. A Retired Clergyman having been re stored to health .in 'a few days, alter many years of great suffering, is willing to assisp others by flooding (free,) on the receipt of a post paid• directed onyelon . l3 , a eopylbf the - pidserintiolf iaheil;" — Diraet JOHN LIAONA Lb, 186 Fulton street, Brooklyo, N. Y. Juue-4,181n,-Inl E4ttehelor's flak . Dye !—The Best • 14110-World! gWILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye plocinces a color not to be'dlstingulsited from nature— Werninted not to 'Wm.° the flair he the least viremedles the 11l effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the hair for lite. Grey, heal, or Itutfy 'lair instantly tutus is splen— did Blank or Brown, leavingthe flair soft.aod beautiful bold by all Brugglstp,Ae• • The genuine to signed WILLIAM A, BATCHELOR, on the four sides of e ich box, FAOTORY, No. 81 Ilarclny,Street, Now Volt (Cato Broadway and 16 Bond dtroot.) , • May 2Q, 1812-Iy' alairiailts, --0- On tho 4th inst., by tho Rev. E. 13. Wilson, Mr. SAM UEL lIONINIAN, on Mien CATLIARINE lIELLEIO, all of Clunhorland county. Al 011I's Hotel, nn tho 4th inst., by Rev. Jacob Fry, Mr. LEWIS 31181101', to Miss MAROAREr HESS, both of Westitennsboro' trop. On tint Panto dav, by the Ramo. Mr. 110WAISTD S. MY ERS. to 31irs KATE E. FORTN EV, bulk of South Mid dleton twp. peati 2 s. I=l On the 26th nit. , nt tho Trinity General Hospital, W. 1111,3011, D. C ROBERT 11. SPOTTSWOOD, (Co. A, 7th itegt. P. It. V C.o of this pine., aged yenrs. In this Borough, on the 4th instant. WILLIAM C. SPOT NIVonD, (lan 0 month, of Co. I. Ist Regt. P. It. V. C.Mmed 34 revs, U months, and 19 days. In CarliBlo, on the 7th inst,:mt, PATRICK DAWSON, aged 74 years. lu Now York, on the 3,1 inst., Mr. CHARLES BELT% lIOOV En, of Monroe township, aged shoot 34 years. In Monroe township, on the 27th ult. JOHN LA- I' I YE rrlt, youngest 000 pf Geo. IV. Pressel, aged isyrs and 24 tiny, In Carlisle, on the hth Inst., at the rebldenee of J. W Eby, : 4 0P/II A A. Ill.:NI/El, In the 57th year of her aRe Elje glarhtts. CARLISLE' PRODUCE MA RR ET. Reported weekly for the Herold by It. C. AV ootlworil. PLOW: (Superfine) do, (E•ttre ) do • RYE.. WHITE WHEAT... RED .. CORN OATS . It %If I,FIV BARLEY SPRING. lII,oVERSEED T1)1 VS EP Hew inuertisCMClltB WANTED. rilNvo school Teachers t(iwn ship. Apply to Admno , o, or, tit routreVlll, U. comht•r WANTED FIFTY COAT AND VEST DIAKERS, N ,t ir ; :t v ) l III I IIIC d ly tho ti ft ,y„,i goo appd w lug are 111!/1 . I 11.1%e gl,lll j1)/1. Literal wttg, 00111 I, paid. Apply rot ISAAC lAA INtISI'IiN'S Chithing Eu11;1.111111, North Ila rol,ver St. Ca: Hells, Dey. 12. 161.J2. FOR RENT, riiIIP, Store. 'Room on Main-St., lately ”.•cupit-i \ Ithaatn. as .1 COllleCtloll.lr i .Lo; a y•lning Chas .a,l),Cs ;sc., a. =I FOR. RENT IWILL, rent f n • min year from the Ist f April next. f ttt:f tt till I,ft, of (4'4.1,0. Fn wit° o l 0.1 haFt, Sido nt Soft It llgttft r QtrF•ot, nntv .4 1.1 d:11,111111. The 11..11[ 111.1151. ll.li tv/t parlor, :Ind •ix 1.1,1 r.1i.111 li:1 , 1,1 , 1111.1111T. 0•110,1 IPlllillg It' oin ilrltPll. and 1112 :Oh t litqn. Thero Is 3 val it•ty 1,211 inn Illy pl.ln,sys. EMMEEMBEI U. S. TAXIS. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS ! E I,ists of the Assistant Asse,sors rL land will br, "lien fur Hi , . 31 tliii iif the I ;th 1/11ki,i/l. in lintle t. 16 rough, il.lOll the to 010 2 , •th both • ' Ai'irEALS „ ill lei heir nt the 1. illowi ;111,1 plittios • First.—r•or Ili, hr... No, 11 nod IQ, iiiittiprii.ing tho townships or 11.thiolon, I:. Perinshoroueli. I. Allot,. `lloor I • iip r and :hi , Ili loiniesleirg and .sevr Chinovil.lllll nt !In. °dire of the in Nlooliiiiiiisihurs. on lio till, nod loth days of Janintry. ISIIII. - 13,, compri.ll/14 111! 101111 , 111 p, )11lilii Fidnlsf , 1 . ..1111 ntpl /jvlsinsitti, and Lill! iilii , /11211 ,I , llnle in 111, Ill i , /ltii, ill 1m and 131.14. tl,t ) s .I:mu -111, Third —For Inv N0.16,,,,npri.1,,g t h. tow,,hip, of ,liippenshun:. Snot Innnpton. Nr,. 11111. llopnwv II and 1111111 n. and Hippe-tn-Inng. anntNnn Lou,, roughs, on trio. 11U, nod 1:11.11 .Innunry. Thu ,inesLion ill In ,I.•ttn mi.,' 1.111 Api,/ rt-sprot- Ing Lha tnlunllon nr ohp•ois orina.itl,n. „ la, I•r Ito, twt „ port ism o "the,. valtutti , t, li, 1111 , i11 , 1110L, .11/.1 heti., the h.. t All appeal:, must 1,0 Ili i. 0 wrltin..; flu ',Articular ~,,,,, w,tt••r rc.pect tug lurk a drri.um is nalur 0,1; And, •t:,fc Iltrk groutid or inciple of iticlualit.) or crior II 1114rp. I , t).\ DiqUirt. Venlisylvinlrt X - r (11 . 1C1:].--i.et tot tjr !II iiiitra 11 ti,, th.• I I P.otkll4ll ,‘ his 1,2: 1..•.• the Ite,,i,t,r ,pf fain Lei 1.1,1 rc.11111.. t, the the `AT': ht.]. t., I t,l Ef.• lop ”1,.. Iti I (11.••••• /13,111, I la .111 , t, h, ill duly :t uthen. , e111,111 , ,L [0 lIIKI N( yr ter. T,st jinoot...y t.ll th I•SUILI` nottlllall.ll.l..zi. tnte of l peer ‘ll., lloYl4lllll, h.lee been the lie-. ol ....linty, fl 11.1..1,10....1 to the ...Aloe iiship. All pe. sons knowing tlotillsolvos tw nu.l to.t Ate w ill not), itilintollitle pAy nleu t, aioll tilose having claims will pre.ietiL them properly ituLlientl....tw I lor stittleinent .11.1: 4 ,1•1 / , BIL)IA.N, I r'' =ME I'I;HsTED E ADS. I DIN , rED I:A Its FEET. Flt HsTED FEET. HANDS FIDIsT!..D HANDS. 1.1(.4),TED FIDISTEI) e(lebrated Embroentiim fur frost ! 4.41 h.... pot up In it b rut IV hid) 111:Ikefi it come, within (he re.i.•ll of all. A rut (tin cure fur Frost bitu or Chilblain. Is a prol'euiliti ior Ow, , nniulallits. it is invaluable Full ilirurtions aor..01?.(113.1.11111 114 u. at OM,' for the tance, !Iv I'll , lo,lng To loity fiso 1 . 1111 tint .• park ago soot to them fret. of nil Ito tlior 1/1` I' pro itty NV. Cll. lli ii )I,lrkol tit,, 1.1111.5. [ - Urr. 19, I.' 2_-1, I Li.usTRATEI) SCIENTIFIC A3l t:IIICAN. The Best Mechanical Paper in the World 1:1011TEENTII YEAR 13=1 V NEIV volume or ibis popular Jour ]: mil conlinenres on the first of January. II in puloislool weelfiy, and every unroll, contains sixteen pages of useful 111641111100 n. 11111 i from 11r0 to tOll or igi -1131 I.llgrllt trigs of now ilivellll4lllS awl ilisisrveries, ill of which ire prepared expees•ly fir its e.,!l111113h. Tu the Mechanic am! Yannpretarer No pe•rso n vtlgtigt•il In any of the man tifueturlng puisuits nhould think of ^ doing wlthoul" the :Iclentllle American. It e .nt,. but nix coots per week; every nuinhor contains from p‘ix to ten engrav ings it new nimMitu•F: and inventions, which eau not be found ill any other puhlieuLlon. TO lite Lt ten tot. The Scientific American is Indispensabl6 to every In- Will or. 101 it not Only v,ntalns illustrated descriptions ul ne lily till the Iwnl, Ins rations as they rim, out, lint e,silt number contalm, an Official List of the Clalms of all the ['meets issued from'ilie United States Patent Office during the weak previous; thus giving ii correct, history of the pi ogress 01 Inventions In this Culla try. We are also receiving, every work, the hest. scientific Journals of limit Britain, Prance. and I.lermany ; thus placing in our possession all that is transpiring In me chanical silence and art In these old countries. We shall continuo to transfer to our columns copious ex tracts from those Journals of whatever we may deem of interest to our readers. A pamphiet insolleCOß as to the best mums of ob• taining Letters Patent on now Inventions, is furnished free (di application. Messrs. MUNN k. CO , haVO nettnl no Patent Solicitors for more than seventeen years. lu connection with the publication of the Scientific American, and they refer to ~ .111.000 patentees rot. whom they Maly' done business. No charge In made for exatulning sitetchesand models or new In von thins anti for advising Inventors ao to theii patentability. - Chemists, Architects, Millwrights and Fa rn.i ers The Solentific Anwrioan will be found a tenet useful journal to them. All the new, disetworice In the solution of chemistry two given In Its columns, and the interests or the architect end Carpenter orb not , overlook° ; all , the new inventions tied discoveries appertaining to tines pursuits being ptiblishod from week to week.— Useful end practical Information pertain:rig to the in terests or millwrights and mill-owners will be found In the Scientific American, which Information they can_ not possibly obtain front - any other source. Subj.:lota in which farmers are interested will be round discudted in -the Scientific Auterienurninst-fir-thwimprovementelw agricultural Implements being illustrated in its colunitul !rmrus.--To moil sultairitatrib: $3,00 a year: or. $1 for . 1 four mouthy. Tim volumes tnilllllll.lllCo on the first of J anuory and July. Sidadriten.appins will 110 mitt 61911 0 I Western and Canadlitu money to any pelt of tiro country. or Poet Ofliee stamps taken at par rue subscriptions, MUNN k CO., Publishers, :Sy Pork Row, N. Y December 12, 1802. . . FOR RENT. TWO STORY — BRICK HOUSE +', extensive Melt Ituihilt h is, lar g e pod and tt i Motet variety of fruit, s ituated en thinnyer went nide ; Into the residence of Anditive dee'd. En q uire on the premises. Carlisle, Oct. 31,180'1-8t- The Nymber for January, 1863, begins the Eleventh Volume,of the Atlantic Monthly. 17110 the commencement, in 1857, the Atlantic Monthly has rapidly inerea. , ed itt el, Ciliation, and it now has the largest class of readers since It. beginning, five years ago. Ilsprospgrity stead ily augments, anti it continues, amid all the fluctua tions and dangers Incident to our national ethos, to gain giound in the o,Lilnenlio, , or the nubile. At a tittle xo pre,nant with events nil, la touch the future dm-U -tah a of America In every yatal particular, the Publish. ere and Editors do not deem it necessary to priunise that Its pages will never swerve from fhe honest paths of loyal patriotism and universal freedom. Ito opin ions have always been on MI, Mile of Liberty. Progrecs and and the course it first adopted in Its early career will ever be faithfully maintained. Tli E sTAFF triIITERS, regularly contributing to the Atlantic' Monthly, embraces all the bust known writers In A inerlean literature, and woirauts the Pub lishers in promising to its readers, TILE ❑P,Sf ESS %I•.<, TIIE sTontrs THE REST POEMS, Vl,lch American talmit can produce. In Prose and Poetry the " Atlnntie" Staff of iVriters is unequaled. 'Flor following author:, tare still among the regular rout, ilintors: .ia,neu Russell Lowell. Honig, S 'finned, Henry 1 1 : Longfellow, Henry Hilo', Louis 4gittddr.. NV.iltor Rniph \Valtlit Emerson, Healy T. Tueherinan, Nathaniel Haw thrtt no, Mr: Jr Beet her Stowe, C. I' ell. Hart lot Martineau, T. NV. Iliggito.rot ('hnrleo 't r ade, 11Irn. Julia IV Howe. - 1 . 1.0 Country Parson," Mrs .1 I) 'l' Whitney, Rosa Terry. Wirer 11'. Ilttlllien, Iltirriott E. Prescott, John 11.1Vhittier, II Io rL'l'. S. Lowell, It. P. 11 higgte, nl. 'l"rrittebridge, Bayard Taylor, 'Edward St eiett. Charles E. Norton, fees. A. I) IVhite, Author - 11nrcHtt llowth" John \Veit, I)_The forogoing Iles includes the lending write; sof Amorlett. Todt,).—The .ltlatitle Is for sale br all Book and Perl• °diva] dettlorn Price eta n point., Su Set tiWitt .) for the rear s3,otb postage paid. Vent ly sitla,riptitois ~mined. or 1.1111411,111111111:11, 1-111/1111‘1 by a , /y dealei, or by the tittlitit.hets. Sporinoot numbers sent gratis 011 111,11111'M 101 . 1 to till 1.1.11/111.110114.• C.trlislo, Doc. 12, ISG2 11U ..l I I 110 I lie I m 1.1,10104 for , mb,rrilthlg. List, of dc, f Lit 0 , 1.41 so am..hittion I • the r. \ k IVashingtoti St wet, liu.too, NlnsN. December 12. I)ttsir:thle resitletwe sit uutteti on South k •treet, in tLI. 14•too1,11••1 ••••, nrd I. ) .1.1•:•1 '• 111 I ill . 111..1111'5. C;l . , C. I,lllli. I. I. 0111. Oi thv In , .t Ir-i r.lldn iolvAto r,i tlt oil I li•• n 11 ‘1•1 •.,••• ••r largi• all,l . ;ar.l 4.,() , 01.11. 4 , •'• For re'rlt flaw N . 11 1 .0 i H51....1, 01 II 11l Co s•• 1•1 reason:ll.k Appli to It'l‘ 1 1 I () I, A 111 A I N the It. 1111.111 NI. 1 . 10,i dont .41....1et0ttf 1110 ...., eral '.nuts ..1 Commie; 1 1 1.. a, ..; ecttntivs of Cond., land. l'etr Si,,l .1 11.1i.11.0. 311 Jostle,. of the oral Volirlo of 01,.1 and . I . ol.lnhter .1 lli•neral dnil 110111 - 01. omit 0101 jinn. NI, 1''0 . l: mill 11 , 11 111 1.0 : 4 IC 11.4, .) tilt• C. ,1 / 1 1. I , yt•t- ;1 , 1 otinri 1 1011 ..11 .1.. ill 11011. for thi• trial in 111 , 11dt:11 nod of io.; 01101010,, st. said .•..1111t. orl'on.lo.l find 1. 11101 r ft... 04.1 , nor oli ret•ta..l, dated Ilti• loth I ham, ot .10, thl , t'onte 11i11511, ,',g 1. , 1.0 10.1,10. ..t 0-1,1, lin 'Ow 40,..01 5 1• 1 5 \ January. 1 , 01.1. 11.••.11, 11,012 th cla I ttt 10 o'clovk in the forenoon. to ruu slu we two tv....1........- N 0 1 .1 1 11: 111%11E14V 1.5 0. till. 1'10 , 0'1•1'. .10C. trieeS 01 !111. 1 . 0040. 01111 C.01 , 101,1t, 1.1 the 4.4141 I , olllt tholll.olle 0.1, that the,. aro 1.). 11;0 , nl.l 000;11 noin.lo,l to 110 1110 n and the, in thoir with Choir roll., r0..0.10, 05 nolo II ion , and . thor vnnonhi..o.oo4. .1.. t h. , " I 111. h to th..ir .1111001' appool,lll to 1.0 .1...110, :0,1 all Lilo,. that art. I...tend 1., 1 1 111 th.. that a.• [hot; .41;01 10r in thl. jail 0011111. y,, ta. he 11101.0 to in iinnn 0 , , 11.111 1. lII= JAS IL A tCy. for own, EVERY BODY TAKE NOTICE, WE, LErDicii, \VYVR i :‘111,1,1•At, Eaqt )I.lin St , 1 , 111• rrozn ti tli;s 11 401. variety and can nut be , Ii) egt i11111 , 0111,1S .1 1 / 1 1111' , ..14 P hiU 11:111 , m 111 )1.•1 hi,. L:1 , 111 1111.1 . ,. 1.1111110. , .. 1%.1.n , . V.lll . 110111/4, A (kill ns,ortiii.•llt -1 very an,1 . 11:41100 I. a lare -11pply t , f Black loh !ought thu ad,.110 .” ice Having the exelt.lie ;o2rnry jr this Wave, or one of the Int gest manitlLot ill t hod ..str inent 101 :1101 ills. Itit” , l st Nil,. ft lit, 1' a Cloalo• fion. la , t Sl• 1 , 1.11 ,1 il rr ill t II A‘l 1,, all Iciod. and Ladlus, is:E, atstl ir %Ik , t..lson to TVIOUB.NXINTO- GOODS, 1t,,,.• Neils. I p ti•n, )14.tit 11 ttg \ tqls, , : 4 113, , 1.. dr A 1111111•.,11 impovvolt•ttlq: Ices, NVuulen 11111,1. k. all At• Men's and Boy's Wear, Itlll.l , ,f I, 10 1111110•1.., ,11111 i, „H LI .k. , I;kk 11,,•112 . 11 11.• , •:1 , •11 11 1 • , o• 1•113 IN I“111t , 1.1.0 (II.• 1.1)1 , 11.. 1.11 , ~%•• t;,. ktr,ln:My t tLrin 1;1 . :11)1C11, 8.1 yrit t.i.t:ll. 11 , 1, 1)01 1862. 1:E.111, Alziii .1i RI Valuable Town Property\at Privata SalP. rill' I E :41;1Heribor off ors at pri'vate, sole, Tol‘ 11 Propo.rt v, , nl 11 th • hr.! tho liar 1,1,14 pp ,-1,4• 111, t• I: NI lit• 11- 10 , 01.111.1cd 1.11 the ue-t I, n 111111.. the unrlll lov N.old, au 1 1111 the cant try It In !lell c,lLaituttg Tlte other Lot i. on Ile too Ilk o est 4 , 41.4 of I' LI t lie elol what 4, 14 •• .1 . j an Ing ..r 14 , 1411 N 141,4 on the ton 111, nod Pet... rll.llir 011 lilt: tiunth, vont:lmill Th rqr ale voly Lot, an.l are ',ell th the el pttrelm,r , . I.ot term, aiel elle., I i.•U enquire .10S. U. 11.11,I1E1:T. pgeeinher T 0 NV N It 0 1) F., 1Z On 1),(, 19, ,Issiglice of :NI ichael \11,6,, nri Int !midi • b,t.11 The inbove tla), the toile, litr V. 1111.111111 TO,ll l e is eerth, rr Ivo OUT—LOTS, on lhn mirth ki Ir of the I', I. ' , no!. In the Il .rough of It 1,10. atila Ili on !amts 1(11!/.a ho. Nl. Ahl, ain.l Polar :pater, ,kettaining (.1 los% A hi., all that red. :tin ;ow of BRICK HOUSES, , strevl ton in mullion.. More 11401, ~Ire ban! of Brink and first I. I.lr alatel tuts, ate tf‘o stni in grand part .n rip• town and otter great Induromenle Io those tlennlie ennihetahlo homer. July to be held at the Gala ital., la said itia . ”llol. at 10 o'el•,e1:. A. :si, of raid d“ ) , ,ohuo terms will be IlltRIO known by DA NIEL ECK ELS, Asslolea. Carlisle, Deo. 5, 1852.—1i6 1)li MAC SA LE OF REAL '1•:S ON FR I D .11", Decemher 19, 1862 Th. sole:villa, %kill offer at puLhc iek le, ini Ella above (lay, at lloover'i. Tavel a. 111 )leelianlesbufg, the fllow ing ileii•wlliet/ heal EM1l:1110 815.: No. 1 A tract of Land, situate in Sil ver Spring tnwnchip, 1 tivin )Iciilutnicidiurg. north a tho Spring rood, bounded In lands or Il ilinaii, Brow unwell, llohlt and D. Mud, containing --, 'h 2 .ring thereon of•ected n gond two -3 N.. -- 1 ., ,tory Fit A3l IS m H HOUSE, a all AUN r ir t, :ta , . nod other oeres.nry Out ',WWI ngs 11 Win . A 'WNW 1111}1114 WPII Ilf good water 11p011 the promisee. Laud 111 of at prim° totality, In n gaol nolghhor hood, nod oilers partt,nlnr Induct:mauls to any porch trusting n ,m,,rorb,i,io home. No. 2. Two lots in the Borough of mo chnNietamrg„ numbered 2J4 and 2.0. Those lots are sit• noted on the north went, corner of South Market street and Simpson rood. adjoining property of David Long, and having thereon erected a two story woatherboard• ed HOUSE with Dackbuliding, it good STABLE on the premises. To thin property belongs a neater right to the Well on Market etroot. Thu house to now occopiod by IVni. Melly. , Aug further Infornmtlon ig meg n•d torlbese proper— tieil may Inc had of David Landis, Sr., rostding upon tract , No. Salo tei roinsionco at 10 1 o'clock on sold day, Nihon 711 7 , 44 will be made known by DAVID MILLER, .7r, Len. 5, 7i1112-37 FSTATE NOTlCH.—Letters of Ad , joilnlstratlon on the estate of Mrs. Mary lllegtilloch, late of SlllPpensburg, 'dee'd. having 'loop issued by the Ilegieder Co..l.o.lll.o.aulaicribur, riaddiugin l'unn tp notice le hereby glven'to all persons Indebted to said estate to make 'payment, and those haying elalms to present them duly autliontleated Tor settle- mon t to Nov. 28, 18f52-6t, NOTlLCE.—Letters of Ad tui nistratio» on the estate of Henry 'Rupert, thle'd., lute of Penn township,' have been Issued by . the ltogistur of Cumberland County to the ands rsigned residing to the RIIMV township. Notice lo hereby given to nil prrrons indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment.— Those having chilies, to present them duly authentic:L. tett for bottle:moot to Howard it lglort, or Pirkinvon'tp., or to CAIIISIt I Nit CUvEnT, Nov. it, 1562-61. ' • Adinex. Wood. Wanted at .this ;Ofke-.. The Atlantic Monthly BEGINNING OP A NEW VOLUME =I For Sale or Rent JAS. IL Agt. h r the t.or ENE BEIMIESIIMEM 'WINTER GOOD, CIA).\ KS! ()11, CI,(17'11 5 A,ye.: mut' 109 Prichrs More 'I , SS Public Sale of Valuable 9 Acres and 119 Perches, JOHN T. OH ERN, Administrator Now - Photogrtiphic anti A.iiib'ib'typo Gallery. L. LOCHNIAN is happy to inform C. hls numerous customers, and the public 'gene. rally, that ho has removed his establishment to his New Shy-Light Callow, In the building (coupled by Mrs Neff, an a Millinery Store, oppo.itu the Cumberland Valley Bank. Mr. Lochman is now able with his splendid light, and the addition of new and expensive apparatus, the very best manufactured, to•produco PHOTOGRAPHS, CARTES DE VISITE, AMMO- TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE OF PICTURES, equal to the best 'node in Philade!phi?, or NOW York. Pictures can ho taken now equally woll in cloudy as In clear weather. Daguerreotypes nr AnThrotypes of deceased pbrsons copied. enlarged. or undo Into cartes de visite. Carlisle. Nov. 29, 18112. RIEGISTER'S NOTICE NOtICE is hereby given to all persons in terested, that the following accounts have been filed in this office by [be accountants therein named for examination, and will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Cumber land county, for confirmation nod n...owonce, on •Tuesday, the 2:3,1 day of Derember, 1862. 1. The gnardian..hip account of Thomas 11 Br:, son, guardian or T. 11 B. McGuire, a mi nor sari of James McGuire. 2. Th. , first ;till final ,Iceotint ofJohn Phil lips, admitti:-trator 4 Peter Phillips, late of Silver Spring town,hip, doe'd. 3 The ILeeount of 'llo.mos n r y son , ex ecutur of the loot will nml tettirnent, of Sand. 11. A,lnins, late of the 13oreugh of Mechanics. burg rivird. 4 The first an 4 fin•rl necoent or Al.irggret Ilickernell, sulieinisiret ix of Thomas F. 114.1:erneII dee'll. 5 Tbc ti rsi and rind :10001`111 of 1_).1 , 1 ittfillintsihttor of .lottles ',Colbert, late of EA,11,1.11u , 1),,t."' it) \vtlBl.ir. G. First rind linal account i.f John 11 , ibh, allimitikirator of ,loves, lute or Silver sin otto-hilt, doc'd. 7 Tho first and li oceotint of J. Ilurr Ittiddig, one or t th e i„., t w i ll tesi.,..crit of Lc ilia Ilerlc, deo'. 8. Giuu net,titll 01 Levi llevkle, gunt . ,lta .\ goo, U. l'r.iin, now Agnes I' t (Plot, gr,lit.lll.nughter or .111.x.intler late of I,lllr rownBhip, 9. Thu , account Of Joh I/ It CO"Ver, execu tor of the Itt , t will and testament of Ilarittira Ural], late of Upper .11It 11 township, tieCtl. IU The , itutrdiln , lllll ovuoinit of Jahn c.• utinh q ,, ut Ft.tt.ctit A. Cullterti2ott, are alrgi•loi'y OfTic, :22. ISG2 AUDITOR'S NOTICE, ri 111111 , .\ll'llllll ;Illlu,inlod I I•t•1.t• 1..1 , .1. 1111 It 1 . ..0, or. `I I , .11 I [Ale Llotitt=t , l lthpititAul.itt•tt , t2/1 I .11 , -!.. -t Eli, ttl ,:t ;1 , 1, t , ; tt 1.1, Mt!llike I' 11l 'lll A utlitttr. READING RAILROAD, 4 •4.t W N l'E Ft ARRAN 1; E\ I EN' T. E.\ ' Fr 1/111 11'0111 tllO Ind No; (1).1% o• , 1 1 , No‘n I s).l I 0 ,, t01n. Ac. r•in, vhii Noll. ) I.rh. RI`.1:1),, PO( ~ 1110. n tl,l all iii, 1111111,1 tr A \ I . :11,1 - (IA I. N I , I. ,1,1,111, at (or., ,it 11..1111o• • Imo mornill,2 11.11 . 110,11.4, Ins NI., I I k tt. Phila• r 1111,,i211 ot I , 1. \I , 12 7 I' \I l'ltllolelphia nt in IO I. \I . :111 , 1 .3 , I' \I •lo 11,0 No,, to .1,1 Irolo Sk I I,llt I'll3ll, icy 11.• kallll.l , I.• . 111' L ,it .1 , for 11111.11t•Ipliki and all int., 111, at •I.'i3 l' )1 , r New York nll.l ell IV. 141,1‘ I . :41,.111v :0 III:, A 2(t0" P. NI., f u r and Nt...‘ uu I'. NI., It', tl• I•tirr. ,111.1 l',rl rhut. I I t.. 1 flue 11 ro.r lit) !Sit , 130 . '- rt•turniir . , 11,11 •,( 15 A \I . I r l'• Pp, • Lit Irares at .1111 I. 'I \ II 11111 .I,llly. ~ t lll,l3ssexrept,l k It•• 11•, :It. 91 .1. , ,111,111 i • , 14 1 .'1'.\ TV, N ( E. t. , t. tt, 1 , It t•.,L..• o.i I r.11.1.1..1,1 tt pip 11. 1.. ,:.-1 . 1,1 , 0 ...•,1 -stied I.) iII Ft.tiOd Ili 1 , .w,..hip AN p•• 1. inlietp•• Sn - ,1 - o=l .- rt - rrrr - cv,t3,l - tr , ' , Tr - 1111117 , TM r, c:.111115I t,r •rt I Is illl.llt I.i J I=l 21. 1Y.2.-1:II \. ' l ' N O'l' I ( LA .!-1:11.3 of Samuel 1-1 . I.ill. ..1 111 t, 1, I nrl.l ~tiro 1, tlo. .1 . 1 Ir 1. , . , 11.•.1 1,1 iln. ti.. 51111,11 , , rl•st•ltit, ni S:1•1111 I.,),,nstup All t•i•i, •11-- I it. t.. 1 I,Llio lin, • I.l'll IP 1‘ tn., L. .111, 1111, 11.1111/, :•111111% 11111 1111• , 'Ilt i. 1 ,111 I:1 11101,) :1,11, 1,1:1,0 1 1, 1 1 ,•1,11 1 •- 1111.111 Lit lIIIMEIIIMI ()Ti(l.: is 1,, , r(.1.1). givcn 111 an inten i_ll Itauk of Dinkmint..l)i•jp.sa and I t: i• 111 , , t',i• n , I t•ntaleti •'.\u .t ,•tt•tu n't•i• A' . ." .1/ 1.11,10i.•111,11 , :`,lltl 1,111, .•allt•t1 "I .11 I'Lltri.r. • 0. he I,,tlet. tho u.lt 11. Utlllll , ..lialltj ..1 "II” 11 undt...l T1J..t1,111.1 to 1,•• .1111th••1 Ha" two thi•usankl tl-11.at s 1-.2 6111 'FOR RENT. rilil ~fiers for relit the store and D,1•11111,.1s/ 'l.llll S 1 . 1 . 1,1'1111Y I , t l - 1,11 , 1,1 L. 1. • 1,1.1111,. Dit..ll. ; g •• I I= 11-`'... - V1 GOODS AGAIN, Nuw 01 ),4„in g oi2,ilLy's chenp cash stele. :mother lot et IVintt r Dry, n , w •:y Itandnento, hot Oral t-Idt tn. %%oh' Hood,. nod l lute! sire,. itt Lel %mkt tt rlt 1,1 tlotels for t'lltiltetCs mear.l'l.lt I lln for 1,1.11o:3(1o:tits, CLOTHS AND CASIMERES 3/111 MI) d wear: with n Trent vnri, , ty Lill 111111113 MA awl sill l.e ',old at Ills very rst pal'ss !or IMMEI!II=III4 BOOTS; de. SHOEIS ‘ Fl) 1, I, assortment of 31en atpl ]3oys' . 1 _B.A., end i•li WS. suite bid 14 , r Int, AV later AIM, 1 atiio. , and Nii ,, 1.,..4 II:11111 tral Hooters. Children's hoots of ell liltulit. Itediesand tit:taken:it sil UM I), er Shoes. Nly old cut.L•ritot es and ell in want of good end .heap Bilotti and ,hues. it ill 1110:ISO Vail — find 0.1111110 the stock, Ittifortt purchasing ,Ittin sti set, utterly oppunlie the Depot. I= GROCERI ES G ROC FA RIES r r Eun 'ersigned would call the atten 4, don of qhu publja, to the foot that hi) Brill keeps on harm on oxtemivo nt.fiortauent or FAIVZIVE" CrROCERIES, nn the South-east corner of the Public Square. where the public aro it:vital to t 111 and examine a stock ~ t 1/ teals, which., In elegance, a slay ond - extent, will defy companion; comprising it part Oar, lump. crushed and brown SUGARS, ,lava, Rio A basted 0, ,F -YEE. Every variety and duality 01 TE A. ..a 3 Mgr Spiscs, (ground and um/round). Pickets, j/igHIPII 6 ; 'fable Sauces, blo heir Orleans end. Seger 1 i 1 house Molasses, Nnii York X; Philadelphia ~i , , F a - Syrups. Cheese. Corn Starch, Farina, Cho volute, Extract of Calico. Refined Suor, Washi,ug and Baking Soda. Tobacco and Segura of the/Pleat (virility. A beautiful assortment of tit ilannia Ware, plain and gold band 'China Ware, (ass Ware, Queens, Stone and,Earthon Warty, In great variety, an elegant lot of. Fancy Soaps, Extracts and Perfulnery for the tollut. MCI rr! including Peaches, Raisins, Cranberries,' Dry Avpies, Citron, Almonds, Oranges, Lemons. 1 ' ( LIQUORS: Wholesale and retail, ...; 4 . i t n e t y b r j a l c n l ig 3k .4 , 1 , common tr, a n a n d d o l u tllt y o L l i l' LI s t ; 1, alt,___,, V Sherry Port;Milerla, Ol d . gar; bah' a bit % - cF,l,Vi ii „ . .. and Muscat Wham In casks and hot. O.IE, Seateu M lilskok, Holland 01n, and SchOldatn Schnair A Is rgo stook of LAM Pil , lwicluding Drott's celobrsi,ed lamps for burning lioinserie or coal ;',ll, also Sperm, I'lno, Lard and Coal 011, Burning Fluid, Sporn, and Star Candie B.— . • CEDAR-WARE AND Int° M Brush., ltoporq Mopps, Soaps, Uunr•nuttc, Walters, Looking-glasses, line letter and note, paper, Willow Waro, painted bnekcts. Uottoultnd woollen hose, and half Hose, and a full stock of Gloms, including the well known Hanover, Buck tilevos. • Marketing of all kinds' token in exchange fon goods, Carlisle, Nov 160 r. LOCHMAN'S I; A h''.!/13frr. =MEI !ME 11 ' 1111 IS,srs , :tssn TS 1,111 all i5. , 51.1. ss =I NOTICE El= I= CI! AS. 01311,11 Y, Tt ustito FISH AND SALT _CLOAKSt CLOAKS! tir usT received from New York at oariENPrimo a: SHEA l'Elt'S ew and Cheap Store, a beautlbril assortment of new and desirable , CLOAIMS, which will be sold low. Persons be} log from tie will have the satisfaction of knowing tiny aro getting a nee• Cimtk. no we never kept Cloaks before. ronsequent. iv could not have any old stock as ether. have to lay over front one t.eason to another. We sul.mit our stock to the public fur examination and feel emilldent we can undersell any house in town. C. RIM FI ELD k SIIHAFEIt, Ono door west of time County Prison. Carlisle, Nov. 21, 1802. CARPETINGS, A NEW lot. of Carpets, bought for gLensh al nortinn, now opening and selling low for cash, at tho cheap htorc of =I =4 PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. ()n FRI D A)", Do:mho. 12111 18G2. 911111 E subscriber, Assignee or henry . 1 Rupp, will sell no thr above t1:13 - . Ile the prenihieg, in 8111renianstoa u. Cumberland co., the toile, lug lien! Estate, 11/.... No. "I , HOUSE ANfl LOT, In The lot Is 511 loot front. on Nlain street, Iv 15 0... t 10 1100;11 011 iillillt011; hounded on th Nsialt hv 11 11 11;10y. 11 11d 011 the Sarni. Pitons. 'the house is a tIVIY two story !trick lions°, usedas a Ins oh Ye:, son I aini Ha a largo awl eons nnallotis store root, 'Ph,: Whys 101i1411115, on this lot or,',, two story Shop, 2i br Is tort, soil n stalll ling I 1611%1. MI `t.:l' 'rho sly, moon Ilro now oct•opiod by thiniol Etipp No. 2 A lot front hitt on the loansly.lon the South ly No. I, tat the East by No. 11, and on the , l'est st roo h 711 feet front hrt depth; hat log thy, nut orostial a doubly two story plas toed 11i.a.1127Z ZIOUSEI, I".•et lon • by Si feet deep, h IV jpg abh , ll,ll so and linrhen t.n•lnal The ontiontldlosN are u Coeper Stit, and Staidr. No. a. A Int tronting on the Itallin Lonna I/11 I ht. 1101 th lip the LLi ih id. on the ~Ist h.• No I. and nn West by N 0...!, but in t thereon el et•ted a nee, tw., btu y BlilCK II 0 USE, rot (Galt t , n Oho 17(.1 , , I GI Ittt-t. d r op. 1V.1.,-11- Itousti and 7 Ittlklt• art• 1110 o t ttio t tj.i t t t r, No. I I 1.... 1..G11.1-.1 to! tl 11.1-111 Ity Hitt littiltott , l, t,lO Wth.O. hy Nlk ID , t-ost, I.s S molt I 'I 11, t.toltalt, Ikottt I ttortts. No. 5 A ttt. 10,1,1 , 4 U1(.11.1 . 1111, str'ta•t. 5h till , f• 011111 by nn ,1111.. Y, t.11 . t IP' 11,1 by Np. the wo,t, by It taitt, 111.rt , at t•re. tt , l t ,:ory lug T,lOllll , 111,11 s. iJofi. ,\ lot 1 .. , 0.1 , 1-4 P ' , l ho a., alit., on 1).• onst I , y 1,,v 11 . 4.10, , Ptll It 1.1. ti iain stata.t, rot Iln• 1 y 11 u 1 11.‘1 , :ry. In•tu is .1 tl cll ou 141 , 14 Nu 7. Thc 1111.1111c.1 Tr 0,1 Lahti. 1...611.1 -.I 1 ,, ,v5: chi t ht. 41 , 1 1. , P , Irr 1!.‘• .11.4 the 1,3 Van 11, 11 - , 11,-1 111 I . , u th.. n , .,11 II au havirl•lll,, , , mt•clt..l at I•otve ric'i Mill. r•,•! 11. , , :1 \later at..l ...1 11 1,111,1 :121'i 1111p11 , 1,.1.4.al 1.. In uue. Al,. a 11..1...1.1,, Brick Dwelling, Tlik.ll, t , , iu .lit ~ z.• n.E4 11 -11 111 \11 1,• 1 , a , 1.• Shirotivt,lf .11 .1,1 Ir 11.1tri , I.Iii-g I I,- 1,1“1,0119. 11i11 1,0 CA, 1111 MI," Irl I. 111 `.11:1 1 111. 11:1 .1 1,V11. I,lll' 1.11. 1111111•11 rs 1 1 .11 1• 1 1 111 1,111/ 1 1 1 11 1.1 1 . 919111 tiv 1111911 e 111. E 11 I.f On 11,111 IE=IIIMIII SIM ()TIC tel'S 1/1 . .11111111i! ! .., JOHN FAR2IRA, :.;'. f' ; :' i. , NN'\ , i ,it i ., : w i t : i.,i.ii l i:ll l :,, ; ,: l ll l ,: : :: : ,l l ‘ l ti l l t t,hi 1.: 1,11 . ,:1 : : ' .. 5..-1.• ifktii 1 M PI) it Tr It ANT) ,k., 4,?4 , , , .t(..;114,,,,,,i-,.,„ . h „ . , : jt,,,./.,,,.,:.;;,,,.,:„. i, .t 1, 1, ''-' 11 ,M, '!v , :._ - -.(. ) I(1, , ~...„1 ; . *NeA',W:V4" -.-0.:-,,-i::,'.. 1, r Ladies a l, d (A tl • ib 4,4 71,1:,\06 dun's Wear. A;. 4 , r ~ t.AaTtr. • \ ;! l, , 1 .1 e,l'lyo Wly t o Iny , , . r > r t c - 7 , : ~ 2 ,- -.1?.1 11111 sm-1,1.1 , 1iti _____ _.,:f ::: : :::: - ‘ 7 ,:;" -} l . . , tt 11 tit, that. I I. v.. In stoe. otie tit Inmost and twist beautiful lissertulevits it all Ll • uls and ilu. of FA i(•}' fit ItS, for I.ail6is' suit CI) 111,'1 . 5 Werll . , ( h•tt It 111 I i worn „write, Ibis Fall and 1% inter :kly Furs a err parvla.o.l in I.lolope, fatal - on, to the riot in Stvrlllaz Exrhano., anti lint. Now Daly I Inpnood on all Fars. I inportarl salvo t in ,, first of A agast. I woul.l also stale, that as lout UN my stilt laStS, Will , 11 -o 'r it at ',rives proi...rtioaall• In in hal lha goods cost zno: lad.. It 1%111 inn Impo,ible fir me to Imam t nati I,l,llll.tettiro nay. morn Fol., and nail [ham :It tle rime prl , ms.l . llllng t) the o: the affairs of llto ('. , an try. Roarinbrt Mr in Imr inaus'ar, and slicet .101 IN FAREI H A, 719 Alit II Slrret I'llll .{Ott . A !Uhl, Tilt filyur, ANU 111 tit II VI bislnry'the most gh;uutir of human sti a; - a r glee, by Mini ANY S. t RN!, O Itt,ll with his t turtuat !mule y, and ill the vividness and twilitin ry ot dek, ription that mace rendered her works no 1.10,01,11 , 11‘ popular NI ith the prop]., Is now In press. Tin Pictorial Illntory 6.1 the war tor tin ll nion will he produced in two Itn)al Octavo 01 am,•e 196 n tsar. h—in the tin unit sty le ref the art 1 mbellished with ON cr 200 ilrat CIIInn onto aN logs Sold dilly by bubgerlption es 2 50 per volume Good agents ,an Ist.llll CV kVA nisiro to I itory and Lommenre their en nvasn nt once Suet. a chasm for Arent. i s dnnl offered, OPP gond biNtorl of thin war ninht Boom! or lour Inn) its Oa) Into ev ery For terms and hartleulain, addi urn 21014, 0. 1% I.LLS, 165 William Street Now York . NEW GOODS. ° -TA ST received a very large stock of ty CLOTHS, CASHMERES, OVERCOAI )(NOS. I'ESTINOS, at the North Ilanotor.Stroet Clothing Emporium, to which tho aubarriper begs a careful inspectioh of tho public to his immonso variety of oC all stiles and alum. Garments nimbi to order with neatness and dispatch at short notice and - warranted a tit or no onto. Persons wishing to buy lirawa and toy's wear by thu yard, will find a „,iperior nosortithint, of Goads, and will lei cut fret, of alumna IC thmtm.a. I.,Anci , l iC INGSTON, Opposite American Hotel. October 24, IS6I CARLISLU"DEPOSI.T BARK. • dividend ffif j FivE per cent. *free:of governmeut taxes. haeboon. clerlared out of thil profits of Oa flool; fur the Lott sixt,tootrths, which trllll be paid to :he Steritholdrro, or theirhhott rupresenta. : tivas.pproi demand loath; mode for the sAuhr. W. 111. - .ll4o:l2lfirCoshier. -Carthst4NOr. 7. 1.862.—h. . - _ _ _. NEW GOODS_!__ NEW GOODS.! AT ddILBY'S ,CHEAP CASH STORE. " - UST received a large assortment of yloplnt new etylo • to whieli the intention of the public In gonerel is re spectfully Invited. In the (]ENTS' DEPARTMENT, Cloths. Cassis - Ivrea, Vestlngs, ..111rts. Shirt Collars, Neck Ties, Cravats, Suspondurs, rinuntlets, Moves, LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Silks. Poplins, French Merinos,„Do I.sinn, Figured and Barred Kopp's, Poil 'Do Cholera, Figured and Main Velour, Cashmeres, Paramottas, Ginghams, F' sr eh Cor sets, Halmorals, floods, Fontags, Skating. Coaln, Nu bag. Vests, be., .t,c. A full assortment of GOODS for Childrens' wear, of all Muds. Tiskings. Checks, Mus lim, Drillings, Flannels, Blankets, Ca , sinets, Cords d.e., quality and cheap as the cheapest. Hosiery and Cloves oral! doses Iption,hud prices. SHAWLS AND SCARFS. A large inistirl,inent of Shawls and Sea'Ffs of all des Cslptlons, and cheap. Travelling Trunks, won made and Car pt•l. Gags. As it iv Impossible to enumerate all the arlicles,l would I n,poctl ally Invite ull persons in want of band• name and cheap Ulu )U?; to call and lo,k at my stock purellasing Recollect tho Rust :1111111 all - vet, nearly oppovile the depot. I= N.D.—All Clothe, Ctvsirrieres and Vesting.% will be 111:11 , 11. 110 to order. (if de.dred.) In the hest manner, and w:trrn it Led to ht by an experienced tailor and the best workman in the Slate. U. O. The un.l,•kolvd. it,;! beell Appiill , ol.lSl . ll: 4 Cß I P• TioN All ENT br the 5e,,t113 ni Lia, l'rea,ury, Is now prepared to foilii:11. at It Ill, ' Lb.., tho ttes, tit:Ova:awlHs ‘• Five Twentiest," etnaltht tot. pleasure • 4 11 (1 1 ,erilmn it after live)cars nit,l Hat!utrined by Act cif COU germ. approvHd Felice try ',ft. 1,1.2 Th.. 1 . .1L l't I1')' IM nro 1,1111 in fang r,f k: 31,1. ;:pm) -1m O. The 1:1:11ISTElt BONDS in sun., of Zfpn, s;pnO, SIOOU. s:pnon. Iniereq ipf Fig per rent. per annum will from Date el purrliiise. a n d is 1\ GOLD, ,Th hi :it the priniont prenit um on ghlit t.i iih.iitt CENT. ItElt A:\ N %I. T1`1 . 1 . 11311t , . \101 . 11:1111,, •and all "'lll' tn Invest. should know nu.l re i b neinni that I hese Itonds nee. iu .brit, a I 111: 4 '1' upon .01 Ilaihnenky hank etoel‘s /111 if lI'S. :11111 thin i 111111 1 .114, prt.lllCL, 7 311 Ihn Ihnnt tonne , . .in the ennzdc, : and that the full nn l •• 1 11 ,, .nidde tor (lin 1.:1 nnod. it the inn te , ,1 , 1 II Inl , l Linn , f 1 oill , lllol. 1..•.•ke ann.- .111/1 Intern LI 1 . ..!% 1 . 111.112, set ves to .10. then. 11..1.1. the .11,1ilabh. (111,1 .11,:a Poputur I , IE ill 1.,.•.11 I ru le•r N'ot .t , • au.lu !, 1.1 1,71:11., ul, pir 1.1 1111 , 1 t,pt, :111.•tdit.m, I 1 .1 ..I ,•• pianal.,ll II t.I ()u 'p pii,it)..llill 11.)...t1.,..•. 11 . '111 , u 1.1.1) ,%1:11f.• lo•pt on 11311,1 for 11l Incal.H., di 11,1'13. ~--7c-tv j,.;;12.---":8-1 ARCH ST. CARPET WAREHOUSE. d ItICKNEE, No. S:; . ! / .4irh :•tr.• , •t. '2 t.r., Ninth, , RIP reCt4Vlll,4 illt . ll . Pill S.Od• Eay/iSh (I H 1/I , Trie'rtH Utt rp tiny, i'nraprii,ing all Ii mow styles nt - Volvo t. Ta p, stiy It 11 , ,1,Thl et, Ply, Ingrain an 1 "i oultirins, ith a did aiisortment 'Phi ion 4,1 I,ll,ekeepecs and 01 ho•rs, 10 :111 mlnnli m ..t tllO ahoy, as %11. blly and rill 4 . 11,1). 1.,100-•••1 to ken nt gmali in "t i t, an.l Itolti,Dut• strong intltteenteot, to Pn ,- 110111ay• t t. 10. '1,.!--ttnt )0 t () (.) M 1 1 /11 I L I 1J Il] 111M11111119 LLOYD NF:11" P. 1111*NTV (7111.01 Z ED ‘1.1.1,r "1'511.5, INS DAS, AND N 111(r.\ s, 1,01,001,4 10, 1151 (.• r r it :tll,l one year:e r. op, on In!, ri Ido I.y C/01.,...1 or •ou I s•• 1 1, lit' pr to lon n. 113 reol.s;n7o,- ono n (1., u 1 1 1 , , 1.111 1,1.1; it i , :tl.O ol',N 11 AND ItAILIWAD MAP o Inhined In One, girltig 1.11 RY It I 111 lit :4 and lin n (;11.11.,,te • 1111 V 1, 1 11,3 1 / 1/1 111311 prr day. and n ill Inis.• innp, U. lm hold and refund t I , 11,111, tirl I 1..51 ‘,l{, t • ry. 1 . 111)t••• , . i I , t 1,11,, lir, t . . 4•3:1,1, furnished N -\\ It .1f•-.11 , • ntrc 6.r , I:ti, vs rry .1111.1,,in I .111:1.1.1. \ 1..11 ill is 1, d ..11aN .1. T. N”. It' 111. t•\\ V. - he N\ \LI!, .•f NT, '? l ,` d wlddit 1,1 ti Nl'llo,lll I,[l, I.•p i. 011., Anil 111 • I the 111 i • .11,1i•vi I pl.iri• in I i ' 1111,1,.11:1.1, t.l . 111 fund, I. ,III.1:11\ I Orly ills :ktl,l the \Var lie rin. , 1411t,:t.1 . ) ollt, liuding rut er is in It. 1., "LIMY WS it! , 111;111 \ lA. i \ \ 1). AND \ 1.% \IA --Th. \tap ,etc is Litt i.l it i• tilt. hr•t. tluitlll lit, \ \ Nil I nv . - I tit. Mit t \ I ti I 01l antiSt t•. ,; III! 11111,• , --1 , . n /-3T1,1 Lar 111,1 . 1 , Lark h. ill , r 'I %ft I.'l'lll. all•I 5.: 00.11111111,10Vitil .1 T. ,t,ll id Itit rr. euh 1•11 , 1 , per 1111 tl , lreti Itvar..%dmi r.ll Di, m.lll.linv: ,qt 13.11,11, tit ptin•ltase a., m..uV ale it.. 11.0 not ~ .011•1,1.11. I; I PE. iN %1 I Sw•rrlaty of the Nary. UPI) VA LLA !ILE IMPROVEMENTS Al REDUCED PRICES. twike, the h,rl( h1111111:111;, 11101- ~•t, 011 at.e.alla , porn...Hee, lwatity and uvut.lll.l,onbletw , n Lit Cho ,lavhillg lurid I hr ‘u rallgt• nil it, 1.111,110:it6,n."—t 14 1 ,, T . , o f A mer !. ”w_Vpric. Th., \vh.,•.1...- .0' Sat:blue is adapted to all Ff',111,.. The Tod; tit tel l ,Lido by tita.•itine ea ottot 'n. 111,1.111•11. presenting till) Fawn apiO•lOlllieo 111.0" OVICII • sift , ' or Lim 'teat, 1 lie optellitto is reettionnetitiod tor tire folios, lug yualb lie idly and toseellerote sto-1, upon earl' s do of ,sod, tttitorgtil, !blunt:By and durability oftetain that 011 l tier lip or ravel, uud wade With el:011011113 . Of I i11•10i ,illll.lii•it 3 . a ttOO 01140111 r.. Of I,llStl . l.letioll, e prod ea Fr, 1/t OTOO . 11 , i01), uud tuttuagentout and gulet• kfttittoventout. :Is . .;s5 urnahiu cc of all 4111.19 wen Oldiu the year IStil by the ten JiiT.•reut man ulaettirept. 01 this null• bee 19,,.21 leery (01 . the II heeler S• Vt Tenn manttrarture, twine in 1.1 . one hall elan wild tlerltie lhn your. Prices and upw:olls no...riling to finish. Ma , rLluca warrimted 1., do I heir Machines can be se,tn by calling at cite Railroad Oilier. All Inquiries answer..d by addrilsrd u g J. CAMPBELL Agent. Carllsl,, J ano 27, ISo2—nun. C STREET, BET. 4i AND Gth STS., Near the National hotel, and two squares from FINE l'AltbORS FOIL THE ACCOMMODATION OF LA- ,Roam and Board, per day. Room alone, per day. each.... ...... ...... Lodging; if tWo - rtypui la 'vacated by 7 n In. The KIMMEI.I..IIOUSE is newly and elegantly tur nlabed, and In every reepect a find class lintel. I Invite the public to call and examine. A. P. Proprietor. Oct. 11. 1501. t f WAR ! WAIL ATILITARY suits of every deserip - - 131 toil nitide at short pigleti, of ovory etvlo, color, nod quality, at rooderitte'prioes by- - ISAACLUVINCISTON , North rtituovor St.,: Carlisle, Ott. 21, - _ I - DAINTS.! PAINTS!! . oils, Varnishes, TurPentl:M. invito-tho Mon of the public to our suparlor 'IVIIITE LEAD, put up exiqualvely in Tin pales, and.warranted to be sups. rior to any othdr biands sold Jo this market. A great variety of colors of tho.beet , qualities nod soillumat tho lowest prices, at John. I'. Lyn° .k,Fon's, North Honorer street; Carl , use ti, 02. VRESH .MACKEREL.- L' „ A lot of Maolterol—oevi.gatrh-11 , assorted pack gao or Maros, Quarter, nnd l.lghllt Bari 8 A 1, - M UN,' for salo at the Store of tho'sithseriber, Oct. '26, '62 Pall and 11'inter ClOorls, Office of JAY COOKE, SUBSCIIIrrION AGENT, At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, 111 600111 1111111) STItEI T. N(.1.. 1. 15(1.2, NEW TWENTY YEAR S PER CT. BONDS rr.s•l mr-n1 in I , ibr r uLrn ipti m_ Aocgt_ NCI t;IN:TS, 11'1 - 11 , i. 1111=11 1= ,•. ~ c s ; i t,, ,, i , ---___.-.--:—,-.,_ , _=---„„ -, q n Li kWj LS ._---_:_.-----; QP ° (- ,• r.:;---_____ -.- , 6 SEW - 1•1\1C, - \ il 115L'')1 KIMMEL', HOUSE ON 'ERE EUROPEAN PLAN, the Railroad Depot, WASHINGTON CITY MEI otherwise It will be considered by the day Iv - c>w cop imra' MAMMOTH. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, 809 & 811 Cliestnui)gtreet IPiolmilEtc:lL4a - 1:3p3a.161, (LATE LEVY & CO'S. DRY GOOD STORL) J. -HENKEL% FORIVISRLY 152.4 ViT.S.I.NIIT ST August, 29, 1962.-3 mop " of all earthly blessings, 'Us the best, Which most Is valued when 'tls least preserved." CHAS. 0011.13 Y Di4n4 to ~~u~rr pr hn ditcni it t rht ut r% en Is the great essential, primary and prepa eess of life, and therefore to keep in repair .nreans should tin the groat bunt nose of :-.tonnach, which is the grand digestive lobo ni from its great and e,aentlal function has sally timenghout tine whole body, Here no-, eentrates her pn noon, far the formation of loot, and here IL is that Dr. ZADUC PORTER'S Sr DX ACI-X RI'VrEIRS. Stvp, inn at the time I f end to asslet the procoa• of ru II11) lire r tl ourixhm Dr. Z.tdoe Port, r • r rtmua,•h Itl t l arc atror game the Fy,rm” ,• X traorainary manner. They are of the hieh,•rt ralo,• iu Immo.° 4:f the Stomach. Wca Ague, (letlo,ll 1.0o,;uor, Diarrlu;ea, Teething of Chlld'n. II r 0 , 1111,1. Worms. of A pp,•tite. IVeterbrash, l`y,pridd, Sick Ilea/helm Jaundice. enrrect the ill I4Tects of unwholesome food.— 'lshii: much fruit may be Fared from oolb• and el: rtnitar itifectionis of the bowels, by the free 101 Z.‘ too Porter's )le4llcated Stomach Bitters. ‘N )10 11$1• ardent spirits will find the stomach cr,rectini in a most renuirkablo_mapn . er_ presitb _ _ . NI hen, ver there is an unpleasant feeling In. the Ste in:llh l 1,111 :I I/ t t TOMS el( rn nr drank OHO Dr. Porter'r lii tern. and ill soon he brril, Uw nub I'b• gait stamp Included. For I , alo by all dm glqs. HALL It ItCfi Et, Proprietors, 21S Greeowielt Street, N. 11l For nolo 10 Co 11Wr by SAMUEL ELI,I01"F. CALL AND SEE THE NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND QUEENS- riIITE subscriber ltas lately entirely re .. tuotnti,ti and refitted the u!d stand on the corner of 11.tisover and Lout her Strerts, I arlisie, lately occupied by S 1 . 1 kl uyett. end is now - preplred to fanlight-Ilia old Itieods and rho nubile, with everything that la nice, new and fresh, is the way of 1.4 k ..t“ric is l'iVge and ',elected with the greatest care,' And will Iw Hnili at the lowest prices for cash. It con. 'i.to in p.irt r flue aid liuNernment Java COFFEE,. Pei mop It i” Primo hie hoestvd. SY; It --Nee Vert, !Immo), and Philadelphia Sy rups. if the very hest BLOWN :Tit The food the market aliorda.— Lox io I.,•st Cin Mist. Sand, ;tin! Pulverized Sugars. ko, his A It and C. Silvers. which cannot bn aur oa,,d, and to the time is lion. here for j•reservlng, gill plea,: eke him at call arid eximillie for thew sel hos SPICE, are of the puti , st and boat Ta r-look,. N humbug about them. Corn S arch, I , rrina, Dan del inn &ee, Essence of Coffee, l'oncentraled Lye, heap. Candles, kr. CIIIN \, GL.ISS, .AND 0? Q ' I , ',N BWA It 11',. A binZo nil 5t'1.•1 . 0.,1 Stork of the very latest pat tern, and sty es. hate! titan ever in price, and better in putlity, than wa.: ever offered before In Carlisle.— fall :nl see Noodru mind Willow Were, such usTubs 11io.keta. and (limns. 11,1 set, of ON Cry description; Child] rn's A 111. 3 ,, I,tobeware, Cream Pots, But ter Aals. 13.e . sorve uins, all slave. t'l o 1, 'l. and 9 Nlnokeral. No. I)1 D No 1 Herring. A I tr, u kits mtlty r the oelol.rated Excehilor 11.7 1.., the II dry sill i;. A Stilt. ii yr ft...ling enootsrage.l Ly the patronage here t0f....• to him I.y his friends and the pub oroel.-I Invi - te . them to ealtnivregearana" hi, 111,1 t.10.k et thy now store corner of Hanover and I..tiller to. July 11, ISGY J. D. HALBERT. YEN'I. HOSE, Attorney' at Law. NY. 011 ice• In ltheern's ILJL Proforidonal bud no, 11,1..141v a I on.led to. Fotn.o try .21. I so 2. I ) I;EES E. SHAPLEY, Attorney at n.l,,nr Csrokle Pa. Attends to securing •nd I,tl S“111. Pat • Bonoties. and Pensions. ogee on South I lavovvr Z-trocr, oppositelionts's store. 101,1 t J. MAESIIALL—ATTORNE AT Office .th W. M. Penrose, In Itbeenft T M. NV E A I , F,l7.—Atlorney at Law; P • (Wire on south 11:1I1OVI, Rtryyt, opposite Bentz. D r y woods story. All professional business entrusted Co hint Vi ill l o promptly attended to. AW CARD.-CHARLES E. MA- I . ) , 11,1U11 MAN, Attorney nt Law, Office In In: 1..11', Ja4t aopoglla t4tto Matlcot, Boum, earthly. March 14.'00-Iy. C 1 P. If (TM RICH, Attorney at Law: J.—(iflive on North Hanover street, a few doors' south of , LISW' lintel All business entrusted to him will be promptlyitttended to. [Aprlll.s. usErii RITMO., JR., Attorney at P llleehenlesburg : Pe. Office ed i no do WS ?meth ortbe Bsnk Itu.lnens promptly sttended to, DR. I. (1. LOOMIS South Hanover htrect, "'KV 4 i opp.,site Bout,' dry goods - • ISM • )P• GEORGE S. SEA , HIOI DENTIST, from the Bat timore College of Dental Surgery. we_Oftleo of t he reghlence 01 hie mothor,Erld i•fouthet St req . , three doom blow Bedford. :dm eh 15. IS7,i..—tf. GEO. W. NEIDICII, D. D. s.— LateTernolist:ator of opera, ito Dentistry to the 11,LI tint ore College of 14tas Dental Surgery. Oillee at his realdeneei oproatte )tarlan Halt, West Main street, Carlisle, Penn =I S. W. lIAVERSTICK, Druggist ; r North Ifanover Stre'ot, 'AI. preacriptione eptifillly compounded et, full supply of fresh drugs and chemicals. "DR. writ H. COOK, HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, LIAVING recently located in Carlisle; hes token un alike adjoining Ilerrean's whore ho eon be consulted by persona seolang trodlest advice; or when desired, will visit them at their rosi donces, either In the town or country. Mel di Ifitt2=ly FARE REDUCED. `152 STATES UNION IlOtELy 600 & 608 'Market Stdo above sextbio JAWS W. PoWBB,'Protlifeit6i.e .• , . TlM3iB:—sl 25 por day. • , $2 00 1 00 UNITED STAT L ES 110TE.-4-- - -• ilfcmket Sta., , rintiontqatt . iNI. ISliNAdlij "_..... .Tan 4,1800 VALESES; Carpet .-Baga: Frazioli.Sold Loather Trunks of all sl ses and prices; Ladies Traveling 'trunks, the largest slzes..Brass Bound! Canvass Tru'illta; Valises, Carpet Bag& Plush; ON 4t'.7 ISAAC LIMOSTON • Noith Ilanoaot earliest°, Oct. 24 .. . . .. . , .. ._ . Q lij-RTS, Dralvorfi; Neck Tito,. liana lcoreliforo, Ttose,..a v . Ortifirgo 'gook' Mitt In sadist,' varloty at low priers. • . , ' •,. :,,, : - The host flab SIIIII.TS in tow'n: . tscgt , fOr -ten:dollars Mado to brdor or ready made, - - -•-- - 15A , k4 ,1 41 - iMISTON. - - r :?;,?r,(ll#lPiriet,o:.. Carllplo, Oct. 24 .) IV Ell] Dr,• ZADOC PORTER'S MEDICATED vi o- _:: f: 111 " , \---'• 71 - " . ' s- .: $ Stomach -I;'',: t:- . :- ‘; . AND k V It _ :ißowel dOna"- . • 46.-,-1 - , -AI f.--' AF. .' ll _ 4 I4A -k , \ :- plaints ! . DILLTOUS APFLIC.' ®® Fermentation ,}/-yam 1 sto m ACIII Bitters! A Vegetable Medi cine. and Sure re medy lbr all OF FOOT' &c. MIME WARE STORE Family Groceries, Zusiness Lards June 1, '6.1 PROPRIETOR