Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we have- la bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Prira Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative poWer as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilldis reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens.. How completely this compound will do it has been provemby exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints SMtOFSLA AND &HOPI:FLOUR COMPLAINTS, ,ZEUPT/ONS. AND 4ItU.PTIVE DISEASES, ULCERS, 'PIMPLES... ELOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT R.IIELTM, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AF FECTIONS', MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, Nay. RALGIA. OR TIC DOGEOUILETJX, DEBILITY, DI'S PLTSIA. 'AND INDIGESTION, - ERYSIPETAK — ROSE OR ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from IMPURITY OP um BLOOD. This compound will be found a great pro- Meter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions end ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be, no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. . Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of .the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only , contain little, if any, Sarsapa-. rilla, but often no ourative properties xvhatev er. Hence 'titter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the Carious extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions en the bottle. =9 DR. J. C. It" Jg. CO . LOWELL, 1\ Price, $1 per.llottle; Fuiz Bottles for $5 Ayer's 'Cherry Pectoral, hos won for itself such a ienusen for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has hem em ployed. As, it has lung been in constant use throughout this sectiop, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR PRE MIRE Or Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspopsio, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, E,ys,pelas, Headache, Piles:, Rheumatism, Eruptions and shin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tatar, Tamors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Goat, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. • They are Fuger-coated, so. that the most see* tive can take them pleticently. end they are the best aperient in the . 00rld for all the put poses of a family physic.. Price 25 cents per Pox: rive boxes for $l.OO (treat numbers of Clergymen, ,'hys;earts, States men, and eminent personages, have hot their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here pill not pet wit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AMERICA N At.m.t N AC in Which they are given; with also full deseriPillAlS 01 the abm e complaints, and the treatment that ~houbt be fol lowed for their cure. Do not he put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand AYEIeS, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for thsua, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by Fur .aln by S. AV Ilavaratick and S. P, Panotalter, Sainall Elliott. In Carlude. L INDSEY'S DIPROvEp 11)CELIMD SEARCHER A STANDARD M EDICINE For the speedy, radical, and effectual cure of ALI DISEASES arising from IMPURITY OF THE I{l.OOD, l'hls medicine has wrought the most miraculous cures in desperate eases of Scrofula, Can corona formations, Cacao Ov.is Diseases, Erysipelas, Boils, 'Pimples on the face, Sore Eves, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Scald lload, Totter affections, Rhouraatic Disorders, Dyspepsia, Cost I rococo, Jaundice, Salt Rheum. blorcurial Diseases, General Debility. Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite . Low Spirits. Soul, Stomach. ' ' Female Oaruplalnto. and all Diseases having theirrol gin in-an impure state of the Blood. Wu rarer to the case of David McCreary. of Napier township, Bodford re., Pa. who, on the Slat day of A ug. ust, toSS mile affliavit before Justice Gorley that he tioatod fir the cure of Cancer by three physicians of 1.1 - tdford ciunty, and by Dr. Newton of the Eclectic College in Cincinnati fur a p rind of nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, his lip, noso, and a prirtioti alums left cheek were entirely eaten away I He had given up all hope, when ho heard of the • Blood Searcher," and was induced to try it. Four bottles curet him and although sadly disfigured, thou is no question but what this Invaluable medicine saved his HIM 'Cho full particulars of this — remarkable case may be seen In a circular, which can bo had of any of the Agents. We also refer to tho - ease Of Nancy'illeakney, of F.lder• ton, Armstrong smutty, Pa., cured of Scrofula after be lag unable to get Out of her bed for three years. - To the case ore lady In - Anson vine. Cloardeld county who was also atilletedwith Scrofula in its worst fortn. To the cane of George Meisel, residing In Carrolit own, Cambria county, Pa. who was so badly societal with Causer that it eat his entire nose off, and his case wee Morse if possible, than McCreary's. The particulars of these cases—ovary one of which eras cured by the use of the Blood - Searcher—may aloe be found in a circular to be had AI .of any ot ,- tlte Ag s ents. R. LllMONPropritor. Laboratory for tho manufacture and sale, near the Pa. Railroad Depot. Hollidaysburg, Pa. Dr. Goo. IL Keyser, Wholesale Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. ie. For sale in Carlisle by S. W. Ifaveratick, S. El Hott, and Itoyuolds JtP °Won Dr..l. Herring Mechanics berg; Dowdier A Zook, Shephardstown ; Joshua Culp Hogvtown; — Jaectb — Simmons: Gross -Rotaitt; -J. J.Coble, E. Wfao Shiremanstown; A. 111. Leidich, Boiling Springs Mary W. Kissel, Churchtown ; 0. W. Robinson West lltll; Fasnaught A Co., Oakville; Shoemaker & Elliott. Newburg; Wm. Bretton, Nowvllloc .1. Hood A Co., Springfield; ftutraill A Co., Dickinson; ITtelaud A Washing, Jacksonville f, Wm. Clark & L.., Lees, Ralds; Wm. 11. Bottles, Sporting Hill; D. Denllnger White Hall; J. C. Altlek,Sittppensburg; all of Cumber land county. Pa. F ouT7 , B _MIXTURE.— The Beet LINIMENT for MAR and BEAST now in Usu. Ida safe and reliable remedy for the cure of Runtime" tism, Painful Nervous Affections, Sprains. Burns, Snelling*, and alt , diseasos requiring the external. an plication on Man. On, gorses it will never fail tneure Poll Evil. Fistula, old tanning Bores, or Erreeny,,if properly applied. For Enrols's, Braises. Eicmtehee, Croolied Hopi% Chafes. Sad dle or Collar -Gall, Cuts or Wounds, it le an Infallible comedy. 'Fig it, and ho convinced tif its efficacy.. 111tEUMATISD4. Persons affiletcii ran this illolase no matter of how long standing, ran bo promptly and effectually - cured by using - this Mixture. - _ There is nothing In the world so !MVO end no good to • talisman:Bad Borne. and turn - Frost Bites its thin - pre. partition.,Try It andsatiaff yorirsolven Price 25 and 60 centS per bottle. Prepared by S.A. FOUTZ West =Whiter:4 bp, Idd -• ,1 100 44 B. B. Pannebitter , Gull Pa. - Atrg: - r) E 5 ovikL.--.-Th6 Hat andap . stagee • atood..-two ctoutii • front huain•no Will ?at , ,013 4r 1 0h both home tno4.4*ltt •rWl.fOotlon,ao.lo. 011 et ' otior. tot 'cos :to 7 iNtbitints. DR. 1100FLANDT - ...B.USADUC CORDIALI FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarse ness, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Diseases of the Bowels, arising from Cold, Incipient onsumption, and for the relief and (if at ail 'possible) cure of Pa- lien's in advanc ed stages of the latter disease. The.Daisamic Cordial In entirely a Vegetable produc tion, combining the berth - fa properties of the with the Invigorating qualities of a Cordial, producing a combination so well adapted to the purposes Intend ed, that thero are but few cases of disease which will not, at an early period, succumb to its healing and life giving properties. For ages. hes the treatment of pulmonary d:seasea occupied the greater portion of the attention of the scientific of the medical world, but none acquired more eminence In his treatment of these dlseasua, than the celebrated Prussian Dr'i HOOPLAND, the originator of the - itelsamte - Cordirth — llis - Dfmwastinvoted - trv - theiwodoc: lion of remedie• that would nt•tnd unrivalled. How well he hue succeeded. the American people are able to 'wig° : and we positively assert, that be preparations that have ever horn placed before them. have conferred the same amount of benefits on tailoring PUlpsnity. or have elicited so many eon - mend:Wens Iron, all CIMSFCA of society, as the remedies of Dr. llootiand. prepared by Dr. C. M..lackson & Co., of Philadelphia. The Cordial Is designed for a class of diseases more general and mere fatal than any other to which the people of this vountre are stildeet—those springing froth •'at.tnfir cote." That eminent to. Dr. Bell. says: "I will nut say that Coble to our inhabitants what the Pt sour. 1110 V 1,1.1.0{V FEV to lire to those of other countries; lint I ran liver rnnf,le•ntly that they usher In disease of greater complicity and mortality than these latter." Entirely Vegetable No Alooholie Pre4rat ion PH. 1100FLAND'8 CiII,EfIRATED GERMAN BITTERS, Dr. C. M JA KSON & Co., Phila. a WILL lIFFECTC ILLY CYHE LIVEIL,CV.I.IPI, A INT. DYSPEPSIA, Jaundice. Chronic or N, rvotun beblliiy, Diseases of Ito and all illseases arising from a disordered Liver or ..tontach. : 4 11011 acs Cooaips Hon. I 11 Won d Fulness or Itlnod to the Ilead, Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea, Heart. burn, Disgust for bend. Paine. or Ii elaht In the Stool nob, Sour rruclations, ,Ittkittc: or Fluttering at the P 1 of the Stomach. Swltioning of the Difficult Breathing, I tottering at the Heart, Choking or SulT 'cal leg sense time, whmn lu a ly Ina posture. DIM 110 e of Vision, Dots 01 webs before the Sight, fever and Dull Palo In the Head. Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the SI,In and I.:yes Pain In the Side. Back, Chest. Limbs, Smith, of limit, Burning In the Flesh, Constant I magt.iltu.s of Evil. and creat Depressions of , pmts. and will positively prevent 'fel low Fever, Billions Fever, dte, 'rho Proprietor in callimr. the attentioll of the public to this preparation. does so with a ti"eling of the utmost confidence in its virtues and adaptatloucto the diseases tor Wh . ch it is recommended. it is- no new and untried article, hat one that.has stood the test of a twelve years trial taffOrn'the Anted can people. and its reputation and sale are unrivalled by any similar preparation extant The testimony In Its favor given by the moot prominent and well It UM,' Physicians and Individuals in thin country is Immense. and a eireful perinal of the Almanac, published aline allyeby the proprietort, and k' be bad gran in Of any of their .kgents;cannot but satisfy the most skeptical that this remedy Is really desetviug the groat celebrity it has obtained. Its_ S. W. II NV El Agunt for Carlisle, and by Ditialers uvt.r)v - Lor.. (Apr. It:, '61.-Iy. MEM ROOKS, rANcy (ionDs', coNr ECTIoN ARIES, vitulTs. I , ERFUMERV. PRESERVED FRUITS MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C S. W. ill A VEItSTICK, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, renn'a jj, jiot oprin el n a ssort moot of Fresh Drues. Fun , lioods, OM 11,4; s. Porftmory. - Frnite, nod Couto,' bona ry. whOih has urvm 1,001 s nrroisio d in this hor ouqh. Nrr novelty And olega flee. Then rtklen liar.. ho t , sole , ttiii_ with ,on I!..tud a alculalr.d. in litudlt) and pi ire, to ro rrtn.rn,l I ho rut toution nl purriott,irs. FANCY 0001)S, which. omprive every variety of fancy 11 . 0 , 1, hp most oxquis , ie finish ri1.11•11 Papier 113.•1ie !wag, tlegaut alahast, an 1 pnreelain ink -viand. anci,trnys. Fancy ivry, pearl and shell card r Ladies' Fancy I:aslteLs Vane) lVerk Loxes. with sewing i m.trumet.ts, widies' Cab., rii i Violin. and lam tit .100. Pert Siren:tie, of ilvery variety. Gold pens and pencils, Farley pnper weights ! and /I large variety of ladles' Fancy MAW.. cry. Motto seals and waters, Silly •Ind head purses, nidirla ult3V,ltalY finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, firushus of I,vPry kind tt.i. Ihn toilut, X. turns mid R. At 11. li•lght•s Soups and. PPrtunicr. of various kinds. Fancy Pins I.q 110.11 dcoc.os Iq‘l slat wlg Musical I nstranlyt , togother with nn innumerably vxriety of artielosylecnnt ly tioiohnd end soltalik ir 1101;11) E E .1"T , , Thlell ho Invit, Froilial attention. Alan, an oxtensive milretion of It 101(8, comprtsin4 Varl,ll.. English and American Works, richly orahollishod POE CICA I. NVoli ei- o otly bound In voirot alth metal clasps and corner , Ills assortment JI cichool Boot, and School Stationery it also complete. and ,:ouspriseß everything wool in the Scholia Ito aloe desires to call the particular at tan lion of El/m.lHk', to his eledtaut assortment nf L A 111 P S , from lbc rvtennis nostablirbinerif s of Con opting. Archer and °Linn,. of Philadelphia. con prising to ety •tylo nl Parloc.Cl,l.llbot not study hamps, for Mullin,. either Grni Spoon I,thori.tl oil; also I.ll'ol - 1 - 6 celebrated Kerosene or Coat int 1.10,11 , 4, /11 , 1 SI ills Flower Votes Fairy 1 , -reon... c.. II is /u.sortumill in thin kin(' in om equAlo.l ur the hoi-nch. Also, KG lt, AND Till' ICCO, ornl , loltl7. all Clip bfninji,. and a flue ne.efirt 111 rut of ll EI.:RS(2II ,II Ii EltS AND 1.11.1.. N, lop ,11 , ltratod y nellbtirg Smoking Tobacco R C 1 T S, such an Oranges. I.ol{lkin, Neetnrines, Prunes. E ANCY CONE' EC PION A RY UTS-- PRE: SERVED FRUITS. MIN MID—HEAT, PICKLES, .kr., in every variety and at all prices, all of which arc purr and fresh such as can bo confidently recommended to Ills friends. Me stock embraces everything In the line of Fancy Goode, with min) , other articles useful to Mum okeopere which the public are , especlailytlavited to call end examine. Remember the ...lid Steed, nearly oppceite the touk on North Elasover street. Dec. 2n, IR4I. SHRINER'S BALSAM LK COUGH SYRUP FOR 0000118. C 01,138. GROUP. WHOOPING-00110H ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, SPITTINO BLOOD, PAIN AND 'WEAKNESS OF THE BREAST, DIFFICULTY OF , BREATHING, &O. Thls is no now remedy. It has, bean used for it num ber of years in Maryland and parts of l'ennsylvania and has, wherever known, acquired an unprecedented roputatinr tor curing the various diseases for ishleh it Is recommended. ' So apparent is its usefulness, and no remarkable has been its cures, that it 'is fast superseding every other remedy for limbo diseases. The afillrtrei can rely upon Ito dolug as much for them, and in many cases more than any other remedy now before the public. It is recommended and prescribed In the practice of a, large number of the moot intelligent and able pbyei daub of Maryland. It is used and considered an indis pensable household remedy by a large portion of the first families of the State. If Is usedhy all classes of. society, and the universal opinion Is that tt le good TUTS SYRUP IS PURELY VEOD Taste COMPOUND. It In pleasant to take. and never does injury. But wring to ite purifying qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effects are truly wonderful. soothing. calming and allaying the most violent coughs; purifying. strengthening and invig - Co rating the Whole system, calming and soothing the nerves, aiding and festinating expectoration, and heal ing the DISEASED LUNGS Time striking at the rootnt disease, and driving It from tho aystoni. CROUP, This disease) ---- ...is disease is announced by difficulty of breathing shrill whistling or wheezing, hacking cough and threat. anad suffocation, Ac. It mostly occurs in young chil dren. No child need die of croup if thin Syrup in pro perly used and used in -time. Mothers having 'croupy children should watch the first Show of disease, and,pl-' wayokeop this remedy at hand. Nor coughs after measles this Syrup Is most excellent. Experience has proven MAR is equalled by no other preparation. The price of the remedy is such as to plea' it *within the reach of all, the poor as well as the rich, and every person should have it. Every person should have it In the house. It Is a true and faithful friend to all who value health and wish to secure thonisolves against that most terrible disease. consumption. It will be found• th,o most useful as well as the cheapest family medicine In the world.— It has been used for the last four years with a success without a parallel:, Save your children. - No' child need die of croup if this Syrup is Used in time. Price 37 cents per bottle, or thine bottles for $l. .For sale by 9 P PANNABAKER, Carlisle, Pa.. and by all country storekeepers. .. [Aug. 23, pm.. ÜBRICATING OILS.—We wish to inform machinests. millers and the public gone. y, that we !lave on hand a-full steak of ,übricatiug Oils forall kinds of machinery, this - oil surpasses all others, having been oubJected tp a thorough teat by-tho side of,the bdar Liird aud•ottior OUP. -- I t IS- PrOtlo)ll4ted a superior Lubricator et less cast apd -wearing longer. and entirely tree from gum. and will stand much colder weather'and has less tendency to heap Try !Laud yqu will use nothing else for. Imbricating. Carlisle Nov. 2, 'W.• 3OIIN P. LltNE•ii 801,1.' • -'• • ' Nort h Ilannvqr Street Carlisle. AI M LS NAILS NAILS II ! . ' arge stoek'of good, Clean, Neat, and Tough .rodha rd. Um lowest Prima Our.uaile are worth sUote et keg more, than any Mbar make or impo Bold in our tmgm - thle le WO OglidOn ormeahauter, who'havo tried tkem, V 6 Mao have a tun assortment or "- , • ny.l:l,l3x.rto r oithe laterit,ao most approved Ptyleg. goods war rontetl'ae remesentad. - , frsoN. • • VAti.l.l6l. .• North Ranorerontitsly, , OTTIEWTIO.7I': NEW STORI AND NEW GOODS After returnlne his acknowledgements for the very liberal patronage which hes been extended to him, the _undersigned would call attention to the fact that he lias just ro-opened his extensive assortment of family in his new store-room, on the south-east corner of the public square, where the public nro invited to call end examine a atock of goods which, in elegance, variety and extent. will defy competition; comprising in part loaf, lump, crushed and brown sugars, Java, Rio and roasted Coffee Every vn duty end quality of TEA. Spices, (ground and um.mund,) Pickets. Sauces, Table Oil. , New Orleans, Sugarhouse end Trinidad / Molasses; New York and Philadelphia ups. Cheese, Racaroni, Vormecilli, split Peas. Unmiriy, Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate, Extract 0. Coffeo, refined sugar at red need rates, washing and soda. Tobacco of the most favorite bra nda, and the finest quality of Segars. Alto, a beautiful assortment of Britannia Ware, plain and g...1d hand China Warp, imisi Queens: Stone nnd - Eartbmir - WareTivrgrcmt - va , slaty, and an elegant let of Fancy Soaps, extracts and perfumery for the toilet. FRUITS: Including Peaches In cans, Raisins, Cran• berries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, c., kr. • . LIQUORS': ll'holesalo and retail, ;1, embracing ennimon and raid Rye Whir key, Ilrandbal. dark and pale. Lisbon kI I --r. V Sherry Port. Maderia, Ott ger, Catawba • ~. \ v and Muscat. Wlnea In racks and hot Hoe. Seoteb 11 hiskoy, llolland Gin, and Scheidam Sehnappa. _ A lsrgc stock nt I,An Ps, inelmllms Dyntrs celebrated lamp, for burning Koi nscne t.r Coal oil. also Pine, Lard and Coal Oil, Burning Fluid. Sperm and Star Candles CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. Itrtudteß. Hoppa, Men,. :. 4 naps. Door mat,. Walters, Looking-glasses. fine letter and note paper, 111110, Ware. painted !alekot. Cotton and woollen !lose, and half Bose. and a full elicit of Morns, Including the well known ilanove, Buell •l love, In short. 1119 Stnet: comprises ererythintr that k called for In his I In. , of business. and no efforts will be spared to render entire satisfaction to Itts customers. INITOFF. Carlisle. Oat. 27, IS5B_l, Jfarketinq of all klotN taken fn oxollango to goods. " ./Pitjfk fit .1" /TAIL " 1'A3111.17 (.11( )(' ERY AND TEA ST I .111.4 re <4l o 1 atill In store , a fresh and so- I ( tt al as , ortan on t of Rio, 1111 a and Mara alit fro Coffee. I rue,' 1, Pulverized Sugars. Refined and other brou Sugars, superior rup Molasses, Orleans (baking) Mol ns rem Spires of every variety.— pure only , fata h, Farina and Chocolate. alaceitroni Choose and Crackers,7 apineJ ntitd Indigo, finieratus and Soda. Cream Tartar and as corttd tackles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TP Vi -A fine assortment In Portages . 111, .l and in hulk—as 31,11 as all other articles ^ ag to Lb. 1.0 unesa—all at the lowest I 7%. and lat.e teduct.ii prlcep 7 II CRY SELLING, OFI4' Al' TWENTY-FIVE PER ;ENT. BELOW COST!! At the slgn of the “Gold Eugle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church. oli Went Main htreot, the largest and best releeted ntork of in the town, will he %old :al per coat lower then nt nay pin, in the State The stock compd., a hkrge meet t,l" Itol,l and Silver hunting-case watches, Levers, taerioaa ant her,, and all other kinds and GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, gold 14ns and l'enrils..leivolry of all kiwis. Speetaeies 0 , 4,1 imd silver, Plated /mil Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, aHI no„ t logo. a great v ariety of fancy articles. and II lot of the tlnt,t Pianos, which will be sold 40 For cent lower than ever offcred lo town. Tiu• roll, stock of t 1 atoll lo.iker tools. r c lotsry Mirrors. and Mate w ill he sold w • holoT()TZE: lae,e aesortnient of Tc aad Winter lin els of al description of the laiust styles and best marintiteturos n o w opening ;It the Cheep ikh Stu, ore. LISA oi • tier ot lloin and Pitt stst,t. The &tuck ban Leon re- Meted with groat rare, bought for CUR), and u P. sold oilcan for the moin A large lot of 111, :I; and FA arc- Fill:, French Shitlna's. Cashincres. Poretnettoin,. %%Wit Delaney Prue bed II Vlgured Dehonei of al hinds end priers. Gre) (hunt , of all dvsrrlprlt.o.. Alapar,aNatc. Plain 111.14'.4 4 '.l..lialoro Sim trIA, Stella 11l d.dt red I!'eelc and V, C. Id •-, aad 1, • \t". and ht. Wili• h ,••• 1... , u `.t •t 1,10 , 1111,i , and C 1,141 (hr 1111111144 4 t• nfnll S.ZON /Old P 144,. C3/100,44 4 4“441 ('hint eex cf tho eeweAt etrl , and will he anld 4 Innp rlilratele and illnadind u• 111, at tho old Pr MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, C 1 th. on , sltner., and Bst tinet and Jean. A lerv , 100 Al [looped :-kirts oi ell sues HIM :1c leS, of thu hest quallt ; and will Le s , dq , ,beapur thou can be purchased Itlsewhere in the County. Call and Evitnine the stock before pura,ing, It, oleet the stand EAST MAIN LiTliklisT NEARLY OPP°. SITE THE DEPOT. CHARLES ()amity. Trust,, GLORIOUS VICTORY rrlote Lrilii nit victories nclueverl by ,tr I , ••riera I A rrni,bsr, gisfirlorled every A rnerionn !)•••rt, Jt ei nl :lnsltrnl e. of tt sposdy rt,l4.ratioo of peace 1 ,, 111, are it Coma re. 1n r to, of this 1 have ri,olved In olfer tretnendon , stook at DRY 01_11_, at pi lee, that. Sr I Kttisfy .very verso.) nrerboaper than h..ukht from 9 ativ other Ilnu, , e with Ilnatea menusjuht cmumenrlag !.111fillie.1,1. I lined 10,0011)db. of • BLEACHED AIUSLINS. and the some quantity of unhleaclicti on hand. I can good ..lac Niusiln et S cents. and extra quality at lu end 123. Also, 10,1115 yard• of CALICOES, of Alerrimcick's,.Sprag - uo's and Cocheca, at 1‘35 eta the old pricee. A large tiesortment of excellent second Mourning at old prices. Very desirable BLACK SILKS, at G 234 TA, 57%..51. The 81 1 4 . is the same that sold nt $l, and our ()Wily quality is the came that has been and le still selling at $425 per yard. OINGIIAAIS, In great profigolon Lit 117,6. old firleee. Also, Canton Flannel , and Kentucky Jeans. nt the old pricus And in CAll.l'Bl'lB and (IIL CLOTHS. I guarantee that too Stook outside of Philadelphia van begin to compote, either in quantity or pries. In addition to the above, 1 have n very large stock of Ribbons. Laces, Lmbrold• orb's; redid u os, Caahmeo es, Me rinues, Cobu Its, Flannels, and other :i. W. LIAVERSTIOK of ti.e latest styles and chricest pal torus. My success heretofore has enabled me In offer advantages to my old customers and the public generallyi which are . riot mot sassed by others. particularly those who are compelled in commencing now to lay in a stock at the present high prices in the principal cities. A discriminating public sr 111 satisfy themselves of the truth of the foregoing before purchasing elsewhere— My tremendous stock el (tools. laid in principally be fore the rise. Is admitted to be the largest between Phil adelphia and Pittsburg. nitrite all persons in want of - Remains lu - ltry - Onedivto - eitil autl - exatidtr at tho' old and well known stand of Feb. 28, 1862. A. W. IlltiNTZ. IT will bsseen by tho following adver -I.lsernont, that henry A. Sturgeon, Esq.. ha , retired Dom the non of liar, Dunlap 4 Cot, and that Samuel Milburn, Esq., of Carlisle. Cumb. co., Pa., ban Leeman sociatisJ with the remaining partners in the Ilrin of liar, Dunlap & Co., and. that William W. itepburu han been-elected-Castder In-the place of-Mr. Sturgeon.-- The Prnprlatore aro WILLIAM KED, ISAAC IDISNMENALI,, RICLIARD WOODS, JOUN S.DTEIMETS, Joint C. Dutiter, Joint DUNLAPi SAUL. Itmantri. This Bank, will continuo to do a general Banking and Exchange business, at their Banking House in Carlisle, under the name and style of KER,'DCN LAP Co. , ' Money will be received on deposit and paid back on demand without notice. Cortfficaten of deposit bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. will be issued for as short a period as four mouths. Interest. on-all coedit]. sates will cease at maturity, but if such certificates are renbwed at any time thereafter for another given 'period, they shall boar the same rate of in terest up to the time of renewal. Twenty days notice must be given of an Intention to withdraw interest de posits, Tho proprietors would call theatteption of Parraers,• Mechanics and all others who desirtia safe deprialtory Mr their Money, to the fact that they ate not onlyilia, ,ale to the amount of their stock in the, flank, but are tammotraux liable to the extent of their whole estates fur sll the Deposits; and other obligations 'of nor, Dunlap 4 Co. • ['articular attaution oh:onto the collection of Vemhie Notes, Foreign BIN, Drafts, Cheeks, de., in any part of . the United States,and Comities.. ." - ltethittances made to - any port ottho -. United States, England, and Ireland. They wilrat - alllinea be pleased any Informa• lien desired in regard , to money matters in general. The faithful aneconfidential execution of all business entrusted to there.may he relied upon. • The Eank will ho open for business from 9 o'clock In the Moroing until 3o'clock In the afternoon. Discount day every Tuesday. Collections from Philadelphia. New. York and Boston made on tivoraille terms. 'Elie proprietors refer to Jay, Cooke & O. W. Clark - 41 Co., India; Winalcnr, Lanier .It - Co.,'Nele York: Clark,Clionor Co., Boston. Nl'. W. 11E941711N p Gasifies. • Carlisle; March-4113dd. IrOTS AND SFIOES.—=Jugt reOived B Cheap Caefi Blom an ontko new stoelCo a lt Pot a ge, r Mlssua' and Childron',l.llloOeii) Boots, shoes arid (.141t.prg,ar of the boot quality ricyloweut. prison Otero Goobo. & u M FIST! AND SALT WATCHES AND JEWELR\ E=l F:V.L A XI) I I"tyrE b'flJ 117. s DRESS GOODS, Cumberland Valley sank, No LICE. l'flisallancous. Catllie-r.Foun.dry, FAR It IMPLEMENT DEPOT! P. Gardner-A Co. now manufacture and keep con stantly for snle,at their oxtensl vu Steam Works on East Main streeti Carlisle, a large assortment of AttRICII:LT , URAL IMPLEMENTS, of well known, approved nsefolness to farmers. among which they would call &Teelal attention to ILLGUG II BY'S CELEBRATEGTATENT ,67 - (7711 - 7SINH D RILL which hastaken over fifty First Class Premiums at State and County Pairs. To the Farmers of Cumberland, lark and Derry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill. as scores of them are now in use on the hest farms in these counties. Its reputa tion is established vs the most complete Grain Drill now matufactUred in the United States. It sows lVbeat, Ilyn, Oats. - Parley and (tress, evenly mid regular, without buncidne the seed. The cum Fpringspro-s the drill Over stump. and stones. n ithout la yoking pins, thadrlll. For even and Ts-tailor son lug. (he Willoucli by Gum Spring Drill Is nineitailled by any oilier. 111. also manufacture and sell the 1,41,3.111 m articles. which we cur recommend to Fa enters as reliable implements. id established Chnrncter : (11(1111 DION'S PATENT CORN PLANTFP LAMPS PATI-NT ( - UTTER, 11111111 , -N DOLDIIIS PATENT ( I-111.11.1.E1t, II A ItNI'S PATENT CID!. It MILL. lOU NSON':- CA,T I ItON IMO'S TIIOIIIII. Also. Three and Veer [torso Poertt 21,1 't hreshing Machines, Cast Iron lIPIfI hollers. Pi, ufh Cat , tini., various patterns. Corn t rnAtet P. and oil., ai tic I, for Farmers roo notnerong to mewl... Alen. Egg Coal Stoves and - Ten Plata Wood 01(0°C. with an 11111111'1H, varlet' of other castings Ron heusolr pens and others. WO havualso tinAttra,tive vat lay of patterns for • - EiloN PIAILANGS. and C'ESII:TEItY ENCLu:URES to I,lllch we would call attention, Stenin nutl 11111 Gen ring To this department of our busiocks wr glee part ieu. Int attention. tall' nlready exte3l,ll.• steel, pnttenis fir Paper. Flory and base Mill Gearing. is constantly 1111Creasi 05. Mill On ners and Mill Weights till be fur nished with a printed ....tmlnple nt our various 11 ill Patterns, ou application. Our Moiehlnebloip comprises till the various tools for turning, pinning and finishing Shafting nod CAtings, by good and tier. MI Machinists. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES of any desirable capncity. from ten to twenty•five horse power, built hi the hest style and rie accemnaidating terms. Engines built at our establishment may be seen in successful operation al many of the largest Distilleries and Tanneries In Cat lisle, and Cumber land Perry and Dauphin Counties. to the owners nil w lath we confidently refer for information as to theirefficien cy. Persons wanting Steam F twines are raterntly re. quested to call and OYU/nil/1J befit - c contracting else. where_ DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, . Connected with our establ4hrnent Is Slcath Snell and Door Manufactory- n hich lb now in CI nvlete oiecr ror the manufacoure of every dem,' ivtion of BUILDING MATERIALS. for the most costly on well as the plainest house. Win dow Mesh furnished frpm 5 rellts tepee nni, acebrding to size 01 glass: N indow Frances fr. in $1 11 01M/1,41; Shutters and Rolling Minds Irmo it 75 upward; Sour Panel Doors from $2 12 tipword. :ilou Wings. roof ings A reltit roles, Dash Beards, liroet,et, Faney Scrolls. nod other ortieles needed In housed fen nished At the 11 east prirt, red of the bent quality 01 lumber. tazrk..ll cc ore also i r emired,,as heretofore to build end repair DU Itlfr.N CA Ices for t ransport or. on the railrood, with promptiteos and on reasonable term•. The rontin um! patronage at the public Is reset ettuli.) sollett.e.l. Orders by mail plumply attended to ey 9.'60. 4. AIIUN Ca h Cu. . _ ENV COAL AND IA IBER RD• ~/z,r• is hip tTi,rtraW fn eiibera have this day ea tered late part ,;O /11, AND LUMBER, We will have constaTill on hand and furnish to ordel all kinds an'd quality of seasou“l MEM ITZTEI I= FICA FTUFF. l'lnotering Loth. Sllinglln, ULF, I 1 of koo F loot h rand Nvent.uttri,, , ,truittg. to. to that 1n0t.,,a ton LUMBER All killlls of r'hin,rlo , . m soil: It hit, pint.. 1111.1 Oak, of Offerel , l Finolioes lin, log \l' 11 110 r:ln iurnish ''NI- .1 I leot: Fino at II" . , hortr.t not ter awlLltl. scant loops. Oor oorlied Loorcls o 14' 1,1.5 under rO , LIIII tiit.y 111'1 - m111..114,1 11' I o on hooki all Ia ols Con otplerriAr•r. triikh ‘v4. Iran to atly port 1.4noo,;1/. To wit: I,Y IC ENS VA ',LEY, 14,1, u`, Egg, L`Love and N,ut Ltil( 1.11)1)1,N11, 1!1[111MI!:11 LOCIISI miu.):lr I IN, It V. +• which 4 L.. _. II u the lov, enl priceF 11,,t quolity ,y Lan.L;trner'r •mlNc Ono!, hand ‘ , lliol we will .ell nt I ho eel figure Yend west side to :otelele, Alt M5.11:.0.1l.1 k 11::141.:12.. MEMO F ORM" kIIDING AND CO:‘11\I [S sION Fi_ogra AND fF 113 COAL, L'Lkzl'En AND The subscriber haring VII", the Wore Douse cars and tixtures of Wm. B. Nut my's nail 410 n n estahll h m e n t, on wclt Digit street. opposite Dickinson College, would Inform the pubEe that he boa loturd is a general forward(,.(' and Comm 'onion ItmincEs. The highest market price a ill he paid for I lour. (train and produce of all kinds. They are also prepared to freight produce and stock to bhillotelphi I nod Baltimore, at the lon est rates, with salety nod despot el. I . l,A:sit:l: AND :ALT kept constant ty hand. and Ftel•lt rIED at '.l lesalc t‘r re toil. Cott or all klods end,acing, 'l' ALLEN'. LUE E fi 1);)Lilt. kVis 11l IV WHITE ASII, - Lull nT DAD, Limelmruer's aud Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY lOU SALE. REPT UNDER COVER and delivered dry to nu) part of the tow n. .1. R. NONEMARER Carlisle. r 1 ugust li. IRMI. I 4 UlritE'•lt AND COAL. OLIVER • DELANCEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARD I On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. The subscriber keops courtantly en hand, a full it Aortment of Lumber Sr, Coal, • tir,,7lZ , which he can In, Alto!, nigh to order promptly ' ertt-V2i end en the most rea. 41,,Nr stumble terms. - LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Laths, Worked floor leg. Weathorbosiding,Posts, Italls,White Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shlnftles, of every quality. Ile also furnish bills to . order of any length and size, at the shortest notice end on tho_rnpfit reitaQnnhie terms. Ilia worked boards are kept under cover, so that fluty can ire fur nished dry at ail times, Ile has cons(antlY on band all kinds of Family Coll under corer, which Will be dativeted clean to any part of the borciagh. 'to wit: - IAKEN'S VALLEY, LIME FIDDLER, ...I.TREVERTON, ' LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varitdien, and all the various sizes In use, which he °gets to the pnblie at the loivent prices. LIMELIWIN.iIit'S AND BLACKSMITH'S COALalways on band, at ifiii . lowest cash price. Thankful for'ibo - patronage of a generous public. be stowed upon the late gran of illackle Delaney, beivould solicit a continuance of the same as he will krive to please. All orders left at the residence of Jacob Memo for Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to as heretofore, OLIVER bELANCY. July 20,1 William P. Lynch, Practical .0117.MBER and GAS FITTER, in the,bgeenzent of the M. E. Church, ",pain &tee m Carlisle. Lead and Iron' Pipos; Sinks, I kydrants, 1; Bath Tuba, list & Cold ShoWei Baths, Bath Boilers, Water Closets.{' , Wash.llablns, • Force and Lift l'umps, hydraulic llama, .4c. Wro't Iron Won Tubes, • And every description of cocks and .fittings fur gee, steam, water. /,.e. Superior reeking ranges, beaters:tad gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and dwellings, at ehort - notice;ln the most wodertystyla. All mater alp and wore in our line at low rates and warranted. • craw Country work and Jobb lug p romp tly atten doa to. Mar. 23. 1.853.—1 v TI:II;%G.REAT 04..U51tl 01? . II V IVt A N DT I S 73 Ft 'IT ..-, .... ~ Just Published . in .a Sealed:l:uvelope • yri Ce fl. Ce li o n a the I,a Dr. CUL 41 . 1 :ti.s4l N'l4ltit EL,1., , on the rause and cure of .-' q erruatorriona, Consul), lion Mee tal I:,Plat.lic. , ,f:' , P - . P , 1 •and.. Physical Debll.ty, Nerroa i m us ,,, PPlielar./1 Inijudred Nutrition of the Hotly: Lasitodo: - ti eakoass of the dinibs and the thick t IndiSpaalthl, and Incapacity for. titudy , and fear; 'Donnas,' (4.-Sp : Drvbension ;•• Dyes .of, lionnory; Aversion .to Aoclety; Lose or Soli!dilo; 'l'lliddity t Self Ingrust: Dizzlta„,s; . Ileadabe ;, 'Affections of tlia Eyes Pheplas on tho Puce ; .Involuntarjf Neil:n:4'l'as, alatEexual Incapacity; the Consequanb'es Of Vouthfol. Indiscretion, lve; re 'flag admire la loctuolenny proves that' the abovo en umerated; II OM. bDirtlilliCtUll. eat IR • may tni removed without wed,' no and withoutdansemes surgical ope• Tatiana. and ilinuld,te read. V ovuiy youth and every man In tho laild. , ~. • , - - Bent,under eeal, to any addreentrin a plain coaled on• velope t on thip,Ancelot of six cants, or two postage . : etampS, ley ad , Dr. Cll. J. 0: KLINE, 'Jar!. 8.1. - ,1,271 flowery, y0 , At....05t Office, box 4586, - lllatcCtes anti.Oemerry CLOCKS WAUHES Jl - I.IIVELWEI CAN D SILVER at'" Manufacturers prices. A. Naugle, Apt., Zug'a building .Fast Main Bt., opposite Saxtons Hardware Store, Dealer In FRENCH & AMERICAN CLOCKS, eit .:aIFAYAAI474,y wk 3.1 j ) t . - 1-V4h Foreign and American Watches, Jotrely,Siberand Pla ted ,rare, fancy Goods &c. would most respectfully In form his old patrons and the public generally that he has just returrial from the East with an entire new Mock of FIN E W ATOII ES 7 .IEW ELRY, SI lA/ Elt & PLA TED WARE. CLOCKS &c. Haring secured agencies from some of the Jergest and best Fa-tortes for the sale of there goods. I am preps red to offer to the public any erticle in the line frets 75 to lfit per cent less - than the:vim - re over-hien offered In this place or helow the regular wholesale price, as follows, Clerks from 75 soots to 10, \Vetches from $2,511 to 51511. Jewelry in setts from 50 vents to s2s,Ten Setts from 20 to pieces hest quality and latest st Vies.. CLOCKS WATCH ES. JEWELRY. 8 day alarms, Onld Hunt. Ca=n Eng. Coral, 8 Strltrirm, " American, Pearl, •' Striking & AL "" " ors, " " Frnich. Gold Stone it " Gallery, Silver linnt.Omn Eng. I.,va. S " Church, " American, • Cal hunch, Ii " Mantles. " Swiss, oral, H " Parlor, , g g' French MnFaie, H 'g Marino, Open Fnce Arnerleln, Jet, 30 /lon r, " " Lopines, Onrort. Ae Ftrilcirfr, Quartiers, Turnuois, 30 .Alarm 3 Strlli. English, Palntlus, SO Time, " " French, Enamelled 50 L. corn, " " Genera. Pate, 110 Gothic, " 4, 'lemma). Stone, TEA SETTS. R'aiti•rF Turponn. MEE Ladles, Cur, II utter Dishes, Salt Stands. Fish H nires. K r Crumb Holy ?s, I'll Cream do. Cali° Knives, Forks, Ppom,s, - Castors. enrll , lo, July 27, ISrai —1 v. WA'l'Uti ES, J 1 ,3 NV 143 LltY, AND t,v Eit-WARKAT CONLYN'S old establishml Stand. West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Hank. I have just received a nen , nasortment of watches, eweiry. medallions silo or ware. etc.. In addition to my ormer stock , te which I Invlte the atlontion of the public, The assortment embraces fine gold and silver lover watches. Hunting and open case do., gold An chors for Ladies and Clentlemen and Silver Lopines and Quartier watches of every variety in style and price. Also tine gold Medallions. Itresist.pins for Ladies and Gentlemen of every (runty, pattern and prier. Gold fob, vest. curb and neck chains. (hold bracelets. finger rings, cult-pine, studs, sh , evc-buttons, crosses, charms, &c. Gold and silvbr thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, sliver and coalition spectacles, to suit all ages to which we invite special atter, Lion. A fine lot of OOLD PENS from the best makers, Tectacle cases, fancy boxes. silver and pearl card eases, gold and common bracelets, watch chains, Ua Ile Clocks ,and avariwty, of articles usu. ally fkept In Jonielry extabliihnenis,- _ I will sell low for cash. All articles war- th-• T/I oted to be what they ara represontod. ta,o Particular attention paid as - usual to 40 WATCH REPAIRING and all work war- - ranted. Th,c. 1F157.1 D R. LA CROIXis PRIVATE ISTEDICAL TREATISE Ph y s (oh ) .7 (I 1 I ' 7 It' Mar 7' (1.7 e, 23 I'AGIE.tt A ND 130 ENG . A VI \(l'.—Prim only all tv cent Dee of pas t nee to all parts t the 111,1 n, 011 tho intirmit les 01 3 oath auti maturity. dit.•loante the seecet. Fontes of bnth sexes of till ages etas).; debitit iterluot,tent, dope essinti nt .phits pal pitaLton of the 'mail, suicidal itnagiontAa. Ilya) untary 011114.• it,/,, hl ueltin:s. detech Inenntry, tittligt , ll:at and IttstAtude, ith conies:dot, of ho)))ot;; interest of ti 11..arditig Miss, to Uttilee.e $t nth, t. and a 1 - run;; Married La y, b.... bo. It la a truthllll adviser to the an wiled uud hat, tam emplating marriage. xhn colt:c lan ti.rlll,l , or thoia ph total ondition. acrd w tut ore conseinus ol !nicht, 11117.1, il,l I,lllt ligllllh happi anti pit , 11,0 s to which ever. I/UM:tit httiltg 101 St; tlh.S , alto 41'0 hot(b)ed , nth av , F , es, gen orall, cause.' by at Lad habit in youth. the effects of a Welt ere di/dine-a, p.aing. Mhzettnlnecs taanetitneF rin si tn..: the /I , 11,11,ie", of the by la .111.1 I, Lip to it cottlusr., .0 i.D• L., I 0, of mem• r), gnay he tatted by the nut bet t+ :,Ket it!. \ t• nil v tfrvt , hal murtt en; tnnp 1,, VT., (IL\ I I:1 W11•1:Xs. ay.tiling our. FOll 01 OW 1.11,,51,1,20 1111 , 11 t,. /11(.11t , 0I i t , ast I PI, tie tans anti tsurgetat a n, hnespe and the l'. , attit•tatt l'inen• who plat, tit...selves under flits rate a 111 114.10 h:ll . r the tail benefit of the 11,311 V NEW .1511 hi , \i lUu,r it D11:6 which are enaltied t,.int It. Ito 'PI, ;orzietict, and Oh-public 111111 Y 1,,t thsurtni at this came veal. assiduity. I.lllLion being paid Ito 1 hair caws, o hl. 1: had eta SUCC,F . - fully distinguished us beret - 010re, lit a, l'hysivian In our l'refULl drrartaneot of pi 1 - ri,..NiolitA/ I'rurtlce, for the p.,,t 0,0 01t.,,f1 , ti 300' . Fit/...ett 'Feu ti./. 11, .rho mil-ill for Vedi elves. the ettleecv f li • . i .....u teate•l in thoo Rands Cl' e/ , '.1, all,l neve , 1.61,1 E, ellert spee.lv cm, ...them{ 111, built 1 . •••11 , t. 1/, toine but 1/r. he 1,., ney's Feiner, Pio .I Th, elite pronautiu ,, tieee-,iry to 1, I.ato Oh 'old n ot t a k e th em 11 tin l V 1/// v. tin, ale In eel tali/ situ:, fining /the partieul.ue „hi,-t, dill be liorivl cu Ibn w ra ppei ve t ./ ca, 1, t.l thou :dew), roil/- Mot 11,1;thy, trentio. t • , i active are they. Pr lee $1 per box. I 1,3 -an be Wailed to any part of flue United shitee 'CO Tile; Arh 1,c4,1 R ronfl lent ill nieilirul nd. Lee with reeitiitClint' those even plaint, to which their (belie-Ito reildors 1.110,11 , t . Art. p,rtirulnrly Irtriti..l to consult ' . II, •• 1,1, rt.. I;,I v ts, 1'pr0,,,,i."—.-ot mnrrie , i t ,t, s iihtb.o 10stIth i srli ~,t ,1.,,t, ~,,,, h o h. t i.. t , r 1 in ill, et, theft - limit . .., tony s• 1.1..,,, 1 tst $1 1 alt,v- alt is porfetttly sole pr. ~,,t iv - , t, ~ , ,,,, p t lon and has Is% it extencive,y usedt tiring ill , lost 20 ours Price rollived to .f 111 THE SORLT:! OF YOUTH UNTEUO A ou i'mito of I%e:wit ii 1)1,3, - A ,o 1 u•n.t NN an' ng Just publi•h•••l..l hr‘olt Om, tll.• in sulu us and Dr v o..m•e amount s, 11. , n1 , h .stint hmtale of this lain! titbit. I, mltimt out the fatality thus• itittishibltt atttoitis its v °phi; the a hole progn•ss (ll,eartt, from the put tueoc.mom t to the mutt. It will bo sent by M.til on reN•lpt of two :3; mt. Stamp, At'emlarpe, , dnilg. fmm Ow rw , rnlug, till at nl,lO. and on Stuplay. from 2 till tl P \l. :Itodielnes will , tun direetl..nm gout to an% port of tt, United St.it..•s or Cattrubt... by pit'ents romiuuttic.lll3.g their symptoms by letter. Bu , llloes e1.171.1811011d1.1111.0 ctrirtly ronfblentlal. 4... Tr Dr. L's Lae° ie etill 10rat;,,.1 /In e=tablished, snider the nut" of Dlt. 1..1 Cain N, Lit Nn. Malden Immo, Albany, N. Y. (Sopt. 211.1861-1 y OOZE Sll .111 P.—Wm. Fridley would I„I Respectfully announce to the citizens ofCarllsle . nad the pt.blie generally that he has again commenced the manufaetterindnf t!n &sheet iron woreotall In S.C. Royals bulldina nn Lnuthor street, directly opposite C. iihapley's chair Manufactory, where he will ot all times belt' readiness to do all kinds if work in his line of business with neatness and dispatch. All work will ho done by himself and a competent hand as he keeps no apprentices. Also, con at nil timer - be had iboao celebrated SELP- TusTL'o, SE:LP-SEALING, PREMIUM Allt-TIGHT FRUIT 'ANS & JARB. Moire pouting. and Jobbing of all kinds dorm at &hart noPeo and made of the best material. kW-Crum paid for old Pouter nod Copper. Hoping , y atria attention to business, and a desire lean all, to receive a share of public patronage. Carnal.) r et. 20, 1860.-Iy. FOU Z'S CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle Powders These .Powders have proved, after a trial of several years, to be superior to any prormration of the kind In use. The chief superiority of these Powders arises from the Met that tiny are composed of Medicines that have xailve Tonto and Purifying properties. The Laxative elects crudities from the stein - aid] aind Intestines; the Tonic gives strength to the system of the lierse. and the purif3 log medicines contained lu them cleanse the blood. and lay the foundation for a healthy and vigorous circulation. The use of them improves the wind, strengthens the appetite and gives the borne a line, smooth and glossy shin—milli-ming the appearance, vigor and spirit of the nohle unite& • These Powders are not Intended, as most powders are, to bloat the animal. so as to give him the appearance of being fat when not really co—hut, to remove the disease and pr•moto his general health. These Powders will strengthen the stomach and in testines, cleanse them from offensive matter, en•d bring them to a healthy stnto. 'I hey are a awe pi ovention of_Luug. Fever, and a certain remedy fur all diseases incident to the florae, as Menders, Yellow Water, his tempers, Founder. Heaven, Slavering, Coughs. Long of Appetite, and Vital Energy, &c. These Powders. if uovd two o• thee,' times a week, through the winter and opting'. your Horse will never got the Lung Fever. Colic or Botts. A lbw dome or thane Powders will remov'e the worst Cough on any 'tome. Were owners of Horses to f e ed a fa . ,r them, Powders every yuan they plight save the llyitu of amity valuable Verses. 311 ILC 11 COWS. Tho properties this Powder posseSfiCki to increasing tho quantity of 1111 k in Cows, gives it an inipertanee end value which should place It in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. In tattooing Cattle It givcp them an appetite. loosetip their bide, and malice them thrive much faatar. HOGS: • In all `dieerteen of Swine. as Coughs, throes in the Lunga plod Liver, by puffing from. half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a barrel of Swill. the above disintrea can be cured cr entirely prevented. By 'Wog. these Powders the ling Cholera can bo prevented. I'm. pared by S. A. POUTZ, We.titiliilnter. Md. te_l?or nolo •li3i P. P. PANNEBAKER, Carliele. and by ell country eterelreepers. Price 2A cents per paper. or ilve.papera far tme dollar. [Aug, ga, I ),A. 'NTS :AND OILS.- , -. .. 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Callous pion. just in/Aired %11l alarneataortment_ef • , . _... Varnishes. • . Fire Proof. Paint. • . Turpentine, ,-- Florence -White, ~ . :lapin,- . ,White Zinc, . • . Putty; • . Colored Zorre, „ • , - Lithorne, ~ . Red Lead. • Whltlug, ' . . Bolted 011, ' . Glue,- - pied 011, - Shellac, I .'''Epernt On, - ' Point Brushes,', Fish Qll, &0.. Colors ofecory,deecription nry, and Oil In cane and tubes atthe Hardware Store of CurBAN, O'rt24 3 /1301, AO Traveller's. Trunks, Valises, Cite. pat raga. umbrasaat of every description and largest variety. Sold Livingston'a North lianovne Street Glottilnitrimerituo. . • May 2. . . J AMES R. WEAVER'S CABINET AND / MANUFACTORY, Having bran engaged In thobusiness for over twenty years be would return thanks to his customers and friends, tor the liberal encouragement extruded to him in years gone I y, and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him \Clain milt CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, or , ecory description constantly on bond, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la test style. well finished, and sole at the lowest possible prices ler rash. . Ile also continues business as an UNDEIITAKEIL— Heady made Coffins. :%fetttllic or otherwise. kept coif stantly on band and funerals promptly attended to personally In town or coUntry, on the most reasonable terms. y Cherry-n ' Valuul Coffins. larfre she , is ell finished and lined In. de. fr om 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut C this covered fr_Qm 10 to_Al loiters._ JAMES It. WEAVER. May 24. 1659-Iy. - 1 , . 11.—Two properties situate In Churehtown,Cumh. county, arc offered tor sale on easy terzna. Apply as above. J. It. W. (TILL TRIII3IPIIAN'r. LI 'flue complete suceest, of the Prairie Flowor Cool, Clove, ,arramts l lo• f,uhm•riher in raffling' the attention of all who twly want a htiqperior stove to rail anal ex amine the only Store that hue given univerl3al satinlae lion. 2nd. A hotter and qui •icer liven front the same fire, lid A larger Oven than our other stove ofthe saute cite. 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs. 51h. 'nip hest liaki7, Roaster, and Cook now In use, 11th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the dues, 'O. A perteet (has Consumer tor either d or coal. The Prairie Floaer Is I,art a. ted to give .11(kfilellott ID every 11:1Atiell!:tr. /Old 1 , 111 hr 01 ,, W11 oitt, pleasure to all who 111:10 Whrther desiring to purchase or any quantity of reference It. town E.r eoulitrv. A few tither good COl,l, Stoves on band, wiiich will be sold Very low to close stint _ Spouting, hoofing, Job moll:. Copiwr.stnlthing a nd Shutting work promptly nttond/ol to. In town or coun try. All wont warranted at Um old stand, Hanover street north of Loather. MARY M. MORRIS. N. R. Old Copper, ftrasF and Pewter bought, and the hlghent price pnitt In cash nr goodn, March 2.5. 11,60.—tf .C4cDisaa 2 •Qcacnt,l TO FARMERS LI M EBURNERS AND OTlll.iltS, • The undershomil htve been appointed sole agents for the sale of the celebrated i lrevorton Coal. This Coal is recommended by Mr. Landis and others who have tried It, 6, he equally no strong. and turn as much lime per ton. as Lylieas Valley or any other -nal in use. Persons in want of Liam Coal will find it to their In terest to buy this coal as it coets from twenty in twen• ty-five cents per ton loss than Lyliens Valli v. We have the prepared Treverton Cool for family to.e always on hand. Also a large stock of coal of all hinds ' Our deed( el• LUMBER IF.large and complete aml wlll hr sold et the lowest prices. T_LoPkr.W., ler pa61..1 c.0r4,1 . 0 _rehpectfuily loth. .n -, tiniittpce of Ilse some. lIMMI U Alt I) A S )'()('L:\ 'l'lON ! A I) F. I, I'H I - A llntn, ;nut td,titutinn, ostabliNhod I,y special en dnyenionl inr the raliel of the 'de!: and dial rrea , ed, aillletod with Virulent and /..pi.ll niir dlseaana. and obueelally for the Cure of Diseasea of the Fes mil Organ, I= MEDICAL ADVICE given eratls. by tbn A,t11.7.. Sur gem,. to all who apply by letter. oith a demiripti,,,, ~1 thpir , oncliiinn, (aze, ov,rupatiqn, habits of life, 4,..) and In ea Ken of extrema poverty, .‘letlicinen forniblied free of eha VA 1.17 A 818 ft EPOPTS on Spertnaterrhrew, MI oilier Disoases ”r the SIIXUaI Organs, and on the NE\% It I.:M EDI I S emplityed In the 1)19 - teen:try. sent to the afflicted in coaled teat, cur elope, hen i.l,•Mirg e . Two e r thre e E.t.a tops nor postage with I, nerept.:lhlo. Addreen. DR. .1. $ll tittUt lITON. Artist! Sur gem, Dowerd Association. No 2 ZMMII Ninth etro..t l'a. By order of the Ph ..tors, EZRA D. (LEA ItTIVELL, preside n UEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. \larch 5, IS6l.—ly E ST(111 E, AN D NEW COORS 1 11 nATs. ('. I A\ll STRAW GOODS. L": 7 T -,--- I).verti,,, flap rocoritl, n Now Shinn at flu oil afoul .1. 1) Ilnlbort In North Hanoi oppoqito tint (I:till:1i. DoviFit Bank. !laving rio tcod from Nen. Yi r!, and I%lllllll4phi, it finuund NVOli q 1,11.11.01/ ossiortment of gn ith. in his liurn such na CAI'S, from the coon woo Wool tattoo lino Pur, Far alid \Vint lvs II t, ,14.11 as Stoi, Ni:11t)", S. i turt t•I 111.11, 111. 11 and III.; f',•t k S.: ‘..r gill. A Hats for Mt Is ai,d tit is. .Inr I , 11,1c...111.1(*.•Illi, for Gen. HUEFj LO 4 nd prionm to -nit the [inn,. 100, C. pet Ml= P c TO SUIT THE T1A...."-ES Alen, Carpet. hams. TAIIKOS, Trunks. 1111nd Trunks Umbrel:as. n 114.01ttnent of 12&` Prithe begiti'S and Tobacco. rye Thinkt.l for t boyar - en:l , z° iilrenity received tic einii'd ilte.to all his friend:, And the public general!, tii N cell. JACOB 1.111.15, Ag i t. April 19. 1861. I Cj L.,!i 4 il LIA ttl)W Alt !lIAn I) - 11 41i ;' .hirth Lyn.) k Son have jest ‘completed opening their Spring Stock of narilware. Paintß, Oils varnii.be , to which thei inn Ito Li 11. early at tten tool 01 the public. We have greatly enlarged i•ur thick .in all its; various brancheii,and eau now accommodate the pa ir lo: itil In large orFllllllll tplarlf Mit, al the torurust prices. DM not wish he pu 1.11, I, nuleria rind tLat use ha Im•lzlit Artily 1. .sala In Plul.inelpi i n; Neu' yo u !, t i n our taw u, Let wa can assure them that one hod, into nur store rill t them OHL we have enough to sopply the demand in this market. Persons wanting g , loclsin our line will find it to their .olvantageto give us In call heforo making their prirshases.—All orders personally and punctually attended to, and no 'Wean, preseutat Inns made to effect sales JOHN I'. LYINFI L SON, May '2, '61 . 1. North Hanover • , t. Carlisle NOV1;3113E11 2ND, 1860. 6.l l :The spade, s of the "II rnAin'• are reminded that I have Just bmu;•ht from the city lye i” , g , SUOA It CURED lIA MS AND BEEF: Dried Apples and PeaeheF, Fresh Tomatoes in vans, fresh ushrmuna. tine very hest Pick different himhs of mined Mustards and San, • ea, LOIIII/11S and Oranges, Prd tan s. Figs. It aisles, Sugars. Coffees, Tins, Molasses, Fish. Self, Fine Segars and DAN," very an. Bramhes, Old Rye Wilk:Soy, Wines do ; besides a general assort ment of goods in our lino of trade, offered at the very leweat ohms, FOR CASH. WM, BENTZ: Ne , .2d. I hon. li-'IIESH MACKEREL.- ' A lot of 31arkerel—now catch-1,. Assorted park Sus of Valves, Quarter, nod Eighth Ban els. Also, SALMON, for sale at the Store of the subscriber. Out. 26. '6O. .1 W EBY. 600 TRACE CHAINS OF ALL kinds with a large assortment of 1101" T CHAINS, 11A LTER CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, FIFTH CHAINS, 1,00 CHAINS, TONGUE CHAINS, COW CHAINS, SPREAD &e., ke., Just recolvsd nt t h u Cheap Hardware Store of II EN 11 Y SA Nirott __ •_ BREAD BISCUIT &c. The Cream of Tartar i•Substitute" is recommem dad as a superior article In combination with Salefatus or Soda for Baking purposes. It produces bread cakes which when cold are sweet, moist and gratetil, while those of Cream of Tartar are often dt v and taste less. It will cost less than Cream of Tartar and is used in the Name way for cooking, Ac. . TUIS SUBSTITUTE, - together with Salficatus' Soda, Pyre Cream of Tartar, lifirmuda Arrow Root, Mustard Seed. ground acid nu, ground, Spices of nil hinds unadulterated, and alw tirocerles in every variety constantly on hand, and at the lowest prices for sale by Dec. 14, MO. J. W. EnY. I[ 4 IIILE INSURANCE. -THE ALLEN R AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FIRE IN AURANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county,_incorpre rated by an act of Assembly. lu the year 1040, and buy ing recently bad its charter extended to the year 1883, is now In active and trigmous operation, under the su, perintondonce of the following liote,il of Managers, vie: William It. Gorges, Christian' Staytuan. M. Coati°, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J Couyor,John Eicholhor ocr. Joseph WlCkerkham, Semi. Eberly, Moses Bricker. Rudolph xiartin. Jacob Coayer, and J. C. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are as low and favcrable as any Company of the kind in 'the State. Persons wiebing to becontemonibers aro Invited to make application to.tho agents of the company. 'who are willing to welt upon them at any time. . • - . 14M. It. GORGAS. President, Ehorly's Mills, P. 0. • CHRISTIAN STAYIIAN, Vice President Carlisle. P. 0. • JOHN C. IKINLAP, Sect'y., Merininirsburg. MICHABI, °DORIAN, Treasurer, Shepherdstown. ' CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—John Sher.luk, Allen Geary- Zearing, Shiremanstown; Lafayette -Pager Dickinson; Henry Bowman, Churchtown ; Mode Orlt Ilth, South Middloltin;. Samuel Graham, W. Penn]] ,barn'; Samuel Coover, Mechanicsburg; J. IV: Cochin], ;,,ktiedierdstown; D. Coover, IJppur Allen ; .1 0. ton, Silver Spring; :John Gym", Carlisle; Valentino Feeman ' New,Cuu.berlaod. , - YOIIILCOUNTY. , —Wi. S. Picking, Dover: Jas. rillith, Warrington; J. F,..Deatdorir, Washington: Richey Clark Dnlsburg; D. Rutter, Fairview; John Williams, Carroll, „' " DAUPHIN CO.-4acoh nouser, Harrisburg. Motriborli of-the company having policies about to ea pito, can havathein totionrod by ;milting application to any the. AaOnto. - Feb. 28, 1862. ; ' ITENRY SAXTON. DRIME CRANIMIRIF : ar- - A superior arieleuferautiOrrlititjust received anp or sale by ' • ' 1. W. EDI% listmantaus. NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, P♦ IVII#T IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS InISTIIONI) & 110147;11, Sri a- AND C.\SSlllLi E ILITS I:ELI:1BL GOO DS. =I Jiaif 3inaos tiARLISLE AND PHILADELPIII A av o c 4 , 4 w at igporp DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA J. & D. RHOADS, MAIS STREET, CARLISLE, PA. .Gi? Cars of thin Line leave the Depot 811 Market et., Daily, at 4 o'rlock, f'. M. Leave Carlisle, Daily, at 7 i , *clock, A M. lioods Intended for thin Line shonld Lo worked C. At P. Daily Freight Line, anti sent In ty 4 o'cloek. May 4, 180. - HAT AND CAP EMPORIITAI ! rilhe unattrittigned having purchased the stortit.+4,.. of the Into Wm 11, Trout dte'd. wolltl re,pectful 1p un lute ttli pilblir 111:It Ile will eta, - tinur thl" ITATTIMI IIIIJSI e.g6 at the old stnbd, In ll est High street. and olth n renewer! and efficient effort, prodoen rllelea of fiend Pre.. of Evrry Variety, Slyle and Quality •thnt shal be strictly In helping with the lin,troventent of the Art, and fully up to the age 10 nideh nu lire. I burn on hand n splendid a usborOnent of ~..... ~,,, = '.'l f HATS AND CAPS ; ' ‘'.....,- -,,,- t of all descriptions, from the c h totin Wool to the finest tl,ll AND SILK WITS: and 01 pricey that must. suit every one who has an rye tootling tb s won Lb of his money. 'llse stud. ineludos, 1110LItS1{I N. CASSINIEICE, 11EAYEII & FELT 71AT,a, of every vt)le and rol,r etld unsurpassed for LIGHT NESS. DUI:ABILITY AND 1 JICL , II : by those of any oiler establlFbn.ent It the country. MEN'S. BOYS' and Cllll.l/1: lIATS 'and CAI'S, of avert' Jrsrriptiou rototnotly on hand ILA ITSTMetfUlly Invite' , all the old patrons and a nia . ny new ones us possiblo, to glee him a roll. Apr CA. 10-ly („Z EC OND SPRING ARRIVAL.- Li LARUE SUPPLIES F1)11 THE HEAD AND FEET. At the store of John Irvine. on the N. N corner of the public square. Is the place to purchase Boots Shoes Hats & Caps. at prices that defy mnipetil Ile has, mt returned from the Last with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots. Fliers. Hats Caps that he has ever presented to this ermniunity, arid which he IF determined to sell at the low est possi ble prices. His stock embraces everything In his lino Of business. such its MEN'S & Wl'S' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip toots, Calf and Patent Leather Ox lord Ties, Cal and Patent Leather Gaiters, Calf Nullifiers, Call and Lip Brogans, Slippers, &e. ',ADZES' WEAR. Fine French end Englisb Lasting Gaiters, Morocco, Calf and Kid Boots, Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers, Morocco. and Kid Bus] ire. kr.. ri I Sel.:s AND 11111.1111FN'S WY. A It of all deseriptinns emloraclng fi no Looting Goiters, 11101 , roe , and Latting Button Boots. ,Morocco Lave Roots of all kinds, lan cy shoes of vlirl ,, us , tylos clipper, te. II AT, At CAI'S, Silk. Cap-imam. Fur and Wool Hats or all quolitles and sty len, nlso a large assortment of FI=INEM Itnets and Sh"tat made to cyder at the shortest retire Repairing promptly done. Coafidi at hf liis ability to please all clas,es of ea•t , rnerF,. he r,pecttully Ihe public to pi.r hlla a van. it?),_ Remember the place, N. E. corner of the labile Square. May 3a, '6O, TO THE CITIZENS OF CUIVIE.TMLAYID Col72(rir7• 1J DE'RSI GNEI) bvgs leave t€ Inform ,on, that lir opened s Pit tilt STitlt in the liorouith nf, a in the room former ly , comiiiiti by Reynolds it Ili, 11l tit; Store, nen t door to I iihoirs tlissiory Sitro. Sou, h linotiver tarret, where lie %inn always Lu found meanly 1.41 ,‘ Wing to ply the spat pe•tal The follonilog lint iminpriitis Hui main portion of his stork :—Pittent v 'it DR [US AND CHEM It;ALS, TRUSSES, Suspt;usory !land igus, tili.s Toilet Soaps. PURE WINES - AND LIQUORS, Perfumery. Cr. es Ni,! 1,14 anti V.,101., Ilonertll , , T”hareo, 5.'14111.5. i,lt hrgrupb, and Frames. iturnlu, Fluid, Paint, tiruish ?cud Each !hustl es Coal Oil, CLANK BOOKS & STATIONARY gcurrnlly having ha li.ver filtrea )1,11. * PAN., ii•Fice Iw thy Drug 1111.illt5i. With a ie.ire h :ice...nod-21v am) ; la) owitoluvra. t tOptitn rer, ve revolptildo FlDire 11,1111 , 4 pritrwn.i, It Is illy to uivr• .01•rtt•el geti,tnt tint hr every particular, to ail may In VW' me W ith it rail. I'RESCII.IPTIONS Carer,111‘....,,,p0u1t414.d. •at fair prief, Give rm• It 0111 IKol. N.xJ I Al, Elt. 4 1 CON° Al WEALTII CURE I'OUL CO U1;11 FOR "NE DIME! TILE r.rs•r AND rn ri:,•r 110VF , E110 LI) REMEDY = 'Madame LIDOC PORTER'S GIIEAT COUGH ItE,MEDY. •-' 4 , t v r 4 , itivglb: iti ci \ . k t h all the OSIIIISOr I•lire :171.1 1,1111141%• tioll ur the b•ut tonn. dies tin egoothlo d,unal- I medial quoli.. l les are based on Its pont, to o•sist tho In. Pithy and vigo.onsoir, oholon al the blood. throw An I hi. It It not 21 11 . 111 - t , d., hut oinolnoot. warm • soio long :11.1.1 ITto , tile. ',III iitt ti) the person or your gust LI =11:113211 MnST IMPORTANT.-- Madame Zadoe Port , r's Curative Balsam is sold at a price which .hrior.4 It In the resell of es• rt one to keep It convenient for use. The timely use or a single bottle trill provu to be worth MO times its cost. NOTICE.—Fa ve your Money I—Do not bo persuaded to purchase articles at In to $l. which On not contain tho Of a Dime nettle Of 'iladattie Porter's Curative Ito loam, the t ost 0 mannfooturing which in no great es that of almost any other medicine; and the very low price at which It is sold. makes the profit to the seller apparently small, and unprinc pled dealers sill si rocommond other medicine,' on which their pfolits are larger, milers the customers insist open having Madame Porter's and none tither. Ask ter tenintne Porter's emotive 13als'am. price 10 eta. and In laree bottles al 20 eta, and take no other. If you ran not get it at one store", ou eau at another. .triirtiold by all,Drugglots anilhitomkeepers at 10 eta. and in larger bottles at 20 eta. ALL k It UCH FL, Proprietors. New York, 'or solo In IS:tidbit+, by SAyIL. ELLIOTT.. anuary 10,18W.1. L.G.TLEAT E XCITEMENT. Has been raised in Carlisle arid sur mundlng country on learning that the subseriber has ',monied from the City with it tremendous stock of Thy Goods, all bought for Cash and to be held at such low prices tie will MORI auto etorte to shako in their boots. In this very extouslie stock may be found groat piles of DRESS GOODS. Of Silk Poplins, Tureu Lustre, Fancy Silks in variety, Black Silks 01 the most colobrated manufactaio, Mohair Plaid, Poll do Chovo. Silk Check, Embrolderod Mohair, Satin Plaid, Chuck. Pozambique, Chaili Do Laines, Bom booines, Lawns. 3o , CLOTEIS, CASSIMERES, Coati - Ns, 111(VI wear ofgood quality and dos(rahle Tichlugs,'Cbooks, Flaanolo, (Unchains, Lawas and . CALICOES' of rory hamlsoma styles mail In suffisiont quantity to cloths esery feinalo in the Countyr have also tho largost assortment of 4 " CARPETS • and Oil Cloth lu the interior of Ponniyleanla, „of all nuallttes and atyery,satlsfaetory prices to the purcha ser. Besides, Elate almost every desirable article in my line of business that can be mentioned, sbleeted with great cure, and with an eye single to the wants of this community and the present timer. Tho publie is advised to see these magnificent loads of goods before purchasing elsewhere. as l am confident - that advantages will . lie gained by a careful °sand na- Lion of my stock of (loads. whirl for immensity has nev er been, and perhaps never will be, equalled in this place, for NW) beauty. and cheapness. A t the Old. well k pow n stand of April 4, tang; . • A. W. BENTZ. ARGE ARRIVAL. OF FRESU LL OROCEBIES--FISII OF ALT, KINDS. Among which is n largo lot of the real genuine Balti more dry salt 1110111ING. in oak harrrls, MAGIC ARE!, at prices-that la really astonishingly low.' Pickelaot all studs, , . SAUCES,- PRESERVES, • and a good assortmtut of • TOB.ACCG , AND SEGARB. —LIQUORS; th . , at the lowest rates 14 CASH or Country Produce, ' W nENTz Carlisle, 3 . 0111) 21,1851. I„).4ItOAINS 1 :- BAB GAINS 11 ,• .1.) vow hi the time for cheap goods. Onaing out the entire' Ftoch. at unprocedently low prieea.', to make roomier mining assortroenC All in want of Cheap Dry (leech, ate respectfully luvltra to tall at the cheap store ofOOMDY, CarlislC', Feb. 16,1861: : uyteti. . , =MMIE EMENEEEM Mulatto 1 I)t , C pott TLIC, kTIVE unl.nn y, SS ,arnstited, St used a, vending to the 11, - 1,114,11N, cure in ell eases. Coughs, henniug 'nosh, Asdh ltls. end an an . . .Lions ul the Thrn:a 31111 LllllO. Maire Zader Porter's Balsam has been used by 'ho public 1, e‘er .38 •ears, and 11. s arquir.d is pr-sent Imply 1 y rerounnended by those who have used it to