,„ THE SCHOOL EXA IV NATI NS.-1 ne Scle3ol Directors are now actively engaged in Conducting the annual examinat one of the different schools of the borough. This is always an interesting season, particularly so to parents, and those having wards in the schools, as they have an excellent opportu. pity of judging of the progress of those pu_ pile in whom they aro interested. As the examinations will continue for some time yet, our citizer.s generally should attend them, as they are both instructive and inter. esting. After the conclusion of the examinations, they will doubtleSs be followed as is custom ary, by those delightful picnics, or re. unions, which have do great a . charm for both teachers and pupils. POLICE-- RE-PURE.—tI- MOONLIGHT meat-ing:—Chas. Smith, Wm. Sheafer, Fran ms Abel, Hannah Govenv, Margaret Green, Wm. Potts and Joseph Brown, all unfortu nate descendents of Ham, were brought before honor, Squire Dehuff, charged with rob bing the smoke house of Mr. Daniel B. Kief fer of divers hams, shoulders, sausages, &a., which the gentleman aforesaid had put up for his own private use. The meat stolen was valued at about $lB. The parties were till committed for trial. Chas. Smith and Francis Abel, were also charged, by Mr Henry Snyder, with stealing two dozen ::nives and Forks, Six pepper boxes, and five pounds of ground coffee. Some of the property was found upon them. Committed. A GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL AT CAR ushe.—Surgeon Josiah Simpson, medical director of the military'department at Balti more, recently visited this place for the par pose of examining the G.-tvernrnent and oth. er buildings here, with a view to the accom iiiodation ofsicic soldieh of the Federal ar my. After an inspection of a day the doctor comes to.,the conclusion that there are excel lent accommodations for at least one thou. sand patients, the location unsurpassed for salubrity of atmostphere and highly favora ble for hospital purposes in other respects. He will make a favorable report, and it is probable that several hu.idred of our valiant Union soldiers, struck down with disease, may soon find a comfortable abode among 1%" : " ANDREW B x LF,II. , (son or Mr. Jacob Hi:x-ler, of Mt. Rock,) returned on furlough from Gen. McClellan's army, this week Mr. Rixler participated in the brittle of Fair Oaks, and was wounded in the hand at that memorable fight. IT was formerly a member of Capt Henderson's company, and was honorably discharged on account of physical ;risibility, occasioned by injuries received by jumping from the window of Glass' hotel, the time that Imilding was burned. Feeling that he had recovered nufficiently to serve bis country, he re enlisted in company A. of the Ifilst P. V., which was attachA to Casey's division. The ac count he gives of the conduct, condition, and casualties of that division, would go very far towards exculpating it -from any charge of cowardice or inefficiency. M ERCA NTI LE,TA X ES :—Thestorekeep ers in this county are interested to know that by an act of the last session of the f,egisla ture, it declared "that it shall he the duty of every city ,rid county treasurer to sue for the teeovery of all licenses duly returned to him by the mercantileappraisers, nnt. pool On or before Me I.d day nf JO hi, in envil year, withirt ten days alter that, d ite ; and , said . trrasnrrr shrill not be discharged from any such license. unless lie brings suit to re cover the same within said date, tied pre,sos the same to jurigment, and execution as soon thereafter as pramicable, and pays the amount of all Such I ceases received by him into the State treasury, on or before the first day of October ensuing." Selmer, ExAmEN ATIONS.—The exam inations of the Common Schools of Carlisle, for the year 1862, will he held as follows: On Friday morning, June 20, at 8 o'clock, the schools of Miss A. Underwood and Mr. Cornmel, and in the afternoon, at 2 o'clock, the schools of Mr. Hampton and Mr. hams. On Saturday morning, June 21. et 8 o'clock, the classes for transfer from Miss Philips.' Mr. Hampton's and Mr. Williams' schools, will he examined. On Monday morning, June 23, at 8 o'clock, the Female High School in charge of Miss M. K. Underwood, and in the afternoon, at 2 o'clock. classes for transfer front Miss A. Un dorwood's and Mr. Cornman's schools. On Tuesday morning, June 24, at 8 o'clock, the Male High School, in charge of Mr. Eck el s. On Wednesday morning, Juno 25, at 8 n'elock, the examination of the graduating classes from the nigh Schools will take place. 0? Friday evoning„Tune 27. nt 7i o'clock, therriwill,,,be an exhibition at Rheem's in Declamation, Composition, and other exer oiseS, with Vocal and Instrumental Music, at the close of which Diplomas will be awarded, and the schools dismissed for the vacation. Parents of scholars and citizens generally, arc invited to attend the examinations and the exhibition GOOD Capes.—We learn from every direetton that the prospeOts for good crops of almost every kind were never batter than at present. The recent storms have not injured them to much extent, except in very low grounds where the fields have been filled with sand In the. fruit line the oldest inhabita4it", never caw finer indications than we now have of an abundant yield. There•is much in this to re joice us, for if with a civil War, there shc , uld be a scarcity in our crops, it would add very materially to the distress already in the lend. So' amid the desolation the War is producing theim is still room for hope and cotnfort left us. - _REBEL PlusoN_EnsfL*-Onl.Buliday-lasti a number of rebel prisoners, captured by Gen: Fremont f . army,: passed through this place, rn.consequence of the train passpg through 'witiiut stopping, we were unahle - to obtain more than a passing glimpse of its contents. We give, lioatver, the.follow irigincii-, from the Harrisburg Telegraph, ' which,, gives_the• salient particulars of their) arrival' at Camp Curtin EXCITEMENT IN' TILE" ElTy.—.ArriVal of - I?.ebel Prisoners—hour hundred and sixty rebel prisoners, captured by Gen..Fre, mont'it 'division between Strasburg and Harrisimburg, Vu., arrived here about three &block yesterday afternoon, via the Cumber land Valley Railroad. .They were guarded • ty a battalion of Union soldiers, .consisting ofone from the 27th,-Indiana, one from the ad - Wisconsin. and ono from a Massacjiusettts regiment, the•whole under the coffin sad of Capt. Bureharo;sof the 3d 'Wiseonarti. The greatest portion of the prisoriers be; longed to Virginia, buts numher . pf: . - - diem were natives of and served in Mississippi and AlabaMa regiments With the except lion of a few commissioned officers and others, who by their manners and bearing gave evidence of having once belonged to a respectable class of society,*they were evi dently of the very lowest dregs of humanity —bar-rotim loafers. shoulder hitters, probes cis-punkers, strikers on the kidneys, and "hon the hi"—bottle•holders, stake-holders, and hard fellers generally . , who belonged to the secession wheel and had to "too" in con sequence of it. They were dusty, musty and crusty—near ly all coatless, and many stockingless, shoeless and hatless, while not a few, for That matter, were shirtless. They looked as if they hadn't felt a comb or razor for a month of Sundays, and were no doubt-raising a luxuriant crop of "squat ter sovereigns." There was a "contraband" with`the party—an intelligent looking fel., low, who stood nt least six foot in his stoclt. ' ings, and correspondingly well proportioned. He-hint - 15 - ‘r far - the best dressed,- cleanliest and finest looking specimen of manhood in the company. The cars containing the prisoners pro ceeded direct to the railroad crossing at Camp Curtin, where the latter alighted with the guard, and marched in files to the camp enclosure. Both sides of the road between the crossing and the camp were lined with men, women and children. Wbo viewed the passing captured "secesh" with silent curi. osity, affording a striking contrast between their conduct on the occasion and the citi zees of southern cities and towns. through which Union prisoners are paraded fur the express purpose of being submitted to the taunts and abuse of impudent children and modern hecn les. The prisoners will remain at Camp Cur tin, for an indetioite period - They will be clothed, allowed sold ers rations, and receive good medical atten ion. Uf course, they will be strictly guarded, and no commuoica tion permitted out-ide The three compa nies who guarded them until their arrival here, returned to the•army to day. Tribute of Respect At a meeting of the 'Union Philosophical Society, held .June 4th, 1862, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, An all wise Providence has seen fit to remove by death, without a moment's warning, our brother, HENRY MILLEV: there fore Resolved, That in this sudden end afflicting dispensation of God, we are taught. the un certainty of life: nnd though we deeply la ment the loss of our late brother, yet our re collections of his many amiable and noble qualities, deprives out- grief of its bitterness, and lends n. soothing influence to our sorrow. Resolved, That we tender to the family and friends of the deceased our heartfelt sympn• flues, trusting that a merciful Providenee will sustain them 111 the hour of their affliction. liesolveri, That as a les! imntlial of our re • ,sped. we wear the usual Iritlgo of rnourtnng. and our liathe draped for thirty thys. it esolved, 'l'h a copy of these reeulutioits he, sent to the family of the deceased, and for public mon to the .• Gat lisle Herald — and —The Pilot" of Greencastle. W i L c Dow ELL \VM I). 'LUCK ENBACII, C(1111 WILL 21 OGILIIY. LIST OF TUROVRS FOR AID;UST TERM. 1862 R 'Rr )11 s Car -George Livute,n, John 11 irder, Jucol Bretz lliel:iusun—Johu S. Sterrett, Joseph Gal Fratikloi d Zeigler. Hopotecll— John II ollei fintriprien— tlunittel wer Allen —‘l letil) Nlouriie Mifflin 111 ni ‘‘ilson Swar:z Nuri --Jacou IL Zcigle.r, li.leu hen Fr.-111.111'n Newlon Philip (h - qter. llonry A . Iyers Now Uninbrtl.ln,l It F New vlllu —Geo. F:1 - ler. - Knst. Shippen , lnllg—David Up:•er :1 Ilen—.l,,n?i:Q I:,Por West Pentnibolough --C. V lePry. I'ILIVE 1;S/: D. 11;truktri, 'John Nat.Ll.l Cr, Diclonson—Lie,irgo 'John M.tr ti East Pen n 1.,1,?0rLa1,a,11 —\V G ardner, Sam . I Ulrich ' Frankiiird —John I lciser, Jacob Wetzel. 11:oniideti--Jaines Urr Hopewell—Jahn Ilauti. Lower Allen—Joseph Bucher, Henry Nei (Leh. David Sheaf.r, Wm McKinsey. Mechanicsburg—John C. Dunlap, John B Eberly, Benjamin llaverstiek, jr., Daniel Miller. Middlesek —Sam'l Bucher, Levi Zeigler. Newville N. Miller. Newton— Ahr ,ham Mark ward, IL Hays. North Middleton—Joseph Lephart. Pe, n—Sam'l Fiekee Win Goodheart. South Middleton—Peter Lauck, Datil Rudy. Isaac .Mcle..t.er, Abraham Spotts. Sbring—lleury Ewalt, Geo. IT. Bn cher, M imes McGuire, Win Ziegler, Roln (lornmatt, Sam'l A Bektliue,John Musser Southampton—Joseph :11eans, Jacob Hale. Shippensburg—John L. Tritt. Upp M. Coeldin, M Cocklin. \Vest Pennshoronr , h—Edwin James, Tames Duffey, David Fulton, Peter lbitner, Ja, col) f)oner. pcatijs. ,_,,_ Oil the 12th loot , In this place, of Pluto Pheornonla LA Uli A BELL. daughter of Johoph L. and Matilda .1 K nettle, aged II months and 20 flays. , Death has el dined our little Inure Bell, Sot In seal upon her brow, And her eyes 'hat oh no on brightly, Shine In Ilea ten with .leans now. liar afllletlono were long and severe, Physicians and friends worn in vain, But God haw fit to tab° her Louis, And ease her ed hen pain To the Nervous and Consumptive Of. both sexes. A Retired Clergyman haying been re htored to health In n few days, alter many years of -great suffering. is willing to aceint others by sending ((tm,) on the roceiptof a post paid directed envelope, a copy of the p ascription used. Direct the Itev.JollN M. D 1 0 ,4 A LI, Dili Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. May 1, 1862-1 y Batchelor's Hair Dye !—The rest in the World ! WILMA)! A. BATCIICLOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distingdDlted from nature— warra n toil not to injure the Mir In the least ; remedies the 11l effects of bad dyes, and invltorates the Hair for le. Grey, Red, or liu,ty Hair instantly tut no a spiOn did Black nr Brown, keying the Hair soft and beautiful Sold by all Druggists, &c The genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATGIIIILOR, on the four sides of o soh box. 8A01 . 01114 No. 81 Barclay Street, Now York. (Lato 233 Broadway and 16 Bowl Street.) May 13;1862-1m Ely Mallets. CARLISLE PRODUCE HARRET. Reported weekly_ for_ the . Ilerald by Virmodwaid dr. Schmidt, FLOUR (Suimano)...• . RtlTEa t al . R 193 . do RYE CORN OATS.... ....... ...... obov - MOTUYS . 1 item ilhertisemefits.‘ Sthool, Tax for 1862. E ME .taxable eilizeno of the Borough of earlbfle, aro be, eby.notiflod that the Treasurer of mild School District will attend at the County Court Ilouso, (Commissioners' Office.) on TiIURSDAY, AU GUST 14th, next, botweon .the hours of 9 and.l2 in the forenoon,. and 2. and 6 o'clock in tha'atternoon of said .day, for the purpose of collecting and receiving the School Tax ossessed for the present year. ' lln , all taxes paid on or Wore that dote a deduction will bef made of FIVE PER GENT: 'Persons . wishing to pay nein JTaxes In the !noontime - can. do so bycalling on the Treasurer nt - his place of,buslnesa, in "Mafianflail" building . , West I.llgy !Arcot, J.-W. 1411 Y,"Trotiittrer. June 29,1962. CALL AND SEE THE NEW STORE. • THE subscriber would . respectfully in form his former cuatomera and the public gene - rady, that be ban again commenced the • Grocery & Queensware Business, In tho store room lately oc..npled by S. C. Iluyett, on the corner ot orth Hanover and Louther stfeots, where he has just opened ,star girth° largest assort ments of FRESH GOODS, ever brought to °artiste. His stock embraces choice Coffees, Sugars of every description, the various hinds of Molasses, Teas, Spicesi — Starch, Salt. Mica, Crackers, Hams, Plates, Candles, Brooms, Iluskees, Fruits, Soap, Coal 011 and Lamps. • CHINA AND GLASSWARE, I- in endless variety and.of the latest styles and ' bust (irility, to which the attention of house— ..katiposels especially Invited. Cedarware & Door Mats. FISH! I'ISH ! ! FISH! ! ! Superior gait Fish of-all kinds, constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, together with every article usual. ly kept In a first class Grocery Store. Ills stock being entirely new and fresh, he can, with entire confidence in being able to please, invite the - public to - give him a - call. J. D. HALBERT. Carlisle, Juno 23. EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS FOn SALE. r E well known and popplar watering, place, known as "THE EPHRATA MOUNTAIN 9TIUNDS." in the County of Lancaster. Sttto of I'enns3l vania. 13 milts north eat front Lancaster. 18 miles south . est nom Reading. and ou the Downingtown, Ephrata and tia rr io o i r g turnpike road, 59 miles wes: of Philadel• Oda, 38 milts east of Hari isburg and 11 miles north of Bird-In-Hand. a statgln on the Pennsylvania Rail Road. The properly crlnciota of 77g ACRES OF LAND, part of it excellent farming land, covered with fine Chestnut and other timber, with numerous Springs of the purest water. which are ,nducted to DoUCIIES and Thn buildings are numerous and exten sive and capable of entertaining SOO visitors This St A I'ERINU 1'1,AC,17 AND SUSIM ER RESORT. has ever sinee ill, commencement been well patronized: at time. t r Its full capacity. The Colutnbia and Read ing Railroad, now being constructed, pores within a quarter of a Mlle of the Spri rigs and when complete Will make "THE EPHRATA MOON I AIN 91'151308" the most convenient of access, of All the fashionable writ-ring places. For further Information apply at the ofilee of the FRANK LIN FIRE INSURANCE COMP 1N V, Nr , s. 13 and 437, Chestnut street, Philadelphia, or to Alesbrf, 'l'. A. II !MEMO A 151/N ER, Agents of the Company, at Lancaster, Pa. JU.113 Bn, 181:2—U • rpiTE undersigned doing businoss in under the name nod title of (Ireenfield tlo.,would give notlee that me have dlquoslid of our Shalt tools. and, all Interco. in tho same, to I. T. cieautield and 1 K. 5h, , 111. Car:i+l, and that in thi• future the lutai , less will be conducted to Ow mune of Greetifield :iiicAtor Thankful Loa di,rialiiiating public for the p.tow.age given to II:. we would nab lor our successors a c niinuatlon of tlior for wk. The nn lerFizraid hlojinzferain I a on partnership un dor thu moan and siy'e of lir von held and hiving porch:rent tho entire ;itiir•li. of Greenfield & Co, would respritit II•k of oar tritaids and rnstiiiners 0011t111111t11111 of Flour pitintat,. Wo shall at :ill-titans tan, have n scull :r id rnelulle selieited tinent of Is and lisnoy Silks Vinlarilder iiis, II .ap pr. trts, Carpets. sill Cloths 1111 d nll of all 11,,riptions and pinkie Our,eivrs to sell them at a sin tII ndr:nn'.• rrtr ' IV 1,1`,t, P F. Wo here jilqr, fore( ye I this thy it new lot of dognahlo 0.1 , . ell ,/1 Ilt,%eht 111,41'4,16 In the market which will .cal (The tr, GREBSFIELD : 4 11.1.:1FP.1t Juno 11. Isti2. 1 4 1 ;-I'l' A T Yl' ( ; 10.1.1, , , of Adwhi , f ration nn hr f•ct.lttl' f Eliza -1,111 Davoi int- of life 11.0 oogh of fbfrll , l... food b.ove hoop ~:toto.l by Ihu, Itozb•for Ott rou t . ts. to 1110 sob, crib, lirin,fint.o% - top. pry P.( ats still'omit. , ill, moot. rued thof.o having Hann, will to esunt thefts for out Clement to I=l MANSION HOUSE tinder,H tiv(l virpz It•cl tes ! 4,800 yards of Carpets, all of the newest designs and patterns In the market, ranging in price from 123,6 eta. to $l.OO per yard. Having purchased the above assort meat in New York, we era enabled to offer superior inducements to all who will favor on with a cull. As our store in now a permanent Institution in Carlisle, we are determined to maintain the name (we have al. ready established) of selling cheap, notwithstanding the various rumors that have been circulated in regard to our 1. acing toWn. Carlisle, May 2,1862 BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! SINCE the late victories DomesticCot tan Goods have declined, and there in now a proq. poet of getting n r apply of entt.m. We, (I,EIOIOII, SAWYER k. II ELLER, at the now atom, under Martin's lintel, East Main street,) are receiving daily In, go sup• piles of _ _ _ NEW SPRING GOODS, which. our old stock we aro determined to sell a CITY PRICES. DRESS GOODS of (ivory rarity ; Plain and Fancy Silks at all Prices. A large lot of new Blank Silks at 75, 1.00, 1.25. 1.50. 1 75, 200 2.50: new Spring Delnlnes al 25 vent, 1.0 /0 varda best quality Merimar, Coeheeo, Davin,. and A linwieari Prints. dark and light colors, new styles, at .I'2!-(,; a lama lot at 3, 8 sod 10. Full and SECOND MORNING PRINTS, best quality English, 1 2 _3.j rin. All kinds Domes! Ic Glngharito92; Manchester 18;15' :750 plecea French and Scotch Mena and Bonnet Oingyams at 25. BROWN AND WHITE MUSLINS at wholesale and retail, a gond quality 8, fine 10, 4 4 wide 12 1 i Also, 64,1 n 4. 11-4, 12.4 at corresponding price•. All kinds HEAVY (./001J.9 In large supply at' reduced priees--,Tickings, Stripes, Chocks. Drlllinl•a, Osnal.urgs. Cott.. I)iapecr, Linen' Goods c.f all kind, 'folds Cloths. Shootings, Linen Diaper, Nap kins, :-.411. , ing Monti., Shirt 1. routs. Collars. at the old pt Ices. NS hi to Goods, all kinds, at old prices. Nv SPRING MANTLES, DUSTERS, Shawls. Embroideries, ke, Hoop Skirts direct from the factory. Son do, I,ldies', Mihaes. Men's and lioy's HOSE, 12 to t 5. NI en's and Boy's Wear-- 13 LoT 118 AND CASSIMERES, ell Grades. Fancy Cassimeres, latest styles, Vestings, satin, ts, Jeans, Cottonailen, &r., Sr,. Haying NUellred the Serete, et 3 first class Tailor, we aro prepared to get np Clothing in the most fa•hionsblo style at short CARPETS! CARPETS!! Wn nI r receiving our Spring supply of Carpets, romprls ng nil the various kinds kept In a first clean Carpet I Carpets ran ci of in price fiem 145 to 1.25. Oil ('lathe. all o Withe. Nln Mnttings, Looking Glassinn i (haler and Hinds of all kinds. 1,000 lbs. Carpet Chtiln; Feathers: TotLml Batting; Ali tho ahoy° good!, and many others, wo offer to piii ohare, at msmall advancii oho,' cent. •hkiatnr tinods—Shawl., Mantles. Fairs, less than flirt cost. We aro °Lot wined rant to Ito a ndorsold. Please call and roam ire our lin mono, Stock will wake addi lions of New flnodanntho sea. son ad vance, All Goods warranted to be What we sell then) for. LEIDICIT, SAWYER A: MILLER Cnrlixle Febrnary 28, 1862. A Superior Limestono Fatm For Al.iinostone farm of the heatquality contalulop about '240 or 215 acres 13 offered for sale. This tarm prod trod last r ear 1000 bushels of Wheat, and large quantities of corn and Irats. There on' nxcellent Impro•u to nn the farm• ronsist iug nf a new house, a pond barn, a hog pen and corn crib, spring how,. hake oven. and good water near the 111 the oorthoru silo of the firm is located a limeslone protecting the crops from the winds and fur, lolling Si,, best nr Iloreitonu fir Tbrro are nk.mt luq aeroa obit/trod and thw.rsot Is eosered with tloth, MTh judtclong liming the farm would pro -111,0 00 bushels of wheat. 1t eau couveutently be dnld god otio two firms. The fermi II In Madlsoo township. the rirbeet nut cultural settlement In Perry County. A better ming investment cannot be made. For particulars cull upon or 2,:tiress the uudorstgned, who will aoswer all iuquirlos. April 1, 1313.2 REMOVAL! REMOVAL ! TACOB SENER'S 'loot & Shoe Shore, • has been remsved next door to Piper s Book Store nud ~pprlsite the Cumberland Valley Bank. BOOTS AND SHOES: BOOTS AND SHOES! Grand Bargains ' now offered at Senor's Cheap Boot and Shoe Store Spring Arrivil of New Boots & Shoes. The subscriber hag just returned from W Phil :dolphin and B withoston ith nn extensive and splendid assortmdsit of tiontlemen's and La dies' Shoes, Men's and Boys' Boots. Shoes and Brogans, filen•ei and Boys' Walking Sheen, Calf, latent Leather and Cloth Gaiters. IA des' Button Boots, Balmoral end Lace Boots, 13x1• tors, Buskins and Kid Slippers, Misses and Children's Hoots and Shoes. Carpet Bags. Trunks, Umbrellas, &a., which will be sold low for Cash. Purchasers are Incited to call and examine nur stock, they will find that in price and quality it will compete with any shoe store in the place, at the Now Store Boom next door to Piper's Book Store. Carlisle, April 11, 1862—fint The Confessions and Experience of an Invalid. PUBLISHED for the benefit and as a 1 warning and a caution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility ; Premature Decay, ;to.; Plapply ing at the name limn the 131.119 of Self mire. By one who has cured himself after being put to great expense through medical imposition and quackery. By enclo sing a pont paid addressed envelope, single copies may he had of the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Elm, Bedford, Kings Co.. N. Y. March 14, 1862-1 y NEW FIRM. CRAWFORD & .00., Wholesale and Entail Ohm& and Curled hats Warehouse, No. 21 South 7th Street, Philadelphia. Ohte, Sand and Erno. ry Paper, Emory Cloth, Raw hie Whips, and Curled Clair at the lowest prime, Orders solicited by mall end 6atkfactlou guaranteed. WHITE AND COMMON GLUES, lbr 31111Inars, Printers, lloultblndera, Cabltiot Idykors Coach Makers, &a /sc. Dotilora In tho abp+ovlll find ft of spoclal tidkrantaga to glva us a call, _ . . CRAWFORD & CO. 21 South 7th Street Philadelphia Jan. Sd, 1161. "Matrimony Mad° Easy."4'' NEW work showing how either sex may bo suite oly married, irrespective of age or position, prepossess! la or othe wise, with a treatise on the Art of Fascinat . .g any pe! on you wish. A curl nun scientific experl lent which never falls. Free for 25 cents. Address T. IVILLIA 51 it CO., Publlohoro, Box 2,300, Philadelphia. March 14, 1802-1 y ./ S. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, North Hanover Street, Carlisle. /' Physician's preserlptionsearefully compounded A full supply of fresh drugs and ;homlcals. ger FARE REDUCED. STATES UNION 110. TEL, 600 4. 608 Market St., above etleth, PIIII,ADELPAIA. JAMES W. POWER, Prom lotor. TERMS t-4125 per day. jn3o'sB. IUKITED STATES HOTEL.— S. E. Cor. 11th, Sarket Ste., PUltAmpniot .71. W. x.a.tr.a.d.e.o pßbpplecon, Jan. 4,1860. • Dit..1.0.L00118 • South .llaneirer street -- " 1 1, next door `, to the Met •• „Aug. I,'lyo. VSTATE'.NOTIO,E: • totters tOitOtnotitary on the Ostito of John Ooov deo , 4,,'lnto or the 11.orough of ..slochamlcaburg, Qum• berbinit county, Ps., having boon IsnuO. by the nog's. ter of Enid county, to the ho gulmoriber, 'melding lu rleburg, - notico le hereby kletin In all 'peigone hulebtod to melte mutant, and those having clahlut to' present thorn dult.outhantlcatod. •••. JNO. B. COOVER, Ittay 30.18,02 r—ft • 634 nod . 8 cants. 10 contg. GREENFIELD k CO Sale I= I=l . 1 1;111)Ert'S IRATOrt DATA Dr..* 11 A,N & CO3, 80i2 PitoPl3`Bl . ollB, 20 CLirr 9r., NET(' Y , .k. Two Sizts, - - $l,OO pod $.1,25 AO 4- Qn receipt of priensi Press will bentailed to any address, postage paid Descriptive eltetilars If rt . quested. fillatienors end Apyito rupp!lP , ,t• ~a liberal terms. Extraordinary I uducemants ottefed to gel}t Agersts.. t May 2,1802-3 m • . . N, OTiCE. nFUIESYII 3 CLAW Flx xa. -t REDUCED PRICES_ GEO, J. I4ENKELS, No. 524 Walnut Street; (OPPOSITE THE STATE notsEo PhILADELPHIA A. TANK. seik J l 5 , 1 . Second door east of she Illarkci House in. Zug's Corner. DEA T,Elt IN PIANOS. New Roe wood Maoris, from the best makers. /VEL ODE ONS. The best manufactured instruments Horn s4i to $l.llO. Violins. (loiters, Accrirdeona ' Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Doi, jos, Tambourines. Violin and Guitar Strini3a, abif3tual cal .Merohandise in general. SHEET 11TUSIC. A complete assortment for all instruirient:s The latest publ leaflet's ale ays on hand . Ten,hor on the Piano and Gutter, Instrumental and Vocal music. PitItIOS and Melodeons tuned and repaired. March 21, 1002., A. 1.13N.E Employment. r III , : undersigned are desirous of HMI , ring the nerviceti Of a few Yining Men, AO engage in :t TraVelliug Agency, upon a salary of FORTY LARS per Mouth, nud all expenses paid. This hi MI opportunity Seldom offered, and tot,hoNe Who merit thg approbation of the subscribers, by strict attention to bubinese, can rely upon constant employment for. a term of years. For further particulars, address A' MO'S, lIEINAN & CO., 11:3 & 116 Broad Str set, Atkinson Depot, N. If. 1-1,1862-3 m The Citizens of Carlivie & Vicinity ( ,VRE invited to an examination of my stock of Groceries, Queensware, Spices, drc. Best of BAILS at 11 cents par lb, Dried BEEF, best ?Mei., }Catgut's, Sauces, Buttered and Boneless Sardines of the most approved brands, Table Oil, FRESH TOMATOES & PEACHES, In cans, Dried Fruit, very tine Syrup at 50 cts. per gaff. Fish; Pine Apple, Sap Sago and Dutch Head Cheese, Coal OH, Fluid, 11 hale Oil, bent Tobacco and Segura, Ci der. {Pines and Liquors, and an endless Variety of malt waren. Terms Cash. Feb. 7, 1562. FSI. EENTZ. Kollock's Dandelion Coffee. riIITIS preparation, made•from the beef Java Coffee. is recommended by ph y sicians as a superior Nutritious Dever:lgo for General LehiKt', Dys pepsia, and all bilious disorders. Thousands who hood he compelled to abandon the use ~f coffee wil) use this 'without injurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Prfte 2b emit, IitILLOCK'S LEVAIN, tile purest and best Baking Powder known, for meting light, sweet and nut:l-World hreAd and rakes. Price 15 cents. Manufactured by M. H. KoHoek, Chemist. corner of Broad .k:Chestnut Bts., Phila.. and hold by all Druggists and Grocers. Fobruaay 24. lod2—ly FARMERS, BUILDERS, fECHANICS, and the public gener iy°_tally, will pleas° call at tho CHEAP HARDWARE,' STORE, as I am sailing goad, cheaper Chap over for cash or Fbert Tab° Kegs Nulls and Spikes just received, Qt a. , y 0.7 best makers and wurrented Country merchants sup' piled with nails si man“facturers prices. 100 Tons Hammered and Rolled IRON, of all sizes, just received and warranted to be of the best quality, with a large assortment of Sheet Iron, Bared Iron, • !loop Iron, Nurse shoe Iron, Spring Steel, Cast Stool, Blistered Steel, Rosso shone, Horse Shoo Nails, Washers, Apollo, Vices. Files, Rasps, Bolts, Nuts, Screw Plates, Rivets, Blacksmith Bellows, &c., &c., cheaper than the cheapest, at the Hardware store, East Main street. Carlisle March 29, 1862 1862. SPRING-. -1862 g ISAAC LIVINGSTON now offers one kof the beat and Most attractive assortments of Piece Goods ever exhibited in this place fur Bien and Boys' Wear, of every style, quality and price, and Is continually re calving additions an the season advances, of all the latest novelties and styles to suit all classes. Our stock of 11.BAny AIADGCLOTHING, ill our own manufacture, cannot be excelled DURABILITY, STYLE, AND CHEAPNESS; eg every variety to stilt the season, taste, and pocket All we want la a call and too for yourselves it ISAAC LIirINGSTON'S North 'llatiever Street Clothing Emporium. N. B. All goods belied, froin uti by the piece cr yard, by persons wishing to have it cut to measure, can be accommodated Lice of charge. Carliale, May 1, 1802. PRICES REDUCED 1 At OGILBY'S CIIEAI I CASE-ISt'oo4 (CALICOES 6#, 8 and 10 cents, •be,st quality Callen at 12% dents Domestic, Gin`ghanie at 12,6 rents, Domestic Muslins BllO cents, 4-4 Dom, Ale Muslin, good actlcle, 1234, Tiekings,Chocks, Table.Dja• per, Sheeting, Sec., at low prides. Canton Flannels 12;i, !looped Skirls, the cheapest In the county. • BLACK SILKS at very low priced. •Blankets and Flannels ender prlcs. CLOTHS, OASSIMEIDDS, deans, Vestings, at astdriblsA Ingly low priced. All my old Agenda and customers are respectfully In vited to call and examine for themselves, is 1 will not be undersold by any store in the county. Main !Arent, opposite the Depot. • CHAS. OGILISt, Tfusteo. Carlisle, Feb. 29, 1882. . , riuMVERLAND VALLEY AND /F R ANN. LIR RAIL I.IOAD. V.P.-70.9 0 4f411 i -1-tt;,. ' CIiANGt - Or HOURBI On and after MONDAY, MAY- 6, 1862, Yasatinger Tratto will run as follows: (Sundays excepted l) FOR CIIAMBER3III7R6I AND MARRISIIIIIG, ' let Tratn. 2titral P n. Leave Mageratovrn, 7.00 A. M. 2,65 - P.M . .. Greencastle. 7.37.. 3.35 4. Chamberaburg, 8.30 . 4 A.rr.'4'.W , •*. " • Shippensburg, 9.00 Newvillo, .9.32 " " Carlisle. 10.10 " Alectiatilesburg, 10.42 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.16 " • VOA CIi.A.MBMRMITTP.G AND HAGERSTOWN, list Train. Rd-Tsai:). Leave Tiarrleburg, • 8.06 .A . 61 3.35 D. M- M ~ eetusidcaburg 8.47 " • 9:15 -.0 " Carlisle, 0.27 " 2,66 Nowvillo, 10.02 4 4 8.20 u Shipponsburg. 10,23- . 4.00 u " Chambre,(Arrlve) -11.10 • 4.40 Greencant 11.6.8 6.80 ir Arity at Hagerstown. 11,01, - u. N TIOP.,TO PASSENGERS: MaU Stationa whom IlieketCarguold, .ITagersto.wo, Greencastle, Chem .bersburm•Shippenebnig, Newv1110:001151,0,-Mechanice. - burg andliarrisburg, a reduction of-TEN CENTS QTI each Tleltet will, he m a de toAll Passangers tba4 provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Oars. 0 1.14:11.111.16 Bisper't Railroad Office, Obambeiaburga • ' • May 1,1862. j P • - LOWS. Just receivedand, for 'tl4lo . at.manufacturere papis t & large assortment•Of : Plonk's, Plow ' - llouwood'sPlowi • • • •, . . - - .. - • Zeigler's Plow, - • ' • • • • Weltich's Plow: ' :•-•'•. ' ' • ' ' • Xork Metal Mr, Bloomfield Moro,' . . • .. Eagle Plow, . '• • " - Cilttvaters, dc.; ' at the cheap Hardware atose of IL o.4ToH,,lesst , lMln street, - .: • ... •. - - , Herth2B,- DEEM Leave 12,55 ." 2.00 • " U: 3.13 8.4Q'.. '4