Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 29, 1862, Image 3

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    Weak - ley Josiah
Whieler Simon M
Ickes Charles
Jones V 11
Kennedy Alm Woods Wm. P.
Kennedy John G. Ward John
Kennedy Cyrus A. Woodrow John B.
Knottle John Waggoner John P
Billet J m-M M ilnaughlin Alwer
Bowman,lsase Mille. John
Cummuincr ‘Vatson Miller John A
Christy Henry Morgan C A
Eisenbiso Frank D Nelson David W
Everns Jacoblor lus,tc N -
Fetrow Abel Nelson II raneis
Faruver Nathaniel Pray William C
Fish , r Samuel L Pray John S
Onistweite Daniel • Paul David
Greene Richard Rhoads Cyrus
Royer Benjamin F Switzer Jac b
Heger briel Sto err Albert
Hu I John J Snavely Joseph B
Hood Charles Sheely John
Harris James Shoop Samuel
Haim William Shenton Alfred C
K ist Charles Stewart Charles A
Koller Ferdinand Trout Abraham
,Kanfinan David S Hider Wive
Kirk John Weitzel William R
Knoll Joseph Weitzel Jos •ph M
Kreiner Charles Wert Adam
King Wesley W Welker William
Kopenheffer Samuel ise John N
Ludwicks Peter Wise John
Lantz,Jaeob Wilder Chancy C
Lyter Peter B Yinger Joseph
Maloney Thomas Young John H
The First Lieu - cm - Int and a number of
men of this company were recruited in Dalt
phin county, whose name , ' are not included
above• We cut the above rolls from this
week's Democrat.
Chin anb gauntly, Matttrs.
DELEGAI E M EETT NOS.— Don't forget
the delegate meetings to morrow evening. In
ismuch as the Democrats have refused to en-
tertain any proposition for a gen ine union
of all parties thiq fall : soil have put a vtritight
locnfocn ticket - in ltir - field-ir th ,- earn - F. - 119 to
see that we do not entirely fritter away oar
strength and organization by neglecting our
primary meetings and permittirig them to
control the election to their own purpose.,
and the detriment of the most important in
tereqte of county and state. Again we say,
don't neglect this all important duty.
to our advertising columns exhibit a largr'
aoir‘uat of Real Estate offered at,putilio s•tle.
If you want to buy a (arm readrtbe advertise.
LARGE S ILE —By referring to our
advt.rtising columns, it. will hr seen that the
entire content; of the Mt. !Jolly Hotel, will
be exposed at Public Sale. On Wednesday next.
Housekeepers and others will find it to their
infinite advantage to attend this sale.
WATERMELONS.—We have now an
ibuOdance of these delicious melons in the
ma.rket,Aterery reasonable prices, Cantelopes
•nd musk melons, also, are beginning to come
kw, SAMUEL, GIVEN E`fq , ofNIL Holly Springs,
met With n severe accident. Ile well on the
mou Main, ruperintending the cutting and
Minling of some logs, when by some mis step.
his leg caught was caught between two of
them and .very severely out, and bruised.
8 0 4,00 V .MCIRE:—We have received from
A.:Leak, the beautiful song under the sb 'ye
o ption. The words are by I , Vm:- Cullen
Bryant, and the music by L. 0 Emmerson.
Tf.e words breathe the true spirit of unionism
and, when allied to the soul stirring music to
which, they are adapted, cannot fail to make
glf:a the heart of every patriot Call upon
and get a copy.
ItelB, the well known First. chess Furniture
Manufacturer and Dealer of Philadelphia, has
opened a splendid Furniture E.“ablishinent of
Mammoth dimensii us at 809 St 821 Chestnut
St.—late Levi. & Co's. Dry Good Store—has
ing removed thence from his old stand 524
Walnut St. See advertisement in another
DARING ROBBEItY.—On Saturday af
ternoon last, 11 young farmer from Dickinson
township, (we could,not learn his name) was
in town, and had in his possession sonic $B O
He fell in with twojeactiers from the bar
racks. and being of tilctirtiBvial turn, they vis
ited a neighboring lager beer saloon. and cut
tivated a rather intimate acquaintance with
JOHN BARLEYCORN. B•q , The military gen
Heinen then proposed a walk down the rail.
road, which was acceded to on the part of the
gentleman of this li.irticultural pursuit
When the two had gone upon their way to a
point a short distance below the gas house,
the soldiers proceeded to lay the farmer very
gently upon theground, when they just as
gently transterred the contents of his well
filled lallet to their own pockets. Ou the
next AY, (Sunday) the farmer who by tile
way, had now lost his individislity and had
however unwillingly, joined the inevitable
flock of plucked pigeons,—applied to officers
MCCARTNEY and MARTIN, who at once went
to the barracks to identify and arrest the of
fenders, but found that they had just stepped
out —varnosed —skedaddled—or, tonne a harsh
er phrase, deserted, and this is the sad end of
sorrowful tale.
liWo'lllolt'F..—We have again the pain
la defy to perihrm of recording the decease
of two of our brave fellow citizens, who have
'fallen in defence of our libertiis against the
savage hordes of rebellion.To_ first, Ser
geant,W 51. Zlhi ME itmAbr,tyiOtt. : gergeatit of
company A. 7th Reg and a no.
bier, braver patriot never dreW a sword. Re
was severely wounded at one of the recent
,battles in - fiont of Richmond, and it was nee
essary to amputate the arm near the shoul
der. He w,,s thought to be recovering, when
ho relapsed, and the suffering and exposure
of those seven terrible days was found to be
more than his conatitution could bear
up under. He died peacefully and calmly
at 101.{.im's hospital, Baltimore, on the
m onlingAthe 22d.inst., His rermtins were
•brought*lne to .Curlisle, and, were followed
to their final resting place, by alarge !Min.
her of friends i tiold sympathizing citizen's.
- The secotaname is that - of TiIO?CA - fiViiFg; -
formerly.of our borough, who died at Cul
Pepper Hospital, on the 9th inst.. of wounds
received at' the. battle -of Cedar Mountain.,—,
He . . Was .16iterti-
V and waa iibi
of hie death.
Captaiu to hie
a andscaine an
from my Lieio
losotber Thinnal
a wound receives ip the engagement of Ce:
dar Mountain on Saturday Aug. 9.
From no one in the Company do I part
with more regret than " Tommy." prompt,
active arid intelligent he was indeed a mod
el soldier, and we can but wonder, that the
life of one so generous and noble, should so
soon be required as en offering upon his
country's altar. Ever will his memory lie
cherished by his officers by whom he'•was so
much esteemed, and by his companions in
arms by whom he was so beloved. I sin
cerely sympathize with his family and fi iends,
but we all have the consolation of knowing
that he fell in a glorious cause.
I shall direct his grave to be suitably
marked, so that his body can he procu r d if
you desire it. Any requests you may have
to make I will endeavor to comply with.
Warner Wilern
WASHING Msne EASY.—We were shown,
a few (lays since. a weshing machine
with a wringer attached, now being menu•
factured by Mr. J. S. Lash, of this place,
which_ lye. believe_ to lielt article _of
the 'kind we have seen. Its construction
is simple and therefore not Easily deranged.
The most delicate fabr c m•y be washed
with this machine without the least danger
of injury—a bank note may even be passed
through without doitroying, it. We would
advise all who are in want of a good washing
machine to call and examine Mr. Lash's at
his shop in East L'mthrr street.—Demnrrat.
LI (1 tS
, Ifft
on I. W. 'rla,rnll Eqq.. Ir. JOHN
Eltlt, to PLAT f, both ol I 1 tinpdon twp.,
Cutnb •r 1,11,1 ruuu ty
Of boh se-tn., A Retired I'ler:um/to hoeing hr en re
stored to bnalth in a row days. ati,r UV years of
greet suffering IS willing to /1..1nt, at h , .14 by l us,ii n g
(fiee,) on trio receipt of a post paid directed envelope,
nom' of the p nscription 1.1011. Dirert th Iies.JOIIN
nn uiNAI,I„ ltd Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. 161
Juno 4 1-Re'2.-41n"
Reported weekly for the Herald by
FL' lUlt (Suporfine)
do. ( Extra)
do RYE.. ...
It I.:1) do
RYE .........
n T 9 \ FAA
14 ARLEY FA 1....
II \ 111,F Y SIOUNO,
1 1.0 V F,INEEI)
F sTATE NoTicE.—Letters of Ad
ministration with the will annexed upon the
estate of !oho I'. Lyno. deed., late of the Itor uFh of
Carlisle, ay.• hero hound by the Register of ('umber
land county to the undersiened residlior to 1,1 ,4 Bor.
011s.h. All p-Nrmg havintr VI/till. Upon said estate will
present them for set] lenient, nod throw trot elded will
make immediate payment to M k N N I.Y sE
Aug • i ,
The looks and account a of the late firm P. Ilne
& Sou will ream a at lb e Sty re. ell persons 'knowing
themsel indented are requested to call and make
settlement. l'he are requested to call and ex
nail ne nu r immense stork of goods which I am FY ning
V Nit P for nrACII. ant withainnillng the recent
largocOvaave hi the ',tees of all kinds of hardware
being deal roux of considerably reducing the xizo nfmy
stork of goods for the pre-mat Persona in want of
I lar I ware will find It tI their advantage to call in
North Hanover St. at the ktore of
Paper/ .wn, 6 ?niles South (11 . Carlisle, I'u.
ON Weduesday, Soptoniber ad, 1862.
will be F:.,14 by Aurthm, poierneechig on the a
bove day. nd continuing until all in Fold the follow
Ing described personal prowl vll.:—Horses, 1 cele
bra•ed Trotting Mare, Liu;;- thnoilms. Rork rw.,ys t 'nr
rl :gel., Buggies Tr ott'ng leveral bean
orsin:l • and douldo Harness. Sllllllll', 14'41 H. As.
The ontire stock of till• HiIC.UO ll,tol,consietlugofttto
superb -e.t. of l',.t. , age Furniture. mon .gany and tont
nut bedsleada, hair and hunk mattresses. tent h.r beds.
pillnwF I. I-tor, walnut and mahogany coins lounges,
'hairs m . thovinv dining tables.' marble top coot-e
tiles - inlrenrs top wash Zandc
mahogany rrih, p silver pi•chers and cup. bar
ometer, thermometer, clocks. stain gla,4, hall Innips.
crockery ru great variety. roal oil lamp:. chandeliers.
carpets, matting, nil dolt., tine cuttl• rv. silver forks
and spoons, glass ware par room counter. dueln' era •
ckrar case, liar morn chairs, platform scales. kitchen
flushitnre. cook'', and other stoves %%Ines and Lign
ors 111. d in tact everything pertaming to a Ii rat class
hot••' will he •ol•I
—Geo J. lien
This to one of the most in pot (ant sales that has taken
place In Our: section la ,41me time, every article being.
p •rfe v etly new. end of the most ei.atly 1 10FeriptIPTI. and
well worthy the ntten o.'ll or nolo Reapers and specu
lators. Th. House will he el , ned 111 , all July Ist .Ih. Zt
when It will reopen for then ceptlon of vish•nrs. TeTllll.
, AF 11. °ale t i remmenrr Mt 9 orb . It, A. M when
attendance VIII he Elte•t by S A It AIh.A. 0112N'
Aug 29 "2. . IGJ.t. liceartne), A uctioneer.
809 d 811 Glvsinut Street
17 11 331.11. et. CIL fa ir3 , 3Cli.El,
Augu t. 29, 1862.-3 mop.
3L=P - Lillallc,
en THURSDAY /he 2r! o/ October '62
(.AY virtue of an order of the Orphans'
) Court of Cumboa and County. I 1.111 expese to
public sale. on the premises. on the Omir day the nil
liming described real estate. of Pete, Zimmer man. de , 'd
situated in Lower Allen township, Cumberland county.
on the Yellow Breeches creek, about two miles west of
Now Cumberland. and one mile emit of 9lilhown, n
farm of Limestone and Slate Land containing 117
Acme and RI Porcheo, more or tees; about 04 are
cleared, have been limed, and nyder a good ntato of cul
ivation, a d the residue in timber.
The Improvements consist of a sub.
‘rflitt ..YI`OLNE 110ITSE,
• it tNK lIMIN WAGON 'SUED. Coin
- ' ' Cribs. Nt mb-house with an arched col
lar undarmuith. and all other necessary Outbuildings.
Alan. a 15;011 of Water at the door and n never failing
Spring about 60 rods from the house which bee Pr ffl
tient fall to be conveyed to the buildings by 18,14'
pipes and with little expen o. Alen a large
. .
and other fruit Any person wioling to examine. for
themselves eau coil on Moses Zimmerman molding on
said farm. who will gyve all the necessary. InfOrMati.m.
The title is gond. Faint° rommenco at ii - e,'eltiek on
said day, when term's will be made known-by.,
August 20, 1.80 e.. 'Admr. of Pater Zimmerman,
REAL„E - S i i.*Allt : AT PUBLIC SALE.
On SANTADAY Septembir 20th 1863. .
TIIE suWoribers witl.offe'r'at public Palo
on tbe above dly, ttp, follociink _described !teal
Estate, situated in Nonni° towindlip."Curnber'and coun
ty, about fit miles oast of ceuliebk, and tvd miles
nOrtifof Cbnrchtownpa - .
containing 136 Ac'tee,.nnirelehe, or which about 20
-Acres am in - excellentAiutber. The lend is of the best
quality of limestone, under good fence, and In
ntiite or cultivation
• Tho Improvements arr a two story
5 •
.110 USE,
lel.- with all the necessary ,Outbulldformot
1 . 1 • largo DANK OA RN. WagOn bhed, Corn
Refit water ,upon
haler fruit. . and a
nudhtho farm Any
can do tto by call.
tpon the premiere,
Id day, when terms
Very Respectively. Yours &v.'
Oco. A. Buomrs,
Capt. Co. D. 46th P. V
To the Nervous,
Ely Pinlutz.
Woodward &
Carligle Aug 23.; 18112.
nem JlMlertis emeitts
x. C. T A. of
John P. Lyne, deed
. no , MYEA-It,
111 3DYEAR,
00 0dYpar deo'd.
lidetefai the Of ce;
tech49o of tberl'oo;
. ~s~_'
r rof. A. Armstrong, A. M. proposes
g iving , InntrueVon to lads and venlig men on
t highly important and much neglected branch of
°duration. Ile win commence operatlims In thin place
me soon as a clam; is formed. The whole course will
occupy flee week s plying onalemn per day.
This ,ystem of improving the vocal oretti.s happroved
hiehly beneficial to these affected with stammering
and &redly() articulasion. .
August 20, 1802.
On Thursday and Friday Sept, 25, 4.• 26, '62.
ON the abov‘e days the subscriber will
after at Public Sale. on the premises, In'Hampden
Township. Cumberland County, the tollualag do•
scribed hen] Etats. viz :
bounded as follows;—fin the North by the Trindle
Spring road. on the West by Andrew Sheol v. on the
South by the Siivpa n road. and .net by n publie road.
about two miles east of Mechanicsburg, and near `hire
manstown. containing lit Acres. about 12 of which aro
Iv excellent timber, and the balance under n high state
of cultivation.
The improvements are a
.01i ; withal] necessary Outb tidings. larce
! C BASIS ItA RN. 101 feet long, with a
Lever falling. IVell of lho best water in
the county. Also Tenant !louse and several Lime
-- T -- F - Intid - Tg Oro best quility of Liniostone.
under excellent fences, and for location. Ac.. cannot ha
surpashed. Also a thriving Young Orchard of exeelle, t
fruit. Thu rumhprltind 11allroad pIIMROP t hrouuh
this farm. This property will be sold on TiIUItSDAI
September 25th
On Friday, Sept 26th, in the name Town
ship and county. will he sold the one undivided Tract
of Land. bounded as follons: On the Knot by Peter
Baseborn, on the North h, Van Iloll's heirs. on thn
IVn•t by F. Mutnnun k on th .South by thn Conodoguinet
creak, contalninval74ut 11 acres, having thereon ora
ted a large three story
05 'net long and A 5 fi et brond, 1 run of Burr", 3 %Vat r
II heeln and all the ma •bi new of the bent I. ind and In
tekt Improventeht. 'I he stream neve, Mlle and thud=
Is new, A lee. Il t..rno
Brick Dwelling House,
A Small 11 lVti" B kRN. Cooper Shop and n TP:NA!' T
110 U E. T 1,1.1 proparl vln Iner Led Inn nrl,l,lnalpapt of
tort Q uality 01 hind, n ivr L te rap Worn Is al.. ut
3'6 milt, Won, Mr rhaulrPhuru,front Shiremntot
-10011. 1.111,1 1111111• F 110,0a,ur g , 00d 113 a Son dlAr.-
lav pulp. rty Iu orory respect
Silo to commence at Il o'clork on sni 1 days, when
toms will ho made known by
Am:. 29. I Fr?
1)Y virtue of all order of the l)ridintis'
'Pr o ,, rt irrijrnrieri.rl(l 1 . 011 . 71‘ V.
Ailinlii l ,tl3to n. , f of
will SAle nn th.• pr,tlll., mi
It IDA Y the 2fith day of ~..;,pte . l,e , 1862
'I IL 1. M kV- T.N ft \I of slid lerensed. sllneted In
nteklnson Ton nplop beutnted h 1 land• of hln
r.ll,rer, Agislll . , rn. A Mho', I James
Myers nod Hilbert '-enright eemlelnllnt tele. to
the more Or less. all o .s of the heo
ty of limestone leilirl andiu it MAI state ..f rulti'pion.
The farm tf , reletid In Inentei,hs
Wnlnut llottom Its sit lits•llt. 5 I t
from l'orllmle nod the Imi/rovernehte
conSiSt. of In rue Two St..,r,
4 50
4 ,
1 18
I 10
.:;7 . `La ''
131{1(11( I 1()ITSF„
Wagon Shed. Coro ('r' hs tiny !Sr s
And other ' , Pr , ' try no) Isuilstings nil to rs 01 re p,,,,
A Ito, t Well pf water toil n fine this' trint ifis lord ars•
spots the promises About tests, Aron ore rove. ..d
with One thrlvinc titnt er, the rs malodor mister mitt
vitti sit sod all eueltsseas Terms ion in known no slay
of .slit by jcb , r,l , ll phtit'llll,
JIHIN II kli'17 1 ,1•11.
A dministro tors.
A '4o
1 ill
Au . 2 't
Under an Ori.ler of Sale from the Or
phans' Court of Cumberland enunty the under
signed will expose to ['oldie Sale on the prena.i. on
SzITCRDAI the 27th, of September,
at 11 o'elovk A. M. the fidlowlo pr,portles Into tho
Real Estato of Ihtvl‘l Minor det'd.
No. I.—A Tract(of band in North Middleton
Towrinhip containing 78 Arres twenty perehes elrict
1111.3.1 re. Lou nd nd by 'ands of lobe Iteidier.3lartin Run
John Orin, and .Th•is. Tho improvements are a
good l'we story
b t u
ti II I Led //OUSE,
.- ;
4 I I .;
. •• , 'r, a good Item nal never roilioe well of
exotoloot eater and a goad running
Ns. 2.—A Tenet of Land adjoining the a
bove in the !Limo township containh.g 27 &errs and 124
perches. Thu buildings on this tract are a good
Rood Bank Barn. I log pen an other nut buildings.
'the both theo, farms is of an excellent quality
of slate. hen, lien well limed all over and is and, &rood
Amen. Their. are fine cm:bards wit abundance off, uit
on both thrums.
No 3 —A irno of Nlountnin Dula in Frank.
toritind-North Nliddletoo
and .la, .b Wagg•.ner CO ilatnlng Twemy Five nerve.
'terms end co-ditkne will be made,known on the day
or wde Icy litl'ID1“11;)d.
Aug 211,'62. Admr. of David - Nallor dee'd.
On 5.4 TUR DAV the 4th of_OCtober 1862
T ho undersitrned AFalgnee of George Matrhett, will
cell nt put I' sale. the Aolleue_Vg.renl;eiltetui:._
oi Land Flaunted in lianipden town
Alp. Cumberland count, , bounded by lands of David
I I nine .Innepli NV ng,oner. lionry - Shaul 'and .nth ere.
rodtaining 8u Arrei and 100 Perches, wore or lea!, bay
lug thereon erected.a
e e
5 ) D 0 If B . L V. It o'o 13 tt 11 ls: ,
e I I Wagon Obed, Corn .Orlits. and other
outbuildings. A young Apple Or herd
of slittlya II int rutruitik water at the door, and a Lime;
tattoo (to I rry thgrenn.
No. 2—. A traot of land n r unto I in the same town
ship. bounded' by lands of Sheaffe , 's heirs, !oho Bakers
MoMPS r. Eberly and others. S.; rres and
142. Perches, more or less, and having thereon erected a
I.l,ase, And)le LI Bu,
Corn Cr hs, hr A goo.l Orchard of Choler fruit, and a
1,110., Kiln In crud ropair upon thlH pript.rß
'I hese farm , . are lyeat d nn the Statafrond leading
from St,r•of t's 11 ip t %%r•t Fairview. al r ii?ta 8 miles
from Ilarriohorr• and 7 mil , •s from Vrrh•ulc66mrg 1,11 •
von lent to Mille. - $l,. I 11.11180., and Bin: i.eayith :Mop,
The ante of bath pr in it:OS will tlrilo OlHell On the
Minion Tract ,I,,ribed nn \0 1. at 1 o'eloe',4 1' M on
day, wheu terms will be ma.le known by
Aug 29, I Ati2
rrlIE-E will be exposed to sale, by
of II der. ee nt th, urt , „f c um _
be, land e“unty. nil THURSO A and FRIDA Y. the loth
and 19 h of :•eptenthur. 18.2, the follnwlng real entnte
of .1 nhn Sand , . eon. th•ed. :
The "Happy Itetreat” Farm,
sltuote in the tow of•liip of South %Ii Idloto, ntij .ining
thu borough of Cm lixlo. and wide)] entitling
more or less. The land to I.lmekone of the first quelity
and in a high Ft to 1.1 enltlvaam, hiving lieu hPal sly
Itmi•d and under good fent.° The linprovomentp Are in
o , lllmod can ton sh.ry Brick
wm n well fif water at t
h eh never falls a large elegant now
it„~~r HAHN, with Mick (Utah' In the
bank. and (3,1 ribs, 'On Shad,
a. , la. lied to the Born, and all within oii•
of I he said .iohn Saiiiieroon owned but
the one uoilivldeil hilt' id lII° said Farm no ten nut io
c .intnot: with his s , .ti James Eau ersou, who will sell
hip half 111 111111.1110 thine.
2 .11 ,it of Ground, adijoinitur, the
nh vo, and aupttriitod from ,t only by the Cumberland
Volley Ridlrdad and Turopike bounded by the Railroad
Ur antis Land,
Ing 4 tiered and '2O perches.
. 3' The Brick {louse and lot adjoining
the farm, on thn Turnpike. which contains I erre and
25 perdhes. and upon which there is a Well of never
failing Water
Those throe properties will ho said at lho farm on
Thursday, the 18th of 1 4 eptembor, 1802, at 11 o'clock,
A .
4 The Mansion House of the said
John Sondorson, in which ho resided at the time of the
death, shunt° on North Ilanm or Bt, cot; in Carlini°,
bounded by lho mid ntrert, Liberty etreet, John Fred
erick, and an alloy, containing 79 foot in front and 240
feet in dopth, with a fountain and tbo right f mover to
the 11P0 of water for domestic purposes, without charge,
from the water works. . .
5. Twelve small lots in the Borough of
Carlisle situated botwoon the Ilarrlaburit Turnpike and
Redford t!treof continued, a plot of 11.40' will be "tral
GRA on the day of toile.
0. A lot of ground adjoining the above,
and.bounded by the came and liedfordatreet continued,
containing about I acre, more or less •
Thu terms will ho made known 'on saintly
Milt: GollitlitTON,
Adto'r. of John Bandursun, deed. '
. August 22, 1802—ts
. ...-
- ORR 'Ai::,5! COURT. SALE. -
vat, s,'
. .
I Y vat 14.ei 1441.orcier of the Ornhenu'
court ue,l trelit cou n ty, the uniersignd,'
Adm ill I affeltri iso illitate ',if Samuel °lark, deed..
will oxpouo to Puha ..ti1)0. stibulate dwelling house of
the deceased, on tho, premises, on Tiltyp.ity, the,?Rd'
of Bentomber. at 11 'eltiek..A. 0.,
The It amisl9pqr@iy,Ler --
- of the eakt - tit•eeitieli:. situate in tortdibirii
bounded by lauds of IticthaN . Clark. Jatnssldylngsten,
Christian Stayingnnd *tholes ornatuluittg , •
.. .
88 ACRES AND 76 'I ) .ERODES, '
..... ._.
more or loss, all of.whioh is land • 'of thX:flrst-qualitY
and highly iinpidv9d,ltio Yellow Preaches crOok pass
- - „Niil4 ebropali , the Immo; -'llib improve.
~. a /V ., ' 7 ~, , , 1 40 . A A . - targe sitlo!f 'and BTON It
' 1 i • 1).. :,. " '';',l%itY Xt!YoUsc , a fiANK DARN,
' f7 :. r; - 45 , , , ,,, Wegon Fhed. cern Cribs,
. ' .. :. ...-- 'lipid 11uncossery,Outbuildings. This
.far . ,::'.` -'T -- ;' ,.. C 1 '.. . otfin Yellow Briecheit ;crook,. there
boingl • 'Aii 1 - 'l4O 63 .perchos,4lth Improbernonto on
'.the north Fikio.: nnd .69 acree' and 17 Torches, on the
'south !ado W,ltlieut'lmProvenfonts.• Theme parts will be
off t nuegeporately or,together, And wlll be sold Au am
,annit , may hrjuo,ile,befir price. ',• . •
'::-.WhO3 4 .'O'.,,„, ..„,,ilLtet,‘99d,ilf,thei Same time andphice a tree
or Moll,,NTAlATiAiw.p.oilcb lictroblut - 1 - rollo south of -
tliArehotwiliOothitrontalim 66 gores. more or loos, and
erhlckbAleftn4thility 91mber groi In, upon it.
' :Torrt#huntdAßtown on the clay of eale by
Adm'rx. of Samuel Clack' doo'd
,co . uittat 22,1862—.t6
pUfthe SALT; Or
1 9 t. ! : ' A VALUABLE
Thn undermgnetl, Exeentors , of.,El'int AIM ZUG, Inie
of the florotighoCilgehnulenbueg. rill sell on.thopromt.
ses , the, following
. .
NA leer- A Trod, of valunfileliim' estotte Lend
eentalning..6o Acres, situated In SilyOr Spring town.
ship, Cumberland r may, Pa'. hounded hy:lands'tf
James A uderron, Cumberland Yelley,itallroad, George
Imugsdorf, and others, lho iMproyebients ere a large
1,..t. Stunc Divell«n# , . 'louse,
• ; _i trs i.. , STONE 14111 t. BARN,
A i,. t
, Wagon Shed, Spring:gime, and other
i i.1t6.,,,.
.„, ;..f. outbuildings Thom" Is- a good Limo
''" Kilo en the premises, A etreem of mo
oing older passes through the farm, and there is an
Orchard of Choice fruit on the came. The property is
loco ed about two miles west of ftlerhanl"burig, and in
eaoy of accuse thereto by good rondo.
No. 2.—Al the same time end place a tract
nrWostern Land. containing ilf‘Py i Arm'. or Ism
situated In Grundy cLunty, lowa, six miles from Ceder
Nn. 3 —The Undivided hnifriitherest in all
the remaining un u old BUR' At. LOTS IN GEDAIt GILL
GEM t; altnated on the Trindlo hpring road, one
half mile west of lilecitani: ahurgli.
An' person orkbing to view Iha premisea, Nos. 1 or
3, or farther 1,1 - urination ronerrringAha-krarta, wHI
phothe to the uodeleigne , rmiding in Aleehanics•
hula sale ti rolornehre at I &eh ekel'.2l.l. 'on said day
when t. rtos will he made known;-.: ,
A ug.419,-11. -- SA 4I-411-4 1 - .4llkUtasetitrirr, -
N Eli WltNl4,Mit, Executor,.
WILL be sold at publie'sale, on SA
'mai) A Y..the 20th ..f 84til - niber,•lBB2. at 10
ck A M . on the premises, the fall6iing described
Itenl Et.tato, viz:
• • ••
No 1. -A.. tract of-good Sittte Land, sit.
unto in North NI ddletun .nwnship, Ciltaborlandeouo
ty about 3 miles north of Caruso,. tin the Waggoner's
Gap Road and known as SwigertliTtiver'n. bounded /7,
lands ot W, F ttwiger. Snap uel [lone, N m it loerd, and
miters, containing K acres and 14 perches. The int
pro‘ union to are a lingo two story Pins
s toned NitAINIHIkAIIN, renal. t,
,' yetill,Juse and all other tie'ces-ary Out
hinldlngs. Alsn ? an Appl.• Grolisrd
rn I other frolt; - two Wells of water
with puoire. 1., c Onto, floor [hit house._ This property
w.ll be s. Id in two sop ',to tracts, or together to suit
p 1 ,hastos
IsT,t, 2, Contains 45 acres, acre orless,
about, root fourth if a ulna north 4.31,1 vf tract No.
Th.. Imp! i .v.•ntents are II FltAllE If .ICC.
ul.ll n never filling spring. About
3 grin Ix In runt, 6.mi.dru by lan& ol Saml.
harp Au.•korman arid IV F. Stviln r.
A silne, or II r ry Hupp
No 3, 'o...taini about 10 acres, adjoin
ing tract No 2. TI .e Imp!, v..ments sin n large 3 nt , ry
it.A.M B
n Wog rer ry Thin tract in we.ll I Irlted
f r n Tannery or lil , rll ry. Thom am a numb, of
fi ull ti re., mead land, hounded by
tract Nr• Mll,ll InntlN of 11. my ockorman and thorn.
Nn 4, Contains about. 7 ann.:3, adjoin
Inv No 3. The nrnpro‘em..nrs nre n too ntory 1,00
II tie I. 'A to d ;,, , lon In meadow Innd. tinder snot
Puce horn ded by W Swl .er, !lour), Auckertnan and
the guinet reek.
No. 5 A tract of Mountain land, about
3 ,110., 110.'111 of tho %Inn:Lion rf•ntainlm: fntr
31.0 is co,vell'd with Chentmit and 11n1; thubur,
boundo I b) lan& of John Wag.golier, M m. Brown and
No. (t, A tract of Mountain land, ad
abo‘e .tracl,.coutaluing about b.cree,--cov—
,•rrd .vith Clo,to it. I, , euht n .d u.k timber.
No 7, Adjoining the ithove tract, on
the spurt f the Nittuntidn 'Ph. W agsztiner's (lap road
ita , tsert through it. .t ettitered wi h young timber,
Chte.tit tit and 'lnk. and ettitt-ttntt ' ,how 6 acre,
Terms made known on the day of stile by
F ravi, g permanently located in Carlisle,
ostmetions nn thell , lin and Piro,.
Terms Moder-Ito. Orders left, with tl.l.l.ltheem, will
he promptly attended to. •
.Wk. lir 462.-1
\TO"! ICE.—An election for Thirteen
Li Directors of the 0 11111bo Han.' Valley Mutual Pitt
tection estop:toy, to servo f r the term t 4 one year, will
he held al the STONE 'r 1 VERN. In Dickinson toKm
ship. comb. On.. between the hours of ill anal 11, on
Monday, Septemher let 1002. .1:41). T. (1111.,EN
August 22, 'n2 -2 t. Secretary.
3E° 11-ILICO 4C, SEii;
On ,S A TURDA Y Sept,mher 13, 1862.
rIIIIE undersigned will offer nt Public
I Sale, on the - above day-on the premiere. situated
in Churchtown. Cumberland en , containing 107 feet In,
front, end 100 in depth. ninre or PBS. bounded nn the
east by, Malp street, south by Alfiir 'Ptah-north by a
•-parbfirrWlieytifti:leyaoraa . iae.itonairear.
tea a Two story Fratne
Ot! s otr E
U p
Ei w th a•laro, two stern bark 11 , 111.1114 r
Wag II •
01140. a Incite F raw c
Stable. isos Tea , usu. and other necessary nut
buildings Thorn le a well of water and sir:totem con
venient to the house, and everythlng.:l. convenient for
The above property le.vo-y valuable, as It is thermic
tavern In town. • hersons wishing In eon the property
can do on by calling on the subscriber, who menu]es
the same. Sale to comm. - ire at II n'elock, A. M . when
attendance will be even and terms made known by
~.N 13 —lf the above property In not geld en the Any
.nfeniu. it will be,ollered fur rout on the name dny nt
public elite y.. S. A. L.
August 22,,1562.—t. a.
. .
IT EL 1., be sold at. poblio sale, on
tho I Itti day,'of SEPTV,IIIIt3t,
11162, by thi leirs of John Holtz, deceased, late of
Eastpentishoto . ti,wnship. Cumberlind county, the fol
lowing Valtiatito goal Estit . te. viz:
No, 1. A tract of landEamtPieliro io r i3O , township 5
miles west of ila , rlshurg and 3 miles north of 11. or ~.µ
Point. a- joining iambi of Levi liartzter, Ueo. Duwerp,
Dr. !bust and others,. cOntattili g
1,12 Aries,tiOriror less,
in a high state of cultivatidOttving thortion- erected a
good ton story weather) irded and
pf t stAirod lA 4 tl 110 USE. D 01.119. 1 ,1 1.. iii
LA it N. Av Ail micros iry pos.
• , a,, excellent ;Sitting of impolite
nett the buns°, uv,r whlchqs erected it
SPCing lI.A
-o1 ;uniting wotor through the bolds.
Also, an excel •,
lm•t Young Orchard)}' choice fruit About
nrns ot thn ante tract 1s covelind o ith thriving
Chestnut and oilier t tither Also. a Quarry of first
rate Limestone sut of a high' Iho whole of the above
tract was limed Persons wishing to view this bum
ran do so by calling ChM /eh Zimmerman, residing
U. W. C1:1611'
No '2 A tract Of land. sll nee In the fame township.
and lyin2 on tti, noodoguito•t 'rich, I inllo s wth of
the nlll,ve tract. poo I X fY 11,0 s nrlef F.
und r n 1041 i stale ofyultlvation, .) dnlng lands of
..neoh litvto !twit zberno , Emanuel Ilnlta and
or hors, haring that raid
I , IIST 11114,1 a,
In god running oldh r. a tau of "ry I ranll) nous° with
baneinent, ii 1> h 11,111 V, ,pring II •nau. a I.prlng of
exeolont running Waterhear the house, and All of her
Outbuilding!. Alen, a
... ...
Yuuuf oo.lot rd oreiwice Fruit.
Ten Reeve ue title tout adJoine No. 1, and 1a covered
with thriving ,onto Chsetttut add other timber. l'or
a 'en wishing to view the premises ran do so by calling
on Stun MA I). 11. Ito. residing thereon
Sale to eononen,•o at 10 curl .cit on mid day, when at.
tentlanee will be given and terint-tende I , newn by the
lluire •EM ANUEL 001, 1 Z,
A ugumi 8,18112-3 t
r I IIE subscriber offers at private sale,
_I the following dueerlbed Rouge end bot r aituated In
'Phiremetnet wit, on the Cumberland Valley Railroad,
Cumberland county, Ibt
The building lea two story BRICK
' 110UtlE. ,with RaGkbullding , Stable,
Carriage House, and'all other maces
. •ES • Aktri.., Fury outbuildings. The lot ie about
46 feet front and rear. a nail of good
water, wan a pump in It. la connected with the house
and n goad arched cellar under it.
The (I,,usa In well calculated for a Store and Dwelling
HOUHO. having a large ,and. conyoulent Store Room on
the fret Hoer.
mils desirous of viewing the' premises. can do on
.by calling on tho suhscrlber,e•sittling acSblrornertstown.
The toms, which are easy, will Also be - Medi known on
application to tit 81. BITNER.
August 8, 1882-st+ •
—virtue of an,grderof ' the Orphans'-
.• • •
Li/Court of Cumberland aeon ty. expoae to pub.
11e Pale, on the proulses. at the late dwellths hoop° of
Dau•rhntan. dee'd Itt Frankford townehlp. on
SATURDAY the 20th of Septemhei,, al 11 o'clork A, M,
of the said deseasedo bolinded by lands of Leonard
idinioh, A otinO: mum, Ilia heirs ot,Daniel
der, sad others dontsining -
more or lase, having thereon erected a two story Prams
DWELLING HOUSE; well notched. a
.0. i - 2 0 ")_ BANK BARN,
Wagon Shed, •it-good
Well of Water arthe door and - plenty,
... mal,l,3Airs of running woter:thet. never fails.. r.
The land la nearly alihlee'red
der fence and a goodrquality or Slate .Land lend abbot
a - mlle from Dlller'4,lllll.. ' • '
- Also, at the sometime and Piero. tt tract of NOUN—
TAIN LAND, a fee/ mites off. containing 10 acres, more
or lens, well olcultited to supply the Vairn, with wood
and relic. Terme made bnown on thAdayttif Sole by
Adm'r. of Philip Baughman deed.
August 22,1.802.,te ✓
VarniihearTurpen tine:- We invite-the atter'.
tion of the Ambito to our superior tr IIITN : LBAD, put
up exelualvely In Tin pales. and warranted to be sups.
nor to any other brands sold In thh.:lnorket.. A great
variety of colors of the best gUelltioe mil nnlltnp pt the
lowttt prices. ut John P. Lyn° Foit'o; North lionnTor
otreet, (*H
ole. • . , J une 43013.
On TII UARSDA Y September 181h.1862
Executor's Sale of valuable
Ex'r. oC Una. Swigori.. dec'd
Aligu,t 22, 1862—ts
Hickok's Patent, Portable Xeyotone
viln use and approved. This mill has no superior in
the market. and to the only mill that will properly
grind Unless withehtlireaking the seed.
For pale by W\l. klintillSJN, West Main St ' Carnal°
August 22, 1802-2 m
. •dui
f'fiil4;;Vl"frunk Like from the North
.3 pad North P est for NdW York, Read
log, Pottsville, Lebanon, Anent... n, Easton, de.
Trains iii.tve liar, ishurg for Philadelphia, Now York,
Reading, Pottsville. ang all intermediate stations, •t 8
A. M., and I 40 1' V.
New York Express leaven Harrisburg nt 1,25 A, M
arriving at \ ew York at 8 25 the aline morning.
'FarPs from Harrisburg: To Now Y.. 111. $5.00 to Phila
delphia {,3 '.15.n0d d 2 70. llngoge,•hooked through
Iteturolog, lento New York at 6 A.M , 12 Nbon. and
I'. , sl..(l . listmburg Express). Leave Ph4ladelphm at 8
A. M . and 3 It I'. M.
aleephigenru the '..gew York Exp eaßTralus.thtough
to nnetrourl'lttaburg v 1 bout chxu;•o.
l'a.pungers by the Cataw lava Railroad leave Po-t
Clinton at 4 4 A M ,tor l'hllailtdphia and all Intortne
dilto :Mations: and at '.OO P M; for Phlladidnllla, Naar
York and all Way l'o.nto
Trains trove l't:tt,tln. At 9 A M.. And 2,15 I'. M.,
Philadelphia and New York; and at 530 I'. u.. tor Au•
b ,,, n ( tika i t L r , I'iuo Owen
An A er0111111 , 01111 , 11 e'assen er Tr.llll lenoes
at n A. it., and returns trout l'hiladelplt'a at 1, V. M.
All the above train run dolly.
A ,:tinflay ttaln botv a Pottsvilla at ; 3, A. 31, and
Chlla telp/th at 3 I 6 I. NI,
I.'tnntnutattan. Nitterng,: - Frawnf nT T Excursionlici•
eta, at reduced rate, to and front All p In la
U. A. MC J 1,1,,, II el. end
June 6,
3171 , 7E1 1862. aurrn 1862.
E.4t regpectfully call tho nttontion
et to pu Llle, espec!ally thu Ladies. Lo their /..r4e ad
dition pi
just r'ecaireri, comprisini the various fabrics suitable
thr the prewot seasou. 1.)11 .StiUiLS of uv ery vu i iety
LAC st 1 I itn of Silk Saquon,
La.!, ISoruptp.s, Slistmlt.of xll .1.111,1 A, run
Umbrolks, Panwnl. , lion hots, 11 ism+ II uln, Itibbous,
Dress Trimmings,
Embroideries, Hosiery, White (hinds of lasery tlsserip
tmi, II up :skirts, Ito trot a
Shirt. Ihr boat in the mar, et, Etigletim Cottle,' Skit is.
Alen's and lot 's Light
French lllook Cl•dhs. Lino. l'alallzo, Cutt,modes
[loving Iho servioes of n first class 31 . 0 pr••-
pnre I to makto up Uaud• at short uutico and must (ash
.unable sly lu.
of all kinds In rely largo supply, e1 , d114. Thal
Looking 111:1),M11. 1•Iiods 1 all kinds or , eIlLng
(Jowls. Domestic Goods ui Inlnlel so quantitieµ.
Ple•nse call and t.X3llli m• and-saiihfy }ournrlre•n NV e
lms... the bent. lars.ent, rill!:lpAlit, most dccl ra Lie htork of
uouLls onus olforod In Carlisle.
Zustness (arils
N itb itS
O „em , s
IL t t
11.iojn. (:yiott,LiLbauwi.
nes.; pr..laptl, attended to.
February 21. 11162.
PUFUB E. SIF.I.PLEY, Attorney at
lb Law Car Isle I's. Attends to Fecurious nod rol
l-coma Bounth.s. and Oulu e
ou Sou , h [(nearer Street, opp , sito linntz's store.
Dec. i 7, 1861
L , ]
011Ico W. ro
Renbe, In Itheam's
. E K 1+; ttorney at Law.
. mile° no hottth Ilanoe,
Dr) in.ln n tore. All burf ours entrusted
to bite wl I nu promptly attended to.
AW CAltp. — (lllAltLES E. )1.1-
t I LAUUIILIN, Attorney at Law. 011it . e le In
holy, tlulldl llß , JusLonposiie the Market- Iluuee.- • -
J. W. FOI!LK, Attorney at Lact
l A . with J. R. Nwith, EFti., In liheein'e
All untested, to him wilt be promptly et
tend,' to
?lay 9, '69.-I,y.
I'. Attorney at La;.
(I._ J.—Office on North Hanover street. t, few doors
south of t 1 1,5,.. Hotel. All business entrusted to him
will he promptly attended to. [April 15
Jam Jur, DENTIST, from the
tirnore College of Dental Surgery.
114.0fnee at thi, residence ot his mother, last
street. three doors below Ltedforil•
March 19, 1856—t
Lite Demonstrator of 'lpai at lye Dentiatry to the
1 1./Vnt u l ° Filer e r ' y 'll'll:°
Ivry. Office at his renideneo,
.proxite Marlon 11, not )fain street, Carlisle. Penn
Nov. 11.11+67.
Q I -VI.)IG S I,o()N.—(laving fitted
Kj up In me very beet stole. th., r o.n iu Cr.
build , ng. loot nor, to A. L. Sponsler's office. 1 otn pro
!aired to give any toutiortlll attolltionli to all who
honor no with n vkit. I shall cowl rally be su • plied
with lonnpetent and polite hands ;old shall spareno effort
to give general s itisfavtion. wish to eanplo. n tool
boy, between 14 and 17 yearn old, Apply illittlodlittely
to '.sl VE:1(8.
Carllele, June 27. 1862-Ay.
1862. SPRING. 1862.
ISA AC LIVINGSTON now offers one
'of the heat. and most attractive assortments of
Piece Goods e% or exhibited in this place for
Tien and Boys' Wear,
of every style, quality and price, and Is continually re
celtina additions as the season advances, of all the
^l6test novelties and styles to suit all °hisses.
Our stock of READY MADE C .OTIIING, all our own
manufacture, cannot be excelled-for
of every variety to suit the season, taste, and pocket.
All we want is a call and ore for yourselves at
North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium.
N. IL AII goods bought Dom us by the pyre cr yard.
by persons wishing to have it cut to Weasuin. can be
accommodated (tee of charge. •
Carlisle, May 1 1862,
The rommlssioners of Cumberland county, will
receive ifroposals for u loan 'or Twenty Thousand bol
Mrs. fur which the bonds of the county will be given.
In soma not less than One Hundred Dollars: payable in
ono and two yours with interest at six per cent. per an
now This loan be made to enable the Commissioners
"to pay a bounty ut' Fifty Dollars per man to any sol
dlor who shall join companies rufsed In Cumberland
county. or companies from said county, now in the ser
vice of tho•Uulta Nt Iles," an recommended by a meet
ing of the °Wizens of said county, held at the Court
House, in Carlisle, on the 29th of July, 1302
3. H. WAOGONkIt,)
OHO. MILLER, • , `,-Comm`rk
M. KOST, •
Attost—J. ARMSTRONG, Clerk.
August 1, 1§62-1m '
, Letters of ,admin atratlon ou the estate of Abra
ham Goodyear,
.late of Alannt, tetrushlic, de .',L, have
been granted by the Register of Cumberland county,
tolhe entleOsignetrresiding In the sautatownshilf. All
persons knowlioitbem elw a led Ated to sold estate will
t she Immediate payment, and thbao Having claims
will present them properly authenticated Mr settle
ment to A BRA II 01 OOODYEttR,
JOSEPH. OlioElf RA 11,
Aug. I, 'll3V—titeFue:tiers. '
p tters . of Administration were issued
the °State oe.h'elieph 'Marra decd. hate of Mon.
too township by the Register of Cumberland county to
the undersigned residing In the came place. All per.
cone knowing themselves Indebted will make immediate
paymthit. and those having claims will present them
for settlement to' • 'OATIIARIk4F. AlOitilETT•
:Aug 15.-ot.
tiltltlNt.l FEMALE COLLEGE. -
Ms Institution chartered with full collegiate pow•
ore to grant DIPLOMAS and confer Dinners, wil coin
mance its next session on 'Wednesday the 3d of Pep
renther next, w,!th u full corps of efilcient and experlen
cod Teachers.
litudonta should °Mar promptly at the.oparglog-of
the sosslon:
All students are required to attend divine service
of lPie tin Sahliath at such church as their wants - teal
Indicate. For further particulars adds esa • •
G menu= - •
, ..
Mfg: 12, 1861—.4 me. ! Vriddeall.
GREE N.F114.11..D & CO ! ,
One door. west of the County Prison.
HAVE just received a splendid alp
eortment of Now 0.8048, from New York and
Philadelphia, which will he cold unusually cheap for
Fancy Silks in Great VariEties,
of nII grados, from 78 emits to 21,50. In the above nee
of thiods we defy competition.
Silk Poplins, Llama Cloths. Mozamhiquee, Shepherd
Plaids. Wool du Lathes, uhallies. Lawrg, &e.
at reduced prices. W. are now offering our entire
stock of new styles of Ppring Delathes at 20 cents,
orth 2k cents.
Cochecuee, Merrltnaca and Sprague at 12%. Bleached
and unbleached 3luslins at 0, 0 and lu coats. Extra
quality, one yard Widu at 12% cents. Lancaster Ulog•
llama at 12% cents.
oLsuicEr.'4, Pozogtl 9
DrMe, Don Inta,l paps, In groat iarlet - y audit old prlrua.
A very handsome lot of
for Men and Boyn' wear at low prlceo
A fuiV line for the ober° good., always on hand. Alan
Hoop Sklits, of the latest New York eeyles.
4C Etierts ets; !
4,800 yards of arpets, all of th,neweat denlgne and
patterns In the inarset. ratiitin.z
„ tit price (rein 12% et,
to $l.OO per yard having purchased the above as,rt
¶OOlll in New York. we are enahled to offer superior
indurements to all who will favor us with a call An
our store to now a permanent institution In car'isle,
we ere determined to maintain the name (we have al
ready enabllmh...l) of selling cheap, notwithstanding
the various rumors that tidy been circulated in regard
to our I. acing town.
_ .
Carll , le. May 2, '862
' INCE the lute victories Domestic Cot-
Goeds have der ined, and there in now a pros
pert at getting in supply of Cntt.m. We. (I,KI orco,
iAII YET: A MILLER, at the new•stm e. under Martin's
East Main street.) are receiving daily la, go sup.
,t inch. our old ~tork we are determined to sell a CITY
PRICES. DR ESS nit every verity;
Plain and Fancy Silks at all Prices.
1 larva 1, 1 of new Black Silks at ill, 673,i', 1.“0, 125,
I ." , o. I 75 2 01. , new ; , pring Delallua. at 25 cants:
4.0 'li yarda 1,04 quality Nleriaisc, Cocheco. Pacific and
rkan Prints dark and Ilubt colors. new styles, at
1.!3,:ri, a larg, lot at d II and II) Full and
I rot quartv English. 123 rts. All 1: Inds Drim , stlr
tilnylianni 146: NlanchesrerlSX; 3U Wet.% French and
6rotch Drrss and Bonnet. ( at 25.
at ttholo9alo and retail, a gond quality S, -Lips 10, 4 4
wide 12; 1 4 Also, 54.(0 4. 11-4. 12-4 at rim:responding
prices. All kinds of HEAVY th PoDS In large isopnly at
reduced prieea—T [VI{ .I.e. SI ripea. Checks. Drillin . ps.
ostinhurgs. Cott a Maps,. R. • , Le. Linen (lends f
all kinds, Tahle Cloths Sheetings, Linen Diaper, Nap
kins. Shish raj Liner. Shirt Profits. Collar.. at tho old
prices. White floods, all kinds. at old prises.
Rhawls. Einilsolderies, Re , Hoop Skirts direct from the
factory. Ann din. Ladies', Men's and Lloy's
12;.!., to 25. Men's and lioy's Wear—
all trades. Fancy Casalmeres, latest stylen, Vex Hopi.
s a ti n ets, .leans. C.AtOlVidtlB. Li•.. kc.. Ha% ing coca red
the yarn.. oa n first clans Tailor. we rtre prepared to
get up Ul,,ttiltig In the most ta , stylu at short
Wo arc rercirina our Spring supply of Carpots. compris
ing variou4 kinds cpt inn iitst chit, Carpet
N3arpets ranging in price from 123,6 to 1
cloths. all a Wills. Mattin go. Look int; lllassen.
Fbades nod blinds of Hil kinds I polio Its. Carpet Cimin;
Feathers: l ate. Batting; Countorpnnes.•,l, • AC.
rthe above m.nrhi and many others, we offer to
pen chasers et a small advance ahoy° e,at,, Wi n t on
Dress Goods—Shan ls, e antice. Furs. lea. than first cost
We are etermlned not to be undersold. Please call and
examine our 'toluene.. stork.'
istgy. No will make additions of New Goods as the spa
eon advonvos. All Goads warranted to be what we sell
thou] for., SAWYER & MILLER
Carlisle Fcbrnary 28, 1b62.
A Superior Limestone Farm For
Limestone farm of the be=t totality
containing nbout 2,0 or 215 acres in oflernd for man.
farm iirnifitceri last ; tar 1150 busimiu 08 wheat,
flint largo quern titles of corn and oats.
There are eseellent improvements on ;he farm, ronsist
lug of a new lem , e, a to at torn, p lovz pen and corn
crib spling Itou.o. bake raven, and good Nati, I oar the
dom. Uu She northern side of the cat In in located a
limestone pit Ler.ting the crops roll the winds
and tom ishilm the bent or limestone for How There
are rah Sul Illu acres t•'etre I and the rent is enteral' will,
timber Kith Judirn ata liming the fortewool., pr
- dare 11 , 00'htishult or wheat." It chit touvelibitaly he
divided into turd farms.
The farm Il.e; In V.Wltot tow nkhlp. the ri,lnett azrl
cultural settlement In Perry County. A better ming
in vent men t cannot he main.
Fur partieuhirm rrnll upon or a.'drens the underghgned
who .c , ll answer all - inquiries.
April 4. 1862. A. L. BPONSLGIi•
TACOI3 SE Ni E R.'S Boot, & Shoe Store,
fthiis been rem 'red next door to Pip, h Book Store
the Cumberland Vallry think.
grand Bargains
now offered at Suner's Cheap Bout nod Shoe Store
Sprin t / Arriv.,l of A'ew Bunts ds Shoes
el TM. su has just returned from Phil
p . :',,ile,i.n.:dhii,3, L.,:,i.rt.z.t. , :tn of - i t t i l e ' n a l I n e n e ) X Xs " "al vu and
deer z.hoon. Nien's and Dope Rahn. shoes and
Ilmeaus. II en's nod iieys' Walking tilt es, Calf, Patent
Leather and Cloth (1011. rs.
In Button Boots. B I 'moral and Lace Boots cl.d.
tern. Buskins and till Snppers, Misses and Children's
Boots and :thong. Carpet Ihnzs Trunks, Umbrellas, he.,
nhadi will be sold low f, Cash.
l'urchamirs are Invited to call and examine our stock.
they ail, find that in prise and quality it. will ctimpete
Rh one shoe store in the plate at lho Now Store
Hoorn next ti,or to Piper's Bout Store.
Carllo.., April 11. 18112-6 m
The Confessions and Experience of
an Invalid.
DUMAS lIED for the benefit and as a
ll warning and a mutton men who I. ulTwr
horn Nervous Debility, Premature Beenv. supply
ing at the same lime the manna of Sallow° By one
who ens cured hinn elf after being put to great expum..,
through medical imposition and quackery. By enilo
eing n post paid addressed envelope. single copies may
ba had of the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. ,
Bedford, Kings Co.. N. Y.
March 14. 1£01:1—ly
eIItAWFORO & CO.. Wholesale and
jltetnil Glues and Curled hair Warehouse, No. 21
South ith Street ' Philadelphia. Olue. Sand and Erne
ry Paper. Emery Cloth. Runt illde Whips, and Curled
Hair at the !arrest prices. Orders solicited by mall and
ttatisraqtion guaranteed.
for Milliners, Printers, Bookbinders, Cabinet Makers
Cosa] Nlakers, &c. &c.
Dealers In the abovo will find it of special advantage
to Kl`vo no - a call,
21 South 7th Strust Philadelphia.
Jan. 3.1, 1861
" faatAmony Made Easy."
NI IV work showier , bow either sex
may be suitably married. .irrespective of age nr
pus Oen, prepossessing nr otherwise, with a treatise on
the Art or Fascinating any person you wish. A curl
ous scientific experiment which never fails Fr. for
25 cents. Address T. wll,t,t 4 fr., co., Publishers,
I.los 2.300, Philadelphia.
March 14, 1862,-ly ,
IfS. • W. HAVERSTICIt,. Druggist,
North Ilanoveri!triati
Phyololan'oproscrlpttonsra'refully compounded
it full supply of fresh .li,ujok*d.lhomlcale.
, • Bier k A.RE R, ,PUCED.
000 & 0 . 08 Market St., abovasizth,
• JAMES W. POWER, Propriear.
TERSS . R:-111 25 poi!lety. ja3o'sB.
urytEri $1 1
.6. E. ,cor. 11th Market
. IC A N .A.
DR. i.p.boomis warn
,South Hut ( - mei strealirr •
opposltoßeate4TY 2 . 9 6 4 3 . J.rui3o 1, WI.
• DR; WiB. 090 1 C,
ITAVING:re oe n tip= locate d- .Ca rlisle,
taken an entre adj,lnlng• Ilerinan'a lintel;
where he can be 'committed by persons seeking media:ll
Adeline: or - When desired. will visa them at their reel
donor's, either In the town or country.
118;2. . • __• • :
The only true Ruin Extrai.toi' in the
l'orld I -
DitI4LEY'S Paiti .E.yrppOF will cure
wound, of .11 {antis
Dailey's Paiu Extractor will eutduciall exOrtiol
Dalluy's Pain Extractor will pr.veniend destroy tom%
llAlloyt'e Pein Extractor will cure Burnt! Of all kinds.
lloy's Pain Extractor Beale Blisters 'tree of pain or
Dalley'e Pain i xtractor nentralleen all liaisons lutte:
sad by Animate, Insects or Reptllea.
Da'R Palo' Extractor will cure broken Ilreasita.
Bore Nipples. Mae, &c.
Dalley's Pain Extractor will cure Salt Rbeum, Scro
fula, rcald
Dalley's Pain Extractor will cure Chapped tiAnda.,
Chill Blaine, etc.
lialley!n Pain Extractor will cure Corns, Carbuncl',
Ulcers ' Warts, Built &c.
No liousekeeper should ever be without n box bandy
for use. The timely use of a Mufti* box may prove of
M. re vnlue them 100 times lin cont.
Parental—if you have a Ron lu the Army, Rand him
a Box of Miley 'r Pain E. tractor It may be the comma
of saving his life, or the life of a comrade . : for It will
cure wounas of all kinds without pain. Try the impa
rtment ; if be dues not use it. it will cost you but lit.
cy ‘ and
. 8 rants.
tilstero !—II you have a dear Brother In the Army,
rend him a Box of risibly's 'Pain Extractor; for It will
cure mounds of_ all kinds,-and-it way ha the nuah — i
earlog your brother's life.
Daughters 1-11 ave you a loved one In the Artny, who
Is dearer to you than life Itself? Send him a Box o
BMW's Pain Extractor. It wiT aura wounds of 11
klotts, en 4 prevent inflammation, and may be the
means of saving a life. If you have no coeventencs for
.ending it send It by mail. It will cost you but cents
postage Sro a 25 ct. box; and in like proportion fur 60
ct. and 61.00 box. The large boxes contain inure truths
money than the 25 rt. boxes.
Nrchot —That Dalley's slaglcal Pain Extractor will de
all and even more than we claim it will, we refer to Dr.
Valentine Mott, and hundrear of ce her eminent Phyal•
CidLS nod Surgeons, besides nitlllona of people all mar
the laud, who have used the F.xtractor with never fail
ing ..mew for the pact 10 years. For nab, by all Drug
gls,s, and by
HALL & RUCKEL. Agents,
218 Oreenwich Street, New York,
Who will 'tend a box, of either size, l'oetage paid, to
any achirca, In the Utllted ctai es. on receipt, In money
or In Postage Stamp, of 25 eta Pn• the arm!l ate., or &GI
etc. and $lOO for the medium and large-mum.
For Aire to Carlla!a, by S A 311.. ELLIOTT.
Ciieptalled s•'s 00 Dmdde Thread Fa
' mily ,S'ewing
The Williams ,t Ostia Sewing !Vlachlna. has been In
the Market nearly fhur years during which time it has
acqulrod a reputation eo••oud to that of no other In the
w-rld. For excellence, durahell•y and elegance of fin
ish it Is unsurpassed, while for elle:tones,. simplicity,
ease and uolselessne,s of action It has never been equal
We warrant the Wllliama it Orris tube rqual In eery
respect and superior In many any 5000 .Machines
in use. I t makes the Ln,uhle loop stitch, and will
run, hem. anther, !nob, fell and embroider and do al
the work that eau be done un Lilly Family Machine ewer
I Al•IIIN ES forwarded by Expr•es, with full dim , .
tune for usfrot piyablo nn deilvory.
Every Machine Warranted, and kept in repair one
year ulthout charge.
Ct Su Agent wanted In every town and county.
Enclose a stamp for terms and circulars. Address
li Jones k Co. ki10.% 889) North sth St., below Arch
Philadelphia. Aug. 1 4t.
Second door cot of the .illatket 'Luse ioa
Zug's Corn, r.
11 -- 1 HALER IN PIANOS. New Rose-
A—. wood Vianos. from the be t makers.
The heAt mantx'actured in , truments from $45 to $lOO,
Vittllos Ituitara, acrordeons. Flutes, Fifes Drums, Ban.
jos.-Tamlo.ut c. 1 Inllu and Guitar String's, and Musi
cal Merchandise In general.
A erlmplete fosortment fur all instruments. The/atoll
putilhations slam) s on hand.
Teacher on thollano and tiultsr, Instrumtntal and
Vocal music.
Pianos and Melodeons tuned and repaired.
March 21. 18112. A. LENK.
Washing Machine and Wringer
ri l he subscriber has invented and is now
_I manufacturing a new and superior Washing Mae
rhino with ti ringer attached, which he offers with en
tire confidence to the inspection of the public. This
Nlnchluo is ia lie conatru.dion and nit liable to
derangement. and will wash nil kinds Cl fabrics. wheth
er light or heavy. with equal facility, and in warranted
rwt to injure the most delicate article.t doing its work
rapidly. Thu Wringer in aliaehed to the NI, aching Ms
:bine, and is worked by a treddle, and is always Pet
for either heavy or light article's. This SlaChine In so
constructedithat the person washing will stand In a
uatui al position whilst tiperating_it. She combined
Machine to mid inn, h cheaper than stuy other, now In
the tnv+it ut, nod in warranted to do its work well and
The pul , lic are respectfully Invited to rail and exam
ine the machin a At the shop of :ha subscriber, lu Lon
thin taut of itemiser, n few doors east ot bhap.
ley's chair lent , ug estal•ll,diment, where a 111214111110 Ie
alive: s in operation. .3 OLIN S. LASII.
Cu: HSI.. A tr4l.t 22. '52-2 m
JUST received the largest, be and
cheapest. assortment of
rrs Vies, Fork.,
Stiaths, Rakes.
NI het Stones, Shovels,
rdiles, Men, .1,..,
Water Sans„ hco, At.,
ever brou _lit to this county. All of which I have
made expressly to order, in large quautiti.s, so that
they can be bold at very low prices and warranted as
representd. #
Tha trade and cradle maker: supplied at mai:tune.
turcr prices, at the cheap Hardware store of
East slain Et. Carlisle.
f ?klk / Cotton Fly Nets, Worrteci Fly Nets. Linen
r N/ ts. Twine Fly Nebs, Leather Fly Nets, all .olora,
shapes. sizes end qualities, which I - am selling cheaper
than the cheapest, as I buy directly from , the manu—
VI I U FA RillfsHS.•
it I have been appointed nob, agent for Cumberland
county, for several new and superior mikes of PARS[
BELLS. which I nm selling at very reduced prices.
('all and see thew before purchasing, at the cheap
Hardware store of
June 13.
TILE subscriber often, fnr rent the
.6 ''''. Store room end Dwelling. an Suet Mein
.. 7 ,fDA
'f.,. , 'lr -L'' Yousier. Possession given immediate
--,..4 ' . . KURT. HOUND, Sr.
;4... , -iis; ...,:: II
tACLS. UAL. - -
t,I7ST opened the largest anti best sa
sortment of Hardware, Paints, Olin, Varnish. tliesa.
Iron, Ac., ever brought to Cumberland county, bought
exclusively for cash, and which acorn selling at the
lowest prices. We invite the public generally to give
us n call before. making their purchases. as wean, fully
sustaining our old reputation of stilling the
Returning thanks to 1. generous public for their past
liberal patronage hoping by personal atteLtion to their
wants, to merit a continuance of the same.
.101 IN P. LINE & SON,
At the Old Stand North i:anovcr Street.
Carlit!le, June 6, 1862.
lIleT - The ondersigned has determined to Bell out Ma
very extensive an elexant assortment of
at first cost! Ili will not attempt to specify. Suffice
It to Rai , , his stoek is large nod complete, comprising
Is Iu part. Men's. 1 /idles and Misses' wear, of all kinds
and thscliptions. all of which were T
o purchased at lo
rates for cash, and will be surd th Smil fi
e rm: '
such as bleached and unbleached Bbeetinge, Billow
Casings, Linen and Cotton Table Clothe, Ticking,
White and Brown Muslina,
Ms stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattinga, Am, is the
largest andliesP In this section of the country. Give
me an early mall. all who want great bargains, for Os
tend to do just what 7 say, and sell out my entireatock
at first cost, Come ape, come ell! " , •
Ten doors north of the Carlisle Deposit Bank.
N. 11. 1 21OUNTRY 1 111V,Rell A NTS will find it to, their
advantage to give me a call. for lean sell to them
at cheaper fates than they can purchase the same goods
7n the city. •
NOTICE.—AII persons knowing thlmielves Endihted
to the underhgned. will please call and settle &bedsit/.
counts immediately as the book. meet !be serlledL
. Carlisle, May Ilth, 1.862. 'TWITTLIP:gfiGGR„
ATF .NOTlC . l4l—Lettere bf Afl
ministrstion on the eitatic y 3fBantriell 8. Pewee%
, lam ~r.vew Cumberland.. ave been granted by
the neglpter of Cumberland con n :tothe undersigned
residing In the same plate.' All parse ••• knowing thorn.
...mnrlndebtet to said estate will make immedlatepay.
went. and those having Chilton will preaenwthem prop
okiraut6l3l4tloatod for settlement Et .
Aug. * • • • EXeenter
• . •
Rog . 944o'lriikung Ladies'
C13.0113E8EI8E80 7 ; ;
TAE ne eetision- will -commence tin
der favorable'thquinstincee iiinVu'iiiiday, the 2d Of
September. The - teacherr assisting are educators of
tried ability. the ynar'reeently ebbed having timipently
proved sitlatietriry. in this respect to the patroni of the
setilvd. tiellitlialn the boarding. department-will
be found Plug to the best, and the Principal pledges
every attention paressaryto promote thehappinetia and
cminfOrtnt thotie who find a home under hie tire. Ad
dress "• net, HENRY- REEVES; •
July 13,19132----2 c- • • - • PrineV,l.
Scythes & Snaths.