Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 22, 1862, Image 3

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    CAPT. ZINN'S UONIP'Y. [ffechanimburg.]
Captain—FL 1. ZINN. •
.Firat Lieutenant— J. B. ZINN.
SdoOlid Lieutenant—Wit:rat GIVLEIL.
Gee. W. Ashenfelter, Joi , eph E. Boon,
B. F. Burshinger, Josiah It Jones,
A 0. Brougher, - Peter V Knisely,
'Johnson Brougher, John 0 Kraber,
Ira D: Brougher, J-ieul G Koons,
John A Baird, John Livingston,
Martin V. Brillhart, D I) Landis,
Joseph Baker, J IV, Leidig,
Matthias Baker, J. B. Landis,
Levi Bender, 11 S. Lambert,
Isaac IV. Bashore, A. L. Mullin,
Keller Bobb y S. K May,
Benjamin Bowen, John It. 11Iaxwell,
Samuel Bales, 11. IV.' Morrett,
Moses 11. Bechtel, Wm. A. Morrett,
John B. Boyer, John M'Fadden,
. John C. Grist, Wm. ;•Hsieh,
J. IV. Grist, Wm. 11. Miller,
S. D Culbertson, John D Miller,.
John Chamberlin, 11. W Miller,
C. Crone, It. B Miller,
George Daugherty, Samuel A. Miller,
Win Daugherty, John B Mann,.
Thomas W English, George IV. Mollz,
William Ebersole, JOllll Pretz,
-Jacob Earnest, G. H. Rinehart,-
Jacob It Erlord, L G Sadler,
George S. Ewing, Benjamin E. Sadler,
John Fink. Emanuel Stevenson,
Abraham Finll:, Jahn Snavely,
.Joseph Forney, J Sionesifer,
.George.Farner, John Steigleman,
John ,11 Fat nor, John Strine,
, George Fishel, John 1V Stewart.,
Joshua V. Fotnot, Simon Shumbarger,
John Fetzer, %Valiant Shaffer,
3. C Fink,
.11 Set,
Michael M. French, William H. Shaul],
S. Gruetwit,, J din W M Stoll Li,
Jacob J Qephart, Thema.. Tyndal,
T. Glantz, John A. Wood,
George Geavlin, 11 lib. in We) ls,
Joseph Gemsinger, George Wolf
George Gross, George White,
James Hughes, Wilton] B White,
John 11, de, Joseph Wertz,
L. M. II , vrrsiick, T. It Zirna,
Joseph Ileikes. ' W. C. Zinn. ,
Elijah J. Hoover.
BIERS —Three boxes for the use of the sick
and wounded soldiers, were forwarded by.
Airs. G W. Sheater, of (Jut isle, to Dr.„A.
Neldoger, of Philadelphia, to he by him dis
tribuied whet ever they are most needed. The
flowing pet soul c ”oribto :
Mrs Hassler. catsup=, black
berry cordial, bandages and rugs -; Mrs Chas
Ogilhy, jell), clothing a d rags: Miss Mollie,
Ogidly, hex ; Mis Joseph 6hroin and
Mrs. Hershey, preserves WitieS, shirts and
drawers; Mrs J.icub Squi, es Hocks, pins,
needles, c , .tron, liandkerchiels, shirts and
wine ; Mrs. Jacob Stamm, 'i bottles grope
wise; s. ewai t, lot -f rags; Mrs J
Jones, lot of shirts; J apple
butter, jelly, dried tongue. slippers, handker
chief, +tad rags ; Mrs, Ulrich lot of lint ;
11.1rs.Ifitinnon, lot of rags; Mrs flemictia
Shearer, wine, jellies and fist rims ; Mrs. S.
Haver•iiek, lot or corn starch and farina ;
Miss Mary McDowell, three bottles of block
berry vinegar; Mrs J. Thompson, six
shirts: Miss Jane Alexander, plum b tier,
prs., slippers. 2 prs., drawers, hand
kerchiefs and : ; Mrs 13.ingliman. 2 but
Ves blackbery wine, lint, cushions a d rites ;
Mrs. Jason Eby, preserves, wines and j.•11 . t ;
' Tlrs. R )pert llvin, preserves and je lies ;
bliss A tt ,
nom _tev.t.trt, sheet awl lot' ttt ra gs ;
Miss Fanny Philips, handkerchiefs, rites,
bulk), s and pills; Mrs G. W.Sheater, shirts,
drawers, towels, Iv.fidkerehie Is, jellies. wines,
i preserves, catsup, dried fruit a”d rags; \lr.;
Charleeitevd, $2,5 0 a ri jellies; Mr. J
Parker, $lO, box ot larom, ,hied fruit
crturtiql p rtches, tomatoes, hatulkerel,iets
20 pairs ul stoekiogN, SLe.; John Sable
$5 ; Jacob Zug, $2; P....bert $2.
A. I, Sp.H.ilvr,',s:l Ji1(1ao Watt ,
$5 ; 16tlliam Alexan d er, $2 ; Charles Ptx li
kr, $2 ; Nlrs. Jacob llotlinan. $1; J. 1.1
Gorgas, $1 ; Cap ain Hastings, $l.
With the money collected was bought tea
cb6colate, sugar, lan iu , , urn starch, larley
mustard, pickles f all liinds, an 1 a var
of spices, and ten sugar-cured hams. Also
materials for shirts, double wrappers and
eushim.s, which were made by Mrs MeFee
ly'a f mile, Miss Jane Alexander, Mrs Jul
livan, Mrs. Dwelt, Mrs. DelintV, Mrs Irvin,
Mrs Abridn's, Mrs Ileriiihey, Mrs Grade, Mt .
Stewart, Mrs. Cindy'', Miss It llood,
H Shrum, Mrs. G. Keller. MN. 6 vnr z,
Misr Jaelison and Mrs.Shealer. Mr. Reigl—
ter rut the wrappers. Some of therliieiy
were male f mindin belonging to :lie Cum
ber and County Agricultural Sociky.
Cbneles M, ek, collected and handed ovcr to
Mrs. Shealer, the s in of $.17,75, from the
fullueain peNons : Johnston Moore, $5 ;
cash. 30ms ; c,,s esn e:s; I'. F Ege, $2;
J. D. Meek, $1 ; John npbell, $1 ;
George Mei z, er, $.l; Chas. W. heed. $1
Saw)er and ;Jliller, $1 ; Livingston . ,
$,l ; David Blae,b, $1 ; Lewis 1 - Pol)i:ism],
50 cents ; George llendle, $1 ; S M. Coyle,
$1 ; Mrs Sterrett, $1 ; It C. Woodward,
$2 ; J N. Arm true}[, $2; Oliver Delaney . ,
50 cents ; A. ii. Blair, $2 ; Ad-
no's, $1; B li, Jameson, .$1 , Michael &
Enstninger, 51.) cents ; S. M. Hoover. $1 ;
Iron sundry persons. $3. Henderson
& Heed sent the Ins gnaw
0.1 tho 14th halt., by the boy. D Sterrott.
DUItI DOLCIttiItTV, of Altoona, Blair County, to
cf lAIt IN it 11.-I.rEs, of Moclianie burg, Cumberland
On the 10th lost. to the M. P. Parsonage, he the Vey
.1. Cl. r It AY.- , Llr6nAuou, to Miss MARY
JA E Mrs: U FP. both ot'this county.
On the sth hn.t., by Roy, C. I'. Wing. A NOR litV T
DU U bIT J. MA ItLi N, both or Pittsbu
On Ihit I ith Intl., by the Rev. G. F, Ad tlnm,'Mr. DA
VII.) It. CA ILL, tu Maki EMMA MAURICE, both IJ f 3111 -
Ilu Towunhlp.
In this Borough on the 12th must. after a abort but
painful BI Lem, JOUN A. 111131/LIUB aged to etity-niuo
yen I,
" Tbarn'it mourning In the hourohold—
Tbero's a wall no Um air of night 1
There's a crushed and broken apirlt—
GruOlud when tbelnhopas were bright
The fell destroyer's missioned,
Agaliithu fond heart's torn,
Again, from tho arm production,
A cherished Maher Is borne."
In this Borough. on the 15th loot., Mr. JACOB PU EY
formerly of :Blvd Spring townsolp,.lo the 75th year of
his ago. •
In eolith 31Idd eton township, on Friday night last.
CATIIAIIIN I 2 13,1.1115R11N, lilt° of Mr. William
Cameron, in the .4 h year or her nue.
(1;p Attarlitts.
Reported weekly tor the Herald by
Woodward & Schmidt.
Carlisle Aug. 14, 1862.
4 76
2 60
1 18
1 10
AMOUR (Superfine)
do. (extra.) ..
do RYE ....
RED do
..... ......:,
DATS 0 LI) ......
New ithuertisenrientk.
NO*l ICE.—An election for Thirteen
Directors of thu Cumberland Valley Mutual Pio
toction Company, to sor ve OT the term of ono year, will
tin hold at the ll:TONN TA VlltN, in • Dickinson town-
Alp: Comb. Co., between - the., hours of 10 and on
Monday, Boptombor lstlBo2. JNO. T. GREEN
August 22,102,2 t. Soorelary.
J. id. Moalcierwill be a randidiite for the Office
of lotrict Atiorhfiy. subjuctid the decision of the
plo's.lThlon County Convention...
s s o OF 11AVE4117,
law* g permanently located s
.in - Carlisle,
give Ineiruetiona on the Violin end Plano.
Terme-Moderate. .Ordore left wltliA.l.l./theent, will
he promptly - attended to. • • .. -
Aug. 22, '432. , -7,1. cuo.
"itliiliititialon rharteredwith full collegiate pow
era to grant Dietemth end .confer Manna. wil f•OM
menre Its next Menlo,,. on 'MAI orday the 3d of Sep
rember next, w•th a full corps or ufilelent and experien
red Teachers.
rtudents should Cuter promptly at the pponlog 0f
stu I. nis arc minlred e•tend divine 8,0,1
cr cu 1.111 Nl l .l.ti , itt sodh chlirelt its MO , pareillS may
Indicate. For fut tiler pArticu addrt,
A. 1.1. MAU LATT,
Aug. V. 1802.-1 mo. Pre.ldent.
i =l° lLlLlCtollea t5493,141:3.
On SATURDAY September 13, 1b62.
rtIFI li: undersigned will offer at Public
B snot.. the ulinve ,11tv on the premises. situated
In Churchtown. Cumberland co , weitalnlng 107 feel In
front, and 150 In depth. more or toss. hounded OH the
east by %lain street, south by John Paul, north by a
public Alley and west by au alley, having the eon erec
ted a Two story Frame
~.x65 •
..,,,- ~ ,
..,-, • // 0 U 6 P. ,
~,7 4 :i ! lt .
~ .,:,,,,i . % w th,s,‘,,alt:iyent.,.,u,Ls.,toaryklr],t,t,c3k
Prunei :111ding,
Stable. Ito; 'mi. 11, II illse. wed other necessary out
buildines There in it well of water and a cistern cam
veniont to the hous3, and everything In couvonlent for
a 1 1 011 c !louse.
The altara property la very -valmthlmas It in the nelv
tavern In town. Persons wishinc to see the property
can do so by calling on the subscriber, who occupies
the same. Sale to commence at 11 Welted,. A Si .on hen
attendance will be given and terms mule known by
SAII kII A 1,1001117.
N Il —lf the above property is not sold on the clay
of wile. It will he offered for rent on the seine day at
public onto y. S. A. L. I
A unint, 22 14112 ---t. e. ,
rrlll4:liE will be exposed to sale, by
virtue of n dueler. of tin/. crrphans' C, urt of Cum
! or land 0/may. on THURSDAY and FRIDAY. the I ,, th
and lath of ru.pteloher. the following !eel estate
of John euntle. son.
The "Happy !Retreat , ' Farm,
situate in the township ot' Soul!, lllddli too, .dj,lffi ng
tine borough of earlisle. and which coo tails
tnoro or less. Time land is Limestone of the f,rFf qunlity
nod ill n high st to of rultivatfon, having heel) hed, ily
'hood nod under ,;nod fiIIIVII. Tho huff., ornents nre a
eoloand ous two shoy
with a well of water la the door,
s h elt never. Ht. hoge elegnot now 11.11(N. with Mirk Cistern in 01/.
N 11114.11,14 Cora Ht., ‘V iron Shed,
on •.1. h ,• 4 to the horn, 0114 all within role
time rle•le I lie , aid S:11101,011 10,1111 11t
ho our 11,1iv•d .11111(.0 tho said Faro, la , : Lon ff
C 01111 ,1 11 with 1115 P.ll Si,,, croon,. who will St4l
6i~ hall' nt the situ: lime
2 A Lot or (;round, ftiljoinitit, the
0:0 V•. ant aeparated from t ally by the runiberliiiiil
'Hey liattron4llllllTurnpii• o nound,.d hi the
ti e wil's Lane.
log 4 ii.••••ii nal 19 pin 3
The Krick 11111151 tutu lot adjoining
the farm, on the Turuiillso iv i,i. It rant 21i , , I a n• and
15 pinch, al/111 Up.. 11 Il bleb Iber, is a %1 ell ul. Ina er
'ftlt•=t, three ptititettlt, wili I.e tho fi‘ro, rp
Thttrtt,l.ty, ot t-eptt.ttilet, nt 11 o'clock,
A. AI.
4 'll le )INosion House of the ail
Smilloo , nn, in whit h he r• nt tho time
N•kr h lllttloser [
6,1110,1 In rhem wlitl •tro.i.t. I il...rt v , trust. .11.11 r
Luis, ft,' 7S feet in re.,,t and 2 0 i
fret in dopth. nit!, 11/1 aticl tie iebt fm's,,-
wver to dome-tie Om, go,
triqn ' , surer w,rks
5. Twelve sni:111 lot. in the 130r0n ,, 1i of
ntrlkle Nitllit atdLett et, the If arl and
1`..1 Vil, tillllo . ti. 0 . 101.1. Of N will bt, es hi I
hit..,l on the (Inv of al.•
I; A hit of rinlnli arij.iiiity,r the a ht)
amid 11 , M11 , t II•• •:unr and Ite.ll.•rdstleet eentinued,
/ , tuning shout 1 sore, moos m loss
The terms will be Ipmle kIIOW n On the ,'nv nl sal,. I y.
A W. lit ii llb ;TON.
A d..h❑ deo'd.
Ammst 1.. 18112—ts
1i virtue of an order of the ()riihani.'
) r'onr t. of etz,borlanol ...tunt .. liit. ttn,f,,..1,1.,,t.
Atltt.lok.ttntrht nf the e•tate 5.111110.1
'viii plthlie knit, it the 13te tit% ehit , v I,ltte of
the th•et,ti.e.i, on the I.t . t.titit•es. 4 , 11 TUE,11.11" . , t h e 2ttd
of Septtltither. ttf 11 tt'elitt.k, A. M..
The Mansion Earth
the said floes., it situate iu i‘lotirti whip,
bounded by land. of Clark . .1111.04 LINIIIq,L,II,
Christian eitit3 num. anti othtts. nnllanii tig
morn nr Inot. all of wItI•11 rs land of tbe (trot
nod hi.,•1113. intpr••vtl VaHost 01 . 00,
till'UU 'll 01.• N:11110 lionlir
1111 . 111S001. II iaril,o BUICK tool Sit t:stll
r. st ry /h use, a II.IN Ix 11111 N,
:4. .4,11•11' 110, , ,111•11, fors
nod 011 a• ••••.g.trs uulh ulltlitivg. This
stein Its nn of d Ity the itratwhosarat•k. thorn
toting 14 tomb nod p ••la. tt t; itopr•va mon is
the north side: nod 'lt /totem rod 17 laa thew. on ti,
south side N ithont floral alai titw. Ile, torts to
I.lreie • saparatai) or •;.telltor.atz d will he sold no the
0111110 Inlay Orton t• laire.
Thera 6.1,J1 On so d t4lllle t phrp a trot'
at tit tucl'A IN LIND o to, 3 1, att. 1 oillo u•ath • r
I nb nr 1110 to. nod s 'o. to t ,
w a•nd !taint; Tiott•••r upon It
Tvroat tatldu hoots ono the tiny ar s t I,
Adm'rx. of Z•ll11111101 Clni k, dir d
Executor's Sale of Va:uablo
EA ES7ir -
lATf 1,1, be 5t1 ( 1,,,t
pue on SA
TI.I:I,‘I. 2,11. 1 , 2 .rl,l - Color. if , h2. :it Q
~k A NI 1111 the pn wlee.s. the 1011., nog dcncnl.d
Rua! s
No 1. ,1 tract ot good Slate ',awl, sit
tinte In 'Nnrtil NI !Minion nn i ship. Curnlnntnnd
tv nit.ut noriti of lin thu ‘S avpmer's
lf,ntl :hint I,nnno nn S. bun 14,Tnin in. hi tti,(ltnl
of N t' Swiger. s.kinunl it 111 , ar.ti
u. hers, containitnt 0,1 11,1 ii penile, 1111-
pro 0n00,t,. u,c .i latgo two slur) Pills
a/a 6.1,1111 ;I 1.1:A 11 t. HAHN, l'4 wle t
Ai other 11,1, my Out.
114, r R buildigs. A INO, nn % pplo I looh
~n lof !roil.. two II ells of uster
near Lliit house. This p r pop ty
w.II ho st.ld In lon pep rata trarts. or LOgel her 10 puit
p. ••I,astos
No. 2, Contains -15 acres, til;:re or le•is,
about tine fourth if a tto
oile 'rt east of tract 30. I.
The Inihrovenields are a laid FRANI!, II I
nod ,iirlng !louse. ai 1, 11 or fr Wog t'pring Abut
3 area is in honinled by lands of Faint. IN a,
Lleory Alll rerwall 11,11/ Swig. r.
No 3, CO3itains about 1 O acres. a,]juin
lug tract No 2 The Imps vinnetits out a large ant ly
Fit A NH , : (' 11, 1)1 NG,
u - e ri a e a IVoollen Find ry. Tina tract ha well pelted
for a Tannery or Dintlikry. Theta aro a number of
fruit ti yen, a girl rirtion Is no ad. iv land, by
tract No. 2, and lan& of II• lir) A111,1,11/11 II and others
No 1, Contains about 7 "acres, adjoin
ing No 1. 'Tile luiproveronoin Ire two atory LUG
A awariii.rilini in meadow hind under anon!
(owe hour dud IV I' sin .er, 11131/ry A uakerinan and
the Cl...Ail:ulna "reel,
No 5 A tract of Mountain Imo!, about
3 .1111,en north of Oa Nlllll.llipn nc fur
roves, and - is eoveied with t'hrsuntt and (Ink timbrr.
L. 'II nde 1 1,3 lands of John Waggoner, kiln Brown /sod
otherv. •
No: 6, A tract of Mountain land, ad
.c.niti,ir tlu, iiboye trncl, COntaillit.g t 5 acres,
ere,l wit., C11..10110. loeith.l. n .d timber.
No 7, A . sliiiining the above tract, on
the spur the Moun Wu The NI Ogoolller's (hip mad through It. .t is covered 1%1 h young timber,
Chebt o tit a oil 1511, and
. e.ll BIN , 11. mere,
Terms loads known on (ho day of sale by
August 22. 1862—ts
/31 I,ique of an order of the Orphans'
Cont.! of Cumberland county. I will expose to pub
lic hale, CM the mends. H. et the late dwelling house of
Philip Han li n en. dee'd Franktord township on
sivrti IA DAY tho 20th of September. at 11 o'clock A , Al,
of the said deceased, bounded by lands of Leonard
Minieh, Adam I. uuntz, the heirs of Daniel Finkel:ll>hr
der, and others containing
more or less, hiving thereon erected a two story Frame
HUANG 110USPi, well finished. a
I. HANK PARN Wagon Shod, a good
"i Well of water fit tine doorand plenty
ri of running water that nevar fails.—
. .
Tho land is nearly all Olearodand un
der lone and a good quality of Slats Land, and about
a 'mils from Diller's Mill.
Also, it the same thno and place, a tract of MOUN—
TAIN LAND, a fow miles off. containing 10 acres. more
or less. well calculated to supply the farm with wood
.and ruffle. Turnie•hmdn.lcnopn on the day of sale by
Atlnfr. of Phllip.Daughman deO'd.
August 22, 1862 to
.• .Washing Machine and Wringer
hesubacriber has invented antris.ninv
manufacturing a new and superior Washing Ma
i M riiker attached, which he offers with en.
tire confidence trit,he Inspection of the public. • This
Machine is .impla in Ito construction and not liable to
dornmeenient, and will wash al) kinds of fabrics. when)
er !JAL or heavy, With equal facility, and in warranted
net to Injure the most delicate article, dolim..lffi work
rapidly. The Wringer is attached to the Washing Ma
chine, and is worked by a treddle, and is always sed
for einem henry or ligh t Thib Machine Is Bo
coustructedlthat the ,person washing' will stand in
nstuiiii position whilkf operating it. 'I ho combined
Machine in sold mucli 9 flionpor than any other now In
the nrirkot, and warranted to do its work well and
'rho public era respectfully Inv Itetto call and exam
hip the machine at the shop of •hn subscriber; In Lou
thor stract, east of ilifiloror, a for dbors.'esint-ot
ley's chair making establidliment, where'n machine in.
ntways In-operation. .0011 N b. L . ABII.
Carliolo Ail,rust'22. '62-2 uf
4 72
T ' Travellers. Trunks, Valises, Car.
pat INA Um6rollnn. ,to ~ of ovary deacrlntlnn and
largemt variety Sold at Livin o ston's North Hanover
g treat Clothing limporlunt. - 111%2 2.
Er.'r. of Ueo S w doe'd
it E A L EST \T E.
Nxr I L be sold at public sale, on
THURSDAY, the 11th day of 8E17101BI:1 . R,
1802, by - the Heirs of John 1101:o. derensed,Ante of
Hastpennsinno' township, Cumberiadd county, the fol
lowing valuable lien! Estate, viz:
No. 1. A trict of land in Enstpennsbnro' township. 6
miles west of tin' rbiburg and 3 !Mien north of 0! Slurs
Point. ndjoining lands or Levi Ilartzler, 800. Bowers,
Dr. Mug, and others. containing
112 Acres, more or less,
Ina high state of cultivation, having thereon erected a
good two story wentherhoirded and'
..7) , BARN, with ail nice :try Outbuildings.
an excollont Spring df running' water
• nen the house, over which is erected in
Sprung UMW.: - and running - winter through' the fields,
Also, an excnilent'Younrail GT chnicdfrult. About
•20 acres of the abOve tr ct thriving
' 'Chestnut
coVeted with thrivin'
'Chestnut and other tip er: Also, a
,Quarry of first'
rate Limestone, out or which. tho .whole of the above
tract was limed Persons wishing to view. this farm
ran do so by calling 'End 'Charles Zimmerman, residing '
No. 2. A tract ot ,land, situate in the same township,
and lying on' On t'otakloguintit creek, t mile south of
the shove tract. containing SIXTY ncres. mo 0 or less, ' .
under a hlglininto of cultivation, - adjoining
hinds of
Jacob ilreta, Joseph Hun tzherger,liithanuel 110113 and,
others, having thereon erootibi • '
• G
In good running ordeb: a two story' Fianna Vous° with'
basement, BANK liNftN, Spring flange, a Siring of
excellent reaming writer near the house, and all other
Outbuildings. Also, a
'Young Orchard of Choice Fruit..
Ten acres of this tract adjolneo. I,' and is covered
with thriving young Che s tnut imd other timber. Per
sine wishing to slow the' promises can do so by Calling p,
on D. MALL residing n lierttort
Sslu to vontinmeo at 10 o'clock on said day, when at
tendance will be kiven and.teruit made 1; lawn by ;he
&Mira • ' JOIANUEL 1101 Z,
. , .
1.862.- St
Patent I Hickok's Pato
1 1 '
: • ~,-.: '"" - 7 e Keystsne
• t p.; ; P - A , A..4 ---- _, -- 6 .,
~.1P ::tab, ..1 . ,
1 i
I___r_ "L - 1;,., E c 1 ovrm tu-
,VtO'Yi:,llll'l.^; '!`FY,.,--wcsT :FIT 11 '
~,v,...,44 —7,,wa1i,114, 7 , ,,
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fi, 1 I'l-y4J 4 - 7 - .5 , 51 , 1- 4 , N 41J ,
, .1,,,r..,..4,_.! r , 1...0
_ \'•,?\''\l,`‘tliAti e :::,7 P — A•rt , ,, , TII
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„,___-------Y " " •
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. - ‘,\•.1111 11 ; .rc '' ' '—'
1::..7--':',4i*:4-,;"` - . P ''' li',,V '---_,:.::!•-,;,42,C" '. • 1,1,.... ,
''..-7.,•:;" , I
i „
use and annoyed. This mill has nn superior in
the market. and is the only u.lll that will properly
grind 1/ raprs without breaking the seed
For sale by \V\l. :%IoItItISJN, \Vest Malu St Carlisle
August 22, 18112.-2 m
NEW FAMILY lift - Cl/CERA' A -- .!;D QUEENS-
ill FIE subscriber . has lately entirely re
and refitted the old idand on the ourner of
Ilattover and Lout her Stre 15. erns', lately orrtipled
dy l; Ilit)ett. and is now prep red to ( urninh hie
old friends and the pu hlle. wli t everything that is
nice, now and IreBl4. le the Wily of
Family Groceries,
Ills stork is Ittrze and selected with the, greatest pro
and will ha sold at the leweet itri.‘•es liar rash. It
ists, in part f old liovprionent .Una CtiFt•l:E
Primo Rot do. I'd MP Ilia heasted.
York. lt,ton,:tud l'hiladelpldd Sy
ron.. of very hot
It Noll'N SIIU A RS.— rho hest the market alToldg.-
I.oeerlnd's I,•St C 11,11,1. Sand, and Fill eon it.ed Stnznrs
Also, 111,1 A Ii and Sin,nirg n Welt eannot I, our
iensed, nnd n.: the lime In nose here for lorekervine, lit
die.- will pled, _lce Idol a roll nil evnnine for ihem-
Indye.. All • , PICF.S are ni the purest and Leal va
flotii, No htnnlnn.; nhont (hem
Nice, Corn S nrrh'F rrion.l),lndolino Coffee, Essonee
or Cuffor, C'norentr ai,3d I.yr, S,np. &r.
A litr, nod %roll 501001.04 of the 1 or,. ii it—
terns :mil stv ry than er, and intro
in quality• than WaSirr r0n,...d e
CHI! in ri see IV, rr lon :111(i 5‘ Ml,' 1 , 111 h I'll he
:mil Churns iti,kot.i 1 , 1,V 11,,,1pti,.;
Chit lrrn'F I' It 11. i-tooonnr o . ("rosin lint.-
r.,11 'A'Ii,C LI .;11:q .111 514,
›z_6l No.
A I,r ,•qu ,Itti Lk. I thr et•lrd.r t,•d Eecchl.r
Sll.T•lry the Sw•lc. thlry II Id it .k Snit.
Th.. 011. 01,1,1 I.v t 110 p
h .r..t.ffirorp e. If•ei , lo.l h. hill, y hip th.. [ No,
ii , , sptc , f,4ll, k l'•• t . l “Nzl.ll',•o
th , • I,.:•t!er ul 11:111ovvr
I <mill, -13.,•••rt
Jul, II 1" , .2., .1 it IIILhh:IC I'
HEEQR ------- --- -- ---- -- -IS
V E t
> Q 1 . _ _ Lit ILis 9/
1 P --
,' 4 -?, --'- - ' SEWING
' ',,--.,. • - -'
, , 0 , ,e,Ggiw
., /: , iit Or
V 7 . ' It
04.4.1 .;,- litUfilL
~.4,....., . ....,___-.., ,_
I(I , ;DUCNAD Pit IC 14. S
Thiq ma,hitp.• m.t kin lA., I a r ia ~;• h
eq aissons , fel I,t writs. ititoieti, tatuty nod
Holly,. of the stitrhin t r whim dom.. sod
the t, ide riiioza of it. Report or An
esti 1 ottirwto New
IVli—elor mr, Sowl•of llvrhtnr is s iup ed to
fotoily stiwi on. The Lock ioh nook. lay
ilikort.•llitio 'Mot presenting thin same
-41)1w ,
:11,114, oi,si niacin sidle of the
. . .
I In. machine Is recommend° 1 or !he foll•vire,r,inAll
tie•: !Wanly and eAseullenre ori.ll.l‘ npn t ooef, n d,. of
lAlprie synod. strength. firmness 01,111
hat 51 ill mid rim n rAvAI. And InAdo with 11i
thread arnl thrn nnehness of e..nst ear ti m.
et., Ili 19;1,10 and nenatgetllellt 11 1 / 1 .1 quiet
nes, of inAvenhyll.
•5 m i,ijiuen in worn SOI the wear
ISO he the ten lilt :root on nlliPintorerA 11l thin num
b, lA,; S, 11: the ml 11;,11 m tunilatetuTe,
1 ,, -IA2 er one hall , d'nll sal 111 urine the v-or
PrltAel ,F , l", And trpn - Ands A:d`nrdldnz to - nnhdi: At I
rhio, wArrant...l tm J their nnk , m inl
Vlllllll AL Ito Itallr Ild IMinn. All inquiries
arnovere.lJ. GA)] PREI.J. Agent
-1,1.. .1 'no 2; -dim. •
W:\ NT EI). Ni rie Tea eliers• to take
rtiar, of ihn sehools in Nll,ltllesex Distri, t.
Ti, t 4 tiporintentinnt. will Int
1,14 at \11,1,1:r sea hort-oTunnday the ith.
J 111.1,I• 1t. 2
(ers ”1 . .\ ditiiiii , tratimi \sere Issued
in.cpil orrel Inte cf
o.•l,lu,ohvp by i:1131i county to
Lhi• 1/, LP Iho ...1111N iltxr, All Inn
n.not isnwn ,ng ,hc 1144n,t1,0 inunodutto
pa) in n•wt t Davi", c'aitn. , will pr,c.l. 'hula
s , •ttlooi•ol to C 11.11: IN I.: lk)Itlt Err
I 1 Nt)TICE --I(ct4trs (.1 Ad
mi(.1•((.(ai(.1..,,, the oslote Samuel S rownell,
h.os o I.eori oraotod In.
lha Itozh-1,1 nt (luoil , er:optl coooty. to Clio ti.l..rsi.lited
re , l.llmx in Ow nam ph. e All pe goom ktimoloo thou,
su.ves lodel-to t void me still make horn -.11-tte ply•
moot. and It, .so ill proisent, thou, prop
erly auLtioutlo.l.o.l for NO.(1E:oleo! I.
AnPg 15 —6t
r 1 1 1( I , ', next ter,u ()pens Thursday, Au
-1 guqt The Law Department under ilierhar6o
II Judge Graham, opens ehursda), llih Srp oinher.
11. M. Jl/11. 1 ,b0N.
August S. 10f42—_^,t
r 1 1 1 4 ::\(' 11 W A N"l' I).—Firtern
Tea. , lle .. wanted to take charge of the ,chnols of
11 en' ',shop ' tr , A o,,ltip to. Ulf' tortll of Cix 111.111t11 , ,
to oil 1 1011111) ••f ,ept ntnher 11,01
0x0n,i,,,,t too of te.o.lo•r. II be Kehl at .7 re.. 1.11; Ori
Thr.da,. the '..l•th ~f A 11111• II time the
.ei a .l n a ill be given nut 'I he INa eelors meet at 8 o'.
dock , .1. Ily 1.. 4,11 ..I the th.yirti.
WU U I/ IVI f/S,rc Seet'y.
Mount Flock Spring, Aug. 1, 1 , 11-. —4t.
nosed le Young Ladies' Siminary
Cl/A3lJ3EltSUtilitl, lAA
next. es , iun will counnenee un-
Yder lavorahlo rrr••um•t:n,r••n ou'l'u , • the 2,1
'l'h•• te•dc•livra asa-LIII, are•ut,re
trn•d aldllty. tha y , •ar recently eln•nd 1)111.14 , aunu•atly
or ‘ved satlnfac t—ry In Okla n• tit tho
t.el. .1. (hr r,rillnr. lu the Gaudin;; ,h•pnr Unaol a 111
he (hand .1.11 4, ilia la,t, and tl,• Prinelind olptlt.t . t.s
vicery Iltonllllll iu• ,• .•n.nry to pr, in• happiness and
voinflnt at Ulnae tlnd n h 'int. 'ruder his ,Ire.
'Lev. KY It
.lab• 11.
r II E subscriber “ffers at private sale,
the follom lug described Ild l t , Sit tutted in
:hirnmnn wt we. on the k..uniburand Valley hall r• ud t
Cumberland county. Pe
The building is n nvn story BRICK
2"1 , 111 W:qt .ith Bari:building, Stable,
'it Ali; 4
I:nrrimite House, and all ether nee,
sir tart outbnildin4,. The lot Is about
45 feet trout and retir,o, ttcll or gum!
water. in ate a pumpi E l - is connected Willi the house
and a gond arched cell' ',Under It.
Thu flown, to south! talkilated for a Storeand iltrolllug
House having a large and Convenient Store Boom on
the Ilr.t door.
Pomons desirous of viewing premises. ran do sr,
by calling on tie subscriber residing at ebirumanstown.
Me terms, which are easy, will also be made known on
application to e. M. MTN
Augu'st 0, 1662-6L4
eqs.rgliMl4Ai 1
.. . : .
4- M' . .'• ''.. ' • --- ,
&To . _NIEIiVA:44 , ..:-, - , - ..:-.3.1! ' .wit;•=4... , 4 ... '. ;
. i .--.. i
S U 31)1111 IL _AR RAN (11131 ENT. .
RE A T Trunk Lime fioln the Noiqk
and North West for PtilludrifAin;•Naw York, Read,
log. Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, &a.
Trains Nave Hari isburg Mr Philatlalphia, Now York,
Reading, Pottsville, and all intermediate stations, at d-
A. M.. and 140 P "1.
Now York Exprerri luiven Harrisburg at 1.25 A..SL,
arriving at Now York at 8 25 the sumo morning.
Fares from Ilarriaburg: To Now York $5,410, to Plii/a
&Apt] la $3 *26 and $2,7!), Baggage checked through
Returning, leave Now York at B'A. M , 12 Noon, arid
8 I'. M.. (Pittsburg ExiiresB). Leave Philadelphia at 8
A. M . and 3 15 P. M.
rUITIE subscriber having bcep qppointed
I by the Well known liar Claim :firm of [[arrows,
od .0 Co.. of {}'ash's coon, C, air-their Agent fi•r
Cumberland county. and h,vhig all the necessary forms
for the prop••r Cerro tinents. I ant now prepare! to
proeuro for the friends of deceased soldiers. file Can
II in liitEri ' 1101.0118 Routine and hacl pay duo them.--
t l'olisieno for wounded or ObtattlPOl Foldiero. I will
!lig , / 010 ir,inpt and careful attention to Ohs adjust
ment and eolleetlon of all claims arattist the Covent
men 1. 1,111,11 by the present war. of eiory kind, large
~r ,nlll I having a legal or equitable ibitodat ion. It is
important that persons harimcjust claims should pre
., t their a 1.1.1 I,atlonit at the earliest day prod icalllo,
claims are nibd in the order in Which they ore filed.
Nly 1 , 11 lIITtIon at Wa4lngton gives me great adven
ta•s.•B lu procuring the settlement of claims promptly.
)Iy 101 l e ‘4l llbe lo per root on the amount /Ole, ed.
ibo ernment. cud no feu nlll Lo chareed until that
Is p•ud. JANIEd
I refer by purtuissi oi to the following gentlemen
1i0n..1. Ii •.rab:un, lien F. Watts, Wm 11. Miller,
Dr..l it. Irvine. l'arllsle.
A O. 3111Ior, Cml , John McCurdy, Isq., Shippons
NETN'L 1852. aTUN.£ 1862-
EiDicH, & 3111,LER,
\kin reel. re 9 el fully e.lll the ettention
el t.e v.p.”1.111y TAP , !,v their /.1;‘ ,
ditiJu u.
rc.f•e1,1.,1, ~mprishlz the v allow+ ribrirs snitshie
1.. r t 1.12 t,t Dli ES6 (JUJUS of every vn.iffip
tt , I
tont tot tl. ttl Filk 'ttltrttett. Nittntlett, Lyre
lot I' Frdltt•lt Itorttouts, ,ttatvltt 01 .it kludo. ,111/
d dr , it ,t,t,o, tits •to ILttn, It.lbbotto,
Euthrolderho s 111.siloy. Whit" Hoo t lA 4.1 trvery d.+foip
t,OO. H op .HO3l, llu Ferret's ttn , l Chispesl
s.t frt. .ih• the EndrAut, Haglt•too C o aled
Mon's And Hoy's light
Prstish I , lsf Pantiliss, Cot tonstles
/Inv] no ihu servivss of s first class 'rallol. use are pr. , -
pars I to silks up (loud, ut short hutice and Most o,if
ophtildu sf
, f all land: lu ',my large supply.. 11l \L•e(lings.
Looking I; tdind, nil kinds of 'Tonto. Nuttlshing leinllentir Ihnuls In litartenke quantities.
I'Vent, call and exatninv and salli.fy yourseli. re. 11
halo the newt. largest., t.hettp.kt, most drbirAttly stuc•lc ul
tiouds grits cor,u..i in Critlit.ll..
Juno II 1411_'
\V-M PEN It()SE, Attorlley at Law.
9 .alic.; iu Ithoem's rinll. prufesslomil
111•8, 1 , 1 , 1,1 pt I nttelidtKl tu.
Fobt uvrr2l. IStr2
t'k u i.:iw [}6r isle. Pa. A fiends to verurim; and ~.0 1
I 1,111., l'a v. 11 ..untk.s. and l'enniona.
on Situ h Ila ' , Over Street, opp.taito Ltentz'., store.
Der... 7.1861
• I.ur milieu M. Penrose, In Ithecan'e
M. \ E .1K I, t t ornky at pi w.
. Intim. no South !lanover tq t rel4,:ttiltrostter Writ z
tory totot, ~tore All ortroe4Lutal bushiesa entrusted
to hittt ea I 1 e 11 , 01.1141) attended te.
A 11r C.l It —11 A LES E. A -
, n,11;,:111.1 S, Attorney et Law, Ofilee iu
onitoalle the 31arket, Iloueo.
Carted, .11,,re1l 14 'ot/ ly
F()I.JI.Ic, Attorney :it 1.:0, 11 1
j e .1 , 11 .1. li. Smith, lw I,lleurn's /kn.
Ail lito.lllvhs eutusled to Wm wfll hu pottiptl3
tuud,•l to.
P. El U.NIRICII,Attoruey at Law.
C s —oni,,, on North Hanover street, t, few doors
smith of tllass' I All busin too entrusted to him
Will be promptly Attended to. ru [April 15.
At' I - 1 rt. GILURGN S. SEA
• LYRIC/11T, DENTIST, from the Hal
▪ timm e Colle g e of Dent's! Surgery.
ied o f i o
r hls .
mother, Eant Louthez
street.three e t t t
d 8 ,5 beio
GEo. w. NEwiqii, D. D. s.—
Lite Dernonstralor ;.r "peta , lve Dentistry to the
..oct o s r u e rge t r :;ll ege of Office at his residence,
• •• • • •
• ost Main street, Carlisle, Penn
uproxiti• tlai
Nor. 11.1867.
II A. V ING tiALOON —(laving fitted
I,_7ap In the t ry best stvlo. th. r• ma In (Ira nor
sent onnr to A. L. Sponskir'A tall., 1
pared p, al vu my Laninsial .itteatinos In all win. ma,
honor me 01111 nckl L. I Ala) roost hotly o au •pliso
with (amulets., and polite hathlaand shall sp tttaln
to sire gensral ,ti.aavtinh. I oish to omplo a gnn
la•ta'nen 14 awl 17 years oil. Apply innunnliat.o )
' . M
U. J. YKit
1852. SPRING. 1862.
\AC LIVINGSTON now of ono
of toe teed. and most attractive assortments oi
timer 000,1 s et or exhlbitiedliillhls Unice Ii F
Flea and Bop' wear,
,d every style, quality nod price, and Is continually re
c.•l Ong :tmlitions as the allitBoll advancer, of all the
latte.t novelties and ,tyles to stilt all riatitate•
tier stock Oi Dl' C OTLIIMI, all our own
not nufacture, cannot Ito excelletif'l
of every variety tii suit the season. taste, and pociset.
All we want In a call and see for yourselves at
North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium.
N. It. •11 goods bought irom ea by the piece cr yere,
by herons wishing to huve it out to measure. can be
accommodate.' lieu of charge.
Carlisle, May 1 1882.
' The Commissioners of Cumberland county, will
reedy° 'proposals for tt loan at TwooLy -Thourtmt-bol
tire, for which the bends of the county will bu-gi sun
in sums not lase than Ono Il undrid Dollars. payable in
one and two yeArF will interest, at sig - per cent. per at,
num This loin be m nin to.enable thu Commisolomos
`• to par a bounty ot Fifty Donate Ter 'man to any sot
dim• who shall Join companiela raised in Cumborland
e Jun ty. or campanius from sold county, now In ti/0
vice of the United .dies." as recommonded by, u meet
lug of the citizens of sold county, hold ut the Court
House, In Carlisle, on the 211th of July, 1362
OEO MILLER, 'Coann'rs'
M. , IWST,
A Cost --J. A eporaogo, Clerk. '
August 1, 1862-Im.
Agi Tuviipits WANTED.
The Board of Directors of,Sliver Spring tap ., mutts
12 touchers, 10 untie cud 2 'female. Exculloatlou to ha
held on Slondity, Aug. 20.1862
Hay Elevators, Hopes and Polly%
AF ULL — assortment of tiles° season
nbfe. articles . ill' Btu° and Wl': o ,011EAP with
au endless assortmeet of rot kA Wee; sat
Shbvele, &p., of
the beat maim and meet approved patterna. 'For sate'
at the store of JOHN L. LYN 1: 4 BON; North Ilanover
strout, Cal,rll4lu. 0 , • Juuo 6,'62
-4 . . .
r• . Lat'ars of adrulli strailon on the °stain o.f.,Abra•
ant nloinlyoor, lido of .51snme township, do.'d., 114,t)
boon grantod by the' itogi4ter be OUmborlund county,
to Imo nutiorslgnod'yesland in the sumo township. All
porsons knowing them Lib- x WEI Atud to said estate will
t'AolAo immud'ntn pal)mnof, ana - .thoso Oaring chtins
will proiatut . Gunn ,properly outbontiratod for rettio
mout - to -' ' • • - ABRAHAM. GOODYEAR,
01111 ,:rernhhen,"Turpehtine. We Invite the RUN'.
tton'or the nubile to our duporior Tint
up exertisively In Tin pale& and warranted to be eupe
rior to any dt,her 'manna cold In tide market, 'A great
variety oreolore of the bept.qualitleil and sellingut tho
' , meet KIM Julio P. I..yzaViiinee, North 'llannver
street, Carlisle. JIM) d '6g.
Sieephig ears in the New York Blip essTrains,thiosigh
to end from Pittsburg wi bout rhance.
Passengers by the Catawlasa lieliread leave Not
Clinton at 4 45 A M , for Philadelphia andrill !lacono
dlate Stations: end nt :LIM P.M., fur Philadelphia, New
York and all Way Points.
Trains leave Pottsville al 9 A. M.. and 2.15 P. M., tor
Philo&iphin and New York; and at 630 P. NI., for Au•
burn and Port Clinton only. connecting:tor Pine Grove
and with tbr Catawissa Railroad.
An A emennualatien Passel; er Train leaven Reading
at 6 A. M., and returna from Phlladoltibia at 5 P. M.
All the MhoYe train-run daily. Sundare excepted.
A Sunday train lenv a Pottavilla at 1 3) A. 31 , and
Phila lel phi, at 3 IS P. M.
Cult...tat Inn. Mileage, Selligtn. and Exeureloo Tick.
eta; at - reduced ratnntrrand - faren - 7111 - 1161titn. -
(1. A. NICOLLS . , - 4..loueral t14)1.
L Ii turnwin. Eon , John O. Dunlap, IlechnnicsLurg
win I prgnS. ..1 . Lower Allem.
n ,th 1. 1.F.1 Newl.nrx.
It n. (Ir:trey w, I n.. It.tokers,
N.vt . )Ins 9..
Dress Trimmings,
Zustite:s6 earim
J. WILLIA NIS..No. 10 North 6th
ifi e Street, Philadelphia, Nanufactyrer of
The largest and finest assortme , t In the city. at the
lowest prices. Blinds painted and trhanned equal to
now, Store Shades , outdo nod lettered.
pril 18,1862-2 m
Near the National hotel, and two squares from
the Railroad Depot,
Room and Board. per d y.
Bonin e'en o, per day ......
Meals. each .......... ......... ...........
Lodgine, It tho room to vacated by 7 n
Otherwise it will be considered by the tiny
The ICINIMELL HOUSE is newly and elegantly tur
niShoti, end in every rorpect a first class Hotel I
Invite Cho public to call 11.1111 examine
A. F. KIMMELL Proprietor.
Oct. 11. 1861. t f
pa d Breath,
Sore Mouths,
Diseased Bleeding Gums,
Nursing Sore Month,
ALND the best specific now in use for
AN V diF.Seli eonditiou st the mouth. IL Is
particularly henelirhil to perFonq Wearing
completely Jest rosinc, every taint of the mouth, al,
corlAng anti reinovi OR ail imptlrltles. Incur iv,.
A SW EE'l' BREA Tl-1
to nil who Innke uvo• or it. 'o YouNu Lent or YOUNO
11LNILV.110( Who iv :11111, rd with it
ormid debty ti.t . it It zi certain
rtiry, nlid is apploved analrvemninenLiod by cvvry play
Firlan uoder whiaie tiot.ce It Int, byre I,rou.zht
USE Dr. wet 13 11LIRLI.S 310U7'11 WASII
Promarol at Dr. Ilimb's Dental Oflleo, Nu 77 Fourth
Street. ISn rolayu, h 11.
LG-:?,` - Priee 37 Cents per Bottle. -Ki:4
A IVeral li.eount made ti 11,1:4.,.
Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings,
No, 1 Spr,oe Street, New York
Sold In 1'1,11.144.1phi, I n Dyntl. 2:12 North 2d
Street: 11 S. Ilubb • /I, Itlo Clteataut Arret; Ity nil
DiZ. WI 1, IA A 31 B. II tin D'S
'l'ool'll W D ER!
This l'oeztler f p the
TIIE I NJUIt kitC(, L and
I- fie, finnn nl. et An .o.en that ell) in the I
i • jlIn • thnTeet.i) / 4111 h ely meriaz, j kal
— l.ll4llllff Withent wearintr. the "11111111•1.
Dr. Wm. B. third's Tootle l'owder
r. ,, t0.ne11.1,1 113. II
l'itinated at lit. • Deti No. 77 Fourth
Strui•t, Itrino.l3 n.
ra — Price 25 Cents per Box. --. OLI
A liborll to,tdo to dietl,o,
Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings,
No. 1 epruce Street, Now York.
5.,1d.1.0 Lv Caw.vell. A: CI, hilt': 1% ottur
N 1. ootl linv.ton. 715 itr,i ; L. S. Isar uvw , 11 , 2
I:s..adway. 111
Fur Cure of rooMoclie,
Pro•lttqd by ilerv..s It Is pal th•obtrly ndnlrtid
to all vit•tes orelltltlrt•tl mtlit,t.•ll wirh TOO I'llAt'll
. .
Puree is I'3ll roliove tl.nAplivestwul that
wk,ritiess cAu.ed I.y
and tbeit ehil hen fruit great sof - Feting I, lontring a
Foul° of 14. 11"itt 11 1:1:1/6 trouT t i A 11 it;o tits i tt 0, 0
Pei:pared:lL hr. Flora's petit:ll 011ie°, No 77 Fourth
Instroklytt, ht. 11
pq.• I , 'ri(e; wily 12 Cents I . wr Butt'‘,
A liln•rril dl>cOOfl6 madl• to (11'114,,
Address Pt ineipal Office, Trißuito Buildings,
No. 1 SiJi•tico beet, NfiW York
0 1 / 1 in l'lnlnb•lpllia. by Dina 4 V.. 242 North 2FI
6treet: U. :4. II übbell, 141 u tillentnut tilrout; and lou
Oit TmiTll l'lt in ci I) lIV l'11):1)4
IM A col
They act , Tiho-.(13 , 111, and tire•-pe•rh•rt}r hnnnlrsv In
Iheir lott are; do. ❑.. L proclut a h leut o uu
u•eph•a:nut result
Dr. Wm. B. Hur 's Neuralgia Plasters
nuvor roil to Kiro satlAwtlon to oil, ) Lui . their
Prepared at Dr. Ilurtra Dental Oftleo, No. 77 Fourth
Street, hroold) ❑, E. D.
Price, oily 15 Cents Eat:h.—Oa
A Wreral discount tuttclo to desiere.
Address Piiacipal Office, Tribune Buidings,
No 1 Space Street, New York
Soil in Pidlad , lphia, I,p 1), Co, '2,30. North 2d
6tre..i.: u. 5.1101,1001. 14.0 ' hestuut,.ut; and by oil
ZiQTICE.—We ore dell y recoolvirit inters to wend by
mail one tir more' f Dr. 11111(1's i , ,101.1
WIOOII on e mina till. N•illt! ore mailalom a nett the
Neurrolgrai Plaster. which Ie trend ill on tutu tope ort re
reipt tf Lin' prk 0 (Ifotromto )nitt:l one st uup 11.4 i to it,
cantimodate pet sees in 'lime,. wroen e l,h,.
storiekeeper-00, loehinol the mss, We have. pot up pack
ages in w tale trinloos-eil too. neven ironies loi tour,
l i fillipartmettis—,,ell hex containing both. oit
Dr Hurd s 1!11111 11 II ash. anti I ouch Arlie loroino. n Pox
0 1 'I u•th ler oder, !leo Noural,lit Powder. a sormilmo
'!remise on 'I eeth and their Diseases, t In' I, er.t,
ur pr.:Prying them Ind the proper treetnier.t or
hl.tiriou'e Teeth, W. , 1 . 111 of Itsult the enure c .1. to
every young wan ror nollll-11. .or parents with 3 ouuv
rhildreil, with smith . , other necessary articles. prem.
per ptexot/•, I nu olorlor ur six paesogus nor sent by
expo:n.4 as directed. As explorer; charges aro not
much II oily more on a doge, Ilion On oils, it is tor
cheaper to order six or a domes p".1w04 rot one
A large family will wont all. o-r tiro surplus Col, hr ilk
p of to neigh', rot with pa Idle het" lit, tor no iota:eon
estimator Inca miner pain, imlT•eing. unhappiness. end
disfigurement, i•xpeirso. I. Ss 01 trine and money would
loot soled an the count; V. it e tory cash, to-by tail 0110
f therm paelmgen, whieh, in luelf. i•• a complete sett 01
Dental Itemediett. 11 or II Ilium& 1,i9, / Triton ne
Builtllnge, Now York, and ings, writ or name Alit edam.
plainly. That retnirtartres moo tie mode with eitefi
drove. W 11. li. A Co. ro Pr to. the %tom° of Brooklt .
cal. W. Udall h. Preeldent of the Formers and CM
zon'S hank, Brooklyn: 1' the Editors of the A merles)]
tape❑ Hazel to; to ,toy, Coe & Co., Pal•lishers'
Agents. New.Yroi ; in P. 'l', Barnum, lolsq , whn knows
a 'good thing when be seer; It and who has already or
tiered a second supply. etc
To hitt—duce-Dr. II ard'o Dental 'tentedles into erery
county. Men ur wuou•n who want to mak , money
quieltley. can du better with these articles than any
thing in market. They are new, useful, low priced,
and we nye open ling thousands in advertising them
for the lionefittif Agent,. Boxes of samples, containing
a dozen of the sue dollar packages above specified. with
circulars, will be sent. on receipt of seven (1011111'X, about
halt' price. to any person wiehnig to test his or her skill
in ...fling, with a view of bevi r iniing au Agent. We
w old rather pay salaries than Commissions to those
who prove ihemseives oth viola SilleSillen.
Now Is the timo Loon Into the business. For addl.°,
and reforence,sue above.
Interesting To Farmers.
It_JOHN P. LYNE & SON, have just
received a large lot of those celebrated SCYTHES,
made expressly ior their own sales. which have always .
given on tine sata.faction to all who have used thom..—
, Yen that want a k .en cutting and easy running Scythe,
wo would say try one of their superior make We have
also a full stock of Snaths, Whot Stones. •tc. Hakes of
Christ Myers' and other celebrated makes. Grain Cra•
dies of all the best makes in the cowry, with a full
stock of all kinds of Tools and Implements for Farmer's
use. All of which waive selling cheap at our stare in
North Hanover street ' .
Carlisle, Juno 0,1802. .
Letoft Forge at Private Sale.
CI ITU Aral'on East Main Street, in tho
Borough of carlisle. :The entire estubibibment,
consieting or Forgo, Illackarolth Shop and Ware House,
with inachltiory and fixtures in the boat possible order,
is private f4llio. A thriving_ Int:duces Is now
prosecuted, and Is dully Increasing. A fine opportuni.
ty Is tam presented to any person desiring : to engage
in the business, the locution being decidedly thu best
'our 'vicinity affords.
For terms and further particulars enquire of
ky Just received a largo asr:ortutent,of all sties.—
011ie Italtliuc;OUtri llewe, Sum Pa•ltipg; &c., and OF
sale cheap at the I.l . urdwitre Store of
.11116 '22; 1860.'" SAXTON
f I'll 131 TN ER, J Attorney at
t Liw and Surveyor. Meehanicahurm Pa. omue on
thdi !toad' Street 4.w0 gn. , ra north'of the jlan k.
..41 , ,pRainead-iirequitlY attended. •
811.PETLNO.S,' e
—Just received qt
COGIL131"8 asap Cash Stara, a new storle of Car.
potings, Drugets and Moor Ca Cloths, which will 'be
sold at very low figures. •
tpleaso call and exuailpv tbo stook. ,
Carlisle. Oct. 26, 18 t..' . •
M.. m EN 17, ER..--PH.Y8.1.0 lAN &
.• 1 . 1U1a111:0,1. btu' removed Ids office—to Pouth.
.Ilsnov . er street. dlre4ti °ppm , ' to Ban to's store. All pa,
..tlon to entrusted to fds ruro t either ftuor town to. coup.
*lll bo promptly atteudoil to;
b!0v.1.6,, 1861.'
i. 00
1 00
at whole‘ale “1141 r,,tail.. a. , nd fluality M, fine 10. 44
wide 1.2! Alin, 54. 4. 104. 11-1. 12.1 at corresponding
prireq. , All Lind. EA k IDS In large supply et
eilliee , l g—Tfrking, Stripra. Check, iii Wino.
ilritlitir,,tt• II Di 11.1, &• ,
Or Linen tloode .l
:01 !nd.. T., , ,1e •htiellngs, Linen Diaper, Nap,
I,llls, Muting Shirt h routs. l i ollarit. et the old
prire,t. %%lute tbole, all kinds. at old prig..-
Shs , rl.3 Emhroi lone+, 9e , 'Flop Skirt, from th
fiet.Fry. Bno :di-srg. 'Ten's and Buy'
11 , 1: 4 E, to 24. :11c11'm and fioy's ‘Scar—
all ernle. Feiner I'mssl,lll,l,, latest Styles, Vextillp
itio , •ts Col,totindes. ke.. lint rig toured
the servesit first elss, We are 1,,
up CI. thiug, la the wont I.,hionpiolostylu at short
Wo are rereisliir our Spring supply ill'arpets.comprlia
i nr all tho vnrious kinds kl • pt, In it Ihst Carpet
House. Carpets ranging in price Irvin 12!.6 to 1 2.5.-
1111 Cliiths. all aidtbs. Mattings, Looking Glasses.
Shades and blinds tirall kinds Ipon lbs Carnet Chun. Feathers: otten Ita t tine; Contitiiipanes. ,Ac
Al, the aline„ g,ionls omi name td.ilt,q. too offer to
pun Vhl , o - . 111 a annul its Inge a6Lvn gst. Malt el
Dress Vac, it. taint it,. Fu ca. less than flint cost
We am rtormi tied not to lie uncloisuld. Please cniland
0,1” , 11113 our iiiitinnicestiick.
119' Vu wt l i urtk.• add Ith", of New Co./dans the sea
8011HtiVALICO9. All Goods warranted to be what we set
A Superior Limestone Farm For
A c Limestone farm elf the best quality
onto in l tot! !tout 240 ur '245 arms la tarred for Holtt.
inn productst last car ItsS) bushu:s of witrat,
acid lamp" gun n titles 01 runt and oats,
Titers ors exceltunt Itarrurstostits on Ito (Arne, rnnsist
itt, of II little ir/U.r, ,) Psi irtru. a lea pro and corn
ot IL silt in, Lou-, Italto uvott. ott•I Goad muter 'tear the
tit.ttr Ott ths lcurttott n Side t f tht• fit 111 to I orated ZI
times:mut Itulge pc, tet•ltt,./. tit" crop. In m tbs sluts
and curt isltict.z bust 11ntestotitt for Hum Tlturs
arts atuut lOU att.r, &wired and tst -isrilY(.,4ll wit It
tun's, 't tt lc Jo+. tut,. limit,: tit., 1:11 . 111 1,411.1111 prO
rill,' 11/ (Hi IPUAIII.I. It can c tuveniently Ice
d tt Nis! I nit, two farms.
The farm lies in lif,,liern i township, thu tidiest anfri
cuitunti setihnment in Perry County:A - bett n
Siit . nitnn I d r lug
no ma e.
Far partfrulars rail upon or address lho Undersigned
who will iitltt,er all iuquirh,:f:
April 4, lbli2.
TACOB SENEIt'S Boot k Shoo Store
II Ir,f been rein,red next door to Piper s 'Book Star.
nod opp , site the Chinherined Valley hank.
Grand bargains
now olTyred nt : 4 ener'n Cm at, mat and Silo,. Star o
Niring Arri v I l 01 IVelo 13 , iots (C: Shoes
F ,,,,.,,.,,, , ,, , i,,,t,i ri: rd i:i i 1 ii i i , i ,„. l , i , a n il l j
, t , i ii rt t h ri
: t i
i n . r . t e l . : i t l e t n r . a i T o I ' a ti ri l
d l -
, ass, tinenit of iiniiiii•inen'n and La
diem' hues, NI uti's rail 13.. y ti' Ito it'll. ,hoew and
lin 1),1118. II un's and [kip: Walking 1,11 , err, Calf, I 'atoDr.
I.l.athiir ni d Cloth
ire' Ott° II Boots. Brilmoral anti Lace Boots (I,
t,r.. Buskilis and Kid Slippers, Misses and Children'
Boots nod tlhocs. Carpet Bars Tru ulss, Umbrellas, Ste
a Inch will to sold low kr Cash.
Purehlt , er: aro invited to 7,11 and extonlnenur9tock
they oil, find that In linkm and quality It nil! et.nipetk
with "tic shoe store In the 111.11 . 0. at ILO NOW Stor
Icoom next door to Pilweh Book Store.
CArlislo April 11. 18112-6111
The Cenfespions and Experience o
. •:
an Invalid.
DUBLISIIEI) Ihr the benefit and as a
warnlnz and a caution to young men Oho suffer
Iron Nervous Debility, Premature Remy, .5r.; supply
intc at the same time the means of Self ewe. Ily one
who non eured him elf after being put to great expense
throuvh medieal Imposition and quackery. Ily ouch..
shot It post paid addressed envelope. single copies may
ha had of the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq..,
Medford, Kings Co.. N. I',
March 14, Iso2—ly
eiRAAVI) . OIID CU., Wholesale and
V./Retail (lines and Curled hair lfarebouse; No. 21
South 7th String ' Philadelphia.' (flue. Sand and Ewe
ry Vapor. Hillery Cloth. How Hide Whips, and Curled
(lair at the lowest prices. Order. solicited by wall and
6atistaction guaranteed.
for Milliner, Boabludera, Cabinet Makers
Coach Makers, be. &c.
Dealers in, the above will find it of special advantage
to give us a call,
Jan. $d,•1801
ANEW work showing how either sex
may be suitably married. Irrespective of age or
position, proposeesSing or otherwleo,.with a treatise bn
the Art of Fascinating any peraell YCiu wish. A curl
nue scientific experiment which never TNlla Yreu for
20 cents. Address T. WILLIAM . GU., Publisfferib
Box 2.300, Philadelphia.
March 14, 1802-1 y
/S. W. TEAVERSTIQK, Druggist,
1 North Ijanover Strout,
- Physician's prescrlptlonscrirefully compounded
A NU supply of fresh drugs dud ihemlcals.
600 & 008 Market St., above sixth,
JAMES W. POWER, Proprietor.
TERMS:—SI26 per day. ' '
.Real Estate Agent
.• S. E. Cor. llth 3 Ataret Sia„
• -
• 11. W. IL ANAGA.. ,
Jan. 4,1860.
South Ilannvor street,
opptipito llontejtry goodu , - •
store. • : • • • . 31Itio /032.
.. DR, Wni 13. -- , COOK -.
[_IA 7 V[NG re * cently joiiilted in Carlisle,
h . taken an oilleri , edpining Ilertuan's Untel,
w ere he can be consulted by. persona .seeklng nisttleal
advice; or when desired, will vlett them at their i:ohl
.l.lences, either In thu torn or ocnintry. ''
May 3,1802-1 y - •
One awor west of the County 1 than.
. a iz i V w y
endid an
C ortmont o f
. coolrk
will hi sold unusually chcap for
Fancy Silt in Great Varieties,
of all grades, from 75 cents to $1,50. Ia the above Iltio
of Goods we defy competition.
Silk Poplins. Llama Clothe. 111ozamblquee, Shepherd
Shads, Wool de Lain., uhalllee, haw., &e.
at minced. prices. We arc now offoring our entlro
stock of now stylus of rpring Delain.a at YU cent;
ot•th 26 contr.
Good Prints' at
Extra do
eochecoec, Merrimac,. and Spraguos at 12%. Bleached
itnd unbleached Muslins ott n, El and 10 canto. Extra
quality, one yard wide nt 12% cents. Lance:tater ilitikp
hams at 12% cents.
Drilla, Donlan!, .cane, in groat variety and at old prices.
A very handsome lot of
for Men and Hoye' wear, at low prices
A foil lipe of the ahni, goods always on hand. Also,
Hoop Skirts, of the latobt New Yolk t•tyles.
(CaDLraiatets 2
4.800 yards of t'arpets, 01l ..f the neweat ,I,sltrnh and
parr erns 111 the maraet. ranglne In price (r•.m 12 etc.
to sl.ollper yard Having purchased the above assort
merit In Now York. we aro enrinled to offer superior
Ind ucemen tit to all wlni will favor us with a call As
our St1)10 IL now a permanent hodßuth.] In
we are determined to maintain the name (we have al
ready eetabllslierl) of a. Iling cheep. nor wlths'l;antlinir
the rarlona rumor. that Ittis'a been circulated in regard
to our I eying town.
Carlisle, May 2,1882.
Si C E the late victories Domestic Cot
ton Goods have der !nod, and there Is now a pros
pet or gettinl.t n e upply of Cnttm. We, (LIMA CH.
0.1%11'1M & II I LI, ER, st the new ator e. under Miirtin's
Hotel. East Male street./ arc receiving daily large sup.
plied ,f
Which our (di] stuck wr tin dotertnined to Pell a CITY
PRICES. tiooD , of ere, rarity;
Plain an-d,pancy Silks at all Prices,
A Ittrgotit 7fi, 1..'0. 125.
.5.1 1 75 2 ‘ , 0•21A.: Delniiit, At 25 cents:
4.0 P , yards t c,•• t: rtA
tat ri •Air larit and liAt rot,: P. nut , : Styli S.
12j.;, a lArg, at 6 1 and 10 Frill arid
11. qt quality 1:11,1ish. kinds Dom.stle
nuivlinttiN Nlttnches,or 194': 30 pit•rea Frouch and
SruLelt 16 ran and liounet 13ingq.ills at 25.
S.tWYEfI Sr.
Carlisle todbrnary - „
21 South ith htruet Philadelphia
"Matrimony Made Easy."
" Wiiteith of all o.wthly blesolnirli; 'kis the Net,
'Which meet Is valued when 7 1.1i1 10113! pUSICSSOd."
IP% and 8 cents.
10 cents.
Digestion is the great evgential t prirelry and prepa
ratory process of life, and therefore to keep in repair
the digestive organs should be the great busines s of
life. The Stomach, which is the greind digestive lobe.
ratorv, dnd from Its grant and e.sential functions has
also sympathy throughout the whole body. liars lase
lure c,nrentrates her powers fur the formation of
nourishment. anti here it la that
Steps In at the time r f reed to moist the proeeei of
Dr. Zadoc Portres Stomach Bitter» strengthen the
system in en extraordinary manner. They are of the
hithest value In nausea of the Stomach.
W. etc 1108 R. Indigestion, A gn..
General Languor, Diarrhoea, Teething of Chlld'n.
Dizziness. Summer Compl. Worme
Loss of Appetite. ilesetburn. Waterbrash,
lippepsle, Sick Headache, Jaundice.
They correct the IN elf•etn of tin wholeveme fo-d
C dldren when using much fruit may Ito eared from
colic and alarming affections of the bowels. by the free
u e o Dr. Za too Porter's Medicated Stomach Bitters.
Those oho use ardent spirits will find the stomach
corrected lo a must remarkable manner by this prepa
Whenever the, Is co unpleasant fbeling In the Att.
inael, from anything eaten or drank use Dr. Porter's
Miter's. and relt•f will anon be had,
Price 15c end 25e . government stamp included.
For gals by all dru til=ts
❑ALL t IitICEF.L. Proprietors,
211 iiree o lrh Street, N. Y.
Yor Pale In Carlisle by AAsIU EL ELLIOTT
'Unequalled $25 00 Double Thread Fa
mily Sewing Machine.
The R dliaton c Orris Siewlnur Machine. has been in
the Nlarket nearly four years during which time It ha.
acqu'red a reputation, se , ond to that of no other In the
world. For exeeilene.. durehili y and elegance °Mc,
,sh It tF unsurpro ,, ed, while for chenpurna. simplicity,
eare and uoiselessness of action it has never been equab
We warrant the WSllanls A OrrlN to lie equal In or cry
reLpect and super', lu many to any 5000 Marlduce
11 , 00 lit u,o. IL nnikea the Doulde loop stitch, and will
rut/ hen, otther, tn.k, fell and embroider and do all
HUI - work that eau be Cit..' MI any Family Machine ever
MACHINES forwarded by Ex pr•ss, with full direr ,
Cons lin. Uoill`Zp tyable on delirery.
Every 4seh ins R'arraa trd, and kept In repair one
year without charve.
4t au Agent wanted In every town and county.
Enclose a stamp for term. and circulars. Addreati
(1. It .lone. A. Es. ,Box t. 85) Nol lb 511, St., below Arch
Philadelphia. Aug. 141.
A . Lti K,
Second duor cart of the Abu ka House is
Zug's Corn, r.
wood t . .anos, from the he t makers.
The heat manu'actured Instruntenls frofn $45 to $lOO.
t/ultore, A renrdenna. Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Han
i 'I tort] and Units:• Strtnga, and Mutt
eat .Nlutthaudiee in general.
siIEET musle.
eempleto a.Rortment for all In.strumenta The latest
publteationn ale n3s nu hand.
Teacher 011 the i'/.11.) and IJolter, lost rumental and
Vor,tl mime.
Flange and Melodeons tuned and repotted.
Morel) 21. ISC2. A. LINK.
3E° r ra. llt Ix et,
xo. 524 Withact Stret,
JUST received the largest, best arid
theapeat aksortment of
:.•es thes, Forks,
iniths, Hal..
11 het ',tones, Shore's,
`titles, Moil,
Witt, Con., Kegs, kr.,
ever brou it to this county. All of which I hal , .
made expressly to order, In large quantities, sn that
they can be sold at very low prices and warranted ail
represeil td
Th. trade and cradle maker: supplied at ulauutto
at., prices, at the cheap Hardware store of
East Slain St.. Carlisle.
reottqu Fly Nets,' Worsted Fly Netst Li1:101r
hiv Net, Triue Fly Nets. Leather Fly .Yale, al/ colors,
shapes, R 17, 0, end qualities, which I am selling cheaper
than the cheapest, as I buy directly from the manu—
June hi.
r oFA 11,311 , 115.
I have hoes appointed sole agent (Fir Cumberland
county. frc several new and superior makes or FARM
BELLS. which 1 um selling at very reduced prices
Call and nee them before purchasing,' at the cheap
rd ware store of
June 13
port RENT.
TILE eubstriber offers for rent the
Store room and Dwelling,
on East Main
street, DO nownoeuplod by N. C. Kramer,
•2 Jeweler. P 011911841011 a.ven immediate.
i•• - • I[u DT. IRVINE, Sr.
CurliAle, June 6, ISl32—tf
JUST opened the largest and best as
sortment of Hardware, Paints, Olin, Varnish, Glans,
Iron; kr., ever brought to Oumberjand Couniy, bought
exclusively for cash, and which . we aro Selling at the
lowest prices. We Invite the public gonerally to give
1.11 , a call betide nicking their purchases, es wears fully
sustaining our old reputation of selling the
Returning thanks tel. generous public for their past
liberal patronage hoping by personal attobtion to their
Wants, to rperlt u continuance of the some.
.101 IN LYNE & SON,
At the Old Stand Nor,th lianover Street.
Carlisle, June 6,1802.
SELLINp 01 1 1? AT 00,81'1
The undersigned has determined to eon toit hle
. Tery extenslie an elegant assortment of
.at ' stl - 11 e will not attempt to apecify. BuMoe
It to gar, hiaatock la larak and com y lete, comprising
In In part, Men's, I adlee . and Mims wear, of all lcinda
and draFriptions, all of which were purchased at low
rates tor cash, and will be sold at the vino figure,
each as bleached and unbleached dhealuge,
easinge, Linen And eattbu Table Oahe, Ticking',
White and grown Muslim, 8:0,
CARPETS, owozoTnsi O.
. .
Ills stock of Carpets, 011 Clothe, atattlngs, da,ja the
and beat in this 'teatime of the country. •GiVe
me an early. call, all who want great bargains, for Y in
tend to dopoit What I say, and cull out my entire gook
at come all 1 ,
T7Od . ixt e° ra m n e or o t n h e o , fthe Carlisle Deposrellarik.
N. II: COUNTRY 151ERCIIANTB will •lihd it to their
advantage to give mit a call, foy I can 'sell' to them
at cheaper 'rates than they can purchase the same goode
,in the city. • . ,
NOTIOII.—MI persons knowing them6elvAe indebted
to the undersigned, will please 'call and settle their id
meets immediately as the books must beitattled..
vainedemaroth,lB62. • , , PBILI P ARNO 1.
.VLOWS. Just received and ''Sni.)iiile
•at mitatifooidremprleet a large asimitidoldollot .
'lank's Plow,
Uonwood's Plow,
.Zelalefs Plow,
Weirlob's Plow,' ' . i
York Metal Plow,- , • .. '
• - 'Bloomfield Play', • '
-' , Taiti6' Vlc3r, t.4-e'' ' '''.., .
• • -- ''lClUltiliatora, &c., '''
at the ebeergordwaro store of U. BAX.ToNa lm seasta
ctroot. ... • '• •
S 1 1 0:MAC If
- Bittern
A Vegetable Medi
clue. anti Sure se
medy for all
Bowel Com
plaints 1
Scythes & Snaths,
. 1 !? -:PAT Eivs
;; . i.pICATED