Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 20, 1862, Image 1

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    A. K. fillEE3l, Editor & Proprietor.
VOL. 62.
The CARLIFILE HERALD Is published wieldy on a large
tlieet containing twenty hri t coiner, and furnished
to subscribers at $1,50 if paid strictly in advance, 81.75
II paid within the year; or S 2 In all rases u hen pay
latent Is delayed until ell or the expiration o' the year
No subscriptions received for n less period Limn six
'months, and none discontinued until all the arremAges
'are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Pape,
tent to subscribers living out of entaherlrnd counts
must be paid for in advance. or •ho payment assumed
by some responsible person living I. Combo. land
'county. These terms will be rigidly adhered to la all
Advertisements will he 'barged lob per square of
twelve-lines for three insertions. and 25 rents for
each übsugnent insertion. All a Ivertisements of
less than 'twelve lines considered as a square,
Advertisements In •erted hsfore Marriages slid
deal ha 8 cents per line for nest insertion, anti 4 rents
par line for suhecq nen tsi user dons. Common Ica l lens
on subjects'ot limiti4d or Malt 'dual
,Int.•re t will ho
charged 5 cents per line. 'I be Proprietor s, ill not he
responsibl In damages for errors ht advertisements
'Obituary notices or Marriages not excseding five lines.
will be inserted without charge.
The Carlisle Herald .1013 Pit INTINO OFFICE is the
tkrgea mid most coin plot, establilmmont in the county
Four good Preston, and a general variety of materials
Suited for plain and Raney work of every kind enables
ut to do Job Printing at tbe shortest. ',Aire slid on the
Most reasonable terms. l'n•rSnu, 111 onot of ;tills.
Blanks or anything In the Jobbing line, will find It to
their Interest to give us a call.
0 BTA 0.1 I/
PR. R. JOHNSTON has discovered the
.o,t, c.taln, speedy and only elTectual remedy in
,_ world rai all pri inte nlimilinc., weak Ilov 6 . of Hip ba I:
or limbs, ritricturea, Mtn: lions nit the id.lney. nail Had
dor, involuntary ills, harains. impotency, "mend doinninn
ty, nervousness, dyspepsy. I roil nor. low 9.11 its cmllu
shin of illeitg, palpitation of tin i 11,3 r t. tins old v. t I ion.
Minus, dim nes. of sight or tridinifie ,. . i11 , ....iii.• of 111.•
.head, throat, unto or skin, tittertlon• iit Ill' lin,. lung,
stomach or bowuls,_—ifinis n e ternhli. ni,,,rdt•r, ”ri-i1,7 trill
the solitary huhitii of youth— thins, imi,ret and Lolttary
practices more fatal to their victims nom the song of
~,nyretta to thin Marine, ..f 1'1,...,.. Idr_hung their 0n....t
i.u.iilljaut hopes or :lilt L'llLail , llS, I elot , . ;nig until na, , ,
l.zi.c., Imponsiblo. .
YOUNG Mr 1 , 1
Especially, who have become the virile, 1 solitaiv
vice, that dreadful and destructive haldt "inch nunu
ally sweeps to an untimely , rave thousands ol 1, one
Mtn of the most ox,otod tall, LS and brlitiant into
woo usiitht uthsrivise Inane entranced listening calla cerium
with the thunders of eloptenroure Kin ked to orstas), the
Using lyre, may call with cull confidence.
lUarriod persons, or yarning man vontempl'ating
tiuge, being awaro of physical we:ll<nel., urga nine debil
ity, deformities, hr., 5i.4,1111 cured
lie who places hion,elt" under the care of I),r may
religiously eounde in his honor as a gentleman, and
~.louttejltiy rely upon ills skill as a pin:Lnician.
Tramodiately cured, and fall vigor restored. This die
trussing affection—which imPleis lite miserable turd
trmrrine impossible—in the penalty paid by the Victims
of Improper indulgences. l'oulut are tisinpt la
commit fiXtOAFOA front not being act are. at. Lite dreadful
-uonsequences that may cosoe Now, who that under
eland, the sulijetit will pretend t dee,. that the point.,
of were:alai) it. lost stiOrrer (Air/ 111,
proper halts than by the jail 1 , • hi
prlved Ihr pliuu.urus or M•ali hy oilspriii, the most
srrioue arid did.ructive symptoms to bull lasi, owl
mho! write. The system 1,F•01111.., thr.
cal tAI Tttnrtiions ea It.t. "I pro. ,u %tire
power. nervous let itt Llilly. do..pep=ia, tialtivitall , 0 Or
the heart, r distal it iimal ilelaoty a west
lug of the frame, cough. (.0111“11111.1,11,1 , •:“ and dt,
ST .11.10 T.
Lea baud situ j.... 0111); 11..1 0 1,•
from the corner. not tai observe itsme and number
Letters mu-4 be paid c.ille/1111 n SL.llllp. Ttlo 1.).•
t.or'a Dipin ee Integ In Ills ”live.
'eretity nr Nttli - whnS Jnitngtin.inrm
"ur of the Itoyal.rril lean (if surgeoitc, rail oat..
from ,one Of 010 illta.t eminent pee in the oiled
States, and the greater flirt cif whose life has liven spent
to the . hospitals of London, Pail , . n nod
elsewhere, has effected sonic of the timid a. tooishltig
cures that we, ever known many troubled a ilk ring
ing to the head and rain wheel asleep. meat tie, vim,
mess, dieing al/U . 111 , 1 at 1,1r , 111111,1 ,, ,
with frequent blushing. attended sometimes xlih de
rangement of mind, were cured itoinediately.
Dr..l. addresses all those who have injured themselves
by improper iodide - enc.. and tar) ha Idts. w hich I tun
both body and mind. unfitting them for either bus aces,
Study, society or Marriage
These are some of the sad and melancholy effects
produced by early lab to of youth, viz: Wmilmess of
the back and limbs. pains In the head, dimness of sight,
loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart. dyspep,
sy, nervous irritability. derangement of the digestive
functions, general debility, symptoms of , onsumpt ton.
liisa - rAttr.—The foariul effects on the mine Ire much
to be dreaded—loss of 1110mary, confusion of ideas. de
pression of spirits, evil lorebodi nos, to Society,
self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, Lc., are SUMO of
the evils,prod need.
Thometuds of persons of ell ages can now judge w bat
Is the cause of their declining health. losing their rig
or, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated. having
a singular appearance about the oyes, cough and symp
toms of consumption.
Whn have Injured themselves by a certain practice
indulged In whnn alone, a habit frequently learned from
evil companions, or at St 110o]. the efforts ~f which' are
nightly felt, even When asleep, arid it not mfr.! renders
marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body,
should apply Immediately.
What a pity that a }cuing man. the Lope of his coun
try, the darling atria parents, should be snatched trout
all prospects and enjoy moo Lash life, by tire consaauenes
of devlatine from the path of nature and indulging In
a certain secret habit. Such persons must before con
reflect that a sound mind and body are tho most ne
cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness
Indeed, without these, the journey through life Iwo
a weary pilgrimage; the prospect how ly darkens to the
view: th 9 mind becomes sh dewed with deopuir and
filled with tho melancholy reflection that the happiness
of another becomes blighted with our own.
When the misguided and Imprudent votary of plea.
sure finds that he has imbibed the seeds ill this painful
disease, it too often happens that an 11l timed souse of
shame, or dread of discovery, doters him from applytug
to those who. from education and respectablitiy. can
alone bail lend him, delaying till the constitutional
symptoms cf this horrid disease malts their appearance'
such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nO.O, nocturne,
pains in the heed dad limbs, dimness of idelit. deafness,
nodes on the thin bones and arms, blotches on the
head, face and estromitios, progressing with frightful
rapidity, till at. last the palate of the mouth or tho
bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this a wfill
disease becomes a horn I object of commiseration, till
death puts to-period to his dreadful sulfering,, by send.
lag him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence
no traveller returns."
It is a mblancholy fort that thousands fall victims to
this terrible disease, owing Untie unskillfulness of Ig
norant pretenders, who, by the use of that 'deadly poi
son, Mercury, ruin the constitution mad make the re
sidue of life miserable.
Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the
many unlearned and worthless pretendere, destitute of
knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's
A ivertisements, or style thorns.: vcs. in the newspapers,
regularly educated physicians, incitimble of curing, they
keep y.>u trilling month after month taking their filthy
And poisonous compounds. or es long lac the smallest fee
can boobtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined
health to sigh over your gallinvilsappoltittnout.
Dr. Johnston is lho only Physiolfmadvertleing.•
Ills credentials or diplomasalways bang in his office.
life remedies or trutitmont are unknown to ell other's,
propped from a life spent In the great hospitals of Eu l
rope, the first In the country and a more extensive
private practice than any_ellier_pinvicianin_the world,.
irrimortsEn ENT OP TII PaltSS
- -
• The in4nyttiognantlw cured at thislnetitution your
after yoar, had tho numerous important Surgical Ope
rations peribrnied 'by Dr. Johnston, wltnraged by the
reporters of tho " Sun," ' , Clipper." and nanny other
papers, notices of which have appeared again and again
before the public - , badeh his standing ass gentleman
of character and responsibility, lea suMelontguarantee
to the aflicted.
Pererns writing should be -particular in directine
their letters to this Institution, in the fellowinu man.
nor: JOIN 111 JOHNSTON, M. D:,
Of tho Balt Imoro Locic . ltosplGA, Hai tlworo,/11
May 2, 1802—ly •
• ,
)E inpow rociving a largo as4ortrnent of
new mad elegant Spring gm:de, to whleh I roup.ct
ully call theAtteurion of my nld Allende, and mato
lifers, and all in want of handsome and cheap goods
Particulars In neat weeks papor. I will e,oll as ahem
as any stun) in the Borough. , ,_.)
April 4,160?...
CHAS. oaILDY TruetoO
'A t Ogilby'a cheap icoh §tore. Jug
received as assortment- of - I.ndlen; 611seas, -
11cfrons Gaiters. Boots 4 Shoos of yho host qu1413)
,In/jiandsatud styles. -". -Apill 4, 1862:
The Ballad of tho Crescent City
In the City of the Crescent, by rod Mississippi's wares
Dwells the hau4hty Creole matron with her daughters
and her slaves ;
Round her throng the rebel knightheml, Sorer of Ivo; d
and proud of crest,
Slightly redolent of Julep, cocktail, cobbler and the
Of these miscellaneous tipples that the Southern
To the mighty threats of prowess whose dread (?) fruits
we know so well.
Round the matron and her daughters ring chivalric
voices high:
Not the meanest soul among them but Is sworn to do
or diet
Never t, the Yankee Vandal, foul and horned thing
of mud,
Will they leave their maids and matrons while a single
vein belds bit
Perish every Southr Lamer Deathl They crave
it as a boon I"
Then each desperato knight retires—to his favorite
la the eliy of the Crescent, by rod Mississippi's waves
city the hau,daty Creole matron pith her daughters
aod her slates:
❑ut her 03 o no longer flanhes with the tire It hold of
Fur alagt the Yankee Vandals thunder nt the city gate.
Proud on Miasinhippre waten, looming o'er the dark
Ride the gallant Northern warships floats the Banne
of the 1. r ce !
While a calm-cou Captain pace% through a see of scow
ling men,
To demand tho full surreuter of the city there and
1:el, the Naught) cieole lady's t orebt sorrow lies hot
there :
"rk w 1 [hit the looker mutisills will pollute her
S:l , lt , t
Thoul.ll her . clelleate tlbres shuthinr doubtless at the
dre.lful Mouglit
That her solL ;Ind li agra La breathings may by Yankte
lips be caught;
sc: the rut ol all unkindest—that which makes her
lieu L
bor kni;hts have all "elt,laddled,” and hate lel;
her to livr late !
Yes. 710 I , Lretlgtil 1,1 foolish or julep, nor the cocktail's
bitterest heat,
Kept those reri cant warriors steady when they saw
tho Yankee fleet
AU their desperate pruwess rankhed like a mist before
the noun—
Left they Cre main and matron, even left the dear
ntb coy i.l the Creiiceut, Ly rest Mississippi's liaves
all:, the haughty Creole matron eitli her doughteis
mid her slaves
En eedum's flag is tloaliu4 o'er leer, Freedom's eons she
And the "Neu ,rornful fire burns rnUlndled in her
llus dais Fi eedom thus insult us i now dare mud
* sills ual k the pave
I 5 hots each stone to her is hallouod by the toil sweat
of the 51350
- 5111.11 you call that rag your banner? You, sir, hire
/hie, hound, I /1/01141
Thus I spit LLIIOII your toublem Let your churl's
Wt•II 3 .at u ear our lip , Jrud jitekel, hire:lug hral o that
Lachey, paid Cu rob and murder in a thin diaguise of
war :^
Th., mith many It taunting gesture. speaks she to
We Northern braves
ilautlisubAig tho siiletvalk Stith hoe daughters
Nott,tht rldv the Nurthertt soldiets, Fulling, though
they feel the stiool
of the foul and meretricious tau ate the Southern lady
flings ;
So ho passes, while venom from her fragrant mouth
s till slips
Liq the bathrooms toads and lizards from the en.
chanted maiden's lips,
And her similes , . soul joys doubtless, soft her modest
boson. heats,
That she so has aped the harlot In her city's public
streets I
In the City of the Crescent, by red Mississippi's waves,
Walks the haughty Creole lady with her daughters
and her slaves;
But her eye no longer flashes with its wonted Ore of
Iles tongue is strangbly silent now, and mgdest is her
With quiet mien and humble she passes soldiers by,
Nor even on ono country's flag turns a defiant eye. •
NVhat wondrous glamour so bath changed the haugh
ty lady's mien ?
The crime of her rebellious heart bath she In sorrow
Or has her spotless bosom owned that Yankees there
may be
Worthy of oven a Creole's love? Is hers no longer
free ?
No; it is oono of these have tamed the lady's rebel
soul ;
On each wudelll b ht., cartes, still breathes inward curse
and dole]
And as for love, save foe Ler knight no love her heart
can stir,
Since o'er a julep's surgnred brink i.e swore to die for
For though he died not, but preferred another field to
'Twas or ly, no one knolls, because the julep was too
weak I
'Twa ' s none of I.lmso I A sternoe cause for change of
vdtml had Aht, I
Tor imlttlog once too otton at tho Bonner of the Free,
And once too oft through her Pone 11m, the venom let
ting loose,
The haughty Creole dame was shown Into —the CALA
England, Prance and America
From the London Amoricen
. Ought England and France to inter
fere in the American struggle? was the
question in the Fleet Street Discussion
Hull, whiAh found, to our surprise, seve
rid supporters and a symnathlting
diem. By throwing the . responsibility
of;tlie terrible distress in Lancashire on
the American revolution, the Secession
press of England are most industriously
instructing the people to encourage im
mediate intervention.
The, cheers which welcome the Seces
sion speakers, and the evident shaky po
sition of the Secession government, point
to-the strong feeling that exists In Eng
land for the success of the South.- Mr.
Train certainly is a hold man to atiaok
such numbers, but it must he remembered
that ho never forces 'his opinions upon
his andience—thatAs,lie'never rises um
til loudly called for, as was the case on
Monday night.
. < AND FiIANOD.' .
Mr. Train (who was repeatedly called
or and received, as usual, with loud ap
planse):--:-England and France interfere
rn . the American war? Of courbe
why should they,? ,What. right have
'they to interfere ? Let England and
France'mind their• own affairs, and leave
America to settle her own disputes, The
precedents mentioned by two speakers,
where England intervened in the South
American Republics, bear no analogy to
this case, It is positively insulting to
mention the three closer powers of Para
guay, Venezuela, or Central America,
with the more or less United States of
America! And why did England inter
fere even there ? Because they were
weak and she was stron g . Belgium and
Greece were better precedents ; but those
powers were also too feeble to resist. You
say France intervened in the Revolution.
Even so; but there is a wide field between
the Revolution of The .colonies against
England and the Conspiracy in Secossia
against the country. (A voice : —NV here
is the difference?)
Simply, one people revolted on the is-1
sue that taxatiln without representation,
ices robbery!, while the otter conspired
againa the very laws the Southerners I
made themselves. Possessing more than
an equal representation, they went i in for
more by robbery, ignoring taxation alto
gether. Such man as Lafayette, and De
Grasse, and Roellainbeau, are again well
represented in another age, by the Count
of Paris, the Duke of Chartres and Gen.
Havelock, and a dozen great names who
are fighting in the cause of freedom.
ntervene, say yotl; • but hands off,- say
I I Europe says to America, stop fight
tng ! America says to Europe, mind
your own business. Europe says to Ame
rica, when rogues fall out, honest men
reap their reward. America says to Eu
rope, when honest men fall out, rogues
stand ready to pick up the spoil.
The diplomatic wolves have been bow
ling fbr months, but the nation is not
quite dead. -The European vultures will
have no opportunity of satiating their
appetites on the carcass of a deadßepub
lie ! Look on if you like, and commend
or censure, no matter which ; but keep
on your own side the fence. We seek
not your friendship, we fear not your
enmity. Enemies never betray yov—the
ambush—the betrayal comes froth your
friend. England bullies weak nations
and toadies to strong ones.
The honorable speaker makes a fearful
admission when he says that England has
put urwith insults for more, than fifty
years, instancing the Maine boundary, the
Oregon iinestion, the Sall Juan difficulty,
and the °verb - aiding of ships in the Gfilf.
So much the worse for England's bravery,
if these were insults, which they w 're not,
and as England is ever ready to - attack
weak powers, it follows that England was.
afraid of us (Oh ! and derisive laughter)
I You may sneer, sir, but England never
I acts but from motives of interest or fear
An Opium war in Ch:na, or a Fillibus
tering Expedition to Mexico, a fight with
the Affghans, or an attack upon the In
dians of the Southern Ocean, just suits
the taste of your people. Give us money,
,give us land, give us trade, or judgment
is Ours and we 'will repay, saith this
Christian nation. When you wanted
money last century, your war policy was
comprised in a sentence :—Squerze the
01,l Begums of Oude. Read the im
peachment of Warren Hastings, which
Burke prepared for Sheridan to deliver to
the Hous'e of Lords. Your policy this
century hbs been, when you wanted 4o
distract attention from European compli
cations you overhauled an American ship,
and then apologized, always ready to
strike a small man, but careful not to hit
a man of your own calibre. Intervention
in our affairs meank war to the knife—
war to the cannon's mouth.
Oh I though perennial be the strife,
For 'honor dear, for hearthstone Ore;
Give blow for blow; take life for Bret
Strike fill the last armed foe expire!
You complain of our being so long in
puffing down the revolution. You land
ed in the Crimea in September, 1854, and
did not enter Sebastopol till September,
1855. We have been some time, but
you forget that we have beep fighting
ourown people--Americans against Amer
icans. Ilad we been pitted against Eng.
lishmen or Frenchmen, as we should be
in case either dare to interfere, we would
have arranged the. matter in half the
time. Invade us, proud kingdom, if you
dare, and wo will
Make every house, and rock, and tree,
And hill, our forte; and fon and flood!
Yleid not I our soil shall rather be
One waste of flame, ono ilea of blood I
Fear not your stool, nor fear your gold—
Nor Engleib force, nor English fraud,
Trust not your race—lte false as cold—
., Whose very pray era aro lies to Ood !
Domestic war may bring foreign &-
cord, Ibreign war would tiring domestic
happiness. Solomon was wise wheit he
detected the false mother by .ordering the
child to be cut„in two ! There was mu
sic in the war songs of our revolutionary
States of the West I my own fair land I -
Our foe h .s come, the h. ur is nigh;
Ills hale.firre rise on every hand,
Rise as one man, to-do or dial
From mountain, vale, and prairie wide,
From Mast vast,'and field, and glen,
And crowded city, pour thy tide,
Oh, fervid-band, of patriot men.
Up. old and.youngl the weak be strong!
Mom for the right, hurl back the wrong,
From mountain, vale, and - prairie - wide,
From forest vast, and flu cl,.and glen,
crowded city, pour thy tide,
• Oh. fervid band of pat lit men.
. Up, old and young I the weak be strong!
Mee for the right, hurl back the wrong,
And foot to foot, and brand to brand,
Strike for our own dear native land I
Interference I who ever heat'd of an au
thor introducing a stately figure in the
last scene of, the la„st act of a great drama.
'Think of trotting "Macbeth" cutler the,
'first time 'just before the of the cur
tain. The - Price -of-truth-is - slander, the
of falsehood is praise; - nevertheless:
truth is God's lair, while falsehood is the
devil's counsel. Give me Sneers , and -let
Emile honest, or give me cheers and make
'lne'a traitor. klugland applauds Secess
ion and;hiSses Unity'and -- patriotistn; not
because she !eves the Soutrt
;the --- North less. My wordS.,-TnV-:tr*i-o-yr
you, but my points I will fored you to ad
How absurd for the learned : speaker to
say that America is always insulting Eng
land. If it is true, why not :resent it;
when the gauntlet is thrown down why
don't you take it up I No ! nr. Chair
man, the fault of our people is they think
too much of England, else they would
not feel so sensitive at your most unmanly,
ungenerous, unnatural conductr Amori
ca hate you ! you are misintoruted. Itis
the elder who envies the younger nation.
The father in England is jealous of the
son who is growing up to oyorshadow
him; no more prominent trait crops
out of English. character. lite First
George hated the Second, the Second dis
liked the Third; and the ThiAd George
was always at war with the Fourth; Pitt
and the King were always plotting
against Fox and the Regent. Royalty
gives the fashion—nobles coprand hate
their first-born sons: . the lauded gentry
follow and dislike theirs, and the middle
classes, under the barbarous old feudal
laws of primogeniture, imitate lathe vices
of the aristocracy without copying any of
their virtues. Hence the envy and jeal
ously of the father towards the. son who
will supersede him in the entail. This
is the evil of primogeniture; such is
England. The aristocracy rule. The
middle classes assent and the people are
called a mob !
This diversion .1 have made to prove
that:the son bears the father no ill-will,
while the contrary is proverbial_! Indi
viduals are too much like States, not to
apply the simile to nations. 'England,
the father, is jealous of America, the
first-burn. But the child bears no envy
against the parent. No ! America neith
er fears you nor hates you. Fier annoy
ance at your strange treatment arises froth
affection, not revenge. Besides, victors
bear no malice against the vanquished.—
It is the punished who brood revenge, not
the punisher. America has always been
the victor. England was defeated on
both occasions. Thcrefirre it is England
Who'broOds over the dlsgrace, not Atneri
, ca, a country that wis never conquered.
Intervention in American affairs! with
whom ? The North or South ? - Not the
South, for Yancey says it is impossible.
Besides, it would be declaring war against
the Uuited States. Not the north, for
America is not, so low as to choose an ar
bitrator in the hour of victory.' Would
Havelock have allowed Prussia' to have
intervened as he was going Luck
now? Wno 1,1 l ran , :o hgvad
America to inteincue in favor (4 Austria
before Solferino ? Would England Lave
allowed intervention in the Crimea as
she was walking through the Redan and
Malakoff into SchaopoF? Nut a witeof
it. Let Napoleon do so wild a thing as
to dare interfere in our of fairs ; and you
way purchase his crown for a shilling
Let England desecrate our soil by inva
sion or intervention, and even the crown
jewels of these islands may as well be of
fered to the highest bidder. (Hear and
" Question.") 'I he gentleman says," Ques
tion ;" the_simple fact of his interruption
shows how closely I sail to the sulvject
under debate.
England may not be accustomed to this
kind of talk; but it is high time she un
derstood that America ceased to be a
chicken when she smashed up all the
European navies by that little naval sea
fight at Fortress Monroe, vhich the Times
in its geographical wisdom, locates at the
mouth of the 1 'otomoc ! Do you suppose
that the American President would have
allowed the French Minister to have gone
to Richmond without the sanction of the
Administration ? The least thought would
explain to you that Mr. Linebla and Mr.
Seward planned the whole affair, and in
acknowledgment for the services rendered
by France, the President pays the Em
peror the high compliment of going on
board the French frigate at Washington
—the first time it was ever done by any
PreSident. The Minister 'most likely
went down to toll Davis that tto Fnpe 7
ror was ashamed of his acquaintance.
Why is, it gentlemen, you see nothing
in America to commend? Why do you
look so disheartened at the announcement
of the fall of New Orleans ? Does it
remind you of the picture of General
JACKSON Why is it you continually
do cry that the next; mail will bring an
other Bull Run ? I will tell you, gentle
men; it is because the Wish is the
Thought's Father. Federal victories
make you miserable; hence you pray
every night for Federal reverses; Every
thing against us delights you. Every
thing in our favor you disclaim. You
would illuminate all London, if you dared
to, if MCClellan was defeated at •York.
town. No wonder you object to my men
tioning Yorktown. It certainly has
some pleasant memories to Englishmen.
McClellan•has been before the td,wn about
the,same time that Washingtoft was . in
another century; and the. traitor Davis
will, most likely, not wait so long to-give
up his sword as Lord Cornwallis did on a
similar occasion.
Out' ;army is full of Washingtons
Kosciuskos and - Lafayettes, , ..l l ,ll;:aday saw
the thunder-storm in the dish - of water.
Watts saw the power of steam as the kettle
sung its song ofitriurnph over the fire
wood. So the true Union man felt in
his bones the destiny God has. !ordained
for his chosen people. "Ich Dien" was
his war cry 'as well as that of the, prince
of Wales. The almighty Dollar has-Sur
nished You witlL many a sneer. t_Tlre-al
mighty Cotton has also: stimulated your
sarcasms; but in future we. intend to
make you respect the almighty Union.
The. reserve power of_Kinorioa is terrible.
Every soldier is a voltaic battery; every
officer - a steam-engine in breeches, for-the
future to be - Of American manufacture.
OUr revolution is a war of ideas, a war 'of
fieedorn a. war for oppressed mankind,
There is more brains in Northern hands
than Southern heads, that is why we take
the belt.
Remember that only a year has passed
since England made that fearful error of
siding with Rebellion. We shall never
forget—nor will you!
Remembar we that awful morn ! along the lines then
The flash from Butnter's guns that set our northern
Ay aflame.
Nor loos, was ours the thrilling thought from lip to lip
that ran.
Than thoir'a at Belgium's festival when Waterloo
Adcwn Virgin.a's valleys and along bar mountain
The light of loyal bayonets shall gleam like fields of
Beyond her fair Potomac, and whore James' current
Tho tido of loyal arinlos bear down her treacherous
60119. '
Even Wellington and Bonaparte begin
to pale, with their one-barrel artillery
campaigns, when compared with our re
volving arms. England's idea of liberty
is freedom for England and slavery for all
mankind. I—mean, providing it pays.
Otherwise, then slavery for England and
freedom for all the world. It is only a
question of money. India gave man
kind Conscience; Greece added Beason;
Roane, Will ; but America, possessing
conscience, reason, and Will, took out a
patent for . Energy and Truth
England engaged a passage on board the,
Secession Pirate she accidentally got in
to the wrong boat, awl posterity will re
fuse to pay back the passage money.
If you have the least spark of•honesty
about slavery, why don't you praise our
people for abolishing it in the district of
Columbia ? Why do you not get Op and
cheer for Mr. Seward for making a treaty
with Lord Lyons to put down the slave
trade. Have we not given up another
point, the right, of search ? Owing to
our wonderful activity, England will fin
that our people will overhaul the most
ships, and by that means, no doubt, prove
that the slave trade is mostly carried on
by English ships and English capital,
armed by some of the leading disciples of
Exeter Hall.
Could every man's eternal rare be written OD his
How runny would our pity share, that raise our
envy now I
The simile is most applicable to ei,ms
Christian nations. What a howl would
have passed through England had the
Northern army been guilty of the brutal
atrocities perpetrated by the Rebels at
Mana , sas and . elspwhere ? Using the
bkulls of our brave officers for spittoons,
boiling off their flesh to get their ribs fur
castanets, and sending tokens made from
the_ bones of our brave men to the fiends
in the shape of women, wIM seem to have
acted like so many tigresses during this
terrible civil war. Ably God leers merry
on (heir souls ! Yes—
Perish ye traitors and knaves,
Ye changers of turn Into slaves,
Ye Rebels, so craven and bass.
tellers now Is your boasted reliance!
And whore aro your looks of dAlance!—
_ -
Mid clouds of defeat nod disgrace
These men and women are quire worthy
of your sympathy. But, hurrah ! for the
men of the North, hurrah ! You have
not the inclination to appreciate our ar
my of noble women and brave men; but
I say—
God bless the Union army
And the flag by whigh it stands:
May It preserve with Freemen's uorve
what Freemen's God demands! (Cheers)
Foal out, ye bolls, ye W 1 ,111911 play,
For never yot wont forth
So gi nod a hand, fir Law and Land,
As thu muster of tho NoAth I
sally of the Sewing Machine.
ril sing to you of a beautiful mold,
The fairest that over was seen:
She dressed in glorious. msgnincent style,
Fat she worked on a sowing machine.
Sho was ccurted by a gay unknown cavalier,
Whose means were abundantly able
To support her in luxury as long as she lived,
For he worked in a swill milt stable.
He seat her a letter to tell hor of his love,
Whieh roused this maiden for to weep;
She closed up her eyes and hung clown her head;
She was wrapped to the blankets of sleep.
And when she wan dreaming of her lover so bold,
tier Lice so calm and serene.
The needle flew up and trek-stitched her nose,
Poor Sally of the sewing machine!
Now all you young ladies take wirrilng by this
b.spucially ycu that are green ;
Always keep sharp things from sticking your nose,
Oryou'll never work a sowing machine.
good story going the rounds at Fortress
Monroe, concerning a certain General
who is_ pious enough in creed, but on cer
tain occasions, when his "dander" is up,
can do full justice. to his feelings by'
"giving them mouth." When the Mex•
rimac came , down, the General was all
motion; he was highly excited, and now
and then he eased his feelings by-certain
ejaculations. A contraband, who hoard
him, gives the following very good de
scription of how the white-haired old man
Moved about in the midst of the storm
and shells :
"By golly, boss,'.' said he, "but de way
dat ole mass' gin'ral moved about dat way
war a caution. He went dis way and dat
way; he went hea' and ho went dar;
but to hab hearn'se ole mass' gin'ral
swar 1 Boss, it's de solemn - trill', dat do
way del ole - gin'ial awar was plump nigh
like preachin !"
A SUORT time since, says a gootch
newspaphr, a gentleman traveling from
Glasgow to Perth bad for his companions
two females extensively gotten up. On
entering the. tunnel near the Perth, sta
tion both sat beside him, but on emer
ging therefrom, to his amazement 'and
horror, he discovered that ono of his-fair
friends was missing. When the tiekets
came to be colleoted, he was cautioned by
his nciglbor to say nothing of the noel•
dent. till.they came tothe station, The
tickets were taken and •tho station
reiched, when lo I from beneath the
grin - cline of thd:Tetnale beside him came,
or rather crept, the, lost maiden', the
cause of all his anxiety. '
An hum AtrOTIONIIER . , puffing :off a
pair' of. jet' ear•rings, said. they,- were
"just the sort of artiele.he Iffinseltwatild
purehase,for, his wife if„she was only .th.
widow." , • ..-- • - • •••
And 'hero thoy eat a popping corn,
John Stiles and Sugni Cutter;
Joh , Stiles as stout as an ox,
And Susan fat as butter.
And there they sat and shelled the corn,
And raked and stirred the fire,
And talked of different kinds of ears,
And hitched their chairs up nigher.
Then Susan !be popper shook,
Thor. John ho shook the popper,
Till both their feces grow as rod
As Fa ucepuns made of copper.
Aud then they shelled and popped and ate
And kinds of fun a poking,
And he haw-hatred at her remarks,
Aud she laughed at his joking.
A id still th y popped, and still they at
(John's inotith - ivas like a hopper.)
And stirred the tiro and sprinkled sa:t,,
And shook and shook tho popper.
Theplock struck nine, the clock struck too
And still Ulu corn kept popping;
It stuck enroll aunt then struck tirolre,
Anil still no signs of stopping•
And John he ate, and Sue shn thought—
The corn did pop and patter,
Till John cried out, "Thu corn's affre
Iyhy, Sus;u , hat'a Ihc Janitor ?"
Sold she, ''John Stiles, it's ono o cluck; "
file of Indigestion ;
I'm siek of nil this popping corn,
Why ci.m't you pop the question?" •
Yes; young man, learn to labor
Don't go idling 'about, imagining yourself
a fine gentleman, but labor ; not with the
hands merely while the head is doing
something else, (nodding peihaps ) but
with the whole 'soul and body too. No
matter what the work b if it is worth
doing at all, it is wmth doing well ; so
i •
put your whole mind to it, bend every
energy to the task, and you will accom
plish your. object.
If you are a clerk, with only a small
salary, don't be discouraged, work away,
he faithful in all things, keep your eye ,
open, be strictly honest, live within your
income, label: with -your heart in the
cause; patiently wait, and your time will
come. o.her clerks have risen to emi
nence; why not you.
If a mechanic, stick to your business,
hammer away, let. nothing entice you
from_ the path of integrity; keep your
mind upon your work ; respect yourself:
labor cheerfully and though small .your
compensation, the good time' is surely
coming, you will yet rte appreciated.
Many a mechanic has built the ladder
by which he has ascended to high honors.
So may you.
.11' yr! ' bcdcmg to liny of the learned
profe , sions, don't hang out
. :tur
then fold your arms and go to sleep, ex•
peeling to be rous:d sonic day and invited
t i take the highest s,:at in the land.—
That is no way to gain distinction, unless
it be as a drone; but keep wide awake;
stir about. Yen Will improv 3 your health
by the exercise, if nothing more. If you
you have no business calls to at
tend to, drive deeper into your books ;
you can study if you-can't practice, and
be gaining knowledge if not money.
Keep straight forward in thepath where
your feet have been placed ; labor with
your might, mind and strength, and your
reward is not far distant.
Whatever be your occupation, make no
haste to be rich; it' you are long gather
ing you will be more careful about scat
tering, ttathus stand a better chance of
having your old age supportable by the
industry and prurience of your younger
days. It is by drops the ocean is 'filled,
yet how vast and deep. The sea-shore is
composed of single grains of sand; yet
how far it stretches around the mighty
waters. Thus it is by single efforts and
unwearied labO'r that fame and honor are
A Glimpse of Life at Washington.
The Washington correspondent of the
Springfield Rein/Wean thus daguerreo
types sow e of the notables at Washing
Here we can drink our coffee as cosily
and quietly as in the breakfast room at
home, while if we choose, seeing vastly
more. At the round table nearest the
dour, sits Senator Clarke, of New Hamp
shire, with his beautiful boys and plea
sant, matronly wife. I believe in Senator
Clarke. Anywhere, under — any biroutu
stances, though 1 knew nothing else of
the man, I would believe in such a head
and• face as his. He is an earnest and
eloquent Senator, a patriot and Christian.
A man over six feet high, of strong ner
vous temperament, dark hair and open
face, on every linb of which is stamped
the truth.
Next him, more mindful of his news
paper than his breaktmzt, sits Senator
[Tale, looking exceedingly comfortable,
with his very round face and vary large
stomach. Mrs. Irale; whether eating hr
beeakfast, or sitting, plainly dressed, in
the Senate gallery, or in purple or ermine,
ready for calls, or in tl!e full costume of
the evening, always looks handsome. A
woman of queenly presence, with com
manding, magnetic eyes, she can lay claim
to beauty as well as her lovely daughters,
mid at aire'vening party, - looks
elder•siater. - Miss Lizzie and Luoy, hear
with them the fine pure skin and delicate
bloom which is only wrought by the airs'
of the New England mountains, while
their large liquid eyes, alone establish
their title to beauty. Here is a finally
At the. next table, we have the Senator
from Michigan, with his elegant, stylish
and very stately wife. She has on ono, of
the daintiest and prettiest of morning caps
and a scarlet shawl thrown carelessly
around her graceful shoulders. Mrs.
Chandler has sen'iiorial dignity. enough
to sustain a dozen Senators. ---
At the'next table, unmindful ofbrealv.
fast, both ,reading newspapers,. site'Mr:
and Mrs.: Crittenden.. Mrs,., Crittenden,
no longer : young, will always ho beatftiful.
.Nothing-can-exceed her grace of manner.
Whether with her own pet friends from
Kentucky, or rising from the table to
greet, Mrs. Gen. Banks, or - thanking a.
servant for some slight 'attention, Mrs
Crittenden is never - less than a lady. She
I $1 50 per annum In advance
($2 00. it not paid In advance
looks nearly as handsome'this morning in
plain costume as she did last •evening in
the drawing room, in black velvet and
point lace. Mr. Crittenden still reads on,,
" compromise". , written on every line of.
his amiable face.
Gen. and Mrs. Banks sat at the next
table a few mornings since. Mrs. Banks
looked very sweet, rosy and youthful.—
But your old favorite Republican don't
look as well in military as he did in civi
lian costume. Some way he don't seeni
comfortable in a General's coat. But
how grandly massive is the man's face
and bead!
' Here is another giant head, though itd
owner acts as if it aches. I presume it
does. lie played King Lear last night.
Edwin Forrest eats his breakfast alone,
eats it fitfully, as if he would rather not
cat it. lie passes his hand over his tota
lly!! as if to allay its pain. He glances
at his paper, he looks about, taking in
every thing with those black, restless;
melancholy eyes. 'Bich and famous, he
is a wretched man. A man of strong
pas.iions and affections, wifeless, childless
—what are riches cr fame to him ! In
his home in Philadelphia, hangs a picture
of two little children ; one bathing her
naked feet in a brook, the other stepping
out with the sunlight falling on her head.
They tell of this man how for hours be
'shuts hitni,elf away, gazing on this pip
t No child-voices rain melody through
these worse than deserted halls. The
man must have something, child-like in
his nature, who can thus seek solace for
its hopeless (I,solation.
Here sits senator Lane of Indiana, a
quiet man, who wakes up to fiery elo
quence, a patriot who would sacrifice him
self and all that he bus for his country,
and here his wife, whose ample brow, and
clew• brown eyes, bear the insignia of
goodness, as well as intellect. A woman
who would take your band and accept
you fur your own sake, if you are worth
accepting, without askii g for your titles,
or enquiring whether
. you ever .14nd a re
lative Who was hung.
What's in the wind?
The Reading, Express of Saturday says:
Yesterday atiernnon our usually quiet city
was a.g-irattid by the annommemerit that tho ^
notorious Valiandig,hatu of Ohio, accompanied
by his man Friday, Ancona, of Berks,
Johnson of the Northampton District of Penn
sylvannis, Voorheei of Indiana, Pendleton of.
Mitio, and other members of that select party
of S.,toession sympathizers and abettors who
signed tlie late bogus "Democratic Address,"
had arta Lily arri ;ski in he riling—They were
met at the cars and courted directly to the
.Nlinet al topiang by a number of lending Break
imilgers of the same stripe.
What was done at the Spliugi., we of course. ,
doinot know. Sarno persons supposed that.
the object of the meeting was to holster up
Mr. Ancona for a renomination. Others
are of the opinion that thcse illustrious sig
iters came to Reading,ie look after the, inter
ests nf JedT.'D iv 13. Which of these opinions
is correct we will nut pretend to -.ay. Of ons
thing, however, we may he certain, and that
is that. this t iecret caucus bodes no good to the
That it was a mere yisit of curiosity no one
will believe. The people of Reading have
done nothing deserving of such an affliction,
We are loyal by a largo majority—we have
two thousand brave men in the Held now fight
ing the battles of the Union. Why then
should we be wantonly disgraced by the pre
sence of such men in our midst ?
We repeat there was a rriotivo in this visit
and loyal ruen must keep their eyes open
hereafter. -ft •
RAW TROOPS IN Fttosr.—A good deal bait
been said by various critics as to the folly of
exposing raw troops, in points of danger, as
with Casey's division at the Seven Pities, in
reply to which the North American says that
this is sound military policy. Veteran troops
aro too valuable to he thrown away in forlorn
hopes and advance post& It is generally
oousidered best to throw the new troops da
soon us possible into positions where they can
have a realizing sense of what it is to be sol
diers; for all the training that may be he
etowed on them will not make them steady
and reliable half so qutoll as the pressure of
danger and the severe test of slaughter and:
suffering all around them. Men must get tie
customed to the roar of artillery, and the
whistling of bullets, and the eight of horrible
wounds, and perilous positions are therefore
selected for the new troops If a veteran di
vision hail been placed where, Cusey's wan t
the men would have been slaughtered Unne
cessarily, though they might have made abet
ter fight. But, after the enemy has exhausted
the fury of his onset, and wasted a great deal
of his ammunition, up_oome the veteran troops
fresh for the ooniest—and, faltin&n.pon the_
reboTk drive them Gael - iiiith great slaughter.
We therefore consider Gen: McClellan's dis
positions to have been perfectly correot. The
policy on which lie acted has been observed
throughout the war by our armies.
FATE or A TaArrort : Walking through
one cf the most pleasant of Huntsville's beau•
tiful strews, today, the bare and blackened
walls of a once splendid hOuso presented
themselves to my view. The gentleman at,
my aide remarked. There is a sad 'history
connected with those ruins. The. man who
owned the property was, a_few weeks, since,.
second in influence tool° one in the. South ;
with a lovely 'amity. a thorough education,
and great wealth. It seemed that nothing
was lacking to complete his earthly happi
ness, In one short month he 'wad 'hurled
from hie pious position of influence into Davis'
Cabinet; his two yo n ting sons were lying
dangerously wounded in the Corinth hospt.
tals; his city and country mansions laid
waste by an incendiary torch;' an exile from
his home, housoless, wveless, Priffe - WlidltOrT
is - turned - adrift upon the - derld charities of a
people_phom he has been instturneistal in
deceiving, into a cruel rebellion. , 1 1 0 704. -
blematic of General Walker's :foilunee Are .
these desolate walls 1 1 —IltientsidgeCor.
Gaz:ette.. •
'We have foiled got:nowhere an. , entifely
new'reading, of Sha..lespenee, end herewith
. a part 'Of the , I!crookeddnioA
. ty,
rant's first. soliloquy, sitightijr,TouiOnized,
for the especial consideration of the ora.
torioal Birobel 9
. 4 1 ,, t0w lob do yindor mit mine dlshltoudont • '
;Undo funny by WWI beetle son, Shako, •
Vot I lob Tampon up and dawn an•
. 31,y knee mit—Dander nod blittatt • •
Catarine, beret tato do abitd
diuko and ebaugo &log
Von mine brooches "
It is iinpossible to look at thp.sleepoit
in a church • 'without hob* # . 91.404e4 ; that
Sunday away ofrost,, , , ;
trot long swab; a yotxt4•older
than in years; after being,oatoohisetloll7.,.
corning the power otXatute,
Ma " 1' thin t ir there is'one thina*-
ture can't do." .
NO 25_.