0 li~.e~i~zites HOSTETTER'S STEMAGH BITTERS. The proprietore and manufacturers of rms- TETTER'S -CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to pbyeiiciaus and 'citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. .41. few facts upon this poiet will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. ]'he consumption of Hostel ter's Stomach Bit ters fog• the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coining year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tiuu. and die sanction of the most prominent physieinas in those sections of, .the co.untry where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but tire ready at all times to give testimonials tdite 41flicacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temperary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of tram• poling the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time it self. Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To he able to state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia rind like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter front the stomach, purifies. the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tom) and energy indispensalde for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, milky but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of, nuhu'e. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find to it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women. who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements awl general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this artitde. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harns , ing that many of' Pink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she he young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. :Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, th e wear of body and mans is generally ncgtavnted. II ere, then, is a nvees.-ity for a stimulant to recupe tails the energie, of the stem, and enalde the mother h, 111.2 r up limier her exham , ting trials rind resnonsihilitios. Nur,ing 111111 !TVS gene rally prefer the hitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi aisns, Lena se it is nor r.;11.1,0 to th e t a ,A O as Well no certain to_give is permanent increase of bodily el rent h. v.) All Cliorie persons, to whom we linve particu larly referred above, to sulterera from favor and ague, enlist' by malaria, diarrinea, dysentery, indigr,tirn, loss 01 appetite, and b.ll diseases or derangrmenm or the stomach, emperannt,ated iuvnli,ls, pe)m,Ms of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult, their own physical welfare by giving to Hod totter's Celebrated Stomach Miters a trial. CAUTlON.—Wocautiom the public against using any of the many imilations.or counter feits., but ask for llosimrrna's. CELLIMATED fITOMACH IlrrTctes , aml see that each bottle lips the words Dr. J. llostetter's :-;tomach Bitters" Ovn on the side of the bottle, and I-damped en the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. .04- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame rica, and Germany. Fold by S. 1011 ott S W. Havornt lrk. Corlhln; John C. Al tlok. John :qt•nihrint, h. Dhirprnol.urrr. 1. Enu man. J. 11. 111.11Ilillt: ; nod 111 ov l zist cennrally throughout the coinnt,y. Nov. 11, . 41 INDSE ' Y ' S 1)11'1{0V ED %Pi-BLOOD SEARCHER <:4) A STA NDA_IID 11 EDWIN E for the 6110°00, radp 01. roll V11,111:11 vitro of ALL DISEASE 6 itrking lt,or 1)(Pc11TY OF 'I lilt ELUUD. This medicine has rinu, ba deeper:l to rases of Ben lula. CRIII . O,IIS format lone, Cutaneous Pittonses, Lry,i...la,, lions, Pimples on the foss, Sore l'. vs. Old, Stubborn Ulcers, ;scald Ilvad, Teller alrertions, Ii hvuniat is Disorder/1, Dyspepsia, Co.LIIOIII,S, JIIIIIILIIee. :all Rheum. Mercurial Dioceses, (;euvrot D e bility, Liver Continuint, I,ons ,I A pputile TAsw .Spirn , , Fvul Stoni..ll. Female Coluplaints, and ell Dicosses Inivlng ibeirrol gin . 111 en imps ry ,1:11e. til 11,- 11;1 ~1. _ . . We reler to the case of It;nid 11cCreary, of Napier township. Bedford I Vi n. , l'u. w ho. on the 31 , 1 day of Aug- Oct. 10:0, made :initial it hef,e .1 ut , t lee I i..1103' tli 111.1 W. treated for the cure of L'aneer by three thysieians of Bedford county, and by hl. ton of the Eclectic College in Cincinnati, Jr a p..ihal of nearly eight months, not. Ithstanding which. his lip, 1101 , 0, portion of but left cheek were entir,ly carol 0 Wtl,) I Hu Lad given up:ill hope, %sin, he heard of the • Blood Searcher," :Ind Mao itiduee,l to try it. Your 1,,,t ti e s uured hint, and although sadly disfigured, there is nu q ueotion but what thk int uluable b eth vino saved his life. The toll pat•tirulats retnarkahle case only be seen in tf"eircular, which can he had of any of the Agents. We al o refer to the ills,: of Nancy Bleak ney, of Fide, ton. Armstrong county, Pa., ruled of Scrofula atter ho• In[r unable to got out of her lied tor three years. To the case of a lady in Ansonville, Clearheld county Who was also Illffilltfal with knit alts in it, wind. torn. To the case of George Meisel. 'residing In Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa.. who was 60 badly afflicted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off, and his case wile Worse it possible, than McCreary's. The particulars of these rases—every one of midi It vas cured by the use of the Blood Searcher—way also bo found in a circular to he hail of any of the Agents. It. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboralory for the manufacture and sole, near the ra. Itaarond Depot, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Dr. Deo. H. Keyser, Wholesale Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. Im,„ Per sale in Carlisle by S. W. Hav,stirk, P. lil Lott, And Reynolds Al' oilier; Pr. 3. Herring Mechanics burg; Dosweller & Zook, Shepherdstown ; Joshua Culp flogstown ; Jacob Simmons, Cross Roads; Coble, B. Wise Shiremanstown; A. M. Leidlch. Boiling Springs Wary W. Kissel, Churchtown ; fl. W. Robinson West EDI ; Fasnaught & Co.. Oakville; Shoemaker A Ziliott, Newburg; Wm. Bretton, New villa; J. Bond & Co., Springfield; Russell & Co., Dickinson; lg' iand Washing, Jacksonville; Wm. Clink & to., Lees, Roads; Wm. Ti. Eakins, Sporting lUD; D. Denlinger Whita ; J. C. Altiek, Shippensburg;, all ut Cumber land county, l's. A CARD TO THE opADIES., Dr. Dnponoo•s Golden Pi As for Femalos. Infallible in correcting, regulating or removing all obstructions, from whatever cause, Jul always successful as a preventive The Combination of Ingredients in Dr. Dupenco's Golden Pille are perfectly harmless. They have been lisud In the private pructico of old Dr. Puponco, for 30 years, and thousands of ladies can testify to their great and never-falling 6 ' II(TOFIS In almost every case, in car rooting irregularities, relieving painful and distressing Etenstruation, particularly at the change of life. From eve to ten pills will cure that common, yet dreadful .eemplaint, the Whites. Nearly every female in the lend suffers from this complaint. The above pill Las ....pormenently.oured thousands, and will cure you if you -lese them.' They -cannot -harm you, on the contraryr they remove all obstructions, and restore nature to Its proper channel, and Invigorate the whulb system; they ive perfectly safe and harmlrss. - Price $d per box. Sold wholesale and retail by " 8. ELLIOTT, Druggist, Carlisle, Pa. law to the sole agent for that pTaep Ladles, by remit. ling him $1 to the "Carlisle Vast Oftice"can have the We sent to any part of the country, free of postage, by mall. Sold also by Ches. A. Bannvart, Harrisburg, .34. T, Miller, York, J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville and by ono druggist in overYivlllage and town In the Union. Si. B. Look out for counts, felts. Buy no Golden fitiiis of any kind, unless every box is signed by S. D. OWE. All others aro a base imposition and unsafe, leerefora, as you 'value your lives nod health, (to say Sothing of being humbugged out of your money) buy Wily those who show the signature of S. 1), Howe on •very box, which - has recently been added on account of $ regent counterfeit of the l'ills. S.D. HOWE, Jan 20 81.1 - y Sblo Pioprletor, New York. 1910A,INTS AND. OILS.- • - .A. JO Tong White „Lead. .1000 Gallons of 011. Just readied with a largo assortroont of -- Varnishes : lira Proof Paint. - .9.- Turpentine,'ll ro once Whlto, ~ . • Japan, , ' • '-' White Zino. .rutty, , ;- , Colored Zino Uthargo, • • ._, Boa Lead, ' ' Whiting, •- • ~. Balled OIL - - • . - Glue, '" , -.' • ' Lard OIL . , . •. , Shellac; • . Sporin•oll, , • Paint Brushes, ' kW], Oil , ' ico , - . Oolorsi of every ddscrlptlorvary„ankoll..ln_a ct ' ~ a 8 4 , a d.• • - tabu - at - A° Ilardviatalitaififf - _ .. . NOTICE , TO - ItETAILERS. The -Itetallorsof.Cumberland County aro ,horoby- ne to call at tho Treasurer's Oleo and take up their Licensee for the present year, °thorn's° sults 1011 ha brought for tholr collection. - -- ~ "If (cm, of oillea will shortly expiro, and no hut:llM' lit the most miraculous cures HUNT'S " PEARL BEAUTIFIER," for the teeth and gums, clean see and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums purifies the breath uffeetually. preserves the teeth and prevents toothache. Mailed free for $l,OO HUNT'S BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME," a double extract of orange blossom and cologne. Stalled tree Mr $l,OO This exquisite perfume was first used by the Princess Royal of England, on her Marriage. Messrs. Hunt & Co., presented the Princess with an elegant case of Perfumery, fin which MI of the above articles Vero lboluded) Ilf handsome cut glass with gold stop pers, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared In the public Prints. All the above articles seat free, by express, for $5,00. Cosh Call either accompany the order, or be paid to the express agent on delivery of goode. lII4NT & Co. Perfumers to the Queen. Regent St., London, and 77 Sansom St.? Phlladolphia Pa. For dale by all Druggistit and Perfumers. SPEEIVSSAMBUCI WINE CULTIVATED OPORTO SARIBUCUS. • EVERY FAMILY SHOULD USE SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE., eI.ELEBRATED 'for its modicinal and lJ boucliClal qualities eta genuine Stimulant, Tonic, - Diuretio - and Sudorific; — hlghl.y - esteemed by ontineht physicians, and some of the first families in liurripo and America. ST'EER'S SAIIIIIJOI WYNihis not a manufactured article, but is pure, from the juice or *Portugal Santhu , cus, cultivated lu New Jorsey,rocommended by Chemists anti _Physiciarts,_lfs possessing_ medicinal- properties su perior to any other Wines in use and au excellent article for all weak and debilitated persona, and the aged and infirm, Improving the appetite, and benefiting ladles and children, neetIUSO it will lint Into;tint° as ether winos, no it con tains no mixtureof spirits orother liquors, rind admired for its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting-a-Iml thy : tone to-tbe digestive -organsi-Und a blbonaing, soft and health skin and complexion. None genuine unless tlio Rik - nature of HE,N4.Ir fiAICTON, A7.llltlai 8I EEJt, /*sale, N.. 7 on po coilt of each bottle. • , . . ' ... A. EMBER, Proprietor, °Mee 203; Broadway, Now York. . ~ ... . - VINEIYARDi ,PASBIACI,- N. J. y.. 1„. Sold by IttIVVOTArii I: .PIIII,PiIit, Bragglida, 0, , , I 4.•. , • , • I . ,, b , a ,,, qtfrory l'tt,ro, Parliuln.' r'n, . ' ' r, '4"t, lrbzcincs. D R. HOWLAND'S BALSAMIC' CORI/TALI FOR THE ,SPEEDY CURE OF Conryhs, Colds, Influenza, Crorrpi, hoarse- ness, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Diseases of the Bowels, arising front C.old, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief and (if at all possible) cure tients in adrane. crl stages of the latter disease. The tali:mule Cordial Is entirely a Vegetable produc tion. combining the heeling properties of the lialtam, Lb the invigorating tin:Wiles of a Cordial, producing a combination f.o writ adapted to the pnrtioseß intend. tad, that there are lout tow cases of Bison.. which will not, at an early period, succumb to Its healing and lift giving properties. For as e , hoe the treatment of pulmonary disertqes oreupled the greater portion of the attention of the scientific of the medical wet id. brit untie acquired mere end nrnre in hi , I.l ,, atiliOnt of them di,eattle, than the eel-r.tted Prussian Dr. 11001 MANO, the Iwiginatorml the ittiknode Cordial. llis We woe devoted to the - prod . . , tion or that I% ouhl stand unrivalled. llow well he has aucceeded, the American people are able to 11,141, /Old we posit hely inert., tutu no preparations that hove °err 110011 plaint betbro them, have conferred the sitnio MOOIIIII a benefits On suturing humanity, or have elicited so ninny commendati , ms five all rhesans of society,. Ihe emedies of Dr. Iloolland, prepared by Dr. C. Co., of Phili t d e l The Cordial is de=igned fora rinse of Iliql`nßOS mere mmweal and more CI tni t1:111 any other In W 1111•11 the people of this e anllry err SLlljOkt —I.IIOSO qprinnilig froln " 051.010 uu n." Tht. eminent authority.ltem. say, "1 pill not Fa V that ('tilde to our infield t.trits what t nod Ym.tow Frvre are to those of other countries; hot I eau aver enulilenilly t ha t they usher in disease of greater complloity and mortality thou these latter." Entirely Vegetable. No AlcoholicPreparat ion DR. FIE 39 LAND'S 13=1 GERMAN MITERS, =ZEE Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., Phila. ea 1r 1 1.1. 1 I Ixl TUAI.Y err. C(1)11'l, IIN •r me. Disease.: .if the Kidneys, and all lisrasee at ising from a disordered Lit yr or l , tocnach. l , ttell as Constipation. 1111,1111 F1.11111,S In- Monti o till' Head, Aridity of the Nnto., Heart. i1i ,, Z11,4 F•:11(1. llp 11 l'irjit in till' : 4 (11111' .11,1 4 ,11 r I.rtlrtat ions, Siolsing 'Jr 1:111 totin at the l'it .1 tile :strewn h, cwiunninc of the Head, 'honed and Breathing. I !uttering at thn Heart, Cit:•king Sultastting eonsation, when in :t lying posture. pin, tees of Vision. Itol, ?store the Sight., Eerie and Pain in the /load. Detivieney of Persiiir tti••n. v,•l. the Es,•s, • h‘i ti in the t•lirle, Bark, 'host, I iml s, r :sodden Hushes of Beat, Ilurniug II the Flr.6. Constant r•f and great ispreoaons of moi rte. 1111. i r. ill I..kitisily T•ri•eviit Tel— ls Icier, Billion!, I , et or, eitr. The P: opt lettr in • zlllog the :otention of 11,01.10.1 j, [hi- V. ith alrrli tlg ol the uttuust lsnrei' it , Adapt:lll tilt' i• Il 15 Ili. 111 rand 11,1E11 , 4 at ti• tent. one that has nil Outlet-I id twelte years' trial helore the ,nrivi I. in potpie. and Its trput Ili , . an•l 31, 11111illl Hod lllly ploisnall at extant The lest inetly iu LIVOI _iron Le t most prominent and well ttniwn .in holilidu 11, in the rosin hit is immense, a cal einl persod of the A Innolar. mild:she:l anti he prop,: to, and toe ha.l grans • 1 any id ~,r • Agents ••ant I , ul satisfy the mo s t skeip, : d (A : A Iil•Illtitly 'ltstily the peat veleta ity it ns oltailast. IV. 11AVE.IISTICK, Agut f, , r 4.,er . ", a hrro. LApt. 12, 'I 1 -Iy. 1)11.0F. Id.: UR z\'ll"l'S m. NEw PI: Cures.—Pain le fhe 111 elievo lhu pain and you chuck LllO disea.l. V,a- ,1 11, 1,505 Tin: . SYSTEM with I , el 'all.' Ve;Zetelbla preparation. not the iiillghti•sl dan ger applyiou It outwardly or Inwardly: it at ours vivo, a pl. 11 aurnt care, iu most, lases, In from ten to to linty minute,. 'lle host pity sinloglst s of Curope have disenvere.l4ll9l all ere-Illio. ire the animal ,ystron is en of 1l lie olsti notion of tic' ph Vs...select! fluid in the onniti divi a.0•.1 a st inn] :Ipl Bent 00 of th e oil pots in iuuu ellinl ilea el 11, r 11,1,1,, fluid, m o t th e Ingo is at ones nrelnu pllsh od. No Llrediug, no limit. 1110, ill:, in resortial to. Prof. Ire ( . 41,01 ' s LieCil it I lii Is the marl,' of thin age he tile tolltiwoe hie, lust r cry hing Cute , It Itionoltisin eft en in it do). Poles Nvinalgia, 1,0 minutes. Cores Clamp in the Hi non Jilin oli,. ea: es Poore,. IViilllolo. 131a1i,e,. elle CO three dayS. Cala, lohnutrs Ear Ache. Still Neck. Acne, one night. Cures Piles. Glands, tel. days. Can s I eltios, Broken Breasts, Salt Shrurn, Iwo to six Cures Hein, choler. ohs to ti n tiosteil I 011,1 , 11 , (IP 01,0, Cures A one and I'rtcl. r to, leo dits, and al', th e N'ro'lt , .11.11 :''o•ro loels.lll.ia ions Curt, ion , to font' days. Cures all Pains In the Lack, ete., In 2 days. 3111_111EBTESS CURED: Nbo HAWS, has 10th, Prof. Do (Isiah-11 . y her has liven shot throe t vors, nod one bottl.. 01 sour 1.10,1,1,111 cured him rutu-riy. Tour,, /1(1) It. SCH Nit', IN. ANOTHER INSTANT CURE! Ifuntintnlon. 1',.. Supt.. I do cerLify that Prof. In, tiratli'n in fallable fur Ithuttinatio pain, lly lk inu fur sum.• tin, past has huon gruatly A 111104,1 and unahle to nail.. ha, hue, rustul,l I y thu of this ail alnh.vr it stantancuunly. I Cal/ .hem fully renniniend it lu uth• ma. JC/LIN ,N. Sox on, Cui . ex-May, ~r I'.o ll , hit, Alumni cured T I , ` NECK. (Editor of Law )laazine Cured Illii:11111111,11.1,1 (Ull4ll Prot. Clot,. lie Grath—l treel ;rive it ar, ii epinion bat roar Livettie Oal lb among the most xomlerful •niedb., ICI modem (hint,. At the tannest reque,t, ci al), xho alle,,Tll that Mal had been cured of a 1,,,,xt runfnl alt.rli.rn by Its use, 1 Inns induced to try a 1.,t -o. al till , time of trtnalaniutt, 1 fully believed to be a quaelt 1111'111 , 11W and a eatelmenny humhu.t. t a 11 - L11,110111,s flue t hat it pe,,,ses ll ma:flo Imp per It will prove 3 ble . ,lllV, to -ifilering , en tl3 brolt a 0"1.1 lions tleeping in damp ela.et,,, and 111) Duel/ dtt.,llllt, Si. 11111, /I Mw.olkt, and painful Ib:u ,' ,, 111.1 not turn mI hived. Alter to.itt,.. ,ithour suroess, eve, ytlning I.ll , cribed Iry toy plo,lcian, I lent ereniol: ti ie.] your Elven is till. morning I .tin 0,11. ll.e ”•liel having boon its COM juldio as it, 11:1.9 Yours, ors' truly, .11111 V 1.1 k Editor Null this' Law 'Alligazine, 157 Bri , arlway, anL I'j) %Vest 1.1 tit St.. N. V. Mr. I.lringst , .n belongs to the old, wealthy and high ly old t.ettlers of New York - . Any oue ean address him on the subject of the above letter, whirl] rill lie answered It Ith pleasure. Principal 1/ep0t...277 South slb Street. l'hlladelphia. i/1.1,01.1U1 A Pt:unit, Sole Agents for Carli..le. cs)._ Sold by all I.lruggi,ts, and in Jersey City at Van tusitirk's, Waohington street; Shipley's. (1 street: i)r. 7.abrl4lcle's, corner of (Irovelllll./ South Nth Street: I.ong,talf's, lull Montgomery st. HANDSOME WOMEN TO THE LADIES. HUNT'S " BLOOM OF HOSES." A itch and eleirarn color for I,lncheeks or tills. It will not wash or rub off and when onee hpplied , remains durablolbr years, The Lint Is so rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny fails to detect its Ilse. Call be removed by lemon juice and will nut injure the skin. This lan now preparation used by the celebrated CUM t Beauties of London and Paris. Malted free, in bottles, with dixections for use, for $l,OO 11.11NrS "001.11V4 'TOILET rOWDEII," imparts in . da/Aing, whiteness. to the. coundex ton, and Is unlike anything else used fur this purpose. Mailed free tor 00 Nub, 1IUN1"S "BRITISH BALM," removes tan, freshles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin. ➢ladled free 'ur 00 Cents. lIUNVS "IMPERIAL. POMADE" for tho hair, stron- Knolls and Improves Its growth, soups It rl . Olll li4Wi¢ off and is warranted to make the hair curl. Mailod frog for $l,Oll =II LADIES' W_TNE, 457 4 AIAKE,' ONl'l`.lllAL.,fiy IJS WviNl. eiTTEXtiOX: NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS - After returning his nehnomdedgemOnta for the vary liberal patronage which has been extended to him, the onderslifned would call attention 100 the !het that be Las Just re-opened his extensive assortment of faintly in his new store-room, on the south-rest corner of the public square, where the public are invited to call and OXIIIIIIIIO a stuck of goods which - , in elegance, variety and extent, will defy Competition; comprising In part loaf, lump, crushed and brown sugars, ..„,..,... Java, BM and roasted Coffee. Every va. .. 1 ....5t0r , rlety and quality of TEA.. Spices. (ground 1" 11111 '' • and unground) Pickets, Sauces, Table Oil. 'l4. New Orleans, Sugarbouse and Trinidad 4 t , Molasses; New York and Philadelphia Syr ups. Cheese, 31acaroul, Vermecilli. split Peas. Hominy, Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina, Chumbite, Extract 0. Coffee, refined sugar at reduced rates, washing and bak ing soda. Tobacco ufdlie most, favorite brawls. and the finest quality of Segal.. Also, a beautiful aNsortniell t. el Britannia Ware, plain anti gild band China 1V are, dilass, Queens. Stone and Eaftheru {foie;';;; Griot a'S Hely, and an elegant lot of. lunacy Soaps, extracts and perfumery for the toilet. . . FRUIT'S: theludingl'enebeß in CADS, Raisins, Cran• berries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, &c., &e. '~?_~. ~ l i ~ rZ'k x'~'"`- tiro t• t Il hishey, Holland and ;Scheid:an Sal FISH AND SALT. • A hrirn stock of 1,.1 1 11';;. Including Dyntt'seclohnitod lamps :I.r burning liciohenc or coal oil, also 4 Sp:lra, Lard and Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Spurn, and Star Candlos. CEDAV-IVARE AND 1113007115. • Bruo.o, IC.pos, Moppz, Soaps, Imor.mato, Wolters. Lor: inc.gdaFses, tine letter and note paper, Willow Wore. pointed buckets. to. Cotton and woollen Hose, and half Hose, and a full stork of (Haves, Including the eel! known . llanover Curti I;torre. lu short. him stnei; 0,1 ythinv. that Ise:111,1 for in his lint. of Ipoginosq, and un virort., vi ill hn spart.(l o rondor eh t Ire satisfaction to his ,itstoiner, Canis], , Oct. 27 3 Marketin4 of all kinds taken in oxchnogo fo FA)11.1:1` GROCERY AND TEA Just rrroired nntl In sure, n Tre. , ll am! sell St) lest Itousterl l'ulvetizorl lames, Itrlinrd and (Alt, I , rown Suunn., topPriur Syrup )1n1. , ,,. 1 , r1,111:i • 1 fp I II a FE,. Spirt, et every Fa. inn :Ind nuchot, T:ujuealulf! Sl'l,llll, CIL:Hu Tar tar as a,u led Pi,1,1r., ustnrd fine tr 7 1111(111' MOH 14111.11 tides lIIkI' i t he'mlging to the hu.:ines,—all at the low”st ,11,, mad late re lu ed prices. J. W. La Y. DRY GOODS: DRY GOODS! F IRST AIIEIVAL 01 , ' DRY UUOUS I,:ive.iiist ,telilele•l opening i.er I)ry is larger itiitt ',oily ai le,l Slain ..t:uis [l,llllLil 01.11' 1111'111i , int Ito sou In vl -it oar I (~ 1 1. Mir sleek eel Fist, in part el' 1 13:4111r1,0 Arid Inillinnt Vt)ll,:z Spl,lll, Vt•LN farce lot of Sll.liS.plain at PA4 l.a. No 0,111.4 ially h o w, i.• tins fiPplltlovot of .or t-I , •r .1noll•re•I i. f st.al and 1.Lu0• , 1 loll:L.11s. ..0.11 and I:l,4lisli Cloutz.eN Elo:41i,L11 :oaf A,,),;i k ao enljo, 'I 111 SI mods 11:1V1. 1 , 1' , 0•11 ,011`1 . 10,1 IVII.II :11111 'll 11 inn 11, :111.1 L. ill 1 . 1 , 1 :111f1 11, 111111.,t, twn, C:i1111.11, 11 u 5 ,11,11 is mil sr hi,h ten t ully esndention. in order to petiiity lett 1\ / ;reed:. hater anti iu price than the is slid every tincii L. (tom and Lin..” and i;.•ntl..”1..11,1:1.1. I.i-1e thread and ,eu I, ..1.. yes.'' 111,lins, Flannels. lll.tnitels. Ana orery.aetlele in the donartic lino 01 Dry floods, in larger quanta,' and In wore runalete assnrlnant than enn be tqultYl In any //4.11/f0 in the itanriwr Pcnaluylvaniu. 7111.:N':73 IVEAR! ernailnlern, Vetainea, I,inona. rnltOnnA4ffj 11.,11 i . ,11 . en5..1111 tn k, :nr V q .” a nd ;nu mljud.rid I t ctualni—ue, Le br uq,q, lor beauty 1111'1 quality. Sapertina N. I. tssf.:lll.l t !It I, Ply, VON ot, Alia Ingrain ('al p, In, a ...r ;.1,111, I: 111111 J, Ii 1 ,, .1 1•1i.11 1 111 i~lll.n a kiki Look . tall, I, Mit 011 111,l1,1•. I,olillt, I". lul iii U I 1•.13 .1I /. 1.1/ 1:0 t“ t ~f ',rev Lti—. he ! thy. 1.1 t . eleel a 1 ,11.1.1 at m. I 11, le. ell et _,•„t 11,1011. Itly ale.Q. h., , (1.41) and silk Mani ums. Emb..iderit,, Sun Paastils. 11.1 G 1 , ,t v, A.l` tk.e. 111 ir RN I NI; Iluu Ur of ..,ery 11,1 . 1111tiOn hill/01E1,1 by thin cndebndu•d house 01 111E5.74)N Ves.Ongs, Lit." Cotton Pan invN, Cnnt lipzs. 111,, eh, lloaicry. Ckpilltn4, ?,,lis 'l'n• jak - I,) — Doniestie Goods of Every Variety, al, Wholesle ao l Retail.-%';'W CARPETS I CARPETS ! All Kinds dived ft om (ho Fach,rv, Gil ChM., M Hugs, Win‘h.ly l nn ll•s, dhoking (I las, Gilt and Alahogany h,ann• s . Everx variot.y of goods ,uitnble for 0)0 wants of tl whole votilillifbltv. As Iso bought sin,. the \VA eitt,:ts, and ktilit,µcrhostill find our prices to suit tl. Limes. Pleas° cull at SAWYI:It Nnw ;itoro, East Main Street May 3, 'Ol 1) READ 131SCUIT 1 . 4' Tho Cream of Tartar " l'uhrtltlite" Ia reeommen• dad us a superior article In emu bins Linn With Saleral us Or Soda for Baking purposes. It prodalq, bread oaken hleh when cold are sweet, moist and gratclll, while these of Cream Of Tea m:me ort”in do and taste lose. It will cost less Illicit Crean. of Tartar and is used In the same way for cooking, ~(e. THIS SUBSTITUTA together with Satomtits' Soda. Pere Cream of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow Root, Mustard Seed, ground and HO. ground, spices of all kinds unadulteraied, and al. Crocerles In every variety constantly on hand, and at the lowest prieem for sale by Dee.l4, 1860, gr 00K SIIARP.—Ww. Fridley would 14 Respectfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally that ho has again rowmcuced Ott, manufacturing of tin & sheet Iron were ofall In S. (J. Iluyetls building on Louther street, directly opposite C. Shaploy's Muir Martufctory, Whoa, Low ill at all times Loin readiness to tee all hinds of work in his line of business with neatness and dispatch. All work will be done by himself and a competent hand as ho Reclaim° apprentices. Also, tutu at all times be had those colebrilied SELF— TESTiIiti, SELF-SEALING, riumun Alli-TI6IIIT PRUITOANS & JARS. _ - lions° spouting. and Jobbing of all kinds dono at short notice and made of the best material,. Arinash paid for old Pewter and Coppoir. , Hoping by strict attention to business, ambri desire o p leavoll, to receive a share of.pubtle patronage. Carlisk Oct. 20, 180O:4y. - Oct. 2t),• 130.—Jy. 12i - EIV GOODS AT PANIO - PRICES. ;lust received another lot of elegant &CHINO GOODS bought at the present reduced city-prices and uncommonly low for CASII. GRAYGOODS for ticivoling . drosses, Chan Laineil, Lustres, Silks, &c.,ln great rot let,. . Muslim+, Shootings, irk:ings, Oinghains, Ac, at the very lowokt prices. Aar MBN'B AND BOYS' WEAR, COITONADES, SUMMER CA SSIM lifillS, JEANS, . DILILLINOS,- LadiesYGents', Mimes' and Children's Clove's Stock lugs in endless variety and very cheap. - •Itooollret the store nearly opposite the Depot. 011'ARLES OGILBY, Trustee. Carlisle. May 10, 1801. MAILS'! NAILS ! NAILS 1!I A large stock of good, Olean, Neat, and Tough nails, at tho lowest Paces. Our nails are worth - LOcta a keg more, than any other make of nails sold in our town, this is the,Oninlon of mechanics who have tried theta, we also have a full assortment of - lIII;DINITMATERIA LB; of the latest'aud mosfappinied - styles..• All goods _Win, routed as-represented; LION. • May 2, 'OO. North Ilauover 4r. L'URNISKING GOODS.—:—; . stholargost and boat variety of Clout's ° Purntah ug Qoode, and tit the lowest pridus can bo found at • -LIVINCISTONI3.' North llanoVer Stroot. 1)R111 , 1'E - CRANBERRIES.- • f k A flupprlnri,m!.,l4. , .: oferaaborrleajnst rarqdred and - • New Ooo6D. R 9 a—s T,TQI7OI!S : 111v:Icsale and 1.0.1;1, embracilut c"rnmon a n d old I:•, cA‘ his kry, Ilraridit•s, dark and pair. I,lshon .91wrry )11nicria,(iiitger,C.ktav,),:l ,p.12(.1 119nes to c:n.lo; huL , 110 I:; ; , 11,1{ . 10)1111 , , FANCY AND PLAIN ll= Lndies Fine French Conan,. 111)SIERY AND i;1,41\ MEM I= A - D o U EA R J. W. PRY 1i rctlmtccm . arl, 7,-.1z",,,--,.. '•_•,,,..„....:•,-..::.4 _ ..,.:, # .- -,,,,,, -, 1 ::(;:ii.,... 0 ., , 5 . ,,,,,. ? , 74.z. --.: ; ,_: • !....,,,....,.. 4 r ii'A'i l lpeggikl , J . -1 ''V , :: TIC..IIW4PY ~ ;Vie- ----_ , - -- - -,,,,,* - -- ~...ff.,...__-_; l, -. r.,,-,- AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT 1 F. nimbler & Co. now ma nun...torn and keep Con- Monti} , fu rale. at tllOi r 0,1 on>iie Steinn Worhs tio East Main , street, CartlidiL'a large assol t of • A RI C T It AI, IMPLEM ENTS, of well Impwn, approved usi•fulne., to Ekr/oer, among 'vu till eit'll,peeial attention to 11 I LLOUGH BY'S CELLI:RATED rATENT G 1. 7 .1 f -SPRING CIL , Yf.'Vn RILT, which hnraelva 050 - fifty First Cl,ll l l l l ' reniiiiiiw , at Eta La and runty Pnirs . T" tlrn Pnr roots York and l ' or ,s y tanint ins sic lured nit speed. in tlntall of Ihe merits N I hi. drill. as scores at them ate now 11/ UFO Oil the LrnL Lotus in ties,' CIPIII/111.5. 1111a:0ft th II is the n 1,4 etattplt le (It ain Drill uoe ntattrlllreturerl in the Ll'n nett :Slays. lase, s )% bolt, live. Oats, liariny and limo, taracrlY and rr'grri:rft ssil hont Ittirtchint the seed. The nano ,pringsitastr the di ill r slumpsand stones, mil.in.ntl.re:lidng pins or ill. } , eves eta A n t i regular so, Ilin n by Outn Spring Dril! is innvglinilod i s any other. Ir at, teatitt f t , tu t ,. the Irtllttm inn or Wit's, o hielt .• .1111 1,1,mu11-n i l to FArITICI . SiIo lentil Ic itnplemeht,s, ;it tettaltlished charade, )1(.1:1:1;=11N - s PATENT. EiIYIN PLANT( , ((, .1-11-11T+ 1 1 ,1 TENT 1,TI: Al‘ 1. 1 ,11 1 1/111: (1711 . 1111, 11111DENDol,1 1 1E,' PATENT ( 1 1111 N 1 .1 111 . 1.1,1..1i, 11.1111 , T. 1 PATENT )111 L. .1 11 11N:71ON',1(`AFT 1 IRON 111,11'S TROViI 1 11 ras tun', Font' Ilttrsor Tomer, atitl hint,',, Cart It,: Field linnet's. IT ut..lt l'atTatir ta 1311,1, I,li. ( ~ 11 s for 1111,111,..11, to ntentetta Lin l'ett I anti Tint nittio Li rquit it all hot., uec son i'ici iaslings for 11.., , ;,1 , 1 , , , •1• 11 a lots,otlns aii :Mt - teliVe Val lety ‘.l pat E., rut for .T.RVDT itIII37,7fIVGS. nd ('xv[T.:TEitY tuNCL),UTI ES to s.hi , h oe 1,1”1,1 (all at 1,1.1 =9 Strain and Mill Gear:lig Ti , this (Ititartmtrut. !It hur lutttluert Wl` gilt! 1,10i'll• Ln ,t! cr . .' it.ll. Our 1111,111 y 01 to tIrrIII Flu nut! :taw I ill Outtrlug. i. thuttltuoly 111 ill 1 , 1111I•rF Dud NIP( `A Hull!, mil! 7 vlur ittslll ! it I! a plintlti( . .it•.l!!!,t,to 01 Pill N:111,1` Mill ratt 11 , . it nppii uciuu. nu r )1.1 , 11111.•:•11.1, vt , t1.1%1 all II: 1,, t• ••I`ll.t tunii Irk:, pht nil, nil firothittut zhttlotht :14 !I Ltist to 1 , 3 - tt - . !!! and ettivitti Mat hillutts. STATIoNARY .3TE:OI ENGINFSV oni,rity. povor.1•Iiill, 111 lin- 1 , 1,t ,t) le and naa ;•.311,1,1,1atiag tel 11,. luilt al our e:tal.ll,llmrl2l , u,e. ,1111 1.. t.tti., al litaby thl. k ill ( . 11111 , 10..mil I'u n , Lrrinud 1,-13 .111.1 auplk,rtl••• t.r r, Lu h ;1;13 lel, t,.r l i.l.alliat,/kil asill I n Nr..wt11.4 :I,lm t,iloi•s atv lii•I'• DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. t.,..tni,usi..utit .h:unl D— r '131:11: I. 1... m whit lr , n,nr in vomplvte me t , for tLo 11.1m:m•tmt I ti o. o `I , lc pi ,rir,t 15, 11, Win- Its:1.1-11,11 ill i :. 1;10:: V t„ 4,lc c I _'1.1.-cc, 11,11 1 ; ttr,.550: I ,or . 1 . 1 •... • 1.;“ CI I. \II 11 , 1c , s,I 11,. autlt r o.sloy r suss. :II...1:1•151 , 1410. 1,, 1.1.,1 , 1 atol v0it,555 'I.A th , itl ol•li , • to,poctlully Olifotod. • I.:, oilll , !,1 (1.1h1;:s1:1I Co. COALANDIA:MI;EII 'rho ,i)—•lihers hare this da) ent,,,lillto putt ne,lop to lruL• iu 0 A t, AND L U \I IS I: It , )ve !!!hacn ronl:m try Ti 1t.1.1 - :11,11u.i.h to order .11 1.1,1,1 , and quahtj of spa ~.ucd LUA11.11.1:, lokl,lS 1 7 11 A ME STI - FF, ittz Lath, ,t ttt hid 1 hat, ,i tt e t) a t , tit 11. t I:tit I vita._ t, It. 1111 . 111 All Itindtt.ait : Nln trpinr. Ilt•ntlttt!:, ml 1,11, of 4101 . 1 01/1Ii11 . 111:0s. il.l, III: 1.11, .0 ‘.lll . 1 110 1.01 11111,11 I 11Is Itt t tot ntty length : ncl lii ttl: I It a,' .01 1)1.. 110 11. rttittttrittltlo Icrni U 1.1.1 Dllll-11 1A . 1., 1.11110/.01-0/04 1.0 1./11 , 1 110 . :.. tri Into; Prt•l dr, 111 ,11 \lto 111,, tt, t•' ti '‘ tt Inwl :1111,111 tit 1 1 ,t1 111,110 lu ill Ii ...• 1 , 111 11, 0 11,1 lota ,l, il en) I..ut tif El,. I tttr u L T.. . IS k I.: \ VA I LEY, Broltori, ny , :, Ft.ore :.,..1 'Nu I..CIiE I 11)111.1,14., TREIkritTON, do. do. do. LOCUST )1011.INITAIN, I.OIIBERY. ...' i . . S . xvilich We 'Alta fPilti VO til go.in at tho lowest prices. ..B,t - e , ~, „,ut s ‘ar . r • , • Lzmcl,en~i~r's ml.l Illacicxnzill2s Coal, ondinnd v/hlcll I A t li,ur Yard west aide 01 Grarnt,it )1:11,1 k.. 1 .1111 y 1F59 .t. R. Nt).7cI4:IIFAKICIV roinv- twiN(; AND corxiis IF IL 0 F.' B. A - N rcp , IP IF, ZE , co.\ L., I EN A 'l'let Fe' ~ tiler helm, tlt.eh the lj et , 0 rn .tl e‘t tee, t,t 'A et I! N't '-tt, It Iste e et.tel 11-h levet. et] \le.t 111,h sheet eepe-tte Ith hin.ett Sreltht tele.. the Ttehtte tht.: 11, Ith, eettetel ii, to ,t,ltteal I et ent.tlee end i • 4i,11 • • bizht,t %, ill I.k, !mid lor I 10ur,131 - 2 ~! Tlo.y o.ll,•ight st• t , . nn,l Itallitm•it., u t thelt,st•st rates, ,st y .1.11d:11-r:1f i; cow:tan:ly ou hood, al F 1,4 /1 1: k at rt 3.101. Coal 0! all L 1 hi." LLE.EIII , iiI,I-11, N BURY 'WHITE ASII, 1.0( L'YI'4IA 11. Limeburner's and Blaclistuitli's INTI flit SALL% E EPT UNDER COVER and delivured city to any part ol Lice town. J. it. NON EIIIAHER Augx.t 17, If q,!l =3M=I Proctir,;l V. E R and G .lS I-'II'TL•.'R, to 11.e1,18(m(ht lii .11. E. Church, Alain Crtr(r.•(e. 1.08(1 ithd Iron l'ipos, h oh Si ,ho, Ilydtnts, bath I'lll,, hot tt.. Cold Flt,tv,er 'lath:, Pith Itoikrs, 15'.1t A, Closols, „ , \`..at-lt lia. , ttis, Itt.i.t. and liill'tlitlrt. 113 draktlie hlons, Sc IV rt, t 1L nu Il'ol'd l'tt !wit, And every duseriptinn nt ...mks :Ind fitting,. Mr r:IS Stl,lll, tsuntnior cooking innges, ;Id guy hots., us put up Is. 01111 . 1 . 111,, slur's and ill short noth . e. In (hi. most modern ,styli. All al, and out!' Ili our liars at law rated and warrunt...l. Country work and Jutting momptlyattended to. :quo. 1‘,7,9-1V li1;111CATING OILS,—We wish J to ilik , llllunichitiost.v, million and the inthlie gene• rally. that we hate on ha ll nd 1m full stork ut Lubricating tkih, for all hinds of .mtrillnery, thls nil nlkl•phi,L, ill others, having been subjected to a thorough test I y the side ol the lit-I.t Lord uud other Oil,. It IS 1.1 . 01101111.21.1 II Millet Lula irate,- at lens cost and w wiring longer. an,' entirely tree from gum, and will stand 1...•11 colder weather and has 14,4, tendency to heat. git /nut you will Mxe nothing else for Lubricating. Carlisle r 2, 'CO. .111IIN P. !NNE SON. North Muncher Strout Collin:, IDHOTOGRANII in all its branches executed iu tin best St) lo bnov.n in the art, at 0. G. (IRANI:" 8 GALL ER r, b 32 Arch :Are* East of sixth, PHILADELPIIII. Life Sizu in Oil and rastil. ar•STERD)S4IOI'.IC PORTRAITS, A mintrynTES DAG UERR SOB VITS, Ac., for. easoN, and Orders for Clouds promptly attanded to. Mardi 8, 'Bl.-I.y. GOODS.-FIRST ARRIVAL Tills SEASON, At OgilWs Map Cash Store I have - just roturned from Philadelphia and am new opening a lot; ofhamisothe, desirable and cheap bil (MODS, bought for c.tsh and will be sold at astonish ingly low prices. A large stock' of new style prints, elmloys, Del.anes, Ingbams, and other Dross (lends In great variety. A now stock of bleached and tanbleaChed Muslins, 'Pick• lugs, Shootings, Diapers, Linens, Cheeks, Au —A full assortmont of ]hack Silks very cheap and very good'. Another stock of those Brat elms Steal Spring Skirts and uudbr price. TIOSI IMY t ROSI IMY Ladies', (lents', ;II isseli'v Heil Children's hose In great variety at low prices. GLOVES id all kinds anti price. CAIi [`VMS I OAI uurrs CAItPETSI 11. A new supply of Ingrain, Cottage, Romp, and Rag Carpets. All persona In want anew style Spring Goods are respectfully onvlted to ell and-.examine this stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. CRAB. 001LIIY, rMarch2l),.'Sd. _ Trustee. DRESSLER'S lIAIR Jiii'WELRY • STOKE. . __ • . '- .n. 4, igO)iilt 8171 Street. • -- - - - - IPhiladclithia.- - • • ••- - ' , On band and for stile, a choice asSertment of superior p , atternsland - will 12 - To . ollllEtt, ~ ---ca-....-, Bra'eelOts, Ear - Rings,..Finger Rings, Breast ' , Pinti; .erasses, Neeltjaces, Vest and. • Guard Chaip • ii, Ike., .3,i - e., -• Ira- Ordera'uncloslug: the balr.to-beldalted, may be sent by mall.-.Give"a'nraning• as near as you 'can on paper, and anelohe sprit amount as you may.ehoose to pay.—Ctot as follows i. Ear Mugs $2 to $0; Breast Pins $3 to $7; 'Finger Stings 73 cto. to $3,50 ;..Vest Chains $0 to $7; Necklaces $2 LP $10: , vn,,,llair put hien ?TodalinnE, Pox Brea st,PMN, lungs, ,te, ml ( 4, 1.1 ., i 1 , 1 Slleqr bought at fair rates., - A 1,, :..1.-,1. •‘. '. '. -. . . . igle :Foundry fi±.=_ , • 41,1 , 7, 4 4.W' t5 '„3 - t _ *4/4 )1.111.;;I.11, BCI\TI.ISf7, A iX::. , 11,1,Nt; I It itratcOes anh `aluefry fILOCKS WATCHES JEWELRY AN!) SILVER WARE. at Manufacturors price& W. D. A. Naugle, A gt., Zug's building East Siniu St., opposite Saxtons frardwaro Store, Dmlur in FRENCH & AMERICAN CLOCKS, e, - k P • • 5 Ck? • aftVP:2,l , • (L) Foreign nn,l Atnei Iran 11 - titehre..fewely, fill t nl an.lPlii ted ware. would iespeethilly In Lrm Id, old pal and the 11.11,.111 that in v Lill an entire new steel: of FIN :11 A 'l , ll ES,.I ENV 1,1,1:5, SILN . L 'FM) \VARY, I laving a2.4riirles fries same uT 01.11/11 . {,•Ni en i the of I 11111 pitill, eel off, to tli“ 1.”1.111. ti U' ill the 11114 ft , in per ciii/L e ever in title pia. e nr I.i•lrm Lliv r and tr 111141., as cold:. h. 10 opolst.l Sett , : It Le pi • 1. , !I`l, yn icily nett JEWELItY. q 11:ty :1 , . root, i 301.1 H not. Casil Eng. Cr•I . :11, S •• Strihilll4, .. 4 • .5 noo n an, POOO I, lt " :'t ri 1 , . in,: S - Al. " " Sn i•q. Cl, 8 " Ily...olntom, ‘• “ I , t'Oil, h. (1,1.1 Stone 8 '• Gallery, Sit Yar II o of.. Cnso Sin. lirn. S '• Clio, oh, - " A .I,t i, an, Carlot nein, S " 1 males. ":- y oa.. Opal. 8 '• l'orlo, " l , 5G. , 1e11. . MoYele, ll= appti Fuu A t:t, i..nn, dot. .0 ll.nir, " •‘ 1.1.111nt,. Gat tot. St, il.i, " " Iltrirt it•rs, Turyt , is, ".\ I:trto k Strik. :.‘ " 1..",1,11, fain; iii,, ril 111110, " 4 ‘ 1 . 1," It, 1:11;lin,:/ed, • i.F.V1 . 1 " " i te•'ll"3. Past.., .. (.I.llllr, q, " '" 6i i ~..11, i'lolle, EiE=l=l9 IV:litr•rq niv,•-, Hid), Ai.a.r, l , Srm ns. lot li , ll Jail 1;,;n 1.0 S E l' It. IT. S T I; I.; L e BATCH MAKER 50u.,„„,,N,),,,,:,,,5TitEnT, n _4 pqr• (/urns ~ ,, ,, i , ,!/ l i f e 1g,,, , ... ai•ini'.2l, II it , upplit•,! mv.,•11 sill, n lar,o pro Irt/c 1.11 , a!! 1.17,1-' t l'h j t .,„fry . 10 , ,t laa-aO,ll. that map inttu.to.l un hai u Lr,trim :1110,11i, 1 t..l , t,ikw,a 0,14. Pr ‘ , IIIJ , 11,1; .11:1, , Itro 1.1 11,1 , 0,1 lal 1.1.10; 1:,1.1 :tl.l 0.1 , t Ph: • 1101 1:-tr J r!,!,,,Cpir alkl atocnt. GOLD FI.NCI Eft RINGS, A', .•I 1)01.•hoti 11.1 1,4•1,11.- 11.11. tip ,111,1 ttt-I •t, I ';•,, ill I, , -1.1 1.4 A :-.1111.• h. pozidluov r AT(' I I ,) ' 1.: 1, i) V V lAl'll\l,l vs al 11 tp t ",,tte t ttntthet inti I !!:110, 1.c1 , .••f It Ilt,‘ ••.. lit :I.[ltlf.o Lr in) ,7 11 ,, , kk 111 , 11 I j.l,lLr ILr ~ U ..1.;1 ••I Pt•• • 111.1 .111 :;141.t .ii, :111.1 oipe,l .tlll 1. LI I/ u,~i • ~ 1, ‘,lll-.) ,ty and 141 El, I. t f.? 1.., I o• I• . f y Tl.llll pal Ili cik 1.1, limozer tim.••... 'Am!! pill', `lO4, , `.I Ilt {:“N Lint,ll)! , `,. ,111 . i I .1,1 ph: t 1.1111, I. t...1.,m113111111111,(.1rd,r.".11, i •, "Y IT ;. A m1,m.t1.1m....mt m.l gold. er y.,Z.• 1 , 111111,1 •1.••••: . 1io's. midi ?di C2-'—' „ 1,,h c' in, t 1.14,j;[1 tun,. A lino Int, of thy Lnl.t innliers, ipo, ti. it , ~,,, 1...,111 111.1 .111.)1 It 1011 ,. .•li•IS, I ha., nn :in I IttPIC Ilrtl lr. 11 , 11" Oh 1..14 Ni high t gull ~t it loiv for rail,. -A II artirly, Allll .- t.5 . ,11.t1 Hn 10p1,•0ent.,•,1. o •:tront lal !Paid011:11 to 1: El A I and nil v. t.l ati Led. =UM NT ()'11('1 , _\NI) lzr..\ 1) Tiii_4.- -- F. C. N - 11.1. \I Eli, 7 . 17 ?. .It (la, roil, storm on Paint 711a111 Ft. j - x.. - -.P?ert oraa Ilona ' Sll‘Liill'il Hal divan! Store, `_/ .. 4 )47, st oalii call tlas. a t.trialiiiia ol iii.raons in ~._ - 7 ~,, 4 , ..t. L,I a line XViatcla to hies apleoilid ,&1 1 'vx.:: l_.':,,,ositorli 4.,r .\."., li.an s Livasria.,ll nod 1.01. ,t„, It ~ , I t 1..,.. I 1,,,,,.,, li n ,. ,L O ,l, ,I i„,t,t 5% ~,,.),,., lit al a priroa, Irani titooly dollai .4 rait to thr,ta Minot ~,,,1 doii.al• 1 Ilk. 113,1' It al. ,•Il Silt. r limit., t',,....• I and iii.ria l'Asial \l' ii 1,-, tr-la tha r.. diiiiiii- 11;. to, Ishii. I al ~ i Ira, i.. 11/,.. 'l ii I, of I'l i'llell il nil \ o.ora la, .11 N 1 1.11 1:1. ini i... 1 Is., -nan la nAi Calor., ii..ld i , t..ai,.. Loot xio,ir. Al , urn!, i . awl Pl.iiii sr tl., ~... I ;II.” It.c.t. a 11..,, it., 1, 1.1 114.1.tiliolos t li-iii sate dollar tip tin 1,,„, i,.,,,, 1,.,,ii,....• ai,i11 , 0.t.:1.(1,11'S l'Ii• 10l 11l Ile ii! ail li lit, I ' iiiiil 111 li ii•, i 11.1 , 11 hill, 111 lillgi...t, i•lx sil X t-f , I..ii. il lid Coil , !a too , . rear lai i,.• -1.4 is id hair, a lo._, I ..1 all I 01d...an I tiattrrios. so la ioi Soal llin ie. 111,1.11,c liall - 11,1 ri. flail,. a flaw s.toclt ~1 Coll Pins, Cola iris. :I. 0i.,• 'loll .i.- I, I.a.liti..to 1 a,oirt i..taa,.,F,, try i iii 1.1.!..i, i,..1.1 11 - 14 Ii lF:. at 1.15 ..r!, Cmumetlons are made ar 1121,1 ' 1..' itm the Passenem Train„ in Nab dire, • •a.l, ] h 0:11111. Cumberland Valley and Ceetr•O. All trains ronneet at Ile/Ming with i i i sing. allll Iddladelnlda, and al AlleMmt n. 1. Chunk, blm.Cou, A r. No Om rt,le of Pn.seuger Cars or Baggag . ..l“.t.,‘ y r „k sorthe the Stilt At )1. Lino 1,111 NoW York or the 1.15 I'. M. front For /manly of qoonery. and spol. coin fort. and 11 1 0 (LItin11. I his route prosents snllorlot hit,, Ifs to the travollin Fare ladnueon Now York and Harriohnr7, VIVI: MI,. LA RS. For tirtot, and other lon, mourn amt, _ _ _ . I —L l l,l'l/E, (lonotal Agent. . CARLISL Pll I LA I )1 , ; I, I 'll.l.A_ v 717 0 DAILY E I T L I IN e rm of this Lino Isn't Daily, at. 4 P. „NT. ralislo. Dail, al o'.•lnals A NI Is in raisin.] [his I,ina L.e P. Unit, Pt aUlit Lino, and seuL in 4 n'cli.,•l,. :$1: pll ILA I) 1I L II I A AND READINU A 1 I. IL 0 A 7i.) SrMITEIt ARP.kNOI:NIENT, ()I1 101 , i 110,1 Two No,:,,wer, r - An , D.l re k.l , ur n dal A\l . 11 , I'. 11.v,1( 1.12. 111,11 1111 , 11. o P. ufning 1,•:,,,. 8,14 A :10 31. P• M•• /Po i ,1, 111!, P.:.1 nOOO and t..:0 P. V,r22 , • T 22 Phi'adr-11212 222, N. 1 CAI tt,il 22 t• 222 , At 1t722.12• f l h . ! r tratnsh, limit:;. 1. •I 1, to, 11, 1,11.,5e heading 1 ,, e Pl , Padel;lll:‘ ,1111 S. B A. 1! .1 ,, 1: , .1. 11 . L ~,, re- 11 ~1111. Lea,. P111;ekl,,11.111,t Pea , 1111: iii !•.1. , / A. M.. I.i nP. P. , 1 1,./111 .1.1) Fare, ft ,, rp 111,01,141,, 1.1111,1,, Ipllio.1:11.7: , :tn,1 f-1 11. The 11 ,,, ,,1rr triin 1,11 ilarri , l.uo , Vf•I1110, at 11e , 1ir: with up twin 1 ,, r 11 :14r 1 s1 , at to. I'lll/ten at,Ll For thr,ugli tickets:lml other apply 10 • .1. t (40nern1 lurrint. . (II :41.\ RP )1. )101:1ZIS Imug ht, and the a _lEl3' 11 HAT AND CAI' EMPOIZIUMI The unrlersined luirehased the stork. A r 01 Ihe lot,, 11 01 it, Tront anthot to, to hot lo• ill , nL fluor the 11.1'171 \,; 11l t •,ta tol lii 1% ....I Hirt,sl rot. . tot 1 , 111, a ord a .1 , 1 t trot uam t, io•tlo t..,t Ih. Er , l'y I ail. NI, .' ,. ' , ,1.1 . 1 , n..7 (~, , , if',/, tlml ,halle: ,t, lerl3 in 1,e... it u 1111 the het 1-1,1...nt ~ I the Alt-L...1 mtil% t/t, te HIO so.. 11. 11110 il “O 1,, „4„.4 :,..1,.,11t::,,..•e„ t.1 . ..:1 1 .I) . ' t: 11.1 ..c., --- 2 ,,, ... , , ; -X.l". ._....&, ....., ....,..:,.., ...'. 4 .: • 11 ATS -\.N.I) 1'..1'.' AF.P' , . , . t „ ttz Q b r r ,... ,> , ...&•-- -,, er nil de.,lptior,, fl , ',O lII.' C. 1111, O IlOoi to tho fine,t I. Ult A\l, Hi.K 11 I'l' - . ..11d al Hee, :hat Tute.t suit eve,' ..I.e whe hn,:in - eye It the worth of 2110 money. The stu,i, 1., 1,.11.•., an I and will 111 0 1, USKIN,CA:,1311.1:E, BEA PFLT . . II I; 11:il ..INI., :it ":, olhel I.; eiPllloll, :SIEN I, 111Jti II 11 . ^C of ovet y I . kiwi In nOO on, " .1 it, ,4111/1,. ,5 • .1. 1,. l Apr. 25. ‘4.ECI)NL) S1'11N(; VAL__ LARn I.'(;R 7IIIC 111.:.11,A.NP I At the ,tore (.1..44M1r,1en I:"r in Obw le p1,11a,, Po!, liat , 4, ( . 11 ,, Id pi [Lai ,I,•Iy nirelWen. 111, ictllll, , d 1..111 ‘,,!, the Intact and Ine , t CUltildote !,h• -~F, t h he has .•vot p, tn - ented tot 6 1 , nun] , y, :tnd II hr t, he in dt t e rniined to sell at Inn ilt n, elnlna,S et er) thtl,l_, i/I /I. 11110 L tens, ,uch MEN'S RUYS' _FINE CALF BoOT,s, Hip Bots, Calf and Patent Leather (), hat 'H.., cal ant Patent Leather iiniter,, Calf ulhlier., Cali al.d Kip Prui,,all,, 11111' 1 : 1”1111 .11Id Ili,: en Kid .n hid 61ippei,, Fauty , :int! 116,1..:- A\I)I II I I,J)N \\ PLIII ufall Jlo.v'ipll , •ll.4 lii , t C. Itotton Iliolo or ad' v 11..., 01 v:lrious ,t,lO, .1 11 T or,„0, A 1' , 11k, l': , ..iinrn•, For 3111 i 1% . 414,1 Ilnit of ILO •tril.o. 1:110.0 11 0 0 1 011110111 of ir ILA 7.,s Boots /Old :Sll,ll, ti, cirthir t ',Li, 0 IIrp:li ri n,: pry 1,1141) t'Ulliiitt Ilt 01 Ili! to 1 1 111...11111 . 1,1,,, 0 1 . '11'4 , 1110,, he I . .tpeethdls 'IP, item the pnhlie t.,;:iu• him E==l=l ITEEMIE NEW STOR E, AND NE W (iMMS ‘''AP, , A NI, STRAW GO( if a 7 S C'vl P/V c ..(;-v - - , '-- 7- 'l - •__ ~.. The subscriber has recently oponod a New Store at the old shoed of J. 1) Halbert, in North 11.11101,1 or. Opposite the ellrliSll , Dopu>it Mmk. .' , .6.11 . r0m Nose York and Phibololphia. linnand Y. ell selected assortinent ut enud. in h., lluco, busine.s. .orb as HATS aced CA P;', Porn the eromuon Wool to the flue Fur, SILK .AND CASSIMERE 11.1 TS, Spring Styles of Silk hats 1861. SI 1 . :11, Hats for Gentlemen, Jockey Hats tin Ladies, and Liacy flats alla Caps or Chihli on, and PULSES TO SUIT THE TIMES• A ISO, Carpet flags. Val sees, Ti un ks, Ila 11,1 nI; s, Umbrellas nod prime Bed Feathors. A n nYFortmen tpf g,ta- Primo &Tars and Tobacco. --V:kl Thankful for the patron/4r" already reeoi veil Ito wondil Invite all his l'rientls and the public generally to oivo him a call. JAlpit IIOAS, Agt. AM-11 711. ISift. lIEGARAY 1627 and 15'29 SlltUc'E This 'lnstitute, el - inducted for two years pest, in thi s city, by MADAME (1111:0.MAY and her niece Ma mon: it'll tut: vial', upon 010 Wile psi 11PipleS AS tilt* 0110 in Now York, established there 111 theyenr I 814„ will ncopeo On lion day, September Nth, with its usual ample And complete provision for the education of Young ].,dies, under th 0 direction of Madame D'lloryllly, Clteulapl, and all requisite Information, can be obtained on application to the Principal. August 18, 1881: LARGE AIptIVAL 'OF FRESLI F ALL HINDS. Among O which is a largo lot of tht, real gentile° Balt I moro dry salt 111Jt1MING, la oak barrels, 1 ACK ARIA, at prices that Is really astonishingly low. Pickets of all SAUCES ; PP ES FALYES. and a good absdidulent of .$ TOBACCO ANO SECA'sIS . I .1 - Q U'O R d at tbo 'moot rates for CA.911 or Country Produrr. M , M. BENTZ Oarl!ele, Jane 21, 1861 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. • •T EIDICH- SAWYER & _jar° now getting in their Fall and Winter dry. ;roods, which,notwithstanding . the cry- - of" bard' mill bd more eomploto than formerly., comprkind all - I:3rrrla of goodc sultablo for lculics, MISSOH, CNtdrillfs,__M r w s and My's ThoUkful for past Ihrors, wo ask roy tinuancoof the same, and ins will use our beat endear ,ors to make it the interest• of the public to patron's° our largo steek, 'N. 13.—A11 persona indebted to tho old firm •of Lel: "Web and Sawyer are req meted lo call and, bottle as we are In greet ixant-etmOney, .FOR SA - .811.—TI)e throo.story 111.14 lionee on 4 - trect, 4vill-100 sold on env Aortas: laih ,Call at: the Jewelry Moro told 34 4 I, L. Ar 3tnif 3thabs NEW AIR UNE ROUTE TO 'NEW YORK! - TZEW AND HARRISB Ult 1 - I:Ent, 811 MARKET SIRI'FT, D. DID)AD:, .IIN STREET, VARII , LE, Pt Nuts tt, (fops LADIES' WEAR JoilM 11: t T it, . tu 11 =I