Scrofula, or Kirig' - is is a constitutional disease, a Corruption of tho blood, by which, this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Beim , -" in tho circulation, it pervades - the whole body, and ninrburst out in distaso on any part of it. No organ is - free from Its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously roused by mcrenrinj disease, low living, dis oidcred or unhealitiy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the dcpre,sing vices, and, above all, byithe venereal infection. 'What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and ilmrth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Hirn who says, will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, - which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles ; in the glands, swellings ; nod on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption,_which_genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, hut they have far less rieWer.'to with stand the attacks of other diseasei ; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders 'which, although not scrofulous in their nature, arc still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and ninny destructive diseases of the liver, - kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from ; or , arc aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system We must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and . exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy the medical skill of our times can dev ise for thin every - where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remeeiials that-have been discovered for the expurgation . C'this foul disorder from the blood, and the res ue of the system from its destructive consequences. nonce it should be employed far the cure of not only scrofula, but ;11-10 those other affec tions which arise from it, snob as ]'.aura's and Sits I)lscAsr.s, ST. ANtirom.'s Flue, ROSE, or . E111 , 111:1, NS, PI NIPT.LSI, I.3l.otenEs, 'PLAINS 011(1 13011, , , Tr‘IOILS, TETTEIt and SALT Sc, RINGIV01:0, RHEUM VPl,z)f, SYPHILITIC and \f 1.1101M1.1 L DROPSY, I Dmomtv, and, indeed, Alt CoNin.aINTS .5111 , 15t11R0M VITIA TED 00 IAIPURE Baum. TIIC popular belief in t , impurity of the blood" is fmnidcrf in truth, for scrofula is a degenei Mimi of tic 11ood. '1 lie pal tieular purpose and virtue of this rills is to put 'ay and regemn ate thk vital fluid, without IN hich sound health is impustiblc in contaminated utions. - kyer-s FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that di , ease o thin the range of their action can vilely oithstand or node them Their penotrating pnoperties and cleanse, and insigoratet,every portion of the inurian'orgfin-. correcting - its - ttliseaseri ii sloe,, anit,-restornic, , - its lwillthYSta li ties. As a conscquenve of these ho is lois, ed down with.. pain or phr..ical dclilitt In .ISIOIII,IIM 10 find his health or enerity icstored by it at once so Silllpll` and ins !ling. :Not code do tires cure the tArry-day complaints of evilj 1.04,. but slot formidahle and clanuiffidi di o •ce,' , . '1 he aLent !d - low 'kilned in I pienqPd to furrich rail+ sine Amclican Alm mete, containing en tilicate , iii tlicir cni c.:n,d dlicct ions for their use in the folitioing tooplaints: Cl,l Ile -710,', 11f I', I it, 1/„n,lrrhr ft, (ism doo, dr I'd „\ 1':1; rtnd .11r, inra•tron ,I 7c :s Ij, loss 1 r, awl othcc kind],il, lots :date of the dody w ol,din, 110/1 of its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, =I Coughs, Colds, Influenza, II on rsen ess, Croup, - Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. lion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its mr.fulnesci end so nus morons are the cases of its cures, that iilmost cooly section of /snooty abounds in persons pub l)' known, who line Leen d cum) alarming and errs desperate iii,eascs of the lungs by its tuft , . When once tiled, its superiority 111 Or %cry other medicine of its hind is too appal cut to escape oliscivation, 01111 Id), its I irises hnown, the public 110 1011111 r hesitate oliat :minione to employ fur the distressing and clangerdus allections of the pulmonary organs .that ere incident to our While many ini,rirw remedies thrust upon the community tare failed ;mil Llln this has gidned fihnds by es cry trial, cnulia red trio its on the afflicted they can moor finget, and pm &mod r urns too numerous and too remarkable to Lie forgotten PREPARED BY I R. J. C. AVIAM & CO. LOWELL, MASS. nr sale by S. W. Tinnon.tirk and S. P Panel..lker, Samuel Ellfott, In Cilnlisl, if LNDSEY'S PRO V ED - BLOOD SEARCHER I=ll cur Ihr spe,l3, .•110.1.11 cure r.f DISEASES arising Pram I wltiT UL' B Lout). Alt the most miraculous Cures This meDelne Las 'wren in de.perato cases of Scrofula, Cutanevas Diseases, Pimples on the fare, Old, Stubborn Uleers, Totter affections, Dyspepsia,. Jaundioe, l'an , orms forma lima, Er) : 4 orl, Eyes. Scala It ho uratlr DiSortICIS, Uilt.t.ll . l.lleSS, Suit Ithi•mt..- Me reel lal Diseases, Mineral Liver Complaint, Loss of A ppetl to Low Spirits. Foul Stool:10i. Female Complaints, fantail Diseases haling, file irrol gin In Nn Impure slate of the Itlood. We refer to the case of David MerrearY, of Napier township, Bedford 101111. 011 the 111 st do) of A n 4. not, 13,38 made :illidavit before .luslirr i;orley that h r was treated far the enre nl Cane, Lv there physivions of Bedford county, and by Dr. :Newton of the Eclectic Colle , go in Cincinnati, for n p• lied of nearly right months, ardwillista tiding IVilkll. his lip, nose, 0111111 portion at hook were entirely eaten awfiy I 11., had given up all liape, m 111,7 he heard of Ihe • Blood Boareher, ll and was Induced to try it. Pour ethroul him, 11111 ulthouch ,adly IliA.:ured, there is no question but what this In val 111.11i1,111 weld I r is life. The full particulars of this remarkable cat., may he seen inn circular, n hell e:111 be Itid of any of the Agents. 0160 refer to the coin of Nancy 11l ca Ice ey, of Elder• ton, Armstrong anunty, Pa., cured of Fecoful a after bo• ingunaldu to Or. out of her lied tiir throe years. • . To the caso'of.e. lady In Ansonville, Glearneld county who was also,afilleted with Scrofula In its worst torm. To the case of iloorgo Moklli,residln! , fu Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa., who was so sully afflicted with Concur that it not lilt entire linen off, and his cage tees worst( if possible, than McCreary's. The particulars of these eases—every one of alilth was corm( by the use of the Mond Soareher—may alio) ho found In a circular to Lc had of any of the Agonta. R. M. LEMON. Proprietor. Laboratory fur the man ufacturo and sale, near the p a . Railroad Depot. lollidayshurg. It,. Dr. (100. 11. Heyser, Vl:bele:4lle Ageet, Pitt,hergh, in. , p,o_ For sale In Carlisle by S. W. Haversl El Holt, and Roy nolds &I' pinta.; Dr..l. lit., t Mg. Mechanics burg; Gosweiler'& Zook, : Joshua Colp /lowdown; Jamb Simmons. Cross Roads ; .1. J. Coble, E. Who( Shicaunanstown; A. li. Leidioli, llnillee :-prilors Mary W. Kissel, Churchtewn ; (1. W. Robinson II rot 1 1 111: Fasnaught & Co., Oakville ; Shoemaker & Elliott, Newburg; Wm. Bratton, Nowville; J. Hood & CO., Springfield; Russell A; Co.-, Dickimam ; EV-land at Washing, Jacksonville; Wm. Clark & Ce., Loos, Raads; Wm. H. Ecklus, Sporting 11111; 1). Dunlinger 'Whit.) Hall; J. C. (hick, Shipponsburg; all of Cumber land county, l'a. FOUTZ.IS NIXT.URE.— : -Thcl.l3est LINMENT for .MAN anti BEAST now in USES: fit a - onto and reliable remedy for the cure of 111.10i1111%. 0;111, Painful Nervous Affections, Sprains, .Burns, Swellings, and all disuasos requiring the external ap plication on Mani •• On Versus it will never fall to ouro roll Evil, Fiania, out funning Sores, or Sweeny, if properly applied. 'For Sprains, &Moos, Scratches, Croaked hoofs, Chafes, Sod. - die, Or Collar Gall, Cuts or Wounds, it Is an infallible remedy. Tfy'lt, and be convinced of its ellicacy. MATIS M. Persons afflicted .whin this disease no matter of how long atanditk, can ho promptly and offectuully cured by using thloftirxture. • There Is nothing in the -world so cure and no good to Mho away find Corns, and cure Frost Bites as, this pro. paratlon, 'fry it and satisfy yotirsolves. Prim 25 and 00 cents per bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, Mat minister, 11,1,' ; for saIebyIVEYNOLDS 'Sc rxtridni,Carlislo,Pa.,nud by. all reentry aterekeoporg. ' [Aug. 2441801. • . • I)' end dap store AA ) iliwoiofor known as 4 IIT.ELT,EItSe? has been rt. - moved directly,Opposlte-the old stand, , two doors hour Ardeld's clothing storo. The bush/rat willubo conduct.; od as beretefore, and the gootb4both home Made and .city nienufacturei warranted to giTo satisfadion as re, consinoutiod. A full patronage is respectfully/solicited ati avoo effort' will be made to keep thoussorimentof . men and boys bats and capii . completo, with prices to suit the Woes. - RELLI4.It, " Tea... Spring styles of silk lusts now ready. Iltnrch,D, Ritbicints. ITOOFL A ND'S BALSAMIC CY , TIDT A T.I r rOR THE •SPEEDY CURE OF' Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, hoarse ?less, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Diseases 'the Rimels, arisinfi from Card, Incipient Consumption, and fur the relief and (if at a.l possible) cure of Pa. tients in adranc ed stages of the latter disease. Thy finis:n - Ide Cordial is entirely n Vegetable prochte. , thin. r.nnhining the heeling properties of the Balsam, with the Invigorating qualities or II Cordial, Km] wing combinAlion so well adapted la the purposes Intend. old, that there an' but few cases of which will not. :am] catty period, staceutitb to lie healing and life giving properties. , liar ages; has the treatment of pulmonary cl:seases occupied the greater portion of the attention of the scientific of the medical world. lint none acquired mole eminence in his treatment of these diseases, than the celebrated Prussian Pr, IloortAND, the originator of the Cordial. Ills life was detailed to the product: lion of remedin- that would stand unrivalled. lloW well he has ~tioceetied, the Ate....ric•ln people are able hi and we positively assert. that no prep...4oloT, that have ever been placed liefbre them. hire . " r•, , llf,retl the same 01,101111 t On/011,1 . 0s on suffering humanity, or have elicited so many ,1111011.111110,15 from all minces of society, as the remedies of Dr. lloollitod, prepared by Dr. C .1 , of Philadelphia. The Cordial is designed for a chi,: of di•mas, mare general 1111r1 more fatal than any other to peopli: of this viol titrvitre subject. those spriotritig hoot a" SLIGHT COLD." That eminent anti]. ritv. Dr. hell, says: ••I will not site that Colds to our inhabitants what the :1111i Vrta.ew F1.V1.11 01, 1.. Ow, :of other Count rite; but. I COll n •nuti.lontly that, thee usher in tlisea, of greater complioity and toot Linty than the..t , latter." En( irely Vegetable No Alcoholic Prepara,t ion DR. TIOOFLAND'S I=l GERMAN BITTERS, Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., Phila. fa ,11-1 11* rtnfPI,IINT. I.I . SPEPSI.I, .I:ton,lire.Chr , ;nrc: N, of 'the ICid To.) s. and nII ft.1 , 11,-1111.kontert•ti 6I Vf , r or Sl,+numL. SII,II NW:MI to tilt! lit-. 1.1. Avithty thn hart 11111.11, 1/1,1t. , t for Fond. 1 0 01 noon or 1I e',ltt in Ihe Stout :It h. Som . 1 - rnotalioni, ,thlsing . or Fititterintz nt the Pit ot the ~ o linntine: of Iho Ileall. hillto•111( 111,101111, 1 !nth. Ina at the !heart.. l'itnidna or Still ontin.,, ,, ,,tiens when in 0 lyin, posture, Inn, 1,0,, 11,4, 00tA1 . 0 the Sight, Fever mud Moll 1 1 .1111 in the Ihtlioiettey of Pet:Tie:llion, Vel lowllet44 of 1111. Skin and 1.:3 - ett, Pain in the 11(1e, Molt, 1,i1111,, 'Fadden 111,111.5.0fjjeat, Jlttrnitg in the Flood. l on , taitt, Int.t.ziaillos of )4Vil• suit great Spirits.:lllllWill pdhlttyply,pre vent. 0 ve r, It!IIions P., kpri eta itt of the pulilie t o th, Impost ton, cloon no With Ilti•Oli11.• 01 the ittionot. ennllletlee in Its vlrtneoand adnEt r g.tbirto the diseases Ise „h 4 h a h. re,lnnu . unied. IL is no new runt untried Atiale;:bu, one taut has I • h.- lolll,,e!,trot;' trial bot , .. tho \ i 1 • .1” ,. it. I.•pkil•stlon Btilo it, uwlt allpd I, .00aii•on l•x hilt; _Vie inon, ill I±, 11,1‘,1 11'1,1 1.1, 1111 1 1110 1 4 prondninit and 1.110, 0; oils jrl Ehr rotnt v and :1,011.1,11 iw,031,,1 t. 11 ., A Itn.o 0 10.141,,d anti - 1,,,,i)11..1,1 1 1. :111.1 le he 111111 vrat I n I I.llt nustl I idi.reilicify is reit 114 dcsrniuy blue gi r'ebfiTy it - .'gnr7lTA v CR . : A :11....11 . 11i1 I , y 1'0.111 , 1, e r )I\o F ( I \ 111 Z . ) 1 . , II rfi l C /11 PI: ICI: u„. pre d.. 1111; till. palti nud Sou I.llrils thi) 6,:a 7 --- xm- Tuts ill! I. l'il jg9f inl l ,o•t:0 it:11,11,1 not Ilii• hiq it iiti hip :1,115 : At 1,, 1//, Ill:111010 1/11, , , ill 111,1 / ;1.•1 ,1 4, ill 11,11 tl 11 to I ~t th, reV t.f the - ph . , •ie» 1.1 i). 1111,1 Jr: ti t 1 , 11 10 , 11 N! • le»h», 1»•!1•.(2. )•)».e tl. te'. illihtering SS to,»11,1 Oil qte I, • : •,1241..." 1..111 nit fu A day. t h ,„ I. {:: .. I ; : h • )' h -11.1 \).'.., elke, - 9110'1312,10 I I , t.lllinV , 1 . • lc!, ILI. 14 , t i .•t 111.1 1 ". ,"",• I 111, t 1.11.• 111=11! DEA.F.NESS CURED ! NE,v II %Vl-.Y. )filV IDIII, 15.111, Pr. , f. 1 , 1,111, 1111 , 1. t t lit 01. Ali,' 1910 t.l• hi", Vf/11rA, (1.11:n11217 It. ANOTHER INSTANT CURE! = 1 r i lily tlint I Elt,•11111.1ti. s‘,l.• tim v 11,1•••• uti hais t tt t• . I (All t 11111 U ~.t.17.1,31,1,1 1111 1111.1.1.115 UN. l'/, t•x- \l.ivo, -1% —.., 1.1 , !lo•lt 311111. Allll,t Cured hi -1:1,•1111,11-. T 1 f a N a•: CK. Cot 1,1 I u , l,t,t itt4 I t;11.ol Jrtti than. Da Otattlt- I lect•ly rtA it it :It. my ttpit: tl Dt tint pair I.lttetrie 11.1 1. :11111.11g the utitst ttlitltaild I'l'llllll irn ~f 111.0,11 tIIIII.I. Al the earnest rotitivsl tti a ‘,llll 1.111.:tttl that I.lll' Itad 1 , 1,11 1.111111 Ittott 1 littl ul an - etital by its tie, I ,vas inllullllt 1 Iry n let. Ile, 1 hauglt at Ow tirat• I.t 1111 t 11,1 11g. I rd it to Icon quad: attd a rat ttt ittintltt4 1:11 I a lila' 1,t11% inc., ate that it1..1,111 id IL 11 11 I itr IV -4 Ink- 11l -.Ile; V.. I /1. , 011t1y lonli /I I.dd 111.111 n11,111111,', 111 kft t ,t!, and 1111 11C1•1. 11111111 s‘‘ttllen and itainlul that I r.ttliti 111,1 Olin lay 111,1,1 Ali •,tircesq., ovvrstilln.s. pliv,.l3n, I last. Pvt.ttill..2; i.•. 1 31.11 I.:1•••trp• "'his 11,1 11it,. I a 111 11 I'll. llii Il licl hnl mg herzt t lia aS it II as hislantait , ou . Yours. c,•l v tinl v. I•I\ INI;STON. lon t 1.7“, I 111. St., N. V r:• i•c•1 , 11,4:4 fho (OA. %I respeetalde i linnillei. of the old settler;. of New Vorli. Any one 0:111 aildres, !dui 1111 thy sildirct. id the above jeLter, whirl) slit I,llllllc will 0,1 with Principal Depot, 277 Foulh Nth Fd.reet, Philadelphia. Itid,oidw Ilturin rol 119.. Ail tttld .1.•1 eity nt Va /111 , 1,11 l< • F,'l ,ksllingt,. /..tiatet ; 13 rot, 1a1411 , 1.14.'5, riot uerl ' Ono, and 81.1011, Otto :;•Lreat; bang:MA - 11'F, al , 11,111;.;.anor, Ft, 1.111 12, 'lll.-ly. " II It INEll's 13 LLS .tI C C()I T( ;11 ;' , ,YItII p. I'n it 1'01'1111.4, i nLUs , o'lllll'l', IVIEMPING 1'01:1111, AST BRONCH ITIS, SPIT I'ING BLOOD, PAIN AND WEAKNESS hI PPICULTY or DanATHING, Th isix Ili, IL lias 11111,11 101 . 11 111111, 1.( 1 1 1 yt•,ll , 111 )11,5111101 11114 p tits 01 1 1 001,511 . 0 uia 11101 1010,1 1,11 n, ant u i red nn 11111/10010111111541 ,gmCott a , nn c l lll 10g OIL: I at iliseares for x Ilich it i" • lip, ibid. ~. 1 t Is Its usvfniness, awl sn ri niarimble has been its c s. that. It is liist superseding every other Um se diseases. 'rt.c afflicted can rely upon 11 its ,11:. , as inuell for them. and lu many e:15(.0 inure than :illy tither lemmly nuts 'WI. 'IT the public. It is riiennimendleil and preseriinells theTraet tee of a fined number of the most intelligent and uhla physi• duns oi . Mar) land. It Ie ti an indis pensable household remedy by it 411)0166 of the first families of the Stu.-, It Is used by all ela,ses of soekly. unit the universal opinion in that It is good Tine Seem• IS ruuta.v VEGE. TABLE t/OAIPOUNI, It Is ple:n•aut to t.ihe, anti never does injury. But owing to its purifying qualities, must In good under any eireunistanees. Its effects are tints wonderful, so othing. calming and allaying the vnrst silent roughs; purifying, strengthening and Invigo• rdthig the 'whole Sp.felll. null soothing the 111, vl., aiding and lasilitating expectoration, and heal lug the 'DISEASED LUNGS, Thu,; stt Mug at Ihu root of Like..., ;mll driving It from the system. CROUP, This disease is announeed by difficulty of breathing shrill wifistling or wheezing, ImelWrg rough and threat °mei suffocation, .te. It mostly occurs In young chil dren. Na child need die of croup if this Syrup is pro perly uscil and used In time. Mothers having croupy children should watch the first 'Mow of disease, and al ways hoop this lomedy at hand. For coughs after men..les thin Syrup Is most excellent. Experience has proven that It Is equalled by no other preparation. The price of 'the remedy is such an to place It within the reach of all, the poor as ovell no the rich, and every person should besot It: _Every person should have it in the house. It is a true not t faithful friend to all who VlllllO health and wish to hone themselves against [hilt most terrible disease. coninueption. It will be Mond the - most useful well us the cheapest faintly medicine in the world.— It has been used for the last four years -with a success without a parallel. Savo yonr children. No child need - die of croup if thie Syrup Is rased in time. Prl co 37 cents per bottle, or three bottles for $l. Vii—Por sale by 9 P PANNAIMKER, . by all country storekeepers. [Aug. 23, 1861. T lIBRICATiNG OILS.-W© -wish to Inform machinests, millers and the nubile uene , ral y, that wo have on hand a full stock of Lubricating 0118 for all kinds of machinery, this 'oil surpaises all others, having been subjected ton thorough test by the sldn.of the bent Lard and other 011 s. It is pronounced dsuperlor Lubricator at less toot and wearing longer. andimtirely"irini 11.014 gum, and will stand much colder 'weather and has less tendency to heat. Try it and you -- strill - usenothing - Mse - for - Luhrlentin Nov.Carlisle 2, 'OO, JOON P. LYNE Sr, SON. Nortlfilanoier Street Cirlisle. OR SALE OR REL A: ^The subscriber olioes for sale or. rout, fu) 13011, .• Tbieo Story Brick House • , • on:tiorth lionoverStroet. Posgesslon' 'H 97r *,.`" ....1., given on tho let of April next. Tho plena bee nine fainne p fanished • • ''reith Water end giie, and sOtabld ofth• or for huelneaß or ahrtyrotogoshloneo. -4.IVB'AVER. i - Neva lavers. •STTE.VTIIO.I I r: NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS A ftair returning his aekninflodg - em outs for tho Tory liberal patronage has been extended to him, the undersigned would rail attention, to the fart that he has just re-opened hie extensive assortment of family (;1 , : WO rl ')1 In his new storeroom, on tho south-rest corner of the public square, where the public are invited to Tail and examine n atock of goods whieh, in elegance, variety anti extent, will defy competition; comprising in part loaf, lump, crushed and brown sugars, lava, Rio anti roasted Coffee. • Every vit. .do rioty and quality of TEA. Spices, (ground 'Oil " and unground,) Pirkels, Sauces, Table Oil. 111 Now Orleans, Sugarimuse and Trinidad • Molasses; New York and Philadelphia Syr ups. Cheese, Maettruni, Vormecilli, split Pens. Hominy, Mincenumt, corn Starch. Carina, Chocolate, Extract o• Coffee, refilled sugar at reduced rates. washing and bak ing Enda. Tobacco of tho most favorite brands, anti the fittest quality of Sugars. Assn, a beautiful assortment of Britannia Warn, plain and pld band China Ware, Glassyffueens,Stonoond- Eartitern Ware, in groat va• defy, and an elegant lot of Fancy Soaps, extracts and perfumery fbr the tone/. lel:LOTS: Including Peaches In cans, 'Eakins. Cran• berries, dry tipples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, to. r i. 6 LIQUORS : 'Wholsalo and retail, ( ir ier \ 2"—"A= lo'Y, ilrandies, dark and pal, Lisbon Slic•rry Port. Madorla, (H ngar, Catawba SII , and :CI nsvat Wines In e,Llis and Lot so., - pi.... 0,,, , , 6,,,,t,.1/ 1% I.l6key, Holland Gin, and SeLoldam Schnapps. _ FISH . AND SALT A Inrce (d - LA NI I'S, ineluding Dyett'n relebrnto,l for hurtling Ret osene n 1 et.' oil, ;den Sperm Pine, 14111 i and Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, ,perm nud Star ('undies CEDAIt-WARE ANT) ram(rms. Soaps. lloormatp, Walters. Looklng.glasseg, flit,' letter and note paper, 11 7 111ov, Ware, paint VII 1111 . kl•t! . . ct . C. Cotton and woollen Hose, and half Hose, and a full stock of Moves, including the well known Hanover pAyek In short. his stnel, comprises everything that is called forin hie line of hnslness. and no efforts will Ite spared to ronder entiro satisfaction if) his esti inlo. OH. 27, IStiS-Iy. Eir- Nlitrlcrthig . 01 all kinds taken , JR, nx.stinpgo fo goods. " Off a Rffil 1714//iLik:li; A)1 I I,Y ER.Y AND TEA MEE Just received and in store. a fresh and well ne; - ler( e.I :n , tol lment of I: in, lava anti iiitirt, r:til, Coffee. lloAsted Coffee. Crushed Pill) er tied :- . . twnrs. Refined and other Iprewit 1 4 u,tors, superior Syrup M 1:),..,, Ilri,ll. - (bakine.:l 31 mil a , .e5.,,,-. Spires of eve, s,lliety. p lire only : Storni), farina and Clen,1:00 Irocraroni. rhrese mind er,111,1,. T. 1 1 ,101,1 ,11111 P:l.. Indigo, Palen :I,ols :mil `,ode, ('ream 't artan- mi nd as. sorted hek le, yluslrulnl and Coriander Seed. TI:I:=- .1 lion assortment in rani,o_rec, E 4 34 1 nod it dull:- as well as all other aril, lea ''"'"lt j illt helonfrine' to rhe hil.titilel—all attlielniCest skti!'!r• end late red u) n,I prices. - Und),tall i J. IV. 1:11Y. • DEZV GO(MS I DRY ()411)D - 0. .llt 'VAL OF DRV GOODS ,11 II I, I ~., 1 01.1010.1 opening our Si,iwr ,torli of mll - 1.11 h fargei- anti slurp .ialit•d than ~t ur t'..rmor . . t•lli Itietelt- anti customers Ire invite you to visit i ttutt ,,,,,•; tore NotlttlS. 11111,t ,, ch part, FANCY .IND PLAIN. and blilliant Fly', nI S r rin n ;in n , n very lot r 111. \ !..IN am: Itr.uretl.anil Foul at. , a aFperintly Invite the lathes 1.. lb', ,1,1.1011,:it ot .knr 1111.,t0r Floel, NOT W jolt 1 . . I.:111 , ..1:1(1111 Ir ‘{ I I , tt'•! Cillth,Grey l'lleneLust4rs, lid and nd 1:114 - 1,1t I nt7P., •Englis:ll and .Iniertylit-Ottllco.g; =I Th„„ mith - taro, nntinro th.. Ind 1,,,t impnrU g h o u 6 d B in Mary. t. j. burn t. I,IIIOIIS. I.:l4 • l'S , .. Edr.ingS. 111E10... N.1111,,,,1.,„1:t00nvi I<, FRAM': STI;PF, in, 1,111 H.111.11h. v. en [ion, Intz and Wt.all:. 1,.• C:1 nr tit! , t.. n IX%; Iti:1; 1 ALP. AI! il Ito And n,1,4 of ddint.nt !1,. rt., nur an 0 Li% 11. 11,, .:ny I,IQIII and 11.1) 1./1•;„.. IT Ild 11111VW ~ e ly • Vino French Collin.. .•.! •t ~I.i. tuns' tt , lt .• . • . 41.1 t.. 11.11 t 1.4,0 4 0,4, 1...t.t..1 4.11.1 it. visit., than tl., =I =EMI it Ilit 111=2 11 I\ ,olcu. Gstlon .11 I.!ticli T.mllo , and 11;1 1111,h. thread ealuves. .‘ nur ~111 lar Tsui, ti in) ‘IES'fli•N. Flannels, every nrtielo In the , lieinis'lir line of Dry flood.. in Innior ntity nnil in nr , re comp!. te ngrairlinent llln, ,an be finned in any Iluuee in the interior of Pen zisy I= ( . 14 , t 01 . 0 g, Vet.t.ittrs, Linens, Cot tnnatles, It, I t•t , ll- ttnti In I Men and Ittt3s tint t tt- .t•t t ,, nets to Iv u 115115- tt, ti .11111 anti tittality. Dl= pt.l.llllf. ~ I tan nral thlr, v,•l(z,t, all.l I in Carr , Is, a I t 1,, C4triwls , 0.1 , •r 1111 , 1, t! i• 71,1 h t .111 , 1 11•,, 'nen ,Iiii1,1(1 :1! out inntn.llm. , upon house. i nn it,. n“in ti. 15 5, s 1.,,re ( A H 1-7, 'l' ( ) ( ) sple•liaid art.& I.f Ono lar,e nnitivs. Fno,lo n I lii nlypttrlllll.lsl ninn sold n i t n 11, I. ns ini net , . llvrinn•llll,r ,ncintlrnnin, tn. my 1 ,, nils,nn 11,1 , . Lrrn, :111t1 1 . : /11,, Is. ~• 1 1.1,1r 101 \rl I. Awl ws num, io.n, A W I:: ATZ. 1131, , Ner se.. :1 161. Nea l by opposite I lie I\1; OFF A 1"1' I.; -Fl. F, IL 7 "Ers 141.1,M1 ! .11 1111. (II 11, ahoy,: the Comil•rl laud I'alley tWii Lelov. 11, .11 11...1. Alain sttt,t, the largest mitt laa.t ,It , rk id WATCIII:8 AND .IEII'ELIII in thel nrn. v. 11l b.. , Piti :1.1 pet ,•eat 14k,,t. than :It any idare Iu tl State. 1 i,e,t la 1,1 , ass, L. t il.dd and Mil veillllll as, ii.itcll,. ',Tines, Am, rican Nvatclips, and all 01/mr :11,81 styles, G9LD AND SIVER CHAINS, if all !duds, Spectax:es Gold :111,1 Si lirr, Plated and Sill, Nf Urn, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, Oil Painting,. a great variety of fanry /nth les,and a lot of t finest Pianos. which will be sold An per vent lancer than el', cc lared in town. The entire stock of iVaich maker i ota , rat,s. larg, Mirr, , , :nod :Sara will be bold whol,ale or retail Oil the easiest Having stilestoil a lilac class w..rknuin all lilnds of re pairing will lip dons as uhual, at rodured prism Thy. Pianos at i iiilUo below this laatory price on ac count of the lloniittoy closing out. I will sell at this deirsir) itt list., 7'll RE I; R.O S E 1( . 0 /) ilV,tllllll lltrir real rattle on retry terms if Palled me sano• 7:4 - 111 CAN BE MADE! By Buy hot your ;too Is from Lektiolt Svvy o ,,t: rospootfully entl ottotaloo to our Large stock of_swomer Goods, .hint cud Iron, the Ea , ter 11 Illarliati. boon fiareliaseil fifi. CASH, and slute, flm ruinous deolin o In un,tomer: ttlil ti nd great bargains in Silks, lihrego, Thessalia- Itai ego Palermo, English tirenadrue, Organdy Law . ns. French Lawns. 3luzamhiqucs, Mullions (Irisalcs fig oh, las, I hales, Chintzcs. Se, On. Newest Styles Pin is Coats, Barques and Mantles, Shnulitia and Preset Lyra honours, 3lantlos and Points. These gomls aro very low—loss than Importing onst. o Is of all liifids suit:lllla for the season, SUN . UiIIIRELLAS, Parasols, less than o'rhrinal cost. Gloves of every des. eription. Nltts, every variety, IV 11.1` , X'S Colehratml lloop Shirts—" The Skirt of the Season." Every variety and kind of goods suitable for Ladies, Men and Boys wear. 1(_-'•z) , at. 2 The largcst and newest shirk In town. Oil Cloths, Mattings, Looking Glasses, Furtklnhing Goods In great vatiety. All of thche goods, and an endless variety' not enumerated. We our to the community ut nricen to dc:fy sum potion. Please rail and examine for yourselves. Julke 23. 'l3l. LEI DlOll. SAWYER & MILLER; FANCY FURS! FANCY IIIMS!! • JOHN FAREIRA, • 7 718' ARCH' trcet, be .> ir. -,• ' - i ' - twcun 7th and 8111. .j/ C d - rz , . . - . --Sta., • I ..., -(Leto of 818 Markot St.,) 4 ./ '-'". , ^ 7I I . PHILADLLPHIA, ~ 7 ~, ) 1 1 ' A ' I .' ,jt•f I- , Importer and idantifee- O ' t`i; . l ,. \ 1 4 . - ‘\, . turer- of, and Dealer In 1 # i i ' l,,t ' l \,l, ~ .= - . f all hinds of i hi ' . 1,i . .. i'.l.' --- ~„.:2. c, 6 el:!; • ' 1 ff , ; :,...-,m Fen LADIES'. MISSES', tom . 'N''' , - .......... ' ' ,....: i ^ ' '''''--- and CHILDREN'S WEAR. --4'- ‘ --- - '._,... - ,t- - - - -' " 7-----"- 35r - V Having now Inanufac ---7--=---..-, 'turgid and In store my 'mini large. atuniuttutlful assorttneut of all the 'various styles: ancl. finalities of Furs, adapted to the domino' ...Yell and Winter Seasons, 'I Would respectfully-invite an omunlnatlon of my stook and prices from those in . tending to purchase, its I age enabled to offor them - very desirable Inducements, _ . . . . All my Vora havo boon porch Eva for on6b, and modo - hy mcnorloneed aud'compotant.hands, and to the pros. onhnotiatarytroublen condor I t b neemairy that 1 ehoul dispose of my gecids at a vary omen otlytineq on koat. • I anmattlefted that It IV)i IVO to;t1to Intoreata of theso who &Man purchasing, ttiglvo ma a call, Recollect, tho name, nunlber nod !Arcot: John Tarelra, (Now yur Store,) 718 Arith Street, rhllatl'a. • Sep.lB, 18014 m.. - 1:' 4 10R--RENT, , 7--Tho largo , L throo•story Brick nous° on Main r.;t, •••• : treot, will bo rented on oaoy tonne, from the lot of April noxt: Coll at' - tli .rowqlry Storo la cold building. -- • Loo 0,1861. • . ,~lli ccltntuuua. Carlisle .rotmdry, • ,_......,. 4 • - • 11< ,, ,04.Y , :-: ,. '"• 11 1 .7 . ,-, 1 1 T ,F,-----,7. _ - - 7- 2 1=',5tT,74 - :..1.4., .5,-D 4 i'lP,l7r.' l '-1 - .i l :P; +7-7- ' ll 11 - -:ZAI,i eScaVSir; sl '4A - Z-, :e i ;> 4 •,.if s 1fi,„„?.!?0,,,410,,3 .• .vie. 4- ' - ; , f- , , - .i---,.,,,,,,0 . ..^ „ 4 , . t ,,, = _. , . . t ,r-,,,,. , s ,„ ak . 10 ,.. em ,r *lt t • ••• (~ e t • Sg4 It•tr•qtpi , IN,q. . ' gni .-----;---:---'-----. .. ,:,,.S., AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT 1 F. Gardner At Co, now manufacture and keep con stantly for sale. at their woe PSI VO Rl 1.1 , 1,1 Works on East Main alma, Carlisle, a large lo.sortment of ' AuItICULTURAL IMPLEM ENTS, of well.linown, approved usefulness to farmers. among which they would will eapodal attention to I% ILLOUG 11 111 - 's CELEBRATED PATENT G_UM_SPIWYG GlaIN DRILL, which has taken over fifty First ("ass ('rem' nnu nt State and County Fairs. To (ho Farmers of Cumberland. irk rollittios nro need speak in dedtnll of the merits of this drill. es m.o.'s of ((Will 111 . 0 1 - 101 V in 11.. 0n the hest farms in these counties. Its remit - , (ion in 1,0.3111,/lVii no the complete Groin Drill unw IllanUfaall rod In thu tlnited'Flates. It sows 'Wheat, Ny e , (Ira,. evenly 'and rer.lllll, .ithont blalchill. 1110 Heed. Th. LEM. Sprillp. IMF: , the drill 01 I, stumps and stones, n ithout Ll caking pins, the drill. F.,r oven and t, oiler ~o 5 in/;. the (illlll Sprittg Drill is onegnelle,i by use other. We 1114 U 118111 ~ ( 1 (1tll re and sell the (1111, Inc article's, whirl, reo.lllloelld (41 Fai 111015 as tellable implements, ai r o,lablifated charnel,: NIORR !SON'S PATENT Coll , : PLANTER. .1-111'S PATENT ~ :-TEA IV FuPDFR CUTTER, BRIDENDOLI'II'S P,Ur 1. - Vl' II A RN'S P.\ TENT CIDER' ;‘111,1.. CA,T II )N 111)E'S TROU(; n. Also. Three and Four Horse Enrn els and 'EI, ,hi ng lachines, tact. Iron Field little, s. Plitt b Castings of 111101IY patterns. Corn Crw..bers. and of her ai titles for Farmers the nutnerm , Ur mentlen. Also. Egg null Stoves and Ten Elsie \ r,nd hiov e. ui ill 011 1111111111, variety of ether castings (et heusel,eepers and ethers. 14e have also an altraetiN r• let} of patterns for IRON RALTEIZIGS = ana CEMETERY ENCLO:SURLS to IN hich arc Nrould rall a tte n t1,.11. Steam Engines nntl 111 111 Gearing To this deportment f liositirss give poi lieu. Jar attention. por e slot p.itterng Floor nrdw - NM I;liaring. is crinstantly tifOrgasing. l‘wriers alii )1111‘l f ights m ill lie .I,ur. _ntSlied with a printed GI tali.goe of nor various :0111 ['often's. on apiilh it I ion. (for Ilnrhiue rlop ronita t oes nil thh VIIHOUN tools 1, for I , lllr, 111:Ini1,, n Sliniting and Cast lugs. I,y nod vitro tol Machinist:, STATION:Utv )1 I , ,N6INES of - any deslrolile (Twirl I y ?pan ten lu twenty fiseliiirse power, liollt 111 the Lo , n in 3ls :Ind en :ICC! lei ins. Engini.i. Ludt. al nor ugly lie st•rn in suiyessful ninny 1,l Llu:Jareest in lisle. and f'uniberin nJ Perry and Dauphin Counties. tiers i , l 1,11101 i t•lllidentiv refer for 1'11.qm:111071 as their eflli wantil",, 00:1111 I Ii5i1105:111 , f• re• quested In r rnll thu eXIIIIIII.II belnre lout r.ief in;{ else. where MOOR AIVD N,P SH FACTOIIV. ('onnect,' wlth our r,t31,11,1,111e111 Is Slain Poor Vimulna tar) v,lii , 11 to,u 111 con lh le oi Ceo her the man tlfurtutc• of for the frost costly , o rll as IVin (lnn. So It fin 1.1,11eil flout ti vino s 111,6 t.. size ot gloss: 11 tutors I rinses h.l 11 1'"iird Sun ;ors and Bolling Minds il.'ll/ Iniors 1500) . 1,12 111 ninviitt. 3lotthlit Unnt togs • A Os. \l'i;;11 - F:tit - 07 111nr , r)", and oilier sr' lutes needed in fin wished at then o pris, :mil of the test .itml,ty ot Itlllll,er. ell ills, in to build arid Lis fil.triii,porterssin the roil rood, .pith The enntlnnint he unidir Is rei.prottolly siiiisitint. Orders I t sail Int uiptly At tendi it to. Slay D. 1 00. F. (1.1111/N5ll it Co. - NEW COA 1, AN]) 1,1'111E11.1 - ARD. lid, ttay tt , red into rart• , i neyb,pp to hole 0 A r. A N D L U M 1; E It , - "S'c'e will Lave con,l ),Ind and furnl,ll to ardor alOdnds and quali:2, tooth ,t1.731111,1C, • MEM uaLlr hhorteht, ti. H I ,. n ~..t r ,.,, ttur worhud n I r 1.. nt 11,1rl er tql 01.1 i Llil.:1, .;:tn-1)41 furnisbed dr) a .111 tln.‘,. 11 1. havo conottiptlyall I.i l ,h. I.i Pnr. , 113 . re, ‘3ll,ler ruder,e 4\ll delil er clean t.‘, inrt. 0 the I,”ruu4ll; . To . s% it: =I 111=11=1 Till:VOlif,CONe. ',: 'r:•:i LOCUST \IUL'tiTAIV;'::;.+ 1.61111111 r. w Web itleaik>urtiolieti to sell at tim Inwest prices Bost quality of J,,,,,o'blttn , I's frnd ..n 1,1 t: ,111.11 n. v,lll Qp;I:It 11, Inn c,t figura NS 1.•,t 1.1.1",11:11 I. AP,:t1: , 11:1•Nt, e 11,4FElt. MENEM .7. R. NONEIIIJAKER , FORWARDING Al I) CO3I3LIS siox nor,sr, FLOUR AND IVECD; • 01.',L, PT. A -Trli A N I.T. TllO L.lll.:f.riior lois in, I if 1110 Wfire ,tl,l, of 11 111 wrII Is nn ,tallkh In'ont. I, It ^ol'l I. pp. Isillsllslrollegt. f oh! it/1,1111 1 , 111.::. ..! 111 l'Sitetud ~•1 Vol-of:1t, 1.1 1 ~olloi-s1,1) I 0 , 111,5. hr 1,11 1111. 0 wlll It Hid r nll,l 1.1 1 / .110 .11- 1 rip. 110.1 1,, 110,111r0 1111/I I , lOrk t ,, 1 . 1111.,..1 11.1111111 0 11'. 31110 10V,1,1.1111,01.i1.11 SIIIOIN .11 0 1 1111 1 'A 1) S 11,T 6eplcor.fantl3• 1.1,,,1 I; A \ I, I. IT I.:it ‘ , ll , J, Cow nt endmicittr, LYlil.:,'s VALLI 1, LEK:, 1.11 , 1r1,E1t. S , LA Itt It V WHITE ASH I,t)EI:ST Linlebiarner's ;111(1 Illacisinitit's Fls 'l' UNDER cOl• ER and dolivored dry to any Oil tof Ho. town. NONIOIAKER earHFlo. A u;-0,117, f I UMI3 Elt AND COA - L OMER KIANCEY I IUMIII , :1Z AND COAL, YARD On the Rad Rued, mar !hi; (,' Wurks. Tho snlAcribor kt.ops con,tantly on hand, a full 1.1 sortmont of Lumber C Coal, ho ran fur nish to ord.!' protOpti) and on 1110 lilOst h011:0,10 tern.. LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FIG\ ME STUFF, PallnO, Plastering and Shinuling-Laths. Worked Flop).- ing,lreatherhoarding, Ilail).,11 Pil., Hemlock and 03k Shingles, of every quality. .110 :duo fluni).ll hills to outer of any It ooth and at the )..1).) tort notice and on the mast reasonable terms. ills Worked boards are kept under cover, so that they can lie fur nished dry at 311 that's, Ile has on hand all Itllnk o 4 Family Coal under mere, trldrL 1,01 I.e deliveled dean to any part Of the borough. T" ,‘ it LVKEN S VALLEY._ • LUKE FIDDLER, VIEWER I'ON, LOCUST MOUNTAr;sT, And other verlrtleo, and all Lhr eel toes sloesln use, Wllle/I hr ollels tothe public at the loW est prices. LIMMIURNER'S AN 11 VI. \ on hand, at the lois est rash price. Thankful for the patrontine of 0 irelleetille pulps, be stowed upon the late tire) of Black Delanry. he wenhl solicit a onlitintune•e el the Stele° tie hr Will Stele° to please. All.urders 101 l :it the s-eu,denee J a e,d ) sh ro m thr Coal and'..Lumber, is ill be prmupt lc attended to as heretofore. 01,1 V hilt 1 0 1.:1,ANCI ) . July iii, William I'. Lynch, PracticAPLUMBER - and GAs4r7TER, in the imse7UeO of the Jl. B. ("lurch, Street, Carlisle. Lead and IromPlpes, !con Sinks, Hydrants, • Path Tubs, Hot k Held Sbower Baths, )10th Boilers, Water Closets, Wash Basins, Flute and in. Pumps, Hydraulic Rams, Am. Wrolt,lrmi Wad Tubes, And every description of corks and fittings for gas, steam; we ter, Ac. Superior cooking ranges, heaters Ilnd gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and 'dwellings, .ut short notice, in the ino4 modern style. All 'maul-- OB.llnd work, In our line at low rates and warranted. Conn tr.yrork and Jobb ing'promptly attended to. 11Iar; 23.1550-1 v • " 10EOPLE'S EXPRESS LINE," DETWLEN BALTIMORE, • WASIIINGTON, • • GEORGETOWN • 4iiLcl.rl The enbecribers having completed their arranOmenta ae tcr Clare,. - Storago, ato - rimy prepar o d.4b receive daily, at their dopot, No. 247 Pratt •Stroet, between tiharp and Howard, freight of every_dosorlption for.tho abovo places,. (loads couelgnoti to us will rocolvo our personal -attdathin, and be promptly forwarded nod do. livered. .. _ ' WILLIAM lifillINSON, • -7' Agent, 247 Pratt Btrect, Dalt boom.. SAMUEL C. ICEMPTON, .Agent, for>ad St., Indian Avenue, Washington, D. Q... Jauuar3+ 3, 1802,-5 t. QKELETON SKlRTS:—Another largo atipplyfrPftboo suporlor and cheap steel spring elcnieinst yticalved.; •Ilerktedly the best and cheapest. In.Carlielei At the cheap Cash. store • • Nov.; bto.CLIAS. OUILIIY,•Trustde. • • ' 111r11.1 , 13it •13'i I,IIIA 1,1 SC.\ NT!.! NO, Broken, E;rg, Stove :Ind Nu do. do n Laud, and I=ll -~y.. ~ CAAL s~, Y ~ ~~iu`k'~._srtE~ lliatcljes anb . gemettg. LOCKS WATCHES JEWELRY AiS!D.S.ILVER :WARE. at Manufacturers prices. IT. D. A. Naugle. Agt., Zur,'S balding East Mal n St., opposlte'Etextons Ifttrdwaro Store, Dealer in FRENCH & AMERICAN CLOCKS; . .„ . ,--r.r,i.---','IY..F:,-::4,-,:,‘:;., - . .— e--.3 • , ':: -" ! . : 5 ii .-- .,... , 'TT? 6, 4 - I : , _ ..\ t,...," • - .",' , ' ' V — .. ' '`<.. t,./ s . &; , {1‘ . ,11 4-4 ''' - ' .. ;:r ..V 7 - 6,. '*W,l9-1 • '''.' 6 ..'",.'",' , .':•0 5 5,z. , ,t.,- -.l i '. ' ''.4, ,L,.. ,- .' s'. '..-..' , - ,, , ,,L1e ''. , t ,._••••.,„„••,-,.. Foreign and American 'Watches. ..4,1,1y. Silverand,Pla ted ware. Fancy floods 5.,. woulil most respert fully In form his old pat roan and the puldle generally that he has just returned front Ihe East wit It an on! Ire new stock of FIN I. IV A 'WI I ES,JEWELILI', 5I L\' Mt & PLA- T DI ) WAIL E, CLOCKS 47'e. I Laving soettred ageneioo front ROM 0 of the largest and host Fagoting for the ...ale of I hese goods. I am prepa. red to ntrer to the politic any article in the Tine. front 76 to I"it portent-less than-thee hal, ever-iv:seri offerml In thin place or Lt-It to 1111, regular wholesale price, no ("ilmvs, finch , from? :" cent , : to ..• In, II atelt, ft oat i. - 2.T.11 to $1.50..1,•., elry in sells 11,11 f,il ,'cuts to i,..'25.T4.a5i.t,is from DI to s3o,—ti pieces Lest quality and latest oil lon CLOCKS W .1 'fl'l fES. JEW KLIt Y. R day alarms, (I,ld 11.'0 Can Eng. Coral, R •• Striking. " " Aunt:lean . , Pearl, 8 " :. , t & Al. " " Solos, ' Cameo, R "It egolatots, " " Vlolll'll. (iota :' ,, tone. 8 " I; allery, Siker 1111,11.C/I,IEIIIX. 1. 1 ,11. " 1.11111,11, 1 ' '' American. Carbuncle, 8 '• Mantles. " Swiss. Opal, 8 '. Sat lor. "‘• Ft f•nell, Retain, •' Marine, Din n Face A lIIF, ioan, .11.1., 80 Ilour. .. .. 1,,,,i,,,,, i;at net. :to Strikleg. ' , t Q,,,,,t ier=, Tut q tmis, :lit Alarm it SI 1 ik. " " Enzllsh, Paint Inn) '..,11 Ti,,, " t ' 1 , ,,,,,h, I:,..eited, :lo Levers, " " fir tea. 1 . 3 , 1 e. lit Gthic, " t ', Stone, T 1 , , .1 S E u"r .4 . Gold eta, WaiterB T111 . 1 1 ( 1 11o, .1,11111, ( . 111 -. Dotter Dishes, ;salt Stands. Fish Knives. I'll l KI,II. •s, C: wish Is ni r •0, I ... Cl,llllllO. Cali.: Knives, I. orl, Sp.ons, Castors. Carlisle, July '.27, lr , r,t) -Iv. o s h y WATCH MAKER SOUTH HANOVER STREET, Cu,!, I r-upplied nrynelf eith n large annort t ment Watdh (:1:1-.eq, A r.. I am non prepared to re pair all kirrd—'l,l,,l, Ar• “n the rarell,1 , 011:11.1.'11,1,1 , that. Inny In' int erprted Inr care Ilitin d , 1 , , -Eli' 1 :Merin -Fr to 11l iIIIV9 Or he 13 101,11 IV ,Hl re Ilf ruldir• pat r'.ll , lne. A fine r , d.ert meta suet. 3K BIOISI Pill, 3,1 I de I I p, Ireld and I rtnr, \ l'reet , t le I Ede and It urrld Plater - Ir h•rinstlilt Id'rket, , ritard Key., Av. Al , O 11 lar,:r. ,11111 tine ~,,,,etreurrUur (P)1,1).FIN(;EIL ItlNi;s, 110 , D t of :till nr Thinting, Dettoloot, I,orotr, and Luton,. 11.11clo,•ttcl n gootl tt ,, ortitott of cilvor tt`rol t.ttloq , tfoo•t MP of 0 Iti.•11 111 - 60 '0,13 Itt, .1 t. 11.110 ttl pohio It. t lrto t t, 0 it, 0 , 1 , 0( 11 0 1kt ,olj e i. tli IS. STEEL. . . . • enri,;...!•••l • 1•• - .‘ 'lv III:S „1 11' N", A NI) V I,V! ;:-A" .11: NVet. )1.1;a the Ultiol,•1131,1 Valley I tt.t,n jn , t, t.] vvtl neto tts-tttrtutott of sr:q.'•hC , t r) rec td •tl'tlt , r ware, Or.. in nd , litinn my /on- , toclt to olllch I tho attontion of the puddle. 'ldloss,ortno_nt onihr.mes tine .11,11/ nilrer loror nrsti J. I 21114 i open c.0 , -• 1111 • 2......1(1 An chors Ird- 1..111n, .ind Gentlemen and rikt r I,epines and I;uarti, oatcher elery v.trody iu tile .dol 1 1r.! :Moog. Ilrenst.-pine for 1..1i0= :r.l I /•%,•. , L,./;/ty. pat lot prirr. Cub,-s ;1,1 .;..I•1 dolor ,1. 1 4 t, ruff plus, slii I sloe, ,•1 nt tills. crrvo.o... . er. A;o1,1..1. 1 .river thimbles. =Arc, „ an d 1.1 tor to•I t0.1.11,1.1,../.1.1.1 of oi /Ty A In r, cold, mil for •III•i tfl suit all Lt.l 1,11 . 1t . :1 nu itIVIIO ‘TiCial MUM. A One 1..1 FEN: , from the best. makers, 1',111.•0 boxes. silver real 1 yard gi 1,1 and e. elm .11 bra...l. :Nlantle and a variety of ,irtieles ally 1,11 , 1 In ..11.0tdry 111.11 I for All artleles war r. - 1 1111 Lel t.. 1." 01111 1111:) tl. t Mlll at 1..‘ I In and all work ,08r 111111011. CL( )( I V ATI II .11.: V 1.: RY. \ ER AND PLATED WARE. ETA 111 i 11, DE N, N. Invites f•peoial attention to his full supply 111 Watehes, of 1•:NOLISIII and 13 EN E \ A MANUFACTURE, EI41: 0 ANT DESIGNS, Stlrer 11'ure of thr Berl Quality with 11,1 PI I enFi VP ~ ,o rt- t nent of SUPERIuIt TIME KEEPING CLOCKS In n in in I tii tin , t rrif ,, I.IOV 1,111•1;111 , ti !tont rinrt ri, nye]. VI • 1111 y A It KIN &CO rrmrnr;r.l (; .; S. I:. CL , lll,l' ~ 11111 aryl St eels, tr. \ 1 1 :\ sT 111 : 1 :1',) . .\ ft, 1/( r. i u.lll ll.' s.lri.m, rhr. , l Iht. ',I It. (hi` nitr•1111 n,.t til.•it i/ 11111 100 pohlir to Ito, vx toto,iso "111.•/1 , o,t , the orpo t t, or pr 0 ,,,,, 0 , rh o hr,r, pig t urn. rnt II at leapt, to no) lit - sto.lah , I,.ii 1•1 Itreletrvttiots are complete for ~,ectitinez all the ho. proved , t kno, it to the Art. Tlove Imi 4. a patent arralleentent rev eep . % Da,ilerreolypeC, , Ice . mak - Ira' them Lint di' , lloll I , llit thii iu thin eliunity. Attu ht..l to toot ertahlistotteot, are th ni . t . A rt illt•11111111g /IS :IS 52,00. 2012. at 75 omits. I:‘t ra copies 50 viils., n Q i per dew •n. Lito size Photo : 2:l,phi. as Ir,us as Qli and I yer)l‘ pr. 0' S:11110 piiro. Dtualdo Amt./idyl., at 5 0 vent , . and upwArde, A most o,totisi VO Wlllll.ll t nfttilt Peinu , s em Ma, solect and choice vat isty of the latest sty l os . iee s ft mu ,olits and upwards. E.:pool:11 attention IsLews.l upon Life sized l'huto grapitu rod from small pictures, and from life. 0 to I 0 Od 41 • I iu the Art. Feb. 'LI.-1 V. )1101 . 01111:\ PII Y in all its branches executi•..l in tin , tylv I, nuns ti ill the art, at C. G. !LIN S I, I, I.: No. .1,11 St t 01 Lire Size in (til and l'astil. PORTII A I I'S. A 111111Ite VP ES \I i P 1.1: I; Po v., for ; and 11111,, !or promptly :tttotoled to. Mar, It s. —I v. 0(11 S11.1•H P.-1V in. Fridley would to I he oitooos of Carlisle zuni the public getielally that he ha, ay.alncommeneed thoullllC, taring tin It sheet film ware mall kinds, lu 5.C. 1:1 Iluyru. letildin g on Louth., street, directly oppo , lte C. ~ 1 1,pley's Chair Manufactoryovitere he will at ;ill th.o . to le:l,lin,, to Ju all kinds of work In his line ..f ne,s With Imit,ll,,s and dispatch. All wink n, ill 1.,. ,I, tie IPY it 1111,1• Ii al.! a competent hand an he keep. 110 11 , 111...ntirr, A 1.,. can at all tittles he had those relelliated SISittF TEdIINII, PRE)IILIAI Flttl IT CA.N:3 & House sputing. aml Jobbing of all kinds done at short. notice and oh, or the hest material. .I*•l'a,.lt paid tumid fits ter and Copper. /loping by sir i.•t attention to Inc.iness, :until a desire le., all, re,•eive a Share of public pat, en.kgu. Cat 11.11, net 'DI. I! , rt).--ly, %IF] \ (i ()()1 ,S AT pA p ß ici,:s . ,Lunt another lot of elegant SOILING Gin il):4 I, , ,t,rht. at 11m pre,..•nt ,educed city pl ices and nellino lloe,u , nesnly low fp , CASII, Mt A for has tire,es. (`hall de La Los dc, in va, Tickings, ltinghatn,, kr, at the very lowest in ices. 'S A NI) 'BOYS' IVE.III, Cu IT'IONADI : Q, SUllyl la( t' ‘SSI NI ER ES, JEANS, DRII,I,ING: 4 , Ladleb',Gent,', ;led t'l.ildlen's Gloves Digs In audio, - ,,varioty,and very cheap. /ft:collect the stone nearly opp,e,ite the Depot. , CHARLES 001 LILY, Trustee, Ca rilsie. - lnley 10, 1361, DRESSLEIt'S lIAIR JEIVELRY ./Vo. 4, South Bth Street. • On hand and for sale, a-choice assortment of superior patterns, and will PLAIT To °Rpm:, Bracelets, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, .I.3reast Pins. Crosses, Necklaces, Vest and • . • Guard Chains, 12.15- Orders enclosing - tto."liair to-be, plaited, may 1 , 0 sent by m all.—nline a Drawing on near as you can on paper, and enclose such amount on you nutty choose to pay.—best es 6,110W5: Ear Rings $2 t o $(1 ; Breast Pins $3 to $7 ; Finger Rings 70 ctn. to 53,60; Vest Chains $l3 to $7; Neckleces $2 to $lO, d Heir pint into Menlaliond,llox Breast Pins Itin g s• &e,- Old dolt,' and 811760 bou g ht at fair rates. - ' April • FURNISHING GOODS.- • The largest and beat variety of Gent's Furnish. tig Goods, 141nd/a the 'invest prices can be found at . . . VINOSTON'S. North Ilanover Street. UDI BELTENG.I • 13 auk received a large assortment of all -slacs.— Oum Bolting, Gum lloao, Onm Padang, - Ste., and for solo cheap-nt the,,llardwitilt - Ste - re-of Juno • - fl. SAXTON. • • CARRETINGS; Just, rceoivcd ()maws Cheap Cash Btere, a new stock of Ca; petlngs, Denggetn and Fleor Oil Clotha o -which will be sold at vary low figures. Please call and CZllllllno the stook. qt.b. 261 1801. . TA_MES R. WEAVER'S. t, • • CADINDT ,AND CHAIR MANUFACTORY, ,1 Having been engaged In the business for over twenty years lie would return thanks to his customers and friends. fur the liberal encouragement extended to him Iv years untie by, and further assiireg thorn t h at tin luit. sell) be spared, to give full sattsaction to all who may hivor him with a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to .he of the best 4unlity. r . the lest style, well finished, and sold at the lowest po,ible priers tar rash Ile also ran n uns business ns nn UNDERTA KER.— Ready mado anus. Metallic or ~therwire. hept vom stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally In town or country, on the most rvasonable terms. Cherry and Wolnuf Coffins, lan, size, ell finished and Itned in.idu, Iron ii to I'2. dtdiar.. Walitta Collins einelud Gon) ii t ::(1 dollars. • May 25.1859-Iy. ' 11.,-Twn propertlos situate in Chnn•htnirn ; Cunth. ,I nntY, are offered fur bale on easy terms. Apple .1. 11. N'. CLT,)II3E'ItLANI) VALLEY BANK Plturltt rroi; s. WIT LIAR K r.rt, BRNNI:MtN, It`.,NArtti WonnS, Jui, C. 1 , 1,1,P, Ni..‘p, If. A. STuilm.,,N, This Bank. Is rely prepared to do a iseneral Itinting and I.yell lege Lusinvsx, tinder the 11a1.1. :11.1 st, it h 10'N I,AP al Cu., In the wine place lately - Oren. pled by her. Itrenneman & •,\l r oney alltl pail late', nn clernand without Lindh., Certifleatesoi deposit 1,...,1., interest at the rate of five per rent. 11 ill be 'aimed tore, aleo t, a Perhal as four months. Interest. ell all vertifieates will craw at maturity, provided. however. that it 8:11,1 certificates are renewed at any thine thereafter fur an other Liven period. thel' alial ,bear the same iude tifln terest. up to the Lime or l'unlify a notice must. hu piven iiralt intention to withdraw interest de 'Fhey rail the attention of 'Farmers. Meehrinies and all who desire a , ode dere/RU.(I, for their money, to the undenihiale fiat-L.O.G the proprietors of thi, flank all, not ht: their Sleek in the Lot tire INDIVII.I.It LI - liable to the l'N tent of their e,tates for all the Deposita, and other ohligat hula o Dunlap & Co, l'artiruM; at.L - rutien e/1 - 0111ntlwetrItertinn of Vend... Notes, ForeLn liiPs. Drafts. Clierlis, Le., in any purl of the fitful Plates 7111 d 1.:111.11111, Itendttadres madr toady pat t Of the United States Eneland. :1111i Thov n ill at all times 1./ , nleaw,l In give any informs desired in reg,r4l in It,rter matte, in ger,ral The flithfill and conli.kntial . e . teghtt:ntt of all older vitt rugthnl to them 'nay 1.1! relied 11p., Irntn 7 4i . 0 lilt•k 111 the MM . .: illg MI I k ith Inn evening. lirle, .111. z 14. IMO Ll TTI, I, 'I" It 111 ;\I .A ~r thr Prnirie 11.Osrr "t'oolc si, 0. wall.tot, Ow • olr.ol itor in t at trotion „r , 11 , I ,„ ior , tils• to rail :not ro.. ihr nuty nWt 12 that has /iron 1111 It orral sato•tto tiout Ist:-"A a.n g ~1" from 111 p 2,,! .% hotter ttntl titti-hrr thl,l, ri , l,i Ihr ha fir, Irtrzrr , h - o•r . r thnn nnr "th,r st.v” 4th. Tht• vat ho vt•lltip sn 1,1,111.-. The or. Ind ('0..1, now ill 11,0, t.t.h. A arran,,,nont 1111. 111/,, th A perfcct 11:11 V.. 1,4 II ..r I. ,jvo In y p:n titular. and will lit . 01 , 1 ri plt.n•tite n 1 1 ,1 ,, urn 4,111. , v11.1 , 1..,1••• , r111, u.. t. any rillantity rf rolorrnr, in tnwn , A 14 , ‘ toL ‘,111.1k will 1.1 sold Tr,' low to Ilt .14.11 Mill),. Yl:lifilill 4 2 . and Fh~,rliu_ .a 6 pr nnptly ni to in it Cu, it. t ,\ll 1% Or, ,irronlod u 6 tho t.lil 5t.141, IL ntn'rr strvet north of I.inithitr. NI EY N. B. Ohl l',,pro.r. Br3s , Ipmght, and the bittlf,t prl t. H.I in t,ll, Niaroh '2.h. 1 , 66. tl oDc:Dzt.l 2 OIDC)EI‘,I TO F.IIIMEES LDIEBIJIINERS AND • Thr 11 IN, 1,1•1111 appei f se!, airontc fir the ,:th• of the reh•hrah .1 frre‘er , ,w,C , ,ah his , 1111t1 , 1 , 1 , 11 M r. 1,111,1 1 5 .111,1 ether.: who hare Ilir4l ii. te 1 r , trene:. and burn . Inuch lime per ten. ay In 4rn. Val! , cur:,,,e ether ne-e. Per in al.titt."r ‘‘i:l it to their iri tort-it t0i..." I.u~tlm al . tin it r i.t. tr t twiwity v 0 eent per ton lien t hin, l lu • nn Inllrr. Rrh.icr tito propttro.l Troveilott Cool for Itinily lowt alististi on band, tt Iiir•••• rli•loi .0 an kind, (tin t,6 of 1,1 ' N 111. it i, I et.plett• and will I,c .old tit '1 Ititokftil for pllyt favor, xo reiToci.folly tisk n von. tinuntice of the sant°. =1 July 2:1, lgtlo FTOWARD ASL'OGIATION! Pkll TA DELP lA, A ihirlerrlrnt estabilthod .by special en dowment fiir the rellei or the sidle and distressed, afllicto,l with Virulent and Epirlellllo 111 , 11Seh and esprrially Ln 1110 l'Urp €kt - ..f )IKDICA I. h rn colt .1,111, Farr - itoon. to all "ho apply by li•tter, 11 it h ipti , m 1,1 oomlition, 0714 in 1,1,S of ext.Tell•pol rrjy )letlielne, turni , lictl ol 01111 NA I,U, \ ISLE on Spernnrtuu lorn and other rliseases ~ r t ho Sexual nrttans, and .at the N El/11,S employed ill 111.` Dispetisar sent tuth. alllieled in sealed let ter envelupea, five r,t elan'. 1.',0 or three tor pieitaire it 111 lai /weep( Ode Address, lilt. .1. ziIIM.I,EN Sur g 1•101. /1 1 1,1 • 11.1,..vintimL. Nt). 2 :south sloth Philadelphia, I'a. sty ord. rof the Ilirertnrs. • 1.:%R.A. D. 111:ANTIVEI.I., Preridf n F111:Ci111.0. 601 . 11.ta y. 1 c.,)/ ) 1 7 11.\ WAII E! II A I) _ ( 1‘ .‘ ! their rpllnr 01...• k • r 11.rin nr. I'6lll, 613, A.• then incite t i 3111voth. the public IV° !Ml', ill 1•4111 . t-tir rI P iu 311 it , \ i ll ttpu, 11111 tit i l i oll,llloiiittli L/11'1 , 111/- 110 aith In lard,. or small iiaantit hrs. at the lowest prires. 11 11( 11, d, not nish tilt' 1111 Hi° 10 11 111101 3 (111111 I 1t( 11 11 e brought all HIV toad. in 1111).1,111111h111 and New Y,ak to 1111ntn en, but g ran 11311 131 0.111111 that (1110 1(11111 into uor store will tionviliee(lnd. we italo 1 ,, supply the fleniand in this market.. 1 . 110030, a(1 110110 Foods in our /1 Ile 11 ill find it to their sill antage to give ns n call before malting their purl hases.—All orders personally and pudiettifilly attended to, and 1/ 3 111isrit presentations Outdo to effort stiles Mq3 2, MO. N - 0 V F.)1111; It 2NI, 1 .4v-The Of the "IlEnAl,r," are reminded that I havu just brought from the city n large supply it stioA it cult El) lIA NIS AND 111).Eri Dried Apples :Ind Peaches, Fresh Tout/ does in .11t1s. fried) Mushrooms, the very best of Mined ii ustards and Settees, Lesions and ()ranges, Figs. Itainini.), Sugars, entree, Tens, 31o1)1,es, :Nil!, Fine Segal, ,tint 1'010)000: very )(no Brandlee, (MI It) ell likkey, i 1 lure Ae besides a gens,sl assort. ,Lsis in our line of trade, offered at the very 10, pcjeeS, FOIL UAAU. WIT. BENTZ. Ne , INN DARGAINS! - BARGAINS!: ft) Now Is the time for cheap goods. Closing on the entire stork at now - net...lent ly low prices, to mak) room for sin big nssorturent. All in want of Clieni, Dry (nods, MO respect Cully Invited to rail at the cheap stun of CLI AS. OG I 1,11 V, C o kle Fri. 15, li)rd. 'fee. Loos • I i 'ItESII 3IAC k Eli EL- A lot of Maekerel—new ra Ich —ln assorted park ges of Halves, Quarter, and ELI,Ih Bartels. Also, SA N for sale abtfio Store of the subscriber. Oct. 2t. .1 \V EBY, t+oo TRACE CHAINS OF ALL 0 kinds with a large as sou tinent of It I:17 CHAINS, !IA I.TEIt CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, FIFTH( II AINS, 1,I , l; CHAINS, TONli LT CHAINS, OM' CHAINS, SPREADS:v., ,te., Just rersirod at the Clioni. Ilind,,are Stoic ot Al . . " . 11E1 ICY 5.% NTnN 1 )1{141A1) BISCI ILT ,X7c. 1) The Crests of Tartar I'Sulistittite" Is vassals:ten.' disl as a superior article In combination with doratus Or Soda for Baking purposes. It prOMICI, bread rakes Sc., \Odell when roil are sweet, sinist nud gratecll. while those of Cream of Tartar are often do and tasto. less. it will cost less than Cream of Tartar and is used in the slims Way for cooking, &c. TUTS SUBSTITUTE, together with Solar:axis' Soda, Pore Qroim of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow Root, Mustard Seed, ground and nn• ground, spleen of all kinds unadulterated, and also liroceries in ovary variety constantly MI hand, and at the lowest prices for sale L e y Bee. Lt, 18SO. J. W. EBY. E AY 1) R IJ (1 STORE. RENT DOOR TO INHOFE'S CORNER. Just received a largo assortment a largo assortment