was called _to ,administer the vows of wedlook to a pair. of ',happy lovers.-in the widow Blynn's•cottage ;• and the next morning - there. Went abroad the report of a 'Marriage which - surpriSed the good people of the parish . generally, and Judge Boston more particularly In the afternoon of that day Cephas, rode home to pay _ his respects to the old gentleman, and ask him if he would Ilke .an introduction to °the bride. "Cephas I'? cried the judge, filled With wrath, smiting his son's written agree went with his angry hand, "look here I your promise ! Have you forgotten ?" "Read it, please,!" laid Cephas: "In consideration—" began, the. Judge,. runnin g his troubled eye over the paper "I do hereby pledge myself, never at any . time, or in any place, to marry anS , poor girl." "You will find," said Cephas, "that I have acted according to the strictest terms of our agreement, And I have the honor to inform you, air, that I have married a person who, with other attractions, possesses the handsome trifle of three thousand dol- lars." .The Judge foamed, made use of an Oath or two, and talked loudly of disiaher- Stance and cutting off with a shilling. "I should be, very sorry to have you do such a thing," rejoined Cephns, respect fully ; "but after all, it isn't as though I had not received a neat little fortune by the way of my wife." A retort so happy, that the Judge ended with a hearty acknowledgement of bis eon's superior wit, and an invitation to Come and lodg,e his lovely encum brance beneath the parental roof. _Thereupon Cephas took a roll , of notes from his pocket. "All jesting aside," said ho , "I must square a little matter, of business with which my wife has commissioned me. She.-is more scrupu lous than the son of my father, and she refused to receive the money until I had promised to return it to you as soon as we were married. And here it is !" !" cried the Judge. ••Keep the money. She's a noble girl after all —too good fox a rogue like you!" "I know it'" said eephas, humbly, with many tears in his - eyes, for recollec tions of a somewhat wild and wayward youth, mingling with the conscious pos session of so much love and ,happiness, melted his heart with unspeakable contri tion and gratitude. WA-Faith in man yields to no powers nor principalities of darkness—bath no trust in the promises of earth—ascribes nothing to chance—fears nothing from man—or thinks that anything - can Prevent or- further its immutability or design but Omnipresence, sad Omnipotence. 11167 - There is a man in the West who km Moved so often, that whenever a cov vied wagon comes near his house, his ohickens all march up and fall on their baciks, and cross their iegs, ready to be tied ancLoarried to the next stopping place. • IltrA country carpQntcr, nailing up a board to forbid vagrants trespassing, pla ced it with the inscription upside down. "Beggars are accustomed to reverses,"ob served a facetious passer-by. ..The latest advertisement of an air tight coffin is, that it protects the form from decomposition, "and can be retained to the parlor se an elegant piece of furni ture, without any annoyance whatever." INDSEY'S IMPROVED '::f- - - -- • BLOOD :SEARODER, ► A STANDARD MEDICINE Cu the alined'', radical, and of /canal rum of ALL DISEASE:B arising from DI PURITY 01?"rif b.; lILOOD. ht the moat miraculous cures Ws medicine bits wrou 1M desperate cases of Scrofula, Cancerous formations, Cutaneous Inseam., Erysipelas, Boils, Pimples on thin fat., 5,(.1 Ey,. Old, Stubborn Clews, Scald Head. tatter affections, Rheumatic Disorders, Dyspepsia, Co,tivriles,, Jaundleo, Salt flivium. Mercurial Diseases, (burn al Debility. 7 Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite .. law Spirits, Foul Stomach ..•:Pirmale Complaints, and all Diseases having theirrol Ito In an impure stale of the Blood. We refer to the east' of David McCreary, of Napier thrnehip, Bedford Co., Pa. whit, on the 310 day of A ug its% 1858 made affidavit lioffiro Justice Corley that ho vgas treated for the cure of Cancer by three physlein en N Bedford county, and by Dr. Newton of the Eclectic College In Cincinnati, for a pi rind of nearly eight =oaths, notwithstanding which, his lip, nose, nod a portion of his loft cheek were entirely eaten away I. Ito bad given up all imps, when he heard of the • Blood archer;' and was Induced to try it. Four bottles oared him, and although sadly disfigured, there is no lasotlon but what this invaluable medicine saved Ilia Mer. The full particular,' of this remarkable coon may bona In a circular, which can be had of any of the *pmts. We also refer to the case of Nancy Bleakney, ofElder. be, Armstrong county, Pa., cured of Scrofula aftor be. Om unable to get out of her bed for three years. To the cone of Windy in Ansonville, Clearfield county 1111110 WAO also affiletod with Scrofula in its worst form. To the case•crNaeorge Meisel, residing in Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa., who was so badly afflicted with Connor that it vat his entire nose off, and his case was worse If Possible: thou McCreary'a. the particulars of those cotes—every one of which 'misused by the use of the Blood Searcher—may also Dr kis n d in a circular to ho bad of any of the Agents. R. M. LEMON, Proprietor. laboratory for the manufacture anti sale, near the Sta. Railroad Depot, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Yr. Coo. IL Keyser, Wholesale Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. in. 'or sale In Carlisle by S. W. flaverst ick, S. Fl Watt, and Roynolds AP oilier; Dr..l. Herring Mechanics lora; Gosweller & Zook, Shepherdstown ; Joshua Culp osstown • ' Jacob Simmons, Cross Roads; J. J.Coble, Wise Shiremanstown; A. M. Loldich, Bolling Springs Oho W. Klestil,. Churchtown ; G. W. Robinson West Will; rasnauglit 4 Co., Oakville; Shoemaker & 111111ott. Newhurg; Wm. llrattnn, Newville; .1. Hood & 116.05prIngflohl; Russell A Co., Dickinson; Ilieland twoashing, .7acksonvillo; Wm. Clark It La., Lees, ; Wm. IL Eckles, Sporting Hill; D. Denlinger lilt. Mall; .7:G. Altick,Shippensburg; all of Cumber Ilt2Linaility, Pa. " A CARD TO TIHi LADIES. Pt. Dupelaws GoldenPillsfor Females fallible in correcting, regulating or removing eAU obstructions, from whatever cauee, and abogys .Ttcpcsssittl as a preventive. fto Combination of inerredients in Dr. Duponco'it 41111dOli Pills are perfectly hnrmleen. They have been tho private practice of old-Dr. Dupnnco, for 00 pea; and thousands of ladies can testify to their great notee,failing:surcess in almost every case. In ear eleeting Irregularities, relieving painful and distressing I.ll4ltruAtlon, particularly at the change of life. From Igto to ton pills will cure that common, yet -dreadful eieseitlaint, the Whites. Nearly every female In the A d Sulfurs from thin complaint. Tno above pill ban permanently cured, thousands, and will cure you if you sot them. They cannot harm you, on the contrary interreniove all obstructions, and restore nature to Its peeper channel, and - invigorate the whole system; they goo perfectly safe and hamlets. • " ". r • • pries St per box. *old wholesale and retail • 0. ELLIOTT,: Druggist; Carlisle, Pa, Iffiwc le the sole agent fee that place ' Ladles, by remit. Ihig DUO $l to the °Carlisle Post oMce" can have the Ville Rent to auy part of the country, free of ,postnge, 10 loan. Sold also by Ohne. A. Bannvart;' Harrinburg, 11. hillier, York, J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville and by one beggiet,in overy-vlliage and town In the Cnion. Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden "Ills of any kind, .for every box is signed by O.D. %rel. All others are a base Imposition. and unsafe, itereibre, as'you value your lives and 'health, (to Fay sotalng of heing - hrtmtiugged nut of-, your money) buy • Miy those,who chow the signature of S.'D, Hews. on' rfverTbovi'which has recently been added on account of • 'wont' cOuntoefult of the Pills. S.D. HOWE, ' . .letet2o 01,1 y Bule , Proprictor, Now York. n AI,NTS,;;A . N.D_ - _ -. OILS.— : ,10 Tone 19bitp Lead. 1000 Gallons of oil. Joel rat rilth &large areortment of • Tahoe, • „Fire Proof paint) ' ilbeilerni•lno,. Florence White), • - dapeni • • •Whlte Zinc; "tyt • • • .Cblored Zinc, . ' • • .11ollod 011,, , • 6tlne, Lard Oil y :: . ,•- '. • Ohellie,• Sperm' . • •-• Paint Pritehoe, Fish 011 i - Amin etayeir deoCrintlon in': 'cane nod ihdogist thillardwore Store Of . • ' • .11F.1411 , 2* sAmoir.. XOTIRE.' 'TO 8110BLVAKER$.7. 7 . • •00 ItandoWantod work an Army -Shoe :to oopatont employment mill bo glirTn for at Last the or Az months ; andalberal wager, paid. 'Avg. 30, 1801. - . : 1 , ROBERT MOORE. • 1v °l " th L l3r ? eh„ 'F I: n °h Elooo,.andleauoShaleowor puke I Yeosc. LIMMMI, BAWYBit k MIMES fflrbitints. 1100FLAND'S 13ALSAM10 FOR THE. SPEEDY - CURE OF; 'oughs,' Colds, Itallicizza, Hoarse. ?less, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Diseases of the Boivels, arising from Cold, Incipient 'Consumption, ~and for the relief and (if at a,l' ' possible) cure of Pa tient!! in advanc, ed stages of the latter disease. _ The Balsamic Cordial le entirely a Vegetable producs on, combining the healing properties of the Balsam, Ith the invigorating qualities era Cordial, producing combination so well adapted' to the purpoeca intend. 1, that there are but few cases of disease which will of, at au early period, succumb to its' healing and life vMg properties. - - - For ages, has the treatment of pulmonerrdtsettees .euttidd the greater portion of the attention of the dentific of the medical world, tint none acquired more minence in hie treatment of them diseases, than the debrated_Prusslati_Dr.lllematm, the originator of the alma& Cordial. Ills life was &rented Le the produe. mu of remedle , that would; stand unrivalled. - How ell he has sueceeded, the American people are able to edge: and wepositively assort, that tie preparations 'fat have ever been placed before them, have conferred he same amount of benefits on mitering humanity, or ore elicited so many commendations from all classes (society. as the remedies of Dr. Itoolland, prepared by :r. C. M. Jackson & (10. 7 of Philadelphia The Cordial In desined for a class of disenses more sacral and more fatal than any other to which the eople of Ihis country are nu bject—thore springing from " sunny cots." That eminent authority, Dr. Bell, nye: "I will not snit that Colds to our inhnblinnts chat nib l'Lcuee nod YELLOW Frven are to those of ocher oun tries; but I can aver confidently that they usher a disease of greater complicity and mortality than these itter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Preparation DR. lIOOFLAND'S =3=l GERMAN SITTERS, I=l Dr. C. X. JACKSON dr Co., Phila. Pa wiLL ErFECTLIALLI CURE LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Jcitineys, and all diseases arising from a dheirdered hirer or Stomach. Such RN Constipation. Inward Piles, Fulness or Blond to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heart burn, Disgnst for Fond, Fulness or Weight in the Stom ach, Sour krutitritions, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of tho Head, flurried and Difficult Breathing, tiluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dim ness of Vision, Dots of webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin anti Eyes. Pain in the Side, Bark, Chest. I.lmhs, Szr. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the It lush. Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depressions of Spirits. anti will positively prevent Yel— low Fever, Billions Fever, dee. The Proprietor In rid ling the attention of the public to this preparation. does so with a feeling of the utmost confidence• in it,: v let urn sod :adaptation to the diseases fur which it is recommended. It Is nn new and untried article. lint one that huts stouil the test ors twelve years' trial before the Ameri• ran people. and its reputation and sale arl• unrivalled by any si•nilnr prepsratinn extant The testimony in ils favor given by the most prominent and well known Physicians and individuals in the country is immense, and a careful perausl of the Almanac. paidished annu ally by the proprietor:, and to be had gratis of any at their Agents, cannot but satisfy the most skeptical that (his remedy is really deserving the great celebrity it has obtained. dn_N. W. II A VERSTICK, Agent for Carlisle, and by Dealers everywhere. (Apr.l2, rot% DE GRATH'S ELECTRIC OIL! TIM NEW I.ltACTTCE.—ElsetrleCures.—Pain is the orstoonitor of d,th; relieve the paha and you chock thn likens°. THIS 01'. ArTs on Tnr. StaTr.ll WITH r.tr.Ort . riClTT Is or putt, vegetable preparation, not the slightest dan ger of apply log It outwardly or inwardly; It at ones gives a permanent cure, In most (wont, in from ten to twenty Minutes. The best.physitiloglsts of Europe have discovered that all organic deratgoment In the animal system is an of feet of the obstruction of the physioselectric fluid in the organ diseased a skilful application of the Oil puts in immediate smitten the nervous fluid, and the cure hint once accomplished. No bleeding, no vomit ing, purging or blistering is resorted to. Prof. Do (troth's Electric Oil la the marvel of this age for the tollovrowint.t, (not every thing-)• • - Cures Rheumatism often In a day. eures Neuralgia, Toothache, two minutes. Cures Cramp in the Stomach, five minutes. Cure, - Burns, Wounds. Bruises, One to three days. Curve Ileadache, fifteen minutes. Cures Ear Ache. Stiff Neck, Ague, one night. CM', Piles, Swelled Glands, ten days. Cures Felons, Broken Breasts, Salt Sheum, two to 'six days. Curry Ilemorrhsge, Scrofula, Abeess, sin to ten illus. Curet. Frosted Feet and Chilblains, one to three days. Cures Ague and Fever, one to two days, and all the Nervous and Flerutulous Affections Cures Deafness in one to four days. Cures all (WEIS ha the Back, Breast, etc., in 2 days. xim.eriP.4732lSl3 OE•37.ED I Nate Myatt. May 19th, 1850 - - Prof. Do Ornth—My brother has benn deaf threo years, end one bottle of your Electric 01l cured him entirely. Tours, CLIFFORD It. SCRANTON. ANOTHER INSTANT CURE; Huntingdon, Pa., Sept.. 1555 I do certify that prof. Do Orath's Eloctrii, Oil Is In fallablo for Rheumatic pains My Wife for snore time past has been greatly afflicted and unable to walk, has been restored by the application of this oil almost In stantaneously. I can cheerfully recommend, It to oth ers. JOHN WILLIAMSON. Pll,F.S.—Charles Sexton, Eeq., ox-Mayor of Camden says six applications cured him. Almost cured his Itheumal STIFF NECK. [Editor of Law Alegar.lne Cured I ustantanenualy.] Girard !louse, Philadelphia:— Prof. Chas. he Grath-1 freely give it as my opinion that your Electric thl is among the most wonderful remedies of modern times. At the earnest request of a lady, who alleged that she had been cured of a most painful afT.ction by he use, I was Induced to try a bot tle, t hough at the' thin, of purchasing, I fully believed it to be a quack medicine and a catchpenny humbug. lint a trial convinces me that it possesses'', magic power, and It will trove a blessing to suffering humanity. 1 recently took a cold from sleeping in damp sheets, and my neck became so much swollen and painful that I could not turn my head. After using. without success, everything prescribed by any physician, I lost evening tried your Electric Oil. This morning 1 am well, the relief having been as com plete as it woe instantaneous. Yours, very truly, JOHN LIVINGSTON. Editor Monthly Law Magazine, 157 Broadway, ash Itlo West 14th St., N. Y. Mr. Livingston belongs to the old, wealthy end respectable fkmillee of the old settlers of New York. Any one ran address him on the subject of the above letter, whirl, will be , answered with pleasure. Principal Bova, 277 South Bth Street, Philadelphia. ems_ 11m:ism. A PEIPFIII, Solo Agents for Carlisle. Sold by all Druggjids. and In Joreey City at Van Buskirk's, Washington street; Shipley's. Grove street; Dr, Zabriskie's, corner of Brave and South Bth Street; Longetaff's, 10 :Montgomery at. lAp. 12, '131.-ly. sIIRINER'S BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP. FOR 00170LI1, COLDS, CROUP, WHOOPING covon, ASTHMA, BRONCIIIVS, SPITTING BLOOD, PAIN AND WEANNESS OF TILE BREAST, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, &C, This is no now remedy. It has been used for a num ber of years in Maryland and parts of Pennsylvania. and has, wherever known, acquired an unprecedented reputation Tor curing the various diseases for which it is recommended. So apparent is its usefulness, and so remarkable has been its cures, that it Is fist superseding every other remedy for I hese diseases. The afflicted can rely upon Its cluing no much for them, and in many canes more than any other remedy now before the public. It is reaummended and prescribed In the practice of a large number of the moot Intelligent, and able physb clans of Maryland. It Is used and considered an Indis pensable household remedy by a large portion of the first families of the Stati•. It is used by all classes of society; and the universal opinion is that it Is good THIS SYRUP 13 PURELY Vial.- TA4LE CCIIPIIUND. It le illeaSnrit to take, and never does Injury. - But owing to its purifying qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effects are truly wonderful, soothing, calming and scilaying the moat violent coughs - ; purifying, - strengthening and iurigo , rating the whole system, calming and soothing the nerves, aiding and facilitating expectoration, And-heal tug the - TISEASED . LUNGS, • Thus striking at the rout of disease, and driving it from the system. CROUP, This disonso Is announced by difficulty of breathing shrill whistling or'wheoziug, hocking cough and threat enod suffocation, kr.. It mostly occurs In young - ail; dren. No child need die of croup if this Syrup is pm porly used and used In time. Mothers having - croupy children should watch the first show of (Mosso, and al ways heap this romedy.at hand. For coughs after measles this Syrup's most excellent. Experience has proven that It Is equalled by no other preparation. The price of the 'remedy 113 such an to place it within the reach of all,-the poor as well as tho rich, and ovary person should have It: Every person should havo It In the house.- It is a 'true and faithful Mond to All who value health and wish to Secure themsolves against that most terrible disease. consumption- It mill be found themost.nsoful AS .urell as the cheapest family Medicine In the It has been used for the lend four years with n success Without a parallel.. Savo, your children. No, child need die of croup thin Syrup to tined in Limo . Price '37 eetits . por bottle. or thine bottles for $l. gc4 . ..Por onto by 9 P. PANNABAN.EIt, Carlisle, Po.,and by all'countryttorolcoopors. • • • fAug.93, 1801. • t i UBRIOATING . nigh to inform =Rhin nits and the public gen& rill that Ivo have on hanil ri full stock of linbricatini. Oils for all kinds of machinery, Ulla oil eurpaisee al others, having been suljected to 'a thorough teat by the Moot the , beet Lard and other Olio. It, is nronounced a superlor,Lubricator at less coat and wearing longer; and entirely tree from gum, And will stand much colder -weather and has-loss tendency.to heat„--Try it and.you. will use nothing elm for Lubricating. • 'Oarltele ' JOIIN P. TAMS & SON: ' ' ' North Hanover Street IRO • • SALE Olt 'RE NT ~•;•-• ' • ' , R Theenbscribor °tiers for Wo ,or rent, the new .n,,, , .0-, .60:',`NrohrrinifitaSaino r ierPie r il C et lC . fi ligi l. S l C S 'Aiii i ', '•- i. ~-_,.- raven oh'thnist of April next. 'rho '-' 11;4.11' ' !Muse has-ninw - riitnne; - is Tarnished. t 6 ''- - '' 'With water end gas, and imitable olth• Sr for business or a primate residence. ' . ' .bet, 20i 1i140.- - t. f.' , - J4.IIIIBILVEAVER. .: i', --- .::::',' 1 : - '1'41iiii:' , . , '-i.ricr .. 6.o...- 0171 1 7e1E 110;70' : NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS Alter returning his acknowledgements for-the very liberal patronage which hoe been extended to-him, the undersigned would rail attention to the fart that he has just re-opened his extensive assortment of family fi in his now storeroom, on the sonth=east corner of the. public square, where the public are invited to calratur examine a stock of goods which, in elegance, variety and extent, wilt defy-competition; comprising in part loaf, lump, crushed and brown, sugars, Jilva, Rio and roasted Coffee, Every va rlety and quality nf TEA. Spices, (ground —V r and unground,) Pickets, Sauces, Table 0i1. 41 , 7 , Now Orleans, Sugarhouse and Trinidad : • - Molasses; New 'York and Philadelphia:3yr ups. Cheese, Macaroni, Vermecilli, split Peas.E.orniny, Mincemeat, corn Starch, k'arlua, Chocolate Extract 0. Coffee, refined sugar at reduced rates, washing and bak ing soda. Tobacco of the most favorite brands, and the finest quality of Segars. #lso, a beautiful assortment. of Britannia Ware, plain and geld baud' China Ware, Gil7B - N t Queens, Stouu and - Earthen'. IVare, hi great va- riety, and an elegant let of Fancy Soaps, extracts and perfuniory for the toilet., FILMS: Tneluding Peaches In cans, Raisins, Cran berries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, &a, &e. LIQUORS: Wholesale and retail, lilt embracing common and old Rye Whin g 11111 - ski - . key, Brandies, dark and pale, Lisbon .." , r74,.._. 53. 111 Sherry Port, .Maderia, 0 i nger, Catawba :Saii.3. .1:47 and Muscat Ulnas in casks and hot. ties, Scotch Whiskey, Holland Gin, and Scheid:lm Schnapps. FISII AND SALT A largo stock of LAMPS, including Dyott's celebrated lamps for burning Kerosene or coal oil, also Sperm, Pine, Lard and Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Sperm and Star Candles. CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. Brushes, Ropes, Illoppc, Soaps, Door-mats, Waitors, Looking-glasses, fluo letter and noto paper, Willow Ware, painted buckets, &e. Cotton and woollen nom, and half-Hose, and a full stock of Gloves, including the well knoWn Hanover Buck Moves. In short, his stock comprises overything that is called for in his line of business, and no efforts will be spared to render entire satisfaction to his customers. Carlisle, Oct. '27, 11356-Iy. , xcir Marketing of all kinds taken in inschango fn Roods. " alailiTlOX !MILL" FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA STORM Just revolved and in store, a fresh and well td lected assortment of Rio, lava and Mara caibo Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushod Pulverized Sugars, Refined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans (baking) Molasses. Spices of every variety— pure only : Starch, Farina anti Chect.late, Niaccaroni, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sae., Indigo, Saleratus and Soda, Cream - Tartar and as sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Feed. TEAS.- -A fine assortment in Packages, 0 10. Z tre' anti in bulk—ak well as all other articles ii * belonging to the budness—all at the lowest 1 ~ 1 , A - ntitl - lat to reduced - prices. - ' t ry. , •-. s, J. W. EBY. DRY-GOODS: DRY GOODS! V -1 113.5T ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS . 14 TOIS SEASON. We have jmt completed opening our Spring stock of Dry Goode, which is larger and more varied than at :my former period To our friends and customers we Invite you to 'visit our Immense Store Rooms. Our stock consists iu part of SILK ROBES, FANCY AND PLAIN. Magnificent and brilliant styles of Spring Silk, a very large lot of BLACK SI LKS, plain and Ihrured,and Foul. aids at PANIC raters. We especially invite the to this department of our monster stork. Norwich Poplins. Jacquered Worsted Cloths, Grey Chose Lusters, Chain De L a d nes, colored suit figured Millis ots, French and English Chintzes, English and Amerlian Calless, he., &c. D" HITE GOODS These goods have been selected with care, and are from the I t arirest and best importing houses in New Perk and Philadelphia. We have in this department, Linens, Laces, Etlghirs ermibrics, brilliants, .tialnsooks, Jaconetts, Lawns, Mull Murdins, .Ladies Fine French Collars, Unrlcrslteens. he., all of which we respectfully ask a thorough "ex atninatlon, In order 'to •Fatisfy 'Ladles that we have these goods butter and lower in price than the lowest. MOURNING; GOODS. 'this orgouds is vary large and ample lu (,very department. ITOSTIMIT AND OtOTES, Silk. Woolen. Cottou and Linen Hose for Ladles and (ionth•nen, Kid, Kid Finish, :ink, Lisle thread Gloves. Call and see our flu famed Burk Gloves." I= liluslins, Flannels, Blankets, and every article in the domestic line of Irny Goods, in lavyier quantity and in more complete assortment than can be found in any House In the interior of Pennsylvania. MEN'S WHARL Clotho, Cassirneros, Vestlngo, Llnano. Cottonades, Beavorteono, and cords, for both Men and Boys.—Our Casshaleres are ndjudgod by oonnolsnuors to Loa unour.. passod lhr beauty and quality. cAltrwrs d OIL CLOTHS Superfine Nn. 1. two and three Ply, Brussels. Velvet. and Ingrain Carpets, a largo assortment of gag Carpets. made to order under our immediate supervision. (hi Cloths. of all widths and sty les, :Battings, Bugs, Look ing Glasses, Ac. To young men and old about entering upon !louse. keeping, we Invite you to pay a visit to our large CARPET ROOM, admitted to be the met-t splendid affair outside of the large cities, where goods In this department are sold at very low prices. Remember ladles and gentlemen. my motto always has been, and Is now, to sell cheap for CASH, and to please my numerous kind patrons. _ A. W. lIItNTZ, S. !layover st., Nearly Opposite the P. 0. Carlisle Par 51ny 3,'61 SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. BELOW COST 11 • . At the sign of the .4.i01d Eagle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below• the Methodist Church, on West Alain street, the largest and best selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, will ho cold 30 per cent insver than at an) place in the. State. The steels enmprires a large aascrt men t of ()old and Silver hunting-ease tratelice. Levers. I,epinex, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, GOD AND SIVER HAMS, Gold Puns and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Sped:lc:ex Gold and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, Oil Paintings, a great variety ofifaney articles, sofa lot of the finest Pianos, which will be sold 40 per cent lower than over offered in town. The entire stoelz of Watch maker tools, cases, large Mirrors, and Safe will he sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. Iltiving selected a first class workman all kinds of re pairing will be done as usual, at reduced prices. Three Pianos at $lOO below the factory price on ac count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. I will sell at tho Jewelry Store, THREE ROSEWOOD PIANOS, warranted, at two-tlalrd their real value on easy terms If called on aeon. 5 fifi CAN BE MADE! By Buy lug your goo is from Leidich Sawyer & Miller. We rorpertfully call attention to our . Large Stock. of Summer Goods, Just received from the Eastern markets. Having been purchased for CASH, arid since tho ruinous decline in prices. Customers will find great 'bargains in Silks, Ilarege, Thessalia, Barego Paliirnie, English Grenadine, Organdy Lawns, French Lawns, Mozambiques, EmHines Grisales fig sloshes, Chalks, Chintzes, !t, AM. Newest Styles Paris Coats, Basques and Mantles, Shanlitia add French Lace Boniours, 'Mantles and Polo to; These goods are very loir—less than Importing cost. Shawl's of all kinds suitable for the season, SUN -UM B-R - EL - L A-"S , • Parasols, less than original-cost. Gloves of every dos. cription, Lace 'Mitts, embroidorlos of every variety, wil,gaics Celebrated Hoop Skirts—" The Skirt of the Season." ' Every variety and kind of goods imitable for Ladles, Men and Boys wear. 40 , 40.qt,-130eito. Tho largest and newesi, stock In town. 011 Cloths, Mattlngs, Looking Glasses; Furnishing_ Goods in great variety. All of these goods, and an endless variety not enumerated. We offer to -the community at prices to: defy competion. Please rail and examine tbr yourselves. Juno 38,'01. LEIDIOII fIAWYER & MILLER; FANCY FURS I FANCY FURS 11. JOHN PA4EIRA, 718 'AltplT' Street, be twoonith and Bth (Late of 81.8.dariceifit.,) .PHILLDELPIIIA; . Importer and. bianufao t,,urer of, ftnd.flogjer all hinds of rancy Furs ..., adapted to tile coming . Ffill and Winter Seasons. I. would reepectfully Invite an examination of my stoat and priocia:fiem those in tending to,purchase,' as I am onabledlo offer them very desirable Inducements. = -• • , All my Fare 'Wive been purchased for cash . , rind made hy experienced and - competent Banda; and - as rho pros en t monetnty CI-miden - render it necossorythat I 'should - dispose of tit It.very small tide:wee - on cosf: -- I am satisfied that.it will be to the interests of those:- whn design purchasing, to give me a catt.•— • ' Racal lee t o name, number and street: lobS' (Now-FurFareirit Store,)TlS'Arph Street; rbiled'a.; , . litto .thrOo.story Brick Musa on Main ; -rx • • bn Nato& 'on 'may Lorna., from tlolstof April . naxt... Call at :4_ th. Jewelry Store fu •-•• - . , - X. B. 1511A,PLEY. ,~lliSLClLajtcou3. Carlisle_ Fouridry - Onidner-t4 -Co.-now:manufacture .nnd keep con stantly for silo, nt tholrextensi re steam Works on East Main streot, Carlisle, a large assortment of, A MOULT IMPLEMENTS, of well known, approv,ed usefulnesd to farmers. among which they would call especial attention to WILLOUG II • BY'S CELEBItATEB PATENT. „.. - G - UM - SPRING - -GRAIN - orb lob hal:taken over fifty First Class Premiums at State and County Faire. To the Farmers Cumberland, York and Perry counties we need not spook In detail of the merits of this drill, ns seems of them are now in LBO On the best farms in theser counties. Its reputa tion in established as the Most complete Groin Drill now manuthetured In the United States. I t sown IV heat. Rye,. Oats, Barley rind Grass, evenly and regular, wlthppt bunching theareed. Thn gum Sort ngs pass the ris anvor stumps anit stones, without breaking pincer the drill. For even and regular sowing. the Willough by Quin Spring Drill is unequalled.by any other. We also Manufacture and sell the 101 l wing articles. which we - cite recommuinEto Fain - Mrs Ms 'pliable. imprem etas, of established chnowtor: MORRISON'S PATENT COB FLPT,ANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRAW A FODDER CUTTER, BRIHENDOLPIPS PATENT CORN SHELLER, BARN'S PATENT CIDER MILL, JOHNSON'S CAST IRON HOG'S TIHIC.GfL Also, Three and Four Horse Powern nod Threshidg Machines, Cast Iron Field Rollers, Plough Castings et various patterns, Corn Crushers, and other articles for Farnterg too numerous to mention. Alen, Egg Cool Stover And Ten Plate Weed Stoves. with an immense variety of other Oudings for housekeepers and others. We bare also an attractive vnriety of patterns for IRON BAstarrGS, IMEMNI end CEMETEILY •ENCLOMIEB to which we would call atten Lion. To this deportment of our business we give particu• jar attention. Our already extensive stock of patter us for Paper, Flour and Fan• Mill °raring. is constantly increasing. Mill Owners and Mill W rights will bo fur. nished wibii a printed catalogue of our various Mill Patterns. on opplleation. Our Marhlne Shop eomprises all the various tools for turning, planing and finishing Shafting and Castings, by good and careful filachinitts. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES of any desirable rapacity, from tern to wen ty-tire horse power, built in the best sty le and no 11,0 uartodating terms. ErigineA built nt our est ablibbnient Icily is seen In successful operation at nunny of the Inrgest Distilleries and Tanneries in Carlisle, anti Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties. to the owners nt a hich we confidently refer for Information ns to their efllcien cy. Persons wanting Stearn Engines are earnestly re quested to - csnll and e.riturninO before contracting else where DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, tonnet:terjwith our eatablnhmen t Is a Ofeam Sarh and Poor Man ufartory which is nr•i: in erdnplete order for the manufacture of every descript ien of for the most costly us Nrell no the plainest house. Win dow Sasit - furniuhed Iron] npward,t oning to sloe of glass; SI induce ITIIIII. , horn $1 :11 upweu d . ; :, , IlUtletszind hulling Minds Iron, t I 75 upward; Four Panel De core from $2 12 upward. liraddimz, castings Architraves. It .11 Boards, 14111'1 , etc. Fancy Drapery, t , erolls, aria other articles horded iri house building, furnished at the lowest prices and of the best quality of lumber. tryik_Nl o are also prepared, as hurettlloro. to build and repair BURDEN t_ Al.O for transporters on the railroad, with promptness and tar reasonable terms. Thu continued patronso of the public is respectfully solicited. Orders by mall promptly attended F. OAR ()NEB & Co. ..N t "' COAAND LUMBER YARD. Thesr i Tiers have thin day entered into part. "'r-84ihiptotrade 0 A L AND LUMBER, We will have ennstantly on hand and furnitth to order all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, SCANTLING, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Floor log and Weatherboarding, Posts and Rail:, and everfar ticletlmt belongs to a LUMBER YAIt D. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whltepine. hemlock, and Oak,- of different qualities. Having Cars of our own we ran harnish Mlle to order of any length and Fist, at the shortest notice and on the most roasontible terms. One worked hoards will be kept under cover so that they can he furnished dry at ell times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the homugh. To wit : LYK CO VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TItEVORTON, LOCUI t MOUNTAIN, LORIIL If,) whlelase pledge Ouriehiee.ti) sell at the lowest prices 13estinuality, of Ltmeburner's anirtlack - s-n — iiTh's Coat, always on hand which we will sell at the lowest figure Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street, ARMSTRONG di LIONFER. July 20, 1859 J. It. NONEDIALLER. 9 F oRw.A.RDIN(Ii- AND COMMIS SION HOUSE,' FLOUR AND FISIED,' COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. subserlfien , having taken the Ware House care and-it ttures of Wui. B. Murray" well known cstablieb mentam, West 1110 street. opposite Dickinson College, would In frienk tine public that he has entered into a general Forwarding and Commission business. The blithest market price will Le paid for Finn'', Grain and produce of all hinds. They etc also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia al/11 Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with safety and despatch. PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at wholesale or rani!. Coal of allitinds, embracing, LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER., SUNBURY WHITE AS. IL LOCUST ✓:A P, Limcbstrner's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY FOR BALE. KEPT I.l4llliat and dolivorod dry to any part of the town. J. It. NONEMAKEIt Carlisle, August 17, IShI. LUMBER AND COAL. OLIVER DELANCEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARD! On the Rail Road, te ar the Gas It orks The subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a falba sortment of Lumber & Coal, which he can Mr- c m * F ; 6 . 1 ;1,72 .5 . ulsh to order promptly and on the nwst re Ap it stumble , terms' LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plasturing nod Shingling-Laths, Worked Floor ing,%seatherlioarellng, Posts, itailli,M'hite Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, of limy quality. Tie also furnish bills to order of any length nod size, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terns.llls worked boards are kept under cover, so that they can he fur nished dry at all times. Ile has constantly on hand all hinds of Family Coal under eosin, which will be delivered clean to any part ofthe borough. To wit I.,YKEN' t 9 VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the varlous elms In use, which he offers to the public at the lowest prices. LIIIEBUItNhIt'S AND BLACKSMITH'S COAL always on hood, nt the lowest cash price. 'thankful for thep *anima of a genet OUS public,, bu stowed upon the Int P Arm of Black A Delaney, ho ould solicit a continuance of tho same us he will strive to please. All orders loft ut the residence of lamb Shrom for Cord and Lumber, will bu promptly attended to as heretoioro. DLLANCY July 26,1 —ly. William Practical PLUMBE in the b . izaeinent of Sire Load and Iroxl Pipes, Hydrants, -• Ilot . Cold Shower Bathe, Water Closets, Force and Lift Pumps, Wro't Iron Wel'd Tubes, And evorideseriptlon oCcorks • and fittings for gas, Memo, water, &c. Superior evoking ranges, heaters and gas fixtures put up in churches', litOibe ,alTellingfi, at abort notice, In tho moot mbdern Alllnateri al a Arl.worlr-in our line at.lowiatas atid-viarrrtited. -Country work and Jobbing, promptly attended to, Mar, 23, 18Pil- 1 O " _ MANHOOD,. atO 011ILDREN'8, Vlnti. Haling now manuthc, tnrod and In atoro•my talent of all Ma various 'ow LoBt,'.llou, Reaeored. - , Just Published In a t9ealed Envelope, AI,4EOT URE ON TH NATURE; n „imbly:NT, AND RADrom.rovitE or sport. 'V or Seminal Weakness. ,Sexual Tieryousness, and Involuntary emisslons,predueing • 'potency, Conivamptlon and Mental and Pkysical De. ". By ltOllT. J. • InLipoitant fact that the awful consenttimees of self Annie mry to - elfecititilly - rernmred - w I t.liOut Internal— medicines or the dangerous amilleiitlons of caustics, InstiumontsOnedicated bangle . , and other . devises, le hero clenaly. demonstrated, and the entirely now and highly ,euecoisiful treatment, as adopted by 'the 'celebrated :with* . fully axplained,- , by Means of . ;which, overy one Is enabled to cure himself perfictly, .and at the least possible' cost, thereby. asolding all this edvertlsed nostrums of the day. .Tlifit lecture wlll prose ... a boon to, thousinda and thottSands. . • Sent:under Rear,ln n plain -opcelope, to any toldrecc, poist•4oll4 on the receipt et two postage. ettimpo by ad dreseDig,., •. Dr. CII. J. C. KLINN, AugOply 127 Bowery, York. Poet chtlee,hoy,lss6, • t • AND . FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT .I Sterim Engines and PIM Gearing BITILDIMi :1; A TERI ALS Broken, Egg, tore and Nut do. do P. Lynch, . and GAS FITTER, the M. E. Church, .Carlisle. irOn Sinks Bath Tulip, - Bath Micro, Wash /Ydraulic Barns, &o. illatajes '.tinb CILOCKS . WATCHES. JEWELRY Ararsimummtp. - nt Manufacturers pacqs.- W. D. 'A. Naugle, Agt., gales' building Test Slain St., opposite Saxtouallinahisre Store, Deitler in FitENCll . ..iz ,ANIEKIC`XN CLOCKS, • • • • ..,.....ciervA P:t . : - v" '4e,"' • • • ' ' '•:a .. ,4'.--:' . s"=Z' ,. ' QP I. (le" 1 ....-6 . ;., r •-..-N - ,fa:: -. 17V , '1N s 'att V ti . k P -I '. l l ' 'lll - 1.1'e 1 *,..1 ' iP•1;0 3 ." 11 44 . ft , " ~ ";•- ; -- 5 . 4 '0 ~ •,430tiv311.11 1 i 7, 9 - ' 'Qii,•&,.,4'....,.. ~ -'.s ' ,_ff . , Foreign and American Watchesewely,SilveriuidTla- Led ware, Fancy (mods Kr, would moot respectfully in Pam hisrold,patrons and the public generally that he has just returned from...the Lost with an. ent,ire now Mock of FINE 'N ATCIII3S,JRWELRY, SILVER & NA TE') WAIII3, CLOCKS Ste. 'laving sccuSed agencies from some of the largest and best Fulorles for the sale of these goods. I am prepa. rod to offer to the public any •rtlele In the line from 73 to LIM per cunt loss than they have ever town offered In this Place or below the regular wholesale price, as follows, Clocks from 75 critic to $lO, Watches from $2,50 to .9150. Ji.welry In setts from tin cents to $25, Tea Setts trout 20 to $30,-6 pieces best totality sad latest styles CLOCKS WATCHES. JEWELRY. 3 day alarms, Gold ll unt. Case Eng, Coral, S - Striking," " American, Pearl, 3 " StrEeing & Al. " " Solos, CA mes , a 0 Regulators, " " French. Gold Stone, 9 " Gallery, Silver Ilunt.Case Eng. Lava, 8 " Church, " ° American, Carbuncle, I) " litntlea. " Swiss, ' Opal, " Parlor, ". " . French, "ilosalc, Marine, Open Face American, Jet, ill Mar. " ',opines. Garnet, Strikine., " 'Quartlore, Tur,inois, 30 Alafin fi Strlk.," EngHO), Paintings, t 0 Time, ec Enerne Levera, " FTlllca. Paste, 30 Uoi hie, " " lineman, Stone, EEEEMEM OEM MEM Ladh•s, Cup , . Butt, DiFIIPR, i'alt, SiandS. Fi.h Knives, Pie Kni ere, Crow') K tdrrs, I ?:3 Crenm do. Cake Knives, Fork, Spoons, Castorn. Carlisle, July 27,1560 —lv. J OSEP.II U. S T E E WATCH MAKER SOUTH II A NOVER STREET, 4 .. 1 9 1 . 1 ° A * ,south few ors ou of the ~. Court House. ' v I .'ik:: . ~' Having mipplied myself with a Inrge a.oortlllf,t Of Shitteh , latorinis. It 13104, 7 kg., 1 am now prepared to re pair all hinds of Watches. Gineks„letvelry, he, on tll4. most.rem'onalule terms. that 11111 y b” in trusted in my -or,, thumping hy strict attention to Lust IeSS to he ik• gored e Rh it liberal share of poldie patronage• A floe Issortment of .1 i•;R ELNY. ru.•lt Os Ladles' Ilreast Pins and Ear Drips fluid and Ca htli,ses' Breast l'inn nod Ear Drops. Box and Glass Pins all sizes, (1011 Chains. Hooks, Plated Chains. Gilt Luueltots, Guards Keys, Le. Moo a large and fine assortment of (AM) F(4NOER RINGS, . Alan. a tine lot of Silvor Runt ing,bed Lover, anti Lt•pines Watches, and a goo,tl ass, lnlen t ;.r Silver plated and Siwetmulet. All of which will i.e sr11(1 'low. A share of public patronago is respects ally ,It STEEL. Oldish , Jan. IS , a).-1 y VVS A I. A i i-t r Y ild , PStl A bll N ltho r t ) 1 Stand, II oat Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. hate just Vdrelved a new assortuneht of watches. ewelry, medallions, silver ware, Re_ in addition to my Orbiter stop!: to it Weil I invite the attantion of the public, 'rho lis,rtment embrares tine gold and silver lever watches, Hunting and open rase do., gold An chors for Ladies:tint Gentlemen and Silver Lepines and Quartler watches of every variety in style and price. Also fine gold Med:(llo . ns. Ilreast.ping for Ladies and Ilentlemen of every quality, pattern and privy. Gold rob, vest. en rb and neck chains. Gold bravolots. linger vines, ruff-pins, studs. sleeve-buttons, reneges. ['harms, (laid and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives. forks. table. tea, salt and mustard spoone or every variety. A large assortment of gold. silver eolumon speeta,les. to snit all to which we invite special al ten• don. A fine lot of /101,D PRINIS from the best - makers, - pectarle rears, fancy boxes. silver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracelets, watch chains, 4 ,, Mantle (lochs and a variety of articles usu. ally kept in Jewelry establishments, ° which ~ I will sell low •for rash. All articles war- • stinted to ho what they aro represented. Particular attentim paid as usual to x6.•S• WATCH, REPAIRING and all work war-- ranted. Der. 23. 14.57.1 g LOCKS WATCHES &JEWERR Y. SI LTER ANL) PLATED WARE. ELI HOLDEN, No. 7pB, Market St.; philadolpLia, Invites special attention- to his full "supply ofWateiies. of ENGidem and GENEVA At ANUFACTURB, JEWELRY OF ELEGANT DESIGNS, Silver 4• Silver Plated Mtraof the Beal Quality, witfi.aft extenglVo assortmont of " SUPERIOR TIME KEEPING CLOCKS, In a style and prico adapted to the wants of all. Good goods and fair prices iv my principle. tr. Silo Patent Shirt Studs. being of novel construetion, possessing advantages over any other in vcnthin. Mandl 15, 1661.—1 y. T 4 A li K [ N & (4 0 . , M .: , I MOTU PHOTOGRAPH UA ER Y, S. E. Corder Eighth and Arch Streeta, (ENTRANCE ON ElOlllll STHEET,) PIHI.A DELPHIA After many ) ears experience iu all the various bran• cites of the Ai t. the Proprietors ..on [Went ly invite the attention of their (tumult. and the public to their ex tensive establishment. x bleb presents the opportunity for proem int: the lost pictures. equal at least, to any first-class Gallery in.the United States. Preparations are complete fur OSOellting all the Im• proved styles known In the Art. They haven patent arranetnent for copying Dacuerreot)iws, &c., Le., mak leg them Life slze, ii desired—the only sue of the kind in this country A itached to this establishment are three enloring Artists. I . IIOTOntIAPIIR, inchiding Ninthly:. is low as 52,00 1)o with Frame, 2,62 Do. at 75 rents. Extra copies 50 cants, or $5 per dozen. Lifo eizn Photi4raphs as low as $6 and I vorytype at same price. DUTILMO Ambrotypes at 50 costs and upwards. A most t xt nsl ye assortment 01 - Gllt Frames umbrae log a select and choice variety of the latest styles Priers from 62 routs and upwards. Especial attention bestowed upon Life sized Photo graphs In Oil. transferred from small pictu.tm, and how life. Priv°, hoot 650 to $lOO. ,t)Tre- Instructions given in Ella Art. Fob. 22, '61.-Iy. 14110TOGRAPIIY„in all its branches itieeuted In the best style known in the art, at C. G. CRANKS GALLERY, No. 532° Arch Street, East of Sixth, PHILADUPHIA. Life Size in Oil and Pastil. tar- STEREOSCOPIC PORTRAITS, AMIIROTYPES PAO CERREORIPES, Le., for eases, Alectolions; and Orders for Oooio promptly attended to. March 8, '6l.—ly. LOOK SH AltP.—Wm. Fridley would Respectfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally that. ho has again commenced the manufacturing of tin k sheet iron ware stall kinds, iu S. C. iluyetts building on Louther stvet, directly oppbsite 0. Shapley's Chair Manufactory, Where he Will at all times be in readiness to do all. kinds of work in his line of business set Lb neatness and dispatch. All work will be done by himself audio competent hand as he keeps no apprentices. Also, can at all times he had those celebrated SELF— TESTING, SELF-SEALING, PREMIUM AIR-TIGIIT FRUIT CANS k JARS. Ilnuse spouting. and Jobbing of all kinds done at short notice and made of the best material. . . . paid fur old Pantile and Copper. ',- Hoping by eh Ict attention to buMneas, and a desire lea 4 all, to feenivna shave of public Patronage. .Carlisle Oct. 2d. 1.860.-Iy. _ T4 c iEW GOODS AT PANIC - PRICES. Jost received' another lot of elegant SPRING GOODS 11611dd - et the present rednied 'city prices and sailing unciannionly-low for CASH._ GRAYGOODS for traveling dresses, ChM' de Laines, Lustres, Lawns, Silks; &a , iu groat variety.. Musllns, Slicetings, Pickings, Oinghauin, dc, at the very lowest prices. da- MEN'S AND DOTS' WEAR, COTTONADES, SLIMMER CASSINIERES, JEANS, DRILLINGS, &C. Ladles', Gents', Misses' and Cli!Wren's Gloves Stock lugs in endless variety and vary cheap. . . Recollect thu store nearly opposite the Depot. CHARLES OGILIIY, Trustee,. Ca clinic. May 10, 1801. - - - DRESSLER'S HAIR, ;JEWELRY ';•;sTolut. No. 4, • Soyilt, 811 Street. Philadelphia. . • On hand and for sale, a choice assortment of superior patterns, and will PLAIT 'lO • . - Bracelets, Ear flings, Finger hinge, Theitst CFOSsel;, Vebt. and •• • Shard` Chains, &c., kc ., Orders enclosing the hair to be pinitod, maybe sent by math—Give a Drawing ns ,near as you can on paper, and onclogi, Mich nmount . no"you may chnnselp pay.—Vest ns follows: Ear Ilings.s2 in $0; lirenst Pins to $7: Finger it hum 75 etc. to 13,50; Vest Chains sf 3 to ..117; Necklaces $2 to $lO, • • llttir put into Medillertd,' Boit th'inist Ptc ! ,, Ac.. Old Onld and„Bliyer bought at fairintes. . T, ,4 1 UnN,IS.U.1.&GI' i 0912 r 5;;,7,-. • • • Irlie:lnrgest and beet yarlety ignent'e • NI Gbo(bi, rit 4 ct:!% , t , tbe - - -Narth.4n iinverStieet. GUM. 13ELT ING ' "-• Just received a large assOttmordof rill niass;= Qum Belting', Qum Hose, Qum Packing,' and.fbr sale-cheap at the .I.fardwarg Stare of - - .lunn • '• • 2•4,,1800., • • • 1:111 ?, • . icARPTIITFNGS, - &o.4:-Just received at uar °Gs chrap oftshrotoro, noir 'dock of Car. pc Inge Draggetiand Finer dl; Qleths, which -will be sold at very low figures. • . • 4 , lease call and examine the stock. . • - Cidals'e..(mt. 25, Pal. ' • JIA 111 B S:.R . WE AvER ' S CA.DINET .„). C . ?:,..1 14A 1 .. .7i,', 4 A NT, i 1: f 11 LI CITA 'M. 1 1 - I 61..'. . IktANUNACTORY. - . Non:tit TIANOVF.It STREET, CAILLPI.C., PA. Having been engaged In the belfries.: rid over twenty yen rs ho would return thank:, to his viistolllev; and friends, for the liberal encouragement extend./ to him in years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who mrfavor him with a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURD, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the In fest style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible • prices for cash. lin also continues business an nn trisfIMMITAILF,R.— Ready made Collins, Metallic or otherwise. kept con stantly. on. hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large size, 11011 finished and lined inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Collins covorud from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES C. WEAVER. . . . • - . - • May 25, 1850-Iy. F. B.—Two propertlos situate In urebt,own, ennib. county, arc offered for sale on easy terms. Apply ae 111,0 TO. J. S. W. COLBERLAND VALLEY BANK PROPRIETORS. WILLIAM K rut, TAtAC lIIINNEMAN, - .41911 A R D WOODS, 3 WIN S. eTERIIETT, WIN C. DUNLAP, JOHN DUNLAP, U. A. SrynnEoN. . . This Bank, Is now prepared to do a general Banking and Exchange business, under the name and st) in of K ER, DUNLAP it Co., to the same place lately occu pied by Ker. Brenneman & Co. Money received on deposit Turd paid back on demand without notice. Certificates of deposit beanie; interest nt the rate of tiro per cent. will Le issued for no short a period as four months. Interest nn all certificates will cease at maturity, provided. however, that if snid certificates are renewed at any time thereafter for an other given period, they shat Them the sane rata et in terest up to the time of renewal. Twonry flays notice must be given of an intention to withdraw interest de posits. SEIZE They call the attention of Farmers, limihanics and all r , thers who %Josh, a safe depository for their money, to the undeniable liiet,tlcit the proprietor, of this Bank are not only Halle t•i the amount to their steel, in the bunk, Litt are ix DIVIDI:4I.I.T liable to t he extent of their entato, Per oil the Deposits, and other obligations o Ker. Dunlop Co. forties r ;At., lion Oren to the collection of We mint. Not.is, Foreign nt Oran..., Cheeks, t:c., in any part of the United iiitate, anal (nonunion,. no‘do to any part of tho United States EnAand, and Ir,land. They will at all time, be pie:viral to give any itiforma lion desired in regal d to lt,ney mat ter , in tanierul The faithful and confidential exevutivu of all order entrutded to them may be relied upon. (tr.., for liosinta, trent 9 o'clock in the morning tint lit"the evening. 11. A. STURGEON, Cnob lre. Carlisle, :1 ug . . 14, IPUO. 'I'II.I•UMPIIANT. K... 1 The complcte some;.. Ilia Prairie Flower Cor.k .7tovo• warrants the suit:nail,r In rnlllvg the attention of all who may want 3 superior move to call and en. ntni DO 0.1/y move that has given UltherSlll = 2nd. A Lotter and qul - her Ile., from the game fire, A larger Oven than any other store offlto sameNize. 4th. The preservation nt (he centre piece front einkinix saying repairs, sth. The Lest Batter, Roaster. rind 171,01 t now in ore, nth. A superior Urrangstmen t for vl rani nc the :Ines, •.th. A perfect Gas (3011NUMer tar either nr coal. The Prairie Flower Is wart - art...l to Five I , llti, , ai lien In every pat tirular. and NI 111 La shniVll w ii.l% ptutt• tAre Lu all who tutu. rail, whether desiring to pun•haso or not, any quantity of reference in town cr country A few othiq. gond Cook St.nvos on han.:, n hioh wilt be sold very low to rlose nt,ek. Spouting'. Itoofine,„1"1, work. Copper , mithing and Sheet ins NS ork promptly attended to. in [own P , r e,urt try. All won: warranted at the old stand, Hanover street north of Louther. 51.1F1V N. B. Ohl Copper. 13rnxs and row ter nthl the higloNt prlve paid In ov,il Or goods. 31:krelt ;Itt.lB6o.—ttr (Dc),n,l 2 fc..).na 2 2 MO FARMERS TAMP:BURNERS AND oThEits. The underblgned 11.11 e been appoiu ted'sric at.rents for the. sale of the redebrated Treverten Cant 'nos fnnl is recommended by Sir. Landis and other', who have tried It, to he equally as strotn:, sari i urn as much lime per ton, as Lyke - aa ‘'alley or any other ~eal in usa. Pur,ons in want of Limit (iota tall tied it tii thvir in=, terra In Lay thlt. (.411 as it t. tit font tit.•nty to I wen ty-liii eeete per ton lets than l.yh ens y. We h.,ve the prel•nred TreVenon Ceol ler fatr.ily u e hand. Alto a Sleek of tool of all kinds TIIONI AS CONLVII Our stork is largo oomph to and will he sold at the lowt,t Thanhful for past favors wo respectfully aek a eon. Linn:lrmo of the same. July '2.3, 1500 • "IPW.A.RD ASL'OCIATIONI . • le tIALADELVIIIA A Beneydent Institution, established by special es down:silt for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially for the Curs of Diseases of the Sexual ,)rgans 111 EDIVA L ADVICE given gratis. by the Acting Sur goon. to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, inthits of life, L &c..) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charpi. YALU A fILI•; REPORTS no Spatula torrho,a, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REM EDIES employed In the Dispensary. sent to the altileted In sealed letter envelopes. free of eharge. Two or three Stamps Mr portage will Is. aeceptahle.. Address, !WAN Aaing Sur I.:eon, Howard .tssoclatlon. No. 2 South Ninth Street Philadelphia, l'a. Ily ordrr c+l /be vrtors, EZRA D. HEAL:TM:LI., Presid•u< UFO. FAIliCTIII.1), Serraary. I= 1860 HARI) WA w li t l i :: 1 ! :1 11 Ait D .1.1111 P. Lytle k. Son boo. .1 liFt. completed opening their : 4 mlug Flock of Hoot ante. Paint , . vueulsbes, Ma, he., to NVlllith they Invite the oariy ulttrnti , ,e of the public. We have guy entaieud our stuck In all itx:vorious brauchos,and I uu 111.01 v 111 . 1,01111.111.11.13 Le the pub lic with In large or small quantitlo, at the lowest prices. But wo do..not wish the public to 117081,1:ilid that c o have brought all the lo nods Lll,l New York to our town, but Toucan them that One look into our. torit will convince them (lint we have enough to supply the demand In this market. Persons wantlng, goods in our lino will find It to [lick advantage to give us n hethre making their porelm,es.—All orders personally and punctually attended to, and no micro. presentations made to effect sales JOHN P. !NNE d Si, May 2 2,'60. North Hanover St. Carlisle OVE3II,'EIt 2ND, 18(30. .•,1,1 , 11s or the "II MALI , " are reminded that I havejust brou g ht rrom till. city a lar;:i.E;upply of SUGAR CURED HAMS AND BEEN: Dried Apples and Peaches, Fre,h Tour/demi in,vins, fresh Mushroom, the very best Pielde,, different kinds of mixed Mustards and Sauees. Lemons and Oranges, Pro urn, Figs, Itaisies, Ftigars. I.l.lfeen, 1101aFses, Fish. Salt, Hoe :,:gars and Tobacco: very Ilse Brandies, Old Rye Whiskey, Whs.& ; besides a general assort moat of e.oods io our line of trade, offered at the very lowest pukes, FOR CASLI. W3l. BENTZ. Nov.'2d. lsfir BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Now is the time 570 r cheap goods. Closing out the entire stock at unprecedently low prices. to make room for swing assortment. All In want of Cheap Dry Goode, ale resgeetfully incited to call at the cheap store of CHAS. 001LBY, Carlisle, Yob. 15, 18(1. Truste'e. FRESI-I MACKEREL.-- A lot of Mackerol-110W catch—in assorted pack gas of Halves, Quarter, mid Eighth Bartels. Also, g ALMON, for sate at the Store of the subscriber. Oct. 26. 'tio. .1 W EBY. 1t49,(1,, TRACE CHAINS OF ALL te . N r hindm with a large assortment of TT MIA NS, ' .lIA urEit CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, FIFTH CHAINS, LOU CHAINS, TON(IUE CHAINS, COW CHAINS, ,t3PßEAD‘te.,.itc., Just retVvad at tbo Cbeiip Ilantiraro Store of March 7,'60. - ' ''HENRY SAXTON BREAD BISCUIT &C. The Cream of Tartar .Substltute" Is recommen• dod as a superior article In combination with Naloratus or Soda for Baking purposes,,lt produces bread raker Are., which when cold are B'eet; moist and.. grateftl, while those of Cream of Tartar are often dry and taste less. It will root ICas than Cream of Tartar and la used in the same way for cooking, &c. . _ TIIIS SUBSTITUTE, together with Saler/dm' soda, I's re _Cream of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow Root, Mustard Seed. ground and on. ground, tiplcox of all kinds .unadulterated, and also Orocer . les in every variety constantly on hand, and at the lowest prices for sale by Dec. 1.1, 1869. W. TAW. 1V - ENV - D It Ua: S: 1 1: 1 Qlt 11. ./..1 NEXT DOOlt TO INIIOFI O B CORNED.' Just rerolved,il lag° 'assortment a large nsßertment of Fresb Drums Confoutlona , ries and Fancy Aittc.le, earo , "bracing' ~. PERFUMERIES, OILSt, , SOAVS; &C.° Eilli01”, such as ITPPER OLOYEtI, ALLSPICE and CINNAMON, freshly ground ev . ery week: 'Essences of all kinds just made. All the .Patent Medicines of the day constaT/tik: on heud. Also; a few boxes of Kieffer's Dyspeptic Powders. , ' ~.. ..,, Airir Physicians PrescripOons promptly grid carefully .-'mpounded. - .- . . . . . SEGARS. AND TOBACtOi - .' of.bost brands, recelied regularly. Also. Horse Pori' dors by the package or small of the best quality; • - 1 — • - 'REYNOLDS 4!t PUFFER. ' Warplgato,ny 51; 1860.--ti.: ', • _...• , ' , VAILS .! • NAILS 11 NAILS 11 • -i!kintari3ttfelent good; °lmp, Neat; and Tough nails, at, the' lolv.ost Prices. -Our nab aro worth t,Oets a keg.tnare; tlutu ‘ any other make of nabs Auld our ' town:Jilts tho uphdon of mechanics who have tried theruoio-aloo' 4voak . fulLasiortment of ; • ; , .I.lllli L D1N43 . 11 A t .r 1 L,B .. • tlie; latest andlnost approved styles. All goods war routed as, represented.. • , • , JOHN BON: • . May .2 'GO. , Mirth Hanover Varllsle: • • qORAIN BAllB::—rust - ieteived, arid fOr gala itpr4 cheap for Calih , 7,150 ; CU 4". Y.l frils.Trorto, - , 4•R1P.6 .1.411 E; ttiscataricous. 'WHAT CLADIED OVER (ITIIEItS IS AI!,,SISTRONG & HOFFER, RELL-11) .. LN OoIS. . alait NEW AM IINEACIITE TO AVW YORK! • . SIiOIITEST IN:ISI,S'V'ANcE ' AND QUICKEST IN BETWEEN THI.TWO.CITIES N E P ZE AND fl A BRISBURG IV lAi !EA DING, A ILLENTOWN AND EASTON 191611N1N0 EXP REF'S, West. le.,av M., arriving at Marrisburg at 12.95 noon, only 694 bonra between the two cities. MAIL Llll ' leaves New York nt 12.00 noon, and ar rives at Ilarrisb2rir at 8.30 P. 51. MOP:NINO MAIL LINE Post, leaves illarrisburg at 0.00 A. M.. arriving. ie. Now York at 4.20 P. 51, AFTERNOON !ATM.:. S LINE, East. leaves MarriO burg at 1.10 1' 31. arriving at New York at 9 00 1' M. Connections are made at Harm -1 urg rt 1.00 k. 51. w ith the Passengoi Tiaitis in each Mile; on th e p ennu i vanin. Cumberland Valley and North... , Central Rail. read. All trains connect at Reading with train,for Potts• ville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown' ior 2i an ,h Chunk, Kasten, toe. No ehnuoe of Passenger Cars or Baggage between Yroh and Harrisburg; by the 0.00 A. M. Line from New lock nr the 1.15 P. 31. from Hai ritatnr.7. For beauty tiLecettery, and speed. comfort and nernm mralation. this rents presents superior inducements to the travelling public. Faro hetworn Now Yorh and linrri&burg FIVE DOL LARS. For tiehets and othor information apply to .1.3. CLYDE. General Agent, llarri4nrg._ CARLISLE AND HE .ELADELPH EA spg% DAILY I r REIGYIrr Lira . FREED, WARD A FREED, Sll MAT.AET STTV'F.T, I.IIII.ADSLTMA ' J, & D. RHOADS. MAIN Svircr, CAI:LI.9LE, rp .orZ- Cars of this Line L•avo the Depot 511 14.1 rk et ot., Daily, at 4 o•elo,k. P. N. . . . Leave Carlisle, Daily. at 7 o'clock, A 3f. Gr.ods I ntended for this Line should he narked C. P. Daily Freight Lino. and sent In by 4 o'clock. May 2h, 1 80. pI I ILADELPHIA AND READING , RAIL. ROAD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, On and alter MAY 28, IP6O. Two passennor trains loavn Harrjeft,”,,,c daily, (Stn doys soret.ted. at B.filf A. M.. and 1 4o P. M.. for Phila delphia, nrril. no there at I 2:i noon and n I fr P. M. arning, leer,. Philadelphia at O.on A.M., and 3.30 P. M., arrivir,nt narrinburg at 12.1.. noon and 0-30 P. M. , . 111 r:: : To P!;118,IIphin, No.l '.'are. $3.2;1; No. 2 (In ran'. t Co. 1 . 8 r., t I;,,ttlino. NI CO 11U d - -- A t Itr.;;lit4;.ronorot with trains for Pottsvillr, Nlincro yllle,lanott;uB.Cr.tam-hsa.'6., Four trains lenrt• I;e1 , 3iol.: for PLiladelplllB dally, at 17 A. 31 . 10..1n A. 11.. 1,000 and 3.4.3 P. M. Lon, r I'lliladolphia Cro Beading at 8.00 A. 1.00 P. m.. M., (~ou P. . • .. fioni genting to PLilydr Iphls, $1.7:, aril ‘..•1 45. 'Flo! niorniiitt train from liarristrurg eonnects at Readinir nup train for Willo,harini Pitt qtr. anti Si rant°. F. through tickets and other lulermation apply to J. 3. CLYDE, General Scent. tug f Jitits & Cops E JPlRelff. lIAT AND CAP KYIPOIIIUM! 'the ur,dersigned having purchased the sto, a the at, 1.140 wruld ro , pertiu.ly announce to the pohnr that I) , Hope thl. 11 n .'171::1: ltt L,r at the rl 1 o-' end. In We e t ;h stn et. earl pith n rnr - ^l,ll oraltfhch ßt eilort, pl,tiura hni el lionfl 01 Ernst/ Varity, St?,.lc and Quabin, that shnl 1, Ntriolly in l'epping illll,ol.l.rlent of the rt,arvl full‘ up to the ap. in A.ltirh w' I h.1.T0 on hand a I.plendid assortment of HATS AND CAPS, of :tit deseriptionc, from the n melon Wool to the finest Fltt AND PI M( HAT:" ; and at pi lee! , that rouSt nuit ovary nun who has en eye to getting the Korth of hie moZoy. Tho stock Includes, 14101,USICIN, CASELMERE, DEADER 1 FELT HATE, every style and color and unsurpassed for NESS, DtiltAßlLl'li AND FIN f:11: by those of any other establishment In the country. MEN'S, I!OYS' eitILDICE'VS unTs and CA PS, of every description VtaiFt Anti) nn hand respectfully 11,,tc: all the (.1,1 patrons snd many new ones as p 05,1 1 ,10, to ON e him'a all. Apr. '25, u,o-ly Q,EGON D SIRING ARE IV A L.- LANG P. SI; PPI, I ES Full TILE lIE 7. It P . E IS At the til es of John Irving, on the N. E corner of the 1111131 i, rquare, 1, the pleor to I u e t3COL, Lhooa lints &Caps. at prices that del) n mpeti; 210 has just returned from the Es: t e oh the lorrert and most complete assortment of tcts. Ili ts Caps that be has te,e; presented to this rm mnruntty, and s. he is determined to sell at tire !emit st ptesi blA prigs. It is st ,, clt embraces every 01; rig in his lion of business, such as MEN'S & 1;01'S' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip lloc•ts, CAI' and Patent Leather ids lord Ti c, (n 1 and !'vtent LeAthol. Gaiters, Calf Calf ALA Kip Brogans, &r. Fine Fren,h and English La9tlng GaiterF, :Morocco, CAR an.l Mk!lots, Fine Kid Olippere, FAnisy 1-ITper, o, and Kid 11,41,in, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR of all descriptions embracing ill., La,.Zing Gaiters, Men•eco and Lasting Button Pools, Morneco Lace !loots of all kinds, !navy shoes of various SliprOrS, Ac. • & CAPS, ;lilt, Cassmmre, Fur and Wool Llnts of all qualities and styles, also a large assortment cf STRAW IIAT,S Boots nod Shoes made to order at the shortest notice 'limatrine, promptly done. COLifilkllt of his ability to please all classes of customers, ho respectfully invites the public to :tire billl a fall. Remeniber the placo, N. E. corner of the Publix Sauurt•. ==! LADIES' FURS, rrHE largest, bet and cheapest asort i most In the city, consisting of Sable, Mink 4i.ahle, Siboriau Squirrel, &v., Nc. Sots $b and upwards. Fursal toted. cleaned and repalted. Lailitts ase c and examine' our stock. Polit , mess and fair-du:Lilt:lg strictly maintained. LADIES' SHOES, Of tlvery variety, selling °Mit cost. Gents' and Youths HATS AND CAPS Children's Fancy ITats and Cap of tho latest Fashion Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods And Hosiery. Shirts made to order, warranted to fit. A imtv ANI , NAVY Boone. Oaken; of the Army lied Na vy Regulation Hats, Caps, Swords, Volts, Sashes, Em broideries. Sr., Ste., at the very lowest prises. , A large assortment always on hand. CHARLES OAR:POT:HA SINS, 626 end 823 Chestnut Street, Under Continental 113te1 Nov. 2:), .11061-2 m. 1 - 1 4 LIG 111 ARRIVAL OF - FR E,,5 anoccniES—FlSll OF ALL ,I{lNll3.' A niong which is a largo lot of the real genuine Belli,- more dry t•alt 111:11.11ING, in oak barrels, at prices that is really astonishingly lovr, Pickele ofall kinds, SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a good flFflortmout of . TOBACTO AND SE - GARS. LIQUORS, at tho lowest rates Inr CAM or Country Produce. . , W ISI:I3k3NTZ Carlisle, June f21,,1901. '-„ .5111 U et WINE CULTIVATED OPORTO SANBUCUS. HVERT . F . A.MILY - SROULD SPEER'S SAIJIBUCI- WINE (I.I4.3LEBRATED:for its medicintil'and beneGial qualifies asa genuine Otiniulant, Tonic: Diuretic and Sudorific,' highly cstc,:nod by eininvnt physloinnsouul some of the first families In Europe and America. , SPEIEWS FAMIII3CI W.llOl is not a resn'untetuied article. - hut - inane, front - tlip - jpierr o , l'ortitgal - 1 4 andiu• ans. cultivated In Icpw.teili6y;reconnuended bychemiFte and , Phyalciann, as possessing imdiclnal properties en parlor to any other Winer; In use, and an excellent article for all *oak and debilltatett peraons, and the aged and Infirm, Improving . the appetice m aucl benefiting ladles and Andrea, ' • • ' • • " A. ' S? WINE, pecautio,lt will not Intexlesto as other wines, as It con tains no ndaturo'br spirits orother liquors. and admired .for its rich peculiar Mayer' and -nutritive - ,proportics. 'lmparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs,. and a bloorningooft and healthy skin and conauloalon. None genulue.peless the signature of - - ALFRND 'SPEER,. Passel; N. J; Is on the Cork v.teach bottle: ;- • • r °NEI ;TATA - L - 0F TE11:8, 14Thrtt 7- 7 -- • . . ' A. ISPleddai Proprietor; . . r 9in 1141, 111Y30.19,y; New Writ. ynziyAnD,' PAism W o, N. 3.. . . ' ira.. Sold - by REYNOLD'S a METER,' Druggists, next door to hi)totl'a Ororery.Storo, Carlisle, Pa. 4 .'jtert, 19, 1801.-7. 7. e' ' e - - - - - " . . orpRINE CRANBERRIES.- .tt superior article oltrauberrlosf last robolvod sale by " - J. W. 1911 Y. tat. 26,110.. • • - • . ED J. O. CAM° 1=