Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 25, 1861, Image 3

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    ;711, Cie :;101,ICe.F,
TILE CONFESSVoNs AND L xr r : wrsoe tor AN d fur the siull as W.rfliii.t
a to ytIUDI4 won Alio stiffer. fouls Nsrvous
to, l're.satu etc : blIPP , Ying at t his ~s hs h
ti no, t 1,101,5 01.,41,2urs loy ono who wired himself
r Lefts f put to groat expense thrns,h um. 4 lral Imps
sitlss and yosrherr :Anglo omit, Issy Le - had of
•Iot;. 1 1
A l .j s , i 0411 s ir E ” A l T ps t
r E L N d .,
rufisrsdldo r o d s , v E l l n i pa s
02t. 25. MIA -;MI
pim,nss „fm e t,,,l with the [Fever and- Agho
sit nrl l not 9,310 cither time trouble or eNp.,..e
hetodi,•ol t ell cts up., the P • 0..(1131 1134 beer)
rI . „.,, th..,e who has.. 103 , 11 Ftrit s ktlll lion 313
,113t1 .113(3, 1)1 11111.• I.v lids dreadful curse, where
I W. 1 ,1 hung', , . and xvhose 1.111.01t.S are
and rest] go and wh. , se eves are dint and
so 1,011. ti.• 4111 513,•131 011311 in the rare. this com
p •tt ,I a. 1 , 1 prove b'es4inl: snatehin.4 :IN L.
.3 . •• Ir !it um mouth - ofthe_rove. NOne can know Its
rvale , nail' have test•qt it, When all others
t.ole I these Bitters hare re.torad the HutTorers
t prn.line health. Their popularity In all tits it 'stern
thorn pmts should inirednee than, to all
t-ovd hy druggists and dealt rs ro noral y evrryw hero.
TT i i A CONI*TITT that there are
noose sufforers from amnia Arno-lentos. than
r,o lot I. and nun ng any other Th.
r0e...," ot.vioue. Win take t , little elerelee. and for
g••t the %elude anti WISP 01 tin,, heal}' I e the nheorlono
pursuit~ of busines. In all such cowl:, ordtnory input
do little gond What is re• 4 tired is just such
a tonic and lovittorator as Dr..T. Ilestettor her given to
the wnrl I. in his ('EI, EIIItATI'Ii •• ItlrrEits" The
weak nervous denizen of the countltur house, the ex
it t an cn the choiebonrd. and the prosecute
FL e.h•nt of the midnight lamp have thund a wonderful
roucnervor or in the •. Bitters." and prefer it to num,
pi mentions, but less iiilleacititis on divines. , But it
sh.lold not be that the anent which ion. Mail:
in Ito iniltioncc upon n frame which In merely dr bil
itatcrl Is equally powerful iu assisting na , t,re to expel
th • op , st tairible forms of disease. Who would nor
give it a Oki?
I I, did teists and dealers everywhere.
Ire!, V..e ephertl....nenc In uuothet column.
Philsdelphln portionges the most splendid l th•
Fl•ooorinni in the enuotry. It Is splendid ns rot - Innis
the it •la Li 11 .trod tiro In witielt I tot ion husito , s
ot 1110 1 , 1•4 1 1ilshn len t iH C0,1411(4 , 1. and It is etittslly
,etttelid respoct. to its grodt frc' , llius and Vast ro
on tis. lint to Its patron• its chief attrartlon. are.
••I eleiranen of the garinint to Is . 01•ntletnen and
th • in an uthettirod -thorn; „0,011)d 13'. tin.. b tl on
thllt V I the rnatorials. slot the superl, escelltite.,e
to• ft and lastly 14e tn ttiortto pet Poo at with . ): the
;••• We rotor. In tills .1 •seript ton. to none
et th t tho Itrown Stott, Clothing 111511 of,Zoehld II
Ursa.. 003 and 605 Chestu at Street. afteve oth,
1 . 1. thdelphis. ! A p 12:111-1y.
11 - I . arriltits.
11.,• I , lh Ingh hv the rry. Nen Y, Addams. \lr.
1:1:11110' 1 .1 1-11, of
livto dii'mertternettk
! •
I•,' AD !- ! !,
1.: R AT PUBLIC are respect
lalf•od to ran et t hr new star, 1,1 DICTI,
r.d r k. \II r t,r 11, rast NiMpl , and uNdnutle tnt•lr
INTE It 0001) S,
totl:l~9 17,1 w... 4 of the ktost ho
Pril '
Tlrovntle tiots•.l
col red nirl
Black Plain tiro de
Rhino Rlk Si k (ii I rir;ces
and Cash
11101 . e, ; Ott ctincita itcps : I r , pertsi Vttlen
ti s E Pop
lint. pruned
Deliitts ; Plain French Me
tluues Ind I teisirret ;
l'Axnal..ttos: Yueitic
avd Uii en '
1 , I 11 , 1C9 arid Casio - 110,R: Misses and Children's lin-,
ie.... Is on e varlet% . suitable for the sistanti.
4 ,---
xel ,ocr = • .f.a. ,q Cr at..); -D
Our H it of these ....1 , . IS ur..uall‘ full and cnn,
;..t,..• ~.. we Ivice ever, •ii, •ety of 1,044 itrip , q , . ,
, 0 Ole r .00. rued 111.• u: Iiillt: lion.i• of tit.,.oN & SON
it •ta .... 'I ur,i1.1.., ' . .111-7J.; 1...u,.in s leriu..J, 1, 7 :w/
.1.•ro. P.. p.. It. W. 1.. w,
lift io.l.tilivs: Tawi..
l:, It. uh' ,, rin ... l'Arantt t...., k1i.... J... I.),lait. s.
• qe......,,i
111 .1.1..,t1....
. 7 7.1.11 17 • . / ,i F. 17:7 s 1,11 1 ,."; 11.1.1'1= -.1,. 7.7; era .
• its: 1 . 01 or.: U!,O 0, 11.“01 0,•11i0:s. Il.e.ier3
c; :1., .t I i i . ,
, - . 7 ,,
I I r t . : .: , ,.. , i . .: 1., r ,., , , ,. t i ,i , t ;;,:: : : .:1, ,, i . ,,, , ,... , -. 1, 1 , ~ ,, ,i i s ; ca•.l,
i...t i. ,t:.,.
~ :t {,... ;; .ttit,ti•l to Fuoo.Ld l.onfig.
....i . } .. .M .- ..• -. 1' . ' , ...,....Mr , ficl caIitIMM:S3MEM ~.,........e-T-a
CD) \ I{ , -1! CLOA ! ! CLoAK.S !! !
m ele nrramretnentq o Irtt n nmre
I. 'II,: , y .4 Mob WO aro Imat•led t • fm.11,1, the late.,,.
:1.11 In .111,211:011,1 t'lon , s t itr fill Lim se.nmn.
11 • lu.t re, el,' I tt I trio 11,1 rh tire I a of 11:tulles,
t hi !I •••• Inv invite th.• naetttleit Ilte Ln
I. al.. 41.4 es etnl Uhl tirmet. lAtethq •We will Lo
I,lajono f,l ate.o huo alp .....011.11V4111..6.
.tili.cla, - ‘nris;
In nll their verletius—Bruchu. Penreitale
11110 f DKRIES (rin AUCTInN at. vwc leiv prices
BALM I I . In Vourelng F'isiwy 'M i ns.
Hoop Skirts! Hoop Skirts!!
llf tls •iat st iirsprcil•Eufsitts. Is La sls re,eivttl the
EN. 1 II Ness .
t. . itd a 11l enll thvse
.1•pols OA" nnklrn al ,Vhi.tesale
Fa, nt,htety C; o,tis l'ariely.
:11111 Cuttga, Ilvstury.
I I, ,n. tt I.Ix I B milt 11111buus, I,u.
'; 11.stod Iluods gve,
Cloths, Overenatings, Cassinicres,
V esting9
h tve rever..ll the service, ora fir,,L Ow. TA 11.01 t,
ar. hill, • clothing to uriter at short notice, to the
1....•15t0 le, rod lowest. prices.
It, %VISA It of nll lauds for the season.
Stiwis.l , rawers,lJudio . shirts,
l,loven, .Inuntlbts, Collare, Neck Til39,
ko., kr.
AT Ivuor.lesnr.r. AND RETAIL
Ila vim; purchased largely bel'.oo tn, and, ;Wrecker 11l
p u” eau !011 many kinds at old rates.
CA It i'LTS,
1;1,i N'DS.
• 'CS,
All the al,ove artklos unit Inany ulhrls ',se oiler at
the loivo t possible priors C. , od liti. no Will los
,ho to our stock Swing the wit,t”r. Nu pains sparud
to nllOO oar ilninunSe
I, lil 1),:11. 5.1.1 VEIL A: MILLEIt.
1)1:1i MC 5.1,1; ot , 11 F.A I , :,;I'AIE.
Ity au order of tile th phan's Coot of Cumberland
,t V. I will ”Ipto9o to public salt. on the premises, nn
'l'll I . ,,FiAY. the 218 t day of i‘osealLer, 10,1, at 10
En tract ~1 laud situate In hoarse Cutnber
land county, bounde: by lands of
Christian 'Miter, John Cockley, and o hors. containing
E t: I I lily ON I.: ACRES, more or less, nearly all of which
aril fenced and eultlvarwl,
eructiqi a Iso story
1•t1 WltiAill.&llßlkii.DED HOU:3E,
Bank Bard, wan Wagon Suede and other t.!! ttz
iiiiprovolil , •lltB. This loamy is nau.d, •
csin and a bra miles north of
Cii Lreht,W
',an; —Five per cent. to be paid it the time
Lh•nt en round./ In Int, land tlk to be paid
to tint widow. non child tol Lim let of April, 1502, and
Ulu balance ou the let of April. tStl. with liiturert.
JOS I If :`; et 1111: It.
Admiute r to of
11,1. 26, 18131.
Vli ItEN —The Store.liudiii and
Dwelling at the , oruur l'itt and fisitu 13troots.
Storwltouno hat every thing noveseary tou business,
and .8 I oinplo lec; 11.1 Id tun D.yo,lAug is grow* r tnue e
wuttu burg , recant. Also, the TAl1)1(INII Stews item
and working room adjoining; oil which 16' offered at,
rc I ren ts, ,Ontl in OHO of tho beet toe dines in the,
town. retenec Will he renlod font the let of Aped
nvot, and the latteVcau he had un let old:musty uuxt.
.1. 11.1.311 LVOV . -
Owlish), Oct. 22, 1861—it*
6 IA lIPETINGS, &o —Just received 'at
0 , 111.11 1 1C.s Cneal, Q.iuU dtol e,n tam stuck or Car
, ngs. ',faggots and Flour Oil which will bt,
trsa at very low
Pitsaso eat/ Ita4l-exalrifilo the stock.. . _
.r1 1 81e..4.,ct, 25, idol.
R ME ' E 3'l 'S HALL, •
0:4 -- Ti..71:13DAy - EveNisa, — Oubmilit .2.U, (8131.
. . .
m.,. KOll3l i,11.119., asrl4sd by lioarly 200,1'4101a, also
Ma.•tur 4xll AZlllt from Lan loiter,y II g. vu a .Lir,iml
31 Mom' holortalomailt 01 tuiacolatir4 aus-utude: — llm
pr qrr oalnawit! cmoust-m1•3) tlifferuo olseus• • Tlolotta
In ,m tits ; Mr mile at tau auari: COMO (...) cuuituula•o at
71,i: 1 cluck. • [ . .. , CtA :45. 4.55471.4.
---- .
I'nUltSl FIJI:LS:1
,(1 , ;,,1r_ LADIES' VANUY ruu
FAIMIgA. T11031130N, litaud, No. 818 Aturltet
St., ilibuvu Bth, itmth hitte, Pd`Juu'u.,.huvu•just .opyiputt
their Jittiltu Now 6ttica
Ladies' and Children's Fancy Furs,
comprfning ell leitlitu; and riesituble stylus, at it
trououdous reductiou tu.iirtcon,
We unve d,:terroluell te, odor tor sale ,qtr. stock of Furn t i
L i t PAN 39; •ulTording 1.111 opsorruulty to ell Latliert
li,, vivi*,t,, pm chisu u set of I urn At u grout .ruttUstiou.
11,fr,h?..luryeer,prics: : :
• ' -:!' ' • _ F•lft KtitA- tt: I , llo3ljOisl,
618 treet,,l..4llo'll.
11', Old I'd rm Mitered to Ast/lommide my 1140,04 peleo paid for. bigippollg or;:ilial,
Itubt,it, dc., ic.- - - . : 100. ISM, 1801-3 w.
i 5 sub•<iriher desir-
log to sottlo. up his business, noitiests ill - se in •
del tod to lihn to make payment to A I..l3insoslei , Pliol.,
and those hiving claims against him to Intte them at
the same oUleo. - . .
. _ .
Cakixle, Oct. 25, 1561-3 t
OOTS'AN.DS HO ES.--Just received
at 01111,11Ve Chesp - Casll Sore, an nosh 0 now
stork of Ladles'. Missal.' and Child roll's M ranee° 11, is
Alava and gaiters; of the bust quality anti lowest wit.
Carlisle, Oct. 23,1861.
I. )0()1t At! 01-IAiRD'S ii:Yl.; 11' AT AE It.
Benjamin Franklin mYserts that nu ounce 21 ?re
Yentlon Is hat, than o p ,und of cure Then wo lISIC
you tlu )uu_ wish to keep -I,lpther,a Neund,,,lo, $ le
Parma. Cold. In the heal. with 1111 eltalves 01(1,00 of
li1:11,1,1.1, a inch 11. f at the yjtoln I'r,,ul 31 1.11 11 4, 11,0 , 7 If
Hu. use unsparingly
Poor Richard's Eye Water,
to bath. the Byes and Boni. By thin 1110/111N only ylu
eau keep the severs of the head open•aod thrui prevent
all intern:A to tiarrima Lion, which is the pm urn..r of
Please get circular from Drug Stores of the most re
urtrnwd , • 1:111.1.i 011 i erord
Lu bu load of all Dr tu4rlsts. Price Vi.crints per bottle.
Mrs. M Proprietor.
532 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Oct. 25, 1561. tim.
SII Elt I I , ' F'S SALE S.-
IS, virtu,• of sulehl ~1 I.oll.u:is
Tossed out of the Mort ,d'Common flair of Cuirdwi ia.,d
County and to me directed. I gill exp•ksc le sale
!dub! c Condon or outcry. at the Court Il Olive, In th. ,
Boron_ hof Carlisle on Friday the l.tb day l.ros colic r
A. II 1061. at 10 o'clock a. tu. the folleelog des, lic!
heal Estate, to wit:
A let of ground situated in the borell,,ll of Nov"ill"•
containing 60 feet in front and 120 feet Iu Ilepth.neo
or 14-0,, boundedOlL I Lo east by High SLITO, 011
by property of the Lutheran Chloe', 011 the \ I,
proportv of John !lowers. and on 010 /1001,11 by prop) ty
of the Lul heron' Church, having !hereon erected a
Frame Blacksmith Shop and She.l
Sirzed and taken In exeention nod to be sold as the
properly 4.1,,hr. A. Harem
a lot of venni! eltnated In the borough rf New.
1 . 1 le. eon tattohoe 60 tint in front nod 120 feet to depth,
open bouoded on the cant I)} 1101 street, en the
v‘ eta be property Yost Sp:lto:kr. nand on th e -01.01‘ by
property M . John F, having there , . erected a two
Log house, Log Stable, and Carriage
Si7,l end takt, in 'execution and to ho sold as the
h tul grouod situated in :i.Attlt Middicton
Containing Five Acres, wore or lest,
Oast by the %Valour. II It°to Itt tol, on
vst t•nring on the nn.l the t , p tuff
int the b t lass to 14 31/1111:N and
II In exevution ultd. to Ft, sold an the plop, ty of
s‘llltant Cart.
A a bit of ground Fitivileil in the li..rhuith of Car
-1.1.11L111,/iIVIIII I and 111 :1,1111 1111.11%.
Ilr lI'S, )1111,1 lllthe .:1•Ioll Lim
I It rI•••1. 111..., I. “.
,itith ha% LlD•rk• .11
I .1 a 1111 e StnlY
Fl.•torl and to', on In o , :nentlon and t, bt• B.lld ns the
p, t Illlllatu Cirt
Al-, n Int../I grnon3 sltuatod iu tle h/anuall Car.
atainlng 3 fret in frnnt and 1:1 , 1 ley( jo ./..////
more or laso bountboi n thi• east by Int 11 . 1 . SVI/II:1111
a:,/ . 1 he, / W 1 .51 b% Int nf non I\ obi, on the
north by Chapel miry. and no thr gririth vv : -, 11111 otroot,
ha 11 , 14 n L II
mn,l ond tal,n in ~strut' n anal tn as the p,.-
totty 1”,:11
.11,1, a lot of ground situated In th.• borough of (' • :r"
11.10 root linbut 1101 in loolt 04.41 21111., tin I , lll'l,
, 11 0, .1110oaNt I.yto lo.y.
skent IIIl• o
Ftr at. on th I , 1, 1 ,
and 011 t/li. M 111/1 by lie, 001111, 13.41111 I hero
111, st I)
Brick House, a tw6'Btory Brick Kitchen
Wash bnuse and \Vnre•hrni=e
Firniol nod tstken in rxeloirlon and to In. coil no 11,
pro' urtv oL ~ .100.1 litlyott
.11so a trart of lao,l sill1:11..1 \1 1 ,1,11,,.., t.,tvovi„p.
Mpg. 10 ner,.no 11.1
Ire or lose 1n.!• t 1 on the tn,,t
loons 1.1 John Ili , oishow, on thotv,: 1/v Tooth A , l3lll 1111 tilt. vorth
by I
nuti "it the month 11 (loot,. hat iog
thereon oreetril n Iwo qt.-try
A L 4 ), House And Sin d
Sound and talon In execution 11n4 to he told an the
pomerty of .lulos Collins and (hello c o mp. ;
Also a lot of comnd altuatto7l in Spri a ,,, town-
Ip etnhorland - roul.ty,contan log I•I tact. in 11..1.
011,1 13. foot In depth. more Or less 1.4011..4 on lII°
0110 1 by th e ilognestomn rood. on th, ne•-•1 IA a olie3,
on the Nort In property of (V. II Innon'ol nr•l
colt 1. iy ho. Sittipo....ll road, ha, Inc Ile.,
1' VI . 0-ST01: Pll lI(H.SF. nod Fit A , 11. 1,11 , 11,3
elo•.1 and - tal,en iu e •rullao ..1.1 •to: tic,. ',-
pert N . of Peter r and Eh/. LII Ilm
of hi 03, i SI V, r
110i1, 1,4
.1.”1 2.4/ 14,1 1n 11011111. 1111).• or 11.1 11..1.1.1 , .•1 1
I.y :1 o . Ih,• 1, 1 1! .1 .d 1',".1 1 iro 11 mitl.
he torch L.... 1. 11 . g I, I
SI 11.1 I. howl In thereon . .•1..1 II I. 111 . 51 \
e. tee I Iml t I ox.• •ifi • I .1 I
ill, prop, Ii '.l', II Ir.. In, and t.1i.,1.. 111 1,11, 111,
A DOI .1 1 to Jr a •td 1.3 me
11l )frr A ET.NI:I - ,
711 tlllrY'a 101 11.0. --
U. tober
CO N . 1 , 11110,—•1 /ii all 'tumuli's over live hundred
dollar', fifty dollar, are In Le paid who ,
Si riek.ell nII 1111 twelit.) live dollars oil nll auo with
meter five hundred ‘lollare.
()Tll,'E i, heureby givion that. the
dersktlmi tilerk of the tear i et, will h.. at his of
fire in the weitth ratan at the Thirt , t I: , ansv
otrlklo. inn and atter llntiday tlet. her the 2. , t11
tir the purpose ul rireulatine,
ti an II 4•'.0.1c
ordititr , the p.r., isi“ ,l
ns "I a itormri
par. ed ii in in rise t 1..14 plan, Of
lorthe purvise.
DU 11 LTC S A L 141.— Will be s,,ld at pub-
El I i .itt I t•t au TUESIitIV, the 2.1 th dey of Oet,ber.
7001. at the late rvsidcnc.e of 11:1I1hun :quiver, doe'd In
Cent, o,llle, l'unl , Joriand Count),
A TWO-3TUlti
Aftr.l 77* - 4
and Lot of Ground. In said silty tort. kind
can hundred urn! forty coven fwwt dray. with No e‘rel
loot well or water, st,ble, and other mit buildings on
the hot.
AL:M. At tho RAMO limn and I oltl urn T \
Attt 'lloU.'f AI. LAN!), Adkillllng Drury
pea, hrii, of Mai tin Clandy. anal i , therm. Thin
lot is covet oil with first. rain (111,trillt anil valor tim
bers. and of too.) , ilet:l'SS.
rnlo to V.llllllOll , f• at II
terms elll be made koinsu In
Oct. It, Executor of Wm. rehriver, dec'd..
‘70T1(.11 4 ,1.-1..,0f ters of' adinini.tration
~, Vu, Eh. kin Sr, ;11•,..11 bile or
l'a 11,1,4! beeliff.r.toted I.y ih. 10,1,,ter 01
Corot, Co. to the sole.erirer,
to all o. cocoa knot,lng to t h.i.t o d to murk,
llamodhte payment. and those hetvit,ir claim• to pre
soot them Only auth,htlrated for 1.1 ttlrolrllit to
Wu, jr.
Carlisle, Ort 11. (Sill CV
l i I STATIi NoTic E.—Let Ix] to:sta
j onlatury on the listlto of BARB RA °RAU,
Lite or Upper Allen tnwnship. having lwer
vcauted by the Ile,dstor nfGulnh. 1 . 0. t t.otirr,•rj•
trto •••i•ii II ' i't II or ri , bor, °clef. )• yen
n'l 1,111iWillt: 111.111, iv os jothlithl to ro r•
hollOrrit'Or• pAynwor n•t.l 1.11 be. Ind ple
neat them authoutlealed hr x kr.! tletrirOL to
• 1 0/IN U. 011)VEIt
Oot. 11.18n1 Grs
'rho mith.rriber others at private silo the following do
i.eribeil lima! Iliittst.r. :
Ali that, prnportv situated at the cornor of main and
Wost, etreers, Carlisle, Ira.
l.aele hey. /laving there's 4•
er..t.ti,l three largo If III!II 11 , /th. 4 l,`, Y„i T 1 4 3 '
and a CilANlr' r
mos° houses are all new. lan, and
COM nithli./11, Thug are modern in - -7. 11 8 3
and have all tit° eonvoilleto , , Fad, aga,„ water. .kr
and aro situated in tint most t.1:1 . 111,111 , p r c of the tow.
111, 1 , 1,t1 , 11, 31111 1,'Int•111..11t. mud hrt i
tt! Oral 4,1011:0,1 im• can) lug an the
ForwarMiur and tooall-81,1 business
"['kilo pr ipsrty will ho sold vary low. to.zother o; lu
Ports, In suit pursltssor , nud thu tern, tondo easy.—
..L i/Jr ilktbrtnatlon ,pply to
Set, 13, 1811 -tf.
L . a.ire now getting In their Fall and WI tor gley
tv hieli notwltlittandlo.; the cry •• herd limos" gill
Ohio-formerly -rornprierio.:- all -k hle
• ll , ods
1. •
euitaule fur Lndlue, Mieset, thiliarun'A. Men's
and, Bq'm wear. Thankful for pod favors, we lick coil
„Hit tiiince iiC the ague." areit3 will u, our lout erideav
ore itonake it the iiituroet ut tato public to patroplzo
our large stock.
N Prisnhe indebted .to ihri old firm of L.l
dleh and Sawyer are rtatitosted.lo ealVatild aletile us we
are ingreatarant of money,
• 471.11 Tbi 9 ' a Sae.
- •:, 1 ,‘.,,., .-,01-a., . 611,:z„..,,,,,,,-,,,,,..1
' 7 1..iii . :11.. ' . IrirM 7 ".4e . : V 1 7:',1: - .7-•-:
-_-;F2 ,. T . 7 .1.. 1 - - i' . ..-,5 , r...,.7.i.,..., -
.. ....t.-:, ,
H.i., - 4 - L,. , , - - - -, 4 ' ' ' :r 7 , 2 :nakZ , r.
" 6.k 7"........ '
Thu subscriber has recently opened a' New Store
at the old I.tand of .1.1) Delbert in Nerrth Hanover St.
oppositu thu Carlisle Deposit Dank..
Diving reruinat front New.Yrirlclifid Philadelphia. a
fine and well solvated assortment orgootio in 1,1,, 1111110.
business, such as urcrs and CAI'S, front' the counnon
Wool to the lint , Fur,
•.; 1 . 11.. K AND ("ASSIME RR HATS,
'Spring Styles of Silk. bate • fur 18111. Straw if gas for
(len thtewa..luck ay Date for Ladles; and Jitney Ilats and
Caps fur Chiltnen and... l ~- , • • - - -.e •-'
1.'32:41113£1. WO Stair rrl-111 .. ..rirg Es.
Also, earpst, DAUS, Valises. Trunks, Hand Trunks.
Umbrellas and paws Dud Panthers, . An asou talent Of ,
Mt prime bemire And Tohneci. 'Xila .
Tint tititil for ill' if Pa r trouatte already reeelvad ho would
In v .to all. his mantis slut thu public ' trenerall,' to ghlu
hint a call. • • , : . -.1 ACA{ 110 AS, ..Agt; '
carlisio, Atirif 19. 1/ 1 01. • -' ‘ .
he French
$ 10 Oa 'C
a l u r al t. i!nu ° l!: - d'q l3 ;l l l,?v e nt lower lu pClais .
I l an ~ v er.known.' "1.1 1 11D10LT .. - Jixwy-nr‘ AII I LLEIt.
_ . •
U . It 6 !I
Frame H ouse
of the Ilarket
0(3 TI.By'S 01-1
A largo tonanottont of Fiji! and Wlntsr (Innis ofrnl
dnqeili,J.lnit 01 thn latoat styles. and bust not u.linturun
now op.tiling at th ,- 01'map tora.ttl C. Otil cor
: .nar nt data and Vitt at. ant: VIP, stork has, Lunn to,
leottal oith won' nom nod bought for cash, nod will lea
sold shuns for Cho smutty.
A ittr.N lot or lila II and I , ancr slut, Frontdt Msrino's,
Cot:Salmn+ Paretnidtsen. %Vt.' h „ 1 1 1 0, 1,
; PI Inlay Itopps, ['fantod Delattesof all huh. and priers,
) Orry tlnotla tdall Otlcristiona, Altip.troostA.•
FALL .VD '1174.1"11? re SIC 111'1, S.
Ploin Innel: Cashmere Shawls, Stella hordatosl, ll'aalt
312 Coiln, t _lkael{ . ll.ll l .l 1 ,. 211;2V l'oinr, I, .11a IA.I 11
and Ilradm Shml;;;Willidilstyn loom bought iris Omni
ihintieN and cloqks ul Iho loinve At f i les
111,1'ist of all k zoo a2 ,, 1 I'lll l ll , m.
of rho onnona. ntvl a and will ha If , itt 011 , 111.' l'llllC.l
I'iallllolB nun Illtos•Intd ohndina ut (10. ohl 011ovi,
111 EN ASI 1 . ) %Al It.,
Cloth, C.1.R1111t 1 1 . 01., nvd V 00.1111., St‘t liikot owl Joo
A h t ,o iw "of lluupod z 0,1,04 oI 1111 ril+;111 111111 ilyloh, nY
rho I'o-4.1,111k v; ao,l will I.t. tlUw ano h t ,
INe•tl ..bie who', I I ht , 'Oll.l V
C.,1111111 1: <titililto Iho xto 4.1, 1)01'010 !ZOO
Olt•-t tllO stallll EA at' SI AIN N 111'1`i}
VII., 111,1'0T.
E\V FAI, 1, 60 0 D
In,ltr :111.•ntimi to llivir V.MI EL) and
Dtztltf I: as or
Embrnettpz tt Itlo N E I:s'P St) I,•• DRESS
n )• (1,11.1E5, EAlitIt011)Eltl ES It I S.&NUY lllt Y•
A a fa i l nr.aort wont of MOURNING norms,
110 : 1 F in -, 1:1,1V EA. NM'S, fir..
TriTr 'P, W. EVA Nti IN OWN
I rt IT Y. itiont,n; I nn s einlnotiiil in tbn Inst
EFT( IPE 1N Ii Alt Fc. TITS. exgiossly for I lioir OWN HE,
T I TR DI: nail „Oil I, ,Stritl . l , SED lon
QUA 1.1 :mkt ISt) A
21 - n.s. 8.8 an./ B'2o On,nanut
buyers will Cud 11 tolvint,zonns
of. insulin Llus :Sto,k [ll,l I.
C STRREf. LC C. 4i AND tith STS
Near lloirl, and Ova xquaree from
(hr Railroad D.TOI,
Ito , lll .Mnll I 4 ard. per dAy
itttom.tlittict. peg. any ....... ' 1 00
0,1.11 00
I.t. :_lt ii 1111 room iv rattled I.) 7 00
it bit i,tiisittert.ti by Vitt tiny.
1,1)1',1::1.1, 1;111',j.: 1, ....1111 tun
ntsh •1, sod iu sr). rs•peot A V. st olits, Ilotcl
I 1111. I i is 10 0,11 11. .1 t•lt•tralr,
A. F. KlL)t3if.l,l. E'roprktor,
0,1 II t f
I."' TILT: S S 0 N.-
-4 •
arriv.ll of New of FAIA, WINTER
(1 , ) .0 4 nt
I`,(i I:
pied to friend
n•, . of 100 no,ort W...., for
.1,10 roe. 1,,..1 en t he ,f 0r. 1 . 10
00 , ' lio+ in Lit , 11 it •er, xic tl4 , 4t!lv,•t vet
rsreml wrl h. e - :It :IF Laver:o,le priess, nn can be
olanin ,11nr,, else.
Ilv•rr S I I /1I't• 11111 JI• 1. maJo
. 1..,, -WA y trd .IL LIN
T'r' e•or •if tilhe co dr.! L cLOuri•Lrrn
1011 • ng 060 ii hare.
I xnF \
Sm t !I .obi aiG tC, \•i ,- Cr
Ii if I,' ,11 At Sll.Aito.t. nutlet), 511111
I.' 'l' r, ' S I. F. I; A T
Horse and Cattle. Powders
It pr I...fter n trip! of soloral
vau. I . p. It's i.t I 111
l'lp. .11 ... pp
th.. 1,1 I.l‘ it 111 111, It It ll,t
•! ill. , d Oa. II lll.t 11,11•• In.
01. 1i.1 . 11• 1 i • •II 1: I • 11. , it..
10 II: ..1 I• 110 MI, I II • 1 1 1 . 1, 1.11 vi^
Of 01,11
'III , Pi I •- 11, , • 11 fine.
-- d ~, o;p••tralt ,. ..,
t$ d
,t 1,. 1 ~m4,qt plWri prg
t Ipp . •11,0
,0:14 ,11,0.:lse,
Mil • I , t 11.• I II I
1/.0 ir l• $.
1,11 t it.. .ritaoll 2110 it,
t..,1 •111.11 IIIv.• %yid hr
01.'11111 . 4.'11 it... 1 t pr.., tqll.lllll
I -t .111
1,, .1 ..,• . II j., ~ V ‘‘. l!t•r
t-dt ~..,F tt I •I •
a.! \,iii LEI-, I'
Lw.. ..• it tAir , t,'n LA , ..inter ;11,1
!I tr,.. ill I• 1111.4 Foy., 1 !41111.
or II
0-1r.i,',1 r': u. t
rnl t •It oIIUi I • en• , r , , to
A, .I - I 11n:.; , s,tr, UP.) 11,lt
the E11:1,1. 11.,rues.
31 11 CO S.
Th• pr , , p•rti,•4 ip.,:et,s In inerolsing
the sttl , , I SIVIS It to /101>nrtall
,11111 plat. „ if In Ow h•t rots , f
1,1•.•11.1,.; It 11l illl4 00 , it
ttl,ll In Appi•tlt, I.lotivllS t Ilt•Ir IlldO, 311 , i 111:11,,
till iN,1111.1.,11 fill or.
In .111 Or c • i;oouhi, Incsrs In lAD)
1.1.1,121i111 iVI.I. putting 11'0111 hall .1 pirol tt,
pnr uI t Jlvflo , r , 1 , , n Irt-rel the
dle,mtris r• rarril cr w1th,414 ,
1,. P. 0.
p Iy .4. I , irrz. ‘v, .
nn.l I,v All •t PO,. Y ,Do. pee
piper, or live Irtpere 1.1 one dollar.
c NT A . 1 4 A . ) p ph oto .
lIL, Iphir an I A po (11110, I, he.,
it I.J. • I to t,:1•• • qr. fr 's
i .4 or , ,
Nir b• plo LNO l t.) w lit 11,1,1 big aunty,
nut frie.adi nod piteous, and it ill cvutiu uo to Dl.lOO
Pliotozrapli'c Ambrotyp Pictures
rit MAUI: ANl'\\lliad
CArlide :opt
ph gsi,,logicul lif w of Ma rriug e
230 l'lll rIS AN It 11 3(1 Esl , l Al' I Nli —Price only
~ 1 rIVI tae of p ettli ii to all parts f
the ! of youth an I ntt•'ritl.
ca,,,i1,4 de .1 it ii 1 you,. 0,, (ALT' ‘ ll .il l ll uf.phll, 10/
pitatms of tae heart, tilichlal uua4iu eta,
10, xiLh t.01110+,,11m , of thrihing niteres , of a
Boardi wheal tilts. ii lbU,nli Student. and
I Li y, It Is r truthful Isor to tin ,
„, ant t.,o=it o.err azit. who ruler
taut secret it mid- of their physiott I condition, 11111.1 mho
are con,ion• or lull inv. !laza, did the health, happiness.
and priVik, a L I which eVel• hum in hying Is en tr.led.
0; Ni! 11 who are troulded with witakties•. con
early cans.. I I,v a fat hold iu yenth. the .flueLN ni
bkll its dizziness.
_pains li t
rlufntr t,l L.l, 1. us. crib eyei, svell:;no,s of 111 e
and 1.10 er a,lrenutles, roofs-ion of Wore. I sr of 1111 1 11,111-
r . with tocholy. mtp la euro i l by the sullior'm
.151 f' 00N Tit I.N
We 111 vo c •t Iv hint, d lunch of tau thou In VIS
I l'lNti .; availing nor.
salve- d th, a. 41 tdl hit)
skill l'lwth 1 las nail Sur_temis in Eti rope and 1110
Con rh mu ell. 111r1,1 themselves under 011 T
care still now have the full benefit or the many 'NEW
A \ nt.'I4'NCIOIJ 4 It which t,e are enabled
to In ro.o into our practise. end tip, I,ll',lie rosy rest
odieo.l of the stun. zeal, m 411014. t.lEel:l:',.!Y' and at
t t „, toiliiLto their c notti, had 1 ,1 1 1.1,,,F
-I.IIIIV au,,tu_uisiu , i l'11,:l'1,11 - 1 in .mr
1' 'd2C Lt Sit dept.. meet of professional iimetice, for the
past mat-tint, years
Pll.LB.—l.nolies Who wish for Medi
dlr., the efileacy of which has been tested In thou
K.l nil+ 0" evlA. curl 11. V. ..tailed to effect speedy mires
within[ :lily b. I I,IBIIIIR. Will ore 111.1.0 1..1t, O r . pa,
noy's Tem:tie l'orhelical ['ills The only precaution
nrcuw iry to Ito. liserve.l Is. ladles should not take thew
if they hat , reason to Millet, they fire In certain situa
tions (the particulars of which will be found, on the
wrapper accinnnanylint each b ts.).thou It. olwayo..Eufn
ant heaithr, on gentle, yet so active tiro they.
Price it tiler hex. Elie) can he stalled is any patt of
the Unit nit Staten or eanata.
TO VILE 1. t need 11 confidential medico)
ttivhotr with renanl to any of those Interesting coin.
plaint , : to which their delicate organizallon.rentlttra
them hula., are part loularly invir eil ti - consult 'us,
" sO I i , ,LY ,NlO I'itirrecrivr." o. 7 ....or married
lull -H whose health will ROL Or WllO pace 11n
d0..111.0 to h.:retail thrlr flllll.llllB. I.lly 1111 nbtnlred af;
ill,-Wo It Is It iterlitctly safe preventive to conception,
and lets he n ttx hood ye,y stied during the holt yt:LLFH.
?rice reduced to 0111
A Tr , ..nis4 on the — tenf.'e of Prom:yen. Decays-A sol
omn waroleg Just pohlisthel, n Wok pliowing tllO in
01,1,111 H pragrosiLend 111,11011 V lik!boinht. h
Maio sod Lomeli:. of thio httel lmhlt, pdotini k , ut the
fetallty elk. ha vete:Oily attends its - viLehns, sod devel
opt the nhole progress of the ith:eie , e, from the coin,
tuencentent to the end.
It will be rout by Mail on receipt, of two []cent:
Stamps. . • , '
Attendance daily, from 8 in 1110 morning tilt A
at MOO. , and on Sundays 11.0111 2 till 5 it. NI. - - ••••,
Mudielocs ;vial full dirlictions root to soy part of t he
Uoittri Statvr orOanatiss. by patients eounnunicatirg
:their syroptools, by letter. •Jduritess curt . .pp:M.lone°
strietn,`. ronti,lit tidl.
0:0-• De. l.'s is still located
tlio oaqio 'of 1111. 0110 IX, at No. 31 )lalrlopi Lally;
Albany, N . . Y.: 20.,11131—1y
;0 SAI.II-59;0(10 building- brick
for solo, iit loso,polott bhan,tpo„) , can bo boa at Iho
kiln. Engoiro lit this idlMo. Sept.
NrcT 10 TOS II 0 E AIK
.200 n tea to work on Army tilioes, to
wlnnn yonnt:nit fnon'oTownt ivIII Im vlven for St least
'lie or stl inontll!3, audlliretal wane void.
Auc, 41,.18nt.
FASTATE NOTlOE.—=Letters - , - - testa- -
mentary on du, EAttte Malta man BRINEII late
at iljthijos,”l ovp, de-d, Ira% log been Issued by the
Register of Outnberland Gravity, to the enbsaribere reel.
ding insaid township: notice le hereby Oren to all par
sons indebted to said listeic to pink° palnent, and
those licenceCl/titiii to present thorn preperly,authenti=
cubed fpr setilcanent to • , '•
• ' 01101[01 , 10'11ARA,'
• - • IIILN. I AMIN 1%; 10k14 3 t, •
0ct.4,, 1561-0 t , • . Exechtop. •
Sept. 18a1.
r F l O the hoirs.arid . : ldgal`Verdo.ntativeg
II of lloorre llnch, Intn of the townahlii
of Saulh
nuglton, County of Cumberland, 'fake notice
that by virtue of a writ of rartitinn 'Vlituttlon,
out of the Orphans' Court 01 Cumboriand county,
nod to nto directed. I will hold an. inquest to divide,
part Or V3llle Iho real estate of aaht deecased, on the
pr 0114,14. 'rnerthty the llt day of October, A. D.,
1,11, at 10 Jrioek, A. 31., when and wham you may
ottemi II you think moiler,
' itOit'T. MoCARTN EY, Sheriff.
IN II 1+:111• nmrrethrblo lernm. - ly Fir the evro of Ttveomn
tintn. Pahl hit NItI . VIrIIq A friti•tlons, Ppmfias. Gurus,
diSl'ageN relpli - ini; the exti.rnal
wk./Mr - in nu
11. will !lover fall to curl; Poll Evil. Fistula.
old ranting Sinai, or Sirally. IC propoi•ly applied. For
SproloS, Seratene.. Qrookiid tiliato4. Sad
dln or Cot), (kW elity or WoUlidA. It is nn infallible
ruiniidy. 'l'. y it, and be convinced of its nfileney.
Persons afflicted with title diSvaFe no matter of how
long standing. ran be promptly and effectutilly cured
by uslng.thk
Thera Is nothing in the world so sure and on good to
take away BA 1'.4.11A, and cure Frost lilies as this pre
paratlen and.: tilsty yourselves. Price In and
:in roots {air bottle. Prepared. by A. FOUTZ, Weal,-
!idolater, Mil
For gale hr RIWNOLDS - S7 PEIFFEIt, Car Piste, Pa., and
by all eouniry bioreltermers 23, 161.11.
A. B. ENV' G's
c * F-_ c „ ,
8 50 1859
._.1 t te_4 41 6,- 0 1
West Str3at, Carlitle, Pa.
4 a I.'d 1*(101 01 14a (. 7 umhcr/ (Jiltnip
Agrwalorral Fair of 1837.)
~ The ,11),rilwr has just reevlved the most Fplendid
,mso r tm mt or...tides hi his 1113”, ever brought to this
pho•e—witi,h he Is determined to sell at prices that do
Il comp.•l ,
Pn 1. 10, 1
ir 111111111 C r,
Ili it I g- ro o na, F URN IT T211.E.
ICJ Jiela
o fri e
every artirlo used by lt',ic awl lintel
the la. ct api.r..ved and
nd fini , ll. I nolu.ling ale , . Cot tau... ...t.n.t111 . 0
cri'eptinnj .111 t triunes.
Av., &C.
urohn ,,, ,s nre requested to call sTild exismine hts
400 k. oxtenniso ivarc-roomp, Nest Main street.
A. !S. I. \VI \ t;,
r.:0" Port i.•ular c t tentlan givou nr u 4 uril to funerals.
intl o (1,11. town sod country, at t0n.1.1 to pi otapt ly
`nr:kl. , . 'I ty
)8 I' I I N 11 JR., A ttorn oy at
r 94i.. n,..1 ,urvvyor Pa. WI, nil
itzdi • w” north or Lilo 13/tuk.
. ,
promptly 0tt0n,14,1 t i.
A W (;A 111).—( 1 11 - Alt LES
A 111.1 N. Aktomny at Law. ,191, in In ,
h. tr., " Glif• %Int ket, Roue°.
rat trttl 14
.J. Ft) I;K, Attortcyat..Law
IL jo cnr, wil I, .1 It. Smith; . 1,1 .11n,:' llnn. It
4, • ft . -1. i',..!• , •(.01•13,t yhtiroli liu,i.lcsN ell
I llt 0 Ili 1.1,111,03
'V .\l. BIL)1)),F,, Attoriey I,lw.
.•, :oath It 111. , "er Nrept ouh A. Il
AIV ) VI I (71 , ;L )
h,t, r 1117 1.1 ri-e. 1,1% . ON,
11' P. 1111.11 ft A ttorney at Law.
j.— NoiLls I* , •sy doors
I, .1 11.. t.,•! All bugiiit•ss ontruyied to hill,
will b•• htt , •iitletl 1,. i.ll ril 15
\ V NOT I.( E. -It Ell() VA
\l I ' It. IS ronic,vo.%ll rt,r n
HI.. • •ilt het •• Ile Will promptly u t,t,1141 1.0 nll
h.iii,.,f.te.i t„ Iliin.
ilau , t I 1,07.
lini,•o with \V Nti'ler,'Egi.. u Guth ll.tut.ror Strout,
tho \ ui ttli tour 01110 e.
Carlit'o. Sup s. I - I.
( 171 NE M
11711.1. vin o art..otinn .g.ll,tions through
y „,,, nd nrll
go,l s.•.•orities. Negotlatr
!orate land wairaorN..ko kr. Ref, to the !t1..,11111`, u
the cumhorl 11.1 r, and I all pro:tilornt ritt
S. B. ICI EFFEB ()Ince in North
illanovrr st root two doors from Affoltl & Son's
torn. nlllrn hnnr monipjwticulariv 7to 9 o'clock
A. M.. au•l toms ;1 to 7 o'cloric, I'.
nR. GEO C- S. SE . A -
1 ;LyltililPi', PIINTI ST, from MP
" Uvl
timwe College of Dental Surgery.
11 1 1-oSke nt tine residence of his mother, MIA Louthel
t liodford.
M arc I ;,:,6--tr. • •
D It. J. C. NEFF respee t
. M. 44.7.1 fully informs thu Indies and 7entlonica
- . 4 1
simind the !dart!. u of th.ntmry. propartirl to pin •
form ail oporatialis tooth and gums, 10.10iiiriii0
to Ins 110 will i °sort full sots of Leath on
gold or sit var. u Jib singlujorm teeth, or as they
may pro:. r. Teri, . 0 ,1,1010 to suit thin thin,
.1. 1!. 1.1)0 no , -
' , oil, lia nor, idriad,
00 ,i, door to dui l'oon's 7; '
A , 112: 1.'59.
11:0. W. N E11)1 Cll, ,D. I).
Lit• i,„m„ustrat. 'plain,-of• Deld Iht I'S to the
taltiaum• Cnlloge ,4
. Den rtzory
Ofllot,it tiln I,SitiOnitti,
aprosite liar! m 11411. •r eat Maki street, CarlL•de. Peon
Nov. 11. I
- 7 2 S. W. HAVE TICK,I) ruaist,
r 1.4? North IS.
Street, CarlUle. -4
••••••-.. PlAyslclon't.pre,,:rlytionhearefully compouuded
A full supply of fresh ilrugs mod theinleal4,
Ninety-Sixth Session, 1801 mind 'O2
Th.. regular I..:cturea &limalll
11.,uuay, tl-:Leber 14, and lorutrual a the last, of February.
R E. 1101; ERS,
Jlaao of the'llfatl Faculty.
20, IE6I.
r.; ; ; : r FARE REDUCED.
606 dr. 608 Market St., above allzkla,
.1 AM W. POWEfI Proprietor.
TBIMS:—.I 25 per day. • • ja3olB.
S. Cor. 11th S Market Sts.,
T YffE g 1.470.47,31, 31
TlifS-Ilotal at - 151[4.A cativo:don, byratsonaer
Oars to, a [ parts of the City: and oiory pal tirulau•
adapted' trftii nomil , rt and wants of the .. tudnoss publia.l
TERNS $1.60 per day. [ opt. 20. 1.661.
. .
111 - 1 I M()VNl.—Tlie flat - liii - cap sßre
. ~.
I) him:toile o hilown as '• KELLER ," has .licon re
moval .tiructly oppnote tint lld stool, 100 doors trout
Arnold's clothing !Aura, The bolo. lis ill hu cooduct•
ad no 111.1rIttOliii . 1.1, anti all the goods, both 101110 loaditand
city tivinuilictiirel, warranted taglvO sislit:don a's re.i
Coltman,' al. A lull patrooago la rosily. ,
nilly solicited
es ovary effort will be loadit,to_ltoiiii_itti assortment of
our"anli'lloys hats and - caps cauthletill' . Ith"priCiiii -to
suit the ti n ges..
of)6111( liatejlim r
'Ainrch 18.1801: ".
• •
[Cue removed 410 ollico to Itlo • Dilf W
. • . Nor,
'OOP. SICIICI`B ! • It rz_l
Ltiost It ntt .tt prt us told ery comp°
'..101)(111.,-SAWYElt 41. L Aft
The nest LINIMENT fur 'MAK and BEAST
- now in Usn.
;hlstile66 Lturtis
Medical Department
. UU . IsAE+7A-QrA ,
. l'roprlut or
Tab; N.EW-Yolllc., T -RIB E
On the seventh Of Beptember,lBlll,TllE NEW-YORK
WEEKLY TRIBUNE ciAntrienced the twenty-tlrst year'
Of Its - existence; 'PIIE DAILY Tit:MUNE being some
months older, and the SEMI WEEICLY TRIM/NE
'somewhat younger. Fur more limn twenty Years this
journal has labors , ' In what its conductors have Pilt to
grijie cause of liumanity, a utief and Freedom, mittens , "
oring' to meliorate the condition of the nom eased and"
unfortunate. to Winer and eucnur,tgo ireful exertion
whatever sphere, arid, to promote by all niciinci the
moral, lii and' material .alicancement OP our
country. It has aimed to be right rather tam , popular.
nod ; to espouse and commend to-day the truth that
others may nut be willing to accept till to morn iv. In
pursuing this course. mistakes -have doubtless beim
"marls and (Antes corntriitted; but, haying in ill things
limited 'bur readers m think and Amigo tor themselves
rather tinin adopt blindly our own and others' condo
01000, we believe we may fairly claim for thin, journal
the credit . br having qualified Its readers to detect and
expose even its own errors. To develop the minds on
:the young by the most general, thorough and potetical
Education, and to encourage and stimulate Productive
Industry, throe -h free grants of Public Lands to actual
settlers and cultivators. as also through the poiteetion
of Ito Mature or peculiarly exposed branches from ton
powerful noel en competition. me among the altos to
which - this journal has-adhered through good-end evil.
repiirt.'and which It steadfastly commends to American
patriotism and philanthropy.
1s to the Civil War now devastating our country, we
hold.B.ln hove originated inu Rebellion more wanton,
ineximsable. thitai was ever before - known--•a
Rebellion lu the interest of the few against the many—
a Rebellion designed to raise higher the walls of caste
and tighten the chains of impre-ston. flaying done ail
we could without a surrender of vital principle to avoid
this Wa'. and witnessed the Pa bearailCo. nook miss. and
long suffering with which the Federal Übviirnitient
sought to avert its Itcrors. We held it Din' rams tint),
With that of every other citizen, to stand by the nation
and its !lady chosen rulers. and to second ,nth all nut
energies their citric to uphold the Union, the
talon. and the supremacy of the Lows. And, though
the Rebellion has become, through usurpation derep
thin. terrorism - rind spollation, fiarfally simony, w in I no -
Beim the American Republic tar stronger. and that the
1111:1111111a11F , earnest etr.irts of loyal hearts and bands
will insure its overthrow. lint rm all gnestlnus onset-
In:: thin obfesty, the Scorn. and duration of this most
coantordinary contest. we defer to those a tom the
Ainerie . in People have clothed with entinorlty, holding
un ity of purpose anti of action indispensable In so grave,
an emergency.
~ cr tsb: like the present. our rol ions meat hr large'}
eiorrossod with the current histniry of the 11 • yr for Ihr
Futon, and with elucidations or its more trIV, I lici•
deots. shell TWA Of. atllWllital to
Vcalliall A flail's, to A grleatli not! Progress,
to. Crops, Marki•lri. etc, . hay already, sea ti net,
won for TIC: TitIiIIINE all hcaornbis pct,lllnrc tinting
lie c , ctlcllllllCilarlOS Our main obiect is 1111,1 shod i.i lc.
pt Mi-1ia11..121/111E,11011,11a. 110, , pupur. to • 0-
Inl rlcrlcll.l Ina' 140 , 111 a vivid soil faithful history or the.
times. not merely in Lb*: (It'll - MITI 1,1 Acti in 111111
el-, As oar Cud; it L.• acquit big in oral-o-
tins Increase with years. w in trust the. io,
in 11~0 colnients '•Cll' snorted icc,c,14. 1 '.•
v and nn , ,, , •ss tut. , lilt .1. nn,.. tip in
scull 1,1, to • Inlithe et-nn-h nlin, s criti , •.li tht• lit , t I
t n n i q h p^ car ,nnnt n •lt, a n.nontinnllnn cc, of Ilio•
metsu r'• of Ic.l/rfillaJe ac•Cc•l'clOcl lc , t -Ili" J
I I,v TIZIPUNE ;:311 per' rt:mtml
I,Y 0611 p•: :unium':::.
. .
: 1.. 1,1•!.. o
0111. ndnro, tor i.'9• nod ;my
larger nuwhrr a , tlio tor ell.. For a of 1, , ontr,
an ott cop. , nil! be 81111 t. Pr( a 1,111 , 1 rif forty no nerd
the 'Tribune gratk t.r ono . year.
The, tee r e p t., Ire I,ln,
aini any I.irvor onniber at the late ::=l. '2O onteli per
ainntio. the paper to h e en- - n
i.; cold tin
Tei.nt v 1.110 eiidre.• : WI one extrx
Lo him iillo nou , lfl u' the dill, Pint OW , f r - on.
Ll,o tiUlr Trilniao
When 'trait , i 8 .1111'1: -al , than lii'l.lo• the fret3l:l4i
Stdit...Sllolll t in all cave. h 0 111,111 Y 0 rat eit
„al , . in .11 , 1
Ad 11.
BUNE, No. 161,Na.anu at.. Now-Vorlt.
Sept. CO 1861.
t., ••th ro , A,L.I(•
t.. c•.turr.l.Jl, arr. invit.-d,N,lli/115
1 , 111 . 141 r,” and • qto..:Cof CAI pots, on! •11
tin., ylv, Rupt,rior Ingrain, 1:11,;lisli and I, Vo
uttionl widtlio,
11 h;11P AND E U. c.klu,l;T:4.
Drat t te•t., Ittizs Straw :nt , '(•,•at Niatt t4l
f or thißst , . plain and l.ut, y blinds and
li"ei,cl: , .epui Onxit Epr,g
lint for Ni it \,.• Art.
priii.itt, .art t11../11.•. 4.1”.11, , q .
1141'. I 11•. i) Litt , ca it
ii tis nil •ntr
I\V , It 'it, •t:t
DeS44l%; and Engravers on Wood
F, 1')„ \ L.. I,
Lill!, \VI/1111 1:11 1 , 2 . r . 1
110: 0'..!1 ,10 1 11. . 0 • tll. 1 1,•ll 11,1t.tte• • 1 for t, t • 11..t t .t• . t
1.) en 11.1 •.t 1 . 11111 :; •
Cl/1 . 0;:1 1 .4...L 10 1 • 111)1,0 Vil lo 7 l - .1 1 1,0. 1 • 1 . ,
ri . . 11 1.t., , II . 11 '1 -. 1 . 0. A. • ' •
, • 1,, • •1- 1 , 1,1
t, •m 1 a' Isl
• .1 it t I ii i. k• A
No% tm. .1).
it 1-,"',l'l' \ )N ij.;( )N,
N. :A (.1..111:1V1
,o , „ i ts. ~t .„
In t l tu••• \ 101 .
I \ In. •.• , It
I 11,0,11
'I ,- .ollot, .0 Lli”, t2.4:11 , it
Cite I,lolvin.:,
of which h • ha. atnn ,it:fi••••ht •i••••••:ilm.,I..1 :cini
htfhy g•ttt I,kt,••-; f,,hl •.•••• t •1.114
uloAallti) ith,h• to n.ttporl••• mut,.
8..1(: IC .•1 .1 A - 11.11,F S. I
Clo1th: ra,ii w atri T i.e.'s. 111 .•f new d
i';`' STS
ri !. ,t an as.arrtn,nt 11.•,,1 at thl
CurLer.n: and 'nk. tn
Cl. Ma r , •111,. thatbk• and 511,410 beeli4e,t, at el el . ,
Val iet!, IllaVel lal nud pater]]
P A N 'l' A 1,00 NH
Pkin ii I Kin e.,.5.
nett j , nil Irr...ct, variety .rs. all if which
will he at t very lon 0,1
oftl I: whl , le linen and riot tiin of hb unwed
,PlO Ihail
u 1,,,(, .1 1111 . ,t , .Ik4 orllll •lot of 111,, •iS ti, ) ).,, f,.,
kott 111111 Ilt,vs, 1. Vticll ..11T1 /111.1 tii km sold riii• ipor I Imo
Al.. spleildl,l UNA, ILI,
1 ther . .•'',..! 4,1110 , ,i't It i. vit and all, tocomaend
E l l.O for N•kltreeP., 4, as 1 ti ill not uttt.itiit the
h,trgalne that inay be expiecre 1, for 1 am doteriiiiiidil
Chit no g ,ll lower
Aural info LEON AL tr. o Crnt,
::11 It. LEONA lID, .1 r. !dbl. ',I, Pell -I ;.
C.N. 131.! ' , 1.11)E: B u y
Pk ;;iss
t, t t ...ilk It,.
11,atge Mock of siinimi• (i(mds,
tho II ts 1.1, ! , .1.11
1 . 11i,.11 , •ii
;1.3t Ili ` , 11,n,
11 1..tr0• , t•.a. 11 It
1)1.4,111i1V E En,11,„,
(11.1..41,, fig 0111 ter, I hall.. 1 hilt 1..8 St . arc
e w, t Stv LinGAVIPS and Stintle ,
Shn uIP nt And french Caro Inannurs, linntirs and Lt ,
1: , •so •• ie., 01411 !MI. - Wt . / e 0.4.•
;141014 in of till k Indo Kultal.l6 nn• the nn.dhon,
SUN UM 11h'I.'1,1-1S;
Petasels. less than original cont. iiln.Ns of every dos
erlption. TASiI4 111tte, linthrefilerles evvry rnrinty.
IV ILC()N'S Celebrated Hoop Slclrts—" The eklrt of
B,•ery variety nett khld of roods soltsbir for Lolles.
Mon and
a, 3r1. -- ..9 elwo
Tllo laritust and newest st..ex lo to.oe oil (loam,
Mat tings, Looklne lasse. Eurnisllleg wds in
eriety. All 01 Oa, • ;.netls, Rita all eodle.., enel e ty wd
enumerated. We oder to the corn to
die any putloil. Pivot eall end uxamittv ILr t wit
411 1,1,r DI rI f IWY Ell &
1101 t SALE OItEN4 lip or R.---
The subgeriber &fors far sa rent, the new
Tli rm. Story 13rick liniise
gj .1„,...
A ~(: • prl Furl h Ilaopver Street. PosFesaloe
1 :1 ,," : , 'flovu - Ltt..ii3 . :„ l ,setro.,,f,‘ . .‘„"rilnte.s.;:n..ii . h e
:4 . 114 . wlth %,,,.,;", 0, 9 1 g 411,411 . :3 sub Valhi ei tat
er fur bled item or a private I esidep c,.
• Oct Di, 1F.C.1). , .t t .1A \ lES R. WEAVER.
. H A I.E.
The Flll , SerliVr to tuato in Moo
roe towlogilp, t'utuniafriancl county. adjoining lands rg
JOOO, 1: Nlosley ' !JO - mos...lnn SOlva ;or. nct .a
coutaining 111 N MIRES OF 1.1 .61:-11.1TIl
TONG LA NO, sllii a too story
Bank Illicit, a n d all nr • co.oory otit.bui!Eltugn, with n
tolvor failing well of watt-r unn tLe door. lady lti or .2.C,
lout del•p. Abs.s all kinds ul fruit, snoll 01/11101(,11
1.0 have on a lam.
Ths land is ill a goo,' 51.,1,” of Aeon it
rocks nod atones, and 01 lets Luna 4,111- 11110.4, it
coover,iunt, to stores, lSe., 1111 d 011 I ho /0111111
iy l'olll/i/lOrla n di'dit /040 111'0111 , 11.Y.
An•' - -/s// %aril/ill/I (0 I/Oral:lhl, SIICII
Any 1n whiting to r
do 001 to ciiitininol t c above,. atoll-can I.j e Minn:
mits,.l.l6no• living on Ono tarot, wino. is willini t nt tnit
thitnrc to wait oill.tirtillasrtn ancl:mitto I. nom nn von.
tiuptnimbor 6,'61. t.
N - OTICI+I.-:—'l.ot,t6rti -Testa wentary--. on
the - wto or Devtit th, Rupp, Lao Co I,incer Allen
towilEthlN'llce'd.. hating boon ireued by the 1/e.tbt,r of
Cumberland: County. Cu me the unbscrilur Icing In
Low,a Allot torbstrlp; notice le boreby
pQrSIMIS illdebt (Id Co Coca,ltntrunllAte 1111,111. Anil I bore
having Vial on to presort them duly nothentleatol
net diluent to ' 11E.NEY U. RUPP, Executor.
1.-Cl4blltlo, Aug. 23.1 An
SO ()(.) .‘ "
t 7 ANTED.—
). mo nfrunt.Q. of Not tiL 16.114 on•ton aeh ip, yrfat)
to employ thrtni Lonelliirn to tSllhhn vioninnicti
'lll 11(4/11111, No. 3.,371111(1
pp Inatton, munt. La :undo iit iu
myth° 111‘st BALurilay of Itutohor. (Kill.
A.‘114.3 1. Mil. -.••.. IV. 0.1..1111,141iV,
luxe; opposite ,
A N Li_ .(1S use 7c. ived, it n
jr: s;r salu vori chea4 il•r;Caull
is; or, ' . • will...lir, Truett i
'gr , t
Vl' , l;
Wimit coo the 110n..1.1.Na11i 11. GI LA 11AM, Prosit
!dent dothrd of the several Courts a COIIIIII6II Pleas el
the counties of Cumberlaud,, kerry and .1 %mike, and
dustier of the severe( (loads of Pyor end Terminer and
GenerefJail Delivery in said counties, and firm Itott.
pitT Ilaysna anti- lion. M. Commis,
! Judges or the
Court of.tlyer end Terminer and rieneraf.leil Dell very
for the Arial of ell capital and other offenders, in the
nail county of Curnhurlitiot by their precepts, to no , di•
reeled, ddtml tite Ditha S inAust. iber, bay ortlotrd
the Court ofOyer and Vorminer and notieritiiail Delivery
to he hidden at 1;A Itl.tiriLE, on the rnn l la DA Yof
November. (being Liao ilth rily)nt In the
. forenoon. to Otitiiine two creole,
Nr)i'll!l! IS IlVdtEllY arrip: to the Coroner, Ans.
theta of tho Peace 10111 Moist:X.les of tire said Client p of
Cuotherland, that they orally the said precept rote.
rnan,led to Ito then' there ip their proper per , ons,
with their rolls, records, e atoinatkos
and all other rentembrahres, to do thee., throes whteli
to their oftivre appertain to be it,,,.,, and all those that
are hound by rt,P,llZaticeS. to pr,ser. me :tgalrist the
prisoners that are or then shall he it. the 101 l of Mdd
aro to be there to proseoute Own. lIA 8111111 be
just. Roil I'. IeCAIITN EY.
.1 lily 12, ISill. tiberift.
BI,TO —ln min.:it:ince or all
ord of the urphan..' rourt.l4 . eur,o,tri,nd en”.-
ty, l'uolic.;Ltio, on :in tur,lay, tin! 25th day
of SopLonsher, Intil, the followhoz des,ll;:nl real estate,
to lei
SIiCISEPII in List t0W11.4111, Ulitul.erland
Co. udjolitiuk limits of - .Jul, hill Oluirell.
Join] Musser, and others, enntninlow al,nut an night!,
of an erre, more nr less, lie vim , : 01,t1111 a Story
11,1 .1 half La¢ 11 , u4e. in ye e•P .Ir. i”P." Venn,
yut hullttin4s, water oonventonf to the floor
LO 1 , 1111 , 11..11t, at 1: P .
dune., will 1.,0 given and 1,111, 1.1,1110 Lnn.a,
W 11,1,1 W N \RI; \ Elt
A.ltoinistrat,r of ,1e... Wahlon, dee'd
HENRY A, R. 4 ~
LPI A - ' t e.W..,: i li oll . 4 . ::::: j
' ,.. eii , i 4 ,0 k.
/' ~,v rsp A eo
'The subscrino- I. , :tvot rejpoet fully In lulu,' the
rittzontt r.l3l:lis,e viduity, Ili st ho linos now ou
toted and to 'll`lllufit , trtrinc, over ) . of Cabinet
Rare. t•tnntiFtlng In inert of
sot , A, 111.111.F.,1US
lIIItE-4, , 1NC4,1'15115, N 1 T
I' II A 1 It ,
Ft.:11110 , Xr. '1'1314 Ivorl; Is
tra-r10 , 1. , 1. , 1 tip. 1.0.1 ithd ,•,,,
I v aril V, ill 1,,. 1111
HI , dl.lll 1,1.•••,
'N It —Colin' , wol •ort not!
ended to or, inplly or ruontry
.irl -Iy.
has re
mf-t. -
11 t tr, r.,11..0re. II). V e.. 11 %lain ,t..10.•t.
dii' • ly t L • ::•.11Nt., l tktn..o, Carl l'a
1.1.11^0 110111111, iIIUZI . particuLtrly, (rum In. A. M.,
and (ruin I to.; P. 2...
j , tylos :u:1• 1... •I•
11-tv.o.t bot.pfht ail ta,Vo .1.1 largo ntooK If foie
NVI.I will sell th o toLit, , t 0 Y. AL vt.r:,...!..vf p• I,es.
A ver 4.1 , 2. , n .ortme..t. of Col!an. vorlou4 kinds
Nee( T;,,, Crate:lto. va , o-.111
Are.. at It , lt 1 1,1% 1", •
April 12. 0: . N If root
B 0.0 S .
4' It, ESTRI," El) ritulT:i,
!11, NC I) if 1 ) 1C , &C.
S. W. g6A I" ,
11,r1 wet. ..•;.'l.• et, Varti:;:r,
ntlnur, I All 3., A of F: -A Dru7,t., Fan
ev I .14 nlit i
1,11i14. rind
4 ., •
1...1 n. 1.1 i• I , U:41,1 l't IL t.lty
at ..1.............1.1" Lt . ,' ;1011 r 11,11.1,1.,
LJP,,,fratlry trtich,,f tb••.:1
t, ,, 11 nu. :1 uh.
\ I o• 11,
LL.. t tt I 1,-r:,
I 1 ut: 'll ed, l iul ruL . •y,
I ueld
,t L il•I 1.1 it.
1 C . ‘ I ti ie ;111
ILL L.ll,l , Ltrarn.o.lo v.tri tv Arti , 1,,, , i , u.11
I ! ; 11 , 111.) i ~) c. ilk
• Amiotts
•11t ,, w I
l[v'..q 0..• LI, balad
41 , • ' I ..,,, ~t 104, lb
ttt , • , s rill
tinti ..1 I• , 111, t: odnur
th • 1i..1,
t• 1 .1 I'l/.1. 1 , 11):1:N.
' •I . 1 , 1 .:11•
..11 . DV , /1•1
C..; 0,1 JAL .1111:, t itil FIB ,rt.t
% , a -,•,..•M1... , ,t0:....41t,.4,, ,, q'tt:tuut In this FIN, as
!..1 11. , I in Ow Iwroil,;),.
einlw t••1:r , nll Co hr and a tthe assort
.I(1:1{. , AND PIPEI,4.
su.4l n. it,Arigos, Lo.tions. "Ii!. It:tl.lus. NretAit,e..
•‘• ,I‘''l , it V
\I Is: RD- EA r, vici; I,Es,
ri .•• .0. all 1.,.r.•e.. l•
all au' t• I - 1344.110v,,
lett , orythit,a, i 110
rt/ ttly ether Artlol,l tib4llol to
00,4 F `I , ••S the pttbile are el:dr.:olv 1111/11.e.1
/., "t,l
IN 11, tll,•r th • 11,1 icxu,t, uotirly oppcsite the Itnti i, nn
Nort't no", et. , •t.
• •
May 24, IPA
111 E tNSIT - II NX r, N
AND 1.1•;;,N;111 L :II? IN
'XI.: 0.9 , 1 N 1 of ( . 11,11.,r1m1 , 1 Ipr—orpo
111111.1,1'111..111 4.1
•..: Vi:;',111 , 11,1•!
Ia 2'ti.l 11.11,1, . 1 . 1 1.1 C Pun
.1 tir "Pit. .lii%ol/11 11 IL . 0 . 1 , 11.1111
I ( h. II L.
.A. 'l , l tll. 1t.," iin , l
Ct. .0(1 in tin , • 14i. .li_ to
ni i • ,n . 1. , in, IL , ••
.t • •i 11. i :11 . 0 11111.1 g iit
111,11 ...Rill 11,10.
IL G. /Ilti
%TR-11A .1:111;,
:IlttnaAors —Wm 0nr,..35. flyer. abrihtlan
11111, .T. rt..ilap. ‘1,1,111. U. 1%o! ,
Mut ti.ll.•irt.. J. sVlillsurtantin, J. Ltrlp•il rr
ger,, S. Eberly, J. :Ira
OUNIJI f^.ftl..lND COUNTY. —John Sber-lek, Allen
teary Z•.. 1 1 .011, SilirellUt.l , lto,Vll; 1 , 1/111.1e; It ,t , •11,0 ,
Citill4 tot 1/oure 11.,eut tn. (1111.....1.tewn ; .1,
11111, troth Mi 1 lletoo ; gainuel W
L. 11. 0 1 ; Samuel c•..olur, `l,elbuilesburp. ; .1. W. 1 . 1(l.;i11 1
"111,•pher.lstowt..; J . 1 .
ton, diver r'pring; Benj. fl.tve; stick. Sllet r enrlng ;
Oltarles 11 , 111. 41.11141 e John
/111 1 GoONTY.—W. 5. Ploldne. o.roVr: P,ter
ford, 1 7 1, elclin ; Jot , . llrltlllll, 11 nrn,tgt.,n:.l 1 1 Nur
tlerti Witsblegton: U. Rutter, Newburg ; It. I'. Clark.
D.llll'lll & - lin , lunun, flarriPi7, urtl.
lii,othon of tlye company having poi:Metz:llmm to cx•
piro. can have thorn nisoll oy ntaLi 11 g application to
any of iho Agents.
April '2O.
J. W. 53.111,EY
liorchy Ores notice to Ills friends. enctomerg, nail the
th J. In, line removed his more from Lcniard's
cccn, to Ills loval yonell—formorly 11 now n cc 1(01101'S
lilt store--nn-North ll'rnovec Street. botwocn the Cal ,
Dcromit 11.1101 and linvetrq iiroocc 5151,
gtOt!it, VY 14,1 In: .1.01 . 111 Nfi, ISvf s. t p
Shul, and Hats to lar,:c.nml complete,. nod you.
1.11.11 OW the!. ( 110 11111 and Will
110.11 the ipor 111411 ever: ILIALI :111V1IVA I Iltl.llth{ to
Guild goods and Cl C.1./Wer price than :illy 111 sun
else. -
•:. -- 1 - ;;Alwayt; on 1.0nd,010 utoet %,‘Pnn:.l,ln, I tnuttle
and f,,1n0n.,1.10 ,not
111 nom , rnomon , st to the 1104 qualiti., o:k1,•11
otooot Nil to lit. p;o:too tho us , . 1.(1 Is
f wtiml • ehlrtai Ur I -ahh•c. awl
tlrawer•r;ralieyr, eritealx
all to be thu very leweq, ptlees.
114-/OTS A N 1)-,S110F.8 -
warq nn :t ,in eemelet7', arenrt.
deer.. - !plots, ;v1,01,1;4,1
erd. Jd:tereeile..Ve . re. I :idle..
and (1., )li,..ft :Ind Buys. south 71101
Clalltroa. all to be oral elleap. Also la, band end ens
stoutly !elm] I'letitr!n4 the boot blur v r onch unll Mens
26.05005 n , it,-.1-31,1-.lffilersons-for Lattice. -
00100(1 fried of eh logo.
HATS: . , •
pp) largo 400 i of - Ilittii for Men. Boys and
common, pod and tine.
ohiviper than. over.
.i. Tit A V tiI.INO :11A.C15,115 . :11111 . ititiSS., V 1/1 1 .-
(1.1.N1..1.11/ 11U51 .‘l.ll/.1.1.:4101.N(46
~:• C lil3 l'F; frAIT7FIV -
I hereby fender my thaohe to thy, eustenuire and
frlend.i, fern let 14%We, and earnestly it you all to
snit see inivand steeir olOod.;,•her,, you
ditto o vwc h e ., as l hut iteterniineif to 'use ovary effort'
to eniiniv yet with the very best, and at siteh prices as
mill stilt ail. Ile teirtiqular,to look for Inv
. April 5: Iniq.-4y l 1. - NV.
I,IZI 31 I!: (At INBEft,lil •
for silo ••••• - • -." .r. .
• On the Rail Road, nearthe Gas Works.
Tbe mibso;llwr peeps cox!gantly on fmna, n fullig.
fv,rimeilt 0!'
Lumber - St," Coal,
Ivhh•b ho con fur
ni+h I, order promptly
od on the moat 11.1-
Palings, I'lasttming anti Shingling-tathia, Worked floor ,
Weatherboarding. Pasts, ltalls,White Vino, Hemlock
and (ink Shingles. Of uvnry quality. He also furnish
IA lv to order of any length and size, at the shot test
n.•tice and on the most ruesona We terms.- Ills worked
lutirds are kept ender cover, so that they can be fur.
),htool dry at all times, '
He has eamaantly on hand all_ kinds of Family
roil limier corer, which will be ,dellvetint clean' to any
part of the borough'. To wit;
And other varieties,- and all the vpclous - NiZeR In use,
0 Melt he utter,. to the puldie at the lowest prices.
1.111 Ent., I; N A N U ISLA PitSMITIIIS COAL always
nu hand. at the lowest eath price.
Tim °hint tbr the patronage of n generous public, ho
upon tee late lime of Wad: Delaney. he would
-o.lbuit a Intinnabou of tine value As he will strive to
All tell at the ronlettnee of Jamb Shrom
ter ( oral and Lumber, will be prorettly attended to no
heretofore. OLIVER, IIIiLANCY.
July 1 —ly.
' t and In. t-loro my
and brnnttllll a,:ortruerit of ell the
a... 1 or rm.,. th, e0.1.)i
w,no, motild re.pembllly Invite
...x,rotTintion of nn and prices 1.0.1 n there In•
115 I lOU cuabled to Oro•r Them very
.1. oral.le iodoeoro.ets
%It pu r ehagrai for 00 , 11. and mode
rxiwrionrod nn,l ponSnetxnt hand , . and as the pros.
t moue! u t• render IL luss.s,ary that. ! should
111 N 1, 1 1111, II a VerV a.i.auos on Cost.
'lilt it,11),..Te. in the le! ereAs or th,,,0
per Iling, trW ye me
11,y- 119 r uatliA; slumber and street: John
Fe mire. (New For 81. 0, .) 71 1 Arch street.
1 , ..1-ZJin
t - DID ) N-orrlC.E.—The under
" siklt,l ho‘ittg I,ooa uppluted the OrplutnEe
(mart of Cut/t Jr:sad County nu ,Audi.or to Marshal
not dlstrlhuto tho nBseto In llo• hands 41, ,, 0tnel Todd,
I , i , .•i•Ostrator do 1...n4. tin of the estate of Geurpro
to th.• tit'
e that I, a•t.,,1 t,, the dutio•4 of
I hi., ,411..0. 011 Monday the 14th of
11.• , I. tutu' all 111,1102 claim. against.
the Mid actual t WIN p,osent them pr. , purly authentic,
Fop 11. IRcl_
S :-:OI,UT ER,
I I, • partner hip In:retofnre rehting l'etwern tIFF. un
.14',Igue'l in Lb.. Ltrnl'erCoal I,Finoss, %VA% din
•,.,.,•d InUt iii. F:nnkx of tiro
fires oto Inft ii, the otio.n ni the late tirm, nit for
row, In'lnl , to.l ar• re,lll,t , • ,iFttle their
lunt, :1,1 me ratting rLtirns Ml' rnquo.le'l to
prrse:lt, then,.
- .
elrllsle, July l 6, Icsl
and root i4i '.nos , will lin continued at
I. tile tut,1•,,tg,,,1
,1, 2. •
ELLING OFF ,1 . 1"1"\V
" tho
• 1.1 I,l}il l
'1114,i1 'll t
Illt• )1) hi' 4.11,1 .0 por thin st arlY
I , ri in i is.. It 'I i.rgu
t,l - 1;:1.1 mut Silver %tutu-hem. buron,
.1111 t, nu! u., utlttr Itizttls awl
„f :01 ki1,14, Fpuetarlee
r Warr.
• it- rrlo•Ilb , /111/r.
1 , lii ant Vlll tt s, 10 , It I,: rollt 1 „ e r
IL • , -11-r 11-1 it 1- =twitntrll•
-• I L , l_•• `II , - I,t.
!living 60,14'4 11 fil tt i ,•1:1‘t. Wl.ll, NI., nil Vdmln of re
11,11t, a= 1,11 ti. t it !Allred plicv,
,• ; the 11,• , •i 1.1 Ice on tte•
•ti twill
6 , 31:a tlw eh,'
iiv).`;/ . :11 .( ) f)//
I II Vt..'
11. I ,t .11”11. V.Oll, 111 e.t.4y lrrws
orm•lius. 4rch
OVVI 'i•
Just Published in a Sealed Envelope,
1,10 'T RE ON T! I !4' NAT U E,
r I'l'lll..\ ` I', A\h li 11/11' kl, ( 01 ,
~I. : . i entinal N taalszle,s,
\ v nisne , .... anti Involuntary niniSSinnS, pl , nluring int
o .1 ertzy. i'oooolapti. , ll an,l Mental not
l alit r, Itv .1. 11 . 1,1 1.30 A
1 he itoporta. I:1.1 t hot the nwinlequences of
or'' ttilvt•l tinily .I,• n
u,verl n about Internal.
0;.• •1 ,n1n..7,,0US :Apulia:lLl its of clestica,
...ire nn Li and tr oll•tioq, an ,Thor empirical
10 1.-re klaxon damonstrettal, an.l the entirely
..n1 1.1 4 111 v •11,1...f . 111 Its adopted by
ilk.• stale II .1 .0•!, r Ity men. or
IA loch to t.ll. ot t0....b1ed t . .. p •111 , 11 v,
ittol al 11l • I •,‘ it cost. therttity tot...lit-4g all Ilia
.laed n st, nins•d the day. T his 'tort tut) will pro.°
at ',ton to t ittinNantl% and annIVATIOS.
tAttitt fluter seal, to a plain nnrelope, to any addreaks,
pn.q.pmfd, oo the reeelpt of two postage , t , innp , by lid-
Dr. VII .1 K 1,1 NI.
A ug:l.l y 137 I lowm y, York. Punt bo‘ 4.f.,4t3
7, 1 .1 It R I: Nt Yfler,.—
' •IlItt•• rold 11.411 S coo
:. •,1 1 •:p•••• Ss•••II It Ii over 6treet,
• 11, )1•1 , •ga.• let • C.rliSi.)
•t• th, t.ttr II \!..lllrtes, Clover
Str:ov :111,f
n lot of second hand ritn
dunes and Powers. 1 , 1111111111 a :all and 01,1111110
I will null Iu all. On twin, I,pnlring dons
at rd,a t w 111,.
COl3O IT SYI-011 3 .
This Is no hell remedy. It has bone used Ibr a num
dei id years to Mar, land rind rdt 6s nC Pennsylvsnin.
and has, o here; or 1l nnwn, acquired an unprerechmted
r•puta tit r rur curing thu various die's:mil:Cur - which it
So appal out Is ins u'n'fuinesn, and on remarkable has
been Its ewes. that IL Is fast ,mpersaellug every other
remedy for those llibtlatwil. The aillietec can rely upon
it, (Ming as moth for them, and In ninny canes more
than tiny other remedy note before the public.
It lay, alunentled and prescribed In the practice of a
brae Muni., of the. must Intelligent mud able
elans of Maryland It Is used and consldered an Indis
pensable household remedy by a largo portion of the
first families of the Stat .
It Is used by all classes of society, end the universal
nplail/11 to that it Is Tills Seem TO PUISEW Tone
r %rho UompoUNl). It pleat-4P tto mite. and never does
Injury. • lint oedpg. to Its ptil.lfylng qualities. must do
under any elrenneaances. Its I. Pd.,: arc truly
e - onderful, tmothlng, valuting and alltt log the most
-.1 .nt ' jitarlfylng, strowthoulng and InvIgo•
I linit t h e whole syntom, calmine: and ~,,othlaip the
aiding and facili toting mcpeeteratlon, and heal
Thus striking at the root of cilsease,!trui driving It from
Thld ilise.v.e iv ;m.o.:loved by.ditllhulty of breathing,
hrlll a hirtllng mlnqdlng.ll, cough end Meat
en•el suttee:ll.ton, &c.'lt t u ,stlY...oettlC4 ILI ..yosiog chil
dren. . child 'coed din of croup ii this Syrup In pre
'way 11501 :.61 noon! to tinvi. Mothers braving croupy
children ehnuidArtich lite liret MiGSV, of dir'ea,6o, and ta
u ;,3 s 101 , p this lenuely.nt bend.
l'or att, , r Incede , this Syrupls Piled ekoellent.
r‘ you lollop lets proven (lint It Is u l uniif I by so other
sul•li no to plern tt within
poor weli as the itch, Will every
in filo . house. It Is a
tone and Willful Wend to all who
1h to.s-earo,theinstilves : stiaivitt
'disease. coniiiimptlon. It will he Inmal tilt:1110M - useful
an well on the the pest in the world.—
It has hem used far the tint four years with to success
without a parallel.
seor chilifien. No child Ileti it die of cioup if
this Syrup Iy used-in tine. '
I hire:47-I,n t,,per-teit
For sulu hy FEit, Carlislu, Pa., and
by all uountry slnyel:uoluus., . • 1'Aug.:43;1881..
C TO. R143AT.L14:11 . 8, Tho
iiy , iityrubjrhuul County are hereby no:
Itnyyt - to t Wen f nhu. up, their ..
r,let.w.,, ILr tho prrNeof dear, nthorrako 'snits will Jki, -
ml% ,111 !..avt,n
Sep. 1.,1,.yit:1,
gir -1, 14H -.7. b.,..
~,,, c
, IP
71 , 1 ARCII Street, UM
tween 7th awl Nth
(Late of SIN Market St.,)
inip,t, and
turei . or. And Deal, in
nll Mull; of
Fancy Fura
1 Misste,
1.1 Citt I. II EN's IiTYA
HO: 110,V 111:11Ill e.
_- ~ ~~~.
Ho 1 RT 101\CIC
Ituprov4 , l Uitter min,
CB 01, P,