Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 05, 1862, Image 3

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Inan, of Mechanicsburg has been appointed
collector, and Horace ilonharn, editor of the
York Republican, assessor, of H. S. Taxes
for this district, and are to enter at once
upon the discharge of their duties. These
are both excellent apriointinents:
ugy i ..:l ho managers of the Tableaux de
sire to return thanks to the following men
tioned persona; for their services rendered
freely and gratuitously, and which contribu
ted se materially to the success of the exhibi
To Mr. 40on REIEEM for the use of Hall.
To Mr. 71. t. BEETEM for the Gas used
To Mrs. Cinnumn for the use of piano. To
the Garrison Band for their charming music.
To Mr. JOUN Ban= for his very valuable as
sistance in arranging and conducting the vo•
cal music. To Mr. PABST who kindly volun
teered-to pl4 - the violin, which added much
to the entertaiment. To Messrs MoCnarasy
and MARTIN for) maintaining order in the
Hall. To the editors of the several papers
for inserting notices, of the exhibitions.—
And lastly to all the young ladies and gentle
man, who took part in the performanoo.
.r, BURIAL OF CAPT. SMEAD.—This brave
officer was killed on Saturday last, while
bravely leading his battery in the thickest
of the engagement at Manassas. His death
was Caused by a ten pound cannon ball,
which came richocheting over the field, and
struck him on the head, tearing away half
of it and killing him instantly. His re
mains were embalmed at Washington, and
arrived hero on Wednesday. The funeral
took place on the same day at 4 o'clock P.
M. The entire permanent company at Car
lisle Barracks, formed the escort, and firing
party, and a large concourse of citizens paid
their last tribute to the honored dead, by
following the remains to their final resting
place. Captain SmeLd was an officer of
much talent, and gave promise of soon at
tainin,g a position in the front rank of the
service. His untimely death is a great loss
to the na ion and a ajurce of profound sor
row to his many friends.
THE CASUALTIES.—The inevitable con
fusion attendant upon every great battle ron
dere it almost impossible to get anything like
-a perfect and detailed account of the killed,
wounded and missing, for some considerable
time afterwards. The great battles which
have occurred near the famous Buij Run
ground, have brought in their (rain an unu.
sual amount of carnage and destruction.
Weglean from the daily lists ofcasualties, those
who hail from this neighborhood The4um
ber is comparatively small, but subsequent
advices, may both swell and correct the list.
We believe the following, are all that are di
rectly heard of from'Carlisle. Killed, Captain
JOHN SMEAD, sth Regular Artillery. Wounded
Lieut Cal. ROBERT RENDERSoN, who was
struck in the lower part of the abdomen by a
rifle ball, which passed out his back near the
spine, making a very painful, but not mortal
wound. CHAS. WON DERLICH . Company A.
7th Penna. Reserve, wounded in the thigh,;'
lst Lieut. JAMES NOBLE, W. WALTON hand,
Aaaveros SITES, head, T. CONWAY, leg, JOHN
VANZANT, - Ride, all of Company A. 1I th Pa.
We hear unauthenticated reports of a number
of other Cumberland county men ; but prefer
to wait official information, before giving
OUR QUOT.A.—The quota of Cumber
land County, for all the calls, except the
three months men, is 2,377. From this num
ber must be deducted all the volunteers, who
have left the county, except the 3 months
men, those who have enlisted in regiments
of otherstetesZor the regular army, teams
tees, wagon'-bitister-s;&e,,
COunty Enrollment
Total No. In service.
Carlisle, t East Ward, 490 122
West Ward, 403 167
Meehan icebu g,
Upper Allen,
Lower Allen,
East Pennaborougb,
Silver Spring,
North Middleton. 169 21
Franktord, 267 2.5
West Pennsborough, . 434 92
Dickinson, 2.80 35
Penn, 295 pl 6
Muffin, 227 ....
Newton, 394
Newville, 173
Hopewell, 163
Southampton, • 334
Shippensburg Borough, .345
I i Township, 46
Newburg Borough, 86
New Cumberland Boro. 93
All of the Boroughs and Townships in the
County, except South Middleton, which we
could not obtain at the time of going to press,
are included in the above statement. In the
number of those "iu service" are included
teamsters and some soldiers in the regular
artni, for Whom credit will, not be given. ti
the Boroughs sod Townships from which they
went. The statement is as nearly correct as
can be obtained until the Borough and Town
ship reports are compared and transcribed
into the books for the Commissioner, who
will make the draft, The names of all per
eons in the County between the ages of 18 and
45 years subject to military duty are iucluded.
On the 28th ult., by Rev. Jacob Fry, Mr. 'JEREMIAH
IMAM, to Mies MARY MURTORF, both ° of Ademe co.
On the 2nd Ind, by the sumo, Mr, JACOB C. STOCK
to Mite MARY JANE ZEIGLER, both of North Middle.
ton twp. Cumberlend co.
In Diehineon two.. on the 27th ult., MARY wife of
t tumuli Lee, Br. aged Oa yeara and 6 months.
Batchelor's Hair Dye !—The 130 St
in the !
WII,LIAId A. 8Ai0118,L01.1.14 celebrated Hair Dye
produces a ' color not to be distinguished fromnature—
warranted not to injure nth - Hair. In the keit; rornediee
the ill effecta of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for
ute., Grey, Red or Rusty fair instantly turrtea, splen n
did Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and biiantlird
Sold by all Druggists, 'do
The genuine le Ahmed WILIZAM A.,I I ATOILEL9ft,
on the four aides of e.ichboi.
FABTOBY, No. 81 Bainlay - Street, New , York. - (Late
283 Broadway and 16 Bond Street.)
May 20, 1862 7 -1 y "
Eht Mullets.
Reported weekly for the Herald by
Woodward dc. Schmidt.
Carlisle Bept. - 5, 1862.
4 50
_.......... 4 4 75
. , .. . .. 18
?LOUR (Siliotiltro)
do. (Bxtre..),"..
do •
LIED do •
. .... 7. ..
OATE. .. "‘
BARLEY '''''''''''''''''' " •
1 4
. .
Mho undersigned Auditor appoinugby
the Orphans' Court. of Cumberland Comity,' to
marshal and distribute the assets In the hands of Jo.
saph Lehman. late 0f.611121in Township. d e c'd., to and
amongst the creditors. will a. tend to the darter of ins
appointment at 11, ..ffi no, in Carlisle. on TUESDAY,
the 234 of September next, at 19!6' o'clo-k A. :11 . or
which all interested will take notice, and preseut their
claims for demand ‘tc. to
Sept. 6, 'B2. Auditor.
Came to the resideoCe of the subscriber
In West Dennsboro Township, on Friday, August
22, 1862, a DARK DROWN HORSE, with white face,
and glass eye oh near aide, white feet, and about 111
hands high The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges and take him away.
Sept. 5, '62. DAVID FREI'.
NOTlCE.—Letters of Administration
on the estate of Jacob Doily, deed.,tato of the
Borough of
Cumberland(Carisle, have been issued by the Register
of County to the undersigned residing in
Carlisle. and notice Is hereby given to all persons in
debted to said estate., to make immediate payment, and
those haviogslalms, to presentAiieln.duly. anthentica.
tad Sir settlement to J. C. ci)Ni;klr,
Sept. ft, 'CI. Administrator-
On Saturday, October 4th, 1862
The under: 4100.1, Adminlat, atria of the estate of Jo
seph Morret, dec'd. will fell under an order of the Or
phan's Court of Cumberland County, a Tract of Land,
situated In AlM:me twp., bounded by lands of Dry-Lau
ber, Flustino, and others, containing
more or loss. having thereon erected
ti p '. A G 001) II OUSE,
. r n t Barn, and other improvements The
lied is of the best quality and the at—
tendon of purchasers is invited to the
opportunity. Also a tract of Thither Land. in South
sliddleton tarp., containing Five Acres. Sale to com
mence at 10 o'clock A. NI.. on the pretolsrs.
Tellav of 'sale :—Oon fourth of the purchase money
upon the contirnmtion of tille.and the residue on the
first die of April next, when the deed will ho made
and possession given The Lied of 1113 to b., paid by
the purch.aser and the crops in the ground reserved.
CArittltlSH , Al.)ltlo.; rf,
Sept. 5, '62. idgor'x.
On FRIDAY, Septe'ntber 26, 1862
By order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland Coun.
ty, witl be sold at public sale, at the Mansion lions
on tract No.l, situated in Peon township. Cumberland
county, the following described Real Estate, late the
property of George Hollinger, deceased :
situate as aforesaid, about 9 miles wort of
bounded by lands of Ilenshew, Isaac Newcomer, David
Lefever, Conrad Johnson, Noah Cuekley and David
Withers containing about
One Hundred and Two Acres,
la a high state of cultivation. The Improvements are
• 'a two story '
00 110 US
i jl ; , • , Stone Bank Barn,
/and all necessary Outbuildings. There
Is a thriving oItUIIA Ill) of profitable fruit trees on this
tract. There are both anpring and a well water near
the house. The Yellow Breeches creek runs through
the farm. To he 501.4 no a a hole, or in two parts, as
way best suit purchasers. No '2.—A tract of
. Chestnut Timis Land,
Haunt° as above, bounded by latuls of Daniel Honing'
er's holm, and others, containing IS4out THIRTY Atlli ES
The latter tb be sold as a whole, or In lots to suit pu
Terms of Sale.—Qne fourth of the purchase money
to be paid on the confirmetlon of the Kite; one half of
the balance on the lot day of April, 186,, and the hal
eure of the purehase money on the lot day of April,
1864—the paytuu, t In 1464 to be seeurod by judiment
Persons desirous of viewing tin , premises before the
day of sale, can cal] on Uauici Ifoilinger, residing on
Tract No. 1. Sale to COMMelleo at 12 o clock noon, of
Raid day. DANIEL KKLI,Kit,
Sept.s, Admrs. of George Hollinger, deed.
On SATURDAY, Oeiober 4, 1862.
Will be sold at Public Sale, on the above day, Um
following described Real Estate, viz :
No. I.—A tract of superior Li urestone land, situate
in Silver Spring twn, Cumberland co. ' one and it-half
miles west of Ifoguestrwn, and wit bin hall a mile of
the Mechanicsburg road, containing
more or leas, aboutsiS acrettof- which are cleared, and in
a high state of cultivation. The balance Is timber land.
• • The improvements are a stone
Wagon Sited. and other out•buildings.
•Thrirt, is an Orchard of choice fruit tr cs
on the premises, and n well of water convenient to, the
dwelling. 'rite t rindin Spring tops through a portico
of the farm. 'rho fences are lit goon condition, and also
the entire property
No. 2.—A tract of Limestone land, coutainieg about
more or less, adjairing . No. 1, of which about 65 acres
are cleared, and m a htth state of cultivation, nod the
Milano As thither laud. ,The, retiree aro.lia 'goad. repair
and the property in good condithe.
Any person wishing to view the farms prey in •0 to
the day of sale, will please call 0., John Mater, residing
on farm No. 1.
- Sale to common - al nu farm Na, 1, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
'of wild day, when hoth - proportfas will be sold. Tonne
made known on lb., day of sale by
Sept. 5, 'O2. Executor el (lee, Breniter,
ILEItgAS, in and by an net of the General As
sembly of the Commonwealth of PenusylVlllllll, entitled
au "Act relating to the elections of this Crmanon
wealth," passed the 2d day of July, A. D. 1839, It Is made
the duty of the Sheriff of every county within this
Commonwealth, to give public notice et the Ueueral
Elections, and in such notice to enumerate:
355 56
437 142
1. The officers to be elected.
2,. Designate the placuat w hich the election Is to be bold.
I, Tat/MESON RIPPEY„ llth Sheriff of the county of
Cumberland, do hereby make known and give this pule
lie notice to the electors of the county of Cumberland,
that on TUESDAY, the 14th day of October next, an
election will be held at the several election districts
ablisheil by law In said comity, at which time they
NVlii vote by ballot for
Ono person for Surveyor Oenoral, and one person for
Auditor General of tho State of Pon nsyl mania
ONE PERSONS to roprevent the countiel, of Cumber
land, I'tory and York, In Ole [louse of Reprehoota-
Lives nr the United Slates.
Otte pereen to hrepresuot the cantles of Cumberland
Perry., .lunlata audlin, in the Senate of the State
of Pen nay! valuta.
One person to represent the .aunty of Cumberland in
the House of Representa Li,. 01 the State of PO ausyl
One person for District Attorney for the rout ty of Cutn
On; person for Commissioner of the eounty of Cumber
- 17
Ono person for Director or the Pour -of the eounly of
Ono person for Auditor of the county ofeumberiand.
One person for Coroner for the county of Cumberland
The said election will be hold throughout the county
as follows:
. . .
The election in the election district coot need of the
'borough or Carlislo and the townships of N t eth
ton, South Middleton, Lower Frankfort', and Lower
Dickinson, will beheld at the Court Rouse lu the to.-
rough of Carlisle.
The election In the election district composed of Low
er West Penneborough township, will he held at the
North School House in Plainfield.
Tho election In the election district composed of 511
ver Spring township, will be hold at tits public house of
Jacob Ottstot, in Hoguestown In said township.
The election in the Election district composed of
Hampden township, will be held at the public house oc
cupied by George Duey, in said township.
The election in the election district composed of the
township of Upper Allen, will be held at the public
house of Williant S. COcklin, in Shopherdstown.
The election in the election district composed of
Middlesex township will be held at the Middlesex
School House,
Tho election In the election district composdd of the
township of Lower Allen, will be hold at the 'wagon
maker shop of Jonas 111111Chbarger, on Slate 11111.
The election In the election district composed of Bast
Penusborough township, will be held at the house
of Joseph Menlo,t In West Fairview, now occupied by
George S. Sponsler.
'the election in the election district composed of New
Cumberland, will be hold at the 'house now kept by
Dr. U. A. Botoler, in the borough of Now Cumberland.
The election in the election district composed of the
Borough of 31echaniesburg, will be hold at the public
house now kept by W, S. Huston, in Bald borough. ,
The election in the election district composed of
Monroe township, will be held at the public house of
Thomas Llgget, In Churchtown, in said township.
The election In the election district composed of
Penn township. will be held at the house now occupied
by Jacob iledsecker In mid township. •
The election in "the election district composed of
Upper Dickinson, will be held at the house now oo•
tripled by Daniel Etter, known as the Stone Tavern.
The election'in the election district composed of the
borough of Nowville, and townships of Mifillu. Upper
Frankford, Upper West Pennabom, and north Newton
will be held at thdPubllc School House In the borough •
of Newville.
The election in the election district composed of
the borough of Newburg dllopewell township will be
held In the public School Mateo, in the borough of
The election In the election district compered of the
gh of Shipponsburg, Shlppensburg township and
that part of &mthamptott tot nehip not included In
the Leesburg election district, will bp held at tLe
Council Mouse In the borough of Shlpponsburg.
• And in an act of the General Assembly of this Com
monwealth, passed the 2d July, 1830, it Is thus provid
ed: "That the qualified electors of p trts of Newton
and Southampton townships, In the county of Cum
berland, bounded by the following lines and distances:
Beginning at the Adams county line; thence along the
line diViding the townships of Dickinson and Newton
to the turnpike road, thence along the turnpike - W
tro SChool notte, on_said -turnpike, in Southampton
tmvfl olll ln - anoint 41 the Walnut Bottom road
at Ileybuck's, Including Ileybuck's farm, thence in a
straight line to the saw mill of the heirs of George Clo
ver, thence along Drysher's run to - the Adams county
line, thence along the .lino of Adams county to the
placonfbeginnlng...lie, andthe same is hereby-declared :
a new - and lamarate - electlon district, the election to be
held at the 'public hones formerly occupied by William
Maxwell, in Leesburg, Southampion towntal
NOTICE IS 1111ifrar GIVEN - •
That every person except tho Peace who
shalt hold any.oflice or appointment of profit or trust
under the United States or of . this State, or any city or
Incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or
otherwise, "ii subordinate officer or agent, whole or shall
'be employed under the legislative, exeoutive, or Judi
clify.departments of this State, or the United States,
or of any city or of any incorporated district; and-also
that any ISfemther of . Congress or or the State Legisla
- •
stem ithertisements.
tura, and of the Select or Common Conncil of any city,
or commissioner of any Incorporated dlitrict, Is by law
incapable of holding or ii,xerclsing at the same time the
' office pr appointment of judge, Inspector or clerk of any
elections of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector.
judge, or other officer of such election shall be eligible
to be there voted for:
And the said net of •Assernbly, entitled an act role.
Unit to the elections of this Commonirealth, passed Jul"
3,1839, further provides as follows, to wit:
"That the inspectors and jultres shall meet at the
place appointed for holding the ele, thins of the district
to which they respectively belong, before nine o'clock
in the mortri , ig of the Serned Tousday In October, and
each of said inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who
shall be a qualified voter of said district.
" In ease the person who shall Lisle received the sec
ond highest untidier of votes for inspector shall not' at
bud on the day of the election, then the parson NOM?'
shrill have received the second highest number of votes
at the mist preceding election, shall act so Inspector In
his place. And In case the person who shall have re
ceived the highest number of v. tee for inspector shall
not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an
Inspector in his place; and in coos the person elected
judge shall not attend, then the inspector who receiv
ed the highest number of votes shall appoint ajudge In
his place, or if any vacancy shall continue in the board
for the space of one hour after the time fixed by law for
the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the
-township, ward or district for which such officer shall
have been elected, present at, the place of election, shall
elect ono of their number to fill such vacancy.
Particular attention Is directed to the Art of Assem
bly, passed the 27th day of February, Ic3l, entitled
" An Act relative to voting at Elections in the counties
of Adams...Dauphlat,_Yotk„Lancastor.. Cumz.
borland, Bradford. Centre, Onion, and Erie," viz:
"Soc. 1. 130 it enacted by the Senate turd Douse of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penneyl4l,
in Dotterel Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by
authority of the same—that it shall be lawful for the
qualified voters of the counties of Adams. Dauphin
Lancaster, York. Franklin, Cumberland, Bedtbrd Cen
tre, Onion, and Erie. from and atter the paacage of this
Act, to vote for all calmidatos for the various offices to
he filled et any election on ono slip or tiel,et : Provided
the office fir which every candidate Is voted for, shall
be designated Mt required lay the °Mating laws of the
Sec. 2. That any fraud committed by any person
voting In the manner AlitiVe prescribsd, shall be pun
ished assimPar Bands are directed to be punished by
the existing laws of the Commonwealth."
For the lefurrention of the elect• rs of Cumberland
county, I publish the following, being the 4th seetion
of the Alt of the 'Gen oral Assembly of the session of
1051, entitled " An Act to provide, for the Election of
Judges of the several Courts of this Commonwealth,
and to regulate certain Judicial Districts."
"Sec. 4, That the election for Judges shall Is, held
and conduct d In the several election districts In the
Santo roamer In :tit respects as elee ititot for Item
4 ivos are or she] ihe enntiurted. and by the Car,
inspectors, and nineteen, and the provisiol, oh c tc• Art
f the floncral Assembly. entit'ed ' An Art r. bu. ii.: ro
the elections of this C , Mitnonwettitli." nom •led the '24.1
day of.luly. Is; 1 , iti.d I's sever supplements oil all
other like laws aster as the sante shall bedn force and
applicable, shall lie deemed and taken to the election
0 1 .1 adirtia; PrOVldeti. That the aforesaid -ele,•tors shall
vote fir Judges of the Supreme Court on a separate'
piece of paper, and tot all other Judges required to be
in.. tied 1:11 the late On another separate piece of paper,
•• It shall be the duty of the several assessors of each
district to attend at the place or holding every general,
special. or township election, during the whole time
said election Is kept open, for the purpose of giving in
formation to the inspectors and judges when called on,
in relation to the right of any person assessed by them
L" vote at such election. or such other matters in rein.
Lion to the assessments ld' utters as the said inspectors
or either of them shall from thee to time require.
•. Ni. person shall be permitted t../ vote :It any election
as af wesaid. other than a white Berton,, of the age of
twelit3 -ono years nl. more, Wits snail have resided in the
State at least sin: year, arid ill the election district
wile, In: offers his vote at least ten din's immediately
pre -edilig su c h election, and within two years paid a
State or colln ty tax. which shall have
least ten days before the election. But a citizen of the
United States who has 111.011,10 i Well a gilatinell voter
of t State, and rout, eta therefrom and returned, anti
who shall have resided in the election district and paid
taxes as afore;zidd, shall be entitled to vote after resit
g in this State six 01 mill, Provided. That the
a bite freemen, citizens of the l'ilited States, bete eon
t, enty one and tisent) too litile resided in
an election district it aforesaid, shall lie entitled te
vote although they shall not have Paid taxes.
~ .No person shall he permitted to vote whose name is
not contained hi the list of taxable itilffildtants fur
nished by the Commissioners. unless First, he produce
a coetillit for the pa•tnent within two ricers of a' State
Or roils t:y tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution,
and give satisfactory evidenee...either on his oath or af
firmation, or the oath or affirmation of souther, that tie
has paid such a tar, Or On tallure to produce a receipt
shall make oath to the payment thereqk, Second, If he
claim a right to vote by being an electEr between the
age of twonty-one and twenty two years, he OMB de
posc on oath or affirmation diet he has resided In this
State at least one year 'Witt before his applitait ion, and
make such proof of residence in the district as is roquir
od by this act. anti that he does verily believe, from the
acmant given him, that he is of the ago aforesaid, and
such other evidence as is required by this netl where
tiaon the name of the person thus admitted to'vote
shall he inserted In the alphabetical list by the Inspec
tors and it note pante opposite tht•reto by writing the
word " tax," if he shall he admitted to vote by reason
of havina paid tax ; or the word " age," if be shall bc
admitted to vote by reason of such age, shall lie rattled
out to the clerics, who shall make the like notes un the
,lists of voters kept by them.
" In all Canes where the name of the person elttiming
to vote hi found on the list furnished by the Commis.
sinners and assessor. or his right to vote, whether found
thereon or not, is oldected .to by._ any_ unalified. citizen,.
It shall be the duty of the inspectors to examine such
person on oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims
to have resided within the ...State for one year or more
his qath shall he sufficient proof thereof, but shall
make proof by at least one competent witness, who
shall be a qualified electuriAhat he has „resided in the
district for more' than ten daYs next Immediately pro.
ceding such electing, and shall also himself swear that
his bona tide residence, In pursuance of his lawful cull
mg. Is in said dist:let, and that 1 e did not remove into
said dish let for the purpose or voting therein.
" livery person qualified as tifin'esaid, and e ho shall
make due proof, it required, of the residence and pay
ment of taxes ati ttlitret,tid. shall be admitted to el to in
the township, ward or district in which he shall t 0,1,1,.
" If any person shall prevent or attempt to pt's ant
ofaity election under thiS act from tattling
.0: It ideetinti. On use or threaten any violence lc any
sncl. °direr. 4e. shall interrupt or Improperly Intel tei .1
with bhp in the exe:ution of his duty, or shell 11,, k
up, the window, or avenue to any window whet., t tie_
sanemay- is• shall 'riotousl y- dist tn h the
at , such eleetiuti, or Shall use any Intimidating
threats, force or vielenre, with design to influence un
duly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him from vo
ting or to restrain the freedom of choice, such persons
,t n conviction shall be fined In any sum not exceeding
five hundred dollars, and Imprisoned for any time not
less than three nor more than twelve months. and If it
shall be shown to Court, sobers the trial of such offence
shall be had, that the parser so offending was not a
resident of the city. ward, district or township where ,
the offence was committed. and not entitled to ante
therein. then en conviction he shall lie sentenced to
pay a fine of ant less than ono hundred nor more than
one thousand dollars. and le, Imprisoned not less than
six months nor more thattqw,, years.
" ff any person or persons shall make any bet or wa
ger upon the result of any election within the Cool
monwealth, or shall offer to make any such bet or WI
ger, either by verbal proclamation thereof, or by any
written or minted advertisement, challenge Or ineite
any person to matte sorb bet or wager. Upon coneletitin
thereof ite or they shall forfeit and pay three tittles the
amount so bet or tit lie bet.
"1f ally person not by law qualified, shall fraudu
lently vote at ally elect bin of this Commonwealth, or
being otherwise qualified shall vote out of his proper
district., or if any person knowing the want of such
qualiticaktons. shall aid or procure ouch poop to vote,
the pet son "(feuding. shall, On c(ills ictlon lie tined in
any HUM unit ex,teding two hundred dollars, and he
hnprisoned tos any term not exceeding three Months.
" If any person 5h.1.3 vote at more than one election
district. or otherwise fraudulently vote more than once
on the same day. or shall fraudulently fold and deliver
to the inspector two Whets together, with the intent
Illegally to vote, or studl proeurt another to do so, be
or they offending, shall on conviction' lie fined in any
sum not lens thou titty nor more than five hundred
dollars. and he imprisoned for any term nut loon than
three nor more than twelve months.
. .
" If any person not qualified to vote in this Common.
wealth agreeably to law, , (excerit the N 011,4 of qualified
citizens,) shall appear at any place of election for the
purpose of influencing the citizens qualified to vote,
he shall on conviction forfeit and pay any sum not ex
ceeding one hundred dollars for every such offence, and
bolumrbemed for any term not exceeding , three months'.
Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty-first seation
of the said art, °Very litmeral and Special Election shall,
be opened between the hours 9f eight and ten In the
forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or
adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when
the polls shall be closest.
And the judges of the respective districts aforesaid
are by the said net required to meet et the CoUrt House
in the borough of Carlisle, on the third day after the
election, [being Friday, fie licit day of October.] then
and there to perform the things Kequlred of them by law.
The return Judges of the Rbpresentative district,
will meet at Carlisle, at the time fixed by law.
Given under my hand, at,Corible, this 22d. day or
Augurt, 1661.
August 6,16G2.
STATE NOTloE.—Letters of Ad
1J ministration with the will annexed upon the
estate of John P. Lynn, deed., late of the Borough of
Carlisle, have boon issued by the Register of Cumber
land county to the undersigned residing In said Bor
ough. Ali persons having claims upon said estate will
present them for sets lenient, and those indebted Will
make bhmediate payment to MARY A NN LYNN
Adm'x. C. T. A. of
Aug. 26,'02. John P. Lyne, deed.
Thebonks and accounts of the late firm of J. P. Lyne
& Sop will remain at the Storeall persons knowing
themselves Indebted are requested to calk and make
settlement. The Public aro requested to call and ex
amine our Itnmense stock of goods which I am Hotting
VERY CIIEAP for CASK, notwithstanding the recent
large Advance In the prices of all kinds of Hardware
being desirous of considerably reducing the size of my
stock of goods for the present Persons In want of
Hardwette will find It to their advantage to call In
North Hanover St. at the store of
2PII-1330 $1960.0.-
Olt THURSDAY the2d of Octo6er-'62.
Tz'Y virtue of an order of the Orphans'
JI Court of Cumberland County, I will • expose to
üblic sale. on the premises, on the above' day. the fol.
lowing described real estate, of Peter gimrem man. dee'd
situated in Lower Allen township, Cumberland county,
on the Yellow Aireeebos creek, about two miles west of
Now Cumberlend..and 'one mile oast of. Milltown, a
farm of Limestone and 'Slate Land containing 'll7
Acme and 81 Porches, more °rim; about Ware
-elearedcliavabeen limed, and under a good state of mil
tivatton, as d the realdualn.thnlir
- , The improvoments•coneist of a sub , .
Cribs, Wash-house with" an arched cel.
- lar underneath, and all otbeir necessary - Outbuildings.'
Also, a well of Water at the dra.r and a never failing
Spring about 00 rode from the house. which has. seal-
Olen t fall to be conveyed to the, buildings by laying
pipes and with little expert nO. Also a largo
and other fruit. AtiY porron wishing to examine for
themieleei can call oa Moses Zimmerman reeiding, on
ealdlarm, Who will give all the nocennary information.
The title Is good. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock on
said day, when terms will be made known by -
Anglia. 2.00802. Ailmr. or Fete! Zimmerman deo'd.
. Armstrong,A DI • proposes
A. M. On' TBURSDAY SeptemberiBth 1862.
P r0f... .1_ giving instruction to lads and you men on
this highly Importnnt-and much neglected branch et The undersigned. Executors of EPHRAIM ZUG. late
education. Ile will commence operation ti in this place of the Borough °Mechanicsburg, will sell on thopremi 7
as soon ae a class Is formeif. - The whole course will. see the following ,
OcCUpy tire weela giving one lesson per day.
This system of improving His vocal organelles proved ) VALUABLE REAL ESTATE :
highly beneticiel. to those affected - frith stammering
No 1 —A Tract of valuable Limestone Land
and defective artioulaelon.
' . •
. '
containing 00 Acres, situated In Silver Spring town..
August '2O, 186•2.
_ ship, Cumberland county, Pa., bounded by lands of
James Anderson, Cumberland Valley Railroad, George
• Longsdorf, and others. The improvements nro a large
Stone Dwelling Haute,
ef4,o I i s,' STONE BANK BARN,
s ..:.; Wagon Shed, Spring House, and other
iP.i2:ty . 4, , ,.ji outbuildings . There le a good Limo
Kilnon the promisee, a stream ofrun
ning water pasties through the farm, and there is an
Orchard of Choice fruit on the same. The proporty Is
locaLed about' two miles west of Mechanicsburg, and is
easy of access thereto by good roads.
`No. 2.—At. the same time and place a tract
of Western Land, containing 9804 /toren, more or lose,
situated in Grundy county, lowa, six miles nom Cedar
On Thursday and Friday Sept.2s, 4. 26, '62.
fliN the above days the sabseriherwill
J offer at Public Sam. on thopromlies, In Hampden
Township, Cumberland County, Pa., the following de
scribed Real Etato, via:
bounded as follows;—On the peril' by the Trindle
Spring rood, on the IVeat by Andrew Shortly. on the
South by the Simpson road. and east by a public road,
about two runes east of Mechanicsburg, and near shire.
manatown, containing 115 Acres, about 12 of 1011011J:we
in excellent timber, and the balance under a high state
of cultivation.
• .
, AZ, ifilllTPYreteeete aye a
necessarylWirdlnga,n large
BARN, la feet long, with a
• hover failing yell of the best water in
the county. Also a Tenant House and several Lime
Kilns. Tele land Is of the besr quality of Limestone,
under excellent fences, and for location, &c., cannot be
surpassed. Also n thriving Young Orelardor excellent
fruit. The Cumberland Valle) Railroad passes through
this farm. 'This property will be sold on TUURSDAY
September 25th.
Oa - Friday; Sept . 213th , iri tbe sante: Town
ship, and county, will he sold the one undivided Tract
of band, bounded en hillOwlM On the' Peet by Peter
Baaehore, on the North b:, tied lletli heirs, on the
West by F. Mumma. on the South by the Conodogulnot
creek, containing about 11 acres, having thereon erec
ted a large throe story
65 lent long and 65 feet bread, ,4 run of Bnrra, 3 Wator
Wheels, and all tho niathinery of tho bent kind and la
test improvement. The stream novoi fails and the dam
Is now, Also, a throe Wiry-.
Biick thkeithig Nouse,
A Small BANK BARN, Dever Shop and a TENANT
'nth property In located Inn neighborhood of
the best quality of land, has ot large custom. is alv , ut
3' tulles from Mechanicsburg, at. 2 front Shiremans—
town, and 7 miles front Ilarrisburg, and is a very &sir.-
ble property In every respect
Sale to comtnonce nt 11 o!clock .on saLl days, when
terms will be made known by
AFRlgnee of Henry Rupp
Aug. 29, 1892.
PY virtue of an order of the Orphans'
) Court or Cumberland county, tho undersigned
AdnilnistMtors of the estate "of John Plough dec'd.,
will expo.dito Public Salo on the premises on
PRI DA Y Me 26th day of SepteoMer 1862
t 2 o'clock I' M.
. . .
Tit IC MANSION FARM of sahl deceased, situated in
Dickinson Township bounded by lands of Crorgo Kis
singer, Adam Fishh,ru. Anthony Fishilum Jasnen
Myers and Gilbert -. 4 earight, containing Acres to
the ssrile more or less, all o ti Welt is of the best quali
ty of limeatuuo land and In n high shutout - cultivation.
. The farm aforesaid Is lorated on the
Walnut Bottom Road a n en t 5 m il e ,
14."' Ft front Carlisle. and the improvements
consistß of a large Two Story
large BANK lit RN, Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs Hal' fans
and other neer ietry out buildings all In good repair.
A good Weil of water and a fine thriving Orchard are
upon the premises About. seven Acres are covered
with line thriving timber, the remainder under culti
vation andall enclosed. Toms made known on day
salq by 40sEpu PLOUOII,
Aug. 29, '6J.-4t. - • -Administrators.
TTnder nn Order of Sale from the Or
phans' Court of Cumberland County the under
signed will expose to Public Sole on the preihisrs on
SATURDAY the 27th, of SertenihcF, -
t 11 o'clock A. M. the flalowing propurtlea lista the
teal Estate of David Nailer deed.
No. I.—A Tract of Land in North Middleton
Township containing 78 Acres twenty perches strict
measure bounded by lands. of John iieidler,, Martin Itus
John Griner and others. The Improvements are a
good Two Story
e4.l'"* 4- IV EA T lIER BO Alt I)
. t ..,a& •
ait . tAt r I
figoo,l Barn and never failing well of
excellent water and a good running
2.:--A Tract of Land adjoining the a
bove in the same township Colltalning ; 27-Acres and 124
perches. The buildings on this tract wen:good
good Rank liarp. Hog pen and ottesr,,,Ltic'Ainlidings;
The hind In hothltheso farms is rifatri ektiellabt quality
of slate,
has been limed till over and Is under good
fence. There are One orchards wit abundance of fruit
on both farms.
No. 3.—A tract of Nlouniairt•Lnoill in Frank.
ford and North Middleton Townships in:joining John
and Jacob Waggoner containing Twenty Five acres.
Terms and conli dons will be made known on the day
or sate by
Aug 29,'432. Admr. of David Nailor dec'd.
On S.-1T UR DA I" the 4 th of Ottober 18G2.
The undersigned Assignee of George Matchett, will
-sell at pub is sale; the following reafestrite :
Land itit data iliiniption town
ship, Cumberland county, bounded by lands of David
Hume. Joseph Waggoner ' Henry Shaul and others,
containing 80 Acres and 100 Porches, more or less, bay
Mg thereon erected it
„ikates;:. LOG HOUSE
I lo' Wagon Flied, Corn Cribs, and other
,71::.1 7 Yr,?!,4'.',V,. out buildings. A young Apple Orchard
of choice ft nit, running water at the door, and a Lino,
stone Quarry thereon.
No. 2 —A tract of land situated In the same town.
ship, bounded by lands of Sheaffer's boys, John Baker,
Moses C. Eberly and others, containing 811 Acres and
142 Perches, more or less, and having thereon erected a
Log llolvse, Doublc Log Bat n,
Corn Cr ba, de. A good Orchard of Choice fruit, and a
Kiln Lim o in good repair upon this property.
These farms are Meat. di on the State road leading
from Sterrett 's sap to West Fairview, about 8 miles
from Harrisburg, and? mileafrom Mechanicsburg. cot:-
v.)lllmA to Mills, School houses, and Blacksmith:limps.
The sale of both premises will take place on the
Mansion, Tract described to(No. I. at 1 o'clock P. M. on
said day, when terms will be made known by
Aug, 29, 1802. Assignee.
will be exposed to stile, by
virtue of a dorree of the Orphans' Court of C—
her atubSbunty, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, thelgth
and 10th of September, 1802, the following real estate
of John 9ainle,Boll, deed.:
The "happy Retreat"' Farm,
situate In the township of South Middleton, sdjoinlng
the borough of Carlisle, and which contains
more or Tees. The land Is Limestone of the first quality
and In a high state of cultivation, having been heavily
limed and under good fence. The improvements are n
commodious two story Brick Mouse,
• a with a well of water at the doer.
ar which never fulls. a large elegant new
; t:t ai iitttr BARN, with Brick Cistern In the
• 's bank, and Cori t ribs, NV *iron sh e d,
Collates, he., attached to the Barn, and all within one
mile of Ca rlisle. The said john Sanderson owned but
the one undivided half of 010 Mkt Forte as tenant In
common with tile son dames Sam,ersou, who will sell
his half at the some time.
2 A Lot of Ground, adjoining the
above, and separated from it, only by the Cumberland
Valley Railroad and Turnpike, bounded by the Railroad.
Brown's Lane '
- sholly, and John Noble, contain
ing 4 acres and 20 perches.
3. The Brick Houao and lot adjoining
the farm, on the Turnpike, which contains I acre and
26 porches. and upon which there is a Well of never
failing 'Water.
These. three properties will he sold at the farm on
Thursday, the 18th of September, 1862, at 11 o'clock,
A. M.
. .
4. The Mansion House of the said
John Sanderson, in which ho resided time of his
death, situate en North Hanover Sheet, In Carlisle,
bounded by the said street, Liberty street, John Fred
erick, flint an alloy, containing 78 feet in front and 240
feet In depth i vith a Fountain-and the right Firever to
the use of water for domestic purposes, without charge,
frosyl the water works.
5. Twelve Small lots in the Borough of
Carlisle, situated between the Harrisburg Turnpike and
litedOwd Street continued, a plot of which will be odi
bit - cd on the day of sale.
6. A lot of g?ound adjoining the above,
and bounded by the semi and Bedthrd street continued,
containing about 1 Are, more or less.
The terms Will be made known on the day of sale by
All'lll. LA ItillttltTONv
Adm'r. of John Sanderson, deed.
August 22,1.882—ts •
-11-Y virtue of an order of the Orphuns'
pcouk of OttralMiland county, tim - tuidorslcml,
Admlnistratrla or the estate of Samuel Clark, dco'd.,
will expose to public sale, at the late dwelling home of
'the deceased, on the promisee, on 'TUESDAY, ttut23d
of September, at 11 o'clock, A. N.,
The ftansiOn.Farm
of the said deceased. situate — ln .. Monroo iowneblp
bounded by lands of Richard dark, anima Livingstnn
Chrlatian 2tayman, and Ohara, containing
more Orionsall- of-whl eh- la-land- of. the-first- quality'
and highly ' lmproved, the Yellow brooches ereek,pass
sing through the game. The Improve
, manta are a large BRICK andBTON
j^-;,„ two story Boone, a -BANK BARN,
qi.r.dr,c nearly new, Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs,
'and nocenzary outbnlldings !ChM .
farm fa divided_ by the Yollqw Breeches .ereek,tharo
being 14 acres and M. perches, with IMproVementa ors
the north side; and 69 acres -and 17 perches,r.on tbb
south aide wlthoutiMprovements. These parte will be
offered separately or together, and 'will -be sold as the
same may bring ties-beat price. •
There will be sold at the same time and place a tract
of MOUNTAIN LAND_whlch lles about 1 mile goutli of
the above rand, and contalrm.6B aeres,moro or lens, and
which has good thrifty Timber growing upon It..
`Terms made known thithe day of sale by. '
• • • After*. 'or Samuel Chic k, deed.
August TA 1802—to
No. 3.—The. undivided half interest in all
the renutininii unsold 111:1111 A I. LOTS IN CEDAR 111 LL
CE:IIETERY, sit tinted on the Trindie Fpring road, one
half mile west of alechanlcsburgh.
A nv . person wishing to view lbe premises, 11 os. 1 or
a, or further_infornistlOn_ concerning the. tracts,-will
piense apply to the undersign,', residing In Mechanics.
burg. Palo to roninience at 1 o'clock, I'. M. on said day
when terms will be made known by
Aug. 29,-4t. SARAH C. Zila, Faecntrix,
Executor's Sale of Valuable
WILL be sold at public „gale, on SA
TURDAY, the 20th of September, 1862. at 10
o'cl ck A. 31., on the premises, the following described
Real Estate, viz:
No. I.*A tract ot good Slate Land, sit
uate In North Middleton township, Cumberland coun
ty. about 3 miles north of Carlisle, on the Waggoner's
(lap Road, and known as Swigert's Tavern, bounded by
hinds of W. F. Swiger, Bantuel liens, Wm. Kinard, and
others, containing 8 noes and 14 perches. The Im
provements at e a large two story Plas•
~ lh tl ":"'n tared 1101;SK. FRA 314: BA RN, Tenant
House, and all other necessary Out•
Inc erqr.:, buildings. Also, an Apple Orchard
• tini other fruit., two Wells of water
with pumps in them, near the house. This property
will be sold In two seimrz to tracts, or together to suit
put ehnsers
No. 2, Contains 45 acres, more or less,
abOut ono fourth of a mil° north root of tract No. I.
The improvomenta arc a IMO U'/US N. FRAME HAHN.
and Spring !louse. with a never te 'ling Spring. A hnut
3 memo is in 'rim her, boundad by lands of Sarni. Moss,
floury A urkortna n and W. F.
No 3, Co;ltains about 10 acres, adjoin
ing tract No 2. The Improvements ore n large 3 story
used na a Woolen 1 , 11 , 1,3% Thk tract IN moll beatod
for a Tannery or I,lat iib ry. There tire a number of
❑uit trees, a good portion is Men dow laud, boooded by
tract No. 2, and moods of Henry A ackeriaaa and others.
No. 4, l'ontains about 7 acres, adjoin
lug No. :1. The ileps..l onn.nts ;Ire it two st.,ry 1,011
11111:Sl.:. A 10.s1 p. rlon Is niesdow Mud, under cued
fence. bounded by P cnl er, !leery Aucksrumn nod
gnu l'onodogulnet
No. 5. A tract of Mountain land, about
miles north of the Mun +ion Ileuse, .rontultdrn: four
lo.res, nod is c,vere.l uith Chestnut and Oak timber.
hounded by lands of Waggoner, Wm. Brown and
No. 6, A tract of Mountain land, ad
rthielt the ithriv.i trait, containing about 5 acros..
ortql with Chestnut. Locust it .d timber.
No 7, Adjoining, the above tract., on
the spur of the 311untain The Waggoner's Gap rigid
pa , sos through It. It is covered WI h ynunr timber,
Ch.„ taut and Oak, :Ind 001101111)3 slums o acres.
Terms made known ou.,tha day of sale by .„
W. F SW ICI Eli,
Ks'r. of (leo. Liwigert.,
August 22, ISll2 ts
lig permanently- located in Carlisle,
g will Oyu I nstrnetinos on Um Violin and Piano.
'Perms Moderato. Ordure lelt witti J.ll. kthuoin, will
110 promptly al tondo(' to;
Aug. 22,'82.-1 nw.
1= 30 1.11b121.143
On SATURDAY September. 13, .1862.
'I I HE undersigned will offer at l'ublic
sale. on- the above day on the promises. situated
in Churchtowa, Cumberland so., containing
Trout, and 15Ci in depth. more or less, bounded on the
oast by Main street, south by John Paul, north by a
public Alley, apd west by an alloy, having the eon erec
tedikl.'wo story- Frame
WI: AT 11 141 Rl3O A RV!: D
~ . 0%1 1: : ..,, 0 tr, ,
-dr.fiP ice
, w th n large two story back Building,
* 1 2 ,1,, nv0"..- ,45 Wash House, a large Prune
Stable. Hog - Pen, Tee Howe.. and other neressary out
buildings. There is a well of water and a cistern rot,
vonient to the house, and everylhing Is convenient for
a Public House.
The above property is very valuable, as It Is LllO nnly
tavern In town. Persons 0 ishin.o to or,, tho property
ran do so by rails ucan the sulq , crlber, who occupies
the same. Salo to commence nt I I o'clock. A. :11 0 hen
attendance will bogies,. and tertn4 made known by
N. B —lf the above property is not sold on the day
of sale. it will be offered for" tell) AM,. the same. day at
August 22, 1862.—t. a:
WILL be sold at public sale, on
TituasnAy, the titti day of SEPTIOIIIEII,
.862, by the Hell, of .lobe Iloilo, deceased, I.IU of
lastpennsboro' township, Cumberland county, the fol
owlng valualde Beal Estate. viz:
No. 1. A tract of land in Eastpennsimro' township, 5
miles west of liar risburg and 8 miles north of Oyster's
Point. adjoining lands of Lev I liarteler, Geo. Bowers,
Dr. Must and others, containing
112 Acres , more or less,
in a high state of cultivation. having thereon erected a
.., good two story weatherloarded and
~•4r—`o L '' plastered LHI HOUSE, DOUIILhi LOG
. .it., ' ...., BARN. with all necessary Outbuildings,
.il'i. , ',.
, an excellent Spring of Milling water
441,...;,n,,!.) nee the houseoiver which is erected a
Spring House, anti running water through' the fields.
Also, an excellent Young Orchard of choice fruit. About
20 acres of the above tract Is coveted with thriving
Chestnut and other timber. Also, a Quarry of first
rate Limestone, out of which the whole of the above
tract Wits limed Persons wishing to riots this farm
can do so by calling on Charles Zimmerman, residing
No 2. A tract of land, situate In the same township,
and lying on the Couodoguinet creek, 1 mile south of
the above tract, containing SIXTY acres. mu e or less,
under a high state of cultivation, adjoining lands of
Jacob itretz, Joseph Huntsbergor, Emanuel Holtz and
others, having thereon err,ted
In good running order, a two story' Frame !louse with
basement, BANK BARN, Spring ❑ouao, a Spring of
excellent running water near the house, and all other
Outbuildings. Also, a
Young Orchard of Choice Fruit.
'ran acres of this tract adjoins No. 1, and is covered
with thriving young Chestnut and other timber. Per
14,1115 wishing In view the premises can do so by calling
on Samuel D. Holtz. residing thereon.
:ale hi CoMLIIMICU at 10 o'clock on Wald day, when at•
tvlldatice will be given and terms made known by the
Helm EMA.N UEL 1101;1Z,
Augual B,lBB2—at
r HE subscriber offers at. private sale,
srthe follow Ng described House and hot, situated in
Piromanet; wo, on the Cumberland Valhi} , Railroad,
Cumberland county, Pa.
Thu building is a two story BUICK
---. HOUSE, with linekbuilding, Stable,
~' ~, ~„,,,,,.rk. i• , Carriage house, and all other necee.
,:',l sitorki eary outbuildings. The lot is about
'i_e. - '-s-o - 45 feet front and rear, a mull of good
water, with a pump in it, Is connected with the houso
and a good arched culler under It.
The !lowa is well calculated fora Storeand Dwolling
Muse. having a large and convenient Store Room on
the first floor.
Pnrsons desirous of viewing tho promises, can do so
by callhig on the subscriber residing at Shirentanqown.
Thu torn a, which aru easy, will also he loads known on
application to
• August 0,1862-6 t.
1010_1 Y virtue of an order of the Orphans'
jurCouit, of Cumberland county, I will expose to pub
lie sale, on the premises. at the late dwelling house of
Philip liamliman, (We'd., in Frankford township, on
SATURDAY the 20th of Septimilmi, at II o'clock A, Al,
of thO said ,r decealed - ,-hounded "by binds of - Leonan
Dlinich,.Adant Motintz, the heirs of Daniel Finkenbin•
der, and others, containing .
moro or less, having thereon erected a two story Brame
7. DWELLING DOUSE, woll finished,
Shod, a good
"t. Well of water aftho door and plenty
5 0 / g-prl( of running water that never falls.—
The hind Is nearly all cleared and tin
der Immo and a good quality of Slot° Land, and about
a mile from Diller's MIL .
Also. at tho same time and place, a tract of MOUN—
TAIN LAND, a foss -miles off, containing 10 acres, inoro
orloas—wall:nalculatcd_ to.: supply_ the. faria _w ith mood
and rails, Toms made known on the 'day of Selo by
'Adtii'r. of Philip Baughman doo'd.
August 22,1.862—t0
-`-Letort Forge at Prtrate - Sare.
SITUATE- on East Main Street, in the
Belongli of Carlisle. The entire establishment,
consisting of-Forgo, Blacksmith Shop and Ware House,
with machinery and fixtures In the best possible.order,
la offered :at private sale, A thriving -businesS le now
prosecuted, and Is , daily increasing. A fine opportuob
ty Is thus presented to. any person desiring to engage
in the business, the location being, decidedly the best
.our vicinity a ff ords., - - -
For terms and further particitlers enquire or
' Stool Bototo Agent..
Carlisle, Aug : low,citi_ :• •
Hickok's Patent Portable . Keystone
kjin use and unmoved. This mill has no superior in
- the market, and in the only mill that will properly
grind Grapes without breaking the need.
For sale by WM. MORRISON, West Main St., Carlisle
On SATURDAY September 20th 1862.
IHE subscribers will offer at public sale
.on the above dsy, the following described Real
Estate, situated in Monroe township, Cumberland coon
ty, about five wales east - of Carlisle, and two nillee
north of Churchtown, a
containing 135 Acres, more or less, of which about 20
Acres are in excellent timber. The land is of the hest
quality of limestone, under good fence, and Inn high
state of cultivation.
The „Improvements are a two story
SVif Sr O USE,
!, with all the necessary outbuildings, a
. 1 , 4 ; largo swell{AN BARN, Wagon Shed, Corn
Cr b, of excellent water upon
the premises, a good Orchard of choice fruit, and a
stream of running water passes through the farm. Any
person wishing to view the premises can do so by call.
lug upon Abrum Goodyear residing upon the premises,
Sale to conunsnce at 1U o'clock on said day, NI hou terms
will be made known by
Executors of Abraham Goodyear doo'd
August 20, 1862.!
IARPETINGS, &o —Just received at
0011.11 Y'S Chenp Cash Store. a now stork nt ear-
',Zings. I/rug:rots and Flour 011 Cloths, which will he
sold at very low figures.
Please call soli examine the stock.
• C.irlielr, (,et. 25, 1801.
VINE 1862. JUNE 1862
East ?lute street, respectfully rail the ettentiotr
et thu public, especially the Ladles, to their Jorge ud-
justpff,errived, comprising the ration.; fabrics suitable
for the nrosent season., DtU uuous or every variety
and nen est sty -
La t•
it designs of Silk Sannes, Mantles, Lore Mitts,
TAM Points, French flornourxv Shawls of all kinds, Sun
Urnbre:las, Parasols, Bonnets, Mbl6li !lets, Ribbons,
Dress Trimmings,
Embroideries, Hosiery, White Goods of every descrip•
tom, Ih op Skirts, De Forest's Kid Pad and 'Clasped
Skirt, the Mot In the market, Eagleton Corded Skirts.
Men's and lloy's Light
French Mack Cloths, Linen Pantings, Colton/ides.—
ilas lug the services of a first class Tailor, We are pre
puce I to inaky up flood* at short notice and west lath
,usable style..
of all kinds in very large supply, Oil Cloths, Mattings,
Looking Glasses, "Hints, all kinds of (louse burnishing
Goods. Domestic Goods in in menso quantities.
Please call and examine and satisfy yourselves. We
have t h e host, largest, chenpost, , most desirable stools of
Goods eves offered-in Carlisle. 4
Juno G 1 litt?..
M. PENROSE, Attorney at, Law.
Office in. Itbeeni's hull. Proletalonal buki
ens proniptl2, attended to.
February 21.18+12..
IN S :" SRA PLEY, Attorney at
Lt o l.nw. Curl isio Attends to securing and col
ecti ng Bon n ties,.4 ; no -Pensions. Mite
on South !favorer Street, opposite Dentin kora.
Due. 27, 1801
LAW Office W. H. Penrose, in P.beem'r
TM. \VEAKL ".Y.—Attorney at Law.
• on south II 21111>V1.r Strept, opposite Bout's,'
Dry tioothi btoro. All orofonslooal buniness outrut.tod
to 111111 wfl be promptly attendml to. -
1 - A W CAR D.--C AItL ES E. MA -
j IIL trxiirLlN,Attaraey at Law, Office In In
hullding.just npposlle the Market House.
P. HUMRICH, Attorney at Law.
C —Office on North Hanover street, a few doors
south of Class' Rotel. All business entrusted to him
will he promptly attended to. L . Aprills.
'o' • ' TAR. GEORGE S. SEA
-I_,ltla [IT, DENTIST, from the Bei
timore Colle g e of Dental Surgery.
fmo ni e ,, at, th e residence of Ills mother, East Louthet
street, three doora below Bedford.
March 19, 1816—tf.
GEO. NV. NEIDICII, D. 1). "S.--
Late Demonstrator of Opetative Dentletry to the
Baltimore College of
PtiNiara..,. Dental Surgery.
• VIT& Office at his residence,
oproelto Marion Hall, West Main street, Carlisle, Penn
Nov'. 11.1557.
QII A VING SALOON.—Having fitted
in the very best style, the mom In Cramer's
building. next door to A. L. Sponsler's office. lam pre ,
pared to give my tonsorial attentions to all who may
honor me with, a skit. I shall constantly be supplied
with competent and polite hands and 81thll sperm:lo effort
to give general satkraction. 1 wish to employ it good
boy, between 14 and 17 years old, Apply Immediately
to J. MYERS.
Carlisle, Juno 27, 1802 —ly.
1862. SPRING. 1862.
ISAAC LIVINGSTON now offers one
of the best and most attractive assortments of
Piece floods ever exhibited In this place for
Dien and Boys' Wear,
of every style, quality and price, mid Is continually re
relying auditions as the season advances, of all the
latest novelties and styles to suit all classes.
Our stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, all our own
manufacture, can n ot he excelled for
of every variety to suit the 80119011, taste, and pocket.
All we want la a call and see for yourselves at .
North Hanover Strout Clothing Emporium.
N. 11. All goods bought from us by the piece Cr yard,
by persons wishing to have It cut to measure, can he
accommodated hoe of charge.
Carlisle, May 1 18112.
ESTATE NOTICE. .........
Letters of administration on the estate of Abra
ham Goodyear, late of Monroe township, de.'d., have
been granted by the Register of Cumberland county,
to the undersigned residing in the same township. All
persons knowing. them. el v i.s ind sited to said eetate will
tJalie inunedlate pavment, and those having claims
will prevent theta properly authenticated for settle—
ment to ABltAllAtd OGGRYEAII,
Aug. 1, 18132-60
of Administration were issued
ou the osteto of Joseph.Morrot dad, late of Mon
roe township by the Register of C=1)001111(1 county to
the undersigned residing in the demo place. All per
sons knowing themselves indebted will make immediate
payment, acid those having claims will present them
for settlement to ' CATHARINE DORM kITT
Aug 15.—S t. ,
This InstltUtion chartered with full collegiate pow-.
- ora to grantlflikensa 7and — confer DEGREES, will com
mence Its next session on the 3d of Sop.
rembor next, with a full corps of otliolout and experlou.
cod Teachers.
Students should enter promptly at the opening of
the session.
All students are required to attend divine" service
once en Sabbath at such church as their parents may
Indicate. For further particulars address
Aug. 22,1862.-1 mo
Da - 40067i7" 41: 3 90.DX
809 dr 811 Cheatnut - StrOt
lE ) 3l3l.llELC l4s3 : l►l3 dix t b
. • ` dEO. J. HENKELS,
FORMERLY 524 .W.A.144117T°
Aitsult,2oo.B62.—B moo
Zusittess Maras
" Health of all earthly bleeaingr, 'tis the boat,
Which most is valued when tia boost preserved."
Digestion is the great essential, primary and prepa
ratory process of life, and therefore to keep in repair
the digestive organs should be the great business of
The Stomach, which to the grand digestive labo
ratory, and from its great and essential functions has
also sympathy throughout the whole body. -Here na
tpre concentratea her powers for the formation of
nourishment. and Dere it ic.t hat
Stops in at the time id need to assist the process of
Dr. Zadne Porter's Stomach Bitters strengthen l the
system in an extraordinary manner. They are of the
highest value to nausea of the Stomach.
Weakness, Indigestion, A grim,
General Languor, Diarrhoea. Teething of Child'n.
Dizziness. Summer Coinpl.
',MI of Appetite, lieuntburn, Watarbrash,
Dyspepsia, Sick 1111/11inellt% Jaundice.
They correct the ill effects of unwholesome ford.—
Children when using much fruit may be saved from
colic and alarminc affections of the bowels, by the free
u u o Dr. Za 100 Porter's 3ludicated Stomach Bitters.
Those who use nrdent spirits will find the stomach
corrected in a most rem,hablo manner by this preps—
sesiniukever there lain unpleasant feeling In the St:.
mach hula anything eaten / or drank use Dr. Porter's
Bitter's, and relief will soon be had,
Price 15c. and 25e., government stamp included.
For sale by all dru
HALL RUCKEL, Proprietors,
21110tuenvvich Street, N.Y.
For sale in Carlisle by SAMUEL ELLIOTT
Unequalled $25,00 Double Thread „Pa-
Sewing Machine.
The Williams& Orris Sewing Machine, hag been In
the Marhet nearly fiuir years, during which time It ban
nrgtl d r . e 4.1
For e e c. reputation tati r o ~: sc
durability to that and
of n other ance o
ln~rnrl the
ish it Is unsurpassed, while for cheapness, Sim elicity,
eare and nolselessne,s of action It has never been equal
We warrant the Williams di Orris tube equalln every
respect and superior In many to any 5090 Machines
now In use. It makes the Doubleionp stitch, and will
run, hero. nether, tnek, lull and embroider and do all
the work that can be done on any Family Machine ever
M &CM NES forwarded by Exprmis, with full dire.-
tions for using. payable on delivery.
Ertiby Machine iVarranted, and kept in repair one
year without charge,
, wanted-in-every-town and county.
Enclose a stamp for terms and circulars. Addreas
O. B. Jones k. Co. (Box 889) North sth St., below Arch
Philadelphia. Aug. 1 4t.
Second fluor east of the Marked Llousa ea
Zug's Corner.
A—, wood I'lanes, from the host makers.
1111;LO DE ON S.
Tha best manufactured Instruments from $45 to $lOO
Violins. ilul tars, A CenrdoOU Ft, Flutes, Files, Drums, Iran
jos, Tambourines. Violin and Guitar Sitings, and Must
cal Mon ehancilsa in general.
A complete assortment for all Instruments. The latest
publleatlons 2111%43 non hand.
Tearhor on the Piano and Gutttr, Instrumental and
Vocal music._
Manus and Melodeons tuned and repaired.
March 21, 1802. A. 'LENK.
Waehing Machine and Wringer
riche subscriber has invented and lb now
manufacturing a new and superior Washing Ma
chine with II ringer attached, which he offers with en
tire confidence to the inspection of the public. This
Machine is =holds in Its construction and not liable to
derangement, and will wash all kinds of fabrics, wheth
er light or heavy, withequallncility, and is warranted
lint to 111,liter the zonal delicate at ti rte, doing its work
rapidly. The Wringer Is lk I inched to the Washing Pda
-bine, and Is worked by a treddle, and is always set
for either heavy or light articles. This Machine is no
CP.l.rEtrtle,,teillthat the. persoh washing will _stand in-a
natural position whilst ,peratilig it. The combined
machine is sold touch cheaper than any other now in
the inlrltet. and is warranted to do its work well and
The public are respectfully invited to call and exam
ine the machine at the shop of the subscriber, in Lou
thor street, east of Hanover, a few doors east of Shep
ley's chair making establishment, where a machine is
always In operation. JOHN 8. LASII.
Carlisle August 22 'll2-2 in.
Scythes 8c Snaths.
JUST received the largest, best and
Cheapest assortment of
Se!. thee, Forks,
Smiths, Rakes,
Whet Stones, Shovels,
Rifles, Hoes,
• Water Cann, Rego, ste.,
ever brought to this county. All of which I have
made expressly to order. In large quantities, so that
they ran be sold at very low prices and warranted 141'
The trade and rradlo maker, supplied at manta►
tar, prices, at (ho cheap Hardware store of
East Main St.. Carlisle.
Juno 13
50() FLY' NETS.
7\,/ Cotton Fly Nets, 'Worsted Fly Nets, Linton
ly Ncto. TlViuo Fly Nets, Leather Fly Nets, all colors,
shapes, since and qualities, which I am selling cheaper
than the cheapest, as I buy directly from the manu—
t. ~.,.,..
stt T nr l o il , ....s ,m ub e sc n r d ib p er wein
( f .. o n r E r n e . n t i ma th in e
.4,k., s root, now occupied by F. C. Kramer,
•WjtV i ti•
•;i Jeweler. Possession given immediate
4•Ftfiti:' , ''' 4 .• , /3' ROBT. IRVINE, Sr.
Cat 7 litJo - , June 6. 1862—H
1100,S. geaS.
JUST opened the largest and best as.
ao r ta-mut of hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Glase,
Iron, &n., over brought to Cumberland county, boughs
exclusively for cash, and which we ere gelling at the
lowest prices. We invite the public generally to give
no a call before making their purchases, no we are fully
sustaining our old reputation of selling the
Returning thanks to n generous public for their past
liboral patronage, hoping by personal atkeution to their
wants, to merit a continuum° of the same.
At the Old Stand North llanover Street.
Carlisle, Juno 6, 1862.
rh-The undersigned has determined to 19311 out big
ye/ y extensive an elegant assortment of
at first cost I Ile will not attempt to specify. Salsa
it to say, Isle /Awl: Is large and complete, comprising
in la part, Men's, / adios, and MEWS'_ wear offal kinds
and descriptions, all nriyhich were pureliased at low
rates for cash, and will be sold at the HOMO figure.
such as bleached and unbleached Shootings, Pillow
Casings, Linen and Cotton Table Clotho, 'flaking',
White and Drown Mnslins, &c., &c. -
Ills stock of Carpets ' Oil Clotho, Mattinge, se., Is the
largest and best In this section! of the country. Give
'me an early call, all who want groat bargains, fbr 1 in
tend to do just what I say, and soil out rui entire atock
at first cost. Como one, come all!
111111P7MWODA • _
Tyco dugs north ofthe Carlisle Deposit Dank • •
N, 11. COUNTNY MEROIIANTS 'Will fled it to their
advantage to give me a call, for I can call to them
at cheaper rays than they can purchase the saratolietala
the city..
NOTICE.,--All.persona knowlbg their/selves Indebted
to the undoi signed, will please call and settle tindr so•
count' immediately as the books /mist be settled.
Carlisle May Oth, 1662. PHILIP ARNOLD.
}STATJ NOTlCE.—Letters of -Ad.
inlnlstratlon on the estate Of Samuel B. Powheli,
doe'd . late of New Cumberland, have been granted by
•tho.noitlster of ()timberland county, to the undersigned,_
residing Id the same ploce. All perkons knowing thew
solves Indebtid to sold estate will make Immedlatflpay;'
meat, and those having clalme will Trait:at thimrpirt
only authenticated fer settlement to
JAB. & powitELL
Aug. IV -0 t
, ,
RoBedalo Younw,taajes''Siiiihary. -
~ ._
---:-.- ----:- - - 011A1113)§1tIlhilin;‘ PA. • .
- •
HE negksessiiiilThvill._cbrriinotioe -un
difflitvoriblb circumstances on Tuesday, thri2d of
Bap ember. .'The teachers assisting are educators of
tried ability, tho year recently closed having eminently
proved sattsfactohy In this respect to thopetreasoftho '
wheel: The . facilities In the boarding deptirtriniot wlll
be found equal to the- best, and the Prineinsdpledga'
°Very attention necessary to promote the hippinestandl
comfort of thoie'who lied a home tinder his Aare.° Ad
*roe ' • Re!, =NAY' Ellirtligs •1 .
July 11, 1802-2 as . • Prinappl.'
. ,
PO tTP It' S'
Bitters I
A Vegetable Medi
cine. and Sure re
medy for all
Bowel CoJilt