Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 09, 1861, Image 2

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    .In) the Herald of list .. 'we - ek, We took
• the liberty' Of offerinea,suggestiMi in re
• • gard to the:lbramtion o a Union county
ticket,' without regaid to ,Paity. The
article 'was. written withoitt consultation
witkany one, and from desire,toob
tain an advantage for one party over
another, but simply because we conceived
it to be our duty, in the present crisis, to
discountenance all partizanship, and to
favor such a platform as would include
all loyal citizens, no matter what their pol
itics may have been heretofore.
The subjoined communication from
Newville, signedby
.fifiy•six of the most
prominerweitizens in,that-vicinity;-ehows
that we do not stand, alone in this matter,
and we hope to receive similar responses
from all parts' of the county. Now is the
time, in advance of the county conven
tions, to inaugurate a-plan by-which this
object may be effected; and, if our dem
ocratic friends will meet us in the same
spirit, the result will be the,selection of
good men, without any of that strife and
embittered feeling which has marked the
contests of'former years.
oARtpris, piL
Filiiiii".,OGFT,p, i 861:.
seport of the Countl , Supettntendent
On the.Qrst page of the Ilerabl this
week, will he found the annual report of
the County Superintendent of the com.
mon schools. Dlr. MIFFLIN• hrings• to
his present position a large amoutdot ex
perience in teaching, ripe intelligence and
pleasing manners ; add to these an earnest
desirb, to perform his whole dutyyrtrid•wo
think those moat deeply interested hi the
schools, may congratulatd . themselves in
having poured the services of one so well
qualified to contribute to their success and
copsetitiOne_ usefulness. We eerind
this epor`f to too itfention of our readers.
Pm: KAPPA SIG 111 A.--We have re
ceived a' copy of a poem, delivered be
fore the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity by
ALDERT .11.- SLAM Esq of Philadelphia,
at the convention held in New Yorl, city,
December 1860. The Poem is entitled
the "Rosiorucian," and is worthy the
reputation of the author, who while del
ving amid the mazy labrynths of the Law,
finds occasionally a leisure hour in which
to woo the Muses.
Who Political, Campaign
We see by the proceedings of the Dem
ocratic Standing Committee as published
in the Democrat and Volunteer, that the
political fossils, who compose that body,
have not yet realized the fact that
the' Democratic party is as dead as
an Egyptian mummy. They have decid•
ed to call a County Convention fur the
purpose of putting a Democratic ticket in
the field, and Monday the 2d of Septem
ber-, is the day fixed for applying the gal-
Tuin battery to the old carcass. It will
only be a spasm.
ter; The editor of the American thinks
that the formation of a Union ticket this
fall, untrammelled by party politics, may
be very good policy, but doubts its prac-
ticability. In our. opinion, whatever is
good policy can be wade practicable, if
—people-ate content _ta_sink... their-personal
preferences, in a general desire to advance
the public good.
The Three-month Volunteers
The discharge of the three-monthvol
unteers jrt on the eve of a requisition
on the part of the government for more
troops, will have an excellent influence
on the new regiments about to be raised.
FroinrCthe sentiments expressed by the
returned volunteers with whom we have
conversed, hero and at Harrisburg, we
are led to believe that at least two thirds
of them will re-enlist for the war. This
wily give to each regiment a large pro
portion of well drilled men, who, with their
three months' experience of the require
ment of a soldier, will give our army a
degree of efficiency far superior to what
i~ was wh - erCifist called into service.
DESERTERS.- For a week or two past
we have heard vague rumors to the effect
that a portion of the men of the First
Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve • Corps
bad refused to - be mustered into the ser
vice of the United States,_ when they
reached Baltimore, and had consequently
left for home. It was mortifying also to
the people of this county that a majority
of the men were said to have been mem
bers of the Carlisle Infantry, Captain Mc-
Cartney. The following advertisement,
from the Harrisburg Telegraph of Tues
day, signed by the Colonel of the regi
ment, leaves us no longer in doubt on the
Naval School, Annapolis, Md., Aug. 1, 1661,
Notice-is-hereby given Abet
Michael Talton,- of Philadelphia, Pa.,
Edward O'Neal, "
Samuel Parker, Lenni, Delaware CO.,
William Dawson, Rockdale, "
Members of company F,
George Renshaw, of Phcedixyille, Chester Co.,
Pa., member of company G,
Lewis Forber, Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Pa.,
Henry G. Beidler 44
Jacob Hippie, " 11
Henry Hippie, 14 11
Max Karp), "
John W. Lamison," .1
Anthony Moore, "
Wm. M'Donald, " SI
William Richey, " - "
David Richwine, " "
Jacob Sowers,. Plainfield, "
John Bennett, Papertdwn, "
Lewis Long, Carlisle,
Geer, Chambers, "
Hugh Finly, Con
John A. Doper,
David dicker, PaP
Jacob flogga, Thor
George Cramer, Quit ,
Tboniasßell, (musician,
Co Pa.,
Members of company r,
DiennTED from the 'service of Stale Of-Tenn
mania, from the First Regiment Pennsylvania
Heserve`Corps, , while the said regiment was
Stationed .at Camp Carroll, near lbilitnore.
Ho reward is offered or will 'be paid„ far their
Apprehenelon; beoause better nten are of
These 'men had, been well fed, well clothed,:
and paicf - on,, that , day. No reason for their
'assertion. , tuna_ therefore be given, save cow
ardice; ;arid this notice is only inserted to pre
-telt annoyance to rot:mulling officers, - and in
order that :their !sena may under
stand their conduct when they supposed them
eaves nor' the enemy.
By oisier,of
rd, Franklin Co., Pa.,
- fortonville, Chester Co., Pa.,
of company 11,
lown, Cumberland Co., Pa.
,ury Trope. " ‘.
Colonel commanding
Cakt,'D. LA/DOIM,
;2' At(jutane.
' Itsaaxintto,Eintaces.— , Tfic
editor the'2si,bitne,,holvevor prone he way
be to let; his.Senlings, run soca, with Ids judg=
~snertiltna the candor to aolotowlodgoills error
_Arben conrincbd 'that , he.lo 'wrong, as_i v i,
b,rthe folloyfiniii4litlrorn his paper;
•", (lineint Ocott is isOli the cheet.tmehoy
the Republic, and everything thnt etrengthp w3 •
/ Mot atrengtiunits the Nation. v - Iftere can be '
-** remaining - clorobt,. that-he wee
_in. th e
itretraines in,pboosing to postpone all adiane
that'lvi, 'Who . differe.d Nom him were
+tolerably' ieriing 'Lot' evtiy thought - '6f4. 4 .
. 1 , t o+ h hcni , hed, vthile;-vie rally niourtd.
..•t' an 7 ..,,, 0 •• IT ni1)){;.!
NEWVIGLE . , August 6, 1861.
EDiTOII. HERALD: On receiving the herald
of last week, we read with pleasure your piece
headed "A Suggestion," and concur with your
views. We hope that when the Standing Com
mittee, which is to meet in 6rlisle on Satur
day the 10t h'instant, for the purpose of taking
action in relation to the approaching election.
they will not lose sight of the situation of our
country, knowing, as t heywell do, that it is not
a party strife, but one of Union and govern
ment, which is infinitely higher than that of
party. ..„
In conversation, with many of our political
opponents, we find' some who agree with us
in saying that pare) , predilections shotild be
1110 asitle,o„this time, aild the people unite
upoti a-tfoi& ticket, which should be com
posed of good, soiled, and loyal men, who are
willing to sustain the government until peace,
order, and union are restored again. Let us
forget all that is unworthy of remembrance,
cease our complaints of those who are en
trusted with the governmetit and the bravo
men at the head of our armies, and in the'
army ; confide in our servants, and then we
shall march forward to such a victorious
future as will deliver not only the South from
its oppressors, but the Union from those who
are now laboring to consummate its oVer
For the past week there has been no
news of importance from the scat of war.
The army under command of Gen. Banks
_opposite fla.rper!..s.F_erry t is
mented by reinforcements which are,:or
.ganized into brigades as soon as they ar
rive. A correspondent of one of the .
Philadelphia- papers, - who is at the Camp,
says : The location is unassailable, except
from the opposite Virginia Heights, which
would really command that position, but
for the existence of obstacles almost insu
perable to the erection of any battery
Reconnoitering parties and scouts arc
on the alert at all hours„ and it is impos
sible for the enemy to arrive in any force
near threaten us, without time-
ly notice beng given.
The commissariat and quartermaster's
departments are efficiently officered, and
_active preparations are progressing for fu
ture operations.
The men are generally anxious to get
out on picket service, and perform that
arduous and delicate duty with the bravery
and discretion of veterans. Hardly a
night passes but some important informa
tion is thus gathered. They range a long
distance on all sides of the camp and pay
particular attention to the only routes by
which the enemy can approach." 6,
A skirmish took place on the sth inst.,
opposite the Point of rocksibetween a de
tachment of sixty men of the 28th regi
ment New York volunteers under coin
of Col. Brown, and a party of rebel
The Colonel, with his party, came on
them about sunrise, and ordered them to
halt, - which was not obeyed, and they fired
on them and killed three, wounded two
and took twenty horses, with their equip
ments, and seven prisoners. They bro't
them into camp this morning about - ten
o'clock ; without getting a•man hurt.
The fifteen regiments of the Pennsyl
vania Reserve Corps, it is said, will be
placed under command of Maj. General
McCall, and concentrated near George
town. Several of the regiments, includ•
ing the 7th, have , already encamped there.
Distil,'" in allatiourl.
St. Louis, 4u9usr6.—A battle has oo
curred to-day at Dui , c' Spring, nineteen
wiles south of Springfield, Mo., between
dui Federal troops, under Gen. Lyon, and
the rebel troops,
under Ben. McCullough.
Eight of t}e Federal troops were killed
and thirty wounded.
The- rebels-lost 40 -killed-and-44 wound
Geo. Lyon took 80 stand of arMs and
15 horses and wagons.
'A body of 11. S. cavalry, 270 in num
ber, made a charge on the rebel infantry,
said to have been 4000 strong, and -out
their way through Glop and returned, with
a loss of only fivelnen. •
The charge is described as most gal
ant as well as terrific.
. .
Several of the 'rebels were found with
their heads cloven entirely through by the
swords of our dragoons. •- -
The enemy retired . during the night,
and Gen, .Lyon took possession of the
field. - • •
A.npihor battle was momentarily expect
ed, the enemy - being in large fo'ree west of
Gen, MoeUlan since reaohing Wash
ipom, bas infused great opergy into the
service, and above all, he has introduced
some - excellent regulations-for the govern-
ment of the officers. Mhos initiated and
perfected many reforms in, the• army. at
Washington,, makes an appeal to the neirt
paper press,
.through their representatives
at the
,Cdpital, t6:_refrain : from -,the.:po?)i-
cation of any matter that may furnish aid
and catnfert to the enemy. • ,
0611::,` forming bri-,
gadea:tolhe'phided,under the command of
the Brigaiiierijnef,confirOled by the Sew-.
ate. Regiments from the same States
-4tre,,,Teett.Cred aintini different Wrigaderi:
A skiroi!ishilas taken place near. Falls :
Urgh, betWeiltithirty.svg of our cavalry
and a squadron , of Rebels, in which. say,
C.ral on bath 'sides ,were w0und,e4.,11, -
said there are two regiments of rehels en
camped within four miles of Alexandtin !
An imMense quantity of .artnY arninn
nition arrived at Washington on Monday.
It Consisted of • over 31),000 pounds of ,
shot and shell, 40,000 musket and pistol
cartridges, 75,000 8 inch (Joint:Aida
shells, hesidesmoveral . wagon-loads 'of ar.k.
tillery harness. Notwithstanding this
large draft on'the Pittsburg Arsenal, there
is still a great supply of all sorts of 'balls.
on hand.
"Els rumored that Gen. Wooh " is to be
placed in command tit Fortress . Monroe,
an ckthat General Butler will be transferred
to Gen. McClellan's command. •
ment 01' Oren. Piferce.--Brigadier General
Pierce has published a statement in re
gard to the Great Bethel fight, in' which
he asserts that he advanced under explicit
orders, but that the plan of attack and the
orders-itecompanying it betrayed a want
of knowledge of the enemy's position and
numbers; that his command was composed
of raw recruits, with only twenty rounds
of ammunition, his small artillery force
having but twelve rounds, hardly sufficient
for five minutes' fire; that the cause of fir
ing into friendly regiments was owing to
the neglect of Gen. Butler to notify the
detachment which joined him from New:
port News to wear or recognize the white
badge worn on the arm.
Gen. Pierce, in conclusion, says that
" aftr the battle lad, taken place,, and
public opinion had fastened on me the
opprobrium of the defeat, I applied for a
court of inquiry that facts might be set
right, and the blame, if there was any,
rest on the proper officer. In answer to
my.application, nay, my demand, I- re
ceived but one reply, that a court of in.
quiry would reveal far too much that
would injure the service "
ARMY.-It is understood in official °holes,
says the Richmond Dispatch, that the
Secretary of War, the Hon. L. Pope
'Walker, has recommended to Congress 'an
a idition to the Southern_ army of three
hundred and fifty reiments, or such
number as, added to. the force already or
ganized, will make an aggregate of five
hundred and sixty regiments. Estimating
each regiment at a thousand men, this
would give a force of five hundred and
sixty thousand men, rantt and file The
white population of the Confederate States
being, in round numbers, five millions six
hundred thousand souls, the proposed ar-,
my would amount to just ten per cent. of
the whole, or one soldier to every ten white
The Legislature of Tennessee has passed
an act "for the relief of volunteers," which
authorizes the Governor to impress: into
the army all the free .ifegroes of that State,
between. the ages of fifteen add fifty years,
being sound in mind and body. These
" volunteers" are to perform such menial
services in the camp as may be required,
and to receive therefor regular rations,
with eight dollars per month as wages.
by the steamship State of Georgia, just
arrived from Port'Pickens, indicate that
there was not any sickness at the Fort
when the vessel left. Two companies of
WilsoiVs Zouave.4 had been taken to Fort
Jefferson, and regulars from the Fort ta ;
ken to Pickens The steam frigate Colo
rado was thb only United States war ves
sel at Pickens ; all the others of the fleet
had gone further south or in search of the
Sumter. The weather had been intensely
hot on the Island. was no antici-
pation of ari attack upon the Fort, bu
everything was in readiness for it, if i
should be made
Adjournment of Congress
Both Rouses of Congress adjourned on the
6th instant. This extra cession of the Thirty
seventh Congress has been, in many respects,
the most remarkable of any which has been
held since the adoption of the Federal eon.
stitutioa. The circumstances under which it
assembled, and the fact that eleven Stoles of
the Union refused to hove any reprpientation
in it, have given it a * peculiar aspect. The
urge majorities supporting the Adatinfittra.
tion, in both branches of this Congress, ha4q
enabled the two Houses to expeaito'btisinekt
with a eelerity-heretofere•unknovin Within the
halls of the Capitol, The members assembled
on the 4th of July, and Congress adjourned'
on the pth of August; arid yet, within this
brief pericid, more important business has
been transacted than. was ever got through
_with. hy tim..longest session _ of the National
Legislature ever before held.
• All the bills which passed both Houses were
approved by tbe.President, who yielded a re
,luetant approFat-to that for the confiscation
of property used for rebellious purposes.
Among the bills passed was one increasing
the pay of volunteers and regulars two dolls:fa
a month. .
.The Senate, confirmed, only two- Major Gen
erals for the regular army, namely: -McClellan
and Fremont; and Brigadier Generals Mane
ftosenerana, A.nderson, Meiga,.
and Thomas The .last--named ait.-Adjutattl
Reneral. , • -
- The following is correct liet of the, con
firmations of the highest officers commanding
the; volunteers, as copied from the ofßoial
eecord; Major Generals—Banks,.Dix,. and
Butler... Brig.t.dier Generala—MaG'al I, , ettrtisi.
Kenney, Reynolds, King, Siegel, licintzleman,
Poiter,,Frankliti;%lone, Thomes W. Sherman,
Hookee, Lander, ••13aker, Lyon,. Pope;
Cox, Hurlbut, Sohenettir rentißa, a ranV, Oonek,
Governor Sprague, Bfirnside, Montgoritery„ of
New Jersey, ;Phelps, of Vermont, Williamspof
Michigan, W. A. Sherman, Buell, Oakes, Bank
ilton, of Wisconsin, and McClerner,d: num-,
ber of theist gentlemen aro :regtiltir;army ; offe ,
ears, While - others ..reoil red if/Biter)!
oduOation. • , „
„ _
Eco.•_ The appointment pf,Thomaa, A. Sr olt
,ita_So*tant. Saoretory of.,War' lk!to Ovou-gaia--
oral eatiafaot ion; received by the tire*
in'tlio loyal Staten na,toothor evi4Onao tho'
Wi!h-wltioh , e
boaineas of t4e,ylp,r
linitineritle to - hi,",j,11464;in,!:
' _ 7
I.Ciorpnpowlecee of the 'Jerald.) ,
Letter frinn - fie44inber of Verminln Hen.
dereen'e.Peneinue3f...ieventh ennsy i..
11 1 4 PC: ttetgyr volt .r.l • -
GitOBGETOnX 1:11.41.40r8, •
• Ati:Ottat
---: 'We:artfinerv:eneartipetten :the halght a about ..'
Apt attics frein EtoorgetaWit;"tinttli , near .the
enetny'apinketattikt, the„eottri,d,Of their,firing
:'ean be.iteartViti , unr:' Indeed; so near that yesterday evening two of our men,
'having wandered some distance from camp,
were eapture4 and
_.tititett prisoners by .the
' rebeis. Theibelonged to.a Philadelphia com
pany, attached to our regiment: There were
three ett them, but one made his ettaape, and
brought the inforination. Strict :orders hive
beo : iesited, that no _man the cunt' or
go besund the line of the .nrignde, - except by
written permit from.aeneral Mean.; ,Each
matt in our regiment is to be served to -day
with folly rounds of ball cartridge,
- The, camp presents a lively scene this morn
ing-some are cleaning their guns, a good
many are drink' Telierillieine; 0 i ers
are preparing . our .rations. The "boys "..9.
-teem to enjoy themselves very well under-that: .
timumstarices—it is true, a good
,many had
the .•blues" Camp :florvey,'mainly Cu no
count of not basing enough to eat; but now,
-we get-our-rations -pretty -
9irr regiuretregoetr out:on-picket - guard-this- --
afternoon. We will' be stationed along the
['monocle, at' the distance of five miles from.
camp. It is a'dangeroult position, in which a
man must keep wide awake. and challenge
friend or foe. We are to take two days' ra
liens with us.. goine of the !felon tars and
women visit our comp frequently with article%
for sale ; -but their' prices are too steep to get ,
much of my custom.
When time and . opportunity offers, I will
write ngairi. •
Yours, truly,
The direct tax bill, recently passed by Con
gress apportions a direct tax of $20,000,000
among the States, as follows:
New Hampshire
Rhode Island ,
Connecticut ,
New York
New Jersey , '
'Delaware ~
Maryland n.
North Camlina
South Carolina
Mississippi .
Louisiana .
Tennessee .
Kansas .
Arkansas .
Florida .
Oregon .
New Mexico
Washington .
Nebraska .
Nevada. ,
District of Colombia
The President will divide the country into
collection districts and appoint collectors ;
and, after — the secul Tuesday in February,
the Secretary of th& Treasury shall establish
regulations totoyesrn the assessment and col
lection. Attempts o evade the act or commit
fraud will be pudol ed. The salary of the
assessorssartged f - two to three &Hare per
any. ln`tlie ' tvil, or. it'refusat to pay the
iaxes, the collsetri .-abaft collect it by die--
traint and sale of t..,4 goods, chattels, or effects
of the persons delikuent as aforesaid, at pub•
Thie - distraint-does-mot - inolude
tools or• implernontrf a trade or profession,
beasts of th4" - tt,' 2 %'W - iteeessary for the euhiva.
Lion of improved lauds, arms, household fur.
niture, and neoeisaii l apparel.
Any collector guilty of oppression, injustice,
of extortion, shall be liable telt fine of $2,000.
Any persori guilty oefmrjury, shall be liable
to a fine of $5OO.
All incomes over $BOO per annum are to be
taxed three per cent. on the surplus over
$800; when such incrome is derived from in•
terest on treasury notes, the tax shall be I
per cent. This tax goes into effect January
1, 1862. All taxes not paid Juno 30, 1862,
shall draw interest at. the rate of six per cent.
per annum. Neglect or refusal to pay this
tar, renders the offender liable to imprison
ment until the Lax is paid. Should any of
the people be iremetual rebellion at the time
the act goes into effect, the President shall
cause its provisions to be executed within such
limits, whenever the Government authority is
re. establisheil. All taxes thus oolreoted shall
hoar intere
The act " utliV
orizes' the appointment of a
Commissioner of Tares in conneotion with the
Treasury Department, who shall be appointed
by the President on 'the nomination of the
Secretary, nod receive'a salary of $3,000 per
annum, and sball bare .a number of clerks,
whose aggregate polaries do not exceed $6,000.
Titan add Now
In 1858, Jeff Da ' titr, the disorganizing
chief of the insurgents, travelled through
NeNV England,inakiug speeches and par
talcin,g of the hospitalities-of the citizens.
Then he declared thlit the
* * "allegiattecto the Federal Gov-
ernment flows from the allegiance due to
ono or the United States; and inspired
with the subject be asked who would
"tear the flag under whieli-we had marched
from colonial independenc&-toourpresont
national greatnes r' •
In Boston he said he had expected to
see those who etitablished this Govntn
ment walk forth from thiiir 'graves, sabre
in hand, to drive out of the land the pub
lie officer who should violate his oath to
support the- Constitution, and use his
place, to promote Sectional strife.
"It i 5 crime too lute (he adds)to be
named before this asseutbly. -It is one
which no man with self-respectinuld ev
:er commit. Madness post rule the hour.
'when - American citizens, trampling, as
well upon the .great,,,principles at .the
funndatton of the Wriltiration of Indepen
dence and the Constitution of tho'United'
States, as . u pot) . the horibrable . , obligations '
which their fathers imposed Upon then),
Aliall turn, with interneelne hand to saeri
li&ri thetnsaveS,'as well'as their brethren, .
upon 'the altavef_sectioltal_fatiaticisin.'!. =-,
• , , , , ,
Three years ago Jefferson Davis said all
this, and now, he standecihrtt4lin actor Of
all •this arid, like the witili,ed servant, con=
downed out oilis_own mouth. : -...
- 111 - e' intelligence of the unexpected death of r
this eminent divine-Ise • u‘seiteilea:ftelings of
• ,•
profouhd regret. Lie,*tie oydhined by, the
vencrable.fllshop White In 1823, and has been •
llotiveli - Onghge4, in the • that;
peried, -Thotto who bell the plessutg,of hear
lrg his', sermon, here a : few• menthe ngr v njil:
not aeon forget the "chaste elegem:A of tan
ceivint4ngttrguthent ) titiforvent ".
Ighich thareeteritisdiliat discourse
Ct11i1;!4,,. a.ii,, , ::(i7,6,.itirtg- 04tf:i:s.
SALE.—The Tfimtr4l," this weeleon
tains advertisemenM for the Sale of a Intge
amount of real •Rsiate-In•4ltis 'county, to
which we invita the attention' of purchasers
The heirs of Adam Seirer, dad, will
sell-on the sth and 6th of • Septentber,
several Tots in Mechanicsburg with vale.
able impros . ;einents, two farms in Liariip
den township, and several tracts or moun
tain land.
The executors of Judge Woodburn,
li s illoffer at public, sale, on the 12th of
September, the mansion-farm fit
townships end 'Sikerartracts Of
abe chestnut timber laud, formerly part
of the Holly estate.,
C. Titzel, Administrator ofEdward La
inontidee'd-:,--will- sell - on 'the 14th 'and
15th inst., valuable properties in Mechan
icsburg antl Floguestosvn.
John B. Coover, assignee of Robert
Bryson, will offer for et tie on the 13th of
September, on the p6amises, all the real
estate of the 'assignor. This sale coin•
prises an unusually large amount of im
proved land, and we, therefore refer capi
talists to the advertisement'which will be
found in another colutun.
E. B. R
MT. H LLY SPSlNOS.—Whenever we
'happen to =La discovery, the publicity
of, which would afford any real enjoyment'
to the rest of triatikind,we feel constrained
to tell of it. In pursuance then, of thf
laudable motive, we inform our friends
and the public generally, that a day spent
at PARSONS' Mt. Holly House, produe
tive of more real, heartfelt pleasure than
any other enterprise of the kind we ever
partieipated in.
The fact that notwithstanding the exi
gency of the times, anktl,te nnnsual.
pression among watering places, PAR.SONS,
have this seaSou"almost ae m i trifivisietrs
as they can accommodate, is the very best
evidence of the excellence of the accom
modations, and the delightfu} -character
of the location, that can be given.
Among the salient points of this resort
are the ,geod,fare, pule water romantic
walks and drives, while the stiff breeze
from the gap, and the "brave men and
fair won e )," s joulning there, make the
trip - , --- irr — th - e -- eveningrrtezirlcdly - a,
. $420.826 00
• 21/9,406. 06
, 21'1,068 00
. 804 631 83
. 116 963 66
. 508.214 00
. 2,603.918 66
450,134 00
. 1,946,719 33
• 436.823 83
937,550 66
. 676 /91 66
. 303.570 68
. 684.867 -8
• 629 813 38
• 913 084 N
'385.886 1, 6
. 1,567.089 83
713.696 38
. 660,4118 00
. . 904 874 33 •
. 1,146,551 83
• 761,127 33
• • 71.743 33
. 261.886 00
. 501.763 , 33
77.522 66
356,106 67
. 452.088 00
619.688 66
. 108 524 00
35.14)) 06
63.648 00
• 26.082 00
• 7 755 83
19.812 00
• 4 692 66
22.005 83
3 241 38
49,437 83
V.—We stated in our last that the 14th
and 15th regiments of Pennsylvania vol
unteers, on their return from Virginia,
had encamped hero on the.!27th of July,
to be •paid off and mustered out of ser
vice. There must be. gross negligence or
culpable neglect somewhere, that forces
these men, when almost within sight of
home, to wait two weeks for their money
and discharge. The' Government knew
when. their term - of enlistment expired,
and what points they would be ordered
to;• And it would have been very easy to
have sent agents in advance, prepared to
adjust the accounts of the soldiers with l
the least possible delay. We are aware
that a large number of men weje to be
paid off at Harrisburg and Philadelphia,
'and that time is necessary to make out
th€ pay-rolls in pruper form, when such
'duty devolves on inexperienced persons.
But. the Government might have guarded
against this by prompt action and an in
crease of force' in the pay department, so
as to avoid even the semblance or neglect
ing the men, who had so Willingly vulun
teered to defend their country's flag.
With some exceptions, the men have
behaved quietly. and orderly; and our
citizens have rendered their situation as
comfortable as possible, by the most pro
fuse hospitality. The paymaster com
menced paying the regiments on Wednes
day, and it is to be hoped that by to-day
all the men will have received their hard
earned money, and 'started to meet their
expectant friends. It requi'res nearly •
ninety thousand dollars to pay these regi
THE SICK SOLDIERS —Sine() the two
regiments of returned volunteers have
encamped here, about scvenly of them
have been taken sick, five of them have
died, some discharged, and about fifty
yep remaining, all of whom will probably
recover. The pr'evailing disease is' said
to be camp fiver, and the symptoms seem
to be sore mouth and threat, bleeding at
the nose, and general prostration of the
system. The ladies of our town, who are
always among the first to sympathize
with suffering, have acted nobly in this
- matter. - Through- their - influence - and
energy, hospitals have- been established
in the College, Uratninar , Sehool building,
and a private house on Pomfret street,
where tho'sick are properly cared for by
some of their soma-odes and an efficient
corps - of ladies, a number of whom are
always in attendance to smooth, as none
but woman can, the bed of sickness.
That,such a large number of these
men:should 'get suddenly ill herti,.need'
-nOt, be a matter of surprise. When the
regiment arrived here, some of them, no
'doubt, had the latent seeds of disease
within them and we have the 4,Vhority
a.physician for saying that if-they had
beon..paid off promptly and.: sent home,
fowl of them wouldlavelcoome ill. - -`But,
bei,rik 'hor s e two or three days,--they
so . oked to.haves,,got . beyond all military
,control; and were suffered to wandkwhere
they pleased, They_ate green fruit and
.vegetables without stint, and slept at
night — on - ilitrclamp , pavementsOf ,- thirtOWil
without coyering. .A..dd - - to the'
anxiety, of 'Mind consequent on delay and,
4 . omoinirnpiip, atic! we may wond4r 6460
many 9soal ect
iine 44 ; nice - who died, wee ;.buried
'with military Loners on Sunday , evening;
'the other four. we believe, iteve - beett'sent,
'to their frientle.— •
A- A.
CAULIBLE,,P.L., August 4. Ml. i. • ,
- At a meeting of On officers of the 14th' Re
giment, held this day, Colonel Jelin W. Joltili:1
mon •wastappOinit;d,Presidetif, Lieut. Coloner
R.. Mohnehials, Vice President. and Prank:
Slialterejr.,:Seeretary„ The President to ttfea!
the object of the Meeting to be `to gitie; some
expression of opinion in regard to the treat
went received by the Regimeht at the hands
of the citizens of Carlisle. when Adjutant
L. McLean moved that a committee of five he_
appointed by the:Chair, to draft reentotions
expressing the sense of•tho officers, The com
mittee reported the following which wore a
Witanens, The 14th Regiment of Penney'.
vaniaVolunteers. have fog„some 'line heen en
camped near the town i3f 7 Carlisle. Po., and
have received many kindnesses from the citi
zens thereof. It is therefore
Resolved, That, ar,t3,,Ahe_efficere Lthe_ I4f h„ !
R rkiment, 1' return tkr the citizens of
Carlisle, our heartfelt thanks, for their kind.
news to ourselves and * the men under our
Resolved, That we return our sincere and
grateful thanks to the many noble Wearied wo
men who so promptly and disinterestedly canto:
- forward - tit - relieVe — alie - asaiat our thok and
wounded, and who have been n 8 ministering
angels to our travel-worn soldiers.
Resolved, That we shall ever hold in the
liveliest remembrance our stay in the beauti
ful town of Carlisle, as one of the brightest
and happiest events of our lives.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this:tnew
log be published in the papers of this town
and the IlarriAntyg 'Telegraph.
Capt. D A. GRIFFITH. Co. A.
•• JAB A. LOWRIE. Co. K.
Stirg, WAB/1. d. Nutittter,
Adjorant J. A. lkfuLaaa, Chnirman.
On moii.m the meeting najourned.
FRANI{ 13, SEIALTERS, JR., Secretary
Katcwannockatt.—Not times
are , ‘<cciiit of joint," (fie Knickerbocker is as
genial, racy, and inters ring as ever. The
August number contai s a full tale of con•
tents, marked with the? ability which has for
so many years madei•the Knickerbocker‘pre•
eminent among - American magazines. Single
copies can be had at Piper's.
A 711 VII . 8 Floss IVIAGAziNg.—For August, is
a beautiful number, handsnniely- illustrated,
and interesting reading matter. The reputa•
tien Zaf t n lard, ay
thority for the home eirale;=in y all matters of
taste and fashion, is so well established- that
it is needless for us to any more at this time
than that it is stilt published by 9. Arthur
&nen., at 323 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
LADIES' Itl:rostrums', Poe & Hitchcock, Cin
cinnati. Ohio. Tho August number contains
two fine steel plate engravings, the one enti
tied "Summer," the others finely executed
portrait of Rev. Z. Paddock, D. 13. The con
Le nf1..5'14.113
poetry. As a literary and religious magazine,
this periodical stands without a rival.
the Genessee Farmer, the New England Farmer,
theShiladelphia Farmer and Gardener, and
the Bee Journal; tfy the same publishers, A.
M. Spangler & Co., have all been received for
Angus!. We do not know how far these sev
eral periodicals are patronized in this county,
but certainly every farmer and gardener
should have one or other of them. They em
body a vast amount of reading matter, valua
ble and interesting to them: and we shall take
great pleasure in showing sample numbers Pf
ail of them on 43%111'4 at the Herald office.
Cp - t Markefs:
Reported weekly for the Herald by
Woodward 6.1. Schmidt. -
FLOUR (Superfine).
do. (Extra.) ....
de. (Family ).
It ED do
OATS, ...... •—•
Special Nottces.
EVERY SUMMER the, demand for liontetter's cele.
tinged Stomach Bittern niers:lmes. It in found to be the
only certain preservation or bodily strength during the
period taboo the atmosphere is calculated to produce a
leeling of lassitude and Indigestion. The worstcasen of
Diarrhcca and Dysentery, give way to Its potent intiu.
ence. innumerable persona whoaro now slime and 'well
ruant, thank the discoverer of thin preparation that they
have not boon swept 'Dray In the harvest of death. The
Bitters in recommended by the bust physicians in the
land. This in the best evidence el, its real value, be
rause aide general thing, they whi not speak a word in
flavor of advertised preparations. They hove Ilovrt tom.
pelted to acknowledge the chillies of the Bitters upon
the community, Sold by all druggists,
CANANDAOtI4, :luly 16, IRBIL
Afessrs Ifostetter and Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa.:—Oents:
—An we are strangere, I herewith enclose pal twenty•
eight dollars for four dozen liostetter's Stomach Bit
coma which please terward via Michigan Southern Mali
road, Toledo, Ohio end Clayton Station. I have pur
chnsed soventi - Wizen bottles at Toledo this eumuter,
but the vale is on the increase en much that I wish to
open a direct trade with you. I was induced An try
your Sitters by my physician. for tho - Liver Complaint,
and received such materialaid-that I have-recounnendz•
ad it to others and have said about two dozen per went
for some time. I have all kinder of medicine in my stun
but there to none that I can oti cheerfully and truth
fully recommend an your Hitters, let I know they Lave
helped mu beyond my expectation.
Yours respectfully.
To Conaumpllvoa
Parsons of a consumptive tendency have need to be
Very careful .hethe outset of a cough, and betake,thern
solves to time, to a proper remedy. A cough 18 always
evidence of irritation in the throat and lungs, resulting
from obstruction of the skin. In order to Pre rant these .
attacks, wear flannel nest the skin, guard ti;t3 feet from
damp and met, and above all, take Dr. Keyser's Pectoral
Cough Syrup upon the first approach or a cough or aore
throat, and check the disease thereby in its Infancy
There is nothing like attacking disoake on its first ap
proach. By du k e attention tc this advice you will save
much suffering to r d sometimes prolong life. ..Keen when
consumption inie become stetpd. this medicine will mi.
tigato the suffering arid line cured some very bail cases
4a , Sold by 13, kIi,LIOTT, Carlisle, Pa.-tram,
ita- col:Rms.—rho sodden Changes of out climate
nro moo ces of Putinonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic
A ifeettena Ex. parlance having proved that simple roma.
dies often net speedily and certainly , when Wien In the
early stage's of the 411 , 0111%. rerun, en should at once he
had to `Brown's Bronchial Trochee," or Lozenges. let
the Cold, cough. or irritation of the Throat )e ever ao
slight, an by thin promotion 4 morn serious attack may,
lie warded off. Public Spaikers and Singers will find
them effectual for cleating and itrengthemuft the voice
Om advertisement. Noy. SO, '6o...Gka
Utries,—Phlladelphla petwesses themost ati'andid 0 th•
inq Einporlutn in the reentry. It liispletplid Mt reins - rill;
the pliatial structure in which the itannottae businesi
of the establishment is conducted, and It is equally
splendid in respect to Its 'greet facilities and vast re
sources. But to Its patens Its. chief attractletia are,
firet,,the elegance, of the garments for Gentlemen and
Youths. manufactured there: isecondli. the beatity.and
dttratilllty,_tthe materials, sod tituinkfierli, , r_OxineniSe
of the Bt, and lastly the moderato prices in which the
goods tire sold. We Teter, to this description, to none
other than Cho Brown stoite Clothing Hall of 'Reel:bill '
k Wilson. Nos. 603 and 6015 Chestnuts Btreet,shosii 6th,
Philadelphia. , ' . [Ap.l•4'o-Iy. , 1
On the 411 Inet by the Rev. Jacob fry, 5;11: .TANIEB
BROW N - i - to 511ia)1A7tIr "ANN:IR E110; - lioth - of B°l4 h.
lithidlotott towneldp,,Cttuth r,21.• •-. ,
Ou the 25th nit; at tho residence orJohn Donomi. In
Bllvor Spirlog , tiiwtiablp, Rev. Wm. U.l Swartz, Mr:
JACOB tiONSON, co., to, Mho 'JULIAN „HA
BER, ot-York, Pa:. ,
, .. , ... ,
At, Cartbibi.JulY 23d, by Ito*. W . W. 711111, 14 r.. it ENRY
'MD.:VIC/I, to Mies . ; LYDIA ANN EVES, both o 1 burry
5.. , , .
4 -
' - 0 PI
. . .
in Elan Freneisen. on the 14 of July, city yr,
rAlstiPia, eras of George fleeting, Jr., ferewely or two
County, , nited *.y*rzt.
Rein ilque:rti,eilteit63.
OTIOW--At or nut I , ly '1
frlenie: I Qtro , idyme an ' A 444d144t4 Cotinti
, teleurer at the teeming eleetlee.,,•:
all of which Is cleared, hayjny Chorea. erectad a GRIST
'tlt Lb, Three Framer t'S,A,Ahtq' notLIES: . iIARN Ga d.,
oth er-bn or - rye/wad: Vila Flinn Is eddste about ono
Olin south of the above named tan.lon Form.
Also. a Sand Stone Quarry, In the amine torrushlp r
on the road ftcyn Sidttenaton , u CC"L'Csbllcuhw}' " l is
I st, An that part of the land which lien *Ant of the
main road In Mechanicsburg and which contains shout
ITU'Acren, will be divided into three nearly equal parte
one of which, the north part, has an excellent
- and the other two nre, without
buildinaa, but aro wall fenced and in a dligh atate of
2. All that hart which lion East of the road, and con
tains 120 ACRES, *Laving thereon a
Slone Rank Darn. Corn House, lAstilirry, sod all other
coorenient buildings, with Orchard or thu choicest
fruits. and running reams.
1 hese are the most desintble farms that bare been of.
rambler oats for ninny years, All the above lands will
be seld,by the Acre, except the Tannery property. the
exact amount In earh tract will be ascertained before
the deed In mede. The title is perfezt. and possession
will be given on the Ist of Aprll,4Boll
The conditions will be easy, and will be made known
on the day abate by
Aug. 9 ts .IOIIN C00 1 01"11.,
'ls Assignee offtoutna Ifaisoth
LANiza. _ ••_
The executers of the lion. S. AMITPL WIDDISIIIIN,
dee'd., will expose to publib Bale, on 'l' iIIUItSDAT, the
12th day of September, et 11 o'clock. it M.. at hie late
residence in Dickinson tvrp., the MANSION FARM of
the said dee'd.,
$4 60
4 26
41 . 0
2 7)
1 0.
of the moat valuable Limestone Land,
highly Improveil and cultivated, hav— ,
tog a taro double stone
Wagon Shed and Corn Crib. and other convenient out—
building's. This farm la situated about 4'milen from
the IN Wawa Turnpike. It is no of the moat desira—
ble farms In Cumberland County.
There will be cold also, at the same time and place,
several tracts of convoniet t and
-20 Acres and 40 perchon pucebaseti from the tenrmer's
and Mechanics' Bonk, formerly part of the Holl y Land
42 Actes a nd 90 perches purchased from Samuel
formerly part of the Holly Laud.
67 Acres and 00 perehen purchased from Samuel Gly-
In, finely part of that/ally Land.
19 Acren and ld perches purchased from Wm. May.
het ry and wife. adjoining the Holly Land.
10 Acres nol 39 perches purchased of William may
'burry, owecutor of Sylytinus Mayberry patented to
Elizabeth McKenney.
The linen to gull these lands are perfect. The wood
Into area( the fleest quality of Chestnut Land. and may
be d.ylded into smaller parcels, to nceommedate mu...-
elm-era Ton per cent of the purete se money to be
paid or secured to be paid nt the time ofse e- of the rt/d
-due one half on,the Ist of April, and the bal
ance In•two anneal payments with interest. Any
additional information will ho elven on Appllcation to
SHILMS WOormlittN,
Executors of Hon. Samuel Woodburn, deed.
August 9, 1801.
...By an order of the Orphans' Court. of Cum
berland county.. the subscriber:, administrator
of the estate of Edward Lamont, late of the
borough of Idechanicabnrg, deceased, will offer
for. sale. nn the premises. on WEDNESDAY
and THURSDAY„the 14th and 115th of AU..
GUST, 1861. the following veto nble real estate:
No. I.—On the 14th. a LOT OF, GROUND,
chanted in the village of IfOguestown. 82 feet
front:and 150 feet deep. on which is erected el
tam Stbri , :d 1 1 111CK.HQU,SE and,
STOREROOM Back-building,
IVash house, Stable, Cistern,
- No. 2.—Ott the 16th. a LOT OF GROUND,
situated in Mechnniostuirg.,fronting 25 feet on
Mato street, extending south to an 41.1ev 150
feet, - The iinpro4Ornents , are a FINE NEW
IN WUWN muesli to A
LARGE STORE ROOM 4..j.. 1 .:Ar.-
with Open . Front. nruteverything •complete.
two-story BACE,DUILDING.. Stehle ; 6re.--
This'loonted In the most desirable
poriion of the borough, and recommends itself
to purchasers ass. superlor:butiipese
Zgo. B.—On the 15th, in the same place, a
LOT OF GROUND, located on Simpantretreet.
62 feet frcint, and' 125 feet deep, on "which
- theWrin erected a trio.etoried
. double
All the rnes/gory- irrip,rovail..
No. 4 —On the pith, in the IInTIVI piece, en
unimproved LOT OF GROUND located. on
Lonuat4treot, RD feet front and 175 feet der r .
- Sate to cotnrocnetf nt . 1 o'clook, v. re.. (41
each dny, when, iiims will be made known by
ti C. TITZEL, Admirer.
Aug. A, 1081.. , •• '
M.k.N)i - 0..0L
'How Zott,'lroio Resiorel.
Just.,Publlshed In a-Sealed etivelore,
,. 4runalA. or Pendned ilfdtnafifio SOXII/11 /)(1 1 13ty.
N , rfOURICFR. and Invoinniary etniroiono, prodn ring Ito-
Rotor/ay, ConoumpUnn and 6rental and. rbyrltal T:lt*
011T.'3. cuvvr7llvrtr4 AI, P.
- - net linliortont - thet" tint int' entifiquinicaa
aeltabune airy be effectually retrieved without internal
medicines. or the dangemue appllcationa -of eaustira,
inatrumen to, vindicated , tinualea , nniyotlier atop'', tool
'ilerleaa. hore donionrtmted: and tile ortlrely
now and highly . , inteceoaturlnutttrant i rut adopit d
the efilibroited author fatty oxploinrd, by -moms
which ovary nuc ip enalned to cure It tin Felt pert.
and at the lout, posallno mat, AfierobY. avOldtuit
advertised no/amnia of ilia day. 'ride I ecture
B 'book , 'Of thousands anCthousands:-..:
'Pont Under ignit. in it plaltrenvelops, to thy"addreao,
t++t^t•t videos theeracelpt - or iwo postage stamps ,by,
di easing,• ' tor. 11l S. C. KLINE,-
Aliga Iv - 197 Ilowery,Vork. "Pnot Otitco,bifs4,6o:
)111 B .
. .
Et RI F P.AL • ..--„To ;141E' 'lrOltiet
1:0" or thltlniatVadi) cioneiri,:: The underefened offtee
hta home to the conetderetion of the eitikelie of ftile
County. en 4 eandfdate.for the °Hire of Sit mil opc n i, A .
tf elected, will perform tho . dutiee with fidelity AO lin.
partielity., . • JOIN 11IIMAR..
. Carnet°, Jul, 12;1861: •
The hodilY tfArmtty which fortia My - nrianwement
in active lannr . compel+, rt,e to oak or my fellow citizens
the ergo+) of County Troanurer. Il elegtrd to that office
at thn mincing election. 1 pledten all my effort++ no dl.-
sharge the +Men of it with natlnfactlen to thn
Tune 21,1881.-8 t. .101 IN BOWMAN.
Frankford Townehlp.
I offer invelf am a e-andblalo for tho Olen of COUNTY
aubject to the declaloo of -thn Republi
can Convention, incou sIiNER, Sr.
. ••
pIJ BLT. (3 SALE.'
On Friday ;am September, ,7801, A:-
AA AAAATIPO of Robert Bryonn, T will iixtioalOc i
sale en th, piewhies, All bin Real testate, wbleli eon.
nhits of
16 t. The Mit Mar° N
bounded Sy David Crvor,3ohn llunlopls heirs, Alialiaei
Cocklin acid others, eitn loin ;rig
230 .0.011312•
more or less, having thereon eroded,
with all thernaebinery, and-steam. emirs of modern
countruction, with a tinuntllnt supply t f overhead
spring water, cardsd Ihroueh the buil tinge. shops and
yard, and upon the farm aro also.
and two good- DWELLING 11n:5F.:3,-aod 'Stable, and
Blacksmith Shop, and all convenient out building's.
such as Smoke house, fee house, Spring house; also,
an Orchard; run Wog water, such an never Idle, In the
hone,., rin d ante ho the barn-50111. Fencing aliened,
and te land itself, in the h t .m, 14,„A ng _ Order, haying
been well limed and to mured.
This property' may he divided into three parte, and
why be th week! if sults/bin to purchasers, and bringing
the best price.
I. The Tatman, with Fifty' Acres of Land, running
doom to the Lisburn Road.
S. That patt'of the Farm which lies' along the Lis.
burn Road, Including the buildings, blaolieinith shop,
and about Forty Acres of Land:
Z. The residuenf the Farm; which will contain about
Ono Ilundred and Thirty Acres, Irish the Laren Barn.
I will sell a the same tme and iano. a Trat or
Land. nr Farm, t
In Monoghati i townshipp c
, York co., COn•
taluing about
Also. at the same time and place, t will sell about
situate in nye township, Perry county, non• to titer.
rett's Clap. on the N orth'side of the inbuntain. The
land will be divided into lots to snit purchasers, mope
and drafts el which wit be exhibited in the time of role.
At two o'clock on the 54111 P day, I will also sell on
the premise.,
290 Acre• Limestone Land.
In thesnme township, known ax the "Harkness Farm,"
sltunto obobt two nilltvi south of Media, lesburg. Thi•
land Is bi¢h7•. Impaired. fenced and cultivated, with
P l ellkY_SlC.viinning , ivater-sinti-spLinge--thert-newerfwm
This land will be divided and sold In pans to suit pur
Valuable Chestnut Lands,