Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 21, 1862, Image 3

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03onfidenee in the Faculty and administration to vreep over the earl") , tombs of 'their cher.
of the College, and that wo will use our per- I ishod ones. May they .be enabled to look
sonal influence to send students to the insti-
beyond the present scene to that happier
tution. • I hour when they shall be permitted to meet
face to face_ on that_ -
rar off shore when splrlis blend,
-And friend holds Ibilowship with fries!.
Resolved. That --in the death of Lisur.
Zug. and VV. M. litsnEnsox Jr., the army
'bf the Union has lost two brave and gallant
soldiers, who sacrificed the comforts and
endearments of home for the toils, privations
and dangers of the camp, and only retired
from their posts when disease had rendered
them unfit for duty.
Resolved. That these resolutions be
published in the papers of the town. that
copies be handed to the families,tif the dec'd,
and also forwarded to the respective compa
nies of
,which they were formerly members.
By order of the association.
A. K. RiIEEINI, President.
C. B. PFAIILEit, Sec' y.
• • ..
[Signed] A. A. Itst_sit, Chairman.
W. A. Ssxvsrx, Seeretary. , ( - *
Rev. Dr. Johnson, President of the College,
made a statement of the financial condition of
the College, and urged on the Conference the
necessity of extending aid to it.. Afte;.zt few
remarks from Rev. R. S. Vinton and Roil Dr.
Rev. James Brown opposed the adoption of
the resolutions and expressed his decided ob
jection to using the educational fund, for the
• Rev, John Bowen, Dr. Johnson and Dr.
Reese "continued the discussion until a call
was made for the previous question, and the
resolutions after being considered and adopted
separately were then passed in the whole by
a rising vote 0f•62 ayes to 26 nays.
Rev. R. E. Wilson presented a resolution
that the Presiding Bishop be requested not to
appoint-as-Presiding-Elder any on - e - who has
been four consecutive years ill office, and-ex
pressing a hope that the request be granted
by the Bishop.
vote of ayes 90, nays 27, it being stated by the
mover in reply to an inquiry from Rev. John
Bowen, that the resolution did not apply to
those whose term of four years had not ex
thing relating to this corps d'armre, is invested
with peculiar interest to our citizens, we pub
lish the following correspondence from the
Phila. Press, giving as it does, a graphic ac
count of the latest movement of that body.
A Midnight March.
WASHINGTON, March 15, 186'2
On Friday morning, at 8 o'clock, a rumor
prevaded the camp of the Penns, Ivania Ito
serve division, that secret orders of an impor
tant character had been received. During the
day a mysterious ectivity prevaded the quar
termaster's and commissary's,departments,
but the soldiers and officers, in ho main, were
silent and unsuspecting Midday passed, as
usual, and hot coffee and savory meat were
prepared and devoured at supper. In the
evening your correspondent rode toward the
extreme picket, when, at six o'clock, a body
of cavalry dashed headlong by him, and in a
moment wild screams, as of exultatien, were
heard issuing front the eanips of Ord's bri
gade. Directly the cuter picket galloped to
ward headquarters, and following rapidly, we
found that the Third brigade had broken up
their encampment and harnessed their mules
to their teams. Proceeding still further in
the, direction of, ildinter;s • Mill, we heard the
..reltheing, beaten.= every. hill. top,.--and :fang
lines of tnen were gathered, knapsacked and
equipped, beside their hats of bush and turf.
Directly upon turning an angle iu the road,
we encountered, General MeUall, hits adjUlnitt
and staff, mounted and trotting composedly
toward us, to take their place at the head of
the line in the general march to Alexandria.
Taggart's regiment was ohm:Ting uproarious
ly; the Seventh and the lileveut h C 31111; block
ing up the way, in dense lung lines, advanc
ing over a steep hill. Mules and teamsters
were fooling and fretting in the fields; the
signal corps, with their white flags strapped
behind them, went nervously alter the gener
al, and from a dozen directions, and sitnulta
neously, as many regiments came tramping
and shouting, keeping time, to familiar luiim4,
and wild with the adventurous enthusiasm rf
volunteers. The darkness was coining on and
a thick mist falling, but the camp fires flick
ered against the sky, 'showing the outlines of
stunted pines and confused li , ures moving
•ml blendingdidtdde-itidpior-fite.t444. By “n,
great batterlee ofbritas and iron, with cais_
none and magazine wagons, and squadrons of
cavalry thundered down the slopes, trod we
could Faintly hear the screams of the " Buck
tails," as they waited in lino the order to
In fifteen minutes from the receipt of the
order, every loot soldier, horseman, and ar
tilleriet, was on the march ; a few pinneees
were left to fire the huts and guard the for
age, and the great commissary wagons closed
in behind the last battalions of General Rey
that.filed over the fields to the music of
4 . Bully for you." Then the tents were light
ed with torches of pitch pine, and, in a few
minutes, three miles of men, compactly formed,
and moving at quickstep, were marching by a
blaze that made the sky lurid and warmed the
noses and toes that were chilly and . clammy
in the - slime and rain. Rare individualities
were exemplified on the night march. In one
place, we encountered a group of meti Indus
triously playing cards by a camp-fire, ob
livious of the passing teams, and yet so en
gulfed in gloom that they could scarcely lid
the faces of the pasteboards. A few lay down
to sleep upon the wet ground. and, turning
their laces to the rain, looked like corpses
rather than living men. Thus we passed all
manner of depths and steep ascent 3 that sore
ly tried the mettle of the mules Id places,
a single wagon would clog or stand in the
roadsilay,'`and the whole of the succeeding
train would thus be brought to /1 hail
. The
hours passed Wearily, -the rain drizzling all
the while, and we turned into the turnpike
roadie Alexandria abdui hall yrt..l ten o' eke.
At twelve, we reached Powell'- I' T.l, r • R
publican mill," on the verge of Di thou] ore,
The men at once tore up all the fences. and
fires were made in every direcii , m. We slept,
in common with the division, upon the cold.
moist earth and rose in the morning to lip'.•
o'clock, retzaced our steps, and Ink nag the
Leesburg turnpike, came slowly into George
town, at two o'clock on Saturday The de+
tination of the division is im perfect ry Ituo A n,
although there are shrewd surtntien talon lino
we withhold for the present Nutiugh is
known to enable us to state to !Ito lriends
the Reserve division they may expect to hear nn
more of them for some days, perhaps some
weika. U. A. T.
Tributo of Respect
At a meeting of the "Curfix/e Gymnaslir
Association," the following Preamble and
Resolutions wore on motion, unanimouily
adopted as expressive of the senlimenk of
the members in regard to the deaths of Lieut.
'Tis hard to lay the formi of those we
lore in the cold dark grave, and leave them
there, to darkness and the worm, knowing
full well that we 3611 see their laces tin
more until we stand together at the judg
meat seat of Christ, We think it eaU Init be
that the Snows of winter are to lie cold on
the turf above them, and the chill blasts
sigh around their lowly beds. And when we
gather 'round the hearth -stone, the teardrops
fall as we look on each vacant chair, and
think of-the , dear ones who fie sleeping in
the cold, cold ground—sleeping to wake no
more until the trumpet of the resurrection
morning calls them up,' from the coffin and
the clod, to a re : union with the spirit in the
Wight land beyond the stars.
In the providence of God we as a society
have been called to mourn the loss of two
of our fellow members LIEUT. A. A. LUG,
and Wm. M. HENbERSON, ir. But a
little while ago and they were with us in all
the flush,and vigor of early manhood. To
day they sleep, calmly and peacefully, each
in narrow home, forever free from the
cares and the turmoils of life. The storm
and the thunder may rend. _the' Surnmer
cloud, sorrow anti-pain-may, and will fall to ,
lot or those Who are left to mourn, yet they
shall rest 00; all unconscious of the noise
and bustle around them. • .
In order, therefore, to testify our sorrow
for their loss as honored Members of our
assoCiation, as well as valued friends, the
following preamble and resolutions .have
been adopted.
Resolved, .Thakwe have hoard -with feel.
logs of ,proffound sorrow and regret of the
cuntimely decease okur late fellowmembers
—Maim. 4110, and Mu. 14.' HEN DERSON Jr.,
Whose ina'nf noblei qualities 4 of head' .and
-heart rendered' them objects oug.'iove and
respect. • • , ;
- Resolved. That u their ethly arid 'sudden
fall we bare' been adtnoniahed of the short.:
pees of life,. and . of, the. limportanCe of so
•nambering our days, that'," when-the 1164 of
, olir departure shall come; We 'May be pre.
pared to.go doWn to the p r ,rave'md,eep slum.
ber with the bright, hope: of U , glorious
immortality. • • , -
- Reeelved. . That we, -deeply and—truly
sympathize-with those who have been called
The Soldier Stranger
The loud steam whistle anounced the
approach • of our — passeftiger
cars and with gradual motion at length it
stopped at the depot. One after anather,
with careful bearing, steeped off. Ono there
was remaining behind until the rush had
passed`dff, and with carpet bag in hand
descended, in soldier's uniform, with pallid
cheek and brow, and slow and cautious step
advanced. The light of patriotism had
passed from his eye, and the war spirit was
lie had responded to his cone
try's call in its hour of danger, sanguine and
full of youthful enthii , iiisro. ile belt his
houie and kindred to join the mighty pha
latix of her noble sons and sires, to vindi•
case her wrongs. To do, or die ! Alas !
that l'ent sylvania's pearelol sons should
thus be forced to repel the haughty invading
Joe! To experience the horrible ravages of
war. Oh!
Many a Ili,let habn fathr.rlasFt
And many a widow mourning
rll that memorable battle, at "Balls Blur
where noble Baker fell; Davis became a
prisoner in, waiting to care for his htllen
Colonel. Alas I for the vicrirns of that fatal
sanguinary conflict, where so ninny of our
brave suiiie'•s were sacrificed on the alto of
treason! Peace to the ashes of the glorious
dead ; and may die Holy Chest, the comfor
ter, take possession of the hearts of the poor
prisoners! Little thought dm passing
crowd, as one by one they glided along, with
out offering sympathy or assistance to 0 - 11 e
whose regimentals shoniti have he n his pass
port to any northern ho.ipitalfle home, Mel
-been rcfn - Sed — an asylum . to lay
weary exhausted frame; that an angel was
asking shelter to close his 1•tr; on the storm
of life forever. "A friend and a brother
This sightless eye and bruised bosom bore
unmistakeable proof of his well-tnr•i•lnvalty
II is cabin, unobtrusive, gentletnanly demean
or, told he was of no mean origin. And Vet
—and vet shall I tell it? Ile was refused
admittance to one of our Inns `• roll it not
in (lath I Publish it not in .1,1;eloo." Glad
am I to be able to say there :Ivo nut many
such in our enlightfmed 'community The
Jew or death was 011 his brow, nlllll the pitrplo
gore - streaming front his mouth, as he leaned
for support to his sinking frame over a
broken fmice! God's good angel ofmercy
was there, and sent a "Good Samaritan'• in
car for him, His spirit was suet hod, and
every thing emint'ortalde provided The
Mother he was striving to reach. that. she
might smoothe his dying pillow, was not
here FT - Tft - . - )sel - ns eves : but!"kTrtd SLl'a anger.'
were i who did it "for his inialir , r." lie
who had passed thron!zli (ho sanguinary
battle field and sp lit lung months in the
Rebel prison cell, unapp..ned, with Free,inin
undethroned, could bear no loiter the
ingratitude of thou, lot' whose uoin urtable
homes he was sufThring and dying. Reason
fled tor a season, in o,trey to relieve the
sufferer from the pangs of unrequited loyalty,
and returned only to tell the ()Food Samar].
tart' he was not afraid to die. lle fell
assured of acceptance with Jesus theS:tv n ou•."
And then the spirir went to reap its reward,
where war and rebellion are forever at an
end. Where no 'Strife, no suffering or
ingratitude can enter. Peace to his
ashes! Mani' a sympathizing tear has fallen
over the reflection of what must have been
his mental as well as fits bodily sullerin c s,
God bless the "Good Samaritan." "Be not
forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby
some have entertained angels unaware,.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shad obtain
mercy." "A METEua."
nn the 13th instou_,_t by_ thu Rev. Ja^ob Pry. Mr WM.
rn Mlsr; LPZ7.147.1711 - I,ER. l'uth Monr,, top.
On the 16th root.. by thu Rev. Jnyoh Yount,
M. Mvi I \ •1 Juni:Lt.. county, to Miss CATHARINE
VINE, of Cumbe, land County.
- p,taqs
Oh al, 14th *lllo._ at tho re.tdonen of her itho in low
1. 1,. I.:lHatt, hoar Nowa.'lle, Ilee.cAlitt k RING
LI ANI In the t,2,11 vonruf her
Ely Marhas.
t sported weekly for the Herald h 3
Woodward & h inla I .
ELI )1; It Su porri no)
do. j)•:x tru )
l‘ 11 I T Is svll EAT
CIA EltS1:10)
Jiew ililuertts flunk
- 'I , •;T NcyrreE —l,ettqrs .or ad
unnisl rale!, on the poste of Peter Zimmerman,
Irate nf hewer Allen township. r untb Co., having
Len granted by the Hon.:* er re said county, te the
subscriber iesidinz In Hampden township, notiro Is
One,, t ell p,,,,ens indebted to Trythe payment,
and thus., mini lug claims to present them to
March 21,1 8112—rd,
VOT 1 ;E.— The A uditor appointed .by
the Orphans' Court of (.'umberland eounty, to
maize rin,tribution of il,r fund In the hands of Wpit,. It.
(for o+, adult Itlntrntor of Christian Titz,l, tfhp tvafr ad.
inlstrator, of the estate of Edtveril (+ninon.. der'd., late
of the Iforough of Aleeltaniesburg, trill attend to the
duties of hill appoi 0 t mint on Thidellay, tho 10th day
of April, 10112 at hie office, In Cardso, when and where
ell partina itieettaJod are notified to nttond.
J. W. WEAKIAkiY, Auditor,
March 21, 1002-3 t i•
Second door east of the Market House in
Zug's Corne T .,
3 - b EALE 11, IN PIANO. New Rose-
Jl-1 wood Pianos, frou3 thu bo•topati.ers.
The best manufactured Instruments from $45 to $lOO.
itiollus. Guitars, Accordcons. Flutes, Fifes, bruins, Ban.
Jos, Tambourines. Violin and Guitar Strings, nod Must.
cal Merchandise in general.
- A 'Complete assortment for all Instruments. no latest
publications always on hand.
Teacher on rho Piano and Guitar, Instrumental and
Vocid music.
Pianos and 31olodeons tuned and repaired.
March SI, 1862. • A. LENK.
On Friday and Saturday the 28th ant?
20th of ',larch, inst.
HD subscriber will offer at public
bur allec'o6utn. the tl'atrthrntieu°lrl-ilrbrnin6P--11541.
rls, and Fixtures,
of said Hotel. consisting of •
_Bureaus, Washstands, Chairs, Sitio Tables,
hooking Chairs, doh's, blattmesos, _Looking Oint3Boll,
Vexation Minds, Window bbsdes,
blattings Dining Boom Extension Tables; Refrigerator
Wasik Bowie, Pitchers, Blankets, counterpanes,. , •
. .
Range Furniture,. Table Pu'rnittiro, alms' and
Ilneensware, Decanters, Bottles, Tuniblors, Qoblots,
Wcne'o lassos, •Plantio Ornnmonts; Limps, pictures,
Tenpins and Balls, Bar - Pixturrs.: Aieo, Cows and'
110(18, Pining Wagon,.l tica hor4 Wagon, • earrings,
Plows, HarrOwd, and other Farming utensik •
I Salo to commence at 10 o'clock on Friday aforosaid,
whoa duo attendance bo Won 'and terms-mad,'
-known by - • • '
A• 14. BPONSI,BII.. •
4, 1
Dipnery, Straw Goods; Fro.
. . .
WE' have the pleasure. of informing
you that wawa now prepared to offer, at our
Old Stand, Nos. 103. 107 & 107, North Second St.. above
- - Arch, Phila., a well asleeted stock of MILLIN•
reEltY-and STRAW- G OODS - in every-variety, of
thelntent importations, and of the newest and
most fashionabie styles.
will romprigo every variety of Bonnets—Hats and Trim
mings, to NI Piund in that line, of the latest and mos.
approved shapes and styles.
Soliciting an early calk, I rctualn •yours„ respectfully
Alnrch 21, 18112—it 1.1, WARD.
" Matrimony Blade Easy."
A NEW work shOßlng how either sex
x. may be suitably. married, irrespective of ego or
position, prepossessing ni otherwise, with a treatise en
tho Art of Fascinating any person you wish. A curb
ous scientific experiment which never falls. Free for
25 smith. Address T. WILLIAM 6: CO., Publishers,
Box 2,300, Philadelphia.
March 14, 1802—ly
MITE undersigned are desirous of secu
"tharuth sorvicaworn - feW - hang Men, trivngaa.e
in n Travelling Agency, upon a salary of FOUTS( 1)01,
ItS per month. - and all expenses paid. This is an
opportunity seldom offered, and to those who merit the
approbation of tha subscribers, by strict attention to
business, can rely upon constant employment tin• a
'term or '
years.. For further particulars, address
& 115 Broad, Street,
March 14,15114-3 in AtkinFrin Depot, N. If
The Confessions and Experience of
an Invalid,
poIJBLIS FIE D for the benefit and as a
warning and It mau tioll to young men who MI tier
it . olll Nervous Debility, Premature Devav, 47e.; supply
ing. at the 1,41,10 141141 the nuntlin of Brlf Cure. Ity 011,1
who nos mired himself aft - or being put to great expense
through metlieal . imposition anti ti cookery. Ily enclo
sing !mid addressed on volopt., single nopies may
b.. hot the author. NATHANIEL MA YFA IR, ling.,
Bedford, Kings N. S .
NI:troll 14. 1912—1 y
I, I ST ATE NOT I( .! E.—Letters testa
- ,
Lary n ruler the will of Cal hari Kauffman.
laro ot south NI olbllvtrm low IlAtip. tle,on•oel, having
le rot issued lu due nm in of lair by the lieclsterofCout
lriland eeeeiy. to the Executers named in the will,
make is hereby that all persons indebted to the
estate are ro.inire.l to make immediate pit :mint, and
those having claims to present them for settlement.
A. D. IL .1 IlIFF)1.k N.
NL. IL % I PI , NI A
Es rs. of Catharine Kauffman, tlev'tl.
March 7,7862—1 it
CO U.1.13. ' PIIOC I, A .31 A 10 iN
Wlll./11, 1 the lion..llNl ES 11. 1111211 AM, Prosi.
dent 4.lve of the several Courts C.anovdt of
the etiuntiett of Cumberland. Perry and Juniata. Sin I
Just ive of tin, eta( t:oul to ofl lyer and TO l llllll, and
Ceneral Jail Delivery in raid ctitinties, and lien. 71.
111111 11011. 110011 ISTUAILT, .11/41)111n the
C,tirt 4.1 lii t .e null Terminer and General Jail Delivery.
11, the tridi .1 all rapital and other offenders, IN the
.aid 'ruin to of C11.1..1.12.1(1. Le their procsupts Lo lue di•
dltod Il.e I:ith of .lantiztry IhliC, have ordered
the coal t antlTvrantner and It-coral tall hell ery
he hidden ovohe vorOTILI \11) \ I/A V, s tif
A I, 15112, (helng the 1,1111 day) at In o'clarit in the
t wo
N. Ern' s qmi) : Carour.r, Joe
fibre lio, roatiUlllfirehoAfflArm , snfrl--coo p- of
thiniherlatl, that they are by the =edit precept rem.
neonlnd Ie he then end there in liair Angier porsone,
with t rd, lininkit tone. examinations
and all Inn renienthra tines. to do thi ii , rq w hi c h
t o their "(no, appertain In he done, and all those that
itre hound '. cnirtnecv. to attainsl the
pritonere (hal arc iir then ehall be in Iho jail of said
are t.n he their pthsocuto them as shall be
.1, T. Itll'PEP, Sheriff.
Morrh 7.
LITNCE the late victories DonieAic.: Cut -
k "Inn U have Ike iuet I.;nal tiler is nosy n MO,
i.fl•ifltiff it Of C.i.f.., \Vi.. (M.:11.11'11.
711\1 Vlltt )I . ll,l,liiii, at tho new sin,.
liiitnl. East Main stratit,) are rticiaving daily Inige xap
vv hir•h. our utU .to.l, wt , arr 'lrtermin.yl to sell a CITY
PRICES. I.IRESS of every vaqty
Plain and Fancy Silk at all Prices.
Inrgn tot of neyt' Itinek Silks at 75, $:71,,, 1 00,
1 50. 1,75. Denoo, - ;11 runt,
1.0 n 1 vnetis f;, , si , l ualily Meriono.. (o o:l7ifit• otol
lineriean Print. , .. dark and hunt,
arge 01 :it and 10. 1.011 And
Lest quality 1 - :”:11e , 11. 12 1 ,4 et, All hinds pnmerf it
tkingitons 1 e , : : : I,:ki; :to piePes 1 , 1e1,11:irl
eoteh lionnet (11nvli Ins :it
st ttiol n add,: 1103111 y 0, lino 10. 4 4
„1,1,, 12 1 2 Alh d , h 4.10 4, 11-1. 12.1 at corresponding
prises. Oil VV . i1;101)..4. In lar,to supply nt
reduced prison--Ttchings, Stripes,
tivitalitirgs. Cotton Diapiter, &e. [;DOJO of
Mt I; I 1. , 1‹. vh,tin g q, Linen nl., p•,., Nap
kins. Shirting histenii shirt Fruits. Collars. at tho old
pidees. %1 1 1111.. i (Jowls, all hinds, al did psi , ox.
E”-.),,i,ierh•Q,.( , , Slarts 111r,ot from the
tat•tory, tim dos. Laillise. Misses. Mon's 40d, Boy',
llt W.F., 11. y, to 00. 'll ell's and Boy's Ns'ear
dl g r.!, latest gtyfr,
S; t tinot,, Jeons. Cottot.(l,. &r..
the servi,i, of a tirnt ria.. we tine proittrod to
get up Clothing lu tho most ; fit.hitiniihlo sly to hi short.
NVn aro reprlvlnr, nor Spring:supply nf l'arpetc.romprk.
iop all lho kinds kopt, In a tlist elas, pot
Carpets :owing In prier irom 12 , 1 to 1 2!..
~ 1 1 all al idths. MAU illgS, 1.0r1M111:7 (ilaqsrs,
Hinds all kiwis. 1 nooll..l'arpet (Thai n ;
Feathers ottou !tatting, Count. pa Tins. &f•
Al. th.• ;Iltove fz..ds nod inane others, we offer to
mn rhaset, at a stunt 1010,1 rest, Win tar
tioods—Shaw Is, %Tootlee. Furs. less than fit st vest
Nl`fi etertnlood cut to be undersold. Please cull and
exnntinr our 1111111011, stork
nr,•„tYn will make additions nt Now floods as the sea-
Mon ad ranros. All lloods warranted to he what or sell
(heal for.
r a rli.l o Follrnary 2.`:, I he,2„.
iIr.I';VI'IELI)t& Co ) , 1-1 isle ,
juqt another loruo addition
IW/, Cheap 17, , ,E Is, are mcus. th•tollithirli that
in till. futures.l,llo,, of ,lood, io t i s t e Lice
of Cumberland, shall hay, Lice henvfit of I ,w
pt free. We shall moleet all ola,PeS and ed , llditiOllS of
the c.anmunity, the pour :ISwell As OW rich, li , ,:ainst
inip.eitlen Itt The Shape at hi:01 pelves. We ellen Mai,.
purr Chi,r ~ 1 04,1 the neememodation of Our CU:40111,1i
it h ;doll, or desirable I loodS at 'ilmsontible prices;
~ed If by the as,, or thIlit:11111.118" ulrrays at,our
e. , 01111/111d. Avo tindersol I the old nierchnnts, nl
I,llr, nur customers will n,.t oldoet, As wo purchase
Gm ea .11 And a4l l'or rash, consuniors will, of renege,
o all the benefit.
(Inorl C'alivons,
d• , c'a
11 ern
14 2
tissortmont over pionnl in Carlislo.
Lnglisli and hotteli Brilliants in Chintz eulurs nt lour
prit ,
itLitid Brilliants lll'Bents.
Something elan beside raw cotton arriving, and some
thing eh, !welde cotton pot to opened! The
Byrn of the Purple opened I
Bleached Muslina,
do do
do Extra quality
1 yard wide bleached untsli no,
Unbleached Muslins.
Pinto unbirw•h,d muslius, R eta,
Extra hoary quality, In cut
Beet heavy Smuts 1 yard wide,
Elegant flue qmi Sty 1 yard whin, l''"
Thin above musliim are from 1,1 i", to 3 rents per yard
cheaper than they aro now s'old w Carlisle.
:-, coru ON ADES 1.
Good Colton pout 5tuff,121,..;
- Better quality, mo,
Best Cettottattes. 2:t ets.
We are retaßleg 800 bards of the above Cottonatles
at le , a price than merchants Call 110 W purchase them in
the east. '
A largo assortment of Ladles embroidered and plain
kid g,loros, in all uumbors, just reouived.
Embroideries in great variety and at very low prises.
A largo variety of boautlful now style Spring Do
Danes. •
Hoop §lcirte for MiF43O9 aml.Ladlea.lo all variety
The undersigned determined to make our store a per
'Mane-At Institution in this Borough, will be glud to
supply these persons mocilirig anything In our lino with
desimblutioods at .fair.prlsho. We shall at • least•havo
the satisfaction of Knowing. that we hove regulated the
prices of Goods thaenti kinds are In the reach of all—
Ond that in the future there will be no exorbitant
prices deniatided for Calicoes, Muslinr, de., upon the
plea of their %%honied value •In the east. -While we
shall always keep step to the ". m» sib' of the Union,"
we shall make others keenalop . tolife cheering news of
CU4ADOOOIB fob all classes at
Carl (sin, Nardi 14, MO2
ALITTLE Book designed to aid in
disarming treason and restoring repose to the'ne
tion, to provide homes of comfort, and open up Golds
of enterprise for returning volunteers. •
This book should bo in the hands of every reader.—
Price of book, one copy, 10 eta.; 15 copies $1; '5O copies
$3,25; 100 copies .$0:
Address orders'accompanied with tbo Cash to
' 50 N. sth St, (Iltiv. 2070) Phila.,. Pa.
o. a. Agents wantedlo thla book Ili every town,
county and State:
February ' : • •
FOR RENT: ' • % ' - •
.. - • .. '
From tho lei April, 180; -the D we l.
linr Rouge and' Stara /Vain on N'mrtli,
lfinovor Montt aulloltr i now orcupled
'• - by J.,;,hlyeig. , • • ,„
jannary 31,1162—V . .- 3e. 11. PARKER.
J),. ices Red ?reed
311 . ~S' I, IN ~S !
-L—N ow Store.
II he Treasury Notes
FOR 1861....
WILLIAM CO lINMA I,l;.Espfires,'..Diree
tors•of the PoarOnd of the liottse'of.El7l•'
ploymenifof the County of Cumberland,
in account loth said .Uounly," from the
first, day of. fanuary to:,the thkty. •
fiist day or December,-1,1301..
Cash roxlved from County Treasurer,
Carlisle Deposit Dank loan,.
Gardner & Co., for old drill and old motal,
A. Boger and others for bogs,
Coldwnll and others for laid and tallow,
John Faller tbr eggs,
Morrison, P. Wa.shbush, J. Ifnilman and
William bane. deceased paupers,
William Drams)) money refunded,
I). Wink tor 1 barrel of eider and apples,
Drover for roan horse,
Drovers for pasture.
J. P. Sterling for utie of Mary HI '
.1. M. Means for use of C. Laughlin,
illentionin, Esq., for hides,.
Conden fbr vest,
. ..... . ....-.
Cash paid Ilmitz and others i3r merchandise
and groceries,.
~ $2,500 59
Mrs. Saltahaligli arid others, oat door paupers, 1,102 01
York and other counties fur paupers', 76 02
Dauphin county Commissioners account of
Martin Wolf, tlectsised, noo 00
Shoemaking, Tailoring and 1 bits, 874 15
For out door funeral expenses, 110 00
State huriati.• Asylum,42ll 14
Constable and Justice 11,,,
331 34
, ..
Farming utensils, " . 188 14
Undo and grinding, 874 05
Clover and' imothy seed, 251 37
tilacksinithing, 118 91
Plaster, 16 00
Wagnnmaklng: 75 01
Now wagon bud, 22 50
Carpentering, 6 37
Lumbar, . 55 78
Coal I r lime, 129 00
Coal for fuel, 88 90
Wood fin' NO, 217 12
1V,,,. tiracey and others. for (titin, 3,152'91
Oat - doer or. Cu., bar castings, kFttleFx,repai.Y
ing horse [IA' vr, :..., 70 07
,Tinkering, 28 01
saddlery, 611 40
Furniture, - 43 88
Loather, 332 46
Hardware, 33 67
thirden seetls.-plants, Cc.. . 18 21
Express Co., Ist, rent and postage . ,_ ..... _ _ 8 14
IN cavi•ig, it . ) Clog and carding, 22 57
Sundries, 50 53
Medicates, 6d 39
Vol , meolival aid, 119 25
S P. Zeigler. physician, salary,. 100 UU
Ilttrrishurg Bank Itsin. 2,40a1 01)
Carlisle Deposit Itiink•diSrOWlt. 011 loan, 3) MI
lolre Insurane., Company. 11 52
AliProltriation.l o k ire Company, 10 00
11. Mipicr. salaiy, ..725 U 0
W.. 1. Sheare',l . salary, 31 00
.1. Loudon for stationarv, •
Jae.), Solder, Esq.. Treasurer, salary, MI 1,0
A. Bottler et. I IA pas', 24 isi
William Bracey 0411.0 p o )', 19 OU
John Miller 6 10
Balance due TrnaLmrer on last settlement, 041 63
Ur:a In 'Mil it.: (1" Ti.,:r:ueor
:(;1 rf the Peer Tron.4e
tint! I h, hthl,h,ee,t. of Comherlanil mono
%,ith D1r....f0r- of rdd I it , tit
from thy 11,t don of .1.1111,11 y tI I the thirty first icy
flash reroired freer Osnely C.mrinksioners, .50.:100 00
" •••dt• Ikposie 11.101: Inan, 2,250 011
" flute differt.nt c.ourrq, nv r< 11111-
i Led in the tulo,tttla t ; k•tatu
raullt,•,i,l• .
Ity pa hl ,w
Ity tulanoe dar 'fivasnror at
settlemont, C 4 (1:3
Flalan, In Trnmsurvr'g
Stock on Farm Ist January, 1-412.
bor.'s, 11 - milk cows. 11 col of stock rattle. 22
stem., 2 y 44, 01 itoti, 7 sow, .1 1111 d 13 sl ;,3 •
'ork, Beoves and Veld, fattened and
62 ne,re, ye ring CM) 11. s ,) 10,200 MR.; 0 valves
(r,v,lll,l4ing 7 16,.) r,,`..1 hogs, (a,. rouging loi
lbs, making I nil *2,9,4,4 ibs.
Utensils on the Farnk lst January, 1862
1 I,,ad and I parrnw wheeled wagon,lstqno wagon,
1 wagon het, I pair wood In dile, s, 2 pair hay laddot 6, 1
jerk s , •reu I 1,1 I t and Carl gems. 1 airing Wag. , . .1.1
harness, I large sled. 0 plows, ~24.111,16 aud II double sler.
7°l I birge and 4 small cultivators, 1 roller, I
de lil• I ihr , hhig mae6liie. horse power and belt, I
wledinil I, I balder rut ter. li wln...olarrows, incl chains,6 sets id wagon aziars, 6 . ns
genru, 2 fifth and 1
valuing; oleo) a. spreads. s gle ^n4 dotoa, trees. 7 Ily
nets, I v,rigor. I lit, ',41 row
ehains, Net of riirtinnter ,184 in blaglisitilth
took, p gra In IT On.,S. wlro horse
rake, 4 ' , Lets, 2 niatteelis, : row hare, shone drills. S
:1114i It V.. 110, .4 0.0110 hammers. quarrying
tills, spades rakes. Ode:, corn hoes, 6 tied ,q,aF,
axe.. mania, ~,.4 es, end
^ •
Schedule showtog the proc'eeds of the
Farm for 18,61.,
1:10:, lulu. of Nehru t, 91 do. itt iry,e, 2474 do. of corn.
1204 do. or oats, too do. of notatots, 40 bonds of !my, 31
loads ofl , nri)6iilder, II lima,. of .111 bush. of
1100001 00011•,0 I, 4:I do. 01 patFoll+, 40 do. of c.nllng,
:',l l ‘; seep 3040 hcvdF of rabbagu. 1401, en
cumber s ;II busb. of green beans, 2 do. 01 Fund!
peso. 12 do of tomatoes. 40 do. of red boats. 07 it,, of
to rm p. 3 of dried apples, 1 1 4 do. or dried nonolk,,
1 1 6 do. ni drlPd churl los, boiled cm rnrk.e 01 m ph, b ut .
to. burnt 000 u bush of lino., built stone Noun nl-01rn d
the barn our I and , 00ftl the same.lmilt UO rods of stone
limo., raised broom corn for 219 100010 g,
Articles made in the House in 18G1
IR pair of riot 11 nilt tons. 21 pair of knit, nit tons, knit
pair at ',takings. footed Ott poir of st,ockititts, 102
01111, Nit frooks, i 4 1111,111 es, 119
God iI111 . 0! ta. 50 souks. 7 raps. de towels, 113 pillow slips,
11l pillow ro•as, hoist. rs, 47 rhatT bogs, hemmed 113
liatoli,rvi.iols, ra skirts, 1 feather brat slips, 6 ...Whirr".
dresser.. 11 undershirts, 41 quilts, 711 pair of sur,pondurs,
Lo pair of drawers, 21 poly of pants, 2 cants, 11 under
waton..os s.ponlO4 outs atual,lng yarn. mode 11l yds.
ot r 2; oarpet, 23 shrouds, 12i ixtrruls of soft soap, Ste
Work made in Carpenter Shop in 1861
re Oils. I large sink. 3 splttonne, 2 large chests, 7
do 44na11. 2 set of rollers Pe wagon shed, 1 bucket, I
eseel. 4 step I Adders, I ox lake, I PI rge watering t rough,
laid fel feet of pipe, I bond), sktgle and Is double [lees,
1 large elothue press. 70 axe and hammer handles.
HEN It AN VH1.441, Steward.
ELIZABETH. r;!.c I DER, Matron.
Number of pin per- In the linen nu hat January
I hul. ww.e, lb were colored, 139
eduiltted up 10 Dec. 31,1301, 23.5
Number btnu in the house,
Making ho whole II 11Mber through tho year,
Ino t, of Whom 5 wore arlortsd,
Ih•and out.
likellargod and eloped,
tt 5.
111 ~ to.
Leaving the number remaining In the house
on Ist January, LSti..!, of trliwu 19 aro col.
' mod,
Outdoor paupers supported al public ox
pollso during tho year, of whom 3 aro in
thu otute Lunatic Asylum,
Whole number remaining chargeable at the
clone (ll' the y oar,
There are in the liou.e 00 males, of whom 10
are colored,
There are in dm house 51 females, of whom
0 are colored,
8 et,
IU el .
Moro aro, as near tliohouso
3 0101,1 y,•ar of ago: 8 from 1 to 5; 4 from 6 to 10: 3
Iron; 15 to 15; 23 from 20 0, 301 17 from 30 to , 4U; 18
from 40 to nu • 15 from 60 to 60; 20 from 60 to 76; 13
from 70 to 51) B firon 60 to 00 3 from 00 to 100.
lu addition to the above, trans) et or travelling
paupers ha cc been reeelviid withilut regular orders, to
whom wine given 9:167 meals. idany 4 .of said travellers
were also furninhed with clothing.
*o the Directors of LIR, Poor, and of the Munn of
ihtlyloyinent of Cumber - 4a county, &inanity that - the
abovn and foregoing statnment addition It just and truo
exhibit or the I netituticin during the period above nta
ted, according to Um best of our knowledge.
cSF ' 1
,-- Wren under our hands and )13 t seal of
:AL leeld office, the 1301 day of January, A. I).
~.—x . ..—,...1 ,, ,)1802. i
WILLIAM °lndia-,
3011 N 511 LIA '" " 1 1 1Hichrs
Ire the Auditors of Cumberland (moldy, having ex
nminod tho account and vouct•ore of dm Directors of
the Poor and Douse of Employment nt said county,
from the Tilt day of Jadttary to the , thirty first day of
December, A. D. 1861, Inclusive, and Also .the account
and vouchers of Jacob Squier, Esq., Treasurer of said
Institution for the same period, do certify that we And
balance - of Mut. hundred and seventy dollars and sea
only seven cents, duo by sold Treasurer to said Insti
Given un . der our bands at Carlisle, tho 25th day of
.laatiarYi A. D. Ibtl2.
ThCtitizens of oa;il9le & Vicinity,•
RE invited to an examination of. my
Li_ stock of Groccrlen; quoonswnro,'Splcosotc: Best
01 11 - All9 nt 11 dnnts per lb , Dried 1111.11 F, bent rick01F2....1
Nntnups,-Sauces,-llotterctlana llooolalkSirdifion of the
mast apprortnl"brnodi, Table 011, . A „
In cans, Dried Fruit, vory lino Syrup at CO
Flab; Pill° A'pplo; Sap Saga and ,- Dutch .ID:tad Cheese,
Coal 011; Fluid, Whale 01), boat Tobacco and Selma, Ci
der, Wines and Liquors, and au ondlose - variety ot small
wares.' Tama Cash. . . .
Neb. 7 1802.. 3gil. DENTZ.
.. _
. .
T -1 4 OR 1 g2q - .•, -,, , ' i ~.•
.. .
,L ;'lliii largo Steno Treviso; owlfairi - Street, neatly ilp
, . 7 „,
.. ...:, . . Iseilte R Oarilperligest Machine Shop,
;••, ill .' ' the 'property' Of illiolatm J. A.'Haufr•
„,,,,, a i • . '
0 . , , ,1 , i I 6 6 ..'• man. l' osaussion givetLit,it Alf .4114
'- ,T I F, g 1 . ':',.. JA4I2. Fur Watt', dke., apply at, this
4 . 430Nr.1re- ~..../ ollIce; : . • .
''..f*. ...."''.' , Carlisle, Fel). 7 t ;1302i .i . . ".;
1101111:01}P,,. dB AN BERRIES.-li- .
• A supurfor artlelti oSCraiali . tyylgAiriAtZtpeelveil uI
Jrt EIRTIPIrx , w. EBB,
$0,300 00
2,260 00
25 00
224 25
130 20
41 80
470 77
v l-011 f 0
$11,::,15 29
3>>,010 9'2
killed in 18131
Auditors of Cumberland county.
BY virtue of a writ; of LeVari pacins,
_g_fr to ms 81raatad, mill be exposed to pnblle Fate, on
Una promises, on
Tuesday the 25th day of March, 1862,
At 11 o'clock A. Mall that certain tract of land nit-
Untld partly in Southampton Township, Franklin Co.,
And partly in Southampton township. Cumberland Co.,
on the 'Middle Spring, about 2;4; milts North of Ship
pensburg, bounded by lands of David ',Utz, William D.
lileCisno and William L. Smith, eontaining 1-1 Scram A:
135 Parches, more or loss, and having thereon elected a
Stone Grist Mill with Frame Distil-,
lery attached, •
a two story DWELLING HOUSE, Stabln, Hog
and other Buildings and Improvements.
• Seised and s taken in execution an the property of
John flunk
Sheriff of Vial] kiln County
Sheriff 's Office, Chrunliersburg, March 4, 1862.
175 5
8 7,
Eolloek's Dandelion Coffee.
3 5u
101 uu
00 00
65 00
22 06
104 05
THIS preparation, made from the best
Java Coffee.. Is recommended by physicians as a
superior Nutritious lioverage for General Debility, Dys
pepsia, and nil bilious disorder::. Thousands who have
boon - mu - I'lollml to abandon the use of .adier will rise
this wl thnut ildortons effect's. Ono con contains the
strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25
KM:LOOK'S TrIITAIN. the purest and best Baking
Pourdor.kugiu—for...utakinuilitht._rorcot and uutritleus
broad and Cabec. Price 15 rents. Munn feotuted by M.
liollook, Chemist,. Corner of Broad .t Chestnut Sta.,
Phils.. and sold by all Druggists and U racers.
Folirusay 2S, ISi.2—ty
SCRANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, Incorpo•
rated by an act of Aaaembly, In the year 1843, and
log recently bad Its ens rtor extended to the year 1083,
Is now In active and vlgmollo epr•rttlen, under the su•
peri❑tendence of the following lbw d of Managers, vie:
NVllliain It. Gorges, Christian Stayman. 31. Conklin.
D. dally, Alex. Cathcart, .1 11. Coover,John Elehelbor
ger..lossph Wiekorshem. Sarni. Eberly, 3loson Bricker,
Unit olph tlnrtin,.loo•ol, Co .vor, and .1. C. Dunlai,
The rates of insurance aro as low and favc nab, no any
Company of the kind in the State. Perstais wishing to
become members are invited to make application to the
agents of the compiiny, who are willing to wait upon
them at any time.
R, nalcr.As, Prmident.
Et.orly's 1111 s, P. 0
CHRISTIAN 9TA.1(31A.N, Vice President
Cni - 1141,
.101 IN C. DUNLAP, Sertiy., Merlinniusliurg
CUIII3 V.RLA C,OI.INTY. Jahn Sher. -trh.,lllen
Denting Shl.l.2rnanstown ; Lafit,vl.tte '
blekinr.on henry Bowman, Churnhtnw n ; Mode
lith. ttouth :111,1,11e10n •, Snmuul L;raham, NV. Penns
5.,,, k a 0 l cony kw. M et•hanioslim g; .1, W. Coeldih,
: 4 hopliei'aFtown; U. enoTer, Ulmer Allen; n.
ton. Slivv.r Spring: John Ilytyr, iarlishe.; YMentino
Fe..111:111, St” euult, land.
YORK' CtiDN'UV.-W. S. Mel: ing, Dover: Griffith.
WArrin,:ton ; .1. V. Don tdorfT. Washington: It Irhey
f Dillsl , urg; 1). Butter, Fairview; John Williams.
C vrnll
D t UPTI llowcer, Harrtsbnrg.
MlqllllP, of the rompnny boving potiet,oho?ut to ex
Ore, ran have thorn rewewed oy making lipplicaliDn to
nov of the Agents.
TV I NTP, ft A R1? - A - N(± - .1frhYT.
Fi r- •
On and Aft,MONDAY, NI)VE.I FIER I, I crd , l'w.qrmger
Trnin. will run as f..llows: (Ziuntlayli excupted .)
Ist Train. 2 , 1 Train
[.racy llageriitnwn, 7 00 A. 31. 2 13 I. 31
'• 1; r.‘t•nrio.l to. 7.:17 " 3:i'i "
Chainliorsliii rg, /i.llO " Arr 1.20 "
1.111 "
Sliliipiin,Thtirg, 9.1',0 ', 1.12 "
" Nowlin°, 9.13 '• 213 "
" Carlisle. 10.11, " 2 :i.".i "
111..timilloqi,iirT, 104 . 2 " it 27 "
Arrive at Ilarrishura, 11.10 ', 1.33 "
I t Train. 2,1 Train
o‘avo TrarriALnrtr. R. AA. M 1 :,, P. M
" M, , tianletdatrg /2.-11 ~ 2 :10 4 ,
" Calllsl... 0.21 " 3OS ••
" Newvillo, 10.02 ,' 8.44 "
Shippensburg. 10.33 • ' I . . 4 ; 18-- IA
" • Ch(unt(g', ( Al7l re) 11.10 4.88 ~
mr 111, ,
A rri 0 al, II:4;14 Atmv
I}aily Ilarri,brirg 11,r
at :1 1a, ,, n 4 I 7. 00 i A. 11 . and 4 '2O, I'. Al.,
Vonn , ylvanla Central IZailmaL
At 2,10 A. M., 111.5A.1.15, and 5 .25 p. 51.
V. It. It., nt R.On A. 31.. and 1.41, I'. 51. For lialtimor,
at :tut 5 :JO A. M.. .C.. 1 tin I'. 11.
For I roverton and nt 1:10 :rla 3.15. 1
51. 'Frain,: on 11:10111” lloarl at '2.1,0. F. 51.
NOTICE 1 . 11 PASSENHERi'I: At. all Stations whet,'
Tickets are sr•iri, llagerctowtt, lireononstie, Chain
bore:burg.. Shippensburg, Now rille. Moshe
burg and Harrisburg, a roductiou of 'MN CENTS no
ea.•ll Ticket trill bo made to all l'accougers that provide
themsel,llli with Tickets bolero eutoring the Care.
C. N. LULL z , upor't
Railroad Office, rhamborsl,urg,}
. 1.
Horse and Cattle Powders
These Powders have prove.l. after a trial of .everal
years, to ho Filpl , ltf tic to nny the. kind In
one. The. chief superiority of there Powdery a risen tram
the fret that :they are .inn posed of Medicines that have
Laxative Tonle nod Purifying properties. The laxative
meet. crudities tram the stomarh and In te,tiv i es ; the
Tonic given strength to tho syßteui of tho Horne, and
the purifying metheines enotal tied In them cleanse the
blood, nod lay the foondatkn for a healthy and vigorous
circulation. The lief. of thorn improves the wind,
strengthens the appetite and glees the hor.,e a fine,
wraith and glossy skin—improving the a ppo3canco,
vigor and spirit of the noble
These Powders are not intended. as Trost powders are,
to bloat the animal. so as to give him the appearance or
being fat when trot really $O-1.111,, to remove the disease
and promote his general health.
Those Powders ell! strengthen the stomach anti in
testines, cleanse them from offe,lre matter, and icing
them toat healthy state. They lire ;I sore prevention
of 'Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all diseases
Incident to the Horse. no tilanders, Yellow War e , pi s .
tempers, Founder. cleaves, Slavering, Collett,. hogs of
Appetite, and Vital Energy, &n. Those Powders. if me,d
two o• three times n week, through the winter and
spring. your Horse will never get the Lung Fever. Cone
or Botts. A few closes of these Powders will remove the
worst Cough nn any 1101,0. Wen• ow cars nl Horses to
feed n Lew of these Powders every year, they Wight
save the lives of ninny valuable Horses.
Thr prnprales this Powder pocse,s,::, In increasing
thr linantlty of Milk In erwm. Oros It :in irrorrtan• e
and value which should pla,: It In the hands rf rvrry
person I:orping a Cow. In fattnolnr, Cattle it glen
2110111 an appetite. 10080115 (huh ludo, and make:: thew
thrive much fdater.
I-10 GS
In all dioceses of Swine. as Coughs, 171enrs In the
Lungs end Liver, A. by putting from Half a paper to a
paper of these Powders inn barrel of Swill. the above
diseases ran be rural rr entirely prevented. fly using
these Powders the flog Cholera ran be prevented. Pre
pared by S.l, FOUT'/., We•ttni ulster, Nld.
IMPor gale by S. P. PANNEIIA KYR, Carlisle. Pa..
and by all country storekeepers. hire 25 rents per
paper, or five papers for one dollar. [Aug, 23, 1)161.
IsCALICOES 6f, 8 and 10 cents, best
Anent y Calirn nt 1214 cents. Domestic Glnghoms at
1'214 vents, Domestic 51 usl ins S 4 . 10 cents, 4—l Domestic
31i1;1111, good art tole, Tielcings, Checks. Table Din.
per, Sheet lelg. 40, nt low prices. Canton Flannels r 46,
Hooped Skirts, the cheapest in the county.
at very low prices. Blankets and flannels under price.
ci,(yrns, CASS IaIEHISS, Jeans, Vesting - 0, at astonish;
ngly. low prices. -
All my old friends and custoniers are respectfully In.
vltod to call and CXII . IIIiI3II for themselves, as I. will not
Le undersold by any store in the county.
Alain street, opposite the Depot,.
0011.11 Y, Trustee.
Fob. 20, 10132,
licroby gives notice to his friends, customers. and the
public, that he has removed his store from Leonard's
corner to his now room—formerly known as Keller's
hat storo—nn North IlaUnver Short, hetweon the Cal
lisle hermit Bank and lie Notts Ororrry Store:
Ins Mock of it EADY.MADECLOTIIING, Boots. .
Shoot and flats in.] arra and complete, and you• -
con depend upon bhp fart that ho ran and will rif
soil cheaper then 'ever: and always intends to
soli good goods and at a lower price than any..persun
Always oultand,..the most seasonable, best =do
and fashlonalne Coats, Pantaloons and VeSts
.. '/tt from the commonest to the beskonalltios, which
cannot fall to Ilk please the eye and give Who
faction In general. Also, .Shirts, Undershirts and
drawers, collars, cravats. ansponders, gloves, stockings,
&c., &:, all to he sold at.the very lowest 'prices.
Always on hand, s, large and complete aysert. , 4 .
Bleat of every vdrlety of lloots,llrosans. Oxford p.„.,
Ties, lillppers, gaiters, Jeffersons, Sze., for Ladles
and genthrneniMlsses and Iloys, youth and
'children, all to he Sold, cheap. Xlso.on hand and con
stimtly mantifactu ring the best Fine. French and Mons
Morocco Hoots, and Jeffersons for Ladles. fe.:. All ripe
sowed free of charge. •
.r_ .
, .
. - HATS:-
A largo sVelt•of Hats for Men, floys and
aCtilldren,mnnipn, good and tlno. - All sell.
log.che'npur thn'n ovor. . .
_ .
rbereby tender my thanks' to my customers and
*lends, for past favors, and earnestly shlielt yorqall to
Ball and sea mq and my Stook of goods, befkre rot. pur
ebaao elsewhere. as I am determined to use miry effort,
to supply you with the very best, and at such prices as
wllleuit all,- lie particular to look fov my sign,.
April 5,1801.-;-ly NV. • S I f,r4r.-
.. ' - • •
- •
'town' PrOperty, for Sale. . .'•- '
VIII, subsdvibet offers,. 6 4 . 04r'ato t4alo
the east .rn.' halrot the' town.,lot elturiteOn the
north east corner of Hanover end South etteletAi or he
rill Wolf tho largo Frame' Darn , thet Is' thereon Wealod.'
to be removed; and If`nolther. IN. FlQiii 'by 'thoBth or
It/arch-next, thr.the tvholo o9llho for root.- irk. . .
! Yolt. 23,1802.—a te , .- ; •,... . WU' Ptip,lt. '
Zustness (Lards.
IW III PINROSE i . A Attorney at Lute. aw.
. 01;ninRhon.,itftllp,oroe
promptly attended-to,----
- February 21. 1562. °
UFUS E. S4IAPLE'Y — , Attorney at
Li d Lan, 'Owlish, Pa. Attends to securing and' col
ieeting Soldiers' Pay, Bounties, and Punsione. eta', fur
Titshes Information olatfto thereto: Ottice ou South
layover Streett, opposite llonts's store.
Dec. 27, 1261,
61,AR Office wali W. M. Penrciso, In Itbatufp
JJvI. WEAK LEY.—Attorney at Law.
Men on south Itonoyer street, opposite Bente
Dry Moods store. AN orofesslona I business entrusted
to him will bo promptly attended to,.
OSEPIT RITNER, JR., Attorney nt
f Low and Surveyor, Merhanicaburg, Pa. 011 ice on
Rail ROW Street, two north 01 tha "lank.
:•1111sIttess promptly a tot...llllPd to.
/ °LAIR:III,IN, Attnrney at Law, (Mice In ln•
h,311 '5l jest opposite thu Marka House.
(Judi:3lo, 31nrol1 14,'b0-Iy.
.;1; AV: - TOTTLlcAlt4rney af - Lava
Off with .r. IL Smith, 'Esq., In (:boom's Hall.
All Itoalnoss en:lt:led to him will bo promptly at.
Landed to,
May 9,
CP. HUMRICII, Attorney at Law.
o—OfTleo on North Hanover street, n few doors
south of glass' Hotel. All business entrusted to him
will be promptly attended to. r April lb.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
n a l t ,t t t o n n ,
e t s o t
m e o e l n i
t e
s e t I
i n ,
ti n
) s , t a h n r d ou ß g e h t
I \ Y out t i it e o ' S P t. ' n ' t i o rd
Real Estate and securities. Negotiate loans, pay taxer
locate land warrants, &c., he. ]teller to the members o
the Cootheriand County Bar,'and to all prominent citi
zens of Carlisle, Pa. f
Silit(ll , ,t)N, has removed his office to youth
ifanover street, directly opposite Fientr's store. All pa-.
tients entrusted to his care, either from town or coon.
try, will he promptly allot tied to.
Nov. 15, hill.
IR. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North
llannvor ktrriet 1,6 doors front Arnold A SOO'S
tore. (Mire hours, moron:talc/dully from 7 to 9 o'clock
A. M., and from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. NI.
0 -- 1 It. GEORGE S. SEA -
e s .
RIC; HT,IiHNTI ST. from - 1 hr. Bill
tiesiore Cott go of Dental Survirv.
. .
11-I)—fNiice of thu reiliolence o; his moiher, East Louth, '
Fitrent. throe doors below .11041 ford.
:klitroh 19, 185 a---t f.
smoh ilimovor , tr , .
next floor to the Peel
CI.EO. IV. NEII) IC D. 1). S.—
r Late Demonstrator of Opetritlye Dentistry to thn
Baltimore College of
Dental Surgery.
°lnnen t Ills residence,
oprmlto Marlon ii.lll, 1, not Main street, Carliole, Penn
Non. 11.1:“6".
/S. W. FFAVERSTICII, Druggist,
North Hanover Street, Carlisle.
Physkinn'vproq , riptionscarefully compounded
A full goi•ply of fresh tiru, , nud ^lietnie
666 $;, 110 H Market St., above sixth,
JAME'S W. POWER, Proplietnr
TER' S:---41 25 Per d.Y.
V. (,'or. 11th 4- Market Six.,
gY. V 7 11r. £7SGLIs
Jan 1,1060.
A. 13. EWING'S
559 kn 4 4 flss9
• ,
West High - StrePt, -- Carlislei - Pa.
(Premium awarded at the Cumberif7.nd County
Agricultural Fair of 1857.)
The suhscriber lots Just received the most splendid
assortment orArtleles in his lino, ever brought to this
place—which he is determined to sell at prices that de
ly crifopetltion.
Kite lien and
limbraeing overy article used by House and Hotel
keepers, of the most approved end fashionable design
on,! including also CAthme furniture in satin.
reception and Camp Chairs, 3.liittrases, frames,
pictures, Ac., be.
Pinvhaaers are requested to call and examine his
stools, It his extensive ware -looms, West Main street,
North side. A. B. EWING.
ire- Particular attention given no usual to funerals;
orders from town and country, attended to promptly
and on moderate terms. A. B. E
May 12, 1850.-Iy.
IN THE NV ult !
k % Madame Z.• 1000 Pon
- TI itS Balsam is prepared
t4lf)o with all the requisite rare
and skill, from s combine
tlon of the best remedies
the vegetable kingdom of
it)rdg. Its remedial quail
ties are based on Its power
to assist the healthy and
vigorous circulation of the
blood, through the Lunge.
It is not a violent rents
dy, but emollient, warm
Mg, searching and circa
tine; can bo taken by the
oldest person or youngest
_ „
Metro Zudcc Porter's
o Balsam has been used by
Vthn public for over IS
years, sod hers acquired
Its prcsont snle simply by
being reCemineoded by
those who have used It to
r atlllcted friende,pid others. ,
DIVA' IMPORTANT.-3 aflame Zndnc Porter's Curative
Bille‘ni is sold nt a price which brings . lt, In the reach of
Truly one to boon It convenient fr'Une. Tho timely
use of a single bottle will prove to bo worth WO times
its cost. . .
Nortcr.—Bart your Money I—Do not ho persuadod to
purchase articles at 4e to 3t, which do not contain the
virtu. ate Dime Bottle of porter's Curette°
Balsam, the cost ni menufmturieg which is as great as
that of almost any other medicine; -and the very loci
prow at which it is sold, makes the profit to the cotter
apparoutly small, and unprine•pled &Mors wilt some
times recommend other medicines on which their
profits are larger ' 'unless the ensiomors insist upon
having Madame Porter's and -none other.- Ask for
Madame Porter's Curatlen Balsam, price 10 eta, and in
-large bottles at,2ll,cts r and take no other. If you can
not got It at ono glare you can at 'another.
Brir - Bold by all Druggists and Storeekcopotelltlo etc.
-and in larger bottles at 20 eta. -
HALL & BUCK Kt, Praprikars, New York.
For solo In Carlisle, by S. P. PauzielAker.
Jabunry 10, 100 . 1..
arrival of Now Style:: of FALL AND WINTER
ittidor . :Viied 'Cakes plaasnrn. to Inform . tdo Mends
and tha toltato gooorally of the largo andifarlodiosort.
want ! of p?,ece goodi for
' anat received, eoroprldng the l test, styles and
- novel ilea 111 the niarkot, 103101 have boon 'ldeated with
care and will ho sold, at ao favorable prices, ao , .aata
obtAned dory/bore elOo.t - • °
(frePrf, •
ot4.rceattrigh, Satinets aindJeAns. which hill made
erder,rer, field per yard at the „lowest, wit433.._
The public, 'le mpectfuLly Livltett to lempect our stock,
boibre purehilog einelyhttre. • •, - .
Noi•thilaeover Street, oppult6' tho Ani.oclotin
wdrk thatio at , the. khortAot-uotlect;
Ivith closOntuh. , •
Thiilnigost and boat variety of (Ifint's 'Furnish
, unpry pr.ecti ran he forma at
ng floods lk I,to ti t
UNDERSIGNED begs leave to r that,,,he---htm i -jumt openCd a DRUG
S't Olt in the 'Bon:ngh of Carlisle, in the room. foemer
ly r coupled by Reynolds 4: Pfeffer, non Drug Stern, next
door to Inhoff's Grocery Store,. South Rannver street,
where be will always be found ready and willing to ply
the spatula and postal.
The following Bat comprises the main porlien, at bloc
stock:—Patent Medicines,
Suspensory Bandages; Window Glass, Toilet Soaps,
Perfumery. Canes, Notions and "Varieties Generally,
Confectionaries, Tobaceo,-and Steers, Lithographs slut
Frames, Burning, lluld, Paint, Varnish and Sash Brush
eso Coal 011, •
generally having had over fifteen years' experience in
the Drug Ittr.iness, wits a desire to accommodate and
P lea " my c "°m - M- ,,, , I hope to receive a resonable share
of public patronage. 11 Is my, Intention nod desire to
give perfect satisfaction in ferry particular, to all who
tlia,y_favox tun w ith a call. - - - -! •
Careful lly compounded, at fair prices. Give me a rail.
Carlisle, Dee. 0, Mil. S. It. PA NN SBA KEIL
Bad Breath,
Diseased Bleeding Gums,
Nursing Sore Mouth.
A ND the best specific now in use for
ANY dievaFed condition of the month. It to
particularly beneficial to persons wearing
completely destroying evert taint of the mouth, 3 11 h
- and removintr all impurities, insuring
A S E ,
to nil who make use of it. No Yucso LADY or Yoffl,a
OGNTLEMAN who is afflicted with a
BAD. 13 12 A 'l'l3
should delay applying this 'en - redly, for••it it a certain
cure, and is approved and recommended by every phy
siren under whale notice it has been brought
Prepared at Dr. it as s Dental ogre, No. 77 Fourth
Street, 11,01:Iyii, F. D.
A liberal dis,upt made to dealers.
Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings,
Sold in Philadolphie, by Dyott &Co., 23'2 North 2d
Streot: 1110 Chestnut street; and by all
This Powder the c,„80,1C ITHOII7
TII II INJURIOUS P1tt)19111.1'195 OF CITA RCOAL..and.
FT,W11 . 771n all AMR Si' A 11: khes 'Mr ern In the TeaFt
injure the T,t h. Its ardor, %eine: entirely mechanical
—pollshine without wearlllr the enamel.
1)r. Wm. B. Third's Tooth Powder
recorritnended by all Eminent Dr.ntists
Prepared at Dr. Il urd's Dontal taco, No. 77 Fourth
St, eet.. I) .
6e — Price 25 Cents per. Box.
A liberal dls-ount made to dealers.
Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings,
No, 1 Spruce Street, Now York.
sold also by Caswell. Mack & Co.. Fifth Avenue Hotel;
.1. .5 I. 42adlinAon. 715 Broadway; D. S. Barnes, 'i ll::
Broadwa , y. and by all Drlirv.r.h•ts.
Aug.., 'AD-
Prnant. ,l 10 3" ^t Pn=o.l titry , •.v. It iv partiouln rlv min pled
to all eltil.ltv.ll with TOOTll.ll`lift.
Parents can relieve themselves from flint dlstrussinp
weariness caused by
i.u~~ -
and theit children from great sufferlnps..hv kort.;ne
battle of Dr. Wm. IIURIP;i TuorilArtlE the
Prepared at Dr. Doris' Dental (Min e. n Fourth
titreet, Drrooklyn, E. D.
A liberal discos at male In dealer,.
Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings',
Sold In Plilladnlpliia. by Dyntt kCo 2:12 Nnrth 2I
Street: I). S. Ilubboll, 1410 Ohostnut Struot; and by all
DICAL NEURAL(IIA Is lutrandiately cured by their
They act like a charts, and are perfectly harnde<s
their nature; do not produce a I/Lvr, and leave no
unplea4ant results.
Dr. Wm. B. Hur,i's Neuralgia Plasters
novor fall to glre satiFfa,tion to All who t,• , t t
Prepared at Dr. linriPa Dontal Onne, No 7
Wool, Brooklyn, E. U.
A liberal discount made to dealers:
Address_ Pii.loipal Office, Tribune Buidings
Sold in Philadelphia, by DI Ott ,t en.. 2112 North 20
Street; 0. S. Ilubboll, 1410 Chestnut Street, and by all
NOTICE.—We aro daily receiving orates to send P.
mail some one Or 000 e .0 Or. Ithrd's Denial Iteno , i,"..
which we cannot fill. None ale mailable - ev cent
Neuralgia Plaster, 0 hith we semi i n or , ruse l,.ne.
ceipt price It cont,) nod ~ne stamp hot t
infointa por-foo. in plebes where the 0, ucglsls 110,1 CI. 0
keepers aro hoh tut I Ile hoe, O r 10110 1.01 110 p
In while eml-xseo 1.09, 5, 110 11, , I 3 Intli
roroportmroto- each lon [Val n 1.i113, a 110 t 110 ,•1 Pr
Ifurd's Mouth Wank, find Tovtl, Arlo. he. p-. n lee r ,
Tooth VOW. 101) Si... Notice Igh seer,
Trent ise on 'I 1...q1.1 Itl their the 1, si en;
of preserving them„ nfl the pa per 01 1 II 1
dun's Teeth, war' b of ileelf the entire c. sr 10 ei ry
young man or \roman, pare,t ,, inonv childraff
with sundry r ne,es-ato or twles, p, to. p
ono dollar, or .1% po,kat. - re for $5 snot by repress us
directed. An the fro not tooth, If at.,
morn do a (Theen that, 011 nor} it is far cheaper to r
six or a dozen packages at one tirn'e. A tarp,, futon,'
will want all, or the sufplu, can ho lisp sad of to
neighbors with public benefit. for nn flue can estimate
how much pain. suffering, unhappiness, and 1E444111 fv.
meirt. expense, loss of time am' money would he saved
to the eon ntry If every family to-day bad ono of those
packages, which, In itself. I. a coMplete set of Dental
Itembriles. Address Wm. 11. fluen & Co., Tribune
logs, New York, and write name and address plainly.
That remittances may ho made with confidence, W. it,
a. A Co., refer to the Mayor of Brooklyn, to W,
President of tho Farmers and Citizen's Bank,
Dionklyn ; to the Editor or the American Manufactur ,
ors' (Lizette •, to Joy, Coo A. Co., Publishers' Agents. 11,
York: to P. T. Barnum, Esq.,who knows a good thing
when 1,0 sees it and who has 'already ordered a second
supply, etc.
Madame ZADOC Pon-
19 warranted, if used ac
cording to the directions,
cure in all cases, Coughs,
Colds, Whooping Couch,
Asthma, and all affeethins
of the Throat and Lungs,
To introduee':Dr. Hurd's Dental Remedleg into every
county. Men or women who want to Make money
quickly, can do hotter with i hese articles tmln any•
thing in market. They are now. useftik low priced,
and WO are spending tin °sands In advertlsings them
for the benefit of agonlF. llnroc Of samples, containing
a dozen of dollar pnokages above epocffiell, with
circulars will bit sont,bn receipt of seven, dollars. alone
halt price, to any person wishing to test his or her skill
In selling with the view of becoming an agent. We
would . rather pay salaries than Commitolotta to those
who prove themselves efficient selesmon.
Now is the time to go into the business. roe ad•
dress and reference see above.
Near the National Hotel, and two sguearesPonl
the Railroad pepo4
Room end Board. pee day
Room alone, per day
Moja. 0104 • -.
Lodging, If the room 19 Ypeated by a m;........ 60
Otherwise It wilhbe considered by the day.
KIMMELL 110115.1: Is newly And elegantly fur
nished, avid In overt/ reFpect a first .elass Hotel.
invite the public to call and examine.
A. F. KIMAIELL Proprietor.
Cct. 11. 1861. t
NEW itilirtiv; •
CRAWFORD & CO,, . Wholesale and
Retail Clues mid Curled hair riiredmuoi,'i?o. 2t
f3outiiith Street, Philadelphia. Olue, Sand find Erp.e.
ry Pliper,' Emory - Cloth, ilnw !lido Whip., - and Curled
....11.1r_at_thiOmreat_prIces....._,..r4era . r 4 liolted - hriaall - amt ---
,latlafactitin,gilarantood,. . '
lI GOAttllo.3l '01:4
, • ,
.ibi . ftimteare,
Piknters, 144..kbindera, Cabinet Dlakevai
Coach Atakora. #O. vbc•
Dealers tnttha ty)ovoNelll And It of Aped:o advantage
glvo'ne a can, .
crtAWFortri St CO.
• 21 South 7th Eti;tiot Phthidotrbla.
3rl, 181:11.
A FARM 6rivtei, , ii:Un - dred..oiifl ,foid•
acre. (ono Innuirmi An(l 10,10c1em'a-)ainetliiital
aneo in timben of Ono qualit.k, althataln',ookNit
townab.lNCnniberland county; with' aecnio,t4lkSfip.l.E -
, . ~...,..,:„.., : 110USt1,40{Itabomattiaotromt'Smok6'
.":4c, , ;; ; ;ce. t .. 7-- . ~., Ihre, tc l.l:t e k n a , O r ve l lurcrell a nf n i atar 'Oar
' ,..i' 'i : •,`., o th vor l y ( '. i flo l lti; ' IC g o ' 33107k Zrn n i ft n ffi trzZ „
in ,
~...,..:,44 . ,:,...c
fine Orobard'of viii•lona klndant Fruly,,
... : I'lll. farm Inia'ab.o Ilion llmea recently;
'forma made known by railing , nvon "the subgerlbor-nli .
'lll4 roiabbnuai In Carllslii.. ~' ' .". :11,.,--14,INJALL.
Fob 14, 186:;—.46
Sore Months,
J3€g: - Prie.e 37 Cents per Bottle.
No. I Spruce Street, Now 'York
Por Me Cur(' of Toothache,
• Price, only 22 Cents per Bottle
No. 1 Spruce treet, New Yoi k
Price, only 15 Cents Earn.." 1.1
No. 1 Spruce Street, New York
1000 Agßntg TTrnti,'d
Pant at Private , Sale,
$2 60
1 Oil