Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 31, 1862, Image 3

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    erchlertl, 80 needle oases; Mrs. a Keller, 1
glass golly ; N. E. Shearer, 28 needle cases . ;
Miss Julia re s etem's scholars 25 needle cases
end 4 YestOrnents ; Mrs; H. Adoles'imholars
26 needle cases; Miss M. Phillip's scholars
20 needle cases ; Miss C. Postlewaithe's echo.
late 15 needle cases ; Miss It. Noble, 6 towels;
Mrs. Phillips, 3 sans of tomatoes; Mrs. Cauf
man, .6 needle cases ; Mrs. P. Monger, 8
glasses jelly ; Mrs. G. W. Shearer, 1 dozen
handkerchiefs, jellies, wines, tongues, bologna
sausage, dried blaakberries, raspberries, ap
ples and peaches, lard and , soap. Made at
Mrs. G. W. Sheafer ' s, 37 pair slippers by
Mrs. MFeely, Mrs. Rhoy, Mrs Caufman,
Mrs. Irvine, Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Inholf, Miss
Stahl, Miss Clendenin, Miss M'Feely, Misses
Jane, Anle and Laura Alexander, Misses M.
and E. Faust, M. E. Sheafer and Mrs. G. W.
Shenfer ; Mrs. C. Byers and Mrs. Gould con
tributed some material for slippers; MrS
John Boyer, 2 jars preserves ; Mr. William'
Noble, 2 jars jelly and 3 tongues ; Mr. :John
Noble, $5,00; Mrs. Inholf, I blanket, 2 hot.
ties catsup, 2 papers Farina; Miss Emma fo
lio:1f, 1 pair woolen socks. By an unknown
lady, 3 pair woolen socks ; Mrs. M. M'Gra.
nahan, 2 pair woolen mitts ; Miss Flora Hast
logs, 2 pair woolen socks ; John 'F. Lindsey,
1 blanket; Miss Sarah E. Henderson, 4 pair
woolen socks ; Mrs. Rebecca Campbell,'l jlr.
woolen socks ; Mr. James Untuilton, 1 cannel
shirt and 2 pair draweis; Mrs. Win. Leeds, 4
pair woolen seeks; L. Spender, 4 flannel
shirts; Mrs. jimob Rheem, 2 quilts, 1 pair of
pillows and cases, 3 cushions and cases, 3 pr.
slippers ; Mrs. W. Bentz, 1 creek apple but•
ter and 8 chickens ; 'Mrs. 11. Striokier,
crock apple butter, 3 chickens, net dried
fruit; Mrs. Agnes Wolf, 1 jar Pickles and 1.
'crock apple, buffer'; MrS. f.ouk, 3 pair of ;
chickens ; Mrs. J. Miller, 3 pair of chickens;
Levi Rudy, I pair chickens.
To Messrs. Reed Henderson, Forwarding
Merchants of Carlisle, the Cakitnitice are
grateful fur forwarding the above ❑awed arti
Iles free of charge
llerrary publishes its annual
Prospectus, for 7862, in our columns to day
-and our readers will miss something if they
fail to peruse it. The Mercury is not 0n754
the largest and cheat. est literary paper in
the world,- but--its great—serial. Romances,
Moral Tales, exquisite Poetry and General
Miscellaney are the very best published in
this country. Igo other 'journals that we
know of has anything like its famous con•
tributorial e , ,rps docile and wonderful
variety of mental food. It is now in its 24th
-tar, and 'has a stability that insures to all
who subscribe for it a sure and rich return
for the money invest. d. The _KW Mr7c
IPrcury for 1862 will be a paper that no
American tamily can *afford to be without.
Subscribe for it at once, we say.
tnecticr of the Cuinbarla»d Fire Com pany
held at flie Court Muse, on .Saturday
vvening, the following officers were
ticetod for the ensuing, year:
I'cc.ri , /cat:—Thomas 13. Thompson.
sccccf , try—Philip Quigley
TeCi l lYUrer—Ed win D. Quigley.
itt Director—Peter Sphar.
2,! do. —Frederick Kenner.
:id do., —Leonard Hoffman.
4th, do. —John Davis.
5/11. do. —Levi Minnich.
ex-Sheriff.lllcCniertiny and Constable ANDREW
MARTIN arrested a t: an and his two sons by
ho name of Sm Mi. 011 ! 11 , 100,i011 of having
.eonttniited the molder of ,TI,IIN 131.UGER and
IVILLIAM GRIST (colored), night of the
fl et •Deecinher, 181;2 The ie.: above men
tioned resided mi trot m unnuu. i-iose to the
scene of the murder, aml s% ere btrengly SUS
.rected by the t. e , g,h bars a, the ours f1(.111
the guilt might bu fastened, 'chore are, e a id
to be ,everal others implicated, list t%he hue,
:not yet boon arrested
'Pvur.ic SALES.—In pursuance of a
custom inaugurated by us some time ago, we
.will continue giving those persons who pa
tronize us in the way of printing bills &c.
,the benefit of a standing local notice of their
- mtles—the time, place, arid property to be
cOhl. This is a voluntary fever-on our part,
,the value of which will be dtily appreciated
,by those interested.
On Tuesday, Feb. 11th, Geo. Kuhns will
offer for sale at his residence in Plainfield,
3 Work Horses, 2 Milk Cows, wagons, horse
'gears &e.
On Thursday, March G,Saml . Hueston
will sell, at his residence in Silver Spring
itownship on the C. , V. Railroad, 2 wiles West
of Mite 11 iea b N!:, Two well bred stallions
first class Farm horses, Seven milk
.cows, Thirty head of YOU 11 g Cattle, Reaper,
Wagons - &:c. This is by far, the best collet
ition of stock, that has been offered fur sale
in this county for many years.
On Friday,•Feb. 21st, Frederick Mentzer,
will sell on the premises, in Frankford
•township, on ti:o road leading from Mt.'
Rock to MaCtur&s Gap, about 2 miles from
Bloserville, Borcev cattle, sheep, hogs, and
farming •INtenbiia.
On Thursday Feb...l3th 'lB6l, B. J. Long.
necker will sell•ori-the premises in West
'PentishoronghAownship,live mi./es West-of
'Carlisle, and one ,mile north Of Plainfield,
Horses, Cows, Hogs,l'dung Cattle. Sce.
Ori Friday and Saturday, Feb. 21st and
22d, Jno. Hartzler and Jos.sPlonith Adinin•
'istrators of the nst ate of 'Jon. Plough,' will
sell, flit the premises, in Dickinson town..
444 1 ultont 4. 1 4 miles \Vest. of Carlisle, near
She Walnut Bottom Road, shout 21 miles
.below the Stone Tavern, tho personal prop
city of said estate, consisting •in part of
,Cows, Hon Sheep, farming utensils, &c.
On Tuesday March 11th 1862, Robert
,oHeagy, will utFer for sale, on the premises in
Middlesex township, two-- mites north of '
'New Kingston, on the - road leading to Ste
,rettls Gap, near Hoover's Mill, Horses,
tCows,.iYoung Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, farming
ii•tpleinents4te •
. On ;Tltursdaty,,. Veb. 2.otb, Joseph ',Baker,
,Adminstrator of MiChnell3aVer, dec'd , will
c. 5.311.,, „mi.. the premises,' in ...South Middleton
ttlwnship, one Mile east of Carlisle,, Horses,
tilowe,.,Young.Cattle, farming 'utensils, &c:*":
11418 T . 9F Ju aka
G 11-4,NDUR 0 R. g•
'Carlisle—George Bendy,.. John .Faller,
proinlieli, Eyler
Stuart ir,,l3djornip
-- iliaatTennaboronixh - Geerge Lowirslorf --
iHcpMvell--/Jacoh Byers.
- !Lowey 7AliaM-I.l"enry .Butiorf !John G.
eineelc. - • e
Stuart; Jphn sanelaenour,
t George • .
~31iddlese,x-461in foist r. '• - •
; Samuel Christhob, John Da•
vidsun, John Fuller
Monroe; John Gregor, Henry C 'Zerger
Aliddlesex; Jobn 1' 13rinille, Amos \lil
• Newton -1 William WestheGr 7 Samuel
Newville; Peter 4. Ahl, William 13.e'ed,
George V forth, John Givlerjr
Penn ; John Hutchinson
SothaMplon i Philip &whin, James Law
per, John F.Tree
Sow ; Siui h : 1 .1c(' , .)T1)0;.'
A Bra.llov, J liu Itak i, l Irish Stiiek er
Silver Spring : Jiislina Culp,
Lunn U Eckels
Uppor Aitem; L hook tivintntm
West l'ertiri;lorough ; Adam AI in ri ie ,
Irvitip )1: , Mail 11,1
Reported weekly for the Iterstid by
oodward Liz. Schmidt.
7 , 1,01:12 (Supk•riilll:
,l. tr tr.t r.
%viitTE 1\ it t..A
I( I.:
F 11.1, 11.)Itl,l•:Y „
On Tlostigly. li3o th Indt., ukt,..)L I N
MAN, e-ged 4U yt Ars.
1 1 11 E 6prilr A chi.;
1..11U,L .ti t• 1 .11
111/ 0,411
cu,,,,,,riaud county A g ri.itural
nieul the Court 110100, n lario4u,
oo 1. • Fri.,: 'lacy I IL. at 11 o A.
Januar . ) :A, 156.2-2 t
I.IE Auditor appointed by the Or
philnir Court of Cumberland county, to make dis•
trniution of the fund In the bands of Jacob Bretz and
Jacob Longadorf, Executors of the List 0111 and testa
ment of Daniel Bretz '
deed., Into of the township in
Ifamplen, will attend to the duties of his appointment
on Saturday, th3.2•2d of February, 18a2, at his office, in
Carlisle, when and where all pdrtles Interested in sold
fund are hereby notified to attend.
NE%VSIIAM, Auditor.
January 31, 1?.02-3t
American Hearts and Homes !
0n New Year's day or 1862, that world
-1,11(1WIllqi and 111111V,Iled genii of American s r ;iittr•
IlailSlll. the p. erlete Now r•llik 31rec trio, will outer upon
the t wen iydourth
,veal of the most le tin,. “Inner. ever
erhieveil by ii.tper. - During the pent year it 11. H kitien
the teat her, btas•teller, mentor, and nriteht of tin
hundred thoui,and Aura Iran flumes, fram ocean to
ocean—end front Quebec. in Canada, to l'ensanola, on
the Unit of 31exleti. Young and old, rich and poor,
hare raveled in its uttrittintleg tilores of wisdom, 1.11.
Itinnt , e, net, pontry,tt int genial. humor 1 and its plains is
e ikattillar in: their mouths as hcaninholil words"
,htoble patrit.t soldier in his' tout, ton; luin whiled
away the tedium of camp life in the absoching review
4 its
finding in thorn a, resell:fitting mental discipline know.n
only to those who rally to the Patindr•shect rif,the
Army of Araericao lotollect and lionitts I
/II C0111)110.1sing a New Yomr, tho proprietors of Thu
New• York Mercury can only say, that it shell he their
aiip to malto Omit. greatfail'lly Journal of American lit
erature. for more brilliant and &chanting thou
over, In Its coficontratitm on the world's . grandest
and 141.01 beautiful Kpeclalitiea lo healthful Roman.,
Graceful Poetry, elegaut nod quaint liosal,p,.,•rolliVrifiV
KO o wledgo, filutrlcUng lLtu cae and uutortainlfig Astro—
like loco, it
rules the Toga,' the romp, the bower,"
no it already rules the happy domestic fireside.
The editorial tone anti departments of Thy
New York Mercury will continue trig 'to that lofty
spirit td patrl.alsin which has made-it Chicessity el
the people since Thu War began, and kept it in anthll
- le demand when ot liet''sheets were dying all around
It for -want of•pnpular support.
Already the largest Literary Journal ttt•the world,
and fitmons as the focus of a thousand brilliant literary
rvputatlons, its program uw • fer 1802 will be magnificent
beyond all precedent. 'The meat celebratedpens of this
meetly and Europa nava been secured in itaa9ildee;ut
all outlay equal to the expoiiee of more than 00,,
Ilona! government in the Old World! and 'lto novel.
ettett, or continued stories, fn• 18b2, will he the most
sp.endid triumphs of elegant Fiction ever published
To these. too,..the net. le nenelLof the greateit of Amu.
ricau.nreists, Din Melia O. C. burley, will 'will t h e
of plotorial. art.
. ..
- Our-story, inltlatnry of the New Irene, It asplordld
national Renville°, commencing In the •New YOk Jler•
cury of Baturday, , January 411,, 1862, and entitled
TIZZI 213.11.TTLE15.N.11./LE,;
,iasogibit 'No - with! .21 r ovelette .since the
. - dap' of Aforryatt. -
. ,
Tire theNow,‘ oric Sfereurpfs sold , by all newsmen
and periodical 'dealers in Moorhen To subscribers, it is
rugularly moiled every Saturday morning, for $2 a year;
throe copies .for4s; alx copies lbr -SD v-elaitt uopiesTOr
$l2, with .an extra copy, Iron, to the Rearm up of the
club. Six months' subscription received.. Always write
,IplainlY the noon of your Post officio, Couuty, nod
State. Iltitako the notes of xll ryNelu paying banks at
par, Payment must invariably be made in advance.
Specimen copies sent fro° to all .applicauts. Address
.all letters and romittancos, post paid, to.
l'roprietors of the New York . Mercury.
18 and,4B Ann. strout,lioivXorit (MY.
, ,
Newton—William Middleton. -
North 111 .iddieton.—Tohn. - 1 11 , Shugart.
Shippensburg— James Reeder, George
Stuart, John McCurdy : . •-
South Middletoti--Joseph Boiler. --
S , iithampton—Jacaly Coover.
West Penneborough—Robert McKeohnn,
Jr-, Alexander Drawhaugh.
Carlisle; John Carothers, E D. Quigley
A. B. Ewing, Abraham peltuff, Weslei
W,ise. •
Dickinson ; David Cover ; John Black jr
John Swords.
East Penneborough ; David Handshub,
Caleb Brin ton, Levi Eli n c•cr.
Frankford ; Benjamin 713 loser, Philip
Hopewell; J•imes Green, John Slevick.
Hampden; Ccorgc Duey, David Brenner
Lower Allen ; Hum). U Rupp, imuiel
MiddleseN y Hemwm,d, Jacob
11'11i:wee, Henry Paul
Mechanicsburg ; William L Huston, John
Webbert, 1) 11 Swiler
Monroe ; Edward Esfinger, Henry Icarus,
MosPs Bricker, Joseph 'Bomberger
Newville ; John H hiller
Newton Isaac Waggoner
Penn ; Isaac Kurtz, John T Green, John
Beetern:Williatn Brandt
South Middleton, Arthur Shupp, Conrad
Southampton ; Thomas Britton, Levi
Silver Spring ; John Brown well, Li illiaw
Swartz, John Albright.
Shippensburg ; Joab Martin
Upper Allen ; A B Saahrist, Christian
Hartzler, Christian Rinderlrnecht
\Vest Pennsborough ; James Smith, Win
I - ERSE .1 I - lloRS—Sel.011(1 Week
Carlisle ; A A Line, Jokil)tia. 13i . xler, Wm
James N Ellet,
last l'orul,horoofrh ; 1101,1 IS Eicho)berg,ei•
(;oorge :\l;top, Benjamin Chic, John M
Cieorge flutwrt, John Erjord,
I) Holtz
Hopewell .; David Steriek, David fluove:
I I ant lid ;Joh n Starer
Lower Allen ; Ceorge Eirhelberger
iNkehattiesburg ; Bernard Kiug, W C
cpt 'Markets.
Jietu Iltwrll6 enteittb
t. • n.
AY avaToirs NOTICE.
15.6 2.
,/, ro RENT.
1111 Prow Om Ist Aprll; ISo'2,'Stie
t ling 'douse. and Store Itomn on North
Ilooorer Arcot, Carlisle, now occuplod
-4 •"—" 1?y L. !dyad,
- January 31,--istr2=tr
Just rubiislied in a Sea Envelope,
177 • . Price Ii cour a Its; oam , ° by Dr. CUL-
V ,
Asl7, YirlitWELL, on qui Ouse and cure of
.1, "711 ,r . Spermaterrhcoa, Conoumption. Mental
• and Physical Debility, Nervousness,
Epilepsy ; Impaired Nutrition of the Doily; Lasitudo;
M cal:111,M of tho Limbs and the Bach; Ingisposition,
and Incapacity for Study /End Labor; Dulipess of Ap.
Prehension; hogs of Memory; Aversion to Society;
horn of hollittrio; Timidity; Solf.Distrust; Dizziness;
Headache; Affections of the Eyes; Pimples on the
Face ; luvgitpttary Emissions, nod Sexual Incapacity;
the oousmitienoes of Youthful Indiscretion, rk e.
This atlmfrable Lecture elearty proves that the above
enumerated, often seltaillicteri, evils may be removed
without modicine and widest dangerous surgical floe
t", tl•ms, 'tint should be road try every youth and every
111:111, in the lam".
Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain scaled en
velope. 114 1110 0001'10 of SAX Canto, or ten postage
o..torps, hy ttpliessing, lie. (`II J. C. K.LINE,
dor, 121 Itrmory, York. Post Oillee. box .1536.
tLT, persons indebted to me are here
-I,yootilfed to call and settle 'heir accounts.—
'loaealter 1 will be compelled to do a I-4,l,th' CA*Il
‘ , tIII;SS.
C4111:011, a:1111131'y 17, 150.
it A Tlill.fai S'l'i J i 1" BRICK 'SOUSE,
.rli ' i, 17' 1, Si hilt.' la Palm Strout, Carlisle:l'a.
l'ii l f .r ii ,
__. A
ply to
t t ( ii , elllS nod other piirtletilarF, ay
(l. I'. NIYETIS.
........... 4 . l __ - ...1- , -- Carlisle, 'January 17, ISii2.—iit,
I.STATIA: NOTWE.---Letters of Ad
juilnlstratiou on the Estnie of .1 ACOII SII EA FFER ,
Irate of ;'oath t p. having been issued by
the Register or Cnnih. Co. to the Fa.tbs 4 llbor residing in
the same f,p. Notice Is hereby given fo ell persons In.
dotted to paid 'estate to make pray wont. :aid those har
ing claims, to present them doh' authentfrateil to
1), SHEA Adtn'r.
:I 1111/I ry J , 1862.
91 1 111 4 :,' LIND EItBIGNED begs leave to
nu, that lin has Ju,t 10.,1P1/
Stilt E In him pt Carlkle, in thp rpipti thiapp t ...
P••upivol In. Rey Drug' Blom, next
(ip,,p i*oPery ;int I;auoiar siret.t.
111,11) he All +tap, Lr i.nito/ ready and n Hang to ply
the spot lila and
The f.illowing lint ,ntoprise;: the mr.lll portion of vl
tnas, 'Toilet Soaps,
Pert titoory. ('sore, Notions nod Varietios GenerallY i
routoorion•trie, 'l' , ' , row, nod S-v-rirs, Lilhoirapiis and
FM arm's. Itw nin; luid, Paint, '1 arnish naniSin,h
Cool 'if,
generilly .."er tit teen years (•xperionor la
'rho with a Iteqirr. In nremnrniminte -111,1
plea, Ins roolsolels, I hop° n warn
ut 110.11, pnli..,llnn'. toy hit.•ll lieu nod deeiro tai
give qvtkractloo 111 rartwular, Cu all who
ion) Lave ur nith a natl.
v f•lir prix,. (Hymn,. enll
l'arli-11 , , thol. S IS. PANNEHA
Had Bread it,
Sore rifionths,
Diseased 211leeding - Gams,
Nursing Sore Month,
N the hest specific now in Ilse for
ANY (Ike:l.4i vollifillon mouth. It Is
1,,,.41.11140 per,ons eoail
„t"y ithlt Of till. 11101.1 th, ob. nitd 1.14 .1 i 11511611.4
tiNV 1.:1' 'JP I.;AT I I
%l 111,1, i•: It Nil Pole, 1,11 , V or YOUNG
GI • 11.!,1% riiiii•ii•ii /111
this ir it it ft rt.rtAln
al. 41 l'etilk,11111•11,11,1 ylll,y
51,1 , 1 11,111,•1 1••• It. L IN horn 1 , 1 . 011,11 t
Ilr. 11 . 111 Is 111 s 11/)(Jr!/ W. I SU.
01110 e, No 77 Foul th
btreo - t. Ilrool.1) it. t.
DLi:'Px•tce 37 Cents per Bottle.
A 1: c,,,t1 Lin,“111111 1,1:11.• I.t
Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings,
No. 1 Spr Street, Now York
SON in Iq• it kCo . 28.2 N,lll ?.4I
J1L0.1...11. 111, I'll,llllU ,freer . , and all
rou fit PUW_DEJ
I I"
I sti ll
1, 1 . -1,1., gg .... , ,.<1.1.. .c. , ..!;!!0NW 1111'1101.;1'
I V. IN II 1:141. • 1.1: , 11.1.1iT1iS 1,1 , ciIAIWI)AI,.;‘,„,
i :,•••• tt.nn .k1..1,,1 , . .‘ll,:tli., that colt In ill° least
j jn,.. tin, I..•th 11, ..tlon Imin, V windyan Inenliical
--n 0 .j,1tin,.. Ii iihnut ssonrintf tint nnaniel.
Dr. Tim. E. Iltird's Tooth Powder :
r , •cnunpmleil by all E•111111'nt r4,ltlsts.
Propared at Dr..llurrs Ullite, N 0.77 Pot.rth
Stt ret, 1 . 101041 m E. D.
Ae Price 26 Cents per Box,
A Ilheral 411...0unt mad.. to ..1 , • 31 , . r5.
Addtess Principal Office, TPlbune Buildings
No.l Spruce Street, Now
sohl,,lN" ly CZlSwell. CO . Filth Avenue Ifotlll
kl. r 0 lineton . T ;D. Soros,
Broadway, :md by
Towriali E EROPtI
For (hr Cure of Toothache,
prndueed by oxponl nerves. It Is parthnlarly adapted
to all eaves ol children Idilleted with Tot II'IIAC II E.
Parente, ran relieve themselves Crum that distrosving
y ,
weariness caused by
and from grent suffering, by keeping
bottlo of Pr. Win. TOUTII4. 11 t. 1)1101% , iu Li
Prorn be! y t. Dr. TI Eira*s I)ouLi I 011ico, No. 77 Four
it, 1•:. D.
ice, only 12 Ci)nts per Bottle
A 10,0,11 dis , ount made to
Address Principal Office, Tribuito Buildings,
No. 1 Spiuco treet, Now York.
Sold in c o , 2;2 N,,,.th
Staut , t4 U. S. Iluhimll, 111 U OlieNtitut ;Sttect; aud by
LOCAL NNL'ItALUIA Is fultnediatcly cured by their
Theyialitilthc a charm, and are perfectly harmless In
their natnoro; do not produccm b.lster, and learn no
uoplimictot respite.
. .
Dr. Wm. B. Hurd's Neuralgia Plaster-c
novor tail to givo sathaitetiou to all who test their
Prep:trod-at Dr. Hurd's Duntal 001eo, No. 77 Fourth.
strimt, Brooklyn, a 1).
Price, only 15 Cents Each. gip
A Mend discount made to dealers,
il.d.drom„,,Zaßoipal Office, Tribune Iltii4ings
- No. .1 Spruce Streut f New York. ‘,
Sold in Itidol ott Co., 240 North
Street; 0. S. Hubbell, 1-11.0 Chestnut Street; end by al
NOTICE—We aro daily rewiring osiers to send by
mail some ono or more of Dr. lliad',l; f).3 OA Remedies,
which we cannot fill. None are mailable except the
Neer ilgia Blaster, tr we send in an envelops on rut
ceipt of price (15 cents) and ono stamp. llut to accom
sixiate persons in places where qut druggists and store
keepers are behind the trro, we have put up packages
lu white embossed boxes, seven inches by Mar, with
comparttngnts—each box 'containing a bottle of Dr.
Ilurd's Mouth 'Wash, and Tooth Ace Drops, a box of
Tooth Powder, tho Nonni ight Plaste, a valuable little
Trolls . ° on Teeth and their Diseases, the best mobs
or, preserving 'ilium, and the proper trea_tment - of Chil
dren's Teeth, worth of Itself the - entire cost to
young atm or woman: or pareUts wlth . young children,
with sundry other necessary artirloS; price par Plleflago
-ono dollar ' or six packages for 445, soot by express as
directed. As the Impress charges aroma much, Wan)
mote on a dozen.tban on one, •It 1s far.ohcapar to Order
slx or a dozen packages:et ono time. A large family
will - want all. or the surplus tau-he disposed .of .to
neighbors with public benefit. for np Imo can estimate
hole much palm solTeringZunlippplootos„and disfigure
meat, expense, loss of tune to meaty would be saved
to•ihe couutry:lf.overy fantily•to:ditS , had ontrobtliese
packages, itself: le incomplete set -of Dental
Remedios. Address Wm. 11. IlunD a Cu, Tribune Build-
logs, Noir York, mad, write' name and address plainly:
remittances may be matte with
.confidence, W. D.
if !,tr Co., refer •to the Mayor•of Ilrooklyn, to (I,
Grillith, President of the Partners and citizen's Bank,
Illooklyu; to tile IVltor or the `American Manufactur,
ere Gazette; to Joy, Coo & Co., Putillsbors' Agents, N.
York; GI P, T.: Barnum, Fog., who knows a Aso II thing
wharf he twos It and who has already orderOta seeped
supply, ot9 ! •
1000 .ALryWnts IT'itnted
A:o:iniroduee Dr. Hurd's Dental Dolomite:l'lMo every
-county. Mon or women who' wont td make money,
- con an 'hotter with these y
articles than any in .utritet.'__They_are-now.,-mieful,
nod wo are sPeriding Hu:amends in advertising, n om
for tho beneilt of agents. lioxes'oLsamples, containing'
a dozen of file and dollarmickages above spe:Mod, with
circulars will be sent, on receipt of serail dollars, about
halrprico, to any person test.big or herskilt
In selling with the vlow of becoming an agent. ..IYo
would rather pay salarles.than Rounalsslorts. to those
who prove themselves eillciont. ottleinnr. • '
NOW Is the time' to - go into - the .buidness.,.. For
Arose awl n4611'040 see amore.
. tho latest Styles and Improvoulons.
ifaving bought an imnaual largo stock of fine' Starts,
Wo will soli the entire stock at Ytf ry pp keg. - . Alio,
a , vorylargo aaaortmmnt, or Collars or the various
. vta...Stoeks, Nook 11%443m/tits, Vurnlahlug Goods . ,
Aa.rat.tho bnvost prleesnt • I. LIVINUSIXMS.
• . .311,10../10101F.eWSIOt:
D R .'L A 0110'IX7S
Physi6Naical Vieiv of Maiiqape.e.-
250 PAGES AND 130 ENGIIAVINGISI..—.Price only
twENTY rtvr, CONTS. Sent free Of postage to all parts tf
the Polon. On the lot/roil/4z of youth acid maturity,
disclosing , the secret rollies of bait GURT, of all egos
wising debility, tiervpusness, depreCtileA Af Writs, pal
pitation of the heart ; suicidal imagln iamb InVoNotary
emissions, Linehan gs, 4ofecti vo tu emory, indigestion and
lassitude, with confessions of 'thrilling interest — of a
lloardlir , ' School Miss, a College Student, and a Young
Married Lady, Re., Ate. It la a truthful adviser to ,tho
married and thosecontomplatlng marriage, who enter-
bin secret doubts of their physical condition, and salts
are conscious of having hazarded the health, happiness,
and privileges to which every limn being is entitled.
YOUNG MEN who are troubled with weakness, gen•
orally conned' by it bad habit In youth. the effects of
which are dizziness, pains, forgetfulness, sometimes a
ringing in the oars. weak oyes, weakness of the back
and lower extremities. confusion of ideas; I as el memo.
ry, with zueltutcholy, may be
,cured by the author's
We h./ vo recently devoted lunch of Our tim e in TIS
selves of the knowledge nod researches of tho most
skilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the
ennunont. Those who .place themselves under our
caro will now havertho full benefit of the many -I , i ENV
AND EFFICACIOUS filt3ll3/11:8 whlch no two enabled
tin int Into our practice. and the public may rest
assured of the same zeal, assiduity. SEUILECY nod at
tention being paid to their cases, which banjos success
fully distinguished us heretofore, as a'Phystelan in our
DEGULIA It department of prolieisional Practice, for the
past twenty-live yuara.
Passcli •
FRMAI.P. PILL:3.-1,1(11ns who wish for Medi
aloes, the eillency of which has boon tested in thou
sands of cacao. and never tailed to effect speedy cures
without any bad results, ivl / use pone but Dr. nut,*
nay's Female Periodical Plias. The only precaution
necessary to bo observed is, ladies should not take thorn
if they hare reason to believe they pro In certain situa
tions (the particulars of which wit; be found on the
wrapper neeompa ;lying each box,) thonglkohlcy4 pure
and healthy, en genlie, yet so native are t ,cy.
Price 41l per bor. They can tie model to ¢Oirpurt of
the United tqutea or Canadq..
TO Tlf It LADIES.—WIti upei; a coniNputittl medical
advisor ty/th regard to pity of thoso Intone:ding corn
plaints to which their delicate organization rendets
ben' liable. lure particularly invited to consult us.
Tim NI.II , TH (1 0 4Lynzirc Prtorscrivg."—For married
holier. wh0 ,, 0 health will not admit, or who have no
diedre pr. increlse their families, nosy be obtained us
above. it is a perfectly safe preventive to conception
end has be e n extensively used during the lasttlO years .
Price reduced to 4110.
A Treatiso on the Cause of Premature foray —A sol, warning. Just puhlishod, n Imok showing the in.
0d..,,,us Progress and provalip!e among schools, thelh
main and female, of this fatal habit, pointing nut the
Ihtality that. Invariaidy :tttoods Its victim-9, end devel
oping the no hot., progress of the diseag, from tho COlll
- to thn end.
. • •
It will he sent by Mail on receipt of two CV!)
14 ; 7 Attendance daily. frm A In tho morning till
at nu rl 1. and on Sundays from 2 till 3 P. Sq.
)le.licint, with foil sont to any part of ti tt .
United .. , tates ur Cattaaas. by patients common icatit.p:
thoir symptoms by letter. Bud' noon corrospondotnat
strictly confidential.
ftrZ - - Dr. l.'s eitleol Is atlll Inf.:lied o , tahllshvd, under
tho 'lam., of DR,. 1,4 at. No. 31 Maiden Lawn,
All.,pny , S. Y. (Sept.
rritiE GREAT PU - BLlevare rasp - Nit=
I not, 1,,,it0d to call a the neve dote of I,E11)IDII.
SA in" ER It If.l.Elt, amSt., and examine their
externtive stock of now a
row:h.:Unit: of elegant DRESS QUUDS cf tRo _latest Im
pot I.itious
/ 7 4 do &tie;
Brocade figured;
Plain, colored and
Black Silks; Plain Bra do
' TIT - )iln‘ )11 lc :.-zi llc (all 1.140 es -.);_ - -
Spli•inlid Fig. Nkri noes and („V.::h
an..i es ; Ottoman Rep.?: •linperial Valeta
this; Empress Cloths, Brocade Pop
hoc; Colours; - French printed
Delai no ; Plain French kin-
t:ino..‘s and Delaines ; •
J'arinhttos; l'acilic
an a :God on
'Del tilotta amt Caslonorcts; M tsars and Children's Onion
Gmids of every varisty, sr:it:o,lr foi -01,u bonbon,
---- -
‘i=2;l=ltriyngsgeompa2 • xr.,, , ..n.,,,,,,,,,,, .....i -,......,......,-
WOO' Gooks'.
One lino of the., (10044 Is t11111 , 11:1113. full and rim !
:deli.: a. iro 11:11, 1,00: variety ia . 60.,.1, t.a,-nl
t i
,‘ 1!
• , a ,,,- .::: , 1a , n..a41;,e0f111 7 0N0. (1:t : ,,.1 ..,,,,:a,c,,,k1,:i131,,1„5,c:1 ii3).3(•<l
Rep,: Double Width DOL1101,; 'l'.. In I, i:
4,1,,t 1. ii•nu , ,,,in .s: Itartimettos; Alp:tea - 4; belaittest
tot't at, nt all onalltitts.
ij II ,
ot: It \I I Nti I. l'i It Nl , lll NO GOODS.—Long crane:i:t;
voile; collars: (I loves; litintittenthiefs; Hosiery:
i Trimming,: lionlilr Titiblt and Single Shawls; Cash ;i;
:'• itr I , . l'ecred the; Wamliltigton Mills Shawls.
P.irticular it , tent ion paid to Funeral (foods, of
~, t It HI 'lto h irr 1 rill] ilor
IVe h tvo to,le arranzeuent4 with a New York ma,
Ev•tur,,. Ly wlll.•tx ,Ne a, en 11,1.-I L., titetii,li Ulu latest
all I in 1,1 r.,1 1:011:01h: 111.1!:S warn t m i •,01 the season.
We, h.", )11.1 1 . 4., , t1 . 0.1 gl 1 ir4e :tn.! I.'elioe I of MautleN,
to w .n :ti of the IA
an I rhi'.lrell'N 1 htikS It s y tll hr.
lop h.ll, them, L 2.1., I 14.1. the wo.,ltival,ps.
In their varielle.,—!trueha, Jaqu..“l, Pe:teed:du
‘I NMI Drlt 1 E:4 from ArcfMN nt vory prir•c
Hoop Skirts ! Hoop Skirt:4 !!
or tin I.ttest huprcremcntl. SVc licro cocci rod
.V;EsQ . , "f i, New York Skirt. Vactory, and will nell these
Iptlivcsable sondes ¢t 121.01c:, , ,qc prices.
Ldilics tirn 18hing ol Every Variety
Kb/ f.b vra , I;,iiintioi„, 'Woolen rued (3 , ttiin
Trimmings, Worstnil
Cloths, Uvereoatings, Cvssiweres,
We have scoured the services nen first, Atss
and make up cluthluz, to order at abort nottco, to tihe
hest styles and lamest prices.
BOYS' WE kit of all kinds for the PPRAOTI.
Nil:ll'S :111 , 1 Boys Shawls, Drawers, Undershirts, Stan
over ({loves, ilauntlets, Collars, Nock Ties, Sto,kipgs,
Scarfs, Suspenders, ..te.
rt vi ne purrhased r4ely before the great advance iu
priers, we cAn soil ir.:sny Mudd gt, of ratot.
C:1 RI I N,
cat. cr,orrts,
All the above ertlttles nett Inlay others we offer et
thy 1 0 we,t, p NAlblu prices eanutant talffitltont will Ito
01, t, our stock during the winter. No plus ttittnn t d
to show our immcurc stock.
Carllgle, Oct. 25, 1501.
11 ,7 liffER .4tREANGE,M4V2'.
GITANctE ,11? irclui.l§l,
01, and after MONDAY, Novymin.r...,4,..l.PAl j l!asslctoge r
'rrainv 1 , 1111 run as follows: ot.wkays excotAnd
bon pidimliktitsntutav‘Nr) unitisnuna
Train. , 21 Train,
:MO A. M; 2.45 P. 51 ,
4 7,i37 3.31 "
8.30 !E 40,4.20
1.92 . 0
2.15 "
LIVLVO 7iag r Or4tOWl3 3
0 routzeastle:
" Sh I ppinsburg;
" Nor/
9.00 t.
or t .. 41
Car 11141;. 111,16 0 2.55 ."
Alochanicsburg, ' 10.42 Pi 3.27
Arriveitit 1141.1.1H1ult„ 1115 3,55 -
Ist Train. 2,1 Trion.
Leave Harrisburg ' 8.05 A. 31 1.50 I'.lll.
', Mechanicsburg 8,47 " 2.50 4,
Carlisle, t0...A; ~ 3.08
e-,1 Newville, 10.02 " 3.44 .
1 ' SLippensburgi , 10.33 . 9.15 .
" Chaatbg', (Arrive) 11.10 4%5
Greencastle, 11.55 5.45 ".. .
Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.35 , 6,25 "
TIMM: Bally Trafus leave Harrisburg for Plttsburi
at 3.18, and 7.00, A. M., and 4.20, P. M.,
For PhiladelphlaAvia Pennsylvania Central Rallroac
At 2.40 A. M. 12.55;1.15, and 5,25 P. M. Via Lebanon
V. R. at B. ' oo A. AL. and 1.95, P. M. For Baltimore
at-aou A 7,40 A. M., &1.00 P. 31.
'For rrevertpu and WilliamSpert at 1.40 land 8.15, P.
M. Trains on,Dauphin Road at:r.oo, P. 31,
- NO'n.ol - 1 TO 'PASSENGERS: 45 all Stations whore
Tickets are sold, via: Hagerstown, Greencastle, Chain
burshurg, Shipponsburg, Newville, Co 1I Mechanics
burg and Harrisburg, it reduction of TI9N• CENTS on
each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide
.themsolves with Ticket; bofora. Ontoring - rho Cars.
' -
O. N. LULL 'Buper't
Railroad ()like, Chamberaburibi
Nov. 8,1861.
4,OIIAWFORD & CO., 11 1 1palkoalo and.
Itotnil Olueslaud Cdr lisii Warehuine, No. 21
South 7th Street,' l'hlinelelphio;.; Wu., Sand end
ry roper, Enu&y Cloth, Raw 11Ide ,Wbips, end Curled
Hair st the lowest prices. Q,rdors solicited by mail and
satlefitetiou,guaroutoed...' ., •
41r.1117.'121,4Zir1Y ep,irrfOl OLUEr,'
. for 341111:tierti, - Printers . ,, ' , Cabinet Dlakor,
Coach 3lakero,
llealera In the alJeva Will find it..oi lipdelat advantage
to give ua a call,
~ .*. •
CitftWVOTID it CO.
21 South-7th Stroot Philadelphia
.- - -
9f which he beau nognincent assortment of black and
fancy gniqrg, in the latest fashions tastefully spa
filegaNly kgiMined, and mail° in 4 etiperior manner.
244:KS 4WD 1.1:14E SA 0.4.-S,
of Moths, Cassie:lore!' soil. Tweeds, ell of ne4Ftylcs and
tt very low prices.
Th.o richest !tuff bout nssorttnont over offered at tbi
Corner, at Satin, 1111461( out% Fancy Silk, Vali ntitt, Itnann
Cloths, Marseilles, double and ~tuglo brot4o4„nfo vary
variety material and patorn.
PAN4L 0 0 N S
Plain anti fancy Punch Doe skin eassirneres,
nett jezms Milt n great variety or others, all or which
will he Reid at the very I tacst prices.
Slitii Finn white linen and cotton of the newest
style and list make. Also. ealfeo. cheek ands currying
shirts A lar,,e a44ortnient coy ,
Mon and [toys, which can .ind will he sold cheaper than
over. Alon a spl ndl4ltatlllT tra IL , rind Carpat Rtes.
I therell)re eenlidently invite one and all. to aavan
See or ~01- s olves, 04 I will not attempt to ctot , ri'w
bargain , ft , ' may I n oNl , vte I, fur 1 am detertlllll.lll
that t1114.,iti. , 11 f•all
I:en.tnnlner LEON A It lI'S Corner.
1.:1)1Y1111/ 11. ((;QNARU„Ir
Mny 10, 1.'1.-1 . 1,
D 1; GS ,
s. 111
North Hanover Street, Car! ige, l'enn'
Tiasjuit opened an assortment of Fresh Druis, Fan
cy ,47douds, Gilt Books, Perfu•-• cry, Fl ells, nod Contve
tionary, which Ilea Bert, heen sir (seed In this her
audit, for novelty and elegallee, rl2O have hers
~,,10,.ted with goal ..a e, :old ere valel.4o;ed. in quality.
:tint piect., to et, lensed the attention at purchasers.
FANCY (loops,
wi d i d i, I omprlseert„ , •:. variety of fancy art,lclap of the most
esquisite finkh ;..s.
Papier )lache good:•
_WAcgputralabi,ster and pnrr.Liirtink-ptands and ti-ayri,
Faun ivory. !wall not shell raid s':ises,
Ladies' 1 , ,,m) lldskets,
Nti,dl; with smvinc: instruments,
Ladh,s' lug Desks. and Port tcdus.
Port Mon nuke, 01 every variety.
(told pun,. and puneils, Fancy paper weights, :Ind a
largo variety of ladies Fancy st nt lenery.
Motto Seals nod Arall•es. Silk slid 1 1 11.1 purees,
Riding whips, elegantly tini4d.l. F;me cutlery,
Perfume bapltets and hags,
Brushes of every kind for the toils.t,
X. and It• 1 tl. Wright's Soaps end Perfumes
of vaxic,ps
Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls.
I ['strum, ets,
together an itoltuor.reldo variety of art.ic4selegant
ly :,na,snitsh.fe for
to which he invites speeliti attention.
Also, no extensive and ele4itut collection of
comprising, various 'English and American Works,
richly embellished PUEL'IIiAL W(Ilt KS, Midi, and
Hymn pooli..s, .elegantly bound in velvet with metal
chaps and cernurt.
Ilia Assortment ~ 1 5et.e.,..1 Books and School Stationery
also complete, and e 1, 1111,1;,, , eo everything used In the
Schools. lin also desires to call the particular
lion of Families to his elegant assor,t,u.eyt pf
LASI I' , da., .
from the extensive establi , ltweitt;g of Corcellus,
olle•rs 4.,. , l:prbdtg vvvrt. style /1
study 1.:m:1,5. for 111..11111:z 14111,
Lard. Sp,, t o ..5 11.,11,11,1 ‘..!1: DYirl'T'S .1
or 5 0n.• La till •••• t L.' „ ills I• lit •U • S
1‘,1,1• V'l 401, • i a..ortttiout iu Lh in huv is uu
t•qu,l.,l lit' tt,
w:10111,4. :61 111 • 1..v , r114. (I
111•: \l A t ,
cit , lirat.l I
I.' It (I I 'l'
$lll.ll nc Orontes. 1,111:111q. PLCS. Nor:L.:trines,
Prunes. VAN:n:IC FE(' 1'1: iNA
Vtifi PlifilT,l, Eli—Nil:is\
In r variety :i11:1 at all of u:111:iii :ire pilot.
and 1.11 silt I 1 lie
Lis filoints. Ilis in tivi
rib Nn try nut, tither arti:
h r u s wlil,ll ospc,:lally Invited
t" .11 .311.1 1,31/11111'.
111..•tr1,0r the Ohl Slaw] ; nez-...i1v opjv ti e Ihlnk oh
th Ilalwror :.f.4 ea.
Dee. 20, 1501
i ne only true Pnu Ectracy:or 146.
DALLEY'S Pain La tractor will cure
wounds of all kind.,
Dalloy's Pain Extractor will subdue all external in.
Dalley's Pain Extractor Win prevent a:44.cstroylucir
Valley's Pain Extractor will cure Burns of all Mods.
Da r,aia EXtraLtqr ilaa Is Blisturs hie of ptiln or
lial'ey's Pain rsticst'ir wen.: reillzes all Poisons infu•
„ail by Anipt3ls ; loser!, or lk•ptilos.
11:Obey's Pahl Extr.teetoy elite broken Breabta,
Sore N ipples, 11'PN, c.
D.llley's Palo Extractor will cure, Salt Rheum, Scro
fula, Scald Ifeeinf.
fellev's Extractor will cure Chapped ;lands,
Chill Itis:n
Pilo Extractor will curo Corns, Carbuncles,
Ulsors, Warts, Bolls. &e.
N u iteusciteepet should ever be without a box bandy
leer 12,L. Tim jleively use. of it Single box may prove of
neose value tEe, Li. 10.tinics lis cost.
Miran cs!=ff you Its yo a son In the
a Hula Pain Its frame'. It may Ine the neeettes.
of saving his life, or the life of a conneettle: liar it xill
snse Woxinels of all kinds without pale. 'fry the wipe
rhnent ; if ho dues nut use it, It will cost you but lit-
Slaters I—l f you have a dear Brother In the Army,
scud biro a Box of Valley's i ' ,lo Extractor; for It will
cure wounds of all kinds, and it may be the mdans of
,saving yor r brother's life.
'laugh tars 1-llnve you a loved ono In the Army, who
is denser to .you thou life Itself ' Semi film a Box of
, Dalloy'e - Pain Extractor. It 2.-111 cure wounds of all
kinds, and ,prevent -in l ianinu,tion, _and may_ be the
means of easing a life. If you have no convenient:el - or
rending it, sendlt by mail. It will cost you but S cents
Sostagn for a 25 et. box; and in Vise proportion for 50
et.,and $l,OO box. The large boxes contain more for the
money than the 25 ct...boxes.
NOTICE.-I:liatbsiley's ThigiCal Pain Extractor will do
all and oven More titan \co claim it will, we refer to DM
NalOntillc Mete, and,
luiiplieds of °they eminent Phy,st:
clans and Seim/tun, besides millbms,or people all ;our:
the land, who hav°,l4cLl the Extrartor suits; Dover fall
ing tweethis pr the past" 20 - yeare. !for stile by all Drug.
It!s!Xt and 11:1
' ifirl.L di WJClitif,, Agents,
. .218 Oruenivich Strout, New York,
Who ell/sand a lepi, or eltlide site, Postage paid, to
any addresslii the United :41.00i, en receipt, In Money
or in Postage Sinful's. of 25 els. for thdstintil size, or 50
att. ntl $lOO for the miallulti ;Lad large sleds. '
ePS Sold by all Drugglsts and Slore-Iteepers at 10 cts.
and i larger-bottles at 20 ets.
For ulelittAti(l4l:rl4;;l:jbeyi(Bl.:ll,i'.lll'reaPvreirrs'tteiceek.NeW York.
Jit nail; 100.802.
4 , -iozKm<sl.3c3.,ol,ir
The subscribers baring completed. their arrangornente
as to Care, Storage, Ae.,.,are now prepared to receive
ds.ily, at their "depot, Ho. ;247 - Pratt Street, bet Ween
Sharp and Howard, frotglit of .evory description for the
,ahove,places. Goods , xmsigued to us will receive our
personal attenOcr.., and be promptly forwarded and de
livered. . 11YILLIA31 ROBINSON,
. _ . . . ,Agent, y 47 Pratt Street, Balthnoro:
Agent, Cor.-3,1 Ss., Indian Avenue; Wasbingthu, D. Q.
J . anuary..3, -
'F O3 -DENT.-.4.111 814.bffidri-
. .wr 'oder. fir 'tent mil Sto r e ikwan . 1 .:,:.
find 4W liii lig xituated ou the North East
eeruer of the Public liquertVitud now ocen- I B r.f.
plod I T N ; Q. Krapler. Jowoilur. POSeStabtl -4- - 4-. '
to bo Oran ou: April 4t, ; .A,1). 1812, t
Carlislpi bee. 27, 161)2,
_ . ItOßllitT 11 WINN.i 8r..,_,
• • • •
NOTlOE.,4•Letters• '.Cestamentary 11
the estato TIVOIAS W. BUCK, ties7d, lste . ot.
'eon tottushlp, having been Issued to the - subscrilir,
residing- in the soles township, notice is lioreby, given
71,0, All persons Indehtsd to Said dfitatolo snake paytuout, -
! those baying claims to pigment thoui duly "nutliou,
ticated for settlement, to • •
. ,
13 43 2 ,!
Mo.nre novuselling our stock of lino Pyrite floodu
Cloaks, Ph:3mb. ' Furs, a W
rind many kinds of httPr Goods,
nt 'REDUCED Pltleg9. Persone wanting any of the
above kinds df Clobds; will' find our stock very complete
for the present eenson, -
Wu hero been receiving very Itrge additions of
. .
whic}t,we areal:Ming at tho lowesgmarkot prices.
Sinco wool has advanced from 35 to Orand cotton
from 10 to 40 lb dontestfo woolen and cotton goods aro
steadily, advancing, In the eastern does.
Now is the Tuna to make your -Purchases!
Persons having accounts whit us are notified that
plum.' January Ist 1i132, their accounts must be settled
up every six months, otherwise Interest after the ex
piration of the time, will be charged. We are compelled
to adopt this Simile of conducting our businoss, as men.
chants In.the cities have rodueed business to a cash
basis. All porton:, Indebted to the old firm of
HA wyER MII.J.EIt, are notified that we are deter
mined In'tettle tip our of 4 boot s, olthei by payment or
note, otherwise see will have our accounts with the
proper oilier for collection It impossple for us to
conduct our business to the adyantai;)!,,f [Mi• customers
while we hare so much money lay in; dead on on r books.
enrifslp, January Ilk 184
m:'3 cimtv 01.0TIIINO STORE.
WI). B. LEONA!? D, .1 R.,
ir.jugt returned from the city of Philadelphia.
opened a splendid assortment of It EADV MADE( :1,0111
PM, which cannot be surpassed in style and finish.
The Clothing at this establishment, consists in part of
ho Ibllowing, viz:
VESTS! yPsTstt v4sTs I
110 LID.I) . ESEX
31; , 1 IRA AND 'FOB 1( Ck:
S. W. 21.11'141iiTICK
ustiless LE arils,
U PUS E. SIIAPLEY, Attorney at
xilu Law. ettriSsle Pa. Attends to Feruring lecting Elolilltwee-Par. Mutt tics. and Puosiooß, iii tl fur
Wailes information rut:dire thereto. Office llhoonfe
114/7. • ,
Dec. 27. ivui
AJ. 14 tlALL.—Aiiintruri 47'
r}„,":l,ilV Offico 414 %V, M. d'onrosu, In Itheem'F
T M. WE NlCLEY.—Attorney at Law
Q." Wilco with John Lee Deb south flatterer street
next door to the Post Offiee. t••
TOSEPII RITNER, Jlt., Attorney
ty Law 01.1.1 Surveyor,
1 cal n ie
Pe. Office ot
Rood Street, two tlnors north t;lthe Sauk.
oußines3 promptly littOUllpd to.
OLAUCHILIN, Attorney at Law, Ofllee In In
Loa ju,t opposite tha Market Munn.
Carll4l4, )larch 14, 110-Iy.
J. . F0(.1 Lip, Attorney at La
f, W
Ofike with .1. It. Smith; [NIL
All Ituslimis outusted Lu him will promptly ut
1 - a P. lIUA•IIi,IUH, Attorney at Law.
.—Oak,. on North !Inlayer street, a few Mara
south of ttl,lAO . I NW. Alt ,fousinetm untrupt ed to him
will be promptly attenattcbto. [April 15.
\V. C. 111-11.1 EM
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Wi‘ruLtgityliee s c p t e a c t l:l attention
u ln,
o t H r t i , col lections through
Real Estate and securities. Netiate loans, pay taxer,
locate fond warrants. .Ve., ,he. Refer to the members o
the Cu.nberland County Bar, 11114 to all prominent vitt-
Bens of Carlisle, Pa. 1 Au..; l'6B-Iy.
W g iN t
j i lt .
( I? i, .I ,c) E v N I T Zt 11as rr, . , --- .,,,, P i l l i Y,IIS. 'Cco t. ' .tk o
, N
Hanover street, dir,ctly ,Ipp site Bentz's .more. A ll pa•
tients entrusted to his care. either trom town or coon.
fry, will DpprnMptly attet ded to.
Nov. 16, Mil.
S. B. KIMFFER Office in Notill
/Ml:mover street two doors from Arnold k Son's
tore. °Mee hours. morvu/irtlefflarlyrrom 7 to 0 W . cloelc
A. M., nod front to? o'Lloc::., P. 4.
455 , .
. •
I into, DCA :411/gory.
~i_il Cti t ha resoier.oe of hi; mother, East
4troot.-. t hroo. doors holow Bedford.
:sh.l rh IU, 16511--t,I.
1)1{...1..C.L00N11.R 1711"Vt.a.,-
Soul h 113nover stree,t, Q ~ i " •171
or, t door to Chu'
E(). W. NEI I)I CI I, 11 . 1).
LW. Donrolgtrator ice 11,n(i,1 , .v to tho
D 8:t. „ 1 , 1„ t i , 1: 1 ‘.....T t 0; ,., 11ti !ego of
‘sv - z.4 .1 his
nprnsite Marl , n 1131t,65t Main street, Car ['elm
Noy. 11. IhSi.
S. - W. - HAVERSTICK, Drugf,ist,
North Iln nor er Strect, Cnrll,le.
Physieku'wpresoript inu,,atel” I IV compounded
A Cull supply of roots dru;;s4tial !homicals.
pir PARK It
QOB Itiarl,et st., aboi,e
JA ES W. POWI,:r., iotnr
TERMS , : —SI 2.1 Per ly. j11:10.58
umTED si.yrEB
Ovr. 11th .1./arkel Sls
. . kANA G A,
" TWEE 111.1'10a
A. 330 V I', Tl - 1 I Up,
JJJI J.. 1 1 1:1.< 111.1
11 , . t.. 1
Car, 1 0% 1.11
nds pt, .1 11.1111 , of lii , p 1 1 1.11.•
. 1,1151 , 1 $1.,01 pg, ti `j.i 141.1.
" 4 .4'1' STflr, 43- ANL/ Gth STS.,
Vc,,r Ii 1, and lieu squ,zresfl-wa
1 - 7 CiTV.
Tli 1.7 Aty,',ollo7)AT:w\ :Ji*
11..., I. d ....
1 . • ••
Lodgitt it thr n i { l,ltl k Ei I
iittior“ it is lji t
Tho I )I\l at, ly ;lad f )o• fttr
td,ll,l,.:lnd in ore re• pect n lint eleas hotel. I
inure the puldie to c.'.l and oxlonine.
A. P. 1,131.11E1.1, l'ropy:etor.
ert. IL t f
( 11,1.;Y•K ( I I A].' )1L 1.:
A aq.ortmont ofPill .1,1 11" itttor :11
1111, 1..14;:. 11 11/1 th , ItN 11, 11.111.1:1 11111 1,•. -1/1,
flow imimithr at the Chr, fit,' ?s i t
IJI mid Pitt TM. I,•m,
fertile. %%it') .;real mid cif:M.:toil 11111 h.•
sold shimp for the viol fry.
A 11,4 r 111 k. 5t.. , 11.1k
Cashmeres, I t atiiim_oloos. 1 , 111, hid toes
t• I Dt•l 11100 .p 1 :d1 Lnidt and
UtreS lioods of all descriptions, ALlT:trims at'.
Plln Ihnek Caslenore Sliwk, Stcll t Iliedeml, Wee
and Fanry Cnlore, !hark and hinvy Culnird 1,,e; W, of
and lirticho Shawlh, wldrh haVc I ri:011 1,011.411 I. very cheap
Mantles and cloaks of tilt. latest styles.
13 1 / 1 111tets ol'ult sees and Prirus. Coillcoeq and Chief zoo
of the newest styles n od will be (thear..
Flaueels lied Bleached ',lushes :it Olin old l eked.
11 , 11cN AND BOYS' WEAR,
Cinch, C.vailiiiiiteg, and Vegiugiq, Sattinot, and 'lean.
A IaNY lot at l lonpiql Skit is at all I;lzps 'anti styles, of
the best quality; and riil 110 wit.; clielipar titan can Lu
purrhased eli:ciwtaira in illy ownts.
-•- . •
• .
Call and Enalt;lne i IR) , toelstprqr., I urrlta;lng.. nee
olod Ow staud EAs t MAIN .....'r REM' NEARLY 61 . D.)- ,
61 . .1 M.TH. E DEPOT.
CV,ARLKS 0011,111', Trustee
The sly la:el:ale; Olen: at private sale th e follgei!ng. de
ociii.ed Real 'Estel.l3, :
All that property situated at the corner or Main and
West. streelh. Cu:Oak, Pa., ox tending
bark to (MI:rill Alley. Inn log thotaam
,rented tbrijo large Hit /UK HOUSES,
These houses aro all new, large and
commodious. They. are modern iu style,
and have all thin conveniences, such as gas, water, - fix
mot are :hi tuatist in .the most pleasant p rt of the town
The Warahomo is large and convenient, arid havim
a sidling into it, is well esleg o latud for carrying on this
Forwardimmitid CrOtiallibFk.ll.L.usinosit- • •
Tills property will ho sold very low, togethor Or it
parts, to suit purchiMor!, autl tho terms nitric cagy.—
For information supply to
Sep. 13, 1861-tr.
:(t, , EW1?...Q.
ryRNITITKE•WA. fiEl.. 110.0411 S
(it 0)
1 1 '•
yr 6k. mr,gl i ,
.. ~, Al 1. , t - ..:Zr ' ' ' A. 1..... ' 1
' l4? ib'
•- 4 . '•;'•:. --.. . 1• '' . • ""' FtViV • 1S SO
•,:'' Ji.•s:1 2• - . , .•,"•:I•,';'. • .
. .
. .
West MO tree,t; CArllsle,
(Promiltin awarded aE Ilio — Cumber*nd Coititty
_ .4.9lriititturot . Fair of 1857.)
Tho in hscrlhorhtu; just rooolwitl the most splonclld
AsSortiw ut of hrtlolos In his lino, ovor brought to this
Piago --- V ,,
ichtl,lllp actortutuud to soil At prices tliitt'clo
, i
fy compo:ItIon/ ,
/ 4 11.;;r;104- ; • 1 . ,
Civi.mii,er; I ,
Diu,,l VU.R.NITU.ItE. ,
- Kitche amid '
Embracing etery article flood by Ilmiso and notel
keepera, of tho Most approved had fattdenable design
and finish. Including also Cottaga furnituro In setts.
reception and Camp Chairs, .I\4l.trasges, frames,
pictures, &c., &a. •
l'urehasers aro recinortial to roll And oxandno his
otock. atlis (v.:Unwire ware = redinsi - West - Malti - streetT
Nortb'Sitio., A.. 11.
.ta•Varticular attention' given no usual to funerals;
orders from town and - country; attended to•promptly
and on Moderato terms. • A. B.
Carlisle, May 12, 15 4 5 . 6.—1 y, . -
1 - 3 A IN:PS ,AN=l) -.(,),1L5.-- :. -=-
10 Tong Mlllo 1..iv.1, Inoo flallQus of O. J
ruielvul with It largo iiHrontn;nt of ,
Varnhautx. -. • , Fro Proof Paint, ~.
Turnofitino, , " - - 14otonce. W1:11 , 4a,
- „Innan, ' :IV,llito.7.lne: .
- - . I ,,y, - ' : • etilitiett Zino,
• .
- 1. ... ; 1 4 1tIlat , go,, ... lied
. 1, - ,,0. , .
Whiting., . , ,:-...imied (ill, .
.. ,. 0111 i,, 'Lard (111,
. . ' Oholltic . '' -
- inlrin 011, •• -,
_. ' Paine ..-
Ilru4hos, • 11 Ph Oil,- &i. , - •
,Colors of - every description ilry,alnl.llll,,in cans and
tube" fit An) dlaroaritra.§ - Iciro pi • ; , -:• : •
. •-
. i - . itraillY sAXTON, -.-
l'IoN N
ft.lti . ftEN C.) —11,41. r, T.o,lllnan.
t 11A h.LII to ex
Ore. Can ' . - trt3,l hy :wppliratinn to
. _ .
1.1..1"1' I , I:()N.A. , ItD'S COIZ-
o\V 1" , S I LEY
1.. hit friends, co-honer,. and tlie
• thst ha , removed his store nen. Leonard's
st,i 1 , . in, new 10...1—P/rowdy I.neen as
.1 til Ilanatt,;,ltie e t. between the Ca
t. :-
.s. end II otste4 Gem,' y Store.
Ills hi, ~I 111. I /tI•t1.11/t.t 1,4,TH
a”,l Ilal , i , leree ~11 I 1. enplete. and you ➢t
ran th•pern.l urruil the ear r, that h o anel will
sell cheaper than e,er: aoil always intends k
sell good goods iflh Sr price thou any peraott
i i .
/ . n 't , t ‘ ; n;.,1;:i11,,Jr.ffi1,;,1; t. c l , l u e tt n ,, ios i t , s . e : v t 7 h n ,, :: , l ‘ ... , le, ,,, h ,, e a st
. 1 1 11 ,. .1 , d t o r
hoot tho ( . 0111111trIleSt to the hest. titlitlitios, which
... '
cannot full to lit. please the eye and give sari,
1 teflon in ;:tenorah Also, Shirts, Uiolvrshirt.s an,t
,hra o ors, .s.l hers., Cr;, ta is sitsperidef 5, tt"le ten. stueltinge ,
&e., .v., all to be mlld /It the very lowest pekes.
.lin:tv, on o 1..,.. and 001t11.1... I ' ll n ..... -
~,.„L, I 1,1•Iy V. 111..! I ot 11....t5. tint (If r.litito
Tlos, - lit.i.-. s.ll:utors. del - 1....50u5. L.. for Lodi,
amt t l o.,ti. t 0...., 'Cis..., .111.1 11.95. ) Mill, nll.l . .
t.llll.lrou,nll to Ito s .1.1 1 . 11,111. .\l. O 1111 I. nit 1111 , N. •
ht.:llit.Y Llall N , tl/ r'.l•l ti , llht r .lll . I. l l .u .t a t t1 i.,1 Nt, t ,
1. rots,. Boots. an 1 - .lelfeistUts 1... - La•llt.. 1,1 - tt . .. All ript
Son nit lino ul
A large stPeli 1.0 II is for Met,. I.k,rs e Ty 7
chudt,‘ mopinon good and line. All
.•liPaPcr than ' ol,r.
I fi.nrlne my thanks wy , w.frifaer - 5 and
ft P • IICIS. Gn pa-t Favors, :DPI 'vin it )Ou all to
roll red Me rind ray etrek of Lrood, p..f or p you 1 ,,
clew hero. as I am determined to use every t
Co supply the Vert fivot, nod at i.oeh prip...;e. as
wills.nif all. It,: part , quiAr to look fir 111
April 6.1811.—1 y I W. 5‘111../sa'.
r , ze ...iv:ft of N . pw Stylds of FALL AND WINTER r t
Thn undersigned takes plea,nrot to h. form tin frlopull
/tad the public geom.:Lily 01 the 1ai•ftit•11, , ,:4.1.. 1 acne
Input .01 Wee go,dn for
MBA'S AND 1301' S 11E.1 It
Just received, entoprlAng mull the 1.11,t I
novelties in the, wi,ielt lutes beels tiL•tert,ri
ettrtl. and Will bum snld, mut IS f.tvorable 1,
MA:tined any, here else.
• 41T-414
Oversnitings. Satinets and Oleans. \Vldell .111130 made,
to ordor, or sold per yard at tho lowest prides,
_The public is respectfully ittvited to inspect - our stocit,
bulbro purchasing elsui4.llare.
Noah linoevemSteeet opposite the American
Iro-Nillit,ry wort: matte at the shortest net4r, 4mt
with ( •
The partneral:lp heretofore existing between there
derairmed In the Lumber Coal lundne,s, was (flu
Halved Ulla day. by nnittial cinnamt. The to ohs of the
firm are left. at the oillco lato firm, who u all per •
some Indebted Are red cleated to call and 'attic I hor
accounts. and 1.1190 ;hating
_Fit lie are y99,u9ted to
preacut them.
Carllple, July 18,1851. ' •
.. ..
Tho Litiiihur and Coal Business
. vlll bo continued At
he udit stand, by the undersigned. '
.3cytie, 'ill. ()LIVER D,RhANCY.
m PLO 111 NT. —Tho underajgoofl •
&Li is desirous:or ,ceurlog Rorriees of /Crow Youpg
Moo, to ongago in a
. TI avifillug Agency, upon . a salary of
Forty Dollars - per 11
ar d all expenses paid. .This is on opportunity seldom
CATOeed, L'lo. to those who merit tbo approbation of, the
the gubidr,itiors, by . strict actentlon to business, eau
NO upon constant entploythant fur a term ofyoarr.
For further particulars, address,
Dt IllataStreetrAtkluson Depot, N. D.
'Neloraber 15,1881.-3 tuna. -
rimi.E. limited partnershii) .Ims
— heretofore been . -4.ltered. into - oml carried 00 in
rust) lir tt.tili•ft` u. , ll ritlnA DM'S.- lb°
. 1111.11.0 , .1.111N1 I.oj. Kin': !KY., 4r.. L,
11.1,:f " , 13,3. I.r 1, 300 ..0 t.lO
gt% - .11 ti..l' 0.15
1 - 11 , 1E!I
th.• and t3io
as .0‘•
i nach.heret,)thri , . 6,1 •
' Ito :,opera: partners, and 3. MI. 41;
"11,0 r - Giv7.3 - , • ;SAItuEL - Gme.-sc and - Wittuu
$31 , 7 spoOtd:. 10101 iwrs.
• • CIiARLES 11,.9WI F LIg.
notrsp Ilcu . 1.1; - SpioNas, Pa.,l , .
January lmt. 1802. ; '
coRAIN BAGS:—Just ;itigitveit and
- for. halo Voii cheap for baiti, • : - •
'. va OD . ' • CUAS. 0011:13Y Trtiatt a
4 - 1 - prae paAd Cattle blisiders,
These Powders have proved, after to trial of - enteral
years, to be superior to any reiteration of-the. kixfid. fit
The chief superiority at there Powders arises frau
the fact thai, they are composed.of sthdleinns That 11000
Dak'ttivo Tonic:lml Purifying proptirt,itio. The Laxative'
tleets ersidities from the stocumdt amt. Intestines; the
Tonic gives strength to thin system of the liorso, and
the purifying atedieinq contained in them cleanse the
blood, hnd lay the foundation for a healthy and vigor:ma
circulation. Tho use of thorn iMproves the - wind,
strengthens the appetite and gives the born a duo,
smooth 'and glossy skin—lnproving the appearance,
vigor and spirit of the noble animal.
These Powders are not intended, as most powders are,
to bloat the animal, Fie as to give him the appearance of
being fat when not, really Fp,--tnitt, to reutove the discuss
and promote his general 'health.
These Powders will strengthen the stomach and in
testines, elennse them from offensive matter, and bring
them to a healthy state. They ern 'at care prevention
of hong. Yet er, and a certain remedy for all titsonseo
Ineldent to the Horse, its Woodard, Yellow Water, Dis
tempers, Pounder, tivaies i Slavering, Coughs, Loss q`
l Nada°, and Vital Energy, Ac . These Poiaters , if oat h
wo so ?bluSrnen wee, through the w'inter an
sprl your ift - use will m ov er got the Long Fever, comi
or ts. A tea times of these Powders will roMove thy
worst Cough On any Dors, Were ow acre of Itorstis ty
feed a lOW of these Powders every year, they might
sa 00 the lives of many valuable flows.
31_ILC1-1- -CO S.
The properties this Powder pesereoies In inereasing•
the vinnlii,ity of Milk in (lowa, eiNns It an importune°
„„d von,. shenl.l plure it In the halide of every
person Ii coping a Con. In fattening Get LI, it gives
Thom an ar,,,%etite. louheriS their hide, and makes
H 0 G S
In nil d ; eeNiev ii vine, an C0m.r.1.1.5, Ulcers In the
Arid Li VW', tw.putting from Pal f a paper to a
paper of Mesa Powders In a barrel of Swill., the aboro
diseases eau be (Milli it kat.iroly prevented. Ily using
these Powders ths Ito C/tolora can lie prevented. l'rp
pared by S. A. hoUTZ, Wetly, ;Oster,
f,°w For sale by S. P. PA bN EPA ti Ell, Carlisle, Pa.,
and by all coimtrc gtrorokorta,,. Prireqpur
paper, or live papers liene gl.,llar„ 4.4,4,...23,
u ATS, (;AI'S A N I) sTRAW (10(105.
illt.wTs9 (JPs Rc,„
The subscriber has recently opened n New Sten?
/it the old stand of.?. D. Tin(bort ht North Hanover St.
oppo:qte theßank.
Having received from York Lind Philadelphia, a
floe and eel! selected assortment of goods in his line
bygii,e.s, such as If ATS and CA I'v e front the common
It col to the line Fur,
'll - Blt.ilratylea of Silk Ilals for Igtßs. Lading
F u rs, l tin, mink Sable, I , lteb,
an Bla,k, Brown and Bin" Countiy, flock Alor-
I,ltin. :lira,. Fut, Boavvr Bats for
awl Bo . ) 0, ' , Br Paps, Wor r a and Cullars Srf G eL i.
B TEI'F.II,OI~Q B 1 s,
And prices t.t, still the thneB. Also. Gospel Bap Sze.
Also, Carpet Bags. 1'11140%. Trunks, Ilanq Truro,
Umbrella s. An assmtmout jr(
Sog,,rs and Tobacco. -VA
1431111u' ler the pitrunt= alleady.reeeivittl -teutd
itL, do all lik nlOlll.iS
)1011 a Call. J.leoe, gt.
SUN...INCE COIL'AN I of Cumberland county, incorpo
rated by an act of Assembly. Is new fully erttanizvd t ant,l
In operation under tho 1 , 1t1.1111g1,111011t of the following
a:111116,1.10r, s ie:
Dexiel y, It. Gorttas, Michael Cool: lin t
A. I.:Vellelbei ger, ( . I . ,;:istlam 'nun, .lohn C. Dun
lap, 11.
,Ilyerv. hborly, Itenja•
nht C . ..!trcor. .1. Lrand,. Joy.nith
Tito rttt..s art• as tow and fart rable as any
Comistny at the kind it. ti.. Persons wishing to
beromo momlmry nro I tinitad to make npphontion tike
, t.
azt•nt•,f the otripany, who ar W
a willlng to alt upon
them rS^uy tine,
WM. It, (4,MMAS, Pregkiont
cultim AN STAYMAN, Vie. Presillv4t
I, ENV I S II Y ER; Secretary.
htl'Off•A 0)01-7.T,IN% Treasurer.
Maua,4,,..—W E it It. ( , r.r,.1.. L. Ilyer. ntri:4.lllll Sti v r
111.111. 11. I'. Ilu nlsp . It . MAI till. D. Bid IY,
if., C t. Wirliersliaen, .1. 1.1 helber
ger, Eberly,
NS!{ k - .10/:n A lion
Ili 11 , V ill', Silil ,en 1..1 . 113 rq,pos
\11.1.1',-h,11; IV.
, P. IV.
D. : .1 P. 'Sax.
11 , 11. ' ,N • lff,; Ii 'llj. ; , .pring ;
C11,L11,- , li. i' AI Hsi,: .1,01 t. 11. yr, ;':.11,1(..
I 'NT Picking, 14,y0r: Po( iVol•
nit h, \ : J. P. Pear
ton: U. it Newburg; It.
0,1-E SiSi.l.ll: ES
11 ~ ,i INi h