Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 22, 1862, Image 4

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    Scrofula, or King ' s EITIT
is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak,_ and poor.' Being in the circulation, it
pervades the whole body, and may burst out
1.1 disease on any part of it. No organ is free
from its attacks, nor is there one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is valiant:ly
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
above all, by the venereal infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending " from parents to children
unto thcrthird and fourth generation ;" indeed,
it seems to he the rod of Him ho says, „I
will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
their children."
Its effects commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far less power to with
stand the -attacks of other diseases ; conse
quently, vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous, in their nature,
arc still render: fatal by this taint in the
system. Most of the consumption which de
cimates the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of tile liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or
are aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all our people are scrofulous;
their persons are invaded by this. lurking in:.
fection, and their health is undermined . by it.
To cleanse it from the system WO must renovate
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy food and exercise.
Such a medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which the medical
skill of our tunes can devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is corn
bin'ed from the most active remedials that have
been disco% ered fits the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, amid the rescue of the
rystem front its destructive consequences.
Hence it slit old he employed for the cure of
not only scrofula, but also those other affec
tions which ari-e front it, such as ERVIIIVE
ROSE, or Eursiem,As, PI MPLES,, PisTcr.cs,
B Loren BLAIN:, and Bo 1 ,O, Tem Otto, TETTER
and SALT .111l1:1'n, Sit 1.1) E vt, 111wrworm,
miustsrisst, 811 , n [Lurie and MimucumAi. Die
EASES, DltOr•lY, DYSI`I.I'SIA, Dmitmrv, and,
TED Ott DIPURE BLOOD. The popular belief
ht " impurely of the blood" is founded in truth,
for set ofula is a degeneration of the blood. The
particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to put ify and regenerate this Vital fluid,
without which sound health is impossible in'
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pillm
are so composed that disease within the range of
their action can rarely Mith,ta - mi or evade them
Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse;
and invigorate cser) , portion of the human organ
ism, correcting it, diseased action, and restoring
its healthy vitalifies. As a (supremo:nee of these
properties, the invalid who is is seed cirrus with
pain or physical debility is astonished to lied his
health or energy restored by a remedy at once so
aim& and inviting.
l'.rot only do they cure the every-day complaints
of every Lady, hut also many formidable and
dangerous diseases. 'lire agent below named is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing certificates of theircut es andrlirections
for their use in the framing complaints: Cost toe
ness, IleartbUrn, Headache arisingl p Om disordered
Stomach, Nausea, Ind ;pest ion, Pain in am( Morbid
Inaction of the Bowels, flatzdcpcp, Loss ql Appe
tite, Jaundece, and other kindred complaints,
arising from a low state of the body or obstruction
of its functions.
Dyer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, hoarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump.
than; and for the relief of C'onsumptive
Patients in advanced stages of the
So wide Is the field of its usefulness and so nu
merous are the cases of its cures, that almost
every section of country abounds in persons pub
licly known, who base been restored from alarming
and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its
use. When once tiled, its sopmiority oit r es cry
other medicine of in kind is too alp:tient to escape
observation, and white its in toes cr: known, the
public no longer hesitate o hat antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangst nos offs, tunas of the
pulinon ry organs that are int ident to our climate.
While flinty infetior remit•dies thrust upon ills.
community' hair failciMard been disc:tided, this
has gained friends by every trial, ettnfertd benefits
on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro
duced core; tun numerous and too remarkable to
he forgotten.
For Kato hr %V Haver...A.l: a.i.l l' l'anuhalcor, f.
Bamuul P,lliott. We,
Vor the speedy. rad'.
and cllt,r toil curt, of Al.l
lug frnm 1 \ I 1'
This moilelne has ivroo
In 4ogporato cases Of
Scrofula, Oa nee rn 11 q rtrul,tions,
Outan.,Js Disoviße, ErysipolaA,
Pimples on the faro, Sore it Yes,
Old, Stuliborn Ulcers, Scald
Totter alfeetioas, !thou .Lit re Disorders,
Dyspepsia, • Costi canoes,
Jaundice, Salt It boo rum,
Horeurlal DIRIMSOS, Gennral
[Avon Complaint, Dins of A ppvti to
Lew•Spirils, Fool Stool
Foal tieU ,inplalnts, an 1 all Dis ,aot,s, baring Iheirrol
gin in an Impare Aatu or ch., Isl .1.
ght the mast lulraculenn the coon' of Dirt At , Cre'lry, of Napier
township, 11,11.1 rd l'o., Va. islet, 011 the 31s1 day of .lu4.
het, 1 ., 54 in I lu tuft both,' .luoliee (Miley that be
woo treat.l CM the care of litittmr by three, pliv,delans
of ll,lford con oty, and be Dr. Now ton of the 12:eleetie
0011010 In Gloolunati, for a p riod of nearly eight
netwl.h.toodlna . wh , eta. Ilk lip, inter, and a
p of his left clibea were entirely eaten away! Ile
had given up all hope, when he [marl of the • Blood
Searcher," and wts Inducod to try It. Four bottles
enrol him Lind alttrouli sadly dbdi.curod, there Is no
q uestion bu t what tills invaluable inediri to saved Ills
life. Thu full particulars of Ode romarkablo case may
bosom) In a circular, which can be had of any of the
IV° also refer to Ilia c too of Nan ry 111 eakney, of Elder
ton, Armstrong YOUnty, I' t., cured of Ser,fula after be
log unaolo to :;et. out 01 her bed fur them) years.
T. trio cove 0 . 1 lily In A uses Ville. C leer cold (.01.113ty
who w to also aillictod with Scrofula In its worst form.
To the rase at de ;ego Meisul. residing 1,1 t'arrolitown.
Cambria county, Pa. who was so badly afflicted with
Cancer th it It cat his ontiro nose MT, and his cow was
Worse It pessiblo, than IleCreary's.
Thu particulars of those insos—every ono of which
was cured by tin., use of the Blood Searcher—may atm,
be found In a circular to ho had of any oftiio AgentS.
It. 11. LINON, Pr , priatol.
Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near the
Pa. liedlroad Depot.. 11 , 11idaysburg,. Pa.
Dr. Goo. 11. Keyser, Wholesale knout. Pittsburgh. Pa
all.. for onto in Carlislo by S. W. Ifavorstick, S. El
ltott, and Itecnoltbi•t:P ollfor; Or J. Barring M -oh talcs
burg; lloswoilor & Zook. Shophordstnivn : Joshua Cole
llogstown; Jacob Simmons. Cross Ito tile. .1. J. 0,11%
E. Wis., .thiremtnatown: 1. It. Loktidi. Itoilino prlngs
Mary IV. Kissel. Churehtown ; U IV. Robinson %Vast
11111; Eton tuoht & Co., Oaltvilla Shoornalcar A
Newburg; Win Bratton, Now villo: J. !loud &
Co., Sprlngliel I; Russell & Co., Dlelclnson •, 11';1land
& Washing Jacksonville; Wm. Clark & Less,
Rands; Wm. 11. Eettles, Sporting 11111; a Doolinger
White Hall; J. U. Alticit,Shippensburg; all of Cumber
land county. Pa.
now in Hen.
Is a safe and reliable i'omodi , for the cure of Itueturia
than, Painful Nervous Altictions, Sprains: Burns ,
Swellings, and all diseases renuleing the external ap
plication on Man.
On Iforscalt.will never fall to cure Roll
old roofing 'Sorell, or Swony, if 'properly applied. For
Sprainn, Britistm Scratelim, Orbolced Itoofil. Chafes. Sad
die or Collar Golly Cute or Wounds. It is an infallible
remedy. 'Tly It, and . he convinced of it 4
Persons afflicted with this disease no matter of how
long standing, promptly and offectunily cured
by using this Mixture. ,'
. ,
There ts_notblng Itt.the world so sure and Bo good to
take away, Verna, ancrouro Prost illtea as this pre•
.. Try -s it 'aud'aellefy yourseiree. „Prise 25 and
00 coats nor bottloi "prenarod by B. A. FOUTZ, West
mlnleter, tdd. • • . '
For aide by 4ti
B,4ll.llebaker, Carlisle, Pa.
Aug. 23,18131.47 k, ,
DEmoitAL,-,Tho .flat and Cap stpre
heretofore known as "KELTAItIi," line„been ro
, movert{lirsofty optandte the old stand. two doors - trowl
I:4411101We clothing store., The businrsliwill,be eafluet-,
ed.fte hereteforo, and all , thergeods , both hothe made aod
clty romnafactrue, warranted to give satinfit ition a "le
eorelnend.d. full entronalfe is reopextfully cello 'od
as every effort will honlado to kodp the ansorymot. tor
mot. and boys hats and caps complete, with priced to
suit the times.
AA.. Spring styles croak bets new Sully.,
efarch 1 64 862 . ' •
coil DI A 1.1
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarse
ness. Pneumonic., Diseases
of the Bowels, arisinimm.
Incipient Consu7ll7Nba, and
Jro the relief and (if at al
possible) cure of Pa
tients in adrdnC.
ed stages of the latter disease.
The Balsamic Cordial to entirely n Vegetable pr'oduc•
Lion, emnbining the liesilmr prnnerties of the italsarn.
with the I ovi.torating qualities of a Cm-dial 13 3 31110111 f
01311b11111e(011 to ,13.11 adapted to tine purposes intend
that there are but too crows et disease c. !rich will
not, at an early period, succumb to its healing and life
girhao properties.
For into tha treatment of pulmonar'v rEseales
occupied the greeter portion of the attention nt to.
swim title or the medical won Id. hot r onv nrquired mare
and none • inn bin treatment of 1.111331 Hine,,
Celebrlllell Pt ossian Dr. i iIIUFLANI, the originator nit the
Bak:node ('ordial. ills life was devoted to the prodoe.
of rennedle that would stand unrivalled Dow
well he has succeeded. the American 1101 , 1/1 1., 3131 :IMO to
.lilD. I ill/tll we positively assert. than no preparation,
t hat Wave over been plaeed.bufore.them, hare eon terred
the same a moon t of henelits ten suffering humanity. or
have elicited on ninny comnendations mini all,.
of soviet!: an the remedies of Dr liqefinind, prepare/ by
Dr. C )I..lachf.ii& N., of Philadelphia.
'rho Cordial is designed her a class or diseases more
general and more fatal than any other to e hich thy
people of rink country are subjeet•—thoae ..priogiou from
a•• 81.1011 T COLD. " That eminent nuthoritn. Dr. it. II
•• I will not saw that Colds to nor inhabitant ,
w hat the Pt. taut: and Ytti,ow H nyEln are to there at other
coon moo; but I can aver confidently that they ,od, e ,-
in di•ease of greater complicit) and mortality than these
Entirely Vegetable No Alcoholic Preparatieti
DR. 11001 LAND'S
Dr. C. 51 . JA KSON & Co., Phila.. a
roNtpLAINT. lirspEpsm, Jaundice. Chronl
or Si rvoue Diseases of the Koine's, end al
illsonsys arl•ititt from a disord,nyd I.i ter of .stenotyll.
S Ile!) les 1:011 , 111/1113011. 111,11 d I'lles, Fulness or lilt,
to the Ile.ol. Avidity of Ch. lAtneavh. Nanova. Iltsirt
Muni, Lls„ust for Food. [ s ullies , : or t% I in the Stunt
J.:110(211.1011S, or Fluttering at 1.111.
of'hn Swillitniint al the Head. Hurtled am
Ilreathlust. I 11.1..1.'111z at the Heart. ("holm]
oi -tuff ',dine; sons tions Y hen inn lying pool taro. Doe
sottae t Isom, Dot, 01 1,01, 31.11.10 ltill htir
in 111- Ilrl i. [)-:horsey ..f Pen spiration. Vel
°l'll.' Skin amt Eyes. fain ill Lilo :Ado. Bart
I toot, limit,. : , 11dtla.11 t.lies of Heat_ Burnie
in thy I. lysh. l'on.4tant 11110"4 1,11. a.,,f vrea
Vela ol alul tall,
lute Deel er, lilllhot. Fever, &e.
I lie l'to;.tivtor in callin, thy .1111.1111 on ol the pohli.
to ill,. I,.tratioll do, so It Itho 'it thy 01)1,41 its %Ono-. 3,11 :1112tit4110111 1. , till, dl-ease
101 1.11
Itl, 11li will 1;11.1, I.llt. 011, tlllt
t , 1.1 h.. 11.4? r.l •1
t0i1 , 111,1 l•f.t..rf.
k 55 p.-I+. Int! it, 1.1,a .1i...1 :Lin! ral.• ari•
114 1.1,1,1 Vitt :11.11 Slo•' . 1A110,11
Ills! 141.i1l hit/ till in till.
:I Cir• til Itt 1.1411.1 tlit• m 31.1,0111
Ilii• pr-prul f•• had
I hr.h , !,f ! , t1: th,• ptittal ttttot
this i. really ilt,•llltigt [lie great vt.let lily it
tl ll l_l l \l l . 111 VI - 111STICK, .Igrot 1 1 1, ‘ 1 ,1111,1, and
Inu l I,tt ht•re. [Apr. 12, •I I*.
U 1; ,
800 K s
FANCV (1(101 - )S,
s. W. 'I.IIA 11:11{STICK,
North 11,0 w rer Street, earlt,tr, on'a.
optilio I an a••••••.it lawn tof Fr,li DI tn.,. ['an
Perro F: lii ao.I 'mite,
hat,to thi. bon
1..1 . to•velt, :•l. arl
•-ol.• toI ti ;I li °to: , V.. 1114 aro ed... L. .iii - ilit)
iliol plot:, to 00 olittiol thu a:tout:oil of jilirelt,, S.
FANCY UtiOltt , .
which, mnprl4.:::Vvry vai toty 01 tatty at ti; let. of the most
oil. has.
NIA. he ....Ill`,
/Intl pnreel,tll, ioli-stands and trays
Fancy' hory. pearl and shell v.ild
Ladd,: 1:101.51 , .
Falter IVorli host,. ° ilh .•-a-iil • ii,lrilmonti,
1.n..11. , ...hi-, :a
Purr .•rt. t oft, •,..
cold ptili° /111 ti itttili•it, plper weight,. slid
tart , itritity of it's .4:11 it: iil c.
,15t1IS and “lttl.l . S. 111/I h t-tlit
Whip- •iliiltaittiv 111, cutlery,
l'erfutn” basket, and b ug ,
Brdp,hes Id ever,' kind ti.e tho
X ii:14111 tint Ct.°. li. 11 right Is •aps and Perfume,
of v•triou , kind,
he-d 1 dreqsesll:lll tha well.
tottethrir with ail in t•utneradd, variety niartldeSelegant
1101,11).1Y I? EN S,
to , r , .; I. h. int its•,
A.isrt, nu esteasive :111.1 ..104,111 t...11 , 3. - -inn of
eumpri-Cti, vitrintig litti„tlittli and Anntricuu Wuratt,
cialutlll4ll,l kI, {VON K . -, Itiltlits
utu 01,4 L. , (llldi in,,., Wet,
0... r 110,8
~, o rtlllHlll and anti,„ , r, „
cuitiphitti and 01% In tit.
arhn du t• ht.' particular tabu,
Fainilius to hie t Ittgani assortuielit of
from the oittiundeo est„ii.lishimititg of Cornelius, Arch.,
and other!. it Philadelphia. comprislnz tivi;ry' style
Parlor , Mandier and study Lamps, for either
April i'pornmo herl.ll oil also DYtYI"I"S milebrntid
Kerusollt• o r r'oa I iii Lamps, together With Flower 1 uses
Fancy serceinii, &ie. Ills ussurtineut in thls lillo is us.
qus'.o.l iu Me li.u.sugh.
atabrarl It R all tlit• 14,-it,. la audN, and a flan Susan
moot at \ i',C,FZ74II El;.. AND 1 , 1 p
relubratad Killocoldtink I, rg , alaklng Tobacco
F T a,
,u..h an Oranges 1.0.11,2.. Nvot:nrin,
INCY %NV --Ni —lltl..
in avory varnlty 111 , 1 at all prir,.. all oI o llie6 ,art. put.,
tat fro:b surll as ran ho r mudrn Uy recninmended I ,
lily !Hondo. hris overything in the lint.
II 1 , 1.1, ,k il.ll 11l other article, It.
110t1.1.hui•pari .111C11 thy public arc ospocially innitod
to call 3alll
Remember thelthl 'iland, nearly oppcsi to the Bank 11
:Nerd] tlanoyer street.
FOR covnils 6'01.1)8. CROVP WHOOPING COCCI]
PAIN AND 11'IIIICNE99 or •rue unmet,
Dirricuury OF UREA TO INO
This is nu nos rstnetiv. It has besn used, for in runt
[oar of yonis 12.1 r) land nud purls 111 I'ruu.t lumn
ninal has, tvhsrevor known. :non unreel an u tial tor curing the r .11•InniS ilimintslit, for a Inch ii
is reVoin nl ell.
Fo apparent Is IS useful iris,, and so retiviricohle
been its cures, (lint It is lost superseding every other
remade firH. The .1111.10 , can rely upon
its doing' ns r0u..1, air them, and in 111311 y rases mere
item oily other remedy mine 10400 the public.
It In roe au rile.bled and preserl bed In the pr lethal of
1:11,:1.11111111103r or the inost intellnzent and able physi
eians or Maryland. It Is used slut 00iisidered an indis•
peitsoblo liona. , lo.ld remedy by it large purtiuu of the
first families off the ,'tut,.
It is used by all classes of society. and tin' note em i
opinion is tltit II is good Tills : 4 YRUI' la 11/IU.LV l • r:l:r.
scorN: COMNIIND. It is ph near tto tube. nu d never does
injory. But ening lo its purifying qualities. must do
good under 'ally eirr must:niers Its effects are truly
wonderful. soothing. rulndug and allay nut the most
violent roughs; strengthening and invlgo
rating the whole en stem. calming and soothing the
nerves. aiding and facilitating expectoration, and heal
ing the
trililtig 4 t iho root 61 dimwit), and driving it from
tho Hystum.
Tlllll (1141111.11 is IIII”OtIlleed 'by difficulty of breathing
shrill whistling or whoozuzg• hacking cough and threat
otvid suffocation. ,tal It mostly occurs in young chil
dren. No child need dliPof croup if this I) rap is pr,
perly used and used in 'line. Mothers haying croupy
chlldreirshauld watch the first show of dbease, and al
ways keep this remedy as hand.
For coughs after men-los this Syrup Inmost excellent.
Experience has proton that It Is equalled by no other
The price of the remedy is such as to place St within
the remelt of all. the poor as well Lis the rich, and every
person should have i t.
Ilvery person should have it in the house. It is a
true and faithful friend to all who value health and
wish to secure themselves against that most terrible
difienoe. consumption. It will be Mend the most useful
as well as the cheapest faintly medloinosin the world.—
it has been used for the loot four years with a success
without a paimilel.
Savo your children. No child need dlo of croup If
tub Syrup le used In time.
. -
Prleo 37 cents par bottle, or thine.' bottloa for $l,
tlyt,„For sale by 81 1 PANFlAl3ilibilliCarllale. Pa..ond
by all countty alorakoapola. _ (Aug. 23, 1861.-
to Inform machinests, millers and the public gone.
rally, that wo have on hand a full stook of lubricating
Oils for all kinds of matthinery, this rill surpasses all
others, having been subjected to a thorough test by the
side or the bent Lard arid other Oils. it is pronounced
a superior Nubridator at loss cost and wearing longer.
and entirely tree front gum, and will stand much colder
tieatherand has less tendency to heat. Try it and you
will use nothing else for Lubricating.
Carlisle Nov,, 2, 'do. 301 IN P. LYNN & SON.
I North Tratiever Strsot Carlisle.
11,. A largeateek of good, Olean, Neat, and Tough
nails, at the lowest Prices. Our nails are Worth Wets
a hug more; than any other make of nails sold in our
town. this is the opinion of,nmehantes who have tried
them, we also have a full assortment or
of the latest and most'approted Styles. •All goods war ,
routed as represented. JOUN I'. LYNN' & :ON
/day :4'0.. • . North Hanover St. Varltele.
After returnhus his sichnowirimsments for the very
liberal patronage which has been extended to him, the
undersigned would call attention to the fast that he
has just reopened his extensive assortment of family
in his new store-room. on the south-Bent corner of the
public F.; tvlre, where the public are inviter: to call and
examine :I mock of good:, which, In elegance, lariely
and extent. wt;: defy c.ompetioon; comprising in port
I,f, lump, ermined Mid brown sugars,
Java. Itio at.d p.astt,l et y va
lety and nualite of TEA. oyices . f round
and uto,.,ound.) Picket,. Sauces. 'table 51t,
Now Orleans. ttugarbotise and Trinidad • /10,
NloiasseS; New York and
up.-. (, licanati, split foss. flominy,
Mincemeat. earn :torch, earina I lincolate, tract a,
Coffee, refined sugar at reduced rates. , ashing and hal,
lint soda 'I t.bace , , the most favorite brands, and tbe
finest quality fl t . : , •car.s. A 'so. a Ir.tutiful assortment
of Itri•anniti Ware, Plain and c hand China Warn.
Glass, Queens. Stone anti Eal them arc. In great no•
riety. ard an elegant I 't of Fancy c oups, emtraels end
perfumery for the toilet.
Ineln,l3nr I'en,.ll, In elms. F. Crap
berrit,, dry apples, ritroo,, lemons,
_ . .
t s,,, nhl. %ey. ilol lan d (l in, had Schoichnn
A l•ree •t• , rk id 1.3 lII'S. inrludilm Dyidt'seelebrdt.ed
Imluku• hurninz 'ti. It Sperm.
Pine. Lard and Cent Oil, 1151 ning Fluid. Sperm Lind
;,Star Cau•Jl:•.
Prncb•'- nape, .Doer mat, Wnlters,
1 ,,, .1,1k1z-zl:l=sr, Irtter and nat., pap,. NVillon
War , ' et:. &e.
Cotton and woollen Hose, and hall Hose. and a lull
qloel. of Gloves, including the well known Hawn.•,
I ii .t"eh r nnpricre everytloitif vOlll
lii- line of nod tio elliorts will Ito Fp:1101i
to zoutier satii.tiocilion to Ills iiustornors
Carlisle. Or?. `-'7,
- \larkotiu; 01 all kinds taken lu exrlianun
g Ind S.
ti 7...,7_,... ,--
.0 :1: 1 1 . ;.:.' i - ,,,.. .. - , 1: ,, , , ,, ,, - 1 . .. i . i , , , : , n1: , , i 1 i t.
~1 t r } 1 , ..,1 . . ::, J , , , n i L . , . 1 . , , , ,
.... 07,,,,. 1 1,;: , i
n i , : , , ,, , , , ,,1 i , :‘ , ,.. , t d, , ,, t . i .. , :i l
i: : ; ! ..:. : 8 ,..,:—:01 at, , h,10,,,,,t
J. NV. Efill'.
EUL N( F r 4 l / : I TVI . E:VI . Y-F1 VI
I'l 1. ' T Cfl: , T!! _
t 51," 41 (11 , G.,10 ra,10.,” dons
•t o.
'ln,i, .p 0 ,tret.t. tho I.lrwe,l
tt , n i.• atta.k
•,... t ... ;. I I tlat.•111•..
at •Ilt•s, tittd all caller kllal6 Ana
;„1.11•••,”, l'l.l is .1e•, lry of ntl kihd, SioeLl,;.e
:ii Hher Z•i!,er II are,
lil Pkth.t t) .•t t h • a”.l I
the tuli.e.t h will 1,,•,•hl
than et or ilfft•rvil h.• cn nro , , t•„•1:%% :Itch
13,r. \ ;nit Salo will In•
r..t.ii' MI the curl
si•letite.,l %%.
p,irfvc will 1it..11. At I 1 . 4 i
Thr".• 01 1..• 11 1 .1% flit. ptl , t•
ut iif Phil id. :phi I
-oil at the
warranted. atlwo-t• drd iheir real value on ea,y trim
it r:r I led en
0(:11,I11 ti cli :AI , sT()ltt
1r... Pll..nt •I I' C.l t•1.I 111 a•• - (;.. ..t ri I
4 , • , 10. I. • 1 I// 1 / 1 11
fm.-am_ Ow I. 11,1 i
?I r 351 , 1 L
die ArY.
I, /1.1 cheat. I..r t lb 1114•114. y.
I Inr.N 1 ,, 1 nl 1:1.1•k Fan,. in,
l'Are ' , ilk I' , %%0..1 I , la.
t.i I hinds and pelt:
4;:,.) 11 , J, 1..11 cc.. A iapireas ut
TA I.!. .1.V1) 1(7.\ - 1*!.'ll S/1.1 117,S t•hwer.• re.•llt
an I Fact,. s•I Fn." • 1 . 1 .1 j.•• 111 ll
11111/ P.r.3.11,•,1s .%.• I i n. , Lt t•t IL
../ il,. / fi.
'Ol ••• Prio. 111 , •,•• 1 . 11,0
I ;11.. •1 s I ‘4. HI I, t nul
l.tiltit•!. 4.1 lt , t, lie , l \ u•ho• th.
- 1%1 EN AND 13()V S' r, A It,
h a". 11 Ve.t11,4•. 5:..1...1 awl .Iran
A I tr... illt : 4 1.iets 1,1 >lt' w a 11.1 <111.•t.
th,. :/td ill Ite's-1.1.•h.,p, t
otiroli3s...l.lKetrliere i,, the (',,...•tv
111 tho p.m.113.111,..
nle t .4411.1 I. , f 11.7 ()PIK)
: 4 ITE DLivr.
, 1111 E Lut: I" di.. vietk.wie, achieved by
nur ndera' rtnn.- harp tda.l.l, (al nvert unn h•in
to t... 2 et,,i• nt rnsi. , ,rat inn nt
• t vr,,t ....matt,. In %Len 1,1 tnla 1 r •,11
o ni) tI eno•tnlnti• suat nt
tt that n1:1 sat kty nti•ry in.r•on are ••Uvlin, than
ught titan .1 oaln with
t,ett, just I onii.witcing Ipt.illes, I have Ity,ou
11./ h•I .111:11It it yof unlcle:telisccl n hind 1 enn
g... 41 kit, uslin nt L•xtra 10.4111 y ML
10 and Alan, 10.000 )tilts ol
C.‘ 'OES,
01 \l.n ittrtd.', Scracdtte's anclt 11 1 :c Ls tin
01.1 !:crdc• a,,ccrinitcht I I Isl',llll/
MOW Iltog at ccid Very
75. A7!' •31. The h:?, is thee
that that SI . IN Ilt
Cl,tit:a freer o.olnr quark% Is Lite r. en beet,
ueeQ es stilt st . 11.11; ,:1 2. per
in great prorwl. , n at 110,4. old prkes. Also. Cu, t,a
Flaapels a adli,utp,t) . 1 1 - al/Ml. at tilt: "Id laic,' Aut
iu (2.11(1'1 . .T, and fill, CIAII Iln. I guarat•tva (hat la
el unit tott•lde 1 . 1111.11 i. 1 . 1.11 1 1 ,111 1.1/ 1. 11111,01.•
1 - 11i11•1 111 kiaautit)' ' , to Ow
I 1., ce a ~,1 stark of hiblaa.. 1. ~ I.lttaaaa
tqi!..!liatri cc, 311 - 1 1 / 1 . cc. et.bulge., 1' leuuUln
and otht,
r.f t. t• h est pa , terns. cover.
hereto! re Le. elaltle tole to o•tt r ads.tutag,es In my old
rustohlers nod the puhlle ale not. ps
sessed lil others. part kola: iy those 11 ho are compelled
eou •1/1111g 110 W to la) hi a stock At the present
high prices 'tithe pa ineip..l cities.
A diseriminating piddle .111 satisfy themselves of the
truth of the foregoing' I,eforo porelinsimt elsewhere
.Ity tremendous stork of I ht., to. laid to FeleelleillS be
ll,r, the ruse. is admitted to he the largest. 1101Vree Pl/ih
adelpltia and Pi.tsburg. I invtte all persons ill .0111
, •1 hat-gains in (hash,_ to call and ex.mlitie al the
old on d lee! known stand of
Feb 2A. I'trl. A. W. 11 . 1.NTZ.
Cumberland Valley Bank.
I •
T wilt he seen by the lo!lo (v irsg adver
t.koment, that deur) A Sturgeoll, ESC] his retired
oom the firm of tier, Dunlap and that Samuel
pburn, t:1If 1100. Clllll6 • !MIS heel/ Ile
fiueliSSU Wilts Om remaining parl tiers In tho tiro of
I(er. le Co., nod that II ill nun t 4. I(..plutrn IMF
Lreu citicti..l Ulu placo of )Ir. Sturgeon
PropriAors are
This Bank, uill continue to do a general Banking
and Exchange busincps, at their Banking iiol.o tut
Carlisle, mulct: the name and std le of KEE, DUNLAP
& Co.
:Willey will be recoiled on deposit and paid back on
deanatia witliont notice. Certllicatesof deposit bead', g
interest at the rate et G per cent. will be Issued for as
short a period as tour months. Interest ou all certliii
rates will cease at maturity, but If such certificates
are reneweili at any Claw thereafter for anothbr.
given p..riod, they shall bear the sumo rate of in
terest up to the than of renewal. Twenty days notice
mind be given of un intention to withdraw interest de.
The proprietors would call theattentlon of Farmers,
.Glecluitilen and all others who desire n anfo ilepOsifery
for"their money. to the ilia that they ate not only Ito
MO to the amount f their stock In the Bank, but are
INDIVIDUALLY liable to the extent of their whole estates
fir all the Deposits, and other obligations of ifor
Dunlap k Co.
Particular attantlon elven Laths eelleetlan of Venda°
Notes,, Porelen BIN. Drafts, Cheeks, 9e., In any purl of .
the United States and Canadas.
Remittances kande to aoy part of the - United Staten,
England, and Irelnad.
They will arall times Lu pleased to giro any Inform-
Ibm desired in regard to money nun tors In general.
The faithful and confidential °small:on of all buslnosii
entrusied to them ruin- be rolled upon
The Bank will lag open for bushings from 1.1 o'clock in
the marl , tint unlU 3 o'clock In the'afternoon. Discount
day every Tuesday.
, - Collections from Philadelphia. New ToCk and Boston
made on favorable terms The proprietors refer to
Jay, Cooke , W. Clark k Co., Phila.; Winslow,
Larder & Co., Now York Clark. Chaney & Co.,•Briston.
W. W. littPl.ll.lliN, Castile!. --
Carlisle. March 7,1862.
'ROOTS ANDSHOES:—Just received
j pnt OCIILIIY•t 1 Cheap Cash. Blare, an entire ninv
stock of tadles% Misses' and Children's Morocco hoots,
shoes stud (Jolters, of the best quality end lowost prim
New Oloouii.
~~~E~~ r`s~.
and ret 11.
rlplikravitklr ..ammo,: and 0141 lire 111 ,
key,;ka mile, dark mid pale. !Asir.
Sherry NO. Ahtelet gor,
and 1111,rnt. ll hies in rte ha and hot
regadvgal and iii shun. a fg . 0.11 and ivoll ne
le-thal aksortinignt ed Java and Nlara
cailai t ggilgat. (Tanned
ite.l 1;01,11.d and
Igrown ,:perior
~1 1,1111,
g. a •
Sigigg•- of ggiga iggrigdy--
I nil
. . T n”.l 1111Ign.
-eknried N1u,t.11.1 /pi
711 REE PLI_Vos
Now tNr, ()PEN iso AC
CI tlt LES 0111 LB V. Trask,
DI:Es:1 Gimps
J 011:1, 5. orenuerT,
1 C a rfisi,e r ,
___ - qtfinfiry
, -_-_-___,-_-_,---,--,-----:.---7,„---..,, v
_,__ --------,m- , --
~ -D.-ff--- , --;-_-_---.7 , - - - - - ----- aVme. ------
------ ~,.....7-7---;,, ,, . 4-- _ - .. ---,--,-,---N
--',- 'l4! e.".,;117 --ts'--2--.-----7=--_--_!7-f--7,
-,lv: ~, - .', - g. --- rr 4 , fr.V.PA*4 - r ------- _.
/-..,,?, ' , r. 4' •,`• 4. ',1, , , A vyket-:,_
t • 11 1 .1
ie ft':'•V:ll.l ~.14 : k 1?--4-nal
.71 .•,,,,,,,,, • ~...::.
-r----,..-.2---" :,...,_. 4 ~W,: : .N,4
'IV ~...4..' - - ~,,,,,.
~ *~G}i!
I f ;ail
' AND •
'F. Uard Tier & Co. now nom ulaet aro and h cep con.
F2llO. Tit their ext entd ye Ni unto WOrlis on East
Main street. Cal lisle. a la, Fr t-sortment
At•RI(3 If I,T Ult AI. INIPI, E )1 ENTS,
" 1 w'' ll known, npploved t"Pirloo.§.F. nmong
they 17fluld enll ospc•rlulal.t.tntjou 1LL01;011
, blcir has talcon over fi It, First Class Freud urns a State
at,' County Fairs. 'l., the Farmers o l'emberla
11th and_Perr) counties we need nut. speak in tutu II
of the merits at this drill. Pr scores id them are now in
ra.r on the hest farms ill throe r , nrnties. Its rrpntn-
Lbn established . qa t the most complete Grain Drill
m, m inulitettiCeti Fla ernitod ?talc 5. I t sows Wheal,
Cps. uats. Barley and 1; SI 11,1,1 regular.
it bout bunehine the semi • 'lire aunt ,prlng , pas, th e
gli et etumps and stenos. cc it trout 1,1 Moser
Liu drill. Fl.l'l,l'oll FOS inn I iis (t illuuch
Gum Spring Drill is unetp..alle , 1., any o t h or
.tisu tnanutheture and sell the follow inc. trrtirles. I,sldeli
sv.u , ul remunnerid to Farmers as inliable implements.
of established character:
1.11:11 1 FN110LPIPS PATEN T 1.1,1% N
.JOINACrA'I-. CAST MON HOG'S Tilt -I. 11 11.
A Inn, Three nod Four Horse Pon ere ned 1111'1,11111g
Vil , lll/11'Nniet Iron Field Boners. Plough Otelio; s
sariolo. tterns. Coro Urvulters. nod ot Ler srt irll s Inl
r.r(...1 - S Inn .Iwillorous to lilt lon. Also. El, Con)
Cu), es nod Tiiit Plate Wood :q.v.,. Wit I, et, itolorttee
44 - I,lber 111,4114'1. for Pont,. 1.1...0rrs 411111 , 1111.1 S.
\Vt. 1110,1160 nn attrnellve Nat irly i.t I :all-run for
ttlot CENTI . :TEIV I.NCLOr If 11l S to N‘llllll WC 'ool
call utteuttott.l
Stenln Faiglties rind 11111] (;
To this de:tartmeill I.! out ht.slutss t e pile I 111
tl/11.1110 1,11.11,1%.• Fist I. it
Pap,. / : Iftitt abd Sow dill ,01.,t,11
incr. •AlifrOwlierNllllll ?Ii 111 t), ht. i giti 1.,.
nin)Plitell It7lutrd e , tnh ;2m. Of
1.r11,. 01111i/01M tiou. 1.0, Sittchit.,•
nll the /Itiotitettolr tor writ:
Shutting . undfnarit psis l.t (I NI ti Nit III! 111
SCATIc)NA I . l.\>i ENG 1\ Es
el (1,110'J.. :,1 Issil) ts 1,, 11,
11. th. , r „, ;
to; rt.s. I.l4tillosts 1 Alit nlts. s—st:11111 1 1 111
, 1, ssuctsssks;itil .;;;•int is II r 1,110 11. e lin
Is,l.lllllits.u'id l',ll;l,ssli,ss n ;I:1,1.• ill II I ts”
1'4,1 s It' I Llo;
v, tor it.tomsitt. 11 1 , . 1 .11 ,
ssrmslis :tont. 1
ts,l44l.titi.l t %.,;;11.• I et, n s ~111;
r.oori f N 3 SAEII
tl tt . till 1 e • -1:11 0,1111•1:1 ,11.;1 , 1
I i,t( 11 I, r..r ii,l , 11 I :: t
the I,l,llltr,l t, tite 1:1 a.e: :11,111 tl , 1,
I.logr rt.frr.ll .1S tln 1.1.i111,.1 in
1. rt ;1:1 rr0.111,1 !tom JYI 111 , 41. i. rt . . I. tr
•171' r ir du„it. m z , I . I 111 aural
.-11“1:.•?.. awl I:, 1111 , , 11r it , o 11 1 7.. 11. , nr.. ; 1.1.11
..n1 I lo.orn Jr. 1n 12 111,,11.1 ‘ . ..1111111 r ri`rlt
. . • 1:it1.4,1 \
.111/I at ill 1.11:1./ • 1.4
111. I l• n(I of lio I.ent r;
1,,,,111, y•-•N e Nit epar.',l. a
1313 rr pdit 1 , 1 :.1.1.1‘ A111I•
1.111• 11,1,1011 d. ~ 1 11, I/1'1 . .111141r 111. 11, 1111.
o, elf the pul.ll, tor-trucll.lll
11 rilt.r . r. 43 triad prompt ly art. 1 Ir. t.
...!;13 It.t. C.; /11:1/NF.II Co.
EN‘' COA AN1)1.1 - .N113Elt VA H.I)
initiscriliers have this day en tornil into part
In trade In
J I) A h. A N I) L U M 11 E K,
I hat n rnn=tautl It a hand ztad 1 . 111111:311 to ord..)
hind, 11111 i quality I.i ,cllS..nett
1..% t' -TUFF
l'iiisterinif Lath 1.0,111. \iioko.. I low
and 111 :Atli, him hill', end
II 1.1.:11l1.1; 1 1.1/.
All : \f,lhr. lit
tin!, 1.21- nlil
n "it, Int nisi/ hills to oriho , h y I ion
-ize the .L, rteih iohic.. :1041 on Ow 0 va-nind It
n, Inir mu nI 1,4,1 1, ,nkl • n
Clint 1111
11,• 1.11V.' ..11111,1141 !Ili 1•1 I oat
0:11i1.1 de ,, 1.1 nun. L. and part o
tln hni . nngt, Til It.
Y I(1•.\04 VA :.1.111., nr- ' l '....1'..• ... L., I. all i.,\
61 lc I•: '11,,17L1..11, ,
i 1., El Orr() \'',' do.
1.0(1: - I %kg. Yl'A IN,
, •It•II anti Stiii I,
Lich h.• p1ey;,,,, , ourself,. to II of tha lowest twim
lieot qualitS of
I,xtrlairnrr's and Coll 1 ,
lwnvsoo light, NI bleb we e.III tell et t he loi.gegt llge
Vard a egt Fide et litatothar glitiet
A Itii1:11:11Nit A. ROI FL!
July 20. IO.1.•
J. H. NON E111,11{.E.11 9
L ORNVA It DING AN I) l'o.l\lllS
F +. 011 Et A N EL) E 13-D .
6)AL, I'LA-11 , n; AiND sAI.T.
The subscriber hal Ina taken the Wale !inns cars
and li‘tures It. Aim u ell km w it estaiiiii.b
inent on I% Ili. h , tree, ,lip.a.ite Dickinson College,
trrnilll inform the publ!, , that he ha., enleied into a
~enera i".•ii,ardin • and ( . 0111111i , M1i011
'I lie hizli,t market price s, ill be pall tor Flour, Grain
1.11.1 produce ut all I, inch,
re also prepar,al tip ft..fght ,",d s to c k
I hilittlelphht and Italtimore, lit the ion est rates, with
Ind despatch
It. I hit AND I.'r kept v. - gist:int ly tin Land, and
It FEED nt •• or ri tail.
Coa l all hied' em hnaciiig.
LUSi 1.: F11.1)1.1 It.
i2\ l'ic V WHITE ASII,
Limcburner's and Blacksmith's
and loliverod dry to, Ion) pai t of the ((own.
Cztell,le. .t ugurd 17. 1S n 9
Oi the le,t:l Road, near the Gas 11",,r4 a.
Th.. r.ilbse , lber keiTti
”rhino•hit oI
hich in all fur
prompt Is
.1 onIII , . to.q.t. I
1;0 I , RA ME S'l . t.'FF,
sits and shittglin t.,-I,a tins. ii," Lod I
he,: 11rtttliVr I' Itatia,Nt lute Ili"s.. 11, lido•
alid of es.) quallty Ileal. 1,,t t I .
ills to 0151 r "t sits loet.All andlus
males and oh the mint 1,21ts..111,110t• Lt , rnin list v. bi
boards ar" Inept under coo or, bLi U nt 1116 cab Lol tin
Islntied dry at all tlsne.s.
Lie 11.01 .....siaotly ens loin,' all kind, of l'atoll•
('o +I uo ,or ‘o, or. Wink), Will 1.0 dolivmud clesill to sill .
part ..S lino 1.0,1.101. is
LY II EN's V 11.1. EV,
'l' It E E I oN,
1,1111.:ST MOUNTAIN, ,
And otlor varlotio+. sod sill Line sarious 'lien lit tins,
nalbli he Otto, L.• lb" public tit the lowest ',Herm
LI NI EllullN1.1: trl Ants 111.ACKS11ITIL'SCuAL i flwa) •
se !mild. al the lowest can! prier,
Th . tithfil I the the' hatrottage nfs generous pUblle
atoll of triad. too Lae firm of It A. Lnda is v. be would
sollilL in continua... 4, of tins Minx' .is he Bill strive L. ,
doom, All ordois loft at tlut 114/100 Co or Jo , •01,:+11rom
for I oal and Lumber, will - Ito pro aptly ottotoled LI, inn
lieretutiire. OLIVER oELA
July 20,1 —lv.
l'ractical I'I,UMBER and GAS FITTER,
in the basement of the if. E. Church,
Alain Street,
mad andiron Pipes, :1.011 Sinks,
lydrania, Bath Tubs,
lots Cold Shows]. Baths, Bath Boßurs,
Vs ter Cloto , ts. Nash Ihtsin A,
'ores and 1.11'4 Pumps, Hydraulic hauls, &o.
Vro't Iron Wel'd Tubes,
And every description of cocks and fittings for gas,
gleam, water Ac. Superior cooking ranges, neuters:it'd
gas fixtures put up in t burettes. stores and dwellings,
at Alton notice, iu Out most utodern'atylo. All inateri
als and work in our line at louorates and warranted.
• 471)- Coup try: work and Jobbing prpmptly attended to.
Mar.•23.•1659—10. ,
tr rox N zta x s airst
Just Published in a Sealed Envelope,
• „- 'loge: cents :•a Lectme bi Dr. CUL.
ff1;e:1, yEItwELL, on the muse and cure of.
• Spernmiorrhoct, Couhumption, Mental
and Physical Debi' ty, Nervousuess, ,
EpUepsy ; Impaired Nutrition of the audy : Lasitude;
wiliness o( the Limbs and tie hack; todisputiltiou,
ned lncapaCity for Study and Labor; Dullness "dl Ap
or. heusion ; Lose dt'Vemory ; Aversion to Aociety ;
hnvunf hotilinto: ; Self Distrust; DizOnevs;
lleallache; Alfred:um or•the Eyes: Pimples MI the
race ; • nvoluniary limissirms, and SON Mil l u capacity;
the Consequences of-Youthful Indiscretion,-&c.
~''his adude able L ,, cturo clearly proves_ that the above
enunierated. often self afflicted, evils may be removed
without medicine and.wit hoot dangerous surOcal ope
rations, and should be read by eve y 3 outh and ovary
man in the land.. "'
' under seal, to any address. In a plain sealed on
volapo, on the receipt of kox eon ts'
J , L or two .postago
stamps, by add, nosing, • Dr. OH .C. KLINK',
Jan. 81. 127 Bowery, TO,k. Post Office, box 4588.
11.0 1,1:1
%I WO" •
SCAN I I_l.\ i.
William P. Lynch,
lllatdjes nub aewefrp
ANDS! IiVER 15 A E. at. 31iimiturturerii prices
\V. D. A. Nsugle. Aut.. %i,':: building I , :sst Mai
opposite Sastous lisrdware rinrr, lies], in
-- -- - ,- - 7 .,t 1 ; '''--
-V- 4 .7.-`t4,,.g ;. r:PIiN.
e f er7ol6, l . ' •1;0
-c-,:2 - - -, ..i..i;,„___, - !._ . ~.._-1 --=;•- • ?
- ----...-:,;N,.. c p-ta--- - •
Foreign and American Watehes—lewely.Sll ver and Pia.
Led ware. henry Gonda &r. t,ould 111111.4 ri , p 1. 11.111113 in
form his old patrons and tint mittlie cenorall that. ho
hat lust n lurrool front the East with an entire ni•w
work rit VINE IV ATeit PLA
sl'ellre 1 agencies from seta` or the largest and
hest Fit-Ittriet t for the sale or I hese .zoo,ls. I am prep:,
red to nthot, to the 11010k:toy :It title itt the lint , from
7: to i ti per cent I,s than they have ever
In Out, place or helms the I,Zlllllr WllOll,llO price, ins
1011 OWN, Citiclio from 76 penile to ; t ill, Sl etitht it from p 2,511
to 8150. Jewelry In seas from fill cents lit ittis. Tett Setts
front 211 to pieces host quality and fittest 5131 05
t'LnUltS 5T.'11 1:S. .1 ENVItit.III'
A dry alarms, Gold II unt. ellc, Eng. Coral,
8 •• Stri ,, lng% . •• A morican, l'onrl,
S •• :-.41•1:, In u• .( - -51. " " : 4 v i•-•+, Comer,
S " I:1-z ol:d o. ~ -‘• Frquoh. (;olcl Stone
S .• Oellerv, Silver Ilmit.l'ese I:11g. I.lva.
H "'
o Monti.
8 " Parlor,
H '‘ Marino,
Ain eriann , Carbuncle
S‘rjaa, ((pal,
"" rt envh :k1
Opr n Pllell A met (ran, Jet,
•• I;nrnit.
" 11114110 m,, 'rtirquois,
'• ''" 1.:101,11. 1 . .11111i in IS,
" " French,
" (14.11eN a.
" *tons,
30 I Inttr,
St rlk I
AIIt ar m •4 St rik
:so Tim.,
311 liOlilie,
TEA S E 'l' 'l' s .
Of allots, Wait,s lure..:] s.
I.rulles. cur , . Butt., Dishes,
Salt Slands. I. i , .11 Iclilveq. In Kr.. ...:.
Crumb I,: tOr-s, l -n I 'renni do. l'alie IL Dives,
I'm I.". SpOt.lls, Clint till:.
C: ,, I , II• . 2 112 v '27,1... -11'. .
‘%', 7 ',II „1 ENV E :1N I
v. :AL% " 14
ic I hi.
11:1,•J 11'4lel•ViVI..1 to,, ds,ort 1111,1 01 ‘kAtch,
110,11, 1111 , 1,111 , 11, +•r talillt.t3 to ity)
trill t•t , a • i, In N hie]. I ILI, It,. LI.• a ttal,that of tliv
tocnt aud
li•vv? watch. , 11 ma too 'Mei ille,ll 1,10, An.
1 . 11. A., I 1.1111, “01l Livia., a nll
41111 oi evel y %.tria•ty in Ott la and
V.. II lin., 11104 , 4. pit, lor
p 1,, vs 1..1t1 i 4 ..•. GPM
01111 Cid , / 1 .12111•Irt,
/ • ,I• 1.11tE1"1, Iviruis
:111.1 r, I Vel tillti
1:(11•1 ~ 11i1I••• i!,11-•• !,tl•it• tt, ,111 :111.111/11,1:011•1•,"11.•
••,! I • 1 1:11, • :1,••••I t ri,t !!: dd. mil rrr
• ‘ l , l 1 1 1 , 1 , !:1 1 1 1 1 , !:
A 11,.• 1 . 1. N, re ,11 Ihe 1.1 , 1 11,1,,
1,111, :In I pt-irl eat,'
.1;n1 enninlont
%NW n.Q Vut al I I,
knnl iii Jr, ••
I ,‘ s.•I , rtr All articles tsar
littosl ‘,11.0 they at.. tcpresoll
I a rt if• U
Ia I 11a14 Hs usual In
•li IIF I 'AIIIINU slid oil ~,rk tka t .,,7
I) )i it. LA CROIX'S
Ph y, ICII I I ' l , ll' (/ Ma 1' lir, ye
250 l'Atr..S AND 130 . 1: t; INr;-,-1',....0ffis
rl% t ,I•,. I lanai t_,. In It port ..I
HIV U1,1r.11. ./11 t II.• It .111
ilkaldairig Haitiinnia• nit In nib •nate , Ail :I,t,
. "' ta 1 1 , 11•11,-,. Iti•jr.l. , `l , ll if•
Pitatioll 10 1111:12:111,11S. i•rlroju ilett•ct, inn tam V. anti .1,1
1,,,jt a lilt 1.11,1.111.: an,' int a
I linarding ,110,1 %lin', I :`l.l/l11•1./.. 11111 i a on,
Marnial y, nr.. Ann It Il:n truth) 11l ails is nn to thin
in lad aad Ilion, nniteidiplating t. arriage,..m bin inn nor-
L indicind of Ihetr ph . , .I•nal Im:damn—lad w Inin
are ainini,,LlN 11.1%.1111,,i ti11,11,11A2/ 1..11.1.1111,S
All 1111, ilia. t , uhiou,rer. 11%1111;1 , 1
ai• %kith u,.1/.
iil, c'tt, ,, i Lp a I si Init•it iu ~ ,u t.ll. Inn et11 , •,•1, ot
wilt , It tiro p , 1
ttn• •••••-. ol 1.111.-h
....I.; 111,
1 M Mt um) 4,1 t tr.
s• rt , cetal, , L.I 1:111,1 4-1/1 - 1111,• 111 i"
I \ „ 1$
ot Ow I
1 . 13-I,
I:1,, and ou o t ll
n in t
hp l , u r o n t
i, tt ti,' ,,,•to, 1t0.,, , toy p ur o
0111 o 1110 toll Iwoo hr tho wOO% Nl,‘,
NI) Li I 11 . 1 P. IOU: I. i.ll 1)11,
.8E... lup our Innrtl^c 111,1 th^ F.t0.11. 111 t
.1-111,1 zull.lls..l.lulty, - 1.1T.1.'.*1
1 .-intt 1..5151 t.. their „ h, I 1),”1 S.,
I S di. , lii_ssr.N'd LIS I.l • relrlfort!,:lN II 1.111 il. "or
('III,I A II ilolo‘crowlit. of profe../..i.ual rractli 0 1. r 11.0
p . 1,1 , r••fin ears
II Ft 31,6: 1. / 1 . 1 5. - 1 , 11i1,1 wLoWi^h r-r
ie.., the ellieler .Pf whlesh hn. hoe. tewe 1 Is thon
o' cam, ion,ee tnile.l so t 91e , 5:1 cures
with , ,ut ;1 I,y 1,1 , 1 rusuils 15111 ISO n0..0 Lilt Or 11.1,11
Fenurln dieal 1 1 11,3 The
1.• , •C ,, ,,,ry to be Is. 1.1,110 s take I t•tn
they 11,, 1 . 015t,11 to believe till's are ill t.lllll 5 115:1
1 !HIV pardeulatti ef 1,11 it h ill 1,1• t6nn , l en the
wrapper ni, ,, ull.oan) 1111.11 b salt ,
awl healthy, so gentle. yet 5.. net Ile•
Priv° SI pvr h. x. lIH p rata toe twined 6i any ' , art of
the. Unitnd ritat.vs nr Canada
To Till , . LA 01E8 —NV 1,, steed 11 C 11 11n111 1 11t111;
alit nor critic rrgard to n nyfly of tliuse isi 00111
islssints tU" triiich . their deli,. ste orunnizallin tenders
them hall.. ars, psrtieularly incited Lll consult, In,
(1 , 111(;Al., %NlO l'stro rcrivr. or 111111 rit••l
led', 0 whose heultls „ill not siluslt, or Wllll 111,11 1111
111,11 . 1.1 111 1111,11.11111 1 1 011•11 . 1 . 41111111, ~: ,v 1111 1 1 11t1l11,11 as.
sissy, 1 t 1., niterfertly Nsfe prnsentive to conception.
find has he is es Lonsuro,3 . used during the last 110 3 vars.
reduced 311,1
A Trostiso ou the (2:111.• ifniA ad
ianu wariiing Just published. n book showing tts in
sliluous progress nod provitleure solii•ols. :both
male ternale. thi.f.a.lic.ora. ,11 I the
fatality that atteipls Its vielinis. suit (level
opi t s progre.,l.Jl [lit+ tibea. e, Linn tlm coul
1110111,11. t to lb.. encl.
It. will be ni•et by rrri•iltt of two 3' cm
Stamps. '
04f - Al....n.l'ttiro Cron Ihr Lill .1
pl2:111. •Il : . "11111i1,N is,. '2 till 5 I' N.
_ .
ith full dir,tiol, svllt to any ' , art tho
illit1•11 St It, .1. ( . 311,11135. 1,3'orlt.: oqitittole.stil , z
Muir synipt..ols by lett,. 1111-ineks owl vsp , ),ltler.,,
•trktly conn.lont
2 / 4 - Dr. I.*e. Mil., la still lorat.,l as to ti-hod, /2111111 .
till, 1.1.1 of lilt. I,A Cltt/IX, at N... .;I Loin,
Albany, N. Y. 1,11-1 y
OOK ;- 4 11 .k R P.--IViii. Fridley' Dull
I cull, :111,111 to tn. , ••ifi1. ,, .....1Car11,1.•
and 11,, ptoldi, 1;atd....11, that h. ,
lo.alouhs twat, cn 011.01 own
11l S.C. 1111,...tts dirertl,
hnir t,•l v. 114. 1,
iit madinrn. L, 11.. nil L, uh. of ‘,..t.h
with 1.11. All
A.Ol, 1,111 I. 1 , , hiinso.ll 1,11.1 a .. , aapett.nt hand at;
ran at oli t,llll, h.. had 11,..t...• tado.l.ratiod FILL h_
I.ING I'ItENI 1 'I .111:'1'1011 1'
.111 . 11' CANS .1 .1 lhr
II .u , ” nr.,l “1 1,111,11, nt
;vol. i•••• nIJ.I tim 111:1(..•11
p 1 . ,•A ter arid
II ppiliv I,v si.t,t,
1.1.'1. 1y
Horse and Cattle Powders,
i.e.l pr,/, 1. nit., It II ial of several
rs t., he hopetior L, II V preptitatiml tit the hied 11l
4114 , 'Ph" rtncl.upm lee it ) 01 the Arises from
the that tai ) 1 , 1111R1,1.1 Ines that have
I,i, e Ton in,: plop, ties. Thu Laxative
el mitt i.••• il• 111 she h .11101 lote . fitrinefl;- the
'Tonle “iti, I gth t. the of liorse, and
I .lll rnu:+elued,iothem cleanse the
1111 I I I; the Int/haat( oi fill I' l oooly and vigorous
1 . 1,111:1111J to• mr,SOS the wind.
ntypetlte and given the borne a fine,
smooth a,, s skin—inter. Villg the Upptqtraltee.
.1.41 P.l.lliui 1.11. oldie :ueimnl.
[hest. pow dens are not Intended. RR IVOSI powders are,
t4lllOlll R xs to pine him till' Ilpflelll . llllCo of
hell., fat v. twit not really so—but, to room e the disease
and pr Molt, lei. ttehotal health.
11:1•110 1 . 0.11‘.1 . 1.1 .111 St. engilten the st , inriell awl in
•l estinen them le as offensive matte', sn,J, hiring
1.111.111 Lo 11 heal. by state, 'I hey urn it sere mevention
of Long Lever. /snd a certain remedy I', all tlit.o3-,
1114 . 11.1011 t to tin, I [urge,. us' Wanders, Yellow Water. Ids
tempers, l.',.uttlier 11011,11 i, 6111V01'111V, 0 011V11. 1.010. of
- A ppelite. and Vital Energy, &c These if usstl
two 0• thie , times a week. through the winter 111111
opting. your will never get I lin Lung Furor Palle
or Hotta. A tow downs or Ilwsu Powitors will remove the
worst Cough on any I loran. Wlllll ownoret or iloreoti In
feed a lea of these Petvders every year, they mioht
save the lives
of nary valuable florseti.
The properties I his l'ilwder possesses In increasing
the quantity of 'dill' in Cows. 01 es it au l importaiwe
and value whl , ll should place It In the thithlti of every
person keeping it Cow In fattening Cattle it glvea t
thon an /Ippotlto. loosens their hide, and niakeS thitt . „.
thrive much faster:
H O G • S..
In nil dienaees of Swine. as Coughs, Ulcers In the
Lungs and Liver. Air., by putting from halt a paper to a
paper it the," Powders in a barrel 0 , swilLthe nhose
dieeases can be cured er entirely prevented. By u s i ng
these Powders the ilog Cholera con be prevented. Pre.
pared by S. A. FOUTZ, Wo• !minister. ki d.
V1.8...P0r sale by S. P. PAN N 611 A IC Hit, Carlisle, Pa..
and by all couptry 4otekeepers. 4 Price 26 cents per
paper, or live papers for one dollar. [Aug '23, 1801.
..A . fi) Tons White Load. WOO Gallons of oil. Jus
received with a large assortment of
1 iirnishes. - - Firti`Pionf Paint.- Y
Turpentine, Florence Whit; • , .
Japan, White Zinc r.
Putty. . Colored Z nu;
Llthargo. . t Rea Lelld, • ' • '
• T Whiting, Dolled 011, ---
Glum Lard 011,
Shellac, Sporin 011,'. '.. '
Paint Brandies, Fish 011;-40s.- ,-- - -
Colors of ON try description dry, and 011 in cans and
tubes at the llardwaru'Stord of
Carlisle, Oct 25,1801
Ea LY NETTS:' Twine,.Werpted, Linen
and Cotton, fly Notte. Cheap!' Cheap!! at the
a of John P.Lyne '
r,;•7•77:`•;:i1 0A II I.N . F. T
I l
laving been engaged In the bualtless for of er twent)
}ears Le would return thanks to his cusconters and
frignas, fur the liberal encotnagement extended to him
in 3 ear s cone Iy, and further aqsures them that no
pains will be spa rid, to give 1'1111.6.4:W10n to all who
'hay favor him s. It li a call.
,f every description constar,tly on hand, or made to
1% mantled to he oh the best quality. of the la
le. st e eil sulo at the lowest possible
pi his n.r ca.h
Ile a h c.n tin ow: bus! nvss as an .UNDERTAR
Ready inaCe Collins ntherw Ise. kept eel,
ahm tly ott; nand and funmals promptly attended to
pernonally in town or country, on the moat reasonable
he'eby-alp: Wain tit f nflina, In rce size , well ft ulFhed
an I tined Inside, trout 8 to 12 dollars.
N. B.—Two properties situate In Churebtown.
county, arc offered fur sale uu easy terms. Apply no
above. J. it. IV•
I Ll, Tlt 1; 111 PIIANT.
The complete aurrrso of the Prairie Flower Cook
:Itove. warrant:, the subsvriher iu railing the attention
of all who may want a sup" ior stove to can and toc.
amine the only stove that has given universal satintae
lot. A sav,ing of from 30 la f,O per cent. in fuel.
.2nd. A hotter and quicker riven hour the same fire,
:Id A larger Oven then any utile, stove of the same size.
41 h. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking
saving repairs,
5t6. Thu hest Bata:, Pilaster, and Cook new In uso,
nth. A superior arrangement ke Meaning the flues,
th. A perfect (las Consumer if, either mill d t r coal.
The Prelrk Flower is w Itrra, ted Lu giv e spti s r,,,,p,,,
in every particular, and mill he shown m Ith pleasure to
all wino ma% call. windier desk - Inc to purchase or not.
11111 110antit) Of reference In town nr country.
A le, titht, moqi . 1.0,, On hand, 1, bid) willa
sold very Me f.• close stock
Joh work. Congoir.onillhing nna
Shooting woo. tondoil to. in II Or Tuuu
lrt All WOl, ~a iiranied Ilia old stand. Itanovei
stria. , north ofLoather
MARY M. IfOltlllS.
N. It. Old ('nppt•r, Blass and Postior bought, and ill,
Light•=t rule, paid Iu el,h or gt odx.
Marrs, 2s. I StAi.—tt
1 110 111.1.1 ttit,litttl 11 11 ttl.. cu rr lrlrrriu tod St 10 11In0Ilt ,
11.• ,il.• tot 11 101 hit-1 ottll 1.•
0...111111.11di ti
I. \I,. „th e ,
it. L • I.r• oqu.llll ;1 , 4 , 1, , L. r.d 111 lr 11 , II VCII .11111• Itl2l
:Itt , V:111., .1 :1!, rI I r 0t:11 II U
ri•1,41.6 ./11 11.4 II Itt Ifit jitt
ttl It. ittlV 1111. 1,1 :tyt . .ttlt- It. 111 LIN. I,l}'ltt IN, ell
" N t"”II .. \,0l0.
Ilip.rrl r'l 011.001 C... 1 1..,
1.1,1 Al'.' a 1..1,, ~J.ll rq all
nui ,i,„ i,t" NI it Li, Vr ill
,• I lio•
lost I.i, ,"o reSpi,t:lilly usk /1 rou
It 1 11\l, I{. I ) I , r f 1 (,)
. .1 1 L A 1, II II I
NI I:141CA I..\lrt li II ca,,, I.) the rtit.i.r Sur
i. tt , nppl~t.rr. It)) "I
1.4,1 r upatl m. hat al , Ac..)
.11.1111 1,111.1111, po, city. Nledimlen furnishiql
X A IX lln, E 111.11 . 111t'N an :`ro • I'llUtt,'1110,1. 111,d Mk,
r the nal Rgn hs. hint on?the• N FAN 111..)1-
1,1)1 en,plnx ed in the liispenoary seta till,,.,,lilieled
in , enhol let [el velogeo. t chaegg. 'l'oo or three
61012.41.1*tnr 1.,1110. \VIII he nceeptlible
1 1 11-1. 11,1,EN IlutlllllTON. Acting Sur
grim 11n0 0101 I ,sociation, No South Ninth st ree t
I'o. • 11, 0111, nr the Direet ni
EZRA 11. 1111AltTll E 1.1., Presitle.o
GEO F.111tC1111,1). secrotary.
'arch R.
The sub.. riper has recently optoted a New t'tnm
at HIV old tnul of D 11,t1hert In North Ilttooler t 3 t.
oppo,te t he la•
• ['ovine r e,'it non! New l'otk and Philadelphia • a
line and wall .eleeted to , ortinent or go,(1, In his lino U.
ttuch tot T, ,t,,d CAPS, Iron, the c;orniuttu
Wool to the tillt• I•nr,
and sti Ilan for 1.. 4 6'. Ladies
l'or+ ~.•11 a ,L. 1,1. tl,l. Hlwri
111:trIc. lir 11 and Ulm! (`, otwy
tin Silior Hats
Girls it. d bur Yap, low, and o.llnts r
prier, I" -ult. the Lions. Arse. i'aliwt Bags ,te.
A 1.., c„,.pec TrunlCN, (land Trunks
Cud , rrllus. :1n asst r tillota, of
kkir Prime Segura and. Tobacco.
ha Claa: p ILL - on:age already received lie would
Inv Le :CI Ilia friends:and the p ut,lir goner:all, lo give
him a Pall. J Al') LI 110 AS, Agt.
Carlisle. April In : 1861.
I L)/e/ lIAIt DWARF,' ! II Ait p
_1 0 0 -
k ARE ! ,
.f Lynn Sun have just completed opening
their fining Stock ol liard we', Paints, I lllst varnishes,
ilce. to which they Invite the esrly firth:litho of
the [midie. tin have greatly enlarged our stork lit all
various branches,itud eau flow accommodate the pub.
Ile with
in large or small .111:a.tilir,, al the limest price.. lint
1,1 wish 11, HIM iv to 01.1,1.E:111d tl.nt w,• have
brought al/ the t nod. in Philadelphia and New boric to
nor tow It, lint We ran a..urr• them that one !milt into
our store unit marl or„ them hare enough to
tme demand in (Ida market. Persons wanting
g,•elk in our line will and it to their adtantage to giVf ,
Ils a 1, 1 1 before imilting their purchases —All orders
pereonally and punctually attended to, and no mist to
pi It:wilt:li ions made to etlect sides
L'. It: noner i 4 t Carlisle
The read., the "Ili:RAU:" are reminded
that I ha, 0 jakt hrou: lit Ernie the ritya large supply of
Slit; t CURED 11,111 S AND IllNF:
fed A pples and l'ea: h:, Fresh Tomanies i u vans, fresh
NlL:shy:ewe, the V,V bO,l °lift:rent kinds it
wised, Met.tardn: a inl Stweva, Lemon}, and Orange',
Prou: rn.Molasm•s,
r.:11. I in:: Sega, and P.. 1 a.,•::: very Ma, Brandies,
I lid 11: Et hi.,,.y , 11 Ines Sr ; hesides a general assort
:new nf :fn. inner!l. of trade, offered at the very
CA:AL. W3l. 11E.N1Z.
N, • 1•0.
I.lli fr.—
A ha ~r C:1101-1,, aßattet e d pad,
gen 01 ter, ~ I Li_lith Bette's. Alnit,
t , A It N
tor aide at the t tore of the nubs. I her.
U, I. •2tt. 'ow
hinds o ith a large assortment of
litiTT A 1.1 . 1,11 CHAINS,
DUI...Ai-A' AINS, 1 , 11 , 711
Lett/ t'IIAIN. 4 ,
SPIMA A.c., Ac.,
Just received et the Cltrap flat divare Stole o f
ItiN li
)R E All 131 SC 1.1 Il' &c.
) Thu Cronin ni'•rartar ••Substitute" le recntnmem
dt,d as a supm.tor artkle in combination with Saleratus
Or SOll,l ii a• 11/th Ing purposes. It produces bread cakes
A.c.. which when cold are sweet. moist and grateni,
while thus , of Crean, ol TartaVare (,fi en dr, and taste
ful.. It will cost less than Cream Tartar and Is used
In the same way for cooking, A c.
together with Saleratus' Soda. Pore Cream of Tartar,
Bermuda A :row Root, Mustard Seed. ground and un•
amnia. spices of all hinds unadulteres,vl, and also
Groceries to every vanity constantly on hand, and at
the lowest prices tor kale by
Dee. 14. (MU. - •
_a. Iv FRY
SUItANOE COMPANY' of Cumberland county, Income.
ten by an act of Aesenibly, lu the year 1043, and hay.
log recently had its charter extended to the veer 1883,
Is now In active and vide, ous operation, under the
perintebdunce of the tbilowing Dowd of Menagers, viz:
William It.. Gorge++, Christian Stayetan. Al. Conlin.
D. Daily, Alex. Cathcart, .1 Fl. Couver,John Eiehei 0t
Winkershain. Semi. Eberly, 'Moses Pricker.
;It odelph Martin Jac o b Co cer, and .1. o:Dunlap.
The rates of insurance are no low and 'hitt cable nanny
Company + - tithe kind in the State. Persons wishing to
become members are In - vited'to make - application to the
agents of the company, who aro • willing to halt upon
them at any-time.. •• • •
WM. R. G Oli ft AS, President,
-Eberly's lithe, P. 0.
"Carlisle. P. 0:
JOHN C. DUNLAr, Sec Cy., 1 1 lechonicsburg
MICHAEL COCKLIIg. Trbasuror, Shepherd Own.
CUMBERLAND COUNTY. John Sher-lch, Allen
Many. Bearing, Shiremanstown; Lafayette Dotter
Blekinson ; floury Bowman, Churl'}down ; Mode tbit
sth, South Middleton ; :Jamul Graham. W. Penns
Lnro'Samuul Coovor, Moehaniesbnrg; .1. W. Cochlin.
shopilerdstown; D; Coover, Upper Allyn; J 0, Sax
ton, Silver" Spring: John Ilyor, Carlialo; Valentino
Velllllllll, Now CttioLOiland.
YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Mehl Pg. 'or; Jae.Oriffith.
VVOrrhigton ; .1. V. Dem dorff. Washington: - Richey
/Mark Diiisburg; D. Rutter, Fairview; John Williams,
DA UPTIP , CO.—Jacob Houser, Harrisburg.
rile tubers p the colupany bavingpoliclugabout tecx
Ore, can !Inv') thorn rouowed by waking application ti
,atTy of t l-10 AgaptS. ,
Feb. 28,1862 .
A superlotorElolo ofcranboirlee Just r(colvedanp
for tatlo b
Ott. 213,.. y
60. J. W. EDY.
aluut Collier covered flow 15 to 30 dollarp.
May 25.1 hs9—ly
4 4 .3c)i31,1!
lblovt :rut In 111111 o,lablishob by spprial
tt.ta P.r thy n,u l In Liti• arid di•tru,selb
al!lictel s‘,lll X II 111,..6 Lid I.IIIIV
1/1111 t,perbilb, t r Ihx Cure 1,1 bb.yasr s llf
II .1 'l' 8 , 1' .1 P 8 01 4 0 . c .
..„ 4 .....:6,A,
li E 1:11; E II 00 DS.
Mail Mutts
1-44 # 14. ri? " 7-.- aw " a 4". ' „tilt
J. 4, D. RHOADS..
Are' Cars of this Lino'leave the Depot 811 Mirhet et.,
Doily, nt 4 (;'clock. P. M.
Le..o Carlisle. Daily, of 7 o'clock. A Al.
1 / ,, ,lslntl.nded ter this Line shook' be Worked C. Ar
Dall 3 Freight Line, and sent In by 4 o'clock.
111ny 21i.
rrhe undersizned having purchased the
stoelc. &e., of the late Ito! 11, Trout deed. wolf d
to the public that he will col
!lone the ATTINO lIUSI NESS at the old stand, In
Iffeh street. and mkb a re dewed and efficient
t, produce . .rticles Cl Head Dress of
Errry l arielJ, Slnle and Quality,
that statl bt , strictly In keeping with the imprnvement
al the Art, and fully up to the /Iv to a bleb we live,
I have on hand a splendid
assortment of
r • •
_ . _
of all descriptions, from the ccmmoo Vinod
to the finest FUJI AND SILK HATS; and of
that must suit every one who has MI eye to getang tb.s
worth 1,1 hit, money. 'I he stock Includes, .
of every style and color and unsurpasFed for LICHT
NESS. DURABILITY AND FINIt.II : by thoso of any
oilier establishment in the country.
of every lescript lon constantly on hand.
Ile respectfully Invites all the old patrons and a
mmly nen 111111$ us pasht Lla , to glue hill, n call.
Apr 25. J. U. CALM°.
At the stole al John I ruins. on the N. E corner of
the public square. Is the place to purehase Itoott t•lJoem
& at prices that 110) f Into, ti 11...
111. ha , just retorted fti nt the Lest 0 Ith the largest
and most enntplete assort tuel. t of ifett.. Hats A
lips that he has ever pt ete n tett to this et tom unity,
nod oh6L In isiletei Mitt.',l 0 , 1 , 141 at the llon
1.11. prices. Ills stork embraces es et) thing In ails line
or 111..111050, SW II lifo.
Kip Boot, Calf and Patent Leather Ins lord I jer, Cal
nud Paten Leather “aiters, Call :\
Lip Brogan, Hipper,. he.
vii, French and Ilisb Lasting GiiiterF,
()di and inl L'no•s Fill” Bid Fiij pi rs, P.iunp t lip) ern,
ern. pl.! hint I ti , hirs Ar. A
111 - Ls AND 1111 1 , 1,1. N'S NI IA Yf all de,cripflr
volbrovinv Jim , Larding Ilk ilyrs, )Iyr, eyo oyd i, g
Ito( lon 1 , 0, t./.. )1 , yyreo hire• ol All k ds. laucy
cd vol i• of st , ~. A c
11 IT: A (:,V S, Silk. Cos , lolt.rY rtir And
of al qualllit, ne d los. Alen A I,ngi of
.c 77? . 1 ll' .7/ S
tin,,o. and Sbnes v nde to rdr, lit Ihe short rst betire
I+rpni•in. peolubtls ut d, nt r,l hL I,llllly Iu
plrnF, rmt, hers. lir r , •sprt tes
h• punilr to sir,• him It r,/,11.
keknember tho pi ne e N. E. corner of the Publio
Sll l / 1 11,.
Nll3 {o.'fo.
THE I'INDLESiGNED begs rita ve to
inf.-m sou, that he has just open,' n DIR:(31
ST IRE la the hareuA of. nrlidn, is the rtii,”
ecupi,d he lieyno:do k Pieffer, :inn U, utrSt, re, next
doer to fohalrs t;reeery Sto re . South fieuov er wl reet,
whet I. he will /du ay. be found ready and i‘ tiling to ply
the 90:1 ale and peNtal.
The fellowlagTh,t comprises the main portion of his
3lf• 'Seines.
Suspensory Window Glass Toilet Soaps,
p.„t-,1„ - wry. ranee Not ins and Varieties Generally,
unreel,t, and 090at0. Lithographs and
I , rrones Burninv. Fluid. Paint, Inrninh and Sash Brush
es Coal Oil,
generally having ha l ver littetin years' experie me is
the Itrtv ith a denier 1.. nrrnnun,nlnte and
Id '•;•e toy cuatt hapolit rert Is e a retainable xliiiro
I public pall - image. It IC illy intent inn anti desiee to
slue periet•t eeti••tinitititi iu eviry particular, to till who
may laver ate t,lLit it
l'lt ESC r"FIONS•
carefully L lair pH,;: (ire nle a rail
Carlini... Dee. li PAN:\ EllAivElf.
• A. 13. EWINC3,'S
--.' -;
~-. 1
Esso - ,7:: •J ;:.
, '-• -: . 1 , t
0 !,-; 4..., :::,,,....,', - :,,,t61/ • 1 8 59
West High Street, Carlisle, Pa
'(Premium awarded at the Cumber/cud County
Agricultural Fair of 1837.)
The subscriber has just received the most splendid
assortmant or., tides in. his line, over brought to this
place—which ho is dotermhted to sell at prices that de
ly competition.
Par lo g
Dining-room, le URN 111 • UR.E.
Kit c hen and
Embracing every article li'Sed by House and Hotel
keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design
and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts,
re, option and Cawp Chairs, 3lattrasses, tint framen,
pictures. ,ti., &c.
Purchasers are requested to call and examine Ma
stork. at Ilk tlx teusivel , ll,l,, 014 Main street,
North side. A H. ENS INO.
414) Particular attention given as usual to funerals;
orders from town and coda try, attended to Promptly
and on nmdmate terms. A. B.
rIALICOES 61, S and 10 cents, best
) q un'lty Calico at emits, Domestic “inghams at
12 1 , te. Domestic M nsl ins it .5 amts. 4—l Diim /
Muidin. good a rtirle, Check a. Table Dia.
per r•netaing, .at low prices. Canton flannels 11:3„
Ilingii•d Oi6lrts , thu Min:inns( in tile inaity.
11 LACK LA-8
at very In prices. Illaraids and Flannels under prlnsi.
IS, CA: , 611111.:111,S. Junes, Vertlnge, at
ingly lon ;dices.
inv old friends and ensteinern are respectfully In.
vited to call and exandue fin thep:,, ns 1 mill nut
Le undersold hv nub nb.rr9u the rounty.
Main sl eLt, opposite the Depot.
0114.8. Oa I Lily, Trustee.
Carlisle. Feb 2R, ]SC!
as been raised iii Carlisle arid sur-
I r. undiTlL! country nu learning that the subscriber
hum orurned Flom the t:ity , pith a tremendous stock of
/ ITW . :u ' r m i a e. ' :• i s a' a n s l , i , 1 . 11 "1' „ I t ',I S an ' P r u ( cit "' i t,, to " P " L d s "t'o La acid
Pu t ti ' l ' a e i h r
1 hoots.
lu this very extensive stock may he found great piles
Of Silk Pcpllns, Turen Lust,. Panes In vnrlety,
Block oi Ike most celebrated man tenetut 0, Mohair
Poll dr Cheve. elik Check, Embroidered . Mobelr,
atin Plaid, Cheek Mozambique, Milli Do Latins, Emu.
bazlues, Lawns. &e ,
VentingH, Bop, went Ofgt.ll quality and dosirablo styles,
Tick' tags, Chocks, Flannels, Ofnglintne, Lawns and
of vory handsome styles and in wlDolont quantity to
clothe every flunalo In the County.
I have also the largest asSortinent of
and 011 Cloth In the Interior Pennsylvania, of an
qualities and at very satiallietory prices to the purcha
Besides, I have almost every desirable article In my
line of business that can be mentioned, selected with
great care, and with an eye single to the wants of this
- communily end the present tinier. ,
The public is advised to see these magnificent loads
o r goods before pureha , inweisewiterei . tis I ant confident
Mkt advantages will he gained by a careful wtanslua:
tion of stock of Goods, which for innfiensity bas nee.
er Lemmand perhaps never will be, equalled in this
place. for edam beauty and cheapness.
At the old.`rwel) known stand of
April 4. 11102.
LL,: E
,Ambng which IN at largo - lot of the real genuine MU
trioro'dry salt llEitltlNO. In oak hairdo, MACK A IthL
at prices that Is really astonishingly low. Pickels of all
and a good assortment of
V.O R S (C% C• ; •
at the lowest rates fur OASET or countrlt'z j rA
il l i
—Carlisle, Juno 21,1801.
ITAMII3B.- 500 pairsHawes on hand
—of all Itinds...3llzabetlitown pattern;-London
do.. Cornman do, wllh and without patont fastenings,
cheaper flew ever at 11. fiAXI,ON'B, East Main et:
blench 2f, - .
DU MPS •CEl‘l ENT. 100 barrels of. ep ont ." Itirge assertmenlof Cballi'and iron
'amps., just reverted and for sale cheaper limn ever.
Cement sold by quantity at Lnaudfacturets Woes
March 90. U. 'SAXTON..