Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 06, 1861, Image 1
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No subs , riptlons received fur a less period than ix months, and none discontinued until all arrettrages are paid, ulless at the option of the publisher. Papers sent to subscribers living out of Cumberland county ut wit ho paid far in advance. or the payment assumed by some responsible person living in Cumberland coun ty. Those terms will be rigidly adhered to In all tacos. A D VERTISEMENTS, Advertisements will be charged $lOO per square of twelve linac for three insertions, and 25ments for °soh subsequent insertion. All advertisements otiose than twelve Hove considered as a square. Advertisements inserted lectern ltirerringes and deaths 6 cents per lino for first insertion. and 4 cants per line or subsequent insertions. Communications on coh orts of Pad or individual interest will be charged 5 cants per lino. 'the Proprietor will, not bo resumes!. ble In tituvegos for errors in advertisements, Obituary notlem nr Ilarrimges not eicepding Dye lines, will be resorted without charge. JOl3 PRINTINO The fludislefiereld JOB PRINTINfI OFFTer: le the I arreot and mAist enmplete establishment in the county. Poor good Pres:es and a general variety of material suito I fnr plain-And Fancy work of every kind. enables us to do .101. Printing at the shortest notice and on the. molt relsonahle terms. Perrone In went of Bills. Rl3llkg nr anything in the Jobbing Mi.', will find It to rihn interest to give no a rail. Zustness Ear Os. J. w. FO UTAK, Attorney at LEIN, lA. Office with .1. R. Smith, Esq., in Glean' Row, In roar of Frst Presbyterian Church. All Business en trusted to him will be promptly attended to. U, A. ()ARD.-DR. JNO. K. SMITH, re sportfully announces to his old frl.nde and former piteous, that he has returned from hie south western tour. with his health greatly improved, and boo resumed his practice in Carlisle. OF ICE on Main ?treat. one door westortheßailrnad Depot, whore he can be found at all hours, day and niAllt, when not dirt professionally. Carlisle, Oct. 26, 1859-tf J. BENDER, D Ell (TIONICROPATIIISTO PHYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCHER. - ` — Oifice 3n SuutTAThnoYor Hi - Feet, y by Dr. Smith. TAR. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North Hanover street two doors from Arnold & Son's tore. Office hours. more particularly from 7 to 9 o'clock A. M.. nd'from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. R. GEORGE S. SEA 'II4"-"maa".• o Liam DENTIST, from the Bel. • - ad timer° College of Dental Surgery. at the residence of his mother,East Louthet street, three doors below Bedford. March 19, 1856--tf. lilt. J. C. N EFF respect % fully informs the ladles and gentlemen 66 e10 of Carlisle and vicinity, that hehas re sumed the practice of Dentistry, and Is prepared to pet. form all operations on the teeth and gums, belonging to his profession. Ile will insert full sets of teeth nti gold or sliver, 14 Ith single gum teeth, or blocks, as they may preter. Terms moderate to suit the times DR. I.C.LOOMIS South Hanover street, next door to the Poet GEO. W. NEIDICII, D. D. S.- Into Demonstrator otOper at iVEI Dentistry to the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Office at his residence, oprosite Berton Bait, West Main street, Carlisle, Penh Nov. 11. 1857. VS. W. FIAVERSTICK, Druggist, North Hanover Street, Carlisle. Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded A full supply of (cosh drugs and chemicals. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law. Mike, South Hanover Street with A. El Sharpe F7F , 1 . Nov. 16, 1860. REMOVAL. k. L, SPONSLEII, t. removed his office to his New Muse, opposite less' Hotel. [March 28.1804-tf, EMO VAL.—The Hat and Cap store herotofn, known as" KELLERS," has been re moved directly opposite the old stand. two doors from Arnold's clothing store. The buslurss will be conduct• ed as heretofore. and all the goods, both home made and city manurarture, warranted to give satisfaction ex re commended. A full patronage is respectfully solicited as every effort will be made to keep the assortment, of ms and boys hats and caps complete, with priers to suit the times. KELLER. VI-Spring styles of silk hats now ready. March la. UAL I ,4 AW OFFICE.—LEMUEL TODD h.s resumed the practice of the Law. Office In Centre Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian Church. April 8, 1857. P. EtUMILICH, Attorney at Law. C o —OfTlee on North Hanover street; n few doors south of Glass' lintel. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [April lb. TAW NOTICE.- REMOVAL. W. J M. P1 , 7171t091: hall removed his °Mee In rear n the Court Holum, whore be will promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. August 19, 1817. NEWSIIAIII. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with Wm H. Miller, Esq., South linnover Street, opp .vile the VolUnteer Office. Carlinle, Sep. 8, 1859, g FARE REDUCED. STATES UNION HOTEL 000 & 008 Market St., above sixth, PiIIbADELPAIA, JAMES W. POWER, Proprietor, TERSIB:—II 25 per day. )030'55. W. C. RI-TEEM ATTLIIINET AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Hinneapolie, .ilipnesota. IVILL give special attention to collections through I'V out the State, make investments, buy and sell Itcal•Mstate and securities. Negotiate loans, pay taxa locate land warrants. its., kc. Refer to the members o the Cumberland County Bar, and to all prominent sill• liens of Carlisle, Pa. ITNITED STATES HOTEL.- S. E. Cur. 11th i t Market Sta., H. W. ICANBO.II., 1 PROPRIZTOIN Jan. 4,1860 N. H.A NTCH, _ MERCHANT. TAILOR. WEST MAIN STREET;, 'Oppbeite-the Rail , Road Office. ler Fall and Wint e r AStylOt; of Clothi, p assitneres and Valings made to order. ' May 2,1880. ' ' . SPECIAL: NaTIC E ON and after this date will be sold by ISAAC LIVINGSTON, at the North LSon'over Street CLOTHING EIIIPORIUN. At greatly reduced prlcee: our , largo and sulizaton mpg. OE SUMMER GOODS. Fine Cloth finite of every Style. " Bilk &Caseintere " " Pano y " Itali .n Cloth " " ' " C. " 'Tweeds and Woolen Mixed, do, Also, a largs assortmout of overy style 41Uneno, In Tory large rarlatios dud optimal assortment of Cotton' Goods, .which we will make do order, or mill by the yard or piece, at astonishingly lots prices, • Do. You Want to Save , Money Then be sure to call at, the :North Hanover Street ...Nothing Somorium opposite the American. Mine, where you can buy goods of prima to suit the Ones. • June SIS MI. • • /OA.IIO LITINGIBTON;72 Heavy and solemn, a cloudy column, Through the green plain they martl 1 eg mime! Measureless spread like a table dread, For the wild grim dice of the iron game. Looks aro bent on the shaking ground, Hearts beat loud eith a knelling sound: Swiftly by the breasts that must bear the burnt, Gallops the major along the front;—. . Halt I" And fettered they stand at the stark command, And the warriors silent, halt I Proud In the bluish of morning glowing, What on the hill-top shines In flowing "See you the ihemanln banner waving?" “We FOc the foeman's banner waving I" "Clod be with \ou, children and wife I" Hark tothe movie—the trump and the fife -- flow they ring through the ranks, which they route to tho strife! Thrilling they , sound, with their glorious tone— Thrilling they go through the marrow/Ind bone: Brothers. God grant, when this life la o'er, In the world to c Imo that we meetonce morel Bee the smoke how the lightning iselealing assunder Hark I the guns. peal and peal how they boom In the! thunder I From host to hoot with kindling nound, The shouting eignal eirelesround; Ay. shout it forth to life or death— Freer already breatheetho breath; The war in waging, slaughter raging. And heavy through the reeking pall The Iron deeth•dice fell! Nearer they clone—lien upon foes!— '!Ready I"—from square to square it goes They kneel as ono man, from flank to flank, And the fire comes sharp from the foremost rank, Many a soldier to earth is sent, Many a gap by the ball is rent, O'er the corpse before springs the binder man, That the line may not fall to the fearless van. , To the right, to the left, and around and around; Beath whirls In Its dance on the bloody ground, %, God's sunlight is quenched In the fiery fight, Over the host falls a brooding night! Brothers, Gud grant, when this life is o'er, In the life to come that we meet once morel The dead men Ilit.bathed In the welterir g blood, And the living are blent In the slippery flood, And the fear, es they reeling end sliding go, Stumble still on the corpses thaealeep below, "What! Francis I " " Give Charlotte my last farewell As the dying - man murmurs, the thunders swell. give-0 God are their guns so near? Hol comrades—yon volley I—look sharp to the rear? I'll give to thy Charlotte thy lest fnrewell— Sleep soft? where death thickest descendeth In rain, The friend thou forsakent thy side may regain I" Ilitherward, thitherward reels the tight; Darkly and more darkly gloomy Into night, Brotherp God grant, when thin life is n'er, In the life to come that we meet once morel Hark to the hoofs that galloping go, The adjutant', flying— The horseman prose hard on the panting foe, Their thunder booms in (IN , Victory I Terror bee seined on the dataarda alit And their colors fall! ;~~'~~. Aug. 1, '59 Cloned lathe burnt of the glorious right! And the day like a conqueror, borate on the night, Trumpet and fife nwelling choral along, The trumph already sweeps marching in song. Farewell, fallen brothers, though thin life be o'er, There's another, in which we shall meet you once [From the ‘.KNICERRIIOtMett "3 WHAT SHALL WIEf. DO WITH ova Of all humbugs there are none greater than so•called Unanswerable Arguments. Whenever you bear a man allude to such logical fortresses, reader, as being under his command, depend upon it that they have never been attacked by a vigorous foe, and that. they have been occupied by a very vain and vapory garrison. No old campaigner in the wars of Truth believes in the existence of Unanswerable Argu ments• • Our Southern foes have always been celebrated for unanswerable arguments, and we have, like good natured ninnies generally conceded all and every thing to them. For instance, we say, Yes; oh certainly,' when told that slavery exist down South,' because only the ne• gro can work there. Only the negro can endure the climate, you know ' Now treat this specimen of the Unanswerable with a vigorous denial and see how it comes out. Th• experience of the whole world shows it to be a flat lie. You can not point me out any thing within the whole range of human efforts which a ne gro can do but that a white man can do it better. Cotton can be better cultivated by white men than slaves ; if a black only lives till thirty on a rice plantation, a white can labor there till thirty five; or if ludo- Germanic lives to be too expensive, •the Cooley, who is a white manonayserve at a pinch. - Rut this everlasting pestilential rice field business has nothing'to do with the question. It is not Rice but Cotton for which Cuffy is kept; and cotton is just as susceptible of small farm culture as any other plant; witness the German cotton-farms of Texas. As for the intoler able heat, it is briefly an intolerable hum bug. There are very few points in the South where there is as much snffering during the summer months from heat as in Philadelphia, or where the nights are. not cooler from being relieved either by sea or mountain•breezes. Yet, there is probably more hard work done in Phila delphia and the vicinity during the sum mer than in 'any other city of the same population at the same time in the world: So much for-an Unanswerable Argument. Perhaps there are facts modifying my own rebutter: Yes, 4 -and perhaps again.'— But the arjument is not Unanswerable Another of the preciotis, Impregnable Positions is-the one so often advanced by My Secession friends in a modified form of What will he do with it? • ir,' ex claims-a secessionist, (it is remarkable by the way, that secessionists, like all Seuth erns, are given-to_whaf poor. Winthrop happily described as wearing black clothes and saying Sir,) 4 What do you propose to po with the--South,--even--granting-that-- you can, cunquer her? - Do you expect, Sir, to' hold her as a conquered province:, And if not—what then, Sir ?' Juat, at `presprt, this particular .U,nanewerable' is in higli`favor • rith the 'Dough faces, Compri) . - misers,- and all .other. varieties :of that Moial Mulatto animal, who- - flits bat-like between the contending armies of the. Bird s. and Beasts. Suppos,e we comp:ter it, what shill-we--da-vith-our. -South PIIILADELPUIA pittrE. THE BATTLE. TILLSBLATED 711011 RCIIILLZR DY nuLvrta I=l3 = BY CHARLES GODFREY LELAND PAPAI'I2, TMEg ZEMEILIT CEIR,GRA. Before attacking this fresh Unanswer able, let us turn it well over. The fact is, that the WAR, in all its relations, is as yet far from being understood. It takes longer to lean a war than to learn a lan guage. Nay, to fully comprehend one, it is perhaps necessary to be born in a war and grow up to it. A war does not seriously paralyze manufactures, disorganize ex changes and reverse all the conditions of business when people are familiar with and comprehend it. The great wealthy towns of Europe which flourished along the old line of Oriental trade—Augsburg, Nuremberg, Bruges, Ghent and the rest, grew up in war. The weaver sat sword girt at his loom, and the Fugger drew his little bill on London as he did his cross bow on the enemy. They comprehended war. Let us, then, to understand this war of ours, begin by observing that no people can be said to realize it, who intuitively avoid all consideration of extreme meas. ores of hostility. To win, one must be prepared to go as far at least as the ad versary. Moderately if we can, fiercely if we must, is the rule popuhirly fortnulised by the exhortation to some dallier of an cient days by the expression. ' Shoot, Luke, or give up the gun !' Here the South -have an advantage over us; they know their guilt, and knowing 'lore more than we do. They have consequently had no scruple in adopting extremely se vere Measures from the beginning. They have struck twelve to begin with. The 0.-5..%. had scarcely entered on their bastard life ere Jefferson Davis promptly proclaimed the adoption of privateering. Privateering is in reality very nearly an anagram flyr a synonym. Call it Pira tecring, and you have what it amounts to in_reality_siace -there—waa.--nev_er---yet---a prize privateered in which some injury was not inflicted in some way on neutral parties. We, however, do not endure the sending of vessels to ' skin' the Southern coast and plunder the sea side plantations. We have not got so flu' yet as to retaliate. Pull retaliation is as yet only a future po 3- sihility. Stick a pin there, reader, and remember that from the refusing to abide by the election in which they had taken i chances, down to date, the Southrotis have 1 in every instance led in a'ggnission, in im propriety, in dishonorable and irritating outrage. . I Since long-time, Northern men have been frequently hung, robbed, tarred and; feathered, or forcibly enlisted in the South. In a few perfectly authentic instances, l womon —ladies—have been imprisoned and most infamously treated both by South ern mobs and Southern magistrates, the offence in some oases being that of express.. ing Union sentiments, but in ire frequent ly the mere accident of' Northern birth. Here with 114 secessionists 11 runt about in society, act openly as spies, nay, as in Breckirtridge's case, utter their insolent treason in Con4ress, and are paid by 11:4 for so doing without the slightbst danger. Here-also we have not , rot, so for as the genial and fiery Solid7rons. They are again in this, decidedly ahead. Obseive, reader, I find no fault with the North.— I simply say that we have all these things as yet, otf our censeiences. We have not swindled the South—millions of Southern dolllars lie in New York banks—we might nip' the foe in a thousand ways, were we as nippingly inclined as he. Again, how proper has been our con duct as regards the negro ? On this sub• ject the Southern alarm-clock long since struck twelve in its loudest and most pro tentous tones. I have enjoyed the ines timable advantage of perusing in editorial sanctums a fair share of such Southern journals as have of late reached the North, and can testify that on this subject they have done their u' most to goad their read- ers to madness. The main object of the whole campaign, they say„ is simply to excite black revolt, and urge them to make of the South another San cum ngo ! Our white troops have, they assert, been stim- ulated by official assurances of unlimited ravishing and plunder, among the first families, but the negro is to be the great aeent in all this hell-work. ' Lying,' ac cording to Napoleon 1., is a power,' and it must be conceded that, from this point of view, our Southern cotemporaries are wonderfully powerful men. They have carrixl this tremendous and dangerous power to the extreme of extravagance.— Now, how is it here in the North? The United States Government—very proper ly, of course—is nervously_juixtous not to offend any body concerned, by Indorsing in any way tiegro emancipation. General Butler is even very generally and popu larly praised, because he, with .jurispru dent shrewdness, solves the difficulty by, pronouncing the negro a contraband. As a contraband, Cuffy is allowed, ip very limited numbers, to sweep up the camp, and is ' returned' to any negro-thief from over the border, who chooses to swear a custom-house oath as to the property.— (3 reat pains are taken to prevent the con- traband from escaping North with Yankee regiments; everything is done, in fuet,.to establish a delicate'regard.for pro-slavery feeling. Nothing is allowed in this ex hibition to oflend the feelings of the most fastidious!' So that it is not teibe much wandefed at,, that John Bull, who has ward so much of the d--d -sts, is amazed that since we - have the name so thorou - ghly and completely, we have not, the pluck to secure a little! of the game. John don't understan&us of coarse I Meanwhile, our Christian ,for bearanee is richly rewarded by the most Cupolidouti,. overwhelming, . crushing and tearing slander, trod lies 'coneeivable.— That, is what we get for it. So far so good. But the WAR is a ter rible and'stupeodous truth ; whi3h, nipst come to-a head. Sooner-or later will ;et to extremes. It is a great pity, a very ;refit pity, but extremes is' _the wordy I Aur sorry,to say it, .but no Man whO hSs had his eyes open hero - among nil - since ,the war begun can doubt that tie fever )r Abolitionism has. advanced with • un nendeus strides since OM, South:. - hay plunged into, the headlong career of false lood, oppression and fury, Which charae wind her. conduct-in . . the - War.-•: Our CARLISLE, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1861. leaders and diplomatists and parlor poli ticians may proceed as gingerly as they please, but the MULTITUDE are taking a short-cut at the difficulty. We may re gret it, hut there is no foaling With - fads. The crevasse is cracking., deny it or not, just as you please ; but unless the South yields, the days of Slavery are numbered. And not such a very long number either! Now we are .coming to the preliminary question : What shall we do With our South ?' If it refuses to conform - to the Constitution, if it will not live amicably with us under the mild and easy bond which is essential-to our very existence, why, the war must go on. On, on, on, as I far as you please. The most terrible -de feat shall not daunt us, and we eari 'bear far more than our fiery foe. There is no Waterloo for a Yankee. But every step as we go on sees all the delicate scruples of which I have spoken vanish; while ate the end of' all rises the terrible sceptre of comple e, unanimous Abolition. You men of' the South, who have yelled, gasped, and howled Abolition' for so many years at every fluttering Northern rag, do you know what that wolf will look like when he really comes ? You cried ' Wolf, wolf!' and the douirh-faces, ay, and true Northern shepherds, too, have run time and again to help you, and found that it was all naught. GOD help you when he comes, for you will see him like the wolf Penris of Noithern fable, whose hell.flatning jaws are to swallow a world. Keep quiet, there has been no abolitionism as yet. Ido not think that even in the tbune office there is even a thorough out-and-out abolitionist; that is to say, one of those intermediate links betWecn Red Jacobin and the Devil. who would literally—San-D mingo Your_w.hole_coun, try with blood and fire. But gate le loupl beware the wolf ! Put fire to gunpowder and it will explode, though all the holy ones of earth were worshipping around it. Awl the gunpowder is all here. An abolitionized North would be a belt of ruin to a slave-holding South, though the latter had ten times its present power. As I said of the war, nobody has as yet learned it in all its fullness. When s. man becomes an out-and-out abolitionist, he thinks that to free a negro,,and if need be kill his mister, is to do Got) service. He becomes a fanatic of the most terrible type. Keep on with your pirate priva teering, your intolerable lies, robberies and murders, and you will see these fa natics springing up by millions. You have heard of the late great military ris ing in the North. of the men who pour in to be enlisted, of the rnillionm• subscribed. Let real aboliti mism go on at the present rate, and, as the LORD liveth, tee will be, a rising compared to which the excite.' tent will as a Inciter m itoh to a pow.' der-mill explosion. For then your las active, fearfully active, foe will be the last living man of the North. The not very scrupulous multitude will , in time wary of in kcisive strife, and be-; gin to look about for means to effectually: smash the South. Beware of a man who has a revolver in h's hand, while his brain is seeking an argument to let drive at you, for there is great danger that he will speedily find one. When the Abolition I revolver begins to spin, look out. There will be little dread Aim of what we shall do with you if conquered. A South with out negro slaves cannot be imagined as existing. You can be reduced to terri tories, or whatever we please. There is, nothing but the negro in you; he forms your whole character! When the North nftcially recognizes the freedom of the black, the jig will be' up. How long will it take for the mul tude to be ready for any thing? There' are not many widows and orphans and! brotherless brothers and fathers without sons as yet. Only here and there I hear a sad wail. But wait till they are plenty; wait. till Southern falsehood and cruelty and treason have hung crape on ten thous and doors ! God avert that day. But it is not what I wish or what you wish, but the inevitable Must with which we have hero to deal. When the bereaved multitude clamor for the recognition of general emancipa tion there will be very little trouble as to W hat we Shall Do with Our South. SECESSION ANECDOTE. —.Iames Jackson. of North Alabama, well known in New Orleans, particularly to the turfites. thereabouts, vol unteered a a private, and joined the Fourth Alabama 'Regiment, whiorenffered so severely on the 21st, On the first charge of that gal lant regiment Jackson was shot through the lungs, and when the regiment was pressed back he was left among , the killed and wounded. Shortly after a Yankee approached hint and said " Friend, you appear to be badly wounded ; what can I do for you ?" Jackson replied. "Soto water, for Gott's rake!" The Yankee, in giving him the water noticed - a fine fob akin hooked in his vest, and said, " Young man,'l see you cannot: sur • vivo; Ore me your watch sod I will send it to your mother " Jim looked at him askant, and said, " Horse, that game is played out,; I know you will take the watch from me, and I want to make .a trade with you. If you will ,place me in the shade and fill my canteen with, water, I will give you the watch." The trade was atruok in a minute-, and after pleeing him in the shade and filling his canteen until it gurgled over, Jim told him to. unhook her and draw her out; and before he left said to him that if ever he should make a match ratiti, and I Wished to know the'speed othitrhorse, to One him with that watch, for he had given $285 for It at LiVerpool, and' there never was a better one turned out from the manufactory. Jim is getting well, having laid until Monday about ten o'ol-ok before he was found, and declared that his watch trade was the best he ever had made since he had arrived at 111813'i estate. RELAXATION.—That rest of the body which suceeeds,to hard and industrious toil, is not to be compared with the repose which Cite mind under similar -eirelmstanees:— The - - mind _ cannot.. be slimy*. iletttive- . - the heart cannot support continual agitation, nnd both the one and .the other requires time for relaxation. Forte.—Hope writes the poetry of a boy "but" Memory that of a man. looks for rard with manes, but baokwnrd with sighs.- Such is the wittoproiridonoo of god. " The cnp of life ifrarteritest' at the brim; the thiscr ie impaired as ws drink deeprr t , and the dregs are made bitter that we may not Strives irhen It iittiken'froirt our Ups. COURTSHIP AND CLEANING 'music. It was the most golden and glorious of September days. The veil of blue hare hanging like a canopy over the distant hills seemed absolutely to quiver in the radiant glow of autumn snnshine, and the grapes, whose amethystine clusters blush ed through the trellis of clinging leaves, grow deeper in color and more gloomy, as if they had stolen the imperial dye of a thousand purple sunsets and brilliant dawnes, as the sun mounted higher in the cloudless dome of heaven. No frescoed ceiling, hung with jeweled pendants was ever more beautiful than this arbor of grape leaves where the light and shadow in fitful arabesques with every moving wind—and so thought Richard Mayfield, as lie came slowly up‘the garden path that led to his brother's house. The mansion itself, however, was far from presenting the gala aspect that per vaded all nature, and our hero's counte nance underwent a ludicrous transforma tion as he eyed the open windows and doors. " By all the powers," said he to him self, "If Isabel ain't cleaning hou'e again ! Well, women are the most unac countable beings! Ido believe they de light in turning things upside down, and making themselves and the rest - of the world uncomfortable. What's the use of choking people with du-t, and deluging them_ with soap and water twice a year ? However, let the dear enigmas have their own way. I'm sure I am the last per son to oppose them. With these philosophical reflections yet in his mind, Mr. Mayfield deftly threaded his way through a colony of white-wash pails and lime kettles that surrounded the front door, and entered upon the scene trf - ircti - mr — lrwa - s — cio:itY — p - talli - Trom the shout with which the children greeted his appearance that he was a general fa vorite. " Hallo, Uncle Dick, we're cleaning house !" cried Master' Henry Augustus Mayfield, who was mounted astride of a doublvd up feather bed; castigating it fearfully with his mother's best silk para sol. " Ain't it splendid, Uncle Dick ?" ex claimed Miss Julia who was endeavoring to pry out the principle of sound from a thirty dollar music box, by introducing, a carving knife into its exterior works while Mrs. Mayfield half distracted by calls from divers directions was totally unconcious of the mischief being wrought. " Dick, I am so puzzled and annoyed, she said. Here is John called to the city by a pressing law-suit, and the whole house upside down I" " Thought that was what you ladies liked," cried Dick, perching himself upon the top of the dining table, and rescuing a shell basket from the destructive grasp of the smallest Mayfield of all. " ANd my cook has gone and the fire won't burn, and the will whiters haven't come this morning, and the parlor ceiling is half unfinished and you know the sew ing society is to be here torn irrow night —and Dick what shall I do f" " Don't fret!" said Richard, soothingly, " I'll make the fire burn, or know the reason why; and I'll finish the ceiling for you" " You !" "Yes, me. Didn't I whiten my own room at college, when we boys smoked it into the c)lor of an old snuff box 7 Aad then I'll tack the carpet down and see about putting those dislocated bedsteads together." • " B ut D ick, you must be too tired after dancing till twelve o'clock at the pio-nio last night." "Me tired ? Fiddlestick ! Where's the refractory stove?" The very fire was not proof against sun ny determination. It boke into a cheer ing blaze the moment he attacked its citi, del, and Isabel's face brightened simulta neously. The skill with which he neat erected a scaffolding and mounted thereon, with a panoply of white wash pails and brushes was perfectly astounding, the more so, as his slender figure, and rather pale complexion, aristocratically small feet and hands, conveyed the idea of one who this adapted only to Broadway pave- ments and glittering bull rooms " I suppose the workmen didn't leave their wardrobe, when they went away last evening, Bell?" he auked, when he hud scaled the rather perilous height. "No,", said his sister in-law "Then just hand up that old sheet— and a piece of bed-cord yonder. Now, don't you admire nay tout ensemble?" ." Uncle Dick looks like a ghost," said Master Henry Augustus. " No he don't—he looks like the old miller down at the pond," stuck in Miss "Upon my word, I don't know which is the most complimentary," observed Richard dryly. "Now, then, clear the track, every soul of you and give me a chance." And he worked on, now pausing to sur vey his achievi3nients, but oftenest of all relapsing into thoughts of the beautiful young damsel,at-tho,pio•nio last night who had been so studiously cold and reserved towards, him "'She won't like merthoug,ht he, "and can't for the life of me tell why. Well as I said before, women are uuacdounta- ble concerns." * * * * " Atny,"' said 111iss BroVnileigh to her pretty young-cousin, ".1. - wish you would jiiitTrun over to Mrs. Mayfield's with this note. The ,ehildren are, at school and I have-no one to send•"• " Oh, no," said, ;Amy, 'while- a fresh tinge-suffused--her delicate cheek. • "I Aoki% want_ to_ encounter_ that superfine collegian." "Nonsense, he isn't there—he is 'stay ing with , 'Jerry Franklin. 4- " Oh; then 1 will take the note," said Amy rising,`'and looking round for her coquettish littlesipSy lat. • ".You are : the ',strangest girt, Amy," said her cousin. What can be„the rea son that you dislike. Richard Mayfield.? - Ile is so : handsome mid so talented-"- " I don't fancy these merely ornamental ever may befall them they will not with people," said Amy demurely. "My has- honor; these are the moments when the band must be of some use in the world." absolute coward suffers more than death— " How do you know but that Mr. May-- when if not certain he would be shot in field is ?" his tracks he would turn and flee. Fight " Can't be possible," said Amy, archly ing is very hard work; the man who has shaking her curls. " His hands are too passed through a two hours' fight has small for anything but lemon colored kid lived through a great amount of mental gloves. Lill wager a new bonnet, Alice, ' and physical labor. At the end of a bat that he never did anything more labori- tle 1 always found that I had perspired so ous than to carry a box of eigars in his profusely as to wet through all my thick life !" 'woolen clothing, and when I got cool I Miss Brownleigh laughed, and Amy was as sore as if I had been beaten all passed out of the vine-wreathed porch, over with a club. wonderino• ° within herself whether Mr. When the battle commences the feel- Richard Mayfield had been very much ings undergo a change. Rea ler, did you vexed because she had refused to dance ever see your house on fire If so, it was with him the evening before. I then you rushed into great danger; it was Mrs. John Mayfield's house was at no I then you went over places, climbed ever great distance, and as Amy was quite in- walls, lifted heavy loads, which you never titnate with that lady, understood the do- could have done in your cooler. moments; mestic saturnalia that was at present you then have exrrienced some of the transpiring within her domains, she did excitement of a soldier in battle. I al not think it necessary-to knock, but opened ways knew my danger—that at any mo the door and walked in without •cerement I was liable to be killed, yet such mony. was my excitement that I never fully re- There stood Dick, the apex of a pyre- alized it. All men are not alike; some midal scaffolding of boards, his fine broad- are cool; some are perfectly wild or crazy; cloth raiment obscured by a lime-splashed others are so prostrated by fear that they sheet w:lich was girdled about his waist by are completely unnerved—an awful slak e ponderous knot of rope, and his black ing and relaxation of all their energies curls over-shadowed by a coarse old straw takes place, awful to behold—they trem hat, working' away as if for dear life. ble like an aspen, slink into ditches and His back was toward the door, and sup- covert places, cry like children, and are posing the step to be that of his sister-in- totally insensible to shame—dead to every law, he said gaily, without turning his emotion but the overwhelming fear of in head— stant death. We had a few, and but a " What! is the carpet ready so soon, few, of such in our army. Bell? I'm just through hero, and I'll As the two armies were facing each come and tack it down in just one min- other it was remarkable to see the cool ute." ness of our men. There they stood, chew- Notreceiving any answerhe threw down ing bits of biscuit, and talking about the the brush and turned round. Mexicans—some wondering if they would hlisv Brow-n - frght - T - etlieruatlif - theY He had never looked so handsome in and like demons; etc. I kept my eyes on his life—and that was the first thought the artillery of the enemy, and was look 'that rushed through Amy's mind, in the ing toward their right wing when sud midst of her embarrassment; for Dick denly a white curl of aruoke sprang up had the advantage of the young lady in there from one of their guns, and then I this respect—she was embarrassed and saw the dust fly some distance in front he was not. ' where the ball struck. Instantly another, He sprang hastily to the ground, and and then another rich ourl of smoke arose, threw off his ghostly habiliments. succeeded by a booming sound, and the " You must think I have a curious taste shot came crashing toward us. The ene. in customs," he said archly, "but the my fired very rapidly, and their balls truth is, Isabel has been disappointed in knocked the dust about us in all dire°. her hired help, and mother is away from tions; some went over our heads, others home, so lam helping her to clean up the struck the ground in front and bounded house !" away. " I did not know—l thought you had Our batteries now went to work and no taste"—stammered Amy, unconscious- poured in upon them a perfect storm of ly speaking out her thoughts. iron; Lieut. Churchill and his men began " You supposed that I was nothing with their eighteen pounders, and when more than ail ornamental piece of furni- the first was fired it made such a loud re ture? Ask Isabel about that," said Dick, port that our men gave a spontaneous half •piqued, half smiling. " But can I shout, which seemed to inspire us with be of ally- use to you now?" renewed confidence. I could hear every '6, I had a note from my cousin, for Mrs. word the lieutenant said to his men. Mayfield," said Amy, still speaking above When the first shot was fired he watched a Breath. the ball, saying, "Too high, men; try " She has gone down to the farther or- another!"—" too low, men ; try again-- chard," said Dick. "It is some distance I the third time is the charm !" The third - and not a very straight path If you will shot was fired, and I saw with my own wait until I remove a little of this lime I eyes the dreadful effect of that and the shall be happy to escort you down there." following shots. " That's it, my boys I" Half an hour ago, Amy would have shouted Churchill, jumping up about two -haughtily informed him that it was un- feet; "you have them now keep her at necessary for her to trouble him—now that;"- and so they did, and every shot she stood and waited. tbre complete lanes through the enemy's It was a long walk. under the over- lines • but they stood it manfully. The spread shadow o noble apple trees, bend- full chorus of battle now raged; twenty ing with their weight of crimson arid rus- three pieces of artillery belched forth set fruit, and through meadows ankle deep their iron hail. in purple and bloom, and nodding plumes We were ordered to lie down in the of golden red, yet for all that, Amy was grass to avoid the shot; this puzzled the quite surprised when Mrs. Mayfield came enemy, and they could not bring their in sight, bearing a basket of rosy checked guns to bear upon us, making our loss peaches from a pet tree beyond the rest. very small. Many were .the narrow es- We believe it is one of women's special capes; one- ball came within ,six inches and incontrovertible privileges to change of my left side. The force of the shot her mind—therefore nobody was much was tremendous; a horse's body was no astonished when three months subs!- obstacle at all: a man's leg was a mere quontly there was a rumor of the engage- pipestem. I watched the shot as it struck went of Mr. Mayfield and Miss Brown- the roots of the grass, and it was Elston leigh ! Still, however, Dick always de- ishing how the dust flew. In about an ' clared that it was an insoluble mystery hour the grass caught' on fire, and the to him that when serenades and schottish- clouds of smoke shut out the opposing ay es, poetry and perfumes bad all failed to mies from view. We had not as yet lost gain an entrance to the maiden's heart, a a man from our regiment. In the ob whitewash brush should have been the scurity the enemy changed their line, and unromantic weapon which at last brought the eighteen-pounders, supported by our down the barri'cides ! regiment, took a new position 'on,a little , . rise of ground. As we moved on to the spot a S'ix-pound shot carried away,the lower jaw of Capt. Page, and then took - off a man's head on the right as clean as with a knife The blood- of poor Page was the first blood I saw; he was knocked down in the grass, and as he endeavored to raise himself he presented such a ghastly spectacle that a sickly, fainting sensation came over me, and the memory of that night I shall carry with me to my dying day. A little later Major Ringgold was mortally wounded at his battery; I saw him just after it. The shot had torn away a portion of the flesh of his thighs; its force was tremendous, cutting off both his _pistols at the looks, and also the withers of his horse, a splendid steed, which was killed to put him out of mis ery. The enemy tried hard, but without avail, to hit our eighteen-pounders. The battle continued till night put mn end to the scene. We bivouacked where we were, and laid on our arms ; we slept, however, btit little, thinking we might-be attacked in our sleep. The enemy had been very severely handled,- owing to the superiority of our artillery. The gunners went intojt more like butchers than military men.; each stripped of his coat, rolled up hie Weevils; and tied his suspenders around- his waist; they all wore red flannel shirts, and, there fore, were in _uniforuu.—To-see-them-lim bering and unlimbering, firing a few shots, then dashing through the smoke, and then • to fire . again with lightning-like - Tapiclity, partly hid from view by dense clouds of smoke and dust, with their dark red shirts .find naked arms, yelling, -at .every shot they .made, reminded ins of a band of de mons rather, than of men. A SOLDIER'S DESCRIPTION OF A BATTLE. A soldier, in his narration of personal adventures in the Meiican war, published in "Howe's Achievements of Americans," gives some interesting items on this head in his description of the battle of Palo Alto, the opening battle of the war: • When all was ready, both armies stood still for about twenty minutes, each wait ing fbr the other to begin the work of death, and during this time I did not see a single man of the enemy move; they stood like statues. We remained quiet with two excep tions : Gen Taylor followed by his staff, rode from right to loft at a slow pace, with his leg thrown over like a woman, and as he passed each regiment ,he spoke words of encouragement. I know not what lie said to others, but when he came up to whore we stood'he loooked steadily at us; I suppose,' to see what' effect, the novel circumstances in which we were placed had upon us, and as he gazed he said : , " The bayonet, my hardy cocks ! the bayonet,is the thing !" The other occasion was that of Lieut. Blake, of the engineers, who volunteered to gallop along the enemy's line, in front of both, armies, and count their guns: and so close did he go that he might have been shot a hun dred times. One of the officers of en-' 'emy, doubtless thifiking some com irsounication to make, rode ant to meet him; Blake, however, paid no attention to him, but rode or 4 and then, returned and re ported - to Taylor. Thus stood these two belligerent armies,, :face to face. What were the,feelings of these thousands 1 How many ,c,iloughts and fears were crowded into those few mo menta ! Look at our men I calmy sweat is settled all over faces slightly pale, Uot from : cowardly fear, _but from an awful sense of peril,, combined with a determi nation nut to flinch from duty. These , are, the moments in which true / soldiers re sign themselves to their fate,,and_ console themselvel,with.the reflection-that what- f *1 50 per annum in advance 1 $2 00, if not paid in advance • THE WAY IV WiN L HIM:-A fast girl fails to catch a lord and- !pager, because some other girls are rather faster. And ev'n alast man, fears to take a wife -if fist, who'll be bound' fast to him for tar The hypocrite steals the meet,' Ibis the moot, end• preys the, loudest.. , • . NO. 41.