Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 29, 1861, Image 4

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S h it 0.3 LC;IICS.
rAfi fit,
The provir l eT , rst !and manufacturers of TIOS
T.Eiili can app.-LT:Tills perfect
ph) aicittn.a anti rititens generally of the Cinitad
fit PACS, 1Wre:L1,14 , 41 the article 11145 411 mined arepu
ttit ion heretofore unitnowit. A few filets upon
this point will speak more powerfully titan
volumes of Lace iisert ion or zoning puffery.
mho consumption or ter's Stomach' Bit
ters for' the last year amounted to over is half
million bottles. and front its maniret stonily
tncrcrire in times past, it is evident that, during
the coming your Ilio consumption will reacts
pear one million hof Iles. This immense amount
eenlif never have Leen sold but for the rare
medicinal properties contaMeil in the prepara
tion, aml the sanction et' the most-prominent
physicians in those ,9ectlons of the ecuntry
Ittherfe the article is best known, who not only
rgeotamend the Bitters to their patients, but
are ready at all times to give teilleollialS to its
CEIC:ley in all eases of stonuteltie derangements
crttl the tittiettSt::ll resulting therefrom.
This is nota temportuy populat ity, obtained
eTtrtiordinary efforts in the Way of from •
ref infs the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid
cstinuttien of an invaluable medicine, which is
destined to ho as enduring as time itself.
Hostetter's Stomach Ititters have proved.
6 Godsend to regions whet% fever end ague
wad carious Other bilious C011:1,111lete 11.1Ve
counted their victims I,y linnthetl t f. To ho
able to slate confolently (Ina the "Bitters"
are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like
diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un
alloyed pleastfre. It 11011oces till morbid matter
from 014 stunt:tell, putilles the blood, end
Imparittrenewtl vitality to the nervous system,
Siting it that. tone end energy intlispen-ibte
for the mgt.' health. It 0r,,,L1,-, upon
the stomach. liver. anti other digest ive organs,
tnilt.Tly butt powerfully, tiny follt reffttres them
to a condi! ion essential to the Lualthy'dischai ge
of the famtions or 1190,0.
Elderly persons i r ony use the Tlitters doily as
Der direct ions on the Loltle, and they - will lind
fn it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort
declining years, its it is plen.ant to flic rtlat e,
invigorating to he Intwels. a tonic,
and rejuvenating genkrally, We have toe evi
.Aence of thousands of aged men and ssnmcn
Vho have experienced . the lieu tit using this
preparation while suffering from !-Innaolt de
rangements and general y ; not ing tinder
the advise of phy,icians, iluy have uhandomal
all deleterious drugs and fait ly t,ted the
merits of this nrti , A fie words to the
r ender sex. There are certain when
their cares are en I hal 11 ,11,y of them
sink under the trial. 'fhe relation of monter
and child is en ahser ,, im.dy t , nder, that tho
mother, especially if :Ite. t o young, is apt to
forget her own health in her e:;,retne anxiety
for liar Minor. ; ,, itot,l I the p or i,,d, 4 ,c
art-ire during the cur:lnter :-east.n, the were
body and mind is gom•rall . ‘ aggravated. Ilere,
than, 1,3 a recces-ity for a Sllllllll/1111 to reeupe-
Pate the encries of the 11:1 , 1'111, and criable the
mother to hear up under her exlitlus:ing trials
and respom.ihilitirs. Nursing mother, p,ne
wally prefer the Sitters to all other invigora
tors that. receive the tnatsentent of physi•
boeause it is il.,4le•alle to the t,u-te us
well as certain to gi‘e a nermaneut increase
.bodily streng!l:.
• . A.ll those persons, to whom we have partieu-
Usly referred above. to wit: ellifet-vre front
fe-ar and ague, catt , ed hy malaria, diaridura,
dysentery, unit raion, loss of srp•tito, nod
0.11 diseases or derangements of the f-totimeli,
gnperatinuated ~ , olentnry
occupation, /111,1 11111 1 -ing mothers, w ill consult
their own physical wiirare l y giNing to llos
iotter's ('el -heated St,•111,1,11 Eit; ers .t trial.
CAUTIoN.-IVe caution the public again9t,
losing any of the many in.itations or Colllllol . -
(tits, hUt ask for 11, , srElTtia's
61/11A n I ,eo that each Loupe has
tile worth; Dr. Ir.lters'
Llotrn on the ale or the 'e, , 1.11e).01
On the matallie ct.p e0v,r0.:4 tl.O I:, and
observe that our aui,erai h ore is 4et the
tube'. •
/at - Prepared c.nd F; old by HOSTETTER. &
arLITH, pittshur g h, 1:11c1 sold by all
arnggnits, grocers, nod dcaler:.; generally
taroughout the - Zit:lied ;Rau:, Sutaii
I.y i. S. W. 11.1,i - ill. k, Cat !II. , " John
C. AI.LiA. , I. ha u
wart. J.ll. utiiiist
ti•i t i; , .Nov.
"FIN Dtil:l7B VED
ppm c"POC
• L ti add
tier and ntio, t nal cure of ALh
arising Inns
01."1111: RU lOU.
I lEl=llllllll=ll
,IStt Of
11. • :t 0•• ailoctions,
11! I I'll dal Disoht es,
Livor Co:14)1,11u t,
V0111:110 ( . 111111110illtq,1111+1,1!! 11;1\111'4 thOirro-1
gin In i n impure stale of the Blood.
We to th, 1.1 Ile, \ loCreary, of Napi,
rOv , oohip. Tledt.ed Co., Pa. oho, nn alto:II=t day of .lug
wet, toady affidavit heft., .1 notice tiorlry that. hu
Was t, rated 1M the eon: of Cam, by thine ph)
of iledlo,.l county. and I.y Dr. :No, ton of the Eclectic
College in Cincinnati, for a p.•riod of nem ty right
tkonths, notwithstanding which. his lip,. nose, anti am
vertioo of his f t ,shotd, were entirely colon away ! Ile
had given up all hope, when he heal d of the • Blood
Searcher," and was Induced to try it. Four bottles
cured hint, and although sadly disfigured, thorn is no
question but what this invaluable medicine saved his
Ulu. The full parti:ula, sof this remarkable care may
be seen in a circular, v, Web can he had of any of tho_
' We also refer to the ease of Nancy Illealcney, of Elder
12n, Armstrong eonnty,l'a., cured of Serofula after be
lling unal.le to gut Out 01 her bed nu three year)).
To the ease sin lady In Ansonville. Clearfield county
Iflin woo also afflicted with Scrofula In its worst torn).
To the race of George Meisel, residing In Carroll town,
Cambria county, in., who was so badly afflicted with
Cancer that it eat his entire nose oil,,nud his case was
worse it possible, then Al etlreery's.
The partieulars of these rasei—every one of which
*vas cured by the use of the Blood Searcher—may also
bo found in a circular to be had at any of tho Agents.
It. M. 1.1010 N, Prriprietur.
•Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near the
Pa. Railroad Depot. Hollidaysburg, Pa.
.Dr. One. 11. Keyser, M' hot csal e Agent, Pit tl,fiurgh, Pa.
Vl_ For sale in Carlisle by S. W. Hever:LH, S. El
Mott, and Moyneids &P elger; Dr..l. Herring Mechanics
burg; Goa, oiler & Nook, Shephimist own ; Joshua Culp
nogstown; Jacob Simmons. Cross Dods; Coble,
Z. Wise Shiremanstown; A. M. Leieb It, Itniliur, Springs
Illary W. Kissel, Churchlown ; (1 W. Eobi noon Went
Fasnaught . Co., Oakville; Shoemaker &
idlllott, Newburg; Wm. Bretton, New vii lo; Dias' A
Co., Springfield Russell & Co., Dickinson; 11 1 1(Nand
Washing, Jacksonville; Wm. Clark & Lees,
Leads; Win. 11. Rehles, Sporting 11111; D. Dentine,
‘hita Hall; eh (J. Altiek, of Camber county, Pa.
Dr. Duponeo's Golden Pills for Females,
ifyiallible- in -correcting, regulating or removing
all obstructions, from whatever cringe, anti
always successful as a preventive.
UlO Combination of ingretlients in Dr. Duponco's
likiden Pills are perfectly harmless. 'They have bean
Wed in the private pule - Lice of obi Dr. Duponco, for lin
soars, and thousands of ladies can testify to their great
and never-Minor lilleceliS in almost every case, in an ,
mactiug irregularities, relieving painful and distressing
Menstruation particularly at the change of life. From
gee to ton pills will cure that common, yet dreadful
mplaint, the WhitpH. Nearly every female in the
film& suffers front this complaint. The above pill has
Esrmanently cured thinmands, and will cure you if you
e theta. They cannot harm yeti, on the contrary—
e;trentevo all obattuctions, and restore nature to its
proper channch - and_invigaratolthe whole SyStent t - they- -
illke perfectly safe and harnilelat,
, .
r,ico *1 per box. Sold ,viinlesale and retail by
G. ELLIOTT; • Druggist, 'Carlielo, Pa.
flis Is the solo agent for that place Ladies, by remit.
ag him 01 to the "Cailsie Post Oflice" ran.havo the
11 , 111 s sent - to - any - part, of - the - country, - fratr - of - postaiff,• — •
by until, Sold also by Chas. A. Bannvart, Ilarrlsburg,
r d . 2, Etna.; York, J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville and by ono
dru gg ist in every village and town in'the,Unlon. •
N. .T.;. Look out Ray , counterfeits. Buy no Golden
Ills of any hind, unless every boo is signed lay 0.1). ..
1 ;.
own.; All others ate a base imposition and Unsafe,
:refora; as you value your lives and 'health, (to say
nothinw of being humbugged did of your loamy) buy
gnly thorn who chow the sivnature of' t.i. p. Hawn on
Attery,box, which boo recently been withal on - emu - at of -- :
- illb recent counterfeit of the Pills. .•S. D. 11111.15,' • '
Jan. 20 01 ly ' - - Sole Proprietor, Now York.
..113 Tons 'White U.21(1, 1000 Gallons of oil. Just
lyed With a large assortment of, .
. -
grarriliihes; Fire Proof Plitot.
, - .41hirpantlae, ; ' morouca White, '*- •
' • ' 24 P 4,1 , -., '' 'White Zinc,` . •
kutty, , . , ~ • Colored Zino,
• , ' • Lltharga, - 2_ - ___80da,6 44 1,.1 __.:,_......... :.'--
" 7 TalitiPgr,: •.• - „pow Oil ._-..,,..7 - - -
.. ~. .‘ •Shollac, :, '' .., Sperm oll', _
?' l ., , Ydirtr_u_.ailOii,_ :....riab oiiika , -P-:
, Gators of ovary deaerintion tlrY, , and Olt In . ' ''
lIIPts 13 the I.lardse.ttio'StofO or - , ~--' , ~.., ,T' z ,, .;
~',-,.. Ity,Nitit iikriolc,•.,/.:,
g •o ToTiez. , ,
- dteteilent of dumberlaud Copoty hereby 60='' ell to call 'at the Trousvret , e ettleo and tette up their .
Nicensee for the .pioeeht yeab . olherwin sultu tivilhba
brou'plalor their collection: .• • . , • .
My tarpi or larloo,wll 4 l, ailortly-egp:rej an& no furflair
h.e ,h 1
CI no. nu, form it
It iii:•‘,l -
It 1011 .11.
"IN] ITRIA ft»IA niv'ror tho ho r.
gtheos nod 11111,10,1. H It 11 om htllhht oil
ith.l is warranted Loma!e the hair curl. Mailed free for
UNT'S " PEARL REA UT:1111ER," Awns tooth and
gums, cleansv and whitens tivii tertW hardens thi , gums
the breath eller!' natty. pre,erves the teeth and
prevents toothache. Mailed free for $l,OO
HUNYS RR IDA I, Wit UtT ii PERFUM E," a double
extract (derange blossom and cologne. Mailed free For
0.00 This exquisite perfume was first used by the
Princess Royal of line land, on her Marriage. Messrs.
?luta Fe Co, presented the Princess with ail' elegant
MHO of Perfumery, On which all of the above artichn,
were included) In handsome cuLgiass with gold stop.
pers. valued at $l5OO, particulars of \thigh appeared in
the public prints. •
All the above girileles sent free, by exprese, for 55,00.
"Cash . minitlier IIeCOM pray the order, or he the
rer.prean agent.ou. delivery el geode. - UNT - & - C0.. ----
!Willman to the Queen.
- Itegent'St., London, end 77 S:111F0111 St., Phil th . !.ll)lii
nt. O'er Sale by all Drue,;te and l'nfuniera.
The 'Credo supplied. ,Pet. 20, 60.—1 y.
e1o1E1111±V.PE1) fig its medicinal and
beneficial qualilles as ll genuine Stimulant, Tank,
Diuretic anil Sudorific, itigltly esteemed by eminent,
physicians, and some ot'thu lirst itimlllos in Europe and
- S . PEEIVVP,AIIIIItIei WINE le not a nranuilidured
article, but lipure, from the julcuor Portugal tlnmbu
eus,rnitivutedipNOW.)orsey,roceuuuondedbyCha rlet s
and Physicians, as preiSCPSillf{ inefficient - properties su
perior to anyother Wines in use, and an excellent
article for all wealc and debilitated person's, arril the
'aged and infirm, the appetite, unit benefiting
ladies and children. • - -
Because It will not intoxleato as Other wings, as It con
tains no Oil Anse of spirits or other liquors, and tollatred
for. Its_rielt ..peaullar_ilayer_and_nutottivo -prOparties. - -
IMparting 11 healthy tone to the digcstlio organs, and
a blooming, soft and healthy elan awl complexion.
'None gonulno unless the signature of-
• • ' ' '-' '.' •• - • 4. 9P1 , 117.114 Pr?prlutnr,, •
; ~:, ' •• • ()Moo ROM, 1"1 - c.1.1E.Iway, !Vow - York..
. . .
' VIDIF•I'Iati., - .•PA3CIAPi • - N T rj , " - ""T - " i g:--
. - .. .. , .
tOri...-liold - by..IUITI‘TOLD'S & Pll.ll',lNill., TirugglutL.,..
Pe,' t 1 - p', t'o 1 tili , iff 7 :1 Ciroi,-,y 5int,...n : ,,-,i0,, , 1, ; ,.
... ,
A.. 1.. c - 0-r. 14:1:7!
allibiti;l C 5.
D u.
Corighs, Colds, laflucnza, Cronp, Hoarse-
Pnerearm.:,.7., Diseases
- :0:1 the Botecl6. ai•isiit t i from Cold,.
Incipi(dit Consuiviition, and
fur t h reit ef a n at a.l
• i)ussibic) cure of /Az
ticiel.s. in adean- '
ed stages qf the latter disease.
Tiw l Pals:unit. Cordial Is entirely a r l lll', o l , o l le
Hon, tminhinhig the properties of Ih,
With the of a Cordial, producing .
a. ienlimatli, nn ‘l,ll iularted to, the purpoQes intend
ed, thst (here ore but few eases of which will
not, :it an 'slily pol filll'ollllli , to Ils 110 a ling anCl info
Ins the Lre'l f men f. pulmonary dlsc,res
11 M 1 ' 1 !is" of 11,0 011,01 ion of the
ths itiodiesl world. I.itl none acquired more
in hi., 1.11-111.1114111.11 of M 1..) tlise.iiirs, than the
eelidiraiedPrin-daii br. I ic01.1,1 ND, the "rigili:ibt, 0(111p
Ills Ili - , bran deco trd 1.0
[be produr
lion of reined!, that would i.t.11,1 4111 i nor
will he has SUC000 , 10.). tho people are silo to
'11110.., 411,1 w' T ,, ,! ',IA . ,' ,111,01 . t. .111:1 110 prepnrnf ions
that have over 15..., eliteed,brfore tlitn;'hare con (MI IA
the 1,1 In , :11:101111) 11011419 n sutferifig hunonity, or
1,1 o of, Pol no •`l. ,I.l llaionciatiorislfrum ail ~l ast.t.,
0101100 , 0 m. IL'• i• tl Of Df. Itoollan,(1, prep,' tv..l I , y
;.1 .11 ..Imlo,l fort, elltss of titsra,s more
tomer:ll .111d1:0.10 tlein any ot,livr, to 511110)1 010
1"01,1,•"F' " U. " ‘ o.o ol l, 't - 1.6 , 3611M51.111gi11g
a " 11AL e ain e t , :ailtilOlity,Dr. Belli
1 i,l 11,1 our
trlint tho ‘,.; V/ 1100 FF.VER itroitithOse of other
roan! Imt r.:t I) racer ooufl34.lltiy-Althf-fitay
r ..41. complieily and mortality (11)411 these
Entirely Vege:aHe No Alcoholic Preparal ion
DR. 1100F1.AND'S
7 Ti s, r.l PI F 7 P: 17 77
U :i - .2llfi ' dt".qt :L. ,' ,4 ..
I'lll.l'lllED 1:Y
Dr. C. hi. JAC1 1 ......,C;T1 8:. Co.,
1.11 .1 !1Z Cr , .l ri,ll7;T.
t it alltt
Z.I I .1,1 I/ r 1.1 ,1,7.1.1.•/1
./ i. 11. i •• , 11 .
1.011. fol. t,, 1 11.. vlnl
111:11:1:.-,11. Elio Pit
1.1 It; 11.1.
11,. 1,11. I in t !
.i l', i•l••111 1... 1 ,•11,
• i•'•.. R I , I • r II I. ,7:111 ,
1 1 1111 11 , 1.1 1 , 1111 , 1., .1 1 1.
„••• ..,•, •,.. •
i,tv 1;6111ott, Pcver, Asc.
.Irlol.l . lit tilo at :!I‘ , l. iLtir
1 , 1 , .;,.1 \lll it 3it t1i11..: 1,1 )1,
t t' ..rl,; I
,liig ~.111111,11,11.
3,1 515 , 15 5,31 3r . 11 , 1,•. 134 f.llt•
• `"1.111 , 111. I • )10./1' tilt•
ttT I
I 111 II f I.
1., 51.•'11,11,‘
I . VIP i" I he. 111.1 ,, L,
r,•,•-u 1., .\ 1111:1, ti• 1;!'!"11 ,, I
/1 1111 . ;`/ I , 'I
..,•,! .• C.lll, 41 , ' , 1 . 1tilptr:
\‘. j/ fl.l . :11111
1)1' (;11.1TIFS ELECTEIC
`:, PP— rm., —rain j,
p• , •to ,o 1..1.1.5e p.titl
1 . 4, - j , t 1 (111 A. r, TII ELI:CW(I.I7V -
111 . 111.. O.( I
t" . c it c'cltlc 11.1 t Icc,c,crclly: It ccl cctlcci
tt.ilc••••cc cct c ccco, iu 111 , 1 f jt, Li
t tuiNtit,
t ph r,f 1,41 thlt
;. •!;•;.;;;,;•;;;;.t.l. ;;; 1;;•
1 ., . • I I I`l,ll (1, 111,\ lur•'hli,l in
'an • .1 -I,iitu; ~r Illrr 1111
Fitt: ill ill1:111 Ii itolli .(1. 11 II,• rp, ru. thiid, :111 , 1 t 111.
t•1/1 , . i , :II ,t4',• 11 , 111 . .11,1 It•I••111,g, 111 vlonit,-
14_, ~ 1 to.
1.,„1. vLhi,
fiq 11111:“;)
1,1111 II
( . 111 . 1• I c 1•111,11 1 . 1., .. :
- ~.• 1 1 1. au.lall Iliu
, !I
t It. alit,— i•. to t Ittur dap•;.
at,., ail 1' innt nt tt.c I L tu lore:•! : utt., in 2 1.1:1y0
tin 'SD
11,N l!qh,
(1,111--%iv lirnt . h t on fitsl t
3.1,d I•. 1 ill,
. IOU!, CL:1.1.1,1t0 ~ C I:A2N
1 , t•t , if,, 11 I. WC , 11. • I•I
I 111,.
.2d) th.
h 11 :thh 6• , !.;1 ,- 1 I(/
. 'I , / II 1..
\ 1L1A:5..1,-1)N.
tll.. •KI,•11. r. .
oti 11.111. I.lli ,1
'Pill II
To' C QA .
.1 . m• (lima I i, tt•lv, I
Chas. Po (;tatli--1 rite it aSin , y~iu inn
coal tour Lieu trii• i , ,1 Ilse nnoL aoudeltill
tinges. At 11.1• 1,1'110,1 roy lest of f t
I,ty, twist flint rho lest i cured In nn,et
Linn Lp its 11, 4', 1 1 , 111 , 1/11,011 111 try
11,0/Clll6'lldt 1111' 1;1111.1,1 pnn lut'l g,I fully I.clieved
it to by n int•dicilto ftigling.
nut it Itial itt' lnit ita niggle fiiiinsr,
and it will prov, •ullt•rill
I ~,I,i ir , it] ilt damp 4111'1'1,
111111 lily ury I, Iq, :111111 1 , / 111111'11 swollen fund pniulitl that
I v,,1:1.1 104 Inlll ni, 111,n1.
: ktree—s. :.N t:rt preucribed
I hist rvonitiz tiled your Eleohlt:
'1111: I :L. u•ctl. ILA• I clict luo. lug I:ek la as emu
pleto It 1.,
Yours, Very truly,
111 N I.IIIM4sI'ON.
F,Clll$4 . lmthly Law )lat,.lho,
IG7 Pnmdn.i C, mo, I Ai )%,•,1 14th N.
lkeb.l , l, to Ilic..11(1. wellthy %/Int high
ly I H... !wide,. of N York
7.1, one van atldrt,s lii[ll t. 1.11.1 1.1114,i11,1. 1 , 1 thu aboN
11.4 tel., Avl.i.•ll NJ nl I. .11ISNI t•r11 ssitL p , t•asuro,
'277 h hth Strt•et. Philndelphia.
en,_ S, , h 1 by all Irt tn".•,lKt.s. and in •lerr-vv City at Van
Busk], h.'s, 11 t-tt el;v street,:
Dr. 01 Oro% e and i , Lot;ill t,1.11 Street:
I...ogstairs, VU Ulmnhumery Kt. IA p 12,, '61.-ly.
- •
1111SVS "111.0011 (it' 1::). , 1:S" A doh and t•hw,ll%
I It will nut wrl,ll or rub ofT
01110 tl 111,11de Ii l'3 e:tr, Tit.
Lint I, and !nil in:11. Hurt tl'n 1'14,4,1
t.111,1c , i it: CA,. 1.6 I lenuon jun , :
Inn! teill n d iuiui, the W..), i• rr0p,,ra1,1.3! )
tl , lod )111. oit 0,11 I t 16•:1U IL, IA L'.lllloll
I%litiltl fink!, in 1,41 !nit, N, jell lifi',oollS for
s tls' ihiparl it a
dazeuric no., to t nun it. Old
any thing vi, 11,,t1 fikr tliln purponti i N a il e d rice for
all Conic.
ituN:r ., qiwri6llll,u,ll.l , tan, freetiles,
sunburn .aid nll ernitinnS it the skin. MitHeil flee ,nr
Si PE NE,' S 111131 i CI WINE
ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N. J.
coi3c of ancli bottlo
..45:r[1 , A1C,15 ONE 'FICIAL. OF THIS WINE. -Ea
After returning his itelinowledgeinents for the very
natal patroniige with:llllas been extended to •hint, the
undersigned would call attention to the fact that be
has just hie ext ODA e :ntsurtineut of family
In Vs Mar stnic-reinn, on the south-eck corner of the
public.taware, where the public are Invited to call and
examine St need: of goods which, In eleganCe, variety
and ex lout. - a In defy comPetit ion 5 comprising In pall.
leaf, lump, erusinid and brown en:tumult, ,--
.lava, Hie and roasted Coffee. livery . 1,,, , ..arfall
L !
rloty'and iinallty nf TEA. Spleen, 6 7:,,,,d f li F'7 ll rk
and unground,) Plolois, Eiztater T aith ., oil. .SI iiiiV ,
Now tirleant,, Sin;.il'aouse and :Print dad ' . I ,jtip !ill ...,..;
Molassosi l'i; en York and Philadelphia Syr- '
ups. Cheese, >iiteitrani, Vermeellll. split Pens, Hominy,
Milinetimat. carts Starch, Farina. Chotiointe, Extract n,
t.'utire, refined sugar at. reduced rates wishing anal-salt
ing i , oda. ToLautau cattle moor theord to brands, nod the
siit.eit itintlity of Sugars. Also. a leautilul as s ortment
0! Britannia store, plain anti gala hand China Were,
tila,, Capons. Stone and Earthei a Ware, .in groat va•
lisle, and ant 010,4 n II t lot of Fancy Soaps, extracts and
pelt itan ry for the toilet.
FRU Inelnding Polelinn In runs, Oral,
ben it's. dry npples, citron, alnanuds, nrages, lemons,
T. TO 17(111S: 11 tl rt , to . ll,
1 1(b .„7,
111 . 10113. (1i ritz• P ol., ;1%7 ' 1 , 1
n 11- •• t Winch unit Loh
,rot 11111::0y, Holland Gil?, and gicheillam
A ',lrv , rtocic or I, V , IPS, inelmlinu:Dyott'r relol+rntrri
hoops bpr burning Rrcn,o•ne or co:11 nine fipelin.
I,nrd and Coal Oil, 13urninj Sporn and
tnr Gropil., •
Ile:peg, - .lnleen S.ops, thee...mate, IS'elter,,
1.0-I,itet•ele,,, V noI, t r, and note peper,
IVaro. painted lee todN,
CoUt.)11111,1 wo,dit n I!•. , o, and heir Ilose, and a f1t . .1
t.tnek including the vell known Ihtnever
Itt t-Itttrt. hook contpri•ett. overythito.:
for in It! , lit, ot 'to toot, .ttiti effrlrtt. call hr ttita-r t l
rotto.o: t - t ':t hi t t tro•,.
. .
Cal ilslo. 0,..t. .:.'7,.1:.:5....1y. - - .-
ri, - 'JAI I.e tilos (.1 «II :..I ride token In e'.7 change fo
" P. CP or EllOgg, 1:1 "
'--°"' '43 :? ;1 , :I III) 11 , t• 11. '. - .1 -• N• .
F i ' . '''', 'Er , . ).. • ..• JI il'• i•• t ).•• i'l
E)Z.ZII7 (.:04.)1)5.T. 1;(141.1)S!
f, i l UST ,Alt1;11".11, 01:1)1',Y iW(WS
1-t 11 4 1'
"/J , • • h
.111% 11411 , .... 15.t1
II i! 011•! , .1 , 1.1 , rut' it, it , ' 1 ,- 11 Vi • it
nor it 1.1,11,1,1• ( . 01 'li,Cisein.`i',.....ll!l,PL,f
:I -)'11:•:• N.•IN
lII,' ••I \ h. "I/J . :S.10.1111
/1Id• It :11 , f• e•tpq•l 111.. I
11, .1.
1,1.. I I.
I. I.', I, I 0,111 , 1
al. I
I;4o1; thc ow! 1,1,t, 11111., )1: New
H.,1171; P .. .. 01011,11711. h, 1(1 -
, , 11-0 .. —I, lot c.. 1„,„i iu I.lli, 111.111
~i.i- i'n , •ol"i. n.. 1, ) i.ll _.. :ILIi .~aliii~' iII Y{O,p
II 1:1! lIV AND IIDIVI:;4,
117. , .1.•". 1,1 Lill, •
Gruff 1. i, hi: . I.
an I ,00 $: 11 , 1 •• 1, I•
I—..t•ry Cho
-1 111, I; 1:14
. 'or 0.1 Iu
to tu tok t, tlttitt4ll I, itatttLl lit :toy
t.lto It.t et
111INIti11 I. AlI
t 11, C, t , `ICI /OP
11,111 1 11101 I /1/. i:•••/
, '•111
.t N.. I I :hp , • I I ph',
t 1.I• •-.1; 11-i
T.. ‘ , lllll. II m.,1,11
C _\ l P 'l' U. () () *AI ,
It 'I 11.1. Iw>t -I 11111 Ir
cl :.111,..‘1111 :,..111it•Ird Illy
:111.1 I.• •')
LIP lik/Iro. 111
A. tt.,
I,t) . 3:61. Nc.tily the t‘h
r g ,° l o ! AIO1S!! IS ALI
_Lt_ THE (RV.
Ali, ttil 11 , An F.:111,11111 0 11
CAI at LEEItiII II 5.111 1.1:
)!Ain thf•lr tuck or
iY ( G I 0 0
slit 110111 Neti .
:•VIVe,l. kind, t./
( . 1“I31:Hit Emlo.4.111,•11,, ; 4 111
1,:uo )1 at, 1.,.
111 i 1 71; \ I\, H t,t.13 do, iou 4111.1
the eulptiraltql 114,t/H: 1.1 1111.,:,ON ,kIN.
Cloth s, (2o,lnht, feel in_, Lint, Ind C,•tton Pant
Moves, Iluniriy. Collars, Nook l'nts
liorrhiels. A
,r, , ,,,,rDoniestic Goods of Every Variety, at,
Wholesale and Itetail.--VA
Cloths, Mat
this,'Window Midpios, p latorf:ll,, Looking
Gilt and Ppalopgally traloo,
1:lory V:11 idlyuf goods sulhtlplo fir thy unnta of }A.,
win!t. et.ll.lllllllitY. An WE , 1 ,4 ,1,11 l niuoo tho WAR
cl(1,1: 4 , ot,tfonertp fiopl Ppur pl lee:: to cult this
Lithos. Please 'nfl :11 •
Lllllllllll, SAWYI.:II, k :%111.1,1 , •11'S
May :1, '6l. 6treet
11 )11 \1) B 1
) Tint Cream ta Tat tar -tlultstitute" Is rnconanrtn
tlr.l as a stnntrittr at Little in ooiol.iunlinu I,illt ..inliirtttus
of Smlzt for Baking piltien...a. It I,l4.,lttecg I.l.vad
,111cIt o him rvid :ire t.woct. glatecll,
while l hu..o of CI vain Tartar al, trill, Ir M,.1 taste
-1,, It M •• ,, ht 111:111 C 1•3111 ol Tarter and Is toed
in the same Way (mr cooking,
telifether Nett h - Salaratus' balm: Pere Cronin of Tartar,
13,111(111a Arrow Root, retard Seed, ground and un•
groinal, ~nlees nn hi”th, and also
tit-mll[las fa every tarlety constantly on Land, and at
the lowtst Floes for sale by
Dec. LI, 2. W. EBY.
00K S lIA I.IP.—W in. Fridley would
j Respectfully ;411110Ulico to the citizens of Carl hie
;aid the public gene: ally that he has again commenced
the manufacturing of tin & Aleut Iron wareefall kinds,
In S.C. II uyett s building on Loather street. directly
opposite C. Shapley•s Chair linnutlictury, where he will
at all times be in readiness to do all kinds of work in
Lis line of business with neatness and dispatch. All
work will lmbd, hy himself Mid a competent hand as
lie hoops no apprentices.
Also, can at all times he had those.relehrated SRLF—
Fltlll . l' CANS & JARS. .
llouse epoutibg, and dubbing of all binds clone . at
= t;hort notice and mail& of the lii•,et netterhd..
42f-Caalt, paid. furi)la pow forllllll Copper.
iv art lilt a non tlon 'to IA161153811; and a dealri3
p . pliapl all, to resell-6 a slum) of public 1/lap:au:go.
Carlislo Oct. 'L10,180.-ly.
NE - W . O1 - 001)S AT PANIC I'llICES:
roeulvett another lot Of elegant 81'110N0
00011$ 'bought at thu prosent reduced city price,: and
crlline unronnitonly low cA
611,VY0000:4 Or traveling tiresseti, (`hall de
-I Juiraa, lAttvps, tinkS, .cc., in groat 'hula).
Tialtingt, elinginturs, &u, at the
very loweat prices.
tra-m.xN , s AND 110Y8' :11 - 11A 00ITONAbilli,
.81.1•3131Elt ,
5F , 1111 , ,1t .11% ANS,
• ., AC. •
Ladles`, Couto', Misses' and Children's Gloves litpek ,
Inl hr endless variety and very cheap. ;.
- Recolleet the store no:u•lyoppcsite the Depot.
Carlißle. May 10, 1601
A:largo stook of good, Clean, _Neat, and 'rough
nano, at the lowest Prices. Our nails are worth - Gileto
tog more, than any other,maho of nulls hold, to our
town-011a loathe_oplnkon-ef theoltanhatmliolaYit.itiod
xeo have a full neeortment of
if I .T;DI I , f MATER - LA S
of the lateot_wo stni 9Ftk-Approvedß " All gootlo war ,
touted no ruprnsnutoa. itx T. - LYN - B . 1! EON.
May 2, !O. Lll. Ilauoyer Sttcznllolu.
GOODS.--4. -
Thu la,, r4 fest end best •- varloty of Gent's rtiridelf
nfl,Goods, end at thu lowoßt inlets.; Can be found'at
• North ifsnover Street.
A,ll:lo . nrentillwrOes)tist Tool yed and
f:;- . . , .1 \V. 1§71.4%
Zs 4 f:..3.11 V!!: i j.i'.-.:
Kfrktre s 'Z x 17,1 M
.111 , t. I r•.'l{',l :Ind in ' , PTO. a fr,lt ' , toll so
Co , foo. Itoosto.l
l'uls 4.1 : 111(1
r• ~ir
up I \l. 1,,
1 n
4.1 1,1 . 11 A:111 11'—
pill' 11111 . , 'lllll
0 1 1,4 Cli , •••ae and
t..tiu Tat a 1,1 as•
F6l'l , a ITII.I I! 1 r,ria.ltior
r, O ti • ~ i til iir
t I ,14,
2. ..dl . . ...i21 2 1,..,21. • 201112, LA'S 222,,
VEN AND lir] S All
. 47,licineo . u9.
, 7 11 , s j_ _ . : Ii
~e ____, : i:7 : c:;: ,,...„' r. _
... ) : .... „. 1 .
, Try ;
-,_ --..-.,- z---1 -
. -„, : - .::::::.:-.3 -, --;--- , !- - 7 , ..7 - ---_-------i,
00 - ?", • , ',, 5,11' ~,,f.', - zr ,- - ,r o t v4, :'',o"'"% : -.*.: 1" y ~„ ." . A jiots<-`7,-.. ..M
.46- r
--'-' .00
.1) •Vgg ! ' ' ' l,37, S - cf , :l!fP''';',247,' TIP-t.'"t', ' ' 4;1.:
Ti. Gardner & Co. now InZillunkehtro and keep con
stantly for Rain, at their oononsivotitoom Works on East
Main sheet, Cay!lido, n Ittrge assortment of
ot Weil :mown, approved .I...ctomm, to formers. among
which they would call cKpeeKl ut tontion to W 1 1,T.01.1111
BY'S VElTF:ititAltktit l'ATF:Ntit
which hos taken over fifty First Class Premiums at State
and County Volvo. To the Farmers. of Cumberland,
ork and Torre volatiles i ive need not speak in detail
of the miirits of this drill. /Is ben es of them are sox ill
111, On the best farins In thc. , e counties. Its rope fun
thin is iiiitablishod as the nu,a youililtite (lama lnrill
1 ow mannfartureil in the United Stiites. It Bel, Still at,
Barley and kirass, evenly and regular,
it Lout 111_0 ' 100ov, the seed. i f he i nin Spar.; r the
drill I, er stumps 11111111101111 S, W1111,111,1,11,i111; linen
the drill. For i'Venn and mgular gm log. the IVillough
iliy Glint ('poling Drill is unequalled by any other. We
111: 1 0 111all11/11C11.1111 vud 101 l the h ihm iuc sa tloleo, 111111eli
we 0 . 11 1 r o l . ollllllllllll fo F.ll - 1111 . 18 11, I °Haiti. , implements,
or emahis,hed clui railer:
I'AT! - NT 01.:\,
i.NT it %I'LL
Al,s• TI,Ito• nod F,lll . Ilnrr I , M , Th anti 1111,1011 g
I\lllol ttit,, C. 1.1 bon l'l,
vorloof, rnt.1,11,. Coro 1:t nod oillor .111.1,11, lor
101) 1.11111.1121011 a g Coal
rirvr-: . Ptale 1V4.0d nn 11111,1111 SO
iet'•rl ,41, r .1 ,
11e lin vi• al, rol ti VP tnz i.•tY Ai Pi OS for
C. cr.; ,
rail 'lt A,l
rind 11?111
To 11,./....1..1.1t!tr1ui.t 1,1 , 11 r • I' LiNi• I•n1111,1•
illr 1,111 ,t; jqiitt 1118
11W rapt tlr ;11 t
11. I. :.• lie l or
-1.1•11.•11 ..,(Jt :1 1.1'11.1 .1 ..155111.0,
10.1 0.0 ,:11 . 1" , IS t
'; - y;tf 'lll
Sl'ATI()".•:A ;"11',.1)1 i:\( l';
t,r any y. tn.m 1., tnn., •1111 hncr
1...55t•r. ~. 5,1 ....
1.1.111. I 5....
Jlc• 11. I
Pei :1,111 1, • • ..1
rr coll , •.14•• .• 1 • IV.,
rirrJl.lll., .111 i Aly re•
It! I ‘.t
( . .,11 . 1ets is s• .)1 . 11 , s:t • I.i . i.S . 11:1111/
tile 11111111st' , S.II ,d. rrr 11i I r II•
it 11, it, ;it
-ou to
f ;
i I ur
~ -tlups
n1.411,11:I I 1:!1
i „I .I I II i
r 1111 , 1,1, '1" . 1 "tr• pir in,. .1. ... rubor , .
r.i1•1,11 , 1 1.•• ~ 1;1 r:lri 11. 1 , 1 rt.
II,• , ; ,1I r. IMF/
il l .. tit', •I , i 1;41
I trir ~. 11.11 j•IiI/111 . 1,1 ,r1 , 11..10 .1 It,
I. V", EH A H.
1.•1:1. .11.11 P.llllll,
.1.:11" I, 1; Ell
.4 tie• t•rttvit part.
t•-tio iii
() A t. ANDT. I_l :\ I P, I: 1,
“11)11,11 to order
n I ittality of nt.asht, J
I Ikkl 1.);.,
1 . 11.1111! 'STUFF,
1!!!1ir!!!!. ”!!!!•1!!!!ing 1..1111.!!!!!bill.: 1 111,: o! .!.!I I hor
ti...l II all.: apry
i.• that . 1.1 t.. 711.1: " .110:11 Y.t 1,11.
.111 hin!!!!"r
aird :'i. C.ll , 4, 1 Our
nn 1 , /17 1,1/ ! , 1. LI , 11 . 1, anid
icr , n, !st 1! , !! ; ! cc.!!•;!1,0
1.11! 1 o I II I i 1•!!!! 111 I .hi !;,!.
:11 1.; 0 , 1• 1 I,olly f'oal
11: .10 , \.'. 1.1 , 11 .1. 0 1..‘r , . 0:to 0
t. :to) I, of
•rtr. 11. IN 1I :
I.Vl'<\ EY, Ep,l<uu, is vt ,11 , 1 Nut
I 1111,Lxu.
I,hi h xo pl.`dl:!`nursel^os to sell at tho 10,10,1 p, ices
idivir . /Mincr's and Coal,
ai.' t 0 , ,11 , ! V. 101 1 ., • •:: g,•11 ,t I— e: I f4rure
).•!!.1';!!!1! -Idt tt!. ‘.!.
)1' 11..11 I It.
CP, )1 ' 1VA111)1M; ( . ()11)11S-
Sill:. 11%0
FE, R Al3.] T.: ,
CoAl.. PL.I-': AND
The ff •fff fifer hot if., (aloof the Ware fie f e.e ff, k ,
thfi if till,. f al ) 1) 1111)1y ) 1. 11) ) )) 1011 n lif if
pivot. of, ft% at Ilhflf tti vet. oprotite Ifi,
f0,f.,,f.1 inl, a tl.f• ',LOA, I het It he- t ihtto Li
•ord ( . .1111•6“1.1.
Th i 4 litst elarket priee will he pail It., ('ii tir, ;rain
fief' I. t all If half..
Th, f. are hie, rrepiti eft I' !refight e a n d mock
to Phil dolpLia I(ll,lBallintiffe, at the i).111,L1)11.111,11 . 11h
1 1 )(10 )1,11)1 , 1'1)1)1.
\ .AN .".11.I' kept oe
Fla 'tit A if at salt ,tile uI n,..,
1- . 01/i ), .) all ) 11,1, collo odor.,
1.1. lit: I
Al II (Tr
Linteburrier's anal Bl:tclisluit!t's
e..N,1N1 - 1.1" bAI
and delivered dry to any part ul the to, n.
Cal I klo, ,11p,u,t 17, 1S:)il
P. Lynch,
Prartieol U.ll lIER and TTER,
ea the bus,' merit "1 the , I•.'. L'/ u rch,
a/aea Sere, 1,
Luna acd Iron rjpo,,; !:
If ydrithjs, Bat h
Hot 4.l''old.lihower Paths,
PLrrr ancl Lilt Pumps,
SS ru'L 1.111 1l el'.l
Ana ri ttey detteripttett of et" 1,..s al. w 1.1.! I•.t. gas,
steam. watia.A.e. eneldne l U st n, liratel a nod
gas Ils:tirch ptit'up io eh tu..•11.,. 1.1. , .1., tad .1,...•111mr5,
at ahnet Iloilo., in the thus t, modern style. Ali nutteri
-111111, ii 01t irk liar lov. , an.l 11,. Med.
' • try insz•Lcvi../obl.lirtg prou.ptly nt1em.1.....t to.
llli 3lt I I,',A TI NG ()I LS.— \ kre wish
..i to 11:1 1, 1 . 10 4 111,3Chille,i S. Miller,. an.t OW p 11 1 ,11,. gem,
1,11 y.: that ii e hot I , in 11:11.d mi ill tr.. i of Lill .I . oltillg
Oils for all Mods of inaohluery7 - tint, oil sun pa,tidr.all
others, 1iav1n...4 Leen Mll.fldected to a tiler uugh rent by the
;A& et the 1,,,t Laid and other Oils. It is prohounced
a sup. rior Lola 'Natos at loss cost and sv . pariug longer.
and entirely free front glIl/1, clad wlll stand much coldt•r
weather and has loss tendenil to heat. Try it and 3on
will use uotliltuf else for Lubricating.
Citrilslo , 3Sor. 2.,.'66
I)II.OTO.GRAPHY in all its branches
1 executed In the to style knee niu the art, at
C. n. OR_ /VIPS GA id, Eli 1,
No. 532 Arch Street, East bf Sixth, PIMA DELP 111 A.
Life Size in Oil and lentil.
PAU UEI t I t YVES, Rr., for reser,: M ed.' 1 ions ; and
Orders promptly attended to,
&limit 8, '61..-13.. .
At Debit., CAcap Cash Store
I hayojnat returnod from Philadelphia and inn now
oponing a lot of handsome, dehlrabla and elmip OILY
(100DS, boitglit for oasli and will bu sold at astonish
ingly loW prices.
A largo tgoelc of new Styr° prhlia, Motleys, DeLanes,
(II nglianis, and other Dross Goeds in great valoty. A
new stock of bleached aud Unbleached Tick.
Plapura, Linons. el:echo, 4:o —A full
ossortuleilt of Black Sulks vory eheop and von , good.
Aunthor of those first, elass Stool Spring Skirts and
110SIIMY 17109 T fox
Laincte, Mirfaa;, and Childiva'n Ilnan hi great
vartuty at, low Wee:, • GIA F.S of all klfallt find prke.
CARPETS! CA IiPk;TS I qmcpprs
A . po stivnly . Cotta, Hump, !Lui.l Rag
thirprts. •
All poi•HOIlli Jlilvant of TICW stylo •Spi.ins; floods •nro
reSpostfully invited Instal and examine tank stoidc he
ron pm Olinslng.eltiondiero. CHAS. oClif,dlY,
v, ;
----,2~'0.9~-fio,~idla-84/a Strcct
PiaPr dcdpFa:li .
' On.lututl ntullol; sato, n.,cliolco tiNtiortuurnt or suporior
patteilmi Vill'PLA-11.'-'..EO 0111/Elt
Bracelets, Ear Rings, - Finger Rings; Breast
•-• Pine,trostiesiNeeldttees, VCB t and
Guit4 - &e.;
1i O'rilare eneloatng-thepalr' to be platted, may . bo
Colt by un:ll.--Olte firair nt; na near OH ;you eon on
mop, arul
,onelostO much autpunt iya yon may Mona
pay.--bust an tollowa: Ear Ittpgs S'2, o r6; - Preast Plus ,
to n Ell
, Plulturiqa to OA(); { VA' Chalon s, }
to *7; .- Ner;:laeert estvio e. 10. .
noir jiIIL iroto.".totol::)11.4, Box Brooq rl l l3;RillgS,
Pr. Old (1.0.1 ohOlher',-.raft rates. .
t:,t• ;,• ou band, and
\1:1.11 th.
.1011 N P. LYNE fe SON
North Maio, i St owl, 1:10.11,10
tuth 3cwelr.
AND.SILVER WAILDot 74anulileturers price 3.
W. D. A. Naugle, An!., Zug's budding; East Main St.,
npposito Sax titrara Store, Miler in
24‘7.) -
' tf ; ".
_Foreign end American Watches. Jewely,Sifver and Pin
to,' Wan, 1 , 1111e,y I loci' f• Le. would rnest rrnprctlnlly in
form 111,1 d patronq and the imblie generill) that be
has just returned nritn the Eabt will. an entire now
stork el PIN w ATe u .; w Eux, SILVERS. PLA
TE') %VA 11E, CLOCR: -4
!In Ttnr,-,,,ure,i a C. , ,7llTlitTfrOM MlTtie nfthi•lnmeet and
Fa. 1,11•., for nit. Of 1110 S, gnorig. I 11111 prepn
tr, Wien to the pnl.lie any article In the I hh! from
t„, I ^ nper then they Ilene eVerb.,ll , lllorod
in till pia , e m 'who, the regniar wholesale price, ns
cr , lll rents to Watch., from . r2.6e)
.4....51.7.g..3a , eity ire , eits Item el() rents hi i.2.7,T11 SOW ,
'2O to pieves be,t qullity and latest styles
8 illy adi 111 S, Gold :I on t . Ca..e Eng. Coral,
li- •` Stril,lng', •• .• A r»el lean, P.. 11.
1 .' ;ltrilsing A1..'.7 ` wi........ (lamr.,
3 " IlegulaLors," " I: rene h. Gold Stono
, 1 ,• Gallery, Silver 11l ant. C.o.° Eng. 1.,11.
8 " Uhurrh, •l " A, Carbuncle,
S " Mantles. . " Piri:s. Oral,
" " .Frt.rtt.ll, 3losale,
01..11 Fat, Intlt•ricart, Jitt,
•• •• Itt.phttos. Ottrot , t,
it tt Qtt.irtlets, TllllllOl5,
" EttarttitHeti,
" Ittttitti it. I•asts,
•101.111.1 u,
'• I . 4trlor.
m k 6tril
. .1) In Vl,B,
(I , A lots,
w, • ,
(To nil, TO, I •,.
1!7, 15i7.-1 v
hill ter Dishes,
K hives,
OS E 11 11. S TEEL
Court -11.1.,t,,5e.
11 ., 1,,13•••110•11,“•11 . vllll a ••“•••••••••••11t nr
%•.„ •?, ,
.•.•• .1 .•••• 3.••••11,/1I,41,r•
11, .1:: I.IIJ •, t
11. 1,1.1.1• 1•1111,•••1 1,. •
11‘ •••1••11 1 1 , 11
,(II 111 , ••••:t1 -1111, ••• ••• I 1••
I.•••• . •.11.1• la.l,
l',.•••••t ••••1 1 II ••••• s •:•.1.1 •:I•.{ C:••••.••.
Ptr, aNd rizt,
K0),..k.0. .1 • 1,1 "f
()1,1) I , kiNti Eli ItINCiS,
A I•o. fiat. 14' 1111'0in,, 1)1 . t,111 , 1
• !h•i
AT( !i I }:„=. .1 \t' 1%1,1; Y, AND
Stat, ]. vst nitt•
I 11., i•351.:t ri
St,•k In n hit LI% i• Ili
link!. • T:,...5-5; 55,553 ;
r , t o,lonnl r
and Qudrti, Is, 11110 ty in so IV and
1 , 11 , • nri .Int !Vl' 1.4 i, and
hov.-0 t
! 1,-!1` r
I ill . 1..!` 11.11
-11,1 t Ind 1.1.1 t
1,1 t t L 1.1% :1. 1,1-- .1 ,
tti,•t:, A of of roll. qilver
rif Pi NS the best rlal;erv.
I 1:111 1 ,11,1 i.c•arl , ases,
:tLt•i .•t t t ,
Ilan( 1- ,:ltivt,r arzl:les
u n .1,•,....try 10 , 1,
art! , • , .. 1.. 1, o ,el 11., r
.11 it At , 1 .11 I 'l'l 1 ,, 111
tl AT..11 1i1.i . A1:./Nti 111.41 110111 11111 .—
, ''‘T (ll' I(' \N I) AI) 'lll
_i_ (.. I:It CULP.,
.‘t Ito• I:AVt. Nit, Ft.
t,•:• :ire Fluc c ,
L, Amt., ii',, r,. crp,,u) mud LOH.
11.1,1 It 41% hat r.l tic,“ , tucli ct luta 11.•
At till prices, frill, two, ty 111/11... Lip to I, u t uj c ,.,l
doll:trs • 1 oli.Lti Itavu 11 Ittr,e stool,riilrrr iluntitur
A nd tu,.ct, ,c.c.l \1.11,L1,..... 11, rrc dullitir up.
I, I /I 110,' c•I l'l , ll, Aild .11111,1-
./1 . :1V V.l.ltlC. iu net a• S
ttr tip, •tlttt I ,11 , 11
t. nt•10 it,u or,' dollar up t''
tutirlceu oust ',rut 111 , •.u.t. I 1,.t I,t All
r ,, t ter., ~,„11 , ..;,•,•.; (;,1,1 ch.,lu.: a 1.1”, st: , :J. al Cost
Fah anti t'orl.Clotitts; A 0001' Ft... 14 fkr jj,:er
of all Ln:,b nut AA , (cm., Itso 54 , 11 \
Al,l : : i•( 1111 V ,. A Ii 111. short, Irt Vint, (),1111
, 14'04 111/(1,01Ihrol' LOdietiAlld 1/1, , 11.1011,Cr050S
t'u. l .l 0131.11 s, Scol, Gul,l :111,1 Silver
'Thin)! ~• ~ mut 011101 i'LLpc.•tar It's. 0 far t , stuck of
or 'Pi, 311.1 T:1•11. 0 , )J.1111 , nt ,tl la l: ,•.. AndA I'M,
[llllO 0,14 . 1. it 11.,111411. 11,.1 1,11,1,' r'puOtts,
toil Fut lis.l , llcct I . l.acit Ituur, litivc , t Anil a title,
, :to ut pltloi t'A•tt, t'Ltiunt - tipouto.,
1it.811,1 1 . 11,,, rt. , . I, ''it' .,
11' 01111. 101 :p•.. to u 1ti..11 I 11 , N ite tictuacititention.
l'ot t it :ill kinds. :ll
cur key , ' owl Chains; a lar;re
stuck cr Av: rdw, I .tits,
tx,ually kopt in a
st,l'e. 1 11:110:1;, , ,11 11:1illi
ot CLOCKS, of all pall,: atoll
from ono doll., op 111.
priptit a oil Ivan:tilt tiiikin fi kr
va, bi ho g.soil tislitas Airy thing sold by
till , shall ho what it is rep, eiwidetl.
NVateliiis. lint' dime!! ra rutuilY and
warranted. t'• .ltily
v.v. KR Emniz.
e Vv,' .lowo•lry Stnre.m 1,11-L
1 , 41' I ill' PuLlir
Squmi..., is prviuu,,l 10 C 1 :11111
111131111' 1111, 1101,1 Wll 1 Clic, 31111 ,/1.7c1.3r:hc"..)
Wlll rant,. t lulu , to d vt. 1.111 :ro ' ' . V . ' " t t,i,, ,, A
NM isl,l. ion. Alms full, )11111[10 la 'Os . ,• , i -1
chwk. of ~111“nds. •ni ~,i,•:,1 ill,- --er '., "Vil
os. Acc,,iii.ll, A., put I u t.01,-I, , si- i V,,,,, , cxf ..?-. 1 , ; 1.;, , ,
piece "rd,”, 11111/ 11111,111.11,11 41: N , . , '' -. .' " -4 .
' ''''''.rl:.l,l,
Curl i:. l t• Jul , l'i.) ) -I,Y
1: 11 0 L 17t1
No. 70S, Market ;t.,
Invites Sporill 31 telltir)ll to hi, 1)111 IVataleS,
am' GEN EN 1. 11.\ N VAL:TURN,
'11.:" DE:iWNS,
Si[rei S' Site, r Fluted Irare t . the Ile,( Quo?itv,
Inn Styli., mil price adopted to the n ;nits of all, (mood
goods 11111.1 prit . t, Is my ); inrlld r.
e",.) - - Alen, U. hie Patent eliirt, ht,141 , 4, helot; of novel
eiln,truetinal, lou,sunsing adVaLil,k;eti Oyer any other In
Ma,7lx I. 1-titil,-1 y.
j 4 ARKI. C 0
P 110 TO G I, h E
S. E. Corner Eighth and Arch
After ninny yearn experience In all the various bran.
cites of the Art, the Proprietors confidently Invite the
attention of their friends 11114 the. public to their ex
tensive establishment, which presents the opportunity
for procuring the Lost pictures, equal at least, to any
first-clans Ilallury in the United Stat.,.
Preparations urn complete foe L•xecuting all the
prov'ed styleq ItuoiVn td the Aft. They have a patent
nrmogenn,Rt_foi wo . pying Daguerreotypes, ,C
Ing them Lifty size if de , irerl-the only one ot the hind.
in this raitntry. size,
to loin ohtal)ll4lAnont are
throe coloring Artists.
ilrcludhvg Patntjug,AS/1E342 O.
Do. at: 75 en, s: Extra copies 50 'rote,
or. S 5 per Uncoil. 1.115 she Photographs as low as g 0
and I vory typovtt. ClllllO Ilrice. Dill:11de Am bfol ypes at
50 cents and upward,,
A most .u.terimiVO,forttfOnt of (lilt rsnots 1!111 liqe
in:: a selrrt. 8101 choir., variety of the latest styles.
Prices from cents and upwarp.
Especial attenLion hestowi , d upon' Life si'seth PhnLu
g r a in i er in, Inil„l.raieo;•rrvti frenrstir.ill picture:, and from
lift. Price, lion, VOO to $lOO. -
Arif-,lnstrnettons givon in-tho Art,
Folk, 22, '61.--13'. ' •
. •
141n7 Deo - 4 TO 1.N11(1Flo.3 CCiItNER.
Just reeekeetta 1:11.M3 aseartment a large wortarient
of Freeth'niTigg, gonfectionarie3 and Palmy Article, thn•
'bracing '
" CINNAMON; fee:Ml/y:l;round every week. ,' , Esseneem of
tilbkinas just imuleA All the Patent' Medicines of the
doy efkrtstantly on band. Alec, a few bOSON Kiefter's
Dysfientle Powder s.
Physlelans Prescriptions promptly aid carefully.'
mpounLted. •
of best brands, received 'rep:finely, Als9, !Torso' Pow
ders by-the package or small of tile beet quality. . •
- CarliSle, May 2.0866.-1 y.
Justrernived ii largo etsimrtmont of ttll
aim 13oftilm r illoo Ifoso; aum Pn9dugi ge., and . for
Hslo'clie3p nt tlio Storti cif - -•
' *- • -•
ITO V Illr ;been ern:l.:od In the business forpver twenty
years he would return thanks, to Ids customers and
friend, for the liberal uDeOuragxpe at extended to him
In years untie ty. all a furllnfk'nssures theta that no
pates w 111 he spared, to give full satisfaction to all who
rosy lityor him with a call. •
of every desetlption eenstahtly on hand, or made En
order. Wart:toted to be of the best quality, of the In.
test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible
prices ior rash.
Ile also continues business as an UNDE)ITAItEII.
Rel.] v made 'Collins. :th•tallic or otherwise. kept into.
stoutly On hand anti lutterals promptly attended to
personally In town or country, on the most reasonable
Cherry awl Walnfil size, Well finished
and lined Inslite. nom s t 0.12
1% ;Lill COnillS orotl from I Lo :R/
May 25, 1869-1 y
u.—r prop,tlos situate in Churebtown,Ciuml,
...aunty, ale onoreti fur sale on many terms. Apply as
0/1,0. J. It. W
11.. 1 2,111.E13LAND VALLEY BANK
.1,),1N C. DE:',l..u.
Thin hank. 1:1 o.ity prepared lo do it iteneral lianhing
,nd I , ,,Ounnve busin,s. under thi.llle :11111 51.3 In of
E L. h. IiUNI.AP the sait. piano lately nnett•
pied Ly Her.lhrunemnu & Co.
it ell rd uu doteltilt nod paid hack on deinand
uit h,,ut motto.. Certiliente: of depo,ll hi , rin:intereht
at the rani of live per vont. xi iii lie h.tted for as short
period 11. L. nr 111t1110,. Interest on all ~r tlnclite,
swill •:a snit innturtty. provided. however. that itsaid
eel - titivate! , are inne,red at nny time heruatter ler an
other giVi•ll p.•l hey .Alai liar thn same rate of in
treid tip to the tine ,pr e;ply
lie given of an Intentlon to trithillaw intone:it de.
,ati the t tznition of rarnierF, 11erliiinivs and
iloponitni ti,vir money,
(.. 11.• propritgiirs of thh _Hank
on tr ;in He to the iminlTrit of their Ftnrii in tht
tiitt :11.0 t,1 , 1111,17.111,1" untie to extent, of their
the Deposits, mini other obligutionti
I:er. s. Co. tit , . ~ o !l,tir•li of V(.ll(ltte
.(it(s.l , p(fts, ( A(.., i(1 any part of
tho l nit -I 1,1 f":;11.:il,.
111,1,• E., any port of tho 1111itrd Stntrs
1•;. :owl Ir Hod.
1..111 at .01 times 1 , 01 , 10;‘,4 “”y
i., ,1•••nr.n1 to 11.:01.f.1.s in 141 . 1 . 1 . 1:11
11,. :11111111/. 111111 I'dilf !ill 111 . 111 . 1 .
vn! 11.11,1 I n .1, 1..•
on/ni 1 11,0.11: 111, in„not
c, l 'l' 1 1, 'l' 111 1' 11 1' 11 AN'P .
'lite ...mule Le etweese 01 (be Pteirie Flower Float:
the ,ule.eriloo iu :Aline the miention
..r •,ii st.nt I,l`ll I'‘
IIIIIPI• t• thlt 11.1, VOII 1111111,Sal
I.t A t•I l't•mt In illl pr. 111 .in furl.
1 1,. 11,1 •ilii Itl 11t,
41:1. ;,,, t, (he t• leis , . li ~ 1 11 ••ih
A ul cris 1..1 I.lto II ttt,,
ih A 1., rroo k 1., oil her lb 1, , . 1 flr
Till• 1 . 1.611.• !TPA I i. 1 L.i girt.
in 1•4111 ,- 10 - 1t. (..
‘,lll. V.11 , (111, .10 1 1 . 111. Z C. 1.11,11,..r of i.c.t.
ett.,•ten , t• 111 Lols La' t.uuntry.
u tt.hog.
d,tinn nf th"
and siiv,
Id At,
A fry. t.! 011 1* ill l'e
FlO'd y 10.% t.,
:`l„,, 1111'_. JOlo C I,llll'
0 ,1 „ 1"1:. ,!
F11.+.•: I,OIIIOIV :011.11f11•11, 111 r
I • .0 'V N,..t11,1111 , ii at i.. 11.11 Old .dead, llnw~~cr
,tt..v; Dorth I,lffiii.r.
N. B. Th,s nhtl Pull - tor bt,lllli, :Ind the
i•!• Pl,l ht r• t•h 1,1.1,1 do.
)Ir.r• h u.
X 22
r o YARN EW 4 Li )1 EBURN EltS
Ite nude ,igne.l 11 ter I.on, ,ppnlnt.el ~•ce ngents fi.r
th, 111.• Tee% el ton l'l4ll. 'I hi, Coot in
..11. I. .111 1411 , r, N‘l).. 11.1 N, II11•11
1.11 i.../11.1ily and T.urn hint 1,1
,Ha! l u ,t.o.
I•. 1
. .iii N. t.t . I 1.1111, (t ,t 1 will tlnd II In thoir
t tk. Ltr, a.. In tit t“.l l ty
I e c 4.11, t.. 11 1.31.ta, \ all. p.
i.tnrtitn.l 11•, I n.. 1 fm. IhnillN ah, /13 S 1111
t.t 1,1 l 1.11111.
•,t 1.1 1 111/.111,. and renipleit• aucl will
• .L 1 Hie l• eeNt v.,
'1'1:•).1,1ei r0,p,"1 fully ask a cell-
N . 01'i Ait I ) A S () 1 A 'l' 1 0
Ji 1 ,AILA I/ Ii I. I' II I A
A If .. :ii veittitt Liao titbit), Itittatitialle.l by spothil
duritatitt for tat. rt-litti •it tilt• Sill.awl tii,lre-sta.l . ,
it luulrn t a. , 1
att., titultoritiliy Ittr ttl Diewastig
the ii'exual
I. IDVICI.: clren Liat w,. Ae e e.{el,e Sus •
e.r.e..eit. le, mh o nl i N$ it le a .I..sta 11.Liel” u r
Ow, e,a talpalihte. Lal it :,
:111d ill Coe., ret ' , overt), Mislieilies furnished
ire, 4 t* el a i
VALI 1;1:P.1:TS on ! , nernrgtorrhwit..nod otlior
ot I !Jo 4 ,•••.11:11 Inlan,:ind on Lb, NEW HE:11-
E1)11'8 1 . 1111 , 11,) 0.1 in th, Dispensary. ~nt to the flitted
". : ,h.,i t t .t t,•, fire or charke. Two or throe
Shirt , r. p•-b,. t, he :,cplat.h..
dil.irt•,, iii. J.:1,11,1,EN ID,UGIITIIN. Acting Sur.
gtA , ccwi•rtion. No. S : 4 otith Ninth ...,treot,
11, m4l, of Iho Director,
\ Presid.n.
LID). 1 , .111:C11 ,i.tty.
i 0 i A
. 11 AR DWA I , ] : 11 Alt D
1)‘ 7 AILE!!
.1. all I' Is 1 , ..a just 1 4, 111p1et0..1 opening
II• ii l- I ,ll 'z I 1at.1,1 .•. 5)11,
11! :••• ,t.. •11 11L4.3 In, Ile LI. early at tt,t.l) of lie NI 1,5 .• _ready en 1.1,,a1 5.1.11 tit ,„ i‘ in all
11.,...111,1 tv,‘, aclaanaludate I.lle pub-
II.• mlll,
_1.1;1 ' 1 1 1
7 '
In large el i , e...11 , 111.1utit1i,. al the prirt.S. nut
Nvo 111•• puldio to til.ll, viand t ..• have
all the in Philadelphia and New York to
ottrtio. u. lett on :111 100.14, then. that fin, Ulf/1i Into
Our tore soil!1,011 Vil0;0 11010 ILI:IL WU have coning!, to
supply the detnitild in t lib. market. Prima., nanting
gee 111 or line It ill fled it to their ads /11IL.11:0 11l give
u.,a mill bolero inakintr their purchai es.---A II I 0 . ‘10,1
and punctually lit 1,1010,11.1 to, and no Inhere.
peessitat ions haute to 1211011 scubas
\X C 111, ,`.- lUlt I C 'l' U E
.c. N. Ii \ 11.0 i) nuuld ro-p, thole inform thtt
lotty that Ito lots taken tuuu.
Iti idoe, 000 Lutliliuti, tat roc nor of :tiarket Squaw.,
nidot.. ht. is At :ill limos lowly to take A Iltlto'l'l PE: 4
IP. dod :tpidosi4l nh to. l'icturos takon
In 1 - 311. y and ,•iotolt .. Si,.':,. and tat
tsn: tion ipr tto oltarass :Oat, antl
nor,e, types popiot. Mitdaturo l'lptures ttd,on for
ill AmL rvtppr.
A tni, , ty pen ,lart.itk.l to stand the toot of time, Ito
Larllej and tivrf are 11:t Itv
and qv, itovivi.
•Pi it e., Innis to SIU. A. It. TlENlVirtrir
Ik\ -7 0 - 1 1 14', )1 13 2N D, Mill.
n . :01.10 of 1110 • 4 !I ra.,Lir . t , reminded
that I. have just br0;14.1,t from Ow :111 .;
COKED LIAM: , .1.!, I) BIM
1)t it r Apph:,ar o 1 , 11,h :rowan,. {”
Nlltishl . ...olllti. l'l'Y wst LIIIII•rent. Or
mis,..i )l ttstards and i' , 11.11.6, Lrnu , ns and I)r:sorer,
l'runrs. CA,ltre, Teav, Molasses.'
Fisli. Ott!, i•u• 5t%.,11 . 1.1m1 Volnievo:: inn' nno lita
uld e 11 . 11146ey, : besides a general asr.orl,
urn!. of In our Tine of trade, otlerrf I at the very
lua est In kite, Fr CASII. BENT Z.
) Z . ; ow Is 010 for Cheap ClOSthgl,ll
the entire stuck at Imp, ecedon tly low prices. lot IWO,
ennui for spring:urn:Uncut. All In watts of Ch,t,p lle
Grinds, ate respectfully invited to call 05 the Owe], so,
of • C.I1:16. Ott I LliY,
Fa. It, 1461, Trustee.
uLadloB Solo Leather Frjhelx Stylo, And - brims
trunks ;MA Bonnet hoses, Traveling tags, dc. Gents'
Folid Leather and solo Loather Ilrass Band Trunks Va
lisest...Now Travo:lug Bags, largo asvorttnent -and
very low prleen at LI V INGSTON'S,
- -North Hanover Street.. --
I_ 4 -1 11E . SIT A C E E 1,-
r A lot of If ackerol---liew noriortrd pack
kols of Italrou, - Qtlatter, and EtTdiLli Batifdt; =- 1 - Alroi -
for solo at tho Storu of thr.subscrlb?r.
thd, 26, Tu. J IV EBY.
hinds, with a largo arsOrt [1:011I gr
:VMS, -- 011,11..
lst: S.'IIAINS, TOSI:131l
COW- CII Al ;. •
-Just Kerolvoil at the Cheap Ilardwaro Store of
, March 7.: 60. 11 EN fly 5AN'..1.9,-N
•,•• •
ji Ladles' Sole Leather, Frond'. Style, uud Dream
Trunks and Milner. Ilexes, Traveling llngeote . ..._flatthl"
Rolla Leather Warp Bawl Trunks, Valises: Now Travel.
lug Ha t a, &C., a large aesortaient and verrlow prleee at
Hanover Street.
April 12,!1'1
INTOTICE;- - rLett - its
.Towtatiiinitnry — on
0. will of David U. liubp; late Ut Lower Allen
ilee . (l., levying' been issued Ly . tl. lteglatrr
Cato to - me the - enbseribur living in -
Lower Allow townsilip, pollee is hereby, ,given AO all
persona indebted to 11110001I:dopey men t 01111thiei
having elainie tO pvia,tint them Whir autitrotivated f,
aottlement to • • lIHNItY U. - ICUPP , Exeoutor.
Carlirle, Aug. 23110 " - -
KJ info innsecoro or Not th Middleton townsblp, whit
0 , 1311100 y tittAr oompotont touchers to fill Glar vnt :Lurks
In 'SvhokilsNo,2..a,:tha Libeuil galArlei , will iwglven:
~ , pplicadmi wont 1, tondo at Itaymontra (Jor-1 :
110, PI , rho find tiAtutifta a - of fti , toluor. 1801. - • 1
.101 IN
Tr. A. Fiunal:u.i.
t; c::•1
.1911 N I.VNE & SON,
Nail: ~I.ifit-ths
Y'l3 won
IA lILHI,t D E Ri• (4, A 1,11,Ra; IVITEI
1.) 1: 0 At
NI No nx vic 1:F S, \ Inn i,s
wrid vlnkrdt torx wt 7.12.45 )15ctit UnTy gtii home
detwlwn .', two /At
'MAIL LI. q hwyes New S'ot It nt 12 00 noon, and
rhos at Ilarri.d•o.g - nl 8.110 P. M.
31011NI:S11 )1. 4 .: • LINE Ent.t. ,onrem liarrlrhurg nt
8.00 A .111.. arriving 0. NOIV Yg.ll, at 4:11
A 1 , 1'1.11 NIP Lk Ph 0. 1 .1 I,llc 1 , , Cott. heaven
hurt , . at 1.12 1' 51. arrly!nr. ;It •,t v I, P m.
C ion! , nit. n..tdo nt ' atr p.
the l'asvettgot Ttaint. in rnrh din C . . •111,1 1J,,,„ 3 ..1
rania. Cumberland Palle . ) nod s,oet, 111111-
All trains . ronneet at Heading ',Nil tin
ville and l'hilad^ll,l,la, and at Allentelvn
Chunk. Easton. 4:11.
Id Passenger Cars or Baggage bot, enoo
link and ihrrislitirq, Lr the unit . Line trom Now
Yolk or 011,1.15 I'. nal 1 iS1 , 111L:
FOY I,luty of Sroll,y, aunt rolllfort and 'Wenn,
modal fon. this renti , prenenlllnuperior emeats to
the tr.“ nnl.lle.
1., es . between NOW Volk :11111 Hill rl , l,mg FIVE 1)01,
LARS. For ticket, and infn o p i dy t o
CT.YDE. tin nerd .I.;ent.
C ARLISLE .A 2-11- IL A DEL 1.111.-\.
1 7 :C1' r.P, WALD
Pf 11V , TIZIar. • CM:II-I.E. Pt
Nn C0r, ,, 1t hi.. 1.11”, have f 1)clo.t. bitMlrl:et SE,
I '"il.Y3 k. I'.
I v:-,.• C, I, at 7 h. A M.
1 ;14 , ,1,11t , •11 , 1,1 I.r I. kliotl , d' h. 17 'irked C. &
P. 1,:111, I ',Olt 1.111.•, :mil sent
Fp 11 I L A I) E L I' II I A
It A I I
OIL laid tut MAY 2:1 7 11'110.
1,11. 11 qi; I.tit.
''•tt .., 1•1 /' 1 1.. ror Pl.lln
-01,10113. :1,11% u... 11 ,, J IJ 1 r 1 P. 11.
• liptiii•tior,-11'71,
.• • ..1 10 th ;"0
P rril / 11.0 / L I. I Alai "5..10 P.
lt. I •
SJltt I i s
4 ,, 1TT I ....AT, AA" ! A.,i13". at
I! A. AI 1. , ." \ I.! ' A I I'. M. !
I I II!4111..1) , !..", T.. TA. :TA.I.. A. A ! ..1.1.0
TIT A 6 . I. \I.
.•. IA ;:. f. I ",":, Tina "!?,1 45.
1r.... I/ ...; ' T 211 t.
}{oll 4 iil !TA!!! \ :'itt , t4a, and
1 , 1.1h1 • , 11,11 tizl:cl,-. and 1111.1.1 ;on 4).;013 . to
.1. .1.
- Jill f:i (1., (f 01)5
The iindersille,l having perch:A:v(l the
tier tt ni it. T 11.1“
e•peet I Wl,ttio eL.. the polo.o i hut lie v. ill con.
Ii nn tilt • , h1 , tand. ha
t ,tlll,t. t.thclettt
C 110: t, t• usi
l: I/, c/ I; uir ri r ru„lr'r/r
I •••41,1, ‘ , ; ,, I.rt•i“ilellt
„ I th, ihylp,•• wi•
1.11 . t r
of all t!4,11,, fl,ln the 0n.a1..” )Vool
to thr Ft L AN!, 11.1 . 1$: U/1, nt iuna,
that min t suit I'lll' /12, 101.' to geLt.,,,g the
rr tt s tits uttont). he ..tor I. Int Jude,.
:1101.1 , :•KTN, i'.1';' , :q1:1'11.111'11 . 1.11; 4 I•1:I.T ITATs
1.1 evrry nnd r
E. I.' 11.1::1 1 111 .INI, J. I:\ 1 , 11 10.• of r,ny
oltwr ~tzit,:s4inn•nt In 11, er.utzliy:'
r 1••11s' 1, 14.11 1111.1 , i; 11A - ! a•,,1 CAPS,
01 r ,1l ti.• 11.1,111 11,:11,t11
, :41 IA":
1111111, / . 11/ 11 / 11, p//e/1/1,/il . , t// Vl,llllllll / .lii.
A )11
LAlio St. 1 . 11.11..: , Pult 111 E 111..‘1, AND 1.1.1.. T.
Al thotbucu l John the fler et
the puhlir mill:ire. is the place hese .isho.•s
Hal, A Cep,. et pikes then duly
Ile hm ju,t t eturm d Ilrtu tho i:71! t with the lergeFt
emin.~s,nt 01 iil , l i
Cops th.rt ho has OVl'r 15151111(1 L. ti:iN
it'il h,• nen et Olt li.lst }mesh.
ble p 1 h ra. Ills stork 11111.'111i, ever} thing iu Lit. iillo
01 business, soil an
Ik C:111 and Paten t Id.“ 111, (12,1. n it it. , .Cal
and I'd t t Len t Cntildn,, Nuiiiners, fall and
Kip Iliognn,,
(2.1: and Hutt Kid Siii.pcir,
nuNisius.. , •,... A.
1N I, I 'll I I,lot 1. — ...;•11 I:An °fall de,. rirtiollH
llot Om 311.1.ta, Lace 11,,01. of all hind.:, fancy
Shoe , C.l Vllllll, PA . , le, ,111.1:e.S.
II (T' t Fur W'r Hats
of A i qualLticg 811.1 st3l4, 81,011 11,1,11,-ortn n .ut, of
S77Llll' II A 7;S
lio,ds dud Slwi, to rd der :ti tld—dd rickt nntlro
Eppdi,ir, pn.ll.ldl d, ur. Coi,lidt nt of Lie +ddlity td
pled., all Ha., of U• towel:, he ra:pe,
the public
anemia, t h e place, .N. E. corm, af the Phhlie
- 7 2 ,, , ; ENV \ C, ()OBS
-"` 9 Q.' r
LI-C.- •
1 ~,,z----- ~.,....., v: --,_ .!---
s; oro
lialLeet lu North ILw ufrr St.
0 11 ) ..`th , the t:4l - 1141, It i',1111:.
I :C.V. Yin'', :Ind a
liuc and V. id 1 1
1111,1( id ii,on.dn iq lii , lint. Oi
nn I I:1'1•.3• and l',, UlO VOllllllOll
Wool it/ Uic fin, FIJI',
sl,thtv St, 1,4 "I Silk. bats fn 1 , 111. Str to lints for
Gent lowru. Jacket Ilath foi Ludlin,tilldLlllo4,y 1111 d
Inn Child mvn. 2.(1
1711.7.13" ES f 5 SLY.T.T. TB:I3 TIM MS
AI„,, C'arpet. Va I 'Nett, 'l'ro 111,s, 11:1 'frith Ls,
I.ltubi el:as awl Rod V43;t11.,:n. Aji tvient of
Jl= I'rimo s'e g i,rs and l'obacco.
Tha iiklul for the paromiao already rtwoirod be wolOd
Invltt. :ill his filends and the piddle ~ , nurvllv glvo
him a van. JACOB Agt.
• at,d ;ITIIEET
This Institute, conducted fie• two years past, iv this
city; by Mdt,AsnientnAllAY nod her IIiCCEI Iln u.tirntl.'4,tnisi
slur, upon the Caine principles as thr•nt,• Nowl'ork . ,
established there Til tboyoar 1 . 04. ‘i 111 ri,opon on Al on-
Feptember 16th, Ito usual ample and COM plete
provision for of Young Lattice, under the
diroetlow - Mndurne Mien - 111y, Cliculelo; and nll
routilidlo Inforinati , n, can ho obtained on application
to the Prlonlyd.
August DI, ISt').
tAll (1 E -.AE.It 1 V A T., UP- FR ES II
(111nrEttir,s—FISII OP AL/. N I 1‘.1),.
Among svldeh is a Inure Int rf the reel 51,0!".11110 Balti
more dry",:dt IIEIZRINtI. in 03k barrok )IAOR ABEL
at prices that Is real, ustoul,liingly low.. 1 iel,blt, of all
SAUCES, ]'1tEl~I';I Vl:tip,
find II ;;Doll as, , lrtint 12. t Of
4/( d . 8' 7 (f; C 7
tbo havost ratos Ibr CAS'S or Country nada,.
- Carlisle, Juno 21, IFe2I
I i aro now getting in their Fafkand Winter dry goods,
which notwithstanding:v. thirery -- nf"-'harit-;t
he More colonist., thou formerly compriving all kinds
of gOddit suitable for 'Ladles, :111i.os,
and Boy's wear. Thanirtul post favors, we ask yon-
Minim „ a of thii MAI the Will use our. ,est endenv.
ors to nniKe It Um lutbrost of the public to patronizo
our large ',lock. - • •
N. B.—All persons Indobted to that old ' fir m of Lei•
dish and Sawyer ai•o requented to 101 l and bet no Ad wa
111'.0 in great want of money.
FR O nSAILE.4— hirge
story ,„
three story Minßowie on In
btroci, will 1,6 - hold au easy
Call lit , tha "Jowelry Stoi v Inii4taid 11,A /4,1,4 q
pri•••1;- , ' j7ce..
r Pc tg
-~ ; - 7
IL A splendid ka
J. (.. :.Ll9