Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 02, 1861, Image 3
EEG Special 3tottq,s. .EVERY SUMMER the demand for linstetter's cele brated Stomach Bitters Increases. It Is found to be the only certain preservation of WOW strength dut trig the period when the atmosphere's calculated to produce a feeling of hiesitude 4nd Indigestion. The worst cases of Diarrheas and Dysentery, give way to ita potent Influ ence. - I miutnerable•prrsona who are new, alive and must thank the discoverertA Me preparation that they have not been &wept away in the harvesenf.death. The Bitters in-recommended_ bin th e beet physicians In the land. This is the best eii - deirce brits - rearvaium be cause as a general thing, they eta not speak a word In of saver (lied preparations. „They have been com pelled to acknowledge the cleirns of the Bitters upon the community. Sold by-alt druggists. CAOASDAOII4, Julyls, 1(159. Mews Thistetter and Smith. Pittsburgh, Pa.:—Oents: —As we are strangers. I herewith enclose you twehty eight dollars for -four demo Hostetter's Stomach Olt tele which please forward via.sllchlgan Southern Rail road, Toledo, Ohio and Clayton Station. I have.pur chased several dnen bottles at Toledo this Summer, but the sale Is on the increase so much that I wish to open a direct trade with you. I war induced to try. your Sitters by my physician. for the Liver Complaint; and received such material aid that, I have recommend ed it to others and have sold about two dozen per week I.r some time. I have all kinds of medicine In my /dore but there is none that I can so cheerfully add truth filly recommend sa .our Hitters, for I know they have helped me beyoud my expectati. Yours on respectfully. PHILO WILSON. June To Consumptives. Persons of a consumptive tendency hatre to be very careful In the outset of a eough,and betake them selves in time, to a proper remedy. A cough is always evidence of irritation In the throat and lunge, resulting from_obstructlon of the skin. In order to pre rent these attack., wear flannel next the skin, guard the feet from damp and wet, and above all, take Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Cough Syrup upon the first approach of a tough or sore throat, and check the disease thereby in its Infancy There is nothing Ilk, attacking disease on Its first ap preach. Dy due attention to this advice you will cave much aufferingaml sometimes prolong life. Even when consumption has become seated. this medicihe will mi. tigate the suffering and has cured some very bad cases fKa - Sold by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle, Bar COUGII3.—Tbe sudden changes of pur climate are sources of Pulmonary, 'Bronchial, and Asthmatic Affections. ittperience having proved that aimple rem, Wee often act speedily end certainly when taken In the early Magee of the.dlause, recoutee should at once be bad to "Brown's Bronchial Trochee," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough ; or Irritation of the Throat w ever so alight, as by this precaution a more serious al tack may be warded off. Public Speakers end Sing. re will find them effectual for clearing and strongthenmg the voice Bee advertisement. N0v.30, '60.-Ocu THE GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM OP 'THE Usno v.—Philadelphia possesses the most splendid C oth Int Emporium In the country. It is splendid as regards the pilatlal structure In which the Immense butanesa of the establishment Is conducted, and it Is equally splendid in respect to its great facilities-and vast re sources. But to Its patrons its chief attractions are, first, the elegance of the garments for Gentlemen and 'Youths. manufactured there: secondly, the beauty and durability ! f the materials, and the superior excellence of the lit, and lastly the moderate prices at which the goods are sold. We refer, in this description, to non. ethos than the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Rockbill A Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, above 6th, Philadelphia. [Ap.12:61-Iy.. larriages. ==:11 At Harman's Hotel, on the l'Abh ult.. by the R•► Jacob Fry, Sir. H VRY WOLLET,. to Mice MAIIALA /lITN Eft, both of South Middleton, Comb. co. peat4s. _,_ In Troy, Mime eo., Ohio, on the Oth ult., WILLIAM HURLEY, aged 42 iears..ang.4.gaya. 4 . Asleep in Jesus' blessed elerp, From whom none ever waken to weep." . _ New abtiertisementh. NOTRIE.—At the solicitation of many Monde, If offer myself as a candidate for County Treasurer at the ensuing election, Jy 6, 'al IS II B ELI FF A.LT Y —To TILE VOTERS CIIIIIIIMLAIIn nomrrr. The undersiuned offers hie name to the coneiderati.m of the citizens of this County. as a rattulidate for the office of 811 ERIFF, and if elected, will perform the duties with fidelity and-im partiality. JOtIN LICHER. Carlisle, July 12, 1861. TO THE CITIZENS OF CUMBER LAND COUNTY. The bodily Infirmity which forbids my engagement In active labor. compels me to ask of my fellow citizens the offiee of County Treasurer. If elected to that oMee at the ensuing election. I pledge all my efforts to dia. charge the duties of It with satisfaction to the public. JOHN IMWSIAN. Frani/Abed Townahip. June 21. 1861.-45 i To THE' VOTERS OF CUMBER LAND COUNTY. I offer myself an a oandilate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER. subject to the decision of the Republi can Convention. JACOB BKNER, Br. A - .Good House -- to - Rent Cheap. THE subscriber wishes to rent the house in which he resides, In west Pomfret et., for PiX mouths from the let of October next. Terms to suit the times. The privilege of renting for next year may be secured. Wit. 111,1111. Aug. 2, 'Bl. I - MTATE - NOT ICE.— betters Testa , meutary and the Will of Andreae 11. Blair, late of the borough olCarissie, deed., hare been lamed to the undersigned, in due form of law. All persons indebted to the estate are required to make los• mediate payment, and those haring claims to present them for aettlement to WILLIAM °LAI P., Jr., ANDREW. 11. BLAIR, Exoeutors, Aug. 2, '611.-45t SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry write of Vendittoni Exponse, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County, and to me directed. I will expose to ,ate by pishll6 *endue or outcry, at the Coort Home. in the &rough of Car lisle, ou Friday, the 231 day of August. A. D., 1861. at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described Real Estate, to wit A lot of ground, situate in Dickinson township, con taining 4 t feet In front, and 30 feet in depth, more or lens, bounded on the out by property of Dirs. Catharine Header, on the west by Church Alley, on the oortb by property of Mrs Catharine Koehler, and on the'South by property of Zinn's heirs, having thereon erected two-story log house and frame , shop. Seised isod , takett to execution and to be sold as he'property of George A. Koehler, and to be sold by me, ROIPT. NoCARTNEY, Sheriff. per Bsseaszi Kf.EPARB, Deputy. Susuite's 0/TIOL. Carlisle,l July 31st, 1861. CONDITIONS.—On all amounts over five hundred dollars, fifty dollars are to be paid when the property is stricken off, and twenty-five dollars on all amounts under five hundred dollars. Jona Kuntz Court of Common Pleas of 18. Cumberland County, Sub- ANX EWA KUNHII, puma Our Divorce, No. 0, Jan uary term,l.B6l. taus übpcena to April term, 1861. Notice to the above flamed Ann Eliza Kunkle, that a Subpoena Our Divorce to January term, 1861, and alias Subpoena to April term, 1861, upon both of which proof wee made thit the Bald Ann Eliza Kunkle could dot be found in the county. Now, theretbre, Obi hi to TOQUIrir you, the said Ann Kilts KU,Okle, to :ippon on the Lit day of the Auguet term of mid Court, to wit: Monday, the 26th day of August, A, D., 1861, to anewer the coop plaint in the petition of the ECT. saids looA John Kunkle. IPETNEY, per litapnrar Keretni, Deputy. Aug, .2,'61 Davra B. sumcg, Quirt of Cctiunon Pleaa of s. Cumberland County, Subpmna Mawr A. Sums, Sur Divorce, No 9, January term, 1861; Ames Submits to April term. 1861. • Notice to the above muned Mary A /Matta, that a Subpcena Sur Divorce to.lanuary term. 1801, and .alias Subverts to April term , 1801., upon both of which proof was made that the said Mary t. Stevick could not be found In the county. NOW, therefore this ls to require you, the.sald Mary .4. Swirl'', to appear on the let day of the August term of raid COurtcto.nrlt f Monday, the 26th day of August, A. b.,1801. to 'answer the complaint In the petition of the said David D. Steviek. ' Runt. bIoCASTNEY., Sheriff. • per Surname Kestmos, Deputy. nng. 2, '6l . LUDIBER AND_ COAL, OLIVER DELANCEY, : LUMBER AND COAL YARD! On the Rail Road, near the - Gite Works. - • The •sublariber kettle constantly on hand," a 'full ais fort:neat of • Lumber & Coal, r :. . whish - he. • can — fur.; • il't r., f ...._ :.... Dish to order promptly r . ; „ L .. .._.)sick4 en the most re* .7 . 1...$ ' ' ,,,e416A 1 111# enable terms. . ,:.., - ..., ,—. ...• -.... 7 - ..• LtrMßErt, . SCANTLING • ' - .... BOARDS, - - FRAMR' STUFF . .. I . . Palings. Plaoterintrated Ahlogiliti-Lathe; Worked Neon leg, wettherhearditt tr, Poste, itAileiVolltelPine;llemlook and Oak Shingles; of every quality . - . Ile 'also furnish ' bills to ord-tr of o.n* lopfsEtt and sixe, at the. abortsr notlee soden the west: reaeohtDdCterme...-111a work%d - 11ma — rde - ant :kept under. cover, so, that they eau be t ur •sdshed dry at all times, „- •:, - - . 11 ~- .. . ‘ He has. conitently on =band all.. kinda Of PaMily c at ! under cover, which mill be delivered ,. shat to any' part of the borough. , , To wit: r. ‘ . • ... .: , r . ' . LitEN'S V A LLEY`,*.-. -: _ • LUKE FIDDLER;,'" .- ' .• - . ' THEVERTON/ - • • . • LOCIIST . 1 11 017NTAIN,' , • .... . , . -- Lou other varieties, and all the,"-various illes 'ln mu, whirl, he rain to the public at the lowest priers: -. lbiblltiluitNlNCH AND DLACK3HITIPBOO4Lairiays waken& at the lowest cash_Prieti.- • - - .. -Thankful for the '-patmuaga Ofegeneroue-Publie,- be. stowed upon the lite anti of BlackarDelasey, be would. salialt et contintumm of the , mama as be will strive to please. All orders left at the residence of Jamb lihrom •'; for Coal and Lumber,,hUl be promptly attended-to u, -beretotbre. • . . ..01.4VD11 DEIANcyr. . 4 .1, 26,111 6 / 4 -Iy.. . " , . ; . . , ; ,. 4 . : . •, ... . • . •11 RAIN BAGS.--Just .received and II for sale eeryelieap for Csieti Nqy 1800 . QUA it.'06.1141T. Trustee lEEESI Qi n PECT Ly DR. LUDWIG USCIIiNGER, the_Uelebrated Op- Won. No. 43 Mildelt Lane. New Ydrk respectfully Informs the citizens of the United' States, that he has and for sale all kinds of .BItAZ 1..1AN SPECTACLES. 12.01,D, SILVER AND STEEL CASES, Suitable for,anydeserlption of Eye— Having had art experience -of-several years -In the-mort -Celebrated_ Spectable Alanitfactprits of the world. and having-m*o the eye the out; •ct of diligent study nom boyhood I Mo its has no hesitation In offeringhts servicre to the put, lie, feeling confident that In all canaille will give - the 'purchaier entire satiefaction. Ile powwows the rare faculty - of being able, at a single glance, to tell what description of GISSa will suit the customer. All diseases of the Eye treated in a scientific minter. and all who are !Meted with debilitated Eyesight, whether of a chronic or recent character, are earnestly requested to call. Erse, which It would be Impossible to detect from natura' ones. furnished at reasonable rates. Mr. Hechinger Is present stopping at Martin's Ho- tel, where be can be consulted on all subjects apper taining to his business. . [Aug. 2, 'M. ) EGISTeR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby it given, to all poreons interested, the , the following accounts have been filed in this of fice, by the accountants therein named, for examination, and will be presented to the Orphan's Court, of Cumberland County, for confirmation and allowance. on Tuesday, the 20th day of August, A. D.. 1861, viz: 1 The account of David Cobaugh and Rob ert P. McClure, Esqs., exocututa of the last Will of John Carey, late of the borough of Shippettaburg, dee'd. 2. The guardianship account of John Oiler, guardian orJoseph Reffiefinger, minor child of Joseph Ileffiefinger, late of Frankford town ship, dec'd. 8. Account of George Brindle, Esq., admin istrator of Samuel Martin, late of the borough of Carlisle. dect'd. 4. The final account of lion. John Rupp. guardian of the person and °Mote of George Rupp. .minor child of George Rupp. dec'd. 6. The account of John G. Rupp. ndminie trator of David Taylor, late of Upper Allen township, deo d 6, First and final nccncnt of James MeCand lish, administrator of Rev. Wm. F. Grearem, late of Williamsport, Md., deo'd. 7. Account. of IVilTimm Carman. adminis trator of of Elizabeth Common, late of Mon roe township, deo'd. S The first and final account of Henry G. Rupp. Esq., administrator of Michael Baker, late of Silver Spring township, dee'd. 9. Account. of Jamee AlcCandlish. adminin lrnior, with the Will annexed of Robert Steel, late of the borough of Newville dee d. 10. Account of Lemuel Todd. Esq., admits istrator, de bonis non, of George Keller, late of the borough of Carlisle. dec'd. Acoounrof John C. Eckels, administra tor of Francis Eckels, Esq., late of Silver Spring township. deed. 12 The account of Dodd Foreman, Esq , administrator of Geo. Helm, late of Southamp ton township, deo'd. 18 The account of Geo. Hrindle, admistra- Vor of the estete of Susan Baker, late-of Mon roe township, dec'd. 14. The account of John Beltzhoover, ex ecutor of the last Will and testament of John ston Martin, late of Monroe township; deo'd. 15. The account of lion Samuel Hepburn, administrator de bonia non with the Will an nexed on the estate of Ephrinm Bosserman, deo'd. IG First account of Joseph Wagner, admin istrntor of the estate of Henry It. Kindig, late of 'Dickinson township: dec'd 17 First and fine) account of John C. Brown, - administrator of Thomas Hackett, — late of Frank ford township, dec'd. 18. Aocount of John P. Rhoads. Esq., ad ministrator of His estate of Philip Heffiefinger, &c.d. 19, The account of George Butturff, admin istrator of the estate of George Butturff, late of Silver Spring township, dec . & • - E A. BRADY, Register. Racitarens OFFICE } Carlisle, July 20th, 1861. JACOB RTIVEM D ISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between the un dersigned in the Lumber sod Coal business, wet% die. solved this day. by mutual consent. The books of the firm are left at the office 01 the late firm, where all per. sous Indebted are requested to call and ettle their accounts. and those haring claims are requested to present them. . . Carl lale, July M. 1851 The Lumber and Coal Business will be continued at the oil stand, by the undersigned. July 26,'61 F IFTEEN MALE AND FEMALE TEACII EltB WANTED. The Board, of South Middleton twp., will meet at the Boiling Spring School House. nn Friday, the 2d day of August, at 0 &clot k, A. M.. the day appointed . liy the County Superintendent to examine Teachers for mime township, where Teachers, applying for Schools, will please to be present. The B and have resolved to employ none but those who are well qualified In the art of teachit.g, to whom the most liberal wages will be given. July 19, '61.-3t C I PEER'S SAMBLICI WINE -Or- CULTIVATED OPORTO SAIIIBUCITS. EVICRY FAMILY 131I0IILD WE SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE. (VELEBRATED fur its medicinal and N.) beneficial quail' ire ma genuine Stimulant. Tonic, Diuretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physicians, and some of the first families in Europe and America. SPEE , '8 SAMBUCI WINE is not a manufactured article. but is pure, from the juice o Portugal Sambu. cue, cultivated In NewJersey,recommended by Chemists and Physicians, aa possessing medicinal properties su perior to any other Wines. in use, and an excellent article for all weak and debilitated pee sons, and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting ladies and children. A LADIES' WINE, Because It will not intoxicate as other wines, as it COD. talus no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and admired for its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties. Imparting a healthy. tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy akin and ccmplexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N.J. to on the cork of each bottle. 048 TRIAL OF TIIIB WINH.- A. BPE E 111, Proprietor, • Office 20S. Broadway, New York. VINEYARD, PABISIAO, N. J. Sold by ItEYNOLD'S k PIEFFER, Druggists, neat door to Inhoff's Grocery Store, Carlisle, Pa, July 19, 1861.-1 y. NAMES .or A FEW WELL KNOWN PKIMONB Canto Dr DEORATII'S NAUTILI° OIL. It Is utterly impossible to publish all the Certificates we have. It would take a took of 100 peg. a. Rheumatism —Ex Mayor Sexton. Camden. N. J.; Gee. oral Welch, Circus Proprietor; G. W. tVard. Rag., Mer chant, Chestnut et , Philad'a • F. Duffy, Esq., 12th and Locust ate., Pbilada. Neuralgia—Dr. Wood, Wood'., Mueeum. Philad's. Neuralgia, 13 yearn —Rev. James Temple, 310 South at., Phila. Croup, life saved —slre. CAllllOll'9 child, Costae! at., Phila. Hip disease—lira. Winter's daughter, 1,0 Ridge Ay; Phila Proeted Feet, 3 yeara.—Mrs. Isaac Channel. Ath and BroWn ate., Phila ; sirs. Melville Anderson con 4th and Willow es., Phila.; Edwin D. Stimble, t!sq., 184 Marshall st., Phila Chronic Itheunualsm.—John Karin, ..3 South Sixth et., Phila. Neuralgia, 4 years : — R Jenkins. 4 Olive st , Phila. Stiff ' Neok.—Martin Palawan. Mullin 11111, Phila. Dratioess.—Wm. K. Birch. 88 N. loth at., Pblia: Rheumatism, Ifelplemi —Mr& Dickinson 17th and Thompson. Phila. Rhournatism.—.ll ca. K. Hutch ins, 17th and Thompson, l'hila. Pain In Back and Kid nels --Janos L. Pointer, Evansburg. Swain Limbs.--3. N. Nolan. 528 Cheatuut ht. Phila. Sprained Foot.—Jas A. Free, West Phila. I nflamation of stomach and Dowels.—Mrs. Ogden, 150 North 4th et., Philad'a. Palo 1n •Breast.-4r. Middleton, 4.10, North Sixth at., Phila. Sprained Ankle.—J. Bess, Front and Market eta., Phila. 'Crooked. Hand Straightened.—Charles J. Green, 13, Brandywine et., Phila. Neuralgia and Caked Breast.—Mrs. Mayland, Providence, 001. Croup and Henry 11 own's child. Turners Lane, Philad'a. RheuMatism.—Mrs oeo. Smith, Corner 10th and Locust eta., Phila. Neuralgia and Pain In Dack.—Birs. Mary Beano, Trenton, N. J Rheumitism.—P. Fatty, Chest nut 11111,Phila.Swelters 14n:tbs.—L. Slugger, 210 North Broad at., Plillar Nouralet—Mrs. M. McElroy, tuth bort, at., Phila. Rheumatism.—Mrs. L. Johnson. Dan ville. Pa. Mil. Fever and Cough.—R. Thoinas'a daugh ter, Hanover at.; above Franklin, Phila. Rheumatism. —llt. Welch, (City Ileum%) 28 Catharine st.; Mra. Ilavenshitr, 160 II utchlniton et., Phila. Deafness O. Smith, Columbds, Oa. Paine in Shoulder.— A. J. Rob eson, Coluutbus.oa. Sprained Ankle—. 0. R. McNeil, Montgomery. Ala* Destness.—Robert Ware, Atlanta, Ga. Spinal Complaint, 22 years stanalng.—W.o.lllng, by, Montgomery, Ala. Inftamatary Rheumatism—D. Elkin. Winnsboro', 13. 0. Pain Ilreast..—Vim. Mid. dlatoo, Lincoln county, Hy. Dedham 1 Bottle.—Mrs. J. Q. Palmer, Raleigh, N. 0. Pilva—John Ammonds, Augusta. Oa. Deafness —Thomas O. Cox, Atlanta Oa URT - Pito - (1 L - All. A T I Q'N \,;;) Mammas the Hon. JAlltt.lB-If. GRAHAM, Presb dent Judge of the several Courts pf Common:Pleas of the counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata ' fled Jintice'of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Gemmel Jail Delivery In said counties, and Hem Doc ear"Bateau and Hon. M COO4III, Judge', of tlaa Court of Ofar and Terminer 'and General Jail Delivery , .fer the trial, of. all capital and other offenders, l the asideounfirofthinabettand. by . opt precepts to me di." reeled. dated • tLe' Bth of April; 186% have ordered theConrt ofo3er and Terminer and GaretralJall Delivery to be Milder' at CARLISLE:, Orl,the fourth .1110NDAN. /Leaned, OM, (ndng.the 2etb - day,) - 41.0 *lock in the forenoon. to continue one '' '' • ' ' --NOTICE 18 ISEREDY:OIYEN. - te the Coronet; Julio tires of the Peace arid Cons es patthe seld_equnty._of _ Cumberiehd, that they are .by. the said precept corn' be, then an d there ln, their proper persons, 'with Mar rant', records', Inquisitions, examinations and all other ientesubrat.ese, to do thole,. thing, trblrb to their officer appertain to be done,andUll those that are hound by. recognisance', to prosecute agelnet the . prisoners that are or then sball_lm-in:_tbe Jail of said county t are to, be there to prosecute them. as shall, its fuel. RUBY. Itto(JARTNKY. Ulf OH gi" Prompt Cash Remittances on the Sale of,the Produce. nE01:( REFERENCES,—MeCuteheon k Collins, J. Palmer k ino., John It Mlchanor k Co.. Tustin & Siinwolt, Phil delphla. Pa.. Samuel Perry. John Boyce, 11.11111.'011 k Co.. Brown k Leland; Now York. May 24, 1861.-4 t. Br swidng the above measures per mail, we van guarantee a porfert fit of our new style of Shirt, and return by express to any part of the United States, at $l2, *lb, $lB. s2l, 9c. , de.,,per dozen. No order for warded for less than half a dozen Shirts. Also. Importers end Dealers In NI N'B FURNISHING 00008. SELLING OFF AVDVENEY-FINF PIER CENT. BELOW COST!! At the sign of the “Gold Eagle," 5 doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, end two doors billow the Methodist Church on West Man street, the largest and best selected stock of In the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any place In the State. The stock comprises a large assort ment of Bold and Silver hunting-case watches,Levers, [Alpines, American watches, rind all other inds and styles, ' _g OLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pena and Panel la, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, MIBIC BOXES, ACCOBDEONS, 011 Paintings. a great variety of fancy articles.and • Int of the finest Pianos. which will be sold .IQ per cent lower then ever offered in town. The entire stock of Watch maker tools. rases, large Mirrors, and Safe will be sold wholesale or natall on the easiest terms. ROBERT M. BLACK, DELA,NCY, Haying selected o first clews workman all-kindirefwes pairing will be done ae mum'. at reduced prices. Three Playing at $lOO below the factory price on ac count of the Philadelphia Company closing out, I will soil at the Jewelry Store, THREE ROSEWOOD PIANOS, warranted, at two-third their real value on ea.) terms If called on soon. OLIVER DICLANCY. FOR SALE.—The large , .—, throwstory Brink [IOU. on Male .41,k..,! Street, will be sold on easy terms. . e - ?---- Call at the Jewelry Store In raid ' 'IS,SITI . • building. ....—.......... Aprll 19, 1860. JOHN Boi K ER, President DRUGS, FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C. ilaitjut I opened an assortment of Fresh Drags. Fan. cy (bola, OM Books, Perin.. ery, Fruits, and Confec tionary, which has never been surplased In this bor ough, for novelty and elegance. The articles have been selected with great ca e, and are calculated, In quality and pi Ice, to co-umund the attention purchasers. which comprlseevery variety of faneyartieles of the =oat exquisite finish such as. Papier Macho Goods. ' Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell =releases, Ladles' Fancy Baskets, Parley Work Doles, with sewing inetrumei Ladies' Calms, Desks, and Port.fraus Port Mummies, of every variety, Gold pen. and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladles' Fancy atatimery. Motto seals and wafers. Silk and bead purses, p.idlng whip., elegantly finished, kin. cutler), Perfume baskets and bags, ?leashes of every kind for the toilet, X. Ratio and it. & 0. Wright's Soaps and Perhuniu of various kinds; Fancy Pins for head dresseeiodd shawls. Musical Instruments, 'together with an han utnerable variety of articles elegant ly dubbed and suitable for holiday presents, to whieb tie invites spacial attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collocti n of .compriaing various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL woms, Bibles ana hymn Books, elegantly bound In velvet with metal clasps and cerners Ifis assortment of School Books and School Stationary also complete. and comprises everything used In the Schools. lie also desires to call the particular attaa• lion of Families to his elegant assortment of • L A It P S, 'Ac., from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia. comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning eithot Lard, Sperm or F.:filarial oil; aleo DYOTTS celebratea Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, together with Flower VIA.. Saucy Screens, &c. ills assortment In thle line is no equaled in the borough. Also, spoA us AND TOBACCO, embracing all the f.vvorlte brands,and a tine assort went of MBISRSCHAUM SMOK Ka AND P.1.P1813. F It U. I T 8 , such se Oranges. Lemone, Figs, Rapine, Nectarines, Prunes, &a.. FANCY CONFEOTIONAILY—NCTS—PIts.. SERVED WRITS, MIN ED-MEAT, PICKLES, Ac.. in every variety and at all prices, all of which are pun• and fresh such as can be confidently recommended' t, his friends. Ills stock embraces everythlegiti-the lie , of Fancy Goods, with rung - other articles useful t, taus eksepers which the public are specially Invitee call and examine. Remember the Old Strata, nearly oppdite the Lank on earth Uanover street: - W.,I)AVERSTICK. May R 4, 1861. I.,ARGE ARRIVAL ufe FItILSN L A • 040cE1Ual—FISII AF ALL KINDS. Atriong;which is a lame lot of the real genuine Balti more dry salt IMBUING, in oak barrels, MACK ABM at prices that la really astonishingly low. Pickets of all kludei. '— • • TORACCO kNEV.SEGARR at tip loieeet tutee f0r'441.811 or Country- Produce. W. 51. BENTZ. , oarEade, June 21,1881. QUIOUL AND 'BUILDING TAX FUR 1961; • The Taxable (Athena orthe.lioreugh of CarDtde ar hereby notilled that the Duplicate for the Seim I and ltuildlng Taxes. of 11.• , 61, tine boon Issued to Mel under signed Trtsteurer, and L that'he will be in attendants at the County Court ilousea:Cominleeloners' Office, bn MONDAY, — A UGUST 12, 1861,. betWeeri the hoots of 0 and 12 hi the forenoon, and)! afternooniof,-fox,timpnr pose of receiving said. Tgle el. • - • O n sal eases paid on or before that day, a geduation will be made of • „ ; 1 . .. FIVE PER - C,ENT: This Traasareiwill rerulve all taxes mei peratiaswisti• log to pay, In tbiPmean time, at die ph es of buidness, Marlon 1141 building; Wsit.Natti Street. • -,.. .__ 7 J. W. HUY; trisaatiraW. , , capitals; lutes tir-Uitn. ' ~, ~_ .., I 4 3 .T.F.THEN ICH NUS WANTED to take chargO of the Scheele of West PennotonV township. the examination to be held at Greason School itoom,No. 16, on. Vriday, the 10th day of August, at 9 o'clock. A. fd. Directors will mint at 8 cetiock, at the MIN plate. By order or the board. WM. G. DAVIDSON. • Secretary. JUly 26,1801.-4 E.• VINE - TEACHERS WANTED to take charge of the ditr...ent Schools in Ponn twp.. for thn ensuing Winter Pesaion. to.which• liberal wage,' will be glean. Teachers wishing to be examined-by the County Superintendent, will plena to meet at the Can troville School Houle. on•Wedtineday f the Wet day of July, Hal. By order of the Board. A. COOVEIt, ne,,,MAry. July 26,'61.-1t THlii Cu Agricul tu ral I Society will hold their Annual Harreet Home, on their own grounds, on Saturday, the 10th day of Angus& at 11 o'clock, A. 111., to which all farmers are Melted. By order of the Society. HAND% S. ORCIiT, July 20, 1861 V • .. STRAY.—Strayed from the residence of the subiTriber. it, , 4100% In Dickinson township about 1 mile South of the Stone Tavern, on or !kw", ► about the 27th ofJ m 16.11561, "k•-• A RED AND' WHITE COW, without any peculiar marks. Any wean returning. or giviol Information of her whereabouts, will be re. wantod acorn dinghy. HOWARD RUPERT. July 26, 1861.-3 t.• • i ill AR I,ES T WILSON, l/ No. 135, MARKET STREET PHILA.DELPHIA, DEALeIt IN EIUTIER, EGOS, OLOVS,'R SEND, POULTRY, BACON LAUD, NOUS, WOOL, PELTS, &c PA . ENT L D NOVEMBE I/ „l lit i : i RI BALLO U•' S Patented Improved French Yoke 15;1-13EFLTEA, PAT A ,I , A7 ED NOVEMBER Ist, 1859 A NM Style of Shirt. warranted to Fit. trer Wh docile trade supplied on the usual terms. BALLOT 'BROTHERS. - 409, Br)adway, New York Juno 28, 1961.-3 moo. WATCHES AND JEWELRY BOOKS. FANCY GOODS. CONFICCTIONARIES, S. W. HA VERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Varttele, Pvzit'a FANCY GOODS SAAJC ES. __PR ESE Ft VES. . and a good annartnn.;nt of r . J. FOULLY, Attorney at Lai Us Mies with 4. R. Smith* rag., in Olese'dlow, In rear of Fret Presbyterian Church. MI liminess en• trusted to Mtn will b4 - promptly attended to. X, , SMITH; re;. spec:tinily . ennetnies to nig old *Undo and former patrons, that he bu raturned from hip aouih trestern tour. with hill health greatly impuiy , ed, and bra resumed his practice in Carlisle; - OF .10E on Main Street. one door west oitbe Railroad Depot, whore he can bo finind at all bourn, da,y and night. when not out professionally. Carlisle, Oct. 26, 113611 7 4. f. _ y J. BENDER; M. D. t/ ' . . PHYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCHEIL Office on South Hanover Street, tbrnierly occupied by Dr. Smith. , S. B. R.I.EPP - EROfftoo in North Hanover street two - doom from Arnold & Bon's ore. °Mee hours, More particularly from 7 to 9 o'clock A. 51,, and frorp 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. GEORGE S. SRA- Ii RIGUT, DENTIST, from the nab im e rClle l ofpen" lt r ~Omce at therelde:coo:lsmother,Sairitiez street, three doors below Bedford. March 19. 1856—tf. DR. J. C. NEFF respect , /i s ; • fully informs the Indies and gentlemen - loam of Carlisle, and vicinity, that he has re. enured the practice of Dentistry, and is prepared to per. formal! operations on the tooth end gums, belonging to his profession.. Ile will insert fill sets of tooth on gold or silver with single gum teeth, or blocks , as they may 'preTer. ' Terms moderate to suit the times. Dn. I.C.LOOMIS 113 South Hanover stroet, 1111 next door, to the Pont .Iffice. Aug. 1,'69. GEO. W. NEIDECH, D. D. 8.- Inte Demonstrator of riperative Dentistry totals Baltimore College of 12141111 11/Irre, De l! ". ga S a u t r lfi e s r Liden re. oproalte Marion Eta., ,rest Main greet, Carlisle, Penn Nov. 11.1857. Ist, 1859." IZEI=I2I A. the distaure round the Nee)t. • S. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, North Hanover Street, Carlisle. Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded full supply of fresh drugs and chemicals. II to II the Yoke 0 to 0 Sleeve WM. BIDDLII.I, Attorney at Law. • Office, South Ilatioeer Street with A. B Sharpe Eq. Nov. 16, 1860. 0 to D distance around the body REMOVAL. t. L, spoNnEn, Hen removed We office to hie New Noose, opposite Glass' Hotel. ' (March 28.1t60—tf, under the Arm E to E , the length of the REMOVAL.—The Hat and Cap store heretofore known as " MAXUS," bite been re moved directly opposite the old stand. two doors tram Arnold's clothing store. The businr se will be conduct ad as heretofore, and all the {roods, both home made and city manufacture, warranted trrgive satisfa Atop as re commended. A full patronage in respectfully solicited as every effort made to keep the assortment Of UV" , and boys hats and caps complete, with prices to sun the times. KELLER. M. Spring styles .f silk bats now ready. March lb, 1861. IM • r AW CARD.-CHARLES E. MA. LA ("LAUGHLIN, Attorney - at Law, Office In In heirs build{ ng, just opposite the Market House, - Carlisle, March 14, 'tsU—ly. OHS HAYS, ATTORNEY AT LAW.— ty 0111ae . bii 111alu Street,'opposlte Mallon* llati," I. [Oat. 20,'69-Iy. AW OFFIOE.---4;EMITEL TODD L/ has resumed the practice of the Law. Office In Centre Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian Church. April 8, 1867. CP. HUMRICH, Attorney at Law. s —Office on North Hanover street, n few doors south of Glass• Hotel. All business entrusted to him will be,promptly attended to. ' [Aprllls. LAW NOTICE. - - ..RtmovAr... W. 51. PENROSE has removed his Mike In rear n the Court House, where be will promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. August 19, 1857. 11. N SII.AnI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mice with Wm 11. Miller, Esq.. South Hanover Street. opp ilia the Volunteer OMee. Carlisle. Rep. 8, 1859. A !MINOR'S NOTICB —The Audi tar by the Orptsn's Court, to make tistribution of the effects In tn bands of henry 0 Homer. Administrator of Isaac Lengneciter,dee'd..of East Pennsbontugh twp.. to and amen r those entitled thereto will me-t the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, et the aloe of Wm. H. Penrose, Esq., in • 'artiste, on Tuesday. the 13th des of August. 1861, at 0 , Oelock in the forenoon. L. J. W. F,JULK, July 19, 18t31.-4 t.Auditor. „ . ger FARE REDUCED.. -Vg STATES UNION HOTEL, 606 & 608 Market St., above sixth, PFIRADELPAIA. JANIEB W. POWER, Proprietor. TERMS :—.411 25 per day. jti30.58. =1 UNITED STATES HOTEL.- S. E. Cor. II th Market Ste., PHILADELPHIA H. W. ICANAGA - r J TIIOPEILTOR. an. 4,1660. N. HANTCH,, MERCHANT TAILOR. WEST MALIVSTREET, Opposite the Rail Road Office. ter Fall and Winter Myles of Cloths, Cossimeres and Palings made to order.' Carlisle, May 2, IMO. SPECIAL N OTICE! I N and after this date will he sold by AAOIS LIVINGSTON, at the North Ilartover 12E3 CLOTHING EMPORIUN, '.t greatly reddeed Prieto. our largo. and SUPERIOR "TOOK OF SUMMER ROODS. Fine , Cloth Suits of every Style. " Silk & Cassimere " " • la j uic y si ea " Itali n Cloth " if torino 41 11. - Tweeds and Woolen Mixed, do Mao, a largri - aPsiiel moot of otery style Linnens, In wary large:m.l4)oes, and &general assortment o(Cottoo .loads, which we will make to rrder, or sell by the yard or piece, at astonishingly low prices. Do You , Want to Save Money! Then be sure to all a, the North Miniver Street Clothing Emporium, opposite the American gouge, where you can buy goods at prices to suit the Woes. ;mlOB ;e,61, - ISAAWLEVINGSTON. • $50() CAN BE MADE! By Buy -1,1 g nil goods from• Leldl h 8 .1 1111 r. roqipt n .etfu ' lly r rall atleintion to fmr, aW"): Large Stock of Summer Goods, lust received.froni.the Eastern markets. Having been ourrhased for CASH, and sauce the ruinous decline An prices. Customers will find roost bargains In Silks, darege, Trumann, Mirage Palermo, English Grensidifie. organdy Lawns. French Lawns. Mosamblques, Er:unlace • .trisalea fig °levies, r Chintsesoto ,;firs. "' Newest Styles Paris Coats;. Basques end Menee, ihaulitia add French lAre liontoura, Mantles and Pointe. rhoss trona* are very few—less than I mpoitimy rust, - Shawls atilt kinds suitable fer the season; ---- . SUN. UAI 13 - R.E Paranoia. less than original inst. Cloven of every dee. criptlen. Lace Mitts, Embroideries of every_tariety, WILOOX.B Celebrated Hoop Skirts—" The Skirt of the Season." Every verletrand - kind of goods suitable for Ladle's, Men and Boys into largest sod newost - mote In tovrri.. Oil Cloths, %tatting', Looking (Masses knenlshlng Goods In great variety, All of those Oats, and an endless earloty not oimuicrated. We offer to Lb* Community at prices to defy compstlan. P . lvate callow, examine foriotirselvea, 400 243. LAWYER A Stimuli; , Zusinegs Cares. (IIO7tiOpPATTEIT,) Clarpetal WHEELER' & - MACHINES EWING M. A_ Ells t . New style with the latest Improvements, at greatly reduced prices. These machines are niseless, run rap= idly and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, aid elasticity which will not rip. They are, unques Muddy. THE BEST MACHINES IN TEE MAIIKET, for family and general use, they will FELL, STITCH AND BUN, they can do anything that any other machine can do Kir The new Hemmers and other now improve. manta, without extra charge. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES. None are bettor adapted to family use. American Agriculturalist. The undersigned having been appointed agents for mberiand County, offer them to the publia with per Poet confidence, that those who purchase will find - them as represented. above. Persons wishing to see the ma chines in operation. will please call at the store of It. H. Ritter, or at the Railroad office, Carlisle, Pa. For fur• ther information apply to H.B RTTTER,.or J. CAMPBELL Carlisle, March 16, 1861.-6 mos. F URNITURE WARE ROOMS.— HENRY A. RHOADS P 1 . U , ClPkv bo - . 1 .60 WEST mem STREET CARLISLE. Tbriubscribor bogs leave respectfully to lnfoim the citizens of Carlis.e and vicinity, that he has now on hand and is manufacturing, every variety of Cabinet Ware, consisting in part of SOFAS, BUREAUS. DRESSING OASES, MARBLE TOP T tRLES. UEDSTEADS. SECRETARIES, CHAIRS, Gilt Moulding, Oval Frames +to., dc. This work is warranted of the best materials and workmaaship, em bracing all the latest city styles, and will be furnished at the lowest retail prices. N. B.—Collins made at short notice, and funerals at ended to promptly in town or country. Carlisle Oct. 12, '60.-Iy. RENIOVAL.—Da. normLs hos re moved his office from one door west of Sexton's Hardware Store, to his residence. on • est Main Street, directly opposite the Railroad office. Carlisle, Pa. Office hours, more particularly, from 8 to 10. A. 01., and from 1 to 3 P. M. Ap.26431-6m. THE ONLY PREPARATION BrEEEM SOOD THE TEST OF YERS, And grows more and more popular every day! AND testimonials, new, and almost mitiout number. might be gluon Born WM; and gentlemen, in all grades of society, whose united test) inony none could resist, that Prot. Wood's flair Restora tive will reetoro th - e bald and gray, 'and prenerve the hair of the youth to old Age, In all it, youthful beauty. Battle Creek. Mich., Docombor 21/41, 1858. Poor. Woofs: Thee will please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago. mused by a tomplleated chronic disease, at tended with an eruption on the bead A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able toobtain stuff fbr cape, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my bead lies suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to psy Briggs A Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy limit. Restorative, about the first of August last. 'I have faithfully followed the directions and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short, it is also coming in all over my head Feeling confident that another large bottle would sea tore It entfiely and permanently, I feel anxious to persevere in Its use, and boi.ig destitute of means in purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee woultitri not be willing to send me an order on thine ifgentes for a bottle. and receive to thYceli the scripture declaration —.the reward in to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless," . thy friend, StiSANNAII KIRBY. igonler Mble Co. Indiana. Feb. Pith, 1859. nos. O. J. Want.: Dear Sir —ln the latter pert of the year 1852, while attending the State and National Liw School of the State.of New York, my hair, from a enuse unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly. em, that in the short spare of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp wee almost entirely bereft of its cover ing. and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head shartiY_after became gray, so that you will not be surprised when 1 toll you that upon my return-to thebState of-Indiana: my more =sun l acqueintanees were not so much at a loss to diScover the MUM a. the change In my appearance, as my more Intimate acquaintances were to recognize me at ell. I at once made applicat.on to the most skillful phy sicians in the country, but, receiving no assurances from them that my hair could again be restored. I woe forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunate ly. In the latter part of the year 1857. your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bob tie, and found to my great satisfaction that It was pro ducing the desired. effect. since that time. I have used seven dollars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result have a rich cost of very soft black heir, which no money CEO buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and akin In the production of so wonderful an article I hove re. commended Ito use to many of my Mende and nrqualut anew. who, I am happy to inform you, are using It with like effect. Very respectfully. yowls A. M. LATTA, Attornny and Coimsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway. and sold by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative is put up in Mattlen of three aims. yin; large. medium, and small ; the small holds half a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per amt. more in proportion than the email, retails for two a bottle; the large holds a quart forty per cent. more in proportion and retails for *3 per bottle. 0. J. wan]) & 00., Proprietors, 411 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St.. Louse. Mo. I®' Sold by ell good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. [Ap. 12, '6l. ~pRoF. DE GRATH'S ELECTRIC OILI . THE NEW PRACTICE.--bectrlcCurea—Pain le the premonitor of death; relieve the pain and you check the - disease. 4CNT - TBIN OIL Acre ON rue SYNTLM WITH ELECRTICITT.— Is of puroNvegetable preparation, not the slightest den. ger of app4tt It outwardly or inwardly ; it at once 9. gives a perm lent cure, in moat (MCA, in from ten to twenty 'admit . The best-phy lologiste of Europe have discovered that all organic de ngement In the animal system Is an of till, 01 the ohs ruction of the physics electric Hold In thq organ di mad a skilful application of the Oil puts to immediate m ton the nervous fluid, and the cure is at oqce pllshed. No bleeding, no vomit lug, purgingor blistering is resorted to. )Prof. De Grath'a Electric 011 is the marvel of this age for the followealug, (not every thing ) Cures Rheurentism often in a day. Cures Neuralkia, Toothache, two minutes. Cures Cramp to the Stomach, five minutes. Cures Rums, wounds, Brulaes, ene to three days. Cures headache. fifteen minutes. Cures Ear Ache, Stiff Neck, Agate, one night. Cures Piles, Swelled Glands, ten days. Cures Felons, Broken Breasts, Salt Stmm, two to six dive. Cures fternorrhage; Scrofula, Abcess, six to ten days Cures Frosted Feet and Chilblains, three days. ' Cures Ague and Fever, one to two days, and alhthe Nervous and Scrofulous Affections Corm Deafness In ono 'to four days. Cures nil Pains in the Back, Breast, eta., In 2 days. DELAMNIII3I3 OUIVEID t New Illavew. May 19th, 18513. , . , Prof. Da math—ldybritthei has been deaf three years. and one bottle cif your EleCtrie i 1 11'cured him entirely. Yours, CLIFFORD IL SCRANTON. ANOTHER INSTANT CURET- • Huntingdon,Pa., Sept:. 1855. I do certify that Prof. Do Orath'sltlectric Oil Is in fallablo for Rheumatic pains. My wife for same time past bas beengreatly afflieted and unable to walk, has been restored by the application of thief ell almost in atautanoously; I can cheerfully recommend It to MD. JOHN WILLIAMSON. .PlLES.—Charles Buxton. Esq.. ex-Mayor of Camden -says six applications cured him. Almost cured his Rheumatism. STIFF NECK. [Editor of Law Magazine Cured Instantaneously.] ° Girard - House . Philadelphia. Prof. Chas. De Greth- , -I freely give it as my opinion shpt your Electric 0,1 is among the most wonderful remedies of modern times. At the earnest requeet of a -lady, who alleged thit she bad been cured of a mott, painful alLetion by kg use, I was induced to try a bot tle, though at the Almaof . purchasing...a. It to bee quick medicine and a catchpenny humbug But a trial oonvinces me that- it poveraisve a magic power, and It will prove, a blessing to .-tiffering humanity. -• I recently took a .-old from sleeping in damp sheets. and,my 'neck - became so Much swollen and painful that I could not turn my head. , . After Ming, without Amerces, .everithing pre - scribed be my physician, I lest evening fried - yourEleatric On. This morning I antwell, the relief having I.*n as com plete as it was, Instantaneous. Yours, -Very truly': - JOHN LIVINGSTON. • ' • ' Editor Monthly Law - lilagasine, 187 Broadway. anh 120 West Idth Mr. Llvlngeton belongs to the old, wealthy and high. ly respectable families of the old seinen' of 'New York. Any °rip' con - address him on the Subject of the above letter, which will be answered wish pleasure. ' • Principal Depot, 277 Soulh Bth Stella,: Philadelphia. - SAL. Rimiotna & Parton. Bole' gents for Carlisle. y. Sold by all Druggists, and in Jersey Carat Van Buskirk'n, Washington street; Shipley's. Grove street Dr. Zabriskie's, corner of Grove and South Bth Street; Longstaff 'a, 60 Alontgemery et. •.: rAp .12 116-I*, EXTRA YINE - GOLDEN FLAX SIIIGTS - ofibeilatest Styles rind ltrijiiirov,ettieni Haying bought in innui.ual largo stock of fine Shirtr. we.wlll sell the entire stock at very lot...price*. a Teri large arsortmont ur Collarwor the various kind! *!)...Stooks..Nack Ties, Cravats, Vurnishint Good &a., at thalowest rakes I. LIVINGSTON'S. rtrallid, 'Qt. , mob vaporer !strews. H . AND . SOME •WOMEN! UUNT'B a nLoom OF ROSES." A rich, and slogan. color for the cheeks or lips. It will not wash or rub oil and when once applied, remains durable for years. The tint le so rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny falls to detect Items& Combo retrieved' by - lemon juice 'and-Will not injure the skin. This promotion used by the celebrated Court Boeotian of London and Perla. Mailed free, in bottles, with directions (or , use, for 31,00 , MINDS "COURT Itilt.ET POWDER," Imparts a daisling wiiiteness to thn romplo,lon, and is unlike anything elsuusod for this purpose. Mulled free for 50 Cents. ~~iUUUi~ G` HUNT'S "BRITISH BALM." removes tan, freckles, sunburn and alLeruptlons of the skin. Mailed free our 50 Cents. HUNT'S "IMPERIAL POMADE" for the hair stren gthens and improves its growth, keeps it from failing off and is warranted to make the hair curl. Mailed free for $l,OO HUNT'S "PEARL BEAUTIFIER," for the teeth and gums. cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums purities the breath effectually. preserves the teeth and prevents toothache. Mailed free for $l,OO HUNT'S BRIDAL WREATH PERFUSIE," a double extract of orange blossom and cologne. Mailed free for $1.03 This exquisite perfume was Brat used by the Princess Royal of England, on her Marriage. Mem& Hunt & Co., presented the Princess with an elegant Cane of Perfumery.. In which all of the above articles were Included) in handsome cut glass with gold stop pers. valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent free, by express. for $5,00. Nati can either accompany the order, or be mid to the express agent on delivery of goods. HUNT & Co. Perfumers' to the Queen. Regent St., London, and 77 llan•om At., Philadelphia Pa. Fnr Sale by all Druggists and Pe:funlers. M. The Trade supplier'. Oct. 20, 80.-Iy. NEW GOODS.-FIRST ARRIVAL "rim SEASON, I have Just returned from Philadelphia and am now opening a lot of handsome. desirable and cheap DRY GOODS, bought for cash and will be sold at astonish ingly low priers. A large stock of new style prints. Chaleys, DeLanee. Gingham& and other Dress Goods In great variety. A new stock of bleached and unbleached !dueling, Tink• logs. Meetings, Diapers. Linens. Checks, he —A full assortment of Black Silks very cheap a. d very good. Another stock of those first class Steel Spring Skirts and under price. • Ladles', Gents', Memos', and Children's Hose In grea variety at low prices. GLOVES of all kinds and price. CARPETS! CARPETS!! CARPh'TSII I A new supply of Ingrain, Cottage, Hemp, and Rag Carpets. All persons In want of new style Spring Goods are respectfully Invited to call and examine this stock hc.. fore purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. OGIUST, March 29, 'Bt. Trustee. D RESSLER'S. HAIR JEWELRY STORE. • No. 206, North Bth Street above Race, Philadelphia. On hand and for sale, a choice aneortment of superior patterns, awl will PLAIT TO ORDER, Bracelets, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Crosses, Necklaces, Vest and Guard Chains, &c., &c., 4igir Orders enclosing the hair to be plaited, may be sent by mall.—Olve a Drawing as near as you can on paper, and enclose such amount as you may choose to pev.-140 t ne follows: Ear Rings $2 to $6; Breast Pion $3 to $7: Finger !tinge 7A cts. to $3,.0; Vest Chains $ 1 to $7; Necklaces $2 to $lO. la,. !fair put Into !tlednlionA, Box Breast Pins, Rings, &c. Old Oold and Silver bought at fair rates. April 5, 180.-Iy. 151 OR SALE OR RENT.- "The subscriber &Tore for sale or rent, the new Three Story Brick House on North Hanover Street. Possession given on the let of April next. The Huns° has nine moms, is furnished' " with water and gas, and suitable eith• er for business or a private residence MMM:ET A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS 18 West High Street, parlisle, Pt. (Premium atearded at the Ciimberlr:nd County Agricultural Pair of 1857.) The subscriber has just received the most splendid assortment of articles in his line, ever brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that de fy competition. Embracing ovary article used by House and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design lad finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts. sception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, lilt frames, lictures, Ac., he. Purchaser. are requested to call and examine his lock, at his extensive ware-rooms West Main street, Xerth - side. A. 11. EWING. Air. Particular attention given an usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms Carlisle, May 12, 1858.-1 y Tust received another new and cheap lot of itichardsons, Dunbar & Dixon Linens, 5/113 lios, Calicoes &c., &c. At the cheap Cash Store Nov. 2. 1860. CHAR. OGILDY, 'trustee. CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! Persona going to housekeeping and otheks want ing to refurnish, are respectfully invited to examine our large and varied slosh o,f Carpets, such as Brussels, three ply, superior Ingrain; English and Domestic, Ye• nltion % I widths, HEMP AND RAG CARPETS, Drum's, Rugs. Straw and Cocoa Mattings, Oil Cloths for flails, Looking Glasses, plain and fancy blfrida and shades, fixtures, &c. Llousekeeping Good/ Description. Having purchased these goods for "ffOtt Ca „ .. we erff prepared to offer great I nducemen ts gore,we have lately pno Into this business we can warrant o r goods uew and fresh. LEIDICH SAWYER di 'MILLER, Carlisle, March 8, '6l. East Main btreet Designers and Engravers on Wood FXEC UT E all kinds of Wood Engra _a sing with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Ori gluil designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by ending a Photograph or Da guerreutype, can have views of Colleges, Churches, Store Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, &c., engraved as well as on personal application. Fancy Envelopes Labels, Bill Readings, Show Dills, Busines and other Cards, engraved in the highest style of art, and at tlie lowest prices. For specimens Milne engraving see the Illustrated works of J. U. Lippincott & Co., E. 11. Butler & Co. Nov. 60, 1660.-Iy. H AS. LEFT LEONARD'S COR NEIII J. W. - SMILEY Hereby Oven notice to his friends, customera, and the public, that he has removed hie atom from Leonard's corner to his new room—formerly known as Keller7s hat store—on North Hanover Street, between the Car. Hale Dwelt. Dank and Lluyett's Grocery Store. His stock of READY MADE CLOTHI.NG, Boots. Shoes and Hats Is large and complete, and you can depent upon the fart that he ran and will sell cheaper than ever: and. always intends to soil good goods and at a lower price than any person alga. Always on hand, the moat seasonable, beat made and fashionable Coats, Pantaloons and Vests from the commonest to the beet qualities, which cannot fall to fit, please the eye and give exile faction In generd. Alm, Shirts, Undershirts end drawers, collars, cravats suspenders, gloves, stockings, go., A., all to be mild at the very lowest prices, BOOTS AND SIIIOES Always on hand, a large and complete assort• went of every variety of Boots, Bromns. Oxford, 1 Sloe, Slippers. Gaiters, Jelforsons, Ac., for Ladles and-Gentlemen, Misses and Boye, youth nnid children, all to be eold choap. Also ou hand and con stantly manufacturing the boat Pine french and Mee tdi rocco Boots. and Jefforsons for Ladles. p 3.. All rips sewed fres of charge. HATS . . . . i Lit A largo stock of liata for Men, Boys and a Children, eommon, good and Soo. All ann. log cheaper than - neelr. TAU:INAS. TRA VEIA NO II A,O S, UM BREiLAS, T 01, OANISSD OUR COATS AND LEGGINGS... CHEAPER THAN EVER. 1 herebylender my thanks to my oustomora and friends. for post favors, and earnestly solicit you all to call and see me and my stock of goods, before yciu pur• ihiiiiVelsewhere. nal am determined,to use every effort to snooty yju with the very best. and at such prices as will suit all. Be particular to look for my sign, April 5,11361.—1 y. 1. W. 83114E1f. NEW DRUG'STO-RE. NEXT- DOOR TO INLIOFF'B CORKER. Just received a large assortment a larle — aaaertmoni of Fresh Drugs, Confectioutirica.ind Fancy. Article,. em bracing PERFUMERIES, OILS, SOAPS, - BEC. /WIMP, such suiPBPPER CLOYES,.:ALLBPICII led CINNAMON, fnashly ground everysvreek. Baseness of , all kinds jug made. All the Patent Medicine. , of the day constantly-on hand. -Also, a few balsa of Kiedbr's DyapPPli..Pnweb". ' - /Fa. Physicians Prescriptions promptly and eamf nlly • • '. SCOARS - A.NO TOBACCO, 'of besl Wanda received regniarlY• Moo. MM. Pow: dors by the package or m3lial;=l. 44 o 3 l . lsariltv. lis ir R. Carlisle, May 24, 1804;474 y. ...',TORR ROOM' FOR.R.EI4T.---The largo Store itccdet the West end or Main - Street. It a fitted up with counters. hod shelving and hen a large and convenient cellar. roasession•given lonetll. ataly. ButtSul 01 - aDsI.3IBZNEENAIL Carlisle,- Dee. 21, '1141:4.1'.. • . TO THE LADIES At Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store HOSIERY 1 HOSIERY 1 - J 4-141 NB NF.A V'ER Parte, Chamber, • Dtekl 416 .. room. FURNITURE. Kitchen and Odloe VAN INGEN & SNYDER, N. E. CON. FIFTH k CIIESTNUT STS., Philadelphia. CLOTHING Tj STATE . NOTicE.—Notice hereby' given, that Letters of Administration ort•th4 Es= late of John Highlands, late of Newton township, Cum-" berland County, deed., have been issued bribe Regis." ter of Said county, to the subscriber, residing lessidi twp. Notice in hereby given to all persona indebted, to' 'said :estite. to make Immediate- paym.mti' and WOOS,' having claims to present tinnily flir settlementlo " - DAVID DAM Mik e Administmtor, 7uly - 10, 1861.-0 t JA.,RU . E INSURANCE,.—TILE ALL EN 1 AND EAST PENNBIIOIIO MUTUAL FIRE IN kANCE . COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo rated by an act of Assembly, Is now fully organiced,and In operation under the management of the following commlesionere, rise Daniel Dailey, William It. Gorges, Michael Cockpit., .1. Eichelbeiger, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun. lap, Jacob H. doovar, - 10,0. flyer, S. Eberly, Denja. win 11. Messer, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, A lexandei Cathcart. The rates of Insurance are 48 low and favcrable as any Company of tho kind in - the State. Persons wishingto become members are invited to make application to th • agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. GOBOAS, Preshbont4 CHRISTIAN [RAMAN, Vice President LEWIS RYER, Satretary. MICHAEL COCRLIN. Treasurer, • Managers.—Wm. &Borges, L. Byer, Cbrintlan Stay. man. M. Cocklin. J. C. Dunlap, R. Martin, D. Bally, 1 11.Couver, Alex. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Eicbelber ger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. AGENTS. • CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—John Sherrick, Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown; Samuel Woodburn Dickinson; Henry Bowman, Churchtown; Mode OW 11th, South Middleton; Samuel Graham, W. Penns boro'; Samuel- Coover7 - Meohanicabing ; J. V. Sheperdatown;.D. Coover, Bhepherdetown ; J. 0. Sax ton, Silver Spring; Bonj. Karel stick, Silver Spring; Charles Sell, ; John flyer, Carlisle. YORK COUNTY.—W. B. Picking, Dover; Voter Wel ford, Franklin ; lae. Griffith. Warrington ; J. F. Dear dorff, Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg; B. 0. Clark, Dillsburg, _ DAUPHIN 06.—Honser & Lochman, Harriet:oars. Member% of the company having policies - Alain% to ex pire, can have them a Awed by making application to any of the Agents. April 20. 18b9• DR. HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL I FOR THE SPEEDY CURE -OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarse -71C83. Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Diseases of the Bowels, arising from Cold, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief and,(if at ml possible) cure of Pa tients in advanc ed stages of the latter disease. The Balsamic Cordial is entirely a Vegetable produc tion, combining the heeling properties of the Balsam, with the invigorating qualities of a Cordial, producing a combination so well adapted to the purposes intend ed, that there are but few cases of disease which will not, as an early period, succumb to tie healing and life giving properties. For ages. has the treatment of pulmonary diseases occupied the greater portion of the attention ,of the scientific of the medical world, but cone acquired more emlnenco in his treatment of these diseases, than the celebrated Prussian Dr. HOOYLAND, the originator of the Balsamic Cordial. His life was devoted to the produc tion of remedle that would stand unrivalled. How well he has succeeded, the American people are able to *udge : and we positively assert, that no preparations that have ever been placed before them, have conferred the same amount of benefits on suffering humanity, or have elicited so many commendations from all classes of society, as the remedies of Dr. Hoofland, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson & Co., of Philadelphia. The Cordial is designed for a class of diseases more general and more fatal than any other to which the people of this country are subject—those springing from a moire COLD." That eminent authority, Dr. Dell, says: "I will not sav that Colds to our Inhabitants what the Ptsoor. and itzttow irgvert are to those of other countries: but I can ever confidently that Hay usher in disease of greater complicity and mortality than these latter." Entirely regetable. No Alcoholic Preparation OR. HOOFLANO'S GERMAN BITTERS, Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., Phila. Pa WILL EFFECTUALLY CUBE LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from'. disordered Liver or Stomach. Such eh Constipation. Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the !lead, Acidity of - the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stom ach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, F luttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dim ne-a of Vision, Dots of webs Solon, the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain In the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac. Sudden Flushes of Heat,..llurning in the Flesh, Constant Imeglnlngs-of-Evikandvireat Depressions of Spirits. and will positively prevent 'rel.. low Fever, litilloua Fever, &o. The Proprietor in calling the attention of the public to this preparation, does so with a feeller,erd the utmost confidence In Its virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which it is recomm.nded. 1859 It le no new and untried article, but one that has stood the teat of a twelve years' trial before the Ameri can people. and Its reputation and sale are unrivalled by any sPullar preparation octant The testimony In Ito favor Oren by the moot prominent and well-known Physicians and individuals In the country Is immense, and a careful peroual of the Almanac, published annu ally-by the proprtetoro - , and to be had gratis of soy of their Agents. cannot but satisfy the moot skeptical that this remedy Is really deserving the great celebrity it h. obtained'. BM 101.8. W. 11AVICASTICK, Agent for Carlisle, and by Daalrre everywhere. [Apr. 12, '6l.—ly. GREAT ATTRACTION AT LEON ARD'S CHEAP CIATIIING STORE. EDWD. B. LEONARD, JR•, Ilan just returned from toe city of Philadelphia. and opened a splendid assortment of HEADY MADE CLOTII ING, which cannot be surnamed In style and finish. The Clothing at this establishment, consists in part of the following, viz: DRESS ABM FROGS COATS, of which ho has a magnlticent assortment of black and fancy colors, cut In the latest fashions to stetully and elegantly trimmed, and made In a superior manner. SACKS AND HALF SACKS, of Clothe. Canstmeres and Tweeds, all of new dyke and at very low prices. VESTS ! VESTS ! ! VESTS ! ! The richest and best assortment ever offered at tht Corner, of Senn, Black and Fancy Silk, Valletta, !Wan Clothe, Marseilles, double and single breasted, of every variety material and petern. PANT Plain and fancy Freflch Doe skin casslateres, 'sill nett jeans and a great variety of others, all of which will be sold at the very lowest prices. SHIRTS I—Fine white linen and cotton of tbe newest style and beat make. Also, calico. check and currying shirts A large assortment of BOOTS and 8110E8, fbr Men and Boys. which can acid will be sold cheaper than ever. Also a splendid lot of Trunks and Carpet Bags. I therefore confidently Invite one and all, to comeand see fur yourselves, as I will not attempt to describe the bargains that may be expected, for I am determindd that no opposition can sell lower. 41' Remember LEONARD'S Corner. EDWARD B. LEONARD, Jr. Carlisle, May 10, 1861.-1 7. FXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. j Tho Annbal Examlnedlon of Teachers, for - the county of Cumberland, will be held as follows: POuthamptou on- Monday, July 29th, at 9A. M Newton, Tuesday, " BO •• .4 • Penn Itednesday " 31 " a " Dickinson, Thursday, Aug. 1 ° . 4 8. Middleton, Friday, 2 • Monroe, Saturday, " 3 ." 0 0 Upper Mien, Monday, " 6 " " Mechanicsburg, Tuesday, 0 Lower Allen, Wednesday," 7 ° 0 .4 Hampden. Thursday, " 8' 0 E. Pennsboro', • Friday, 0 9 44 0 0 New Cumberland, Saturday, " 10 Silver Spring, Tuesday, ' 1 13 " 11 A. M Middlesex, Wednesday," 14 " 9 - 4 ' N. Middleton, Thniediy, , 15 " W. Pennsboto', Friday, " • 16 " Thank lord, Saturday, " 17 . " " New v ille, - Monday, 19 10 -A M. Mifflin, Tuesday, " 20 9 " Hopewell and Newburg, . Wednesday," 21. Shippensburg twp., Thursday, 22 The above examinations will be held at the places,. anises any change is. desired by the Dl• rectors. In which case timely notice is requested. , I ant instructed by the department to announce that tb School will be recognised as one of 'the PUBLIO Sortimui of Oumlierland•Connty, in which a 'Teacher isemploye43 without a VALID Osartricsvx, and Inither, that no pr(- vats examination will be given except in cases where the applicants are UNABLE TO ATTEND TIIN,,PUDLIP NATION, and DO POET MONT= examinatioh lfitt any case, Applicants will Ple,se note, that by an order of the department, they will be examined in the "Theorrof Teaching." As it must be apparent, to all, that the proper Advancement in the cause - of edunttion,•rimairsa , that there ehould be a corresponding •advance in the qualification of Teachers, and as I em determined to issue No certificate of INOOKPETENCT, those who know their qualification to -be below medfecrity, will. We much mortification to tbemeelieaand to me hymn:still ing from presenting themselves as applicants,' JOSEPH MIFFLIN, County Su" June 12,1860, . EW STORE, - AND - NE WA3Kic .• , HATS, DAPS AND STRAW GOODS. ''., ~ %Ora TS . Cole S, 4 . 0. •- • '--,. ~ ..,. : _ . . a • 7. _, ~,__ : d.- 4 ,•••• o '. _:. ' ' - ' ' • . IWO -., - w- :-.•.- - - - Pc , - • -- 7,—.....,... • The subscriber-Iqm recently—opened a Nev' Store at the old stand etJ, 11 Ilalbert In North, Hanover Bt. t th e Carlisle Deposit Bank. °l? rla gie vingrecolved from New York end Philadelphia, is. pee and yrellsnleeted assortment orgoode In his Near businers,auch as HATt3 and OACI3, from ,the eopxmoi4 Wool to the One Fur, „ , SILK ANL/ CASSIMER'E TIATB • Spring .Styles of Bilk hits for 1881. Straw limi . t for" Gentian - en:Jockey hats for Ledisitiand Wier lists Ind Caps for Children, and , PNICIES T 9 SUIT Trim Tufts: Also,' Carpet Bags, Wises. Trunks, liana Trunks, Umbrellas and prime Bed Yeiithers, _ Au _ essintintutt or ger Prtme Playas and -Tobacco. 1114:I - Thankful for thepstronage already readied bt'atuttl Invite all his friends mud the public generally o glee hlta a tall. J 4.008 BOAS. Aga. Carltele, .441 18.1801. • • CELEBRATED =ME] ALOONS. I. II 111 II