2.4.11:10.1rf., Att I.ln LP: 1;n0111 , 00 Rcpt - mil ed weekly for the Herald by Woodward Schmidt. tit , . • 1s tr,i It 1.:11 It VI: ...... ..• • • I OP' I' 11.1. , 1. <1.M%,1 Special. nottces. t•I'NSP. ruin, Iho III:IRS or the people, 101:1: , •r , •LI-1,1.11,11 nod lids'int 111 , 1,0 lone s.l . r t., I lot ut nary. : 4 11. - or them tt ,nod Ihine, let Its it' 1 tiemottslratetl.,ltott they tt 111 not Itesl tai in heir most rorlittl patron:m . o. T 1... t. It Its tsr 31tet..13 ratified the jtl4l,tteettt of tt idle tete.. virt.nos of lit 1111'1 1.- `.•''ll l.y I hi. rhino title, of this inoili e Aro annually snirl in yvi•ry tho It i 1 , .....ri1izet1 nn irioittly stitior!..r to All to•i rooli yot for of I 10. 11,111 S. .1 , 11 :IS dial 111 , 11. urn tory.tint for I loit. toYins Unit ariorllolll rii rigennnit 111..1 norti,•n, sy li I ter'q 11:11110 Is ropillly 11,1,1110 d tvoril. front to 'revri, from -ii, A ill.. A tlinitly to tho Try tlio arti. aniii 1., Lilo wf.rl.l. • ! ..;,•13 :1,1 Vl.l t t in :moth., eolumn CoNFIi , .. , IONS ANO EXPERIENCF, OF AN INv OA, for 11i. , 1,1,11.111. mot a: nal and n f • .111t1' . 11 yAniig wen xvll., gaffer from Nervnu , Ihl iiiv Memat ute.; supplying At Ow t : , ,11 ,- ,mo Lg /Ivo r put if 1,1,4•11 , 4 . thrum:ll ~~ly .1. lii tull• 1111" , In 11,1 it the nolh , N 'I NI El, 1 IFA I 1:. 11...11..r.1. . y .I.y Ovt, ..111 7 iTarriagts. EEEII On r,ti‘. I , v OM nry. r P. 111,•, P P . U, NIF.1,C11 , 11: sTiori, ihtm r t , .n. \NNIV r .11A LP PIIT tof ii till, lot Coot I 1,:o. 'l It h:,,r lotto wl , ltooot f !wit' It, 1,1, .1111,, , ary ..i thpir w 4,1 [ 0 1,:tt.,1. do. liV a litkbt. 711 tarn .5 • itill tnvcr,ll!p, PETI:i 3frnt ilithrrti!,,enivuts I , .1. 5 is Iterclo; giro]) t.) the mem coulp3ll o Ilolt nn , of liv o r 0:11 105i.,1 1 s ILS l'it .1 g rtli • ' hill! 115.:5•• 1h1,611, I•. 'POW,. rly. :11111 •`55. , 1., :Alt, “.1:1 ni.s , d lIIIIIIEM /NI.:Y IVANT El) dedurtion _l\)N, 111:140 bill, dui. ,1.• iid i", tho rI er .1, I influbtcd to 111, do ‘, 61 attend- t" ,t.$(•1: N I N - I'EP, ()I111; , ;1; Al' ri r .11111. 11,11 . tio• ‘, I • A I TN 1 4 'l' I; .Vl . O N ( )Tr( \ • i 111 ..111 , 11; v 1$ 1,1, 1, , ot• t .1 .111.-I tih , t t•-(31,• I.• I • t out t •,,,, It t‘l/ 1 ,, I Illy 111 ••'lt 1111 , 111 AI.IIITN A Tt rriCE —l,ok•rs To.,tnnwntnry on Ifltntn t6o'tl . $O , l 5itit1. , 14,1c. , 1 1 , 1. r.t "Vtir C 1-:.--Thc 1 kcirtl of Directors of off. Itnnn Irrvo On , :1.1“1.1••,•1 thi• prt Mt , ink rn• !. 1.0 pii.l 110., 1,4 II II I le,ntlltves, tn I ME 11==l1M c„, L. IQ6I. 3t A‘ T.\_NTE D.—Two good j(,urneyrnail find ilte”t l.p nmdying 011 t.“ =EMI 1.--.\ll,•iontioti 161 1 .1 , c lidd • ,•,),..;.• r.nni,.” nd., thr,m2. lb \V. ;1 1;1:1."I'fl! .r. MM. MIME lEEE r irmi:rELAND VALLEY E. 11 "UTE i? RnA NC ENENT. A•71: 61 _ _ , --.re• (111Ni1E OF Ilia:RS! CID 1 IN DAY, NOV 1•:M REIL 4, IMII. I'm-Fenger will I II : tz•unilays exceptvd olt ANI BiIIiSI3URG A NI) 11,1 i!lLlS1it i 11) In I Train. 24 Trai n. .00 A. M. 2 li, I'. 11. 7.37" 3.3.5 6. 5.3QArr.4.20 " 130 n 1.42 215 " 5 " /,V lIII,OrItt NV 11, ~. Chatttl,,burg,, 9.00 cv BIE=I IMEME . . Arrivo H. 15 " 3.65 t, FOR CilA11.3F.IISBUII( 1 AND II AGERSTOWN, Ist 'l' min Drive. ll:trrisburg 8.65 A. M " m.•,.‘,:,,,i,sburg A. 17 " Citrlisle, 9.'2.7 " " Nrwollle, lo.o'.; " :-111,}..0,101rtt, 1 , : 4 :1 " - 4 " Cl.nool,g', (A rrlyo) 11.10 4.15 " ‘• (11.00r:,..01o, 11 65 1 If, '• Al !Iso at 11',,!er,t,n, n. 1.2.:V:4 . _ 6.1:5 " ''I1111111: Dolly Train,. li , rov, 11:t?tiInjr, for Plttslatri. nt .11 , , owl 7.r 0. . 1,..0n1 I '..''', I'. 1., For Phil.nlell.lo3. ~:i 1'100,1 , 010. Control hail mac At 1:.40 A. 111 t 1:1..n5. 1 15, 1001 :1.95 I'. 11. 5 lit 100 , 010.1 V . It . it., nt s 00 A. M., and 1.15. P. 111. ' 'For Ihiltnnort., a l 3mo Si 7,10 A. 11., & 1.00 P. :.1. Parr freyrrtoo In.! Ni il I honsp.o I at 1.40 'and 5.17, P. N. oiun nn l'nopllin rt.ii :rt. 7. 5 11, I', !IL At all Stathinii Ivbere trirko , e mod, UrPelli,St le, Chain linhis loin,: anti liar, islitirg. a recituil ion of TEN ('EN'l`.s on unrh Th•kot will I,u wudo tii all that thrwrrines with Tieliets Leto, thr Cars. Il i N. LULL Fulairit Itaih ad ()Mee, Chambertbur,r.} Nay. ~ 1561. - )00It F,YE AVAT.EIt. Boni...in ' , fuddle te a r that ILO 011111•0 01 lore Clltloll Ir I,l'at, than a P .111 Id of r U re. Their 10, yin Jn roiii wish to keep Diptheria, Neurldia. Sine Th,ot. hi, head, Wit h un 1.11 , 1100 n calvpniy of de eleno :111101 infect the sylitem from your house? ir no, use unsparingly Poor Richard's Eye Water, to bathe Littriyes and Earn. • By this means only you can I,l'll, Lho SOWOrt: of the head spen,and thus provent all intornal Inflammation, which in thoctweournor of di,ease. 110,,0 got crrcular from Drug Stores of the iciest ro nutrhel.lo cures on record. To be had of all Draggias. Price 25 rants por bottle, Mrs. M. G. BROWN, Proprietor, 532 Arch Philadelphia. Oe 1 tin- elm is lee , riven that the ue (~,,rllntifr " tit, totrlcel ' , trill be at his iii the seeli , ;ll neon at the 51arliet lieu,: in the her o...At of Carlisle, on and after Moodily. October the 28th Ihlll t ler the pll rpt ,sy of regulating Settles ani. Weights aee,,,ifieg I. the previsions el a liorengh Ordienorn pal; ed duly :10th. 1011. I la. will also visit lilac..s of hit• shturm far the ballif• purpoi,o, I=l Boa of adininiAration 0. Ulu estate of \V it. BEAM Sr., doebt. lulu of Carlble. 1,1. baying beetigTztote - d' by the Itngil,ter of (boob. Co. 10 the subscriber, notice Is hereby girt to all ner,our knowing' themselves indebted to make immediate payment, and those louring claims to pre_ suet clotru duly authenticated for settlement to Wni.7.11,A jr. fletr - 11. - 1.18111. 110 Administrasor. STATE NOTICE.-- , Lettors ' testa montary on the Estalo of ItAIti3ARA CRAM., tati, of Coper,Alion township; :deed; having' been grantod by the Register ofClumb. Co. to the subscri be], residing in Ilarrisburg. NotleO in hoKaby g von le all persons hm»ving flier:mares indebted to make immedialo payment, and these having claims to pre sent therm duly autlionthmted for tt settlement to JOIIN 13, couylin Exceutor. Oct. 11. 1861 60 , • ~ , . 4,..; 4 '1i.1TTLE, UP. --- - - The stibBcrilier desir ,.,.., , •... I. tog to settle aw...hig boalfiess,--requeste those in• dobtod to him to make payment•to A. L. Sponsler, ELI., and - thorn - l - afring - elattasigatuntl fly to leava thiati la the same °Mau. i Dr. A. W. NICIIOLS.. Carlisle, Oct. 15, 1861-3 t • ' ' . _AiOOTS AND SHOES.—Justroceived a 0011.11Y'8 Cheap Conti fildro, all ontlro now stock of Ladles', :Ilustue and Obildrior'u Morocco nous and 0 oltoro, of Llto bunt quality and lowost 'Acme. Oet.'2s, 786 E r u . 1 73 11) 1 22 1 12 l'itk.)l,/, '' l . c•Cf - 1 7 .E. 7 : " Ccr c cc., lc,• cc II , ';n::t , c, cmcc cc,clc, lull .ccal c ccc :10 1:•: cc. ~c• hat c cV. 11 11111L1 11 i•t tl , lIIIii 11 i: 11•4:, I „ l :,` l ;T h L::,:„ u t.'''-‘::i's . , 1 1 ,',%'," t \i:',','”', ‘ , & (. , i. ) .., 1. , p , I , n' d.• 1111111 1)111111 • ii 111 I 1 1 • 11 , 1 111/i,l/111 , 1 111111 ii , Alitll u+ lh 111111 , 1 llii !I 111 iilliiiil ii ‘llii li \ I , iii 1•i 1 \l'll' Nit (1111 . 11) , —1 MI: 11 tr. 1 l 11 , I, ct I , n,: II 1. Ilct 111 I. II ,i, i, 'll,l lin r, I. ullio I 111'•3L end,). I 101 , 1 , l t , IJ •lift , l'( I rd Or \l'a-hi n.,:t , II , i Ilk ^illlll/1 I 1r Lit ul tl lit 1111/11 11111 it, _I 111101 ll (laude, I A ~ 111.11 iii I. 11 1 tlll liil \Ye 111 nrmiligen/tqlt II n NI•W } - 01 . 1. 1111111 f3rltiret. 1.11 N, Vat' , onnipiott In flunk], tho 511 , 1'11 till 01,11 til.' W , ' :11111 .1 VIIIEI, , . 1.1:/ 111,1 ,, I hi. :11 to, tioll 1110 !Ind 11 I• gill k to al.mesd~lrtl 'llq :I`. the H'IlS1111:5515:111Cl, P l`r%; 7 "ice 111 :111 tl:tlt . :11 I , ll :1 111 . 11 d, e:14,1,1:111 1 . 1,11 k vt.ry 1,1 p,ioo. \l\l u/ all 1...1•2. q 11 1 )01)ShirtsHoop Skii k H lit' \ ~,•11211. NVi. N 1,, I; . 0 1 "111 nUil i1iii1.1,1,1N,11;,, i II : 1 ry rif . 1/. El nnti .• in•! c.,•01,1: 114-1 ab AP I I LI tI II Iu 11:0 I, • ill _I .I:q.i. T. ;= 1.1. J 14 ,• adS:ItI,C. in V. 4. ,1•./ 111 '4,) latrs. UI I. I I,• All 11,0 '11 , 4,0 :1711 ,Itl.l 11,11/S - 71.1itIs .9,111.1,1 Milil 1! 1! I I' S 3. I, 1.: It,. ,; 1•1,1/11. I'l I- =I ALL I I 1, 111 iv••I ti ‘1,•].:11. II • .• I 4 • • I iIII:II .1L ! - .1. 'NS, I, kV .. , 1/(111., ty (111• LIII1•.1 1., 01'1 , 1111 , tI lEMMI 1 . 1';11iit! :"11(11) till,l Nllr 1. 1.,. A tic t)s. ‘‘.•••! ;, .1% 1. I r. Wi:hy I (':u.ri:iye VV. 111'1 =EIRE =I to ‘, n I p If. S ‘‘..,t th, ill 1•‘ 111111Ani 1: I ~., 1, l't•I n , 11.1) 1,, I, ..! :,•1 on th. s , ulll.lre..•t, It ts caret. ad 11 one y sl , •z , d:rml t 0,11 ill 1. <1 , 10j,, alla Lo l•c Wlll.l RS (lie pi"poily ~ 1(1 lift.. Cart n lot of 21 , 1‘11,1,it trtt...l In I 10.1.0r,02.1., of (`“,.. noltaitoo,,in trout alol 21.1 feel 'hp depth 1111:1, 11 1,..1711...1 1110t.:o4 1, lot of 11 illin In Lino :111.1 1/011 . 1 , ..111 Lite , o•st 1.1 lot of I :ott /OIL on the north 1.3. oil the t•olzth 1.) r ,,, i111 . , ha% to, t , o•rroo Ilortod 11.11 Soilo.l 01,1.31 1n cxecution :11111 tl/theprl , - II tt llt 1111:1111 Call. 0 Int in tho bnrniigh ,f C ar ,•nntaiiiii, fnot in tr 111. fi WI :201 t 11l ,li•pl ninre I tin It!Io.y, I I, N.ntli t. ,11 thi• L.nit sLtin•t. :wet nii I lin by IZov. • t k•re. Ills t• rt••• 1••. t >t6, V Brick I I OU , O. a two story Brick Kitchen ..'107.0 , 1111141 101,11111i1 to 1.11.1.,ty t 2J 'I rum 1. fi P. 31 .1 S " Also, /I tract 1,1.1 tio.l let, township. ront,nnon 111,, 1.1 , 1111.1•.• i !ill; 1,1,t, opf .)1,1111 Ihoo.:o.w. Co. F9l g.). on tn.. north I.) 111,4 f 1111h:on C•pp, and !I I.V hi IL LI, Pa, Inn log tlon.cou ero , I l.wo story. Fniird:ui•l t 11,11 ill Burns A 1.-o, n I.•t situ 11(0 in rllvln Inm n shin, l'utolullnllnlllllll 1,70 Innt in trout all.l fort iu 11-10 h. 111..1 1. or tens, Itnninl,l y the rest by t Li moll. On 11w 11,0.. I v nn n 1 Iflv, on 1110 \11111: pt v 11111 11. usssaltl. 111111 on Ike snnt 11 I, 11, mid, 1111111111.11 , 0,1 rrrit• '1•11 - 1 y.ll. 11.11 • l' 110.1 1 , 1:.\ 111'1 I I N. `OlOl-1 1,11,rn In rxr. 1111,1 nll.l 11l Ll. 5.1,1 vthr' lo- Imo 1., nI :11,1 Also. a lot et ground. ,itkiate• lc. Sir our Srrj, vomits. containilz fvut in ri mit anti 200 leet lo depth, ith.t. h , nlntlyd oo the e.isl Iy .ttn nn 1:,,, )U .11/I Vll,lk rid, II I) lld , rhe, rql ip,' 1110 hl' Ihu I/,111.1 ...It a FBA \II: STA BLE. Ste. 41,1 io execution awl to hr .4 - .1 as Illy loop, Tv ,IL'etor IlArladter and I.li4eL e lli Ile, Lkeli e s. And all to be bola Icy too She Jill (I! Ort , hor 11 1 , • CONDITION,--On an...nnta ni tn. live hundred dollars, flay d. 11.1. are the prop.: ty strirktni tdf, and twents-fiva donarti On all allloutits under lice hundred aninint. pUBLIC SALE OF DEAL ESTATE. By an order or tho Orphau'r (`,•ort. of Cliffibt . Ciall(l county, I It 111 roye.' to pohlie salt', on the pmaisas. nn 'III UIINtIAV the ttLit, day of Novi: nth.) Itha, at, 10 o'vloca, A. M., ALL THAT PLANTATION or tract of land situate in 3Tonroo inv4iship, ('limber land vonoty, boundrd by lands . of Michael. h. I,tr,nver, Christian Raker, .101111 Corkloy, and 01 hors, runtandug EltillTY ONE ACHES, morn lona, nearly all of which Is Heaved, wall fencoal and - e n ultlva led, p_ and having thereon erectod a two storyer3.l4 1,1n,1 NV EAT/1E1(110411.1WD- 1170 Hank Dern, ollh WagenSlenNand other I t 11 .." 47-1" improvement., This Farm Is situate about tom and it half north' cf Clinrrid,,,r A. DEIIIJEV, Clerk of tho Tsti NIA —Five per rent. In be pild at the time' of sale, 0110 thin' tin in t the Interest to be hold to the.pittoP, one third on the Zvi of April, 100.2. and Site balance on the 11.. t of April. pith Interest. JO:IF:1'11 N Administrator or, Jaeob 'Newcomer, deed. 0rt.:25, TALUAI3I.E TOWN PROI ' EIITY AT lltiv.kTm NA The subscriber offers lit private sole tin! tollmang do,. scribed Real Estate, viz: . All that property blialill NI At the corner of Main nod West streets, Carlisle, l'a.. extending E task to Church Alloy. hoeing therotin A ti I erected three large itilli/E—llillit:Tl,. ';.rit Mad FRAME . \TART:I7OMM. - - -I , f h kll , Those houses lire nil no*, large and ~ ~..,4 , 1.yr.4 f., emmundious. They Ore modern In style, „„„t-_,- , _ and have all the con re" Negras, iiticlz as gas, water, to, umber. tiltUr4ii In t h e must pleasitut prt of the town. The Warehouse is large and'eonvonient, and having, n sidling into It, Is well calculated for eicrd Ind on the Forwarding and COM niliqiloll business. Thin Prolmrtywill,lo, sold very law, together. or in parts, to suit purchaser:, Qua the terms made easy.—. Poe apply to 4,ADDIMIEEM,,___ •.., Pepl~;-Itt6l=tf-' Tust.recwived unother new and cheap ky. • lot, oratenahison,4, nuni.r k Pixon Linono, Mae tins,.Calirpee ko., Sc. At tho ,Beep Cash Storo 2; 18130 . 011 AS. OUILIIY, Trustee. - " it ? oli. . S ALE.--=A: tiff() rose-wood aocr.l . order h altered fur soda nt a price far:helow rest:, apply at the 17nMW Office. Cavil:de, Neva --, • E D!! READ ! ! ! r -1 11F, CI RE AT PUBLIC aro respect - Nilv 1.110 , 1 to call Aow new fito,n a LEI Melt, S. \ Elt Nil 1.1.E1t, East Nlitin A., and examine their n.v tonsive Ettueh of new NV I F, Z GO C) 1) S ° 9 conßisting of DR I:SS (70.)1): 4 of tho lategt Im Poll de Foie; Brocade figured; Plain, c olored and 13Inek riillcs; Plain G" d° Rhine Blk. Silk (all prices.); Splendid Fig. r lcrinocs and Cash meres; (woman Reps; Imperial Valen tins; Elopre:,.. Clot , Brocade l'op lino ; i ulwn a ; French printed ; French MO -11110 ..!S and lielaines ; Parniottos; Pacific - and nion Jh.l,ln, anti raqlLtt.l,-,.. end trim's Thws r;ofpls y Per the ).11:S ! CD). \ ! 1 ! ! ! Cloths" vcro 0:11 \ (-tin =I lIIIMEME=II :114 DOM a. , :sTgc Gpo = =HE 10.1 Itl. =lll =MEM ... .t....• 1 .11 Ih.• _111.1\,„ . 1...1 111 11...,1 II 1 r.•••. 1... 111-11 -!..•. =I MEI I= Contaitiiiip' rive oros, nr t I •I I ,t• tithl ••••I tle•I it , the 1•••1•••Itt•It of rtil • ••1 it• •tlt •ttel II to •I• I • 1 h. i n •I••• I:1- I t II 1.11 I Itn Fraille House. IVasli.lirmse and IVflre-litiuse A Log llouFe And Slud NEW GOODS! NEW. GOODS ! ! A large assort MOO, or 1•oll nod '\ ;jot, of nl difsCrintion of the latest styles and best Mai Ullistilreit now opening it. tin Cheap 13a.sh Htnrn ofe. 01;1 I,li Y cor ner of Vl.ttl and Pitt strr••t. The stork has been so looted with great core, and bought for call', and will ho sold clomp for the money. A,liirgo lot of 111a..k and Pulley silk, French Merino's, Caglitneros, Parotnottoos, ,9111 c Prldlits. Wool pelation, Vlgorad Delores or all knids and (Ivry el all descriptions, Alitp.lova. dc. T, AN) fl - I_VTER 511.4117,5. Plain Blaek Caghnutru Shawls, Stella I;orduled, Vack an 1 rafloy U,lvra, !!lark and Valley 1\"0,t1 Elmvllo Shawls, which have boon lm , n,ht very cheap Ablllllo and C1i,11...1 of tho., or nod Prireq. I Cllint.,s 61 - lw Hold 1.111,11) Canton \ tho old ANI) 13()YS' WEAR, 0.,..1”,,•". s , r o o t v0t110,,, Sat tillOt. Mid 3enn. A 1 tr.4o Iot.III o .d 1 Ki/e, and gt) Iv+, of tint tto•tt And will !IA sold - tthcapor than zcart Ito livti• In III.• t'!oloty• t.itt I.vnui to. thr lii lo.foro porrh,lnfr, to. ,tan.l 11 'l , I' tl AIN ',1 . !: I.:F;T N1 . :.11Z1.V OPPO SITE TIII: 1)1:Itiff. I\ -7 , W AI/ L 00 a 1) ;•3 I T u o mis \\ T . EvA k Co. Ineito allrntiou to their 1..11til and II .1 :\ 02 tlll,ll "I Embr 1:N1 1. , 51.1., Esq I. \:It1;t111,1:1;11.- a:1.1 DI:V• AI. n foil 11,4nri ot,ll of MO CH NI NI; (II nIDS, 15 - 11. I TE pril.ll,lly T. P. TVA N 9 (/)VN 7\ll' , lll'l'l'l'lll\. 11.1‘ , 00n.1,1 in tO. I.nst Eri,.11 , 1:.0 • 00.01:1.1'1', , , v‘p1n••••1‘. I , r thnir crIVN 111•; T \ 11, TI: 01/1 , ,, osilt 11, , i• 1„ 1 . 1 , TV1,11.1,11 . 11,1'1'1 and 1:1:NHINA111.1 1 , 11nicr,s, SlB ,on.,' S'2l) I 7o,ltilit III:I; IN' C \I. 11 , 111:1., PHI I.,Dt /to‘ - ttt s hill Jlll.l It ttatt,...tus 1.1 t•s.uulnr ;II , t I I. i.l.:ltti. C 1;11:r. 1 AND Ilth STS t fn . ,ppiarrsiro:n IVASIIINI;TuN CITY. r , );1 II ()F lE :1,1 It por d.l) . It., oil t 'r 1 , •11 , . 1:10 011 I \ If .•i.• till:, Tor -1,131.11: 1.. c.,11 I A. 1.. Is I \ 1;1.1.1. 0,1 11. 1,;1. t f 1 • •• Ilk II AND \VIN i•! Tli i] \ '()\'1 . 1; 1.01 . 11 I\1: \I ; 1:1.•tlt • 11..0 .1.1, :1 , 1 rsl.• I ,••;s• hp I 11. r• “i:11.,•,.,10 1'h•• rr , ,tr!. r . ), •frrtrrr i rurr I. I=l iorTz• E.1,1:1; R T I= It 'lll. , I t — l •.• I‘l II 1 1 1 1. 11111 1 1011. 1r1, 1 11 ,^ r 111. 1.11 t'4. , 1 c* . • • '• • t 1•1 t ! •.•1 .11.• h 11 , 1 1 11, r 1 .1i11 , •.. 1!1.• 1.111. 1.11 11,1111111 Il''1•1 I I 1!11• 1 , 1 r 1 i 11.• 1..11111111 oil/ rr 'I l lr .11111' 1111 ~111 Sl . l r rlll .11' 1 ,1 •1.1.1 —llrl;rl . •111•1 1 .1 , 1111 t•I rs Ir. 1 , 11 , 1.1 1 111...1111,11. 1.1.1 rr ,sllr.ll !I.' :sr• "111. I. I ' •.r r.• 11, 1 ,, I .11,. ki •i• •Th. ••• 111,(,•, , •••• 1 . 1.111 - “, i:11 ~j,ltot- •, 1-I ,. 111: %11i1 iis••l F..I 111.• I.,stir f ..... I ,f f,•,••tlf , y tiff t f•t,.• ,•I tl,. ~fhillowi:111 .1. Ittl.l V Otto pi.u , it in Lite porcrm 10,111 , 1, , Iri lit I otting 0.1111, iL 111.1", and Ili Ire tLnin ttirivu mto•li linter. T i , t ijoev:Pq of S,NitiTT ' •,,11,1"loor, in ILO I.N . (1 ,, ; pm t „ rap, lit Ihoto i: , i Tirt,•l ii ill. Ilia:il, f'.lll Ilf• 1 - 11 , • I 11.. p h ..0•1 1. n. hi. pr. •,11/•.I. 110. For I,v It EV ~! 1, 4 A I'l.ll I l'A alit I , y all j• • 'J..", 1,11 , 11 4. 1 41, fin . j• 11 . 11 IL• 4 I ~7 1.• .1 11.1,x T . ) E)1() \ ' A • :; .11, ry ro .1 . 1 ',to. di'. lit P. 4.4. tit tip Ini .111- pit inch , to iit Photographic & itinbrotype Pictures I, l'111.: I:1:AT )1.11)1.; ANY‘V111:1:1 Sopt. . ) It . L L X PRI7TATE MEDIC:An TREATISE Ph y, , :lob) :l ieu o/ 250 i•k6E, 11:;() \\lo l 7:.—l'.,ltdr I V I 01. t ).% Soril p b. all parts t111•.4 1113L111111', 111•••1,- . 1117 lit.• ,trr.t sratis 01 all riepil•,Sl-11 of , pirits. pal. Lilt , Itr,11(, uirLl ll int.l.2a v lassii Li la, lir lii, \ aii',! a Nlarriiil I.lly, It 1-4 il hi• 111.1.1 . 1 - 1 ,, i .111.1 I ao.r colit 0,111'1.1;0m ,j4a17,1,. 111ro t• 111., taill ri are II it in. 11, happint.,, 1111.1 ( 1 wl!iCh-ArCkr: litinvin I wing Vi ill S(; Ai EN ,V 11.) ,ii', hnubLd with 1 . 11 . .111V I.y n Ltd I/II•JII rill., Is p , In e • N AVIL11.1( • ••• lII° 111 'ls I. l *, I ,l llfll - 1 0 1/ 111.1,15, I rv. wrth But NEW .\ 1,, la lN Tit 1.; !;NT. =IIIIE N 1 41113, 4! 10,1,11 y lit, 11,01 01 11(11 . (11110 in ITINO TII IN I av , tillns, nor nel ol Ihe knots ledde and„ el the bl,l 11 , 1 Ph, si , 01,115 rtoope .le , l the c„„,,,,,t. 'flies who pl.teo I wEllso•j, care will now hare ,. tile full henolit ul the 111 y N LIV AND 1.1 , 1 , 1 t.e art , enabled to in'reiti. , t , into our pr,,cti"e. and t I,llhl, mar,,,et a,..,,,red Or tilt' f,:11111 1 zeal, assiduity. :11111 lit -6tltion helm: pall,. their Which 1111.1101 fishy disci rdnished us Inenetuforo. as a - i'hysivian in our LI Alt dem...moot of professional Practice, fur the past twontydit r: yearn. FRENCH r 1.1111,1: Ladles Ivho Irish far Atodl eines, the ellieaey of willeh has been tested In thou sundh of eaoes. and never tailed tr,o, effect speedy cures without any bad t ostlll 0,, trill use nano but Or. DoLa ney's remulo Periettival fills The only prorautlon unce,sary to is, 01e:or - vett is, hullos should not talc() them If they 11:1V0 reavon to hollove they are in certain, situa tions Odle particula, 8 of which urn he found on the Ivrappor aecoutpanying melt box.) though atwayB uaih a,ul healthy, so gentle, yet so ai,tiro are they. • Price SI per box. They eau be mailed to any part of the United ?antes or Canada. TI) '1 . 111,1 LA DI 28.—Who need a confidential medical adviser with regard to any of thooo Interest - fog colo n-I:11,4m to whieh their delicate organization Pend.% them liable. are partioularly invited to consult us. Tug CALVANIn PatilyEerivii."—For Indica whose health - will not'il'tlalit, or Who have no deslro to lOrroaso their families; may Ito obtained as utn•r. II . perf!:otly r.rdb prev4l.tallgstn sioncontion, and has loluti. ostensively Ivied darrng the last 2U years. Price reduced to .91u, THE SECRETS OF YOUTH-UNVEILEO. A Treatise on the .Cainun ,91 Pectunal tiro Deeny vol. ennui warring Juni publishdd, in Look showing the in -81,1110118 progress and prevaloneo al110111: Fehool, I hot li 111100 and female, or thin fatal habit, pointing oust the fatality that invariably attends Its vietitni, and devol aplng-tturiclin-lii-pissgrosn-nf-the disease; limn the chin. moneennint to the end. . . It will bo nont by Mail on receipt of two [Bj cont Stamps. - giY , Attendanco daily, from Sin the morning till at night, anti on Sundays 11,M 2 till 5 I'. M. Medicines With toll direeldorni sent to tiny part of the United Stetiiii or Canndes, by patients eintinittnlcatiog their symptenni by letter. !Musli:l,3s correspondence 'strletly confidential... Alt , ,Ef - Dr. L's Mlles in still locatud ns estnblisllNLltn . dor tho natan of Dlt. LA eltOlX,'at No. 31 Mahlon !Ann, riAIt,PET 011.A.IN.—A, now supply of k isuperlor Carpet Cban,just received . nI, the cheap iitoro or_ ' CHAS. 0011,11 Y, _Feb. 15, 11801. .. Truxten. _ .. _ . - "k.IIILTYPON SKIRTS.—A nothor huge supply orthowa superior and cheap Attie] spring pima lust. received. Decidedly tho.best and Cheapest In Carlisle ~ at the cheap Cash store_ - C 114.8. OCI iLit'SP, Trustro., Nov. 2, llioo. ~, Niw 111.YIETVED A NI) 01,1,,NTNG 06-1 LBY'S CHKAP ST 0 R. E I=! FALL, GOODS, N I 1101 I= IDEI =I rho my., —7.11‘ :11,, I I , I ilr.v; ,\ll /,'Hy"N li I: I IL 1111i•,•0 Horse and Cattle Powders .1111111 I:. t 'l%. 111111 t .t1.r....11(11.(• MIMI 31 LC I CO W°4. 1 I 0 ( S.; STAT NOTlCE,—Letters testa.- 1 1 _Amen Lary on tin to or CATUAlliol: I:ni\l.iL Into Lop, clued, [Allying been issued by the ltegkter ul enulherland County, to 1,110 subFeribers rt.•i• ding to said townnhip: nuth•o in-flerony glven 0. all prr -00(10 to sold Mt.:lto to ni.e,:e payment, and those b:n•ing clainiq vurysimt titan properly Autbenti ented sottletuouL Oct. 4,1801-6 t -- • Stitiure'rtOrrhul. (51.111.1SLE e l gept.lo,qBtll. TO the heirs and legal representatives of noor g o Hoch, into of the township of Soon, anpton, enUllty of Cumberland, occeused. Take make that. by virtue of a writ of Partition and Valuation, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county. and to me dh e.d ,I, I 'null hold part or value the real estate of sal' dressed, nn 0, 0 pretnlsrs, Fat tot iy the 15th day of Ortobrr. A. D., 1861, - a t 10 o'rlock, A. 5.1.. when and yin..., you may allow' II you think poper, (_) liTz's mix T . v E . . . _ The Beet LINIMENT for Metz and BEAST flow in Unn is a safe and reliable rem - ay fir the cure or nuomim tt,,, Painfoi Nervous Allortiess, Sproris , itur„, and all ,11 . .sassa ro pai r ing - tire sOtetnal ap plisat b.. 011 tau liers,s It will nevi, fail to cur: 1 , ,v11, Fistula, obi I . lllllling or S‘r..,y. is.tpeily applisd. St., sins, Itrei,s,. , Iln Pli.tfs, Sad. .11 , or Collar Put, fir 11 it i- urn I„l . dithi,, rstlistly. T,yit, slut hr e. , nlmse,l,;l it, PorG,11,111110to•el With 1141 111:IttOr of 1161 C lomr tttatolior. 1111 ho promptly itutl effrotutlly eurrtl Ity omitt,t 1.1114 'Thee,. is iii , thing In thll wontl I Qn Stir, and no good 1.11 Latin nwily End C.irns. awl cur' I n Alp, pp, 11:it:I...I Try it and yoursrlYe-.. and hottlo. Plepated 4s . A. FOUTZ. Wrst -111111i`t...1.. i-111 , . I, REYNOLDS & ['El PEER, l'arlklo. by all coo:illy storel.a , pers A thr. t, 1,61. A. IL E\viNcc, , s FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS _ - re! , 859 @ 5 9 e!_.l 4, - - {Vest High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Preailhin (;,,rutty 4qr rat Fair 0 . 0 I IL,. t nl ,p10 n .11,1 „t n, 1. 1 ,1 1 ,1,1 1 , 1. , ...1,10 tr. II), t.;•ce--,‘ hi.•ll he ifi ci,tertiliTt.. , l to at ,1 voini...lll l'it i• I it. (•It ant her, l)ttli at g-t-ttottl, • PUIZNITURIii% e t! it it It t: I f arts,: S. 00 • 1 02 1'1111„.o ily ovoly and no•-t 11 li.t 11111•11 III• 1111.1,1 Ow . '111•I I'l,lll ChnirSi l illt 11.11111,, I 1 I t 1 I I:., I 11. •i )11, ort.h•,11,111 1 , ,111 :1: . ":1 1:l.• tt 1, ' ,111+1.., \I I, I;tiF,illr:-;:i CI,-ariL--, ();-41.:1'11 li, .In., A ttorney Law stirvok. . _ \\ r ( ' 1 I Al: =I 3. w.Attiwti,k v at LIAN 4, • 1., •;I 1.0 ii. ,L' 11. I /111,. • 11 1•1/ 11 , 1`tt . 1 t. 4 '6lll , V,ti It ii . 11.1 , ••1 1.. \LI) .r• I; I 1 1 1 ) i/ . \.t 11/nS it' tit 1:1W. V V t , !ti ,1:11 :t 1,1.1 . 11 • ,ith A 1: w(Wl'!('E El] 1 - El, '1'111),1) 111 ro , mil. I tho 1,,,, in Nide, ),, •.L Pt. f , yLorlnll I I, tz: 11. 1 I'. I 1 ( RI( 'I I , turli(.‘r zit La w. •Nn: LI, ~ 1 11 , 101. 1 I tiuLILL,, , 0n1r,, ,,,, 1 to lit to N.,1 1 • t,.. 1.11.ril IG. T A\V N( )1' ) NI I'ENII.HE h, , t 1t NO, re 1,, Null . lot:, .lii ;4-1. 1.1, 1 .11 1E S MI A WE , A r rFORNEY AT LAW. ,• Wuf If. E . ti , tith ll.mover tittect “/./11.0 , , 101,0. VN, r . C. I I I Al - FOUNEV A r LAW AND GF:NEItAI, .I , 3ENT ihnii,',/pubs„)ltnne 11.' 114, dy , e tit :014 t., collortiont tttr.ot,.;), Hilt tilt. 19.0, jilvt , tll9•9l-. lilt 9,9 j .911 tri I ~. 4.• 1:111.1 %,11,1111,. C., Xi'. 1;1•1 , 1 t .i Ilwutt 11:t - , and to 34 1 , ...min0..t t'4141.1t, ..All,l' 4 -13. 111 ' .. S. B. 1 EFF'1•;11 ()filet , in North • two out 4: i'011 . 51 t„, liUtty Ii iti< 111nr1.1$ t t.'trn 7 1.99 ...clock , A. 71 , 0,11,0, o;,, "•, li. tlEt)ltt;E S \ 1. I.i I.OllUt I 'III._ rl.M11( . 1I :111.1.111. ..f st ”4.1. t ho•low 1)1{.. J. ( - `r. re,rect tt_ritWtt f,iv 4.1 1,11,1...+111,1 itC.:V.t11,111,11:1, ro• 111.• 101,1 all , Tertitiotts otl themeth mill Lt, i11 ,, •1( Intl i.. ..f herb it .'llrll a, they Truer hhi l I late the (i 111•,. 1) .I.( 1. 1,( M:\ II S c i ZT, I h I I.llrover t: out , t , loos to Lilo I'obt"'" ---. " 4 • 2 ' A lig 1, 'W,I. C I . :( . . El 1) I (; 11 , I> 1) . ti _l4 L It 0 t or of Alpoo ai L , •nli.,tiV to Utr tututooro '.l; t'll Ll] S 1111,1 v . 4r) V. Rol" Office n tiulo opro,j tt. 1111 lon Moll, Votd. Maio lit root, Cul lisle, Peon Nor. 11. 1 0 :VT S 11.11/14:11.511(.,'K, D rug O s t, No all Ilauever Fl rev L. Car . ; :f`ilyshlatt'spreewriptionKrarefully vompounduLl A full supply 1 frusli drtigi and N L SITY OF PENNSYL YANIA. Medical Department Ninety-Sixth Sr lou r 1801 and ,G 2 'rho ro„ulnr I.l.t•turo., of this vrLnni "g ill iletober Li, and log nii1.1.11.10. 1“,,t robruw-y. FEE OM TILE FULL COUESE iO5 Sept. 20, Mil air FARE REDUCED. .10a S T A T E S'ITN ro N 0 T E 606 & 608 Market St., above siXtil, HI I,A DELPAI A IA MNS W. POW lilt, Proprietor, jo:10118. TERllB:—$ . l 25 par day UNITED STATES HOTEL.- S. E. Cor. 11th S Maiket Sts., H. •W. It .11. NA G .43', =I Li= 66 T Ei:170.1°," ABOVE,THIRD, PiIIr.ADF I.PIIIA. • , IJIY.CON S. I , Z/VV(10)11 , :11, J'ropriotor This Hotel Is central, convenient .try Passenger Cars to ad parts of Alm City, and in evert pat [Arnim' adapted tor comfort and pants Of the business public. st Trus $ ,i(tper day. • - .Sept: t.:20; 861: 13 EMOVAL,--The Hat and Cap store rtu heretofot o knoivn ns it LILLERS," has bees 44e inured-di redly opposite the old stand, Iwo deers" from Arnold's clothing Moro. The business will be Conduot• ed as heretolere, and all the goods. both home thiadenud city mane torture, warraneed to give satislk,tion no 1)- GollllllolllPli. • A full plinTA:tinge is respectfullyas every prfort,rll) be undo to keep tho . .assurtuieuf of MOO and boys hats end-raps complete, with prices - to , . • —gELLEIt. - Spring bffiCB of silk hats now trendy. March 15, 1814.." .• , • . . a EMOVAji. - . - A.\.11 - SPONSLI9, . . . Ilas romovod I.IW °Oleo 'Co his New !louse opposlto Cllnse lists). . . . [March 28:1F60-tf, .. • 1.1 SUP SKIRTS I 1100 P SET RTS latast'uoveltlea, and at pricos • ro dory an L.EIDI.OII, IiAWYER & MILLER (111011 GE O'IIAItA, BENJ)OII,N F. 'NICK EY. Exeeu tors 110111% MeC.II:9'NEY, ShrrlfT. MIST thy, .tro•ittl, .1 t., A. IIIIMMIEM! IY. ofilm• in. rear o iirOuljoly atton4:tooll The largest and ueWPM htllll% in tow., Oil Clntha, Matti 01.1, , a.5. 1 urniNliing IL,ods in grvat varirty. All ,d nut an endive, variety not enumeratod. ,kllor 'tlen community Al pricos to defy ( . 11111111•1111,11. PICAS() roll and tn,:t ',lino for ynttn. , lvos. uno LEINCII SA 15 1 . I 1.1.1:It; FOR SALE OR RENT.— The rtubscriher often. for eels or rent, the pets Three'Story trick House tA ArAlic:-.1 on North lln novo, Street. Possession ri.lM7,llgiven on the Ist of April next. The ,t.. , Ist , it; , olteg, lins° has irine rooms. is furnished '...,.......r - =-.... with water 10111 gas, suit suitable dnh crier business or a private residence. Oct. 26, 15“10.—t r. JAMES It. WEAVER. It F. ItutIERS, 1)o.0 of thu Med. Fai•ttliy VALTJABLL REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The snikqerlber offers to boll Ilk farril, situate in Mon toe Lwnktip. Cnumberland ceunty. adjoining landoof Jacob N 1 longer, .les, Si Tick ler, and alms, centalning LlO all - ACRES OF Flan -RATE LIME. nONE LAND, with u good twelitory iNT !,A1 HERM:IIII)ED HOUSE, Bang! Barn, and all necessary on tAulldtugs, with never falling well of ,vator rear the door, only 18 m. 41 foot doep. Also; all lauds of fruit, such as is common to have on a tarn,. The land la in a good Mato of cultivation, clean of melee and atones, and of late laion Pull „limed, it also lies convenient to stores : schools, 4:c., and on tits whole Is considered a dosirable property. Any person wishing to porch.° such a f ulna would do well to examinu toe above, and can dot. loy subscriber lit ing on the - farm, who is -willing, at all times to with ou purchasors and 111211:13 1:110111 lilt clot J,ESSE,ENg LE. t"eptonber 6, '6l. t. F URS! _FURS!! YURSI!! rilomsoN, Old Stand, No. 818 Market St., alma, Bth, south sides Philad'ii., hare just opened their Entire Now Stock of Ladies' and Children's Fai cy Fun, ' comprising .al.l thu leading anti desirablo styles, at a trentendoum reduction in pilots, - Wirivvvrt - detorttilitcd to offer for pale oar stock .of PA PANIC Pitigns t affording nn opportunity to all Ladlen who, wish to purchase a oat of ledra at a great reduction from former prices. '• - . PAREIRA THOMBOI.q.• 818'Xidkot Street, l'hllad'n. N. B. Old Furl; altered to f,tidonablo Ntyleu. 41'7 Highest pile° paid for Shipping Fur& Mole, Rabbit, de.,210. •• • [OO,, 186t,3tn. VV RAIN B AGS,—,I 414 'yeei, o .... yoditfid for Bah) Vory cheap for Oath ' v, 180 - C 114.8. ooirrakarusk Vali aNEW-VORK P RIB UN E =1 fSitpt-;i111,,r, 151;1, Tjl4; NEW-YORE: ‘I - Eili;rx Tit! it v !be. t• - • on; y-fir , t yt•nr g)f t.; 1).11,1'TRI BUNK bt•lng mouths :11,1 SE)! I NIEEKNY TRIBUNE somewhat yomTer. For more Riau I wenty years. this journal Inv 1n1ta , , , ,1 in what Its roll/tuella, have tilt. to 1,0 the rouse of Humanity, ,latio • and Froodotn,,,litlrav °rim; to meliorate the condition of the onprossed and 1101 , 0110 A, to tumor and eneourago tuefy I oxettion In Avhatovor -sphere, and, to pronulte by all nu•ans the moral, Intelleeturl and nuitorial advanrement of our eountrt . It. list :00110 to Ito right rather than popular, told rn lIApOIINII ernumend to-day the truth thAt others filly not lie willing to :world till to morrow. In pursuing thin C 0111," llllSl,ll