strength,:but their force was'abcumulating - all the while; and our commander felt. that wholesale and vigorous-action must very soon Legit!: A glance told him that there was no probability of retreat. Thd river was teo close behind, and wo had no boats. The ouly 'tope was delay, in order that a tolbrablo force inighCarrive froin'the bland, and that Stone $t the same Arno ;foul,' succeed in throwing the Brigade of Gee. German ferltiard by the tout° of Edward's Ferry, as ho had underta ken. All thieve examined, the most certain prospect was defeat and death, for Col. Bil - keep practiced military eye told him he wan taken in the toils. Foe:laity, ho had 801110 slight concern as to. the. deportment of his troops, end knowing by soporionoe the value —of - example ho determined to inspire them with courage by the most daring display of it him molt It was not for him to shelter himself behind the line of I 'Min, or be drowned in seeking to retreat. Cairn, settled courage, tempered by the loftiest wisdom—a wisdom_ which pierced the future with n Oeam of pre: science—gold him that the sacrifice, if borne with heroism - on all sides, might be a I ritim.,ll to tire the hearts of ninny a column in fields that would avenge their fall. The bravo gen tleman was oapable of reasoning in this way undisturbed by any roar of peril, and be went about hie task of arraying for the heavier shock of conflict as calmly as if turning over papers at his Senatorial desk. Ile formed his arriving troops on a field about 200 yards in the rear where the Massachusetts men held their line of brittle; but, when %Vistar arrived, be led them forward, and made full disposi tions for en extended line of battle. To the kassacbusetts men ho gave the right; to Coggswell and the Tammany troops the cen ter, and to the Californians he awarded the bitter position or the left, from which the heaviest fasilatle continued to pour. For a while the exchanges were made at Fl range of .100 611+800 yards, each party availing them selves of the cover,of the woods, and the Cal- It.rnians, after tiring, taking advantage of a Mall wave of earth, which gave them a par lindehniter of some two or three feet. This, however, was in great part neutralized by the sharpshooters of the enemy. pinny of whom bad climbed the trues, end were pieliing our men oil at every point. Col. lbilicr and Wis ter stood boldly out in th e hotrevt fire, an d while dit3ol/861rig 1101110 change in the arrange- Mont, a rifle ball came whitzing tlivitelly be tween them. "That's pretty ebe, Wlbtlr," said Col. linker, and then resumed his con veriation further nttenri.n n) the in- @Went. Presently, and after a sid'icient pause far the marl:Antall to reload, Ihcrr cainennother whizzing visitor of the same :o.rt, whirl this time split a twig grew it few inelies from their feet. '•'lhat felluw meal, u.,!" Brad Col. Baker, om in the dif'em from which the sliht 11111 i COlllO, :111 , 1 I h("11 t tinn ing to Company ,he exelaiioed, r"0y,.., do you eso that fellow op there' Now try If some or you Can't. :" rim! ho and ter coolly changed their ground. Aq the tire grew hotter, Col. Baker, standing I,ofore his men, kept cautioning theta to "lie down," and to "lie close," after they had delivered their volleye, and while reloading. "You don't lie close, Utoneral," said one of them, as he crouched in obedience to the or- "No, my son," Wits (he reply of the hero, bs he stood with one hoed ealhily in his hreart. (his favorite position.) "arid when get to e a United States Senator you will nut lie down either!" Abont 3 o'clock the enemy, whose PlrongDst S'•e wee on our left, gathered himself dash, and a column of them came whooping from a cow path, rushing with the most un earthly yells, in the hope to stampede our troops directly at the California lino Solid aid steady our boye rained their weapons to receive them, hut Wistrir checked them with an order to hold on until they got well forwind; and thou giving the word tire, they fell in anmbers, and those who did not airt . W the ground, precipitately too): back in flight. "Now, then, boys, let's give 'sin throe errs on that," said rapt. f the Yew era company, nail I hoes times thres were ven at once with the heartiest before they even slopped to load This was the rebel tactics through the tight--e h otiug from cover, and occasional charges forward with terrific yells. Their ohject in this was to stampede our troops, but they failed to *hake their resolution eve,' out''. Indeed, our men on each occasion fiercely pressed to meet them, and as they turned from our ap proach, our cheers, leil iitl allvay a by licirel, Bounded them to their jungles. By and by Lieut. Brainhall, of - Waugh WS battery, arrived upon the ground, with Cul. Cogswell of the Tammany Regiment, hr aging with them a Rhode Island piece. They had iilltortie in response to Col. Baker's order for eerfillery, anti Limit Bramhall, In speaking of the trip in his report, remarks: The mimeo provided for this pull mie or. two crows, minuted by pole, in tint at - Wittness of the current, consunie.l it street Ural eI time the trip from tim tuaiul.ud to tOu alinitl. lin ref' with the find. Ideru. itreianii.lided I um, the Tammany IttiOnaint.arilviruc upon the tar n half herd 131.itir to keep the Lunt fruit, Melt :hag down the stream." No sooner, however, was ILis pieerronght into pusitiJn, than the enemy con entrated en it such a deadly fire :hat tivc of ho con noniers were instantly killed, and others de isg ihe whole were temporarily driven off. tiol. Baker perceiving :he ter, rushed to the picots regardless of all dan ger to lend his aid in serving it. This exam ple was instantly followed by Lieut.-Colonel Meter, Adjutant Harvey, Col Cogrwell, Col. Lee and Lord Tempest Vane, (Capt. Stewart.) and theso six gallant men, with the help of Bramhall and Lieut. French, both of whom had been wounded, loaded and fired the piece half a dozen times. Soots, however, members from Company "G," of the California regi ment, and private Booth of Company "la" bravely relieved these gentlemen, nod they returned to their commands, Wistar reappear ing in his. place of duty wounded in the check. The oennon was then fired with great effect by Bramhall upon the rebels its they were making a new charge on the left, and the ground oCtheir advnrice was literally strewed With slain. The fire of the Confederates was Now hot from every,purtion of the line, and shore Col: Baker steed, in front, it seemed ea if it would ho as impossible for a man even le put his hand up without being struck by a bullet, as to spread it untouched in a shower of rain. So imminent was his peril, that Capt. Bevil, whose men were then lying on the ground, could not refrain front suddenly ex elaiming, "General, won't you come out of the tire and stand behind my men." "Captain BeireV was the stern but not Unkind reply, "do you attend to Company G. I will look out for myself!" At this moment, and as the smoke raised from the discharge of the 12 pounder, a mounted officer, riding a fine bay charger, eppeared-og—the--right-,- and telling our rtion eot to tire in that direction, waved them to folio, him, pointing for them e at another par don of tho woods. It was litS object to trail them, so they could be struck in the flank, bob of 6 sudden the Massachusetts men dis covered tho mistake, and Gen. Bake• noticing As movement attic, same moment, ordered ido.znon'io.firo, and horse and, man rolled to giound together. Turning on' his heel, baker :observed %Vistar by his side, with his stword:in hie leftlfand.. 'Perceiving his right tam dangling helpless by liisside.eFelainai: .!1.4 - 04., %Vie! top bit, again: l ' • ' . anawei.ed the weunded•of-, -per, "and „I wish'. you .tabeld want fit the scabbard Tar the, fertden't 'vent thotie tennde to.get possession of it."•!' • • Th. General ,slitatfied the weapon, and bid-, iiiag ,IVistar 'retire lo the rear, and cross the itiVer,'resumed the conduct:of the'baltle. Lithe vrliele,,fiolti gas now literally vne..ltoll elr tie.. The rebels, linos/Ink the-mselvO;lti ha in euperiorl•force, raved at the defeat of Irrevy attempt, to- drive our staunch soldiers, '4llk, 'while our men, desperate end enraged 31 the bloody aclOt which they had paid for Salaig ahokin' numbers, and stimulated to tlio highest riOlik by the stfhlinie courage of their. fieneral, were rushing madly forward at every opportunity to engage the. enemy hand to head. That : , .l4oedy airele, .t. , iewed,from above,' - sight -,have heen taken ,fei an 'infernal caul ' liven whirs' tha , intul„_pasei44 B „ef_ maa ki nc h: Inithing, iu a roar of.bate, sent - tip, dense oloada . repulsive lrith . th a stench 11111111fCier, sphittering With breaking' linbr . , paating hutnan life. Ortal:all side's; however, demons' as . the,y,`.. Vitra, ;deeds of'the' M4l l haroie . bilit'67s ;were patfoem'ed; Ihnd; its the battle aWayek 4 series' of wasp enaOunterti;whitiolid'in circles, isolated: tit ,{ht ` 111710k0; Whore theini a doin'ruttiv:,Wittn' gxew'U:t the stature of a knight'. -AO all felt aryjr 11.41641eneritly und'itriltia!titid 4 • ; CIE iu desperation mid di tying the shattered rem nants steadily hack. Finally urn mete fur, .1 to heat 1% hi, it had lieu bear. ine. wounded nil die afternoon was shot itid off y.ith a ma , atilt moaning load, and the ri he is in full- strength appeared wpm] the bluff. Their unearthly yells then went tip again, but our ilishea.; tened men were sid•rit: yet they straggliugly tuturned the concentra led and decimating lire that was now pouted upon them. Amid the voileys they shouted to us to su: reteler; b.t this was answered with rough expressions of die lain , and re. spouses from our muskets. But hope had now quite abandoned our side. ' gun which had hem( brought from the field, but which he had failed to get to the river with the purpose of submerging it, had been tumbled down the cliff and spiked, and - ;di the power leractiVe 12.1111111ti011 was departed. Yielding to a stern necessity, therelote, Col. Coggswell gave the order to cast their tries into the stream mod save themselves as best they could. The panic commi' to the ch max of protracted suffering, then set in, and the scene bectthie one of route, carnage, and dismay. Hundreds plunged into the river, and a large number, regardless of the safety of the wounded, swain idler the rchlrlillig scow, and, swamping it with theie - weitdit, the wounded quick and dead tent down togeth er. Many able swimmers were stilled in the fierce, unfriendly current, - and those who, through lack of that aecomplishitent, or mistrustful of their strength, would not tempt the river, wandered wearily tip and down the hostile shore, and were' eventually taken prisoners. Cols. CoggsWell sod Lee were among the hitter number, in consequence of having yielded to the men the earliest oppor tunities of escape; and Capt. lieirel, who remained under the hank while his men tried their fortune. with • the stream, was among the, last to stem the e)arrent. Ile took his sword with him lAA when midway in the passage, was' obliged to ;adopt 'Ale alternative lietweeit the loss - of it ()Ad • life, and drop it on the way. Tins .ended the second, mreting_between the'clonfcderates and the army of.the; Petri. mac, Onr' troops were a second time, out nunibered,• and, the cad result was a loss on our aide — Of 930 ealit:u red, killed, arid wdttmleti, contrasted with 300 killed- and wounded of the rebels. ‘ , YeS, there 'was one other 'lead ing feature of the , climax—for, contrastto the gloom-and dejection of our. cauip,.. Lees :burg was that night, illnminated! • All tidy was undoubtedly the, melt of a great bin - oder ? but'it was pot the 'Wunder 'of the high=couragbd Senator, Whe received the' order "to, erosS, with 'his California troops to the relief Of Lee iand Devens when he itearilleavy•firingin front . otretire:thent .4. lids diseretion.l' ; Lle was , thereforo to cross.4t ctfly rote, and Goo. Stone, tells .tisin hiS pert that the menif.s Of traespertation wello sufficient for his whole hrigricle:,had..those incans been drily used: this connect:hitt -we ralllo fIM scow -866 , 03,000 men between the island and '-.Virginia-shore, and are entitled to.. the corn:, -meat, tha-.4 is th& first 'time in.hislory:n military eonimmider, eyer laid dow,n. rho ; law; that rni)fd„stream , of.: ei'ert,• twenty yard . be.safoly:c6itteca and recrosSed in Pres:. 'ence.:Of anynitany, thorisatt'd ffnen,l liontpamt o:tothi,itny . 64 . a time . Sit tx provir-to soy -that Alio 2ciotc,orr.apnr, cit 1101,! Fero al Pelt odylrentif rii;, thaipt, Company' q„;thie)aivno u zferlel F/Yrr,lt. all lA' nedeuent do to: I.r• :; y, 41 ; r t6.10.;11 1. I l' down, enconraging.the'men,,hisgrandlippear anee and his.silveryfiair making:hint p. signal mark, though the now pervading . smoky was now equalizing his ohaneed . etimowliat with' the rest. But: ho saw the day as desperate; nay, felt (bat it was lost, unless one tit thes() grand old.shows of prowess; that, disdains the weight of odds, could retrieveit 'by a final ef fort. The bayonet was his fitiorite weapon, ffe had drilled his regiment to that exercise more than to any other, and hail always do clot ed that it was, (he true resource of a cons eitinddr when he felt that he had trove men. Ilia proof of this was absolute in that lark hour, and getting his men in line, he deter mined to finish the day ' s record for the coun try within those woods; should he fail to clear them out. Just at this Moment, he caught sight of a white-haired officer, riding near the rebel front. and recognizing Lint as he thought. he culled for a pistol, and at the same moment pointing thedi,tingitislied rider out lieexclaini. el. f • There is Cieneral Jolint , on—lire buys, fire ! '' As lie reached forward to receive the weapon he culled ler, a very tall i eddiaired man emerged suddenly frets the smoke, anti, walking quickly up to within five feet of Col Baker, presented a self-cocking revolver, and, rapidly as he could et ooh his finger, delivered ail the bullets it contained into his Maly. At. the ,very save moment a musket-ball 91 , C , 1 timmgli and through his skull behind the e - ir, and it terrific whirling slug from a Mississippi yager tore away one half of the muscle of the right area, and opened a hole into his ride large enough to thrust in the handle or a sword. Ail the death dealing shots seemed to strike al once, and tht, noble leader and ora tor, 11111t1:1110 , '.9 of the earth, fell mute, to Speak no it - tire. The tragedy had paralyzed all be holders for the moment; but Capt. tleirel, re co,,ering his self pissession that, rushed :it the slayer us he bent toliosses , llitioself of the General ' s sword, seized him by the throat, and, placing I,is pi°:ol/11. bin te1111110: , , Ni. 11,. I h 11 . 1i:1 in a re'', fume overthe not,lcv etl Int:I been 1 * (01,11v - id in 111,; nn el:inglet by several no tubers of his compt. ,•, and numbers of the Rel , cl - 3 un ILc utter sale had pressed forward to protect. t heir red Intir , il comrade as they saw the avenger rush toward hint, and rt sitenge hatid-to hand light over the cause .word brunt, pistol-shot, and bayonet-stab intermingled quickly in that In ree, , ,us end the hotly of the lent lender, though trampled . in the melee, bry smiling in its new•fettud 'tptict, as if eri.r,v hug of the seine. The /ICCPSSiOII of the Confederates was. how ever,' the greateg at this point, and the Cali lii.lllB swayed backward some fen' heel boot the c.,rse. The llebels, in turn, lobed and il.Oll n I,l•Arit'lltary p.111:•1! ensued, :luring IN tears might have been seen coursing them selves down by Tunny 11 `110.1; smeared cheek la the sight of their great 10--. T.,y did tilt ir. that 11/0111 , 111, Ill:/11 , 1•N Cl', I.,';fH 1!:•It lie 11 , 01 ro j utt.c I WWI) Of it Lo 111 in ! le tlmy were ill.l t po-3,-tsion or 1,4 leoly. A:!',lttat:t Harney was the first to relliill.l of this pledge, and , re t-potiditi.„., to the . nproni, licircl , who, a : : through, Linitiften one ,if the main lierues of it , • light, ea' bed to his utru 10 tallow 111111 . ' 111 , 4 IV , 0 anther of the Rebels ' , tatted fr , ,t., the opp - osite eVidt`ll:l3 . lifter 1111` tingiti , :hr‘; trophy. hegira, however, tlic creatures could possess themselves (4 . ble Iteirel and and his men heat them Luck. 'l'ln•gallaut rebow ILe n raised tne col p-e of his conimander in hie nitric, rant , bent it, amid /I PhOWCT of bullets, within otir delliered it to Nlti . jrir Young, who at once eon veved it r , ifely to the river. ' hut this, event, thongit it cost u reninti ,, e over our wen in a:I 1 arts the , lid not 111111 , •r“: them, nor mike thew nick battle It inspired them with fresh rage Californian* battalion almost with with fr n zy. Tl,ey bark, anti with shrieks and cheers, and such 0nt1i..% 11e 11111..1 , 1C11W1 C olISUll'.1te:- Fa . ) els, tilts punrcd again inte the thielie-r of the tight Cogt , ,,well took comkernd. thmir:h wounded, 0,10 vet at ins gun, aided stilt by Private lIo:01:, find a I'iline+aelitt•elin coins-hearer, with one leg shut let ed, Heoll the i-latr, while uritlantitedly - itiaintruiflC , lhi;l,,,- BiliOn in the front of lit ire the Wiwi - . hate was a sight. The North, thi' ors who stood by them, was proving its etraih, nria nut withstanduig the enemy ' s excess of numbers, their killed and tvetim . led at that time Out numbered ours two to one. But the battle cou ' d not last—mail not be kept up tinder our disadventage , ,. heroism could compensate for our inferiotity 01 force; no generaiship remedy our dangers of position, 1.0 Wello being pushed step le; step toward the I t ek , and is default, of transportation, the) Wit: , net 111 . wiled but surrender, or a watery rocs. Surrender, lir.wever, was not mice t h ought of I.y a glo ratan, and 110 0:.0 at t h e tight, C.L.11% ,,, en, .however, made an effort to retreat tow arts l'erte,iu the 11,1 that he might find the promised lot cos I (lurineo ' s brigade advancing - by that made: Ind the I , IWIS Swarmed too thielsly - on the left, and he was forced to retiru bar-!,ward upon the rivet. haul by - foot lie heroes taught, the rebels u_ milling them now' '4)eratd. CARLISLE, PA: Friday, NOVEIVIDER-: 15, .16t ,(t.Z— We devote a considerable portion ,of this weeks paper to en extended and concise narrative of the battle of Ball's Bluff. The . meagreness' of theieffieinb reports, Sind tho magnitude and importance of'the subject, aro we think sufficient reasons for giving ii so much of our space. The article is from the pen of that accomplished writer, Geo. Wilkes, and wo esteem it. as a triumphant vindication oflikat..Seldicr end statesman, Cal. Baker.- - Gti Our thanks are due, and are here by tendered to the Hon. n. F. JuNms, for val.- uatle Tublic documents. Th. Naval Expedition In our telegraphic Ileqmlehes, will be found an authentic and detailed account of the bril liant and Fuecei..sful action at l'ort Royal and Ileaufout. glorious victory will set the heart of every patriot in the land all ablaze with joy and enthw,insm, and the brave spirits who acoomplished it, will over have a grateful spot in the memory of their countrymen. The hurry of getting so long a dispatch in shape for publication, will explain any trilling tyln illsocuracics which may have occurred. Our. l'osr.o, SYSTEV.—The Hlnto at tli; - 2 first ,ivartor of our poi', al I.a coipk, since seeessioh, shows a denreitso ut toile al,out fifty thousand rfion the re ecipts id the rreVoll3 quarter, while the OX• lirtre been eleven hundred thousand dollars Irss—a saving of over; ! ors iu thirteen week:;. This .‘,lll.tes where the leak iu tliti Post Oiliest Departnitnt has been. That the Southern States have not pail the expenses id their postal ,service. THAT AND THAT TOGIITHER. The Chambers• burg 1',111 , 11 Sptot reads IZepitliiientis a lesson for a_rriigating to tliolllNNlyesthenftule or "1.1. nion" " give yourselves Afitie,-nn:l successful or not, stiiii< In it iit will lie lieftee for you.' The Meech ('httnit 1),!,,,,,erat, a p.tper of the name schoQl, says: " the penthernts ! in Lancaster county got up a "LiLion" ticket and heat the Repub licans on a considerable poll:tun of their tick- PARSON BROWNLOAWS LAST I'm.: iinir.cililp puldishei hig litret%ell rtildri t i:t. , iu li.s lml cr of October 26th; from it we ettr,:ct the "The Confederate autlioritios have ordered my arrest he( ti.inie of some treasomthle :uncles iu inv pattt.r. I Lave reproduced these Ireasolott,le moti,les that the utilitas,ed pcop oof the county:, may road, In;L: I:, learn, ~11d illtVardly digest the treason. Altlotti : di I coidd !Jive a It tool far me good behavior, one hundred 1.1.0W1,01d dollars, stiz,ted fitly as good men as the county I ole,titottele rt• to do 01en that: oil 4,4uch a ',met he tl:a%va ui and sign e d le, others, I tall I, v ntler it null ael roil 1,, I,:rit,in,: to r, t o it. iu "r ~t to . ".2.0 j,di, and I ;on rcaciy to start mat,. one moment, \laming. ?got so, but there a l„anr pleitared to lie, in solitary confinement; Or cite Irvin old age. Stinitt lated I,v a CAWS( - 1.11/61/C.! , 9 of - 111110C011t,U1SCI , 111 nesa, 1 will submit, to imprisonment for life, or die at the end of a lope, before I will mal:tt any hilmilittl mg concession to any pco%er un earth! I have committed 110 fdrl- , 11(4.—] ilftVe not shouldered arms ngilinit the Conceder ate (;')vernment, or the State, or mn COO111:1,;t , d 0111(1'8 1t) do 80-1 'IRV() dI .4 •I I v i ol:II:On rivat,rl I Lail • ; t. cit I I Or ;11.01,•;;;;, , , ],e‘ (;ov,.ruint! t. I havo ".1';1‘1•, awl I rvallv 11;11,h I lin VII ref.;sol t'l 111111(a %%al 11111111 1110 over tuuttt of Ow '..-zittft‘tt; 1 itttvo rt Itiscd t o publish to tilt; 111)I I I I tl,u 1111t1 C., , xag,,erajed j,,coujilli of tilt) sett ral cu}?l;;enicuts hurl twit' COll the (t/ritt . n.lihg ttrioir, t I Lave refusal to 1\ ri't• out tool to;`,!i•th fal•to vt r tho origin ~f thi, war, awl of the I,real our civic there was nuthiri in 1110 insirtictions of thri lanion , Jilin licitly, oho Ivan c•iictinissiniaiiil to tamper with the East , rut Fe tin Ellll,arg,,, and for diselosurcii raid inin, more or 1111 . e 110,1110 to the pea,. till' 1 . 111,11, 111,111 Ihn tih:tittwitts thwd Lr 1 ir.r.ttoptr. tct pit)vt' 'that attt atw our 001/ (//'/C.P 11,, , iVortlte-or Against the -41. (.11I' :•;•1 ,. (1111 allll live lie our 111.1e:' :111101T(11:::11 :1111/ of them. I, it f! , ,1 paesic nr r 1 1 ,:tt 111 11;13 laod f ((':whin' !on— 010 Lull rlonl I,l't ign dontinttilon It\ Ow tt.i . ;Ind I, !.t.•d • ttll.fltiltllB, Merl inn kund wit: I . htet ratir•ntly t t Such daint,ll,l.• rcgt , S. 'l' I/ E PIC() is ii Kas UIO E 1.1; IIC Summary cf Nr h and Ineldentm An expedit'nn of :1;7.09 U. F. troop , from Cu rio, nnder Grant and McClerland, landed at, on Ole 0 1 lin twee, three Mika U.1)0110 4,1n0,h0, Ky., on Thur,d.ay morning, Nov. i lb. al 8 cCeloock. Try :t:tacked a body of in° rebels at 11 n' a. 111., in an entrenclak4 eadv, an.l alter a hank: which 1,181.J.1 \VCI dal reit 11'0111 I L, 11 VII:1,1.,•;.1.1Clit I'l Ivl[ll 1 , Urt1,,.! WWI ;Ili I h,ir I , ;urcs nnkl cr,nuuti, he!,es , foul,e9, ;id r The reb el> ing reinfurcLa.ent9 fl um Co -111:: thee rod: ed. Col. DottOterty, was welinded und cap tured by the rch2lo., and we I.Tht. from :.:01.1 to meth {V01111(1Cd and captured. The rt twin hail :!,00 11/1.11 a mong them I.ei!l e ; Cot. Wright, of the 1:411 Tenne,sue regiwent. GOO. Che,thaul euru• nrtuded the rebels. I If I .( Thu fulkwing, nre the dispatches, which con tain all tho particulars received-, up to thin 111= C,tiro, NI). 7 —An exnrdit ion left ILian last tinder utnarnand Grant and M.:Clem:tad. and landed at blemont, three miles al.uve Cu!wahus, at 8 u'elocl, flit:, worn- The Union troop:, nurnl.viing 33( 0, en raged the lebels, whose free an,..unted 10 7000 at 11 o'clock. kL lITIIER PAIITICLLARS LATTLI Cllic.tgo, Nut , . 8 —A el rciul Cairo dispiticl to-day gives the part iGuhir6 of thq firlit at Bel most yoiderday : Oar force eouslirted of the following Minors regiment Col. Dougherty, 2.711 i, Col. Ilutopl; :Atli, Col. Funike; Blot, Col. L gan; 7th lowa rec uncut,,, Col. Ls mon ; lox's Chicsgo Ar :mil Pollen's and Delano's cavalry. They left Cairn„, on the btenmer3 Alex - . :sloop, Chancellor, - .‘lcinphis and hey stone State, accompanied by the gunboats Le.xingtou tkial Tyler. After landing they were formed in bne of battle, lien. MeClormind in uomumul of the Cairn Irunps, Mid Col. Dough erty of the Bird's point hoops. 'they were encountered by the rebels, 7000 strong, arid fought every inch of their way to the rebels camp, making havoc iu the enerny'S COL Buford was the first tu plant the stars and stripes in the enemy's camp. Cul. Dongherty'S regiment captured the rebel bat tery of It pieces, (Neu of which were brought away. Col. Foulke's men suffered greatly, as they were in front of the b4tierieo before: they were tak TII Po ItEBELB ItIINFOROE3).-•—FIGIIT RENEWED Cairo, Nov. 7.—After taking possession of the rebel °amp it wa diSCOVONA that the reb els were eres:,ilig ever froth Keutuaky, f or the purpose oh attacking tho roa.r. The or-' der was given to return -to the ,bouts, when our men .e ere attacked, by (lin ,reinfoi•cetnent - of several thousand rebels frouh.Colunibus:'‘ , Atiotbe - r serene ;engagomenr Wok' prtitb - , whiela our troops suffered seriously: :Tito loss- Ils Pit ao ascertained up to.iylate hour ,last night, Were as follows: 30111 Col. rnisning,f-tindlfOOldiken hounded and taken prisoner: Col; Buferil'S regimenCrettrrned top' late for us: to obtain any .partienlars of its loss. ;'Col. Dougherty of the 220 Illinois regiment, is ro liorted to have been taketi oiscipor. Col. La- innn, of the 'SI Oti. ::r - Oport to 110 dtingerotHly wounded. Tnylot's 'btittery U 11(! WC have 250 prisoners, a, number gf wbutn.are mounded. .The rebels liillerl Flue ground was complotely:,strohnl. With Their - dead 'bogies, The ,rebel Colonel ? , Wright; of . the Tennesoee: regimoi„ was killed.: Gen. Cheatham cominandedilre rebels; (lee. folk being at Columbus. - le: Jo:stated - a 9 n..Johnso,li, oft ho rehela, woo. woundo 'l,lO J ,gunboats endcre.l .Bervire 6oii:31•114 (air re Wear,. moving - drivrii,rlaFrObel'O : tvilh giope;--- , BcMe_iirout . rtWa Men tre,ro_lrill,' orl by rho liro.• , A Hog ef.truco Left ()afro •thia :rooming:for ColutribuOy with 40 to 6'o wounded Thirbottlo of lielmOnt i 3 claimed by (left. Grout, tie a corripleto victory; • NVo ,. otiptin'ed , onMay's. camp „ and all hie, artillory, taro of Hh46lf, trolirought away, the for` want Pdrio. • 'hone. Our loseyr3,ll6o men. .13olmontintot . kgi:6 -- 1111 , 16(?oilefl by I ho reldo. • I. 1 „ir,,t LI: rvtro. grading. Cdntrabands say that:they are des tined for points south of the Potomac. Prob ably the hutting of the fleet has wakened them It is rumored in Watthiagton that, Bisl4 Mcllvain of Ohio, and lion. Edward Ererett.;, are to leave for.. Europe. ° nese gentlemen' Imre recently been in consultation with the President and Cabinet, whence it is thought they are to leave on (lovernruent business (co. Seott.deft. for Europe in the Aragn, on Suturday at one .o'clock. lie had been stop ping at the Ilrevoort hot-o, New York city, and left there io a private carriage at nine in the morning. Before leaving he bade his aids farewell. Ile passed out of a private door to escape the crowd that hal collected before the main entrance, and entering the carriage, ac c.mipanied by his son and other members of his family, drove to the steamer wharf. Army and tOivy el im tnße procodence at 1110 Tion,ury Dilotrtment iu settling of !lc- =EI The troops ou Iho Potomac are being pail OT, much to thoft sati , htction. They gonerally invest heir cash in winter clothing. They scut home in Iwo iLt}s *A,001). *1:11ie Army Examining Board is &ill in The exrminniir I rs very strict, sill Lio - c.eandi4isto must COt the !nark rir leave. The court of inydry in the ease of Col MileB has adjourned rind the colonel Ins rr 8 , 1 rrw,l his eninturtnd. Thus the runner drops )1.:C1 cII an has estrtllliqhe.l Lis heui ynnrlrrn in I lio city of Wtv,iiington can ro , Toudent of !lie Si. Louis ilmt. nn eNlw.litioci :wont into comly to rllllllisc. n❑ I re- I)V1 , i1101'S, 110.1 d ~r cat tle and LiU home and mules. Among Ibe pri , - ont•l'S IS Sr , firer :11c1iride*J •briptle fitta.rlermahl r Sittrtiny ni:iht rehol4 ottnnkr.l Guy rindotin, , on Iho Ohio river, nod nut tr 0 ,11,4 stoinned llierP only 5n ec-tee,l, the re ,, being; hilted or emptnred.— The rol , el r.- , hlont; Ow town, Loll' male nn l feu 'o firedl ft,,rn their houlie, on cur m r n. were !1011.04 at 111,± town ar t turned 4:10k the Name night, but yes -I,ltkp ntoi ;ring thic r - returned to Guyandotte vvith Thu Unite,l States troopy frlill2 Point Tl,yeo town crier tfic-Fkirtni4ll report ibAt not a per- sun Conk/ be ..,0111 ILI 11 The French vcnr steamer Prottey had bean lir,c!“l in the gold off Ilen.ufort. AU bands rot agh7o. awl alter tho weather had ealtuod n lisle New her lip. No reason was giv en fir the The S trnn.r)rt steamer Union 1)96 been N. , and her carlq:n and Fft men tal:en rrittoners to Fort and Ithlo;git Wtter , the Fteamer atruok Le WIN tkally with• faur feet of water 111 flu.l ltu , ng Inn etittare on allure she bru tv.o. Sl , e was luat1“1 with horsea Of the thu horses all but 15 wuro Ituittiu going ashore, and the C:I t n along thenhure. The et earn ev ri iutiel , l'Stlu:l is repurie l to hove foundered with tlve men; bean]. Genpr.kl I.olwl :11'111V 1)fo , Callen back eight miles ('.,, 1 110, to Ilene the Arkan line. n!,d letreutipg the briny lo dro)% 0111 arir.y 111 the oiuirJBhtle nr. , l exp , Pr o an attnck from Col umhtts. Ten of the iw,iy• gnarl eaptured.anr Inken to Cr.rtille have ii:t2rned to Sprin unl repo,l Pi ioe'h army to Le 30,000 alrong, wi; h t Wary, 12 of which Jul just hcen r,eoive t soul Meniphis, whence v" , re arrivivg. Ti,el:itiroad couvcutiun bus at llt L 111010. / TI . +III3S arc !cave 1:14ii111 11 .1. , nr. , l 5 P. \ t:;.03 I'!,i:ll,lk.:i to Vt tt. it.:l !Vo to tc.iVo orit. ut "t - A ar..l 6 itt,l I'. 11. Tito ftotto IYasit;:_tgtt run-, tla:ly, the otttevs, :itttolays excepted. El Otlelii Eir'''S zA.,,,,,,„-i. u ,k ~ ,i - , embpd . The Fleet Successful ! Official Report The Stars and Stripes again float lug in oath Carolina The Rebels; Routed " horse, hoot and Dragoon ! 'the Fleet landed at Port Royal on Mon day OW 4th instant. The smaller gun boats rounded ,:nd buoyed out of the channel un der a lire front the forts which did no dam age. On Wednesday the weather prevent ed active operations. On Thursday the men of war :oid gun boats the attack. The action commenced at IU, :LIU. and was hotly cat - lied on on both sides ankl last, d lour hours, at the end of Nk Nell time the rebels were compelled by a shower of shot to boat a hasty retreat. Our loss was light —men and 01 - W(3l - s—the chief engineer (atilt) Makhiea Ilwas killed and about twenty wounded. Rebel loss not known. Filly two bodies found by our men were buried. All uteri wounded except too were owned ell'. Two Forts were captured—Fort Walk er ou Ililtunhead, mounting twenty-three guns, and Fort lleaurcguard. on Bay Point, mounting nineteen guns. The guns were of heavy Calibre. '! T roy were both new and splendid earth worlcs of great strength, con structed hi the highest style of military science. '1•Iw final runt el the rebels was a perfect retreat; they left everything, arut, equipments of all kids, oven to the officers' swordsand 'commissions, all the letters and .papers both public ang private. Books and documents of all kinds wero lett in their - fright and fell into uur hands, affording our officers' niirch roltable information. Among tho papers was a telegram from Jeff. Davis to the commander of the post infurining him urthe sailing of the flout, and that hu know their destination to be Port loyal. ()Vim Was tho traitor?) The' whole surroundifig .country was seized with a perfect panic. Thu dayadtur (he.' fight - tho Seneca 'and two other got boats tutdor, tflo,,,,cotuntand of Antmon, liriameded up to lleonfort one-white man--ill--town and he was' trunk. platitaflons up tho river seem to bo desorted, except by the tiegrect, Who woru.seeti in great ntunhet's, who its tho, boats passed came down to the shore with blindles in their hands as if- os 'pectiug to be taken off. They aolzed all the letter's in the Pest °flit:mat Beaufort, After the capture of the l'oris tho rsbole army, ,about 15,0(4) men, Were safely landed and estalflish on shore. The Forts worn hut little' damagbd; but 1110 ridada could not eland the explosion of uur big shells. The force of,-thii enemy„ as aseurittlaud from their pri.pers, was trout throe en four thousl and mon; under Gen. Drayton, of: Carolina . .. Our victory is eetnplefd, the oheitiy !emit - lA - everything but' theit' lives whiehilbey_savog:bylrutining. Brag ,lhrtlog the enlist servo), bearer .of,„lslis• and Lieut. T. 11. - .ll'ymen, corny "irinuding!-Die , -Pawnco; - also frrrivial lb the Bienville, and .taku the' boat 'to-night 'to 3altim ore,- --The-troopsLfroni-dlie-Walnish-- . first I'm land aft& fight,: stag - Gaigqohn,ltogers was: the, tlrst on ahoy°. a:tented, locolcid, %00: trehliielf 01,411 liteclt,:sitio titir . ' l4l 4 l tig stn'' elegant' ealialryl'swertrwith sdlid silver scabbard. , ,, Swords hie:;-&a:, - ,werd . r - seat.tered:ahoetiip ev,ory direetion Aug hmtpy_q Ljopr-prisone ra-w=r— to end , two et' 'nein Wounded . :' .All:Vanoq eonbeeted _with 'the:Beet 1511 reptoseitteil' nq acting in the moat ,gal lant rcPorlcrs. who accompanied the pmf t , but in !!,,. ."'" • " BALTIMORE, Nov. 18. The flag ship Wabash 'escaped wit 11! the -injury tit the male mast by a found sli - et.—; The Pocahontas had but one man injured. Thmcilflor Engineer of the 'Mohican' waS ftilled,,and kit Asststant the PocabontaS. was reported injured, if 'not killed. The 'rebels set a trap, but it missed tiro. When our bravo fellows landed to take possession 'of the Forts they MORI the rebel flag at the Fort on Hilton Head still flying, and just as one of our men pulled nt the halyard to draw down'the traitorous banner tin explosion took place in the house j Mit rucated by the rebel officers, but doing little damage and injuring uo mitt. It was found on examina tion that [ho rebels hail, bel'ore evaen.tting the place, arranged, what they thought, would .prove it deadly trap to the victors. Mines had been laid, matelots so arranged that when the hats ands (tithe flag should he drawn dawn die mine would ho sprung, lire the magazine and blow up the whole works and involve the victors in common ruin, but it did not go off, soon the brave old fl ig—the stars and httipe4—waved in tri umph Irom the rebel Hag-staff. The maga zines well , found to contain a large quanti ty of powder and a vast quantity of ammu nition, shot mid shell, and the various dis charging projectiles, the latter chiefly of manufacture. The Susquehanna bad three men wounded. 'l'ho list of casu alties, as before stated, gives only eight killed and twenty wounded, only a small proportion of whom were considered seri ously or dangerously hurt. All the wound ed were doing well and the greater part would be sent ionic in a few (la . } s. The town of Bo mfort was entirely deserted ex cept by the negroes, The troops had not occupied it wren the steamer left, !wing better engaged iu strengthening their post lion. Ordors were received tr,lay lor the ship ment, td'vr , lnance notl ordomice stores to Volt Royal, tv I'onvard,l 'flit 7'ritcunc'T special repot t ft nn Fort ress !dome , Sat s Ili t ou Thitisd.ty iimrit ing the entire fleet formed in two ;_;rand lines for the light. It,, steamer .Ilb•nrille Ilatilied the movement, \\llllllll wail in a cir cle, lint delivering a brombode into F o rt lieatitegaid en tie' north-wesi and as the 11.• u( canto toilici raising, Fort IValft e r un th is lioth Furls responded vigor ously. The l'awneo nn,t Slohican having, lii the tittle being, got aground, %vote con siderably ilain iged. Tbe li , nhardnient last ed between four and live hours. The„lnn el flag on Fort Walker came lose suppo,:e.l to lie two hundred. General Drayton cointlytmled tit I"ort. \Valker, and (;irliiiiiii bebop at Poi t Ileourcgard. ebels re:treil aei,s, Scull Creek a vil rage f in tie: interior, A‘ here it is supposed 11111 y intrn , l t.t Mak, The 11/11411iittm had,hczon to pillage and destroy licautott, t he ' b ile population having fled to Charleston by small steamers through the liihtml route. Ii is iitoieNtood th.ll. (itmor,Ll will improve the de jenceg of his position before malting:lllV for watd nioveinctit, It the Forts was a large supply t)l'atumunition told sloreit of the best - deserlption. Commodore Ihipniit will fill triiifliattily survey the harbors, Imo),; and erect, lights, and the position trill he made a permanent base of operations. Every one entered into the light with the determination that the flirts stionid be silen ced though it should cost tize entire lieut. The fleet stood heti\ eon Non and 111(111 1,-et oll'the Forts nml tined live-second Imes and poured shells into theta at tlissate of three thousand per hour. Net a single shell sent by the rebel. burst iii the ships. Thu IVobash was struck several times as WWI lust of lit every ship Was iu o fight big, position when the rebels took t o thin heels, singeoti of html, 11 oh:- er trait At Chailcston, nest day, thirteen iMnitto grins , tore tired indi e or us burial of a .11rigadier. Gen. Sherman has hundreds, perhaps thensamls, negro laborers .it his conituand to work. nn tutu note Cl • iie S.. A terrible panic pre vailed at Savannah, and it 14 believed that the captuie of that city could be easily el fueled. Tilt) r011.01V1112: ore a , / liti t sl p.tri I , llll'S bombarditiont.,lin , ...; the hoav'e:tlihre uI the gun, in t!o• rel,cl iH and their abun;lAnt supplies of ammunition, ,I;heo,ot not single tuasal of our let ivas eith e r sunk 1‘ ore SCI i4,11: , iy injured or ova n tliS.tblel. The gun boat l'awnoe, whielt ron , locerl efloctivt• service in t I L! fight stitlerc , l !note severely than tiny other of the war vomsols sill yet situ ‘viis hot .11:,,thictl Ili the slight,st , but one shot wont throu:.:ll war,' runty, ;cnothor hall darnag,ed s I.iout , n int's room catm,ing .unto Ihtvue among the I ttrnif (ITO hilt doing the ship no inateri.ll Renege. I'lll3 ship I 1 , ,t six ktllwl, awl tau Others of her gal- I,tnt follows wounded, I ) eorrespoinhtht regrets that Ile is tin,ible to the names of tho billed itri,l .. is i';:acu h Captain Steadman arrivcd to day, Ming ing edictal despatches from the expedition. Ile is also the bearer of Mabel one a Palmetto nag Slid the American ring first hoisted pi South C.trolina. liver Putt Walker. C.lptain Steadman reports that the capture'd Ports are magnificent, with covered ways and burnb-proofs. All that our troops had tod_o,was to occupy Chum and they can be held against, any I oree.— Among the most efficient vessels wetelotind to be the now gunboats which this naval de partment constructed expross'y for such purposes and their htleCCB,l butte ill the gale and under fire W. 1.4 perfect. Commoduro Dray n, who cononandod the Pocahontas, is a brother to General Drayton who note mantled the rebel toren, and Captain Stead man who brings the dospatehos is • the sun ul the fernier Mayor lit Chatleston. On the reception of the .6j:ft despatch us t 111 J lellowinc; enter 11 . 83 issued: The department announce to. the Navy and to the Country high cimgratulations at the very su ccess Or the.combiuod na vy and army forces, respectively com manded by lag nllieer S. 1•'. Dupont and Brigadier General Shertban in the capture of Bet Lit iYallcur and Boatiregin ti, command ing the entrance or Port IZuy.d. harbor, S. C. To commemorate this signal victory it is ordered that a national salute be tired front each .Navy Yard at meridian on the day ad ter the receipt of this order. Signed -GIBBON WELLES. , - The following isa portion of a p: vete totter Iron: flag °Meer Dupont to the Assist. Suet. of Ow Navy : • On board Prigate Wabash, • South Carolina, Nov. 9. My Dear Mr. Fox.—During the disheart ening eventslir-Our passage My faith never gave Way, but at sonic moments it seemed appalling. On the ether hand, I permitted DO elation at Mir Bfieet3B 3 yet I cannut,:re frain ironntolliug you that it has been more complete 4ud more 'brilliant than I over could- liaiybolieved. I have been too fa; tigned to send in detail an Official account' of the battle; My report is fell up to tho eve of this and I think it, will interest ./-9" ,. but I 1111V0 contented myself with giving a beleethet, account Which will be liked as well, as a more detailed narration. This I will Mimitier forward in time for tho Sec retary's !report. I, kept under way and made thfee tens through , , I passed five times before the Forts. -a- flank di-- vision of rivo ,vatoh oht Tatoow , who had eight small and swift St caw drn pounce on any of hurs,-sh until _they he disabbal.' 'I could get none of my big . -icrigataS off., tlionght the Sabiuv would !lave 'gotten' clear to the St Law " Fence. • , L•-sent %no__ wefil .tunl.'the_Stwaunah_waa : blown , I de_not- regret , it ,now except, on tAtnrAccount. .1 believe - my. ‘1 ,1" . tide -and- had . the ncanagi,tfinnt Cutter in conseryMmce..i...\ :.Thitir." 3 .pritidence. was. extreme .that 4 .they. conld (leiVe its away. , `l`boy fought bravely: and their ,titled. gtox,,nuyer :urlasecl. , •: An jibe . allot, wept through our 'mpth.tnastin the Very Contra', 'matting' an awful hotel". nitre(! 'our brig where , t hey;knewi they 'Wood,' make it hole, if fly ittriini . in ..thementre...,, I saved piwhalpi h_endim). heihg,.Ttl clolto weAfoinpl'thel4 . Sighe hied at (100`Yaf'd'IVIteti theA:brice broke' tlids,"statiVP(lo' "i lt 3 ititenso, g, lll w I . NEW Y,R It, Nov. 13 Arw ionx, 1.;;, RA LTI 11 , 7 RM, NOV. 13, 1,861 PIirsCEE,DIN(IS oF TOP, cOCT.T.-1 n tilt) ('Dart of Cuumn On Hew+, but ono C.t;',`"WlL4 which was !hat of Isaac Thomas v.l. Gar. \Vice, action of rcp!evin, verdict fur pl.tintifr. Hop burn and Gtlielan fur plaintiff, Smith fur lo- IV.‘..urNt:Twv, Nov. 13. fendant. GENERAL or.= and turn, and I dm told that its effect upon the spectators outside of her Was intense.— I leamthat when they saw the flag dying on shore thn troops were powerless to cheer but wept. Gen: Sherman was deeply id iectod,...the soldiers Were load and unstint nil, in their expressions of admiration arid gratitude:„ no works are most scientific constructbd and there is nethinz, like Fort Walker on Ow Potomac. I dill not allow the victory to check the troops. T sent an expedition to Beaufort to save tho light vessels, but they were tired instantly alter the surrender. Beaufort is deserted, the negroos wore wild with jOy. They have been sh ot, down . like ,dogs because they wi iilii not So with their masters. have already a bout at Sewell creek and the communication between Charleston and Savannah is cut Maryland Eire It on Thu .rovoltation in :tiaryland is complete. The I:nion intt.jority ii :ltytott. The II le stands LI Union and 8 st ecytion and the ilothe GO Union and G secession; 7 of (lie Senators hold over. GGvertitat litchi will int_ mediately call a special se.4sion to undo tin; iteltelitogislation of last. t•pring. The s.'itts of the member, under arrest for treason will he deelarocl vacant, and new electitins ordered. officer from West Point, wig) co mands one 01 . the finest regiments in th,ser vice, sti , rgest that woolen mittens for the ,ot ,tiers, will l,e grevtly needed when the weather begins. Will not all who can employ themselves in this Way, help to furnish 500,. 000 pairs. They should be knit wiih one finver to the froo use of the lint fli2er and thumb. It is said Ikon, •.vore tn.orn a1,!e,l in thn C1'11112:111 War Irwit t Liltett fift . 4ol'3, thall rl*olll 0,11! (.I, 7 etint :tio 02;atinfil',..t7lat,r5. MECIIA N BA NE:. fishing institution, pub1i , 11 , .!3 this woo its first in 11111' c•oluiuus (,)•,11), ,11);r•N' ji,1N1.7:.4, furrhvi. 4.1 . 11 i.l.lieton scnlrl IIR Wlll/ 1 1111111111116111 lurnip. It tilozoF -2'.1 ir....l:cq in virt!;ffilr,i,ll(2l2, 1111 d Weigl.B 1:$1 . 1/1. it \I.O tl.lll. I t ,DE byr irlimitah!c Nv) k on ',LIP 11' , t,., all I IV4 g 14,1 ty iL n. flit' le of 1:15Ition jotirnal,4, !Aly hure it lV A Y.—oll Ttle:ztlity urnui, tart, f1it:0..11e..1 to II \Vtlgo'i, lun lc 1 with -(01//i iright, and riot 'll.lll Over street. ILL IL fear L ! pace. The toligue of thr r:ruck Ihe corner of ILA of thi Sectin I l'it,ltytiirian nitroli, knit •I:ing ti tit ti iiitivritltin portion of lite utt, tt.:- rattly no Luc WII, SA:\ IThlt1) • 6 C( 01 I NO —Our rt_sACl'S will be 6i.ratifivil 10 hear of the inui-ical treat in sure 101' them. The inimitalik San fora, sup ported by a array of talent iu the line of ininstreliv, three vig.hibitions in itlitietii's etwIIIIIIIng on :\ fon,1:1 art Irlik lip of I ho l/f MD A (;()01) TIIIN(i.--(lr.u. W. LAND, ihe pr Trict.a- 11, P 1,1.- Dix :+11:0011 IC the hon , r of fonvard.- iag theCarlislv Fencat , les : at oarnp Piorptant, a bax CODE:lirlitig forty rt• rrip:lrty lt"-tiie.1 rck atb,n by ibrr.- 1.1%t for the clonnr, re‘7 . llr.!ol 11NoirT son, to furward !I'lll a 411,, lit the;r w1..0h cot: tuunlott! ion Iva. , duly ro corred. Sacli acts cf hitoint—s, aro won cop:it,' by the congeieuanees of I.ay.ile, thing„ and the knowledge of its Levu duly appretiated. Two bop+ in that 1! it tiro Wet of have laid it aro: in their affections, jogged which will not so,u.t.iil,Bido In the Qll`ll'll.‘r the lira ca,:o was Commonwealth i's. Aimtham As 1:t nn l PPl.lltfry '111011,,1. ielan and Watta fur Cont., Millar an I Nov- for Deli Corn t.u. sVtn. Cro +3, COLN' —LarOelly— Acqui:tod. Gillnlan fur Cute., Sltuarur fur Dee. Cora. vs. Augustus Warner— Larceny—Plead guilty. Said oneed to ono year in the pernion tiary, ono d.diar tiuo , andc oak of prosecoti 'o. Pupil Iluince, Lei --Keeping, his enieo is a tavorti--Unilly. Not eel110,10('I. and hunch fur Co:., S:leai or 1 . .. r Deft. Cum. e 3. Goo. IVaichell—Diatiithing n Juii tice in the execution of hiB Sut se ntenced. fur t2uia. Hann ich fur .D3ft. Coin. rs. Dr. Jno. K. Su.dill—Adult eTy— Guilty. Motion for nrrest of .111,12:eincut. and flew trinl. °Melon, Shearer and Huoirioli for Coin. , Smith for Deft. Com. V.I. .hlO. Assault and Battery—Guilty. Nut sentenced. Glib:dna and Miller for Cum., Ilepbtirnjur Deft. Com. vs. Medialt toss—Vainication unit Bastardy.—Acquitted. °Wotan and Nowa !Mill for Coin. Ile pburn for Deft. • glitrhcis. CAR.E./SLR.PILODUCID Reported 'weekly' for the nevoid by oodward V LOUR (Superfine) Ex Lnk.) • • . "11. PL0.111L......... WI lITE 4ED., YE QPRN, oiTs, • • GLOV-E4Slittilt- - - 11.‘101 . 11YSEED.. ILA E PAISLE V, FALL.... Sliecia,l„ . J't6ticca. 31 PORT A N'll` jPII HE 'Dlt. 'OIIBIISEAI AN'S PILLS;' prepared by Cornelius L. Chersimion, ii. It, Niue leek City. Thu conitilna- Hint in' these l'llls nre result' of Line tint arstnrivive pritct ire --- Tliey ate mild their opeintbri, nod certain in ierreeiing ell Irregularities, l!alurul Alenstrostieps. removing nil obigruettons, tvlietlier (Olin cold or otherivise, Iseadiiehe, pain In hut Side, pittidLitlon of this IseArt., 'white., nil Deryouis. nr.. Ifeellons, hysterics, fitlgus, pain In the InielLisnil limbs, 3:e,.(iltitLirbni.l sleep which:ll:lse runn Interruptious of vitittire. 'TO 4LUtltl ED LADIES, Dr. Choesemisti's Pillo lire in ' zis they will bring tho monthly period with rrigolatity - harp beets disappointed In the non anther Pills 'the , utmost 'confide's. in Or. Clio !tieing:Os Pills doing till Ilint they represent to 11:11 . 11111t9d purely' v..gotablo, and i'reo from anythli g injurious.Etplicittlirealons - srliiellJohould - to oart, docomiktny ouch, box. 41 ' . Pout 1,..y Wail Our en -dobing 4.1 to,atik aitthorizrarrgeof, Sold, by our Drug. tritirrrYrry town in - tbo.thritoa Strit:••l4; 11,11,UTGILINgS, Uoner4l Agont for the 'United C114tol)ort; St., York; to which' wholemlu Orstgrs shuuld bolutiti•to6cd. NN 4 'LI , I" k PINNEY twirralo tlayrkiburg, l'a., S. StAIOTZ - Carlisio, VA. . Tin'. CONFESSIONS ANO ENVEntErzois: or AN' IsiAtln.:-.1?1A1111u4inl Or. tin? bonen as warning, and a cautionlto yaui then who suffer from NorAraott llaltiit futb.e time, the thralls of SelFt!urn.liy_onn who'nurtllaimeelf t of It r helna I ut.tq great oapeirra throngtomedlcal impo gJlion and quarltor,:: • Finglo roles cony he hail of tiro imthnr, NA rII A M AFFAIR. Eno. l - alfora, KingS '','• •N. Y • •' ; • 1..0; • so••.I r • rl-,pe. IN __Th u =OM= ME 3 '25 32