rfolint aub Collo! l'flattn-5. 111CP All persons having accounts to Bettie in the Register's Oilier, are retittested to hand them in ou or before tile 18th inst. M.We received last week, and neg lected to notice a quantity or flue, large cher ries from our friend J. F. KUTZ, who lives about three miles below Carlisle " The Pride of Cumberland," is the name of thiava tiety. KILLED " ND WOUNDED.—Among the list of killed and wounded in [he battle on Thursday of last week, in which the Penna. Reserves so gallantly replused five times their 'number, the following names of citizens of our own town will be found. —_ Wax— Qum-Lai:, Go.- —IL- --1-st Wounded —JAMES HARDER, 12111 Pa. severely in the left knee; Corporal JOHN A. BLAIR, Ist Regt. thigh; HENRY LEIB, 7th Pa. slightly in the hand. SAD ACCIDENT.—Another railroad ac cident, which occasioned the death of one of Our citizens, occurred on Wednesday morning "last. The victim was JOHN SNYDER, nnagrtit of Messrs HENDERSON & REED. lie was standing on the platform of his car, which was in the train just starting across the river at Harrisburg, on its way. up. The engine giving a sudden jerk, which broke the coup ling attaching Ssvutat's car, throwing hint off Ile fell on the track, several care ptit-s -ing over him, mangling his legs terribly, and causing his death shortly after. His hotly was brought. up in the 9 o'clock train. The deceased was a quiet, unobtrusive gentleman, remarkable for his amiability of disposition, and sterling uprightness of character. lie leave a broken-hearted, widow, and three emalt4hildren to mourn his untimely decease. N'S (20 M I Mi.—the world-re nowned IVvmAN—the greatest ventriloquist and necromancer extant, will give two exhi bitions in ItitEEM'e WWII eSthly and Thursday July 9th and 10th. Don't fail to see him PROF. STAYMAN.—The 130aTd or T s- tees of Diekins n College, at their recent SCSSiOII, 1 / 1 11111i1OOONly l'IOC10(1 JOH MAN, A. M., Professor of Latin and French, to fill - the vacancy occasioned by the resig nation of Prof. MARSH Since the Vol legs passed under the controkil the Metho• dist Conference, tcis is the second instance in w•dch a native of I his county his liven elected to fill a place in the faculty, and, we believe, the first time that the election of a Professor has been unaninont. , ?. We eon gratulate Prot STAYMAN on the position he has- adiieved by his character and acquire ments, and feel assured that 110 will prove a useful auxiliary to the Institutbel with which he has become so intimately connected. Is A Diqatch from Memphis, gated June 2Gth, says that a freight train on the: Memphis and Charleston road for Corinth, was captured. The rebels destroyed the lo comotiv-, burned the cars, killed ton of our non, and captured several of our ttlliettrs, including Col Kinney, M•tjors Pride rind Sharpe, with the Railroad Superintend:lnt and Copt McMichael. Whether this •' Major Sharpe - is our fel low citizen, A. 13. Sh rpe, or not, is a moiitial question Tire taut ul his having helm iu that section of country almiit that tin o •, seem to render it prohal,le ; I,tif then he is not a lajor, but a Lieutenant, and his friends here have had no confirmation of Ills capture. We sincerely hope dtrady, is not in the hands of the Philistines. The annual exhibition of the Male and Female High Shoals, took place in Rheem's Hall of Friday evening last The crowded state of the room prevented our attendance, but we understand that the exercises were gone through with in a man ner highly creditable to those concerned. The graduates were, Emma C. Leeds, Grace Loomis, Anna A, Blair, Dottie F. Brightbill. Mary F. Sullivan, Anastasia Faller, and Mary J. Spottswood, of the Female High School : and Alfred M. Rhoads A D. Riche Smead, Frank A. Guishall, and Davidson 11 Eekels of the Male High School. Important to Soldiers The following General Orders have been issued at the War Department, and will be found of vital impot Lance to those concerned. The large nombe s . of ollice'rs and soldiers lounging about, and under the plea of sick ness filching their pay from the government without earning it, has become such a crying disgrace to the service, as to have elicited the following orders, which we be. lieve will very saint abate the nuiSance. WAR DEPALLCMEST A 711 1 TA NT II I,lho ‘L's Orric E, Wash intoU, .llano 7, 41: , 1r„N 114.1 11 _qt.13 NO. 61. r ill?, great number of officers absent 3 Scow their regiments w illumt i,itfllebott cause is a 1ie1 . 10113 evil which calls for immediate collection Ily para,:raph lli, tietteial Itezu I tittles, the po,r••r o , 0,111 Attending officer,: I) grant Lear., ii •• tit eof pence'' In time of war leaves of abs-•ucu will 'only be granted by the Secret try of War, except w h en the certificate of a medical officer shall show, la,' yund do ub that a change u location ' is nocesgary to trove Hie, or prevent permanent 4164 ility." tPare graph lad, lleneral Steen Jame, ) In such cn.u, the Colninettdor Of an Army. a Department, or Vista act, may grant not; exceeding twenty days At the expiration or chat Limo, rrch. slicer ate nut 0,10 to travel, II Must Make npldi,rt tl al to the Adjutant. General of the At my for an extension. aceotepattied by the certificate of a oitrver of tau army, In the usual form, and that .111 Is slot able to IpIL'OJ. If-It bu nut practicable to pre curd such a COI Lllfente.it cuuAmtuunre of there being no army phyalciatt in the place where -the unieer resides, thu •Ortaiwato nt o eltizen physician, attested by a civil magistrate, rutty Ire ell boll tuted. All officers of the Regulars and Whinfeers, except those on parole, now absent from duty with leave. will be considered •• absent without leave," (Paragraph 1326, General Itnrulations,) unless they are fouud at their p , fits within ilftuun ..ays from the date or this order, or ai a authorized by orders will in all C.lBOO be based on a certificate as above described, and must hu exhibited to the psyniaster before payment is made thou,. All Inv add and wounded officers who (useable tetraw• el, although their disability twiny not have boon re. moved tpm agraph 187,0 efie oil Regulations) will renal r; •ivithout delay—those Mom the East to Allll , lllOli . S, to report to the General C.Fininanaing the Camp of Instruct tion ; Lllosu from the %Vest to report to the commanding officer of Camp Chas., Ohio. At those, points they will remain until able to proceed to their regiments, or un till au examining board may decide adversely on their ability to return to duty within a reasonable time, and orders may be given by the President for their dis charge. Thpir Excellencies Gm Governors of latdit are request ed to make known this order ' and hi Contribute to its exeeutibn, may be in their power. Mustering and' Recruiting Officers are directed to do the name kara copies atilt) order will be furnished them fur M riilure to comply with the above regulations wiil bo reported to the Adjutant General by Regimental Oein menders. BY ORDER OF VIC SEORETAFT OF WAR: L. Tllol.6l3,'Adjutaut GENERAL ORDER, Mi. 05. WAR PEPAUTAIF.NT, ADJUTANT (I.ENER•CD OFFICE, Waehlugton, Juno 12, 1802, . Paragraph 1209 Army Iteplations Ie Is het eby Ho modilled, that Private ,Physlinans, employed as Medical Ofileerawith an Army in the fluid to time be war, uricy Wallowed a HUM DOE IN exceed one' hundred and twunty4tra dollars per mouth, basilica transportation to IL The certificates of . discharge to be gifen by tho Medical inspector 0 eneial, or Any Medi cal inspector of the Army, muter the Act of May 14, 1832, published In "Getiorai Orders," No. L 7, will bo. made on the printed forms fins Certifieates of Limb proscribes by the Army jtegulationn. .The . .inspeetor giving the ell§chtirge will endorse It wi li his nwn eortill cato tint It is granted upon hie own persuuld inspection of t h e soldier, and with the soldier ie.:consent; nod for filsability, the nature, degree. and 'origin of which are dorrectly described in the within certificate 'IL Each Medical Director must, uti der the ordoh; of bid Deliartinelit Cernmender, .regulOte the allitrpiution of the Bich and wounded, to :the ho- F itglp iriMla the NiliterY which he lrinnits. When want of room In such hospitals, or the• nature or the wounds or diseases of any Invalids. ro• quire that detachin , nts shall be hunt beyond the limits of their departments, the Surgewn General will„..kslg• nate to the Modica' Direetors, either by general instruct. Dons. or rued:lllg by telegraph. to what polnta they sitar) be boat. liilleers, whose duty it !nay become to forward such detightneui, WU • take car, that no men, except tho4e pro, Lied with writtoui passes from their hosoltal surgeon or the }lid on Director, hball bo al. lowed to go. Fur lotb.ths will not bo given lit Captains of rompawies or CLlonels 01 regiments 11 any pretext w hater,. A furlough ft cin such authority will taut relieve a soldier from the charge of desertion. . • • • Enlisted men absent from, their regiments without proper authority, are in Net DEsexraus. and net only tit fidl all pay Lod allowances, but are subject to the penalties awarded by law to such °Nutters. No plea Of Skifflore, or other cause not OrFICIALLY established. and no certificate of n physician In civil life. unless it be approved by seine efliree acting as a military OJIII. meatier. will hereafter avail to refl. - IVO the charge of &station, or procure arrears of pay. when a soldier ha. been mustered as nb tint from his regiment without leave. By application to the Governors of their States, or to any Military Commander. or United States Mus.erhig Officer In a city. thump fftion eau be procured to thut regiments by soldiers who are otherwise able to join them Srhero no Military Commander has boon appointed, the senior officer ot the Army no duty as Mustering. or , Itecnuli Ing hill eer'loTlho place.Tshercliy authorized and required to act in that capacity, until another may ho appoint_d. Under lioneral Orders," No. 36. it Is the duty of Military Commanders to colleet all stragglers and for ward thenii to their regiments. To do this, they must establish crunpp or depots, n oder strict military discip line, end maintain sufficient guards to enforce this or, der. Con vales,nts In army hospittas will be reported by the surgeons in charge to the Nlllitary Commanders, to be kept at their camps or depots until they can be sent to j,in their regiments. Muster lolls of mufh de tachment trill be made out from the best data at hated, ihe statement of the men being taken In the a'-elite of other information concerning them A duphertte lit mach muster roil roust be f 'warded to the Adjutant General the day the detachment starts. 'ln avoid confusion and ret.ll n necessary control over all solghers in the United States service, those who urn ente, tallied in State or private hospitals must be sub ject to the nearest Military Commander, and are hereby required to report to him in person as soon as they be. , 0111 e I.l.llVElle, litnedjatelsballer receipt, of this Ord, r, each Illitary C....in...der will pnl,l Ish. thl eo li Ines, in 001111• news. papers. a hrit•f drake requiring All United :stales sod rs In 111:1I City And I.llt, vou rt try urillni, ho Are not nod, inO I. m... In a Uoited rdatals hospital, to report theinselve, to him witty/et delly on penalty of twine: rorlsiclored desertois. In rases of norl on, disability front nt.1111.1 , or siekness, e filch inay prevent oleo/low, to thi• requirement. the s most furnish a certiti to of a physician of go ”I )11 , i hirh, ifs,ii.ta•T,ly, the 311111aty Oittlillander may geti n t a written furinu¢h lor not exceeding thirty days, or a ilisch 11er on flue pre crile..l term ‘,f n rortili - ote of dis nLilily , made nut strictlyarc, iliou; to the Item, lat Wit no ilikrharces 111 lin gilt, on account of ripo”,nitisio, or where the:,' is it prospect of n recovery wi:hin relsonoldt time Hlllou rolontander,. !nay Tiirin,ovN h e i il,it L. !hilt. sati-rtrtm, plan ”1"1 thoi! 1•40111, ..tr. To other p:iroied nieu furl ugits until notified helresehange, or di.rha I II hn , e 1 lee. )1 'liters' I . .llltepolets, ern report to the .1 oje tent liener.tl, tlr•menthly, the muses, role pe nips, regiments, e 1,1 10,.111eilves 01 ell the ferlnnehe,l d ...1.,:0rt by hem 1.,1 forward. nt t 0 1111110 time, the Net ith.l lee ot di,tl,ll i V 111 re, td 111501e/00. oial.e timely re , lokition, for lII° ldnol,, end sooll other thin, as og.ty necessary fi r Life proper ex, utlon Lida llc 0141,1:1( ae IIIE CH 11 . /11t 1' 00 \V : T , IIIIIAS, AtIj1111 , 1“. Geller:11 . _ r tI) 5 . On l'hno,lnv, the '.2rthil.st.. at I Ite i rrislitung'n i.l is 'tut, pit . IN. la Ow Nigh yi at al titra 'I ht. Was fi.r malty ear , - a retail,. this I munch. and L 're tie teollilltiAM ofatt wt..l 111,1 It I. nia,. Ta the Nervous . and ConsunrAive Of bath sexes. A Itetirll Clergyman having ls•en re• stop oil to health in a leg days. alter many y 1111. 1., R Inc is t" hp .4,11113 nit the reveipt lit a post pit.] doerte.l 'till' ,p•• • ti copy of the p e•rripti t itsii. lilt the Het ..1011). 11. 11‘l1s/.1 LI,. lilt Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. - June 4, 13111-41. Batchelor's Hair Dye !—The Best in the World ! NV11,1,1.111 A. I)Ye' proglll,l's n eillar lint te I ,, ..ll , tingulslied from nature— warranted hit' to injure the llair 't he ii.St tilt` el hail dyes, at, the !lair for life. Grey, lied, I) L 1 1 ,114 it Spkil- slid Black nr Brown. 1. aN tho Hair loOt ;111,11,1;ml:tin] Sob - I by all Brag IMIE9 genuine is 5i,11,1 tV11,1,1.1N1 .1. 11.1TC/Ml,olt I= WTORY, Itlrola) , troet., Now York. kl.ato 3 It. Street ) :)1.1 . ‘ 26. It, 2-I[ll Ebt :Itiarkets. CARLISLE PRODUCE ➢IARI{i.T. Reported weekly for, the Herold by Woortavord . Schmidt, I'l.. It , upol ,itte• 1t...... CORN =IN I.ivlcltAli.;.l , )1”111 N'S lieu) ROuertis ements - g e I LS. WITH VA LUMILE 101 PROVEDIE7V TS tq:i )lluiM p zJ 6 ' Thi , nvtchine makes the 101.1. sti.•ll mid ranks hiv.h egt on 11,'0111a Y e.ht:ticity. permanence., beauty nod general 111,11:11.41_,I V. 14 the stitehlug. It hen done, and the WitiO range cd . lit Report of Alueri elm I ustit u tt, Now Y Thei ‘Vl,eler Ilils niSewl - ig Nlacht. , Is adept.' to LLII litudi ilf Ctintly sowizw. The Lock Stl,ll Inade ley This mnrltine ea not be ravelled. presentiug the same appearance upon each side of the seam. Tlie machine is revenimenthsi ler the following ,inali• ties: Inniuty and P,cullonet• Of FLielt upon seen s 110 nf (Owls , r wed, strengt es, firmness anti rluntfiility .n Seam I nut will net rip Or 111.10 with me ummv n t tfiswol. ti ,,, ltinanuelit - ,ss Of as nstrunt ion, speed ease, or opor.tiou, mut management end quiet -11.55 of 1110V01111111. 36 . 2,5 mail . .din:4 or all wore sold in the year 1861 he t ',te ten dilb•reut ufartitrers. ill this nuue were 01 the It heider%. Wilson inanulacture, tieing 041, one half ”r all sold during tit° year. Price,: $l5 and upwards according to finish. Mit eliiries warranted to do their work 31:v111111°i I,tin lee he at ,he Railroad intleo. All Inquiries atuitvervil lit addre , sing .1. CA AI PIiELI, Agent. Carnal°, .I..inu 27, 11112-0. k QIIAVING SALOON.—[laving fitted Inn in the sPrs best 80'14, tho rtnn ill Cru nlr'e 111 - 111,111,c, 111,4 poor to A. L. Spondee's sole., l am p, r111,•Il Give toy tonsol tai at tentions to all IVIIO may horse foe with a v t. I shall roost tot!) , he SII:o plied with volope4ent and polite hands and shall spa rune elf. let to give general s ithicael ion. I wish to eioplov a good boy, between 1 , 1 and 17 ye.irs old, Apply innoodlatoly J. MYILIIB. Carlisle, June 27, 1862-Iy. ATTENTION FARMERS. _ •CARLIBLE, Julio 25, 1862 We fool lilio saying to the farming community of flieherlitruLCoutily.auiLelsewhere, that we tested one o. the Lewisburg ilealier and Mower this day in heavy Lodged Clover very ,difficult for ally nittChinn to cut, front the Met of its [ohm very wet and the irregular. We can Rudely say that we never Haw a Machine to beat It Also a very easy draught Machine for two homes, more so than any we over Haw. PHILIP BAK El{. EMANUEL SHETRON, JOHN HALL. Juno 27, 1862-3 w A DIIIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Is hereby given, that Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of John Kissinger, late 0 1 peen township, dee'd, have been wanted to the undersigned residing in Newton township. All persons knowing theinsalteniudebted will therefore -please make pay. Mont Immediately, cud those having claims will pre• sent them for settlement. liA.Vl7a DEMUTH, Adner. June 27, 1862-00 ASSIGGEE'S SALE, Ow Tuesday, August 5th,,1.862. r_ki HE undersigned,' Assignee of George inatchott, .will sell at publie sale, the following rue 'estate, vii: , • • No. Y. A tract of land, situate In Hampden tnwnshlp, Cumberland county. bouut.ed by lands of David flume, Johaph . Wegconor, Usury Shaul and others, containing 80 ACNE§ AND HO .PERCHES, ' • ~.. more or less, baying thereon erected a . . ... e...k LOB . 110Witl, DOUBLE', LOG , 11A RN, tn, ~f, , Wagon S hed, Corn Cribs, and other fit ..Yip , -,-; Outbuildings, a Young Apple °reliant. •.P. 4 4, --‘ l '44, E T,t,, ,, of shako fruit, running water at the door; atilt a - Limestone Que Cry thereon. - No, 2.-A tract of land, sltue,a in the WIMP IOWILIShip, ' bounded by lands ,of Shaeffer's heirs, John Baker, Mu ses 0. Kburlyand lathers, containing ~, . . . .. .. . • 8 . 6 - AORES - AND:I - 4f pette EIES;.: '" morn or loss, and having thereon erected a '. • . LOG lIOUSADOUBLB LOG BARN, Coin Cribs. &n. A good Orchard of Clio! lirult,'lind a Lime Kiln in good repair mion'thla prop rty.'. - These Farms are located, on 'the, Styr road loading from 'Siert °to!. Ottp•to West 'Fakir ew; 'abotitql miles from Harrisburg: and 7 miles- from- MuchenicanUrgi eunviinient to Mills, Kelloot. Muses, and Meehan:oth ' The -wile of bait, promises (rill' take rinlace 'on :the Mansion tract, described as No., I,.tit 1 o'clock 1.: Dl, on .suld day, *lton tornis will he fraud° known by - . i , 'G..W. , ,oluswnLL, - Assignee. Juno 26, I.B4—Pt ... .. SEJ EW STO. .-..; THE subsCAl?wvould:,:regteoaplly in fornlAjo former euntomera and tho 114411e.geno rady, thatioibnoiMain cbunhoueed tho • Grocery & Queefisware Business, In the store room lately msmpied by S. C. Iluyett, on Limo corner of ' mirth Irinevor and Loutber streets, Ilsre Ue has just opened one of the largest assort ments of ever brought to Carlisle. Ms stock embraces choice Coffees, Sugars of every description, oth various Itinds of Molasses, Teas, Spices, Starch, Sall, Rice, Crackers, Hams, Pickles, Candles, Brooms, liasitecs, Fruits, Soap, Coal Oil and Lamps. cpCHINA AND GLASSWARE, in endless variety and of the latest styles and Last quality, to whirl, the attention of house keepers Is especially invited. Cedarware 2 Drior data. .F.!Sir ! FISH ! ! FISII ! ! Superior Fish of all kinds, 'constantly on band, wholesale and retail, together with every article usual ly kept in a first class grocery Store. Ills stork tieing entirely new and fresh, be can, with entire ronfidiince public to give him a call. . . Carlisle, June 20,18'12 EPHRATA IYIOUNTAIN SPRINGS r FETE well known and popular watering place, known as TII Ii EPHRATA MOUNTAIN MUNGS," In the County of Letuelster. Stet," of Penneylran la. 13 tnlirs north east from Lancaster. 15 mots south rot from Heading. and on the Downingtown, Ephrata and Ilarrishurg turnpike road. 59 mites loss' at Philadel phia, 38 111114'S east of that rishurg and 11 miles north of the Itlyd-in-IL•utd. a stet lon on thn Pennsylvania Rail Road. The property consists of • °' 775 ACRES OF LAND, pilot of it excellent farming laud. t , tveretl with fine Chestnut and other limber, with numerous Furious of Alitor, whirl are rondurtod to IMUCIIES and ItA 'MS. The buildings aro nuillorous and exten sisn and i•apnhl.• of entortatinintt 500 visitors This 1011'Elt 'NU l'ltAelt: AND FU '.,tl lit RESORT, has es, since is commenoeinont boon v.ll patroni,d; at limos I , its full 4,lparity. The Colutnith end InR It vile :ul not 'song con , truclod, pass, within. quarter of it mile of the Sprint, and when oomph run will mite '• 111 PI EPHRATA )ItIUN AIN ~ 1 1t1t1:\ the tott.,l oenvettient of acress, of all the tashlunahle waterlue . pinees,, For fortfii, information apply' at thy ollive of Ihn FRANKLIN FIRE INSIJIt \ \ CIONIII.INY, and 437. Fhilad••lphia. nr to II It \III AltliNEß, Agt•ula of Ow Company,'yt L:nu•aetrr, „. T lf unilorsigned doing loisinc , ss in Amliir fill. 11111110 111111 t l:Ic of 11 i 0,•t1fi..1.1 ,give notice that roehate disposed of iiior :mil iiitiiroot. in the some, to I, anlieJd nod A K. Sheater nt enrii.le. 111111 11111 i/ in 1 s he future the bn.inros v ill In, einitlucted in the nanio Thankful ton ilit.critnliniting yuhlic lor the it ,tioolige given In u , t.WO Wllllll . l ask f o r Oaf liliC1•0101111, 11 011ii.11111.1111111 of 1110'r fOV.,S. `rise un lerskrussl llstvins4isrpse 1 a en partuershlit,ons Slur the stlonessusl qty'ss or tlreessfiTslirsr. Slos tir. and Isaviss t purolusgesl the entire Stool, or 1;,00lkia k co, svmsl.l nsossiset 1011. a-l; of into friont7+ cwitilio aims 4.)1 tip•ir 11.1tr 11 11:12. , .. WI . ' , hall at all tattoo 11:1VO , It well nod gel till V Soloctoil 3,01 - tOll.llt. of 10.•11 It lavls and 1 .. .111 , y Elll hr 4.1.10 r N,111,1115. li.op Ss. sits, Carpets:. III! 110E11, 1110 . -I irs 1,11111 doses iptin ,', and ploslstss ourselves to sell thous at us small ad% a net. "II its tint. I , S. We hive reoeive4l this t13) . 2.1 'lt,: let of drt•••• gh0 , 1 , . all or thn let W tt‘i kliksigns in the nrri,t, Whit'h nisi h. Cheap thr 03sh. (31:El.:NFU:LI) & : 4 111i.11 , E1t 1`,62 N 01' I C ji Lot ery of 111inio , tration on ;he estalw..f Eliza l'eth Il3sls. 1111.11oroolrh of btu, graTiteli 1.1 thy Iteziqur of ( 1 11,1111,0 I Ind county. to thu sulouriter 11v1roz in 15 1 .,1pu0u51....r0nu1l town ship, All to I,t r at 11 Will metro I , it 1111( . 11t. 31/i thorn hating claims will ptosent them fur settlement to UF:O. O. 1).1V11/..4)N, dun. .Irene 13, 1,,P11--r.6' E undersigned buying Itmsed this Irnr at, 1 (.010,00.11.00: Maid. hatald anitossurst 0 Ills friends and the yobbo generally. tit:, be 1 , , hrehr a 5..1 3.,..stssis.t.latt , 11.,a , dors .•it her reasslar sa Ir tosh.ht. Ph° Ale lartza :slid pit:R.:ant the ...es yavits at,..111 :tad the Proprietor 1111•11 , 10 R IriN Lest elhats L. , LI. , thlt. 01 sltanattrs and ettsishat. able .1111 pleasant Its co:Ili:1:411y to thi. Des, a. ait eta the Mattsiolt Ilouse zsavahLago , 3 t.s.er 105 tah., 1101..1. Il L. l2Ultit II Carlisle, lune 13, INCA; 1111 ST received tlig largest, best and cheapf,l ~, L10,2:5 05 ~., the!, 1 ., .1 k s. Smiths. raki,, \ V1...E. 5E.011,2, Ft...Veit.. . . ‘IIII.S. II . .. E.. . NV: I to l i! Ir., over tir.,,,ltt t-. this c , putily. All of ,lii, h I bay.. 111:1 , i0 I, pro•SIS to or d... , iti lar . qt. .111.111_;lti4ts, tl., thAL tlll , y rah i.e ,i_Lita AL very 1.,e pi ice.4Antl- .ArrAlitk•ti-qt, E.1.1.1...,1.11E.,/. The trade :111.1 vradle malu r supplied at reanuf., tan r pelves, at the cheap Hardware ntere ell ,Ititht 11 (UST received a large lot of those su •YY parlor May Elovatoro, flay Honk'. Roper; of all Nixes. Pu'leys, &c, which I Oar radii g cheaper than rvor. I mn solo for Carlkle for the colnlrratorl II AY ELE VATOR and 51anuro Excavator. Call aunt sue them. June 13. 11ENV EWING CRADLES. - jr,hl hand a home assortment of ti rout Cradles of the dillerenc makes of this and tither counties. Also, some city 111A,ill 011 hwd , with A Ineriean and Imparted Scythes. warranted At 111:111Uf4:ttll ors poi •Ps. June 13. lIENHY :4 XTON. ‘ FLY NETS. )k IDLY ti Fl) NAs, Worsted Fly Nide. Linen Fly 'C.d.:. Twine Fly Net, Leather Fly Nets, all.Mors, shape., size- and qualities. which I am selliw4 cheaper thaw the eheapent, as 1 buy directly Irmo tbo MAlM favt It! el 0. .11111013. HENRY SAXTON. '~ li~1s~?/ " CH2I - 0) TO FAIIMERS. 1 hove boon oPloOntod sale naent for Cumberland roonty, for several new and supellor Makes of FARM BELLS, f nm Soiling at COT'S rmiliVed prlrev Call alai 000 'them Were Inveh:lslog, at the cheap iiardware store of Juno 11 Ni - (lll(llll.—Letters Adtuinistration L tiro vtil annozed Ity Christian Wlllsl6F Int• of Hampden TOW unlup, Love i.een Issued to (no to tt hom all doWs will Lu paid, and upon u bow ull datum Will Lu nutdo .71,n0 nth, 1562.—fitx FOR RENT, • Tim: subaerlher otters for rent the ;, Ftore mons and Dwelling-. on East llaln „ 5 5 ,treet, now oevopied by F. C. K rttner, • n Jeweler. P.M:SAO. given Immediate 0.4 1 - .;CA. Ip.MIST. IRVINE, Sr. Carlisle..l one 6,1562—1 f TUST opened the largest and best a:3- z) sortment of Hardware ' Paints, Oils, Varnish. lass, Iron, &s., ever brought to Cumberland county, bought exclusively for cash, and which we ore selling at the lowest. prises. We Invite the public generally to give us a spill Mauro making their purchases, as we are fully sustaining-our old reputation-of -selling the BEST 000DS AT , ITHE LOWEST PRICES. Returning thaelis to a generous public for their poet liberal patronage. hoping by personal attention to their wants, to merit a conlinuiibee of the same. JOHN 1 0 , LYN H & SON, At the Old Stand North lianover Street. Car Hole, June 6,1862., TO[IN P. LYNN & SON, have just ty received a large lot-of those celebratedSCYTHES, made expressly for their own sales,mlleh have always given entire sathfaction to all who have used them,— You that wants Imes cutting and easy running Scythe, wo would say try ono of their superior make. ‘Ve have also a full stock of Shane, Whet Stones, &e. Rakes of Chrlkt. Myers! and other celebrated makes. firldu Crar dies of all the best makes in the rowdy,. with a lull stock of all Millis of TlJOili und'lmplemunts fur Farmer's use. All of which wo are selling clump at our store in North Hanover street. Juno 0, 1802. ' • AT COST! OGY-Tho tindarsignad ban cieterminealiisill out his Gory extensive an •ologant nasortmeint of I "DRY GOODS at first cost Ho kvill not, attempt to specify. Sul - deo it to salt, his stock IS biro 'and com y loto, 'comprising in in part, don ' s, adios. and Misses Area r, of all kinds and descriptions, all of 'which 'wore purc hased at low rates for cash, and will bo sold at.the same figura, 110USEKREPING - GOODS,' • i• o x i ch as :bleached and unhloaohed, Shootings, Pillow Casings, Linon and Cotton :Table' Clothe, Tiekingsi White and Brown Muslins, _ CARPTITS, OlLbLeTlit, &C. Ills stock of Carpets, 011 Cloths, Mattings, &a., IS the largesCand beat in.this section •of the country. Give •no an early call. all who want great bargains, for I in tend to do just what I say, and:sell out my entlro stock at first cost. — Como ontiLfaine all I , . PHILIP ARNOLD, ,Two doors north of tbo Carlisle Deposit ltunk. ' N. D.'COUNTItY DIhItCIIhNTS will find It to their adyoutage to give me auall, for I cab sell' to nein at cheaper vacs than- they can pirrchaso the same goods In the el ty. '• , • • '• ' P. A. - "...NOTIOE.—AIi persons knowing themselves indebted to the .untiersigned, will please call and settle - their ac.• countspemedlately as the books 'lust be settled: • , • Carlisle May Oth, 1882 IMMEJPARROLT): LE FRESH. GOODS, liIENMEIM colt SALE NOTICE. Yz 4 TI:It Cliambel UR EliN Fl I•il, I) A: SUN.\ nit I\IANSION HOUSE Scythes & tinaths. 11 It Y Ragt St.. Carlisle. Hay Elevatols. lIENItY SAXTON 6AMUEL E111:111,Y, Adm'r, 0 'l' A Interesting To Farmers. PAGAINS I BARGAINS 1 ! READING RAILROAD. ~\g4tll, Off •rr--- j 25. SLIMMER ARRANGEMENT. I{EAT•'T'runk Lime from tie .North and North West for Philadelphia, Nati York, Read ing, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allontown, Easton, At, Trains leave Harrisburg for Philtubilphia, - NoW'Yort, Reading, Pottaville, and all intermediate stations, at 8 A. M., and 1.40 P. 11. -New York Express leaves . Harrisburg at 1,25 A. M., arriving at New York at 8.25 the same morning. Pares from Harrisburg: To New Verb $5,00; to Phila delphia $3 25 and $2,70. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 A. M., 12 Noon, and BP. 11., (Pittsburg Express). Leave, Philadelphia at A. 11., and 310 P. 31. Sleeping cars lu the Now York Rap essTrains,through to and from Pittsburg iv), hout change. Passengers by the Cataw•issa Railroad leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M., for Philadelphia and all intermo dlate Stations: and at 3.00 P.M., for Philadelphia, New York and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9 A. M., and 2.16 P. M.,' for Phi holal pb la and New York; and at 5 30 I'. M., for Au• burn and l'ort Clinton only, connecting for Pine Grove and with the Catawissa Railroad. • ~Aceomtnodutlon 1 nssen•cor TEdn.TeTives Reading at 0 A.M., and returns from Philadelphia at 5 P. M. All the above train, run daily. Sundays excepted. A Sunday train luau, s Pottsville at .7.3) A. Si., and Philaielphla at 3.15 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Season. and Excursion Tick. ets, at reduced rates to and from aiLpointa. G. A. NICOLLS, General eup't. Juno 6, 1562.':;,., WAR CLAIM AGENCY. THE subscriber having been appointed by t h e wail known War Claim firm of Barrows, It.•ed A. Co., of Washlimtnn, .1) C, as their Agent for Cumlaola nil (M nty. and Nevi eg all the necessary forms for the proper Deputmants. I am new prep.tre I to proruro for the • Triends of deceased soldiers. the ONE II ENIMEE . 01.1.1 Ro BOUNTY :std WEE pay due them.— A !so, Pensions for wounded or disabled soldiers. I will alma give pr,mpt and careful attention to the adjust ment and collection of all claims tolainst the hovers me eL. caused by the esent war. of every hind, large er small. 111, lee a legal Or ,Nuitablii 'foundation. I . t. In ill portant that persons having just claims should pre sent their applications .it the earliest day praetieable, t as claims aro p.,id in the order in-is kb they tire filed. My connection at Washington give me .great; nitwit, tag, in procuring ttni settlement'i f 'claims promptly. My charge will be 10 per cent on I.lfit amount allowed Ly ttover, ment. and no fee will beltharged until that . Is paid. .1 A NI ES . WEAN nhisit. I refer permlssi ,n to Iho following gentlemen Ilan. F. {Butts, Wm. 11. Miller, Est! , R. Irviur, Cerlislo. A: ti. Miller , Esq , John MeCulAy, Esq., Shippens burg. 1. Kant nan. TLsq . John C. I)unlap, Mechanicsburg Wto It Oorgas, , I) :•hoonnilser, Newhunr. =I =I ,TUINTII 2.862. JITITE 21862. rEI DICE, SAWYER & MILLER, j East 11 al sl rest. respertfolly roll the ;tttentiot 01 the public, etptodally the Ladies, to their largo ud dittos of summEle 000Ds, just received, compri.iiiii; the Minns fabrics suitolile for the 'ivory rarluly and 11e...4 sty I-s.- Lat. st 01 Mantivs, lA, Mitts, Burpours,:ituiwlsQi 'Sun \ I is, !Las, ltibbous, Dress Trimmings, Euibr - oideries. Hosiery, White C(rmis of uver:,• de,orip• tom, 11. op Skirts, De Fo,:est s kid Pad and Clanped Skirt, the 1,001 in the manta, Eugletun Corded Skirts. Men's and Ito)':, Light C1,H771S CASSIMERES, French lo.ark Cloth, Linen Pantings., Coannados (laving 11.. sor Tailor, vions of a first cla,s Taor, We :Iry pr, pared to mats up lisoda u 6 Shtun notice and most lanit monublu CARPETS r,l all kiTids lu VOI y largo supply, oil Cloths, )latlings, Lool,ing ”linds, all hunk .4 !louse Furnishing 1./eine:4le (Mods in immense quantities. fluke 1,111 aunt examine and NO i,ly.yoursel its. WO 11;111' ti te , t,l urees t, cievap,t, most, demrahle stork el ;;..ukt, eves oilurokl LEI II 21 1, SAWYER k MILLER METE 3usiitess Maras \ITpEN ItOSE A uorney at Law Intl, in I:heenCN Il,tll. Prolersionnl busi pr,uptl a I 10,1,1 to. 1 ,1 / 1 . 11.11 . 1 . 21. 1,2. • - 1)11TFI'S E. SII‘II,EY, Attorney at I, Pa. to securing and cal -1 r+ig.tier: l'ar, ll. , util it.. and Pewit..., at tl fur iii;*.entalrin Oahe.. t.ll.•relii. (illicit on South lia V4iVer St emit, opposite Bent es ntorit, lout • J. 1.-IRB I 1.11.L.-ATTOR NE Al W. M. Penrose, In ItheenC. Uit. M . I: Alc LE V.—A tieney at Law. y • ,t.nth Hanover street. uppositt! Bentz' 1;..o.1, store. urot,ssional busiut;ss entrusted nine pt umptly attended to, AIV CAR D.-EII:IEI,ES E. GLA I:4n I lAN, torntly nt 1.717, Oni, e Su 11, both , Imilrfing.Ju4t opp.thilbe NTIIIVet H ausa, 31areh 1 1. '6l)--Iy. I J. W. Attorney at Law Ofilva with .1. R. Smith, Esq., in 111 mom's All Business' eatusted to him will be promptly n i t. tended to. May 0, 110.-1 y. Y. HUMRICII, Attorney at Law. ki s —Office on Norlth Hanover ntreet, n few oors south of GlAss' Hotel. All InIFICIOSS entrusted to d him will be promptly attended to. [April 15. \V. C. It 1-1 E EAT ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Minneupofis, Minnesota. allen W l r l r ' u L t gi t 170 K,P t ' • ' l 4. t i t '4 , l ti ri ° ,l% ' • e t S o t 1 4N t 1-I",l'tBr through cud sal Real EKtat r• and securities Negotlat, liquis, pay tax, locate land warrants. A.c., Are. Refer to the tiro ctnolrer land County Bar, and to all prominent rill netts of l'arlisle, l'a. j A 0g4 . 57,-Iy. y M TZ —I 1 YSI(,'I AN sulttlNoN, has rt.r„,,..,1 hk office to South nor, rd.' net, di/ netly oppt.iln Blintz's store. All pa• nts entrusted to Ills rare, either fromt ole❑ or rout, try, will be promptly attended to. Nov_lfr, 1111. S. B. KLEFFER Office in North jiyihnover street two doors from A rnoltIO: Son's tore. Mika hours, unneparticularly from 7 to 9 o'clock' A. M., nod from 5 to 7 Coloek, P. M. ' ) lt1;11I ( 1', 11 11.1T1' n tlu:lla tlmore College of Dental Surgery. C. Oftlee at the residence of his soother, East Louther street. three doors below Bedford. Marsh IJ, ISs6—tf. GEO. W. NEIDIULI, D. D. S.- I,:‘ to Demonstrator of elpru all v e Dentistry to tWo Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Office at Ills re,idenee, oprosi to Marlon flail, ‘l, est Main street, Gullible, Venn N0v.11.1867. F..dSTATE NOTlCE.—Letters 'festa -1 .. inentary on the estate of Abraham Gaynian, doe'd, late of Ft ankford t.owouhfp r baying been issued 'iry Register of Cumberland Co. to the subsairiber, residing iu Alltllin too nship. Notice is hereby given to all per sons indebted to said estato, to make payment and thoso liari o ng ellibus to present them, duly authentica ted for settleiniiiitla - JONAS' 0 A May 23, 1852-00. Execlator. Dissolution, rpf-ID partnership loretofure existing I? between Richard 11011ummel and Win. M. Herr, has lion dissolved by mutual =went. All persons indebted to the into firm are notified to make payment to either of the parties on or liefoeu_the hest day ot. August next , H, HUMMEL, Will. M. REHR, Bridgeport, April 28, 1862--3 in ESTATE NOTICE.—Notice Is bere• ; • by eivon that Lot tors of Administration on tho est,te of Jour SANDERSON, Into Of the borough of Carllsio deuM.,' Imo boon granted by tho !Walker of °umber land county. to the subscriber roAdlng In Middlesex. township. All personp knowing themselves Indebted are therefore rot - piked to malts paYritent; and tho.o having claims against the estate 'will' please present them for settlement. May 26, 1862 DR, Will IL COOK, • • ' lIMICEOPATHIC Ppi 7 MCIAN, TTAV ING recently located in Carlisle, ix. has taboo an °Moo opposite the Mansion Mouse, ho can bo consulted by parsons se'eklng no•dical advice; or when doslrod, will vlsit'thecu at their real &Deco, either In the town or country. May 2, Isp—ly • School Tax for 1862: • THE taxable citizens of the Borough _L of Oarlisle, arc hereby notified that the. Treaatfror of said Salmi] District wiliktteud eb thecounty Court House ' (Conunissioners' Office.) on THURSDAY, AU GUST 14th, next, between the hours ofd and 12 in the (merman, and .2 end 5 o'clock iu the afternoon of said day, fOr the perieae of collecting and receiving the &loot Tux assessed for the - present youP::.Ua"ott taxes paid on or before that date a deduction will be made . of FIVII PI% anwr..lverßonil.. wishing 'to pa,Y . their Taxes in the..tneantiffie can do, so by - calling on the. Treasurer at lila place of business, in Marion nail" building, West High street., . 'W. MIX, .Treasurer. Carliehrituno 20,1802. . ' • • Hay. Elevators , Roos and. Pullys, • - • •- • - AFULL assortment. of 'those 'seasop-• lthle artlClos, In storo anitirr silo CHEAP,' with nn endless assortment of Fm ks, lines, ehovels,, &Lief -tho host.tnelcos'and most approved. patlnruo.. For solo at the store or 4014N.INLYNp .t BON, Nbrth Hanover street, 0at11316. . . Juno 6, BLINDS AND SIIADES. BJr WILLIAMS, No. 16 North 6th . Street, Phlladeiphia, Mauufarturer of VENITIAN BLINDS-40 WINDOW SHADES. The largest And finest asioitment in the city, at the lowest prices. Blinds painted and trimmed equal to new, Store Shades made and lettered. .April 18, 181.12.-2ni KIMMELL HOUSE, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, , C STREET, BET. 4i AND Gth STS , Near the National Hotel, and two squares from the Railroad Depot, WASHINGTON CITY. FINE PARLORS FOR TILE ACCOMMODATION OF LA- • DIES Room and Board, per day. . Room alone, per day Meals. each Lodging, If the room Is vacated by 7 a m 60 - {itherwlscrit - will - berconsidensd - by-the-day,--- - - The KIMMELL HOUSE is newly and elegantly fur nished, and In every respect a first class Hotel. I invite the public to call and examine. fiti A. F. KIMMELL Proprietor. Oct. 11. 1861. t f DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH A SURE REMEDY FOR A Bad Breath, Sore Months, Canker, Biseased Bleeding' Gums, Alarming Sore Mouth, A ND the best specific now in use for ~ , !ef a t r l i e g m outh. It is particularly ARTIFICIAL TEETII, eoMpletely destroying every taint of 'the mouth, nb sorbing and removing nil impurities, insuring A SNVE B R EA 'l'H to all Nebo 1190 111 it. MI YOUNIi LADY or Youss I:NMI:MA:I IV h 0 is :I{llol,l Wi til a B D BREATH should delay applyina this remedy, for it It a certain rum mid is approved and recominended by every phy. ,ielan under whose notice It has been brought USI: Dr. Won I? II UI?D'S MO U7'II ,pared at Dr. Timm's Dental (Alive, No. 77 Fourth Stuart, Drool:l3'n, E. D.. G. Price Price 37 Cents per Bottle. ,n A li' crnl dist,,un't Madly to deal erg. Addre3s Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, Sold In by Dyntl. l CO., 2:12 North 2,1 Streol; 0 S. 100 Clu•stnut strerl; and by all DR. W 1 1. LIA 31 B• H UR D'S TOOPH POWDER! 'rlds Pi ceder p a4sessev the CAIiIIONJC IVITHOUT THE I N./UR lOUS - PRIIPV:Writ:B OF ( . 170 ATI(7O 1,. And free from nit Acids or Alkalleh that ran In-the least Injure the. Teeth. Its action hying entirely mechanical —polishing without wearing the enamel. Dr. iirm. B. Idurd's 'rootll Powder la r , enmmrnd ell by all li•ninent Dentists. -- Prepared at Dr. Dental (nee, No. 77 Forth Street, Brooklyn, E. I). A& - Price 25 Cents per Box.-T I A A Inn:1.111 discount mail., to dvaler, Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Street, New York. Fold ;deo by Caswell, \lark A', Filt!: Avenue 'Tte!: J.& I. cod hibzton. 716 Broadway; 1). S. Barnes. 202 Broadway, and by oii I Dill DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS. in - O.lllOPd nerv,s. It ia par t kularl In all vast, I,ICW/dn.], :Iflltrtoli with I I II A i:11-1I Pal on to t•litt trim Val ill ..FS .ust•il by am! 11, it ebililren from vr..at sulf,•iim l I .V ke , pillt: •I hoot tli• or 1)r. 111. l/1;01'1, iti t lie Vreirtrecl at Dr. II ura's Dental (Otero, No 77 Fourth Street, Itrnenklyn, E. D. Br„,„Y- Price, only 12 Cents per lioLl!e. A littoral ,11 , vonnt. made to tlettlprt. Address Principal Ofice, Tribune Buildings Sold in l'hillflPlphin, t,y Dyott. 232 Xorlh 2.1 St.i..ec. O. S. Ilubbvll, 1110 Übe:4llW. Street.; and by all DR, WILLIAM B. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS, FOR.THE OF N EUICALO IA Toe. PRODCCED BY C( Lt ICA I. NI:1;11,17,U-r-A -is Immediately eurod 1116eir npphentinn. They to.t Uko a charm, and Cro perfvelly itartnhooi in (tour nature: du hot produce a L later, and lea% e uu unpleasant roaults. Dr. Wm. B. Hura's Neuralgia Plasters ouvor fail to give satinfltetiun to all whd tot thtiir virtue Prepared nt Dr. liurd'2, Dental Ofllee, No. 77 Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. way- Price, only 15 Cents Each:l:44 A liberal discount made to dealers, Address Pi i•leipal Office, Tribune Buidings, Sold In Philadelphi.i. by 113 ntt & Co., 23'2 North 2d Strout; 0. 8. Ilabbell, 1410 Cheoluat Sheol; nod by all Druggints. TicE.—Wo are doily recolviog orders to send by mail SUMO one or inor's of Lir. llurd a limtal Remedies, which we cannot. till. None are mailable except the Neuralgia Plaster, w hick e hew) in an envelope en re cella of the price (15 cent') and one stamp. But canniest:de I,eisons in places where toe druggists and stoiekeel•rs are behind the age, we have put op pack ages ht Whit, WilbOtised boxes, seven inch, I, four, with compartments—each box containing a bottle of Dr. ilord's Mouth 11 ash, and loath Ache Props, a box of Tooth Powder, the Neuralgia Plaster, a valualfie little Treatise on Teeth and their Diseases• the best ineffn‘rof preserving them. and the proper treatment of Children's Teeth, worth of itself the haiku cast to every young man or women, or parents with }sung children, NI Rh sundry, other necessary articles: price, per package, one dollar. or sin.. packages for $5, see t by express directed. As the espl 01.0 charges are not much. if any inure on a dozen than on our. it is far cheaper to Order six or a d...1•111.14C1ing08 at one time. A large faintly will want all, or the surplus van be dig posed of to neigh', re with public ben-lit, for no one can estimate how much pain, sulloring, unhappiness, and disfigurement, 1441011.2, loss Of flute and refiner would be rut red to the country, If every tinnily to-shy hail one t these packages, which, in it,ulf, is a complete sett of Dental Remedies. Address 11 II B. HURD 80., Tribune Buildings, New York, and write 0111siti 1111 a address plainly. 'that remittances man be made with rant). deuce, W. B. 11. &Cu , refer to the Mayor of Brookii n. to U. W. Orillit b. President of tho Farmers and Giti• ~en's Bank, Brooklyn; to the Editors of the Amerlean Ma it ufact urers' Gazet to; to Joy, COO ttl Co., Publishers' Agents, New I'm k ; to P. T. Barnum, Esq., who knows a good thing Is hen he sees it and aho has already or dered it second supply, etc. 1000 AGENTS WANTED To introduce Dr. Iturd's Dental Remedies into every county, Alen or Women who Wltllt to Malta money quickley, can do bettor with these articles than any thing in market. They are now, useful, low priced, and wp ate vpiinling thousands in advertising them for the benefit of Agents. Boxes of samples, containing a dozen of the one dollar packages above specified, with circulars, will be Fellt,on receipt of NOVOLI dollars, about half price. to into person wishimto test his or liar skill in — selliMr; -- Witificvlicer" of beconiing an Agent. We tv uld rather pay salaries than Commissions to those who pruva themselves efficient salesman. _ Now is the tires to go Into the.bubiness. For addrosa and reference sem above. COLUMBIAN PREPARATION FOR THE HAIR! viTILL". most certainly prevent bald ness, will restore Grey (lair to Its original color, will eradicate Dandruff, annulate the Natural &ere Dons pf the Scalp, and will ,lonre a head of luxuriant, glossy, and healthy heir. Read the followiug, certlti eatps : To all N7llOlll it may consort'a.The undorslgned would my that ho has used.two bottles of Itichardsou'a Co— lumbian Pleparation for the hair, and found it to ohmic° his hair trout silvery whittmess ,ton beautiful auburn color. It Is not a dye, but a wash, and be be— hoves it will accOMplishatlf that the proprietor claims for It. SNODDY. A. L 0113E111'0N. ' Administrator. - - - NEWVILLE, Supt. 10, MC The undersigned have used Richardson% Columbian Preparation for the hair, and find it to produce effects as set forth in the hbove certificate, .. . ino. P. Rhoads, Abm. Killian, L IL Randall, Thoe. 11PCandlIsh, Ono. Rower. • . Prepared and sold only by fl. N. RIOITARDSON, 'at Nvwville, Pa., and S. W. llaveratiek, Carlisle. Price 50 Conte per bottle. ~ Slay 16, 1862,—.3tn* unt.BELT[NGI ‘L . A Just roceived a large assortment of till 'sizes.— Gum Belting, Gum IlOsu, Gum Pa king, &c.; and for sale clamp at the hardware Store of Juuu 22, 1860. — SAXTON RITNER, JR., Attorney at PI Laic atid - ti - iirv4or, Mechinkabtirg ; Pa; Ottico on nati - Itow Stravt,!wp (Mani nprth o Bank. kir:Business - promp4attondta . - RAIN T,S • PAINTS !I' .lecl'arnisl;os, , TurPerittne. We Invite the !Atom- Mower tho public to our euporlor WiIITH . LBAD, put •up o:Auslvoly in Tin pules, ond.Warranted to bp sopa 'rlor to Any otho broods, qua tit thlFt.mnrket. L A. groat. variety of colors of 'the end solllegg.at the, lowest prlooli. John P. Lyuo yotee, Northqftinover street, ... • ' • „ Juuu.i.yo2. pVIIPETINGS' - Bzo.--.--just te6eiv.o at OClthilY'S Cheap Conn fit Ore, a tioyr e toc6 of 'Car- Inge; Drunote awl. Mout Oil Olathe, yallkit *ill lm sold at'very: law tlkurlia; •, '-, , ..,.. ' - ;- 'Please cull and examine the ateck, , . • Iltrilete, Got. ?6 1 1691, . . • No. 1 Spruce Stroot, Now York For the Cure uf Toothache, LOSS OF SLEEP, No. 1 Spruce treet, New York No. 1 Spruce Stroot, New York RICHARDSON'S SIIIIVENI3IIURO. Sept. 4, 1860 PRING GOODS, & CO., • One' dotir west of . he County Prison. A.) 7 1, just 'received a splendid as sortment' of Nov Goods, from Now York and . Philadelphia, which. will. he 'N d unusually cheap for cash. Fancy Silks in Great Varictics, BLACK SILKS, , of all grader, from 75 canto to $1,50. In tho above line of Goode we defy competition. SILK AND WOOLEN FOULARDS, ' Silk l'opllne, llama Clothe, Illozarnbhiues, Shepherd Plaids, Wool do Lam Iles, liballles, Lawns, &c. SPRIXG IDEJLOILIVES at reduced prices. Wo aro now offering our entire stock of now stylus of Ppring Delaines at 20 coats, north 26 cents. DOMESTICS $2 00 1 00 Good Prints nt Extra do 10 cents. Cochecoaß, gorrimace and Spragues at 1214. Bleached and unbleached Muslim. at 0, 0 and 10 cants. Extra qurilltyTotaryard - xvldorat - 1214 - cants. - layntaater - Olng. hams at 12 cents. 0212=0,, UZZrZO9 COTTON AND LINEN :PANTINGS Drills, Denims, Jeans, In groat variety and at old prices MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. A very handsome lot of CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, for Mon and Boys' woar, at low ',Hem WHITE GOODS AND NOTIONS. A full line of thn above goods Always on hand. ,Also hoop Skirts, of the latent New York styles. 4D.auriptcDtac 2 4,800 yards of Carpets, all of the newest designs and patterns lu the !parsec. ranginff In prier frodi to $l.OO per yard 'laving purchased the above a.sort meet in New York. we ore enatliKl to oiler superior inducements to all who will savor us with a call. As stir store is now a permanent Institution In Carlisle, we are determined to maintain the 1111011, (we have al ready e , tablidied) of selling cheap, notwith,.;,anding the various rumor:, that have been circulated In regard to our I, raving town. Carl islo, May 2, 1562. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! QINCE the late victories Domestic Cot jlnn ooods have dee not. and there is now a pros pert ni getting it supply of Cott ,n. We, (I,EIDIeII SAWYER k MILLER, at the new stein, under Mertia . . 11.01, East stroot,) are receiving dolly loge cup plies of NEW SPRING GOODS, wlikb. oar u4l stns it wr are d4ortoinoll to Nell a CITY PRICES. Dli GOOD. , 01 oNery verity; Plain and Fancy Silks at all Prices. A large Int of now Illnrk Silks at 75, 871,, 1.00, 1.20, 1.55, 1 75. 9 2 SR: in, Spring I/el:tines at '23 cents, 4,015 yards heat quality Meriniar, eneht.rn, Neill, and Am-Ht. - an Prints, dark and light color, now styles, at a lame 101 at ri, A and 10. Full and SECOND MORNING . PRINTS, best. quality 12 , /, ets. All - kinds - DiiD;fille Gingham ,, Ilanch4:ster Is 4; 30 pipet, French and Scotch Drvss :tad Ito:met llingq:lnis 131tOIV'S MUST,INS rt , tail. n gland quality 8, fine 10, 4 4 wide Al.- 0 , 5.4, 10 4, 11-4, 12-4 nt vorrespondlng prives. All kind., of iIE.AVY 1.101/D8 In largo supply nt reduced prices—'hekings, Sl ripes, Cheeks. Drillinrs, Cid ten Diapaer, A• , dr. iduen Goods of all kind, Tan). Clelhs, I,lnen Diaper, Nap hies, 51,111,u_ I.lneus Shirt holds. Collars,nt the old prhes. White Urals, all hinds, at old priers. 'SPRING JIANTLSS, DUSTERS, skirts fliroct from the floqory. ,o 0 doz. Ladies', \lon's and 80, 's 1106 E, 12!2 to :25. Men's and llop's Wear— BLACK CLOTHS AND CASSIIERES, all grades, Fancy rassitneres, latest styles, Vesl in gs, I•ottm.los, &r.. ke.. Haring - secured the set Visat a first class Tailor, we are Prepared to get op Cl. thing in the most fltshionalde style "at short not CARPETS! CARPETS! ! We aro reeeic lee, our SKIM, supply Of Carpets, compris ing nil the vari.ala first risen Carpet I ][;;‘,.. Ca; pets ranging ill le ire (rola l i La 1.'45. ,til ll1;;ths. all ttid the. Mattings. la,okneg Glasses, l;l11,1es end Minds; fall kind.. I,oeo Ihs Carpet Chitin; Featlee Cetten hal Ling; Collet, panes, , Ali the aL, rogmuls td manlyolhrt s , o tr i , to pu t ch u r n ti t Smallably tt e , •st. IVlnter , agitfors. less than lit st cost. :t e t•Loi hot willerhold. Pluttst r , : call and e %ammo out itmli,u,st,,rl; ft r r s ,..l.Ve ‘‘ki I “lako adiht lon, f Ne.w (ponds ss the srn son atvanres. All Ono& Warranted to be what n o syl thew for. IY,11)1011, SAM YEN & M I LLER Carlisle February 28, 1562. A Superior Limestone Farm For Sale. t , I.iniestmle farm ()('tile best finality tinine about '2.,0 or 21,5 acres Is idlered for. ale. Thi. farm snslticed last veer 1000 bushels of wheat, and large quantltie , of rnrn and OM,. 'There are r rlb•ut illllll - 0,1•111011tS nn Zhu firm, consist ing of:, new house. :1 1.:0 , 111 1“1 . 11, is 1104 pen and corn 81,1uhf horn..., balsa 01'1.11, and gnarl nater near the door. On the northern vide of the firm is Ir-ated limestone Itidge prnteeting the ercpm from the winds and fur, - ishine tlintos4.4. , limestone tor- -lime,- There are about Ifni aeri, e . i•iled and the rest Is covered with timber With .iinlichins liming the i 21 1 .111 would pro duce In 00 bushels of wheat. It can conveniently lie dll Id, d tutu two firms. The farm lies in Madison township, the richest uteri cultural sottlemont In h urr y County. A better pa3ing, Investment cannot bo mule. For partion;lrs rail upon or address the underslned, Nllll, WI cr all inquiries. April 4, A. L. SPONSLER. REMOVAL! REMOVAL ! TACOB SENER'S Boot & Shoe Store, thas been removed next door to Piper s Book Store and opposite:the Cumberland Valley Bank. 1300.1:$ AND StE3ES! BOOTS AND SHOES! Grand Bargains .tow offered at Solute's Cheap Bout and Shoe Store. Si)ring Arrirul of New Bouts & Shoes. Tll 0 su` ,riher has just returned from Phil , adelphia awl Boston uith an extensive and spleildrl as,nrtinent 1;121111..1111.0's and La ' dies' Shoos, Men's and Itops' !toots. s•Lioes wt.! Brogans, Mon's and Buys' Walking Shoes, Calf, l'atent Leather and Cloth Gaiters. IA des' Batton Boots, Balmoral and'Lave Boot,, U ti tern. Buskins and Kid Slippers, Misses and Children's Boots a rid Shoos. Carpet itatzs. Trunks, Umbrellas, &0., n hinh will he sold low for Cash. Pureinsers are invited to call and exaibine our stock, they will find that in price and quality it sill e , mpotu with any shoe store in tits play°, at Liao NIklY Store Room ne,xt door to Piper's Book 6tur6. ' Carlisle, April 11, 1862—Gm The Confessions and Experience of an Invalid, • I)UI3LISHED for the benefit and as a warning and n caution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility , Premature Decay, &c.; supply ing at the same lime the mea l s of &drew. By 0410 who oils cured hlnieelf after being put to great expense through medical Imposition and quackery. By enclo sing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may he had of tire author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq., Bedford, Kings Co., N. Y. March 14, 1862.—1 y • NEW FIRM. CIRAWFORD & CO., Wholesale and Glues and Curled hair Warehouse, No. 21 South 7th Strout ' Clue, Sand and Etne. ry Paper, Emory Cloth, Raw' (lido Whips, and Curled Ilair'fit she lowest prices. Orders solicited by mail and satistaction gunrtin teed.. 1 PIIITE AND COMMON GL US, for Mill:nese, Printers, Bouliblnders, Cabinet Makers Coach Makers, ize. Ace. Deniers is the above will find it of special advantage to glee tia a call, GRA WFORD & CO. 21 South 7th St.ot Philadelphia Jan. 3d, 1861 " Matrimony made Easy." A NEW work showing how either sex may be suitably married. irrespective of ago or position, prepossessing nrutherwisn, with attreatise-on the Art of fascinating uuy person you wish.' A ourl nus scientific experiment which never fails. Free for 26 coots. Address 'l'. WILLIAM & CO., Publishers, Box 2,30 Q, Philadelphia.— - March 14, 1802—ly IS. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, . °North Hanover Street, Carlisle. Physielan'opreieriptiOns carefully compbunded A full supply of fresh diugs andlihou*als. U' FARE REDUCED...9Sd STARES UNION 11-O . TEL, 606 & 608•Martiet St., above sixth, PIIILADELPAIA. JAMES W. POWER', Proprietor. TERMS ;—sl. 25 per day. jr1301,9, UNITED STATES HOTETA.-- • S: E. Car. 11th . 21arkethis., . Tulabit*A • H: -NA:14410-A PROP/LIE:IVA Jan. ,1800 '4111111.11. 16 . 11* Juno], '62: D . LC.LOOM/S South ifititever . etroet, opposite Ilente.dry goods store. 1 • j4ST ATE NOTICE.; . 6>ttoie.wsinnontary on the estate of John Coov or, doo'd-, do of the lloroughOf Mechanicsburg, Cunt twriand county; Pa.,- having hoop gaup(' by the Regis.. tor of said county, : to. the subscriber residing In Her risburg, notice Is horoby,glVon to all ' pot sting indobted gn'wnko payniont„and thorn+ having claims to present them duly authouticatud. ' - siN9; B. 1:100VEV, May 80, 1136.2-Bt, VAN ANDENIS PATENT PORTABLE,' COP ITZLi G panss. • . 1. - lANNAI - 1, - k SOLE PROPRIETORS, 20 CLIPP. Sr., NEW Y.JEK. Tivo Sizes, - - - . $l,OO and $1,25 Rcg -- On receipt of price a Press will Ire mailed to any address, postage paid. Descriptive ebbolars !writ If re guested. iitationers and • Agents itrop led on liberal terms. Extraordinary induremants offered to intelli gent Agette. Slay 2,1.802-3 m • 3 F ys ilirkriltixrep, G% and 8 cents REDUCED 'PRICES:. GEO. J, HENKELS, .No. 624 Walnut Street, (OPPOSITE THE STATE HOUSE,) ) 1 \ GREENFIELD & CO Second door cost of the Market House in Zug's Corner. !'EALER IN PIANOS. New Rose .wood Pianos, from the hot milkers. MELODE OA T S. The best manufactured Instruments from $45 to $lOO. Violins. 11 uttms, t“Tnrilml,lls, /dules, Files, Drums, Ban jos, Tambourines. Violin and Guitar Firings, and Moab cal Merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. A complete assortment fur all instruments. Tho latent publications always on hand. Teacher sir the Piano and Guitar, Instrumental and Vocal music. P 13110,1 and Melodeons tuned and repaired. March 21, 1802. A. LENIC. Employment. , , THE dersigna are eeirous o seem " rin g on ervices of a lew Young Mon, to engage in a Travellit , Agency, upon a salary of Full Y DOL LARS per moil h, and all expenses paid. This is an upporltinity seldom offered, and to those who merit the approbation of the subscribers, by strict attention to business, can rely upon constant employment fur a term of years. For further particulars, address ' March 14, 1862—am The Citizens of Carlisle & Vicinity, A RE invited to'an examination of my Liv stark of Ortieeries, Queensware. Spices, Rte. ut 11.1 )IS at 11 roots per lb , Orbid REEF, best Plokels, Ka (sups. Sa Iles, Buttered and Boneless Sardines of t h u most a ppro red brands, Table Oil, FRESH TOMATOES & PEACHES,. In rens. Dried Fruit, very tine Syrup at 50 As. per gat" Fish: Pine Apple, SapSa•te end butrh Head Cheese, Cool 011, Whale (11 1, Tel nud Smears, Ci der. 11 Ines and I,ljiiors, and on endless \ orioty of small wares. Terms Caste. -Feb, 7, 10132. R"3l. BENTZ. Kollock's Dandelion Coffee. rr-lIIS preparation, made from the best JavarofTee. is recommended by physiCialls as a superior Notritiou4 ffeverage tor General Debility, Dys pepsia. and all bili“us disorders. Thousands who. bay° been compelled to altantinn the use of collrr nil) iise this without injurious effects. One can coutrins the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 teat., LEVAIN, the purest and host Baking liowder known, fur making light, ow eat and nutritious ,read soli rakes. Pram lb cents. Manufsetured by M. Bullock, Clumnst. corner of Itrond k elitist out lite., Phlla., and sold by all Druggists and Grt , errs, Fcbruany 2/1, 1562-1 y lECIIANICS, anc the public gencr ally, will please call at tho s I am stilling goods rhppor Phan over for rush or shorn 1200 Kegs Nails and spikes just received, of the very best makers and warreuted Country mercbautt, sup . plied with nails al man ta Net,lre, 111,0 S. 100 loss Hammered and Rolled IRON, of all, sizes, just received and warranted to be of tho best quality, with a large assortment of - Sheet Iron, Bared Iron, Hoop lrun, Horse shoe Iron, Spring Steel, Cast Steel, Blistered Steel, Horse shoes, Horse Shoe Nails, Washers, Anvils, Vices. Files, Rasps, Belts, Nuts, Screw Plates, Rivets, Blacksmith Bellows, A.c., cheaper than the cheapest, at the Hard, are store, East Main street, Carlisle March 29, 1062 1862. .SPRING. 2862. IS AAC LIVINGSTON now oilers ono of the best, and most a ttm,ctive assortments M . Pieco Goods ever exhibited in tblii place Mr Bien and Boys' Wear, of every style, quality and price, and Is continually ro cci vine additions as the season advances, of all tho latest novelties and st) les to suit all classes. Our stock of 111(501 MADE C,AnlilINO, all our awn manufacture, cannot be excelled ler DURABILITY, STYLE, • AND CHEAPNESS, of every variety to suit tho season, taste, and pocket. All we want Is a call and see fur yourselves at ISAAC LI viriosTows North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium. N. B. All goods bought tram us by tho piece cr yard, by persons w i,•11 i g to have it cut to measure, can big acrcuomodal od free or charge, Carlisle, May 1,1862. JACOB SE,N BR At OGILBY'S CHEAP CASH STORE ALICOES 6f, 8 and 10 cents, best quality Calico at 123,4 cents, Domestic Ginghams at 11,4 cents, Domestic M USiirlS 8 & 10 cents, 4-1 Domestic Muslin, good. article, 12 1 ,41, Tickings, Checks, Table Dia per, Sheeting, &c., at low prices. Canton Flannels 12/A, Hooped. Skirts, the cheapest in the county. . , BLACK SILKS at very low prices. Blankets and Flannels under price. CLOTHS, OASSIMEItES, Jeans, Yestings, at astonlbh lugly low prices. All my old friends and customers are respectfully in vited to call and examine for. themselves, as - I will not bu undersold by any store in the county. Main street, opposite the Depot. CHAS. 00ILBY, Trusts.. Carlisle, Feb. 28, 1802. fIUMBERLAND VALLEY AND /FRANKLIN RAIL READ. , On and after DLONDAN t . MAY , 1862, Passenger Trains will run tuLfollolys: (Sualaye excepted:) FOR CIIAMB.ER:3I.IURG AND ILARRISIMItG. • _ let Train.. Train. Leave Ifagerstown, 7.00 A.M. 2,45 Greencastle. 7.37 " 3.35. Chamberabnrg, 8.30 "- Arr. 4.20 " Bhlppendirg, 9.00 • " 1.28 " " Iliewvllle, , 9.32 " 2.00 " "'" CA'lisle. 10.10 *" .. 2.40' " " Dlechanicaburg, • - 10.42 4 . 3.12 " Arrlvo at Harrisburg', 11.15 .. '3.40 " FOR OLIAMDERBDURO AND NAGERSTOWN, • Ist Trails. . 2d Tram. Loave Narksburg 8.06 A.lll 1.85 P. M. 66 d'ilochanlcsburg 8.44 " • 2.15 66 _. . a. Oarlisto, " Shippensburg, 10.33 " • 4.00 Chatubg', (Arrive) 11.10 4.40 " " 'Greencastle, • 11.55 • 5.30 " Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.35 6.13 . NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where Tickets aro sold, viz: Ilageretown, Greencastle, Chain .borsburg, Shippensburg, Newville. Carlisle, 51echanica. burg and Ilarrieburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will bo made to all Pashongere that provide themselves with Tickets before 'entering' tlieCeirs.' •• D. N.,LIILL Super't Railroad Oftlee, Chambord/lull, • •• Slay 1, 1802. Initb‘VS. :.just received n,4(1 at inanuracturors Plank'a Plow, - Ilonwootra Plow. • ' Zelalors Pb at t' Etr NOTICE.. CLM IN3 PHILADELPHIA. A. LENK, ADAMS, 11E1 NAN A CO., 113 A. 115 Broad Street, Atkinson Depot, N. 11 FARMERS, BUILDERS, CHEAP HARDWARE STORE, PRICES REDUCED ! , d ,RFAW " ` r OIIANGLE Or HOURS! Leave 12.55 0.27 . 10.02 . 18111111 2,65 " 8.29 ',