Scrofula, Qr King' s Ev i l, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of tho 'blood, by which• this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst 'out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is valionsly caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth aid filthy habits, the deprc.sing vices, and, above :ill, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it Seems to be the'rod of Him s ho says, " I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." • Its effects commence by deposition from' the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles ; in " - the glands, swellings ; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by fhis lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we nmst renovate the blood by an attentive medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Suclr a medicine we supply in AYER's Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla ; the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of. our times can devise for . this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is coin bincd from the most active rentedinlq that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destistetive consequences. hence it should he employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such ns Em 1 , 1 'vs and SKIN DISFAS'ES, tir. .I,TnoxY'S FIRE, Rosy., or IinInIPI:IAS, PIMPLIS, Prsrt•trq, BLOTCHES, .13 L k INS and ' l't mous, Trrrim and SALT litmcm, Se 0.1: Tlr,n, ltiNowoitm, itnnum vrism, Svcu 1.1 ra: ;old MracClil.ll, DIS EASES, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DLIIILITY, and, indeed, ALT, COMPLAINTS Alti•INIl raom 'rim On IMPURE BLOOD. 'lime popular belief impurity of the blood" is fintialed ill truth, for scrofula is a degenciatirm of the blend. ' the particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is 19 purify and reOtffrati , this Vital fluid, withouti‘Vlneh soundifealth ° impffirsildc — iti contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills , FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of their action eon rarely withstand ot evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and inyig-orate rYrry portion of the human organ correcting its diseased-action, and resulting its healthy Yitalitics. As a consispicin eof these properties, the invalid who is ik.iw ed down Ai ith pain or physical di hility' is astoristc il to find his health or energy restored he a icinialy at once so simple and inciting. Jot only do they cure the every-day complaints of every tinily, but :shin niiiny I nnid.J le and dangerous diseases. The agent lieluiv moos d is pleased to furnish gratis my Atom an containing certificates of their rim, :Ind sin veining for their sine in the following ciiiiiphinita: c- ., Heurthip p, 11, fielpehe piiKimt 1 rotn rlrnordr led Ntonmele, Nausea, Intlipe , Brut, its its in and 1/prlmi Ipaetiot, Me Bowels, I ltitpl, 55,.y, Loss of Appe tite, Jattilitece, and other arising from a low state of the body ur ulisti action of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Fort TIIR RAPID (LM: (11 , Coughs, Colds, Influenza, lloarseneqs, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient 'Consul-lip lion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so on. morons are the case, of it, cute l,nl almost every section of runntry abound., in pt nuns knolvn, who littNe n t, -tot, d lion] alttrittii and even dc•perate di:etts, e of the Moe.; by its use. When once flied, it. • op, tot it v oder rtrty other medicine of it, 1,1,1 is too : T it: t ient to c ‘t ett p e observation, and Nell, to it. 111111', etc I.nown, the p u bli c no l imn er la ,totp• n !tat am oltor. to (1,.1,1“y for the di,tre, nor. to d.tiel ;.IF,, of ti t , pulmonary organ, Ildtt .tt. ;tooth t,t to ,111 . While many inlet tor itaittalie, thit,t ;Too Ow comintinity have faded and Loon .u,4,1, this has gained niciols Inv r tore Iti.d, to fits on the aillicted they can loser lord, I, and pro duced cures too numerous and too to be forgotten RED BY PR. J. C. AYIER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. For sole l'y S. W. II Lverstick so I S I' l'at.l.l,r, .C. Samuel Elliott, In Car,lsle. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! SINCE the late victories Domestic C ot ton 000111, have declined. and the,:l 100, pout 01 getting a supply of i' m. I 1 c. i1,1.111i. SAWYER & :MILLER. at the he nt.,te. oak, Nloi en's Hotel, East Main street.) ale rec m,' oiving daily Li:go cup plies of NEW SPRINU GooDS, which. our old stork u'e are del.. mimed to sell a CITY PRICES. cRESs (1(H )I)S of Narity; Plain and Fancy Silks at all l'rices, A large lot of new Sills , . at 75. s;i, 1 mi . I 1.50, 1.75, 0 00 '2.5U; new Fprioa Delaines at recta. .10300 yards beet quality '2..s and American Prints, dark and lialtt e,dols, new styles, at 1.* : 1; a large lot at 0. 8 and IS. Full and SECOND MORNING PRINTS, hest quality English. 10!., Ir. All kinds Domesti.• Oinghams-12 1 L,6; Mancheaier I ; Sit pieees French atilt Scotch Dress and Donna Gingtoms at 20. BROWN AND WHITE IIUSI,INS at wholesale and retail, a good quality 0, line 10, 4 4 wide 123!. Al., 54, DJ 4, 11-4, 12.4 at Nalespooding prices. All kinds ofil ItlA u 0( WS in large supply at reduced prlres—Tickings, Stilpes (load; s. 111 illi ors. (homburgs, Cottyn Sc. •ld urn tl,do of all kinds, Table Clothe, Sheeti egg. Linen Diap, , Nap kins, Shirting Linens, Shirt Front,,, clonal - , at the old prices. White Goods, all kinds, at ~1,1 !wive, SPRING NIANTLES, DUSTERS, Shawls, Ernbroidoricx,,te , Hoop Skirts direct from the factory. 800 doz. Ladies', .11 Imo, Men'o and Boy's. HOSE, 12 1 / to 25. Mono and lioy.'s Wear— BLACK CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, all grades, Fancy Cassimeres, latent sty los, Vesting., .4:Satinets, Jeans, Cotton:tries, &re_ Ila v rug S.. II rcd the services of a first class Tai 10e, we are prepared to get up Clothing in the cleat fashionable style at shot motten. CARPETS! CARPETS!! IVo are receiving our Spring supply of Carpets, at)lnpric.- ing all the various kinds kept In a first, doss Car pet House. Carpets ranging in price from 1 . 2 y to 17.1. Oil Cloths, all uhlths. Mattings, Looking Masser., Eltades and blinds of ail kinds. 'l,OOO lbs. Carpet Chain; Yoatbers ; Cotton Batting; Counterpanes, kc, All the above, goods anti many Others, We oiler to purchasers at a small nd vance above cost. Winter press Goods—Shaeas, Mantles, Pars, loss than first cost. Wo nro determined not to ho undersold. Please call and +examine our immonce stock. vM.We will make additions of New Goods as the sea eon advances. All (loads warranted to be what we Nell them for. LEI SAWYER A :tIILLEII Carlisle FoUrnary 1862. SANIN G SALOON.—Having filled up In the very bast style, the room in Cramer's building, next door to A. L. Spender's office. lem pro pared to give my tondorlal attentions to all who may honor ino - wlth o vialt. 7 shall simian he on •• piled with competent and polite hands ands 1611 dpareno eirert to give general 'satiothetion. I wish to employ 0 good boy, between 14 and 17 years old, Apply immediately to .1. 1i11711115.., Carlisle, June 27, 1882=1y,- 1862. SP PIG. 11162, ISAAC LIVINGSTON now offe - rs, one of the beet and moat attraction :issmitnents of Place Goads over exhibited In this place fur Men and Boys Wear, of every style, quality and price, end is continually re 401ving additions Rs the" micapres. of all the fittest novelties and styles to mitt all classes. Our stock of READY MADE CL.OTIIING, all our own manufacture, cannot - be excelled fer DURADILITY,' • STYLE, AND , CITEAPNESS, • - of every 'variety to suit the season, taste, and pocket. An we Want le a call end see toryoursolves at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S --- North Itanovor Street Clothing Emporium. N.; it. All goods. ought . frerd us by the place or yaid, by porsono wishing to have it cut to measure. can be Accommodated five of charge., Carlisle, Msy 1. 18037 • .111400TSAND SHOES.—Jupt, received Jul at.IOOILI3IP9 Cheap CaHli iltoro, an oritiro now ‘stock of Ladles', Wasea' and 'Oldldrim'a ,Morocco Boota, above and halters, of tiro bobs quality and.loweid prima DR. WILLIAM B. lIIURD'S MOUTH WASH D ' A SURE REMEDY FOR A Bad Breath, , Sore Mouths, Canker, Diseased Bleeding wens, • Ntirsing Sore Notilll, t.NI) the best Specific now in - use for ANY tlittettqod condition of the mouth. It Is eirttenletly benetivint to peNntut weering A RTIFICTA TEETH", onn‘ploioly , lestroying ol.oy I oint of tho mouth, RI, norbing and room Ing nit immulties, in,nring A S'W BREA 'l' to not wit,. Inako inso or it. No YOUNU Lanx or YOUNG I; t.N r 1.010: Al 110 IS 0111elvtlIkith liAl) 13REATI-T should delay :T10111.4 this moody, for it It a certain ,•111 . 1.,1111 , 1 is ~pprioud .11,1 roocitunieuristi hp overy phy sii•ti tviiiiss notice It has been brought. it Dr. 11 - m. lIUNLIS MOUTH 1114S11, hop:trod at Dr. Num.'s Dental ultlve, Nu. 77 Fourth Ftrort. 1). Price 37 Cents per Bottle. A liberal diseouut made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Street, - New York. cnailvuo i , uzcorz,e, COTTON AND LINEN .PANTINGS, Drills, Denims. Jeans, In g reat variety and at old prices. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. DR. WILLIAM HURD'S I A very handsome lt, of Sold rn Philachdphin, Ly Dyntt k Co.. 2:12 North 2d 11 5.1110,1..11. Ills Chestnurstr,t; and by all Druggists TOOFII POWDER! p the CARBONI(' V. Till: N.l A ItCO kh. and Add.: .11calies that can in the limet injm, the Teeth. Ile tWill,ll ialit entirely mechanical —l.ll,ffing Withollt ....Willi!: the 0.111101. Br. 11rol. B. litird's Tooth Powder hy. :111 1 , ,,..1,11 Dr. II ur.l's I)ental 01lice, No. 77 Fourth 11. IT. Price 25 Cents per Box. A lll.oral (11,ount 100(10 to dealerg. Addross Principal Office, Tribune Builcliqs, No. 1 Spruce Street, New York Sold by Avenue TP.l4‘l: .1. 1. Broa.lway; P. S. larne,, 2J and by all Ihulrgisls. DR. WILLIAM B. lIURD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS I r Cure T00q.,1,•,',$ pt".11100:11. It I. II I i , •1111r1r :011,t141 0..01 TI).111 (11 11111 ilistre,sing LOSS OF SLEEP 1.11,11 I:l.oping Pt 11 . 111. 111. 1/11111', , in 111... Ptepall. , l 1111,1 ri 1,1•nt..11 (Mire, N 77 l'ourllt E. 11',7.0 Price, (oily 12 Cents per lioffie =I Address Principal 01hog, Tribune Buildings, . No. I Spruce - trout, New York.. A-rr, and by nil 0,11 DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S NEURALGIA P LASH I=3 OIL TULITII %CHF. P11 , 1.1:11111 nr (_‘ol.l /S NI - Alt:11,M! A 1 , intru,llltuty ruroa 'rhos Avt like s I.ll3rtn,pt•rlvolly 1”)rn,11, , 1, 1 llrvir 1,.1t /I Ii ,tcr. ',plea -alit 1-0,1111,. ,Dr. Vim. B. Neuralgia Plasters 1 . 1..pir,1 Pental ,W1..0, :so. 77 ht, II Conk; Eacli.-t-i-AX Address PI Office, Tribune Bindin ge , No 1 Spruce Street, Ne.v York. 8I„.. t : 11 L , J..• 1. 11` , . 1. I• 1 11•11 h , ' l l d Lii.\,ll N.•11 , 11_:t ‘1 =I - it.. !.1:11: I s , t , hos i• put, ‘,11.t.• :• •—••• , 1 •,••‘ Il• : %N.i ar , I .11t 1),11 IMIE 1.: I 11. t;J,t ilia pr t t!1 I.f 11,.•It x lit. .I_, 1..1 =1 it lar at ph, ran I tt Itt ta. It, I Itt t'!•tm•ittt ts. att.! tt: tit tst att.! 1/11,11.N . U.• 111.1 ,1•1, 111111], 11:14/ • , I14• • .1 C..01;1.t, `q'tt of tl It 111 ... t' ~ 'Er 1 1, 11111. %. tt.l N.ttt • II.t1l. • :111•1 :111111.• , , 141.1t1. •• 1•It t •4 1.0 111:Itle )111 t • `l\ It . I 1.1 t'. tilt' Nl.ltttl.l n. ltt tt. 011111:11. I'l4 sidettl. t.l U., atul l'itlt k, .. St, II: itl• •the A Inotrlttan tlattatatttittity-' t 'tat l'altltslwrs' ,t4t•thts. Nut Yto I.: tit P. 'E. !Vanillin, Intl, mutt I,ntmn ,t • it anti w 111/ Itas alre.ttly tat doh t•tl 1 , 1•1 . 101 , 1 t•tv• 1!f •r 11 1••,,,,‘ int 111.• 111 Ili =ELM IMI 100() AGEN•rs RANTED 'Po in I ruin,,, 10r. Dr,dal kriorkies Int, every count). .Alen to %, t. 1111., \VII, \Val: ma), money uirkley, 1 . 1111 do het tor with 1114,e ui aky hill,. in 111,111.0. Tliry ate 114,V, 11 , 11 . 111, 1.•11, :111.1 uju t ad , yrtk•lng thrha 6,, Ow kenvlitol gl•titk. c•rmlnining 11. , ,•71 tltie pavli:igos ,vith, ,111 IPt. hail pl to, Any rots., NvlStillit: toiesi iu . ( .1111), 1,0 kt... N 1 I. ‘1,1,i null i.e pl kaki, than ik.nunk•siutis LO theme I' 1111.111 , 1.1 I.lll,•ii•rit Sow is I. hi• time lilt the For ii.l)lll,s ii t• tit, see nig), e. D R II GI S , BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, F It 15 I I'EIU PRESERVED. -FRUITS MINCED MEAT, PICKLES ; 'SLC S. 91'. 11A VERSTICK, N e , r th Ib ino ver Slrrrh ('arlhvle, I'm 11' a lias just opette,l un a•toirt [molt ..11'1•••11 Iru4s, ran ey 1i,..0+,. tint P. rfultiery, Fruits, end Conley tionot), o lurk It,. never Leen surtostsreil in this her ough. for novelty anti elvg ince. The :tett, Ira h. re 1.1,11 sitlecte.l eitit great rte, and are calculated, iu quality suit le ice, to coen.utdLLu attention of rurelottiers. SAVOY DODDS, which , omprise every variety of fancy articles qf the most exquisite finish such as. E ega t nd porcelain ink-standepand trays, i very, pearl and shell card eases, I,a , lies' Fancy Baskets. Fswy Work Boxes, with sewing Instruments, Lather,' Ca has, Wrig frig Desks. and Vert fe,ios. Port M..nuttle::, of every variety. (NH pens all d pencils, Fancy paper weights, Pnd large variety of ladies' Fancy stationery. Motto seals and wafers, Silk Ind bead purses, Hiding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and lags, - liruAles of every kind for the fzil,let, X. 'Lazio nod It. & G. Wright's Soaps and Pertumes of various kinds, Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. Mu4i,nl histrumeDts, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished :aid gui table for LIOLIDAY RESENTS, to which he Invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound in velvet with metal clasps and corners, Ills assortment at School Books and School Stationery IP also complete, and comprises everything used in ,the Schools.. lie also desire-4:qt) call the particular attem Lion of Families to his elegaut ;,t,ssortmont of LAM I'S, &e., front the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others M Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard, Sperm co litherlal oil; also DVOTVS celebrated Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, tocether with Flower Vases Fancy Screens, tar. Ills assortment In this line Is un• equaled in the horoligh. Also, riIIOALLS AND TOBACCO, embracing all Li. Iti , vorito brionle ' and a fine tisaort, moot of M SirIOM BIS' AND PIPES, the colobtatcd 191locochinic Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. - U-I TB , such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, ItaisinS, Nectarines, Prunes, &c.. FANOY CONFECTIONAItY--NUTS—YIDS• SERVED FRUITS, MIN El-NEAT, ('ICICLES, &c., in every variety and atoll prices, all of which Ore pure and fresh such as Call he confidently" recommended to hit friends. Ills stork embraces everything in_the line (IfFancy (leads, with ;only other articles useful to housekeepers which the pallid orb especially invited to call sod examine. Iluxneinber the Ohl. Stand, nearltoppcsife the Bank op North Hanover street. Doc. 20, 7861 MAILS ! NAILS ! ! NAILS ! ! 1: 1 4 A largo stock of good,blean, Neat, and Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. Our nulls aro worth Weis a keg more, thau any other make of palls sold in our town, this is thy opinion of mechanics who hove tried them, we also have a fall assortneintov BUILDING MATERIALS, of.tho In iost iiml moat approved nylon. All troode war ranted as reprouuntetl. JOHN 1. ) .1.17 - N.W k 113().N. GREENFIELD & CO., One door west of the County Prison. HAVE just received a splendid. as sortment of Now Onodo, from Now York and Philadelphia, which will !be sold unusually cheap for cash. Fancy Silks in Great Varieties, of nil itrados, from 75 routs to $1,50. In tho obneelluo of Goods we defy competition. • SILK AND WOOLEN FOULARDS. Silk Poplins. Llama Cloths, Mmumbiques, Shophorti Plaids, Wool do Lslnes, Oddlies, Lawns, Se. SPIUXG 111 , EILaff.17ES at, reduced prires. We are now offering our entire stork of now .styles of Fpring Delaines at 2U realm, orth 25 events. I=l EMMEN Nlerrimnes and Spragurs at 12 1 4 Bleached and unblearhed Millsun at it, a and 10 (Amts. Extra quality, um. yard wide at cants. Lnueaater Ging llama at 12. ; ', cents. CLOTHS & CASAMERES, WHITE GOODS AND NOTIONS. A full ;nbove goads always on hand. Also, 11.,,0p Hsi; tn. of the Intent New York styles. -I.Son yards of Carpels, all ref tit. w,ost doni t tos n od potiorloi in the market, ronuing in price trio 12iij et , . to sl.tal per ):ord. Raving lintichinaol the above assort mesa In New York, we ale enoislest to niter snpertur inducements to all who a ill favor us with a roll As our store its 11055 tt pernionunit institution 111 Carlisle, ne am tiaterallalal n aintalu the 1111111 e tale have al read V uSialdiSlaail of Si Ili 11a cheap, not, ithsiloudingi the Sal ions runic, that, lists h:na !wen circulated ill regard. to our Loving town. FIELD R CO. ' Carlisle, May 2,18,12. FA3111,1" GIY,WERI' AND TEA STORE Just ret•elved ltllrl Ire stt•re. a fresh and %sell rat.- rssortuteto cfl Ititt, Java mill Mara, littasted fe11,,. , Crognutl Pulverized Sugar,. Refined and cOutt bruin,, sugars, quperlor ..") rut. Midas..., I t r to t m t ., OttOdutzt )11.1a s. arlety.— put t• ttuly Start.ll, Fat Ina and 1,. ~.Isle.(Tees,. and rrarltr, Taplitqa /11.1 S.', Indigo, ttt , Crrant 'lariat and sealed as sealedlie, Mustard anti corituttl, Seed. TE \S- A title ac." anent in l'nchnges, 9.-*'l.l ,4 1 zw.l II 1,01,-- ns ,N ell a• all ~ ther art i.• 1 ,, n '7l:. . 1,,h,,,,,ri01t t.ft the hn If tteits— ttll nt Ihe Inwegt ( / .!: , L s 1/1,.1 1410 . 11'1/ 1111.11 1111,, • T() V I', 11;1;1: 2NI), 1562. I: 4 '1 . 1,, ro ,d.. 1, of Eh" 'll i'l, kl o" are reminded 1.11 . 11 I 11.1vt• pl.( 1.,...n-. ht 1,111 I. 11.• cit v a large ~ .tti.ply of T, 111 I 1,1.1, II \ \\ 1. 11E1.1': 1., i1•,1 ~.1 1),• , t1 01t.h.4,1:, e:itis.rresh 111.• 1.1 1.1 , 1 1 . 101.1,... ti 1 11c1 , 1i t Linde of not 1.1•111,1 s :11101 )1.11g1,, , eg, melt L. ,tl, it..,.r I F. urEnt . de. uat;• - ,1 t N-1.1..5. “, , t 1,1); l'A,ll , ?",;`, ' • .... It. %. , , ' • - MOE ,v,L; ENT I)EPOT 1,”%v n t-.) 11 'l,l 1.1 1t• vnti I th.,l ••• , !.1. •: tr. C•1111S/....1Qt tII Ir II I.' I It :11. IN P ENTs, aoprt.,• , l AI I. I. •.1:.1.•01—I...10.111 Iti.n toll 11.1,111'1,11 11,1)1'.11'1 I 1; ( (; I,'. IN I)I,'ILI,, Lh. 1,%.1 =EI I. i.•.. IMMO r ).1111Ig art 1 , 1, , pi, I I.i t• 11,4 u.lCilZl Ilty al, ' ll , II! I:1,1111•1, ot l ' otoberlond \ ..t 1 , :tr.l ~ 0 0tit. 1. tII 111 I L 11/1.111, 11111, to Ii 111 , tll (Ills 111 ol them toe 114., iu 1,, Ott 111 < 111 I, 1 ., 1111 lA., It> 3 1 • 1,1 • -It , 1,11,1 1 114 . ~toplete 1115111 1 1 t 111 1,1 , to 10111, I Ikl 111 11, I 111 1 5, 1 Wil,l T.. P.t,h., voly an.l lit 1 uo. • 11 1 .1_ t , 1•1.11. ' 1 Ile 511111 ,i.t 1..0.r. the 11 . 11 1 -ter nod , t..11e.. ithlll a I 11,1,i] 1 , .1 1 •1 , 11 and r• gular ~ ,t‘ing. 1 Illotrt, I, 1111 111 1111, Unll i. a 11,11.11 11.1 Ikr Ituy other. \\e 111.,1 /11 . 11111LIVI 1111' 50.1 t he toll., in, Srt lrh.rl, 1 1 11 eh 111. 111 1,010.111111 . 111 i I . reliablo itoplemeots, clutrat ter: )11 1 11 11 1 1 4 0N . ,' I'ATEN'r 01111 N I'T.ANTER, I.A:-11'S PATENT : 4 1'11)1.1% (1 - 171.1 t, BIZIDFNDIII,I'II'S T COEN SIIELLEII, HAHN'S PATENT CIDLIt NII.I„ .7(IIINSON'6('AST IltON 110 G'S TROUOII. • A 1.0. Th,015 and Four Horne Powers and 'f bra.rahl rig Machinea, foot Iron Field I:idlers. Plough Ciortings of carinu•. patterns. Corn Crinahers, and other articles tbr Farmers too numerous to merit ion. Also. Egg Coal Stover. and 'Ft, Plate Wood whir on Immo.", Val let• of nt her 4,slilige for how-ekeeperr. and other. We have also an attractive car iety of patterns for IRON rallir.,nlGs, nd cmii.TER; I.NcLuzunEs to which we Would rail at tent lot, Steam 14:ngineH and Mill Gearing To the, dopartznont 1111,411 P o, to giVe partici, lar attention. mir already estensive , stock of pAterns for Paper. Flom and Saw Mill Gearing, is constantly 31111 owners and Wrightu mill lie Inn nlshed litho printed catalogue of our various MIN Patterns, on upplleution. Ilur Machine Shop comprises all the varlons Viols for turning, planing and finishing Shutting and Castings, by pioil and rarrtul Machinists. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES of any desirable capacity, front ten to twenty-five horse power, hunt In the best style and on accommodating terms. Engines built at our establishment may be 5.,11 Itl 0 tier . .. FM . lll nperat ion at many of the largest Distilleries and Tanneries in Cal lisle, and Cumberland Perry and - Dauphin Counties, to the owners co At !itch i•ootldently refer for information Its to their efficien cy. her sous wanting Steam are earnestly re. quested to 1,11 and I,camino before contractitss eke. where. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, Connected wlllr our rbtal.luluneol in n Ftenin Fah and In 11111ml:wt. y t.Llrh In lion io complete order ter ILo mhournsitue Of et er) de,crlption of 11U,11,D1.N0 MA'tERIALS. for the most costly as well as the plainest house. Win dow Sash fut °Wal from L rents upward, according to size of glass; ‘Vindow Frames trout $1 31 upx ard ; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from $.l. 75 upward; Four Panel litters front $2 12 upward. Mouldings, Castings Architraves, \Vasil Boards, Brackets, Fancy DJ aperY, Serails, and other articles needed In house building, furnished at the I..we , d prices end of the beat quality at lumber. 0911 e are also pawed, as heretofore. to build and repair BURDEN CARS for transporters on the railroad, with promptness and en reasonable terms!' The continued patronage of toe public is respectfully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attended to. :11 13 0. '6O Second door east of the Market Muse in Zny's Cornfr. DEALER I? PIANOS. New Rose wood l'lnoor. froth I ho lo,t, makers. 3IELODE 0/178- The beat manutecturea instruments from $45 to $lOO. VMI I ns. tl attain, A 1,11,1001114, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Ban jos, Tambourines. Violin and Guitar Strings, and Must rat Met rhandlse In general. SIIBET MUSIC. A complete assortment for all instruments. The latest publications alts ass on band. Teacher on the piano and 0 altar, Instrumental and Vocal music. Planes and Melodeons tuned and repaired. .t Starch 21, 1h1t2.. gem. gem , . TUST opened the largest,. and best as ty Fort mtmt of hardware, paints, Varnish, Masa, Iron, &e., ever, brmeght t. Cumberland' county. bought exclusively Ili' atsa. and which wo are selling at MO lowest We Invite the public generally to give UM n Vali Voicing their purchases, ns WOW . ° fully bustalning our old reputation of sailing the Roturning thaoka to L gundrous public Ihr their punt liborol patronago. hoping by personal i(tleUtion to their wants, to merit a (»Minoan., or the salmi .101 IN P, LYNN & SON, At the 01(1 Stand North Lanovhr Street. Carlisle, Juno 11,1052. rtAAPETINGS, tto —Just roceivod at 001 T OY'S Cheap Cash Store, a now stork of Oar petings, Druggets and Floor Oil Cloths, which will be sold at very low figures. Please call am: daninlne OS:stock. Carlisle. bat. 25, 18131. S. W. lIAVERSTION • l UM BELTING 1 ki„..Jui•traeolved alargdattottojont of .all sizes— Quin 11Oltitot, Gum 'logo, °tint Isit•lting,;lna tut, solo elleaj, at this Ilardwaro,toro of • , Juno 22, IE,GO, 11 , SAXTON• . pUMPS &.CEMENT. 100 barrels of Cement, large aFsortmont of Chula and Trott Pumps, Juot reedird and for Halo cheaper than uyor. . Content sohd by the quantity at manufacture's mine March 11. SAXTON.. ..,Mistcllancoup. , BLACK SILKS, DOMESTICS for NlO ,I and Boys' iremr, ot low prices ' l ,ritica - sc:D•ets; " .71.1ff?110.1" 17L11,11.11 alc e Foundry, =I A. TANK, BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST TRIOES Iliatcoo,s anti acinefrq ATC LIES, JEWELRY,' AND `r• atixEß-wAnkAT CONLYN'S old established Stand;West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Dank. 1 have just recelVed a new assortment, of. watches, owelry. medallions, silver ware,.kc., in addition to my 'armor stock to whirl, 1 invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces flue gold anti silver lever watches, Hunting and open Cass do., gold An chors fnr Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Levities and guartler watches id every variety- in style and price. Also II Ile gold I,etlalllono. breast-pins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality, pa Item) and price. !told fob, vest. corh and neck chains. Bold bracelets, finger rings, enlf-pi us, Mods, a leeve.buttons,' crosses, charms, Ac., Ac. (bold and silver thimbles, sliver and plated Lotter knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A largo assortment of gold, silver and common spectacles, to snit - all %—:—.'44; ages to which wo Invite nodal alto!, A fine lot of GOLD PENS from the best makers, spectacle cases, fancy tiox es, sliver and pearl card rases, gAlil and common bracelets, sal eh chain , Manila Clocks and a variety of articles usu - • ally kept in Jewelry establishments, which • T will sell low for cash. All articles war- ./r tanted to he what they ara represented. s'tiamot Particular attentim paid as usual t0N.P.14;74. WATCH REPAIRING and all work war-s ranted. = =En Dee. 9.1. 1857.1 qumberland Valley Bank. NO TT will be seen by the following adver tirernrdt llenr) A Sturgeon, Esq., has retired trotq the tlt Ker. Dunlap •t. E. 0., and that Sainuill I litpltds tt. Esq.. it Carlisle. 1 . ,. has been as 'striate. wil h the rent:luting palaces Iu tho firm of Ker. Dunlap d I'o., and that littplturn has been elected ttashitil lu the glare of fr. Sturgeon. The ihstpriAors are ILIJ A 31 11. so, 100.10 Mt.:NNE:MAN, 11'ouns, JOIIN S. STEIIOETT, .1011 N C. DENLAr, Jolts DUNLAP, This hank, win continue to do a general Ranking and I:xchan,re lou.itters, at their It: n king !louse in ender the name and ht) leol K ER. DUN LA I , At Co. Money a ill be retched on deposit ; td paid bark on (11`111,111d without notice l'ertlilea to at deposit hearitig Interest at lie rate ofd per cent. will be il•sued for 101 short a period as Io ur atoUthe. Interest on all certiti. co res , till cease at maturity, but If such 'ertitivAtvs .are reneued at any tittle thereafter fur another giv , t period, the) shall bear ,the saint rote of ,in terest tip to the Onto of renewal. Twenty dove not Ire' must be ,;iron of an intention to withdraw inforebt de po.its. TIM proprietors term d call tholitiontionof Partners, \tech:toles and ail I there who desire a safe depokltory tor theis money, ti the foot that they ate oot. only Ito 14,, to the amount of their sioslt in the Bonk, but arc INDIVIDVALI.I liable to the es tent of their whole e•tates fin all the Dopo,lts, and other ',Wi t t:Mons of Err, Dunlap t Co. l'artienlar i•tantion al von t, nt Ntaes, r., In any purl ot 1,114. Unita.' and canada, Itentittanet, made to an) part of the United -fate. Ent.tland. and Iroda.)11. They M ill at all ti,MMF 1111,'Mmi to j Infartna lip tle , irett in regard to manev Ina , ter , in ,tateral The faithful anti eantitlentlal eseontont .al entrualtal In then, mar he retinal upon lII' /1.1 , /k Witi 11 , , 01;1, Irtoln 9 ..'alta.l, th11!1111,:`111Z until 3 ~'elorlz in the artarpann. bita•onnt day every Tuaqday. Nrw York and llo,tlll tondo on favorable torkos .11”• propriet.., rokor Uttokt• , NV t 1:111. A , ',. 1 . 111i1 Lanier .te Nt•w Ytttk I'l.ll-4. A t'n , AN, I= 001: sII.‘ Itl'.-IViii. Fridley would j tout,ttutt, t, t.0..17,., ”t Car 11,1 t, tln• nnblic,roneralv hat ht• r,1111:1 , 11. mannta,•tnring,• Itln N , 11,•n1 irnn n ate ni all ;. in S.C. Iluyetri. • .il nth orposi hair ,11:11,111., •in ~, 3, n n ill at all tame , : I,n t.• .1,...a1i hind, ~7 his ;inn busine , ..- 1. neat 11,••=e, Allll rlll,atch. All ill 111 hi n0,1,....40.np0LPtit hand An no a :it :111 I ill], 1... l'1,',; , 111 Alll-11(i FIT 1 , 111:1'1' CANS I. .1 Alt, =MEM .rotttin, oci nll kinds done at sin n, tir. and tho ht•-t Inatorial. 11,), u.I, I"; 1 . .,‘ 11••ittinz t•• • I t •sir t • I • , t•• r. ••• ••• • -11.1,‘ pat,roungo.' MEIIII==I N , 7 ENV Co.\ 1, AN D BEIt l'A La ,I,teird into port Lership to nadr hr O A I, A N ll I, It I: It , hanauudlu.nlsh tu order nll hi 0.1,111111 ,u.tlit y id o..rv,urd MEM] DEEM •F IL .I V. STUFF', T. 3 01.. 0r1,.1 hit: au I I%',.at 101 ht.ardttr, P.,. :11,1 Ilnrle. and ever} ar , ti , l.• that t., a LI \ I V.k All kind, 01:11in vie, v. vlt : tl hltephat.. :tll.l tt.tlt, ut dlllerent Ca, ot ..tit .. we furni..l:ll . lll.. El; itritt , r Or Ilt,y lentth runt P.ive the Os. fictive and trzt lite 11...5t re:lsm:A.le I el In.t. apt, kept ttntler er en :h1; th.t.) . le ruroichrd , Ir et 411 titer, Wo Icivo roo , {notly s oo hotoi it I! Itlodr ra roily Cr.l %.11.1eh Tvo NN•lll,le , lr. r ch./. to arty port of the ir , rough. To o i 6: IA VA I, LEY, LI RE FIDDLER, I=l = d;ty uY nil 1:1,1, : k..mi/h's ('oaf, 1111 , • . 1 t , bi It Al ill , rII I,t tilt, 1411 , ,•. 1 licury and .01.• of 1.1,1111.1 1101 FER. J. IL ;NON EDI AK. EH. , 1 0RWARDING AND COMMIS SION 111,VSE, F LOUR AND FEED. COAL, N.A:-.11.:1( AND SALT 7 The subscriber hating taken the Ware liouse care sail fixtures of \VII, It. Mut ray's well n establish ment. on West High street. opteislte Dirk hissuat would inform the publ!e that he hue effiered into a ounfral Forwarding and Conunhnhin liusinens. The highest market pi ice will Lie paid for Flour. C rain and produce of all kinds. They are also prepared to freight produce and stork to Philadelphia and llaltinire. at the 111 N, est rates, with safety and ilenpateb. PIASTER AND SALT kept ennidantly no hand, and FLOUR AN!) FEED at xlnil e sale o r r , Coal of till kinds, ninbineing, LYKES'S VALLEY. LUKE FIDDLER, SUN Itch WI! IT E ASII, LOCUST 14 A l', Limeburner's and Blacksmith's KEPT yV DER COVER and delivered dry to any part of the town. J. R. NON EM A K Kit CarllFle. August 17, 1559 LARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH OROCI:ItIEF—FISII OF ALL KINDS. Among N 1 hHI I. a large let of the thal getolthe Balti more dry salt I I Ell It I NO. In oat, 11 mad , . >I ACK A RH, at prieut, that in :rally astoulthingly hoe. nickel,. of all kinds, SAUCES, E RV ES, Ruda good 00001 tole nt of TOBACCO AND SEGAR.S. LIQUORS, at the lowest rates for CASH or Country Proftom W M lIENTZ — Carlisle, Joon 21, MIT. SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE PER .`ENT. BELOW Goer !I At the sign of the “Gold Coglo," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley hank, and two doors below th e Manua Eat Church. on Wont l tlo strtntt, the largest and beat selected stock of wArrcuEs AND JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower t h a n at any place In the State The stock comprises a !urge assort ment of (lold and Silver hunting-ease watehes, Levers, ',opines, American watches, and all other hinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Geld pens and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEOIS; Oil Paintings. a great variety of fancy articles. arid a Int or the finest Pianos, which w II be sold 10 per cunt lower than ever offered In low a. 'the entire BtOelt Of Watch maker tools, rases, large Mirrors, and Sato will ho sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. Having selected a first noon workman all kinds of re pairing will ho done as usual, at reduerd prices. Three Pianos at $lOO below the factory price on an. Count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. 1 will sell at the Jewelry Stern, REE ROSE WOOD PIANOS, warranted, at two third (heir real endue" on envy term if called oll•veon. PAINTS AND OILS.— 10 To. wh!to Lead. 1000 Gallons of oil. Just received TILL a WO assortment of Varnishes, Fire Proof Paint, __ ' Turpentine, "Florence White, Japan,. White Zinc, Putty, : Colored Z no, Lithargo, .Bad Lead, .Whiting, : • Boiled Oil, Glue, Lard Oil, . Shellac, ' Sperm 011, Paint Brushes, . Flab 011, &e., ' Colors °revery description dry, and Oil-In cans and tubes at the Hardware Store of IfillißY SAX'ION, Carlisle, Oct: 25, 1901: - - -- --- .- - .111114.1 A D 33ISCUIT &AL Tha Cream of Tartqr "Snbstltute",ta reenrurnon• dad as nempullor article in combination with lisleratuti or Soda for Baking purposes. It produces bread cakes &e., which when cold are sweet, moist and grateftl, nvhiln those of Cream btrartar am ofl on dry, and taste less.. It mill cost less limn Cream of Tartar and Is used in the salon aray for cooking, &c. I. SUBSTDrUTII, together With Saleratus' Soda, faro Cream of Tartar, Dertatula Arrow Root, Mustard Seed, ground and nu:, ground, spices of all,.ltinds unadultoraled, and also rocorius In ov'ery variety constantly on hand,' and at the fewest prim fpr sale by Dec. 14, I!t2. . W. 'EBY. THOMAS CONLYN I= =EEG Itr,hen, St,.ve and Nut riff=2 I= iscellaneous. JAMES R..WEAVER'S OABINET mr:Lt-azg AND CHAIR MANUFACTORY, NORTH 11ANOVDR flrn F. ET , CARLDO.D, PA. Having, een engaged in the business for over twenty years he would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberaPencouragement extended to hint In years gene Iy, and further assures theft] that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. CHAINS AN9 FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to hoof the best quality, of the la• lest style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices tar rush. 11,, alro condo ue's 1111SIIII`FF ns an l'N DERTAKIM,— Heady made Collins, Metallic okotherwlse. kept con stantly nn hand sad funerals Rornpl ly attended to personally In town or country, on the most reasonable to nos. Cherry tint Walnut Cnfllns.l:irgo size, xrll fin inked and lined inside, from N to 12 dollars. I=l Nay 2t. IR6II-Iy. , [ ® ;TILL TRIUMPHAN'r. J , The.emotilete success of the Prairie Flower Cook Stoic, warrants the subscriber In the attention of all who may want a superior stove to call nnd Amine the only stove that has given universal satistae. tiun. I= 2nd.- A hotter and qukker Oven from the same tiro. 3,1. A larger Oven than any other stove of the tame sine, 4th. The preservation of the centre pie,}from sinking saving repairs. r,th. The hest linker, Roaster, and Cook neiv In uon, 13th. A superior arrangement fur cleaning the flues, th. A perfect Gan Consumer los either Wefd or enal. The Prairie Firmer is warm, 041 to give satisfaclion In every particular, and trill he shown uith pleasure to all who may call. whether de, , ting to porrinum or not, any quantity of eereeenee n r venni. eY• A firm other grind Cook Stot,t, nn Iwnd , ahlrh wilt be SOW very low to ri‘W , .• s Spouting. lienting. .I.lh rtipper.,sitilthing end Sheeting norlt promptly etter.ieti h. , in tee, , esee. try. All ners. lint ranted at the eid stem', Unilever street north of 1.,,,th,r. M %BY M. 110 RIOS. N. B. Qld Cnpper, Bras 4 and Pew lei bought, ltud the 1001,4 u,,n.1 trch I:,nll.—tt c:ovrTLIL 2 ,tic:-"cata! rro FllOl FRS LI MEBUIINEES AND() • 111.t1 . 1 , 1.111,1 NI plillt.l.ll Fmk ntiontit fi,r thr lid i•i 'llll , Coal iv • ..... Lall4ll, altd it. 1,.. I f • lir, I ly 1/I :111 . % 14111'1 in USI. Put ,114, itL ,ttt 1.1111, t ts ill thcir st 1,1) this coal 4 , 11 c.-1 , 1r 11, tv•enty 1%,•11- III• I•repik: I 11,11'16111 11 , 0 11.1,1 .11," r 1; I hi: shi. 1, t. 11.1 It1:1; .tuoi o•n:plelt• and ‘,lll 1.• tll.l al (11.• 1 , 1 1•• 'HI I . lk tlli t. , T . 1,1 , 1. 1311 , 1 rt•Spl" Lltill) nt•lt rt th•,..t• I= = ()\V k H I) ,k (' I .\ 'l' I )N ! 1•.. f l ll, I i•a • -t. , 1•'1.4.0 1 1y •• • h•i r, , 1n•1.k1 nun; tind 1.1-113.• Or, Dixt,...s of IMINII ‘11:1 , 11' tno Avtinv trvon. 11.. :1 ppiv h. It ..1.11t111111:1. :111.1 iu f ,1•• lif e‘ re .0 1,1 I•rt dllll/1•S fttrilkllud to;I' ‘1“.1: t t t "Ib t t r lli•ttn•tt• ttl the It , tt‘ll.ll • Itti tI, I ill• \ 111 11-1.1/I 1.1/I I•ll:itltt, , tl tit , 101:115.11 tit it° it• 1 1 ,1 III•ttaIt•tI It It, tturlthtitts, tt: t,l`t Tn.. or LI. et , ; I+ui I 1 , I; .1. ,1i11.1.-F.‘ t , rir I. II \ n. ,' , lOll Nllllll iStl . ll•t Pll It. 0/.111 till . HO 4101,. 1,. it 1...11C11% 1.I.1„ I; EU. I 111:(1111.1 , . rurrtary. `l. I EW STO E, ANIIN ( DS \ TS...APS AN.. 111 .1 T ,10', C.l IT' ,ti A' c (4-..",,tivZq t".--,°:::,''=-'''':::',-P• ~, sill, t. ”p 0,1,1 it New :'tott• at Ihi 'l.l N. ihrliv , ,t ..111V 1 ,t: . t lla 111 1 . 1 , 1.• 1111116. from \ oNs Vol): l'hil.ol, o l,ltitt. .111.1 .1 ,, I,t1111•11t of ,k , 01 ,, Ili, hoe, -04•11 tt. 11 \ otol :too. (1.1 , Nl. ~..1 I. tlit• 1...•• For, ANI) lIA'I ,I,s11•• SW. i; L,„11., Fur.'l wt. tihir, F“,•11. 11, I I Io I . I.: ~(1 • :(11,1 1.1111.•, I iii I: I,r t :(I—l I ( 1. • .11 , 4: Ita i ttt••q ttt 11..• tt,t,.. t t• t tt P 1.7!. : S 5. 0 :1; U 'I'Z,ES tlthr,l,l- it a -01.:opt 11 . 1.•! ,14 t.l, It•••1.1 , .•.11L.• 1 , .%.1•• I the 111!.ii.• 113:11 I I. L/ a .) 11_.111)\% . \ I; I. 111“.1. 1,111111.11,1 I Ilardwatv. ‘ , 111 , 1i tho• iltvitc the varl, at tto•tit 111 , • I.3lLlie ri e• Irk iu 1111 its !v. av,t'ullutaitt• the puh• lie a ilk 1;1.21,1:11:LE (;00 PS. 1,, laree orquantities, et the loeert trines. But Ire d..the pulilie t.. undriaond that we Late lirouelit all the 1. owl, It, Phdritelpliin tbd New York 10 our tilk,n, I.ut t:eeau il.^llle 01 , 111 , 110 our will convince then, that suppl% the in (hi. eowil, rn oil, line 1, ill fillil It to their eit,not tee to ,ire 11, ~ ill before their 'mech., 15-s --All order,. unit 1,1; itild 110 tuisre. tiresolital ions mode to tilleet =1 'Nifty 1,'11(1, \ , ,,11i llv NON el rt Carllslo 1. 4 1 111 , : r, EN .\NI, 1 , A, 1 1' N: 1 11‘,11.) N, 1 , 11t1 , , IN NN of ru101 , .. eoillity, Incorpce rat.ot .•t ill , . 3 oar 1 , 41, nod ing 11,,11( ly 111:11 th.• 1•94 3 , 1. now in active and v ,0111 WIS irinn lit 1.11, under the so- perlotetelenci , It,!)1,1% ing Ir.: NVillltLin It. (1......ra5. i'llrn4 lan Stn . ) loan. it. Corklin, I). t Cutto...rt, .1 11. Conve'r,John El/11°111er v s er,.lohnpli (Viekto,lutm. Satnl.ll , :horly, It. letter, Rudolph NlArtin..laeol, ,ver. ;And .1. ('. The rites of I 1114111 . 111,1' art as Il , w and t•tvcr‘.l.l.- .111 1 any Company of the kind In the : I ttite. 'shine to heroine member, nen invited to teak I' lippllention to t ho agents of tho eompany, ,11./ NFU Wit ling to wait upon thorn at any time. IV NI. It. (11001 AS t, .o.Eherly's )1111s, P. U N STA V 31.1 N. 1 . 10 , l't vsitl4•7o 1',11,11.. I` O. JIIIIN r, 105N1..11'. Sevry.. Vll 1.011,1,11 g EL COCK LIN, Trvit,nool, :I.•phertint.l,‘ ti. 13111 EM CUIIIII.IIII.AND COUNTY.—.John Sher-ick, Allen henry Zeming, Shirenninstunn ; Lafayette letter Dickinson; Henry n 11,41111111. 111111 , b Lou u; ti 11l Sol) 53',1111.1 1,1111111. W. Funny boro'; Samuel (Mover. Moubaniesluirg:, .1. U'. Coeldin, Shepherdstuv; U. Coover. I pper Allen; .1. 0. 'Fa', ton, Silver Spring: .John Ilyur, Carlisle; Valentine Fryman, New Cutebe, Picking, Dover; J/le. IVarrington ; .1. F. Deattlm R. Wmbineton: lilrhuy Clark Dilisburg; I). Rutter, Fall, Jelin Williams, Cus roll. 11.1111911 N CO.--.lnool, Houser. Harrisburg, . Mombora of tho company havina; policies about to OS Om ran hay° thorn renewed try making application to any of Ihe Agents. E=Mllll GU RAS lit( T R' rE 1 E late brilliant victories achieved by our Federal Armies have gladdened every A merican heart, ale Inv assurance of a speedy restoration of peace to thin great country. In view of this I have resolved to offer my t remand., US stock of DRY GOODS,. at prices that will satisfy every person are cheaper than can he bought from any Miter house with limited menus Just commencing business. I have 10,000 ) ds, of BLEACHED MUSLIMS, and the same quantity of unbh,tich.i on hand. I can sell good white Muslin at 0 cents, and extra quality at 10 and 1234 Also, 10,000 yards of CALICOES, • of Merrimack's, Sprague's and Cocheco, at 101, t ets the old prices. A large assortment of excellent second Mourning at old prices. 'Vert dash able • BLACK SILKS, at 6234 Tr., PT F, $l. Thu 07~i Is the same that sold at $l, and slur Millar quality Is the same that Laos been and Is still selling al $1.20 per yard. • GINGEAMS, in great profusion at 1214, old prices. Also, Canton Flannels and Kentueky Jeanie, at the old prices. And In CARPETS and 011. CLOTIIii. I guarantee I no stock outside of l'hiladelphie oa, begin to compete, either in quantity or price. In addition to the !dime, 1 have it very large stork of Ribbons. !Ayes, Embroid eries, (Main es, EaShlaureS, MorillOeS,Cuburgic, Flannels, nod other DRE',S GOODS, _ _ of ti o latest styles and chrieest patterns. My FlleePSH iteretolbre hes enabled me to Mier ad vantage 4 to my old .enstomentutt d the public generally, which are not 11014 sessed by others; particularly those who are compelled In commencing now Co lay in tt t;took nt the present high prices in the principal eitimt. A discriminating public will satisfy themselves ehhe truth of the foregoing before purchasing else Where— . tremendous stock of Goods, laid itt principally be fere the rise, is admitted to be the largeht betweon Phil adelphia and Pittsburg. 1 invite all persons in want of Bargains In Dry Goods, to call IlUa examine at the old and well' known stand of Feb. 213, 1862, • • A. N. 12::\T'/.. lIAWILI47,S: 500 palrs Hawes on howl or all hihAl 0: .I:ll7,ahethtown . pattern, Lelidon do., Common do , with and without pa tint fitstenhigv, cheaper than over at it. gAXTOWS, Hart 1,a1,11 March 28, 1802. , CIUMBERLAND VALIACY AND FRAI'U RAIL ROAD. pf? sta "l Wi,j 7 DA; ' CHANGE OF HOURS! OH and after MONDAY, MAY 5, 1562, I'm:solver Trains will run as follows: (Bundays a:crept,' :) FOR CIIAMIIER.I3UIter AND HARRISBURG. Ist Train. 21 Train Leave liaLterslown, 7.LU A. :11. 2.47 I'. 71 '• Ore...mitle. 7.37 " 3.37 •4 Ulla mbersburg, 8.30 " Arr. 4.20 " •" Leave 12.55 " " Shippol.l•lng, 0.1)0 !. 1.2 n " .'.Newvillo, 9.32 " 2.00 g 4 " Car 11.0,... 10.10 " 2.40 " Me,hattleshurg, lu 42 Arrive at llarrisburii, 11.16 " I st Tr.tln. 2d Traln Leave Hati,.hurg b. 05 A. 31 1.35 P. 31 •• 31,11anieHburg 8.47 " 2.15 " " Carlislu, 0.27 " 2.66 . " News Ills. 10.02 . 3.211 " Slilpiwnsbu'rg, 10.33 . 4.00 . .' Chamhg', k.l rri ve) 11.10 4.40 " =3 Or.,raFtle. Arrive at Ilaawstown NOTICE TO PASSENOERS': Mal] Shainns whore Ticket,: are Fold. liagf,koWll, 11mm...tie, Chain berahurg, Shippensburg. Neu Mlle, Ca-lisle, Mechanics burg And Harrisburg, a oisluetiOn of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be mode it, all Passengers that provide theingelvea with Tickets hetnre entering the Cars. 0. N. LULL Super't Railroad OMee, Chandausburg, May 1, Ping. CARL [ISLE AND 11111,ADELPI1 I A 444 — Cars of this Line lento the Depet 51 I llrket Daily, at 4 b'eleck. Leave Carlisle. Dnilv. at 7 o'eleek. A N. lino& iiit.•ndo , l for this lent should be is arlieci C. I'. Daily Freiallt Line, anti sent iu by 4 I.'elbelt. May 2n. i ".- si \NEN. ArtitANGE)IENT ( - 1 It I,ine front the North v :1111 t h Nenkl t..k 1. i.•, rl. I A.L.,11, TI:1311 , . • 11111 .• 11 , 1 , 11,4 14111 Ido•ildlia, NO`W ViWk. 1;1.3.C111,, Pt•tt ., Sll).. 71111 all 1111,111,11 . 1t.,talilPISS, A. \I ~..I I NI., 1,1, •tt , •41l liri•I•11•, :of 31r)ving s.,v :tI,,F —5 th, viing Pa fr,n T " t.' 11 . 11 n 11.11 in t .. It tr iletu ruitvs, Npvr V .rk qt.; .% nn, ..1 . 0. , 111, :it Ni I NI /11.1h12._:_ , ; ea, VII T. IL .E.X.12_...1n11a5.t.1art...44. to .111 , 1 I Itt-' I 1% j I I 4.• 1.1 L 4 \ 11 , t 1 , 110/11 :1,1 311 11.1,1111.• diltt• -11:111.1III11 1:11 1' )1 , 1.1 N11 . .14 , 1110 C.NV I, 1 . 1.:111 , . '11111,t• :tt 1 V.. :‘,1'2.1:. 1 1 11 ~for 1 1 1.11:, al."1 nu 1 'lt • I'. 11 . Ai, I.llrll :Ind 11::1,•t1 r,)111, 1:14F1 - :,t 11. A. , ...111:1,.1.111. Trnin al 1 , I 11 . 9,1.1 /..1:111.11.. I.“1:1 :It .1 I' 11 1 -1,1.1,v 1:.11.. at 7:1 1 . .1 11, ntol 1 1 1.1 1 . 1 ,1 )1111 .1 ". ,• I . AI :111.1 Ti,•k- H,...itr0.tu,,.1 i.l, s 1 11. m 811 i I. t..•llernl:lllp.t. ANI) P 1•:11'01i1.1" , :11! r 11(.1 iimlersi;2ned purelinsed thu .• he Tato rn 11.1111 tllOl% .11.1.'.111.1, 111 cc..l. II \ TI \ El `IN I at. 1.1i42. old stand, itt t 111_11 tv ith 10n.v.v.1 and vilicivnt t. p. t II viitt (,1 •I 101,, eIIh IL. iinorfivenirnt 4.1 the Ai 1,:t1o1 !itliyup 1.. 111..5c• L: .•hip h e. F. I ivi It. ~n I I A t 1 a 3 .t. I i I,• 1 1 t i i I i n HATS ANI) CA I ' S, t. e l-- ; ,,,, s .• . • •• . .. . . . . .. of all .1e../.l.lpli,ns,n, In II el.mnion Wool the fin , --1 I. 111 .01/ : and at in iter that n,n•l e,/•ly one 1% I , lin , an r e to getting the ot tII ',non s. 'Foe includes, 'llOl.l ;. , 1 1•.1.': , 1111 ItE.IN I It 47 FFT.T MATS, ever, 7. , • 1111,111 ;i:“.•11 LIG lIT \ ': VI 1 ' I\l , I I \ 1:11 I an 3 1 1. it. )lEN', 111 I N • I'. )•;. ly ,I/ U.. 1)11I :11,1 ,] 11,1') 1.1 , .•• I •.li LIJ st t.lll 1:r1 )NI) IT, I .Nl; I:1V .1 1,. \ ANI, 1; 1:1 t lb. , ttl.l. E ( ~• I [l. r 4.1 t 1... 1.01 th, it 1 ,11••• 11.. t is 11,1 r• lilt , It. Ile h r r , ti t I let tr rrerl trr•ttr the I rst rrrrh tire largr,l rottri trer , t rorrirletr t rrer L SI lit .. I%.rhrn e , 11et ,4 fairs that ho It:, f•vi, i•Tt I eti It: 1 , 111111.111.), , 011,11 1111,•li t , . sell NI l h 1.1,1, 't n thih r j, in his litho t I irtir t irre r t r t . r t irr It rr, t 11 A 1: 1) VS' FINE CALF Kip Coll and l'ateul I.l..lthrr ~ o rtl Cni nandl,3lh4 Calf Nul N l:l'lv,, CAII.O Kip Iltognns. lATE.IIPR. Pier Frew-11 :still 1..111111.11 and Kid 11, c.t. Kid Z.-11),I.N, F 411113 dippers, NIO,IIII, 31111 I, id 1:11-1 , ill, r... A )11SsES A '1111.1 , k 1..11t doscriph ions ,11.1,1eing fin, I.a,thig Itut ton Ifni t;, \11 , 1 , ,,, 1,2,14 Ii: 01 $:1 ,• II A'r , ,-ilk. t., Allii Hat, tl l , l t 1.1 11' 11.1 /..ti' Boots 1 11,1 Shia, onnli• orhoi at Ihe shortest nntire ploloptly lhoolon r.t 1.1 his ability to plea, all clll^,l, of rust,ovos. he I vslo•ellully invites the public t.. viN I . 111111 :1 4,111. 11'9. Itoniewhos the plaeo, N. corner of the Public S4lllll, May 30, 'CO, JOHN Ilt FURNITURE WARE-ROOM II C 9 6D 2, • el.Al_, , _:_.;„- g 4- 414 Y f§l z , • West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded ut flir Otud,,, , .;nd County yrieul ur,l Fuir of 1857 .) The subscriber has just receii,d the most splendid assortmant of articles In his line, ever brought to this place—which lie in determined to sell at prices that de ry competition. Park', a, Chamber, Dining-v.9nm, FURNITURE. Kilt:lien Rla 11 ()hire• Embracing every article used by House and Hotel keeper 3, of the mast Approved ani fashionable design and finish. In-lading also Cottage furniture in setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattranses, Mit frames, Purchanta s are Vl'lloosted to call and examine his 1400 k, at his extensive war,ronins, West. Main street, North side. A. 11. EW Nli. - Particular attention Riven as usual to funerals; orders from town :Ind country, attended to promptly and on moderate tome. A. IL A Carlisle, May 12,11,58.-Iy. L UMI;E It AND COAL. GE IVER FTNCEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARD.I On the Rail Road, near eke Gas Works. The subscriber hoops constantly on baud, a full sorltoont of Lumber & Coal, \ caJti•ho an fur. nlai to or'tl clan promptly and on the most row , - sonablo term. • • • r—r - -. - -rff."-•":"..1-i: LUMBER, .SOAVTLING, . BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Pall rigs, Plastering. and Shlngling-Laths, Worked flopp ing, Woalherboarding, Costs, ,White Nur, Hemlock and Oak Shingbes, of every quality. lle aloe furnish bills to order of any length and 000, at t h e soot test notice and u 4 tho must' reasonable terms. Ills worked boards are- kept -undor rovor, so that (lacy cxu be-fur nished dry at all tiatiA, Ile has nonstautly on hand all kinds of Fatally Coal under rover, which will be delivered churn toeny part of the borough. To. %pit • ,LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, anti all the various sloes in use, winch he offers to filo:public at the lowest price! , LIM u llNlnts AND' BLACK'S:V.I'MS COAL always on hand, at the lowtlat rash price. ' Thankful fur the .patronageof a generous public, be stowed upon the late filr. of Diack k Delaney, ho waultb solicit a continuance of the tame as. be will strive to phase. All orders left at the residence of Jacob Shront toe Coal and lmber, will be promptly attended to ns Ohl t'Llt DEIANQY. July '26, 1 'ail 31ctabs FOR CII A 111: E RSI:UIRI AND II AO ERSTOWN 1 1 1 2 'la icit_Av LEZ=I FREED, IVMtn x FREED, =I BEE= READING RAILROAD, E t , „, I yuethly. BEM A. B. E\VINWS BALTIMORE LOCH HOSPITAL. ESTABLISIIED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACKERY TILE ONLY PLACE 'WHERE A CURE CAN BE ' OBTAINED. DR. thct nin,tejOtHlNSTOd y a li o as iy discovered ffet remedy Amrld fir ill, private diseases, weak riven of the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and blad der, Involuntary tlischarttes, impotency, enteral debili ty, nervoto.ness ' dyspepsy. languor. low spirits, confu sion of ideas, palpitation of th • heart, timidity, tram- Wings, dimness of sight or giddiness, disease of the, head. throat, nose or skin, alreetion, of the liver, lunge, stomach or bat, ofs--11wsti WI-I.lllle disorders arising from the solitary habits of touthr- those eet,ret and solitary practices more fatal In their victims than the song of Syron; to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant Lopes or n tirlpnti.,ll/1, rendering marriage, Ac., impossible. ITOTIMSC- Espovhily, who hare bsl . olllo LIM v irtims of solitary vice, that dreadful sod dente ochre habit which annu ally sweeps to an 11110 mrly grin, thonsands of Young 11311 or the most exalted talents find I,llllant Intellect, who Ini,fht otlisrw lay If ter entranced lhdening Senates with the thunder. of oloquenee or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, umah call with full confidence, 'll2 " b. ' Married persons, or young torn contemplating mar tinge, being aware of physical weakness, organic debil ity, deformities, ke., speedily cut ed. ile who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may , religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon skill as a physician. 5 30 `• 0.10 " OliG/I.I\TIO WEAKNESS Immediately mired, and full vigor restored. Tide dlr. tressing renders life miser:Ole and! marriage Ito possible—is the penalty paid by the %letimg ei inimoper Indulgences. Young persons are too apt to' commit I' X COSSeS f 1.1.111 I,olllg aware ot the dreadful .I.ll'lll, eenseoB t May ell.lo Now, who that under stand. the sul..jeet will p, fl to deny that the power et,1 t WIT to , :ooner by those falling Into im pnge•r 1...10t, to in by the prontent ? Betides being de pri the pi 1',111,S of healthy oftepritig, the moat periou. nod destructive symptoms to both body and' mind arioe. he system heroines deranged. the physi- cal and mental r” nr titans w enhehloa, less of procreative power. nervous irt {Lability, dyspepsia, .palpitation of the heart. iteli..e.teo., eenklitutional debility. a west:" log at the frame, cough, nlll,OlllO ion, decay nod death.. OFICE NO 7 SOUTH FREDERICK: STREET. Left hand side goil,C from lialtin , ro street, n few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number Lotior , n u.t. et,nt•tin a HtainTh. Tlin.DoC tor',4 Dinl,nnks 1.114 in Ids nllice. CURE WARRII,NTED IN TWO D11.72-S• No )ivroury N311..0ns Drll.4s —Dr. Johnston. mem et tint I{oVill urgeons. London, Graduattr hem 0110 01 1110 111,-i, eminrut ( . 011. ges iti Lilo United States, the greater pirt of whose life has tern spent in the "r Philadelphia and eisew hero, Ice+ 1.1T1 . 1 - 0 . 11 =Dineof the !nest . m.tonishing rune, that IN, re ever known ; ninny trenhied nail ring ing in the lead and s ellen anleep, great nervous -11,•,4, 'Wing nlartne.l at. stllllloll w, undo, htll4lfUllloB.g, .101 fre.i tom t ‘ittetnled sometimes n ith de sngeimmt of moil, weri. em.,l T.C.ICE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Ir 3 illjlIrP.Itill•ITSOIVOR I , y ititttiopor otlitttry h:thitr o whit It ruin' ttol tmtatio, t `trot for Itltltor hue ness, . . The. • ni• , ed• ineinurholy 'efforts pie hi.° I Ily 0.111, 11,1 i t 1 'Ollllll, 114: N1'11101.448 Of f liH 1,11 , i 4,1 1.11.•.. a. (111111/eSS a Fight, 111.1 , ,•III . 11 .Wvr, ird pit ;11 . 1,1 11111 t. Elyspop ,3 , net "r the ilitividivo Innue II V. uyitipternn rit . ^ounmurdicm,, - rsi --Tile i.O 1111Illf nre he et Mew:. de- Titien:trcuirtl - trelt - n7 - rrytl I..nliert,nrtu - i.inrr - tunortety; — ~.11*.t rii.l ude, tdinellty. fir., are 001110 Of pr , ..lft. nit. :ill a:ll . ti 4sin 011 IV judge What .• their de. lining 11 - h. their vitr o., 1.. , otliug en 1., pdle, 111,Vt.11 , .1114 i Mari 1 te1.1.11/IWing I , : L 1 e - the „1011 sym t .I.e. ITOUTNIG IZEINT bd tbouto dt 11, I•ertain prortiee' t, f., "1„, I,,intenttl 1eer . ..41(1.0m 1 1 N or et el hool, the effects of whirh are• nigh( i) te`,l, 1,1.11 e hen_ ~leep, stiff it nil cured render, o i r e , blftb wind and body, ,t,oold moo,. It bat n lilt 3 ) , .11110 1111111, lop' of his roun t rv. tIo• I/ 1..11 . 1 1 111 , . 5h..t.1.1 be ,notrhod from oil leo le, :not nj. , 3 Inent•oi lite. by the eouse. i n e n,, I.f des ninne noire the ',fill of fotforr nod inflelginc in tnn r , tr. If fees, us must before eon. I. leplatn, ttilt ,ti/l.i 111.1.1 nod hody itre thy most no- , ltl rei.tto , 1,1.'111,4e connubial happiro,e4 w ti. .1 , tirot.37 , hrough lite becomes it wonry 1,11, loot,. 111 , pro, lo'et to the ewe': 110 , n11,•,1 with ti.t. the happineAs of allotht., otoo, out own. DzsEAsr. OF nIaPauDENcE V11 , •II tin 11.1,111.h • il Illij iinpl ud , nt 01. yof plea t-int-o,unit, that lir 1J: linhiheit the 01.1.115 Si this painful if t•el often hlppet, t ltrtt an a 1 t itited-st,itse or ~“0„,,,r dread 5.f d rry. deters lino from applying fr, par,,Otii•ll 1,11(1 rrset.eetwhillty, ran tt heft lend him. ilchip 'le till ilk.. lnstitutinnal syntpt..nt, tlils 11.1,11111).i,, lonise their:ppt araueel tih , t.ratedore 111 r.. 21 t, .Ledtn.., eturna, pains In the of sieht. di ttlness,... 1.41 es on ti. 'hit 1... n., and m..., I lott to tho Cll . l. allli 05 pr0,, ,, 011g with frightful rapltlit, till at 1,151 Ilie p.iln:e „f the nn.ol 11 or 1110 bow , the Irt,o f.,111,), 0,1 Lb , . ol 11110 a wt . .] h „ 5111 nm rouseration. till ui..tth put , 71 pperiod , vulf , rines, hp send hint t. , ;tilt I'ntlt.-•..1 et... 1 c'..nntry f rom w h,.„ co n „ t,noll , r ',tutus It to•lt, th , 11 apt!. 1,01 tht.ut 11, 1 1 • .11 St.,' tit . .. Iti It I Itt• It Illttklt thu 11, • t 1111,,11.1k MMIII I in-' i ! lin o-. :lit In, hi the o e On, tlnn n oto nn n n o I Ann I Y .•, (We , •ne ut n I. nolo,. nlentitole, Inn unloh.o.. 11.11, • • isII tr, 1 , 1 Johnston . '" Inortinnontient-, n•ln tin•o...nnl nye In the nev,ionpers, 1,1•11) 111 :11(1.1 1111 the ;r filthy ,Etp.•ll,l , th, un, 3 11,t earn hr rahrAnr~l, 011.1 )ii )1111 111th r uhe(t t. , ,i,l) niii,l•ll) , irinii , ling, II i• 1,111,111 , to ntntent arik unknown to ollottters, itteptre I It-to 1 Isle •peot In the , grttt itto•pilttls of Eu repe, the t.t-t to the „lint t y anti otore rxtenttit pt 'vote pr e•titte 111 to any “ther ph Melon in the world, IN DORSE IE NT Ol , ` I'llE PRESS •1•h.• ,:a.•a :It th, inttit utinu v::ur :ma I ta. float, on. florml,nit Surgical ill,. raimo , perforno •f 11r. John .ton, 1, it nonstol by the ..1. • u... •• t'lf opo .- mill m miler any mer lo plin•ra, ft n h h :Infl again Ho. ifulflM, Ifff.nit, lun .t.tiffluny as a gantlentan of charar•lor and re-p , .. .I..thciffol gnat:futon to the allifoted. II Cl writltit+ , hnold be Intrlienhir In directint; their letters to this In,titution, in the I . ..flowing tam, Of the Baltimore Leek Baltimore, Md May 2. GREAT EXCITEMENT r is been raiiFed Carlisle and ,ountry on learning that this subscriber has - rctorml noun the City with n tremendous stock of liiy Hoods. ali both7ht for Cush :Ind to be sold nt such iulces as will vanse scut ia.orts to shake iu theft Loots. In this very el.tenslso stork may be found great p 110617 DRESS GOODS. of Sill. 1... i .ii,,, T.,. u Lt.,tt... Fancy Silks in v A ri ii ty, iti:i, ti k Siili 40 the moilruiplisiiti•il iiiiiiiiiiiii•tute :iliiliair Pliiiii. I', II di , Clivvii. Silk Cliel.l.. litillmililervd °hair, Satin Plaid, Cliech Mii,..ittilliiitie.Cliiilli De Imin, Dom bazilies, Lawils. Se , le., V aga. Boys a ear of pad quality and d r airaida Tickinga, Clarks, Flannolq, Uf nghams, Lava. sod CA LICOES of very hand.oult. F tyles nml In sullivient quantity to cic,the el vry ronalt , In the County. I hare also the harvest :u.sortment of CA It ITTS and 011 Cloth lo the inlytiur of l'esuo.vlvanin, of tal quAlitles nod at u•ry /..atlslartory prlc. to Ow pun ha s,. I have almost every dekdinble article In my line of business that can he mentioned. selected with great care, and with tilt 11)e single to the 1111111/1 ul this condnuni , y end the present tinier. The public Is advised to see these magnificent loads go,•ds nefonr pincle,ing eb.ewhere. OH I not confident that advantages will he gained by a careful 111(111111I11, 1.1011 of my stook of hoods, which fir immensity has nev er bann, and perhaps never will be, equalled In thin plum., fur sina beauty. alld cheapness. At the told. well known stand of Awn 4, 151.V2. A. W. BENTZ. The Confessions and Exper/pnee of. an Invalid. DUBLISTIED 14 the benefit and as a, warning and a caution to young men who`suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, Ite.; supply, lug at the Willie I lure the moans of Self cure. By ono who muss eared him. elf after being put to great expo Fm through medical Imposition and quackery. By en lo sing a pest paid addressed envelope, single copies - be had of the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq.,. Bedford, Kings Co., N. V. March Id. 1011.2-1 y "Matrimony Made Easy." ANEW work showing bow either sex may he suit:tidy married, irregieetice °rage - or plihitloll, preposses,lng or Ot 1101 IT Ise, with it treatise mu the Art of Fai.einating, any person you with. A curl. OUR Felo , ltllll . Wlperlinent 10.101 neTor fails. Free for 25 cen:s. AddrUSA T. WILLIAM & CO., Publishers; Box 2.300, Philadelphia. • - • Marsh 14.,18112—1y • Scythes & Snaths. ' TIJST received the largest, best And ej cheapest assortment of , . . , . Sey thes, - Forks, ..,.. , Smalls, Hakes, . Whet Stones, Shovels, :Mlles, lines, Water Giros,. Kegs, kr., ' overbrone lit t,' this county. All of which I brtve. made expressly to order, in large guStities, so thht they Coll be sold at very lot; .prices tint Warranted all "represen Lk!. • ' The trade anti cradle maker , supplied at ntanufoe turcr • prices, at the cheap ilaribraro store of OEN ItY o f TOY, East ylaiu St., Carlisle. MEI r. 1p FARM ERS. I have boon 81)1)01111rd solo agent for.Cumborlaud county, for several 111451 , 1 and suiierthr makoa of FARM -11111,1.11, which I am ruining ut very reduced Woes. .Call and sod thoniloforr purchasing, at the - droop. Ilardwamstoro of - -- Julio 13. Lri.G.RRILIGE 7.YiIi.TtRIA GE =I =I CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, II ENRY SAXTON