Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 11, 1861, Image 4

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5780A1111 aiTTEES.
The proprietors and 111:111111 ' n,;1111Tr8 of 110S
TET'TERsti l'10.1.: it 'TI:O EDO). I:1T-
• . T can appeal a iili portect roul6lelnee to
4 physicians and ;fetter:llly of the United
!lutes, because the :vii, it has attained a repu
tation heretofore unltimv,ii. facts upon
' this point will -tpetilt teal powerfully than
volumes of lace 10-t roan er ICI iz u nit i g pu ff ery .
-The cottentptirtzt "r
ters fur the la-t year a mount etl to aver a h a y_
from its manifest, St ( tatty
Increase in tirnea past, it is evidetii, (lull dining
the routing year the consumption will reach
neurone million hot [lei. Thia immenseumrnuil
could never have }Ten sold but far the tare
Jatedicinal properties sonittinetl in The preitura
(ion, nod the natictiotiof the Most pfOhnitent
physicians in those sections of the mictry
where the article is best lcnawn, only
recommend the Bitters to Ho iv I at icm-, lot
are ready at all times to give t, lo its
efficacy in all cases of stomachic dm-erg - min ius
and the diseases result inlf t hort•trott).
This is not a temporary popularity, °Nelms'
by extraordinary t frorts in [lir say of ti till
poling the qualities of (liners, but
estimation of All invalual le metlit inn, which is
destined to be as enduring an time itself.
Hostetter's Sittriviell Patters have proved
a Godsend to regiatt , where laver anti ague
and 1'111 . 1,11H , 111C1* Lila C , P;! , 1:111i1 , 1 Io cc
COTLOtt , I their vlOlllll9 IT I/ 1 113:11 eds. To lat
able to slam corr: i Ills th It the "Bitten:"
are is certain care far the Dysi 0l is un l tile
diseases, is to proi.rietors Silt of tut
arlleyed . plew , ure, I t t cIit..VCS 01711,111:A
aom the stem,elt, purifieg the ldood, and
impArt:Arenewed vi;al.;y to the cm,
giving it that 1..t0l energy
for the restorati..n ~f haallh. it oper,c, s Tr'
the stomach, liver, and other dire, , t
mildly hut powerful iy, tut& noun restore,: 1 , 111
Lo itti to the healthy
of the funr't of nature.
Elderly persons may use the Tillers daily ns
per directions on the bottle, and they will find
in it a stimulant peculiarly ada.l,lt t f•.•111C.P11
declining year.. 1,14 it 1 pleasant to the palate,
invigorating to the Losvek, excellent as a lot
and rejuvenating generally. We -ha...1.41.-Hvcrevi
deuce or thttit.rintk of aged 111(11 11114 WOllll2/1
who have exi ,rietteed the kmetit. of using this
preparation while &differing from i-;toinneh de
rangements Tnil ; - irt•ncral
the advice of pli the 11.1 ye, alnindom.d
all deleterious driig,4 and fairly I, , ted the
merits of this article. A few wor,hs to the
gentler Sex. There are certain perimk
their fare , arc ii:ira.4-111g 1 hat tty t Lem
elute under tic trial. The le!,' ~t' temper.
lend child iv c , t Illts.krldngly louder, that, tits
mother, et , pe4•ially it 'dui he MIMI, is apt to
forget her ~wll hrtlth in her oxtret
for her infant. Sheul I the peri,,d of tnat,rt,ily
arrive dur.nq the !- , 'llllll4`r 11.0
body and is ,vl,lt-l. lit I I',
then, n,•, ;:s a `, 1.1 :10 ;
ra t e the • , 11 111. rind on.ii i.• 11,0
mother to deer lin 1111 , 1,, 1 Si
and ; lit ;;--. t - no
rally prefer I:vicr , to :ill
tors that reeeko the t , ttt•
it i, t , 1,0 it, Lurie as
Wen as o'll.ll n 4 t. Vl2 1 permanent, in, n-e
of hodfly st11.11.!:111.
All o tos , ret,, nq. to whom we hove part
luirly referred alto o, to wit stifierern from
fever and agile . en tH od I.y mnbrin. dinrritu a,
dysentery, in ligt ii n, It,s clf //ad
all disetules llit. Fiorri:wh,
euperannouted intnlnds, tireqoos se d en i ttr y
occupation, and otit -log ti ddre.. st ill l• , 11 , 1Ilt.
their own 1.1, N‘ vli:lrc I , y giving to Hos
tetter's r e i,d, r oed Stonotidi ititiers
CAUTION.—\\ ' e C:11111 , a1 the I.ublic
using any of the ninny
feitn, hut a , k lor I Inei i Tf I.! I ;
2:3TomArit ,Ct‘ .lea, i, , .nit •
the words "1 , 1%J. .11,,,tett;1. ; 1..11 I I 01'
' ) blown en the eith• el the I
on the Tnera!Le c ,, t,•,,n~ nn,t
observe that cur cut le 4.11 the
A.e• rrepnrerl by ITOS'f
133111TH, Buhl by nll
druggiets, grocer:;, 4nd dc,alors gduerally
throughout Mt: th,ited Stalut, t3uuth Awe
rico, and Ciurntuy.
Anl,l Ly I t:i-t I. \\ Carli• ;
C. Atti,k, un. h. -I,: 1.. 1,,
man, .1 11 11,.. , L
es2i2f,lll) , .
J INDKEY'; O J '.l i'l;( )1' FA)
OLC u A c n'
L I) -• 11
For the epee ly.
•ri-ii :111'1 ;
Tide modirlon tvt - .1..,10.. 111 , eti. r.
dc...perate cage. of
, Scrofula, C.., 1.. r, at I( ns,
ti..eages, k a-.
Pimple ,, on the Ilk,
Old, St Ill.! , r-, : .1! !
Tetter, I he.,
Jatl d
Mercurial tlene , li I.,.t.ility,
Liver Complaint, of .1 1,, , 1.11,
TAW SPirltn, 1 , 0111 Stomach.
' Female Complaints. and all hat lug th0t 2 . 2 .,1
gin in an impure dale of the lihwd.
We refer to the rase of Da', id )I,4 . lle:try, of Napier
township, Mallon.] Co 2 Pa. v. ho, on day ai .111,,•
ant, 15 . 458 mule aflldav it 1 , 01 , :ro .lusts, e li orlel Mat he
war treated far tilt :cure Oi f • r l v three pi
of Itedfortl county, Etna 1.) Dr. Now 1 , 14 of the
College in Cindonall, i , .r n r-1: ,, 1", f
tnontbs, nntwithstainling Id, lip, :old a
portion of his left rheek were entirely eaten : 11r
Lad glvon up all ,I.en he heard of the
I flearrher,” end w:ts induced to try it. Four
cured hint, and although volly cll-llgureil, there
- question but what this lovallorlde Inedkine s n rid his
life. The full particulars of this renuirlial.le
- be Reel/ in Vilrrular, which can be had of tiny of the
I Agents.
We also refer to the r,f Nancy Die:limey, oflThliir.
lon, Armstrong onnnty, rerfi .f Esl,,f nla nil r ht..
log unable to get out el her 1 fill. I L rcc
t To the ease of a larl Vln Arecli.,,ll,l l l roomy
who wasitlsn itllliiit,..l it li in its I,
To the rasa o 1 r;eerge Melee], re.i.ding in tint
Cambria count), Pa., who war on badly alllicf rd wish
Cancer that it eat his entire nor e Off, lt rid his cm, tins
viorme If possible, 1,h:ill Md:re.iry's,
The particulars of these mi•ei--ovury o re of with h
oared by the use ~r the hl` r—uery also
bibilnli In a Cirelliar til t o had it any ol the Agent,
It. M.
Laboralory for the tnanuftuitaire :mil role, /WM' the
Ira. Railroad Deput,
Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, Wholesele 'Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa.
OA-For sale in Carlisle by S. W. Ilsverstielc. E. bl
ilott, and Reynolds Al'. tiller:—Dr.3.llerring: Meelisifirs
-iburg; Goieweiler Zook. Slint,M , rdOtew ; Colo
Engstown; Jacob 111i11011S, Cross Itemb. • .1..1 03,1 e,
N. Wise Shiremanstown; A. M. I.eldleh, Bolling l`pric,
Mary W. Kissel, Churebtowe ; W. IL, 131mon N rat
niu; va.,,u g ht. A co.. o.k,ule; Shoensil s e,
Igilllott, Newburg; Wm. Bretton, Neu villa; 3. hoed A
-Sprlngllehl ; Russell & Co., -Dieltiosen II hml
(a Washlng", I\,n. Clark & i.e.
Bemis; :Win. 11. Ilekles, Sperling ; D. Peeling,"
Whit, Hall; 3. G. Altiek,Sliippensburg; all al Cunibur
land county,. Pa.
Dr. Dnponco•s Golden Pills for Pernaleo
Infallible in co,recliny, rcgulatiny or res,r4j
all abelructio no, from whalerer canoe , an d
always successful as a proven/ice.
• The Combination of illgri.dlonts in Dr. Duponim's
eisidon Pills arit ilerfeetly haritilens. They here Lail
Stead la the private practilie of old Dr Deimos., fo r 3d
yearn, and thousand , of ladles son testify tol lislr great
and novetstilling success :11111 , St every race, iu eur
letting irregularities, ri•lleving inst, ful and dist! esslug
menstruation, partii•iiiiii ly at t 11•• .•lia up' of lii'u. Prow
Ire to ten pills will cure that volllll,ll, yet dreadful
lomplaint, the `cart} every rt.toxlo In iho
land suffers from this coniplalnt., - The ithovn. pill bits
yesmanentlyeercid tifourainde,and tiro you if you
OM Skein. They cannot harm you, on the contrary
they remove all obstructions, and reutoro mitt re to Its
roper channel. and itivigoniteHie,wholo 6yEltem;.ll4sys,
w pithietly.safo Sod -
Priee ,di per box. Sold wimlesalis and retail b e
• S. ELLIOTT,' Druggist, - Carlisle;
wllo Is OM aide - agent fin' that'
ling to the " Car'isle l'ost Office" ran 11,tve the
Pills Mut to any Part' of the . country, free of postage,
by Mail. -S,Old'also by Chas. A. Banfivart, Harrisburg,
T, 11111Ier, York, A. 'Wolf, iced by 0110
druggist in every village arid tclmill in the
LTC'S. ' Look nut for countsrll4ts. lley • no Holtlen
Pills Of any kind, unless eV'ery box Is Alford by S. P;lowa.
lowa. All others are a base iiiitioAtion :,,,d unsa lip,
therefors,'es' you value your' lives and health, (to say.
dotidng of being humbugged out of your money) buy
inly those who show the, signature of S. II; flewu inn
every 6°mi/bleb dots reintilly kilo) added oIF i' e iF;v(ifd
dinieent,counterfeit of the Ville. S. D:
20 -• "Sole Proprietor, Noir 'VOIR.
- 111111AINTS • ANP
liKln Gallons of oil. Just”
racalve4*ltb. a largo liklrort{uullt of ,
Piro Proof Paint.
Turreneinot • Elorouco. White;
Jatan, . •
' • , COlored
Lithargo; ' /te(l,l,ead, ' '• .
• ' goiloct Oil, ' '
`. • ' Lard Oil, • '
Oolong orointsrde,:ritittolv dr7{ein ti• 011 'catia gild
illibto theUtirdwtiro titot.o or •
Illarch'.l6 .
raILITOS,..AND '01+11%.E111.7. : •
borreli OenlePt. with a very' largo • nsOrtmen
mid Ilan Pumps, of ell :Muds cheaper tbaii
Wei, et Om Ifer4Trar• titore of
1 . 141 ! 4 ,70 34 .. • 11111 , 11tY BAXTON
. .
14P,Eit WINDOW' a 4
.061.614tit'nfilittr [A0417196 ' 1! 11110i11,11th
t rk po. 0...,5t••••• 'lnto - t
Y. noOFLANIrs BALsAmio
cou g hs,•cad.q, rniillenza, (iron p. Iloolve,
'loess, Brooch ill's, Poen mow L., Llirr ascs
of 1/u Bowels, nrisinu frOn, C s . l d,
Inripiod emonlinplapl, tend
polsddr) otrr 0/ nt•
tar , 111(••
Cd Stgly , !1 Ih, 1,111,
The The,mll.• 1'.1;!1:1 1.1,111 rel a Voretal.le
tine. re 111.1,11/:. the 1.. po.le the I6dbun.
NI ILI. the hn ie.q.llla ./ . 11 oi a 1'..1111.1, Ter , ..lllehe.:
eorDhillati :o -II aI t 1 r.,1 to the
t. 41. th It t he: •a re 1.1 1 ~1 ili"a.en tilt sill
1.4.1,, 111, .:11.... 111 , healing :11,1 life
I,•• Ito .1 poltoonary troo , 4Bi,
oo At fetal.," of Ito.
111:1: of oo•,;:,11 0 , / I TIE
oitilophl , 17r 111.4•rr•ntTooT,I.o4 - tho.o ilottL the
I l't lo Iloot t t ol the
.ltah rto 11, i1a•.!4,141,1 tl. t prr),ltte
th,., , tl. rrl , f .1 111111,11 , 11.
w Oil lo 110..10h0 :II p, Cpl , . .tr.. nl,l, to
alitt tt!Lt t propnr.s: too,
that hyt0.11 , ...” olaCiat L, I , 111,11. Irtt voolorr..l
litatoooont t00...t.t.. •tio..ritz h Woo otty.
It too ttv.l ..r , no.troool t t ho t s f r .., ;t i!
1.0 N. the r Jll t o. tI or II ofht
l'hila.l,•;: fon
TI 1..1 . 11 C.! • 11101.
0'11.1.1 e;111i 1111., 1,1 IL, r 1.0
pelph• hi , /.. 11W IV. , 11. 0 111
:II TI n,li
t:,,t I
, VI V V.,' .1;11,
kiLI ,••, th3 l the,' .10,
eli,••••,•of a1..111,11.111.2, Ii ILu,
Dr. C. M. JACKSON & I Co., Phila. Pa
i.I ( - '77'.11.7 17 Vl'. 1 7 V7.1'171'7.T.1. .7 7.771.17.7...117.7777.
. - 77. .7? I 7-7.• 1i7077.•v5. .77771:777
7 17 , ....7c7.77 fr..7y, 7177,7-.17•r7..1 Liver or
>Lit hn. 1 1 .in5t177771n • I 7777,7,11 171..7 , 71
.. the 11. 7.1. A. 1.17 7, 777 lii7. 71.1 11. 11,1'1
77. 1777._77-.7. .7 [7.71717... r 717717177 in 117 • 7-17. - 7;
7-.7.77, I ti .137 77.7,, 7,1i771.,•.77 - I 17171 , 1in:7 771 7177.1'71.
,7,71.11.771, .71 7177. 117.71.1. 117,11..1 '777.1
17." 7. 7. 177. 7117771, I Hitler., :IL t 1777 1 7 ,7-1. 7 h , 1 , 1777 r
-7•777..717i • w 17•771 in 77 1,7,::
11••.". I \ 11 , 4- :”• ,P4ht•
I`.l:i I . l'll i•t 11. . 1 7 7 . 77 , i. 17., 7 1 . .1 , 171,77 I
'••.“11••••• tl • -I it. •11•1 I •• t•• P•irt tti t.••
ttlltt , tt:Littt)..., A' ..1 IT, li”eni tt j
in the 1.1.-I‘. p•t.i I ttnri
It•tpr••.•l•,..rtt 4 tot titt•lN% it! t••••••ttl• t•ret.t•ltt
lON' Pryer, Itillig,ll4 I , eser, &v.
Tho .r i•. •
to 111:. proino..tiou
oollOro••-• 0.11. Tr!,
-.11 Do, it , 111 , 411,..11 ,li• 1, .111, •"..1
tI.IN Tlit. Ia
,111•11 t;.• t ,1,11
111- .1 , 111
N N 1 I .1 •••,.I. I 1'.01 0 .e..i/..1 1%,
; 11, I._ I' I
pnor. El,Ecr.frac
!!1' 11 IT rir„i„
It o - 'II., lin, -1, I S . , -1' NI 1'
'I hos, IL ,
11, • 1 , ,• .11.11,1,11 Is 11, rl
.•, t 1.11.• iwt•lrit• fluil in
111,• nIl
.Its ti II I• twrto:ts a.l
, \ 1 I..t•dtitg, 11 , 1 ,11,11
I.l..l4ritt,Vc i t h thi s
„„ 1 I. 11 1.1 kl`,l:t
1;1•111... 1 1, 1 , , t•I t , , 1%,
11 I r1 . 11'1.1)1I , .; II; 1?;;• •
N._ • I ; • Is/r. .In
III; • Hai," Wl.' I 1•111
; .• I;1- • I . . 1,, 1111,1,t.. 0. 1 0• :ill ,1
. '
•."-: 11% 1 1: 11, i l l 'll /11 1 /. , ..-: :11
1: 1 toll 1.11111 1 :111 11 (11 •,11
:tt.ti• t, t ittt•ti .‘tttotti utt•..l
T I'l !II ( 7 .
)11 Crrr • .1 I 311 1 . 1 ,“ 1 I Orrtlrth
tir.ritrl I It•tit.t•. 1 . 1111:t 1(011111 I.
Prttl t 'tetttly tANI•II f. Pr%
lit I.! • It! , )11 i.A1.. , Lr, vtitli t lvrt,l
rmittt , itt< ttf Ittzttlitt It 11 , It- , Al thtt t•.it Iwo rittit•sytettrltt
lady, 0, :Olt— t-tt Il , st t.ltt• 1.1 , 1 ltt t tlrt•tt t.f tt ttitt,t,
.t! t , II ittirt•lt , 11,. I I rill, 1, 1:1-` ...1
II I', 111. ,, •1111 3,111: It. hlrrrirrrr. 1,1111 , 1
11,11 AI/ •N tttl . l , .11i ,1,11 1"- • ,
.zl,l 1,10.r.1.1 I.• •
1 to 10.4, ~q 1
Ity I 1,1,1 y, it, F'.lJll, 1,1 Ii.or:1111,, I 21111 i•lf f• elief itp,f Lem, as el
pii•Le 11, IL
I ilt• •,r V.. 6,
rOll t h.• ! he
lot 1... r, svhh.h
PI il/riltl :277 It .!11'.'t ••,.
_ I 1. , ..'it• rat.l)-1,•.
11‘,.- 8 , 0 , 1 by nil Ih•tt•,,i•b. and it, .1,, ) :t1 \ in
N't to:him:but Shipb.).', (11,, •• t •
Ztthrkkit•'s. I'lll . lll'i 1.1
LongnJnhT'., 6U 11initeouu•rp .L. IA PJ,
II 111,t)UAI 1:1441:,." A rich mol of oroo
for 11, ett.oks ot lip , . IL 11ill not ,vash ot rub ,A 1
ml s Iwo 0110 applied. t. In fir • Ii:
tint j, rji'll .4114 113t11,11. 111 11. the .•11111111
1411., 41t•It, I Li, lie ,11,, , Ve Ihy 1, toon ju,
anti gill mgt it.juro 0 0 ,0 ism
until It the 0 0 101 0 ,toti (`••1111 BoAtt los of Loiolotk and
htriv. NfaftlYl):oo. ill 1, i !lon, 1111)1 directionn tor too,
f t pr Zi
II 1, - 0 , 1 .;:1 , To! LET Pt r.l• ft," Imparts
dazzling whitent". , to the emnpie she!, and I< unlike
anything eku 10,11 for 11th, 1,111 A., IL,iL.d fr1:11
.10 Cent!, '
II " BALM." reineve,i, tan. frolileN,
sunlen and alberuptitels of the el, in. m.ih'4_(rue , or
en Cent,.
IL PO1I,I1)1'." for the hair. stren
etlime•niel improvesitsi,rowth. Loup. it I L lalllna off
end Is warranlyd to Malta thtl hclir c nrl. Mailed free for
TIlIb"1"S " PP. 11;1, IlE.ll'lll'l - 1:11," It,, flue. teeth and
guins.deansesand tbe (mat . ..l...delis the gum,:
pueinec the bract ti effeel ,ally, 1..-erreis the tooth and
prevents tnethaehe. Mailed free for j 1,110
1111lVI"S BRIDAL PE:LIMME," n double
sl 1.1t,w1 , .1,11111 L',10,41111:. Mailed free for
Lit I This es , iniFtle per limn. 11,,t used l i p the
Royal of E111411111(1, nu her Mm.riago, M es ,,
'Tula .‘; Co., I,resontw.l the' PI inla , sa with an ol,%lLtit
ewe, of Perfumery. lln whleli all of the above articles
win a lucludeabill 114111h,1110 4.11t-1011,,,Vi Li, ri id t. , 11.11•
per,. V111111:11 At particulars nl Whilsh appe:lreli iu
the' public printa.
All the above articles sent free, by oxpeom4. for $5 . ,00,
-Cash eau ei th er 1501101 patty t r t
order, or o, relit to the
egpress agent n delivery of goods. LW S:
Perfumers Io the Queen,
Regent London, and 77 Heiman St Phlladelphia,
Pa. - !for v ehp all Drugginte nod Perfumers.
P Trade' suppllEtt: - ;net.' 26,. 60.-Iy.
Q -7 1 ) E S § CIWINN
014'.1.141131t i) its itiedicinal and
t y II:11014.11d (OM fit i•fl ;f0f1Oft1(; - $tho,thto t , T on k,
pst.nnurd hp anninmt.
pi i ya c i tvA 4.114 1 oomo of 1)10 first , families in liurupu and
Annirlen. .
. .
„' EE WS 8 a manufactured
art tele, butla putaiiirrent itticiret Portugal SiMmu.
enlijrtitoll iii , Nor.Jorticy,rueoinniended liyebeinlvta
and niadirinat mi i m,rt,m,, Hu .
parlor te any °Mei—Winer,' in use, mid an. 0!IMIlleta
Arthth: for all wank atla debilitated poisons, .and the
aged 1111th 111111 . 11 i. iniftrarlim the appetite, add beuellting
Indies 1111th children.% • ' • %
7 1NE, '
__Baca IMO IL, all Lutaxi to- as othar•n I nas, as-IL-con.
uinu 10 Lira tif'spirl Ls yr otlier,lnituls; anti hdini hal
fnr_its adeullar' ilayerittal
imparting n lie:lli:by tons lb I iie!Lifinaitt 9e organs, and
a Wanting, solL•an LI healthy stall and ~.., T pluaion. •
ganuino iinkss tin) signittnra of , • • •
, , • JVI;gII,E'D Passaic, N. +7;
Is on . thoaorl;.:Cenficn'bot:tio. • ' • .
421.E.11' ONE TRIAL OV Plitß WINE. '"iipa
. sow ty 141".rptitl;' DrugsNisi
noxL floor 0, Urocu'ry 'Store, eikrltsle, Pit.
I . l6irin CZ.
drely Vegetlo , ,•' Alcoholic Prepnral inu
~7F3 pm n. NI p 7, 7 7K7 p 9
4.YL::,.ii.liAlti l 'il Jli r. 0 t.11':17..9
:I•, : the t
:t:i•: t 110.1,. I '11 , 1 , 1, hi1t.`1 . ..•
111 lit•l, , t, 'Hp Ami•,i
11101 E
DEPS cur,r2D
I 4i r
:lII\ I, IVI N , ;.' 4. 1*.N.
Edit .; LAI% \I.tooill;•,
11 . 17 Itr;;;;;Iwly. an!, ;
, - • r - - A.' SPEELt,
V - 124/iTA110; PASIiIACy: N.' J.
T TEXT/(41°.?
After returninz his neknowlcdgemontx for the.vory
patnffingo w hieh has been extended to him, the
ithttersignbrt wolll.l rnll littell!icru to the tint that he
has just, re-opened hia etirusi vu assortment of family
in 1: new Flora-room. on the ,couch-east corner of the
mild le slivire, niter, the public urn invited to call and
examine k , - ; , 1,..k of good:, which, in elo,,lanre. 'variety
and t•xtent. Is ill-deft competition; comprising inn part
I.saf, lump, erushed and brown sugars,
rI . ,-.
Java, Rio aml iriiiiated etaTac. Every vu- ' '---tiS
riety and quality of TEA. :;Aires. o.7round 1 ffid " .: 'g
and unground,) Piekels, .9ad.:11:., Table Oil. atliV,,
Now Orleans, Stigartunn, am) Trinidad /mu i ,
Ntolas...s; York and Phila. ?dpliinliyr
up,,.. Cheese, Ilaearoul. Vermeeilli. split Nan, llomlny.
NI I nee:neat, corn l'tarch, ho - into. Cllool , lltte, EXtr,t..o.
Caret., rofinvil ,11,::v at redo. 0,1.1 . 11t05, Washing and 1):1)1 , -
i,“( SCI,LI. To.101t,•0 01 all. r 1.10,1, favorite brands, and Ull'
fi,,,nt ~,,itt, ~f ,:v . ,,,,. Mho, a beautiful as,,ortinent .
or lirithnnia Wnr.4. Wain and j:.,1,1 band China Ware.
Ina,, llneens. Stone and Earthern Ware, in 'great v,e
rlety, Artd an el,r-c,l I , •t of Four) Soaps, extract,: raid
te-clam.ry fer-tite. toilet.
FPI 11, Inc, Itlig l'oarbeg in cans, Itaißins, f`ran
l.erri.-4. dry appl , S, lit nal, :.hillids, orangeE. lemons,
th-, I'l 111.iltey, liolktud Gin, ,tint .9e.lntidarn
Soli:l3p 1.,
A dkr•dtt erd IA LA MPS. I neludimi Ilyet itolel , rst.e.l
lamp, ter I,uruitag Kent:tome ur coal nII. also Sperm.
I.lnl .tn411._:, , a1 Uil, I;urning Fluid, :puma and
Star Cs mil,
GEDAR-IVAIIE 4 11 . N1) 1:110WAIS.
Foaps, llMltor‹
1.. , 1,11e,-g,11,r,, C.llr lott ,, r am! tote 111.,
e paint' 1
C , 111.0 0,1 ~ ,o l!, • ti 114,,, :1,111 11111 i 110, 1 . :tr] anal
, thels thu xOll I:nown
Mort. lii. Si.”4•k
arpt no 1.0;1, will
I.) reloll.l :sr..; ion to his 111.411.1015.
C'•trij.,lo, W•I.
):arl,i Hug of all Liwls takcn In esdvingt, fn
311 , 1 ri 0,11,11 :1,111 111 :I fro,:h and Ivell se
IP, 111 J.l , a :Mil
iifpntti ( "111, t 111,11,1
101.1t.11 :Mt(
1 / 1 11, It
u P ", Jr, ..t;
I , l l ,irrg, )1 Jr I 0 sos.
d 'lll.
lho 111,.
i)l}Z ..1;(➢4.1 0 4 . ).° .11)ll?Y (!;001.1.11S!
11 N•" :. ' l ' -\ V (IF DRY GOMIS
hi. re:.t oh•lait) it
It III; ivit. 1...,..•1111, Sprip,
NO, 1:tr..•1 .111.1 111,1:
f 11
r ,11.11 rtlst,nr, VP 111Vit 3,1 tr , ‘l,ll
ri• / 1.11..51
kNl`)r . \\lll.l,llN.
.tll,l 1.1111T,.1 ~•t%
1:1.11 1: ,1 4111;,t1,1
it 11, 1'94.13115' ills it.
I'. 111 , t' , 1 , 111. , t11-.171t, 1 1.0.11,-
l'1.1111), 1.111111 1 , I 1 11 1• 1/ .11111 h l /11,11 1 1 ,11111
111111 1 . ://,11,111:111111/.1 1 1, /.11.2.112 - 4111111/ Aiincill:lll
1,.1 7111.1 ao.
1,111 th.• 1,11 . 1f,:t 11114 1 , r , 6 lic , nses iii ;,:i1
11'.• h•tve thlutrOn..)tt, Litlow:.
it 0., of whkti o 1,1, a
t I.ittiat iiai. Iu oi.!i i 'it 1,I) tio- that
e' lot' it good,. 11,,, ill pre, thno
the ho,t-t.
I Nf; (;fODS.
vary .troi le in evt.,
i , :5.11.1 lent
•1. .1111 f,r and
and 1,1,1 i i I.lll.•ati
C. , 11 an :ve out .1 -Lf n, I. 1.1Q,1.,."
: 1 1111 ,1 11111: 111 . 11 1 1k1 1 tS. 11111 vv.•ry artiole 111
1.11.• hrri, fliPitit , ty iii
ro ti lit 1113, 1,
111.. ii.l, 1.1 kI 1 . 1 . :I l ihjti,.
, . , • t
t f l, . I I ir I. .1. :. •
Lk...AUL) .11.11. i, II 11,011 _
1.n11 ,, T11t4.
sop. N.l I tr . .) tu.l V 1. 1 ,.. I
; ;.` ; ; .11 ' I• ;';
!•• , 1 I I 11.1 t,
\ ' ' 1 \I
I , il z I.f
1..1. 14 .111 d 1 • 1,l;
ItIWASN 11,1 61,11 0, 11,11 , 11,
C ‘,::, I 1. , 1•1• • / 1 , t t 11, 1 : 1 Lit d pltrt
..11Q :I N O. Carl,
rrO 'I'() AI; \is 15 Al,i,
.11 I,IIIIII.,C,...•.%•111•„11 11Li .t 1.11•:. are r•••tut•slt..l
•• • ••I /.I 11/1.. 1 1 11 i• ,1:1•
1. r.I 1 I •••• ..• • . 1.11•II11•• I!•• •• 1,••• t•-i. ••1
11 , CI 00 .D €l,
i ti I. 1 . 1111:lit . 111113.l
I 11e.,1 • % , Lo-t I , te-s
Is. lul.n, I.lrli t. ~.1”
Ut111.14 . 11.15. 1.:0•I• hid
I> , ; tit ,•r) 41,111.1 ji. iwpc t,ll
tho celel rat t , tl tioti,, to It E,,UN .0 .511 N.
11.1,1ery, N,ck 'l'l.,
t;oo , Li of Every Variely, at
1\ loi!vzoLk;
hll“is , tll , t fnmi the I'3. h•ry. Oil cloths, Nat
itt.ts, Wimbm Shades.
~ry le• for the moluts of tlo
r , lonolotv. AN N.% r I ,itlre the WA I
unlit tot,ttoors will find our urices to ,tAit
times l'lnasu ran .11
LELDII;II. S. 111 1 .7.1( )111,1,1:WS
Kay 3, '6l. N . V, St )111ill btreet
)13,1 .Al'
) 'rhk• "9111 or — radar —, tll. , Lit lit t:" is rat.olll,lloll
ti•l a. a al t,1 , 141111, Sila,.llll
a , l 1 , 11:11, el,. iI. pr , d won 1.1 . ..ait
. Wholl c'old are eth•et. moist and vymerti
ii hit° Cream of Tartar ate often dry and taste
le , s. IL lose that, erealii Tartur and Is used
iu the sawn Y. ay 1;r cool“eg,
S si:IosTITuTE, •
t. , ,,t Itt, with Sah.ral ti,' Fq..tla, i'vs.. Cream of Tartar,
1i,., fines, krr , ,w Root, Nostaird Fund. ground nod tit,.
ground, ~i,n,,s of all kinds . unadulterated. so i l jute
tiroottriep iu every s.urkty at nstautlY ou hand, and 4lt
tilit 101104 pri,ull fur ti.tle by
'Doc. 11, 15n.
I"00K SllARl'.—Alriu. 'Fridley would
j Itt.4pentrully antionnell to the eit i7.1.11S of ellr111:11.
311.! lilt , VII 1.110 !..;I>tivl ally drat 111, 11:It:tiptill, commenced
the 111:illutuot wing 44 tin Si sh,•ot iron war' , °fall ltlnds;
lo S. t'. Iluy , atts builtlinff, on Loather street, dire , tly
opposite O. , liititloy's Chair Manutlo.tory, whet, lit+ svill
al nil tittles bola readinobs to (111 all hinds of work in
Ills II sir business with neatniq, list tlVnuicbt. All
work will be done by hinthell tour a competent hand as
114 keeps no opprontices. -, . _
,' _ .
-Also, can at all (Atom, be bad those celtihrated SELF
- !louse spouting, and .bibldng of .all.lctuds dono at
ebOrt not Irs and made of the beet matorial. • • •
4.7n-Casli paid for old Pewter and Citrpor.
Hoping by striet.attnntiott to bukIHR., anti 1%.(.1051re
o glens all, to ;veldt . ° a abort) of pad.: patronage. •
Carlislo Oct,. '2O, 1860.-Iy.. r•• -• • - •
3 „ gt , r ,,,, i y ed , another Jot of ol cgan ING
GOODS ,Imught at the present reduced city priers and
selling uttrotntliefily hie,' for GASH, , • • r
'GRAYGOODS Dr trove:lug' dresros, Chall de - Lathes,
Lugtres, Lanus, Silks, kr .in'greiit variety. '
'M sl lop, shout I ega, Tick'. ege, I eglettee, — /Ire., at the
very luvient {Area. • '
4.4-lI.EN'S AND ROY.S' ‘5 , VAR, COrpoNADRs;
DRILLINGS. , &0. -
acnts',Misses' and GhlLlren's Gloves Stock
ings In' oodles variety and very cheap.
.Recollect the store nearly OlDeette the Depot. .
• • axitrx S - tifi I FAY, 717tioreii.
Cur lisle, May JO, 1861.
NAILS! N4l,T„s!! NAILS II , .
A llitto fitodk of ("Moan; 'Neat, 'and Tough
nails, at tho JCoaMgt Prices: Our trails aro Ivorth Nets
ILkeg moiei.yhan any other mulct, of 'FAO lu 'Our
tem . ]. Oda 14 tint ppinibn'tif mat:hanks lrhohave 'tried
them, we Oplrtve•ttlilll aasartment of - ' • '
• „
.. . . „
"• .. Bl7'.i.Lik.rNa .3t,i7.! u'i;.l A Ls- •
... .. ..
of Cho lates6irotAnost apprrrs:ed lityles._ - ,,A 11 goodo.uhr•
rooted ao repreeented. a OHN I': LYIN tl 4.6014.
:Mny 7,'66.
.. , North IltillovOr St. Vorliolo,
• ,
T h in largopt MO hest 'variety urgent's Furtiish
9ocls, mid.tAtt.kEt lowest 15rietmi7,:,Iib,t u r,173 , 14t ;
. Neitia ll:mover Streot.
KI±TLETO N - 13 K n eria
m ripply ofdlicine stioirinr and sheep steel spring
rdi els flint rec+Mend. th . e_bent -and cheapest
Csrltsln st,tho !hen ofiivit
NM) (a, Ci 055.
LIQVCMS 15'11°14.s:11e and
c.,lntuon vl.l nid Eyr JCL is
Brnuiliv,.. dirk arld 1.10.
StiPrry I nrl. \indrri;r, 1;1 pror. C'm la, I .1
1 % 1,0. 6 In eng!,:i and Ipot
\ l 4l. 114,4. I 14., 4:0.1
1 . " •4. 114,114,
(I (dl" 'l:lrt:te :11,1 a , ..•
"rint..l4, vod
La,rws Fine French -Collars,
11. , 511 I:Y
11EX :IX!) 1101 S IV E. 11?!
£Mll3 C 1 cIICOU 3.
• .rouiturltr.y :4
___,s7_---3--,_-:a.,:4t,;•:-_,,,,------ ,--,_,
/,'`%, • '''. k,:L.;;-z*lik4t:t.„-,,..1-L.,-;,.,/4
4 V4;f:';':d77., 'Y').,*:-1,1.Vt:," 4
~, . .1 4 4,‘,..,.K,.- s•-'
' titg.1.101:&...4.;-.:".:-: :: '•i''' ' ' ' ''.
, ~ -
F. GalAuer A Co. how nom nava nro a 00l 1,..0p roll.
f.a . ..ale. at ttn•irr'l , •n-u'•' • " .. 1111 11 on ha on Kart
Main strool.. Carliqlt. In In,yr a•snrinu n i l „r.
Atl ILI 0 U LT U I tI P N P
Or 'won '<nr,n n. aria ovoil to I 111 , 11'1 V: oloonp
ivlneli they wohlii :ttt , ntion w Ul, I I, it
111" S C'Ef.Ehlt.lTi.:l)
G 1 .I.ViLLI„ •
wide'!" . 11n,t,tIcr.11 i;Tor flflr Fl,l
nuo Cnnnty hilt,. t 1 . 111111.1.11:ind.
0000(10 0 1 , 0 1 00 1110'1 h , 4 1 , toil
, 111 . 10 hlPrit , "ol thj, ih ill. :I+• row., T:.•
hS O n• 1 tin.= in ri puts
lion is ~t 3).lishvo •‘• fli nn'l ~. 10104
nosy 7n.lnitfinqurt..l ii. thr l'oili..l 1., It \
ltyr, it'd 111,, 11 - 3,1
u It Ilt , ” . 1.1•11141111), ,4° d. • 1, • V.
0,1110 S. Ft 11 , 1,11 , 00h10.11( l.;1.
the 41011. 10 g , 0. ,
is :nut!'...l 1.3 ~11.E.1 11,
:‘!", Iniatinfactiir. , t 'IP. "H'
a. ter:
31A11)111 , 1 - 1N'S Ci \
II , P. TEVI k I will
it1(11 , VNI) , }1,1?)1':- PATES.'I'(I)i.% :111.1.1,1 I:
11A PATI I: Al I Id,.
V0.6•- , '11,1 11,11
A ko, Tbree 311,1-.1'0111•,11.•,•` I'„wi I•t `l,iutr
Cast. 114a1 111 111
grion.t , al urns. .1 I 11, I
1,11 . 111f • r, tl , l 111,11, 11,..1 , t, . II , t 1
3riet. • 1 . 111 , 1 . OFting ,, • .
iVe Lal e 31,0 311 attrartivit 711111.1) I u 1-5
roll attontloti.
ealtt IC tigin es al141;1711! :I: in{;
o;is,ll , partnooll. ~toor bush,.. l• I • 1..11 I
ttotl. I)nr air .ten n • I. UII ••
I. r htpor. .111:1 11/I:. u.. 11 ,
no •.i \ll , , 1 , .1 II
\s it 1,1 plint,.l \
Pott..rns. on ai.l,ll,it no, too n a ,
:111 ion, 1, •0
I,y I o.n
;-• \I \
611 ;1 i•• k k 1 , 41 ...I 1111 , ,
I . I
i• IT - t
t ..t.• t- .ii 1
130011 AFTD SASH C
"u,, ~.". • •, •• • I'• • ti .1: •I
.1,1 ••• ••• •• •• •• r I t r • ••-
160 .I.• • ; • I '• •
•;,•• o'll 1 r . ' I t.l„ 111 .
,hrzt E I I 11. . I
1•11 1 1.1111 1$ 11113.
.."1 . 11111, ;11 , 1 .11,1 (Hl. •- 1 . 11 I
/111111 , 11t,i 11 . 1. OW 1 , Ul.l pllll • ..rnll 11111!1,. 1')
t.: Ili' .I' . I. %, 1 11 11 ' . 1' I. 1' •
1/ ,:1 1 1 fl . pflit 1.1 1.i.1 - ,t; It. 1,111
t• 1111 ,16 6.: .t• • .1' • • t
1:•••,i. I • I) l• t I t
Lt. lit.'N.1.1: A Ct•
l'N+ ).\ l' C, l
_i_ :1,- •uf !• •• , 1;• re•l it l• 1 :1L•
t.•,l•ii , 4. l; ,11.• nr
A I) I, U \I l', 1: f ,
Nv,• ~
•C! • ••I • ••• ••I
I'llg. P 1 it =Ol i 11 1 , / /I/11 /.‘• .. 1. . ../ / • / I /. I/1
\ tll !.. , r I • . ..• I I • 1,1 I
.111 ,it - • .- t• 1.11 • • • 11 , •• ,
i t ,l I 1,1 tt:t t v. t t - I , • t-,1,
1 1, ‘11 ‘1 1• , • •111 111111 , 11 1.11, , , 1 1 1•'• • 1 1 1 1. , 1 h 1111.1
• 141' :a tl:.• t, tt•t• 111.1 4, 11 . 1 1 , • ' h 11,11•
't li,•• •,,, cl r••111. , 11111,111h 1 - 1 1 1 1• 11 i 1 •1 , 1 ,
1 .1 11P it
• th 1! 11111 1 11 , 11 , • •11 1111' ••
1 . 1 e lt•tit t• 1/ , 'lllltly linurt 111 1,1 I', ; I I
• .•I. 11t. 1 1111111 ' 'lll ,4 .kl.) of II, 1,1,4 , 11,11. To wit :
I.l'N EN.- , \ A 1,1,1. a , Itrukeu, Egg, .loco and Nut
1,171i1' Kll,Di.t; ‘ l l ,, , , ,
TKE‘oicro, ' do. - do. do.
1.. , 1 . '1' \ I , )l NT.UN,
1.t)1:1 , 1 i'.l • -,
• t L rrirex
„,,, oi • ;• 1,1110
.1. It.
1 , 1(1 / 1 1 1% . .\ I) Ctr.l:`ll,;',
EL' L 0 E:" F.ZI A . .',l /., r c_: EFI
d •
i1 • I.
V•II111.1 111111i:I • .1 I 1:I• •I
• r:11,1/ I. .
• I, , 4ti •
I Is \ I
' ‘.l
Limebari►.rr':; and 11 :oil ith's
dry t t
a P. F;y1e.;11,
l'farlicfa..l - 7, I ..111; ft .I S TTER,
in the. 11, .11. I:. L'ittl:•ol,
111 ow). St rtvr,
Hut 1;311,, 1.1,11
4.‘ory :11.1
put twit- ,11,1 d
at .1.011 it , tit L u. `I,•. . 1110 L. I
At/. Zlnd Mlin Olin HIV ./:
;;.1; .1,.1 t.l. I: • ; I ; ;I•; 1.,
,11'. IV
,Ul I C.zl.Tl (1I1,;4.-----11'e
110,1111 luaGidue.fs. mi(l4,-. and (Lc put.lic
thAl um bawl a fill; I ,•11
(61 , 1.. t All kinds ,r Ldi
1 , 0011 110100,11 1i•-1 1,1 Ow
,111,.. till 1110.1 11101 ifl 10, (111 14 m 1.1,10,10. ot/
11 uµrlim 1.•o1 Int It• Sr. I' o 'l. :1101 0...11.1, ,
.(101 elairoly h nu 111111 011111. :1101 e 11: 1i void,
welitlll , l tilol 1 0, len.loo. v 10,1.. Try It mid
Br unit 1. slyo 11. Lirbrkarill
.N01.'2., 'llll
IDLIOTOGIZAPITY in al! its brandies
ji. yxecutod in the Lent st 3 le known hi lb.• art, at
C. (1. eil.'l A" E" S 1.r'..4 LL Eli I",
No. f•J; '2 Aleut lit ti,t, 1 , ...1 of uixuu. Poo im tai' t.
Life Size in Oil and l'a,iiil. .
~ . _ . ...
- -"
-..iliZ - S 1,11t1:0SCOPILI POUTRA I I'S, A 111110 ITV l' I:
DMIULI,REOttYPES, be., for ca, :1c,,1a!,1,11, ; awl
11,10.8 fur I,:oodri jaomptly attended Lu. • •
March 8, 'lll . --I,y. •
-Ite G 0 01) S. LUST A Intl. V 'AL
Al OgiMp's Map
. 01,1 e Store
TluivA • jusei:etkirm. , l tram 191iladriphi t :Mil 11111 now
nponingn lot Of Lm: , b-oto, ,d9slnthil. ;11.1 r ilt.llll
(1‘1 ,, D,1“)%1411t. fOr eabh a n d Will bit Old
11, nstuulaSt
lugly loo: in;jeokk.
A inl:go stAiolc or limn style pilots. Chaloys, Del,aneo,
flinkrbotos, othc . r nroPs (300 , Di in groat yak loky. A
now [kind; of - blekloTaikkl 11i1bIkkaolk k ol Munllus, !Pink.
in I,e,,Fhrci.ilts, niktportk i. Likkons. &o —A Dill
asso'rtaktikrkt of lilkoq( SIM: , very cllnSp ktkol vol)
Aootlior of [hook: hret clasori.toolSpolo A 31:Li to kind
Ladles', and Ohildron's 7 1 7 (n50 In hro.d
variety at - low-priers: -14folV OP.; all-liinds and p r k, -
OAT CIETS! CAlt PETS!! CAII1'1:I'51 11
A. 7 hoor supply. oflngroln,,. Cottage, Hoop, null Mr. •
An porrohs in. want of now, style 51,11114 Goods nro •
rospootrully Invlted•turall-und ,OltrinltO this ,stook
Ihro.purchasi olsowhers. Ullete , .. QUI
March '2.9 'Oh . . Trtn.roln.
•Ro 6, South Bth Street..
044)117(1 and tai' gala, - a eboleo as,tortntent of sttperlor
pat totpO, and IVIII PLAIT . TO . OItIMIt, ,
Bracelet:4, Ear Rings, Finger - Breast
'ins ,'Crosses, Neehlagey -Vest and '
Ceded — Chains, .&e., . ;
.Ordain enetouing:tho ban to be may bo
nont by mall.—Give a Drawing-as near-toryou van On
'paper, and onelopo such amonnt as you may ellooso to
_pay.—tantar repowi.: Itlrno A'.i to ion Ineaat'Plvis
Pin;64lllno - 750 ; -
-to $7; p're forcoal to 410. •
Mir pot la to-Modal ionY,llcot Ineaat.Pins, Mum;
&e. Old Gold and Culver bonglit ntl.ol,`„Chtes.
I , I . I
.Bill N LYNE A ;. , t./N
North Ilan. er Street
iliatctjes..a .3clucirt)
AND ti IL VEIL STARE at s pricer..
ytr.. D. A. Naugio. Arrl.:, Zug's buildiug I.'n,t
opposite : 4 ,1,t0ns Ilardwme Store, 17ealur fu '
Ay: 7 r," ' tc ' t
,141.111,t1 , 1t,
I 11, , 1 E. '
I , rn, L I ~1(1 pqr :$l,l 1 hnt
r• fli , lll ;1111 l',llNt V. ill, 4•,ti
V. \VATriI!: 4
~111IVE1.1:1,',11,11:1 I'EA
11 In 1n.., p•n•nl- I .n..t • 5 , , • , •1114•,111,1•1:11, ,, t
14-.1 I • n• 1r...1'. I no, ri , r
rx•lrlr In tl - , - 1 1 •1 , frnol
ilt 1.t•1 .1111 n11...1..11 , n••
Gip! 11111/1. ra , "
nlor 1.
•• 1%111 I'. " I
h.. A AL
y 11 S 1' if V. S T 1•: 1 , 1 1,
7 C ct 7,
.i•• - .11
\ 111”
'! / ;
I 'A,
1.1 ~..t.)1•••111 •,'l•ry•
k • i•
NoTE ic _\ N 1) \ I) Till,
F. C. K1:I 11El:
At hp 111•, E:1,4
(11,11 ili•113 , ,•;
, tn 11n1..1, 1.. '
t .1 tit ., l 1.• \\
I PI 1 . I'lll HI
N , .11 t : •I ..
t t tt t
1,;',t..N..5, .11.,1•11,;(• to, it I, •T
0 ill j „.l
.r iii illq !II i.• ...i•i I, 11 , ' "i ~,,,:" ,`q-Z,/
:‘,.:11i t 1., 11k i 1 . 1.1. \I NlLii ‘ i. ' f
..., . ,
~„.,.,...*,,,,,,!,‘„,.,....,,,.•„:„,,.„• ~
.:„:..,,•.!.,., ~,, ,s,
A 11,0 k; tiS \V .1T('111..:- i.:l\ lsl Ey
ri.\ \1:1.
Nn. . hi!l.l.
1. hi, ;..1 , , h l . h :i
,`rlr•ir ..-61,••,'
IricU e f :
SUPI . 111()It T 1 \ I I.:
lu “na 1 .4 ~.1,,•1,••1 h•
I . 61 I. I /111;•1 ,
;, I I I i11,1.(1,11
ii,,l. :11 , ) t.thol,l
A ILK L . ,
Alll,ll ill'
(; 11.1. /21,
null Sheehy,
.1';1111T:1 1 , 111:1 1 .Yrn
PI 111_,X1) I I X,
Aft, rap. in.... P. al;
t• 111 ., -4 I Ilk' 1:0. to:, , Pr.1.13..P., 11,t•
i , l 111 , 1, I. ait the pill li' 1,, 11,011 .
~0,11,1,1111p•pt. Wit p 1 r>nn to Ih,,
ror pl. I-P...., ...01 , Inn-I, to any
Ilrst-rla‘a.llellery hl tp , I 1.11 . ...1 Statpq,
l'i - t•p•tratipi,s are cremlnle ler :r.neutlne; all the lie
-0.3.10, him . .., 1.. tin Ttp.p torn 4. n putout
nelameqeoet ~ . p, l i., • 1 •.dl 1•0n„1,,,t,
irG t 11,11 LlNutinit . uul,l 11/it.1,1 doe 1,11,1
le .Itanellocl to Lnla eatal.lo,huleik ay,
o.le, !1A.,.
Pi ,,,- ""tAP , l.ri 'At.' Ing 141 h tl tri 1, ns 1. , )W 9.?•,() O.
at 15 15.tror 50 , rot,,
or =G Or, In:: a , 10
riot I I a, n 1 1,0111 , 1,, minl.lo .: 3 , i t
.\ , 11101 t
111,, a 01.11... t. 111.1 rl. i r vai i, ty nC 11, 1;4,4
1.111 111111
tltHiltl 111,11) It1111..11•
trl , llllo. - 111 Clll. tin 1 . 1, a . - .11141 I
. 1 htt ttt, : 11 1t11111111
Me._ _rd.... from .1415 0 iii j,loi).-
4;1- I.zstmet.(9llt, govell (ha Art.
TI -- E - 1)- E. TO 11
FX.'E ,DookL 'xi 1014's coltmut.
• o 1111.40 as,ortmont
01 Fr ,, it Drugs, Confect 101tariea :111d ncy Article, on.
* bracing.
PI:DPHIL CLOVES, A14,81'101.1 and
N.N AMON, frealdygronud cca.ry sr, ck.. , Brwneda 4 1.
. the_Pat.cut ...dralleinea of .tld.._
tIY en loud. -*Alto. a few -baxes of Moller%
lbspeiltla Powders. -- - •
VilYalciana l'rcherlidira,iinr(Uartly, and carefully
' s )upoUltd ed.'
- AND TonAcco,.,'
of best brand '
s Yeeeived regpleely. .Al 6. Ilpreo.row
dere by thi, paehage er smell bf the loot Flu/day.
24, 1810.-1;y. -
N. }r :fo;1 - 1,:onrrroti'n lorge 111 , nrInwnt of tilt ottoo,--'
litrm Tloltirtir—linen 11,,50, (film Po , lcing, do, Ind for
sal., rhrop,ot the liordllAreatioro of . •
• .Itwo '2:2, TRW. - . . -. . _ . ' n. s A 3,l''''t.
-9 .. a
{ r.t I .
:, ~
„1 t ,
1.111 ;1 r II
111, ,?; •
• ,
i I 11
I r-1
• n,
„ • I
;se: si
. I t
err \ TT?
51 AN 1/ A CTO it Y,
Y.nni II A NOV iR tiTA[LT.• C t riLNIA, PA
li tVTI,f I.oen In till , hurvirlwl+A - 113r over twin ty
..3, I:• w.. 1,111 return thtn7.o t/t hie ru•tamery an•l
the lih.ral
c.O ri n, Iy. I'wrihkw th.•in
tl! bp.irr-I, to eivc lull Fali , !actiun t o a n wh o
lirt) him I,lllla call.
C.l IL% R.•± AM)
I t'l ery llNlrrifltl• II or noule tlt
1.111. r. Wornini...ll l'o ..r f 1,,.
'/ I , fll-11,1, t... 1.1 at the l'uvrof
,odnue, UNDI',I:T.I
tor'ln 1,0 11 , •rwir.'• k. pi
v on howl and tun, 11 , ottro kei to
por,..wolly in tow LI or count.ry, 1,11
t 11 , rry sl,rl tpllnut bor., si7to, 1,011 Ifni..L rd
and hunt In. , 1,, fr ni V U. t!
11aInnit nns revered front b. no (1611srs.
,il.lllf.r in Chni , titnrt 11.1'1;1;111.
p..1".t. arc r ..n v.tsy tarsus. .A prayll.,
.1. J. 41,•
rn, I' kr Itirc7;gmAN,
Jut, : , STr.IIRETT,
H. A.
'chi+ Hark. 13 II , " prepnrent
F 111,1, I•.- irtnto nn l *I,• t•I
tat, . In I lir , sitny plttoe litrly r•f3•11 ,
111•• , 1 , •r. 11133111V1111111 it I O.
h 131 “:1 I and itnitthark on dottutrni
t' •n II•••• Whitt rn ••I .!-1••••-11 hentin,4 itth•rottl
'lr Iltt• n; It• 133. I ht• i••••ttrtl t , r -Itrrt
a iv, !rut IWO) t. ' Int orrst rit 311 errt t' • Ate+
3 hi • • 3 +nt ,nal unit). •prrvrt•••l.l,•vt - ttver. that if said
r• t itt••31••• r.rt• rt tn It.•• 1 L no) time 1 httr• tHrr It.r tot
t!... 11. d. 13, nor in
„,, I .4:ln Lti t, de.
V I`.. •, 17 , I( nkr
, i.•• 11.1 it , 1 *II Ito
ut gro thrn3U..l ',I I hi•ir
I l!tt• ohl
I . t I. • i . ' /i th, ~11,•1 lrn,.lCnnli ,
' Ir. • 1: .t t • nt. \ part. , (Ito I.:nit4tl
1:1/ 1.0111 , 1,101
•i. fr , l in eel,. r'il
'll- 1 ,1 .. 1 ,1 , 11 1 1.101 all ordor
r r rr ra r r! • .1 r r, lip 1..
0 . 1 it , ifn. 111 1111.1001,101(
sp. v.-t-r.:11t.11...,11—0r1 , . , •1 . Il+ r..111n, 111 ilttoni
1.1,-1. 11111 ..11,1 iA.•
1 1.,. 1 1111 .1, 111 11..1•1 W.{
I. H I.! alltl
111 iPI/r. 11.1,0 Ifl UtIL
~~~.i i ,: w ~n~n`i
Itor , 11111 kiln! nll,l
:N [.•'111..1
.it tilt: 4.1 , 1 tin 1, Tra, set
51.11Z1' Sl . \II)lt1;1S
II 1:,1 I pr•r. Pee ler I , ott,:lt, /tild rhe
le. ll' I • Itat
r o r ]'.1i;.' , :11;:; 1.1 '11:1;l'ILN ERS
y 111% . 1,11,,
•, n t i 11. i It t, tholt. Irt
;;, 111 .vonit•
• Ii I
.1 tt 2, 1:1.0)
7 - '\%- AI, 1' .1 S 0C L A 'l' I() N
A . I. I A
, I, • , 1)
1 1 .ArD1CA1;L: 11 A
/,'/.7 I II:"
I , 111
tit t.. 1.• V. Ili .11% MAI, I,
111 IL,
t'l ' .1t• 0'1111: !ht . ', 0rt....r,
pot . ~!1a ntu.,ils rtci , dfttlsat 1.10,1 t`
LO,lO I I'lll.. I
.4 N X ( ()It PLC 'l_ E
Ht.\ ; rrrlf,flf, ifffr.iffi Ihr
frrff f fr , :In I iri.•ll)
111 •• 11. S., 111. .f.trkt L :rittAtti,
tt If L , al' fortf• tr; Lt'. \V Ififr fTI
111 t ht.! ea,-1 in .1 Pi km,
111 •‘l'.l I. 11.1% 1'1 . 111.//' 1' 1, sst.:l:l' .111.1 SAL-
I. 11 1. ..1. .11, 1/.1•
'l , r jitt, rflor rf V , irialutr PlertftrOs
. 1 . ,
I. N.O .111 Al.' It f,
ifeS irlirfnfr Li d 1 , ..1:11111f iff , It ;.L of Lin,0,11,1,‘
r wrffe,
Loll,: :Ind :try to c,
A. 11. I I ENIVM)D.
Jan. 97, 1 , : 0 5.--I.l'
‘k, ()Vl'DlnEri, 2N U, 181/0
roa•lt•tq tho NI: 11. I." nre rooiholed
tlln I It r P , th•ltt fotot thy t Ino,ft. , •opl4y of
SPI;AIt ED I'4•AN 1:1:1:V:
1)1 %1,1.1,4 1110 1 . 1,,h, 1 ' 01,0., ill , 'IIIIS, 1 . 1 . 0,11
1.04 l'i. ,111',0111. kinds of
Prst i I ',l'.•et. •••,
Flll. 11111 i T,1111•1.11: 14,1141 e
.110 11101 1 .111.10 v. \ 1111, I:I ,
”t /44.1.
111 . IN81!.
LE', j ,•!,1 (11 ,j,,,
tin!, 1 , 11:47;. t... make
,rorin.!::ll oltpient. n w:ll,t r.r (•11,7, 0 Dry
10,,d5, mt. avd 1,0 4,1 at LI", cheap store
of 01.A.5. (Ai ILIt S,
0 , 111•111, Fell, 15. 18(1. 7l tlstao.
r i.UIIiS ! UNKS !!
E 4 Leather ' , rola], Style, and -tires?
trahlt, :tad ttrvvos, Traveling llag,s; llt !If s'
I,,ti i, and FA.. Leather liras Ilantl Trunlca
S,ItNY Tin% t• ling lines, &f., it Janet :INcnpt ',lent and
very lot, pries at I,TVINtiz , TON'4,
North Hanover Street.
I .
ii ES II 1 /1C K Ell, E L.—
t A lot Its Nlachttrel..--110W catehLin acsottctl pack
, -7 ,, • of Hail et, 5;UIt111 . 1 . , and hit,lhth thirrols. Also . ,
SA li:b1 UN; ......
fr,, , .‘1,,,t thll Store of tho salthatillor.
0at.95, •f ) o. .1 W IdlY.
( c' 2 %o -- ,VIt AOEC IT A INS ( ) P A 1 JEJ
~ . kIII4IH with at largo as.,ortmeht, of n'i."-FAZ,
Burr MIA INS. • . 11,1151.11 C'IlA INS,
11,1INg; Fl Will l:11:113s,
WO CHAINS, , • , 'l',lNio'llN 011.11 NS, .
CON: !Ala INS., --- • - - - - 031 , 111;A I) 4,,,, 0,..,,-
Oust rocnived (It lliotilwiali Mirth:are Stare „ t ...
- -- - m3r4:11-7,:ti0..,...._____••_-_-__ • • /1 iiN itY Sa.V.re6l_
„fit UN KS I T.4114N 1i..8 ! r.l.'. I{ 11 N I:.'S !
' Ladled .roin teiltlier, Preterit ‘Eqle.and .0r;),,,,
Ti.m, k's ari , l itrqinot litrxrs, Trils. ding. Bags, Sr, Brute'
wild Le:lttiovjlr:wr Iltuvl Trtiults,l'athrg, Nor Trarl•
Ing lin,,s,lie., a largo' hssortur tit tinllvoy low prires tit
• ,
April 11, 'Ol, " North Ilirtyver :3trcot.
. .
Oa 1 (1 Worth 'of ' roith o Fronoll
um! ro:iudilip -, s' lovrpr - in prico .
haft ever knnivn. .
iIAIVVO,It M11,1,1•3I
'lar g o Flora noron al the West end of ILain Street.
It is tilted up a Ith cum:tars. and' shelvin g ani has A
large and convenient cellar. Possession giveninnetli—
ately: Enr i nt r i of • ADAM 8)::76):11SAN.
enkiltule. Drc, if , ' 4 6 .
CIATIPET new:(!tippl3; (if
ii.,/tapoll4Cur9t. Olipitn,Snet at.• Cho - client)
steqn . .• OTI . 01311.1117. •
Tr.m re,
$lll,, tl.•
Ut'i...i :"1, .41(.1 •fgl,
; nL.
0.,11 Thl- I'.ll
,1 Vk 11, 1: tll,l
.1..4i 1 uril h 1111/1•
1 ( 1 5751. - clit'; *Sift
I I ;
ly !;1.)1-
i~ ..t~:~~..-
~~:~ ~. .~
!,... i. s 1.1. i., PI,
.d ildtt %SO lIM%
dd 1 .\rli
• 1.0
.Intl"; p. p
:lei , Ow Vl,
1 Z.
SP : rhig StyleS 6f Silk . lilts for 18111: Strati lints for
-thintkinion,deekeyliitsLudieF.,nnd.llin.eyltats And
Caps ler Chili:hen, nod
• IslirtrnorTip ;MIT
,ernm .rxrilmms.
" Alen, Cariot lials, Vllll 141 R, Trunks, hand Trunks,
Umbrellas and prima Bed Fr:tilers. An n o, talent uT
SitiO Primo" Segura and Tobacco'. —56j 5 gA
Tan uldal for the pstronfnuVellre/dy reroived he: wraill
halt° nil his friends awl the public gsuernlly t o j o u ,
him a rill. ' JAC(AI
' Oirthdo, April I*. Pvt,
— l - 4,IIIM \ E ',CB A NIIE lIRIE.S.
I --
S anporfor article of era niaarifsjunt - rocolv.d and
fur:Aoki 1 • • J. V. lot
ex.+. :4 , , To,
iaif 341106
Tr7=N - T RR AR RA N(; A' .31 T.
i'lL~tiu k. uk ilnl H~~
On Am! ;later M N 1 AY. I , F'e'F:lT IG II :%I.1:00, l'a ,, F•ngn
Tr3ln. ran 3
II k IIIi 1'...1.{U1-1.0 /I A FUSISIII, 110,
1 1 Trari. Ain
NI A. If . 2 1'.31,
Leu ve linunrttnx(l~
11 1'1,. n 111, r ,111 1 - 1 , 1, 1.:10 1 1 1 ,5
" 14Wipilrpst lug, 11.1!1) " 1.57 "
144, vne ii :12 " . 14: 1 4)
" C'rirlislo. 10 " 11.10 "
" ‘1,11n,11,1,,1rg, 1012 212 " :i 4 "
A rrl, at f1arri,..1,,,, 11 IL " .1.10 (,Ft , 11. 1111 A 14 1 1 4:11:'11U110 .IND lIAGrItSriiIVN.
H1,01.1.0r4 1.4 TrainA.3l
311,11:inicshurg 8.47
rar'iqlo. 9.27 °
10.02 11
•" • •11P1.0/I.l‘llr-i..- "
" 1 13:irn14(,( Arrive) 11,00
1 1 r.00,1•-ti, • 11 57
.Irri, n.t• v 12,4, Cl 6
'11117E1 . .10t.i11 1',1n511•530, 113,10.01211 A l'itL•dmri
,11•, 7,0. A. .11., /mil .1 11 ,
100 hi,,. via l'1,111:1.,1,10in f 0, 1,1 11111...0t
t 10 .\1 , 31 , I 17. ;41'111 31. 1•11
3'. 11. 8.00 .1. 31. 11r1i 1.4,. I'. 31. P, r
ul ::CU A 7.40 A. 31.. A 100 P. 31.
r, srrx,o3 or 0i At 1.40 and 8.1:7, I',
N. Train , 141 I , :mphin at :41 , 11, I'. 31.
N',/Tl(.l.Ti At nil Station', Itli, ro
Tichtit.ti is • I lag, tuna,
it le, (ic-I 10
ort (
ron.•11 T , Chrl will I.t. .tll on
"re ricl ti,it I r.,j,16
1.111 , 110.011 , 11 H with Ticket, hide,
Railroad Chanthersbu rg,}
N. LULL. upt-Ct
1),.. 7, INGO.
/4, • '
s 1 o c_r.r.sri. IN nt sTA NcE
N7:IW 79,73.2 x
N 1 ) I.; ATc ) N
r , t lc erf }'silk n t f , A.
: ' , tirz at Lit noun, 2,,urs nt 1:1.00 non. mot ar
P. H.
•• • ••... t Unrri..4,urg
NI mrrii, 't
.11 rl ,'• r rr. t Harris
! i •, ^5.
1 . . 11, wt!h
.71 '•n rhr• l'enn,Vl
ri•.,. ' .t
"t" r 7:7 - 7.".": r. ; and at Allen lor 31nucli
.., :1,:.1 , 111fOr r. or l3 , l!rtra..^r het wrot Nlll7
). : h.• ' , I. ',ter fnen
r , the 1., P.. 11. Lent Ilatrihltr•
I stet:.
te-7.t", II•i- r it, itoluceetent, to
E 'IV ;et' !le
I h.ptwl P.3rri , 1,r , .:; FIVE DOL.
11U.. t inn '31,1: npi.!,
1.1.1 th•rleral
1'I:V.E1), WAR!,
hl :11,1iIN ET BTU,. liT, 1 . 1111. A DE.1.1.111A
). D.
C.‘ o , Lir, leavethn Depot )11H:et t.,
;...)I.‘ ,
.• tily. et 7 o'clock., A M.
for this Line should he n
stint iu Inc .1
11 ILA 1) E L 11 I A
It A I -IL 0 A I)
On and alter MAY 28, iB6O.
Two 1 , 1 4, 1,, tr.klnt. ury daily, (Sun
[l, ca:,•; ;no,. • .1.0 A. 31., allki 1.4 ,, I', 31.. 1, Plana
-1( ..rn, 1. it 1 ur 1 , 11 41.41 6.1.5
'• ..h :11113 1.31., /And 3. 11 0
I'. A.. ul. lwit, :it Ilarri,bunt at I. , •1:11 Anti P.
~ l elphla, \u.1 Cars , 2 (in
h !Iners
ti .1. . I :; , t.t , ", aro ...1., I. 11. .
1'1fft...11.:1,11. 1{,1411r1;.: h.tir) A. P.
..., . . 0,• I' If.
F J111.75 and
,r,ta 11arra.l.titat; rmona th at
It. ntt , llll tip ttall : tllll,ta,lattre. l'itt,tou and
.••• ' "" -• "
ti:: 1 II: Atl,l it. i O l - 11111tIrm apply to
J. CI,
Genertel Ao,nt.
Q 7 frop
i 3 /TT 71. T.
1} L.Al'
r 7 11,.
". 1 lON pure!
.11 10 1. 1. 1 ..J10 It 11 /j
11 , : lit :, 1%1 4 , at . I .` . I !
lic.l I:te,
1' , '•' , . , / ( nri
•, 'r. Vii' !111.1
11 ,1 1.1 1.3 1:. 5 , 11.1111,.. I t
4 tht• .s.rt,ro,l ru:ly t. , 111 )1 .co 111.1.
ip I “IL 11.111 d a N.:, LI d
rClueut of VC:I
•14..AT6 .. AND CAPS, I).N.
of All deowriptions, b, n u jai 15 i 1
to tho fto of FI It AND F ly It 1T. , ; and Al
Met') 011,_ who has
,ortl; Ft his nooolmy. The
5311,YSNIN. CA'g.r.l3ll. N.R
r) 4)10 and color and nasal.' 35,31 for It.liT
I,l'R tItILtTV AND I.y that, at ray
ia Cr•uut
tt I r
M EVB. 111 , Y$' ell I 1.1)1(1.:N";: , II AT', CAPS,
!.,•:ipti.,/,, , ,..13111iy0 1l 113.1.
rk,p.tfully luvury oil the old ',troll, And os.
II OW wiva ss puanihlo, to give ji WI 11 r➢li
SITI NG A Rill V A 1,-
At ,t.orn ul John: Irvine, on the N. E. e...rner of
It, jut /um. h> the pinto to purchase llot,te,;,houti
linty Cop,. al prices that defy On mperii;mi.
ILA ban just rot tuned lemn the 16.m..t with Om Imgest
ami vmuploto rtmeot of 13.44, lints A;
type lh.,t lion or cemented to (41 iF community,
km It , Moo/pined to sell at MO lOU cot proo.i.
stow!: unibra,o, ovurythirig Wonto
such ao
Kip CAI nod l'faent Leather Cur
haotit,Le a
aLher Units, Calf Calf nu
nrOL'antb, zzllpp•rt4„t,
Fine Breech and t nglUh La,tio,; (bait era,
Ca:inntl Kid Hoots. Flny lila Slippers, Fauil Cliypi•i r,
Morocco, Hod ti id Itu htus, t c.„l.
11 isbEri A NI , CHILI,II.I.:N'S WEAR dial! description
embracing lino Lusting Gallen:, MoroccO and Lasting.
',awn !toots, Noroceo Lure liLots of 'all - lath:, fancy
shoos of varlr , r, Plsh, •
It AT.s c.l ps, carAmere itr mia :wool 'La i
Or 111110311 den aDd styles, :Oho n n.s.sortmeni of
ST/?..4 //xi 7;8
- .Bunts and Shrqu:irintle in order lit the Olarfppl itetica
plOhiptly tlime. Onallth . la of his nhility to
pleato all clas,. , ort'Llatt:lllCl . ll, Lo rullit...t.fully Ini Ilea
Ilia public. to Orr' 1111,11 a VIII/.
ltezneulber the place, N. B. coruor of the Public
May 80, '6O.
lIATS;,QAPS AND prit A W 0001}S.
Iff 2" C 1 1 S•IP c
61 y - 7, , .,`':„ ' ;'-7'.... 7 4. 1 :' . ''
~.:? 1 ' 17 ',..3F7,7 41
a i4.. - _,
-.- A „4,,_
~.,,. .... , .-7,-&... - ' -..
~,,. cl r 4.e . ,..
0 1 0
Thu :nil), ' has rrcentiv opeuvd .n New Stoll,
a - the - Old - C . , ViirT.ll - lEillirt - lir - NiFftli - Irtdith - e - i'S C: -
Ipposite Qin' ttrliOn Del,o,ilr Dank. .
II:, hip rinnivo L k tnnif New yoricand Pbl 1 Imlnlphll, a
Inn awl ,vt.II solutea nsg'ortment orgonds In his line 0,
nisino,:,. such as HATS and CAI'S, flout Qin conmou
1:nol to tho 101,, FM - , , .
21 I n
1.-orl' M
2 • rl
1 •
I Ix, ,
; Ii "
J. O. (ALLI.)