Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 04, 1861, Image 4
1 JliCUL&Lnes. HOSTETTER'S s7oFilitCH BITT i'S. 'The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal -with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United States, becauso the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon ,this point will speak' more powerfully than volumes of bore assertion or blazoning puffery. 'ho consumption of Domes ter's Stomach Bit ters for the last rear amounted to over a half= million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach ' near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained'in the prepara. Lion, and the sanction of the most profitinent • physicians in those sections of the country - where I he-nrtielo is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to. their patients, but are ready atoll times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all Gases of stomachic derangements and'ille diseases resulting theretrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of true- poling the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to ho us enduring as time itself. liostettei"s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have collided their victims by hundreds. To be ON to slate confidently that the "Bitters" aro a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the t4toumch, purifies the blood, and ,imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispefisabie for the restoration of health. it operates upon the stomach, liter, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, nod soon restores them to acondit ion CkSelliliti to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily its per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant. to the paint e, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have toe evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while' suffering front stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have. abandonml ;all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are co haresing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially it' she he young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summeeseason, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. 'fere, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the enengi es of the system, and enable the mother to It or up unthiltmlinusting trials aw l reopen.iltilities. . mothers gene rally prefm, the Bit I ers to all other invigern- tors tint receive the endorseiHriil id)l si nians, because it is:agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, ; to wit: sufferers from fever and ague"; caused by malaria ' diarrhom, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of. the stomach, supetiammated invalids, persons of sedentary oecteition, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public tigainst using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for BOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, and ,ee that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. liolitetter's Stomach Bitters" blown' on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. < .trir Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame rica, and Germany. Sold by S Elliott, S.W. Ilaverslirk, Carlisle; John C. Attmit, John Stembaup h. t•hirpen,burg; h. Kau man, .1. IS. Henning Nlechanicsburg; and Druggibt generally throughout the county. Nov. 9,'69. _ J INDSEY'S IMPROVED U.BLOOD SEARCHER A STANDARD 311.:DI CI N For the speedy. nu di, al, and rfTrrt uhf emu of ALL DISEASES art,lng 1,111 I 11l TY OF 'IIIE BLOOD. This medicine has wren ,ht the most miraculous curse In desperate cacao of Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimplrn on the lave, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Teller affections, MEE Salt Rheum. l:eunral Debility of A pp.tito Jaundieo, orru ria I DiFf'/IM.N, Liver Com plain t, FOlll all DisLui,eb having theirrol Low Spirits, Female Cereplai n is, an g 471 in an impure state of We refer eu the ease o the Blood. f Dm id 3leCreary, of Napier tou%ship. Bedford Co., Pa. who, on the iilst day of A ug ust, 1058 made affidavit before Justice Corley that ho was treated Mr the cure of Cancer by three physicians of Bedford county, and by Dr. Newton of the Eclectic Collage in Cincinnati, for a pried of nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, his 11p, once, and a portion of given h u i p s a lT i ft h c o h p e e e , LT b e e n tialeuot of the a?•111 Blood Searcher," and was induced to try it. Four bellies cured him, and although sadly disfigured, there Is no question but what this invaluable medicine saved his life. The full particulai sof this remarkable case may beacon in a circular, which iqiu ho had of any of the Agents. \lie also refer to the case of Nancy Bleakney, of Elder ton, Armstrong, enunty, Pa., cured of Scrotulii after he. log unable to get. out of her bed for three 3 ears. To the ease of a laay in A nsonville. Clearfield county who was also afflicted with Scrofula in its worst torm. To the case of George Meisel, residing in Carrolltown, Cambria county, Ps., who was so badly afflicted with Cancer that it eat his entire none off, and his ea SC was worse if possible, than McCreary's. The particulars of these cases—every •one of wbli h was cured by the use of the Blood Searelmr—may also bo found in a circular to be had of any of the Agents. It. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near the Pa. Railroad Depot. Hollidaysburg, Pm Dr. Gee. It. Keyser, Wholesale Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. via., For sale in Carlisle by S. W. Haverstielc, S. El liott, and it ay 'folds &P oiler; Dr. J. Herring Al ech an lee lirg; Gosiveller & Zook, Shepherdstown ; Joshua Culp Hogstown ; Jacob Simmons, Cross Rends; J. J. Coble, E. Wise Shiremanstown; A. M. Lenlich, boiling Springs Mary W. Kissel, Churchtown ; G. W. Robinson West Hill; Fasnaught & Co., Oakville; Shoemaker & Elliott, Newburg; Wee. Matto'', Newville; .1. Hood & Co., Springfield; Russell & Co., Dickinson; ll'eland & Washing, Jacksonville; Wm. Clark 4 .L.,„ Ices, Roads; Wm. 11. Eckles, Sporting 11111; D. Donlinge- Whito Hall; J. 0. - Altick,Shippensburg ; all of Cumber land county. Pa. A CARD TO THE LADIES. Dr. Dnponoo•s Golden PIM for Females Infallible in correcting,:regulating or removing all obstructions, front whatever cause, and . always a preventive. The COMbination of ingredients' in Dr. Duponco's Golden pipe are perfectly harmless,. They have been used in the prlVate practice of old Dr. Dupenco, for 30 years, and thousands of ladies can testify to their great and nevenfalling emcees in almost every case, In cor recting irregularities, relieving painful and distressing menstruation, particularly at the change of liM. From five toten pills will cure that common, yet dreadful complaint, the' Whites. 'Nearly every female in the' laud suffers from this complaint. The ahove pill ituE . perzninently,Miands c anti wili guru you if you 'use them. They cannot harps yid; tn 'the contrary they remove all obstructions, and restore nature to Its proper channel, and invigorate the whole system; they are perfectly safe and harmless. Price dtl per box. Bold wholesale and retail by S.. ELLIOTT, Druggist t Carlisle, Pa. who IS the tord agent for' tliat'plaCe • 'Ladles; by retort.' tinglim gip,' the "Carlisle Post Office" can haVe the Pillo sent to any part of the 'coinitry; Tree of postage, by:mall.. Sold'Ohas. A. hannvait,'Harrlsburg, EiTildiller, York; J. A, 'Wolf, Wrightsvillo and by ono druggist in every village and town in the Union. ' N. B. Look out for 'counterfeit:Ff. Buy no Golden Pills or any kinil i _uoless _ovary, boxis „signed -by B.,1). HOITE.. All others area hose Imposition and unsafe,' therefore, as you ,value your lives ,and lvenith, (to pity nothing of tieing humbugged out of Your money) hay only those who show the signature of D, 119wE on every hoe, which,has recently herb addod on +mount. or, a recent counterfeit of the) Pine. ,t,z.1).-110WE, Jan 2.0 Oily ~ Solo Proprietar,,New York. pAINTO .AND White Leath • 1000 Gallons of oil, Just revilvo fi lth a large assortment - Of Vailiteins ' 'Tiro P roo f Turpenti ' ne, • ''llOrisce White, Japan, 'White Mae, , 'Putty; 5: ..,'. - 5 ', Colored Vile,' , Litharge, pod Load, • Whiting, Boiled Oil, •GlNer Lard 011,, • • :I". • iShelae, Ral4t pc4oo, : Flab Oil, Colors of corary deacription dry, and , 011 cane and Saga - at the Hardware ptorent,,, • , r, __r• March 7, '60., . _ ARNIM SAXTON, ISOUMPS4ND :• ISO barrels (lament with a veil' largo - assortment nand Iron Pampa, . ' Mods ',eheaper that i 4 slier, at the Hardware Sterol:if— , ,••.+ '• • ' 7030. - - • • , . lIHNAY SAXTON' APER' -WINDOW. SHADES *PA largo assortment of now" okylO,Wipdory - fkilodo3lor i t.f.O, ' Canc,ous fornlntions, Eryslueb., Sore Eyes. Scald Head. Rheumatic' Disorders, Cogiveuess, ly respectable huollies of the old settlers Of New York. A ity one addreNs him on the subject of the above letter, which will be Ituswored with pleasure. Principal Depot. 777 South Nth Street. Philadelphia. es)._ /tEonotos k I I. Flit, Sole Agents Fa Carlisle. sy,. Sold by all Druggists. and in Jersey City at 'Van Buskirk's, Washingtou street; Shipley's, ti rove street; Dr. Zabriskie's, earlier of ()rove and Smith ;11th Street; LongstalT's, 69 Montgomery st. '6l.—ly. , ITANDSOME WO'MEN.I TO THE LADIES. HUNT'S "BLOOM OF ROSES." A rich' and elegant colnijor the cheeks or lips. It will not wash or rub off and when once applied. remains durable for years. The tint is so rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny fails to detect Its use. Can be removed by lemon juice and will not injure the shin. This is 11 new preparation need by the celebrated Court Beauties of Loudon and Paris. Mailed free, In bottles, with directions for use, for $l,OO . nusrs "COURT TOILET POWDER," imports n dazzling whiteness to the complexion, and is unlike anything else used for this purpose. Mailed free ibr 50 Cents. HUNT'S " BRITISH BALM," removes tan, freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin. Mailed free kir 50 Cents. g thous and initworca ita ttroirth,-keepx It from ti llinpoil and ht warranted to make the hair curl. Malted tree fur $l,OO RUNT'S "PEARL RBA IFFIFICR," fertile teethand gums, cleanses and whitens the tooth, hardens the gums purifies thu breath effectually, preserves the teeth and prevents toothache: Mailed free for $l,OO nuNrs BRID.AL. WREATII PERFUME," a double extract of orange blossom and cologuo. Mailed free fur $l,OO This exquthlte diurfume, was first ailed by the Princess Royal oft:llomnd, on her Marriage. Messrs. Cunt & Cor r prompted pm -.Prlnceea with an (litigant case of Perfumeryi (IP rthieli all :Of the' above articles were Included) In luinffseene cutglase With gold stop. pers. valued at $l5OO, pa'rtienlars of which appeared in the public prints. Ail the above articles sent free, by express, for $5,00, Cash' Can either accompany theorder, or'be paid to the express agent eif delivery of goods. AUNT & Co. • , Perfumers to the Queen, Aecront SanForn St., Philadelphia, ~..Fer,tale by all pra,, ,, gieta and I.'m tamers; , MTh° TradO(uppliedi , ,Oct.' 20, 60.4 Y. SP Pill U 0 11VIN-E , 4 • CULTIVATED °WIRT° SAiIIBUCUS, OSE &PEER S 1,10113 11C I WINE . . rELEBRnED its .medicinal and beneficial qualiiiog emu genuine - Slim - Want, Tonle, Diuretic. 'and Sudorific; Thidhly natectned by eminent physicians, and some bf tho firstlamillos In gurOpo Und Ai:notion. SPICER'S SAMBUCI WJIyI9 is• net rn ziniturikOturod article. but Is pure, from,theAulce of ,Portugal Sambu c us, cultivated In NovJertieyirddommended•by Chemists and Physicians, Its possessing ;medicinal properties su• parlor to tiny other ,Wines, In Also, and an excellent article for' all weak 'and debilitated masons, apd the aged and•infirtn, improving the'appetite, and benefiting ladies and„,childron. , ; ; t -'• • •,• , . . , ~ , ' . ' - ..A.' ; tallOl W3' WINE;.:' , '• . necause it will net intexicAte as yther.wines, as ft cow talus Tio iplifureofitittitilprothor liguerawand - admired , ter Its rich • peculiar flavc,kr and, nutritive, properties., Imparting a: healthy tune to the digestive organs, and . A blofiqdng, floCt, and lienithrsitlirand . cemplexion. • , None gunuirie unless, the signature . of ' , , ~. , • ~1 .. • ' Passaic, .J on tho cork of each bottle. ABB GNP. ".XitTAT, 'OF ; SCUTB,WIDIE.'rti4V. • 403 PEGEII. 9 Proprietor, ,• • • • , Gfiee . 4 208 Broadway Now York. • : ;VlNErlittb,. , P&Hat.Co, • • Sold' by' 11AY1400'S '& next door to' Itilioire Grocery BtoreiCarliele, Pa. DR. 1100FL2fI A T I BALSAMIC w , . FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF Coughs, CoHS, Croup; Hoarse ness. Bronchitis, Pneummi.ia, Diieases of the Bowels, arising from Cold, -Incipient Consumption, and for the relief and (if at a possible) cure of' Pa ' tidirs - in adranc• ed stages of the latter disease. The Balsamic Cordial is entirely a Vegetable prod tut tlon, combining the hording properties of the Balsam, with the invigorating qualities of a Cordial, producing n'combinatlon so well adaptell to the purposes Intend ed, that there are but thw cases of disease which will not, at an early period, succumb to its healing and life giving properties. For ages, has the treatment of pulmonary <l:sear:es occupied tho greater portion of the attention of the scientific of the medical world, but none acquired more eminence Dr'his treatment of these diseases, than the celebrated Prussian Dr. Ilodet.lNn, the originator of the Balsamic Cordial. Ills life was dovetail to the proctor- Don of remedio- that would stand unrivalled. Flow well ho has succeeded. the American people are able to 'nage : anti we pool Lively assert, thet no prepare tfons that have ever been placed before them, have conferred the same account of benefits on suffering humanity, or have elicited PO many commendations front all chooses of society,. the remedies of Dr. ITooffand, prepared by Dr. C )1. Jackson rt Co., of Philadelphia. The Cordial is designed for a class of diseases more genital and more fatal than any other to which the people of this country are subject—those springing from la•' hide lIT COLD." That eminent authority. Dr. Reit, says: I will not say that Colds to our inhabitants what the P,.tr,ve nud YELLow I , EvErt are IS those of other countries; but I can aver confidently that then usher In di settee of greater complicity and mortality titan these latter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Preparation DR. HOOFLAN:D'S I=l GE'RitgAlt BITTERS, PREPARED la Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., Phila. Fa = LIVER comm.AINT, DYSPEPSIA. Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such inn Constipation, Inward Piles, Fuhu•se or Blood Head, Acidity of Ow Stomach, Nausea, Heart,' burn, Disgust for Food, FUlttelie or Weight in tlie Stott, itch, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head. Hurried and Difficult Breathing. rluttering at the Heart, Choking, ni.Stilliicating sensations when in a lying post ore, inns of Vision, Dots of webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning inn the Flesh. Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depressions of Spirits. and will positively prevent Yel low Fever, Billions Fever, Ste. The Proprietor in calling the attention of the public to this preparation. does so in ith n feeling of the utmost en,, n dem, in its virtue, and adaptation to the diseases for which ibis recommended. Tt Is 110 1100 amd untried article, hut one hes ttood the test era twelve yens' trial beton% the-Anterb can people, and itoyeputation and sale are unrivalled by any similar preparation extant The testimony in its favor iii en by the most prominent and well known Physicians and laths Muftis In the en entry is Immense, and a or the Almanac, published aonu ally by the prnprietnnvtind - tn he had getills - of any of their Agynts.cannot but satisfy the most skeptical that 111,1 s remedy is really deserving the peat celebrity it has obtained 11 Ty. S. W. II A V EItSTICK, Agent for Carlisle, and by lealers everywhere. [Apr. 12, plop. GItATII'S ELECTRIC 01 I, 'HIE NEW I'IIAf7TICE. Electric Pures.—Paln is the premonltc , r of death; relieve the pain and you cheek the disease. ti./4 'I HIS Ott. ACTS OW TII SISTSM wren ELECltTlein. I el pure leceta Ids preparat ion, not the slightest dan ger oi lipid.) Mg it outwardly or in ; It at once girq 0 permanent cure, in most c uses, in from ten to twenty minutes. The hest physiologists Of Europe have discovered that all hrganie derangement In the animal system is an of feet of the obstruction of the physics electric fluid In the organ diseased —a skilful application of the Oil puts In Immediate motion the nervous fluid, and the cure is at once accomplished. No bleeding, no vomit ing, purging or blistering is resorted to. Prof. De Grath's Electric Oil is the marvel of this ago for the followniving, (not every thing ) Cures Rheumatism often in a day. Cures S 01.11110.11, Toothache, two minutes. Cures I ' rump In the Stomach, flee minuted. Curer ferns, Wounds. Bruises, one to three days. Cures Ile:Macho, fifteim minutes. Cures Ear Arlie, Stilf Meek. Ague, one night. Cores Piles, Swelled illandS, tei, days. Ceres Felons, Broken Breasts, Salt Stumm, two to sit dal s. Cures Ilemorrhage, Scrofula, A bress. ids to ten days, Cures ' , rested Feet and Chilhlains, one to three do vs. Cures Ague and Fever, 411/14 to too days, and all the Nervous and Scrofulous Affections Pores Deafness in one to four days. Cures all Palos in the Bark, Breast., etc , in 2 days. DEAFNESS CURED I New ll‘veN, May 11111,, 1520. Prof. Do (froth—My brother has been deaf three years, and one bottle or your Elec trio Oil eurid hint entirely. Years, 'CLIFFORD R. SCRANTON. ANOTHER INSTANT CURE! Huntingdon, Sept., 1R55. T dh certify that Prof. Grath's Electric (di is in fallable for Ithonlontie pains fly a if, for sine thus past has been greatly afflicted and unable to a ilk, has hoes restored by the :.ipplleatit.o of almost in stantaneoubly. lean elleerially lopoolinetill it to otti. ors. JOHN WILLIAMS()N. I'l LEF..—rharl..s Sex I on, hlsq , ex-Mayor of COMdel , a Ps nic arid ication, cured lin". Almost cured hi Rheumatism. - STIFF NECK. [Editor of Law Maga - 4111e Corot] I ostonLineously.l Cirong (lour, Philadelphia Prof. Chas. De 0 rath—l freely give it as my oplidot that your Electric 0.1 Is among the most wonderdu remedies or modern times At the earnest roi vent of Indy, ,ho alleged tint she had Leen cured of a most painful aff.ction by Ito UM., 1 was - Induced to try a bot tle, though at the than of par - honing, I fully believed it to be a quack medicine and a catchpenny hunee. Hut a trial convinces me that it posFesses a numb"' Mr, and it will prove ahlessing to culturing humanity. recently took a cold irons sleeping iu damp sheets, and my neck beCalnil so InUell rwullcu and painful that I could net turn any head. After usimr : witliout success, every thing proscribed by illy phyideian, I not evening tried your Eleutrie Thin morning I nm well. the relief having been as coin pleto as It was instantaneous. Yours, very truly. JOHN LIVINGSTON. Editor Monthly Law Magazine, 167 Broadway. nob 11:0 West,llth St., N. Y. Mr. Livingston belongs to the old: wealthy and h gh \ 'NewT W"T •lATTJE.If'7I7Ojr N EW STORE ,AND NEW: GOODS After returning his acknowledgements for the very liberal patronage which has bean extended to him, the undersigned would call attention to the feet that he lota Just rteepened his extensive assortment of family ~6RgC R S" In his new store-room, 9n the south-cest cortieir of the public square, where the public are invitedlooall and examine a mock of goo& which, in elegance, variety And extent, will defy competition; comprising to part loaf, lump, crushed and brown. sugars, Java, Rio tied 'roasted Coffee. Every va.' duty and quality of TEA. Spices,-(ground lien and unground,) Pickets, Sauces, Tahiti Oil. at II f New Orleans, Sugarhouse and Trinidad ;•• ; ; Molasses; Sew York and PhiladolphiaSyr • - upv. Cheese, neutron i , Vermecilli, split Peas. Hominy, Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina; Chocolate, Extract ot Coffee, refi ne d sugar at reduced rates. wash ing and bak ing soda. Tobacco attic, mail, favorite brands, and the finest quality of 99gars. Also, a beautiful assortment of Britannia Ware, plain and hand China Ware, Glass, Queens. Rtiniu and Earthorn Ware, in groat va riety, and 84 olegituriii.eif ge.usy Soaps, extracts and perfumer); fiir'ilva toilet. • FRUITS: Including. Poaches in - cans, Raisins, Crnn berries. dry applos, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, &c., &c. LIQUORS; Wholesale and retail, embracing common and old Rye Whis t e key, Brandies, dark and 'pal e,.Lisbon ( L ( ~..7 1, 4 , ~7„,„,,,,,, Sherry Port, Maderla, Ginger, Catawba ~.'- ' , ,r "*.:.' and Muscat Wines in 'casks and hot. ,f. ~,,,,--"—;,, , ..trw. Ger, Scotch IN hiskey, Holland Gin, and Scheidain Schnapps. . FISH AND SALT A largo stock of LA MPS, including Dyott's col ohrs ted lamps for burning nson e or coal nil, also Sperm, Dine, Lard and Coal Oil, Dipping Fluid, Sperm and Candlen • CEDAR-FARE AND BROOMS. ,SOierj, MOPPg, Soaps, Door•mnte, Walters Looking-glasses, flue letter and note paper, Willow We o, painted buelteta, Cotton and woollen Ilese, and half Hose, and a ful stock of Moves, including the As ;•11 known Ilanoce Buck I;loves. In short. hIR stock comprises everything that is called for In his line of business, and no elfort.i will be spared to renderentire Ina infaction to his customers. U. IN HOFF. Carlisle, Oct. 27, 1858-Iy. fie. Marketing of all kinds taken In exchange fo goods. " affaßlO.7 l r FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA ST• )11 W Just received and in siore, a fresh and well so. looted assortment of JIM, Java and Mara, • calla, Coffee, Roasted Coffee, Crushed Pulverized Sugars, Refined and other brown Sugars, superior -Syrup Molasses, Orleans (baking) Molasses. Spices of every variety— pure only : Starch, Farina and Chocolate. Maccarottl, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sago, 'indigo, Saleratns and Soda. Cream Tartar and as• sorted Pickles,,Mustard and Coriander Seed. TEAS.- -A fine assort taunt In Packages, Sir im , ti ,, , a b l e ll ,i i l n i ltt i_ ul t lt Tta a , Fi e well as all other :laid , 1 1 and tale; 11 1 ed ., ,bu,lness—ull at the low IA prices. SIM DRY GOODS: DRY GOODS: FIRST ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS THIS SEASON. We have just completed opening our Spring stock Dry deeds, which is larger and more varied than at any router fOOIOIi To our friends and customers we Invite you to visit our itOIOOTISe Store Rooms. Our stork consists in part of SILK 110111.:! 4 , FANCY AND PLAIN. Magnifiret.t and brilliant. styles of Spring Silks, a very huge lot it BLACK SI LIsS, plain and ligured.and Foul. at ds at PASO' PRICES. WO especially Invite the la,ties to this department of our inonster stock. Norwich Poplins, -Jaen tiered Worsted ( laths, Grey Chime Lusters, Chain De Ladies. colored and figured Brilliants, French and English Chintzes, English and Calipos, &c., . - I=l These goods have 11,11 selected with rare, and are from the largest and-test importing houies in New k and Philadelphia. We have in this &pertinent, Linens; tares, Edgings. Canihrles, lirllltante, Nainseeks, Jaconetts, Lawns, Mull Ladies Fine French Collars; Undoraleares, ke,, all of which we respecttully.ask thorough examination, In order to satisfy Ladles that wo have them) goods betterand lower in, price than the lowest. MOURNING GOODS. This line of geode ie very large and ample in every department. HOSIERY ANT) GLOVES, Silk. Woolen. Cotton and Linon hose for Ladies and Gent', oen. Kid, Kid Finish, Silk, Lisle thread Gloves. Call and see our far famed Buck Gloves." MEM Muslins, Flannels, Blankets, and every article In the domestic line of Dry (lends, in larger quantity and In more complete asset.' went than can be found in any Ileum In the Interior of Pennsylvania. =I Cloths, Cassimeres, Vo,tings, Linens, Cottonnde Beim:aeons. mot cords, for Loth Men and tiro air adjudged to be unsu puvud for benuty aid quality. . =I Superfine No. 1. two end three Ply, Brussels, Velvet Mud Ingrain Carpels, a large assortment of Bag Carpets, mad, to of der unit, our Immeainte ,uporylslou. 011 I lot Mi. et all whit and styles, Mattingt., hop, hock 111 tHasses, Am. 'n youmg mon and old about entellag upon House. Mlupiug, We write yuu tl, pay a ,lilt to 01.1 r large C A It P C) 0 admitted to be the Moot ' Fidendid annlr on Wide of the large cities, n hero guilds la this department are sold at vuy low pi lee, Hommel', Millen and gentlemen. my motto always has been, and Is now, to sell cheap for CAtl 11, and to please my numerous hind patrons. A. W. BEM 'A, S. Hanover st., May it, Td. Nearly opposite the P. O. Carlhlo Pa. 110 ARMS ! TO ARMS!! 1S ALL CRY., ALL PERSONS. without regard to AfIE, are requested to roll et LEIDIfIII SAWYER A MILLER'S Now store, Eabt Main st., and examine their Immense stock of I 4 EW GOODS! Just in store from New York and Philadelphia, con skiing of all the Newest Styles sad kinds or Dress Goods, Slut win, Cloth and Silk Man teas. Enibroideries, Sun Umbrellas, Paranols, LW, Mats, Kid Gloria. Se., Se. Will RN INll GOODS of every description imported by the celebrated house of BR-SON S. SON. JIE?'T AND BOYS WEAR! Cloths, Cassitoores, Vostings, Linen and Cotton Pant logs, Coatings. Cloves, Hosiery, Collars, Nook Tins Pocket 'Kerchiefs, ete. 11 , = , b' - -Domestic Goods of Every Variety, at IVltolesale and RetaiL—'isM CARPETS: All ki n ds Illreet from the Factory, Gil Cloths,Mat tinge, 11 intion , elhodes, lud Materials, Looking Gasses Gilt and Alohogany lramee. livery variety of ,goods suitable for the wants of the whole community. As we bought since the WAIL and customers will find our prices to suit the times. Please call at LEIDIGH, SAWYER Ar MILLER'S May 3, '6l. New Store, East Main Street. BREAD BISCUIT &c. The Cream of Tartar “Fobstitute" is rocommen dod as a superior article in combination with.Saloraus or Soda or Baking purposes. It produces broad raker Ac., which when cold are sweet, moist and gratoftl, while those ofCream of Tartar aro often dry and taste less. It will cost less than Cream of Tartar and Is used In the same way Plr cooking, Ac. - TIES SUBSTITUTE, together with Sakraus' Soda—Pero Cream of. Tartar, Uormuda Arrow Boot, Mustard Sued, ground and un ground, apices of all kinds unadaltinated, and zuso tinworks every variety constantly ou band, and at the lowest prices fur sale by • Dcc. 14, 1850. .1. W. EBY. LOOK SH ARM—Wm. Fridley would Respectfully annottnce to the citizens of Carlisle and the pnblle generally that ho hattugain commenced the manufacturing of tin & sheet iron were ofall kinds, In S. C. Iluyetts building on Loather street, directly. tipposite 0, Shepley's Chair Manufactory, where he will at all times bo iu readiness to do all kiuds of work In his linc.of business with neatness and dispatch. All work will be dune by himself and a competent hand AB he keeps no apprentices. Also, van at ell Hines ho had those celebrated SELF— TESTING, SELF-SEALING, PREMIUM AIR -TIGHT FRUIT OANS & JARS. Whist; and Jobbing of all kinds\ done at short notko.arid made of the beet material. AlEii•Cashpaid for old Pewter and Copper. Hoping by strict attention to business,, and a desire o pleav ill, to receive a share of pubile.patronage. Carlisle, Oat. 26,11300;1y. •• • . N - EW.GOODS AT PANIC , PRIOES. Just • received another lot 'of elegant' SPRING (MODS ,boughtat the present reduced city nriceti _Belling uncommonly low for CASH. RAYGOOGS S, traveling at...4,641011'aq ile Lootroß s .Lawns, Silks, Am., iu great variety, • , Alumnus, Shtietings, Tickings, Uingliatue, & o, at the very lowest prices.- . Anr , lMEN'r3 AND COTTOSPES, SUMMER CASSIM MIES, JEANS,' Ladies', Gents'. Misses' and Chihli en's alove s s Stock ings in endless variety and very cheap.- • Recollect the Stormnearly'oPposiee Hoi Depot,. ' ' ' - ( - ,HIARLES.I3OII, , HY,..Uoizitoo. -Car lisle. May 1801.• ' " t ' • • VAIIJS 1 , NAILS !,1 1:4 Margo stock of good; dean', Neat; rind, Tough nails, at . . the Ip*est ;Prices. Our nails are Worth f.Oeta a keg mire, thacn'anY other quake of nails told In our; t,o}rn. this Is the opinion of tnechantes who have tried Chinn, lye also .114YeA - fullcaasortruentbf " ' UItiDTNIXIIf A."'l 4 lllel4lL 8' , of theiatat andinoAt appkAsil routed 'aarepromintod. JOIIN V. I t Yigh & 1 4 0 N. May 2,'00: North Ilanoyor St; nrllsia, F .1 . ThoWnivisi'and be`at variety of Gant's, Turnfsh• ng GoOdeonnt allio'loivost prices can to found. rit LIVINGSTON'S. , • , ,North llnuovni Serdok: 11 - CELETON_. SK TRTB.-,Arcithon late supply of theie and cheap stool sOing ak rts,hakt received: Decidedly the best . and cheapest do C:IFlislo n 6 the pheitit Comb , -NOY:2. Mtn ' Pit s : t mg TLIIY. Trtiqtn-e II alleolls. Carlisle Foundry, F.bardper it Co, now manufncture and keep con stantly for saln,nt their extensi re Stem Works on East Mafia street, Carlisle, a laigenssortment of AORICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of well known, approved usefulnoss to farmers. among whirl' they WO uld ral I especial attention to WI LLOU(111 BY'S CELEBRATED rATI•:N'I' whlcli hristiken over fifty First eLteafrerrifnin - slat State and County Fairs, To the Farmers of Cumberland, %nett and Perry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of tills drilkus scores of them are new in Use Oil the hest farms in these comities. Its repute. tion le 'esteblished so the moat ta:inlet tlialn tinill now manufactured In the United Stales. It sows Wheat, Rye, Oats,. Barley and Genes, evenly and regular, without hunching the seed. The gum Springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pins or thedrill. For even and regular sowing, the Willough by Gum Spring Grill is unequalled by any ether. We also manufacture 1111 d sell the following articlee, 'Which we can recommend to Farthers as reliable Implements, of established character: MOItRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRAW k Fl iUURII ("UTTER, 131CIDENDOLPIES PATENT Coif N i ii bLLtilt, HARN'S PATENT CIDER MILL, JOHNSON'S CAST IRON 11011'S TROUO Also, Three and Four Norse Pooers and Threshing Machines, Cast Iron Field Hollers, Plough Cattinps of various patterns, Corn Crushers, and of her at ticks for Farmers too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Conl Stoves and Tun Plate Wood Stoves. with an immense varlet: of other castings for housekeepers and others. We have also nn attractive variety , of patterns for IRON RAILINGS, and CIIIMETHILY ENCIA/oUItES' to Nshich wo would call attention. Stoam,Engines and 11/111 Gearing To this department 'flue business we give partieu" tar attention. Our already extensive stock of patterns for Paper, Flour and Sam Mill (tearing. in constantly increasing. 111i11 Ow Deis and Mill 11 rights will be fur. Dished with a printed .ita loom of our various Mill Patterns, on application. Our MaOdin. l-hop comprises all the various tools lot turning, planing and finishing Shafting and Castings, by good and re rvtul Machinists. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES of any desirable capacity, from ten to Oven ty•live horse power, built in the hest style and on acoannindating terms. Engines built at our establishment may he seen In successful operation el many of the largest Distilleries and Tanneries in Cal lisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counl les. in. III'• 11%, ores at whit h we confidently refer for Information as to their efficien cy. Persons wh'ilting ,-lteatil Engines are eat nests) tea quested to :Ind examine before contracting else. W hue: DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Connected with our c,tablisliment Is a Strom Sailand Poor Manufactory whlidi Iv now iu complete order for the manufacture of every description of 101131732 for the most rosily ns well as the plainest house. Win dow Sash furnished from fi cows up,nicl, according to sire of gloss: 1l Milos,: hoe. from :t1 upward; Shutters and Roiling Blinds fi, m <1 7; . , upward ; Four Panel Boors from .$2 12 vow oil. Mouldings. Castings Architraves. Wash Boards, Brackets. Vane) Ih apery, Scrolls, and other articles needed In house building, furnished at the low est prices and of the hest ,lanllly of lumber. 119,..11 are :Ilan prepared. as he, t . to build and repair BURDEN CA lIS fcr a in.p s orters on the nil trend, with promptness an d m.O reasonable terms. The continued patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Orders by atoll promptly attended to. May 9. '6O. V. GARDNER et: Co. ECOALANDLUMBER YARD. Thusubscribers have this day entered Into part no. ship to trade in JUA LA AND LU B E R , have constantly on hand and furnish to order all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shin cling Lath, e orked Floor. lug and Weatherboarding, ha-h. and hails, and every ar ticle that belongs to a LUMBER VA ED. AU hinds of Shingles, to wit Whitepine, Hemlock, and Opk, of different qualities. Ilat log Cars of our own we ran furnish, bills to ender of any length and Riau at the shortest notice and 1111 the most reammable terms. Our NI orhed lamard , , ill be kept under enter so that they eon be famished dry al all times, We have constantly on band all I,ind, of Family eon' under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part o the borough. To wit LVICENS VALLEY, LU ICE FIDDLER, TREVORTON LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LU IIBp:uY, which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest prices. Best quality of Limeturner's and Blacksvnith's Coal, always on hand which we will sell at the lowest figure. Yard n est side of Urannna r School, Main street. ARMsTituNG .4 HOFFER. 1F , 19 J. 11. NONEMAICERI F ORWARDING AND _COMMIS SION HOUSE, FLOUR AND FEED, COAL, PLAsTER Aro) SALT. The subscriber haling Id ken the Wartsqlouset cars and fixtures et Wm. B. Ma ray's well kuowu extaltll,ll -t, on Rest High htrovt. opposite Dirkittson College, would inform the public that he has entered Into a general For%,arding and Commission business. ' The highest market price is ill be paid for Flour, Grain aod`produrr of all kinds. They are also prepared to freight prvd are and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lon net rates, with safety and desltteh. PLAsTEit AND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at eltelesale or retail. Coal of , all kinds. embracing, LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE PI DULER, SUNBURY - WHITE ASH, LOCUST (I Al', Limeburner's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY Yon SALE. REPT UNDER COVER nd' dollverod dry to any part of the town. J. R. NONEMAKER Carlisle, August 17, 1859. Practical PL CAL 13111? and GAS FITTER, in the basement of the AL E. Church, Main Street, Carhale. . .. ,ead and Iron Pipes, Iron Sinks, lydrunts. Bath Tubs, lot & Cold Shower Baths, Bath Boilers, Voter Closets, Wash Basins, 'seen and Lilt Pumps, llydraulledbns, &e. Vro't Iron \l' el'd 'rubes, PETS. Add every description rd rocks and fittings for gee, steam, water. Ac. Superior cooking ranges, heaters and gas fixtures put up hi churches. stores and dwellings, at shurt notice, in the most modern style. All materi als and work In our line at low rates and warranted. - • . . 01. - Cont] try work nod Jobbing promptly attended to Mar. 23. 1839-1 v ÜBRICATINd OILS.—We wish to inform machinests, mlllera and the public gene. rid y, that we have on hand a full stook of Lubricating Oils for all kinds of machinery, this oil surpasses all others, having been subjected ton thorough test by the side of the beet. Lard and other Oils. It is pronounced a superior Lubricator at toss NO and wearing longer. and entirely tree froin gum, and will stand much colder weather and has less tendency to heat. Try it and you will use nothing else for Lubricating. 13HOTOGRAPHY in all its branches executed In the hest style known lu the art, at C. O. CRA'VE'S cALr,Eler, No.' 68?! Arch Stret, 'East of plitil, Life Size in Oil and Pastil. LIGY` STEREOSCOPIC PORTRAITS, AAIW U )TYPNS DAGIXItItREOItYPIS, .4e., for eases, Medallona"; and Orders for Roods promptly attended to. March 8, 'Bl.—/S. - "MEW GOODS.—FIRST ARRIVAL I~ITIIIS SEASON, At' Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store. , I have Just returned from Philadelphia- and am now openings lot of handsome, i fable . and cheap DItY fIOODSi bought ihr cash and will ha sold at astonish.' ingly low prices. A large stock of new, style prints,' Chaloys, DeLsnes, Gingham, and other Dress Goo& in great variety. A now stock of bleached and unbleached Id usllns, Tick. ^ pigs, Shootings. Diapers;' Libens, Checks, An —A full assortment of Thock Silks very cheap sod miry good. intiwi• stock of those (list classStuol Spring Skits and under price. Ladles', gents', Illleses', Children's nose In greet !variety nt low prices. (I LOVES of all kinds and price. OA ItPET,I I 0,'1R , 3,9 P 11.! CA It 1 , ETS I w Ano supply atlngrald, CUtnge, Ilium, find lit g All poreuicilrt'vinut Of.noo , Jtylo opring . Goode ato xesPootfilllyjnyltodAQ ocutle.7tattrinoltblii..mtuelt..b6.2l : furu piirclia9lngi!lsolvhciro. _CAAS. 001 TAY, March 29, DRES,9LEIVS 'RAM .J,EWIELRyp , ) koßtg. 0 .7' No. 4; South Ea.:Street. • • • Phitadetpliiii. - On band and foriale, a eboiceassortrnintiik superior patterns, and will 1'1.9W ;Pins, Crossns,,Neeldaces o Vest and" Chains' dco:,' . .Sze' • • iGi.;Orders enclosing the halt; to bo plaited, piny 1 o • Inuit by anti.-r-Olve a Drawing, ao near, as .y9ll.cau n .paperrAtid:Oticlosd r uUteli , aincient , aslod Duly chooso pay.—Uobt as foliousi,,liar-3tirigsl2 to $0; Breast Pine . 1 $0 to $7; '.Finger Binge 75 eta. to 's3,tot - Vest - Chains $0_,5...„ - to :Pt- Neelilitees $2 to $lO. ns,.: Hale put into Modallood, Box Bran st pins, Rings, c. Old Obld and , Bilver bilught tit fide rates.' s , • AND FARM:IMPLEMENT DEPOT! UM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, =I BO ItD4, SCANTLING, Broken, Egg, Stusu and Nu IME! William P. Lynch, Jon N P. LYNE North Hanover Striiet CarIINIM 110SIETtli itOSIERY I 11/titcOis' nnb Jetinfrt). CLOCKS WATCHES JEWELRY AND SILVER WA RN. at Manufacturers prices. W. D. A. Naugle, Agt., Zug's building Fast Main St., opposite Sastons Hardware store, Dealer In FRENCH & AMERICAN CLOCKS, ld Foridgn.and American Watches, Jewely,Silrer and Pla ted ware, Fancy Goods &c. would most respectfully in form his old pat rove and the public eenerally that he Lae just returned from the East with an entire now stock of Ft ATCII ES, ,IE W-EhitY, SILVER & PLA TED WARM, CLOCES &c. • liar luSg sdeured agencies from some of tho largest and best Fa^tories for the sole of these goods. I am prepa red to offer to the public any.artlelo in the lino- from Tit to I^u per rout less than they have ever it•rn offered In this phsei, Or billinv the regular wholesale price, as follows, ('lncite from TO rents to $lO, Watch., from $0,1,1) to $lllO. Jewelry In setts from 50 roots to $25, Ten Setts from al to 430,-6 pieces best quality and latest styles CLOCKS: W ATCII ES. JEWELIIY. B.dny alarm, ' Gold Hunt. Caon Eng,. Coral, 8 " StriBhg, " " Arne:lean, Lear!, 8 " Striking A. Al. "" Swiss, Cameo, 8 " Itogulators, " " French. Gold Stone. 8 "Gallery, Silver II nu t. Case Eng, Lava, 8 " Church, " " A merienn, Carbuncle, 8 " I:intlea. ". Swiss. Opal . " French, Open Face American, Jet, " " Lepines, Garnet, Guartiers, Turtimils, English, Paintings, E 113 incited, " Goner, Paste, " " iiernisn, Static, TEA SETTS. " rlor, " 1 !Irmo, :10 Hour, Stri I< log, A larin k St rik i(1 80 Levers, 30 Gothic, 11 shirts, Waiters Tureens, Ladles, Cur, But ter Plshes, Salt Stands, Fish Knives, Pie It ni r •e, Crumb Kniv,s, lee Cream do. Cake Knives, ' Forks, Spoons, Castors, Carliqle, July '27, 1 ,, G0 -I v. I OS E P 11 U. s - rE, 11- WATCH :MAKER SOUTH HANOI ER STREET„, _4 few doors south of the , 1". Court house. Having supplied myself with a large assortment of Wat.,•ll Slat erlals. (Masses, be., I am now prepared to re fr all hinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ar , on the most,reasoimble terms. that may be Intrusted to m rage . !loping by strict attention to business to he fa vored 0 ith a liberal share of public pal,nage. A fine ..ssortment of JEWELRY, such as Ladles' Ilreaq Pins and Ear Drops Cold and Caine,.; Misses' and Ear Drops, Box and (lions Pin,. all sizes, 101 l Chains. Plated Chains. Cilt Lockets, livards Keys, be. Also In large and tine assortment of GOLD FINGER RINGS, . Also. a fine lot of Silver Hunting, Detach, d Lever, and Lenin,,•11,,, and a good assortment of ',liver plated and Steel spertoeles. All of Is !Itch will he hold low. A share of public patronage Is respe. trolly snkiel. ^ 105. U. STEEL. (`arlisle Jon. ItyILC s A 1' Cll ES,LA,J,E,N LY N ' S WEL 17 , , ,„ AND Stand, West Main St., nearly gqopnsite the Cumberland \ alley (look. - 1 have just received a new assortment of watches, ewelry. medallions. silver ware, &v., in addition to my ormor stock to which I lo rite the attantion of the public, The assortment embraces Hoe gold and silver lever watches. Minting and open Cass do, gold An chors for Ladles and llentlemon and tillver Leplues and Quartier watt besot every variety in style and price. Also fine gold 1 1odalli0118. Breast-pins for Ladies and Gentlemen of every quality. pattern and price. Gold fob, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold luacelets, finger rings, cuff-pi Ile, Muds, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, ,tre.. be, Gold and. ilver thimbles, silver and plated butler knives, forks, table, tea. salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver common to suit all to which we Invite special at ten. A fine lot of (101,D PENS from the best makers spectacle CASPF, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card rases, stilt anti Coln molt bracelets, e :itch chains, Mantle Clocks and a Variety of articles usu ally kept in Jewelry uitablishments, which I will sell low for rash. All articles war ranted to he what they aro represented. l'aalcular a tten tl in paidas usual to WA'fCtt REPAIRING and all work war ranted. D. '2:l. 1557.1 . ..__ N ()TICE AND READ Tills. F. C. KREMER, • At the new Store on East Main St. near Henry Saxton's Hardware Store, ww )i: would call the attention of persons In 7 . L. want of n fine Watch to ids splendid ....... y.,;3‘.... , . - .-.1 , - - " stock of American, Liverpool and Lon. Jou ((All iIES. I have a fine stork of Gold Watches, at all prices, from twenty dollars up to three hundred dollars I also have a large stock ot Silver Hunting Cased and Open Cased Watches, from three dollars up to eighty. I also have a now stock of French and Ameri can JEW EIJI Y. In setts, such no Cameo, Hold Stone, Lack, Mosaic, Mourning and Plain setts, Ac. 1 also have a new stork of Medallions, from one dollar up to fourteen; Ladles' and ilentlemen's Breast Pins of all patterns and priers; Gold Chains; it large stock of Vest Fob and Curbehains; a very large stool, of linger rings of all kinds and patterns. such no Seal things, ‘Vedding Kings. and Settings; n line stork of Cult Pins, Gold Studs. Steele Buttons for ladiesand Gent lemen,Croses Bracelets. Hold Watch liQs, Seals, Cold and Silver Thimbles, Hold and Silver Spectacles, a large stock of Silver Ten trot TlO,ll , Spoons at all prices, 11 11 11,0 00111- plate stock ot Double Plated Tea and Table Spoons. plc ted Forks. Silver and Plated Butter Knives 111111 a fine stc-It of double plated Casters, Sugar Spoons, Silver Fruit Knives. and a large stock of COM 111011 Spectacles, to suit all ages, to which I invite particular attention; Port Wolin:lies of all kinds, Sil-__ _ _ ,_, ... _.:,...‘„ ver Keys turd t'llll 111 S; a large , stock of Areordeon Msi s, Violins, h o • 1 . ). 2 and Music Boxes, r oxes, (large and • , \ ...IL, and a great variety of • 9 .3 -- articles usually kept in 11 Jew- 8 i 4 airy store. I havea:so on hand . 6-.„7:- . ,, i: . 11 large and well selected stock _ _....* - _—_..--.4_1 , nrcLoet:s, of all patter.; and • rf_7_7_ - lt" ---,— . fashions, from one dollar up to- : ...!.-.."-_...., ((Ito, which I will Bella t a small • ' '"' profit and warrant them for one 4, 'lkli I. OURIM Ifilli!ltliP• 7,., year, - to be gaol time-keepers. Every thing sold by rite shall he stint it Is represented. Clocks. SN'atelles, and Jewelry. carefully repaired and warranted. Carlisle July 13, 11,60,-Iy. FINE WATCH REPAIRING.— 1 F. C. KREMER. t the Now Jewelry Store 011 East . , Main street, near the Public .liP. ' Square, is prepared to clean and repair the Einem Watches, and ' I , „22. 11111 warrant them to vivo entire - 4? .' L''ttiti satisfactlon. Also tine Mantle I . Clocks of all kinds, Musical lion- • ,..e,,,, es, Accordions. .k.r. put in com- a t , ._ ~ 9 .4 0 ; ,. 4 2 , 4. plate order, and warranted. 4 a h , .. - -- Vl* G ILOCKS WATCHES & JEWERRY, my Etc AND PLATED WARE. ELI HOLDEN, No. 708, Market . ot., Philadelphia, uvites special attention to his Mt supply of Wattthes of ENGLISH and GENEVA MAN DEM:TURF:, JEWELRY OF ELEGANT DESIGNS, Silver ti• Silver Plated Ware of die Best Quality with an extensive assortment of SUPERIOR TIME KEEPING CLOCKS, In a style and price adapted to the wants of all. Oood goods and fair prices is my principle. Atb - Also, to his Patent Shirt Studs, being of novel construction, possessing advantages over any other In vention. March 15, 18111,-1 y. .„ 11 It K. EN & Cu., I_4 • MAMMOTH GRAI'II GALLERY, ..S.,E.,Corner Eighth and Arch..Strocts, • (ENTRANCE 'ON ETOLITII STREET,) PHILADELPHIA, After many years' experience in all the various bran. dies of the Art, the Proprietors confidently Invite - the attention of their friends and the public to their ex tensive vstabilslutient, which presents the opportunity for procuring the best pictures, equal at least, to any first-class tiallery in the United States. -• Preparations are complete for oxecuting all the Im proved styles known to the Art. They have a patent arranefethent for copying Daguerreotypes, kn., mak- Irg them Life size, if deSirefi—the only one of the hind intltio.rouotry. AttorhOd, to tale ostablishmout era three coloring Art ists. PIIOTOWIArIIe, including Painting, as low as $2,00. Do. with Frame, " " 2,62. Do. at 75 cents. Extra copies 50 cents, or ss•per dozen: Life sine Photographs on low as in and ivorytype at same price. Dui ablo Ambrotypes at ISO emits and upwards. A meet oi..tonsivo assortment of alit Frames umbrae lug ,a select and choice rank.) , of the latest styles. Prices from 62 cents slid upwards. Especial attention bestowed upon Life sized Photo. graphs in 011, transferred from small pictures, and from life. Price: from *5O to $lOO. IQP'• Tostructions given in the Art. hob. - • LW DRUG 8 TO it E. DOOR TO INIIOFF'S CORNER. Just received a largo assortment a large assortment of Prosh Drugs, Confectionaries and Fancy Article, em• braclng - • • - • • PERFUMERIES, OILS, SOAPS, &C. SPICES, such as PEPPER CLOVES, ALLSPICE rind CINNAMON, freshly ground every week. Essences of all kinds just made. All the Patent Medicines of the day eonstantly_on hanti.-:-Alse'ra - forr . boxes of-MOWS , Dyspeptic Powders. 0.6 - Physicians Proseriptlens promptly and carefully, repounded. SEQARS AND Tomccci of Wet-lirandd, received regularly. 'Aldo; ifOrsel'o'w dere by the package or small of the best 'quality: -RISYgOLDS & PEIFITii. • Carlisle, may 14, 11300.•;--1 y. ' - • ' • ri 0311 . B11,1TALN.G. __• • - J -.y6ti;cefiod a litifenee.3rinef . "nil oleos— Gum Bolduc', Gum pose, Gum. Peeking, and , for sole cheep at tho PArdwaroAtoronf Juno 22,P366. , - ;,, : Ik.B AYTCN. Having boon engaged In tho business for over twenty years ho would return thanks to his ClllitollllMl4 and friends, for the liberal eneountgement extended to him In years gone 17, and further assures them that so pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. " CHAIRS AND FURNITURE; of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to ho of the best quality,, - of the la. lost style, well finished, and Bold at the lowest possible prices tar cash. lie also continues business an an UNDERTAKER.— !toady made Coffins, Metallic or otherwise. kept con stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable turnip. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, largo sizo, hell tlnlshod and lined Insido, from 8 to 12 dollars. May 25, 186B—ly N. B.—Two properties situate in el urchtown, Cu mb. cowl ly, arc offered for sale ou easy terms. Apply as Ow re. J. It. W• CUMBERLAND VALLEY BANK PROPRIETORS. W I LLIAM KIR, ISAAC BRNNEMAN„ RICHARD W OoDS, JOHN S. STERRETT, .TURN C. 'DUNLAP, JOHN DUNLAP, IL A. STURGEON. Thin Bank, In now prepared to do ix general Banking and Exchange buainega, under the TI/11110 and style of KEIt, DUNLAP & Co., In the same place lately occu• pled by Ker, Brenneman & Co. Money received on deposit and paid hack on demand without notice. Certificates of deposit hearing Interest at the rate of five per cent. will he Issued for as short a period as four months. Interest on all eertificates will cease at maturity, provided, however, that if said certificates aro renewed at any time thereafter for an other given period, they shat I hear the same rate of In terest up to the time of rem:ltal. Twenty days notice must be given of an intention to withdraw interest de. posits. They call the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and nll there who desire a safe depository for their money, to-the undeniable fart, that the proprietors of this Bank ore not only liable to the amount of their stork in the hank, hut are INPIVIDL'ALLY liable to the extent of their estates for all the Deposits, and other obligations o Ker. Dunlap n Co. Particular attmtion Iriven to the collection of Vendee Notes, Foreign HD's. Drafts, Checks, &c., in any part of the United States and C/11111,111, Remittances made to any part of the United State England, and Irelwatt. They ell! at all thheahe pleased to give any informa ion desired in regard to money mat tors in goner. The faithful and confidential execution of all,..urdc entrusted to them may be relied upon. Open for htmlness from 0 o'clock In the morning un 4 o'clock In the evening. Carlisle, Aug. 14, 1860. QTILL TRIUMPHANT. The complete success of the Prairie Flower Conk SiT,ve, wart-mitt:the subscriber in calling the attention of ail who may want a superior stove to roll anti ex amine the lal y stove that has given universal satisfac tion. Ist. A geeing of from 30 to 00 per cent. in fuel 2nd. A hotter and quicker liven from the same fire, - :Id. A I,irger Oven thatfany other stove oft he same size, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs, sth. The hest Baker, Roaster, and Cook now In use, Oth. A superior arrangstnent fir cleaning the lines, 7th. A perfect (las Consumer for either wet d or coal. The Prairie Flower Is wa rrar ted to give satisfaction In every particular, and will be shown with pleasure to all who may ran, whether desiring to purchase or. not, any quantity of reference In town cr country. A few - other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stock. Spouting, Hooting, Job worlc, Copper-Ernithing and Shoeting work promptly attended to. In town or coun try An work warranted at the old- stand, ilanoyer street north of Louthor. MA RI M. MORRIS. N. B. Oh Copper, Brass and Pewter bought, and th highest prim paid in cash or goods. March 28. 1860.—t.f. 44 4C:DeTta! 4detiala! T F O ARMERS LI MEBURNERS AND OTHERS. The undersigned Imo been appointed sol&ngents for the sale of the eulebral ed Trevertue Coal. This Coal is recommended by :kir. Landis and otherp .s itho have tried It, to Ino equally no strong, and burn fix much lime per ton. as Lykens Valley or any other coal In use. • (9 Persons In . ..Rat of Lime Coal will find It to their In. temst to tiny this coal as it costs from twenty TO twen ty-five cents per ton less than Lykens Valley. We have the prepared Treverton Cool for family use always on hand. Also a law.e stork of coal or all kinds. = Our stork of LUMBER is large and complete and w be sold at the lowest prices. Thankful for past favors we respectfully ask a co tlquance of the name. H OWARD ASTOCIATIONI YHILADELPIII A A Benevolent Institution, established by special en dowment for the relief of the sick and •distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases.: and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratin, by the Acting Sur geon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Se„) and in vases of extrerne poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. YALU A BLE REPORTS on Spormatorrhrea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REM EDIES employed in the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, lilt. J. SK 1 LLEN 1101.1011 TON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA 1). HEARTWELL, President GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. March 8, 1861.-ly. S Cal HARDWA w Ii k Ii R : I L , 11 A it D - lonh Lyno & Son have just completed opening their Spring Stock of Hardware. Paints. Oils, varnishes, lee.. to which they invite the early atttentien of the public. We have greatly enlarged Our stock in all Itsjvarious branch.,nud can now accommodate thepul• lie with in largo or small quantities, at the lowest prices. But we do not 1, ish the public to understand that we have brought till the goods in Philadelphia and New York to our tow o, but woman assure them that one look Into our store will convince them that we have enough to supply the demand In this market. Persons wanting goods in our lino will find it to their advantage to give us a call butbre making their purchases.—A II orders personally and punctually attended to, and no injure. presentations made to effect sales .101 IN P. LYNN k SON, North Hanover St. Carlisle. May 2,'60 EXCELSIOR PICTURES A. It. II EN WOOD 'Would respectfully inform thv citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that he has taken room. In 'Lug's new building, east corner of Market Square, wimro ho is at all times ready to take AMlillO'l'Y PES In the latest and most approved style. Pictures taken In rainy and cloudy weather as well no clear. and sat isfaction given or no charges made. Portraits and Din uerreotypes copied. Miniature Pictures taken for ockets &c.. by Ambrotype. Ambiotypes warranted to standtho test of timedleta ,r Carlisle Jul 141) -ly Ladies and °antiunion aro cordially invite d t,o ca nd examine specimens. Prices from 'Loots. to $lO. A. It. lIENWOOD. Jan. 27. 1810.-Ir.` Artist. TOVEMBER 2ND, 1860. Th o rondos of the "Ilftstp" are reminded that I have just brought from the city a largo supply of SUUAIt CURED HAMS AND BEEF: Dried Apples and Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes In cane, fresh Mushrooms, the very best Pickles, different kindle of mixed Mustards and Sauces, Lemons and Oranges, Pruues, Figs, Raisins, Sugars, CoffeesrTeas, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Fine Sugars and Tobacco; very fine Brandies, Old Rye Whiskey, Wines kc • besides a general assort- ment of goods in our line of trade, offered at the very lowest prices, FOR CASH. WM. BENTZ. Nev.2d.lB6ai • BARGAINS BARGAINS!! Now in the time for cheap goods. Closing out the entire stock at unprecoMin Ily low prices, 'to make room for spring assortment. All in want of Cheap Dry (Melo, mu respectfully invited to call at the cheap stern of CHAS. 0011.111 i, Carlisle, Feb, 10, 1861. Trustep, rrRUNKS 1 TRUNKS !! TRUNKS !! L_ 'Ladles Solo Leather French Style, and Dross trunlcii and Bonnet Boxes, Traveling -Bags, de. Greta' solid Leather and solo Leather Brass Band Trunks Va lises, Non Traveling Bags, &c., a large assortment and very low prices at LIVINGSTON'S, North Hanover Street. FRLSII MACKEREL.- A lot of Iliacherel—nou%cateb—in assorted pack gee of halvou, Quarter, and Eighth Barrels. Also, SALMON, ibr sale at the Store of the subscriber. Ocr. 26, J W EBY. 600 TRACE CHAINS OF ALL ' kinds with a luEso desOrtmon t of crtfSIEM BLITT CHAINS,' . • HALTER CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, ~ MTH CHAINS. • WO CHAINS, . . TONOIIE CHAINS, COW CHAINS, ' ' SPREAD Just revolved at tho Cheap hardware Store of • NaroD: T, '6O. HENRY SAXTON • rriBINKS TRUNKSI TRUNKS ! I Ladles' Solo Loather, French Stylo, and Dross Trunks and Bonnet VoxeS, Travoilng nitio;'&i.. Gouts' solid Loatlior Brass Baud Trunks, yallsos, Now,Travel. jug Daze, 440... a large issorttpant and vory low prlcea at " - LIVINQSTOWS April " North ncoloyer Street. • oho • French $lOOO Cl Ktill.etyitianp) shliiviih;icbr in prico SAVVICIRR 45 . MILLE- R. . - n bnla 'WOO, knOWn, ~g y TQRW 1O RENT.L—Thd lano Store Room at tlio West and of &fain; 'Street. It a fitted up with coimtora.- and sheliing and has larga - and convenient collar. POSORSIOIII4I , I3II Immodl ,ataly.. Enquire of - • ADAM 13.11NSMAN, , • Carlisle, -Doe, : - ii,je 4 perldr Carpet , CldnOust received - at - the cue, p atom. rir • 0 JAS. (SOILIIY. ':.P01).13 $ lUI. ' ::• :'" Mumma l F. ~._.. ~r..~: g R. WEAVER'S t •OADINET AND CrIATR M A NUL , A OT OR 'I, NORTH MO:OVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. A'Ar . Walnut Coffins covered trenlli to 30 Oilers JAMES It. WEAVEII H. A. STURGEON, Cash: WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS ARMSTRONG & HOFFER July 23, 1860 le EL IA 111, E GOODS. 3inif, 31aahs U MBERLAND V WINTER ARRANGEMENT. m t -F . foig J_ El 2 CHANGE OF 1101.111S1 . Os nruVafter MONDAY, DECEM B ER 311,1950, rassengs Trains Will run as follows: (Sundays excepted :) FOR CLIA AIRED 9BURO AN!) HARRISBURG. Ist Train. sin 7,00 A. M. 2. r, M 7.37 " 8.95 '6 Loave Hagerstown, " Greencastle. ° Chamborsburg, 8.30 " 1.25 " " Shippensburg, 9.00 . 1.67 1 ' News.'lle, 9.22 " 2.30 " " Carlialo. 30.10 . 3.10 " " Mechanicsburg, 10.42 Arrive at Harrisburg, 11 . 15 " 342 4.10 " FOR CHAMBER/MMHG AND lIAGERSEOWN, Leave Ilarriabur Ist Train. 2d Train. g 8.05 A. M Mechanicsburg 8.47 . 1.40 P. M. . Carlisle ' 2.20 9.27 . . 3.00 " ( `Newvillo, - - D,.02 64 3.34 ii o Shippensburg. 10.31 " 4.05 ni " Chambg', (Arrive) 31.00 4.45 " Greencastle, 11.95 635 " Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.35 6.15 THREE Daily Trains leave Harrisburg for Pittsburi at 3.18, and 7.00, A. M.. and 4 20. P. 141., For Philadelphia. via Pennsylvania Central Hallman At 2.40 A. 11., 12.56, 1.15, and 5.25 I'. AL Vin Lebanon V. it. R., at 8.00 A. AL, and 1.45, 1'.31. For Baltimore, at 300 & 7,40 A. M., A 1.00 1'.31. For I reverter and Williamsport at 1.40 and 8.16, P. M. Trains on Dauphin Bond at 2.00, I'. M. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At nil Stations where Tickets aro sold, viz: Hagerstown, tiresneastle, Cbam bersburg, Shippensburg, Newvilic, Ca-lisle, Illeclianies burg and Harrisburg. a redaction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will bo made to all Paasengern that provide themselves with Tirketa beforo, enteting the Cars. 0. N. LULL Superit Railroad Office. Chamborsburg,} ' Dee. 7, 1860. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK! - t c rF l4( -... 4 4 1 'firdA. STIORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TINE BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES NEW ORE AND HARRISBURG VIA READING, A LLENTOWN AND EA TUN MGLIINING EXPRESS, West. leaves Now York at 0 A. M.. arriving at Harrisburg at 12.40 noon, only 6 1 ,4 bourn between Om/ two rlties. MAIL LIP. ° leaves Now York at 12.00 noon, and ar rives at Harrisburg at 8.30 I'. M. MORNING MAIL LINE East. leaves Harrisburg at 6.00 A. 21., arriving at New York at 4.30 I'. M. AFTERNOON 1.3( , 1 LINE, East, leaves Harris burg at 1.15 I' M. arriving of New York at 0 00 P M. Connections are ninth+ at Ilium! turg at 1.00 P. 31. with the Passenget Trains-in satell-dire-.:,--tron thf Pennsyl Vania, Cumberland Valley and North,' Central Rail road. All trains connect at Reading with 'hair. for Potts ville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Mauch ~Gltunk, Easton, Ac. G YP a change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New Yrik and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A. M. Line from New ork or the 1.15 I'. 21. from Hat risbu rg. For beauty of scenery, and speed. comfort and accom modation, this routo presents superior inducements to the travelling public. Faro between New York and Harrisburg FIVE DOL LARS. For tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent. Harrisburg. CARLISLE AND,PELLADELPIIIA 41 AL . = .'" . • -MP •• DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 AIAILRET STREET, PHILADELPHIA J. & D. RIIOADS, MAIN STREET, CARLIBLE, PA. f- Cars of this Line leave the Depot 811 Market Dolly, nt 4 o'clock, P. 31. Leave Carlisle, Daily, at 7 o'clnek, A M. goods intended for this Line should be rr nrked C. & P. Daily Freight Line, and sent In by 4 o'clock. May 25, 1859. P HILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, On and after MAY 28, 1860. Two passenger trains leave LiarrishurgAlitily, (Sun days excepted,) at 8.00 A. 31., and 1 40 I'. M.. for Phila delphia, arriving there at 1.20 noon and il.i6 P. M. Iteturning, leave Philadelphia at 0.00 A.M., and 3.30 P. M., arriving at Illarrisburg at 12.4. neon and 8.30 FARES : To Philadelphia, No. 1 Care. $3.25,; No. 2 (in same train,) $2 70. • Fares to Reading, $1.60 and $1.30. At Reading, connect oith trains for Pottsville, Miners• villa, Tamaqua, Catawissa, Four trains leave Rending for Philadelphia daily, at A. M., 10.40 A. M., 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Rending at 8.00 A. 51., 1.00 P. M., 3.30 P. 31., and 5.00 P. M. Fares from Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1 45. The morning train from Harrisburg connects at Reading with up train for Wilkesbarre, Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other Information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent. Aug. 3, 'Go mars (i Tops:" JOIE ifir .11;' r HAT AND CAT E.3IPORIUM The undersigned having purchased the stock, &e., of the late Wm. 11. Trout dee'd. would respectfully announce to the public that he will con• Hone the JIATTINti BUSINESS at the old stand, In W est It street, and with a renewed and efficient effort, produce articles of Head Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, thnt shal he strictly in keeping with the Improvement of the Art, and fully up to the age In which we live. .I.. r h tm ov e e nt on of Lund a splendid e"... - ' 141 .1.. HATS AND CAPS, . . of all descriptions, from the common Wool o the finest FUR AND Snit HATS; and at prices hat must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stock Includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE. BEATER & FELT HATS, of every style and co/or and unsurpassed for LIGHT NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those of any 'other establishment in the country. MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAPS, of every description constantly on hand. He respectfully invites all the old patrons and as many now ones as possible, to give him a call. Apr. 25, 1860-1 y J. G. CALLIO. ciECOND SPRING ARRIVAL.- (.? LARGE SUPPLIES FOR THU BEAD AND FEET. At the store of John Irvine, on the N. E. corner of the public square, is the place to purchase Boots Shoes Bats & Caps. at prices that defy competithat. Ile has just returned from the East with f lib largest and most complete assortment of Bouts, Shoes, Bats & Caps that he has ever 'presented to this community, and which he lo determined to sell at the lowest poasi- Me prices. Ole stock embraces everything in his lino of business, such as MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boots, CIO and Patent Leather Ox lord Ties, Cal and Patent Leather Gaiters, Calf IN unifiers, Calf and Kip Brogans, Slippers, &e. LADIES' WEAR. Fine 'French and English Lasting Gaiters, Morocco, Gall and Kid Knots, Finn Kid Slippers; Fancy Slippers, Mergers, and Kid Buskins, he., k. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR of all descriptions embracing fine Lasting Halters, Morocco and Lasting Button Boots, Morocco Lace Roofs of all kinds, fancy shoes of various styles. slippers, dm. HATS A CAPS, Silk, Cush:num, kar and Wool llats of4allqualltloa and Styles, also rt.large assortment of STRAW IIAT,S Boots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notice Repairing promptly done. Confident of his ability to please all classes of customers, be respectfully invites the public to give him a call. Reinembor the place, N. E. earner of the Public Square. .lay SO. '6O. NEW STORE, AND NEW, GOODS HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. 11.61 T ear. S . , --,-- z---- , , f.-- -- ,..- - T4g:-..-; - -,tt ,, , , - ..,--•:: . ; ~ -a - . ..,7- •,• • • , ---,:ite - ts,--,- , , ~..„..... , -a , ,-.. . t0.,-• . . .. tt rl - 4 .1 ' ~,, '-',*.:•,,'"•-...-.., " The subscriber hos . recently oponod a New Store at the old stand of 3.D Holbert in Nortlf Hanover St. oimo‘site the Carlisle'Deposit Bank. Having received from New York and Philadelphia, a fine end well selectodnedoitment of goods in his line o. business, such ec HATS and CAT'S, from the common Wool to the, fine Fur, SILK AND CASSITTERE HATS, Spring Styles - of Silk bate, for 1861. Straw Hats for - Contlemonv, , .lockoy - liats for Ladles - and fancy Hats and • Caps for Children, ood . • , PETOES, TO.BUI . E THE TIDIES. .. •-Also, Carpet-llaiti,•Taßrus, Trunks, 'fond Trunks, Binbrolina and•pritue Bed Feathers, Alf - ars°, Wont of tart - Prime &grin ai3d, .o nOOO. 950 • r , Thankful for the patronage already received ht. would Invite all:hia Won& and the public generally to give • him a Tall; , • •,• • tJAOOII BOAO, Agt. ;I,l;tii j. 9, , D - RIME TRANBER A siiperlOrartiolg Oranporrlea Just received a n :•00.00, 00. • JOAN IRVINE