Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 13, 1861, Image 3
FANCY FUNS! red and in store my . ..... __lent of all the various styles and quallties.of Furs, adapted -to the corning Fall and Winter Seasons. I would respectfully Invite an examination of my stock and prices from 0041 in tending tri purchase. as I ant enabled to offer them very desirable Inducements_ All my Furs have been purchased for cash, and made by experienced and competent hands, and en the pros ont monetary troubles render It necessary that I should dispose army an - els at a Seery small eavanre on coat. I em satisfied that It will he to the interests of those vrbn de.iln purchasing, to give me a call. .I7Z" Recollect, the name. number end greet lobe Fe , elm. (New Fur Store,) 718 Arch Street, rhilad'a. Sep. 13, 1881-8 m 14', MO VA L —LOCH M AN'S Photo _ lotraphic and Arnbrotvpo Gallery has been ro ni ivoll to the nreond story of Mr. Inhoir's Grocery Store Mr. Locsm CV will b• pleased to wilt upon hls numor one friends and patrons, and will continue to make every kind of Photographic & Ambrotype Pictures ilrg- !QUAL l'O TUI lli 3IADE ANYWLIER.P. Carlisle Sept O. 1801. • COUlt'f PROCLAMATION.— WHEREAS the lion. JA NIBS 11. GUARANI, Pried. dent .lu•l{n of the several Courts of Common Pleas el the cenntios of Cumberland. Perry and Juniata, end Justine .if the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery In said counties, and Den. lion. nor harms and nom H. Comix, Judges of the C.mrt of Oyer and Terminer and General Jolt Delivery for the trial of all cetpltal and Ather offenders, In the said county of Cumberland. by their precepts to one di. rooted, dated Its 2 Ith of Amotitt. 1861, have ordered the ..lourt nlOyor and Terminer in d Generallail Delivery to beholden at C.(ItLISIA on the second MONDAS of November 1661, (acing Chu 11th day) at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. to continue two weeks. NOMA IS 111.1116111' 01 CtN to the Coroner, tie. ti Crs of , he Peace and Constables of the said county nil Cumberland, that they are by the said precept cont. mended to be then and there In their proper persons, with their rolls. roeords, Inquisitions, examination+ and all other rernionhrAhees, to do 011, thill4S within to their officer appertain to be done, and all those that are hound by recozniza aces. to prosecute aLtainst the pri+ tiers that are or thee shell be in the jail or sol.l musty. are t. be thorn to prvwe••ute them as shall be ja9 . July 12. 1951 pußuc SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Will be offered et Public Srtle on Friday and Satur thy the 13th, tn.! 14th days of iteptember at the reel donee of the au‘tscriber on Colleen Street in the bor ovett of Carli4lo, at locate amount at teassehold furniture end other personal property, conalsting in part as fol. lows viz: ONE SEVEN.OOTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, Sofa:4, Tables. Ch dry, enrpot.t. 11,11 Beadsteal , and Ueddlog, Ilureaug, IVach .4 tAtlds, Chwk, H tovep CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE Together with s vnriety of Kitchen FurnSture One )Vheeler and inlsou Seetnng 3fachine. Lest quality. Also, it largo assortment of well selected Lo Salo to co,nmenco at 9 o'clock, on each clay, when terms will be made known by AIMS W. MARSHALL Carlisle. September 6, 1661 P. - DUI3LIC SALE —ln pursuance of an l order of the orphan.' Court, of Cumberland coun t v . . I will niTor at Public Sale, on Saturday, the 25th day of Snritonilier, 1861, the following deeerilind real elitate,, to wit A LOT OF GROUND, Sit untod In Kest l'iinsborough township, Cumberland Co. adjoining lands,of p h,II Lurch. Samuel Eberly, John Musser, and others, containing ai.out an eighth of n acre, ante or lose. having thereon erected it Story and a half log nom.. In good repoir. flog Pelle, and other out buildings, water eon re . itient to the Meir. Solo to commence nt 2 o'clock." P , when at/un done,' will be given and terms made known by N'l W 11 A Administrator of (leo. Weldon, decd September 6, 1861. 1 - )1J13 LTC SA LE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the powers conferred on inn by the will of Dariol liollinuor. lee'd . Into of Ilirkinson Town chip. Cumberland County, I will expoeo to public sale at the Stone Tavern, on Suturday the 28th (lay of September, '6l at 1 o'clock I'. M. of said day, the following Real Estate, to wit: N.. 1. A llouse ankL“ Dickinson Township con. Woli; 13 ACRES more or less: hounded by lands of Fleury Shank, and others. This property lo on the Toad from the Stone Tavern to Chambers' Mil/. and on the hanks of the Yel- low Breeches Creek. It has a two story leg house weath er &larded, a frame fable. No.:?, A tract of Mountain Land on Spruce Run. In Dickinson Township. boundh•d by lands of Michael Nau gle, Lafayette Parer and others. containing TWENTY-FIVE ACRES more or less. A public rood runs through this tract alfitrdins; easy arenes. :c o . 3, A t r ,,t of ‘l , ,untaln Land In Penn Townehlp botwoen Irish Town (lap and the Pine ❑rove road, eon TWENTY ACRES neat measure. This is part of the land formerly known 24Q the• Johnston land, and Is very dusirable both for Ito locatorn and timber. It will be divided Into three lots t i suit purchasers and will he sold eit hi r In lots or an a e bole, to bring the Jreatest amount. No 4, A tract of Mountain Laud In Irish Town Gap, containing SEVEN ACRES more or less, bounded by .lanob Ilomminger and others will now appoint the list day el Sentemher, to meet any persons who may wish to nee Nos 3 and 4. at the Milltown Store, at I n'e o^k in the afternoon The Spruce run lot can he seen nt any time, by calling nt the residence of the subscriber. Te.itll3 1/ .1 I,ll.—One half of the purchase money to be either paid. or secured to be paid, on the day of of sale. and the other half to be paid on the Ist of 1 pill, 1402. when posseseitin and deed will be given. POSAAF. ion will be given of the Mountain Lnnd. Nos. 2,3, and 4. at any time, on the whole of the purchase money he. log seoured to be paid by The lot day of April. 1862. The Widow's Interest will be released in all the fore going tracts. DANIEL HOLLINGER, Jr., Exec utor 0, 1801 VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber nß••rs to soli his farm, situate In Mon roe tnwnsi , ip,Cuurnherland county. adjoining lands of Jacob IC Niesley, Vim llotner. ,To Similes. end others. containing F. 111117 ACIiiES Fl •S'I.RATE LIME. STONE LA X 1), with a good two story WEATHERBOAKUED HOUSE, Bank Darn. slid all necessary out imiidtngs, with a neYor filling well of water near the door, only 18 or 20 feet deep. Also, all kinds of fruit., such as is common to have nn a lama. - The land In In a gond Stitte of cultivation, clean of rocks fled atones. and of Into been well limed, it also Jilts norttettietit to stores. schools. and on the whole ix considered a desirelle prdpeity. Any person wishing to perches° such a farm.l would do well to examine t e mid can do no by calling t.niiecriber livteg on the farm. who is willing at alt times to wall on purchasers and make known his . _ con ditions. 'JESbk; /INfil.E. Seplerubor 0, '6l t NOTICE. —The creditors of DAVID Tartsa, dee'd., lately of tipper Allen Townehlp. are notified that the assets of his ovate remaining in the hands of John U Rupp. 61. administrator, will be marshalled amongst them at my nlll,l le Carllel on FRIDAY. th 20th of SEPTEIILIEII, 1801, where all claims against the estate may he presented. Aug. 2.3, 1861.. Flti:U•K. WATTS, Auditor. pICKINSON COLLEGE —1 he Fitll / Term opens on Thursday, the 12th of September. We specially reotoutmend the Grammar Seho I, under the rare of A.•V. Minuet, A. M., to those preparing fm the College classes Aug. 23, tit. . IL 3E. JOHNSON, President. • A Good House to Rent Cheap. subscriber wishes to rent the j_ house In which ho , esbles. In west Pomfret, at., for Fix months from the lot of October next. Terms to cult the times. Thu privilege of renting for next year nty_bu Avcurnd Aug. 2,'81. ESTATE N9T I C E.—Notice ia hereby girenfthat Letters of Administration on this Es tate ufJuhu highlands, late of Newton township. Cum heriand County, deed., have been Issued by the Regis tor of said Minty,. to the subscriber, residing-An' said twp. Notice Is hereby glean . to all persons Indebted, to mud estate, snake Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them fornittleinent to DAVID DENIUTII; ' Adminfittestoe. July 10, 1861.-0 t •_ • I'OSAL?, Olt .ItENT.--r • The Brick Stetiet formerly cum 1 t 11 / 111 offered-Alt mlei.or,rokit.,.o!ureasou aheur yow•mion mien by the drat of October, ft required. • Apply On the pletuleoe, or to T 11.05148 Cnr1131 ,, , A 14.10, 'Ol.-4 t• •, • Merceraburg, V tlOO L T /10 LI ER:B W ANTE D. 10 Cho Directors of, North tillddletun township, wish to employ three competent teachers to fill the vacancies In tiehoule N 0.2 3, and 4: Liberal salaries will be given A pp ,lention must be made at Ruyinond's II 4el, In Car lisle, on the first Saturday of October. _113431. Aug. 3 1801. P. W. QUIGLEY, Sec'y. Nu rICE TO-., 200 Ilands Wantoil to work on Army Shoe's, to whom constant emp'oyment will ba given for at least ilre or-els-inanthsi and Ilberal.wames paid. •- Amc.,1 . ..0, HU. ..; mciprtic: . . . T AW- - -CA.B.D.--(.3II"Sti.LES 11, „MA: k J (31.4A.U011LP1, Attoinoy lit Law, Odle; In la bel( 14 building, just 13pposi i o the Market' Meuse... ' -Ca rijole, March LI, 'eu—ly.. —.- . .. , . . otw mato's ~ Ito° P S KIRTS . ... 7taltllOyeltitl, and p aces to defy romps . 11 !,,,, 4 " ',: „ . LILIDICII, SAIVICZU es MILL4It , „. Evil lON "'IMOLA AT 10N.. ~ w lIEREAS, in and by an net of the General As. nt ,t he t'onsmonwerwlth of Pen finely:stilts. etitltitel an . e Act relating to tIM elections of thin Ceihmote Weal t ti.," passed the 2d day of July, A. 0.1830. it Is made the duty of the Sheriff of 'every county within this Commonwealth, to give public notice of the HeAterel Elections, and in such notice to enumerate: 1. The . offleers to be Sleeted. 2. Designate the placeat which, the election is tot, hold. Therefore, I, ROOT. fiIcCAT4TNEY. High Sheriff of the county of Cumberland. do hereby make known and give this pub. lie notice to the electors of the county of Cumberland. that on TUESDAY, the sth dry of October next, nn election will be held at the several election districts es. tahlished by Its, - in said county, at which time they will vote by ballot for TWO PERSONS to represent the munties of Cutriber land and Perry in the House of Representrstiven of Ptinneylvanla. ONE P1.:R.31.)N for President Judge of the Courts of Oyer and Teresiner and General Jail Delivery; Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; Court of Common Plans and Orphans' Court, of the.judicial distrlct.'composed et the counties of Cumberland. Perry and Juniata. TWO PERSONS for Associnte__Judees of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer anti General Jail Delivery: Court of Quarter Sessions of the Poise; Court of Commons Pleas and Orphans' Court of Cumberland county. ONE P Elt-SON • for Sheriff of the county of Cilrliherhandt4 ONE PERSON for Commissioner of Cumberland County. ONE PERSON for Treasurer of Cumberland county ONE PERSON for Director 6f the Poor of Cumberland County. ONE PERSON for Auditor of Cumberland County. The said election will be held throughout the county as. fellows: The election In the election district composed of the borough "(Carlisle and the townships of Ninth Middle ton. ; South Middleton, end Lower Frankford. will be held at the Court house lit the immugh of Carlisle. The election in the election district composed of Low er West Pennshorough township, will be bold at the North School house In Plainfield. The election in the election district composed of Ell ver Spring township, will be held at the public house of Jacob Ottstot. in Ifoguestown in sold bownelfin. 'the election in the election district composed of Hampden township. will be held at public the house for , moriy occupied by Weary 13 Stone, In said tow oship. The °lndio. in the election district composed nt the township of roper Allen. will be held at the publie house of John Floyd. in Shepherdstown. The election In the °Metiers district composed of ‘liddlesex township will be held at the Middlesex School lions°. The election in the election district composed of the. township ,if LoWei. Allen: will.he—holdatt the wagon. maker shop of inn. ifunehbarger. on Stale 11111. The election in the election district composed of East Penestioreugh township. will be held at the house of Joseph %Sole, In West Fairview, now occupied by Benjamin Clny. 'l he election in the election district compoPed of New Comberlntid, w ill be hold nt the house formerly kept by Wm. 11. Bold. In the borough of Ness Cumberland. The election In the election district composed of the Iteretgh of Meeletnicsiourg. will be held at the public house of James A. Molloy. in said borough. The election in the el ellen district rompnsed of Nlotwroe township. will be held at the nubile house of Thomas Ligget, In Chnrchtown, in said tiiwrishlp. The electinn in the elertien district composed of Penn township. will he held at the house now occupied by Jacob Itelsecker in said township. The election to the election d'strlct composed of Dickluson township. will be held of the lonise now no copied liv Shelly k l tier, known as the Stony Tavern The election In the election district composed of the borough of New villa, and townships of Upper Frani:ford. Upper West l'ennslinro. and north Newton will be held at the Public School House in the borough of Newsille. The erection In the election district cotnposed of , the borough of Newburg Ifupewell tow toship will be held in the public School House, in the borough of New 1,..rg. - The election in the election district composed of the .borotigh of Shlppenclinni. Shiptimisburg tow eship and that part of Southetniiton tot "ship not included In the Leesburg election district. will be held sit tie Council House In the borough of Shippensburg. And In an art of the General Assesniqy o f (his Com. tmonwealth. passed the 2,1 1(39. it is thus previd• ed .• That the qualified electors of pints of N e wton and Southampton townships, In the enmity sit Cum berland. bounded be the following lines and distances: Beginning; at the Adams county line ' thence along the line dividing the townships of Dieldesen and Newton to the turnpike road. thence along the turnpike to Cen tre School !louse. or, said tu•npike, in Southampton township. thence n point on the Walnut Bottom road at Upchuck's, Inctuding Ileyburk's farm, thence hr a straight line to the linW till II of the heirs nt Deorge Cle ver, thence along Drysher's run to the A Mon , county line, theme along the line of Adallse enunty to the place of he...onet,. he. nil the Faille is hereby deflated a 51015 aid separate election district. the elerthm to be held nt the mobile house formerly necup l cd by William Maxwell, In Lee...berg. SoothnotO'nn township." NOTICE 11l YEN That every person except Justlees of the Pence who shell hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the United States or of this State. or any city or incorporated district. whether a commissioned , or others iv, n subordinate Oftleor nr agent.. who is or shall bn employed under the legislative, exeent Ire or jinn- , diary departallents of this State. or the United States, or of any city or army incorporated district: and also that any Member of Congress or eif the State Legisln. tun, and of the Select or Common Council of any city, or commissiener of any incorporated district, is by lnw in - rapable of holding or exereising at the salmi time the office iir appointment of judge. inspector or clerk of any elections ~r this Coinnion wealth, and (het no inspector. judge. or other officer of such election shall be eligible to lie there voted for. And the said act of Assembly-, entitled an act rein title to tile elections of this Commonwealth, Intoned Jul: 2, lfitotl, further provides as follows, tis wit: .• That the inspectors and judges shall meet nt the place appointed for holding the elections of the district to is filch they respectively belting. before Moe o'clock , in the morning of the Second' Tuesday Is October, nod each of said Inspectors shall impoint one clerk, who shall he a qualified voter of said district. '1 In case the person who shall have receired the sec ond highest number of votes for inspector shall not at t, nd on the day of the elertion, then the person who ; shall tins',, reeelved the second highest number of Voles at the next preeeding elertion, shall act as Inspector in his place. .And in use the person who shall hate re ceived the 111,11CSt number of V ten for inspector shall not attend. the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place; and jn ease the person elected judge shall not attend. then the inspector who receiv ed the highest number of codes shall appoint sludge in his place, or if any vacancy shall continue In the hoard for the space of one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election. the qualified rotors of the township. ward or district for which such officer shall have been eleeted, present at the piece of °lodine, shall elect one of their number to fill such vacnney. " It shall be the duty of the several assessors of ench district to attend at the place of holding every general, semen', or towuship election, during the whole time said election Is kept open, for the purpose of gin ing In formation to the inspectors and judges when walled on, In relation to the right of any person iniSesSed by Limns to vote at ouch election, or such other unit tees In rein. lion to the assessments if ere ern as the littid inspectors or either of theist shall from time to time require. No person shall be permitted to vote at any election rts aforesaid, other then a white freeform of the age of twenty-one years or snore, who snail have resided in the State at least one year, and in the election district where he (Mere his vote at least ten days immediately, preceding. slogs election, and within two year, paid a State ,or cownoty his, which shall have been ',AA/SSP,' at least ten days before time election. But a d'ltizen of the United States who tins previous], been n qualified voter of this State. and removed therefrom and returned. and who shall have resided In line election district and paid taxes na aforesaid. shall be entitled to vide after rebid- It g In this State six months Provided, That the white freemen, citizens of the United States, bete eon is enty on,, mod ties(t ) -ton years, who have resided la an election district as aformtid, shell be entitled to vote nlthongit they shall not have paid taxes. '• No person shall be permitted to vide whose tiasne Is tint eiintahied in the list of taxable Inhabitants fur. filched hp the Commissioners. unless Hest. he produce a receipt for the payment n ithle wo years of it Stale or eounty tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence, either on Isis oath or af firmation. or time oath or affirmation of Another, that he hues paid Snell n tax, or on failure to prods', a receipt shall make °nth to the paytneut therent Second, If lie stales a right to vote by being nil elector between the , age of and twenty two years, he shall de pose on oath or affirmation that he has resided in this Shiite nt least one year next before his application. and Ins ke such proof of residence in the district as larequir, ed by this act and that he flees verily believe. from the neeount glue,, hill,. that he Is of the age .r...mht. and such elite] evidence as is required by this net. where upon the name of the person thus admitted to vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list by the Inspec tors and a note Made opposite thereto by writing the word "tax." if he shall he admitted to vote by reason nt havint pew tax; or the word 'age." if he shall It admitted to vote by reason of tillett age. shall be called out to the clerks. who shell snake the like notes on the lists of voters kept by them. , • In all cases where Ilse name of the person cla ming to vote is liquid on the list furnished, by the COnitnis. stoners and assessor. or his right to vote. whether found thereon or not, is of jeeted to by ally qualified eitim.n. it shall he the duty of the Inspectors to examine such person on oath as to Isis qualifications, and if be chums to have resided within the State for one year or Iltrlt. 11114 oath shall be sufficient proof thereof. but s h e ll make proof by at least one competent witness, elle shall be a qualified elector, that,he hen resided iu the district for more then ten days next inmeellately pre ,eding ouch election, and shall also himself sweat thst bin bona tide residence. In pursuance of his lawful call. mg. Is in said district, and that I e did not remove ,into said ilisttict for the purpose of voting therein. " Every person qualified ns nthrenald. and Who Shall make due proof, It required. of the residence and pay. silent of taxes na aforesaid. shall he edrnitted to vete In the township, ward or district in a bich he shall reside " If any person shrill prevent or ettempt to posevetis any officer of any election under this act from holding such election, or use or threaten any violets.• to any such officer. or shall Interrupt or improperly intei fete with Min in the exerution of his duty, cr shall I.lh els up the window. or aVeIIUU to any window whine the came m a y be holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such eleetion, or shall ,use any intimidating threats, force or violence, with design to Milner. e us.• duly or overawe any, elector, or to prevent Isinw from vo ting nr to restrain the freedom of choke, such purlieus on conviction shalt-be fined In any Mint not exceeding • five hundred dollar's, and imprisoned for any time-not loss than three nor more than twelve months. and hilt shall beahown'to Court, where the trial of such orreeee shall be had. that the person so offending was- morn resident of the city, ward, district or township where the offence was committed, and not entitled to veto therein, then on conviction he shall be sontenced to pay a finoof not less than one hundred nor more Huai one thousand dollars. and be imprisoned not loss than six Months-tier more than two years. "If any person or persons shall snake any bet or wa. gormimn.theinsult oLany ,election, within ..the "'em moss wealth. or shall offer to Make any such bat or wa ger, either by vorhal.proclamation thereof, or toy any written-or printed advcrtheineot, challenge or invite any portion to make such bat or wager, upon conviction thereof boor they shall forfeit and pity-thrust times the amount so hot or to bo bet. " Irony person not by law qualified, shall fraudu lently vote at any election of this Commonwealth, or being otherwise qualified shall vote out of his proper district, or. if any person knbwing the want of such , guallficamons, shell aid or procure such person to vote, the poi eon offending, shall, on conviction lie fined In any sum lost exceeding two hundred dollars, and be Imprlkoned fel any. term not exceeding three months. ". It any person shall vote et mere than one election district, or otherwise fraudulently mite store titan once .on the sumo da y , tw o e o s t li ic a k il e f t e s a t u o d g h et le h n e t r l , y w f i s i ol hb to the d andto Intent d siir i lilognlly to V. ri t _Or shall procun -Smother to. - do - srb - he - or - they.olTunding. Shall on conviction be fined hi stray sum not less than fifty nor nano than five hundred, dMlora. and be Imprisoned frir any term not loss tha n three ndr more than twelve mOntlis. ",If any persoo not qualified' vo e t ' n thin Commion. - wealtliagreellity to law. (except -the sons citlecins,), shall appear at any p 1 see of- elecglon fo r Hob purpose of influencing-the-clthms—quehtleir to --- tti - ste -- - he shall ou conviction forfeit an I pay any sum notex: (moiling one hundred dollars for every Such offence, and be imprisoned for any term not e teem - ling three mon ' ths'. Afresably to the provisions Of the slxty.tir t seation JOHN FAREI4A A 71017 Street, 1e twuon 7th and Bth tit 'Late of 818 Market St., Importer and Manufae ,urer of, and Dealer In ll kinds of Fancy Furs, Fon. LADIES'. MIESEE', LOd CRILDREN'B e WEAR.. liavlngnow 'min unit. ROUT. 31 cCA ItTS ICY. Shoriff. ISEEMM of the said net, every General and Special McAllen slinll be opened between the hours of eight and Um In the forenoon, anti shall con I limo without interruption or adjournment until RO6'(111 o'clock le the evening, when the polls shall bottoms!. And thejudges of the respective distrlA:ii aforesaid are by the sald'act required to meet at the Court House In the borough of Carliswi, on tile third day after the election, (being Friday, .11i3 11411 day of October,] then and there to perform the things required of them by Ina. The return Judges of the Representative district, will meet at Carlisle, at the time fixed by law. Giv mt under my hand, at Carlyle, this 14th day or September, 1860. ROBERT IkirCARTNEY, Sheriff. A. B. EwrNG's FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS 1859 West nigh Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberif.nd County Agricultural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber has just received tho moot splendid assortment of articles In his tine. ever brought to this place--whlch ho is determined to sell at prices that de ry competition. 1 Chamber, Dining-room, }FURNITURE latenen and Office Embracing every article- used by House and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Slattrasses, Jilt frames, pictures. kr., lee. Purchasers arc requested to call and examine his stork, at his extensive warn-rooms, West Main street, North side. A. 11. EWINIi. gir...l?. Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms, A. ft. E, May Id, p I 3 LI() SALE. I will expose to public sale, on Thursday, the 19th of September. 1861, at 11 o'clock. A. IL, on the premrSen. in Silver Spring township. Cumberland county, a tract of First Quality, LIMESTONE .L.O.ND, containing 322 ACHES, and P. RCUES, which will be divided into parts, and mold, as follows 1. A FA VI, containing about 156 ACRES, well improved, end highly cultivated, having a I Z ... A, 0 00 D, TWO STOIIY it* sir, i. • ..4 4 , DWELLING HOUSE. I,n_rge Bank Barn. Spring Ilona°, Orchard. and all other Improvement!, rut.nin❑ water upon it. \ bunt 15 Acres of which 14 co, eyed with 1 , IN M: TIMBER. Thor" may he about 40 eres rut off this Farm, and sold sop rately. 2. A Tract containing Eighty Four A cres and 157 Perches. about 60 Acres of whieh Is coy rred Fine Timber—t/ak, Hickory R aluut nod 1.0 rust, and there I• rrro . tell Oli 1 1 / 1 3 ran a Steam Saw Mill. whlrh may lie made profitable In 84,yllig up the lumber 3. A tract containing 3O Acres and 61 Perches, qdjohilng .11.1/11 li app. Eck,: and , ther, about 14 Arra ot which is eskared and toured, and the realdue is wood land of fine quality 4. A tract containing 88 Acres and I SI Perch., situate on the, 'Triadic Spring load. about 10 Acies of which la tine Timber Laud, and thh brlanc• is cleared and cultivated, 5. A tract containing, 11 Acres and 13 Verehes on the same root oppo,:ite to the al.Vr, all of whirl, is rienred. 'l•his kind is slt mite on the Trindle Spring Road, nhout live miles Elec. of Carlisle. and dib•en miles 1% est of Harrisburg nod Is 'wounded by John Ilupp Jonas Rupp Oliver Saxton, Col J11110.0%1 Ilamson,./neoh Eckert and others. and is no fine 'a body of land as has been Offered for sale for n long time. The ternoi will be easy, and will be not to known on the tiny of sale. wh.•n a phiu chart and di V 1.11.11 of !be whole trust will lie exhibited. The title is lodisp•riablo. Aug. 2OS 4t. RICHARD PA IIK Eli. pußLio SALE. fly an older of the Orphans' Court of Coml.,land county, I will expose to public sale ell the premises. on TUESDAY, the 17th day of SEPTEMBER, 1861, at 11 o'clock, A. M THE MANSION FARM of the loto !ewls Ilyer, situate In Upper Allen Town ship, Cumberland rioniy, hounded by Abut. Weaver, the heirs of Chi. Zook. Joose Bowman, and iithers, containing 92 ACRES, more or lose, hating thereon eructed a two-story Large Rank Darn. (nearly Ilea) rin• ning water acid Spring llougo near th. door, orchard and other linpn.vementx The whole being under gnod fence and highly cull s vated. Thin farm ic within a mile of Shunt.m datown, and ghoul eight mil. from Harrisburg. I=3 Th• re w ill be sold at the FRT.e tines nod place a tract of excellent WIHIDLAND. situate In Ilonaglian Town. ship, York county. contaioing 22 ACRES, mere or lens. and which Is near Siddenstown, and about two wiles from the above described term The title to the lands IF un IFtwtelile and the terms. which will be easy, will bu made his .we on the day of aide. JOHN RYER. Aug. 22. tn. Amin4trett, of Lei t< Myer. Uee'd FOUTZ'S MIXTURE. The Best lastsmar for Max and BEAST now in USK Is a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of ituoilma - Painful Nervous Alf,•ctlons, Sprains. Biome Swellings, and all diseases requiring the external ap plication on Man. flu Horses It will never fall to c u re Poll E v il. old running Sores. or Svrneny. if properly applied. For Sprains. Bruise, Seratebes.l'roolied lloof. Chafes. Sad die or Collar flail, Cuts or Wounds. It is no infallible remedy. T. y it, and be col. jutted of its efficacy. RHEUMATISM. Persons afflicted with this disease no matter of how long standing, van be prf.mpily and effectuidly cured by using this 1 1101 re. There is nothing In the norld so sure and so good to take away had Corns, and cure Frost Bites as Ibis pre paratlon Try it and salisly yourselves. Price 25. and an cents per bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, Went mlnirter. yid For snlo by REYNOLDS At PEIFFER,CBrIIBIB. Pn.. and by all Votintry storekeeper, [Aug. 23, 1861. lA I OUTZ'S CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle Powders These PoWders have prove after n trial of several years, to he superior to au, preparation of the kind In me. The i•hinf humid°, it) of these Powders arinee from the fact that th. y nre eqmpo,rd of Vrdlrimi t•s limn t bore Laxative Tooke,d Purif3 log properties The Laxative 'bete crudities from the stomach and intestines, the Tonle gives strut gth to the system of flie Horse, and the pun ifying inedieloes,con tamed in I hem c•lennnr the blood. and lay the foundatPoo lora healthy a nd vigorous circulation. 'l • he use of them improves 'the wind, strengthens the.mppetite and gives the horse a line, smooth find glossy the appearance, vlgnr and spirit of the noble animal. Mesa Powders are not Intended. as most powders are, to bloat the animal, so en to give blin the appearance of being fat when not really ,e—lout to remove the disease end pr mote No general health. These Powders Si ill nil ragt hen the sh mach and in entities. cleanse them Teem offensive nuttier, and firing hem to a hen' hr state. 'I hey are a sere pi even Ilan 4 hung Fever, and n certain remedy for all diseases neident to the Morse, as Glanders, Yellow Water. Ills ruiners, Fun older. Heaves, aloe veering, roughs. Loss of Ippelllu. and Vital Energy. ,Lc These l',.wders If us-d wo es thine tiers a week. through the winter and arlog. your horse will never get the Lung Fever, Colic r Hotta. A low doses of those l l narders will remove the •orst Cough on any norm Were otenerf , i, of 110r#08 to ed a le" of these Powders every year, they might lye the lives of ovary valuable IthrlO'S. M 1 LC H COWS. The properties thin Powder possesses In increasing he quantity of Milk in Cows. gives It en Import/Lion nd value which should plane It In the hands of every croon keeping a Cow Is fatto , ing -Cattle It gives 'min an apputito. loosens their hide, and makes them mire flinch faster. HOG S•. In all dironses of Swine. OH Coughs. Ulcers In the linen and Liver. &c., by putting from halfn paper to n spar of these Powders In a barrel of Swill. the above .Iseases cared Cr- entiroly:proverited. By. using hese Powders the Dog Cholera ran be prevented. Pre wed by S. A. FOUTZ, Wo•tmluister, kid. For Mlle by REYNOLDS & PEIFFER, Carlisle. Pa., nd by all country storekeepers. Price 25 cents per ;per, or fire papers for one dollar. [Aug 23, 1861. On Saturday, the 28th day of September, 1861 The heir,, at law of John' Mutch, deed., and the eardian obthe minors. by order of the Orphans' Court; 111 sell at public vendue, the • A N S-F off FAI? II , • • the tatty John Mulch, tlec'd., situate In .Jlalnpdea Euiblierland county. 5 mitre west of [hurls , irg, and 4 m ale,, north of Shireitiamitown, bounded ' . 10 Rn rtilee. William Logan, George Seaver, ■nd here. Containing 100 ACRES, more or lona, having me on erected it good 'lNen.wroni MYHIALALIIGI HOUSE, Vrr, • ask Darn, a Gond Orchard. Water conducted Iron, the ping to the 1i0n,,,,, and Other, Improvements. Th(110 4 a Limestone Quarry. Also, about 80 acres cleared nd, and under rultlvation, the reeldfue In gond tim. , There hne been taken from the farm TIME RACTB ON• WO.OD CA:VD, coptalug about fire acres " fib, which Will - be field separately as wood lute upon Mch these la - -GOOD—ItAIL • . 8010 to commence at 11 o'clocki A. M. Terms: The Idow's Interest to be left In the 'atid.nnd the Interqst old to her. Five per cent. on the confirmation of the le; one half the residue April lot, 18tr2, nod the .11AUCO April lst, JBtl3, BENJAMIN ERU, Attnrney In tit for tho hulrs. - Gelnne. ATRBts, - Onnr . dlnn, [AI4-.30,1881, RAIN. BAGS -Just received. and Jr,for sale Tor/ ohoap for Coal 6v.2, 1860 CHAS. (.41LBY,Truite• N , Testinneitt94 on 11 the Will of David 0, Rupp, late 01 Lower Allen township; doc'd.. braving been binned by-the Register of Cumberland County ; to me the subscriber living In Lower Allen township. notice is. hereby. given to all persona Indebted to maim Innuedintepayment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for aottlement to ' JIMMY G. RUPP, Executor. Carlisle, Aug. 23f1t* fitIURCII . DEDICATION. Provi ki duiico - Termitting, the new .Itiethodiet EpiseOpal Chlardh, at MT. MOLLY SPRINGS, will be dedin ted to the worship of Almighty clod, no Sunday. the 6th of September, 1861. Prom-Wog at 10 o'clock, A. M., by Rev. A. E. 0 Olson, and at 7% P. M., by Rev. Andrew Manship, of Phila delphia. Rove. John A flare, Wm. H. Keith, Drs. Merman M. Johnsen, C. P. Wing. and other ministers, will be ferment. The people. irrespentive of denominations, are cordially invited to attend. I. COLLINS STEVENS, Pastor In Charge. Aug. 30, 1801-2 t 859 PUBLIC SAL E. OP VALUABLE FARMS and TANNERY On Friday 13a September. 1801. at As assignee of Robert Bryson, I Will expose to public st it e on the premises, all his Real Engird°, which con. mitts of The MANSION FARM, Situate In Uppnr Allon township. Cumbscland conniyl bounded by DsstdCooror..lohn Dunlap's heirs, Michas, Conklin and others. containing 230 ACRES. more or less, having thereon erected, A LARGE, IiOUDLE,, d - on TWO-STORY HOUSE, LARGE TWO STORY STONE BARN, AN EXTENSIVE TANNERY, engine of 'modern e bountiful supply r f overhead s w il i r r l 'h n t g ra"i t tc r a ttih t " e e' r " wt , m r a li e r ih ri ly o 'n a machinery, and rn mai the bull rings. shops and yard, and upon lite farm are also, FIVE EXTENSIVE LIME KILNS, and two good WV PILLING IP VtiliS..ard Stable. and Blacksmith Shop. and all winvenleint out buildings. sue:, a. Smoke home, Ice bowie. Spring house: also. en Orchard; running neuter. such its never falls. 4 n the Inuae, and may Ito 111 the hirn-yet 4. Fencing all good. and the lend Aqui f, In the , hem. (Caning order, hawing been well limed and in .nured. Thiß property oily be divided Into three parts. and may he thus sold it suitable to purchasers, and bringing tbe•boet price. 1. The Tannory, with Fifty Acres of Land, running down to the Lisburn Road. 2. Thar, part of the Farm which lino along the Lim. burn Road. including the huildingo, blacksmith shop, and about Forty Acres of Land. 3, The residue of tinCFartn, which will elntain about One Hundred and Thirty Acros, whh tie Lan o Barn. I will coil at the atom thno and pittoe, a Tract of Land, nr Farm. in •iouoghan township, York co., con tabling, about sirr FIVE 4 CRES, all of whieh hexing theren ererto4 a GRIST NULL. Three Frame OWN:LUNiI lIGLIARS, BA IN and othor linprryeinents.. - This Sarni Is situate about one mile south of the .hive named min=ion Farm. n Semi Stone Quarry, in the same township, on the road 4 iddenstown to Lisburn, containing about three illarters of an acre. Also. at the Caine time and place, I will sell about SIX HUNDRED ACRES CHESTNUT L tND, situate In Rye taw nnhip, Perry runty. new to St or. reit • K Gap, on the North side of the mauntoln. Thu jand will he dirido I Int, lots to suit purchasers. mope and drafts of which rail be ex hi hitch at the [lmo of bale. At two o'clock on tho etwe day, r will oleo „or on the prelni.e. , , 290 A Ores Litneaf one, Land. In the same township, known. the Harkness Farm," situate About two miles south of ‘ln,ha ieshurg.' This land is high!• Impraved. func••d and cultivated, with plenty of running water. and ep inzs that nu are This land will be divided and sold in part to suit pur. cltqrre. Int. All that. part 01 the land which Ilex weal of the main road to lorhan eshurg and which enntainn about. 170 kerns. will to, divided into there nearly equal parts ono of whl,ll, the no, th part, has 1111 excellent HOUSE AND BARN, le '4, • •-• •"'-; and the other two are without bulldinzs. but are w,II fenced and In ek high state o eultication. 2. All that hart which hoc East of theroad, and con tains 120 Al!itE4. 11 tying, thereon a LARGE I,OU 1t11.4T11 (1 STORY . 111478 E. Slone Bank Barn. Corn II taco, Ui.til cry, and All other c mrenient buildingB. with Orchard of the choicest fruity, and runnins Rlreatny. These are the most dryirablo farms that have been of fered for rule for neatly yonry All the shove lands will be AOlll by the Acre ex.•upt the Tannery property, Ihe exact ant , unt he each tract will be ascertained before the dyed in MA.1.1 The title 14 perft,t. and possesnion will he giro, on the let of boric. 1 800 . The elnulltionA will be emsy...'oet bill Pomade known OA I he day of sale by Aug 9 ts PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE • AND PERiONAL PROPERTY. I will oiler at public sale. on SAT(lilt)lY. the 14th day of September. 1001, on the promises. in Lower Allen township one mile north of Shiremanstown, and five miles west of IlArrishorg. the Mina leg described Reel Estate and poniot al property, to wit: 24 Acree and 1116 Perches of Slate Land, having thereon erected a good two-story • ; . jl 4 /•P 6 1 Frame house and Bank Burn, 7 srist. ri and all necessary out buildings, all of which are new. A good well of water near the d or. Also. an Or , htrd of fine. thriving Fruit Trees. such as apples. peaches. pears. apricots and cherries This is in all rag:wets a desirable property. having 11 fine view of the Cuinberliiiid At the same thine and place. I will sell all the parse nal property on said farm. cone& tlng In part I,r. one (Lod 'dem one Coe, a lot ol Ifoze. ‘Vagens. Plows. Harr 'we and other fanning utensils. ihillSEllol..D AND FURNITURE, Ac. he. Sale t I ee 'rumor, at one o'clock on said day, when attendance will be given and mania known by HEN Rl' li. RUPP. Executor of David S. Rupp, deed. Aug. 3 ), 1861-3 t SSIGNEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. On SA2'URD:ITI &pie/I;l,er 281 h, 1861, Will be exposed at Public tede. on the premises. the following MILL VlCutile In Lower Allen township. Cumberk lid County, on I he Yellow Ilreevins, Creek within three miles of Harrisburg. bounded by Innds of Yost Best Cleo Halsey end tatters, containing 20 ACTON, mors or less,aud hiving thereon ererted, a LARGE TWO-STO RY 4 =rl . lgEirt ZAC-1.13., with all th- machinery In complete ,rdor. n SAW MILL, and a Corn Drier, with all the machinery attached to make Corn NI, al. The water power In sufficient toddy° the mills at all season. Also, a now TWO STORY ELLING HOUSE, a barn and a gond Tonart (louse. There Is an APPLE ORCHARD on the premises, and the lug is in a high state of cultivation, some seven or eight acres of it be ing excellent meadow land. A LSO, at the 831110 tllOO and place lola he mold, A LOT OF GROUND, sit ante in East Lou township, Cumberland c moksy, one mile from the Susquehanna !liver, lmunded by the Cumberland Valley haiku:id, and Lb° State road from Harrisburg to llettyeburg, containing ONE ACltli, more or less, known as the" White Hal Property," and having thereon erected, A LARGE TWO SY OR.EFRAME HOUSE, Stable, and other out•buillinga. On this property there in a leirlie variety of CHOICE ERIIIT TREES The terms of sale of the Mill Propel ty will be as 101- lows: o'per cont. of the purchase a ~,, iey to be paid on the day of sale; Fifteen hundred dollars to remain in the property daring the lime of li.. widow of William Bre Ike, dec'd . the Interest, of which is to lie paid to her yearly during her lifetime, mid at her death the prhicipr I sum is to be paid to the Wein; siol legal rep. resentatives 01 the said William Brooks, doe'd.; one half the balance of the purchase money to be aid on the hit of April, 18112, When persuasion of the premises will be glean, and a deed made to the purchaser; the residue Ili to be paid in two equal annual payments with intermit from the Ist of April, IEOI2, Wlll2ll last payments are to be secured by Judgement or mortgage on the property. . Thu tern a of this, sale of White Hill Property are Ten per cont. of the purchase inolioy to be paid on the day of sale, one half the balance oil the Ist of April. 1862; and ihe residue in two equal ann u al paym me with interest from the list of April. 18112,sald payments to be secured by judgement or nioetysge on the property. Possession to be givep on the lid 10 April. 1.112, and deed matte to the purchaser at the some Iliac. EOllO 1,5'.111i. ISW ELL, Sept. 6, '01.. 7 t s. Assignee ut Joseph Ifuehor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By order of the )rphann' Court, of Combed'' , d county, will bo gold at ,public Nato, on Um premises, nit nate In Upper Allen township' In guild county, On SAT URDO Y, Oc/ober sth, 1861, thn following doeellbod Ord estdto, Into the proporty of . Potor Sidle, deed., t,o wit-: A TRACIT_Cir LAND, containing • 90.1ar00 .a.ctressi, situate tte aforesaid, bounded by lauds of Itobt Bryson, Joseph Nelsen and John Oreseiuger,and haying thereon erected aleinsiory FRAME AND PLASTERED HOUSE, ' with.hasrment and outbuildings. • TE112413 or SALF.--One mrth"the purchase money to bo paid on the con6rtnation of tho sale, ono half the balance on the . Int of April, 164 and the balance on the•hit of April,- 1863,-the-last payment to be secured by Judgement bond.. . Persons &Wow; of viewing the: premises can do'iso by. calling on the undersigned,_nesiding on the reatne.-'-- SARAH 81D1,11, Administrator:of Peter Sidle, deed. .) September 6,1881 Ti STftAY COW.--Came to the resi. .A . 2.4 dunce Of the subvilber, In Middlogo; too : nship . , bu ounday ptgrutng. Sept, Ist Mil. kited Cow, with a .white tip,t on the forehead, and a small bull on her neck. The owner Is notified to call prove property...Pay -chargos'alad. WACO ker.away; or ihu will be disposed 9r AC: ' cording - to laW. Sept. 4, 1861, Bt.* JOIIN B. COON' VII, Ashlgneo of ROUERT UUTOON DISEASED LUNGS, Thus striking at the root of disease . , and driving it from the system. - - - Thin disease In announced by difficulty of breathing, shrill chilling or wheezing, hocking cough and threat mrd suffocation, ke. It "noggin occur. in young Chil dren. No child need die of croup If this pyrup pre perly uned and- used In time. Mother.. having croupy ehildreu should watch the fleet show of dinease, aid al ways keep this remedy at hand. For coughs after menden this Syrup4olost excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. The price of the remedy In such as to place it within the reach of all. the poor as well ea the rich, and every person should bawl it. Every person should have It In the house. It Is a true and faithful friend to all who value health and wish to Recur() themselves against that most terrible disease. consumption. It will be found the Mostugeful as well as the cheapest fatuity medicine In the world.— It has been used for the last four yeate with a success without a parallel. Nave your' thliiireti. No child need die of croup If thin syrup le used in time. Price al crab por.bottle, or Mee bottlea tor $l. For male by REYNOLDS & FEIFFEIL Carlisle. Fa..and by all country alorekeeporo. . [Aug. 23, 1801. V 4 A R3l Elt S TAKE NOTICE - U JON MANIC now . mantifacturenabd Keep' Con, staidly ihr sale at his shop, on North Hanover Street, rpposite the residence of George Bletsgar, Esq.. Carlisle, Pa., &large asmortment of the bent IMPROVED THRESHING MACHINES , 'Horse Powers ' three and four Horse ?dualities, Glover Hullers, Corn Shelton', Straw Cutters, and • ifarroweirlows, &c. Also a lot of second hand Ma. chines and florae Powers. Parma ',call and examine my stock,.l will sell to Milt theAlinee.: Repairing done at - abort notice. • , (IARPET CEIAIN.—A new supply of kjoupeitor Carpet CheinJout fecelvd at tho cheap store of • • . • 011/18. OGILDY,- • . rob. 16, 7861. , Truotto. 14RI E CRANBERRIES.- A superior orttolO of OrouborrlosJuot re'celved afA for nal° by. J. W. Mi. Oat.. 284:60.: GEORGE EIMITH. • DISSO.LUTION OF PARTNER- The,partnership heretofore SHIP. existing between the un detained In the Lumber and C. 01,1 iminent', wan die .solved this dny, by mutual 0011000 t. The books of the firm are left at the office 01 the late firm, where ell per eons Indebted are requested to call and settle their accounts, and those having claims are requested to present them. ROBERT M. MACE, OLIVE.. DELANEY, Carlisle, Ju1y16,11361. The Lumber and Coal Business will be continued at the old stand, by the undersigned. July 26, '6l. OLIVER DIMANCY. PATENTED NOVEXIIE :...'.; • „. ..,,,. ikr i , ,n ,V,K= - . • ' ri:, .0' F. B A L LOU'S Patented Improved French Yoke Ei3E3E3OF6.9r, PATENTED NOV - EMBER lit, 1859 A New Style of Shirt, warranted to Fit. By me , ding the above measures per mail, we can guarantee a perfect ❑t of our new style of Shirt, and return by express to Any part of the United States, at $l2, fklfi, $lB, $2l, &c.. kc., per dozen No order for warded for less than ',elf A dozen Shirts. Also. Importers and Dealer. in NEN'S FURNISHING GOOtiS. Wh:losttlo trade supple.] on the usual terms. BALLOT.) . 13 Ii.OTEIERS. 409, Broadway, New York Juno 28,1961.-3 mos. SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE NUL UN T. BELOW COST! I At the sign of the "Gold Eagle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, And two doors below the Methodist Church on West Main street, the largest and bunt selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 39 por cent lower then at any place In the State The titnek comprises n Isrge assert moat of Gold and Sliver hunting-case watches, hovers, Lupines, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold l'ons and Pendia, .lewelry of all )(ludo, Spectacles Gobi and Silver, Plateil and Sliver IVarn, MUSIC BOXES, •ACCORDEONS Oil Paintings. s great varotty 111 fancy articles, and a lot of the finest Pianos, which will be sold 40 per cent lower than over offered in town. The entire stock of Watch maker-tools. vas.. large iirrore, and Safe Will be gold wholesale or retal! on the eilsOit tarms. hoeing selected a first class workmen all kinds of re pairing will be done RA usual, nt reduced prices. Three Pianos nt 1.100 below the factory price on as count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. I will soil at the Jewelry Store, THREE ROSEWOOD PIANOS, warranted, nt two-third their real value on easy terms If called on soon. 11, 1 Olt SALE.—The large three.ntory Brick House on Main Street. will be cold on easy terms. Call at the Jewelry Store In raid April IS. 18(10, LARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH I 7 tOC,Eitl liB-1 , 11:11 OF ALL K Among which Is a lan., .4 - the real Loin nine Bo Ill more dry salt lIKICItINtI..In oil( barrels, M ACK k at prices that is really astonishingly low. Pickets of all kinds. SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a good assortment of TOBACCO...AND SEGARS , LIQUORS, &C., at the lowest rates for CAS!I or Country Produce. WM BENTZ. Carlisle, June 21, 1861. FSTATE NOTlCE.—Letters Testa inontary and r the WIII of Andrew film r. late of the borough 01 Otrlsslo, deed., have boon issuod to the undersigned, in duo thrill of low. All portions indahted to the estate are required to make Im mediate payment, and those having claims tqpresent them for settloment to WILLIAM BLAIR, Jr., ANDUEW it. BLAIR, I,lxceutore, Aug. 2, '61.-6t CIIEGARAY INSTITUTE. 1527 mail 1529 81'111.1C111 STREET Phis Institute, -onducted for two years paq. In this city. by M kDANTE CHF:OAK k Y cod her nieee NI n %nu:D . 1100 FILLY, upon the same principles no the one In New 1 orb, established there In the year INN. will reopen On Mon day, September IGth, with Its usual ample and complete provision for the education of Young Ladles, under the direction CI Maclaine D'llervilly. Circulnrs, and all rot Amite information, can be obtained on application to the Principal. August 10, 1801. ggb,:- MANHOOD. now Lost, Ilow Restored • Just Published in a Sealed Envelope, LECTURE ON TILE NATURE, L 1 TREATMENT, AND It ADICAL CURE tif SPER- M %FORMER. nr Seminal Weakness, Sexual Dehi.ity. Nervousness. sod Involuntary emissions, producing Im potency, Consumption and Mental and Physical De By ROBT. .1. EULVERWELI., M. 11. The important fact that the awini consequences of actinium° mry be effectually removed without Internal medicines or the dangerous applications of caustics, Instruments, medicated Mingles, and other empirical (Wilmot, is here deadly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful trdatment, as adopted by the celebrated authdr fully explained, by means of which every one Is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the last possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums"! the day. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal. In n plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on the receipt or two postage stamps by ad. thessing, Dr. CII J. C. K LINE, A ugiLly 127 flowery, York. Post Office, box 4.586. SHRINE,R'S BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP. FOR COUGHS. etiLDS CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, SPITTING BLOOD, PAIN AND IYFAKNESS OF THE BREAST, DIFFICULTY OF IIUATIIING. &C. Thin Ia no new remedy. It has been used for a nurn• bar or years in Maryland and parts of Pennsylvania and has. wherever known, acquired an unprecedented reputatlor lor curing the various diseases for which It Ix recommended. So apparent in its usefulness, and so remarkable has been Its cures, that It is fast superseding every other remedy Gar those diseases. The efilletee cari rely upon Its doing as much for them,-and in many cases more than any other remedy now before the public. It in recommended and prescribed ir. the practice bf a large number of the most intelligent and able physi• clans of Maryland It is used and considered an indis pensable household remedy by a large portion of the first families of the Stat II is used by‘all classes of society, and the universal opinion Is tlwb it IS good Tills Sense IS PUBELT Tone TABLE COMPOUND. It is pleasant to take, and never does injury. But owing to Ito purifying qualities: must do good under any circumstances. Its effects are truly wonderful. soothing, calming and allaying the most violent coughs; purifying, strengthening and invjgrs ratinethe whole systetn, calming and soothing the nerves, aiding and facilitating expectoration, and heal ing the CROUP, Harris's Improyed Cider Mill, Aug. 30, 1861-3m* NlniV GOODS.---FIRST ARRIVAL THIS SEASON, I have flint returned from Philadelphia and am invi , openings lot of handsome, desirable nod cheap DRY GOODS, bought for cash and will be Bold at astonish ingly low prices. A large stock of new etyle print& Chatoys. DoLanes. Ginghmns, and other Drem Roods in great variety. ^A new stork of bleached and unbleached Moslies, Tick legs. Shootings. Diapers. Linens. Cheeks, he --A full assortment of Mack Silks very cheap a.•d very good. Another stock of those first class Stool Spring Skil to and under price. Ladles', Gonts',.MlSSeli! ' and Childrun's Hose In graft variety at low prices. GLOVES of all kinds and price. Ist, 1859. The Meeeuree Anew supply of Ingrain, Cottage, Elerap, and ling Carpets. All persona In want of new style Spring' Goods are respectfully Invited to call and examine this stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. 0011,131 r, March 29, 'Ol. Trustee. IMMMIM round the Neek DRESSLER'S HAIR JEWELRY STuRLI. No. 4, South Bth Street. Philadelphia. On hand and for sale, a choice assortment of superior patterns, and will PLAIT TO ORDER, Bracelets, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pine, Crosses, Necklaces, Vest and Guard Chains, &c., Obi' Orders enclosing the hair to be plaited, may ho Rent by mail.—Give a Drawing as near as you can nn paper, and enclose such amount an you may choose to pay.—Cto.t as follows: Bar hinge $2 to $6; Breast Pins $a to $7; Finger Rings 75 ctn. to $3,60; Vest Chains $3 to $7; Necklaces $2 to $lO. e Hair put into Medalion Box Itroast Pins, Rings, &c. Old Gold and Silver bought at fair rates. April 5,1841.—1 y. 13 to 13 the Yok C to C Sleeve D to D distanee around the body wader the Arm E to E , the length of (ho OM FOR SALE OR RENT.— The subscriber offers for sale or rent, the new Three Story Brick [louse o on North Hanover Street. Possession ••• given on the Ist of April next. The .Y.f; House has nine moms, is - furnished ••••• ' with water and gas, and suitable eith. er for business or a private residence Oct 2(1, 1860.-t f. JAMPS R. WEAVER. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.- By order of the Orphitii' Court of Cumberland county, will be Fuld, at public sale, at the Mansion House, on tract No, 1, situate in Penn township, Cnim berliind county, Ott rues;day, September 24, 1861, the following described heal Estite, Into the proper of George Hollinger, deceased, vl3: LIMESTONE AND GRAVEL LAND, situato as aforesaid, about nine miles wont of Carlisle, bounded by lands of - ilenshaw, Isaac Newcomer, David Lefever, Conrad Johnston, Noah Coakley and" David Withers, containing iabout One Hundred and Two Acres, In a high slate or cultivation. Improvements are a t aroatory Stone Bank Barn, and all nacessary out.bnintioga. There la a thriving Orchard of profitable fruit trona on this tract. There are both a , pring and a well of water near the house. The Yellow Breeches Creek rune through the farm. No. 2,—A tract or CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND, situated so above, bounded by I Al& of Daniel Holling er's heirs and others, containing Till ItTY ACRES, more or les. The latter to be wld as a whole, or in lots, to suit. purchasers. Tnasti or Site.—One fourth of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale; mm half the balance on the lot day of April. 18112; And the balance of the purchase money en the lot day or April. 3 the paytnent 18113 to be severed by judgment bond. Persons desirous of viewing the premises, before the day of sale. can call upon Daniel Hollinger, residing ou tract No. 1. DANIEL KELLEIt, Administrator of George Hollinger, deed Aug 3), 1861-41. R. E. SHAVLEY Tust received another new and cheap it lot of itirhar.lionN, Dunb,n- & Dixon Linone, MII3 Catieo,ls 'At the cheap Cash Store Nov. 2. 1 , 160. C114` , . 00ILISY, Trustee. C.kRPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! Persons going to hensokeeping and others want ing to rofurnish• are respectfully Invited to examine our large and varied sito-lt of Corpus, su..h as Brussels, three ply. superior Ingrain, English and Domestic, Vs 'laden I widths, • IIENIP AND RAG CARPETS, Brugge's, Rugs, Straw and Corea Matti ngs, Oil Cloths for it ills, Leaking Olassioi, plain and fancy blinds and shades, Daturas, &c. Housekeeping Goods of Every Description. Having purchased these goods ihr Nett Cash, we are prepared to oiler groat indueetnents to buyers. as we have lately gene into this business we can warrant our goods sew and fresh.. 1,1 , 11D1C11 SAWYER k NIILLER, CarHata, March 8, 'III. East MAI. :Arca Designers and Engravers on Wood I IXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engra with beauty, rorrectmiss anti dispatch. 4h i glum designs furnish -id for Fine Book Illustrations. Parsons wishing cuts. by •ending a Photograph or Oa guerreoty pa. can have views of C,llegos, Ch arches, Store Pretax, %lechines, Stoves, Patents, &e., engraved as well as MI personal application. Fancy Envelopes I. took. Bill headings, Show Bills, Visiting, Busines and other Cards, engraved in the highest style of art, and at the lowest prices. For specimens old.° engraving see the Illustrated works or J. B. Lippincott & Co., E. H. Butler & Co. Nov. 50, 1860.—1 y. GREAT ATTRACTION AT LEON- A !ID'S CHEAP CIA)TII INO STORE. E DAV'D. B. LEO N AR D, J R., ILL, just returned from toe city of Philadelphia. slid opened a splendid assortment of Itf ADY NI ADi CIA /TII DIG, which cannot be surpassed in style and finish. The Clothing al this establishment. consists In part of the following, viz: DRESS AND FROCK COATS, of which he has a magnificent assnrtnient,of black and fancy colors, cut in the latest fashions tastefully sod elegantly trimmed, and made in a superior manner. SACKS AND HALF SACKS, of Cloths. Casslmeres and Tweeds, all of new styles and at very low prices. VESTS! VESTS' ! ! VESTS ! ! ! ' The richest and best misortment over offered at thl Corner, ot etatin, Black and Fancy Silk. Valintia, 'Haden Cloths, Marseilles. double and single breaated, of every Variety material and patorn. PAN TALC) 0 NS Plain and fancy French Doe skin eassimeres, sattl eitt jeans and a great variety or °there, all of which will be sold at the very lowest price's. whiee linen and cotton of the newest style and hest make. Also, calico, check and currying shirts A large assortment of BOOTS and for Men and Boys, which can and will be sold cheaper than ever. Also a splendid lot of Trunks and Carpet Bags. I therefore confidently Invite one and all, to come and see for ourselves, as I will not attempt to &seri'e the bargains that may tie expected, fur I am determindd that no opposition can sell lower Rumembor L EON A It lES Corner. EDWARD B. LEONARD, Jr CarIIXIe, M y 10, 1801.-1 y Ci ltoo "8$ BE :%IA DE! Buy !. Jog your goods from LeMich Sawyer dz. Miller. We respectfully call attention to our Large Stock- of Summer Goods, Just received from the Lantern markets. Having been purchased for CASH, and since the ruinous decline in prices. Customers will lied grunt bargains In Silks, herein', Thessalia, Barege Palermo, 'English Grenadine, Organdy Lawns, French I,lw um, Mozambique) Emllines Grisalus fig Movies, Chillies, Chintzes. &c, Ac. Newest Styles Paris Coate, Basques and Mantles. Shaulitla and French Lace II 1111 l ours, Mantles and Points. These goods are very low—less than importing cost. Shawls of all kinds suitable for the season, SUN UMBRELLAS, Parasols, less than original east. ' Cloves of every des cription. Lass Mitts, Embroideries of every variety, WILCOX'S Celebrated' Hoop Skirts—" The Skirt of the Season." Every variety and kind of goods suitable for Ladles, Mon and Boys wear. The largest end newest stock In• town. 011 Cloths, Mattlugs, Looking Masses. Furnishing Goode In great variety. All of these goons, and an endless variety not enumerated. Itie 'offer to the community at prices to defy compotion. Vette° Calland examine for yourselves: June 28. '6l. LEIDIUI.I SAWYER & MILLER: LUMBER AND COAL. OLIVER 'DELANCEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARD! On the-Rail Road, near the Gas Works. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a full as. sortment of Lumber & Coal, which be can fur. nigh to order promptly and rm. the moat rea sortable tonna. LUMBER, SCANTLING, -_BOARDS.- FRAME STUFF, - Palings, Metering and Shingling-IMtbs, Worked Floor: lug, Weatherboarding, Poole, Ralle,Whlte Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, of ovary quality. He also furnle.b bine to order of any length and else, at the shuttled notice and on the moat, reasonable terms. Ills worked boards era kept uudor cover, so . that they cdq bo fur ulehed dry at all times, ' lie has constantly on band all klucle of, Family Coal udder cover, which - dellieted clean to any part of the borough. To wit: LYKEN'S-VALLNY, . . I.t . • LUKE FIDDLER, . - 21 ,- REVERTON, • . .. . ''. LOCUST MOUNTAIN And other varieties, anotall the_various ekes In use, Winch he'effern to the public at the lowest Mires. ' , LIMEDuItNER'S AND lILACIMITIPBCOAL always on hand, at the lowest cash price. ' Thankful for the patrohage of a generous public, be as atowed upon the late firm of Black & Delaney, ho would. Solicit a continuance of the same as ho will .strive to please. All orders left at the residence of ,lecob Stirom ' for Coal and. Lit:fiber, Will lei promptly attended to as _. heretofore. .4 • OLIVA MANDY. July ap, i .-,4y. ?MIN PLANK At Ogilby'lCheap Cush Store tiOk EnY I TIOSIERY I CARPETS I CARPETS I I CARPETBII I LOG HOUSE, VAN INGEN & SNYDER, N. E. CUR. FIFTH & CIIESTNUT STS., Philadelphia. Carrose - tss;! c • tfL **its. WHEELgR & WILSON.- FAMILY 141 1, ' -4 1 MACfINES New style with the latent improvements, at greatly reduced prices. These machines are noiseless, run rap idly and firm a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, sad elasticity, which will not rip. They are, unques• tionahly, THE lINST MIIACIIINES IN TIM liVitli.lLT„ for family and gllneral use, they will HEM, FELL, STITCH AND PUN,. Toy ean do anything that any other machine ran do AfEeT•The new Hemmers and other new improve ments, without extra charge. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES. None are better adapted to filially .ane. American Agriculturalist Tpo undersigned having been appointed agents for Cu mberland County, offer them to the public with per fect confidence, that those who purchase will find them as represented above. Persons wishing to seethe ma -chines In operation, will piens° call at the store of 11. S. Ritter, or at the INA'road otlice, Carlisle, Pa. For fur- ther information apply to S RITTER, or .1. CASII'I3EI,I, Carlisle, March 15, 1561.-6 moo. FU.RNITURE WARE ROOMS.- HENRY A. RHOADS 4,0 El*, 410" ) CPS 'W t•C‘ • WEST HjGII STREET CARLISLE. The subscriber begs leave respectfully to Infium the citizens of Carlism and vicinity, that he has now on hand and is manufacturing:, every variety of Cabinet Ware. consisting In part of SOFAS, BUREAUS. DRESSING CASES, MARBLE TOP T U3LES. BEDSTEADS. SECRETARIES, CHAIRS, Gilt Moulding, Oval Frames be., This work Is warranted of the hest materials and workmanship, em bracing all the latest city styles, and will be furnished at the lowest retail prices. H. B.—Coffins made at short notice, and funerals at ended to promptly in town or country. Carlisle Oct. 12, '60.-1 y. ":"1„ it, EMOVAL.—DR. Nictior.s has re moved his office front ono door west of Sexton's Hardware Stare, to his residemn. on d 'est Main Street, dlrec . .ly opposite the Railroad office, Carlisle. l'a. (Mee hours, more particularly, from 1 to 10, A. M., and from 1 to 3 I'. M. A p.20'01-om. -1 , XTRA -FIVE GOLDEN FLAX I flaying bought an unu'ual large stock of line Stitrts, we will sell the entire stork at very low pr ices. - Aloe, a very large a-sortment of Collars of the various kinds. Stocks. Neck Ties, Cravat., Furnishing (loads, &c., at the lowest prices iq I. LIVING:IT'N'S. April 13, '6l. North Hanover Street. D U 8 , - - - FRUITS PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C. S. W. HA VE RSTICK, North Hanover Street, Carlexte, Ilasjust opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan cy Goods, Gilt Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Confec tionary, which has never been surprssed in this bor ough. for unvelty and elegance. The articles have been selected with great ca. e, and are calculated. in quality _axid price, to conmand tire attention purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which comprise ovary variety of fancy articles of the Bost exquisite finish such as. Papier Mache floods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card rases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, Ladles' Cahap, Writing Desks. end l'ort Port Nlonnaies. st every variety, Gold pens and pencils, Fahey paper weights, and a large vxriety of ladies' Fancy stationery. Motto scale and wafers, Silk 'and bead purses, Riding whips, elegantly finished. Flue cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Main and It. AG. Wright's Soaps *rid Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. Musical hmtrumests, together with an innumerable variety of articleselegant ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to which ho Invites special attention. Also, au extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORK'S, Bibles arid Hymn Books, elegantly bound in velvet with metal clasps and corners Ills essortment al School Books and School Stationery la also complete. and comprises everything used in the Schools, lie also desires to call the particular atten tion of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, Ac., from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor. Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard. Sperm or Etherial oil ; also DYOI.I"S celebrated Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, together with Flower Vases Fancy Screens, Ac. His assortment In this line 113 tin . - equaled in the borough. Also, SEOAItS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the favorite brands, and a floe assort ment of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS AND PIPES. F It U ITS, suelx as Oranges. Lemons. Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes. Ac.. FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PRE SERVED FRUITS, MIN ED-NI 1.1A . P, PICKLES, Ac., In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh such as can be con tidently recommended to his friends. His stock embraces everything let the lino of Fancy Goods, with ninny other articles useful to bouts ,•lteepers which the public aro, especially invited to call and examine. Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover street. May 24;1961 WIRE INSURANCE.-ThE ALLEN I AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FIRE IN SU - RANCE COMPANY olCumberland county, incorpo. rated by an act of Assembly, Is DOA' fully organized,tindi In operation under the management of the following commil+sionera, Daniel Bailey, William it. Oorgas, Michael Cocklln, J. Eicholberger, Christian Stayulan, John C. Dun. lap, Jacob 11. Coover, pawls flyer, S. Eberly, Banja• min 11. Messer, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Aiexandel Cathcart. The rates of insurance are as low and favc ruble as any Company of the kind in the State. Persona wishing to become members are invited to make application to the agents of the company, who aro willing to wait upon them at any time. W'l. R. CONGAS, President CIIRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President LEWIS MYER, Secretary !MICHAEL cociu.rN, Treasurer. Managers.—Win R. °argils, L. flyer, Christian Stay lean. M. Cocklin. J. C. Dunlap, it. Martin. I). Bally, ii.Couver, Alex. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Eleholber ger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. AOENTS. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. —John Shorrick, Allen Henry 'Gearing, Shiremanstown; Samuel 'Woodburn Dickinson ; Henry llowmancliaurchtnwn; Mode (Irlf 11th, South Middleton; Samuel araham, W. Penns horn': Samuel Coovor, Mochanicsbnrg; .1. W. Cocklin, Shepherdstown; D. Coover, Shepherdotown; J. 0. Sex ton, Silver Spring; Benj. ILivoistlck, Silver Spring; Charles Bell, Cat 8010 : John Dyer, Carlisle. YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter Wol ford, Franklin; Jar. (Jriffith, Warrington; J. F. Dear dorIT. Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg; It: C. Clark, Dlllsburg. DAUPHIN CO.—Houser & Lachman, Harrisburg. Members of the company hbving policies about to ex pire, can have them twed by making application to any of the Agents. April 20. 1850. NAMES OF A FEW WELL KNOWN PERSONS' , CURED in( DEMUTH'S lILEBTRIO OIL. It is utterly impassible to publish all the Certificates we have. It would take a book of 100 pages. It honmatism.—Ex •Itlayor Sexton. Camden, N. .1.; Gen oral Woleh, Circus Proprietor; P. W. Ward, Esq. ?tier 'tont Chestnut st., Philail'a.; F. Puffy Esq., 12th nod Locust. sts WI;e0, Wood's Museum. Phlind's. Neuralgia, 13 years —Rev. James Temple, 310 South at., Phila. Croup, life saved..—Mrs. Cannon's child, Coates at., Phila. Hip disease.—Mre. Winter's daughter, 1.0 Ridge Av„ Phila. Fromted Feet, years.—Mrs. lease Channel, 18th and Brown ste., l'hlla •, Mrs. Melville Anderson, cor. 4th and WUlow ate.,Phila::Edwin B. Stimble, itsg., 184 Marshall at., Phila Chrono Ithoutnnslsm.—John Bain, 113 South Sixth st., Phila. Neuralgia, 4 years:—lt Jenkins, 4 Olive at, Phila. Stiff Neck.—Martin Patiroast, 11111, Phila. Deafners.—Wm. E. Birch, SB N. 10th et., Phila: ithotanallsm, Holpicss.—Mrs. Dickinson. 17th and Thompson. Phila. Ilhourustism.-31, s Hutch- Ins,.l7th and:Thompson, Phila. Pain in Bock and Kid neys—James b. Ponder, Evansburg, Pen tea. Swollen Limbs.—.l. N. Nolan. 520 Chestnut St. Phila Sprained Foot.—Jae A. - Freo. West Phila. Inflamstion of Stomach and Bowels —Mrs. Ogden, 110 North 4111 at., Philad'a. pain le Breast —F. Middleton, 430, North Sixth at., Phila. Sprained Ankle.—.l. Mess, Front and Market ate., Phila. Crooked (land Straightened.—Chtirles J. Green, 18, BrandyWlne et., Phila. Feuraigla and Caked, Breast —Mrs. Mayland, Providence, Da), Croup add Cramp.— Henry II ewn'e child. Turner'S•Lane, Philad'a. Itheumatiam.—Mrs'Oeo. Stn ith, Corner 10th and Locust eta., TIAN. Neuralgia and - Palo in - Back.—Mrs. Mary Evans. Trenton, N. J' Ithoutnatisam—P.. Fatty, Cheat- . nut 11111, Phila. Swollen limbs .— L. Sinjiger,32o North Broad at., hie Elroyo3utlx= bert, at. Phila. Itheutnatism.—Mrs. L,Johnson, Dan-. villa, Pa, Chill, Feier and Cough:lt:Thomas's dough lee, Hanover at., aboie Franklin; Phila. Ithounuitiant. Mr. Welch,. (City Council,) 2S Catharine st.;, Mrs.. Ilavenshlte, Me II ntchinson at., Phila. Deafness CI: TI. • Stnith'. Columbus,' Ma. Paine in Shoulder.—"A. ,T. eson, - Columbus. Ga. Sprained Ankle —. G. R, Montgomery. Ala. Deatoess.—Robert Ware, Atlantai, On. Spinal Complaint, 22 years standing.—W.M. Mug by, - Montgomery, Ala. Infinmatary Itheumatimm.—D; Elkin, Witinsboro',_El. C. :Pain in Dreast.—Wm. dleton, Lincoln county. Ky. Deafness, 1 Bottle.—Mrs. J. O, Palmer, Raleigh, .N. 0. Pilea.—John Ammonds, Augusta, Oa, Dealness.—:Thomas Q. Cox, Atlanta, Qa. (0 . BOOKS, - FANCY GOODS. CONFECTIOrsTARIES, B. W. lIAVERSTICK -% _