Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 11, 1862, Image 3

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    RAILROAD ACOTIANT.-LThe afternoon
train from Chambersbui:g met with an acci•
dent on Wednesdays which delayed its &par •
tore from this place until 8 o'clock in the
evening. The switch at Armstrong & Hoff
er's sidling —!hrengh the carelessness of some
one—tas turned, so as to run tbe cars into
their coal yard. The track being covered
with snow, accounts for the engineer not
seeing the mistake, and before ho could
reverse:his engine, the train had run in to
where the track crosses the pavement, when
the engine, on account of,' the shortness
of the curve, jumped off the track. MORAL
—Be careful of your switches.
SMALL Pox,—We again call the at
tention of our citizens to
,the existence of this
epidetnio. While the number of cases Was
Nee thereAsatil Elbe, same-r-oason
for employing the usual preventives, as though
It were more prevalent. Years ago, this dis:
Case would extend its foul, loathsome ravages
through our town, ,and houses, hearing white
flags from the windows, indicating its pre
sence, were seen in ahnont every street. Now,
the maximum number of cases at any one
time, has been under ten. This happy result
is almost entirely due to vaccination. Who
Will be so culpably careless as to neglect a
preventathe at once so simple and effective?
SOLDIERS' LETTERS.—The Post-office
Departtn'ent deems it. advisable that. all letters
addressed to officers and soldiers of the ar
my of the Potomac, whether now at Washing
ton or moving South, should be mailed to
Washington City. From that office they will
be promptly forwarded in separate packages
to the respective corps and, divisions, and their
delivery facilitated. or course the letter of
the company, No. of the Ifeg't. and State to
which it belongs should be given, thus :
"John Smith, Co A, 03d Regt. Pa. Vol ,
Washington D. C."
W . W . 11 a ye — it be:"lltiteff p's m fib - re
with the above title, written originally for the
Pi inceirm Reriew r by the Rev. Joseph Clark,
Chamhershurg, and now issued in pamph_
let form. Mr. Clark is a gentleman who
bears a high reputation as a ripmeholar and
n--ciost reasoner and we commentl thit effort
from his pen, as affording an intelligent and
rational view of a subject now engrossing so
mach public attention.
Telegraph dispatelms from Woodstock Va.
state that Col. Holliday of the Ist Vermont
Volunteers committed suicide on Frith) ,
last, while on the march with his regiment
from Strasburg. The account states that be
left his command, went into a piece of woods,
and blew his/brains out with ft pistol, while
standing, on the hank of a ricer with the
intention of falling into tha river. Hisbody
was sent to his friends in New York.
Col. Holliday was a Captain in the regular'
army. attached to The Mounted Service and
was on duty at this Post, for about a year,
until detached, for the purpose of taking
command of the Vermont Retiment.
OtiT OF SEASON.—The snow stnrrn nn
Tuesday last, the traces of which are yet
was decidedly out of season. In the
almanftes, The weather makers had it "pleas
ant," from the 7th to the 9th—queer fellows,
those clerks of the weather. A sudden quie-
tus Was put to gardening interests uncovered
rose bushes, were gracerully draped- in white
mantles, causing, exceeding trepidation
amongst the briquet misses ; an embargo
was laid on promenading ; the steam from
hot whiekey punches went up, its,the mercu
ry went down ; Sandford's concert was thinly
attended, and altogether, this "lingering of
winter in the lap of spring," has put us in a
fix."—"that's what's the matter."
Since writing the above, (Wednesday
morning) the storm increased in violence,
and this (Thursday) -morning, the silo is
shining beautifully on about l t feet of snow.
'.'his -is undoubtedly the. BUQW o.f.the winter,
and the "oldest inhabitant," cannot remem
ber of such an one, so late in the season.
farmers are very busy just now with their
Spring plowing, and preparing the ground
for corn planting. The farmers are rather
later than usual with their Spring work, as
it was too wet to plow early in the season
The grain and grass fields everywhere have
it fresh and green appearance. The wheat
suffered very little during the cold winter,
having been well covered with snow, and
there was less freezing and thawing during
the month of March. than usual. The win•
ter grain never presented a more favorable
appearance this time of year. '
erable body, organized in 178 G, held it s stated
meeting in the Second church this week, and
was opened with an appropriate sermon by
Mr. S: T. Nicoolls. Mr. Flays was chosen
moderator, and the usual temporary clerics
eleCted. There were about twenty ministers
present, and a goodly number of ruling elders.
Mr. Proctor was received from the Presbytery
of Winchester, and accepted of calls from the
united charge of Dillsburg and Petersburg,
and Messrs. Cattell, Murray and Dinsmore
are to officiate at his installation. Committees
on sessional records were announced. Mr.
Davis, on the ground of infirm health, resign
ed his charge in Middletown, where be had
labored ani rnber of years. 'Because of the
divided stat of feeling and sentiment among
his people in regard to national affairs, and
with'the i tention of accepting a chaplaincy
in the Fedttal army, Mr. Syramea' resigned
his elMrie in. Cumberland, where ho had been
settled about 17 years. After a pastorate of
seven years, and on account of \ feeble health,
, Mr. Rolle, the able and gentlemanly minister
of the Second eljurnh, resigned his charge.—
Mr. W. C. Ferriday was licensed to preach the
gospel, after having most satisfactorily passed
through the usual pyeparatory examinations
and trials. Mr. Prideaux accepted of a call
from the church in Schellsburg. and Messrs.
S. li. Clark - , — Davis and D. D .Clark are to at
tend to his installation. Messrs. Niccolls and
.prown, ministers, and Messrs, Wm. G. Reed
and Wm. Blair, elders., were elected commis.
sioners to the next General Assembly. se a .
sional reports, on the elate of religion, wore
read, and Mr:. Murray was appointed to pro.
Pare the Narrative for the next General
sonibly. • There will be an adjourned meeting
of Presbytery in Chambersburg next June.—
. Tha:new Book of Disbipline ie `receiving the
attention of the body. This Presbytery num
bers now about. forty ministers, and 'several
licentiates and candidates, with about . fifty
'chuiches. '. ' •
TAX ON -oLnc - tufty. —Every evil has
a correspondirsgood ; - and so we. are able to
extract some; comfort ,. even from the tax bill,
now pending in Congress. It is, said that the
ta-i on-patent medicines will asionat Le more
Limn BiX 11111110129 of dollars. If this•should
servo to lesseti the supply as well 'as the de
mand, the community generally, will be large-
ly the gniners
REnEwox.—George W. Childs, the
eminent publisher of Philadelphia, is about
to publish this work, by Benson J. Lousing,
which, on account of the importance of the
subject., as well as the peculiar fitness of the
author for such a task, will awaken among
the reading public, no ordinary interest.
The general scope of the work will bo
historical, biographical, military, naval,
topographical, political and social." The
author is now engaged in collecting tnato•
Hale, and to that end is visiting the battle
fields and other places of interest, making
sketches _refit obtain itg_stlCh _as_ will
make the book a faithful illlustration of this
important-period indhe history of the United
States. The,plan of tht , work will be similar
to the "Pictorial Field Book of the Rev°.
Intim," by the same anther. It will be
splendidly illustrated by, geveral hundred
wood engravings, and - twenty steel plates,
and issued in about twenty parts, at twenty
five cents each, making, when complete, a
superb volume of about ono thousand pages.
The well known enterprize and good taste
of the Publisher, afford a sore guarantee to
the public that the work will be brought out
in a very superior style.
In this place, on the Si inst.. by the Rev. Samuel
Mr. DAVID CR1011.1(211 . , to Miss MARY J.
15 AtitIONMIt. both of Carlisle.
t, jc glarhets.
Reported weekly for the (leech! by
'Woodward dr. Schmidt.
.fl,olili (Super . 4 50
der. (Fa lrn ) 4 75
'I • •
Y . 5
(;)RN 42
o.ATs 28
N'S KEIL 2 00
FAL!. II 1 II LEY ... .. ............ ...... GO
New Atm ertis ements
1, 1 STA T E NOT I E.— \V hereas letters
1 /of Adininktration. itith the will annexed, on the
state of John Hetrick, late of Carroll County. I udiana,
1901. been granted by the Register of Cumberland
minty, to the subwriher, residing in North Mhidleton
dttiship. notice is hereby given to all persons in.htlit.
to said estate to tnalot pit) moot. and those haring
Milts to present them, duly authenticated for settle.
cent In SiIIiOART, Sr..
April 11. lgr,2 —6lB Admir.
r HE undersigned having suspended
Liu-loess during the illness of his wile, from a
501100 Of duty to the nubile. Is happy to announce that
~111, ht. fully rerovored. and he Is flow able to resume
buSilleS, as will he :Wee by the certifirato of her at
tootling Phjsfelan. published Imo esyith. He hopes for
rontin tot nee of the patronage stitch has been NOIR,
orally extended to him. - _
Carlisle, April 11, ISS2-4t
CiIILISI.F, A pet! 7, 1862,
1 trite utensil, in stating th,t Sir, 0 rossman, who
has still - toed front n slight attack of varioloid, has now
• entirely to aired. It hilst the felt satisfied that from
the first there was no danger of transmitting the tits
ens° through the Baketi , it was thought tight that
Mr Grossman's eushimoo should not in soy way be
hopose.l upon. and hence he mole a frank statement
of his afflictions NOW, that Ids wife iris entirel / re
. towered. It is hope I that his former busiMess relations
will be resumed Os usual. ` B. KIEFFER.
10013 SENE R.'S Boot & Shoe Store,
Q has brio removed nest door to Pir era Rook Store
sod opposite tho Cumberland Valley Bank.
Grand Bargains
now offered at Smter's Cheap Boot and Shno Store.
,spring Arrival of New Boots (f. Shoes.
The sin' writer has just returned from Phil-
F. a 1 adolphia nod Boston n lilt no extensive and
splendid nssortment of Gentlemen's and I.-
t . . dies' shoes, Men's and Boys . . Boots. sh un , and
Brogans. lion's nod Boys' Stalking Shoes, Calf. l'atent,
Leather and Cloth Gaiters
Let les Button Boots, Balmoral sod Lace Boots, Ifni.
tors. Ituskitm and Kid Slippers, Misses and Children's
Boots and Shoes. Cnrpot Bags. Trunks, lilebrelleS, Sc.,
WhiCh Will be sold low for Cash.
Purchasers tiro in vitod to call and examine our stork.
they ,r iii find that itt price and gunlity it w ill rtstopote
with any shoelle slurs In the pint, at at the NOW Store
Remo next ri, or to Piper u s Book Store.
CA r:klo, April 11, 1502—Cm
A Sexton for the First Presbyterian
A Snpdrior Limestone Farm For
ALimestone farm of the best quality
rnntoininq about 240 or 245 acres Is offoend for sale.
This farm produced last year 1000 bushels of wheat,
and largo quantities of corn and oats.
There are excellent improvements on t he firm, consist
ing of a new house, a good barn, n hog pun and corn.
crib, spring house, bake oven, and good water near the
door. On the northern aide of the farm is located a
limestone Ridge protecting the crnps from the winds
and furrlshlng the hest o' limestone for lime. There
are about 190 acres cleared and the rest is covered with
timber. With Judicious liming the farm would pro.
duce lb flO bushels of wheat, It can conveniently be
divided into two farms.
Thn ram lies In Mudiuon tow nohip, the richtuA Agri.
cultural nett lemma In I'urry County. A better paying
invo:tmont canna be undo.
For particulars roll upon or address the undersigned,
who will answer all inquiries.
April 4, 1802,
riinE UNDERSIGNED begs leave to
Inform youjhat ho has just opened a DRUG
sToRE In the thorough of Carlisle, in the room former
ly coupled by Reynolds Sc Metier, as a brug Store, next
door to Inhoff's Grocery Store, South Hanover -ptreet,
where he will always he found ready and willing to ply
the spatula and postal.
The following list comprises the main portion of his
stock :—i'atent Medicines,
Suspensory Bandages, Window Glass, Toilet Soaps,
Perfumery, Canes, Notions and Vailetles tionorally :
Confectionaries, Tnbareo, and S.:gars, Lithograph.: and
Pranks, harming Fluid, Paint, Varuish , and Sash Brush
es, Coal Oil,
generally having hail ever fifteen 'years' experience in
the Drug Business, with a desire to accommodate and
please my customers, I hope to receive n resounble slier°
of public patronage. It la my intention and desire to
give perfect SA thfaction In every particular, to all who
may favoe no with a call.
Carefully compounded, at fair prices. Give me a call
Dec.. 0,1801. S. D. PANNEBAICEII.
Near the National Hotel, and two squares from
the -Railroad Depot,
Room and Board, per day
Room alone, per day
Meals. each
Lodging, If the room is vacated by 7 a m,
Otherwise it will 100 considered by the day.
The KIMNIBLL HOUSE is newly and elegantly tur
nished, and in every rorpect a Srst•clasa Hotel. I
invite the public to call and examine.
A. F. IinIMBLL - Proprietor.
Oct. 11. 1861. t P • •
CRAWFORD & CO., Wholesale and
lietnii Glues and -Curled hair Warehouse, No. 21
South 7th Street, Philadelphia. - Glue, Sand 11111 i Etna
ry Paper, Emery Cloth, Raw Hide Whips, and Curled
patent the lowest prices. 'Ciders solicited by - mall and
ettlefactien guaranteed, '•,
for Milliners, Printers, totAbindere, Cabinet Malian'
Coneh Makers, &o. &o. '
Dealers In thn above will find It of apeelal-ltdVarling,
folly° us ' , -
21 South 7th street Philadelphia.
Tan. 3d,1161.-
'TAMES.. 500 pairs }lames on hand
all Iclnas. EllzabotlitoWn - pattern, Loudon
do., (Airman do, with nod without atint fastontogF,
cheaper thin over at 11. SAXTON'S, bat 6.102 at..
March 26, 1862,
am now reciving a large assortment of
new and elegant Spring goo , to :which I respect.
fu ly call the attention of my old friends and custo.
mere, and all in want of handsome and cheap goods,
Particulars in next weeks paper. I will sell es cheap
as any - store lo the Borough.
Agri! 4, 1662.
A t Ogilby's cheap cash store. Just
[ - Vreceired an assortment of Ladles, MIBROfI, and
Childrens Gaiters: - Boots & Shoes of the best quality
and liandsoma-stylea. April 4, 1862._
Balance in hands of Treasurer at
last settlement,
Outstanding taxes of 1859 & 1860
- nt Bust settletn — e — rit,
Am't. added- to duplicate of 1860,
Loan of Carlisle Deposit Bank,
Received of Abm. Dehuff, clerk of
4narket, &o ,
Received of I'. Monyer, stall rents
of market,
ReceiV"ed of P. Monyer, for exhi-
bition licenses,
Received of J. 11. Grove, for use of
market square, 13 00
Received of George Weise, former
Treasurer, 251 47
AWL of taxes levied for 1861, 6,756 88
Paid Geo. Miller balance of salary
as clerk of market, $22 50
Geo. Bently, balance of salary as
Wm. Park, balance of salary as
C. McGlaughlin, Esq., attorney's
salary and fees,
P. Mauer, treasurer Union Firo
Comp , 34 00
E D. Quigley, treasurer of Cum
berland Fire Comp., 34 00
J. W. Ogilby, treasurer of Good
Will Fire Camp , 34 00
John Capipbeld,_treasurer
Linfifer - - '34 00
W. P. Lynch, plumbing, 17 25
Armstrong & Hoffer coal, 4 50
Sax4on, hardware, 13 15
C. Moir, sundries, • 221
J. Geisha'', repairs to street cross-
,lames Loudon, stationery,
Ueo. Miller, shoveling snow,
Couxcit ORDERS. or 1861-2
Paid int. on bonds and judgment,
Carlisle Dep. Bank. loan and int.,
Carlisle Gas anti Water Co., from
Oct. 1, 1860,
Coupon redeemed,
E, printing,
Geo. Zinn, • it
A. K. Itheem,
.1. Thompson, tt
J. B Bratdou, it
J. Postlethwait, election expenses
West. Ward,
Jos. Neely expenses election East
Ward, 10 00
A. Kerr, salary & work on streets, 270 50
M. Neely, " 194,00
A. Kerr, shoveling snow, 6 00
11. (1 hb, blackswohiug for street
Treas. Cumb. Co., stone,
C Stayman,
S. Stonier, ""
Bretz and Martin, serving notices,
U. Miller, extra services as clerk
of market, 10 00
J. F. Yengst, collector of 1830,
balance of error in settling his
account, 106 86
J. Vengst. repairing tree boxes, 4 00
John Guts Mill, materials and re
pairs to graze yard wall,
B E. lioot, plumbing, &c ,
Mary Morrie,
Jacob Bretz, cleansing spring,
J. Armstrong, preparing tax du
F. ti. Din klc, repairs to bridge,
C. tamason, mason work,
M. Holcomb, fees,
It. McCartney, use of jail as lonic
Oimilyenr, for picks,
I'. Monycr, blanks for use o,f Do
Henry Saxton. hardware,
Henderson k Reed, freight,
D. Thompson, lire plug,
Arnold & Son, gum coat for High
P. Spahr, laying pavements,
E. Steel, winding clock.
J. Rioter, plan of Borough,
J. Spahr, battling,
Black & Delaney, lumber, &c.,
0. Delaney,
Geo. Goucher, posting bills,
J. 1). Gorgas, lamps, &c.,
I'. Nlonyer, Tr Union Fire Comp.,
E. D. Quigley, Tr. Cumb'ld. Fire
J. W. Ogilby, Tr. Good Will Fire
J. -emnpbell, Tr Empire Hook and
Ladder Company,
F. Hinkle and others, night po
S. Ensininger, stars for police,
JOB. Stuart, salary as High Con
And. Martin, salary as High Con
George Bendy, salary as night po.
lineman, &c., -
A. Debut), salary as clerk of mar
ket, &c.,
J. Milner, salary as night police
man, &c ,
J. Masonbehner, salary as ssct'y.
of Corporation,
Jas. Martin, balance of salary as
Curator of Grave yard for 'OO,
P. Monyer, salary as Treasurer
and extra services,
R. Natchnr, salary as janitor,
Total cash payments,
By exonerations allowed Collectors
of 1860 and 1861.
By commissions allowed Collectors
' of 1860 and 1861,
By error in charge of balance of
duplicate of 1869,
By amount of taxes of 1861 out
Total credits,
Balance due by Treasurer,
Bonds issued 'for gas and water
stock, Ist subscription, $25,000 00
*Bonds issued for gas and water
stock, 2d subscription,
Bonds issued to George Line and
Judgment of Margaret Warden use
of P. Quigley, , ' 600 00
Note of Carlisle Dep. Bank, 1,482 60
Outstanding orders of Council, 64 00
$2 00
• ... 1 00
1000 shares Gas and •
water stook, Ist sub
scription, par value, $25,000 00
*l4OO shares gas and
water stock, 2d sub
scription: par value, 85,000 00
Dickinson College and
other Ilene,
Ouletandiog taxes 'of
Excess of indeblodnosa,
Excess of debt Inst-ycor,
o ._, as above;
*l3y agreement between the Carlielo But H i nd
Water Company and the Borough of Clarliale;
entered into July 1, 1358, said COMOny cove.
OtIAS. OGILIII/ Trusteo.
PETER MOWER, Treasurer.
Total credits,
1,271 07
2,410 60
$8,812 . 98 .
. 2 7,418 86
flouted to pay the interest on the above bonds,
issued for the secoMisubscriptiotratock, as it
matures, and to establish's slaking fund for
.the redemption of the prinCipal thereof, and
said Borough agreed to-traaefer to said corn:
pony said-steak-equal-in - amount-to-the bonds
thus redeemed... The said Company also exe
cuted a mortgage to Trusteeti, as - collateral
security to the holders of -said bonds for the
payment of the same and'interest. No claim
for interest-on said-bonds has been mage — on
the Borough.
We have this day eaamiued the foregorkg
account of Peter Monyer, :Treasurer of the
Borough of Carlisle, and find a balance 'due
by him of forty six dollars and twenty-six
oents—we have also examined the above
statement of the finances of said ,Borough and
find the same correct.
Carlisle, March 27, 1862. Auditors.
$ 6 93
Of Goods, Wares, and liforchandlso. 'Also, Brewers,
DietMors, Lumbermen, tc., within the County of Cum
berland, returned and cfAssllled according to the odour.
at acts of Assembly as follows, to wit
1,822 34
38 97
600 00
99 99
A. W. Bentz. dry-goods, 10 $2O 00
beldlgh, Sawyer & Miller, dry,podi 10 . 20 00
Philip Arnold, dry goods .1' 12 12 60
J. W. Eby, groceries; 11 16 00
0 Inhoit, 11 16 00
Wm. Bentz, " 13 10 00
M. Myers, 13 10 00
J. P. Steel, " 14 7 00
Barney Ileffinan, groceries, 14 7 00
A. G. Lechler, _ 14 7 00
George Leiby , 14 7 00
Henry Ilarkuusr, " 14 7 00
Susan Mitchel, 14 7 00
D. lickels & Son, . 14 1 00
Woodward & Schmidt, produce, 11 15 00
Henderson & need, " 12 12 60
.1. It. Nonsmoker, 23 10 00'
J. & D. Rhoads, •' ‘...' 14 7 00
Henry Saxton., hardware, - , 10 20 00
J. I'. Lynn At ,Son, " 11 16 20
At mstrong A Hoffer, lutnb. A. coal 13 10 00
Oliver Delancey, lumber & coal, 13 10 00
0. 51. Hoover, " 14 7 00
A. B. Firing, furniture, 14 7 00
11. Intends, 14 7 00
C. Ggllby, Agt., dry goods, ' 13 10 00
Win. M. 5111e5,.14 7 00 '
N. W. Woods, Agt , dry goods, l4 7 00
L. T. 0 rcen field A L..., - 14 700
B B. Jameson, fancy thy tgouds, 14 7 00
It. E. Shapley, jewelry, 14 7 00
Thomas 110111y:3, " 14 7 00
F. C. Kramer, " 14 7 CO
IV. DIA. Naugle, " 14 700
Jos. L. Steel, 14 7 OU
James Loudon, books, &c., 14 7 UU
A. 51.'itiper. 14 7 00
Bretz & Cornman," 14 7 oo
-, ..l,4*Gorgrui.ontsv4(B;- - t- - ''.....('--. — " C '' --------- T4 -r " ----- 7'CO'
Mrs, M. Morris, " 14 7 00
S imuel Elliott, drugs, 14 7 00
1 S. W. Ilavemtick, drugs, 13 10 00
0. B. Panneletker, " 14 7 00
Mrs. S. M. Keiller, confectionary, 14 7 00
.1. 11. Itheem,l4 7 OU
Mrs. C. Murray, 14 7 01
Mary Beatty, 14 7 00
Peter Mouyer, " - 14 7 OU
laeob :Meer, shoes, 14' 7 00
Robert 'Moore, " 14 7 00
John Irvine, 14 ' 700
S. Ensmitmer, robes. A c., 14 7 00
11. 0. Ritter. merchatit.lailOr, .. . _l4 7_ 00 .
Mrs. 51..1. otunipb, groceries, . 14 7 01.)
John Faller, 14 7 00
Win. 11. Warn, 14 7 00
.1. D 3leck, 14 7 00
David Irony, " l4 7 00
A. slomism " ith, 14 7 00
Jacob Wolf." 14 7 00
J. G. Galli°, hats, 14 7 00
.1. Boas A Co,. 14 7
lohn Keller, " 14 7 00
Mrs M. Nell ' Millinery' ,
te • l4 7 00
Eliza Stahl, 14 7 00
51 rs.J. Hutton, 't 34 7mi
Mrs. E. Willitims. t• 14 7 I 0
David Cornell°, flour end feed, v 14 7 O.
John Schtnehl, baker, 14 7 01
U Grossman, " 14 7 00
William Sellers, " 14 7 00
Lewis Faber, " 14 7 tar
John Sellers, " 14 7 00
11:110t1 rip°, paper, &c, 14 7 ( 0
Isaac 1.,, ingston, elethlng, 13 10 00
Arnold .b 0011, • " 13 10 110
J 11 Smiley, 13 10 Or
E. D. Leonard, 13 10 Is
Alll-.a: .0 Eemiy, marketing, 14 7 (r
.1. 11. Frederick, •• 14 7 (a
D0,1(1 Fredericks, " 14 7 (0.
William A,ltew, " 14 700
James canto& Son," 11 7 M
IVm. Wietetv eth, 14 7 la
lienj Hosier, dealer, .. 14 70.
Potter Faust, prod ore, 14 7 it._ •
11M. 11 en, marketing, 14 7 00
568 00
88 00
$9,590 53
60 00
37 50
60 00
2 25
4 6 -
6 uc
$B-16 03
*GOB 57
685 05
773 03
1,2 9 7 00
21 25
17 00
26 00
6 00
20 60
10 00
10 56
81 87
15 8)
1 80
Strohm. Mirk .4 Coffey, dry goodg, 13 10 110
Benjamin Plank, dry goods•. 14 7 nu
Kerr At 11 iuomel, lumber, 12 12 50
May & Una}afield,'• 13 10 00
Ene',hart & Wormley, lumbar. 14 7 00
Adam Eslinger, 14 7 101
.1. 111 Inchard & Co., 14 7 00
(leo. W. Nester, dry goods, 13 10 00
D. Doullntter, gm - Koalas, ,it -:. • 14 7,00
Wm Bank,. groeries, 14 700
.11.,0 Henninger, .' 14 7 tft
John 510, 'O, mirk,, " 11 7 00
.1. Longaneaaer. " 14 700
S It. l'at terson, produre, 13 10 (0 ,
:Melt:tat I''ree, 14 7 00
.In, 111.11CM:111, marketing, 14 7 can
Da, id Brow it, 74 7 00
26 40
79 23
15 62
41 76
10 00
3 75
3 37
5 28
35 90
1 L 6
Wtn. Green, dry goods,
11. Huck waiter, growl ion,
I:unp. dry goods,
James 11. Johnson, dry goods,
A. Shriver,
Geof.i.ri, 1,. Hale, stove g,
Cyrus Templin, furnltulo,
Jeremiah M'Certney, marketing
11. U. Alesier, prod urn,
2 00
6 86
17 00
15 00
b 00
1 68
11 78
10 50
16 75
31 00
Bitner and Wise, shoes,
Abr.liam Brower, dry goodo
John o.lerniin,
Eli \V. Vi I•o, .
Win. drugs,
William hall, marketing,
J. l'oung,
(I. Brubaker,
C. Eberly, dealer.
Brindle & eons, dry goods,
IL J. r , tevens,
D. L. Devlney, drugs,
Ilenry Spahr, flour,
Samuel Plank, dealer,
Christian Hoover, marketing,
Jacob tirorgor, groceries,
Daniel Markley, marketing,
34 00
33 00
34 00
732 00
8 60
Klink & Co.. dry goods,
T. 31cCundlihh,
Stough A 611iott "
J. G. & .1. B. Brown, hardwnro,
S. O. Wild, drugs,
IVilliam Reed. ••
W. I. McCullough, gro•erlos,
S. 31. Clauses,
.los. Laughlin, clothing,
J. M. Davidson, Agt., shoes,
.1. B Cohuch, Agt., stoves,
A. louhrumn, marketing,
John Hard,
G 0 00
118 76
118 60
92 90
S.D. McKinney, dry goods,
118 75
90 00
Ferguson & Co., dry goods,
S. Miller and & SOUS,
Bowers & Myers,
.1. & J. Kyle, •
A Minineb,
Hursh & Hays,
Lewis & Co., Red Born, produce)
Sitydur"& Knottle; •
J. & J. B. Mush,
Nowenmer &
Honey F. Snyder, shoes, ;
.1. &J Harsh, Oukrill°, produce)
J. M. Wagner, marketing,
12 50
Os 60
25 00
$6,366 30
314 77
Koontz & Steviek, dry goods,
James Green,
David !Mover, flour,
C. Stmilek, furniture,
W. W. Frazer, shoss,
279 71
172 99
2,410 50
.T. P. Wl.e, dry goods,
(Rio. Russell,
W. 111, Watts, " •
miss k. aussoli, dry goods,
.1. 'lectern, marltutlng,
A. Goodheart & Co., matiltetlng,
$9,544 */7
46 20
$0,690 53
Alexander & Mulion, dry goods,
Kauffman A: Drechblll,
A. M. Leidigh,,,
B.N. Liven.
Harney Gardner,
Pamnel.Shupp, flour, •
Wm. Ward. confectionery,
C. Deep. furniture, '
S. 14:Intl-Hs, marketing,
D. Newman, shop,
35,000 00
9,063 83
George Coffey, dry goods,
'L Strohm,
George Clover,
4. Schoch, dz Bro., 't
F. B. Reffsnyder, confectionary,
Wm. Hawk, marketing,
$ll,lOO '43
J. II:Swilor, dry goods;
E. L. Shryock,
S. C. Haller, groceries,
Tarman & Bro., "
P. Bartell, "
Jacob Vague "
ILlCastnach &Co. ' groceries,
P S. Artz,
Cox & McCune, dry goods,
.1. Heck & Co.,
.1. & J. B. Reading,
Stuart &Sons, • et „ .
McPherson, dry goods,
13. J. Snoddy, furniture, •
Hostetter itc•Skyles, clothing,
J. Bridges, merchant tailor,
Rankin & Elio.; drugs, .
John Stambaeb,:
3, C. Atlick, .•. ". '
John McConlYif.
Aire: Sturgeon, millinery,
.Mrs.3l. - -Dubbs, "
J, Landis,
Hyman Hyatt:lgor, jewelry,
Grabill & Johneon,lardware,
Forney & McPherson,
3,,W01f, stoves, • . • ..
I. M. ifykes , , " • ,
Ruby & Lawton, prOduce, 0
83,681 67
$7,418 80
$1,804 12
14 7 10
14 7 00
11 10 oo
14 7 )0
14 7 on
14 7 o )
14 7 00
14 7 10
IA 7 ou
14 7 00
13 10 0)
14 7 00
14 7 ou
14 7 0
1d 7 ru
7 00
14 7 u 0
13 10 00
14 ' (10
14 7 (0
14 7 00
14 701
14 7 00
14 7 (0
14 7 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
12 12 50
13 10 0}
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 On
14 7 oo
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
I 1 7 00
14 4 00
14 7 00
14 7 yo
14 7 00
11 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
11 15 CO
11, 16 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
13 10 01
14 7 00
13 10 00
33 10 00
13 10 00
14 7 0 1
14 7 00
14, 700
7 00
14 —7 ,00
14 7.00
1d 7 00
14 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
34 7 00
14 7 00
- 14 7-00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
" 7 00
13 10 00
13 10 CO
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
11 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 CO
14 7 01
14 _
34 _7OO
13 10 00
73 • 10 00
12 12 50
13 10 00
13 10 00
14 7 . 00
14 7 00
14 ,700
14 710
14 7.,0/
.7 00
hr,f , 1' 700
1 . 4 7 CO
14 7.00
14' 7op
1 4 ' 7 . 00
12 - 12 00
13 AO 00
14 7 00
14 , 7 00
~7.0 CO
Martin Angle, lumber,
P. B Blair, produce,
I{olso & Hinkle, stationary.,
Johnson .b Soarer coal, Ac .,
G. B. Cole. hats, Ac.,
0. W. Croft,
Charles Oyster, lumbar,
Lee & .Eberly,
Mimetic Si James,
V. Freeman,
T. Wi'let, dry goods,
J. G. Miller, "
Andrew Rose, produce- -
Cionwller Jr Zook dry goods, '
D. R. Nool,
Robert Hetrick, marketing,
Hiram Longenecker, dealer,
Line Sr Gilder, produce,
Theo. Iluniehlro,
Henderson & Reed, produce,
Edwin James, dry goods,
D. Hartz, & Co., "
Ebor James,
Tobias Sites, marketing,
Wm. Bishop,
Wm. Van nerd_ &
11:W7RM - Drilsoil, dry goods,
Wm. H. Eckole, dry goods,
J. J. Coble,
David Strohm,
Jacob Simmons,
Jacob Leidigh,
Jos. Fink, merchant tailor,
Fisher.* It oapp. dealere,
Wm. S. 13urlt Molder. dealer,
John R. Loldigb, produce,
F. Brechemaker, marketing,
J. Brandt A: Son, dry goods,
D. Comfort & Sone, •' .
Brindle & Neiawanger, "
John neigh),
Henry L. nee,
Kaufman se Oswald, produce,
Thomas B. Bryson, "
John Job noun A: Son, "
&mining., & Slnalzer,
Zaekerias Havoretiek, produce,
Joe. Ai 11Jolson, I u in her,
Seidel Eberly A. Co., lumber,
Geo. Hummel, lumber Ar coal,
Daniel Urabill, clothing,
L. W. Abrams, "
Arnold & Co.,
Bribli & Garretson, hardware,
John S. Boyers,
R. Wilson S Sons, stovos,
Win. Wunderlich,
& Mathews, "
Herring, drugs,
.1. S. Dallott, ••
Ira Day,
H. Thomas, grurerles,
Hobert Mills,
Fagan ar A ng, groceries,
S. O. Bowman,
.1. Eninger,
11. W. Irvine. confre , ionery,
5i,,,, eel W. tli . st,' furl] it u,
Miller & Eberly. dealers,
C. li eiincis, Aloes,
ocorg..ot , t.ot, ••
Levi Remit+, hat,: A Nimes, 14
J. F. Illilfonsburger, musk, 14
Jacob Swartz. jewelry, 14
E. S. lieene, " 11
Swiler A Keifer, merchant lallora, 14
Jacob 11 inoman, hither, 14
A. 11. Mateei , millinery. 14
Mr, S. Br% 1111. " 14
Ueorgt,,Stiiinour, marketing.
Franir Mornhall, •• -.
1 141
Slt`,,r4. loser. la
II 7
J. J. wraith. bolter,' -
?'roderick Kenner, l's I lislo, 7 10 00
Golloil, Swritz.or, " 7 10 00
Michael Nloeloto. " 7 10
1Mr5..%1..N1 e In cough, '' 7 10
Andrew 1;.,u1d, 7 10
John ('enter, " 7 10
'Mrs. II Peters, " 7 10
NVIIIIain Sikes, " 7 10
John llolinin, o 7 10
MN, B 1) Ilhams, " 7 10
I , ,ving (lurk. 7 10
'0 1 r, .1.•1.olotrh , 7 10
Goorgo Folancl, 7 10
Mr. .1 low, `` 7 10
Sirs. l' 111',o " 7 10
0 'erg,' 1/``r¢, .. 7 10
I leore otrino, " 7 10
Ellll,llO 11 ', 011011, " 7 10
•In,oh otrstton. 7 10
.1,,5(,11 It h , Hopewell. A 6
Joseph Cohn.. Esq. l'en,uF.horo', ' 7 10
'lsin 1011 . ,,h. [der, Neohnr{, 0
Charle. Brooster. Nos. ton 7 10
1.1 .1 Ilenneheraor. •• 7 10
.1 .1 c,5w1..r.1. Sew, ilk`, 8 5
%VIII. S 110011 y. •` 7 10
,101)0 Mal , y, )It•ei`,”`l,l,llrg, 7 10
I'. II .I,ll`r. 7 111
II 11, 10.,1y, ~ 7 10
:• , :tintli•l It 0 port, 0 _ 7 10
shade. Slopp-nshorg, 7 1.1
Pet., NI lii.,, - S 5
Jame, Nl...key. •• • 7 10
John 111111,, •' A I)
0. lino u, Upper Allen. 7 10
Wm. Aleynnler, Wl
Win. Ilarnit v. 75 tai
tions,al Frrlnp.
Zarliarlas, )lilac A . Co , U. Allen, LO
iloorge 1",1:11141 t A1 1,1,,
Emittmol IVeiri,b, 1 tublo
All I,er,iis reeling themselves aggrieved by the
return nr tilttiebtbi litre an opportnnity it tile
plitiline by calling on III.• sttliecrlber et the C.eirt Iltiust.
In Cat •Ith, Ilth, Intl. or of April, af
ter iv Weil till., 110 appeal will be henril.
II b:UItU If SellItl",
April 4.1562. 'Mercantile Appritisor.
ECLIANICS, anc . the public gener
ftially, will please call at Ell o
ng T atn Nulling goods cheaper than over fur cash or shor
Ervzs Nails and Spikes just received, of ilte,very
Imst uunara uud warrented Country merchants sup'
piled with nails at inanoracturers prices.
Ino Tons Hammered and Rolled IRON, Of all sizes,
received and So trranted to be of the boot qutlit.y,
with a large Oslo, tment of
Sheet Iron,
Bared Iron,
llonp Iron,
II shoe Iron,
Spring Steel, Cast Steel,
Blistered Stool, Mures shoes,
Herne Shoo Nails, Washers,
Anvils, Vices, Files, Rasps,
Bons, Nuts, Screw Plates, Rive( s,
Blacksmith Bellows, Irc...te., cheaper
than the cheapest, rtt the Hardware store, East Main
street. Carlisle
I)LOWS. Just received and for sale.
_1 at manufacturers prices ) a large assortment of
ink's, Plow,
lena'nnl's flow,
Edgier a Plow.,
Weirich's Plate,
pork Metal" Plow,
Bloomfield Plnw,
Eagle !low,
Cultivators. /cc.,
at the cheap hardware store of 11. SAXTON, East Main
street. March 28.
DUMPS & CEMENT. 100 barrels of
Cement, with a large assortment of Chain and Iron
Pumps, just received and for sale cheaper than ever.
Cement sold by the quantity at manftfacturers prices
March 23. 11. SAXTON.
The Confessions and Experience of
an Invalid,
DUBLISHED for the benefit and as a
warning and a caution - to young mon who sulTer
from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, &c.; supply
ing at the Bantu limo the moans of Self curo. By ono
whtt nos cured himself after 'being put to great 41X pensp
through medical imposition and , quackery. By undo
simr post paid addressed envelope, single copies may
be had of the author, NATII4II. I IIIIL BAYFAIII., Esq.,
Bedford, Kings Co.. N. Y.
March 1.1,1862-1 y
SINCE the late victories Domestic Cot
ton Goods have declined, and therein now a pros.
poet of getting it supply of Cotton. We, (T)EIDICII,
SAWYER & MILLER, et the new stmo, under:ilortln'ta
Hotel, East Main stroot,) are receiving daily large sup
piles of
which, our old otock we are determined to aoll'a CITY
P1(IOIIS. DRESS GOODS of every varity ;
Plain and Fancy Silks at all Prices.
A largo lot of now Black Silks at 75, 87%, 1.00, 1.25,
1.50, 1.76, 200 2.50; new Spring Delainos at. 25 cents:
4,010 yards best quality Alerimac, Cocheco, Pacific and
American Prints, dark and light colors, now Styles, at
1.23.1'; a large lot at 3, 8 and 10. Full and
best qunlity English,
.rts. All .klnds Domestic
Gintihnms 12 . %; Illarulhester 10y, ; 30 pieces Frenchand
Scotch Dress and lionnot Gloggams at 25.
at wholle and retail, a good quality 8, fine 10, 4 4
wide 123. Also, fi 4, 10.4, 11-4, 12.4 at corresponding
prices. Ail hinds of lIHANY GOODS In large supply_ at
reduced prices—TicklngS, Stripes, Chealta,,
Osnaburgs, Cotton Diapaer, &c. Linen Goods,of
all kinds, Table Cloths, Shootings, Linen Diaper, Nap.
kins, Shirring Linens, Shirt Fronts. Collars, at the old
prices. White Goods, all kinds, at old prices.
Shawls, Thobroldorles, as, Mop Skirts direct from tho
factory. 800 doe. Ladles', plisses, Mop's and Boy's
11051i,1214 to 25. "Men's and Boy's .
-- an - oades Fancy Cassirneres, latest seylos, Vestings,
Satinets,Jeans, Cottonades, 4tc„' Ilarhig secured
the fierviemian first clats• Tailor -we aro proparod to
gut up Clothing In thb most flishionable stylo at abort
notice.. _ •
'We are rhecivinr, our Sprinittupply of Carpets, comprts.
tag all thb various kinds kept in a first class Carpet
House. Carpets ranging in • price. front. 12 1 4 to
.01l Cloths, all'. widths, lifattings, Looking. °looses,
Shades and blinds ()fall kinds.- 1,000 lb& Carpet Chain;
Feathers; Cotton Batting; Countornanes, &c.
All the ohm. goods orni,,,many others, wooer to
puiebashrs at a, small advaiice above cost: Winter
Dross Poodo—Sliftwln,,llantleo,F,urs,less than Bratott.
We eta oeterminod lobrt s ti bo undersold:- incase call and'
examine our immonee stock, . -• ', - '
_tili,„We will makeodditloni Of Neer Goods as the nen
son advancos.., All Goodd warranted to bb whint.wo ootl
. ,
ixtvictr,•• SAwirnit
- cuitEidlobNapy.vb,l662, • , „
14 7CO
11 15 oo
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 - 7
14 7
14 7
14 —7
Notice isliere4 given'tliat the folloW
lug named person has filed Iv ith the undersigned,
his petition tor licence under the netotassernbly, of 3180
Marelkl.Blll, and the nupplent-nts thereto, which pet'
Mon will_be Presented-to-the Court "of Qtletter fierSl6lll3
of Cumberland County, on Monday, the 21st day of
April 1862..
liem.—South Eliddietea Twp.-Davld T. Shaw.
12 5U
10 00
1. Bo In enacted and ordained by the Town Council
of the borough of Carlisle; and It is hereby enacted
and ordained by the authority of the same ; That It
shnil bo thO'dutv of the bead of nch family, wherein
any member is Hick of a contagi -tan disentin. - to report
the fact personlilly or through the attending physi
cian, to the Chief Burgess, as soon as the name shall
come to hit or her knowledge, under a penalty of Five
DOLLARS, for any ouch neglect.
2. That the Chief Burgess shall give immediate no
tico to the teachers of thi) common schools, of the name
and residence of the family in which such contagious
disease exists; and that during its prevalence in said
family, neither the children nor any member thereof,
sholl-be-pormittod to-attund - thw - publi - c - schoolsr - umter
a 'penalty of Firs DoLtans, for any such offense, to bo
collected off the parent,, guardian or other parson, al
lowing such child to bo sent to school.
13 10
14 7
14 7
14 7
13 10 00
13 10
14 7
14 7
14 7
13 10
11 7
11 7
1-1 7
/0 1 7
13 10
13 10 00
14 -._7
14 7
14 7 00
14 7
14 7
13 10 00
.14 7
3. 't hat all persons having such disease shall bo pro
hibited from coming Ikn the public streets and al
lays of the borough until o they have entirely recovered,
under a penalty of Five Dowats. Provided, however,
that if they produce the certificate of a physician, that
they are free from contanduiding others, the above
penalty shall not be imposed.
4. That parents, guardians and all other persona In
whose families the disease is known or reported as
of to exist, shall be notified Immediately by the
chief Burgess, of the prohibition in the preceding sec
6. That all notices required of the chief Burgess by
this ordinance, shall he In writing, and be served by
the high constable
Enacted into an ordinonco this 28th day of March,
A. B. 1802. C. P. II UMRICII, Prea't of Council.
Attest—Jos. N. O'llldf Y, A. 8111 , 1SENIAN,
Secretary of Corporation. Chief Burgeon.
12 50
12 50
TTas been raised in Carlisle and sur-
LA roundlaz country on learning that the subscriber
has returned from the City with a tremendous stock of
Dry Goods, all bought for Cash and to ho sold at such
low primes as will cause sumo PLOPLE to shake in their
In this very extensive stock may be found great piles
Of Silk Poplin., Toren Lustre. Fancy Silks In verlety,
Black Silks Si the most celehrated tnanufactute, Mohair
Plaid, Poll de Chore, Silk Check, Embroidered Mohair,
Satin Plaid, Check Mozambique, Challi Uo ',nines, Bom
bazines, Lamm s. &c., Lc.,
Vestings, Days wear of good quality and desirable styles,
Iletr•ingai•Olrekrif-Parrnelsrtilargrrmap , Lawararand-,- ,
1 1 l
f very handsome styles and In sufficient quantity to
lathe every female in the County.
I have also the largest nssortment of
and Oil Cloth .n tho interior of Pennsylvania. of nil
qualities and at very satisthetory prices to the purchn.
Besides. I have almost every *desirable article in my
line of business that can he mentioned, selected with
great care, and with Rl] Pro single to the wants of this
communily and ihe ',resent times.
The public Is ad ViStql to sea these magnificant loads
or goods before puteha,ingr4sewhere, RR 1 sin confident
that advent, . will be gained by n careful exatnina
tine of my stock of (lend,, which for immensity bas nev
er been, and perhaps never will he, equalled In this
p Lino, (01 - Fist. trip pity, amid t'lleBpo ORS.
At tho old, well known stand of
April 1., Isn2
CO lila l' It OCI, A AT I N
IV l'lt the I 10n..1 A WES It. Olt ATIAM, Presl.
dent .It,ltto of the devertil Courts of Common Pleas (.1
the et,unties of (;notberhed, Perry and Juniata, an 1
.l ostler of thy several Courts off/yer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery In suit counties, and Ilon. N.
('01201.10 Lin. 11 sou ti 4.111", .lud;res of the
Court of Oyer and Terminer and General .101 l Delivery
the trial or capital and other offenders, in the
county of Cumberland. by their precept!, to me ill.
routed. dated I lie I.lth of January 186.1, have ordered
the roar! nfoyer and Termin er int ti enern).l ai I Delivery
to lie holden at CARLISLE, on the second MONDAY hl
A 11. I h0. , h11011 the, Huh day) at 10 o'clock in the
f ,renoon. to continue two week,.
NM' ICE IS HEREBY GIVES to the Coroner, Jut-
Ures !11, P1'301" 111111 COllCtableS of the sald county of
(•nntberlat,d, that they are by the salt) precept con,
manded to be thou and there in their proper persons,
with [lu•ir rolls. reern de, inquisitinns, examinations
WI all ether renu•uthratwes. to do those things
to their ofillten Upper toil to be done, and all those that
are hound by rc••o,ui,nnres. to pel.seente against the
prisoners that are or tiu•u shall be In the jail of said
,unty. ere to lie there to prosernto them as shall he
just. J. T. RIPPEY, Sheriff.
"Matrimony Made Easy,"
A Nh,'W work showing how either sex
. 11_ luny ho nUlt ibly married. irre=pective of ago or
p ,sit bio. prop. nr othol aloe, with a treatise on
thi• Art of I,ficillatillg nut twrsen you wish. A curl
ous s,irn till etc pmmeent winch net er fails. Free for
25 cows T. WILLIAM A Cu„ Publishers,
March I I, y
CO 10
' )
rfi unde rs i e are desirous of' secu
ring the sci ice, of a 1 . 01.0 Young Men. to 011,M . ,
hi a T11,01 , 11;1: Agen , y, upon a salary of FORTY Dol.-
Itc; per mnth, allti all expenses paid. This is all
41i1pOrt Mitt y soldnin sIT-red, and to those arlin merit the
app,hation of the subscribers. by strict attention to
114iness, can rely upon constant emplo) alma for IL
term of year's. Fur further particulars, address
11. A 115 Broad Street,
March 14, 111) 2 —am Atkinson Depot, N. If.
FSTATE NOTlCE.—Letters testa
mentary. under the will of Catharine Kauffman,
late of South M ddleton township, deceased, having
h en issued ,in due form of law by the Register of Cum
berland egunty, to the Executors named in the will,
notice Is given that all persons Indebted t I the
estate are required to UM he immediate pavinent, and
those Mining claims to present them for stttlement.
Esrg. of Catharine Kauffman, deed.
Marsh 7,1862-6 t
FSTATE NOTlCE.—Letters of ad
j ministration on the estate of Peter Zimmerman,
der'd., late of Lower Allen township, Cumb.Co., having
been granted by the liegist, of said county, to the
subscriber residing In ilampdon township, notice Is
hereby given to all persons Indebted to make payment,
and those hating claims to present them to
March 21, 1662-66
CLIREENFIELD & CO., Carlisle, Pa.,
jg having just rocriveri another largo addition to
their stock of Clump Goods, are now determined that
In the tutus,' consumers of Goods in Ca. lisle and the
County of Cumborland, shall have the benefit of low
prices. Wo shall protect all classes nod conditions of
the community, the poor as well as the rich, against
Imposition in the shops of high prices. Wo shall make
our, chief object the accommodation of our customers
with all !finds of desirable Goods at reasonable prises;
and If by too use of the `• limited means" always at our
command, we shall undersell the old merchants, of
emirs° our customers will not object. As we purchase
for cad, and sell for cash, consumers will, of rourso,
have all the benefit.
bond Calicoes, 5 cots.
Better Call .00R 2 6 1 4:
CllOl co Cal Ynes, 8 cts.
Extra Madder Colors; 10 ets.
Coehecos, .
the mutt desirable assortment over opened in Carlisle.
English It Rd French Brilliants in Chintz colors at low
riounkikul Brilliants 12.?, cents.
111 USL iNtS
Something elso beside raw cotton arriving, and some,
thing also beside cotton ports opened I The
• eyes of the People opened I
Bleached molding,
. do do
do Extra quality
1 yard wide bleached Tousling,
Unbleached Muslins,
Fine unbleached muslina, R ate.
Extra heavy quality, -., 10 eta.
Beet heavy Goods 1 yard wide, ' - 120
Elegant fine quality 1 yard wide. 12}
The above musllna are (ism
cheaper-than-therare-nqw-liard hi CArllsle.
Geed etitton pant stuff;
Better quality,
Beet Cottnnadem,
• •
Wo aro retailing 800 yards of the above Cottoundes
at loss price. than merchants can now purchase them in
the east.
A largo assortmolit of Ladles embroidered and rAain
kld glover, In all numbers, Just received.
EMbroldorlos Iti'great vtirloty and 4t tel:i low prices
A Inigo variety of beautiful now etyl j Sprlng Do
Hoop Skirts for hlissesand Ladles 4011 variety. •
The.undersigned make our store .11 per.
mama institution in , .this Borciugli,,•wlll; be 'glad le
supply thosd persons nodding anything IM' our line with
desirable Goods at fair prteos: .We shall at least have
the eatisfaCtion of knowing that wo hare regulated the
prices of Goode that all kinds are In Oh reach.orall"—
and that In too. future there, 3,M he'tar,exerhitant
prices demanded for. Calicoes, Muslittr,...tei oporlthe
plea of their bahanced value in the. east; While we
shall always keepatep - to the of-the-.lJalony ,,
vte Anil make others keep et op to the cheering hews of
01.1EAPppgres Ihr All !Alumna et r-
, 011EHNIPIELt1 cys..
Carlisle, March : l4;l662: Now Moro. ,
A. , 1311. 3 8T1NG u, o S,—Jusi received at
1 y Cha h Store, a new Block of Car.
Aothiga, Druggeta and Floor 011 Clothe, which ' , FOIL ha
sold at very low flguren.
Plume call nod examine the stock. -
Carllele, (...ct. 25, ISS. . .
Prices Reduced
1:04 cts
• 8 ets.
10 els.
Auditor appointed by
the Qrpliztns'. Court - of Clitnberielot county,
make distribution of the fund in the bands Of Wm. It.
Gorges, adminktrator o£ Christian 'Elise), who was ad.
'mluistrlitor of the estate of IffivordLarnout, dec'd., late
of alti-Derotigli_of Alechanleiburg,wlll.-itttend- to the
duties of his appointment on Thursday, the 10th day
of April,lBl2, at his office, in Cache o. when and where
all parties interacted are notified to attend.
.1. W. WEAILLEY, Auditor.
March 21, 18r12-3t
A. LEN.K; •
Second door east of the Market Arouse in
ug' s Corner.
wood Pianos, from the best makers.
Thu host manufactured instruments from to gni).
Violl nn, 0 altars, A ecortleons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Da n•
Jon, Tambourines. Violin and Guitar Strings, and Must.
cal Merchandise in general.
A comploto assortment for all instruments. The latost
publioations always on band.
-Tonolfer on- the Piano and Oultit;Tfistrumental and
Vocal music.
Pianos and Melodeons tuned and repaired.
March 21, 1802. A. LEN n-
Millinery, Straw Goods, Br.c.
'g aVE have the pleasure of iuforming
I you that we are now prepared to offer, at our
Old Stand, Nos. 103. 155 Pe 107, North Second St., above
Arch, Phila., a well selected stock of MILLIN•
10tY and STRAW 0001)8, In every variety, of
the latest Importations, and of the newest and
tam most fashionable styles.
will comprise every v.v . /city of Bonnets, Hats and Trim
minga, to be found in that line, of this latest and most
approved shapes and styles.
Soliciting an early call, I remain yours, respectfully,
March 21, 1802—It 11. WARD..
The Citizens of Carlisle &
A RE invited to an examination of my
stock of Uroocrics, Queensume, Sploos, &c. Best
of 11ANIS at 11 cents per lb, Dried BEEF, host Pickols,
Ka tsrms, Sauces, I3u tterod and Boneless Eardincs of tho
most approred brands, Table Ull,
In cans, Dried Fruit, very fine Syrup at 50 cts. per gall.
Fiab; Pine Apple, Sap Sago end Dutch /lead Cheese,
Coal Oil, Fluid, Whale Oil, beat Tobacco and Sugars,
der, Wines and Liquors, nad an endless variety of small
Wares. Terms Cash.
Feb. 7, 1092. Wlll. BENTZ.
Ko'look's Dandelion Coffee,
rrILIS preparation, made from the best
L Java Coffee, Is recommended by physicians as a
superior Nutritious Bet eragn for General Debility, Dys
tir Alin - don the use Ora/in. will use
this without injurious effects. One can contains the
strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25
BULLOCK'S LiEVAIN, the purest and best Baking
Powder known, fur making light, sweet and nutritious
bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. Manufactured by M.
11. Bullock, Chemist, corner of Broad & Chestnut Ste.,
Phila., and sold by all Druggists and Grocers.
Februaay 23, 1862-1 y
SVILANUE COMPANY of Cumberland county, theorym
rated ari act of - AsSeinbly, iii the - yont 1843, andlint ,
lug rsethtly had Its charter extended to the year 1883,
Is now in active and cigm nua operation, under the su
perlntothlence of the following Dowd of Managers, viz:
IL. Dorgan, Christian Stayman. M. Cocklto,
D. 13.1.i1y, Alex. Cathcart, .1 11. Ceover,John Elehelber
iter..losisph Wickersham. Semi, Eberly, Moses lirleker,
Rudolph Martin, Jacob Cover, and J. C. Dunlap.
Tho rates of insurance are as loss and favfrable as any
Company of the kind In the State. Persons wishing to
become members are invited to make application to the
agents of the company, who aro willing to wait upon
toot» at any time.
WM. R. GOIRIA S. President,
Eborly's Mills, P. 0
Carlisle. P. 0.
JOHN C. DUNLAP, Sect 'y., Mechanicsburg
MICIIA EL COCKLIN, Treasurer, Shepherdetown.
CUMBEIILAND COUNTY, —John Sher-lek, Allen
eery Zen, lug, Sillremenstown ; Lafeyet to. Puffer
Dickinson ; Henry Bowman, Church tom n; ;Mode Urif
fi U,, South Middleton; Somnol ll rallam, W. Penns
Samuel Corner. Merhanieqhnrg; .1. W. Conklin,
t , hepl,rdf.tosnn; D. Coovor, Upper Allen; .1. Op
ton, Silver Stirin,r; John Ryer, 'Carlisle; Valentine
Feeman, New Cun , be, land.
VOILK Pick in g, Dover; ins G r iffith,
VarrinKtoll J. F. Tent dr.l IT, Washinatoll: Richey
Clad; I)illt.burg; 1). Rutter, Fair, icw ;
J) 1 urn rN
\tembr•re of t lin POMpany having polietesahout to CV
plre, can have thorn row:lived by making application to
any of lbe Agonts,
2fl. 10G2
CHANGE OF 1101.111.9.1
On and after MON DA Y, NOVEMBER 4, 1861, Passenger
Train, will run as follows: (Sundays oteopted
Ist Train. 2,1 Trni n
Como irnorFtr,n, 7 051 A. M. 245 P. 51
4 • Greonra,tle. 7.37 .. 3.35 "
Chamberaburg, 8.30 4, Arr. 4 20 .
1.10 .
" Shipponsburg, 9.00 " 1.42 "
" Newville, 9.02 . 2.15
CarHein. 10.10 " 2.65 .
Mechanicsburg, 10 42 " 8.27
Arrive nt Harri&burn., 11.15 " 9.55 .
Ist Train,
G+nrn Harrisburg A. 05 A.lll
Mocilanicaburg A
" Nevvi ille,
" Shlppensburz
A rri is) 11.10
ilreeiwastle. 11 65
Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.35
TIIR EIS Pally Triiins Irave Harrisburg for Pittsburi
nl 3.15. 1111(i 7 A. M., Ana 4 20, P. Ar.,
For Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Central Ttallroaei:
At 2.40 A. 31., 12 55, 1.15, and 5.25 F. M. Vla Lobanrm
V. It. 11., at It 00 A. 31., and 1.40, I'. Si. Fur Baltimore,
at 0.00 A 7,10 A. M., A Imo p.m,
. - .
Por froverton and Williamsport at 1.40 land 8.15, P.
M. Trains on Dauphin Road at 2.00, P. M.
NOTICIO TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations whore
Tickets aro sold, viz: Hagerstown, Oreoncastie, Cham
borsburg, Shipponsburg, Newellie, Ca-lisle, Mechanics.
burg and Harrisburg. a reduction of TEN CENTS on
each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide
themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars.
0. N. LULL Bliper't
Railroad Offico,.Chambersburg,
Novn, 1861.
riALICOES 6.1, 8 and 10 cents, best
,/quality Calico at l2A' cents, Domestic Ginghams at
1.2.? A roots, Domestic Muslin,, B,t 10 cents, 4-4 Domestic
Muslin, good Article, 123.4, Tickings, Checks, Table Dia.
per, Sheeting, &e., at low prior. Canton Flannels
Hooped Skirts, the cheapest in the county. -
At very low prices. Blankets and Flannels tinder price.
CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, deans, Vestings, at astonish.
ingly low prices.
All my old friends and cristornershre resportftilly In
vited to call and examino for themselves, as I will not
ho undersold by any otos° In the county.
Male stroot, opposite the Depot.
CHAS. OGILBY, Trustee.
Carlisle, Feb. 28, 1862
J. W. SMILE - I/ -
Hereby gives notice to his friends, customers, and the
that ho has removed his store from Leonard's
corner to his now room— formerly known-no-Holler's
hat store—on North Hanover Street, botemen the Car
lisle Deposit Dank and ilnyett's Orocery , Storo.
Ills stock of ILEADY-MA CLOTIIING,Bootn,
Shoes and Hats Is large and complete, and you
can depend upon the fart that he ran and will
sell cheaper than over: and always Intends to 11'
sell good goods and at a lower prlto than any person
Always on Land, 016 meta seasonable, best made
and fashionable. cdota, Pantaloons and Vests
Ipfrom the commonest to the best qualities, which
cannot fail to tit, please the eye -and give satin
factlortrin,,gepprid. Also, Shirts, Under•sbirts and
drawers, collars, cravats. suspenders, gloves, stockings,
.4c., 4, all te be sold at th'e very lowest prices.
Always on hand, a largo And complete. assort. ' 1
Mout of everi intrlety Of Boots,BrOgans, Oxford
Ties, Slippers, Gaiters, Jefferson s, &c., for Ladies
and Gentitmen, Misses and Boys, yauth and
children, all to, be sold cheap. Also on hand and con•
stantly rnanufneturing the best Fine French and Mons
al,rocoo Boots, and Jetfursuni for Ladies. In_ All rips
sowed free of chargo. . .
I 2 1 (
25 cts
1:41 A largo stock of Hats for ]ton, Boys and
011fhlren,-connnen, goad And ilno. All soll
log cheaper than oror.
lierety;:tender 'lily. thanks to ray' eitsteateii4 iHd
Mends, for tinst farobs, and earnestly solicit you all to
call and FOO mo anil nip stock of goods,
shame I anisleterrnlu cid to time every effort
to roppiy kith the very beat, and at each prices as
wlllaut all: Ito prittledlit to look for my sign
5,1801.—1 y •smiLEY.
VOR, •
i rhOlcirge Stone Home, on Nfikin street, neap lY op.
potato r. Gardner & Co'n. Machlrie Shop,
the property of the Into .1. A. Haug.
I • A rain, l'oooeeolon gh•on-let of Aloft,
4 1 .K.__YPeormg, a, t Wl*
• Carlisle, Fah. r, 186)„,.
al, on :ban and for sale Tory 10‘Y.
POWDEITI.—JuIt trqs,tved a.largo lot ot, - TWOonee
Elost leg and , Nlflo .Vottder, Safoty Fere, -Steno Drily,
Stone Sledges," Stone }blowers, ricks,' MattoollisDlg•
ging Irons . , Ctoys Sore, Navning hammers, Rb., at
Test ldaln St.
2d Train
1.50 P. 1
2.30 "
9.7 '
10 2
3.08 ..
8.41 "
4.1t1 "
4.6 5 5 4 .
b 46