exasperating.. .A.long and systematic course of detraction and calumniation of the Ad , ministration and its officers in its highest and holiest efforts to suppress this rebellion, (which had its very inception in the assem blage of a lawless mob who fired upon . Fort Sumpter,) has naturally culminated in the fiendish appeal to the worst passions of bad mon, contained in the above article, Does not the sequel remind us forcibly of the an cient adage that "threats and curses, like chickens often come borne to roost." And what a commontary•upon the course of that journal it IS, that a body of young men, Pennsylvanians—of all shades of political opinion ; enlisted in the holiest: - cause free men were ever permitted to engage in, should exhibit such intensity indignation, As to break through' all restraints of law, both civil and military, in' their eagerness to abate what they beleive to be a disgrace and shame to a loyal community. Evil doings are often not without good results, and our hest wish es are that this affair may have the effect of 130 changing the spirit and tone of the Volun seer, as to give its enemies no further cau,eof ^complaint, and its friends no reason to blush at its disloyalty. "So mote it he." FACTS ABOUT TUE DRAFT.—Through the courtesy of one of Commissioner PATros's .clerks, we have been enabled to collect and arrange the following interesting items con cerning the drafted men- We first tunnel our attention to the different trades, professions, and occupations, and our investigations ex :hibit the following result. Farmers, Laborers 'Ohoetnakers, Butchers, Tanners, Cabinet Makers, Masons, Carpenters, Black am It ha, Teachers, Millers, ,Seaton, Merchant 5, Forgeman, Tailors, Pump Makers, Wagon Makers, Plasterers, Fence Makers, Painters, I.nwyr , r, Gentlemen, Sadler, Doctot Limeburner, Watchman,Nail or, Carter, Clerk, Lumberman, Cooper, Mark ettnan, Student, Brickinaker, Nurseryman, Forwardinv; Merchant, Constable, Musician, Founderer, Bookkeeper, Paper :tlakere, Teamster, The following table will ex the number of substitutes trot the. proportion of those snhsti enlisted in the three years 8 number of principals who hay BALIIe servlce Newburg, InSpe NV ell - , Southampton, Newton, Upper Allen, Emit. Penuaboro', Hampden, bilver Spring, Franktord, West Peninsb,r,,', Middlesex, Monroe, Penn, North Nlidtileon. South Nlildletuu, Dickinson, This statement was taken Iron) the I of the Commissioner on Wednesday lest, rind as the time for procuring substitutes was ex tended fur twenty days, of course it will be modified and change I considerably, by substi tutions and exemptions. Forty five of those drafted have been dis charged for various causes The questions arising as to the necessary qualifications of substitutes, have occasioned considerable dis 01138i012 and many differences of opinion.— One of the most vexed of these question,N been the age of the substitute, The follow ing official letter from the Governor, to one of our citizens will explain what is requited on that head. If (he substitute will be passed by the ex amining surgeon of the Rendezvous, HO physi Bully competent to di-charge the duties of a soldier, and will be accepted by the InutAtvr ing officer, his ago will not disqualify him, autLikewill answer in lietrof Ilia drafted than Yours truly, A. 0. CURTIN, Psa MUCLUR} [Signed] ELOCUTION —On Saturday last, Prof. Anpernerin, gave an exhibition of a class of fourteen lade of town, whom he has Limn teaching 'Elocution for some weeks The ex hibition was attended by HOMO of our inn st prominent citizens, who agree in priinouncing it a decided snoops, and a most tlattering tes• timonial of thO,Profwssor's ability to impart instruction, in this important branch of study VL4G PRESENTATION.—The patriotic young ladies,of Middlesex township on Mon.' day Oct. 20th, pr..eented a beautiful silk flag to Capt. CHAS. Lss's• cavalry company, now statiOned at Harrisburg. The presentation was handsomely made by, the' ladies, and the flag was received on behalf of the company, by Pent. TtiEounns W. Bohm, who made the following address: , ' CAPT. Cnns. Ltss:.B ThAnictumitTEtta, 4. Onnsv Eitt.plo2iB t ", Oct. 20th 1872 Ladies,. Fellow Officers, and 'respectici sqldiers': : On behalf of the officers of the " &tuber land Cavalry" and especially Lieut. Jens It. BEIDLEIt, it. becomes my very.agreeable duty, at his request, to accept this beautiful eta blew of our. Nationality—not aloe° for tut in trinsic excellence —net alone for that sptrit of independence and self-reliance, which it in spires.and fosters within patriotic hearts. But.. because, it is the free, the generous, the hap py gift of fair donors, whoseArayers strength en the artn, nerve the heart, and lire the soul, to do battle for tills cause, which next to 'the nbristiaii religion, is the most.. l o4.altetl on, earth, liberty, this liberty the price of which is " eterricd vigilance"' as Pio want of it now, and the fearful warlike state of our ,potmiry now - alike attest. Whose but the most callous heart, is filled with the loftiest einotions of Mittens' pride, while standing , heiteall the silken Nils. of Ode emblem— end surrounded by tfio' feir - dAugliterh; and .brava sons of the Cuniherland."— Whose, but the most inditiereht heart,, fails . to realizo.its historio:glor'y, and the holy as soalations.which cluster around it in thid day . of its peril. , _ Receive it in ihe - name and kilt prod roelnory or our illustrious Fathers who gave it birth, respect ; and;-honor, and %re it be given up, or dihgraced; let it be baptized a second time in the blood of our worthy Sons, accept, sustain and cherish it for the respect ,of the donors, the love of country and the sacredness of home, hear it Aloft on the firey field of battle that await you, then. and only then, can you honorably claim the ben • etit of its protection, share the honor et its past history, and the rising glory of its rut tlre• bus ligAm. We have a fancy fur old newspapers—not of lhodwo-days old class, that the newsboy palms off on his unsuspecting customer from the rural districts, but the genuine old news paper that carries one back to old times and old people. In looking over the drawers of an old Secretary, sve came across an old tile of the " Carlisle o,tze - lir uud Westerneposi tory of Knowledge" published in Carlisle. by krttsr: tlitt REysni.ng, in the ' ‘ itear 17813 Some of the advertisements are quite amusing on account of their quaint style and odd sub• jects; things that are quite unknown now-a , days. The first that attracted our attention was ns follows ; A likely healthful tittgru wench, i+ n. , ed tit do kitchen work, she has four children, Itte eldest a girl alluut 8 3,11.1 . 4 of age; the sec and a boy about i> years old, they or egis tered, Sure had the SMaiipo.l.: 711 , 1:t! 111111 boy three years old; the ,t.lutt,ttstit a girl 13 months old; they are healthy and thriving, will he sold tttgeiher fur c.r b , ptthlio it the 0111'1'011C value, or bar iron. En quire of the Printers t.) It seems the honnrahle fraternity of typte were engaged in rather a low( business, and Thal the owner. , were nut at 11,1 cliyiue as la the kind of c .nsitieration the) . received ler their ,lava , . Printers mu,“ have been soiree in Carl , 'e about. !lilt time, now, full:8 int,zl,l trouble in fin.ling out who to ap ply to. 'Ube next is a notice by a rnqn QI many oc cup:nions, a "chimney docinr A ',rut', S Sill, WlllOll is eXtillet in (ilk enlightene,l aze Ile poems to he a. gent lonian of Celiir v trtle.tloll ttlltt III)I(. to 110 31111,41 .tttly t advertisement spe.llo for itself. nrrivo.l in this town. bogy Insvn t o litinrsi the rnOttto, that in tin.lortslitbs incurs. chuuuu}a to he tree crnri.sion or .1111• 1,11 kto Is 1 tiro works; rush as Is,- osl loolors, fitt.llll ntnf Coninl , ll slew P1' , 11,•11 iunl 1:11L; 1,11 kite-, Ci+lorti , p its .jll,l dot Ittko , to burhl toolso , trC I.ro•is r r !,(,,to, y L td vltui nye , n 6rnJ "I . tom! :+1 , 11e . 1 Ivltur or vpilapii. The nLuc , IV lt" ill be (2,111j , i , 1,21 nce,rrling 10 t 1116.1orit I,lstr. C .11,ril 1, 1.7`3,3 111 , 11V1•111,l1 LN111.:11. ill till' ullrP ft:1,11112i In I SiWHIT ' S 11011 SP ill vivw to s‘lll ~:ontoe! air," oiot het+ iloa arc 41+1i11 . , :,!111+1J0 , 1 hy 1)0 . la , li , 111 Ilan 11,0 I'.nn•liv, (.1 111 It 11,V Inns/ L.icl • 1, or tile reirvio,j ()n nun..., ,twit•ht., hibit re,pect.vel W I , !it 111 , ME Ili1(4 r,I torly i ti • n I II HO I'd IVO laT C'.. • /11S c i 11 hat WOUH 11,• grave pr,rt-Rlnrs of present limo thirils in ('”l'egf I(0 Ve•r, le" / . 01! el to tho,i , krOing t.‘ - M 111();Iiithqzts have t rcu luiltk:there sint:l2•ol3, ME Runnin4 away , erws lu hive ' f Ire - iiin - IT:4;tri't , iii Tri - 1'i7).4 . . ,- ",1 i ^ N . . 4.. 't -, ; - , i-u,.i.,.., .•;, r from tt.ill IVt.1.1i,•111 =II IMI li II P •11111 .111./ 1.1!1.1..‘ H 4 I 11! I,,lVtS;ciuirc i- I f • Li 11100VPI1 r - 11 S 11,.. The Lighl orloreri to meet at the IS racks rtr . the tlistrthott,tlt of nrms, itt).l •• the gentlentvrt Troup of Light 11.,i,tr The fitit 11_\ I' 11)1 is iii, till 1 the other 13 ,o b.s 132 41 (2)11)1 Nl , n t:i..o MCC4 ;SE It Y A :ong I hi , trune , + inetill , Fne,l are numbers of ,1,1 c•ni/OM, STENIF:N S, 11,TON, ; I l:\ .11.N.X kruunnt Si EEI.E, Mid many others. Jlany and varied are the changes which have me ramorpliu,ed our bur °ugh from the staid obl.l3.lnoned county s eat ()Nile epoch o f cocked bats :kill knee hreeche. , , to the dashing and presumptuous town Lit the pt esent age. Whether in our rapid strides ot enterprise and improvomeni, we have not left behind many id those principles of moraiity and philantrophy, which obtained then, is worthy of a retrospective glance, and although much of ridicule attaches to their mannerisms, may we not find more that is worthy of iwi tatiun in the unost entations wisdom and integ rity of the early nuttlerr3. 'Chests old files are rioh-itt reminiseenc* , , and we may 0'166 future lime again recur to them tor the 11111U.5e -1110111, and instrucklun of our readers. J. \V. SJIi LEY 68 just Opene , l a large 1111 d IlsAuriinent of Fall and Winter Cleibing; Boots, ShneA, IL ta. ei.ps, and all other articles belonging to a Furnishing Es tahliBlununt. Do not fail to give him a call, as he prmises to please you both in goods and prices. Ile wid let no man under•ell him. You can buy with confidence that his goods will prove to he as good as recommend ed. Store room.between Herman's Hotel and Halbert's Grocery Store, North Hanover st., 4:t.D-Dr. John J. Morgan, the eximiniSg &urge n for the Draft in Frederick county, Md., was st a.rrested by the Guvernment on the 14th, on the charge of bribery in giving certificates to upplicauts desiring exemption. It is sahl lie received a hollus its high as $7.3, fur giving a certificate of exemption. He has been taken to the Uhl Capitol' Pri son, \Vitehington. WHO WAS RIGHT. -:- The Mil/0171471 aeke 0113 question, who ,Ville right when Gen. Cameron warmly urged dip arming of a million of men to subdue this rebellion, while his enemies rid : Muted the idea. The iftltoman fiirther adds ? that it appears now, that the General had farther insight of yds rebellion thou) any other one man at the dew, Solomon Foote was re•eleeted U. S. Senate by the Legi , dature of Vermont, for six years by unanimous vote in tho Senate, and only 7 votes against him in the tt~A wag's:l3 , od xi womain : To her vir invo we give 7 love ; — to :her beituty, our nth:li ni iott :to her Ii p+,. side Ilk. " Oi thu 22d hint ,by flov. Jacob Fry, Mr. JAMES D. SHANNON, u( Mount Holly Sprino, lto Mins LUX 9IILETI3 of Petersburg, Adams Co. I'a. OLD NEWSPAPERS To nr SoLo kg 0 Fl, \ EILTY norlur =I =I t.) .. I I I ..1,1111 r )11'C r iIIrJ h)111 for .11,1 To the Nervous; Of both sexes. A Retired Clergyman having been re stored to health In a ,leur days,. alter many years of groat sulTming. In willing to sosist others. by scooting (fire,) on the reculpt of a post paid dirocted envelopo, a copy of the pkeserlptlon used. Direct the M. DM/NALL, ISO FUlton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Juno 4, lIM2-4m • Batchelor's Hair Dye 1--The Best WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye prod ti a color not to be dlstlngult.hed from nature— warranted not to injure the Hair in the tenet; retne.liet, the ill effects of bad dyes, and Inviorates the hair for lite. it rey. Red, or Rusty (lair Instantly turns a splen did Mack or Brown, least ug the Halr soft and beautit Sold by all Druggists. ,te The genuine Is slimed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, on the four sides of e tch box. FAcrour, No. SI Barclay Street, New York. (Late 233 ltroad way and Di Rend Street ) ?lap '2l, I y (lit yflarlitts. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. tieport“l weekly for the Herald by Xt. C. \Voodat - nr d. Oct. 31. 16";2. 11,0r1; (Sup:. do I:1 Itrp i:VE =ll k....... H 11;1,1.: \ 1'1; Bl1(1,1 . .1! SPIZI CI. I'l Hem dlOttertts t k Two sTotrY BRIGN 1101h741 , :,, V, I; 11 horn port nut a co,,a vhz tot.) of halt, sltuale3l on South liatiovi.r Went opt" 111 o tt.,1,1,1, 4,r Audruw Malt, deCd• 1. 1 .'1,11/ill. t h.. 1.,/,111,,0g. I'nrih.lo. 11.1, 31, 1,112-31 FOR RENT. s1()1;1.,' )o.\l, Iluuro atol Lot, lop ,t tt as the Into 11,1, ait• dt•tott 7 nth. , ,T ~L l'aritbi •, 01/ llw N nitiut I,.ni 411,i, on the first, of Apt too. t. AI, I F3llll. I,OCIIII/ for a I, Li;,: flat ouAli . JOIINL, , TON NIOURE. ,):.1, •,,, r :21. 1 , 62 a NEW GOODS NEW GOODS ! ! crry. L Lii.kome '11F..... , 0rt went, of .new hay,: j unl ! , J. I6r 11: I t!J!!• , I hi sp .1o,!!!/ \ P 111, 'Once, 1,10 door ,re t t t.t Pit- , t„ 11.1 in :it ottt. \\ T lil he (`:irli,lo Ilarraelss P.l I'll 12 k lit, '11 , 4 • ... ' t I v: thlr 11111121=1 I= 1110111 Ilt 11.11“1 ,1 / 1 (11/,. Ull thrif ',ilk, :1 1.•1 quantity thto 1,1 , 0 1 , 1 ei.t:r t A l'.l EMU Tavern Stand fir Rent rri NV,II 'fa taud how j., ,••• s 0.1.•10 I, 14:1.1 II x.lll 11,2 Et.i. \ EMMEN ( (r 1 th,• 1:1o6.1,11 Imre \II I , itu+tN. Lltp.. 11.0111 v IN , 110•1 by 1110 1:1•041., IMEI li.lt•t• L., ited (Y1'11'1; i• l't'i/I'lat N 1 ph, JII.PII 1.10 ttl 1140 of Cl.llllllllll I hy the •• - 110., .1 ell s:tpr of • t• , ,1,0 ..11 , 1 , 01 , final aetwlt 31 , /t1 1,52. vi 1 ;11• I= -.1 , 1 , :,/ Hen and Boys' Clothing, • . I t =I ~.I .11., .1 ), “.,,r 1..1,1 .1 :.1..1 , Ntd•g; ,;; g ; 11,•I Arid 1.: .1 11 .1.“ it t•ti \ 1.1 \ I op, It \ 111,11!.•;i10 J 1 I I,IT (11::5C1'11) 1)1'1 ?II I t ~,, f J. in- I. lA.e pi I,i r 31,,i.>,Ns v. \ ', lsl .: * cr „. 1 ,,.., ,:oz, II .• I • il I 70i 11.1•••:111., ttit.• litt,t•t+t t.lzet• 1trti...11.,: t t t,s.ls• \ pt•t VI ii.lt, t ,Ic. Is 111 1.1 I'l\ it, 1.1 ts, It II litt =IEEE 11l ICI S. h.., \vers. Neck .1 irry si-ck and in idirti 1.. n. The 1,•L.• It. N ;11 1.0 n. Fix t.r ten dollars Mad. 1.., mddr. I=IIIII Dissolution of Partnership, rrUE pztrtner,hip hi.returure existing tho tin.i,ls,lglled i Ibis clay lio iilol a:soul lo• romilo 1 o at rOlOl,l all par aims - .1,1401 Cr,- - nue Parrli•Sll V ',quints.] Cua call uuJ sottlo tlio, lilt %not elm uno llno 01 01" firm in maul. ittlltElir I 1% li11)11AED, 2.7._L562. I.l.lting frhni Lilo grin of N'l'on.l c,.1 , 11-illy to thank hi It 1 , 4 11, IJI,I-11 pa tr-iiii,4o ca to .111 til thfl Intl fit tll. oni 11111) toJ;lc - it a can (hi I.IIIICO Of thu lu hl. nue.ussur. k, Pa,. Sept. '....7,1,1C2 C Wn,lNrnr 1. lin vlrg purchased tho Interest of hurry U. 6ehmitlt,l,rgl, Ira vu to inform the public lhnt he P"' I , eon timing lho husllloBBllB ilOrdtol,o, and rospec tf>lly sollvEs a ,hare of public patronage. IWHERT U. WOODIVAIiII. Cul lisle, Oct 10, Is 6-2 FOR SALE OR RENT. Tire Douse recently occupied `ry Mr. If."D. Pcherldt liuqul c it. C. WOODWARD. Carlisitt. Det 10, ARCH ST. CARPET WAREHOUSE. LIMEN & HICK - NMI, No. 832 A Stroot, 2 doors. below Nitlth, Phila., are now nicely Ing th,lr Fall Mork lingUsle. and Anzer,can Carpeting, cnmprp , in g all the now styli% of Velvet. lionsaols, Ta prxti Ilru,sllls.l'hioo Ply, Ingrain and Vonliliins, with a splendid assortment of 011, ilyrro, DituutkErs, The attrn non Or houselecopore and °thorn, is called to on oetanelnattou o.f.tho /above, to wo buy and hell I.x,Jugi rely for onb. on aro proptered to nth nn *Mail protein, and hold out strong luduconionts to Posh tiny or cr: Oct. An, '62-3m r II() - F A.lt NT I have been appointed solo agent for Cumberland county fnt' several eon and eupurior mcdica or FARM w ni,, I ~m st•lllug tit very roduccil pricea. Fill and sue thaw before purchasing, at the clump [lard wala shwa ul . June 13 HENRY BAXTON. THE GREAT CAUSE OF 3Er U Eir A xklr TT s E , Just Publishedin a Sealed Envelope # Price 0 cents : a Loathe b) Di. CUL Rig V vitwvt,L, on the Clll.lBO and _cur° of 1- 7 ."" - - . 1 , Spermaterrinau, Coneumption, 31,,,et,,;„ 14. A, , - 111111 I'llySti . :ll Detill,iy, I Nervpusnes , , .Fpliapsy; Impaired Nutrition of. No Body; [Ashville; trout:Dens of the Limbo and. the Back; Idllorsition, and Inroparity for study and Labor; Dullnose ol .t p• or. bension; hoes ,of Ih:unary; Avarelop to •41;;;Iety ; hfIVII of :non; tole; Thuhlity: Self MANDL: Dizz1a.....0; iloodaoho; Affections or the "Eyor; Pimp'. ..n t`ho Vora; lii voluntary Ibnishluos, and : 4 tocttal I neuenatt,); the eun,Foqueotrop of Youthful Indisorotioo, ..,,.. , • This adwhable fro.turo clearly Woos 111 :t , ha ',la," oulltllitratoll, WWII lialf:I0lial..1. till , Ma!: :a. ~,,i„i 4 ,d without noolleine nod ivil hoot danovron... ,1,1 . .1,,0 8 1 ,,,., wa1.,,.. and sh o uld 111.fead by two Y ~ ouch and ny,ory Mall In tho land. Mont under seal, to any addraes,'lp a plain ettiloiretf. - Yoloptr. on the rara)lpt of six con t 5, or twn portage ato.naps, - by addressing, Dr. 011 J. 0. KLIN 1:, J.* 31, " 127 Boma" yvic, ro,st, °Moo, b0x4586.,: in the World FOR RENT PROPOSALS, EMT= . 1 b t li tlat \I I 1 !ME IMITITEI I, Il.••IA. , 1 I OP 10i111 , 11 , 1i It" PA,I I II I • .11 , :1 , I , pi Vsopt tLwin duly aucheik• Allomiktiator 11... AE, NEW GDODS MIMI =ME .01i117/1 to tli /,11 1 I1I•I1u'Ll„p yr Ow =MIME NM WAR ! \ \..:u:n::l:,, r. ISA -V' 1.1 VlNlizif N.,rth = I'A.ED IfE'QCY D. S.CII)IIDT = VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. On Thursday, November 13th, 1862 II E subscriber will offer at public 81110, on tho prornisiis, in "lilonroe township, ad joining Ch urehLown, on the north side, adjoining Goo. ❑rindlo nod others, the fold'iving deseribed,Roal Es tate, viz: A LIMESTONE FARM, containing 79 Acres, and 48 perches, The Land is of gond quality,. under a good state of eUltivation, there having born recently about 7,C00 bushels of limo 'put on It. The improvements aro a large „O.IA-L=.`").. STONE 13ANI.t BARN, 76 feet long, iii; a 50 fort floor. A Threshing Maehine Shed attachod to it, A.,c. A two story Double W untherboarded HOUSE with two eel r it. [log Pen. Corn Crib, and other necesyary Oothullainrs, an uxcellent 11'01 of water upon the premises, a good Apple Orchard and a thriv ing youTur Poach Orchard upon tho promises. Grapes of vat lone t Inds rule to eowinenee nt 1 o'clork on paid day, when at tendatwo will be given, and the terms, (which are easy) be made know a by J. W. L1:IIY1011, October 21, 1.1.,1—ta pUBLIC SALE OF REAL ES TAM A . I'RIIIA Y, vemher 14,18(1'2 In pi n...corn 0: nn r•rdor of the Orphism,' Court of Como,land C Lll.subacaib•olfor fit , public cola, t Is IncL prionktoi, Into of binuin Tobtnc, doted, sit united In liliddlesox lownshlp, ileac the road leading 110111 limo ran ripik , to thu Carlisle Sprinitig, nbout 23_c ini!es north of lal - 11410, the collovrlng described (teal .I` . . , tate, .it, A Traci t L;IND., e0„t:,,,,,,r1 1 ; fifty ttelex, tilitler n Ftatu of cultivation The linurcu omen to 00 , 0 tt tIVO story ell 01, LO(: II 0 0 AS'E, 1P 1 P . O LlNTand other neetuicary Out AL A good orchard runty nimg .411 , 1,i.:5, I'M AND CllEit11.11•:•4 A goo.' u . 1.11 ol water on the pi °mkt,. : 4 01a to row ro, I iColork oo day when attendance mill lor given, and the Iconic mad, known v JUIIS II ANDSIIIIII, Ott ,her 24. ISO2-It. Administrator. \ NOT I (',F.l.—Letters of Ad {/, , , , line yet ate of Neathaininer, tt,' 1 . kite of . ILun.hurg Dauphin county, l'a , have) hems Granted by tho hnrlxti rat Cu ntLerin ud Positt.y, to the iirolorhignioi rosidinr ht Eiitpininsbnro' town miip Ap o log theinseivea indel.tod route will wt], ilonuidiate p.tynieut.-and those having claims t. lla esanL them 1.1 . ..i.0r1y n uthontleaLodfor met tinniest M. :iEITZLL, AduCr. iiciober Ibi,.:2—rt t NOTICE, I I , I , 1;:!? S, ,, nl i y t w ,, i , r d e .111 , / , r 1// /V , 101 k / I / I,i war” all persons tram trust lue h 1,1 .pii vs I xill roy Ito dt•tyth .1 A('(113 1,1:11:11.E)t ;11, Y., L ,1).•t Town Property at Public S )le. (1)N ; 4 :it ii rdity, .N u% cul4K .1:4., - 1662 the ~, , - ; - ,t.,:, :: ' .,1 r.:), Nt. I.l'i, •mi , .. il the Iii,III. liiilliii, ill Hit , 11,11,101 i ,ii iin i ili-ii• f tit , t,tiOv..ttg• it,.- t 0 , 1 , 1 tr,l •,t 4f • . ,Itt It' ..I3 )1.41, tlt,rt, ~ 11. , ..,1:0 DL ~t tt.ttt t . , ite•t.,. to Wt.) , 1 d ti'l Li, it. 1.4. t..: AttlltStoll2:& ii. itt•f, an lon tit., 1 , 1 1 '4 Ily 11 ci) II , 11111.1, viz' __.,) ~. ts Ist, tl'ol . 1 IM(CIi. 11t3t . ,1 , .. with .40{,-.4 4 ' -, 'II 'WI . 111'111 , 1 ,4 ' Ti ••t ' • " ,:( Elt I ' , '.. ,' - ,' '. ~ '''' '''. " r ''''. ' ..3 . Ci iI 11 ', '," :Y •,- , 1.1 . /r . k.t . ptl) SAIn Iv o i ...:,.„.. 5 T e g I. 11,0 1.1,11 0 al. .1) 'J ',l''' t, (Jll ,ailini tiZt 1 4:. If 4-"t" . 7_ , Z,..4 . ~,,15 , A 11'11 IlitI • nda11,0 1 1 111 ho g!ven na LE t, r I t ! I t 1 t NI A ICI if A FLAMING 11,1111 W.1(1,1/1/ the 1,11111i91,1. ( )/MALE Or F}.',M ALE mit..NTA To sELL NIAV i l l. NTI: NI Nl' ”I 1: I Sl'Al LS, N k \ race: t.kort a. completed Aug 10, 1 , C2 ;cost ,t 1 t•11,.:1.1% 11 and .JOO . /1 opm eo nov nip mgdo by Colt,n or Cl • Ul coats, are I:ll.4.raved 1: v Clap. I.nt it Is also a 1 .11A IV I NI. 1t.111.1t , 1A 1I .Al' ..f Ile' I nit.alii,l at/wlus oaubiLef.i In one, E mg, I.N lA'S \ a I IoN nod 'di . .t.4111,S /JO., oen. ti u,rau Liz wv . ,,au jtf, rdac, and will t loa_k al; itvkr,, that canuut bo sold taint rotund 5t0..1 c hi wo,th to trN. ilint,u,Lit , t, 1., Li 0111,vaxs well. furnished - 31apti v in evorT Slot, ..t;11o I / ;;laud, l•rance and tuba. ma% t !ill a Low hwidred dw LULL iii.L al N. Ci .lI[.•LL Ll.ll. J. LLOYD. No. 101 'lllO 11 al 10..10d [Moot tli4.s our :dap of Virginia, Mors. I.t dit zl.l l'oo,-s 1,3 , 111. sloo 0111. on which 1a lo.d .1 1:111,000 I,bor..ll,tryland illghts l Nk II I to , 11•1 , .; F, ts, 10100 olo.tls rord, and 11, 1, .111 (Ito ti ..I . orl °tiler plare in 11.u,1\1, ..:111111., _•11.10 llgnnay irautn t . or-money re jlo 1.1,1 r TOP , u„ Jll'lll'll, \I A (' KV.NTUNCY I \ 10% tand 01! , , ntlth lon ...In lbrre'l and Cho \inr 0. I,lel.ln,rt 41- , nry rrl,llttint - ttrally Itrittifl 4 . 111 i it I • r '' cow, 1',1,110. A 11,, , 2 MI •' 0Co •-, V I R.tl IA. \I tRYiXNn. A NI) 1,, \ I - • et . Ctrs, Its roar lx I,.tt ark r ht , t 1.11 it Calll Le pur.•l‘ased " I=l NIA, rt anti 1 A 1111 am r ` l9 01 , ,•t rt 1.. 1115. 'l)r, . 010 ,t 1 find ($l, 'lel 4 11311].• 1,111 1 .1 1. ' 1,11 .0 - tly .11111. .111 .1.: o .i AI) p . l:l ,• t•q 11111 t. r.`.1.111 , l',l;', $1,:591.1 1111co.,Ith =ISM 1, 1•1 , •1111 , 1. tKeINOTnN Sept 17. IS,I-.1 T Nlt.p.tllirtll.nlF•ip pi 1:11 ri will pl '0 por hiuiaru.l C. pit,. Itenr-Alltili' 11l ,u L+ II Da, lA, eontmanritog tho 8411A.ir..11, In aut.!. 1tt.•.1 purchase as many an 01 . 0 10- I t flint ...01:taton. lt I DE.i.\ Becrelaty of the Nary. .7t.INM 1852. JUNE 852 I:11)11'11, SA w yElt & MILLER, f.:,,t ,re t. r,peetrolly call the attention o: the bindles, 10 thou largo ad tint,or, GOODS, jugt re,ived, romprlslne the varinue fabricia suitable t " th ut ".,,tt sevno u. DIMSSOOODS of uvery valloty ,1,1., 1.4 t qt Sarlues. Niantleß, Lara !Olttn, Points, Fr,,,11 llornours, Huitvlsni oil kind', Sun I:1111,0113n, Parasol,, 800 wax, \lidos huts, ktibbons, Dress Trimmings, Ernhn•l‘lerlog. Hosiery, IVI,IO, Gorhis of rrery descrlp. [lnn, II 010 0,111,.1. 1:1r1 Pad ull,t Cht•Tod boqt In tho markoL, Eagloton eltldea Skirls. \lea's nll,l Itov'n Light CLO7WS CASSLWERE,S, (1 , 4 h.. Linen l'inntlnc., Cot t,nades tho ry t,e s of n tirot , laSa Tailor, wo ore pr•'- pm i to 111/111.0 nip Il.i ds nt short notice land most fabh ,llaLlu itjlu. C li.P ETS 4 all Munn In voly largo aupply..T , ll cloth a. Mattlnga, i,o,F log Masses, allada, nil kinds of /10000 Furaloblng Oamin, Domestic 1.1004 s in inIMPIISCaIPI.CaICIS. Plrao yourfialyna. We hove thin brat. lamest, ebeap.st, most deslrable stock of Yvon offoroa In l'arllair. LEIDICII, SAWYER A. MILLER. Juno 11 MA. \ l''''''o. l ' ' • ./.' i ,i v , .. ~,, r o. ' ,cat,94-,?Agn— ):11 I / i Tr It i iktillig o 1 ... 1,1,71T11 VAI.UAnf.R INPROVILMENTS AT Ith:DUCILD Pltlolfid, "This marbles makes the lock atleh and ranks high. ert on account f elastleitr, permanence, beauty and general toot idleness of the stitching when dons, sock the irlde range " fits opplicatbm."—illeport of AmeriP can institute Nose Ydrk.) The NViv•eler & 'Wile in Sowing Machine ie adopted to till ot family rescind. The Lncit Stich made by t hi s out l ine cannot be vavelled. presenting the some dp1111,11.2111.10 upon each side of Lisa seam. The machine Is reeothmunddi for the following Beauty and excellence of elicit upon each s do of fabric sewed, etrength, firmness and durability ofneam that will not rig or ravel. nod made with economy of thread oimplicity and tifolongtiners of construction, speed ease, of operation, and management arid quiet ness oftiacieement— 38,215 inachlnes of all kinds wore sold In thn year 1861 by the ten different manufacturers. CI this num ber 19,726 were of the Wheeler A: Wilson manufacture, being over nue half of all Bold during the year. Prices Xl6 and upwards aroortting to finish. Ma chines warranted to do their work Maritime+ can be seen by railing at :he Railrond Office. All Inquiries 1111;tworeti by addretalng J. CAMPBELL Agent. Curlicie, d no - 27, 1862—Ont. Ir.IMMELL I-I0 USE, .ON TI9 EUROPEAN PLAN, - C STREET, BET..4a AND att STS., Nedr the National ilotel, and two Aquartt.frons the: Railroad Acpot,• WA S 1 - IIN GTON CITY. FOR THE ACOO.SISIO.DATION OF LA it i,•.:1 0)", $2 .00 1 00 •••• * . . ;ow°:.v.~l * id ny 7 a trt ..... c 60 it wit! 'l,r, 01,41darod.by, Old any, Ib, i101:::;1; acwl3 and chantilly rui•-• and L. Eit4cet a lira cluidi .110to1 1 invita thu 1i,1111111111,1. rropriator, .9d:11.1861.-E- f, ' Common Schools of Carlisle. J. W. Itsy, Treasurer. 11i accouut with tilt; hvarcl of School Directors of Chu Hale, from Ist Juus,lBtut. To balance In treasury as per last Bunton - lent, Outstanding taxes on litipilcitte of loco, Receipts from non-resident scholars, Kate appropriation Duplicate of school tax tot lii3l, By Teachers' a:tholes, 6. S. Smith, bolauco on £d. Rail building, 1,395 60 Sundry rents 72 00 Insurance paf'd Franklin I. Co. 50 35 Printing and advertising, 27 00 Incidental oxponsos, 164 20 Cleaning nod sweeping rooms, 70 74 Itopairs, materials, Arc., 200 82 Blackboards, furniruro, &c., 192 03 Wood, cot}, he., 202 01 Interest paid on loans to Ist Juno, 1802, 300 97 Messonger and other expenses, 121 38 Mos. C. Bell's loon paid in full, 440 18 Abatement to ton payers, 298 89 Outstanding taxes duo on duplicate of 1801, 2 319 23 Balance In Troasur) 1 Juno, 'CI, 907 90 The above exhibits a true and correct acewunt or the receipts and disbur•uments fur the year ending Juno lat 114132. as per. Treasurer's books and vouchers which hare bean carefully examined by me. R. C. 'WOODWARD. A ni;ust 14, 1602. Financial Secretary. Orrics C. V. M. P. Coltettcr,l . September '25, MOTICE is hereby given, that an as nessmerit of six per rent has this day boon levied on all premium notes belonging to this company. and In forgo un the 15th day of Auvunt A. I/ 1562—except the notes of original applications taken after July 15, 196 t, on n hid, three per cunt In assessed. Thu mem• here at this company arms thereto u required to pay their respective pro ratan to the Treasurer of