ILAM SCIIOOI6, - OF, HARVABD COLLAIE. TWO TERMS of nineteen - weeks each commencing September 2d,' 1561; and- *rah 3d 'hoz: Nor Catalogue and circular, addresss - JONI. PARKER, Ma'am PlierneOlb Cambridge, August 9th Rail 3t CAAlDalber., MOOS. -TIXTENSIVE SALE OF VALUABLE On Thursday and Friday, he and G th days of September, t 1861. Will be offered at Public) Sale, on the above days, by the heirs of, Adam Sierer, deceased, late of the borough Of Mechanicsburg, the fol lowing described Valunhle Real Estate, situ sited in Cumberland county, 1717.:' No. 1 —A LOT OPGRGUND on the north side of Main street, in the boroUgh of Mechan icsburg, and near the east, end of the same, containing 88 feet in front on said greet, and extending in depth 300-feet to the Cumberland Valley Railroad, having thereon erected a large two story BRICK HOUSE. •::•41 tit - pith a tinge tiro story FRAME ;t, • : • RACK-BUILDING, as also a good and extensive stable, hay scales, and shed, together with all the necessary out buildings for a TAVERN - STAND, - having been occupied as such for years. There is a well of never-failing water near the door. Any person desirous of,„ viewing the prop erty before the day of sale, will call on Geo. L. Sponsler, the present tenant. No. 2.—A LOT OF GROUND adjoining the aboie, containing 36 test in front on said street, and extending hack 300 feet. to Railroad street, having thereon niarge I wo•story BRICK ';0:t; , lIOUSE, with attic, good stabling, and all necessary out-buildings. •, • The Iwo foregoing properties will be offered for sale on the premises on Thursday the sth of September. The following ou Friday the Gth of September: No. B.—A tract of land situate in Hampden township, six miles west of the Harrigiurg bridge, two miles north of Rupp's mill, and three fourths of a mile from Holtze's mill. ad joining lands of Israel Koester, Jacob BrUtts, and others, containing 109 ACRES AND 73 PERCHES, in a high state of cultivation, having thereon erected a good two•story LOG co HOUSE. woathorboarded, with 4,4111,. all necessary out-buildings. a large FRAME BARN, with out• buildings. an excellent orchard of choice fruit 'trees,a cider press under roof, a well of never • failing water near the house. and running Water through the fields. Ten acres of the above tract are covered with thriving timber. There are also a number of locust trees on _ the tract. Persons wishing to view the premises, will call on Emanuel Holtz, residing thereon. No. 4.—A tract of land adjoining the above, containing 100 ACRES. in a high state of cul tivation. On it is erected a two story LOG HOUSE. weather -1 boarded, with out-buildings, and ;:?; - a large FRAME BARN and ont buildings. There is a spring of never failing water near of the, dwelling house, an orchard of choice fruit trees on the farm also a number of locust trees, and eight acres covered with timber. Either with this latter tract as part thereof, _it beingEcluded in the 100 acres, or by itself, will be sold. No 6 --A tract of ail acres of ground, part ••• of the preceding tract, having thereon a FRAME HOUSE of one story and a half high, to gether with frame stabling and necessary out outtuilding, 13, spring of water, and choice fruit trees. Persons wishing to view tracts Noe. 4 and 5, will call on Samuel Eslinger, the No. 1.5.—A tract of Mountain Land, situate in Hampden township, one mile north of Geo. &frees tavern, adjoining lands of John Mutt, George Rupp, and others, containing thirteen aores. No. 7.—A tract of Mountain Land, aituale in East Pennsborough township; two miles north of the State road leading from Sterrett's Gap to Harrisburg, anti two miles west of the Susquehanna river, adjoining lands of Abra ham Miller, Henry Booser, and Philip Boyer, containing 49 acres. The above will be of fered as a whole or in ten•acre lots, as may best suit. purchasers. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on each of the above days, when terms will be made known by the HEIRS OF ADAM SEIRER, dec'd., ISAAC SEISES, one of the teirs by his attorney in fact. JACOB riLUMNIA. Aug. b, 18111 A Good House to Rent Cheap. THE subscriber wishes to rent the house in which he asides, In west Pomfret et., for six months from the let of October next. Terms to suit the times. The privilege of renting for next year may be secured . WM. BLAIR. Aug. 2, 'CI. ST_STATE NOTICE.— Lettere Testa , J mentary and w the Will of Andrew It Blair, Late of the borough of Carlasle, deed., have been issued to the undersigned, in due form of law. All persona Inde4ted to she estate are redulred to make im mediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to WILLIAM WAIF., 4., ANDREW 11. BLAIR, Executors, Aug. 2, 'Bl.-Bt (;111111RIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of 1,) sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County. and to me directed. I will expose to 'ale by public ventlue or outcry, at the. Court Home. in tho Borough of Can lisle, on lirlday, the 531 day of August, A. D., 1861, at 18 o'clock , At., the following described Real Estate, to wit t• ' . A lot of ground, situate in .Dlckloson township, con. tabling 40 feet in front, and,3o feet In depth, more or less. bounded on the east by property of Mrs. Catharine Koehler, on the'west. by Church Alley, en the north by property of Mrs Catharine Koehler, and on the south y property of Zihn's heirs, having thereon erected n two-story log house and frame shop. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as theproperty of George A. Koehler, nod to be solßdOß' tne, by T. MoCAIITNEY, Sheriff. per STEPIIEN HEEPEII.B, Deputy. &Mures Ornict. Carllsle,} July Met, 1861. - CONDITIONS.—On all amounts over five hundred dollars, fifty dollars are .to be paid when the property„ is stricken (11, end tirenty-five dollars ou all amounts under fire hundred dollars. Jour( Korma Court of Common Pleas of vs. Cumberland County, Bub. ANN KULL KUNKLE, poma Stir Divorce, No.o. Jan. uary term, 1861.* ALIAS Subpoena to,April term, 1861. Notice to the above-named Ann Eliza Kuukle, - that Subpoena Sur DivorcA to January term. 1861, and alias SO:prune to April term, 1881, upon both of which proof was made that the said' Ann Eliza Kunkle coditldot ho found In the county. Now, therefore, this is to require. you, the said Ann Eliza Kunkle, to appeir on the Ist day of the August term of said Court, to wit: Monday, the 26th day of Aug ust , A. D., 1881 , to answer the tom. plaint In the petition of the said John Kunkle. fiIoCARTN per STEPHEN KEEPERS, Deputy. dug 2,q31 DAVID D. &MICK, Court of Common 'Plena of Cumberland County, Subfauna DIMLY A.• Sravica, Sur Divorce, No 6, January term; 1861; Auer; Subpreha to April term. 1801: • Notice to the above ,named Mary A. Stevick, that a Subpoena Sur Divorce to .January term. 1861, and aline Subpoena to April term, 1801, upon both of vrhloh proof was made that the said Nary 4.. Stevick could not be found in the county. Now; therefore this Is to require you, the said Nosy . A. Stevick, to appear on the let day of the August term of said Court,,ler wit: Monday, the 26th day of August, A. D., 1801,0wanswor tho complaint In the petition of the said David D:Stevick. 'IIOWT. MccARTNNY, Sheriff. per FREI:SE/I KEEPERS, Deputy. Hug. 2,"61 TI _UMBER AND COAL. DOVER DELANCEY, • LUMBER . AND -. 00A.L YARD! On lheitail Read, near - f/4 Gas Works: 'rho 'subscriber .koppo , COnatontly on hand, a full mortment of • km e ffi g t _ F • 0 I; C a• , t 1.1. lINTATO, lone sizes It t loweist prlcus. IPSCOA,LttI r Lumber & Coal; which . he can fur :nlah to ardor promptly and 'oh the mOst Tea. aonahla term& • . „._ '.LD.MBER, •,soAkaLL - BOARDS. Palings, Plarteringapd ,Shinglitut-r.dtha;Wei) ing,lVeatherboarding,-Poate, arid Oak Bbluglee, or every qualll Mlle to order or anv length a notice and on the moat rear board, are kept under cov nkshed dry at all times, 'Ho • bee conatantir on. - - ha Coll under rover., which will, part of borough. To - wit: LYKES'S . VALLEY 4. .. • LURE FIDDLER.. - LOCUSTAkiI And other, varlotlee, and all the — lO which' offers to the-public at thk Lirdlißu RN AND BIAOKOLI on Laud, at the cash , price. Hemlock _de also furnbit Blau, at ,ther'shortent ffieble terms: worked it-, so tkuit. they can be fur- hankie) rer tho'petrenage of a generous public,. .be stewed upon the late firm of Bleck & Delaney, be' wdubt , mollelt a continuehee 'of the .same ae be wilretrive to, pleafte.•, All orders lift at'the reeldenee of .la6ab - Shrotn : for Coal - and Lumber, will. be - promptly attendea , to pe heretofore.' v • ouvyat DIMANCY: 25.1001.—1 y. PE. C . LE E S LUDWIG HECHINGER, the Celebrated Op aeon, No. .42: Maiden Lane. New York. respectfully informs . the citizens of the United Staten, that ho has' on hand and for sale all kinds of 811 IL.IAN -. SPECTACLES.' GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL C.4SES,. Suitable for .any description of Eye. Moving hod are experience of several, yearn in lite mo-t Ceirlimach Spectacle MnnUfacieran of tlie world. and having made: -the eye the sub feet' of diligent- study "tram beyboia op t " he has uo hesitation in offering his services to the pu • lie, feeling confident that in all eases he will give the purchaser entire malefaction. Ile preiriessen the rare faculty of being able, eta single glance, to tell 7 11 " description of glees will suit the customer. All,diseasen of the Eye treated in n scientific manner. and all who are emitted with deMlitntod Eyesight. whether On ehrozile or recant character, are earneet4 requested to call. lla_Atertrictst, RM., which It would he impassible te detect from nnturn . MICK furnished at reasonable rates Mr. Hechinger In at present stopping at Martin's Ito. tel, where he can be consulted on all subjects apper taining to his business. [Aug. 2, 'el. 1 ) EGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given,.to all persons iuterested, that the. following accounts have been filed in this of fice, by the accountants .therein named, for examination, and will be presented to the Orphan's Court, of Cumberland County, for confirmation and' allowance. on Tuesday, the 20th day of August, A. D.. 1861, viz:. I - The - account of David Cobauglr tywd Rob ert P. McClure, Esqs , executors of the last Will of John Carey, late of the borough of Shippettsburg, dec'd. 2. The guardianship account of John Oiler, guardian of Joseph Hefllefinger, minor child of Joseph ilefflefinger, late of Frankford town ship, dec'd. 3. Account of George 13rind'e, Esq., admin istrator of Samuel Martin, late of the borough of Carlisle. dee'd. 4. The final account of Tion. John Rupp, guardian of the person and estate of George Rupp. minor child of George Rupp. deti'd 6. The account of John 0 Rupp, adminis trator of David Toler, late of Upper Allen township, dec'd 6. First a nd final nccocnt of James McCand lish. admitii , trator of Rev. Wrn. F. Greareis, late of Williprisport, Md.. dec'd. 7. Account of WWI/1M C•Jrnmon. adminis trator of of Elizabeth Corunaan, late of Mon roe township, dec . d. 8 The first and final account. of Henry G. Rupp. Esq., administrator of Michael Baker, late of Silver Spring ton nship, deo d. 9. Account of James McCandlish, adminin trator, with the Will annexed. of Robert Steel, late of-the borough of Newville dec d. 10. Account of Lemuel Todd Kig., admit' istrator, de &mi., non, of George Keller, lute of the borough of Carlisle. Cee'd. . . 11. Account of John C. Eckels, administra tor of Francis Eckels, Esq., late of Silver Spring township, dec'd. 11, The account of LI tvid Foreman, Esq . , administrator of Geo. Helm, late of Southamp ton township, dec'd. 18. The account of Geo. Brindle, admistro tor of the estate of Susan Baker, late of Mon roe township, dec.d. 14. The account of John Beltzhoover, ex ecutor of the last Will and testament of John ston Martin, late of Monroe township; dec'd. 15. The account of Hon. Samuel Hepburn, administrator de bonis non with the Will an nexed on the estate of Ephriam Bosserman, dee'd. 16. Firs: account of Joseph iVngner, admin istrator of the estate of Henry It. Kindig, late of Dickinson township, dec'd 17 F i rst !Ind final a_cugui Lutiola_C—Bor awn, Ria — nifitiWirator of Thomas J. Hackett, lap of Frankford township, dec'd. 18. Account of John P. Rhoads. Esq., ad ministrator of the estate of Philip Ileftlefinger, deed. 19, The account of George Bottorff, admin lett:titer of the estate of George Bottorff, lato of Silver Spring township., doc'd. E. A. BRADY, Register. REGISTER'S OFFICE} ' - Carlisle, July 20th, 1861. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- The partnership heretofore existing between the un dersigned In the Lumber and Coal business, was dls. solved this day, by mutual 0050001. The leeks of the firm are left at the office of the late firm, whole all per. sons 'indebted nro requested to mil and ettle their accounts, and those having claims aro requested to present them. " • ' " Carlisle, July 160851 The Lumber and Coal Rosiness will be continued at the old stand, by the undsralgued. July 213, 'dl. OLIVER PELANCY. 1 IIFTEEN MALE AND FEMALE 14- TEACH A'NT The Board, of South Middleton twp , will meet at the Dolling Spring School Rouse, on Friday, the 2d day of August, at ll o'clmk, A. M.. the day appointed by the County Superintendent to examine Teachers for some township, where Teachers, applying fur Schools, will please to be present. The lb and have resolved to employ none but those who are well qualified in the art of teaching, to whom the most liberal wages will be given. July 19, '61.-3E SPEER'S SA MBUCI NV INE CULTIVATED OPORTO SAIIIBUCUS. EVERY RASHLY SHOULD USE SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE. fIELEBRATED for its medicinal and j beneficial qualities ace genuine Stimulant, Tonic, Diuretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physicians, and come atlas Bra familia/On Europa and America. SPEEI O 9 SA:MITI - CI WINE' Is not a manufactured article but is pure, from thin juice o Portugal 6ambu- C Us, cultivated In Now .lersey,recommended by Chemists and Physicians, as possessing medicinal properties su perior to any other Wines in use, and an excellent article for all weak and debilitated poisons, and the aged and Infirm. improving tho appetite, and benefiting ladies and children. Because It will nut intoxicate as other wines, an It con tains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and admired for its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive prrperties. Imparting almaithy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy skin and complexion. None genuine unlers the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N. J. in on the, cork of rash bottle. • /Air AJAR!! ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. • A. SPEER, Proprietor, Moo 208. Broadway, Now York VINEYARD, PASHIAO, N. J. Ivy Sold by REYNOLD'S St PIEFFER, Druggists, next door to I ulna's Grocery Store, Carlisle, Pa. July 15, 1801.-1 y. ' NAMES OF A FEW WELL KNOWN PERSONS Cacao HY DEORATIPS ELS:1111M OIL. It Is utterly Impossible to publish all the Certificates we have. It would take a book of 100 peg, e. Rheumatism —Ex Mayor Sexton. Camden, N. J Gen eral Welch, Circus Proprietor; O. W. Ward, Esq., Mer chant, Chestnut a 1,., Philad'a ; Duffy, Leg., 12t1; end Locust ate.,, Philad'a. Neuralgia —Dr. Wood, N uodb Museum. Mind's. Neuralgia, IR years —llev. James Temple, 310 South at., Phila.' Croup, life saved.—Mrs. Cannon's child, Coates et., Phila. Hip disease.-81 re. Winter's daughter, 10 Ridge As, Phila. Frosted Feet, 3 yeare.—Mrs. Isaac Channel. As„ and Brown eta., Philn ; , Mrs. Melvill'e Anderson, c0r..4 th and Willow ate, Phila.: Edwin D. Stimble, Leg., 161—Marshall st., Phila. Chronic Itheumnsinm,—John Kaki, South Sixth et., Phila. Neuralgia, 4 years:—lt Jenkins, 4 Olive et, Phila. Still Neck.—Martin Pancoast, Dlulllca 11111, Phila. Deafness.—WM. N Birch. 88 N. 10th st., Phila: Rheumatism, Ilelpless.—Mia. Dickinson 17th and Thompson. Phila. Rheumatism.—Mao. Hutch. ins; 17tIrtualThompson, Phila. Pain in Back and Hid neye —James L. Puluier, itvaneburg. Pentl'a, Swollen Limbs —J. N. Nolan; NS Chestnut bt. Phila Sprained Foot.—Jas. A. Free, West phi's. Juflatnation of Ctonlach anti llowels.—Mrs. Ogden, HO North 411, at., Pain in Breast Middleton, 430, North Sixth st., Phila. Sprained Ankle.—.l. Mesa, - Front and Market ate:, Phila. Crooked Hand ritialghtened.—CharleS Green; 13, Brandywine et., Phila, Peuralgia and Caked Breast —Mrs. Wayland,- Providence, Del. Croup and Cramp.— Henry D own's child. Turner's Lane, Phllad'a. ItheutnatisuG—Mra Oen. Smith, Corner 10th and locust eta., Phila. Neuralgia and Pain In Ilack.-;-111re.'Mary Evans, Trenton, N. J -Itheumatlstn.-1 1 . Felts'. Chest. nut.lllll. MIA. Swollen Limbs.—L. Sinjlger. 320 North .Broad et.,,Phila;_, Nepralgla H, MeElmy, Cuth bert!—Jdra. at.; Phila. Itheuniatisin.—Mra, L. Johnson. Dan ville; Pao Chill, Fever and Cough.—lt. Thomas's dough tei, Hanover st.. fame Franklin, Phila. lihentoutletn. %Ir. Welch. (City Council) 28 .Catharine at.; Mrs. Ilnienehity, 109 Ilutellinson,st., Phila. Tw a r ne ,,,, G. it; Singh, Columbus, Oa. Pains in Shoulder., A. J. hob- Senn; Columbus, Oa. Bpraineit-Ailk le —. 0. R. McNeil, Montgomery. Ala. Deatneeet.74toberi Warn, Atlanta, Ga. 'Spinal Complaint, 22 years statiolng.—W. C. Bing.' by, Montgomery, Ala. InflatritOary Itheutuatisin.—D. Elkio, Winnsboro', 8. C. Paln,in Breast,—Wm. dleton; Lincoln county', Ky. Deafness: 1 Bottle:— , Birs. .T.l•o,l„Paltiter, Raleigh, N. C. Plien.--4nlin Am ponds, AtigustOlai - -= - Deafuess—, Thomas G.-Coxi Atlanta: 3a; • CI • OURT6''ROOLAMATION.-:, N`ngasns the Hon,'JAMES IL - GRAHAM, pmb dent Judge of thu tievoral.Courts of Common Meng of the counties of Cambia.laud; l'erry and 3uniataf- and Justice of the goveinl Courts ofciyer.and Torminer end Genornt Jail Delivery lu Ojild counties, and: lion. ear Rama and Hun.. Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jell Delivery for,the trial of, all canital , and other offenders,' the by tbelr precepts to oludi-. th of -- April;' 1860, have ordered Terminer and Oeneral.leltDall very 4181,H, en - tho loam)] MONDAY of the .26t1t . dayiyat - 10 o'clock In the: one week. ..• . ,d all kinds of . Family \dellecced clean Co any ROBERT M. BLACK, OLIVE.. DELANCY, JOHN BA IcElt, President A LADIES' WINE, 1i,Y , 01 VEN te . the Ce r, (Jill. IConstaidea or tbe ael mn d. county •cr ' , 3y, are by the Fuld precept cont.' id there In their-Tropor persona, °Ms; inquisitions, ,exeminottotte 'mimeo, to do thoie thhwe whfrh du to be dono, and all thorn that: r.ances, :to proneruto against the /len_obttil _thwJait said re fo-proeitruto them an oball : bi ROUT. ItoOARTN Shorttl. INFT . ll.l'.gisi ICI"HRS , WANTED . •to tako,chrirgo oftho , Schoola <>Meet I'onnalrim' •ownehip; tho oxauilimtlon to bo lield'at Growl m School Mimi, No. 15,mi friday, the 16th day of Aumuit; at 9 felock; A: V.. •Directors will trivet at 8 o'cloetr,'Mt the eame , place. )By order of the Plotrd: • • WM. G. DAVItIiSON; July 29,1801.-4 t * . 2 . Secretary. VINE TEACHERS WANTED to take charge of tIM dlif went Sehooleln Penn Mtg.. for the ensuing %InteKeevelon: to which 'liberal -wages • will be given. Teachers wishing-to be eaamlped by the oounly Superintendent, - will pleaie to meet- at the Cem creville School Ronne. onr.Wedneaduy, the 3let day of .1 uly, 1861. By ordel of the Board: . • - A. coovEn, July 26, '61.-It. •'diecretery. TilE Cumberland County Airienkural Soddy will hold their Annual Harvest' llama, on their own grounds, on Saturday. the lath day of Angwit At 11 o'clock, A. At . to which all farmers are Invited. By order of the'Sorlety. ' DANIEL, 8.,0110Ft Pwro.en July 20, 1881 .1 STRAY.—Stniyed *dm the sistiScritei. In -Dickinson township nhout 1 mile iouth of the Stone Tesoro, on or about the 27th Of June.-Ib6l, . A RED AND WHITE CUW, without any peculiar trnks. Any pinion returning ,r inform/Ilion of hur whereabouts, will be re.- warded ACCO , Jingly.. HOWARD RUDRD.T. July 26, 1861.-3 L* a.HARI,I4]S T WILON, No. 135, MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, DEALLIt IN BUT CER, EGOS, CLOVER SEED. POULTRY, BACON LARD, FURS, WOOL, PELTS, Etc. Par Prompt Cash Remittances on the .Sale of the Produce. -ea REFEHENCES.—McCutchedn & Collins,. Palator& 4. Co., John /1 Michoner.k Co.. Tustin & howed, Phil delphis. Pa.. Samuel Perry. John Boyce, 11. Burrell & tio.. Brown k Leland; Now York. May 1.4, 1861.-4 t. PATENTED NOVEMBE 1* , 77.:tU1il • • I R , PE F.Y . 111 BALL OU'S Patented Improved French Yoke 3E-3E3C3L=L7E"..., PATUTED NOVEMBER lot, 1859 A Nel — Siyle of Shirt,. warranted to Fit,. By se•iding the above measures per mall, we can guarantee n perfect tit of our new style of Shirt. end return by express to any part of the United Slates, at $l2. 815, $lB, $2l, &c., &c., per dozen No order for warded for less than calf a dozen Shirts. Also. Importers and Dealers in NEWS FURNISHING 0001)5.. Atz- Wit flexile trade supplied on the usual terms. 409, Broadway, New York. June 28,1861.-3 nine. SELLING. OFF Al' TW.ENTY-FIVE PER CENT . BELOW COST!! At the sign of the "Gold Eagle,"U doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church on West Main street, the largest and best selected stock of _WATCHES AND TEWELRY In the-town, will be sold 30-per eentlower than at any place In the State The stork comprises a large assort ment of Gold and Silver bunting-case watches, Levers, Lupines, American. watches, and all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pens and Pencils. Jewelry of all klnda, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, .ACCOIDEONS, Oil Paintings. et great Yorlety of fancy articles. and a lot of the finest Pianos, which will be sold 40 per cent lower than ever offered In town. The entire stock of Watch maker tools, eases, largo Mirrors, and Safe will bo sold wholesale or real! on the easiest terms. Having selected a first class workman all kinds of re pairing will be done an usual, at reduced prices. Three Pianos at $lllO below the factory price on ac count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. 1 will sell at the Jewelry Store, TIIRRE ROSEWOOD PIANOS, svarmarMir, - artaro-thlrd their - real value vn easy terms If calledou soon. FOR SALE.—The large three•story Briolc (louse on Main . d Street, will be cold on easy terms. '.,," 1 . 3 1.1.[L....A.a , i. Cull at the Jewelry Store in raid .':', .".' -..1 .- 11 , .VP ., ..1 , .... building. . April 111. 1860 DRUG S, BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED ME:IT, PICKLES, &C. S. W. HA VERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Parlisle, ilmajutt opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan .v Goods, Gilt Books, Perfuirery, Fruits, and Contec lounry, which has never been surp lased in this bor. ,ugh, for novelty and elegance. 'the articles have been elected with groat ea e, and arelcalcolated. in quality lad pi ice, to co umsnd the attention purchasers. NANCY GOODS: blob compOse Ovary variety of fancy articles of the most .3einisite finish such as. Voider Mucha Ocads, Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes with sewing Instruments, [Mies' Caine, Wri ' Llog Desks. and Port fcaos. Port Monneles. of every variety, Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and e large vcrietyonadies' Fancy atatim ery. • Motto seals and waters, 811 k and bead purses, Riding whips, elegantly dulshed. Flu.. cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Basle and it. & U. Wright's Soaps and Pollution various kinds, .ia fur head dresses and ehande Instrumovte, 'ancl P %1 unical together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished and suitable for holiday presents,, to which he invites special attention, Also, an ostensive and elegant collection of - , MEM -omprising various English and American Works; richly embellished POETICAL WORKS Bibles and llymn Books, elegantly bound in velvet with metal Maxim and corners ills assortment at School Books and School Stationery le also complete. and comprises everything used In the iohoolti. Ile also desires to call the particular atteto lion of Families to hie elegant assortment of LAMPS, &c., rom the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer nd others of Philadelphia, coMprislog every style of Parlor, Chamber end study Lamps, for burning 'either gird. Sperm m Etherial oil; also DYOTT'S celebrated Kerosene or Con I Oil Lamps, together with flower Vases fancy Screens, Sc. llis'assortmeut In this line Is un• eluded In rpe borough., Also, SEGARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the Overlte brands, and a fine assort went of NIEERSOILAUM SHOKERS'AND PIPES. I" R 1.1 T.B, such as Oranges!' Lemons, rigs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes, &0.. FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NLITS-4 , Ri.1- all:VIID . auto L'ICKLES, &a., In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure. and fresh such as can be confidently recommended to his frienda. Ws stook embraces everything in the line vi Fancy Goods, with many ether articles useful to sous °keepers which the publle ere especially Invited re call and , examine. • ' . • Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank no Nerth Ilanovor street, May. 24, laal ARGE ARRIVAL OF •FRESH Li - •anocvattEs--rtsti (IF ALL KINDS. . Among which is a lance lot of tho real genuine Raltl ntore dry . teat HERRING. In citli'bnrreli, MACK t at pricaa that la really astonishingly , lon, Flake ol ) • Mode, , . S A.UOts, PR I.ISERVES, and a.gootl nenortintnt of T.O. B.A C - C 0. A N-0: SE GA RS.; ~0 l s at the lowest ruins for CASH Or:Couttir'Y Produce. WM. •RENTZ. Catllole.4uno SUBOOL A;ND G , BUILDIN TA TriaablaCltizena of the liorad.rh of Carl , ele,, hereby aotitied that- tbo - ..llupilvato . for the s chookand Building Taxes, of 1.61. hoe linen homed lo the - - Under' algutul Triktauror, cud that be will bu fu attthidnuce at the Qounty t:ourifiluuen, i7orpuibOnnera' 091 re, on MONDAY,II6(II"I'' between the Laura ;of 9 and lu th'e forenoon, and 2 'and 5 u'olook'in 'the alteroodh . of said day, tor t . .ticipp , atm of revolving said , all taxes paid on or irnforo 'that - dayikdeduatien. will be made of • . . .. FIVE PER CENT.. •- ' , .. '. The Troneuter will rereive al I, ' tex , s from persons %11, • Inic to, ettir j - In tbu. Lewin time, et . ht - ,Tilece ot,buslneen, Mullen Ball bolliink; Wont - Mewl , Oast.% ' • - ' - r • -:- J. W. 11IY, Tinasutor. Carllolo, Juno 17, 1801.- . . ' .,. _ LVV . : . 111 1 131,K, Attorney ac Lau Cillice with - J. R. Smith, Req., in - 0 logo' Row, in rear or , Fret Preebyterlin Church. • All - 13usineas - on trusted to him will be promptly. otfended so. • ' May 9, . K.,•:.841111, ;- re ? Clt_.spectfullly annonnees to his old. fifinde and rortuer, patmus, that 'he* has, returned from' hl4 south Western with- hie 'health gieitlyTitnplavedi and hoe rosumed his practice in Carlisle., OF--- ICE on•idain Street.ono door weld oOthe Debited Depot, whore he can be tbund at all. hours; day and night. when not out professionally. Carlisle, Oct. 20, 1850-tf. • BENDER, 111... D. ^ er • - . •. • (llomcgorkriuST.) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCTIER. 011 ice on South }gooier Street, fornieirly ocbuplod by Di: Smith. I o )R. S. B. KIEFPER Oflie.em in. Hanover street - two doors from Arnold & Son'i ro. °Moo hours, inOro particularly from 7 to 9 o'clock A. M., sod from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. IL . -- n R. GEORGE S. SEA L./AB - MIT, from the Bel ""'" tlrnore Oollego of Dental Surgery. 1313..0ffice at the-residence-of hls mother,-East Louthe Street. three doors below Bedford. March 19, 1856—tf. , pder. DR. J. D. NEFF .taspect - trie ::"1::2.- fully informo the ladles and gentlornen *ea -- of Carlisle,.agd, vicinity, that hi bile ro iumed the practice of Deritiotry, and le . propared to pm form all opplations on the tooth and gums, belonging to hlaprOfeaCton: iniOrt full sets of tooth on gold or Oliver. with single guilt tooth:; or.blockeoe they may prefer. Terms moderate to statthellrit'eg.. DR: I.C.LODMIS m om , South Hanover street, next door to the Post Office. Aug. 1,10. GEO. W. NEIDICEr; D. D. S.- htte Demonstrator of ';iPera.ive Dentistry to the Vittitirr, Baltimore College. of Dental Surgery. aN.O Omen at his residenee, oprosite Martin ilau, .rent Main. street, Carlisle, Penn Nov. 11.1857. Ist, 1859. The Measures A • - tbe distance S. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, North Hanover Street, Carlisle. Physician's preiscriptions carefully compounded A. full supply of fresh drugs and chemicals. round the Neek Il to I 3 the Yoke CIEEEMZ! \ M..81 D D 111, Attorney at Law. Office, South Hanover Street with A. IS Sharpe Iraq. Nov. 15, 1865. 0 to D distance around tho body R E M.O V A L. L, SPONSLER, Has removed hill office to his New }louse, opposttc Gloms' Hotel. (March 28.1860-tf, MEI=3 E to E , the leu4th of the R E MO VA L.---The Hat and Cap store heretofore known as" KEI.LERS." has been re moved directly opposite the old stand. two doors from Arnold's clothing store. The busin•sa will be conduct ed as heretofore, and all the goods, both home made and city manuilicture, warranted to give ustisfa otion as re commended. A full patronage is respectfully solicited as every effort will he made to keep the assort inent of mei and boys hats and caps complete, with prices to suit the times. K ELLEIL styles of silk hate now ready. OM LAN CARD.-CHARLES E. MA °LAUGHLIN, Attorney at Law, OMNI In In hare building, just onposile the Market HOMO. Carlisle, Maroh 14. '6O-Iy. 1 OHN HAYS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. el Olflcc on Main Street, opposite "Marion Hail,' ezrltskr,--Pti: —(Oct-.721r5tP1y7 LAW 77 0FF10E.-i-LEMIJIIIL TODD has resu'ffipo es i the practice of the Law. Office ill Centre Squrire, w t side, near the First Presbyterian Church. April_P„ fEifq. P. HUM RICH, Attorney at Law. —olllco on North Hanover street, x few door. south of Glass' Hotel. All business entrusted to bin. will be promptly attended to. AW NOTICE.- REMOVAL. - W. J m..PIINROSE has removed his Mace in. rear.o the Court [louse. whore ho will promptly attmid to all business entrusted to him. "ri August 19. 1857. IL NEWS It, A , ATTOUNEY A L A-W . Office with Win 11. Miller, Esq.. South Hanover Street opp lilt° the Volunteer Wane, Carlisle, Sep. 8, 1859. A L UDI.TOR'S N()TICE4 , ---The Audi tor appointed by the OrPh. ts Court. to make disirlltution of the effects de-the , ands-or itenry 0 liooser. A4,d nlstrator tif Isaac Longeiselow,deed.,of East . 4 . Pe n naboromth twit. to and amen t t coo entitled thereto will meet the parties interested, fi the pu.rposa of his appointment, at the officer of Wm._ . Penrose, Esq., in (lecliale,_ on Tuesday._ the 13th doe of Aughst. 1961, at 10 , ?clock id t.fot - fl,rehoofi. — 4: - . -- J - . - W7TOULE., July 19, 1861.-4 t. Auditor. par FARE REDUCED. -- , 152 STATES UNION HOTEL, 000 & 008 Market St., above sixth, . Pill LADELPAIA. J A MESAIL POWER, , .rpopijitor. TERMS :-81 26 per day. =1 UNITED STATES HOTEL.- S. E. Cor. 1 1 th d- Market Sta., H. W. KANAGA, TROPRIVIOR. Jan:l,lB6o. N. HANTCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. WEST MAIN S TREET, Opposite the Rail Road Office. Fall and Winter. , 'tgles of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings made to order. Carlisle, May 2, 18130. •. JANNEY. JR. J. M. MUMS. H. A. COYLE. BENJ. S. J NNEY, JR. & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 605 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. BT. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. In the immediate nehriporhood of the Jobbing Rouses on Minket. Third and Chestnut Strects..tho Ranks, Post Office, Merchants' Exchange, &c., &c., RFT BOTH ON TOO AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN. BOARD PER DAY,' $1,50 DINEEN. belween 1 and 3 o'clock, - • 60 . cts. SINGLE Room, 60 cue: upwards. Cer•A first-class Reataurant attached. Pricee according to Bile of Fare. The City Cats Enka Patmengern from any Station to, or close to the Motel. 46f. I:NUMMI; FitENCII. 131Eit. M AN and SPANISH spokelf. April 8, 1861.-3 mos. 'I '`' eV and after this data will bo sold by 7 ISAAO LIVINGSTON, et the North Hanover tltreot. CLOTHING: EMPORIUN. At grimily roduoirl prices, our large .and stivEnion STOOK OF SUMMER GOODS. Fine Cloth Suite of every - Style, " Silk & Caesimere•." 44 • 44 Fancy. , 44 'ltaly n , _Cloth - ~‘ 'n. °tin° - . 44 II - 44 -Tweeds and Woolen Mixed, do, Also, aiarge - asiortmeni: ai every style ,Littnens, In very large varieties, and a gMteral aasortment of Cotton, Gonda, which we will mike to order, or sell by the yard ior piece, et. astonishingly low i pricrs. _ Do You 'Want to Sao f t,,Atoney !, - - Then bo sure to call at the North Ildnover'Streat Clothing • Emporium; opposito„the •American Rouse, where you can buy goods at prim to cult the limos, • June 2818U1. . ISAAC LIVINGSTON. 8. AV: lIAVERSTIOK CAN' BE ,NIABB!. By Buy. s_o Anti YOur goods-from-Leidichawy er & 80. _Miller.— .Wu re/Tactfully call attention to our ' ' • - Large Stock of Kumme 'Goats, . Just received Ann' the'Rasterts iit.)" .. Having been purchased for CASH, ind'elnee the ninotio decline in price's. Customers Artil find groat hargaina In Silks, Seep, Thessalia, Mirage Palermo', i:nglish Orunadluei Oigaudy Lawns, Froneh Lawns. Mo 0)11 - pea, Su:Mines ‘ r „ Orlaalum fig 010'60,1 Indies, Chintz( .&o, Ac. .Nerrest Styles Paris' Coats, "Nog es and Mantles. .Shaulitia and Vrenrh Lire Boinotirs, Mantiva and toluti.", These goods are very low-;-Ifon than Importing cost. Shawls of all Id nds nuttable for the toson ! . ' - ._. • , . .. '• . $U N UAL BRE!. A S',—. ParasOls. less than original Cost. ("laves of,every dos. - Motion. - Lace' Mitts.- Embrolderien_of_ kV eryLvarleth WILCOX'S CeleLrated IloopSkirhs—" Thu Skirt of the. Botoon."- "., . . . Every idrfotv and kind of goods sultable'fbi Ladles,, Men . and ll oys 'weak. ' . ' • ..• • ' 40astrzootts. 'PlO:largest. and iieenist sroes In town. Olt Clntbn, Cllssars''llurnlehintr Uoods In great' these ItOt401: an .41.d165s variety, not eiltiinurated: We'offer to•.ttie- eonlutpnlty at priors to dery competlon. Pjeass call and examine for yourselves. LIKIDIOI.IBAWYatt k MILLER; Xustness Cat Os. SPECIAL NJTICE . . . WHEELER & ; PANTILY PEwliol; ‘IAO!.TNE9. New style with the latest improvements, at greatly reduced prima Those machines are noiseless, run rap. Idly and farm a seam or unequalled strength, beauty, aid elasticity, which will net rip. They aro; waves tlonablyy, tionably,,TllE BEST ittAVIIINES rip., Tnr (deity and goneral use, they will • ITEM, FELL, STITCH AND - RIIN, Than do anything that any other machine can do Ant-The new Hemmers and other new improve - ' manta, without extra charge. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING A tel'ell INES. Nonqarg botto_r attaplod.toSamily Amnrlcan Agriculturalist. The undersigned haiing been appointed agents for Cumberland County, offer them to the public with per feet; coritillenee. that those who purchase will find them as represented above. Persons wishing•to see the ma. chines In operation, will please call at the store of if. S Ritter, or at' he Railroad office, Carlisle, I'd. For fur ther information apply to . Carlisle, 'Afars!, 15, 1851.-6 mo• F URNiTURE WARE ROOMS. cif HENRY A. RHOADS F- a 1 1 ‘l!,!` c w ac• WEST HIGH STREET CARLISLE Tho subscriber begs leave respectfully to Info , m the citizens of Carlin.° and vicinity. that he has now on hand and In manufacturing, ovary variety of Cabinet Ware. consisting In part of SOFAS. BUREAUS. DRESSING CASES, MARBLE TOP T BLEB. BEDSTEADS. SECRETARIES, CR A I 11,8, Gilt Moulding, Oval Frames elc., &c. Tills work Ic warranted of the hest materials and workmanship, em firaclint all the latest city styles, and will be furnished at the lowest retail prices. N. 14.—Collins mado at short notlze, and funerals a ended to promptly in town or country. Carlisle Oct. 12, EMOVAL—DR. Nicuor.s has re moved Ms office Pon; ono door west of Sexton's Hardware Store, to his residence. on v eat Maio Street, direc,ly oppodte the Railroad Oleo, Carlisle. Pa. Office hours, more particularly, from 8 to 10.-A. At., and from 1 to 3 P. M. Ap 26'61-13m. ONLY PREPARATION SOOD THE TEST OF YERS, And grown more and more popular every day. A . ND testimonials, new, and almoi wittmultunither-mi g ht-ba- g riv-an-44 Om-IntliPs gentlemen, in all grades of society, whose united terl I molt) none could resist, that Prot. Wood', flair Restore ttve will restore the bald and linty. and preserve th hair of the youth to old age, in all Ito youthful beauty Poop. Woos: Thee will please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my heed all fell off over to ent) years ago, caused by a Lumplicated chronic disease. at tended with an eruption on the head A continual course of suffering through life having reduced the to'n state of dependence. I have not been able to obtain sluff for.caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head bee suffered extremely from cold. This indu-ed me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth fir a two dollar iv ttle of thy Hair Restorative about the firstof August Net. I have talthfutly followed the direction, and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short. It is also coming In all over my head Feeling contidmit that another large bottle would lee tore it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to peraevere in Its use, and hel Jg destit.llte Of nue„un to purchase any mom I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an tinier on thine agents for a bottle and receive to thyself the scripture derlaratlon rewatd is to those that aro kind to tbo widow and the tatherlons." 'lhy !Hand. Poor. 0. J. WOOD: Dear Sir.—ln the latter part of the year 1852, whileattonding tto.State and National I. w School of the State of New York, my hale, from a cause unknown to me. commenced (Milne off very rapidy. so that In the short space of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp was aloe et entirely bereft or its cover- . . lug. and much of the remaining porLinn upon the side and back part of my.head shortly after became gray, so that you will trot be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana. my more casual aegnainuttires were not se,much at a loss to discover the cause o. the change In my appearance, as my more intimate acqua.n mimes were to reengnize ate at all at once Math, applicat•on to the most skillful phy• Melees in the country. bet. receiving no Assurances from them that my heir could again be restored. I wee forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fart onete ly. in the latter part of the year 1857. your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist. as being the Most reliable !lair Restorative in u.. I tried otte bet• tie, and found to my great satisfaction that It w4s . pro• dining the desired mutt. Since that time. I havtlmed seven done.' worth of your Restorative. and as Okatilt have a rich cent of very Bolt black hair, which no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill In the production of so wonderful an article, I have re• Commended its use to many of my friends and acquaint anees. who, 1 nun happy to inform you. are using it with like effect. Very respectfully, yours A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 44.1 Broadway, and seld by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative In put up In Bottles of viz : large, medium, and small; the small holds half a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds . . . at least twenty per cent. more In proportion than the small, retails for two a bottle; the large holds a mina forty per cent. more in proportion and retails for *3 per bottid; 0. J. WOOD & CO.. Proprietors, 414 Broadway, New York,und 119 Market Street, St. Lowe, Ma. • • . trir Sold by -all good Druggists and Nancy Deeds Dealdrs. [Ap. 12, '6l. pROP. DE GIRTH'S ELECTRIC OILI THE NEW PRACTlOE.—Electric Cures.-Palo Is the premonitnr of death; relieve thu pain and you check the disease. • che r THIS Ott ACTS Ca THE STSTEM wins ELECRTICITY.r. Ie of pure vegetable preparuao,n, not the slightest dam ger or applying It outwardly dr Inwardly; It at owe elves a permanent cure t in most, cases, In from ted to twenty minutes. The hest physiologists of Europe have discovered that all organic derangement In the animal system is an of feet nt the obstruction of the physic° electric fluid in .the organ diseased —a skilful appilisition of the Oil Outs in Immediate motion the nervous fluid, and the cure is at once accomplished. No bleeding, no vomit trig, purging or blistering le resorted to. Prof. Do Orath's Electric Oil Is the marvel of this age for the folinwowing, (not every thing ) Cures Rheunistism often in a day. Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, two minutes. Cures Cramp in the Stomach, five minutes. Cures Burns, Wounds. Bruises, one to three days. Cures Headache. fifteen minutes. • Cures Ear Ache, Stiff Neck, Ague, one night. Cures . Piles, Swelled Glands, ten days. Cures Folond Broken Breasts, Salt Shoum, two to six days. Cures Ilemor age, Scrofula, Ahem's, six to ten env; Cures Frosted Feet and Chilblains, one to thrro days. .cures, Ague d Fever, 000 to two days, and all the Nervous and S tendons Affections Cures Deafn sin ono to (cur days. Cures all Pa sln the Bach, Breast, etc., In 2 days. D dirnmss otruton't NEW Mesa. May 18th, 1556. . Prof De . G th—My brother has been deaf three years, and ono both of your Electric Oil cured him entirely. urs, CLIFFORD R. SCRANTON. OTHER INSTANT CURE! auntingdon, Pa., Sept.. 1855. I deco ify that Prof. DeVrath's Metric 011 is in Callable ~ 1r Rheumatic pains. Sly. wife for some time pa s t has con greatly afflicted and unable to.wallt, has been ref ;wed by the application of this oil almost in stautAne',usly. 1 can cheerfully recommend it to oth 301 IN WILLIAMSON. U:M3:I •- - • PILES.. Charles Sexton. Esq., ex-Mayor of Camden says Mx ppllcations cured him. Almost Cured his Itheumati m. . • . . TIFF Nk,E - C K (Editor f Law Magazine Cured 'lnstantaneously.] Girard Home. Philadelphia. Prof: Chan: De Grath—l freely give it as ray opinion 'that' your Electric 0.1 Is among the meet womderful rernedlos of modern times. At the earnest request of a lady. who alleged- that •she had been 'cured of a moct pliant aff .cone by I P ens, 1 Wup,inditleed to try-a bot tle, though at the time - of purcha'aing, I fully believed it to be a quack medicine and a catchpenny humbug Itut a trial convinces me that It posscsaesot magic power, and It will prove a blessing to...urterlog humanity,.. - --- I recently took it roldirom - aleePlog to damp sheets, and my neck became an much swollen and painful that 'I could not town my head. • • Alter Ming, without Recites, everything prescribed by my physician, I.last evening tried your ICleetric Oil. This morning I am well, the relief having been as com plete tut it ITAS Instantaneous., - . Yours, very truly, • . • . ' • • - -JOON LIVINGSTON.- 10 , - Editer MenthlY"Law Magazine Dread way. , enh West 14th St., N.Y. Mr. Livingston. belongs to the old ; wealthy and high ly-reapectable famillea of the old settlere of New York: ,Any one can 'addrena hini 00 the subject of the abort, letter, which will bn answered with pleasure. Principal Depot ,277 Scull, Bth St Net, Philadelphia. fta IterSotne & h; Sole Agents for.Cerlisle. ..11M Sold by all Dregglata. and In Jersey City at Van Dualtirk's;-Washingtowstreett -81,' Greve *free Dr. Zabriskie's, corner-of Grove and South Bth 80004' ..hongataff's, 60 idontgootery (An, GOLDNiSt: FLAX. .).23111RTS tho latent Styles and- Ireproyettione bought on min,intl. largo. steekerjlne Alas. we will sell• the, entire. st6uk ot very low prices.-- Alco. a -- wary litigwapootimenthr:Collnrii,of the vitriolic klnde • Neck TleC,Crityatii, -Fornlcblitie Goods, Ac.; a the lowest brim at .1. LiViNaszuvo. prlll2, 'CI. „ North R,u Street. . :%~-. , \ ~'yIfILS4N~S ffkitili )SWING \a3S5 H. 8 TH'fTER, or .). CA SIPLIBLL T . ll 30 13:1=1:1 Battle Creek. Mich., December 21st, 1858 • SUSANNAII KIRBY Ligonier Noble CO, 'lndiana, Feb. fah. 1859. 11,A..p1101k1E ,WOMEN) HUNT'S-. BLOOM OF ROSI:S." :A deli and . elegan. polor for the cheuks or lips. It will not wash-or rub off and when soca applied; remains durable primers. The tint is so rich and natural, .that the - closest scrutiny, ' fails to detectits.use. Can La removed bylemon juice and will nut injure,the skin. This Is a now preparation used by the catebratod 'Court: Beauties of ,I,ondon rind Paris. Nlallud frees, in bottles, with directionS for use, tor $l,OO ' • . - HUNT'S "COURT: TOIGET POWDER,. Imparts a Marling whiteness to t h e comple.lon, and is:.unlike anikhing else used for thla purpose. Mailed free for 00 Cents. Eli iiuNT , "BRITISH HALM." removes tan, freckles, sunburn add all eruptions of the skin. Mailed free for 50. Cents. If IIN1".9 fillf PERTAL POMADE" for the hair, Oaten gthens and improves its growth, keeps it from felling off and Is warranted to make the hair curl. Mailed free for $l,OO HUNT'S "PEARL BEAUTIFIER.," for the teeth and guins,cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums purifies the breath effectually. preserves the teeth and prevents toothache. Malted free for $l,OO ituNrs BRIDAL IVICHATII PERFUME," a double extract eroding° blossom and cologne. Mailed free for $l,Ol This exquisite perfume was first used by the Princess Royal of Enuland, on her Marriage. Messrs. hunt & Co., presented the Princess with an elegant case of Perfumery.. in which allof the above articles were Included) in handsome rut glass with geld stop. pers. valued at $l5OO, particulars of which eppoared in the public prints. All the above articles sent free, by express, for $5,00 Cash can either accompany the order, or be mid to the express agent on deliverY of goods. DUNI' k Co. Perfumer's to the Queen. Regent Ft.. tendon, and 77 &name Ft.. Philadelphia, Pa. For Sale by all Druggists and Pe, tumors. The Trade supplied.' Oct. 20, 60.—ty. N EW GOODS.-FIRST ARRIVAL TIUS SEASON, At Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store I have just returned from Philadelphia and am now opening a lot of handsome, desirable and cheap DRY 0 - 101./S, bought for cash and will bu sold at astonish ingly low prices. A large stock of new style prints, Chaleys. Defirmes, Ginghams. and other Dress floods In great variety. A now stock of bleached and unbleached Muslim, Tick Ings. Shootings. Diapers, Linens, Checks, Am --A full assortment at Black Silks very cheap a. , d very good. Another stock of those first class Steel Spring Skirts and under price. HOSIERY I HOSIERY 1 Ladies', Gents'. Missos', and Chlldron's Tins° In groat varloty at low prices. GLOVES of all kinds and price. CARPETS! CARPETS!! CARN:TS!! I A new supply of Ingrain, Cottage, Hemp, amt Bag Carpets. All persons In want of new style Sprlne. Gobds are respbctfully Invited to call and examine this stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. CILAS. OtilLBY, March 29, '6l. Trustee. DRESSLER'S El Ant JEWELRY No. 206, North ,81h Street above Race, Philadelphia. On hand and for sale, a choice assortment of superior patterns, and PLAIT TO-OItDER, Bracelets, Ear Rings, Finger - Rings, Breast Pins, Crosses, IN eekleeeS, Vest and Guard Chains, &c., &c., .11rZ- Orders enclosing the hair to he plaited, may be sent by mall.—Olve a Drawing as near an you can on paper, end enclose such amount as you may choose to 3, t as follows: Eer Rings C'2 to fa; Breast Pins $3 to $7: Finger Rinia 7 , cis. to $3,1,0; Vest Chains $1 to $7; Necklaces $2 to $lO. Wk. Hair put into alerialinn., Box Ilreast Pins, Rings, Arc. Old Gold and Silver bought at fair rates. April 6, FOR SALE OR RENT.— The subscriber offers for sale or rent, the new Three Story Brick [louse ;.• d" on North ilanover Street. Possession 74. Oven on the let of April next. The WWI'. House has nine rooms, Is furnished 1 --' 2 --T-- - "" with water and gas, and suitable elth• er for business or a private residence kV FIRT— A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS. p•-••• • 1859 . , i ly s ‘r - „ West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the CumhertvLd County Agricultural Fair • of 1857.) The subscriber has Just received the most splendid essortmant of articles in WA line, ever brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that de by competition. Parlo, Chamber, Dining-room, IFURNITURE Kitchen and Office Embracing every article used by House and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and Hoist. Including also Cottage furniture In setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattranses, Jilt frames, pictures, &e., &e. . Patithriseff are reffuestiill to call Mid"lithiba stock, at his extensive warn-rooms, West Main street, North side. A. B. EWII', tre- Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. A. B. Carlisle, May 12, 1858.-Iy. Just received another new and cheap tot of Itletiardsons, Dunbar & Dixon Linens, MII3 line, CallCOOl.l &0., &c. At the cheap Cash Store N0v.2.1860. CIIA.. OGILBY, 'iruatee. CAR ETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! ['mons going to honsokeeping eincrotbors want ing to, refurnish. are rosp,tfully Invited to examine our largo and varied sto-k of Carp^ts, such as Brussels, three pl_v, superkr Ingrain, Ehglish and Domestic, Ve nltiun widths, IIENIP AND RAO CARPETS, Drugge'e, lino, Straw and Coma Mattlnes, Oil Cloths for Ilalls,"lgiokini: Glasses, plain and fancy blinds and shades, fixtures, &c. lloueekeeping Goode of Every Dercription Raving purchased these goods for Nett Cosh, we are prepared to offer great Inducements to buyers, as we hare lately wine Into this business we eau warrant our goods new and fresh. LEIDICII SAWYER A MILLER Carlisle, Starch /I, '6l. East Main Street. VAN- INGEN & SN'YDER, Designers and Engravers on Wood Isl. E. COlt. Emu & CUESTNUT STE., Philadelphia. XECUTE all kinds of Wood Enmra- Jl: j vin g with beauty, correotliess and dispatch. b oi I gloat de4lgns furnished for Fine Beek - Illtistrations: Persons wishing cuts, by • ending a Photograph nr Da guerreutype. can have views of Colleges, Churches, Store Fronts, Machines. Stoves, Patents; &c., engraved us well as on personal application. Fancy Envelopes Lahels. 11111 lieadings,, Show Bills, Visiting, !Widnes and other Cards, engraved In the highest style of sit, and at the lowest prices For specimens of line engraving see the Illustrated works of .1. B. Lippincott & Co., B. 11. Butler & Co. Nov. 6% 1865.—1 y. H AS . LEFT LEONARD'S CPR NKR! J. W.ISM I LE Y Hereby gives notice to his Aeolis, customers, and the public, that he hart.,removed his store from iroonard's corner to his new room—formerly known as (Cellar's bat store—on'Nurth Hanover Street, between the Car lisle Deposit Bank and Irluyetrx Grocery Store. Ills stock of READy MASH CLOTIUNG,IIoots. Shoes and MIA is faro and cogtplete, and you can Japan I upon the fact that lie can •and will sell cheaper than ever: and always intends to sell good goods and at a lower price than any perabo else. - .CLOTHING /Always on hand, the most seasonable, best made and fashionable Coats, pantaloons and Vests from the commonest to the beet qualities, which cannot fall to*, please the eye and give safe faction In goner O. Also. Shirta. Under•alilrta and drawers, collars, cravats suspenders. gloves, stockings, &0., &., all to be sold at the very lowest.prices. DOOTS AND SHOES Always on hand, a large and. complain arsort• ch i • ment of oVery variety of Bents, Brolans. Oxford FL Tiee, Olippors. Gaiters,, for Ladles and Gantt* men, Atlases and Boys, youth and. children, all to be sold cheap. Also en hand and con stoutly manufacturing the host Fine French and Mons Al. recce Hoot& and Jelfursons for Ladles. im. All rips sewed free of charge. .. _ A largo oteolc of Lints for 'Mon, Boyd, anda Children. rommon, good and lino. All sell lug eheapor thin over. . . . . . TRUNKS. TRA.V E LINO BAGS, UMBRELLAS, V UL ()Amur; GUM COATS AND LEOGINUS - .CHEAPER4II7OI EVER; I bell* tender, my thanks to my eustoment and friends. for pest favors, and earnestly solicit you all to• call and Sea ma and my stock of goods, before you pur. elutes elsewhere, as I am determined to use ovary effort to supolv - ym with the very best, and at quell prices so 'will suit all. Ile particular to look for my .dgn, April 5, 1801,-4y. •. , f I. W. SMILInr. W -,P.• R U G• S T 0 R•E ..NEXT DOOR TO JtillOFFB 'COMER. Just, reeeived a large .assortnion,t a large assortlfient of Fresh Diuge; Confectionaries rind Fancy Article, ant bracing . PERFUMERIES, OILS. SOAPS,- &C. SPICE 4, such ne-PilP PER GLOVES, ''ALLSPION and .CINNAMON, freshly drolind'avery reek. lisaoncea or all hinds just made.. All the Patent Medicines of the day conateritly,ou haled.. Alto, a for buteauf)Kilicer'a .Pyapeptle Powdote. ' ' , 4 " • • Kph:lane Prescriptions 'pre:aptly arid carefully / SEGR: AL 'AND. , TOBACCO, of.tic.stArauda received. regularly. Also. horse 'Pow. dare byithe peoltago or'ediall , of the beetluallty, • I.lll.PrEft. ' . May, 24; 186,.. •• -1 y. „ . • _ • • . • 'ITOBIE ROOM .FOR,`';RENT.-- , The largo Store Room at tholVeseend.of Main .Btreet... It. a (Wed up wltla counters, and studying and boa a larke'lind Cinveniant collar. Posseaston given Moly. Behnke of ADAM B.I4NSEMAN, . , Carlisle, pee. '2l, 'CLO.4.-, TO TILE EMI The oubscrlber, hem recently opened a New. Store at the old stand of J. D Halbert in North Unmet' opposite the Carlisle Deposit,llank.. - • .• . „Having received from No* York Dank . . ffne and well selected assortment of goods in his businesa, such'as lIATB and CADS, from the commo Wool to the fine . , SILK AND CASSIMER • ' Spring Styles . 4,811 k-bate -for—lBol. -Straw- Nate for tientlemen;Jockey Hats for Ladies, - and fancy Nati end:. r. cap Ohildrkm, and ' ' '•-• - IPO.ZOES, TO SUIT T.tiEl - .Trstret•• •- iAlen, Carpet Dags,..Yelleav Trunks, liand UrribrWas and prime Bed Feathers. An. MisoltloOnt. Of robr,Prinio Begtiri and TobAcsio::7o%:,:'.:. forthepatronige already roCeivoid ho would • , invite all hie fiends and the publlo goneraltV to give him a Call. . JACOB BOAB,'Agt. Carlialei4rlllP,lB3Bl. • ' . . • EST AT h 'Not herebi't given. that betters of Administration on the'4o;,r7.) taco 4.lohn.itighlands, late of Newhni.towneldp,Ouns-':o. - bei.litntl County, deed., have boor Issued - by the Iteght-,—' for of Mid county, to the subscriber, rosidiiik to WM` • twp. Notice Is hereby given to silipersons Indebted, Leff said saute, to' mike tmtnedlyie payment, and-theta` having clethne to present, theuf for entilement to • DAViy DrottvOi' Adminlidtatbf • July 19, 1861.-82. . 4 ) IRE. 4NSURANC.Ef-;-- AixiOr? AND EAST. - PENNSBORO MUTUAL • FIRE 'IN di./ RANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, ineorpo. rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organized,and In operation under the .management olthe following commissioners, viz: Daniel Bailey, William R. - Gorgas, Michael Cockpit, J. Eichelberger, Christian Staymani John C. Dub. lap, Jacob li, Coovor, bowls Dyer, I, Eberly), Benin. min IL Masser, .14,-Brandti—Joseph Wickersham, A lexatidei Cathcart. • • The rates of iffinuance are as low and far( rabla an any Company, of the kind . In the• State. Pomona wishing to become members aro invited to make application to_ the agents of the company, who are willful to wait upon them at any time. WM. R. GOIIGAS, CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President LEWIS RYER, Secretary. MICHAEL COMMIE. Treamirer. Managrrs.,,Wm. R. Gorges, L. flyer. Christian Stay man. N. Cocklin. C. Dunlap, R. Martin, D. Bally, Tl.Cnover, Ales. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Eluhelber gar, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. AGENTS CUMBERLAND COUNTY. —John Sberrlek, Allen, Henry - Zaaring, - ShiremagstoWn ; Samuel Woodburn Dickinson ;' Henry Bowman, Chnrchtown ; Mode Grit fith, Schith Middlelon ; Samuel Graham, W. Penns lxwo'; Samuel Coover, Mechanicsbnrg ; J. W. Cockli% Shoplierdstown; D. Coover, Shepherdstown ; J. 0. sex. ton, Sliver Spring; Beni. Havel stick, Silver Spring; Charlet; Bell, Cm lisle; John Flyer, Carlisle. YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter Wol. ford, Franklin; Jae. Griffith, W/rrington F. Deer Aug; Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg; B. C. Clerk, Dllisburg. D UPI! fl 9 CO.-11ouser & Lachman, Harrisburg. Membera of the company having pollciesabout to eX- Ore. can have theme vwed by making application to any of Iho Agents. April 20. 1859. DR. HOOFLAND.'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL! FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarse• ness. Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Diseases of the Bowels, arising from Cold s Incipient Consumption, and for the relief and (if at 4.1 - • - possible) cure of Pa. tients in advanc• ed stages of the latter disease. The Balsamic Cordial is entirely a Vegetable prodtic• tion, combining the hemline properties of the Balsam, with the invigorating qualities of a Cordial, producing a combination FO well adapted to the purposes intend• od, that there are but few cases of disease which will noi, at an early period, succumb to its healing and life giving properties. For twee, has t h e treatment of pulmonary diseases occupied the greater portion of the attention of the scientific of the medical world, hot cone acquired more eminence In his treatment of these diseases, than the celebrated Prussian Dr. iiOOFLAND, the originator of the Balsamic Cordial. Ills life was devoted to the produc tion of remedie that would stand unrivalled. Doe well ho ham succeeded, the American people are able to edge : and we positively assert, that no preparations that have ever been placed before them, have conferred the same amount of benefits on suffering humanity, or have elicited en litany commendations from all classes of society. no the remedies of Dr. Floollend, prepared by Dr.. 0. M. Jackson k Co., of Philadelphia. The Cordial is designed for a does of diseases more general and more fatal than - any other to which the people of thiscoun try are subject—those springing from a "SLIM'? COLD." That eminent authority. Dr. Dell, says: "I will not say that Colds to our inhabitants what the PLACIUF. and YELLOW Fevre are to tilos° of other countries; but I can aver conflawntly that they usher in disease of greater cemplicity and mortality than these latter." EntiPely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Pr_garatiori. DR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, =3 Dr. C. EL JACKSON & Co., Phila. Pa WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER COM PLAI DYSPEPSIA, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weig_htiti_theStonD. etch, Sour hructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the lit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Ile-nothing, Cluttering at the Heart, Choking Or Suffer:ding sensations when ton lying posture, Dim no. s of Vision, Dots of webs Jefore the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Stdo, ack, Chest, Limbs, &c. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning. in the Flesh, Constant lmngiuincs of Evil, and great' Depressions of Spirits, and will positively prevent Yelp lose Fever, )131111oue Fever, &e. The Proprietor In culling the attention of the public to this preparation, does FO with steeling of the utmost confidence in its virtues and adaptation to the diseases for *Web it Is recommended. It in no new and untried article, but one that bee stood the test of a twelve years' trial before the Ameri can people. and its reputation and sale are unrivalled by any similar prepdratinn extant The testimony in its favor given by the most prominent and weilknown individififfslii Mk countrytalMnense, and a careful persual of the Almanac, published annu ally by the proprietors, and to be had gratis of any of their Agents. cannot but satisfy the most skeptical that tin remedy is really deserving the great celebrity It h s obtained. tT S. W. II AVERSTICK, Agent for Carlisle, and by Dealers e •ry where. [Apr. 12, '6l.—ly. ti REAT ATTRACTION AT LEON kjIr A RD'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. EDW'D• B. LEONARD, JR., Hatijust returned from tee city of Philadelphia. and opened a splendid assortment of READY M ADtiCIAYTIL ING, which cannot be surpassed in style and finish. The Clothing at this establishment, consists In part of the following, yls: DRESS &ND -FROCK COATS, of which ho has a magnificent assortment of black and fancy colors, out In the latest fashions teatelully and elegantly trimmed, and made In a superior manner. SACKS AND HALF SACKS, (Cloths. Cassimeres and Tweeds, all of new styles and t very low prices. VESTS! VESTS ! ! VESTS ! ! ! The richest and best assortment ever offered at till Corner, of Satin, Block and Fancy Billt,,Vallotin,ltaaatt Cloths, Marseilles, double and single breasted, of every variety material and patern. PAN TA L O O N S. Plain and Taney French Doe skid casaLuteriticiatfl nett jeans end tt great variety of others, all of which will he sold at the very lowest prices. SIIIRTSI—Fine white linen and cotton of the newest style and best make. Alth'ealico. - checkt and currying ... sbirls A largo assortment of Boars and 8110 ES, for Men` and Boys, which can and will be sold cheaper than ever. Alan a sptendidloi. of TrunkS.ansMarpek 1:12 . gt a. I therefore confidently invite one and all, to command see for yourselves, as I will not attempt to describe the bargains that may be expected, for I am dotermlndel that no opposlfion can sell lower o.lllr - Remember LEONARD'S Corner. • EDWARD D. LEONARD, Jr. Carlisle, May 10, 1861.-1 7. T. XAMINATION OF TEACHERS. ifj The Annual Examination of Teachers, for &hr': County of Cumberland, will be held as follows: -,' Southampton on Monday, July 29th, at. - 9A. M.. • - a /s Newton, , Tuesday, " 30 a Penn Wednesday" 31 a a a Dickinson, " Thursday,Aug.f 1' a " a ' S. Middleton, Friday, " 2 " 1 1 a Monroe, Saturday, " 3 " ...a a Upper Allen, Monday, " 6 " IS 41 ' !Mechanicsburg, Tuesday, .4 0 61' 11 it - Lower Allen, Wednesday," 7 " a IN Hampden. Thursday, " 8 " a a ~ 1 ,, E. Pennsbnro', Friday. " 0 "• a " '. Now Cumberland, Saturday, " 10 a Silver Spring, Tuesday, " 13 " 11 A. lif • Middlesex, Wednesday," 14 -" 0 a N. Middleton, Thursday, " ' 16 " . a 'V', W. Pennsbot.o',Friday, " 10 " it II Frank lord, - Saturday, " 17 a a it: Nevrvillo, Monday, " ' 'l9 " . .10 A. M. Miglin, Tuesday, " 20 " 9 " ilopewell and Newburg, Wednesday," 21 " Shipponnburg twp., Thursday, " '22 1' The above examinations will be held at the scene , ' tomed placen, unh•ee any change Is desired by the DI. ' rectors. in which case timely notice is requested. lam instructed by the department to announce-that no -- School will be recognieett ae one - ot the Puma Sonoma of Cumberland County, in which a Teacher in employed: Wltinnit 49 VALID OEItTIF/CATZ, and further, that no ,vate examination will lie given except in cases where the applicants ere LINABLE. TO ATTEND 'rut PODLIO =AND NATION, end no PORT lIIOIITEM examinntioh in any cans. - piAlmints, will plaice note, that by•an.order of the • department, they will be examined in the " Theory. O- • Teaching." Ati it must be apparent to all, .thst Abe proper advancement in the muse of education, requires that. there should , hes corresponding advance in the • • qualifcation' of Teachers. And as I am determined to Issue No certificate of INCOMPETENCE, those who know their qualification . to be below medicerity, will SATO much mortification to thimselven and to me by refrain. - lug from presenting themselves as applicants. .JCSEDII MIFFLIN, County Supt, June'l2, 1860. NEW STORE, AND NEW . GOODS. 1141 S, OAPS AND STRAW GOODS. 11:11 S - . . . I . . . _ .. _. , . _ . . fl U 11 IC--