Scrofula, or ICifig's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation_, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from j„51: attacks, nor is there one which it may not (Wilsey. The scrofulous tattit is variously caused by mercurial disease, 11* . v living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, inifinre,_nir, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection: - What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending tt from parents to children unto the third and lburth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, 4t will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor rupsion, which genders-in the blood, depresses the energies oftlife-,- so that scrofulous constitu tions not onlY suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ;, conse quently', vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, arc still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates'the human family has its origin directly in this m.n,dulous coutzunination ; and ninny (lest rubt ive discuses of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are eggraval ed by the same cause. (Me quarter of all our people arc scrofulous; their pirttens art. invaded by this lurking in (*coital, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate tic blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigelate it by healthy food and exercise. such a medicine we supply in AYE RS Compound Extract of Sarkaparilla, the most effectual remedy 'which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malrulv. It is com bined filen the most active remeefials that have been di , euvered for the expurgation of this foul di.order hoot the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Ilene , it :humid be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions ttliirh arke from it, such as Enuerivg and SKIN DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY ' S liter, Rost:, or Eit.voir m5O, PrNirm:it, PusTul.os, 1;1 \ iNs and ltou.s, Tumults, TETTER :1;1,1 SAI.I ltiu i M, SCALD iII:AD, RINGWORM, I I'M Vfl , l, SYPHILITIC and I,IiCUIZI 11, DIS- Dv , mrs:A, 1 li.itir,urv, and, indeed, AI I, .C4iMPLA INTS \A - 21,1Na roost TE6 Olt IMPURE IlLoon. 'lie popular belief in " iulpuntyyf the blood" is founded in truth, ehula is a degenei athm of the blood. The itiettho purpose :mil virtue of this Sart•apa -11:1,, is to polity and regenerate this vital fluid, 51,1! out sound health is imposthble in comamMated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, r,• o composed that disease a thin the range of their aclion ran ramly mithstaud or ti ado them 'I heir mmoisting - properties Irarch,and cleanse, and iurt,ui.itc I,Cly liortion of the human ot gam i ui, C11,1,11E12; Its albenhed tletll/11, and lostiiiing i t i es. As a comeimence of these pimicrties, the invalid who is brined down With 1 , is astonished to find his ii.mi2y rostoted by a mniedy at once so and l\ id only do thi y cure the ever'}'-da d' complaint:: , of ei.ery forOlidable slid '1 he agent below named is - Or folio rt-rrills..anyi A m ratan .../11/11 4l)av, c,f their cures and directions fit tlii it i. e in the following romplaints: Co,vtere 7. 11. el I 1 1 ,,,), 114 ',illy 110111 (11,0171-erC(l .. , 11 , 11,1( 11, .% el 111111!1, ,11,111, ill .1114 Lid .ret. i• I. I!, flu. Li ,l.:aeleleney, L 0,13 of Apro e,t, e , and other l.iwcnd complaints, ri,t'f• lOW stste of the body or obstTuution of it , - font:to:is. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, =I Couch., Colds, Influenza, 11oarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, In ei pi erit Consump tion, nod for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the diSVaSC. Si, s, i d c is the field of its usefulness and so no. memus are the eases of its clues, that alitio,t, ea art St Cl . lOll Of e•otintry td °units ill persons putt- I, ti or% it, %Om 1 1 : 1 ,(• I t ru ro•tored from alarming .and caou desperate t11,:,1.,•ti Of the lanes by its \\ lien Harr Iraqi, it , superiority lnslins el the old Primes. • MEN ANL) 1301.''S''IVI.A13,, Cloth, Casslmeres. awl Vo , thnts. Satt loot. and Jen n. A large lot 01 lloopait Sl:lrts 01 all .4 1 ,, of the bunt duality: and will he sold c•lseaper than ean pe pll,lUlSt'll , •1/10WIlr. 1 to I Ito I:MIDI.) , Call anti Eartiuitio the steel, 111104 porrl.o.lolr. Itee. olect I.ln , 4.1,1 1 , ,A8r MAIN S'UILEET N EARLY OPPO SITE TILE DEPOT. Clltfil.ES (4111.11 W. Trusivo. 13AROINS ! BARGAINS BAR , CIAINS!! %Vo are now selilng oar stock of fine Dross Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Fern. and many hinds of Winter Goods, t REDUCED,PRICES Persons wanting any of the above kinds ()Tawas, will find our stock very complete fur the present season. Wu liars been recoil ing wiry largo additions of STAPLE DOMESTIC GOODS,. which we nee oohing nt tho lownst:markeiprices. Since wool has advanced from - 35 to 05 and cotton from 10 to 40 lb domestic woolen and cotton goods are steadily advancing, In the eastern cities. Now is the Time to male() your Purchases! Peones baring accounts with us aro- untitled that • since January let 1802, their aCcoputa must be settled up every six months, °theorise interest after the 0:c Titration Of the titan, will be charged, We are compelled to adopt this mode of conducting our business, as mer chants in the citica have reduced buelnesa ton cash bask. All parsons Indebted totheold firm SAWYER ie 1i111.1.101,1ar0 notified that wo are deter mined ,to settle up our ohllooks. 'cithot by 'payment, or notai.ollmilviee we wlll 'hard our.negounts with the. proper officer for collection 'lt is luiposelble fur usAo conduct Mu: businesVOM . kpa n t dvaato of-our customeVa .whileivb bare so much monaiTitifog dead on our books. LE - mien, SAWYEIt 1111.14Eit. Carlisle, January 17, 1002. rIARPEITINGS, Bia.4 7 _,Tust roodilied at --' -vjor,ll4.lllPS-Cheapt)ash-StoiGihity Meek of Mr: - .. petingS, - Druggots and Floor 011-.oloths, which will bp .. sold at very low figures. . . Please call and examine the Meek. Carllsle, Got, 25, 1951..',. . . _. New eciobee. p GßOceßiEs‘4 FISR AND SALT MEM I=l MEM I. .1 es 1. 1 1 r. ,/• 1-I. r.ell I I= TR= ll= NOW RECEI VED AN D OPENING AT 3. E 3 01, inioccllancono. Carlisle Foundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT I F. Gardner & Co. now manufacture and keep ron stantly for sale, at their extensive Steam Works on East Main street., Carlisle, a large assortment of Au BICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of well known, approved usefulness to farmers. among which they would rail especial attention to WILLOU(3II BY'S CELEBRATED I'ATENT - G - UM-S-P.E111 7 4-V-RAIN , DI?- 11,- L, yhich has taken over fifty First. Class Premiums at State and T . County Fairs. o the Farmers on Cumberland, Niult and Perry vounties we need not speak In detail of the merits of this drill. ns scores of them tire rinse in ...on I lo; brut farms in these eountl,s. Its reputa tion is established as the most complete ti,raln DIM 110,' mane fartor , d in the. United States. It ROI, Wheat, nye, Oats. Burley and ((rase. evenly :Ind a egular, as Myna Itnwhimi the seed. The cum Sprin gs pass the drill over at Imp., Nod stones, le itllollt breaking pins - or the drill. For es en nail rug4lar won lag. the Winona'. by limn Spring Drill is unequalled by any °IL,. We also nattminetatre and sell the following nu titles, which we ein rem - mum-nil to Fatima's tin reliable Implements, of establifihed character: ii Ml 11l SON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LM , IPS PATENT STRA FtiPDER I UTTER, BitinKNnoLrirs rATENT coi; ;AIELLER, it A ItN'S PATENT CI 111.11 \l .101INSON't 4 CA,T I it( iN 1111'S TROI'OtT. A lon. Three and Four Morse Powers and Threshing Mae , dnes, Cast Iron Field Itoilei N. Plough Castings of various patterns. Corn Crushers. and other articles for Farmers too numerous to men! io.t. Also. Egg Coal Stoves and Ten Nate Wood ;to. '•s, with 311 imtirrirnb en Hay of other castings for honsulceei,s :Ind others. We have also an attractive vet iety of pattern,. fur ZEI.CON 571217.L.1.1.4 S. n 'IA CEMETERY E CLO:4JI( E to w Lich Would cull nttrnUun. sten 7111 Engines end Mill Clearing To this depaid.nent ,r our Lumnel.s we give partleu. ler Mt 1.1,1111011. Our already entrant e storl, nt patterns for Pap,. Flout and Saw Mill tie:lrina. Is constantly increasing. 11l Owners and Mill IV rights will Le fur. tilshed with a printed catalogue nt' our various Mill Patterns, all application. Our Machine:Amp comprises all the various hails he - I'lllllllld, 111:1:t 1 11g and ntliSlllllB. S111111.1111:11nd I'llSll ups. liv gnlpd and cart till Machinists. sTATioNABN ENGINES of any id le co peril t . fro ill ten to trill t horse Lulu in the heal stile Allll 111 c I.llllllodatillit Lei hini_ioes. hint( :it our ~stal.llsloneni teal' lie seen in , 11.•01,,ekll 1• 0 1:111,1 vi many of the largest hist Wil.— shi at lisle. and Condi, land Pei i .11111 1 . :111111111i (i morn 1., nllllll Ht. n111'1.1,111) n er tar ',aft, as hi thelreilhden ev Pei...di, e.:1,t111, '14,111 1 ngn•t, mln elf .lts. -1. 0, lip v:.!1:11111 IN:1111111e Len :e contracting nisi, , lads 1)00P, APID .VASII FACTORY. cnn t,•,1 with vctni,lTFlllll.o He/1111 i'ash , 1”,“,!.6. ,k i• to wet, lot ckl I ,141. Itt id.i , i C, :4 Inw.l os ~,, zso.' I 0 i. 111.‘ , 1 I 111 1110%31i ; -I 71. I'p„ nl, 'Ctl.l3ll,:t. I. I 1.131•••[3. t.l .! 1,..• • s ”LI of 11,1 t 1 ,, I( I .t 0 (0( .0 I ' .'• I.! .1(t(0.110(I0,011 II..• 11(111(.(,.! %.11:. 1.1 I" - 1. li.t• t•rtt "o• itll,ll.t ..11, ilt•.l , 11 . j ti• , l , 1,1) I A ( I.\\ 101 I. 1 I) I 1,1,1%1; V.\ l• t) A A N 1) I. \1 It E K , ‘N ~;1 tr- •-• 'ti I::11,LitIM/111/11/ til 10'11, .1 =ffilESEI I Ii IVI 'TUFF • I t• I 1.11 -I I hi;, .• I :::1211 I I 111116, 111111 , s. \‘. I s.‘• I, :::!, i.llrlll,rilr 1'1•:1 1:: •• • :1113 I.:at 01 MEM i ,.. .. -r- - , tiro! Egg,-Rovt. And Nut I, lit E\ Oltn do. do. do. 1.(1111SERI'. whirh pl, , ,ltt, , ursolvtih to o il at the Intrl,St prices so=t cputli'F ' uf I ,, truer's and 11l gel s Coal, always on band we will st.lllll Ihr loneot. figure Vard 01 ,trio t.• Alt)1,111%).“; A: hilt FERN .3. ti,JNEIIIAI{II4:II RDING AND ( . (5.:V11S HtiN Iltil 0H; HI R. rt; HP HP t: in P.? 0r.% 1,.1'1.A-T1 i. AND .3.11,1'. The ha, Deg token the IVare House ears anti I,lr:ie. Id . it ,D el' 1.11 , o establish nn•nt. -t 111,11 . t mtrqui the 1..1.1•1. that 11111, nr,ltoal..l TII. • 111:10 ,11 'WI., II 111 he pod for I lour, Grain and pr ,, ,ltt, e of nli him!, inepared frentht prod nee and stock to Elti,:otelphi., ItaltEnore, at the too eat rates, o Ith and t:e•pat, h. EL.\ s't I.:1: AND S.l Ll' kept eonstantly on band, and HAAN{ A \ D FEED at „hole-ale or cttatt. Colt. of all Lind , claLcadttSt, LYE EN'S VALLEY, • LULU FIDDLEII, St:NW:NY ASH, I,fit'UST 1i A l', Limebnruer's and Blacksmith's CON, kr•TIN FOR SALE. K Err UNDER COVER and dolls vrod dry to ally part ot Ow town. J. R. NO,NEMAKER Atiust 17, IgrA9. Ling Elt AND COAL. OLIVER DELANCEY, LIJAI liElt A • D COAL YARD! On the Rail Road, near he Gas Works. conhtantly on liana, u fullo3. sorinwnt ot Lumber & Coal, )110i1 110 eat, for -1,, or,lot ploniptly .1,1 nit this most lea- 13 ER, SCA NIL ING, BUIR - DS. FRA.NIE STUFF, Wolkiql Floor- Joe. crl ee di lig, bite Pine, Hemlock and of every quality Ile :41,0 furulA I itlg to old r .pi ally and situ, at the ,liortesl il , ticeamtpu t lie most ri•an1111:1 hill forms. Ills , I.oards' aFql. kept wider cover, so that they can bq fur. nished dril at all dn.& 11l bas:,,l'mstantly on hand all I:lnds of Family umbiteover. s‘ bleb will be vet ed clean to any pal t Of . t.b 4 :boroll,lh• T" LI'KEN'S VALLEY. _ 'LUKE FIDDLER, TREV ER 11)N. • LOCUST NIOUNTAIN, And t)tho: OUll all the V;111011, SIM'S Ll use, whleh th."..4 , lTers ti. the 1)111,114• at the est, privet:. LINII,Bu RN I , on hand, a 1 tjll lowosl nosh price. Tli inhful for linu patronage urn generous public. be stoued upon the Into firm of Black k Delaney. he unal.l. solidi a esoltlannu, of Illoy salon as be will strive t.. phau.o. All ardor.: 101 l at the residence 01 Jacob Simon for and Lumbor, will be promptly attenthol to as heintolore, OLIVER IiELANCY. July 26, 1 —ly. William P. Lynch, Practical P1,111113E1? and GAS FITTER, in the baxcin,nt of the .31'. E. uhurch, t. Main Street, Carlisle, I,ead and I ronylpos, Iron Sin ha, I Iydrants. Bath Tubs, • lint & Coil Shower Baths, Bath Boilers, Wilful. Closets. %Vasil Basins, Force alul,l4t Pump, ilydrautic Both , &o. IS nit Iron ‘Vel'd Tubes, And every description of cocks and liteings for gas, steam. water. Le. Superior cooking ranges, hentersand gas lixtuces put up In churches, stores and dwellings, at short:l:mike, lu QM most modern style. All materi als and work in our line at low rates and warranted. Rsi. Cou n try work and Jobbing promptly a tteralo Et to r. ilnr. 2.3. 1859-1 v THE GREAT CAUSE OF IZUIVICAN -IVIISERIr: Just Published in a Sealed. Envelope, 'Price 0 cents: a Lactate by Dr. •CUI.e . YEItWELL, on the cause and cure of Sporn . latorrhees, Consumption, Iffeotal „ . n n t uyhysical Debilit Nervousness, Epilerv; Impaired Nutrition of tho Body; Lasitude; tl eaknesa of the Liinbs,and the Dick; Indispoiltlim, and incapacity for Stntly and Labor ; Dullness .of Ap. prehension; LOFIS,, , of ;ale atory; Aversion to • Society ; Love of Solitude; Timidity; Solf , Distrust; Dizziness; Ilenduche; Affections of the Byes; •PimPles on, the Face I nvoluittat i y Etnissions, and Sexual Incopacity; the Con - Sequences of Youthful I tid iseretfon 4 This admirable Lecture'cleariy proves that the above enumerated, often 'seitalllieted, evils may be . removed without modicinelantivitheut darigeronasurgical ope tationii; and should bo read_ by eve! y youth and every man`hn the hind:` Bout under seal, to tiny address, in a plain sealed en velope, on the receipt Of 'six cents, or two postage stamps, by addresiing,- . Dr. CII. d. 0. ILLINbI, J au. 31: 121 Bowery, York. Vest MO, box 4580. 111atdjes anti Jetnefro CLOCKS WATC R ES JEWELRY ANJ, [AEI; %V R Vinnufacturt rn priers W. D A. Nuttg . .. • ••, 's FnFt opposite Denier in FRENCH Sz ANEIft N (1,()('Es: • 1 .3 ,_ S • ' V-1-9 be , • mo unt t v, • Foreign and American Watches. Jewely,Sliverand Pla ted Ware. Fancy Goods Sc. would most respectfully In form his old patrons and the public generally that ho hasjust returned from the East with an entire now slack of FTNII - W 4fCll ES, J EWELRY, SILVER & PLA TED WAItE, CLOCKS &c. Having secured agencies from some of the largest and best Fantorles for the sale of there grinds. I am prepa red to offer to, the public any article in the line from 75 to 100 per cent less than they have ever lemon offered In this place or below the regular wholesale price, as follows, Clocks from 75 cents to $lO, Watches from $2,51) to .1115 n. .),,,oulry In setts from (iS con to to $25, Ted itetts from 20 to 03(1,-6 pieces best gfiblity and latest styles CLOCKS WATCHES. JEWELRY. 8 day alarms, Gold II un t . Ca=e Eng. Coral, 8 " Striking. " '• American, Pearl. " Strilshrg & Al. " " Swiss, Cameo, 8 " Regulators, " " French. Gold Stone. 8 " GallerY, Silver II unt.Case Eng. Lava. li " ('hutch, American, Carbuncle, 8 " Mantles. SWISS. Opal, " Parlor, " " French . Mosale, " Marine, Open Fare American, Jet, 80 lintir. " Lepines, Garnet, 35 Striking, " " Quartiers, Turquois, 30 A la, ta kSi rlk." " English, Paintings, 'rime, "Y French, Enamelled, :IS Levers, " " Geneva. fa=te, 30 Gothic, " " Oernian. Stone, 'l' I: A SETT' . (301thsts, Waiters Tureens, Ladles. Cur, Butter Dishes, Szdt Stand, Fish Knives, Pie lir a v' , ... Omni , K titres, I, Cream do. Cho Knives Forks. r nouns, Castors. Carlii.le, July '27, inf , -Iv. OSEPII U. STEEL WATeiI:MAKER sown' HANOVER STREET, A li ‘, A few doors south rdl the At.. Court House. elvAlk,44l;:: supplied myself with a large assortment of Wateh Int-11:1h. ti la one e, &r.. now prepared to re pair all kind, ot II ul, Jewelrs, on the most ree , onale IerIFI4 that may he intrusted to my rare Is 3 tri t eI tenth nto husiness to be fa vored e it:l a 11:.,•ral .hare of pod, I .,trona 4 e. . . A line ',sent Insinnint of .IEIVEI,III, snob as Lailiins . I[ll . l..iNt Pins and Ear Drops tin•lnl sod Cameo; )lisses lit sannnt anti I' is iitnniis. lint awl kilns Ellis all 11..1 (111 in,, ke. Also a liirgs I line t !trent ill GOLD iIiNGS, Also. a fine lot of silver Hunting, Detached Lever. :loft Lupine' 11.L1.•1t0,.0tt,1 a Sortmeot of rilvr :tot S.(e, I-; 10. A „6n A ,I,tl t.. (1 .I.IS \3 1 ,7 .\ T( .1 %V I, I; Y, .I\l' ..1.1 -0,11,1 i-h. • : 4 1:111.1. v•I . 11,11iN lite Ck.. 11,1•1 allt•y 11112 13.1.1 l Lt.:J.I.A I ut,i !it.. ns,..ntutltot wstrhec V.s 111 kIl •I'. Ile Illy r. I. /...,•• I; I,ou, I sill,• ;il,l 11=•fr" D•id tit, :Int; 1,1 .r. 1,1 to 1;4 , 11 1.,. I .1.1 . 111, .1 `tt.wt-It•t.. fit,ttt I I • 1,1. ;.lt • tt , i , , tot•st- Itlttttlt, .L, tt• t , t;1.1 t-ti.t•t - tt, I .141,1 sir , •13. I. cult all v. I, 11 :It ten A nr1.•1. , 1 ,•t• N, fret" the lat,t alahers L, 4. t le • 1 , ••••• V, 3,1 peArl ea,/ .asea. tt , •I•1 tit.l adlti.l•ll " t 1 .' 0t1 . 11.11q, M . lllO, 1 ,• h• 1,1.1 ",t•lt . ty atti• " t I I •Il I cell All aitieleL , te•ital to I't II 1.1%VA llt INA/ and all ttcrlt ii . L \. I ' P T IYIED C ILL TREATISE (if 3icirriage 250 PAGE:A A NI) 130 ItAN ISt/S.—hi, ottly To L.STI . illl. iit,rs. Sent fres of postsgs to till • f thtt Uu tr. tlis youtli is snil pot usit3 i . diiiectosiug Ii soestit of togli 00000 ofogos, , i 1 . 111111' , pal 1.1 , /1101111 11111 , 11 o with itit.•t tit. , of a 11“tiltog C,.llsigs wit tit. 1111 , 1 .1 V.ititig )1:1'11.• 11,,i ,SI 11 is It troth:id i•iir lo 11, gist (into- List, oist t1.131.1..11 lln it phi, .t 1 I. Mont. slid NI Is. arnin., 1.11.• 11.isit It. ItAppitis,. :111.1 1.J,111.1S t / ll il, It iiver. hnlo.ln Is• 111, titttl. 31.• Hot Ita:•it uth th l r 0•a4.t.t% eh; h l nto 111111, ~111"ZillleS i.e1 . .11% 511•.11:11,/ .4 the 1,11 . 1, 31111 1 , 111l1,14•111 1111•1, I of memo ry, Eitli 11.1). it., 1.1 th,• author's ENI AND LUND() \ UEVI'. St 1' LllO 11,11111, devided a u, h o.ttime in NIS upiNi; Eilitt WEAN lb 4 , 1'11 availing. our .,„lves i t th e ttt,l,i,l,:e :tintreseatettes nf the hosti and Sully,. in rurnite and the Citutinent. Thvse wile tbeniseli es under mit Care will new have the hill tieneht. in the manv NEW AN Erric wi t iEs EEst. NES , %Ind. ~1 1 11, 1 1 1111111011 1,1101 1, 11,1' 1111 11 11111 IQ „tir - e. and the publi.• lane test assnted eh he sduie teal. assiduit. pll , l fll then 1 . 11 ,1 ,, 111111 e>c- Inliv us 111'1,1..1,, 111. a Pits sn bin in i, PECULI 1 I; depatl meet of pretessiimal i'raetice, her the p as t. teents-foe years Futven Et ,1 \l3: 1 . 11-1.9. - 1,111111, who W 1 1.41 fir \feli I . ll{e3cy of which ills been lecteil in then wads of rase... :mil never limed to etTert .peeily cures ithout any bad results. will use nine but Dr. DelA ney's Female Periodical Pills The only precaution noceccary to be observed iv. ladies should not take them if th e y h ave rea s o n hi believe they are in certain situa tions (the particulars of which iilii be found en the scrapper ltrrompanyittAr each box.) thous always safe and 111,411 Y, Ft/ gentle, yet so active ore they. Uric, it per loin. They ran he mailed to, any part of the United States or Canada. TO TII B 1.. k 1)1 ES.—Wh , need a confidential medical tidy iSter rr it!) regard to aay of those luu•n•stln~ ram plaints to whieh their dedielkte organization renders them habit , . urn partioul3rly invited to consult us. 1i , T1115 I'ROTEMV4."—For married ladies whose health ~ill not admit, or who have nn desire to int, ease their fainilie,, mny Iw obtained a. al eve. It Is a perf•rtly safe preventive to eonreption, and has been ox 11.1151 vely used during the last 20 years. Pylon roduced to .5,10. THE SECRETS OF YOUTH UNVEILED, A Treatise on thu Cause of Pi . ..tore funny —A not stun warning. ilost puihdn•d. a book shunningLi, in biliWalti 'inure, and pr..euh••t's' ninon , siliools, hate and leniale; of thi.: lat.ll habit. p'intiu, out the fataliti; thirst invariably at t•mil. It. t it•titll4. strut Orliow the whole progress of the dleec•e • from the corn. to the end. It will be sent by Moil on receipt of two 13: eid.t EGunps Ationdonee dolly. fr , dn F In the morning till fl nt nkrld, and on Sunda, iodn 2 till 5 l' M. yludtc•lul.g u•lth full ilirlionq ..•nt to ally part of filo 1/11P.ed Staten or r`nnarlis. by irtt'ents- ,4111111111 011,1 ti , 'V their symptoms by lett,. Ihrvinonn vorrrHpomfelice , ntrietly roolblontial. W - C)- Dr. L's 111 Inrated n. under thn Iminn of I,A Clit)l X, at No. aI %laid gn Alhany. N. V. 21. 1861-1 y 00K SIIA.RP.—IV in. Fridley would A Respectfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle and tits public generally i hat he has acaiu commenced the inanuth,turing & sheet iron ware 'full kinds, In ti C. Iluyetts building , n Lonther street, directly opposite O. Shapley f 'hair AM:unt factory, where he will to all times be in readiness to do till kinds td work In lib, line of business with hi-limit:it and dbpatch. All tout will be done by himself and it couti 'tint hand at in. 'Unlit. In. apprentices. Also. van - al. all this i s by had these celebrated SEL F- T Esq..' NO, SELF-SEA LINO, PREMIUM AIR-TIGHT Siturr t.',\ NS A .lAltti. H.R.:spouting and .1:0:Idng of nil lands done at 'Ahort notice and made of thir best material. 4 , 11...Ca5h paid for old l'e‘, for and Copper. Hoping strictattorition to business, and a desire leas all. to re:ldyl: a share of public patronage. Carlisle Oet. 211, 18121.-Iy. DRESSLER'S HAIR JEWELRY STolt E. .16. 4, South Bth Street. Philadelphia. - On hand and for sale, a choke assortmout of superior patterns, and will PLAIT TO ORDER, Bracelets, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pius. Crosses, Necklaces, Vest and Guard Chains, &c., &Rif- Orders enclosing the hair to be plaited, may be sent by . mall.—Olvo a Drawing an near as you can on paper, and encloSeimeh amount as you may choose to pay.- 7 1:ntt as follows: Ear Rings $2 to $0; Breast Pins $3 to $7; Huger Rings 75 . cts. to $8,50; Yost Chains $5 to $7; Necklaces $8 to $lO. .Im. Hair put into Medniionth Box' Bren st Pins, Rings, &e. Old Onid and Sliver bought at fair rates. April 6,1861.-1 y " PAINTS AND OILS.- 10 -.. Tone White Lead. 1000 Gallons of oil. dust received with.° largo assortment of Varnishes, Fire Proefl'hint. , Turpentine, Florence White, . Japan,- - .• - :White Zinc,.. , , .---. .. Putty, . .Colored Z no, ' - • . Lithargo, lied Lend, _Whiting, Boiled Oil, e Clue, . . Lard Oil, Shellac, 'Sperm Oil, Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &c.. Colors of every deet;ription dry, and 011 in cans Arid tubes at the 'Hardware Store of . ~. • . . • . . • HENRY SAXTON, . OOTS'A - N - D OES:=;;just received at OfilLll l Pla' Cheap Cash Store, an entire new stock of Ladles', .hisses' and Children's Morocco Boots, shoes and Gaiters ' of the best %unlit) , and lowest prices C/ollelo, Oct. 28,1801. ADZES B. WEAVER'S ......--.7,-.;,-7"','l, CA MINItT A '.-..-,..-.,4,,, A N ~. i l- ,.}. 4 ~.:". • . 4 ;•• L 2 ,..:,....,...6 ' -3-- (-HAT!, ,r.- M A-\ 11 k , ' ACl'o II Y, • i SouTh HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, Ps flaring been engaged in the business for over twenty years he would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. °HAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la lest style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. Ile also continues business as an UNDERTAR ER.— Ready made (Mlles, l%lebillic or otherwise. kept con- stantly oil hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large olzn, Pell finished and lined insido, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Collins covered from 15 to 80 dollars. JAMES WEAVER. May 25, 1850-Iy. . N. B.—Two properties altuate In Gb urrhtown. Comb. county, arc offered for sale on easy terms. Apply as above. J. It. \ QTILL TRTUMPIIAN'r. k=l The complete sneeess of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the suleneriberin calling the attention of all who may want a superior stove to roll 111111 ex amine the only stove that 11114 given universal sothiloc- Lien. =I =1 2nd. A hater and qui,ker r even from the game fire, 31.1. A larger Oven titan any other stave on!. Calm, wise. 4th. The preservation of the centre piece horn cloth eg saving repairs, sth. The hest Bahr-, Boaster, and Conh Dour In use, tlth. A superior arringoinent for cleaning the• tines, t,A. A perfect con,itner Inc either writ / I The Prairie tiower Is ,arrai ted to 'giro satiFfael lon in every particular. and v. ill be shown with pleasure to all who Inns . van, whether desiring to purchase, or not, any quantity of refuse in town Cr country. A lew other Food Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stork. Spouting. Hoofing% Job work. Copper.smithing and Shy,ting ,orl, promptly latend,l to, In It'own Or Mon try. All worK .arranted at thy, old stand, Honor or street north of loather. MANY 11. MORRIS. N. B. Old Copper, Bru, and l'eulol bought, and the highest pier fetid in rash or gouda. Mareh C®n,l 2 (Dc:),a,l 2.! TO FA RM FRS LIMEBURNERS , AN I) 'rho It t‘e 1., en n ter! note nftents tbr the et tile vet, tit ,tiql l'reN (.‘,l IP reetlitimewletl \ It. Laillite ~(tiers othn litime tried it. to he ellll.llis no,. mei ti ;Is teuel l 11., p er tin. in Vlllley In :it, other coat. iu us, I'rrsnn. in \relit ' , I Lint, (ieti will find it to their in. tert-st t , . lel) t "al es I.'lllll torntc to toes t 1,10, p.I t , 11' ,, thnn 1,0,1•11 S )1/1%.• 1.1.• pr. lied 11. 1,111.i1, r rite] \ t• — •• -le , II 14 —Lit ,111 itl- ,ot II; ;HI t. and Ivil I bo , m.W :it I lic• pi I, I I t ,0r , ,,,. 'A I. trolly :1,1, Nrmr .111'y () \VI) .1 ;' (1 I'l' I() N ~ I. I I , II tilt „ is•„ J‘ , •„„ 1 ,11,%1111•11t L UL, It it,•: .1.10 nrl - (11,1,11,01 - 1: AC.' I. 1. '1 .1 l• 1\ II 111 , • : 111• I. I • • 1:-. 1•••• \ .' I o w " , Ilil . . • 1..1 11 , . and ii .•I o• %. ... ...iv., \ \ 1.1 ‘C,I. I' tr 11.3 I It .1,11.• : I '•• • ' s; 14. i II 1..1)11 .111,.. I , ' • 1..• .1t1.1. , • Ott .1 11.1.1 . 1111 orit,N; II 11 . 11 :I <•• , Phil3dr;r l / 1 :1. r I r 1./t 1 / . /I , ld , t. GEO. FA H:('1 )lar. 1,%. 1 -11 . E A NI) -N I , IW 44( /( )I)S \‘ 111. S T .;:" , Q . ] .'L 1 ID N go r . ~..._ :::4-7.. , ----...: • - ._—_,-,.;-,-.,,: . _ ••-:- ~-2 7.7i7. . _; --. -3 , - -- -----,,,,,... 1741:44 -4 d!"_:: 8= reeently opened a Nen. :• , ttnc MI th e ”1.1 el .1 1).11111 , 1.0 in Norin lianol,r "pp , sito Ike t'101,41. Dup. ••11 84111%. v n , t, I Irmo :\ \'‘,l.k arid Phllmlelphia. fine at..l troll .ol r,f In his line °. bußine•q. lI.ITS and from Cho CO/MI.III Woo] to the !Inv I,tlr. Wiat,. , NI it:in. \lir, na•:'•iltlrl..l 11!aa \Jar ita Ssls. I Ile. litat,er Hats Uii I+ :tad 6u)-. For 1;1., os And Collars for GPI, home, 1131'1'1 0 .1 ILA) id ()B lES4, and prim. t" h.• t hors AR, PRICES TO SUIT THE TII.Y,ES. Al.,s rarisq Trunks, Hand Trunks Unllns•En, A :neut. of Segsli.s mid Tobacco. kl tIl ter t to pito,. it, re , eireil he Nronld Invite t•I lt, Is tk. pul,lir iretierally to give hint JACOB IttLis. Agt. eat Atoll IBS' I. is( , )() 11.1 RI ) A ,1 11 ll A 111) - Ly?Il• d SOTI vompleted opening tin, :Tr, I lard, are. varnishes. t,/ 11, , h it.l it, the ea: Iv ttenl.t.) ol ‘l 11.1 , 1 . 111,11.1% 0•1111i1,11 , ur stork in all its,arimv: can 11 , 1 w ackammiudatx the pub lie In I.irge or small qua nf iti,. at tho prces.nut Jo. 111 , 1.111.1 i.• 141 111111,11:M that we have brought all the ~sods in Philadelphia and New York to stir Iss n, but nsn re them that tine look into fair store trill eon vier.. t hem that inc have enough to supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting goods In our line trill find it to their advantage to give us a sill before making their purrhases.—All orders personally nod punctua Hy attended to, and no misre• proven tat hills made to effect sales buly P. LYNX & SON', May 2, '6n. Nsrth Hanover St rarlisio N ovE.m B ER `_'ND, 1i61.1. of the “Iles are reminded that I have just brourlit from the city a large supply of SUDA It CUBED HAMS AND BEEF: Dried Apples and Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes in (inns, fresh Mushrou ns. the very best Pickles, different kinds of mined Mustards and Sa mien, Lonfins and Oranges, Pruues,iFigs. Raisin, Sugar, l'olloes. Teas, Molasses, Fish, Sell, Fine Segnrs and Tolima:a: very fine Brandies, Old Bye Whiskey, Winos tot besides a general assort- Inelit of goods in our line 14 trade, offered at the very lowest mires, FOR CAsy. W2l. BENTZ. Ncy.24. leaf ORES M ACK jr A lot f Nlacl, , •, el—now eatsh—lt, assorted pack gee, of I la! v es, Qum tor, a tot 1• 1,1101 Itntt rlo. Also, S A 1, AI I N for sale at the store of thosubscribor. Oct. to, 1,10. W EBY. 600 TRACE CHAINS OF ALL kids w ith a largo assortment of BUTT CHAIN,. Il CHAINS, !IRE ‘sy Fll , lll CHAINS, LOH CH AI NS. TONOUE CHAINS, CON, CII S, SP REA D Just received at the Cheap Hardware Store of HENRI' SANTO', ) 1) Biz- . IT &t. ) Th t s enia of Tat reC.RIIO4.II ,led as a stiperi n arth•h• n, rt:othittatiurn with S detaltl , ita.,:sg lotrit.•ss, In prssietri•t• treed wit irii o hut! Is.h1$151.1•I. prz , t, this., t•ro'ant I.! l'rtrtsr et, fast, ivss. I L 11,..t. 1,•,s lit," TAtrtar and is used In the same.l.llL,l . , Sr. 'l'lllS 5111t,..111T,'11 , 1, together Neith Sal•tativ.' S. Furs, Croon of Tartar. Bertanda Arruo Rout. Mustard Feed, tzrotuld and un gr,,und. of all kinds *unadulterwed. and ,, an4, l:rts•erit, iu nr,.ty varb , ty constantly on hand, and at the lon t•st prlvem nor sale by Dee. 14, thAi J. W. 1,,1tY. GREAT ATTRACTION AT LEON ARD'S, CHEAP CLOTIIINU STORE. .EDW".D. B. LEONARD, JR.,. Has just returned from the city of Philadelphia. and opened a splendid assortment of READY MADE CLOTH ING, which cannot Lou surpassed In stylus and finish. Thu Clothing at this establlslnent, Consists in part of he following, viz: DRESS AND FROCK COATS. of which ho has ff-magnifleont assofituout of blnoli and fancy colors, nut In the latest fashions tastefully and elegantly trlninfl4, and made in a superior manner. SACKS AND HALF SACKS, of Clotlmi, Cansimeros and Tweeds; all of new styles and at very low prices. The richest and best assortment over offered at thi Corner, of Satin, Black and Fancy Silk, Valintla, Haden (Bettis, Marseilles, double and single breasted, slavery Variety - material and patent. 1? A N To A L 0 0 N S. Plain and fancy French Doc Man cosslineres, satl I nott jeans and a great variety of others, all of which taillike sold at the very lowest prlcoo. . SIIIRTSI—Fino white linen and cotton of the nowest. %Lyle and heat make._ Also, calico, chock and currying, shirts. A large nosurtmont of BOOTS and SHOES, for m on and Bop, which can and will ho sold chancy thou tiver..• Also II Flllolldili lot of Triinks and Qarpet Bags. therefure•conlidently Invite one and all, to come and see fur yourselves, no I will not attempt to doserlim the hargaing" that •may ho expected, fur 1 am detormludd, that no oppooll can sell 'lower. . • AD - Remember LEONARD'SyCorner. EDWARD B. LEONARD, Jr. ' ,Carlisle, Idily 10, (1001.-1 • DRIVE CR ANI3ERRIES., • A muperlorarttolo of Cra.uborrleoJust rOcelved anp for solo by J. W. EBY. 0ct.213,'60. Ittisctuancous. IZNI,11:1oN,; ,( HOFF Elt SILK AND I ;. 4 : 4 111 ERE HATS, RELIABLE GOODS'. VESTS! VESTS ! ! VESTS ! ! ! Mai( 311iabs. NEW MR LINE ROUTE TO .N 01{K ! SHORTE,ST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES NEW 'WORN AND HARRISBURG VIA READING, AND EASTON MORNING EXPR ESS, west. lenv M., arr!ving nt Ilarrimhurg nt 12.415 noon, only 6% hours botw eon thu two ri ties. - MAIL LIN.: leaver; New York at 12.00 noon, and ar , fives at Ilarrif.Lorg at ti.:lo P. M. AIM:NINO LINE Nast. leaves Harrisburg tiV 8.00 A. M.. arch ing a, New York at 4 P. N. AFTERN , N PRI... ¢ LINE, ]rapes narritt burg ni,T7LT 3T. rriVing I,i Now YMI: al U 001' M. ConnAellmn. are made at liar, urg at 1.00 P.M. with. the Passenger Train , In l'lll . ll •1)1.. th, Penney ' uniberlinAl Valley and North... Central Itail 4 read. • All trains ronneet at Reading with toalro.for Potty silk and Philadelphia, and at Allentown tor :.litieta Chunk, linrhon. Arr. Nn Cll/111(:l. 01 l'ar.senger Cure or Iloggilgo between 1,. TY Yrok 111141 llnrrishnrg t by the ii.on A. 31..1,1nn from Nu York or the 1.11 I'. N. For zied speed, comfort and neenle , mod:1110n 1111, mutt' prOSPIIIR superior Inducements the [mephitic 001•Iiii Fare I.etween New Vprk 11111 i I ! ri,burg FIVE 1/01 For ti. ketg and other inflirtnntinn grply Lo J. (.1, Y1 , 1 . :. Ceneral Agent. J Tar rl shu CARLISLE AN I) PHILADELPH IA egi tiV7l•44.,'' DAILY FREIGHT LINE., FREED, WARD A . FREED, 811 MAIIKI, snurT , 11111.1DELPHIA J. & D. RHOADS MAIN BTii LET, IA 111.1,1.1:, PA .e.,35- Cars of this Lino Iva,. thn I),Tot 811 Mirltot:st.., nt a o'clock. I'. • Leave nt 7 o'clock. A 11. tioods in teml,l tln• this Line „should be rrarked C. 9 P. Itnily Frvinht Linn, and bent in by 4 o'clock. May 2h, pIiILADELPHIA AND READING R/1 IL. ROA 100 RI: AItItANGI:IENT, On and alter MAY 28, IH;0. Two passenger tralos but ve Harrisburg' dldlp. (Sun da, .1. , and 140 I'. NI.. for Phllts dalphol,slt 11,,,.• at 1 2. ,,. 4'll and ti Ir. P. )1. Philadoinhin at 0.00 A.M., and 110 P 31. III:1111, .1! v.,. 01 12.4. noon and 8.3 U I'. 1 . 11i!nl"lphIn. Nr..l ; (in tnnt. 7O For•• , t 1.. :di; SI trtins tor Pottsvillo, 111 ,, I'm 17,1.0,1 Av. 4.oir ital.., dully, a L 11 . 1 ., • " .1,1. M. 1.../N •• I• 1 1.. r 1. • t, A V., IMO I'. I 11. tr. I.• !pi in 61 7:.:111.1....1 45. Th " ennnerts at t;r. tam 111"--1.1,. 1 . .. , i, , ti• .•t , / 1,1 : I,', I rr.tti ly to .1 .1 1.11,1 , Au, 11v0e1.81 A..ront. PIiIirDLLPH A AND READING Al LID,OAD • ir • I • 7 . 1 , 1/11 , I It '/, 1 :171e, Read- in" oml I) ()II ', 1..1N E, I)aily, (Sundays corm,- or itrojoi ,1111.,1 l'A•seity, "111:1(.•• t v. 1,11 ‘, A. . 11,11 ' 1k il th,.Pomp., 111 (I 111,111, 1..•. l'ittsborah: tho l'un111.1.1;a1..1 I .11., 1 in I lmin .c. . :11.1 tito rt h., l'etltral t..t.du rulitun, ;',llll,tiry, \ 1 , T1:11N()0N LINEs. I I: 111 \ :111,1 II 11.1. "I • 1 . 1111..\1)1.1.1:111 'I, ontlant es on Thi,t,•nth I: 1 I'l,l I,t 11.1.1: And 11A1:111,1:1 I::;. at 11.16 P. M., en, 01,4 at 11:,I1 1.1. ,, 1/1, 551 l: Lire Norther tt. l'l•ntral I: ImStintrary. Al ill, irepmr, Elmira : rte. Ex pre, train Irmo New rerrlr ua I%,trrn. makes dr:so ernmeetirrn 5 1 1111 .0111, 5 1:511 :Intl A 1111111101illti,M tr:IIIIS.1 .1 .11111 . 41.1111: Zit II 101,1u0, itt, th, i va „j a Central:: r A NI tr..n running n Di I,d ) ,:tt 10 P. M., ,Sundaysexrepted.) DISTA , 'ENiA 1 . 1111-11 , 1 I.l'lllA arid HE IDING RAIL— MEI F,lllri i„i ,. '1 , 1i1. , . TO ill" lit 1 1;.•:‘ , 1111,. Hart:o.l,g ! t! , Lobanun l alley It. 1111 112 Noltherli Collt 1 /II E:11/1,:td. t. rool. I 1-mil 11 ). N..llliktltilwi land, 1;1 1-2 NI1111•V, Pr: ‘, I .l llllLory itml Erie 11. IL \lllllin,r.. ?1, 11t Jers, 11a1 , 10.0, Elatt,t I NVilliatn-ror t mud Elmiru ..IS7 Th.- ,, A ,nanr. P t rain= et) \ N Err DA 11. - AT I , )P,T \ I , ` ~p tefl.‘ with th, NTA 1,-S I. Ns ILLIA SlS;4.lcr ~l o EIZIE ith lint, to NI AGAR A. FALLS, CA:\ A 1).1. the NS he'l' Atul rilC FIIIVEST. DITOT IN PIIII..IDELPIIIA, Corner of and C:111.m trill at r y,t, \V. 11. AIt.II.III.:NN V, Secretary MEE lIAT AND CAP EMPORIUM! The undersigned having purchased the St I Irk of the late Nl m it. Trent deed. would re , peetttilly nllllOllllVe In the puldie that ho will con finite the u.krrtNn 1,1. 4 S at the old stand, in We.,t, High street. and with a renewed and eilielent Orin t, preduee .trtieles of Head Deena „r Beery Variety,Styt? and Quality, tint shai h, tit Hefty in keeping with the improvement of the Art, end fully up to the age In which we live_ I have on hand a splendid .--- assortment of J .-0 , ,k. 11 , HATS AND ,e4dP- • of all desrriptious, from the common Wool to the fine,t Ft'll A\ it 011. K HATS; nod at prices that most suit e‘er) Mme o 11.1 s an eye togotting th• wmth Of his 1111/Iloy. he stock includes, CAS:4)IEILE. BEAVER FELT lIATS, or every std le and color and unsurpassed for LIGHT NESS, DURABILITY AN II FIN 101 l : by those of any other establishment in lbe country. MENIF, and ell 11.1 , 11 EN't. HATS end CAPS, of every ipso (talon constantly Oil baud. Ile respectfully invites :01 the old patrons and tunny new ones es possible, to give blui a cell. Apr. 25, isco—ly caECONI) SI'HIN t; A lif{ IVA L.— LARUE SUPPLIES Pith 711 E 111..1b AND FEET. At th e gt,r, 01.101111 111111.. “11 ILc N. E i•ori ier of the public square. Is the place to purchase Beets hoes Ilnis & Cal, et prices thus duly competition. Ile lies just returned rode the Nast largest and most complete assortment of nem., lips that he has over presented to thin community, rind o hi, h 10 , 1 , . determined tonsil at the lowest ponsl- 1 ,11.. prices. Ills stock embraces uvurything In such as MEN'S'& 1:01 - 8' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boca .tall and Pa t VII t Leather (lx(Dell Tlus, c.,„1 and l'ateut LeatLer Gaiters, Calf Nullifiers, Cull and Kip Brogans. Hippyrs, L.A Dams . NAraara.• • Finn Prop eh and English Lasting a4t ers, Morocco, Call and Kid hoots. tituo Kill Sllppers,,Vanry Slippers, Morocco. end Kid llosh )1 SrIEl , AND LilltEN'S WEAK ofall de, er i p ti onw emEraclog lino Lasting (Niters, 3lorocro and Lasting B u tt on Ilw to, Morocco t a rn Boots of Jill kinds, fancy shoes of mrinus styles slippers, /lg. lIATS & CAI'S, Silk, Casslmam, Fur and Wool Hats (dull qualities and styles, also a large assortment of STRAW lIAT,S Boots and Shoes outdo to order at the shortest both.* Repairing promptly_ thinc—Confidcut of- his - ability tit please All cllasses orcustonters, he rnspoettully invitea the public to give hint it rail. v@)._ Itunlember the place, N. E. corner RI tho Publlo. Square. Ma) 30, '6O. T 4 ARG E H 1 VA H OF FRESH / ROC Nil I ES—FISH OF ALL -KIND& Among whleh is a large lot, of the real genuine RAM more dry salt HERRING. In oak - Norris, MACK AIM]; at pried that is really astonishingly low. I'lekels of all kinds, SAUCES, PRESERVES; old a good assortment of TOBACCO - ANO SEGAIIS. LIQUORS, d C., at the lowest rates fur,CASh or Country Prothleo. W M. BENT' Carlisle, Juno 21, 15 lt. 'DARGAIRS ! 13ARGAINSIT., _ L ip_ Now is Hit] time for cheap goods. Closing outr, tho antlre stock at unprocedenlly low, prices.' to makoi room for spring assortment. All Its want of Cheap Dry Goods, m u respcotfullylnwl tad. to call at the cheap dime 01.121.8. 0131L111', Feb. 15. IKI. Pro too. 0 , U1N1 .-- BELTIN6I -- . . ur ,Itst Vecelved a large assortment of rill elem.—. Gum Belting., Guth HOE; Gum .Pnelring, as., and for sale cheap at the hardware Store of • • Juno 22,1800. • A HALEN TOWN J. U. CALLIO JOHN IRVIN U. SAXTON.