Eht fftarficts. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Reported lveckly for the Herald by Woodyard q.t. Schmidt. FLOUR (SUporlino) do. (Extrild . • W ITEIY 11E4 .. RED do RYE ..... .... CORN . OATS ...... CLOV E RSEED TEIBC)TfIYSEED.... FALL BARLEY SERINO BARLEY. nlarria . gts. =ZS On April 29th, by Rev. 0. Walters, Roy. ALFRED A FISHER, of tho Philadelphia Conf•ronce, to Miss RUTH B. NOBLE, of Harrisburg, Pa. gliatljs. C=El On the 27111 alt., MARY CAROLINE, daughter of antrUrsula Thompson of Carlisle, aged 5 years 4 months and 25 days. " Dearest daughter thou has loft us' Here thy loss we deeply feel ! But 'Us God that bath hereit us— Ito can all our farrows heal." New Rim ertis ements Tj ARGE SALE OF VERY CHOICE AND ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS, . . . THE COLLECTION aF'AN AMATITE They ombraco all subjects: an original Stuart's Washington, a Stubbs Marine. a Landscer's Dog, ke., now on view at Setteelll:lll'S Store Hanle, West Multi street. Mr. A.B. Ewing has charge of the collection and will be happy to show them all. They will toe at public auction on Monday the 12th of May, by H. McCartney. N.ll. A yot'y costly fonr.light Gan Chandelier will also be sold on thb occasion. May ii, 1862 ' THE undersigned Auditor appointed L to make distribution of the halanee remaining iu the hands of Samuel Mello, admioistrat,ol Sanilud Smith Into of South Middleton Township dee'd. meet parties interested for the perf.mua ~r t h e du ties of sahlappointment, at his ultimo lu the Borough of Carlisle, on Monday, Juno 2, 15 , 12 at 15 Wrier): A. M. C. li. M A I,A l't/ 111,1 N Auditor May 6, 1861. 3t DI VIP END Board or Directors of the Carlisle Deposit Batik have this a ty doelal e 1 a dividend of per cent. out of the proltlsof the 131,1, fa the la , t Off o verTiffreTt,,..l,l,l,l,•, or their legal represunati vas, on slenland being snub fir the canoe. Carlisle, May 0. ISII2 STITEIVZENT OF THE MEC H ANICSBU G BANK LI 1111I.ITIES. Capitol stork pal(' in, Notes In eirenlotlon (10'0 (O's) Ap-itt STI.S7II ' - being greatest amt. !Mire last statement. Due Banks and Bankers of this State, 17 Deposits, S9.'n.l Total Ilabllitios„' Liabilities April S. ISt,2, $1217.4n4 .16 being greatest amt. sinee 1,4 statement. En= Colc . Silver, Notes of other banks. Skink of Commonwealth, Penna. War Loan, U. S.. 7 3-10 pnr rent. Notes, Loans and discounts, Duo by other 81111 kF, • Personal property, Dividend dee:ared this day, 4 por cent Undivided proifts, Liabilities of Direct°, p, inripal debtors, $1.:01 On As ondo,ers, 1,502 I 0 Liabllll irs of F. torkholdors As prlnelpil debtors, I,2tiq As endorsers, 2.42 . 1 00 ,53 7nti 00 The above statement is correct to the boat of rny knowledge and belief. L. A A , IT)1 N, SwOrn and sta)seribed Lrfnrr me. v 7 I,zn-2. C2ELLING OFF AT COST! BAGAINS! BARGAIN'S!! It* - -111e undersign:el has dot ernii tool to sell out his very extensive an elegant assert 1110.11 t of Dill• GOOD at first coi:t ' Ile will not attempt 1,1 ,podf,. it to S3V. Iris sin-1( le 1 , 11 . 1, nicli in in lifi - a:7111.11 . 8. I and 5,0 s wear, of all kind , and di.scrlptions, ali of which pug, 111 , 04 at hive rates for cash, rind will lie sold thr wane ❑gurr., ]/OUSEKEEPLAI; (;()(1/): , , isuch as lilearlied ,11111 Unhli.:11•11.1 Casings, UM, nud , ('o•tl011 'frihl,• Cloths, White end Brown uslins, Lc.. die. • CARPETS, OIL CLOTZES, &C. storkllls ollorpoto, Oil Cloths. Matt inks, jo (ho illrgest and hest in this section of the ,I , ol,try. Oh um an early oil]. all who want groat har.,,lns. for I in tend to do just what I say, and sell out my entire stock nt first cost. Come one, come all! PHILIP A ItN(II,D, Two doors north of the Corlirin In•posit Banl< N. B. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their advantage to give me a call, for I ran sail to them at cheaper rates than they can purchase the sonic goods In the City. I' A NOTICE.—AII persons knowiol( them.elv, ludo bled to the undersigned, will please rail and Settle their ac counts immediately Its the backs noi.t he settled. Carlisle May 9th, 1H62. Pill LI P ARNOLD. List of Dealers IFN Goods, Wares and Merehandize, and of Distillers, Brewers, Lumbermen, Beer and Eat. lug !louses, be., within the County of Cumberland, as appraised and classified by George yeoi oy, Nlereautile Appraiser, and by him returned to thu undet,igned, Treasures of said County, to wit =I A. W. Bentz, dry-goods, Leldigh, Sawyer & Miller,dry goods Philip Arnold, dry goods J. W. Eby, groceries; O. inhoff, Wm. Bouts, M. Myers " J. F. Stool, " Barney Hoffman, groceries, A. 0. Lechler, ' 6 George Leihy, Henry Harkness, " Susan Winchel, Woodward & Schmidt, produce, Henderson A; Reed, " J. It. Noneinaltur, k D. Rhoads, Henry Saxton, hardware, J. P. Lyno & Son, Armstrong & Hoffer, lumb. k. real Oliver Delancey, lumber 44 coal, 8. M. Hoover,' A. 11. Ewing, furniture, Rhoads, C. Ogilhy, Agt., dry goods, Wm. M. Miles, N. W. Woods, Agt, dry goods, L. T. Groonlield Si Co., " II It. Jameson, fancy cloy goods, R. 13. Shapley, jewelry, TllOlll. Conlyn, F. C. Kumar, W. D.A. Nauglo, James London, hooks, &c., A. M. Piper. J. D GorgaS, stoves, Mrs. Al. Morris, " Samuel Elliott, drugs 8. W. Haverstielt, drug ' s, S. 13. - ptinnehadter, " pMgcS, M. Rattler, confectionary, J. Le - Rheum, Peter Monyer, , " Jacob Boner, shoes, Robert Moore, " • John Irvino,t. 8. Ensminger, robed, &A, U. S. Ritter. merchant tailor, Mrs. M. J. Stumph, groceries, John Faller, J. D. Meek, 0 0 David Keeny, A. Monastnith, Jacob Wolf, J. 0. Callio, bats, J.Dean&Qo,. John Keller, Mrs M. Neff, millinery, • Stahl, Mrs. J. Hutton, ' 6 Mrs. 11. IYilliams. " Da'sid Common, dour and feed, John Behmohl, baker, G. Grossman, William Sellers, " Lab; Faber, " John Sellers, 'David Sipe, paper, &c., Isaac Livingston, clothing, Arnold & Son, J. W. Bnilley, •" . E. B. Leonard, Allison & Messy, marketing, 1, 11, Frederick, " David Fredericks, " ;. • William Askew, " Jaines Calllo Si Son," Benj.- Hoslerolealer, ; Peter Faust; produce, ' Wm. Wort; narketing.l Joe. D. Holbert, groceries Jacob Shrom DICKINSON. fitrohm, litielc•& Coffey, dry goods, BeglainiAllenk, dry gciode. ,' EAST PENNSOO.ROII4IL Corr & llttirtrneLlumber May & Lingle . u, a yalg u lehart &' Wormleyi lumber. Adam Esllngor, . • K ,rlt, Iry goods, Davi.' floovor, C. :•tovick, fornit urn, J_ y. i.e,. dry gouda, It •• IV. )1 \ ‘• 11i.... I: It dry goods, .1 111 irlol trz. A. G0,..111,..trt. niarlo•tiog IV. M. BE LTEM, Al) , x)111,11, A). )10)1 0, )lry good[, 11 10 (41 1•11111 - 1))10 111.,111)111. 13 10 1• 1,111)11, 1:1 111 01 1 5 )\'. 14 7 1 1 0 11.1) , 10»r, 14 7 00 S))1110,1 )-1114111), 11 7 00 11)))1) 11 7 (1 II i)1 1. I. marl:cling. 14 7 00 1) N) 11 7 00. MAT STH, 1N1',2. :ro,o 111 (111 cln 920 MEI 47,53: • • ' SOUTTTA3iPTON 11.u-74. p. 415, 11,11. .1 ic ~ b ‘Viii. Il s e V. ill 111,till!!. MEE .1 II i•.,i:) ' LaOS 50 2,433 04 C 11. t nor. groeprit.)., 14 7 0 0 • l'artttat) , 14 7 00 Dtttrit.l). 14 7 t .13001 , PAgtto " .14 7 0 ) .1. II Vat.) tlat•I) groorrit , )+, 14 7 t 0 P S. 7.17 11 7 tto Nlt.''utte, dry goods, .1 11,4 Is ,( ' 1 It. 1 St.o)tit 1 Stttrit o 4 n, dry good', 1 Ii .1 mood-1,. Corn icon), 14 7 tit clothing, 11 7 00 .1 Itt mt.) t•ltattt tniinr, 11 7 0 0 II,111,11) drug.), 14 0 .I,lln .-.)11,111.:t01), 14 7 01 14 7 1.0 .101111 NR,III. ly. 11 7 00 r, Dol.`, 1 — 7 00 .1. Lan,ll....its, eft!. 14 7 00 II“Ittot•r. jt•lnt , , rr. 14 7 or. ll rttit)ll .1”))1) , ,n. h tt.i,s)t) 12 12 rm Vturney 1900 •• lo au A.. 1 11".,11. 'tor, 14 7 ttt, •• 14 7 .0 11 prodore, IC) 70 0 It:01m it00I0•r, 1.1 7 10 T 11 Ithir. itr , dot,. 11 ,n 1(t.l.o A. I Holt', 'lot ',tarn, 1.1 7 ott .10111, oal, l•o•000. c Sr.,g ", 110 I; , C.. 11.. . , ). t'utilt, I ett) ))))1).1,1 log. S. )13..t. r,lO t• ,14ii nn 17,0, ;:u.Uun . II uu 1 f• .13 31 IMEIMI ~ 9 0 0 11314 sa;:o.2 00 =I or hmilto!, )111 , •• V l• ”..1113, T 11 t;h•t. .1 I. 11111, - , •• 11 And re IV hi 0,1, produce 13 Ui 1111 I'PPI3I ALLEN. ;;-s% 11•1 . Z.;tl;,, ;1;y 41S I i Loug,itterlo,r. 1.1111. A poduce, I [011.i.4,1111 Ell.lll .Lllll. dry g.‘kln, W. 11.1,d10‘ , , 1) )lartz Eber Jain. Tt,bias S marketing, NVm m. annard k rm.. marketing . Itobinsun, dry L'omdF, 11 . 1 n. II Erkels, dry goods, Cold, David Stio taeoh Simmons, Jos Fink, merehant Fisher dealers, NV lii S. Burkholder dealer, John It. I.eidt.lll, prod err, F. Brerhenotkol, ucu k pl L:i' ll Nl CSllllna .1. Brandt Son, dry goods, D. Coinfoi " Brindle & anger," John Reigle, henry Lease, I(autinan & Oswald, produce, Thomas 11. Bryson, .101 in Johnston & Son," Enuninger & singizer, Zacharias & Ilavorstielt, produce, Jos. )111 leiSl , ll. lumber, Ilea. Il simnel, lumber .11 coal, Daniel orabill, clothing, 1.. W. A hrains, " Arnold & , Bold, ,i, harrelson, hardware, John S. Boyers, It. Wilson & Sons, stoves, Wm. Wonderlich. L & Mathew n , " . 11. herring, drugs, J. S. Dallett, •• Ira Day, It. Thomas, groceries, Robert Pagan & A rinatr ug, grucerles, S. 0. Bowman, .1. Eininger, Samuel W. Worst, furniture, John Bopp, & Lborly, dealers, C. Bylines, shoes, Lori Itelcie, hats & shoes, .1. P. Italfirosburger, music, Jacob Swartz, jeweli y, P. S. Keene, " Sw tier & Keifer, merchant tailors, Jacob Wlnen,an, baker, Mrs. S. Bryan, Cieorgo Sti , tuour, marketing, Frank Marshall, " Deorge Kuser, J. J. Smith, lather, 12311111M1 $2l OU 2U no 12 5( 15 00 1L 1)0 11) 00 111 00 BEER, oysTmt AND EATING HOUSES, ''rederlek Kenner, Carlisle, Getirlb Sweitzer, Michael Meehan.' Mrs. M. meD, nough, Andrew Gould, John Castor, Mrs. 11. Peters, William Sikes, John Hoffman, Mrs. II Williams, Ewing Clark, '• Mrs. J. Lohltch George Noland, Mrs J. Low, Mrs. C. Myers, George' Borg, - Henry Stein e, Emanuel IVelrich, Toms & Son, Samuel Brown, Joseph Coble. East Pennsboro', John Glessner. Adam Burkholder, Newburg, Charles Brewster, Newton -- C. A. Hennoberger, J. J. CraWford, Newville, Wm. S. Dunlop, John Malpy, Mechanicsburg, 1 1 , Wegner, Samuel Rupert' " C. Shade, Shlppensburg, Peter 51111er, James Mackey, " Juba Millor, BREWERS AND. DISTILLERS. Wm. !Menlts, Carßsle, ' Benson & Myers, Silver Spring ? ' • • 11ILLIA1ID TABLES. • Oeorkie Foland...t . tableS, . 60.00 Emanuel .11reirIch, 1 table, ' W) Notice Is hereby given to all persons named In the above list, that by an- Oct of Assembly approved April 11th, 1802, County Treasurers are required to bring suit and collect all licenses remaining unpaltbon or before the first clay of July next. and by otheraCts of Assent• bly, venders of vinous, spirltoils,, malt or brewed liq , nom without license, nro also liable to indictment In the Cpurt of Quarter Sessions. Those interested aro therefore requested to,lift their licenses without dolayi endears costs, &c. , ' •". JOIIN 011TSIIALL, Treasurer of Cumberland gounty. - 7..: Quilt:fie, May 7,-1802. 10 00 7 00 12 50 10 00 7 00 7 00 J. Ittlinchard & -Co., Feder, dry goods, ' 1). Donlinger, groceries„ Wm. Banks, groceries, Jacob Henninger,' " John McCormick, " Longanociter, ". S. B. Patterson, produce, Michael Free, ." Jos. Bidlemon, marketing, David Brown, • FRANK FOR D Wm. Green, dry goods. Bucku:alter, grece, Fe ' TIAMPDEN. D. llupn. dry goods, 13 James IT. Johnson, dry goods, 14 A. Fhriver. 14 Ceorge L. Hale. stoves, 14 Cyrus Templin, flimflam)' 14 Jtremish 2WCartney, emirketing, 14 11. Maggot, confectionary, &c., 14 11. G. Mosier, produce, 14 LOWER ALLEN. 13Itner k ancl,Wise, shoes. 14 Abraham Brower, dry goods, 13 .7ohn Coleman, 14 " Eli W. ITT-e, 14 William Crall, marketing, 1t J. Young, 14 (1. Brubaker. 14 C. Eberly, denier. 14 MONROE Rrindlo & Sow:, dry goods, Jr. J. Stevens, 14 D. L. Bovinny, drugs, 14 Henry Spahr. flour, 14 Samuel Plank, dealer. 14 Jacob Oroegor, groceries, 14 NEWVILLE. Klink k Co.. dry goods, T MeCandlish, " 13 Stough S.: El o 1 L " 11 .1. C. A: J. 11. Brown, hardware, 17 S (1. Wild, drugs, 14 William Reed. " 1 I W. L. McCullough, gro7eries, 14 S. M fllauser, " 14 .7os. Laughlin, clothing. 14 .1. liCobach. Aut., sinvep, A. 1 , 01,1113 n, marketing, .Icaut MIFFLIN S. D. McKinney, dry goods, MIMI rerzuFrut & Co., dry goods, 14 7 00 0. MIII, and 0 SOUS, " 14 700 10,”rs k Itlyets, 14 7 OS .1. 0 .1. Isle, " 13 10 (10 A M " inineb. 14 7 00 TI 11,11 0 flays. ' 14 7 011 Lewis & Co.. nod Barn, produce, 13 10 n 0 onrrl, .5 Knettlr., 11 15 10 .1. 0 J. It. Ilnr,ll. n 11 11, 00 N,,, , lner & ll'' 11. " 13 10 00 11v110.5 F. 1' 1 11 , 1 , 1'. shuns, . ]4 700 .1. A .1 It. 1111,11. (0 05111 e. produce, 13 10 01 .1. M. \Vaguer, Lunrketlng. 14 7 00 MUM IBM 11=1 =MEM E=l =1 111,1 Pl.\ N,Itt)1:OUGII ED= 7 10 00 7 10 00 7 'lO tc 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 8 • 6 7 10 7 10 7 10 8 5 ASSIGNE . E'S NOT . 'OB.—Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, line been ap pointed assignee under rt deed of voluntary assigutnant for the benefit of creditors, executed by George Match ett and wife, of Hampden Township. All persons know ing themselves indebted, will make payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them properly nuthent Jested to the undersigned, residing in East Penusboro To"rthip, for settlement. Li: W. CRISWELL. Assignor. .May 0, Ito2—tt 7 no to 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 0 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 :('IUMBERLAND VALLEY AND iLintANlti.m. , RAIL ROAM . 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 W'§ AWC,I, On and after MONDAY, MAY r , 18132, ras.enger Train, will run as follows: (Sundays oxroptod :) FOR CHAMBER:3IIOHO AND TIARRISBUTtfI, 7 00 10 0) 1 00 - 00 Ist Train. 2d Train Leave Hagerstown, 7.04 A. M. 245 I'. M ,• Greenew,tle. 7.37 "• 3.35 •` Chambersburg, 5.;4.1 ', Arr. 4.20 g: Lonvo " Shippetr 9.00 " " " Newvllk, 9.32 ." 2.00 ..f.! --.Gaiiiele.- .__ 10.10 " 9..lo_._'_'__ Mechanicsburg, 10.42 " 3.12 " Arrive at ilarrisburg, 11.11 " n o lo i. FOR CHlAMliEltiiiliUllo AND II AG liii:4T(iWi.V. 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Ist Trui n. 2il Train knave Harrisburg 8.05 A. 31 1.35 P. 51 Mechanicsburg 8..17 " 215 " " Carlisle, 9.27" 7.t05 " Nowvilln, 10.112 " 320 " Shipi,,,,,le t rg, 10.3:1 " 4.00 " " Chainlog',( V :live) 11.10 4.40 " " (Ireeneastle. 11 7.5 530 ‘• In 01) 30 1)0 12 50 In 0) 00 00 7 00 7 00 Arrive nt Hagerstown. 12.35 n.lO " NOTICE Ti) PASSENCERS : At all Fla thins whore Tickets are sold, vlz: II agelid nn n, 11 rvutirastle, Chain hershurg, Shippenslinrg. Sir vine. Ca-llsb.. Mechanics burg and Harrisburg, a i tiduetion 'l'l•.\' CENTS on eneh 'Picket v 111 be made to all Passenser, that provide themselves with Tielietn boron, eu t ri mt., the Cars. C. N. MILL 'Super't Railroad tlfllre, Cirimhersburg, } May 1. Innti. EI=IIIEI ri I IIE Trirtnership lwret,lfore exif;ling Mellen! 11. Hummel an.l 111 n 11 It . h, h rn di , colV:tl hs mutual reusent. All her, ,re indebted In the let , . In ut nntilhsl to ruAl - e ulyrurnl to either of the p.irllrst (al nr hor, the itrot, Jac of August next. It Trill). ii. 1111 \I 11'11. AI. • Bridg,p , •lt, April 2,•.1R(12--::m ASSIGNEE SALE, r ' F, undersigned Assignee ur „ ill Sidi at. 11 , ,i,ji1• Sail'. I. 1.11 tuthle rral •••late. iZ N... 1. A trarl 1.t11 , 1. ,it110(1 , i n I'rnlll.n.,-.1 (211111i,01d/Ind 1 .1 , 1111111,1 1, IN 1111, J 1,11,1 (101Irge Meld. /;;Olinlll )111/11 11..11).1 14.111,5, t.311(i..14j • - • 11 10-00 11 10 00 14 7 00 7 0 1 1 7 ot) 11 14 7 uu 11 ' un 11 7 1 14 7 «) u.] I . :: i.1.:.•:1.s NN ill: It 1:.IINI: 11:Nr::,...: /1 : 4 1k' - 'l, m. 4 , ~, :•:f ••^l'': \E „ ,v,.:,...,,,,;,,.„ :41.. ,ii,c.,l: I ,L,271 , _sue \'n.., N tt,..-1 , r 1,.,1 it, th- ~,,,., t , .wi” , bip, b-n , n , :0.1 by 1.‘1, , i , 0: li.tvlit z-i.p.„..,y ;0,1 "them, ~,,,,ki,,,,,, AClti*:: C i AND with n WI.: u;p1:1) A trt I ..r \ I. t . %,„ qhip 1 . 2 .I.cres nnAl 1:;• - ) Nn 4. A IT, i TI\11:14i I. i.l th. “I .1. 1 , . A 411,1,. 1 on 10 t (1 l ii 7 I 11 7 II 1 crc, and 11 - 14 - i N- 111-1. It , I , •11•11 [11I•1.I't 1 . 1111 thl• Z11,11 , 1.1111'1 , , ..,11t rraa l d l !In.! , 1k ii id!11 lii otlnlounce at , :c•1.P1.1.. A :d :.ti The kol.• ,4t T .Ivn 1..• r , lll 11 , m lii . 1 :171,1 , , V . ll 1:1)l Y. 1111 k .11' 1 , , 1 ,, t"Hi P 4111%. :11., nhu.h I t ~1 111, 1 % 111 )0,, 11 1.1•F.1 \133 '2.1 ,, 2 71_ hi In, lu uu 1n , , 1862. SPRING SA A( 'LI IN(IST()N 4,f th.. I .... It!'.. tit NL , hlh , i 111 Dien and Boys' Wear, MEE ••• the SI . I , .111 Our I:E.V "tir 111:11,11 . .1 1112.• 4• 1 , 1Z1.•t I 1)1.1Z.\ f 1 . 110 , ‘ a.,1,1 . .\ II sve- 111.1114 1 111 I 1_ 1.2 I. 1 , Emma I% i I r •. 11, 11.• I i 1,, .1] h.!, 31." I 1,1,2. 1 )N'S J 'I f••. t tit. \ I \I \ ),• •11p,!..t art i• 1.111, ,, 4,1 \III au , ill? , 111 ,, t briled nut , o•• ‘311.•1% Whitt. I,ld fin It an I quality tin ..lair. nut,. 11," '2. 11 1u 1 13 10 00 13 10 14 7 14 7 14 7 00 14 7 13 10 14 7 14 7 14 7 14 7 ,3 SPRING GOODS, (attiEENPdED Zi . ;. - ; CO., Offir (luny wes( of the County 1 'ris o ,o TUVEjust received a splendid madmen!. id . Now a , l. k. 1 rig NI, i I. and Philadelphia, which will be s.ild untiiithaly ele tip ier east, 1:1 1u 13 1u ( I 14 14 0 1 14 , Fancy Silks in Great Varieties, 111,A( of all grlolto.. Iron, 'vent, $1,:o. In llioalove line ul Lhaols Hr dory I.ollllit'ti I.t lu 01 SII,K AND 11'00I,EN silk 1... 1 0in, 1,1. m. Clot I), Plaids, %I.)! 11 10 0 It 10 11 I 1 14 7 1 7 13 10 1- 14 ( - 1 12 12 ,1 13 10 7 14 7 0( 7 MI 14 14 7 011 1 14 13 10 13 10 14 7 00 14 7 14 00 14 7 01 14 7 1k 7 14 7 ~ZDRLYG DEL.Td.ai2 t rOli 1.11,ii prices We n'e IIOW 1.11,1ng our entint stock of n e w sales of ''pring Delaines at 20 scuts, si orth 25 cents. ()nod Prints nt (0. 1 mini S 1 . 1.1115. - EXII, IN In COW,. ('inhume., )lerminia , ntlLlSprigtioq:it 12 1 .:. Itiwn.ll4,l and unbik•acli..d )Im.lins nt C., h and In ~itts. Ext., quality, “n 1.1.111 s, ide ml 12.3,.:, runts. Lnuraster (lug. hunks at 12 , . r.,14. LO'L.I , L1 , 1:LT:7, , ,, UirV,2-7, COTTON A.ND LINEN PANTIN(IS, Denims, Jean., In great variety and at old priers. MEN AND 11018' WEAR. =I CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, 1 13 10 11 14 7 14 14 1 7 11 10 14 7 117 11 7 01 11 7 1 14 7 00 1 7 1;/1 . MOll Bosd wear. at laW lakes. WHITE GOODS AND NOTIONS A roil I 11le r,f nilovn 1!ooLIS•all‘:13,i 011 hamad. Al, l•litt IS, 111 the 4Qi•Jr . l).tzs 2 4.80 y(11 . 114 of Carpels. all of the newest designs and patterns: in the market. ranglott In prisms from I:2' its. t o $l.llO per yard. Ilnclno putrhncrd the /dove a s sort !mull in New Yorlt, w • enahled to 011, superior lii.lucernents h. all who will favor us with a rah, As our store Is now a permanent t • ar , lele t we are tietarmined to mallard the 11111110 (WO 16111 HI ready established) of at Mi; cheap, not withs:andinu the various rumors shut have teen circulated i u rogiud to our I. +tying tun•n. 11=11 111-3 Carlisle, May 2, 1802 DR, WIT. H. COOK, lIONPEPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Fr AV ING recently located in Carlisle, _L has taken an Mace opposite the Mansion llonse, whcie he can be consulted by persons seeking medical advice; or alien desired, will visit them at their resi dences, either In the 'town or country. May 2,1852—1 y IM'.l Dividend Notice. E Pcun Mutual Life. Insurance To gu mny , of Philadelphia, have declared a scrip thy dend of Tulare, MVP. per cent. upon thelr capital stock out of the surplus earnings fir the par ending let January, which is to be divided amongst the Insured of said Company. The and. reigned is ready to deliver certificates to parties entitled to receive them, at the Carlisle Agency, at his o'fllee on Main street, at any time after the-date of this notice.. A. SPOSSLER, Agent. • Carlisle, May 2,1862—1 it 7 10 8 6 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 8 5 7 10 8 b • TS hereby given that an election will be hold on MONDAY THE 12T1113AY OP MAY, 1802, at the Court ll9umc, In 'Carllolo, bottiCrin rho hours of end 4 o'clock, P. 31 of said day, to Moot alircaldont and 1100 Managers for tho Cavilsle.Ona,rtnd Water Company. * GE011(111 WISE, Sectiy. 15 00 '25 00 April 25, 1862-3 t ASSIGNEE NOTICE. The undersigned, Assignors of MI: eel Minkb, of the Borough_ of Carlisle, under deed . of voluntary assignment, for tho.benefl of creditors, hereby flotillas all those having dahlia against the said. Michael Min. !eh, to present' nein, and Musa indebted to make pay. meat to hiul forthwith, tt his rosidonce In the 11 trough, 0.01113 L, ECKELS,lAssignee.• April 25, 1562-3 t TWINE 011ANBERRIES:- Al . uperlortirtlelo ofOranburriesjust.TOCQlVOli finla,by . . J. IY. EBY. CHANGE OP HOURS I Dissolution. 210 ACRES 11 t‘, in 1 11 Acres 2.8 . 2 . - -,L11,1 1NI) I=l =I DOAIESTICS G R EENFI ELI) & CO NOTICE: FARMERS, BUILDERS, • Tt i f EC HANICS,' and the public gener- I'LL filly, will plcaie call at the . • 11AltblVAIi,E STOKE, as I am selling goods cheaper than over for cash or short credit. . . . . 1200 Kegs Nails and Spikes juit received, of the very hest makers and. warranted. Pun try mdrelmuts sup' plied with nails at raandtheturets prices. , 100 Tons Ilainmared and Rolled 1110N,;or all sizes, just received and warranted to be of lien best quality, with a large assortment cf Sheet Iron, , Bared Iron, 'Mop Iron, Horse shoe Iron, Spring Steal, Cast Steel, Blisl ored t:teal, lbws° shone, thorse Shy Sails, Washers, A ns ils, Tires. Files, Rasps, Balm, Nets, Screw Plates, Rivets, lnekstnith Bellows, , cheaper than the Cheapest, ut the IlArdware store, East nail street. Cr,, lisle March 1662. If. SAXTON. DTP \ l / 2 r;;. Just received and for sale at mane fart orerg pt ices, .21 large 2121902111122111 of 11011W21232f PIMS, Zeieler s 11012 . , W - eirirWs - I•trtn% York Motel Plow, Bloomfield Plow, ' Eagle Pine, Cultivators. fir.. of the cheap Hard wlve store of H. SAXTON, East Main street. Marelt DLT M I'S & CP . :I PINT. 100 harrels of con,,,,t, a larp, tisnrt.ment, of Chain and Iron I'ump~, just reeelved and far sale cheaper I han ever Ceinent. said by the quantity at manuta^turvts prices Mare), 23. 11 . sAvroN. The Confessions and Experience of I Br,f STIF',II for the benefit awl as a fl . warning and a iaint ion to young 111011 0 no , . No, vor, Dehinty, Pretrint urn lineal', o.; sti Pigs ing 111, lite an m,• limo Ono moan.: of Seit i a t r o I:y one IS until Minton after lining put to gia•at ex 110t1S0 1.111.11101 1110111 VA imps , it ion and iittioddity. By ton 'not }add addria,.l•ol iuvolopo, singlo niny had loth N .1111.A.NIEL )lAVFA lit. lit Ca.. N. V. 11 Ira hI o 2_ ly EC, )Ir:4 NOTICE. Elm!, filly tin ILr v. ill ,ir of township b) the nr rumhn,lltyl rountr. F!lid I 11r. , 11 for 111,11. s, I t,t 1111 . q.'d 1.1 i'•4 . 1 . 1 the. 4ACtrii A111'112., BARGAINSI 13ARGAMIS t IP} t hr Tirtnrirq h • I. l•n• p. I 1.1 tt I ~t t 11.t.11,1t If , \ \ . %NI ;I I .; L.• 1 ll [ I' ! %I Lill •t: Ml' Vl • l,ling 11.1ily NEW Sl'k' iNc, GOODS m nllr Len r orniill4.l to pcll :t \ t. • : et cr.. varily; Plain and 1. 7 a: - i'.7 silks at all Prices, ft:4 t '. .;`i l !s ' l•IITelf, l t411111:::h' \;:)*,INC, i';;INTS 1 1 / 1 .“ :1 . 11.! it.llllll, \VI! VIE :NI.F.'3I.I:`;S S, /1110 V • •T/1111111, I •11 II PI I:• - • . i.IIII•11 1.1..1, 1 . 1 Ii• I. Ii• LIIII . II 0,11, '.:10 •II :I:, I. i'/Ii I i I' MEI 11.1`. ciArriN I .ii j •v .1 ME ,••• r th...t . =NI ~ : ..-„. , '.',- ' :- 7 :2 : .,;h- .' te.'',;,',".,',Lsh::.- . ..;!: =IEEE. Lime<;tono Farm For \ Su 11111 M [HI oldie Le -t (III:1111V r - ,1 - 11111,7 1 ,, 111 . 2;( 1 1,..?Fl;t - 1 , ` 1.,”. 1 ,1, 1..• • 4.r t 1 L.:11 1 1•14. r I , e .”—•. .•1,1 1.11:1. all 1e•:1 ull 11 , 111. 11. thl• 1 , .! the. 111:11 i• :ILI .1 1 Itt: 1,11.11 z 1.1. 1:1.11.. art. ;11...1111.1 , •.. , .'11.1.1 1.11 he r—t ...•.•11.•1'.11[Huh, 'Vtlihjihle•i l. oug I thr 1111 It du e I:. Ott '.11 , he9. teht.:tt It can mvoilichtly hr ,',E17111, Th, , I,rni 11 •clip.rl4.ll4•kt nerri u1tm31 , ..v1,•,11-11 in l'i•rry o , llTily. A bet 1., 1,1) j ug I" , ri,t 111.1.1.., t:. ,1•111re,g t he 1111.11 . 1,i,.1111 IN 110 will !111,. or all itiquirics. I. 1,. GREAT EXCITEMENT Ins hoot) rai-cd in ('arlisin ;Ind sur •.tin . - . , unt on Iwo tiEtt the 4n1,,, • fro, 1111. City o .11 Lon,ltt 1..1 C.,1.41,1 to he 41411 . ;It. burl 11114 1.4 1, env!, hhal.o In I.:y 01 1)111:s 1.1z,t inry viripty, fillets Sills, the u, eehooql•4l loatmfleture, :\lohoir ,I•• e. Emlovi.lere,l Ito ( n a il, D o j, am0 ,,.13 0 , n . let/ilte , Liu r dr . CASSIMERES, V;• ry Ittvarnf, , •ll y 3101 Ilesfrahle styles I.l;tntn.k. Ilinglnuns, Lawns tmd CALIVOES nl verl 111:1,1 , ,in , 10 , . :1,1 In rlttlitiont qtt.ttltity t 1,t1:11, Ow (1111 . 11 L nt 31,1 011 Cl O l.ll `ll the inhv irn t.l ;' , “ , l,3lvania, or al •Itt tilt ies :toll at 401'y ,ttl , h,•t.:ly In o•es to the purvha Besides, I hal, altn.ot t-rery ntitely In tiny lint. at Ilit,iat•as that .• 111 h, lint bawd, aalt,tod with I, 1111 , 1 With 1111 1.)0 'lllOO to tllO WWI/19 of this c,aatattltily and till proqent thaw, The pohli, otivisod W see these magnificent loads of muds heforo purchasing MSOWllere, ad I 8111 eolliident that adVallia,•B Iviti be gained by a careful examina tion ~r my rink of pools, which for humenpity has nev er been, end perhaps never will he, equalled in this PI Ire. lor beauty. and cheapness. A t the old. mill known stand of Ip, 11 1. TO TH 1.; CITFZENS OF 017Z/Z13:021.2111.1 1 42 COUNTst. ri 1 I 11; UNI)EE D SIG NE begs leave to Infirm you, that, lie hag just opened a Dlttici in the Itoran2:ll ofrarliAlo; In the room former ' c.'elded he Reynolds k Pfeffer, as It 11rtiq Store, next door to I nhetts. lirocery Taro. South Hanover street, whose he tt ill nl ways he found ready and willing to ply tin. spatula and postal. Phu ftdlowilug list comprises the ninin pertlon of t le stork slodloines, DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, TRUSSES, Slicponsory liatidagoß, Window lass, Snaps, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, NotinnS tlllll N'arloties Generally. Venferli(marles, Tntwen, nod Savars; I,ltlnvaploi nail Frames, Lloruhag Varnish andSaall Brush es, Coal (111, BLANK BOOKS & STATIONARY generally having had over fifteen yearn' experience in the' Drug Dnsi errs , n ith a desire to accommodate and plow. my riwtnuu•ra, I lope to we've a recoil/IWe Char° of public patronage. It it iny Intention and clothto• to give perfuet rmtißiltetion In every particular, to all who may favor mu o ith a call. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded, at fair prices. O ivn me a call Carlisle, Doe. 11 , MIL 8.11. PANNEHAKEIL: NPIV • C • RAIVFOAD Wholesale and Retail Clues Snit Curled hair Warehouse, Nu. 24. South 7th Strout I , ltllatlulphin. :Glue,' Saud and Eme• ry raper, EmorY fildd - Whips,, and Curled lisle at Ale lowest prices. `,Ordure solicited by snail and aatlsfactiou guaree t cad. - ,„ . _WHITE AXD , 00 f 1.1 . 4110.N OLUES„ foeNkillinirs, Printers, BoL,lthinders, Cabinet Makers . Conch f%lalrors, ke. • , ileafors in tho above will flud It of siocial advitntogo to givo us a call, CRA4VVORI & CO. 21. South 'ith Strect PLOlndqlphin• Jan. 3d, 1801. • ' • • rIARPETIN — GS; &o.—Just .received at 00iLllY'S Cheap o,ish: StOre:, a 110 w stock of Oar. ratings, bruagets and Floor Oil Cloths, which will ho sold at very low figures. Please eall flea exalt - lino the stock. Carlisle, Oct. 24, 1861. . an Invalid, •1, Lin.l Dr.m. utj .k . ", Ft:N.ll:m II th IMM I 1 011, (H,•15,1 117 , 1 4 ,_.1ve ar to MIMI ER t. L. SP.) it, found Zr eat pile A. W. 13ENTZ REMOVAL!, REMOVAL ! TACOB SE NE'R'S Boot & Shoe Store, e has been removed next door to Piper's (look Store end opposite , the (iumberland Valley hank. BOOTS AND SHOES! BOOTS AND SHOES! Grand bargains now offered at Sener's Cheap Boot and Shoe Store Spring Arri vat of Arew Boots & Shoes. 'L The 9nlaalber haw Just returned from Phil p i naulidila and hasten with an extensil e and splendid uNsortment of Uenllenien's and La dies' Shoes, lien's and Boys llo , ds. Shoes and Brogans, Meu's and Boys' Walking Shops, Calf, Patent Leather and Cloth (loiters. -' La Button Boots. lislinoril and Laeo tf,49. Goi ters. Buskins and Kii Slippers, M 15... 11114 Chlldren's Bunts and Shoes. Carpet Batts, Trunks, Ilinbrells c., which will be sold low for Cools. Purrhasors are incited to call and exerninr our stork, they will find that In price anti quality It NI 111 crtnpete with any she° store in the place, at the New Store Room next door to Piper's Boot: Store. Crirlivle, April 11. IS,l2—Otn BLINDS AND Si-lf4Dff'l:S. T. J. W I LLIAMS. No. IG North Gt.] e Strent, Philadelphia Manufartpres _ V EMT] AN BLINDS and VIN DOW SHADES. The larr:est and finest wi.ortinent in y at Lit, Intrevt priees. Itlhid.c I,lllllod and trimmed equal ti new, >tnrc Shades made and lettered. April IS. 10'62--2in Is:PAUNA ELL 110 USE, =I C STREET, BET. 4. AND oth sTs , Near the Nate'onal Hotel, and op s7uarcs from Threll.o,l,l I) o'!, WASH INGTON CITY FINE PAlthOllti FOIL TI !E ACCOVMODATION OF LA- EMI 11,111 11 , 1' pl`r illy. ..och .......... ......... it lip 'moo d 1 ntlit , ruk, , a'oi!: thly Th.• \11:1.1. ne‘,ly :11.1 lv 1•VI r•-rer t a 11,L rL n. Hotel I itivitr piLlic to ill and ,1111111, A. I. F.1.11)1'1%1.1, Pt,prirtor. I=l DR. - WILMA:II B. EIURDN [I WASH =MEE Elro, d EtreaA l'; 01 1-P aS LreleVc;:BV,- C 4 EP InSi Ama'^ihtg .13oRah i spoe i lu n c i; N I i , ,i•iill iil ail I t il. It is 1,11,11 d i U I rimtr, c.lriz...; TEETH, •titlf •INt tlt • tit t •-•• • ..1:1 I t. , t • 11l 0.111,1! Li !'"1 \\• I', V' I' I :.\'l' I ! it. :No 101.:Ni 14.4/.1 .E-YOUN. i.\ I) ISI \'I'II ?11l II 1!I, %Vit. it 11 , t , tit.111 i.r .`,7: lb.. li, 1: // 171'1/ II II" ..1.`,11 =IEEE 11 Pr:ce 37 Cents per Bottle." A rl.- 11,11, Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings No. 1 Spruce Street, Now York. ,Iroet; II 1110 ••,;. 111, 4 . 1..•-!nuC •Ir 5)7i. A Tq 1)()\\ - 1)1',1i, Dr. Win. B. Isowaei I'ric3 25 Cents ner Box. •:;-:a I= =EI /1,1dre,3 ONi , !, Tribune Building; No. 1 Spruce r.tie,t, Now York, IM. \VILLE\ :\1 B. H ITJYS Tc11 3 01 1 .'?-1 - IA ' T 215 ;I.'l ID Zl',ll.D2ilq.'-; t•••• I%IW I, u 5 I, , •11. Lpopitor. 1,01 .• .111 N',l/1 111 1. , 1 II Iy 1.11.•.1 II": 1 , ,,1.11 .. 7; l'ou • ". Price, ()ti!:,. 12 Cools iiif A 10 oval• 1011v:fly,. Address P:incipal Office, Tribune Buildings No. 1 Sprtuo troet, New York iii i:k Co . .2 N..rt h" Stip. t.. S 11111.1.011, 11.1.ilt)hest.tiut St root; an*l by a DR, WILLIAM B. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS, volt THE Cl 7 qE ()ft 'l'm) ritAcilE l'itouccED By CoLDs NI L liAliill.l is imiiiiidiatvly rured by applle:ffire. 'Hwy art 11 t, charm, n:1.1 nrre 111 . 11,7113 . {MIDI IeSS I amuser. pt. pr nlu e e. Listtl , r, and leave unpleasant results D. Win. B. Hur.i's Neuralgia Plasters 111,1, 1:111 to OS, Stakfiletioll to ho t o t their vlt nt Dr. linrd•s Dental °Moo, No. 77 Four!. Street, Brooklyn, It. B. p'..o" Price, only 1.1 Cents Each.— A tliqcount made to deeterF. Address Office, Tribuuo Buiditigs No. 1 Spruco Street, Now York 5.1.1 iil 1`1111,1..11.1111, ttl2 North Str4.4•l. e. Hubbell, I4lv l'he•tuut :•tteel; und by a Drllg2i.-t5. Nrrl('E.—NVe, ore daily well lug. neuter 1,0 sand I, 1111111 htolll 1.110 or 111C1V11.,1 lie. II urd's lintel Retoedie. which we cannot fill. None are mailable except tit Neuralgia Ploster, whieh v sued io an envelope ou ro eelpt of pro, 115 vents) allll 0110 stamp. but to /0,010 "white persons In plaeos te he r o the druggists nod store keeper.. arc behind the age, we have put up package. in it bite oniltossod boxes, seven 111elles by 1011 r, will partmen box containing a brottlo of Dr Hurd's Mouth Wat•ii, anti 'Toni h Ache D11,1.u, a box 0 To , tii Powder, the Neuralgia Plaster, a valuable litth Tree lion 011 'hut and tlnde IA pauses, the Lent oleo, of presorting them, and the proper treatment of Ctrl dren's Teeth, worth of its,dr Ib,. entire cost to evert young man or stanran. nn parents with young children sundry cAlar Oeco,ary ortivlei.; pile,- per pact nw ono dollat, or six packages for sent by express u. directed As the Express tharge.; ore not min h, an) 111101, 011 a dozen than on our., it is far rho., per 10 00,1 \pirl:ngesut 000 1./1110. .A largo family will want all. or the surplus can be dispru.od of to neighbor. with public benefit. for no one can estimate 110 W 11111,:h pain. suffering, 110113M111112.6 . g, std C111 , 11,11e, merit. rn poo,e n Inns ni time and money would he navel the II every faintly to-day had one of these montages wh:rh. in ;troll. I.a complete set of Dental Remedies. Address NO. It. II nno n Co.,Tribunn :111141- in:ln, YOH:. /tll4l write name and address plainly. That remittances may be mode with confidence, NV. It, 11 S Ca., refer to the Mayor of Brooltlyn, to G. W. Griffith, President or the Furthers and Citizen's Illookl:t. ; 1 , 0 1.1111 Editor of the American Alanufactu, era' Gazette; to Joy. Coe A: ('n, Agents, N. York: to P. tr. mo.oum, who Meows a good thing when he suns It and who has already ordered a Focond supply, ate. 1000 Ade , nts Wooed Tr. Introduce Dr. Hurd's Dental it emetics Into every county. Men or women whe n•nnt to make money quickly, eau do better with these articles than env thing in market. Thev are new. useful. low priced, and we are spending thr u sands in advert [sings then, fur the benefit of agents. Boxes of samples, containing dozen of the one dollar packages above specified, with circulars will he sent, on receipt of sevenMnilars, about hall price, to any person wishing to test his or her skill In selling with the view of becoming an agent. We wnuld rather pay salaries than Crainnisslons to those who pram° themselves efficient salesmen. Now is the time to go Into the business. For ad dress and reference see above. F IRST OF TEIB SEASON.- Lag() arrival of Now Stylas ofFALTAND WINTER GOODS at THE NORTH ITANOKER STREET CLOTH- IN4 PORIUM , - • . , The undersigned bilces pleasure to inforindiis friends and tho poblle generally of the large andlvarlud assort mentni piece goods for . .4 MENS AND"BOY'S *EAR. • - ' , Jilat received, comprising, all the latest styles and novelties ha thismarket, which have been selected with care, and will be sold, at as.favorablo prices, as can be obtalued anywhere else. imonr, `. °As:3l[3ll3ms, • ! , VESTIZIXIS, OVerenatings, Satinets and ;flans, which mill be made to order, or sold per yiird atthe lowest prices. . • the public is respectfully inYiteil to Inspect our 6teeir? - bolbro purchasing; elsewhere. ''' 'HAAG LIVINGSTON • . . North Hanover Sireet.opposito tho American Musa.' - 45)3Illitnry work muuo at tho shortest ooticc,• and with dohvotch. • '.'" . VAN Ars DEA , s PATENT PORTABLE COPYING PRESS Two Sizes, - - -- - $l,OO and $1,25 receipt Of pike a Press will be mailed to any address, postage paid. Descriptive cirri:tiara soil tlf roe quested. Stationers :Ind Agents supplied on ifteral terms. Extra°, dinary indueonanta ofterticl to Intel], gent Attet,ts. .14lay. 2,1862-31 n 3E"' r ma. t e I= (OPPOSITE THE STATE HOUSE,) --za •:-, ( "4, ,2-, - -t - , .. „, #, 1: , .- , - , , : IT r . tn '' A „7 7i „,,t--,,.., }0i •,. v , r- • m0,....,-,r. ' —re - On I 011 EMI f'olll ele , Or inq .01 . the . 1 1;Irk , t n IN PIANO. New Rose !loin itto t ..11:et Till' 1/00 I ' l,ll ter 1111l11S,A 1 , •1 111111 v,ll h ”1111.1'. ( allitPll A e, , 1111.1 , lor .111 ill..11.1iim.•111- i:1(,• , 1 • 1;....1 tr. 11,11.1;111,1(.11 li.! t1111.•.1,11 fl 1 , 11.. , 1. )1.11.1 , 21, A. I,ll\l (Ic-...irolis of SVCII- U tin he •.1 ~; a •t.l 1:.:It•N. •1114 I. ;r.l dl ‘l, 4 I.:. id 15 an svidotn to . .ii.l.t• Coo hy • It) t •• I. IN II; , kIl 4,14 i l'lt ..1 I itirtb tdr.•,- =Er The Citizens 6? . e.]' - i'lis . l9, Et - - Vicinity 1;1.: i IV i f,, i i 1 I I% t ,Il ~ j l, l ' 11 1 .:S1 I ' I . ( l ' E.\ CII )' .•1 ,4 D.:, I Fr•til nol• 10'11 1 , t1(. • 11 111,1 ins•' tod .rid t!t C11:1:10 , .1. rr,11;11;:. 111. MEI OEM 1 1 \ \ -1. pl.. 1 . 1t.t s\ , r„~ I=l 'rho rltoc Complite i 1 , 1 Iv ttgt.lit -,•! 0 , 1 , 1 them at .11:y 11 \I. !L Pro. Went. I. 0 ClTlail'i I'C Sl'.k'L \J ./t 1!I\ C. Dl — . I. \l'. St Tell 11:1. t;tICKI.IN. Try sor,, rdst,,s,„. l'UNIBI:11 1, NI) ( . 1)1'11 - i.- .1, 1111 S11•1-il•)c. Allen Henry in.f, ourinn,ln wn 1. Int, In. l'effer 1111.1.1 uS , II) : Ili lir, 11,v. 111:11 1.1 Inrush \bid e nth. 5. 1 1 , 11 111 1.1 ; 11 r..)nt, \V l'ennq :":1111111.1 Nle.lianie , l, Sr.':.! NV 1' , n.1,1111, 1 , 1..1014,1 , 10,, er. .1 Cm'. , 1 lye, Valvntine Fl,lllllll. 111 - Grinith. II . F. Itleht, Clark Dint-burg; 1). It utivr, Fah .1. lug Ifon,or. Ilan her, 11 ~ /.1111:111y 111V1111-' nit tort pine. can havo them tonowod ny waling application to any of tln• ALnoits. Fe 1,. 21. 1!•11. PRICES REDUCED! At ()Gll.lil'S (11. STOIZE ri A T,T('OES ,SI and 10 conts, best iquality at 12' ..vt. 1111,11. in, I/ ,11,,t i• )1 1_ 111N;liti. 0". ,, 1:11.1.1c , e, 1'2. 1 'I ingq, por, Sh , qi.g• • ffil"" 1 , 1" , • , • 'an ton I , lall nels Ilot.ped 01, vio•Opt,t ill t1i... , 111.1y. 71 Ll(' ,11, Ii ut vff•ry Iqw pricev 111n111,1.,”,.1 .11,1.11,, 1 ugh lo.w pl Ail my old 1 . ; lends and clodem-Ns are 5457;0,1 - oily in vited to roll 1111 ff ',Midi: for I beinselves, as 1 will net be undersold by any Store in th, county . Main litroet, opposite the Depot. 01;11.111. 'Ft list,. Carlisle, Feb.:2B, 11-112. HAS LEFT LEONARD'S COR NI:111 J. W. SIIIIILEY uoroby gives 11011, to his Hondo. rn,tralerq, 1111. i the uhlie, that ill , has 1,1111,,Ved his ' , tore from Loon:tiara corner to 111, n e w rom— tortmaly 1.1105 114 KOlier'S hat store--on North ll:mover Sttort. between Ulm Car.. limo Dell,l4lt Manic and Il 1;1 oworo Sl,llll. hlioslllOI: Of it I:A DVMA DE clAyrni NG,ltoota, Sho, and Ilata is largr alOl complab, and y k in can et.pllll 1 10,111 the Cut 1.11.1 t )111 'am and will soil ohearr than ever: and always Intands illll good goads and 31 a lower pOce than au) portion else. ; Al m:l}' nn hand. the moot oenonnohlQ, bust. mode 1 . 031, I'3ll mulVeStfi 1.114, commonest to the hoot quslltles, which rannnt fall to lit. please the 1,41 :111.1 Rica wells- . faction In goner.ll, Also, Shirts, Cedar-shirts and drawers, enllsrg, cravats suspender,. !....loves, stockings, ke., .4., all to he sold at the very lowest prices. Always on hand, a, large and complete assort• ment of ”very variety of Boots, Brogans, 04ford Ties, fllppers,U alters, efferson s, Rc.. for,Lati les Pki and (lent I( man, Misses and hops./ youth and children, all to he sold cheap. Also on hand and, con stantly man uliteturing tho best Fine Preach aud Menu Mrrnees (loots, noel Jell - arsons for Ladles. All ripe sowed froo of charge. HATS. • • A large steel: of llnta f,,r Men, Mlyl3 and Childr.n.ennnon, grod and line. All nnll Ing cheaper than ever. TBUNKS,TRAVELTNO BAGS,UMBRPLLAS,VUL CANNED OLTM COATS AND LEGGINGS- 1 hereby tender my thaalcs to my customers and friends. fur past favors, and earnestly solicit you all to call and see me and my stecic of godds, before you put , - chaos elsewhere. as l am determined to use every effort to supply you with the very host, and at such prices op willsult all. lie partleular to klolt.fcr my sign, April 5.1861.-1 y SMILEV.. -STATE NOTICE.---Whoeo lettet.4 jtjef Administration, with the will ntineiciA, on tbe. agate of John !lett irk, Into of . Carroll.obuntS - , Indiana," have' been granted by the Register•ef Cumberland county, to the subscriber, , North Middleton township, notice is hereby given to all .persons.intlebt ed to said estate to make payment, nnd those having claims to present them, du lyituthenticated for settle ment to• ' . WM..8.11 Hr., April 11, IS6d—W . • - • Adifi'r. . _. _ NEWiwork showing bow either sex . martio suitably married, irrespectivO . of ago or position, preposses,sing pr otherwise, With a treatise on the Art of Fascinating any person you wish. A curl. catsscientific 'experinient which never Cilia. Free , for qrs:contli. Address T. WILLIAM , S*, CO., Publ,akers, Box 2,800, l'hiladelPhili. - - . March 1.4,1002-1 y HANNAH' & CO., Qom: ritopi:nzoits, SD CLITT ST., NFIT YORK NOTICE. CZAA:O Mil REDUCED_PRICES._ aGEO, J. HIENKELS, A. 524 Mil nut. Street, PIIILADfiII,PIIIA A. LENK, 11E LODEONS OMMINZI Emp!oyment. HEIN \ \ II t I I llr S. t. , t 1 \.II Dindelion CcfET =II IMEI ME =EI I"IT V I. I\' •1 1 / 1 . 1 znen,pr. =MI Pt 4. 1.. , •4•• k : .1 " 11 .tiga t the alt• illlll, upon =IEEE MEI CLOTTILNO BOOTS AND SHOES MIEAPER THAN EVE[t ei Illatrinionk MAO :EtaiY . 'r! ;Business. (arts WPEN - 110S - E, Attorn6y at Law. a rune,' in Ilhoom's Proforslonal, bust 'loss promptly attended to. Fobruary 21. 1862. T) IJFU SIIA.I'I,Ik;Ir, Attorney at Pn. Attends to set, aria,, and col ;301 , 11,re• v, Dt.1.•.:. and Pvih.inns. at d fur ~hies inf 41111( lit it 0 t 1,11 , t0. on South 11a sever Street, oppngit!! 1201)ti'N's tore. Dee. £7. 18..1 • MAitSVEALL.—ATTORNE AT oL.m Wilco w. 1.11 W. M. ItheenfP HUH. IVE A KLE ttorney qt, Law. Urn, nn south !hoover street. oppohlte Bentz' Dry woods 'tore. All t , r06,01,1/11 huninevs entrusted will he promptly attended to. OS E PIT RITNER, JR., Attorney at • 141 w and Surveyor NleettanleAhurg, Pa. 011ie° on Ihdl l‘nad Street, 14e0 dare north nt the it:thk. promptly nitotolqa A W CA - RD.-CH A TILES E. MA -11-1.41:4/111,1N, Al.torniv- nt, Lltsr, f.ffire in in , holt 81mildinit.just oppoelie the Mnrkot earlislo, March 11, J. \V. 1 - 1 . ()1.J.1.K, A itoriwy at Law L e otil, with .1. R. S[tiltli, ill j;Leom's All Iltiginess ell 1 u Sied to him n ill 1:o promptly at -1011 flOci to. lay 9, 'OO.-13 • P. lIIIMRICH, Attorney at Law. ~-011. 1 ce on North Hanover street, a few doors south of (11,un:' Ilotel. All bllfli LI ass entrusted to hint will be prompt ly attended to. [April 15. W. C. RPH',E I M Ar E, AGENT fb lINI:T AT LAW AND (if,, , :Vietn(npui,L /11/)//i/Wota, o Vllrgh'P::lnlall"i}:. t o 7lie:;"7':tir„"gl\ tine , ;n, „:4t . lis.(„4t tll. tilvid ll•-•:1 Eptato :11,1 54.... an 'ties. Ney.4 Lar li.Bos. pay taxe, 1...••/t, land in no I.lolt. ,n..• , ‘ 1,.. Inn I,', to th e 1, 5 ,0,, 0 Hl° C 1,01,181111 Count) liar, and to all printoent rill 1011S of Col Inane, 1%1. i A 0g.1'58-Iy. _ ..... \ 1 7 1. /\ 1 F,N;`_17,11.-I'lll-SICIAN,K; i :- , 1:1;,;1.:()-;, ill' , ) . ..111 , V011 his r (fire to South 11. Ivo,. stz cot. ill! ...'t ly ~ ppelqile 13 , ntz'x store. All pa. I ionts on t ru , t, rl In Into ~ or,ottloo. from torn on ('I,IIII. nry. , till 1.,. I” ,• opus Mtn, &El In). - l P.S. B. I(IEFFER Office Tii North L mot t from Arnold k Son's ()Two frnin 7to o'cloolt A. to 7 o'.•lnil7. U. GEOINIE 8. SEA ,k t Ri I Lhe - B how, Collo,: of Deo tnl Stirg . ort.. r.t:LL)(111.:. II." mother ; Post Lout h ut Ft root. throe 11, to, Lolow Bedford. =MEE 1)11. I. (!.1,()())11S '72 smol , ilituov . er rtre !Pt"' nr,L to the"" il:(). I\ 7 . NE11)1(11, 1). 1 ) . I., , l.Opexalive,Jhyltistry tnthn Ilaltilnoro Cnllege of ••, ID o Sur, y . rte ' y W Mb, at hi,. orsidrn,n, II Itt, •••I Mtin 01001. t, lion N• , r. 11 I , .7 vv. H.\ itsTicK., Druggist, • ;Nnp , unolo,l I'll II 1,-11 •Irltg , and 9u inirsl< li;C 11 i:1)1TIA). STATES I - NION II ()TEL 606 608 Market St, above sixth, - OZE N 1 TED s'r.TEs HOTEL- IMMEM .ti. 1:. C 11;; , ,j .11 , tr1, r ,4/.,. i:VIZNITk . ,RE WARE-ROOM 1 z -...,-, 7 1----„,-, - -,,». t •.. , (.......-- --- -.. t "&Art ~,, .., ~ 7 ,-‘: ; P. 5'3 , cr, .;,,,!_____ -2.r,r,,1,„ , il f4 m_ ri, ..i 5 .. .:5-7^ ,- 1- - ~ --.'-' l'-'t,ll' IL "" .. 49 ~,- - f - ~, "4 .. , ,..- d'- -- -:=tl".y.,:i II I .X 1.1 fqrpet, i'ariLle, Pa (Ii Th • . 0 1-1 tt tieles ni I,- tit thi, ..•- lit prices tltat de 1 . 1. m 1110, Pa 144. 4 - I.ll4kber, Dining-room. .I".'UItIVITI:RIEC Kitchen 11 11 (1 OlTirr Elul,. in., every art lel., used by House and Hotel s, ~f the approved and fasbionable design and thiish. I indudina .tlen Cr , ttage furniture in setts. retention and Camp Chairs, MaLtratiSeti, Jilt frames, ur.., .in ,4 , PurelL, to rail and examine his St,ek. a. 1., osion,lN, s,in• moms, NV,st street, =Ell - tr ~ t , e rlt;n ait erl us 11. - ual to fu - lends; ord.•, • 11 , .1s t.,‘ .•,. II tr aLtoodod to promptly A. B. E null Min:01111e 1..1'1115. 1111ty 12.1,1'0.; USE DA LILEV'F.i MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. only true I L•'rtractor in the IT orb/ T,l,Ey's fain Extractor will cure k Jlll hinds. Extiat t , .1. 1,111 sulalue all external In. Palle) I',lill Ex tractor will pl. V..11t and tl,troy tnnr tlllcuLl..ll. 1 , 11 „ 3 , , p„i,, littla. t or a ill curl. Burns of all kinds. Doll,.) s Pain Extrak for Lids I'listxrs free of pain or marl, isAin : xhaet, dent 0 lines all Poisons info. seat or Reptiles Dalle‘'s cure broken Drensts, Dark)... PAIn Evrant.w sill cern. S.dt Rheum, Scro fula, s..a Id Head. 1).111,', Pain Ntllrtor will cure Chapped Handl. Chill 1(411005 Pala Extraster will cure Corm, Carbuncles, Uleer, War ta.l4,ila. No Housekeeper should seer 1w without a box handy for use. The timely use of a Single hex ma) prove of more value than 10u times Its east. Parents you has e a son in the Army. rend him a flux of Umber's I.:,traelor. It may lie the moans of ravin g - his life. or the llfu of a comrade: for it will cure wounus of all kinds without pain. Try the Pupa. rimen t ; If lie does ont use It, it 'sill coFt you but lit tle. H4ters:— Tf yen hare a dear Drother it. the Army, send him n ling of Dailey's Pain Extractor; for It will curd wounds rf ail kinds, and It slay he the moans Tf saving your !Tether's Datigittert"*-- flare yen a loved one in the A r my, wino is 11,11.1`r yen than We itselt! Send hint a Dux of Dalley's Pain Ex txactor. It will cure. wound, of all kinds, :mid privy alt Inflammation, and !nay he the of sat big a ilfe. If you lulls, uo coo vet - deur° for sending it eyed it ht until. It st ill VOA you but 9 ,elite postage for a 25 et. V`I.X ; nod in like proporlion for 50 a. and $l.OO hay. The large irONCF contain !unto for the money than lhe 25 et. 1 , ..• NOTICE --That Dal fry'.•.>htpienl Pain Extractor will do all and even more than we elithp It will, we refer to Dr. Valentine Mott, and bunilteds of other maim not Physl• Mane and Surg.rotts, besides niilliono of people, all over the land, who have used the Extractor with never fell• big sueeess for the past 20 years. For side by all Drug• and by HALL Sc . 11UCKEL, Agents, L'IS U en w iris Si eet., Now York. Who will send a 'box, of either ftze, Postage paid, to any address in the United States, on receipt, In money or In Postage Stamps. of F. 3 ctn. far the small size, or fnl cts. and"s‘loo for the medium and large stn.& . For sale lb Carlisle, by SAML. ELLIOTT. GROSSMAN'S BAKERY, 9 , HE undersigned having susnended brelness during the illness Cl his wife, from It of duty to the pithlic, Is ,happy to announce that she has fully recovared;and•he is,now able to- resume business, as will be seen by the certificate of her at tending Physician, published herewith. • Ile hopes for 11 'enntinniinee of the patronage which has been so lthi orally extended to him. • Carlisle, Aprilll, 1362-4 t, I take pleasure In stating that Mrs. 0 MFAman, who has Fufrored from a slight attack of varinloid, has now entirely, recovered.. Whilst we felt satisfied that front the first there was no danger of transmitting the ills,. ease through the. Bakery,lt was thought right that Mr. Orossman's customers should not In any way to ithp,wl Upitr, and 'lvor.° 'he made a frank statement of his afflictions. Now, find, his wife has entirely re. revered, it fa hoped 'that his former• business relations will be resumed ns usual. F, IL KIEFFER. 10 double and 00FI G ne 1 4 3. ° S : 3 10p o l: is , :3(l,lloiroS.ll2.pelSasin'and'ornanieu tal, on hand And for s:ile-very low. POW DElt.—Just received a largo lot ,of" Dimont'ti Blasting 'and•Rillo Powder, Safuty Ruin, Steno Stono Sledge., Stone Hammers, Halm, Mattocks, Dig, gliig Irons, Crow Sara, Nanning Hammers. k O:. at IL SAXTON'S. East Man St.' Marelr 23 T O Trair,ellers. 7 •Trunke Valise, - Oar. . pat Bags, of every deserlptlon'ae4 largest, variety. • hold at Livhr:ateo'd NdrUl IToover Street Clothing hopotiont; Ang 1 ' ) =I .1 . 111 E, \V. POWER, Prom 1 , 49 r ju2".54 =I 1,7 7.: C 11 , I /A, IMEEMII 6 1 1'0. OROS.SMAN amine, April :0862