4t Pacts. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Reported weekly for the Herald by ,Woodward & Schmidt. FLOUR (Superfine). do. (Extra.) • - GOER WRITE WHEAT... RED do RYE COHN ...... OATS,... ccorK4Akiii. TI iIOTIITSEED.• . EARLEY,SPRIN4. BARLEY, FALL T; STATE NOTlCE.—Letters testa ' Amentary on the Estate of CATTIRRINII BRINIII, lake tilddleaes twp, deed, having been !retied by the Itogister of Cumberland County, to the subscribers rest. diutt in said township: notice in hereby given to all per Indebted to said Estate to make payment, and those having claims to present them properly authenti cated for settlement to ROME O'IIAIT.A, REN,IIOI.I.N F. Itxecutorn ort. 4, 18lil6t IDR. LA CROIX'S PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE 1111133 Physiological View of Marriage 250 PAGES AND 130 ENOICAVINGS.—Price only TWENTY LITE MM. Sent free of postage to all parte t f the Union. On the infirmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the nerret follies of both sexes of all ages, causing dohilit), nervousness, depression of spirits, pal pitation of the heart, suicidal imaginings, involuntary emissions, blushings, defective memory, indigestion and lassitude, with confossion• of thrilling, Interest of a Boarding School Miss, a College Student, and a Young Married La iy, Ar,. Ac. It is a truthful adsliier to the married and those contemplating marriage, who enter tain son et doubts of- their physical condition, and who are conscious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which ever) human being is entitled. YOUNG MEN who are troubled with weakness. gen erally caused by a bad habit in youth. tint affects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetfulness, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak oyes, weakness of the hack and lower extremities, confusion of Mesa, I se of memo ry. with melancholy, may be cured by the author's NF.W PARIS AND LONDON TREATMENT. We have recently devoted much of our time In VIS ITINO 'THE EUROPEAN HOSPITALS, availing our selves of the knowledge and researches of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Continent. Those who plane themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many NEW AND EFFICACIOUS REMEDIES which • e are enabled to Intro Wee Into our practice, and the public may rest assured of the eaten seal, assiduity, rECIIECY and at tentm being paidito their cases, whit h had so RUCCO.I. fully distinguished us heretofore, as a Physician in our PECULIAR department of professional Practice, for the post twenty-Ore years. FREtell F6MALL Pitts. Ladles who wish for Medi Hoes, the efficacy of which has been tented in thou sands or cases. and never tailed to effect speedy cures without auy had result& will use none but Dr. DeLa. nay's Female periodical Pill• The only precaution necessary to he observed is, ladles should not take them if they have reason to believe they are In certain situa tions (the particulars of which will be found on the wra pp er accompanying each box,) thourh always safe and healthy, no gentle, yet an active are they. Price St per box. They' can be mailed to any part of the United States or Canada. TO ME LADIES.—Who need a confidential medical adviser with regard to any of those interesting corn. plaints to which their delicate organization render. theta !table. are particularly invited to consult us. —Tax- tt Mantua Clas.voitc.ratr.rattirsZ'Vor....taarrieli. Wins whose health will not admit, or who have n• desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe preventive to conception, and has boon extensively used during the last 20 years. Price reduced teen). THE SceRiTS OF YOUTH UNVEILED, A Treatise on the 01116 e of Premature Decay —A ROI ems Warr{ ng Just publinhed, a book ollowing the In. oblumio provese and provalenee among nebools, [both mole and female, of thin fatal habit, pointing out the fatality that Invariably attends Ito 'idiom and devel oping the whole program of the disease, from the corn. monument to the end. . . . . It will bo sent by Mall on receipt of two [3] cent Stamp.. At , endance daily, from 8 In the morning till at night. and nn Sundays from 2 till b P. M. Medicines with full direction. Rent to any part of the United Staten or Cauadss. by patients communicating their nymisteme by letter. Buelne.e correspondence strietly confidential. AGI- Dr. L'e cake is still located as established, under the name of DR. LA CROIX, at No. 31, Malden Lane, Albany, N. Y. iSept. 20. 1861—ly F IRST OF THE SEASON. Laqe arrival of New Stylot of FALL AND WINTER GO IDS at THE NORTH HANOVER STREET CLOTH ING EMPORIUM. The undersigned takes pleasure to inform his friends and the public generally of the large andivaried assort ment of piece goods for 111 ENS AND BOY'S WEAR. Jima received, comprising all the latest styles and novelties in the market, wnich have been selected with care end will be sold, at as favorable prices, as can be obtained anywhere else. CASSIMERES, VESTING% Overcoatingn. Satinets and Jeans. which will be made to ordor, or sold per yard at the lowest prices. The public is respectfully invited to inspect our !stock, before purchasing elsewhere, ISAAC LIVINGSTON North Hanover Street, opposite the American Douse. ate-Nliiitary work made at the shortest notice, and AT It it despatch. pIJBLIC SALE OF REAL AND I'Elt 4 ON AL ESTATE OF JOSEPH FEREN 11AUG 11, deceased —4e the Executor of Joseph Feren baugh. deceased, I will expose to nubile isle, b 3 virtue of the loaf will of the Bald deceased, end will sell to the highebt iiidder, at his late residence in Middlesex twp., Cumberland county, On Freckly, the 4th of October, 1861, at 10 o'cloca, A. M., the late Mansion Ronne and Land of naid deceased, bounded by Jacob Horner, Joseph Culver, and Elias Brenneman, containing FIFTEEN AUltt.B, more or lose. The improvement. are a good DWELLING HOUSE, Tlarn, an Orchard, and Water at the 111" 1 door that never falls All the laud is cleared, Ind fenced Into flelda. Thili . la a 'eouveuient little property, about a mile from the Trindie Spring road, three miles east of Cartimile and on the road from Middlesex. to Ilicker'n Tavern on the Tri. die Road. TERMS or Bats.—Five per cent. of the purchase money to be paid, or secured to be paid, at the time of Gale: the residua of one half on the Ist April, 1802, and the balance lu onn year, with interest. On the same day at 11 o'clock, I will sell all the per !tonal property of the raid descanted, consisting of a , HOP.BE, DO4'B, HOGS. Beds, Bedding, .7:142.'! 1, 10;4 ttairs. chid oil kinds of Household and {lichen Furniture. Ales, Potatoes by ' the bushel, Hay by the ton. Poultry, none Lard and Dried Meat. Terms of gale make known on the day. , 1' JOSEPH FERENBAIIOII, Executor of Joe. Ferenbaugh, dec'd Sept. 20, 1861.. SHERIFF'S OFFICI. CARLISLE, Sept. 16.1801. TO the heirs and legal representatives of Ooorge lioch, late of the township of South ampton, County of Cumberland, deceased. Take notice that by virtue of a writ of Partition and Valuat;on, Issued out of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, .and to me directed, I will hold..an inquest to divide, part or value the mei estate of said deceased, on the promises. on Tuitedsy the Vith day of October, A. D., 1801, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where you may attend if you think proper, 1101P'T. McCARTNEY, SheVitr. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYL VANIA Medical Department. Ninety-Sixth Session, 1861 and. 1621 The regular Lecture's of this School will commence Monday, October 14, and terminate the last of February. FEE FOIL TILE FULL COURSE $lO5. R. E. ROO ERB, Dean,of the Med. Faculty. Sept. 20, 1861. 11,EGisTew8 NOTICE.—Notioe is hereby given, to all persons interested, that the following accounts have - Peen filed in , this .of. lice, by the accountants therein named, for examination, and will be presented to the Orphan's Court; of Cumberland County, for confirmation' and allowtoce..oM Tuesday, the 22d day of October, A. D., 1801, viz: 1. —The account of Peter Diller, executor. of the last sill and 'testament of Martin Diller, late of Monroe township, -deo'd, - - 2.—The guardianship account of William - R. Gorges. Esq., guardian of' Matilda H. Church,. minor child of Denry Church, deo'd. . • 3.—The first atid'final.account of Cyrus W.. Allison, administratamof Hugh, Allison, latoof Newton' township. deo'd. • - E..A..' 111LADT, Deglater.-, Raotsfita's . .Orricsi. Carlisle, Dept;,2lst, 1801.' PLEASE WAG NOTICE. . . I J EI DIU 11,13 MY . . .. _ . , I* Elt - it . MILLER , we non getting . In their. Fall and Winter drYgOods,! woich notwithstanding the cry of '• hard times" will be mere coinpicte , than formerly.. comprising all , kinds or goods suitable for, ladles, Mow, Chlidren's ! 'rldetea' and liny's wear. - Titankfullnr past &rani ' wifeisk con tinuance of the .same , and we wlll.Use our best andOev ore to unite 11.thelatereat. of.the publio . to. patronize our large - stonici , • ,, -.. - . :•- . r- , ~-, 4- : _-_---- - - ~ N. ii.—All pinions Indebted to the old-iirtn - aree . dich and !allover art reqUested io call sod settlettaiwo are in-great -want-Or money ; .- . . . . N°ll°W.L'The..ereilitore' of DAv..tp, - TAYLati f decd„ lately of , tlpperl,}llen . aro notified that the 'of hid' estate remaining In the hands of John ti Rupp, his adminletrator,..eill marshalled amongst them , at any edltve in Carnet., Fitiosr, - th "20th of Stirtstiamt, ibe r p all ielalma, against-the estate may'he presented. '. - Aug, 1 , 3, leg iVATTB,'Anditer.'r. . . eleationfur pffic** L j and 'nonagon' of the Ouniborlolftl Rood Llompony - wnLbe bel4 at stiles - Kali -Rood °Mee. I glunnhorshurg between 'the' hours of 'IQ' A. Sl:and 4 o P. 4 A1., 4louday the Lip derof October' heat. '". •• : ~• • • DIDDLE, Ost'y; R. R. Omar, Sept. 11 , 1861. UTION . PROCLAMATION.- I` WHEREAS, In and by an act of the General As sem ly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an "Act relating to the elections of this Common wealt n," passed the 2d day of July; A. D. 1839, it isnuide the duty of the Sheriff of every county within ,this Commonwealth, to give public notice of the General Elections, and In such notice to enumerate: 1. The officers to be elected. 211eSignetethe phscoat which the election is to be held. Therefore, - I, ROWT. TileCARTNEYOffigh Sheriff of the county of Cumberland, do hereby make known and give thin pub lic notice to the electors of the county of Cumberland, that on TUESDAY, the Bth day of October next, an election will be held at the several election districts es tablished by law In &kid county, at which time they will vote by ballot for TWO PERSONS to represent the counties of Cumber land and Perry in theyouse of Representatives of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON for President Judge of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery ; Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; Court "(Common Pleas and Orphans' C.,urt, of t he Judicial dletrict composed at the counties of Cumberland. Perry and Juniata. TWO PERSONS for Associate .Iridgee of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery; Court of Quarter Sessions of the P. a-e ; Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court of COmberland county. 'ONE PERSON• for Sheriff of the county of Cumberland. ON E - PERSON for Commissioner of CumberlandCm.mty:' ONE PERSON for Treasurer of Cumberland county ONE PERSON for Director of the Poor of Cumberland County. ONE PERSON for Auditor of Cumberland County. The said election will be bold throughout the county $3 60 4 60 .2 50- .1 15 .1 05 as follows: The election In the election district composed of the borough of Carlisle and the townships of North Middle. ton, South Middleton, and Lower Frankford. will be held at the Court House in the borough of Carlisle. The election in the election district composed of Low er West Ponnshorough township, will be held at the North School House in Plainfield. The election in the election district composed of Sit vor Spring township, will be held at tht public house of Jacob Ottstot, In ileguestown in said township. The election In the election district composed of . . Hampden township. will be held at public the house for merly occupied by Henry It. Stone, in said township. Thu electioutili the election district composed of the township of tipper Allen. will ho held at the public house of John Floyd, in Shepherdstown. The election in the election district composed of Middlesex township will be held at the, Middlesex School Ilouse. •• • • .. The election in the election district composed of the township of how, Allen, will be held at the wagon. maker shop of Jonas liunehbarger, on Slate-11111. The election In the election district composed of East . . Pennsbnrough township, will be held et the house ofJoseph Marlin, in West Fairview, now occupied by Benjemi II Clay. The election in the election district composed of New Cumberland, w Ilrbe held at the house formerly kept by Wm. H. Debi, In the borough of New Cumberland. The election in the election district composed of the Borough of Mechanicsburg, will be bold at the public house of James A. Meloy, In said borough. The election in the el , ction district composed of Monroe township, will be held at the mblic house of Thomas bigot, in Churchtown, in said township. The election In the election district composed of Penn township. will be bold at the house pow occupied by Jacob Itedsecker In said township. The election in the deletion district composed of Dickinson township, will be held at the house now oc copied by Shelly & Etter, known as the Stone Tevern The election In the election district composed of the borough of Nowville, and townships of Mifflin. Upper Frenkford. Upper West Pennsboro, and north Newton will be held at the Public School House in the borough of Newville. • The election in the electian district 'Cavil : awed of the borough of Newburg Hopewell township will be held In the public School House, in the borough of Newb,irg. The election in the election district composed of the borough of Shipponsburg, Shipponsburg township and that part el Southampton to, nship not included in the Leoehurg election district, will be held at tLe ounclf triuginh th - e'borough of Shippensburg. -,And in an act of the General Assembly of this Com monwealth. passed the 2d July, 1839, it is thus provid• ed : "That the qualified electors of parts of Newton and Southampton townships, In the county of Cum berland, bounded by the following lines and distances: Beginning at the Adams county line, thence along the line dividing the townships of Dickinson and Newton ' to the turnpike road, thence along the turnpike to Cen tre School House, on said turnpike, in Southampton township, thence to a point on the Walnut Bottom road at Reybuck's, including Reybuck's farm, thence in a straight line to the saw mill of the helve of George Cle ver, thence along Drysher's run to the Adame county line, thence along the line of Adams county to the place of beginning. be, and the same is hereby declared a new 's nd separate election district, the election to be held at the public house formerly occupied by William Maxwell, In Leesburg. Southamp'on township." NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That every person except Justices of the Peace who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the United States or of this State. or any city or Incorporated district, whether a commissioned of irer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who Is or Asti be employed under the legislative, executive, or judi ciary departments of this State. or the United States, or of any city or &any incorporated district; and also that any Member of Congress or of the State Legisla ture, and of the Select or Common Council of any city, or commissioner of any incorporated district, is by law Incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, inspector or clerk of any elections of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector. judge, or other officer of such election shall be eligible to be there voted for. .• And the said art of Aiserbly, entitled an act rela ting to the elections of this Commonwealth, passed Jut 2, 1856, further provides as follows, to wit: "That the inspectors and judges shall meet at the place appointed for holding the elections of the district to which they respectively belong, before nine o'clock In the morning of the Second Tuesday in Octnbor, end each of said inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of said district. " In case the person who shall have received the sec ond highest number of votes for inspector shall pot at b on the day of the election, then the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes at the next preceding election, shall act as inspector in his place. And in cams the person who shall have re ceived the highest number of v. tes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place; and in case the person elected judge shall not attend, then the inspector who receiv ed the highest number of votes shall appoint a judge in his place, or if any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified 'titers of the township, ward or district for which such officer shall have been elected, present at the place of election, shall elect one of their number to fill such vacancy. " It shall be the duty of the several asseeme of each district to attend at the place of le - tiding every general, special, or township election, during the whole time mid election is kept open, for the purpose of giving In formation to the inspectors and judges when called on, in relation to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, or ouch other matters in rela tion to the assessments of veters.as the said inspectors or either of them shall from time to time require. " No person shall be permitted to vote at any election as aforesaid, other than a white freeman of the age of twenty-one years or more, who snail have resided in the State at least one year, and in the election district where he offers his vote at leant ten days immediately preceding such election, and within two years paid a State or countrtax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the election. But a citizen of the United States who has previously been a qualified voter of this State. and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided in the election district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after reel& ILA in this State six months: Provided, That the white freemen, citizens of the United States. between is enty-one and twenty-too years, who have resided in an election district as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote although they shall not have paid taxes. " No person shall be permitted to vote whose name Is not contained in the list of taxable inhebitants fur nished by the Commissioners, unless First, he produce a receipt for tile payment within two years of a State or county tax nesessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give ratisfactory evidence, either on hie oath or af firmation, or the oath or affirmation of another, tat he has paid such a tax, or on failure to produce a receipt shall make oath to the payment thereof. Second, if he claim a right to vote by being an elector between the ago of twenty-one and twenty two years, he shall de• pose on oath or affirmation that he has resided in this State at least one year next before hie application, and woke such proof of residence In the district as lerequir ed by this act, and that he does verily believe. from the account given him, that he Is of the age aforesaid, and such other evidence as is required, by this act. where upon the name of the person thus admitted to vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list by the inspec tors. and a note made opposite thereto by writing the word "tax," if be than be admitted to vote by reason of hawk.* paid tax ; or the word " age," If he shall be admitted to vote by reason of such age, shall be called out to the clerks. who shall make the like notes on the lists of voters kept by them. " In all cases where the name of the person claiming to vote is found on the list furnished by the Commis. sinners and ammeter, or his right to vote, whether found thereon or not, is objected tolry any queliffed citizen, it shall be the duty of the inspeeters to examine such person on oath as to hie qualifications, and Übe claims to have resided within the Mete for one year or more hie oath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but shall make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall he a qualified elector, that hn has resided In the district for more than ten days next immediately pre calling such election, and shall also himself swear that his bona tide residence, in nursuenee of his lawful coll• mg. in in mid district, And that I e did not , remove into said district for the purpose of voting therein. Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who Anil make due proof, if required, of the reeldence and pay. nient of taxes as aforesaid' shall be admitted to vote in the township, ward or district In which be shall reside " Irony mean shall prevent oe attempt to prevent 'any officer of any election under this act front holding such election, or use or threats any violence to any inch officer, or shall interrupt or Improperly interim with him In the execution of hie dutyor shall block up the window, or avenue 'to apy window where; the same may be holding, or. shall riotously disturb the Peace at such election, or shall use any intimidating -threats, force or violence, with design to -inflUen'er, duly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him from so. ting or to restrain the freedom of choice, such persons on conviction shall be fined in any entm-nnt-exceeding: five hundred dollars, and imprisoned for any time not lose than three nor more than twelve Months, and if It shall be shown to Court, where the trial of such offencri shall be had, that the porsor 'se offending was ,not _resident of the city, ward,-ffistrlet, or township, where the offence was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, then on conviction he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not lens than one hundred nor, more than onethonsand dollars, and belniprlsoned not lees than six menthi nor More_thao two years.- „ , If any' person or pereenn shall make anybot or wa ger upon the result of any election within the Com tueowealth, or Anil offer to make any. such bet or wa ger, either by verbal proelamation, thereof,er by , any written or printed advertisement, - challenge or invite • any parson to make such bat or wager, upon conviction 'thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay throe times the amount so lakor r to be.lbetL, • • ‘. If any persou not by law qualified, shall fraudu lently vote.at any election of, Ali Commonwealth, or ;Ileum inb.orwise qU a lithidebidi vote; out of . -his. proper 41striet, or any parititi.knpvting the, .Went,of such tinalificaktons.'shail aidor procure such minion to ' vote, that pinionshe% on_corrliction "anylninilioVnk4edhis - two hundred dollars, and o' Imprisoned to any, term not . exmoding , thmo Months. If any parson shall,VOte at more than one ,elettleh dlittriCt, or °Morris° freudulently-vete more,thaikelmO -on the sumo day, or shall fraudulently manna delivr 'to the Inspector two tickets together, with , the r liatent Illegally tovote, oretialt preset. another to do se, bo or they offending,shill on conviction: be fined hi , any sum patios •.thawfifty nor More than' five- hundred. ' dollars, and be imprisoned for any tonurnot less than :throatier memthan twelve months:'4 .!• ' if any pornon_het qualified to vote in this COmeion'i. wealth agreeably to law, (except the tintis mf'qUalitled ,citirba.) shall appear at any place of,election for, the purrejse of Influencing- tbe - cititima qualified to 'Vote, No Molt on COnV 'Won forfeit and, peranyMfin net- es, .eaeding ono hundred . dollars for every ouch of and 1 , halinpritioned fair any term not exceeding three trunit'W. , Agreeablyla the provhdens of the mlxtpliret sestion c• of the said art, every General and'Special Election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continuo • without interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls - Ault Do closed.' And the judges of the respective districts aforesaid are by the odd act required to meet at the Court House In the borough.of Carlime, on the third day after the election, (being Friday, ibe 11.11 day of October,] then and there to perform the things required of them bylaw. Thq return 'Judges of .tho Representative district will meet at Carlisle, et the time fixed by law. Given under my hand, at Carliple, this 14th day co September, 1865. . . ROBERT McOARTNEY, Sheriff. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.— ‘._.7 By order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, will be 'SOW, at public sale, at the Mansion ilotme, on tract No. 1, situate in Penn tow nehip, Cum berland county, On Saturday, October 19, 1861. the following deerrlbed Real Estate late the' property of George Hollinger, deranged, vie: LIMESTONE AND GRAVEL LAND, situate at, aforesaid, about nine miles west of Carlisle, bounded by lends of llensbaw, Isaac Newcomer, Pnviii Lcf'vrr, Conrad Johnston, Noah Cockley and Dayld-Withem-eontatninotbilut,- One Hundred and Two Acres, In a high slate of cultivation. Improvements are a two-story LOG IIOUSE; . Stone )Tank Barn, and all necessary out•buildinga. There Is a thriving Orchard of profitable fruit trees on this tract. There are both a • prlng and a well of water near the house. Thu Yellow Breeches Creek runs through the farm. To lie sold as a whole, or In two parts, as may bust suit purchasers. No. 2.—A tract of CHESTNUT TIME= LAND, situated as above, bounded by I .nds of Daniel [lolling er's heirs and others. containing TII I !ITT ACItF 8, morn or le.A. The latter to he cold as a whole, or In lots, to snit purcha.ers. Tram , or f.st.e.—One fourth of the purchase mos ey to be paid on the confirmation of the pale: one half the balance on the lot day of April, 1862. and the balance of the purchase money on the let day of April. 1813 the payment In 1863 to be scented by Judgment bond. Persons desirous • f viewing the premises, before the day of sale, can call upon Daniel llolllnger, residing on tract No. 1. Sale to commenco at 1 o'clock of said day. DANIEL KELLER. Administrator of George Hollinger, dec'd Sept 27, 1861-4 ts A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS 0 a 1859 1859 -,y.4.44.;:ffr0 West High Street, Carlisle,:ya. (Premium awarded at (he Cumber/and County Agricultural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber has just received the most splendid Assortmant of articles In his line, ever brought to this glace—which ho Is determined to sell at prices that de ey competition, _ Parlo, 1 Chamber, Dining-room, 'FURNITURE Kitchen and Office ,Finbracing every article used by House and notel sellers, of the most approved and fashionable design ndlinish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts. 4ception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, tint frames, 'awes. dm, &c. "litirebasers are requested to tall and examine Me Mel. at his extensive ware-ronma, West. Main street. :orth side. A. B. EWING. Particular attention ginan so usual to funerals; rders from town and country, attended to promptly nd on moderate terms. A. B. E Carlisle, play 12, 1858.—1 y. I,•OUTZ'S MIXTURE.- The Best. LINIMENT for Matz and BEAST now in Usz Tea safe and reliable remedy fur the cure of Ruentrn- Ism, Painful Nervous Affections, Sprains. Burns, ceilings, and all diseases requPing the external ap lication on Man. On Horses it will never fall to cure Poll Evil. Fistula, Id running Sores, or Sweeny. If properly applied. For promo's, Bruises. Scratches, Crooked iloofs, Chafes. Sad le or Collar Gall, Cuts or Wounds. It le an infallible omedy. Tay it, and be convinced of Its efficacy. RHEUMATISM. Pnraons antlered with Ulla disease no matter of bow tn standing, ..an be promptly and offectunlly cured I train: trtlN Mixture There Is nothing In the world so sure and en good to ,altd away Bad Corn., and cure Front Bites as this pre aration Try It nod satisfy yourselves. Prior, 25 and 0 lents per bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, West .slnister, Sid Ffr tulo by REYNOLDS le I'EIFFEIt,CArIIriIe. Pa.,sind by all country storekeepers [Aug. 23, 1861. [ I IOUTZ'S CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle Powders. These Powders have proved, after n trial of several vents, to he superior to any preparation of the kind in use; The chief superiority of these Powders arises from the fact that they are tsdnposed of Medicines that have I,ax,ntive Tnilic end Purifying properties. The Laxative leeks crudities from the stomach and Intestines; the .'onde given strength to the system of the Horse. and .he.putifying medicines contained in them cleanse the blodil. and lay the foundation fore healthy and vigorous eirchlation. The use of them improves the wind, troingthens the appetite and given the horse a tine, mnoth and glossy skin—lmproving the appearance, vigor and spirit of the noble animal. These Powders are not intended, a• most powders are, to bloat the animal, so as to give him the appearance 01 being fat when not really so—hut, to remove tine disease mid promote his general health. These Powders will strengthen the stomach and in testines, dentine theni from offensive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. 'I hey are a sure preVeetlOla of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all dines.re incident to the Itorse, as ti lenders, Yellow Water, his. tempers, Founder, Heaves, Slavering, Coughs, Loss of Appetite. and Vital Energy, /i.c. These l'..wdern. If used two or throe times a week. through the winter and spring, your Horse will never get the Lung Fever.i;olic or Botts. A few doses of these Powders will remove the work. Cough on any'llorse. Were owners of Horses to feed a few of these l'owders every year, they might ease the lives of many valuable Horses. M I LCH COWS. The properties thin Powder posaesses In Increasing the quantity of Milk In Cows, gives It en importance and value which should place it In the hands of every person keeping a Cow. In faltering Cattle It gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive much faster. H 0 G S. In all dienases of Swine. as Coughs. Ulcers in the Lungs and Liver. &r., by putting from half a paper to a paper' of these Powders in a barrel of Swill. the above, diseases can be cun.d Cr entirely prevented. By using these Powders thy Bog Cholera fan be prevented. Pre pared by S. A. FtrUTZ, itie,tutioleter. For sale by IiEYNOLDB & Pt.:INFER, Carlitle. Pa., and by all country storekeepers. Price 25 cents per paper, or five papers for one dollar. (Aug, 23, 10101. TO MY FRIENDS AND FELLOW. CFI' I MS.—Formai OF CUM:MILANO COUNTY : Be ing a nominee for - the office of County Treasurer, and having been a ffl icted with disease of the spine fcr'the Inlet 17 years, which prevents me from engaging In active labor, I respectfully twilicit your support at the ensuing election. If elected, I pledge ill my efforts to discharge the dui lee of that office with facility. JOHN BOWMAN, Sept. 13, 1801-to Frankford Twp. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE RAM The subscriber offers at private sale the following de scribed Rent Entate. viz - All that property situated at the corner of Main and Beat streets, Carlisle, Pa., 'extending hack to Church Alley. having thereon erected three large BRICK 111.MISE8, and a FRAME Width:110118K. . These homes are all 'new, large and commodious. They are modern in style," s and have all the "conveniences, such as gni' water, Ac, and are situated in the must pleasant p rt of the town. The Warehout.e Islam and convenient, and having a sidling into it, is well calculated for carrying on the Forwarding and COM mirelon business This propertywill be sold very low, together or In parts, to ault purchasers, and the term' made easy.— For information apply to JACOB Bep 13, 1861-tf. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. The sdhscriber offers to fell hie farm, .1i tuate In Mon roe township, Cuumheriand county, adjoining hinds of Jamb teal ey tn.- I louserplos. St rich Ie r. and others. containing EIGHTY ACRES OF FI ST•RATE LIME• STONE LAND, with a good two•slory WEATILERBOARDEP HOUSE. Bank Barn, and'all necessary 'oukbuildtngs, with a flavor falling well of water near the door, only 16 or W I foot deep. Also, all kinds of fruit, such as le COO:IMOD tito have on a farm. I • The land is In a good state of cultivation, clean of rocks and stones, and of late been well limed; IL also lies convenient to stores, schools, Ac., and on the whole In considered a desireido property. Any person wishing to perches° such a farina would do'we'l to 'examine ti 1Y ItbOVO. nod can do so by calling' euborrlbor livideou the' farm, who 'is • willing at all times tpwalt on purchaseraand Mak° known his con. ,ditious. • • ' ' • J.E6Ski ENGLE. BuPtember 6, '6l t.!, OTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on tho Will of timid 0: Unpin, Niteroi lAiwor Alters ,township, doo'd., havlng.hoon Wined .byleher.ltoglotei of. Ournherland County, to mu ,thi , oubocylber_lhrlug-lit lioutio-Allon-townohly), toile° lo hereby givori7to per:moot ndoldrid to undo Imuredlntopsyrnont andthoto having dating to preaout thorn duly nuthoutleatOd for • notlioniont, 1114.tiltY 0. RUPP, , Xxeoutor. 'Carliile, A ug..2.0t4. , ,CCjitiOL: TEACH WANTED.-,..- toThei Director:B,o. North tillddleton.townebip. wish to omploy three compoteut teachers to tilt the vacancies . In Schools N 0.2 3. and 4. Liberal salaries will be given. Appilvation must be made tit linyinond's 11...ta1, in Oar -1 els, the first Saturday. of (*lobar...lNV ' Amp 3), 18111. WAIIIOLitY, thsey.: __- II OOP SKIRTS , : , 1100 P SKIRTB - ` late" gate" iterilaDnlPlt, rANCY FURS! FANCY FUitS!! • JOHN FAREIRA, 18 Altoll Street, be. tweet' 711, and Bth 'Sts., (W84)1'818 Market St.,) PUILADLLPIIIA, Man'ufae• Surer of, and Dealer lo 11 kinds of-- HOB LADI6B'. Mune, Ind 011ILDhile3 WEAL. Baying oow manufic lied and to More my :writ of all the various styles and qualities of Furs, adapted to the coming Fall and Winter Seasons. I would respectfully Invite an examination of my clock and prices from those in tending t.S purchase. ss I am ettabled to offer theMvery desirable inducements. All my Fore have been purchased 'for cas h ; and made by experienced and competent hands, and is the pree ent monetary troubles render it neceatinry that 1 should disnose_nt_mxito ale at a laity. small advance on coat.-- Lam Satisfied that it„will be to the Interests at those who deSivn purchasing., to Rive me a call. Itacoll,t, the name, number and Arcot: John nicks. (New Fur Store,) 718 Arch Street, Philad'a. Sep. 13, 1861-Bm. ORPHA vS' COURT SALE. By order of the Orphans' Court, of Cumberla , d county. will bo Fold at public sale, on the premises, sit. nate In Uppor Allen township. In said county, On SATURDAY, October 6th, 1861. the foltowlng desoribed real estate, late the property of Peter Sidle, deed., to wit: . . AL TACT OF LAND, containing fflnareses Aoress, situate as aforesaid, bounded by iands of Robt Bryson, Joseph Nelson and John Uressinger,and having thereon erected a two ivory FRAME AND PLASTERED HOUSE, with basement and outbuildings. 'Moto or SALE —tine fourth the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, one half the bela.ice on the Int of April, 1862, and the balance on the let of April, 1863, the last payment to be secured by judgement bond. Persons denirouo of viewing. the premises can do go by calling on the undersigned, reeldlng on the same. SA RAH SIDLII, Administrator of Peter Sidle, dec'd. September 0, 1861.—t s AITDITOR'S NOTICE.—The under signed having been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cumberland County an Auditor to marshal and distribute the easels In the hands of Lemuel Todd, Administrator do bonls non of the estate of George Keller. decid., to and among the creditors of maid estate, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of hie appoletni,nt nt hie office. on Monday the 14th pf October next, at which time all 'having drams against the wild estate will present them properly authentic''• ted to 8ep.13,1861-It Zustness Coals. JOSEPH RITNER, Jit., Attorney at • P Law el.d surveyor. Merhenleehurg Pa. Office on Bail, load •t cert. •wo do north of the Bank. /f,r. Busilleee promptly ettended to. LAW CARD.-01IARLES E. MA OLAUOIILIN, Attorney at Law, Office In In holl's building, just opposite tho Market House. Carlisle, Maich IS, 'tkl—ly. J. W. FOULK, Attorney at Law L. Wilco with R. Smith, Esq., In Glass' Row, in re.tr of Frst Presbyterian Church, All Boatmen en. trained to hirn.wlll be.promptiy Attended to. . • May 11, Mu.-ly. 1.)It. Hanover B. K t ItE F wo a I4LE r. R f O rn ffic A e n i o n id North tore. Olitro hours. rum° particularly froin 7 to 9 o'clock. A. M.. and from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. DR. GEORGE S. SEA- Ia IL/RIGHT, DENTIST, from the Bel ' timore College of Dental Surgery,. 11M.091ee at the residence of his mother, East houthet street, three doors below Bedford. March 19. 1859—tf. Da. J. C. NFFF respect _ fully informs the ladles and gentlemen '. 411111 . of Carlisle. and vlcinity.that he hen re sumed the practice of Dentistry, and is prepared to per form all operations on the tooth and gums, belonging to his profession. He will insert full sets of teeth on gold or silver, with single gum teeth, or blocks, as they may prefer. Terms moderate to suit the times. DR. T. C.LOO S south Ilannver street, tiett door to the Post Office. Aug. 1, '59. GEO.' W. NEIDICIL D. D. S.— L Demonstrator of ' l l:lenitive Dentistry to the ultatßaltimore College of Dental Surgery. mr. Otilcent his residence, veiriu oproslte %trim 11:1/1, •VOSt. Halo street; Carlisle, Penn Nov. 11.1857. S. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, North Hanover Street, Carlisle. Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded A full supply of fresh drugs and chemicals. B[DPIA, Attorney at Law. ornc., South IL:mover Street with A. 11 Sharpe kraq. Nov. 10, 1860. I) BNI 0 V k A L. 91iONSLER, • Ban romoved his office to hla New Ilouna, opposite Glans' lintel. [March 28,1866—tf,,, E V AL.—The Rat and Cap store heretofeek — known 1111 Kii.ll,lotS," has been re moio.l directly opposite the old stand. two doors trom Arno! l's clothing store. The busts es will be conduct. ed as heretofore, and all the goods, both home made and city inanuMet ore, warranted to give satiate Alen an re com.naml.d. A lull patrotrs{e Is respecttully solicited as every effort will be made to keep the assortment of mo and boys hats and caps complete, with prices to suit the times. KELLER. 1113),..lpring styles of silk hats now ready. March 15, 1861. LAW OFFICE.-LEMUEL TODD ham resumed the practice of the Law. °Mee In Centre Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian Church. April 8, 1867. el P. EIUMRICR, Attorney at Law. • —olllea on North Hanover street, it few door. south of Glans' Hotel. All luridness entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [April 16 INW NOTICE. --REMOVAL. W. m,. PENROSH has removed his office in rear n the eourt House, where ho will 'promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. August 19, 1857. 6• rim U svox,,, ARCH ST., ABOVE THIRD, PUMA DELPIIIA. UPTON d. NEWCOMER,rptor' ffir This Hotel Is central, convenient by Passenger Cars to a 1 parts of the City; and In every patticular adapted tb the comfort and wants of the business public. Tram $1.50 per day. [Sept. 20, Is6l. '11: N ENV S II AL 31, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ornce with Win IL Sfillor,Eng., south Hanover Btroet, opp ,Hilo the Volunteer Moe. __ Sop, 8, 1859. - gor FARE REDUCED. -lag --- STATES UNION HOTEL, 606 & 608 Market St., above Bluth, PIIILADELPAIA. JAMES W. POWER, Proprietor. TERMS:—SI 25 per day. ju3o'sB. W. C. RHEEM ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Minneapolis, Minnesota. , rlLL.give special attention to collectbina through out the State, make Investments, buy and sell Real Estate and hecurltlee. Negotiate loans, pay taxe-, locate land warmth', &C &c. Refer to the members 0 the Cumberland County Bar, and to all reminent citi- Slane of Carlisle, Pa. rAug4'sB-ly. • UNITED STATES HOTELS— . • S. B. Oar. 11 th 4 , Market'te.," H. W. H.A.NAGA., Jan. ,1860 11 , A. N ~, • • MERCHANT ‘TAIL,ORit''. • -WEST HAIN ASTRE - E77, • 'Opposite the. Etailltottd-Oinee.' - I Fall and --Winter- , yletrif-rCloths ‘Cassimeres iota ,Veptingttnadrelo'vrcler.. 110.1010VAL.--1:00111A:ig'S". - PhOto.' 1:16 ri:iribr . * pirl,GMlery time re turfed to theuedond.elpry Ntr.lnhotr's Ot.Aiutry Store. Mr. LOO4bIAN w 1111)...p t aatedlo, watt upon hie 0111116 h OW friends' and' petroji4 and will continue to mike Ph6icittraph!c:ii - Ambrotype Pictures .-- Egino:',;(yrtug,ngd:r lumps ::-Oarlff‘le sopt. 1861.' .• . v 0 it,"8:i1,8,-,-,00,00 . 0 blind it! for sato, at loos prloo Oman they can' ba bad at the k Enquire at this office. Sept. i vAISSOLU'4ON OF PARTNER JL., BUM . - 4Thapartnerahlp heretofore exlstlngbetween theme dersigned In the Lumber and Coal busineirOvis Ale solved this day, by mutual consent. The betats of the firm are left at the office of the late firm, where all per sons Indebted are requested tneall and ~ettle their accounts, and those having claims are requested tc present, them Carlisle, July 16,1851 Tho Lumber and Coal Business will be continued a the old stand, by the undersigned. July 26, '6l. OLIVER DELANCY. Fancy Pure, PAENTi.D NOVEMBE Patented Improved French Yoke PATENTED NOVEMBER lee, 1859 A New Style of Shirt, warranted to Fit. By sending the above measures per mail, we can guarantee a perfect fit of our new style of Shirt. and return by express to any part of the United Slates, at $l2. $l6, $lB, $24, &c., he., per dozen. No order for warded for less than half a dozen Shirts. , Also, Importers end Dealers to lON'S FURNISHING GOODS. Sir Wh &sale trade supplied on the motel terms. • BALLOU BROTHERS, 409, Broadway, Now York Juno 28, 1061.-3 mos. SELLING OFF AT TWENrk-FIVE PER CENT. BELOW COST!! At the sign of the "Gold Eagle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley hank, and two doors below the Methodist Church. on West Main street,- the largest and best selected stock of 1 WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower then at any place In thn State The stock comprises a Isrge assort ment of Gold and Silver hunting-case watches, Levers, Lepines, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, C. P. 11U31RICII, Auditor GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Geld Pena and Pencils. Jewelry of all kinds . , Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, 011 Paintings. a great variety of fancy articles,and a lot of the finest Pianos, which will be cold 40 per cent levier than ever offered in town. The entire stock of Watch maker tools, cases, large Mirrors, and Safe will be sold wholesale or retal! on the easiest terms. Haying selected a first clan i workman all kinds of re pairing will be done as usual, at reduced prices. Three Pianos at $lOO below the factory price on ae count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. 1 will sell at the Jewelry Store, THREE ROSEWOOD PIANOS, warranted, at two-third their real value on easy terms It called on 0000. VOR SALE.—The large three 'dory Brick [louse on Main Street. will be sold on easy terms. 101.4.4 Call at the Jewelry Store In raid .14- 9 April 19. 1860 LARGE,- ARRIVAL OF FRESH O AcEttiEs—risii OF ALL KINDS. Among which is n large lot. of tho real genuine Balti more dry salt HERRING, in oak barrels, MACK ARIL at prices that is really astonishingly low. Pickets of all kinds, SAUCES, PRESERVES, . --- and a good assortment of TOBACCO AND SECARS, LIQUORS, &C., • at the lowest rates for CASK or Country Produce. WM BENTZ. Carlisle, June 21, 1861. CHEGARAY INSTITUTE.- 1527 and 1529 SPRUCE STREET PIIIL'A This Institute, -onducted for two yearn past, in tbie city, by MADAMLCIIEGAIttIf and her niece %fantail! WHIM slur, upon the same principles as [Leone in New 1 ork, established there in the year 1814. will re-open on Mon day, September le.th, with its usual ample and complete prorinioulor the education of Young lodine, under the direction of Madame D'ltervllly. Circulars, .and all reqoisite information, can be obtained on application to the Principal. August 10, 1801. tea.' MANHOOD. .. ........ How Lost, How Restored Just Published in a Sealed Envelope, ATLLECTURE ON THE: NATURE, TREATMENT, AI) N RADICAL CURE OF MR -IAORIBEA. or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Dobi.ity. Nervousness, and involuntary emivnionn„ producing im potency, Conoumption and Mental arid Mirk.' De. bility, By ROBT. J. CULVERWELL, M. D. The Important tact that the awfnl conaequences of self abuse mry be effectually removed without internal .tnedittlues or the., dangerous applications of caustics, 'instruments, medicated - bougies, and other empirical devises, is here alma , / demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly aucceneful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author fully explained, by meano of which every one is enabled to cure hibiself perfectly, and at the last possible cost, thereby avoiding all the Advertised nostrums of the day. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address poet paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps by ad Messing, Dr. CII J C. RUNE, Aug9,ly 127 Bowery, York. Post Cake, box 4,586. SHRINER'S BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP. FOR COUGHS COLDS, CROUP, VHOOPIN,O COUGH ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, SPITTING .;ncoop, PAIN AND WEAKNESS OF THE BREAST, This is no nen remedy. It has been used for a num. bor of years in Maryland and parts of Penneylvania and has, wherever known, acquired an 'unpreCedented reputatier tor curing the various diseases for which it le recommended. So apparent le Its usefulness, and on remarkable has been Ito cures, that It is fast superseding every other remedy for those diseases. The millets, can rely upon Its doing as much for them, and in many cases morn than any other remedy now before the public. It is recommended and prescribed in the practice of a large number of the mnot intelligent and able phyal clans of Maryland It is used and considered an indite pensable household remedy by a large portion of the first families of the Stat . It Is used by all classes of society, and the universal opinion is that It Is good THIN STROP to Pun= Vsos TAUS COMPOUND. It IS plrasant to take, and never does injury. lint owing to Its-purifying qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effects are truly wonderful. soothing, miming and allaying the most violent coughs; purifying. strengthening and Invigo rating the whole system, calming and soothing the nerves, aiding and facilitatlng•expectoration, and heal jog the DISEASED LUNGS, :,. Thus striking at the root of disease, and driving it hom the optima. Thin disease Is announced by difficulty of breathing, shrill whistling or wheesing, hacking cough and throat. eked Suffocation, &c. It mostly occufw In younia chil— dren. No child need die of croup If thin Syrup Is pro perly used and used in rime. Mothers having croupy children ehould watch the first thew of disease, and al: way!' keep this remedy at hand. For coughs after measles thin Syrup Inmost excellent. Experience ham proven that It In equalled by no other preparation. The pride of the remedy is such an to placelt within the roach of all, the poor as,well en the rich, and every person should have R. Every person should have it in the hook, It is a 'true and faithful friend to all who value health and wish to secure themselves against that most terrible connumption. It will be founcLthamost useful an well m the cheapest faintly medicine In the world. , —. It has been need for the last four years with a !oceans without a parallel. Bane gone children. No child need die of croup if this Syruple.tieed In time. Price 37 cents per bottle,.ce mice 'bottles for $l.. For nate by REYNOLDS & PEINFEIt, Carlisle, Pa,, and by all country storekeepers.- • (Aug. 23, 1801. _ r 4 ARMERS NOTICE.- JOHN, PLANK now manufactures and iniejos Cola• knotty for nali at his shop. on North Hanover Street, rmionite !he residence of George Metzkar, Esq., Carlisle, Pa., a large assortment of the.bast , . IMPROVED .TRRESIIING•MACRINES iforse Powers, three and four Horse Michlnes, Plover Corn,6hulleos, iftrarr_Cutters. and , - hlirrown. Plows, Also a lot of second hand Ma• chines and lists° Ilorrers; Fartnit'ucall and enntintna my stock, I will soli to spit the Oates. I{optqing done at. short notrce.`r • • ' • , . , JOHN PLANK. . . , . Aug; 80; 180V-3th. • . MOTrc.E. TO, 11,14:T.AILURS.,-- Th.e kotalleitiof Comborland County horebv Aci• Vided.to evil at tbo Troasurcr's of and tike up Melt .IfiCenven for the. pronuvit you, othetwiso suite will be briolgtd Po tbele collection, ' • , • • • 21154err0 of office will 'shortly eip,ireiAnd itio' . fnrther notice Will be given. :‘. ' ,• , • • • Sep. I% YB6I. WrOdjillr• XrOTICL TO • StIOEMAKEItS.-- -200 itanda Wanted te.werk. Arkayi3beweA o whom ratietent employment will •bitriven ibr•at lewd, Hee of ale menthe, arid liberal warms paid: "•• .•: ' •AUR. 60,..11861.• , " -.,; • Ropentr ItAIN Juilt—reectivod: -1 LA 'fir/ chomp forileeb Nev, 2, 1860 . CllOO. OGILVY, Trustee • RODEST M. BLAME, OLIVE:4 DELANCY, BALLOU'S SSI-lINI.TIS, I=2 DIFFICULTY OF DREATIIINd, &O CROUP, ,Inipiriived 'Oder Mill, TilE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE NEW voi,ung. , On the seventh of September, 11361,TUE% NEW•ItORK WOIIILLY TRlO(llsai cOmmenced the tirenty•Orst year of Its existence; THE DAILY TItII3UYJC being , some months older, and the Z/E5ll W/MKLY TRIBUNE somewhat yoilnger. for More (ban twenty yearn this Journal lute labored In what Ito condnctoni hive felt to be the cause of Ilumanity,antlai and Freedom4ediar• oring to inelloreti, the condition of the oppressed and unfortunate, to honor and encourage metal exertion In whatever ephero, and, to promote by all means the moral, intellectual and materiel advancement of our country. It has aimed to be tight rather then popular, and to espouse and Commend to-ilay the truth that othere may not be willing to accept till to morrow. In pureeing this count°, mistake's have doulatiese been made and faults committed; but, having In all things incited our readers to think and Judge for thommelves rather than adopt blindly our own end others' conc'• stone, we believe we may fairly claim for tide Journal the credit of having qualified its readers to detect and expose even Its own errors. To develop the minds of the young by the most general, thorough and practical Nducation, and to encourage and stimulate Productive Industry, throult free grants of Public Landis to actual settlers and cultivators, as also through the protbctlon of immature or exposed branches from toes --porwerful - fOrell.nompetlerrrrare - utmfrig e- tliii - eilimmti. which this journal - his adhered through good and evil report, and which It steadfastly commends to American patriotism and philanthropy. Ac to the Civil War now devastating our country, we bold It to have originated in a Rebellion mere wan t on , wickediloexousable. than was ever before known—a Rebellion In the interest of the few againet the many— & Rebellion designed to rake higher the walls of caste and tighten the chains of Impression. (lacing done all we could without a surrender of vital principle to avoid this War, and witnessed the forbearance,menkness, and long suffering with which the Federal government sought to avert Its horrors, we hold it our clear duly. witli'that of every other citizen, to stand by the nation and Its fairly chosen rulers, and to eecond with all our energies their efforts to uphold the Union, the Consti tution, and , the supremacy of the Laws. And, though the Rebellion has become, through usurpation, decep then, terrorism, end spoliation, fearfully strong, we be lieve the American Republic far stronger, and that the unanimous, earnest efforts or loyal hearts and hands will insure its overthrow. But on sit questions adeet. Ing the objects, the scope, atA duration of this moat extraordinary contest, we deter to those whom the American People have clothed with authority, holding _ unity orpurpose end of action indispensable In so grave an emergency. In a crisis like the present, our column must be largely engrossed with the current history of the War for the Union, and with elucidations of its more striking Inci dents. We shell not, however, remit that attention to Literature, to Foreign Affairs, to Agricultural Progress, to Crops, Markets, Ac., Ac., which has already, we t. , uet, won for TUE TRIBUNIt an honorable position among Its cotemporaries. Our Main object is and shall be to produce a comprehensive newspaper, from which a care ful reader may glean a vivid and faithful history of the times, not merely in the domain of Action but In that or Opinion also. As our facilities for acquiring informa tion Increase with years. we trust the• an improvement In the contents of our Journal is perceptible, and that, In variety and !Winans of Intelligence afforded, we may still hope to "make each day a critic on the last." In this h..pe, we solicit a continuance of the generous measure of patronage hitherto accorded to' our journal. Ist, 1859 Tim bleatures A. the distance round the Neek 11. to 13 the Yoke C to e6fie':;": D to D distance around Cho body under the Arm E to E , the length of the Shirt. DAILY TRIBUNE (311 issues per annum) $ 6 BEMS-WEEKLY (164 issues per annum) ..✓IS WEEKLY (52 issues per annum). . ....$2 To tlt.uns—Berri-Weekly : Two copies for $5; Dre for $ll 25; ten copies to one address for $2O; and any larger number at the latter rate: For a club of twenty, an extra copy will be sent. For a club of forty we send the Daily Tribune gratis for one year. WeEKLY: Three copies for $0; eight copies for $lO, and any larger number at the rale of $1 20 each per annum. the paper to be addressed to each subscriber.— To clubs of twenty, we send an extra copy. Twenty copies to one address for $2O, with one extra to him who mends us the club. For a club of one hun dred. the Daily Tribune will be sabt gratis forone year. When drafts can be procured it is much safer than to remit Bank Bills. The name of the Post Office -and State should in all cases be plainly written. Payment always in adraxce. Addrres THE TRIBUNE, No. 164 Nassau et., New-York. Bept. 20. 1861. CARPETS'. CARPETS! CARPETS! Persons going to housekeeping and others want ing to refurnish are respe,tfully invited to examine our large and varied sto-k "or Carpsts, such as Drussele, three ply. superior Ingrain, English and Domestic, Vs. °Mo n :',l Y, 1 widths, . . . . . • HEMP AND RAG CARPETS, Drugge.s, Rugs, Straw and Cocoa klattings, 01101°0s for Hells, Looking Glasses, plain and fancy blinds and shades, fixtures, Be. • Housekeeping Goods of, Every DeseripiOn.. Having purchased these goods for Nett Cash,, we are prepared to offer great inducements to buyers, as we have lately gone into thin buslnena we can warrant our goods new and fresh. LEIOICEI SAWYER it MILLER, Carlisle, March 8, '6l. Faust Mato Street. VAN INGEN Sr. SNYDER; Designers and , Engravers on Wood N. E. COR. FIFTH k CIIEBTNUT BTB., Philadelphia. V XECUTE all kinds of Wood Engra- A slag with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Or! g 51.11 designs furnished for Vine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by , ending a Photograph or Da guerreotype. can hove views of C 'lieges, Churches, Store Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, &c., engraved as well as on personal application. Pansy Envelopes Landis, Bill Headings, Show Bills, Visiting. Buslnes and other Cards, engraved in the highest style of art, and at the lowest prices. For specimens of fine engraving see the Illustrated works of .1. B. Lippincott &Co., E. 11. Butler & Co. Nov. 60, 1860 —ly. GREAT ATTRACTION AT LEON ARD'S CliblAP CLOTHING STORE. EDW'D. B. LEO VARD, JR., Ilasjust returned :nun t.ie city of Philadelphia. and °pintail a splendid assortment of READY MADE CLOTH INO, which cannot bo surpassed In style and finish. irti. Clothing at this establishment, consists In part of the following, viz: DRESS AND FROCK COATS, of which he has a magnificent assortment of black and fancy colors, out In the latest fashions tastefully and elegantly trimmed, and made In a superior manner. SACKS AND HALF ,SACKS, of Cloths. Casslmeres and Tweeds, all of new style's and at very low prices. VESTS 1 VESTS I ! VESTS ! ! ! The richest and bent annortment ever effaced at thl Corner, of lotto, Black and Fancy Silk, Valßala, Clothe, Marseilles, double and Angle breasted, of every variety material and patern. PANTAL O O N S. Plain and fancy French Doe skin casslineres, Patti nett jeans and a great variety of others, all of which will be sold at the very lowest prices. SHIRTSI—Fine white linen and cotton of the newest ;style and best make. Also, calico. chock and currying • shirts A large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, for Man and Boys, which can and will be sold cheaper than ever. Also a splendid lot of Trunks and Carpet Bags. I therefore confidently Invite one and all, to come and see for 'ourselves, as I will not attempt to descrihe tho bargains that may be expected, for I am determindd that no opposition can mull Inver. An - Remember LEONARD'S Corner. EDWARD B. LEONARD, Jr. Carlisle, May 10, 1801.—I y. $5OO CAN BF MADE! By Buy ing your goods from Leidlch Sawyer & Miller. We ropmertfully rail attention to Our Large Stock of Summer Goods, Just received from the Eastern markets. having been purchased for CASH, and since the ruinous decline in prices. Customers will find great bargains in Silks, Barege, Thessalia, Barege Palermo, English Grenadine, Organdy Law ns, French Lawns, Mosambiquen, Emilines Ocisalen fig olevias, 1 'hallos, Chintzes, Bc, Newest Styles Paris Coats, Basques and Mantles, Shaulitia And French Lace 'tumours, Mantles and Points. These goods are very low—less than Importing cost. Shawls of all kinds suitable for the season, SUN UMB-SELLAS, Perna°ls, lees than original cost. Gloves of every des• eriptiiin, Ws Mitts, ,Embrolderlea of every variety, WILCOX'S Celebrated Hoop Skirts . ..." The Skirt of the Beason." Every variety and kind of goods suitable for Ladles, Men and Boys wear. Carr, est Ist ! The lemma and newest mock In town._ OR Cloths, Mattings, Looking Giessen. Furnishing CloOds In great variety. All of these goods, and an endless variety not enumerated. - We offer to the community at prince to defy June 2 8 . Mt. ation. Please call and examine for yourselves. LElDltilt SAWYER & MILLER; 14" B E R AND COAL. OLIVER DELANCEY ! LUMBER ANT,' COAL YARD! On the Batt Rood, nSar the Gas Works.-- 'The subscriber keeps constantly on hind, a full as. aortment of • Lumber & Coal, • which. be can Dir. I f:7 nigh u to order promptly' • and on the most rea. sonabie tomes - , - : - LUMBER; SCANTLING' /ICARUS:.- -- LVRAMR . STUFP, • Plastering and Shingling-Laths, Worked• Floor. log, Wont herbbarding, Poste, Itells,White Pine, Hemlock nod Oak uhinglee, of every quality: Ile also forui,,b bids to order of any length nod also?,...at,t,ha. shortest notice and on the most reasonahlelernis. Alto worked boards are kept under cover, so'that 'they, can be nisized dry at-all times, • • . Ile boe - constantly on hand ail kinds of Family Coal under rover, which wlitte 'delivered clean to any part of the borough. To wit: LYKEN'I3 VALLEY; . . . . ' , LUKEtFIDDLER • • • TREVERTON,: • • LOCU,ST,'NOUNTAIN; . And other varieties, and au the -rariees.eises /le Mar , whieli he 'offer!' to the public at the lowest ii Lllntlllu RN AND atinestjikupFi ra COAL alwafe - on hand, at the cash' pile& , 'ft 'tittle he Thankful for the . patronage 9. -riorora 'stowed upon Abe: lat , flrreof Mad! 'Deltietiy,bsWerll*. solicit a continuoneeiot the "Sarno Minh', will' strive to. tilrette.-iAllerderaleft et thereddernie of lies% libretti . sad beprimi. 04y Attended' teat DELANCY. ;heretofore , ' lOR'SALI3 '0 RENT.= • ti: tl 'Thiimbearliiiieiforii for 'Wei or ..rent 2 _the nevi • - . Three Story Brick. h ouse on North nanoverStreet.' l'otusession" • tel. Oven on the let of April peat.. The Errusalas nine xnome t le mulc hed with water and gee, andeultable eith. er for business or a private reeldenka 00. t. 26,1860.4, f. JAMB R. WEAVER. MEM COURT PROCLA:-4 , ATION.- WOIIREAS the Icon: JAMES H. OItMUM, Presi dent Judge of the several Courts .of Common Pleas of the eountiemef Cumberland,. Perry and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery In geld 'Counties, and lion. Ros ter 00780 And Hon. M. Cocatts, Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jell Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, In the sold county of Cumberland, by their preeepte to me di rected, dated .the 211th of August.-1861., have ordered the Court of Oyer and 'Terminer sod General Jail Delivery to be holden at CARLISLE, on the Second MONDAY of November,lB6l,(belpg the 11th day)at 10 o'clock In the forenoon.. to continue two weeks. . . . . NOT' if IS IlliftSßY GIVEN to the Coroner, Joie. tieSS of the Peace arid Constables of the said county of Cumberland, that they ere by the said precept com manded to be then and there In their proper permit's, With their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and all other remembrancen, to do those things which to their officer appertain to be done, and all those that are hound by recognisance'', to prosecute against the prisoners that are nr then shall be in the jail of said county, are to be there to prosecute them an shall be lust. 110 V T. BIoCARTNEY, July 12, Mi. Sheriff. • :IJOLI.O SALM—Iti pursuance ot.an P ordeir, of the Orphan.' Court, of Cumberland coun ty. I will offer at PnblleSale,tdi Haturday,the 28th day of September, 1861, the following delta-Mad real e r gots. to wit:— A LOT OF GROUND, Situated in East Pennsborough townahip, Cumberland Co, adjoining !auditor Camp hill Church, Samuel Eberly, John Musser, and others, containing about an eighth of an sere, more or less, having thereon erected a Story mid a half Log ileum, in good repair, Hog Pens, and other out buildings, water convenient to the door. Ate, Sale to remmenca at 2 o'clock, P. M., when atten dance will be given and terms made known by WILLIAM W. GARDNER Administrator of Geo. Walden, deed. • September 6, 1861. FURNITURE WARE ROOM;.- `. 4 HENRY A. RHOADS Rt WEST HIGH STREET CARLISLE. The subscriber begs leave respectfully to inform the citizens of Carlis.e and vicinity, that he has now on hand and is manufacturing, every variety of Cabinet Ware, consisting in part of SOP AS, BUREAUS. DRESSING CASES, MARBLE TOP TABLES. BEDSTEADS.- SECRETARIES, CHAIRS, Gilt Moulding, Oval Frames Ac., de. This work la warranted of the beet materials and workmanship, em bracing all the latest city styles, and will be furnished at the lowest retail prices. N. B.—Coffins made at short notice, and funerals at. ended to promptly In town or country. Carlisle Oct. 12, '60.-ly. EMOVAL.—Ds.. NICHOLS has re moved his office from one door west of Sexton's lardware Store, to his residence. on west Main Street, direcOy opposite the Railroad office, Carlisle, Pa. Office hours, more particularly, from 8 to 10. A. M., and from 1 to 3 P. M. Ap.26'61-6m. FXTRA FINE GOLDEN FLAX SHIRTS of the latest Styles and Improvemens. Having bought an unu•uttl large etoek of tine Shirts, we will sell the entire Ito lc at very low prices. Also, a very large tivortment 01 Cellars of the various kinds. 021. Stocks, Neck Ties, Cravats, Fenitishing Goods, &e., at the lowest prices at I. LIVINGST9I.I'S. April 12,'61. North . llanover Street. D 11 U G 8 , BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED--MEAT, PICKLES, &C. S. W. HA VERSTICK, North Hanover Street, • Carlisle, Pann'a Has just opened an aieortment of Fresh Dings. Fan cy Goods, Gilt Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Confect tionary, which has never been surpassed ' in this bor ough, for novelty pod elegance. The articles have been selected with great ea.e, and are calculated, in quality and puce, to tnitunand the attention purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which comprlse every variety of fancy articles of the most. exqUinlte finish such as. Papier ?dinette Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and treys, Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes with sewing instruments, Ladles' Caber, Writing Desks, and Port-lb:Ms. Tort Monnales, of every variety, Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and it large variety of ladies' Fancy stationery.' Motto seals and wafers. Silk and bead purses, Riding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Haala and R. a. G. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. Musical instrumeots, together with an innumerable variety of artleleselegant ly finished and suitable for holiday presents,. to which he invites special attention. ' Also, an extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound In velvet with metal clasps and corners Ills assortment .3t School Books and School Stationery is also complete, and comprises everything used in the Schools. lie also desires to call the particular atten tion of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMP S ,• from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia. comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard, Sperm or Etherial oil; aim DYOTT'S celebrated Kerosene or Coal Oil Lampe, together with FlowerVascri. Fancy Screens, Ac. IDs assortment in this line is un• equaled In the borough. Also. SEGARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the 6vorite brands, and a line assort. moot of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS , AND PIPES. FRUITS, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes, Ac.. FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PRII. SERVED FRUITS, MIN ED—MEAT, pxpEcuts, de, In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh ouch as can be confidently recommended to his friends. His stock embraces everything In the line of Fancy Goods, with many other articles useful to houe °keepers which the public are especially invited co call and examine. ' Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover street. May 24, 1861 UKIRE INSURANCE. - Tim ALbEN AND NAST PNNNSBORO MUTUAL FIRE IN ANON COMPANY of Cumberland county, Incorpo. rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organlced,ang in operation under the management of the following comminsbmers, via: Daniel Dailey, William R. Gomm, Michael Cocklln. .1. Eichelberger, Christian Stay Man, John C. Dun lap, Jacob 11. Coover, Lewin Ryer, 8. Eberly, Denis, min R. Mower, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickershim,; Alexander Cathcart. The rates of insurance are as low and faecrable as soy Company of the kind In the State. Penmen wishing to become members are Invited to make apphcatlon to the agents of the company, who are willing to watt upon them at any time. WM. R. GORGAS, President. ()KRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President. LEWIS RYER, Secretary. MICHAEL COCKLIN. Treasurer. Managers.—Win. R. Gorges, L. Myer. Christian Stay. man. M. Cock Mk. J. C. Dunlap, R. Martin, D. Ihdly, ii.Coover, Ales. Cathcart, J. Wickereharn, J. Richeßier ger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. AGENTS. CUSiDERLAND COUNTY.—John Sherick; Allen . Henry Zenring, Shiremaustown ; Samuel `noodburn Dickinson; Henry Bowman, Churchtowia ; Mode -Grit flth, South Middleton; Samuel Graham, W. Penne boro'; Samuel Coover, Mechanicsburg ; J. W. Cocklin,, Shepherdstowa; D. Coover, Elhepherdstown; J.O. Bal ton, Sliver Spring; Bed,. Hareistick, Silver Spring: Charles Dell, ; John flyer, Carlisle. YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter Wel ford, Franklin; Jas. Oriffith, Warrington; J. F. Dear third, Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg; R. 0. Clark, Dillsbunr. . DAUPHIN 00.—Kouser A Lochrrum, Marrieldng. Members of the company having policiesabout to can have them "wed by making application .to any of the Agents. April 20, 1869. TTAS LEFT LEONARD'S COL - NEM •41,-.11._ ~ J. W. SMILE' . Hereby gives notice to hie friende f seuatortiere, and the • public, that be has remove&hle stem from Leonard's corner to hie new room-tbrmerly known as Ileller's • hat store-on North Hanover Street, between the Care Ilelepeposlt Bank and-Iluyett's.Orocert Store. -: Ills stock of ItEADY.HADE CLOTHING, Boot', - - I Shoes and Hale is large and complete, and you -- -.; c.an,depeuf upon the fact that he ran and will : ..) , eellcheaper than ever: and ' always Intends to I sell good goods and at a loWer price than any prmols also. . CLOTHING •-- ,- -•-• . . Always on band, the most seasonnble, bed roade : : / end fashionable Coats, Pantaloons and Wai t! . froth the - commormat to the besOqualitles, which,: cannot fall to-tit, limo the eye end glee sus?.;; faction" In 'general. - Alm,- Shirts, Under-Olds and drawers, collars, craratn„enspeuderp; gloves, stockings 4 r,,; do., A., all to be Bold at the very limiest prices. • . - 1100T8 AND .8110E8 .. .. --- mArnajoaroonstehr;ovd.,rittlyargeomennduieconaplent.e..otaseortihrd.' 'nee, Stipp era, Cialtersolefhersone, de., fbr Ladle, ( and Gentlemen, fdlesthi and Boys. youth and',.- _ r -i,_ children, all to be sold. cheap. Also on hand , and_eon! • literally manufacturing the beet Fine French 'and Stens einroceo Hoots, and Jefferson!' 4 Ladies. i11e4,,A1l tips sewed, free of charge, - , - • • . HAti. '- . ' , -- 11L -- A - largedrielrof Thai - fbr Men, - Beys - anda ~ hildrenLooramon, good . and fine. Ali WI; 4111.1 11i . ng dieaper than ever. ... ' . ' -• , - TRUNKS, VI AIMING DAS. lIIIIIAZGLAII III;.:'' . - oANAsND,oNht coos AND LNoapet • ."? • '.' CHEAPER THAN EVER. ... I hereby tender my- flanks -tir ray- Custodian anal Mends. forpastthvore , and ‘aatnettly boltele Tim all liol: : (call and me me and mistook of goods,„beibri, you: par , ;'‘ !Ono elsewhere. as I am determined to We etery'effare ' , Ito stiliplyy.stt with ' he very best; and at snub prima si - I will quit all. Be partienlar to look for WY AV: - - AV,ati!g i n - !"7 / 7; ': .:'' , 'l'-_,. _ f-' T.. 1 7. -amlf4ll:.-`;7- itia. Oh - iv 1- Sue, or Itlebardsone, Dunbar 'a Dloon Linea, Mu, Noe, Oilloooo ta, .to. At dump Cub Moro Nov. 0,1800. . 011A8.061014 O. W. lI.AVERSTICE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers