Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 21, 1862, Image 3
• PUBLIC SAUS.-1.11 purSuance.•of custom, inaugurated by -us some time ago, we Will continue giving •those persons who-pa tronize us in the way of printing bills &c., the benefit of a standing local notice of their sales—the time, place, and property to be sold. This is a voluntary favor on ottr'part, the value of which will be duly appreciated by those interested. . • On Monday, March 10th, 1862, Wm. Thick Will sell on the premises, on the farm owned by Abraham Ilartzler in Monroe township, 4 miles south west of Mechanicsburg, and one mile, east of Choreldown: hoar the road lead ing from Givler's Mill to Leidigh's tavern 3 horses, 3 colts, 10 head of cattle, farming utensils Sze. On Thursday, March 6, Saml' ffueston Will sell, at his residence in Silver Spring township on the G. V. ItAilroml, 2 miles West of Mechanicsburg, Two well bred stalli - in , Six first class Farm Horses, Seven mil!: tows, Thirty head of Young Cattle, Reaper; Wagons &c. This is by far, the best collec tion of stock, that has been olliered for sale in this county for mrnv yen rs. On Tuesday March 11th 1862, Ilengv, will i Iler for sale, on the premises Middlesex township, two mile h of New Kin4iston, on the road leading to Ster. retis Gap, s ear llieiver l s Cows, Young Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, farming implements ,Ve On Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 26111 and 27th, John Hollinger will offer for sale on the premises in himon township, . 1 , mile south of the Stone Tavern, on the riiiid leading to Chambers' Mill, G, horses 6 cows, young cattle, farming MTh-moots, hou-,e hold furniture Se. Ou Friday, Feb. 2SIII .Tosiali l~rnn: plc will sell on the promises In Fr:1111,1,ml towll ship, 4 miles ;.\:orth of Plaimield• on Ihe load leading form Nit. 11,cl: to ILChiire's (dap, 3 Horses, Cows, young Cattle, la sing implements et. On 111rindar, I%trirch 3d, HiP2„laceb lihl linger will sell on illo premises, in South iddleton township, 3 is s s Smith of Car lisle, near the Ihiltinime;iml I lanover, turn pike, about 1 mile oortli .wesi mill, One %V, Cattle, I)evon hull, l;trintlig tit,•ll,lk, l)n Friday, :11arch John kle twill sell, mt the premises, HI :4011111 :\ll,lWe tun township, miles So u th of C nr li s h.. seal 2 miles west f li, iliug :- . o c idtip,s, Five Horses Cows Young Cattle, utrti,els, Arc. On Feb. :25in (;eu. ket.,e man, Adm'n of Widow Nlyers, dee'd., kill sell an the 'premises, - in 0:Orville, 'Newton township, a lot. of Household & kitchen furniture. Uu IVeduesday, [lOl. 1862,, .1. A. :\lleliaidiey will ti:11 in in We,-t betiusliorougli llorses, euWs, Young l•uu le, I On Saturday Mat eh 22i, Sa.m . ) Ifitston, 'Willsell: nu r ilte iti titlror Spring township, Oil t6c C. V. it 2 mile, IN List of Mechanic4hurg and I tittle ei , t et Kingston. Iluio-ehold li , elten rut riittre. ()ti Snlurdny,:\larch 15• h \ Culla., will t-ell tit the esdence t- , atuti'l Huston, in )1 , (thank,' urg, Ituggr, Sleigh &u. U.. 1 Thursday, Nlort:11 13th, ilonity Stott will Bell at hitsresidehee to I'lainfiel.l, Cows, Cults. &o. On 'rues , Itircit 1111 i, W \\*ea ver, will sell itt III. " iu \ - pErtlo•borough t , .lciiship, li c — and ;1. 1 - ‘ccst. of C Cows, cp. ?.._m----_, roil RENT. . . Th.t.1.,,, „:„I „,,,u,,,.,.,;,,,, W:., e• 1141/.31. 1, 0 ,,, ~,, 11, 1 ,11, ..1 Nl.lin .1 \\ ~ ,t ---4 - 4 " -- oth.A. r• nvi•p.i. susgion given itillnettiatem. .51103 L , rob. 14, I[o2 HAYS HAY! IXTANTED to imr,•llfl , ,. a 1.0 . . 2 . 0 Tian tity nt Hay. 10r w/u• h th.• Is ill plitl in CASH, red 1110 -i.110.• 1..•1011,,11, 10 110. Stnnol.'avern by %At, 10 110. 0 I , lorop ilien th, tmvn Car'i,ll... p. 010.01.0, 0 ' 01 N. NV NVood.s, North II a lit., 01 1.11 t. ) , !11. 1-1, OE32 - t DESERVER. IIIVI - Dollars reNvard wi,l I the arrest of a. soldier ',oiled R.; 'Nj'A a ten year:, f, foet PI, lII' , kWh.! Itrowit eyea :111(i ,tort,lror. 11 1 1. N, . r aorted I'm., I omit, rly I. I.' I. et t i nt.,,e , Corp.:, 1111 41b1,111 tl I' .11, 1 , 41;2. Ie• 1,.. 1, !is or, to Captain II J. ziuixrmh,..ivllt ii:t vi,", l'a 11 H>ll Y )1. )1'I\l'1::1', I' IM=IM Farm at Privata Sale. A_ (11.1) 1:11t),h.,•,1 fen rivres Onto 111..1,1 nisi • a issl tbss lt , often in timber of Iliss• c;tesuis ts sit trans. bed township, (:timberland etsmity. o It Wes et so v I , l's t''• II• tl a Isstclisat stt tassl, t-tasske hat, '''hr tat, a 5441 sit lilt,- tic., 1 1 1,LP]t C , . , E~' I% z tittnitto w•tissr in alotss•st ,41.'70 5 - ; t•very 11.01.. a rss , d Bank It rte. and a r l , r: r ll n n al has a 1 , / Terms made 'MOW is try canines cirkla .11I.,•rih, at his residence In Carlisle. 11. 311N1(11. Fel, 14, 1862-51 The Citizens of Carlisle &Vicinity, Alt invited to an examination or my stork of (;vorories, porous vim. Beet co HAMS at 11 per lb, blird (test Eatsups, Sauces. Battered and It of the most approved brands, Tulle 011, TO)IiVI'OES PEACHES, in vans. Dried Fruit, very fine tup pei Fish: Pine Apple, Sap Pau , etel 1/nich Cent (nil. Fluid, Whale ()IL Si i n , and Liquers, et 1.1:.•,. ‘.l; July we rev. Tema, Cue!. Feb. 7, 156'2 FOR RENT. Tito intgO Stool° Homo, On ) to stroot. :total ly op. poosito P tiaroltlOl onooilio,,o -4 71, the proontorty tot thy lotto .1 .t. Kntlli 1111111. I'll loot tot' Apo il, rill 1802. Jro terms, , apply at this o nfli co. Fob 7. FOP, lIENT. - THE MULN 110- i-U f. TEL. Thu 111,/VI: (Islet lie rented L . . from the lst of April next It is situated at the ,thip of the .s.,uth Mountains, 5 miles from l'a and has fu ,r yea, been a popular r, ell re reunt. 01 the salu brity of climate, pure air, inlh4oratin,, pure sprit, water, romontie walk, driers, .Ir. It Is N1.1.1%111 so 110I , Itabll: a pima I,s tau al," is offer od foir rent. 'Phu fornituro, whi,ll in vo..d.ader. , ., be purchased from the present pi oprieter at n 11111 . In ire. For further part iculats .t t 1 W. P.l IThiN. Net% 7 1862-2 m caillite. Pa. Report` of Poor House Visitors, 'January Tema, Quarter Sessions, 18 G ~llE'undersigned Comtnittee Nip)] [a l_ ed by the Court to visit and examine Into the eon dition and present management of the Poor House of this County, respectfully present the following, report: 'Phut in the discharge of our duties we have visited said Institution at various tithes in Ott past year, and at every visit made a thorough inspection of all the buildings, their different np net 'mom, aid in oe ()eru pted. mud are pie:vial to find in self nil' 111.11. rvidrurrs of the indefatigable exertions of the preseilt SI ,val to make this Institution a t;lieurfol nod omit,. table boom to those who receive its leopdi ts , Thcpa who are tin the °Pinion of the Sloe .n able to nor-It, tire re gulled to do so. The nick are kindly cured for, and treated by the attending, Physician, who, by the by, appears to he a favorite with lite flock; they also receive the attention of faithful nurses The Inmates general ly are cheerful and obedient. and good order prevails throughout the building. Alley ere stipplled comfort able clothing, and good sand Wholehoine food, the 'owes are clean and well ventilated; the beds tire well ar ranged and lad ing.comforttilife. Apart from the nvtiit building Is another building, u - huseassupatits are pritii" tipsily colored, with:1110SO has n 1,1013 and tidy appear ance, with the exception of a fete apartments 'on the ground floor, assigned expressly fov tile insane, which are rather gloomy, end badly ventilated. 'fire register shows the follewing,,slateinent: The number' in Alto house on January 1 st,,ltird, vnts-189, of whom 18 wok, colored; admitted deco; 255; blrilt, 0; malting the mum b r provided for d 011; of these 23 have died, 5 of whom were colored, 6 law n I/0011 boutalonttetid 231 discharged; leaving In the flonsal4l, of whom ill are colored; the out door paupers ary 02, or these 3 are supported in the State Lunatic Asvluatit lharrisburA, making the whole nllllll4l' chargeable on Jun nary.lst, 1062, 203. addi tion to the /IbOVO, 3052 transient or travelling paupers been fa:volved nod provided for for abortdi •ROBERT' I NR, ..• - SAXTON, unNtor S. larrtut, NEW "F.1.1t101. . CR CO.,'Wholesale a • A WFORD & , and Ilanll Gluon and Curb:lll)ldr Wnrehouse, — Ne. 21 South ith Street, Philadelphia; Clue, Sandlul Erne. ry Paper, EmorrOloth, Raw Hide Whips, g aud-Curled Hair at the lowest pikes, Orders solicited by mall anti satisfaction guaranteed:. . . • WILITE AND COMMON GLUES, for Milli - ion', Pantors; 'Cithluot'llukors, Coach Mal ors, bo. &C. Doalors'in tho abovo'wlll mud It of simelal advautimio to Oro us a mill, . ''ORAWFORD k CO. 21. South 7th street thiladelphin Jan, 3d, 1803 THE ADVANTAGE OF 7111 GASH SYSTEM) IN BUSINESS, '1 To Purchakrs and Customers, fully set forth in the immense sales of oyster iitro'sj Chamborsburg, Pcnien Nen , Era in Ita, ,, iness Inaugurated! The Result more than Justifies our Expectations. enst. - mler. both of 11,111, And ttlwond Fee the otlynn t•. be ;2..1111.11, go,ls tor CASH at. 11,11 Id tn..9n ;we 1,11 t. Lheaper tlEan under the old slew or long credits. .11: - 3Leat,100 eGr-c)<Dcll - War Times, can be sold. when Merchants uwlerst and U 2 • e..C - 2 '''.. II .. ; • )-4 ....0 5 0 .f :: :": i'-r/ 00 ~ . 4 - -3'. Zo =-- ...., ,i , ,- • , 1 . S 1 , 51A , -,--. 42 - 1.- „,, c. 14 = -'-'• rf) , 7:-: c -, ,_ -I P. .4 , t ,_. :0 P - _, , - - .q.. , 3 ~ '--”: 7. ' ... ' ..7, - . i - ,2 ..: ~ 0 e•-., ~.,,, 0 ~. .:_.- I A ~.., - ~' L.- r'l ' "t. •.',: Ai 41, 1.1044 ,, ht , ./ 1111.1illh—g41041:111.14:10-- , no-v.tra c.• 111, M=MMMI i„. t •. 1 •• ..• ‘1 , 11114 pnir.•ll:t4,l 1.. 1 1 .1 t• he •i 1 l• p“.., :1114 :111 %,••• 1.1•• 1•41 • , 1 1 •• •',. ~ ' i111 1 •.• 4 11'1 11111141y1,. ,, p0il illontlllll,lll nr 12' .•••111, 1 111.,,I11.••1 ,111 t,1•2t11.1s 1•y IN 11-1111 N. 2 111 tit, AI! 11, /loin, di,iI . IIINIO 0, 11, and 11114 - Id .11..10,4,1..•1. I. alll •Ilrr NI Ir. Ili 2 lu I ,r11 , 1.••1 t.trd th.ttt they r.lli 1,1 1,111 11 , 1 ~tt ~ L 1 .1: . . t 1,011 tt I tt,IN titttl pittrrn,a;.d hu 1.., pi =BEM -.,-- egi ......, :ir .::.: 0 , r.— . • 1 , -- , ).._—) .. j, •.' '7" 'ai •:---.. H ir) ,-, .. t . c, :-:, i ..~ es F. it-3) Pi ;"" • -, '," -:-1 -.. :' 6 t, :/ - 4 ''-'• fA . 5 : ':-. 3 7 7 P 4 - - 1 7 :: L': 7 : :', ' -1 '' 5 . , .' il t C',.) % -. 7 0 '-' -- V. 7. .".. ~.._." - 4 , PI '' - i ' ,•-• -' . , ' e (.-- . 7 E j: E r „.., Wr.l .-- g . (~:1 ..,."' t-- ",__., '-', '.. i' ' i ';.. : 1 1 7- t'? '-'-' - r -- -, "Z . ,;* :/). ':----' 0 ~ 6 ,_-. ~, .r. '. , 4 ~r . ,---_. :I t :.,-. _ .1 .-_,.. PI ~ :_.'2 , ',—.) 0 i ;,:" (.2) - ' '-'' LiD ,:::, r,: - -. , ',-,-- In ri, :_: V. % 7: f V - 0 -:. r---1 - 4 Z = P '-= g ,- - - P 4 -- LI. cc: .) 1 - 3 BAR ..I• 2 11:1.14,11” Itgncn'vn¢nr Chuiro :Sl.ll. Cl ushod 11 bill SYRUPS, CSI , •1 9111. p. . Mollarq-es P.•lo.tlid t 11J,„ . IMEMEE DOMESTIC GINGIIAMS! „t,,llll4tandlne: enr sales 01 ponds of all kinds in the last tuuntll, we still , :t3l 0111 , r ,ll ‘ l 1•110.4411• 'duces 01 dais, e patterns Domestic tlinzltann: rents. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! 11)01) pairs Ladies', Mens and Missses Bleach ed, Nlixed and Unbleached Ilose, at ru inous low prices, purchased in New York and Philadelphia, weeks ago, before the advance of 25 per cent was placed_ upon them. LANCASTER GINGILUIS holm miffed ton' %our custoinvrs with f•liono enfoly ao .boll oqo off the 13th day of Ful.riffiry 12,000 Ynrd of 110 elitiiefif.t quality and nowt JPninP.ln styits mid hest tolurs of Latwofiter Ciltighlttos MERRIMACKS et, COMM A It houtth we are elmr;!,, I 1.3. a greet UUIIY Merchants with selling am g.,,als hvluw rust, wo rO.ll fir the lel, tirillar benefit it all our elliiteni,irs an d t r i„,„3„ 1:41, day id' February, 6,000 yards of the vholee.t, 'micros, newest daricus. fast ,„furs of lantek 1111 ( . 0. • }10 1.11 Calleoes at 12 1 els. per void. We ided,;e unreel, es to sell until the Ist ,if Aped. or nc It•Ilt , as We have the dads nil baud , the above At the pit .iki+ named, asalso all the goads named In I hhi advertisement. I'ulrh:l~rr.s will phase !lune° tie, filet that the above heeled goods Ale on 11311.1 and will be sold at the prices named above. Pnbnmry t zitor 00 lONS of Good Timothy Hay iv:kilted Immediately, for which 'the highest cosh price will hi, given. ARMSTRONG HOFFER. •Clinlitle, Feb 7; 1F62--lit FURST OF THE.SEASON.— La 4 o arrival of New StylJs of FALL AND WINTER GOODS at TUE-NORTH HANOVER STREET CLOTH . _ ING EMPORIUM. • • The undersigned talc CFI flloll.Bnro . to inform his friends and the nubile I.renerally,of_tho large andlvaried-assort inent ta piece goods for. • • ArEAr,s itivn 110 P- WEA R. Just received, ietithrlsing all the lateit'slyles and novelties in thedwlrketorulch haveheen. selected with care, Led will be' sold, at tie favorablorprlees an eau be obtained anywhere else. - - (.1.15.9131131 1 / 3 9,. vEsmas, • .• Ovorcoatins. Satinets and Jeans, which w ill bo'lnado to. ardor, or sold per yard at tho lowest iniiefis: ' :Yho , publie is respectfully invited to inspect our stock hotilre purchasing; olsowhuro• • .- • ISAAC LiIaNGSVON. North 'Hanover Street, opposite tho American Muse. AGy•Milltary work untdelit the shortest nOtiee, aid with despatch •- - - ieir liusiness c'.\ 1i I'l :'l'-S pot, gt,.111 .itut:ity. at 111111111MEM n w U C Z 12 1 , rth 1,) ri LISTER & RH'S. - STATEMENT OF TIIE FINANCES COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND, From t/ Ist day of January, to the 31st day of Decembt,r, 1861 , inclusive. A. L. SPONSLER, Esq , Treasurer, IN ACCOUNT WITII SAID COUNTY. To balance in hands of Treasurer at last set tlement, $6,11:19 55 Amount outstanding taxon at last settla -0 -ot, 6,102 70 Taxes levied for the year 1561, 30,345 34 ALatmuenl received from State Treasurer, 1,157 69 11, 1 r , ,sve,l on Connty bonds by virtue of the Act of May 15. IS'l . ll. norrowod on not en 11 Mink, n Covent. received fro. Collector,, IC ,a•,•I vi•,l 011 11C001111t nil strays, CIMM=M!Ii T:IY. MI, Itt.dl2lllll, 1 10 SNII• Of OM ltiml:or :It Fairview bc.llge, Ni h 5 St , l,,e loacallAtaized at the fall, I , lout miscellaneous sources, Total a tnomi t cf revel pts, Expenditures by Paynnents .1 StS EASO I'nil It rnu^h :lAA Tow 'lshii, Assessors for ,err lees, $ 475 SO ABATENIENT. P:;id con,tors ni.tem,ut :ii uwed tax pay BR I )GES ANT) 'ROADS Paid for repair log and palotiog nld bridge=, 1 07 I , “r read dAl:2,s. 10 Vii C. ,I.lrioan a i.a (0.h,1s for Tiers lug and lay log out r od4, I:,U 70 Tr 31,1-, $1,7'15 7i; ,;111111.1tir..1 , , :Alt) 71 11,tr1et 11,s In Cowin,'" weal 111 Wit.ll4 ft.o4 In IV., I 1%.1111. ieCq jurnrs oLilt Irt itn.; r•acca lu oy, and Ttnnntrior. In.eket, . lin I "only Oflive, , , "11, n , I.lnyd. Clurk's Ii in Cntniunnwealth W../ . Hirarci 1 . ,r auditing ave/unt., of 1///un I P. (1‘13,;1..) l't t LltttnotAry ft•ett, ( . 1)M\1 ISS“()NEitS' ()FFICE statism. II Erl,l , +. , for q , •rri.•i's :is .4,11.,,t, ulr lq_.l„:tl,:, , ,ull.Pur, . . .1. lINI ; US ( . OWIII . IB- , 1 1,1, 1. 1 . 17 Gp..tvr• •• •` f. let fr , in 1:;111 11 . 111 , 11..11;:. ,i!•try A ~1.,'1,111, I ill 11. 71v1v,h,.11, 1.4.1 . sn l a i, t Is coNs'rAni.Es' 1 EE.4 P:11 , 1 It till 811 d othels. fens tlll5 8:196 ;II A. irtin f..r .11131 ta'lly 1.Pt.11111, 1 , . , , 0 111,. I ', El,Err lONS hod >nmin p. , d , 6.. Landing c,•m•rel and Inn indlipad, ii•,llt. 7(1 INQI.ESTS. PO I I , 7 , 111101111,1 h •Idiup im; ins Ls 1.1 th•,1111,...11t, .1.111; AND I: \STErN I'ENITENTI.II:I I•ei.l P. E• 1 1. , 11. r kuppm pri• Lwl 1 I;.A PIP. 111, 1.1.10 L.:0p.,. 112 ;111 1111.1n1 1.. I, no.l 311li pail ul .1 11. an.l for . ss 11:‘ t tor •lont. II I.:. and ..I hot s repaos nL t 11.• lo.n, I 354-I l 4tuip lnl 11 , 5 gee ao.l :ail-, 11., .11 as kl•cia.l 1'1;01 .(} I/s.. Dait., a:• pl.) ,I.•iao of prison ;() un NV M. 11,,1 pin, drafl in fa car of Eastern Pen -31, 70 3litiTICES' FEES. I . :11 , 1 NI. 11,1 4.111.... Q. .Ittbtiel• tot. itt ,linwiti,vl.2lllll 312 I, LOANS A ;. , ;1) INTEREST, I Adam Pnilej nt too K. I.onds, 1 tiOn no ‘‘ \I C.l-1111 . 1 . . 7,1., on ,OJ Con,' 100, t>r. Cnohly IV. )1. on 111.11 g, I , t)ott 11()1Jsl. 'rri•astir, r.f tho 0.“.1 . 11 , 1 f, OW :11114,111t uI ellt/11/.ltV lor iv.1,:',00 00 .fns II Irvin. , 0,1 .41101 w, solniy ns Vi,itl . ., 11” 11.. %Val :0 0 0 salao IS Ditect.,o - , ao .11,a11.1:11 It. rs.i , •• 11“ RI•ILUI\Ps .T. 11. SpAnal, .:::41 ~thers, for repairs nt, I:. Sat, her, shlary as lieeper of publi, build awl "titers. fol cleaning cellars, NV ,•• 1,1 elo.•I, PIThI,IC PRINTING B. RistOm, I puldie SISI In rt r 1..' ( tt, I:. 1't,11111,111, 1.1. i, 1.11111. mPscEi.LANEous raid 11. Fri‘tAin. hill 01 sundry artlcltts, $l:2 138 Nt•lT:tlol..ther , . 1I” . FlinT1 , 11 SDOW, fl 50 (ion A.. `v..1 , 0), John . John S. , A 0/10.ns. 10:1 50 :11 NI. )1.0 r0..10r te11...11, stoves, 1 511 11. 51 - . rh, 01or. applopll.llloll to Agrieultulal Society fm I, 0, 100 00 114111111 00 11,1 Sterrett Shoal,. tor eorn cobs, 2 00 11. 111,0 ton, for p stag°, d 2, lleorge Zinn, h lit 'fi as 1 1 1 eNl,llses I:oard of Commission ers on Count,. business, 6 10 (las and Water Company, for gas and scaler for Court 55 RI 11111 i.uu itfley, for certified copy of Act of As Sellll4y, 1 25 ill', Neu' tiintining trees on Court House C. lu hoil, for hill of sundry articles, 14 74 If Cot union for chairs, 1:1 00 N. W. llocrner, reward for arresting torso N. 11. Eel:,ls, ear fern for the year 18111, A. SOnsymun, Lorso hire, 21 00 J. A D. I)) rails, for'eourt Il e um 28 00 .1. Armst roug, tr 3 venlig ON renSO., on County tra On I)eorgo Miller. roe fore for tho year 1801, 20 00 Wlllium :with anti premiums nu fus 57 05 If. N e 0.111, 1,11.i..51011:11 Set VieCti In matt =ME $667 07 'Whole amount of Commis , ltmerx' orders, $40,1.31 42 Treaso rer'l,•oll. i-. 01.11 /.t. 1 1 _ PM . retit., 111111 .17 :111U111,11 COI iLICIA7t 8, I:.vwurn L4rtlF, (Jut,tantling taxes, 3IHt Devemboi, ISGI, f,,501. 57 SOLDIERS' BELI.EF Ain't. of trdert• Ii nest by .• hoard of 161110; 6- s oont-ti.nted by the Ac t Of Absumhly; ap proved the 1:,Ili ,I,ty °I May, 1001, 50,.10.2 94 Tmstum's ronuni,siut, on s:uult at 1 per ct. 1.1 02 lialaneu lit hand,' ol Treasurer, 11,01111 10 ~.S'eltc(lule- of (bunt/ taxes outstanding . on the lot January 1862. 1858 James Spottswood, Carlisle, $..41 16 ."0. J. Hackett, Frankford,• 04 30 " John Crawford, Now ville,, 34 27 John Whaler, Metit Pennsborough, 33 34 1850 Thomas Rudolph, South Middleton, 240 04 1860 °N. W. Woods, Carlisle. 133 41 ... Josoph Totten, Mechanicsburg, 413 28 " J. 51. Woodburn, jr., Newvillo, 156 13 " Lewis itinta, Upper Alton, . 1112 80 " 'Samuel littler, wea Potinshorough, 88 06 1861 J. C. Thompson, Carlisle, 626 26 a }Frederick hoop, Dickinson. ' 237 50 " ;John Sanderson, Frankford, 25 25 " *Samuel Shimfer, Hampton, 107 44 " Robert. Elliott, Hopewell, 214 JO " James Eurtnot, Illonroo, ,456 58 . 6 1 •Jossu Zeigler, Middlesex, " 479 63. " Jamb Ernlngor, Meithaniesbutg, 131 23 " 'John Stextelc, Newburg, - • O9 06 " Daniel S. Dunlap, Nowvillo, , 06 18 " Adam Emmen; Now Cumberland; . ' '2l 74 ' 6 . Volta I'. W Ire, Poun ' . - 111 61 ... ;LW, Laidig, Silver Spring, . 737 31 .. John GUM, South 51ititilotnp, - 823 :111 " 'John A.1.110;13; Shlpponsbutg 13ormigh, 106 08 . 6 *Win. lieltelh Upper Allan,' . •' , 217'48 $5,801 47 Thoso marked thus tem ninon paid In full. Thaso marked thus f huvo since paid In part.. CIAIikIILAND COMM, .Wn, tho Commissioners of Cumborland county, do' eertify,ond submit the foregoing as a Ourroetstotoment of tho,iteeeipts and Expendoutttures of tho .aforesaid County from, tho ist day of January to the ;list day of December, istl,,,lnclusivc, and,also a salad ulo tho outotaniding Conhty team lathe boroughs dad town, -ships therein slated, together with a statomunt of ex ponies nndor each Lehr] of 'appromiation suede by din or THE 1113CEIPTS 1,620 0) 6,62V21 1:2 0 $U .895 11 BIM = ( )URTS ODE -t• A•I dl =I , i, Nii Mil ' 1 I G 5 11 tin is li 11 '2l 11 12 1 i ME BEM 2.0 (10 1 10 BNE ITHEI MEI t_ i),, 11 Commissioners In compliance %vial the: ye q uimti, m , contained In Lim .22d and 23d sections Or an Act of As sembly of this Commonwealth passed the 15th day of ' Aptll, IS3I. . - C" ... -,-.--....,, Witness our bands'& seal at Car , s FA, i lislii, the twenty-I:act:nth' day of Jawilary, ,---- A .-,....„ A. D. 1852.- ~ •. . . a, qt. WiItiCONER, • 3 L , " Cl. A111.1.111t, ' . 51. 110811, , • ' - ' Conintlssionors. . . We the Auditors of Cumberland county, having been duly sworn according to law, met at the' Conimission ers'Offitio, in Carlisle, on Monday, the' alf day of Janu ary, 1862, and poiceeded to audit and Adjust the au count of Alfred L. Sponeler;llsit.,. Treasurer Of said County, from the Ist day of January to the 81st day of December, 1861, and do certify that we had the sum of six thousand and sixty nine dollars, and twelve cents, due by said Treasurer to the said county, Os yvlll ap pear by the threatiing statement of said account. In witness whereof we have hereunto-set our hands the 25th day of January, 1806. JOHN W. COCKIAN, JOIEN S. Doudip, JAM ES It IRVINE, Auditors of Cumberldrid County. Statement of County p9bt Tho commismonors of Cumberland eontlty mater mid ,submit the fidhuving nt.•:temeut of the Winded debt to gether with the asbeetH of the County. on the let day of ,Janttry, 121E11 LIABILITIES 4 hi I.! Amount (1' honik outstanding nn January 1, Inn I. Including Interest last ut* nual statatnant, 8 530,300 t1(1 Dodu et a tanunt ut Interest included in Baia btatelllOUt* 1 90 fill Akolunt of principal of bonds ?JAM:10(1104 .lao. 1. 10111, 5_9,C00 00 Amount borrowed on bonds, in 1801, by irtue of tho Act of A,sembiy 01 May 41, 1801, 1,020 0) nuunt of prlndpal of bond,: paid during the year ISI,I, 4,9u0 nu 1,01,0 1 , 1 0,1 1 mi of bond,l dolt January ty $25,510 A` , SI IS ll= y, Jan, 1, ,5t1,01 . 9 %Int. of outhtnilding 111xei4 to (A,lll.,cLur . , 5,501 Exres. ,, of I , v,liles nernralng in tere,l, nut Jou, on or $13,U39 3 •4 I 1 12 l.•reet 111:11 urns r:11 the hmnls vt Inw,fflur pr•rio e. during the year and all t hat has heernno', ,, line 6or.n purl, .141 is olUbliteda In the Ant eon, t,of expenditurek , .1. 11. NV M.101).1.N.E1t, G. 311 c,En, ill. litiST, - Commis4onem 19 00 Ile the .1101it•rts of Cu:1.1,131,1 Cowney Luivittz ex• ;Ind rmrtip, i6r ahoy,' Klatement with tlwi rocont,, 1 ek-rcil) ilmt it. c.,reet rd 1.111. htllttird Arid S:tiJ Cul.lllt3 Ull the hr,t tlAy JAI... Q., A. D. 1,4.2. ,ItIIEN W, COCK' TIN, .I,IIIN S. DUN ',l', .1 A \I I:. \ A Mil tors ut Cumberland etainty rarl , in'o Jan 2.".. PHILADELPH:A AND READING 31) z P(l7 , s , due). '1'0( 7r,1 7-- Piifißvilli 7 , 1?", , F . 1,1 my and Ilarrisburg. NI N(7 I,l)aily, 0..(S und.:ys I. I; tmllev, Thit h•enth hill sta . ..g .. 4s,_itt ti A. at I kal 11,1,ttr,t, with tit., Ottutta3 Ivattia IZailttll.l, -I . Bain tuuuimc l th.• Ctitulwrland \ alley I.Lo p. tr,,in runl,itlz to Chan, Central burl , t... 1,11 201'. 1111,1,1“,, 711111,ury, S.t• \FT 1:1;N( )( )N LINES r 1: ( , 1' It \ 1111.1, 1'1111,A1 , 1.1,1'111 I.,:,,ngeg. F• e. \ I H I;(/, J 5 P. 1 I I.\ , oeeeo4 H., et ILit ,htte, eHh the Nerthern l'reH ti t:.1111..“ 11. Stmt..", 1% 11h.,1e-pec, trel:l Ii V.. 1 ., la I 1-consul:lts, rli e„ Hh trall,...emeeLLlll: at ll.k , 1-':r; a alt the l'ens”..) et.) ; I ,\ \I Irwin F.. 1 I: I. ‘I , !N 1 I I 1 I' . r vi.t I'll 11.11)1:1.1111.1 and 1:1:.kUTN(1 Fr.,,tl 1'1111:;1:i, yi n.i,S 1•11,111%, )11v, . ... 11:1 , 11 , ' 111,. ll2l I.:l;iphin. 1211 , '-'S . ., , : 1 1 i I 1., ,$•,,,.,. 11 2 I Nnythern ; Central T,,, .., t:,.lt. n. ti.., 1 fo; f.. , 1(:11;5yllli SII I i ',II V. I , Iti j- • -.. .. ' ' .0 ES 4.,11111111‘.4,11.1f4, 171" .. 1 1,2 Les, tOmi . >rrrt ‘111“ , y, 11 Hay., tL Th.'" , . 1 31 411.1". l' U. (will, CONNECT 1)111.1 . Al t'l.l \ T(3'. pt. d.l with [ll.r C.1T.1111,, , A, N 11,1.1.13151.1 , 11 T A 3.1, 1 , .1111.1 It I 1,- ups !i) NLIIIA ItA t' I\.l DA, [hi. 11 EST 3ii.l 11111'1,A 1)1.:1'0'1' TN 1 . 1111..\.1.)EI,1'111.1, C'on Br, “;:.1 11. 11. Secretalr • EN= "THAT STANDARD SHEET." S `)., IiIIEAT NATIONAL \ NNllt or INTELLECT, FOIL American Hearts and Homes ! THE E tt ) k 31l E [WU R. Y. A NEW YEAR \urn AN OLD FRIEND that \sur]tl- On No , (.1: . 1.3. 0 0 , 1 1 ' ,, 1 . 5 , (1 2 , A ItueLsm "on 1, .1, 1 luv. 11111 rot, ‘. l , th, 111 thl 11111 t hrilltant i•oroor cler achiecrd I.y a paper.. Uul iu c the pastear it It ss 'won the tcarloa story.teller, hientor, 111111 1/I'lll.lo 1111111111,1 1.11111,111111 A 1111,11,11 lo 1111,, fro 'ean to °co/in--anti loon I/Lichee, in Canada. to Pensacola. 1111 011111111 f of .Nlexiil. \limns - and old, rich and p-Por, !Liu, lc, el, tl in Its ...ores of 111,1,11. It; 11/11111•11, 111 t. poetry, antl guulal 11111111/I'l , .41111 11,1 111.11-1. it .• F. 1111111.1 1. /11 tllOll . Inouths as Is. uselikklkl work's. - ilkklkle patriot soldier ill his tkilit. too, has nvbiled away 1110 tutl:sl in 01 01511111 In Clio 01 11, 10 /?Ti [ 1 A.l - 7' Cci .VS, in them a fasciaatiu, un•ntal illsoiplioe known only tt, th.,u to dm Ilanner.,heet of the Array of American Intellewt awl i;ani /II conllnelleill4 it Now Year, the proprietor° of The New fork )loreury cart only p.iy, that it shall be their alai to nialto their great family journal of Aniariean lit erature, for 1,;(12, 11101 . 1 f 11111 i aml exich.intiog than over, lu Ils COON.) tratl ,, ll of all the w orld's grambu,,t apl most beautiful specialities in healthful lionuince. Graceful Poe try,elegant and quaint Gossip, reliultig Knowledge. sparl.ting Iluinor,aild entertaining NOWS— uut.ll, like lot e, it rules the cflurt, the ramp, the bower," us it already rules the happy domestic fireside. Tlit• editorial tells and isational departments of The Net, York MerTury ti ill cootinue true to that lefty t.pli it of patriotism Which has outdo It a necessity Id thn people titian the War began, anti kept it in mal, slattle demand when , 4111 . r sheets were dying all around it Ito. want of popular support, Ali cady the largest Lit entry Journal hl the werld, anti funout its the torus of a thousandlitorarY reputations, pingiamme for I'Bo2 wllllieinagnilieetit he, tool all precedont. The most celebrated pens of this country and Europe hat o Lees secured In its service, at an outlay equal to the expense of more than one ant lional government in the Old World! and its neva cites, ur continued etoriee, fur 1802, will be the most t.p,endid triumphs of elegant Fiction ever published.— To these. too, the ma.rle pencil of the greatest of Anse. !loon artists, Air, Felix O. C. Datley, will lend the ald of pictorial art. Our stnry, of t he New 1 car; is a splendid national Romance, e9lomeneing. In thu:Now Yurlt 11cr. cury of :,:aturday, imiuttry .Ith, 1662, and itutitledi MHZ ILATTLESNAIKE.; THE REBEL PRIVATEER. A TALI , ' OF THE PRESENT TIME. BY 'NEB BUNTLINE. . , It is the greatest Nautical Novelette since the days of .11rarry aI to Thu Thu Now York Mercury is sold by 'nil newsmen anti periodical M.:alert, in America. To subscribers, it Is regularly trollied every Saturday- Moro log, fur s2.'a year; three copien for $5; nix copies for $0; tight Copies fur with an extra copy, free, to the gutter up of the club. Six month& subscription received. Always write pbdnly the name of your r unt, Ogled, County; and :Auto, NVo take the notes of till specie pAylp4 banks at par.. Payment must levarlably.he made in 'silvan W. Specimen copies soot di pies all applicants. Address all letters and remittances, Post paid, to . CAULDWELL, SOUTH WORTH. ,t• 'WHITNEY, Proprletors.of the New' York Mercury, 40 and 48 Ann Street, New York City. NTOTlCE.—Letters- Testamentary et? Aire estate of YIPDIAS W. "BLACK, o,e i d, Into of -Penn township; having been Isiued . to the stafserabor, -residluOn-tho-filuno-townehlp,-notlee-le-heroby-glvdn to all persons Indebted to'said estate to melte paymenti and tootle having claims to present theta duly authenb tleated for Buttlemunt to • • Jilllmiry 18,62-43 t OR RENT.—Tho.subeori-; y: bur offers. for Ron t ..t he - Store. iloone and dwelling situated on the North East :11 corner of the Public Squaro and now oeo , I , pled by Y.G.Kranier, Jeweller.. Poseasien . to given on Anal Int, A. D. ' int • , cat:uni9,Dec, 270.862. ItunEw.“.RV,Usi.u.; SI) 10 DI 11,,S 1)111..1iS .IND CIIEIIICALS, TRUSSES, \\ Cil:isS. Toilet • Ph il:uAAph3n'~lt ending Stml , ury anti Plrie It. 1 \ i:li.n , port an.) 1:Inlim ) I).ti Irmtd. 'JOHN, T. gREEN, EiOr FOIL. RENT. From the let April, Pi(l2, the Dcrel- MI (go ling Iloure and Store It.. moh Newlin 7.'rto llanorer street, Carlisle, new occupied by L. Myers. January 31, 18611.-tf JNO. P. PARKER. THE GREAT CAUSE ab' 3-IUIKAN IMCISEaIr; Just Published in a Sealed Envelope, Price 6 cents: a Lecture by Dr. CUE , VICHAVELL on the cause and core of Sprmaiorrhaia, xMl Consumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy ; Impaired Nutrition of the Body; Lasitude tlmiltness of the Limbs and the Back; Indisposition, and Incapacity for Study and Labor; Dullness of Are prehension; boss of Memory ; Aversion to Society; Love of Solitude; Timidity; Self.Dlstrust; Dizziness; headache; Affections of the Eyes; Pimples 011 the Face ; Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity; the Consequences of Youthful Indiscretion, d e. This admirable Lecture clearly moves th.d the shove enumerated, often self-afflicted, evils may he removed without imellelne and is ithout dangerous sue:deal opa rations, and f4Olll/13t 130 read by evety youth and every IMM-in the hued. 800 1. antler seal, to any address, in a plain Sealed en• rape, on the receipt of six cent, or tiro postage stamps, by addiessing, Pr. PII .1 C. E, Jan. 31. 127 llow,y, York. Post I tiles, box 4086. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, Phila. r 111.11. E Spring Session of this institution qunmonves Nn Mondaf, March 8,1. It enneists of collection et schools in tlio. eo emu' departments.of learned Industry. Young men are trained in Mine En gin equine% Viigincering, Practical Chemistry, Me chanical and I..ilitaLey Endineuring, Architecture and Agriculture. Fur particulars enquire 01 January 31, ISG2—. ASI;DaTOR'S NOTOCE. THE Auditor uppoitited by the ()r -it. 1 ,1 ”.` ,. Court of Cumberland county, to amity dle trdnttinn of the hind in the hands nit sent .t.t, .1. f. EXl.l . of the last sill aud testa ment of Bret, late of I lie township of lisui•len, will attend, to the dunceof Iris uppow.,,,e”t. ~u Nat urday, tit • '22d of Vel•s•intry, 1 , 1.'2., at his office, in Cal lisle, when and where all istrties Interested In slid land ate huteby notified to attend. If. NIIIV,SII.I‘I, Auditor. .lauttary 81, 1111,2 :It TO TIJ E CITIZENS OF otrivx234l4.L.atatna couvrsr• . r .uN.D...sIGNED begs leave to in4brfn you, that he lk:tq jw,t. ~p,ll-11 iMut; ',ST ni%:ili - tbb..B.rougli orcookie, lu the rm•irt ly recupilA pylteynolds Pielfor,li , n 1/1.11.4 St I. alnor:to Inliptt"s Oroeory Smith llutlever sttel.t. whoPe'hn will always b,• found ready end willing to ply the spatula and pt.stal. The tbllowillp: llob. ~,tnprlses the rosin portion of his stock:—patent PLItE IVINES AND LIQUORS. ftimory. Cane,. Nut antll C,vu•r::ll c. ..11, :11111 : 1 1 '1,111, 1/11.1111121111A14 :111 , 1 1 1 1.11111'1, 11t1111in . :, 1 . 11.111/, \ t:i,61.11 , 16a.511 lirtl,ll es,ul till, BLANK DOCKS_ .& STATIONARY 11,1 vor liitooti r ithan! o othinliolvto e , iety e. iriirrivii • o. It I, lIIV Iu tl.llll , 1 1 11111 11 1 “:111 1 1. 11 gin, 10,:1 , 1 1 ,11 tirUuu iu c, cry pail; tu i td tigty to vrt i igo intin a rail. I'IZUKCItII"fI()N4 • Carvrall3 at lair pr , ea. Give , III(' .1 .• ill iSCa. S. 11. \ EltAls1:1: DR. WILLIAM B. MAW'S qg T VI ASSI 9 A SI NI: El Nll'l,l* 101: Sore MoulDas Disbaseik 1131t , edlirog 41,1ra1..115, • 7 1 ;ursinge Sore :tile best specific now in 11, , i2. For ~r th, ,o.uti, it r.tivul.l 3 itonvhri II to 0.1 , 0.1. , ATETIFICTAL TEETH, tlei,trtt hog ts . Verit Inint of Ow mouth, :lb Horitiing and removing ad itilituritiot,-11 , ovitt.: A 1-1\ V, 1.11; \ 1..•0t tn.the use ot it ' NO 1 , IS. 1,01 irr Nn 1.,111,1, WI, i. aflltrltol II tilt on I A 1 ) 111.2 I.IAT 1 f It it CM, npienvett and rneondnodeled I t tutu 1.11 m e ler le,ne lint. hoed brenAlit. CSE 1)r. Hut 1/1:11'11S MOUTI/ P1,.).:”.•.1 :it lir I.ll', Ituntal ullt. r. Nii 77 t. E., -;::-.Price 37 Cdrits per Bottle. 7 Y:ra A liheral dise“nlit nu le te Address Principal Office, Tribune .Bniidinils, No. I Spruce Street, Now York. s-tt It ._ n, YI t I ;1 ,tn AVR FluEzin,4 TOO fit PO \y F, i)I.! p tip. ;!Iti/ 11 ll'/I'T TIII: 411 , IIZOI NI, ~,1 firl• /01 Alia. , lit Aii4,4l, I 1 . 111 in (Po len't r,•,•th. Hs:0'0011 1.V11114 vp , inly un chaukal --p.lll,lllpv, ,ratinz: el,Ip•I. 1)1 . , il'm. 11. Ilurd's Tooth l'owdei at , l , /. • 110 T 0!11: N., :7 r. 1tr , ..1d3p. 11. U. pF Price 25 Cents per A lihri.ll .11 , •. tr.t. mulr It) .1c Addrots Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Street, Now York, S.llll “1,11 \Joel: . 111111 k,. , 11.• .1. I, ,C 1,,1111t41 .rt. 71'1 131',311,,i; 11 ' 1)1t. WILLI,IM 13. HURD'S TCDOTIIII 1E DROPS FOr Cure of nJothaeho, pro,luso,l I.v i•vp,e.l norvs, IL iq pv lioulusly .lapted nil anis-te.l ,ull 'ft ui I'II Al'll l'arsnt , van reilovn to tusi It IS 1 . / um I:La ,listessi.:; weariness caused by 1. () Bti 0 l S 1, EE P and childreu from great, .111 . er1111. by koopin_ a bid le,uf Dr. IV in. II I'll Tot) ritA 11 r. inwps iu tha l'reparea at Dr. Mini's Dental oak", No 77 Fourth StroM, IlloooLlyn, E. D (1" , ..) 1 ' Price, only 12 ('eats per Bottle A lilwral dieruiuit Inut.lo 1.1 clual,s. Address Principal Oflic6, Tritfune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce tvoet, Now York. Sad In PhiLulelpLia, by I,yott, kCo 2.L North St mot: u. r. Ilubbull, 1110 tiliestnnt Strout; and by all • lb uggims. Da. WILLIAM B. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS, Volt THE CURE OF NEURAI;tIA Ott TOOTIOCIII: PRODUCED ll\ COLDS LOCAL NELIRAIXIA Is iniunliately cured by their ;IN - die:looM They llet like a charm, Mill Are porrecily harmless In their mann'', do not prodder a b Aster, and le.lre ne 11111110101 la results. Dr. Win. R Hurd's Neuralgia ,Plasters Hoerr IhII to give saththetlou to all who test their virtue Proporod of Dr. 11ur,F8 Dontal 011ico, No. 77 Fourth 6koot, Droohlyu, E. 11, Ate" Price, only 15 Cents Eault.-a discount mad° to amlers: Addross Pli.tcipnl Office, Tribune Buidinge, • No. 1 Spruce Streot, New York. Snbl Lt Philtidelplik, by 1.)%0tt, on*, 2:9 North 211 Street: 0. S. flubboll, 1410 Chestnut Street; and by all Drupribts, - NOTICE.—We are dolly receiving brCers send by Men Seine one or more at Dr.' Dinars - Dental lUmnelles, which we et, mod, fill. None are mailable want the Neuralgia Plaster, whirl sve send In en envelop. el , re. rein', of price (15 cents) and one stamp: Hut to accom modate persons in places to hero the druggists and store keepers are behind the age, we have put up packages in rhito embossed mixes, sever uncles by - four, with compartments—v:lol box containing at bottle of Dr. Hurd's Month Wash, and Tooth Ache Drops, n box of Tooth Powder, the Neuralgia Plaster, a valuable little Treatits:'on - Teeth and t h eir Diseases, the hest means of preserving them, end the proper treatment of Chil 'dren's Teuth l worth of itself the entire cost - to every young wan or woman, or parents with yottog children, with sundry othKuocessary articles; pride per parkago ono dollar, dr six packages fur $5, sent by express as directed. As the Express charges are not much, (raw more on n dozen than on one, it is fir cheaper to order :six or a dozen pacithges at one time. A large family will want all. or the surplus ran be disposed' of . to neighbors with public benefit, for no (mot can estimate' how tench -pain. 6ufbninpi, unhappiness, and disfigure. moot, expense, loss of tuna and money.irould tnt . stavdd to the country if every family to-day efdneell .pathogen, which; in it,ar.,vi a complete sot of Dental "-Remedies. Address Wm, 11. Henna Cu,, Tribunollnild Inge, Now - York, and write ennui null address plainly.' 'flint remittances may ho made with confidence, W. H. D. l& 'Co... refer'to'tho Mayor of.Drooklyn, 'Ent). W. Oriflith, President of the h'e'r mere and Citizen's Dank, Dionitlyn tn the Editor of the American ,Manufaetur, erS' Oaset ' te; to Joy, Coe Co., Puhlisitur'n' Agents, N. ‘ P.l.: flarmun, Esq., who knows a good thing when he see's it and W 116" has already ordered a second supply, etc. 1000 Au'ejtes Traided— To introdneo Dr. liord's Dental- Iloriodies into every - countY. Men or. WOmou' who waiit to make 'money quickly, .can do , botter with' Meat) articles than any thing in market. They. aro now. Useful,' low 'paced,- 'and vro aro nponding thousands lir advertinlngs.thobi for the benefit of agonts. Boxes of samples, containing a dozen of the ono dollar.paeltagea above speciflocpwith' circulars will he sont, on rocolpt of seven dollars,.nboot price, to any person wishing to test lilsoiter ekill lu! selling with the 'flow boroming en-agent.. We would rather pay notaries than Conunieshins to those' who prove theruselvog ofnelout salesmen: • Nciw in tiro thins - to .go into,tha Waimea. For ad'., .dress,a4d rofot'onCo ago I{l4-ovo. 1 MI • z 1 • t:L 5 2- c 3 2, "cc e 00 W C , 0 V 02 = 0 (f) tz r, ~0 • az 7' =1 J. HAMILTON, Carlisle • ';;" " a F; F.. C. ti _ 0 M 15g ??, ca . - , ',, ....., C 7 -' ' 3 < l ' "<,l IM ■ NE • R E D! ! READ!!! TILE uRP:AT PUBLIC aro respect,- Ca an e 2 \\TINTI.In .00,0135, ~:(.g.thypimsz.9o.oo/-tisq 1 test in B . OiCi. Eld -4fl e ; r ThkinV,-e.,,cr ro ed and 1314ee , 13i1jeF3 .. ; Plain Uro do SUk (all price;.{; FplendillTtg:' - lerinoe3 and Cash meres; Mumma Reps; Imperial Valen• Liao ; Empress Chi; ha , Brocade Pop lies ; Volours; French printed Delains; Plain French Mc rino.,.s and DelaineA; I'tkrlikl.llor. ; Pacific and Union an.l Chit h.en's try at lot). huLtal,le l'or the Larwil. 11'10 111 . 11,1•4 1 • 1;i,11.14 i. 11t11,1.1 . 1nV full nod ,Ilt übll I ard In OP nil, i. , 1 , 11 Nl , .urnin_ ('ash not,: IHIN: II , 11'6, Dt`i3llll, ; '1':11111,I 1,1114 II ...ll , ' /.ill'•S: Pelaine, “fall M11.:1[AI:0; Fl'lt \ (10011,1._T„, r ,, ,„,„ : 11,i,Iner,hiet,; Iloahry• iintning,; Ullul 111 Tulhii and Siligh,,, , h,twls; Cit,lL er re; l'earedate ; Washington 3 , 1 IN Shay, In, Particular attention paid to F 1111.31,1 hands, of which WI. 11.4, :I 11111 I ITU!. CLOAKS! CLOAKS C LOA KA . ! ! ! Vo ;1..0 .11 Ile ;II 1•111:; , 1.11( . 11t , 1 , 1111 a NVW York man whirl.lvoolllllo.l to 111111101 Iho latest nod to oPgl. du: 11140 n. 1,1 oil I It ot \l.llltl,s, o. Whl.•)i 11 1..p..01 111% Ito ill, al ilio 1.1 lots, Clool.s. 11a will 110 cit go . the In all their v.. le4ns—lh.•.rhu, Pc.ivedale, = I, SislIVN iii \lon rni rawy t;olors lloop Skirts! Hoop Skirts I ! Of th latt,t Improvent,ol,. o have rPcviv,..l She A , :r.scr "IA Nev York 6klrt Faeto,y,,ind will cull thew articlos at wilplesale prkes. FornisAinf Goodr of Every reiriely. Kid 111.wpg, Uruntlrts, Woolon C.,tst, , , Nu hlas, Bonnet Ribhuns, bress Tintuntngs, 11.0 t .1 Cloths, Overeoatings, Cassitneies . . esttng:4. It e hour tilk• services of a fir:t class 'f.l rr.on, au I make up king to urdtr et bhurt notice, in the lit•st st) lee and lowest prises. BOYS' NV \ of all Itiodi I , r the seaqm. )Inns ad, llny Shawl , . I/rau ors, Undershirts. flan- OVer u loves, (hiontlets. Collars, :\ orlt 'flee, :7:tusking, Scarfs, StlSllolldeni, 50..&0. DOMESTIC GOODS, purchased largely heloro the great advance ill prit•R'S. Can sell many kinds at - old late, c.rawFws, chryrits. M AT ri sh ES, 81,1 ND:=. BLANK:PPS. I' I) U\ TE It PA N ES. All the atm° artieles and many other,: we (itror at the he west pot:Fui hie 11 el eOS. COOS e t ndditiou e will hue made to our stoelt,gurintt the winter. No pail. spared to show our iIIIMI3IIBO stock. ' LEIDICII, SAW VER. MILLER. Callislo, Out. 25,1861. TIMBERLAND VALLEY E. E.- IVLVTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MON DAY, NOV ElI HER 1, 1801, Passenger Trains will run as fellows: tSundays excepted :) 8011 CHAM BERMIURG AND HARRISBURG: Ist Train. 2d 'fral a. Leave Hagerstown, 7.00 A. 51. 2.45 P. M. t. Greencastle,. 7.137 '': 3.35 " (thautbersburg, 8.30 " Arr. 4.29 1.10 • " Shi open aburg, 0.00 " 1.412 " " Nuwville, 0.02 " 2.15 " " Carilslo. 10.10 " 2.65 it Mechanicsburg, 10.40 I , 3.27 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.16 " • 345 " FOR C11A311111118131111.0 AND HAGERSTOWN, Ist Train. 20 Train. Leave Ilarrisburg 8.05 A. 51 1.50 P. M. " Mechanicsburg 8.47 " . 2.30 " Catilsle 0.27* " 3.08 " NoWylife, 10.02 " . 3.44 " I , .., ShlPponsburg, . 10,03 '1" 4.15 " it Chainbg', (Arrive) *ll.lO 4.55 " Greene:x:4lo, • 11.55 , 5:45 " Arrivent Ilagerstrovii; 12.05 , 0.25 .-" THREE Dally Trains leiiie Harrisburg for Pittsbnri at 3.18, find 7.00, A.. 51„ and 4.20, P. M.,, Fur Philadelphia, VIII Pennsylvania Central Rallroac. At 2.40 A. 31., '12.55, 1.15, and 5.25 P. 51. I'la 'Lebanon 1%.R. R., •al. 8.00 A. 51., and 1 .45, P. AL .L'or Baltimore, at. '4.00 & 7,40 A. M., ,bl.OO F.M. ' , - - ' r Tor froverton and Williamsport at 1.40 (and • 8.15, P. 5f.. . Trains on hanyiblii Stand at 2.00,1', 31- 50'PlC15 TO PA§SENOEIIS : At all . StatiOna where Tit:Masi are sold, via: Hageratown, ,Grefoncoatle,.Ohain • homburg, Shlppensburg, Nowvillo, Carlisle, 'Mechanics, .burg and Harrisburg,. a 4sductlor of TklN - GENTS ou, each Ticket will be 'nada 0 all Passengers that provide iliemsolves-witir-Tlcltatkpafora-_onterlay the . o . ars, ..0. N:1,15r4L . Supeet ; - - ItaUroad Office, .ohatateisi.urg,} - . • . USTATEr - NOTIOZ-L-Lott6ri"of Ad . ittindnietratiou on' the Estate of JACOR,SIIROSER, Potatildiddletontp.leving boon cssued hy . the Register bt'. Cumb. Co. to the subseribor roilding In the-lame tp: , Notice is hereby given Wall persons In. debted to said estate to make payment, find' those hay fugal:time, to present them duly authenticated to .„, D, SHEAFFER I Aduer. January 3.02.—0 CK - - Ir 't • cici s rAttcw:n'Z' W ~4.;t":14 '- 14 1t71 1 : , 0 r: '.= a. F_-•.. 2 2 :--; . 0 . . m 0 - - . 0 m 0 0 P R 1 P Fc P ;'...' ..,•cf.v. - =•::-.,.. .. - ---.4.-.74=g' t- t 3 rDMP o=.-”0 (D. C''''" 4 1 c.„ , o V ' ... . 412 , :-•-.' 4, P E . • Y. 2 F ' a— , &.' .a z: - ET•.5' . a x 2 f -,FI a 5 , c. • c' '' , - ° C; 7 46,F :7F: P: - c a a. eo 3 )-3tz S . ' ..' rii o '0 Zi, - .. • -1 ....J.-. C CCD Cr. tC, It. 0, 00 c 2 —t cc c.> ca cc: tZ C o. CO 0. 00 IC V. V. I 0 • to, - •• -•-- - - co o, .•••• Cc •-•• C Co 00 C, 0, --I t..] CD 0 , ec co co =C. Co V. Oa CO 0 , V , <0 OV.CO Co to CC C I c C co Cc tz t 3 raw IND ID "•=. OC ND .4. 43 CC 3. rh 4•C cD . • • . . . Ca -4 crz ,r W za c - ‘74 -1 ao c. ^. c -.L. w cr. :c O C., Cr. O CT - -I OC 3, MEM C . , CM -4 en C, en en en rj3 4 , 0., Zrirg,t'tthen r•-t ~... • t.- -. - ,^. •••• ^1 rf) '', C, tJ 4- .--. I , r, 1 - •. 'JO C, 4- CD Q -.11 .. , CT: •-• Ci ec 1D ea -1 C., -.I = CJI CC -4 JoC C7:3 .1.. 1D en CJ .. .j .IC , t.: CO G. -1 •-• C. , :C --1 :.C . 4. --A_ Ut '...0.., C. ,-. GO Oe ~ ., e Z- -- . •-• C , --, 1.41 , Ci en 4• = ce •-• n CO te' . . rtr.. I 7: le I C C - I C.ll CJ C ro CJI C , l, C.‘ CO. 0 • .r.o. 00 1. , .-, 4,.. --I ^-1 C: , C . " l L pla. I L . CO /-, . ". IL .4. I- . . . • . ... . ~ . . . .. C Cr, Ca .r.- co t.c, C -. . Os -1 --I 1 , ,, , X IL , , 1... - C . / . M -‘ , GI Ca ..L. , - Z. -, co ... CI . .F. ca. . 7) az .IT , . , 1... Co , L.L . C, ,L , C: CC .-. In 0 . 'Tr C% , CI , •- • 7: .7- - . :.-.: Z., -= CO CO . :.... t.L ,1.,, C.,, 7.: t.L - , L., c,, ..c., I •—• C, I t,t. 6-• IL ICI , : CO I 7:1; fr. w. GC, CC G S.O CC 70 C.; C 4 C, ca I -I or, Iv, •-• att Cocso co tot t t --1 t tc. - to tC C, C. Z. Co cr. i.. xi- ‘7, = C.: tJ C: _4: „ 1 :•; , " , 7!:. I '2'2E I-`7‘ .=- 7 1 I , I GOODS =I kr oa CIIANUE OF HOURS! ,r. co 7043. cr noq o al • o g ill = al Cr,7' :_-.• • c Fall -- mi — 5 , umi CD P. . ...,_" lc • H a e ' - ' 4 .0 ^c 3 , Og 0 . nz:i 0 • '''''° 07 . , a' 4- 5 ~1 , 1 • . 0 G. . , ,7,A i•-•• ..I.cpq 5Y2 ovs et cm E' c " 9, s. c • . ~.. zi:a. .. cr -: -----__ .., _ a p . w.' .- CD OD 6" o co e. .o =o, 5. CD - cia g CD Cr . 4 7 'n 0 '• CD co • 0 . 1 g P... CD C. it ° 5 Fp' ',;"''' CD PL. p,) 9 o ..21 o o = " u . ,' cD - te...- a .-e. , 1 •0 CD to t., cn .... •l tz' 0., a 3 •'.,c ' .. a o m-4 4r) ~- 4 ,. •-• --.4 t , 7 •` , lc o . m 0 ,. 00 • . 14: 4 - : -. 54 Fi 1"; 72 ,?4 I 0 . • , .. , 1-0 °•.: P.—. ' .. ,'r• . : 7! _..- i ':. . '''=' 05" me -.1 2 c p.., 3 , ,_,.'tti ' .. • ~ . • - s=on 0 ,- .: . , w '7 - .„' 0 - ' . .":6 - •-• 0 to r, , I RT . - ro ..4 . --- ~., r „ o CD c.., c, ...,, R` ~,P 'S . - :6: ? ...„-; . ~, <-.- - . --. 4 . 1 0 -• 5 • Ez• a p • ‘n: CL, , F tr.. (s) .... La v CD , c-, c:. , , 0 cr r•'- 0 0 0 P'o 0 ... =. .0 :1. '‘.7 &I cr P '' ' D * ra (17 . O r a z , '... o IZ .O r o 0 t,„4 p IC or W ~., ... 0 CD j 72 g .. e„, ' 69 . I cv n, -cs o P ,n . ?..'. .. ....z _ 0 0 - -7.. zn Ix . o -I 1,. ~, 1 - ,r, ~., = „,„ '-o- 14., ,_, ,••••• 1 .--• .Y... ,rrl•- '.__ Th f'v . crq 1.1... tz i .8 - 0 cn r.,, 0 a.,gl', I cp • , , a, - 5 Li ' •cm 0 E .6 g* ,' --: - 1 Z ' g 1,5•"•> ' • ..., -,1 .b, "-- ',-,-, "- r:- 1 - --, • . ' - g' l ra ..1-...,0 :, ...-, -"I .I.'. - E , Z , ; . I. 4 G. g•D •-_, . cD , ....- Cr.' 1,,1 . . 4 -73. 0 I 1 -.. , ~...., c , o , ••„, c. I.: :Ir. . 0 -C C C.T. V t C: ~C 0 • CD 1.'. 0 - 4 _3 C CCU C PN9 & & , Xusfrtess PENIIOSE, Attorney tit Law. y Mier ill 111,1,1,1's 11:01 Prolotslonal bust 11,11111,11, I.'l I;-; E. ItA I" EY, A ttorn eyaat l'orlishr pa. - Att wads to securing and col. I ~•Eitl4 PaY, /11 , 1111t11•8,.D1111 I'Ulll.lOllB, :it d Rr ii.ltes int 'marina Oattha thorf•to. Office nu south lia,“‘ et ..tract, opposite Houtz's store. J. MARSIIALL. — ATTORNEY AT LI , Oil o W. Penrusu, i❑ Ithoeuff 7-111.11. I - ll' EAK LEl.—Attorney at Law. ?), o 1,111,0 nn eou th linuover street, opposite Bente Dry Leed s st, I'. Allnrofessionol business entrusted to Lim „i.l be promptly attended to. f 11 R ITN ER, JR.., Attorney at r p ve) MechanicAburg ; l'a. Wilco O 11 di 10.,,,1 ;hi .I"'S north of the bank, promptly at to nJ nt _ . g _IIIcARD.—un.ARLEs E. 11. IA. $J 1 11,Ari,i1ILIN, Attorney at Law, Office In In. hairs h 1111111 11. 4 1 1 41 Apposite the Market Butte°. Carl,ll9. %14,11 14 'na—ly. J. 11'. I , '(, A tturney at Lazo L. with .1. I:. Smith, in Illmorn's Ad Itn.i io.s czitumlcn bts promptly at ton,itol tn. 1,1 U. '60.-1 y. •_ _ _ CeP. II UM RICH . , Attorney at Law, —olllre LIU North Hanover street, a few door* south Hotel. All business entrusted to him will hr promptly attended to. [April 16. W. C. it,LIEEAI ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGhiED Minneapolis, Minne.soia. o u r , 1 o t s , t ; „ e , 0 e 1 , 1 , e t. t lie .1 F.,.tat.• mot nrrufit lrs. N loan, pay too 1u...w• land svart:tui,. Reim- to the members 0 tho l' nullity Bur, :mt.! to all promillptlt Ott. Am,. or Calliult., FA ug4'6&—loy. \IT NTZ It.— I' ll VS IC lAN & y svimEoN, has remote,' his Mike. to South Ila aurae street, dheetly oppotlt e Benta',..,sto ,rm All p, tionts a, trotted to hi, core, either from ton} or COW". try, will lie attet lied to. Nov. I:), I,MI. [lt. s. 13.*K114:141i11i. OtEco in North n:tonier stroct two Ilm,rs from Arnold 'A Son's torn. Office hours. more particularly from 7 to 9 o'clorkl A. M., nod from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. 31. 1 .: . 0.xt. LIR. GEORGE S. SEA • luilT, DENTIST, from the Bal‘ timer° College of Deutal Suwory. 4 - 31.0filee at thiliktiidenee of his mother, East Louthet street. three turfs below Bedford. Morel, 15, 1851.1—tf. DR. I. ( South Ilannyor HirPet, next dun to the Post GED. W. NE[DIO.II, D. D. S.- L to Demonstrator 6(opm/tilt.° Dentistry to the Ilnitllnoro College of Mares "i Dental Surgery. Wirsk , X ()Mee at hisrosidenai opresito Nla Hon Hail, West Main street, Carlisle', Pebli Nor. 11.1857. S. W. ITAVERSTICK, Druggist ) Nbrili Hanover Street, Carlisle. . _l'llysiciau's prescriptions carefully vyripouutled A full supply of fresh drugs ;ilia -lieuticals. Atib-'. FARE REDUCED. " - CIA STATES UNION Ii3OTEL ) 606 3r, 608 Market St,, above sixth, I=l TH12318:-.41 25 per day UNITED STATES HOTEL.— . S. E. Co,. 11111 6. Market Sta., 11. 1:U . IC 11. IT di. GA f ER= 66 TILL U. 1110.31)) AIWH ST., ABOVE TH.lttn, I'll I LA DELPH IA tts. This hotel is central, canyonlent by Passenger Care to WI parts of the .Clty, and ha ovary pattlenlac adapted to Ulu comfort and wants of the buslneag • Tsams $l.OO per day. [Sept. 21b1801: Ii:LIVIMELLJAIOUSI4, - _ ON TIIE EEROPE4LN ELAN, C STREET, BET.' 41 - ANli 6th Si's., Near the National liote4 and two squared front 'the Railroad Lbp . ot, WASHINGTON tait' FINkl PARLORS rOR TILE ACCO:43IODATIO:4IOBI,A -' DiEp. . • Room and MAO, per days Oa Room alone, per day 1 00, 0aeb..... ... . . ..... 15q Lodging, it Lilo room la 7'a m..... qt„lio:rwino It will bo consldorod by _tho dos.. " Thu ICIMMELL 'MUSE is newly - and elegrAky int.• Waned, and In ofeiy reeprot a drat clwillotel. X lavito,thp public to call and 0xam1na..:...• •. M!MSMigE= . ~- . - . . „. ... -13C41:711 It ZAN I.- ' - - -' .....,. .. ~ -. 1:0 0 .. TONS,_af:Lq.ociti.....n.,Tirnothy,:_jfay, ', w .f.,' fulmadlatoly; for. Irbloh tho bll3hasit cash ptico will bo givon. . . ... • . ARMEIROIi“ .4 gok . . rp.,. . Carlisle, Vet), 7,1802-3 t , ' • . .- , • , . , an.. . ..... - . . . , 5 4 W.' I VT, Aug. 1,'50 JAMES W. POWER, Proprlidor. ju3o'sB, =I I= UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Pkoprlutar