Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 04, 1861, Image 2

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idday; OCTOBER 4, 1861.
For President Judge.
Hon. FRED'K. WATTS, of Carlsle
Associate Judges,
, JOHN NoCURDY, of. Shippensburg,
- JOHN C DUNLAP, of -Silver Spring.
JAMES MARSHALL,of W Pennsboro'
JESSE KENNEDY, of Perry County
_ .County .ikeaAurer.
JOHN BOWMAN, of Frankford,
County Commizaioner,
DANIEL MAY, of East Peonsboro'
Director of the POOT,
FIj,ANKLIN GARDNER, of Carlisle,
We hivie tickets in abundance, row ready
et this office, and would be glad if our friends
in the different townships would call early
and supply themselves.
• There will be a meeting of the Republicans
of both wards, in RHEEM'S HALL, on Mon
day evening, (Oct. 7,) at 7 o'clock, to make the
necessary arrangements for the election. A
full attendance io requested.
Since our advent in the business of publish
ing the HERALD, we have abstained from any
especial dun upon our patrons for debts duo
ne, either from subscription, advertising or
job-work. , We preferred to do this for seven.'
reasons, among which was the fact that the
major portion of our subscribers have paid us
promptly in advance, and we felt a delicacy
in making a general appeal, which would seem
to include all. There are, however, a number
of accounts on our ledger, which if paid, would
enable us to liquidate claims against us which
ought to be settled. The profits in our business
are so nicely graduated to the expenses, that
all the debts must be collected in order to meet
the current•expenditures. We make this ap•
peal then in good faith, and hope and expect
That it will be cheerfully responded to. Elec.
Can day is close at hand, end those of our
friends who come to Carlisle to vote, will
oblige us very much if they call and settle
their accounts, Those in other parts of the
eountp, will please remit the amounts due us
by mail, and thereby enable us to increase and
enhance the character and interest of our pa
The Meeting of Return Judges.
--We republish the following section from
the election laws, relative to volunteers, in
order to more particularly bring it to the at
tention of election officers. The section has
given rise to doubts with some wether the re.
turn judges should meet this year at the usu•
al times, or at the times named in the sec
tion annexed. In our own mind it seems
leer that the county judges this year should
meet on the second Tuesday of November,
instead of the Friday succeeding the elec
tion; and the district judges on the third
Friday of Novembfr, instead of the seventh
day after the election, as in ordinary years
is the custom :
80. The return judges of the proper county
it counties, in which the volunteers or militia
wen aforesaid may have resided at the time
of being called into actual service as a fore•
said, shall meet on the Second Tuesday in
November next after the election. And
when two or more counties are connected in
the election, the meeting of the judges from
each county shall be postponed in such .case
until Friday following the said second Tues.
day in November.
MORE CRIPPLES.—NearIy every year the
Republicans of this county place upon their
ticket one or two cripples, and then attempt
to attract attention from their incapacity, by
appealing to the sympathies of the people.—
They have,.tbey tell. ue, a couple of cripples
on their ticket this year, and are again resort
ing to their old trick, in the hope of making
political capital. The voters understand this
dodge—it has beenloo often resorted to. The
people want men of capacity to fill their offi
ces, and for ouch will vote, whether they have
• lore tee or not.— Volunteer.
We republish the above for the purpose of
showing what depths' of menaces, to say no
thing of the brazen effrontery, which can be
attained by an unprincipled partizan. We
could, were we disposed to follow the un
ncerthy example of the Volunteer, show that
the Democratic party has from time immemo
rial, placed men on their ticket who were
physically incapacitated for manual labor.—
But would it have been 'manly or honorable
forme to have attacked Mr. Floyd last fall, or
Judge Graham this, because an untimely ac
cident, or the Providence of God had maimed
or orippled . thent? The At trick of the Volun
teer:in intended to, damage Jxo. BOWMAN, our
candidate 'for ! Treasurer. Mr. Bowman is.. a
'blacksmith by trade, and' about seventeen
yearsago,.white shoeing a restive horse, was
kicked thebaolri and Lie spinw so injured
that "be, heel - been compelled' to use crutches
evei•sinoe.' Be asks the' Support •of his fel
low-citizens Means° he iu'oaptible and honest,
and, .because he 9e , u . tt e rly unakile,to perform
any active, labor. If there is any thing in
Ibis simple Story to justify the low, scurrilous
abile in the 'Volunteer, then Gen. Scott de
series to be cashiered for growing too old tti
lake the 'field.
, There are many wonderful natural , ouriosi.
ties end untiquated,,rolics to . he found fotand in .Ken-
Welty ; atud one of the , most ,rcmorkable of
them 15 .to be fouh#in :Olen
,County, on the
Tentie i ssin herder, and 17 Milen frau Bowling
Green, where a wall of 1844 limestone; . 200
yardi . litlenititiAo feet high; . 80 , feet • at , the'
base 'and Aix feet::wide at. the :Op, crosses • a
seeklforiued bre Imildin• :Drake's. creek,•and
=dotes a peninsula of 200 acres, elevated 110
Gletithove the river. Oh the top of , this na-,
innd'innindle an area of three dcwee, enclosed
ty w wall `end a ditch !stifling one of the
/*engem, fOrtrestee in 'the - World. It' is net .
Improlfiblethatthefortunetaf war may:cease
thicoldAbititleation-or.btailt, ..Wl6...suPposed,
ositbeedent to rape of i mer k. c : w h o t h e
tlPtat497beP• 4haohvoted by Auroppatts-17tobe
2 1 : - T r *slim!, editor p,f the Le,bfinbp,, Courier,
has hiss p r ilipinstO'iii!sitpiisiiii - Ih'he ii!"
ikredii - if PIA
Mak'4 l or4ritolll '44 :istellisent , -mani':
end with a latie majority of , our,oomompora-
t ot' the State, we oongratulatelktaj.T Worthl
- 4 3 L .
TX l l3cm 3p . 44biupi_.3o
The CitiienS of - Cumberland 'County, - who are in 'favor Of sus
taining the Nation , 1 and State Administrations in their patriotic
efforts to re-establiSh the supremacy of the Constitution, from
Maine to Georgia. And who are in favor, in order, to compass
that end, of .contributing rasiM
millions of men and eY, will
semble in
On TUESDAY, the Bth day of October, 1861, to ratify the fol
lowing ticket, unanimously nominatedin County Convention,
_ _ _
by the delegates representing the _
People's Party!
CC>331400 CON - 30! COMM
Old Mother Cumberland expects every man to give a long pull!
a strong pull!! and a p;.11 all together!!! For
President Judge,
Frederick Watts.
A few days more will decide the present
election, and as this is our last issue before
that important event, we have a few closing.
words to say. We have uniformly refrained
during this canvass, from any personal ani
madversions on the character of the men com
posing the. opposition ticket. We preferred
to do this because we believe them in the
main to be decent, respectable men, and be- 1
cause we have always held that our cause
needs no such unworthy expedients. The,
reasons for our unrelenting opposition to thisl
ticket, are briefly as follows. The convention
that placed this ticket in nomination passed a
set of strong Union resolutions, but at the
same time, evidenced by the fact of the pre
s.ntation of two other sets, which in their
treasonable language, denounced and con
demned the Administration in its efforts to
uphold our Government, that there was n
strong tory element there, which would make
itself felt. The only possible way to placate
these turbulent spirits was to give them a
share of the spoils, which was agreed to, and
accordingly we have a strong infusion of the
Breckinridge element in the present demo
cratic ticket. It is not necessary for us to
name these men,—next Tuesday will show
that they are known, and mark us, remem
On the other hand we offer our own ticket,
composed as it is, of mon well known for their
loyalty, integrity and ability, and entitled to
the vote of every man who is in favor of the
maintainance of the Government at any and
every sacrifice. They are known to you,
friends, we need not recapitulate the names,
but.let us for the last time earnestly impress
upon you the vital importance of turning out
en inaue to their support. Your duty to
yourselves, to your brethren in arms, and to.
your country, demands that you shall not
neglect this. Let but EVERY VOTE be out,
and we are certain of VICTORY.
Spurious; Tickets
Republicans be sure that your ticket is
simon pure! Our opponents in their deeper
ation, have concocted afnuiriber of hybrid
things, which they hope to palm off on our
friends, as genuine Republican tickets. See
that your ticket hus the folloWing . names in
the proper places, and then vote it without a
'Presideht Judge,
Aesociale Judges,
Aseenibly, •
Cduriik "Tieasurir;
.pirretpr ?,/;th/ .ropr l
,; Bolt! .11;uttlark.
On Sitterlay night boat, genie' iiiichicithia
thleyes'brokp rntoAnd', 1' 6 494 the otiritltt
Souse of Ex Preaidetit 1iv00,4,04N i, et, A' he.'.
' l end,- Lancaster eountyof all ilia marketiT :
,"'l, Th'e&ti. riake i house , iiraa"ttla'o'intered,:an't ,
ra 6itly , , sett ef"iiii , er •mou fluid J . herrida : titti (3
other , idateables telieii.therefroni.'''Th "old.
teblie , l'utitticeitiry 4'reirtird ` iils'6o":
'fey the'aiiirehefiaiori or 11'.3ea.'."" 1 2. , ..
T h ai b9 roFl 4 : I ' l l'9:l o ,'?i , ,'!;,ow eisily . , V 1( 11 1 .
their,: g re at , t i .i t SAYPe,i.eileAP9d,-nith mink
.tri l ator plinid.r. hay.eeo fell'r of art eriinji?„
Associate Judges,
John McCurdy,
Johii C. Dunlap.
James Marshall,
Jesse Kennedy.
County, Treasurer,
John Bowman.
Richard Anderson.
County Commissioner,
Daniel May.
Director of the Poor,
Franklin Gardner.
Jacob Hemminger.
liirnory, of Oa two .yearn or.. alma. notice -war
tondo - efor fta tendilyt . atlbei.,dd " tot the
tUttrioebnuse ; but the truth ie thatvAbe body
of the j.eqple,:whe get pp Itte`rettellt rebellieu:
ght,, us, with; ". gait. Pktate of, zcal and , : vigor.
wheneVcr, o.PRQTcuitity affQrcled tlio,lketiolur,
1 And y , ns„ to allpgip.Actgi it, is, *oil kuown,tlll4,
While(!liep9pplo,yl.S . 9i.l . ,th CitToljpa .T3ki ready_
;1 1 ‘^i' `i,l. i ' ll '9 '7f' `• 11:,';.:!:,.-ti;?j?.!j,! r,; $11,,;!•7
,There is no man in this county to whom the
farmers are more indebted, than the gentle
man whose name bends this article. For
years, he has spared neither time, labor or
money, in developing the agiicultural resour
ces of the chanty, and the p Vnsent elevated con
dition of our farming interests here, is, in no
small degree attributable to his efforts. The
introduction of new varieties of wheat, of
blooded stock, of improved farming imple
ments. and the beneficial effects of our County
Agricultural Society, may be traced to his zeal
and liberality.
Now that ME. WATTS is a candidate for the
office of President Judge, a position for which
he is eminently qualified, our farmers have an
opportunity of testif)ing their appreciation of
his labors on their behalf, by giving him a
generous suppokiit the polls, on the day of
the election. ' No mere party consideration
should be permitted to bias their votes in this
behalf. However much they may be disposed
to t‘ stick to the ticket," as far as other candi
dates are concerned the office of Judge is of
too sacred a character to be set up as a prize
for brawling politicians; and the people will
best consult their true interests, by keeping
the ermine of justice unsoiled by the stains of
MR. EDITOR: —ln these, the beginning of
the limes which will try men's souls," when
toryism is arrayed in open combat with true
loyalty, and the hideous monster disunion is
staring in our faces defiantly ; and the long
nurtured treason of Pro• Slavery Mobocracy is
striking at the very heart of that best Govern
went the world has ever seen; and when we
have not only to contend with traitors abroad,
but with sympathizers at home. Does it not
seem passing strange, that men who, but a
few weeks ago, evidently sympathized with
treason, and now for fear of being defeated in
the attempt to obtain a public position, would
for a while sacrifice that feeling which they
but a short limo ago avowed openly I' We
know of instances of this kind, and now wish
to know whether the Shippensburg News can
justify itself when it says the dem , cratic can
didate for Sheriff is a - good 'Union man Y••
We wish to know whether this is not only an
attempt to -hoodwink the loyal people of this
county ? However, we believe it has been in
duced to publish this statement through the
represeotatiens of Mr. flooli's friends ; but is
it true ? 0 BSER VER.
The month Can be Brought Back
There are many who doubt us to the readi
ness with which the authority of the Union
may be restored in the heart of secossiondom,
in South Carolina particularly, because they
think this demonstration so furious and unpre
cedented that it signifies a radical and incur
able hostility. The 'history of that district,
says the North Ameridan,l6 full of strange in.
cidents, however, - and aJesson may be drawn
from them that will help us to the tjolution of
the present complicated 'Case', -They fought
us in 1779 and'l7B9:very furiCusly in Georgia
and South Caroline end though a'r'mies
were muCh in ificite States'in'iliOatter putt'ef
the Revaltitioniiryl var,'lt is not 'too much to
say thin 'the' tioopti they put thi
field from boginning.fc' Ond'o'utirtinthered the
patriots fife to' orut.'''Thi' Carolina
,ilia would not go to the defence of Charlesion .
Whentit ins token , by the:Britielt:: in 178C-:-
'Oct.& were no SdutWearolina'nr-Georgia tn ,-
gitoonts'.in the' Revolutionary army out of tl
limits of thole States; and very; little was ever
heard dr iseen ottiny seutheit'regimeniti north
of Virginia. 'The royalint'forces in the south
tifter , the war began , in' . .that quarter; which .
41 , 413 net until , ...lannaryil7t9liierentititi Made'
tjp of royalist militia almost
- Sodiee,ofneven•hundred and otnine:hinadred
dl these tarifa( are several pines named in the
British defenders were compelled to retire,
therfreiiiiently..renewed their edits of alle
giance to 4tellritish government during the
'ttrar.,„ z The British civil authority was two or
Abicalittiesienewed; and. nt in easy opera
ttion the cheerful! eoncurrence of
the people of Charleston,- There la nothing in
theelt‘ents.tif. Ole revolution.tO induce a high
oitinfate of either the power Or the purpose of
the citizens of the central district of secession
to resist the government which prevails in the
country generally, after that gov , rnment has
shown that it has a power and purpose 2 of
;"TheY (lifted us nciii - becaime thji , were
'confident : Of tieing able to drag other States
into the conflict, if 'one should ensue. and they
haveso — ediapAled other people to fight all the
battles that will be fought. When Virginia is
bettiefi, South Carolina will not bring her own
precious tnilitia into any further conflict, and
the history of the earliest war on this conti
nent will be repeated in this last one in the
darkest centre of secession fury.
Itls'qiiitri as evident now as in revolution
ary tittfoiii tilt the choice of South Carolina
cannot be permitted - to control the destinies of
this great nation. In the great original trial
of the Revolution the territory of the States
now in rebellion against the only authority
which can preserve theta in peace was painful
and humiliating in the last degree. The pres
ent trouble is trifling in comparison with the
distresses brought on our fathers by the weak 7
ness of the South, and its refusal to bear even
the small burden it had the ability to carry.
This (discord will he set tled far 'more easily
than that for all parties, though the horrors of
civil war will fall on many districts where the
pride of the rebels was great and insolent
when they began' the war. As to the resist- .
once the southern towns are likely to offer to
the approach of reasonably well appointed
forces, there is also something to be learned
from the history of 1779 and 1780. There
will be this time no continental troops of the
line from other States to protect the coast
towns, and the " militia" of the locality will
be quite as likely to stay at home now as then,
or to take an early opportunity to get out of
the way of a strong force landing at. Edisto
for a march toward Charleston. The eondi
lion of the coast cities is not at all defensible
on the laud side, and it would hardly be neces
sary to wait for the completion of the third
parallel, as the British did in 1780. The south
was defenceless then, in foot, and is scarcely
better defended now. Nearly three years
were passed in warfare at the north, from
1776 forward, before it was thought necessary
to break the strength of the northern States
through the weakness of the south The great
leading conditions of the two sections are the
same now as then, and when arrangements
are complete for such military possession as it
is now necessary to takeat the south, the work
of putting things in order there will not be a
long or a difficult one.
Rev. Dr. De Witt, or Harrisburg.
The following communication, charging
this gentleman with uttering treasonable sen
timents in his sermon on Fast Day, appeared
in the Press of Monday:
Great excitement prevails here in conse
quence of the avowal of the following. Fenti
ment by the Rev. Dr. De Witt, State Libra
rian. who has a son holding a consular ap
pointment abroad. He said the" North had
violated their covenants with the South, and
were responsible and answerable for the crisis
with which the country was convulsed "
Dr. De Witt is senior pastor in the New
School Presbyferian Church in this place. -
Tho avowal Wasfeuade in a sermon preached
in his pulpit on Fast Day. His instant re
moval is t leammlod by the popular voice.
It is said the.Povernor will do it if he has
the power. Theiratter has already been re
ferred to the Attorney General. whose opinion
will be giVen upon the legal power of the Gov
ernor over the removal.
Ilis son will doubtless he recalled immedi
ately. 119 is one of President Buchanan's ap
pont teeli.
In rebuttal, we have the following to the
same paper, which Dr. D. says in a letter to
a gentleman of this place, gives precisely the
views which he uttered on that occasion.
HARRISBURG, Sept. 30, 1861
To the Editor of the Press: There appeared
in your paper of to-day a cc mmunicatiou from
Harrisburg, making statements in regard to
Rev. Dr. De Witt. Your correspondent quotes
this sentence, purporting to he a sentence ut
tered by Dr D, in his address on Fart Day:
"The North had violated their convenaine
with the South, and were responsiblelor the
crisis with which the country was convulsed."
As this is an error, and calculated to mis•
lead, I would' reepectfully ask to correct it in
your columns.
Dr D. commenced his remarks, which were
extempor. neous, by endorsing in theAirong
est language the President and Administra
Lion in every measure they had adopted. He
denounced tlie — rebellion as wicked and mail,
and expressed his conviction that so great
were the issues at stake that no man should
hesitate to sacrifice his all to bring the rebellion
to a successful termination. He rejoiced that
the Administration had expressed the determi
nation to uphold the Constitution and laws as
they OW existed. That this was a ground on
which there should be nu division of sentiment.
That upon no other ground could there he
unanimity of sentiment. Thai he feared there
were divisions of sentiment growing Up..tiCit he
North which would be fatal to success, and
for this reason he urged unity of sentiment,
and that unity based upon our President's
proclamations. That should the destruction
of slavery and not the maintenance of the
Constitution he the issue, we would be liable
to the charge of being constitutional covenant
breakers with the loyril men of the Ssuih, and
would alienate frimi our cause Western 'Vir
ginia, Eastern Tennessee, Kentucky and Mis
These, as he understood them, were the
views of our President, and he prayed God
that the President might be firm in this .• no
ble stand which he has taken." He urged
most strongly t. It laying aside all "partisan
feelings" and uniting on, broad and-noble
platform. Success then would be certain.
In conclusion he prayed
. earnestly for our
President and Governor, their Cabinets, our
Generals, and our armies, and for the com
plete overthrow of this unrighteous rebellion.
Then were his eentimecos . as expresso'. As
your correspondent was misinformed. I only
ask that 'you will do Dr, D. the justice to pub
lislcthe above. Oftn oFiTun
ited the Adams County failrqin 'thanksgiving
day, and Were - vary much pleased with the fine.
array of stock and agrioultural implements on
exhibition. The'display of fancy articles was
limited but in quality very - creditable. The
otittle_Avere:particularly fine, the Durham_Untl
Devon varieties , predominating LThe only •
thing we saw, which In any' way detracted from
ltM character of the exhibition was the,_pres
cone or gamblers ilia. outside the gate, openly
pursuing they,x , tefnrlnue. occupations., -Noy: :
a'vsrdent countryman , was "lifted" of hie
tpil‘" '
.by eee swirl rs. We hope fot; the
orepit - of tliiit " imeat -clot hs" -
,s7pl be eschewed is the'rutUre:.
CIMIBERLANIrd..) liiptiia , ?! and Tele
vi.aik,briii,2oo, kt. Jdniee :
'fo!,:: the' Stetb ' '
Tetansylvtibiai , listl , !visitedthat'oity i nnd• pity! t'
;off in full all' bills egninst Ads state, cod
fruited by:lhe:!iret. and 'Fifth Pennsylvania;
The Civilian' nails' Unit ;'
theso`nro:ti c',B^ t i:egiafen t ,
bcct! paid .eff in tka, city: Good iiiitPertti4l:.
i Summary of sew• and Incidents
Of the Pennsylvania troops raised under the,
last requisition from the War 'Department•
four regiments of over one thousand men each
have been raised, armed, equipped, and sent
to Washingttie;anid several snore regimentsi
are now ready; and await transportation.
Gen. Franklin's division at Alexnndria sent
out a strong foraging party to Edsall's hill,
and as it advanced the rebels retired to' a mile
and a half beyond the hill. Our men gathered
up a great quantity of hay, grain, etc., and
returned without being molested.
Munson's hill has been occupied by the U.
S. troops, as well ns Falls church and Upton's
hill, the enemy having abandoned their whole
line of posts in front of Washington. No for
tificaiions were found on Munson's hill, no
evidences of batteries having been built, and
in fact very few military preparations of any
consequence Gen. McDowell is in command
of a large body of troops at. Munson's hill.
The advance of Gen. Smith's force on Fall's
Church was attended by a shocking and fatal
error. Col. Owen's Irish regiment of Phila
delphia, in the darkness of the night, mistak
ing an advance detachment for rebels, fired on
three other Philadelphia regiments. consisting
of Col. Baxter's Fire Zouaves, Col. Baker's
California regiment, and Col. Friedman's cav
alry, killing and wounding a large number.
Col Baker's regiment returned the fire with
effect. The California regiment is uniformed
in rebel gray.
A levy en masse has been ordered in Kansas,
all being ordered to enrol, arm, and hold them
selves in readiness to march at any moment.
Price's force, on the morning of the surren
der of Lexington, was 34,000, but subsequent
ly increased to 92.000, and men continued to
join him from all quarters. The rebels have
devastated the whole country within a radius
of twenty miles, seizing everything of any val
ue, carrying off crops, produce, money, etc.
A few members of Jackson's old Legislature
have assembled at Lexington and passed en
ordinance of sec, ssion, and were discussing
acts confiscatingthe property of loyal citizens,
etc. A strong column of rebels has gone west
ward from Lexington, supposed to be destined
for St. Joseph
In Kentucky, the 11. S. troops have occupied
Cyntbiuna, and are guarding the locks on
Green river. Judge Catron is again trying his
hand in th' habeas corpus line. lie wants to
get Jim Clay before him. The rebels have
met with a repulse on Mud River.
By the arrival at New York of the U S. gun.
boat Connecticut, from Fort Pickens, we have
news that the privateer Judith had been cut
out front under the rebel guns at the Pensacola
navy yard, by a boat expedition from U. S.
ship Colorado, and was then fired and burned.
The expedition lost three men killed and
fifteen wounded.
The President has assured anxious inquirers
that drafting shall not be resorted to in the
west until all the eastern States shall have
furnished their full quota to make up the half
million of troops called for Philadelphia has
now, according to the records of the War De
partment, 211 companies in the field, or 21,-
000 men.
- It has been decided by the Governor Oa
no surgeon or assistant surgeon of any regi
ment of volunteers can be commissioned unless
he has complied with the act of Assembly, and
been examined by the State Board of Surgeons.
A board has been ordered to convene at Wash
ington, at Willard's Hotel, at an early day, to
examine those medical officers now in the field
who have not complied with the State taw.
It is stated that the rebel army across the
Potomac has been divided, one section being
above and the other below Washington. The
advance of our troops is slow and cautious,
and the prominent hills just taken have been
fortified. , It is believed at Washington that
the rebels are concentrating between Aquia
Creek and Manassas Junction, with their right
resting on the Potomac.
The dispatches from Missouri exaggerate
the numbers of the rebels so ridiculously as to
make them seem designed for a special pur
pose—perhaps to conceal bad management on
our side. They now represent Price's army
at 50,000. and , soon to be 80,000!
The rebels made a reconnoissance with eight
regiments and six pieces
.of artillery. yester
day, at G eat Falls, but Gen. McCall's divis•
ion opened fire on them with shot and .shell,
and soon dispersed them.
Since the rebels have taken Lexington they
have dug up vast quantities of ammunition
which they knew to have boen bUried there.
The foundry. is casting 00E111011 and balls rap
idly. .
The rebel batteries at Freestone, on the lower
Potomac, have been reconnoitred and found
deserted by the rebels.
The recent telegraph dispatch from the west
about the release of Blair, suppressed a para
graph in Fremont's order which defied Blair to
Ulrike the charges personally, and that Blair
had done so, and been immediately arrested
for it and sent to Jefferson barracks. On
learning this fact Gen. Scott ordered the un
conditional release of Blair.
The Boston banks have agreed to take ten
millions of the.Becond—instalmebt of the great
national loan. '
Col. Joseph P Trylor, brother of the late
President Tayl ....has been appointed Commis
stry-General of übeistanoe , in place of Gen
feral Gibson dee aced . He succeeds to the
position in the r vim. line of advancement,
and, during rate inability of General Clibson, ,
he hattadininist red the affairs of the Depart
ment Flo' well,. that it is very proper that the
Pre-Ideal shoUld appoint him, instead of se
lecting a political favorite, as he might have
done. • '
The soldiers in and about Washington
seem to do, an immense amount of letter wri.
ting, as about eighty thousand of their let
ters are sent off daily.
Fremont 'at Jefferson - city,. 'and Price at
L , xington, are preparing for • a 'great battle.
It bast been ascertained that-the rebels
have not lately setit atifoftheir fur es to the
upper . Pittortine. '- They' have 'Merely retired
further back into; Virginia. '
• A. reeohnoissrt.n es made by stat troops to a
imint`tiVOlve tiiilea beyond Alexandria, devel
ofieCi7tbie fad:that _lliere were no troops a
t he retie) ; encampment. The slave of n rebel
cilliser,wcis:criptured r And. explains the recent
retreat : of, the rebels by saying t hat they were
afraid , of a flank movement. by _way of Lew.'
insvilln: :He -adds .that General Beatireftard
h ,ciordered the rebel butteries to cloths 'the
i'otOmae. • '
thiclOt: the, lienk'cif Sfartling Rumor,' •
11xii:uhlican ,of Sept. 17th says;:'
ct soldier µ mFa!IPPir frum,Port Ppfushi
lasi might,repoitu. Putt • no . M . igrigutuen,i
Line° fleet hi the Ftirt i'ort,
46yi k l'•e '
c'enthlhed th•rehgh jteiiteidhy:'
: TheVinis were diethiCtlY Fort"
P • laski."! ,A't
I. Thu Now Orleitile RutliAln bi the .18th Fnyst
NighiLliefoire l iasi,,Eli, 'eight o elp r olc, the
einieuktion.ol! Shi :191athf.iby the ,'Lopisianal
•tieepa-was e4elPieted;ithe" fott ,
antithe guns,,amunition, were remot ,
ed. ; ,Thirty two hours were consunied in de
stroying._the. tort, soldiers' quarters, &e. and
in removing the troops and •armatuent, du
ring which time two war steamers, two frig
at,s and several smaller vessels belonging to
Old It be L ncol 'lleet'were in sight, but at
a respectful distance._ Yesterday the block.
`aders,t-c,c understand, appreached the island
and threw several shell'into the deserted fort,
and finding no enemy on th island, valiant,
ly landed and h isted the United States flag."
The New Orleans Crescent has the follow
ing about Serrill :
".We are asked how Tommy S. Serrill got
ont of the Bastile. As we said at the time
of his arrest the , Lincolnites would not make
make - much out of
~him,- tire expressionk are
confirmed. He wits reported to be an agent
of the hank of England. He was just as
much an agent as citizen Fassmaa's boss
drayman. But Serrill has got nut of the
Lincoln Bastile. Some of our cotton factors
would he glad to receive certain balances
for cotton shipped through him."
CirAtha an Eountlalantrs.
or — T- On Monday last, the seventh full
company of three years' men left this county.
This company is to join Gen. Wit.matas' Cav
alry Brigade The officers are Capt. NIOCCIL
LOCI!, ISt. Lieut. Dr. Wm LONGSDORF, 2nd
Lieut. Wat Sualven. Several other compa
nies are being rapidly filled up. which with
recruits which have joined other regiments in
the Stale, make a very respectable number
from Cumberland county.
we were in advance:of time when we announc
ed in our last issue that. the equinoctial storm
hod passed, Friday last was certainly the day,
and a more gloomy end disagreeable one we
have never experienced. Ruin, drizzle, and
high winds prevailed throughout the livelong
day. Dark masses of clouds obscured the sun
and at times it was so dark as almost to re
quire the use of artificial light. With the pas
sage of the autumnal equinox we may look out
for the approach of cold weather.
winter is rapidly approaching, and our brave
soldiers are insufficiently provided with blank
ets. The government has in its employ every
manufactory in the country, but it is slicer
tattled that even those will he insufficient to
furnish the necessary supply. In this contin
gency our patriotic citizens are urgently so•
licited to contribute as maligns they can spare.
Almost every family in the county has at least
one surplus blanket., which would be very
thankfully received by our soldiers A box
is being made up at A. L SPONSLEICH office,
where they will be received, boxed up and
sent on. Don't neglect this important matter.
DEATH OF G EN. G ißsoN.—Gen. GEO.
GIBSON, Commissary General of Subsistence,
died at Washington.. on Monday last, at the
advanced age of 85 years. lie entered the
army in 1808 as a Captain of Infantry from
Carlisle, and while in active service bore the
reputation of a gallant t fficer. Gen. OinsoN
was the brother of the late Judge GIBSON, of
the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and was
born near Sherman's Creek, in what was then
part of Cumherland county. It is worthy of
remark that the old mansion, still standing,
wits the birth place of two Governors, a Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court, and a General
in the U. S. Army.
WILLIAM BLAIR, whose obituary we•publish in
another column, was one of the °ldest printers
in the Union Httvinig acquired a know!olge
of the business be was for many years the
foreman in Mrs BAILEY'S office, in Phi Mel
phis, where the United States Government
printing was principally executed, in which
capacity he rendered general satisfaction to
all with whom he had business relations. At
the ago of 50, having secured a handsome
competency, he retired from business, and
spent Ills remaining years in a calm and
peaceful manner, devoted to the study of nn•
cient and . modern history, and in doing good
to those around him.
THE NOON MARKETS.—The daylight
markets again went into operation on Wed
nesday last, and will continue to commence at
12, M., until the Ist of April next. The new
arrangement gives very general satisfaction.
both to the people of town and country, and
on Wedue•day last the market was well sup
plied with all the delicacies of the season. as
well as an abundance of beef, pork, mutton,
and other substantiald. These daylight mar
kets present many conveniences. The buyer
can judge of the quality of the article•which
he purchase's, and is not obliged to rise at 8
o'clock on a bitter cold morning to secure
provender to-last him half a week. We see
that many neighboring towns aro adopting
our system of noon markets. • •
I THE COUNTY FAIR.--In the whirl of
excitement attendant upon the election, there
is danger that seine other important things
may be overlooked. We consider our annual
agricultural fair, as one of the most important
occurrences during the year. The interchange
and comparison of experience and opinion—
the exhibition of the results obtained from ex
periments . and the general information elicited
on'these occasions are of the most vital conse
quence to our farmers. The citizens of our
borough too, will, we hope, as in former years
vie with each the exhibition of their
wares. The neighboring counties, with the
exception of Adams, have concluded to forego
t heir annual fairs for this year. This will have
the effect , of enlarging the attendance here,
let us then unite in making this exhibition one
of which,Cumberland County may well be
THE NATIONAL 'FAST.—Thursday: of
last week, the day sot apart by the President
of the United States as a day of humiliation,
fasting, and prayer, was observed with 'due
solemnity in our. ancient borough. Divine
services were had in the Ist and .2d--Presbyto ,
Tian, Ist and 2d Lutheran, let Methodist
,Eptscopal, and in We Denman Reformed
Churebes.. The different churches were well
filled with attentive'and devout congregations,'
arid the exercised were extmniely interesting:
The banks, ptiblid offices, store,' shoPs, Itc;
were all closed, arid the day, wore the aspect'
of a solenin' and Wellkept d
we'do' not, reinenit:er' 4day which' We.i so ma
app!aprintely, kept as was the .
Iviaidni4 . :ra4!.Nii,,,, i p;”es ao rofkirdylsol;• !
no re4lry,.ltad : l4t little, it . any, secular work '
r 'perfoi4iied.- -4 .•lnstead, all - was ..calia tind :still,
. • .„.
nudfe,,str,eatsivere. ,
honing ~o,_tLe :. housa , of• c!!!)r.? t.9.)9ffer.
1 1 P-0 -furvonc7 4, l4
, heart-felt petitione'tlia( tbe f beet-ere:of civil."
98asp,,sintl;tha4,our•Setitli t '
ern., ll 4ethYon FAT.- :bee '
0011 : 17. 11 3 , 0, th °in. grea \ t
eael;eloth and,tti*ex,land return-to theirralle
gia4ce ! to•That great:a:pc' gloriousDniorkwhich‘ ,.
o long'has fllierished: and protected thern.Hl'
dad grant the day is - notilatfi . ist ant' MPhe'n't
North. rind. the Setithdwili, - tvgairi iiiv:one:gfeat , I .
rindegir a , ll :,;: ; .
stook of winter clothing, shirts; drawers, &e.
has just arrived at Munn. Mar.'s Clothing•
Store, near the Market House, which he is
selling nt• unusual low prices. Call and see
It always affords us much pleasure to record
the praise worthy actions of any of our gallant.
soldiers, now battling for the dearest rights
of our nationality. But especially is this a
pleasant duty, when the subject of the hon
orable mention is an acquaintenee,and a citizen
of our good old Mother Cumberland. Without
further preface we will introduce the following
extract from the New York Hirald, which
gives a graphic, sod truthful sketch of Mej.
Samuel Sturgis, formerly of Shippensburg,
and who has lately won the police and admi
ration of the War Department, to such a de
gree l hat on the recommendation of the Penn
sylvania Delegation in Congress, he has been
appointed a Brigadier General.
Major Sturgis is a native 6f Cumberland
cou , lty, Pennsylvania, and graduated at the
West Point Military Academy in 1846, in the
same class with General McClellan. He
was breveted - a lieutenant of dragoons, and
joined the army in Mexico, under General
Among other distinguished services ren•
dered there, upon one occasion it becam e
important, before the battle of Buena Vista,
to ascertain if the enemy were occupying the
opposite side of a high mountain; hut its
ascent by a squadron of dragoons sent out on
reconnoissance was deemed improcticoble.
Sturgis immediately undertook the enterprise
himself, accompanied by a single private
soldier. Upon reaching the summit,
on foot, he was fired upon by an ambuscade
of Mexicans, taken prisoner, and carried into
General Milton's camp. „ The firing upon
him, however, being heard by the squadron,
gave General Taylor the desired i n format ion ;
and, deeply lamenting the supposed death of
his young officer, he prepared to avenge him
in the ever memorable battle of Buena Vista
After the battle •an exchange of prisoners
took place, and the old General was so re
joiced at the safety and restoration of Sturgis
that he entertained him sumpimusly at his
own tent. After the war he was assigned to
duty in New Mexico; and such was the
promptness with which he pursued and pun•
ished some of the maurading bends of indi
ans in that Territory, 7.nd recovered the
stolen property of the citizens• that upon one
occasion the Legislature tendered him a joint
resolution of thanks, and; joined by the P.: XeC•
utive and Judicial departments, urged the
President to confer upon him the appointment
of Major in the army. Congress hating crea
ted two regiments of Cavalry, the President
appointed him to a captaincy, side by side
with General McClellan. Thus distinguished
for successful combat with the Indians,. he
was selected by the War Depot-Intent to lead
one of the columns of the army ogninst the
Kiowa and Comanche indians. Two senior
officers (now Brigadier Generals) led the oth
er columns, The Indians were so fortunate
as to escape the two latter but Captain
Sturgis, after a determined pursuit of a
thousand miles, overtook and engaged he•
tweet) floo and 800 warriors, completely defea
ted nod routed them. So impcirtont did the
Secretary of War consider the achievement
that he referred to Captain Sturgis by,name
iu 'his annual report to Congress. and his
route of the ludians, as an evidence fop
the efficiency of the department in this
branch of the service.
Subsequently he was placed in command
of Fort Smith Arkansas. When the rebellion
broke out in that State General Solon Borland,
an ex Senator of the United States, raised
GOO or 800 troops and marched them clan •
destinely upon it. for its capture. The citi•
zens were secretely . cot ;living with him in the
design. Our forces and public property in Tex•
as and elsewhere had fallen into the hands of
the insurgents, through treachery and cowar•
dice, and they were determined to have the
force and public property at Fort Smith.
Their surprise and chagrin knew no bounds
when they discovered that the " federal
captain, "who had been on the alert for them
all the time, had, but a few hours before their
approach. quietly withdrawn his two compa
nies of cavalry and all the munitions and
valuable public property which twenty odd
teams could transport, and was beyond their
reach on his way to Fort Levenivorth.
In May last he became a Major by
promotion, and for his capacity and experi•
ence was assigned to the head of a company
of regulars and volunteers, as an acting
itrigtic ter General, with General Lyon, in
the war in M esouri. He took the command
of the army at the battle near Springfield,
when General Lyon fell. How gallantly he
and his brave little army repulsed and I iirly
routed an enemy outnumbering them four to
one, and effected II sucecessful and undistur
bed retreat, the Ilicial repot t, graphic but..
unostentatious, will fully show.
. -
Ile sus been fifteen years in active service
When the President of the United States
invited the respective delegations in Con
gress to name experienced officers, na
tives of their respective S aces, to com
mand' as Majors and Brigadier Generals,
to avoid the mistakes of inexperienced
officers, as at Bull Run, the Pennsylvania
delegation unanimously presented him for
one of the Brigadier Generalships, and it is
due to their timer Initiation to say thdt but
few of those appointed have had the
experience, or been selected for duties so far
above their rank, as Major Sturgis.
Q 2 The Phoenix bowling saloon, was
opened for the full winter season, on last
Monday. The alleys are in excellent order,
and every attention will be paid to players.
more sufferers. from debility among Americans, than
can he found am• tig any other civilized nation. The
reason is nl.Cvlogs. Wif Miceli, little exercise, and for
got the wants and uses or the body In the abserlung
pursulta_of bushes. In all ouch caefx, ordinary mrdi•
ei !WS can do little good. What is required is just such
a tonic and invigorator an• Dr. J. Hostetler has give n to
the world, In. his CELEBRATED BITTEItto the
weak nervous denizen ofthe conning how•, the ex
hausted MI coupon the shfp-board, and the prom , at ed
stud`•nt ol the midu gbt lamp have Mond a wooderft
regenerator or In the Illttere.” and prefer it to more
,protentious, but teas efficacious an divines. But it
should not be f .rgotten that the agent whh•h Is So wow
ic n i in lti Iniluen a ut on a frame which is merely debil
itated. Is equally powerful in assisting nature to expel
themost terrible furtus of disease. Who would not
give it a trial
Sold by druggists and dialers everywhere.
gm.,-See advert went In another column.
On the 23th the Rev. C. P. Wing RDWARD E.
PAU LDII , III of the U. S. A. to MARY LAMEItTON of
- • •
On the 25th ult., by Rev. Jacob Fry' hlr. ANDREW
lill'PLD, to BARBARA LASIEICI both of Frankfort tap.
Cumberland County:-Pa.;' ' '
On the 21'th ult., by, the same, Mr JA.COU itovivr.R,
to 1111xs. SUSAOIN t 13.:91.1011,' both of Monroe - townehip
Cumberland Oounly Pa. .
, .
By iten. W. W..Eells, on the mornleig of • Oct. lat at
the reahlenco of th e. lir Ide'a father. Alr y ,tl. STAIN A N
Ail Atha, -A , daughter of O . W. Ahl Esq. all of
"' On the lit Suet:, by Ibuir, , NREDERICK IL
DARAII EilicAtso)4,- both of /Stadium':
_ _ ~C ~ '~ ._-__
~.: 'o---
. , , ,
chkunD4gli; . 'on'aundity mernlog„hust, . titer a
'brief illheis; WILLIANA) the ibth year f
f:1 he deceased, was A natlie .of Carlisle', but spent many
years of his lifelnpo, .ch,y;.urPlitadelphis where he
Nqa employed no Superbitehdeid , 6l . One 'of ihe most ox.
toosive printing establishtne..ta in the' Oity(ale. , bei...
year) ago, ,he• hAtlrad from; the active
itles w leh time he .haa flashily 'reel& d
,In;" this' borOugh. lie er is A gentlisn'm 'fir the 'truest
CMS.' thii • Woid-'loiid,:..i , ouitu.:Kti., ;and . eirelao Ito •
was: a•sineere - frii:ndand . gt good citizen, and who
Li ,week dlifacnt. Andont of the:, Bible one his mipd
was. welestorad'W Rh-avast aniounr of literary iindlocl•
P 1.1". Uri. wind , 4`. M.iv hi rev' to