Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 02, 1861, Image 2
ghil Afraid,. -CARLISLE, PA. 11JG1f81 1 :2, 1861. xre- COMMON 801100 L RNPOUT.—We have celved from Joe. Mifflin, Esq., County Super intendent, his annual report of the condition or the common Schools of this county, for the pastyear, which we will lay before our rea ders next week. , Comntittee The members of the Republican Standing Committee of Cumberland County, are re• qulated to meet -at the public house of John Hannon, in the Borough of. Carlisle, on Saturday thOlOth day of August 1861, at 11 o'cloek, a.M. for the ° purpose of taking act ion in relation to the approaching fall election. hill attendance of the committee is solicit ed Geo. Z[Nr,r, Ch sirman, Carliee, F.. W—Geo Zinn, Saml. Cald well Car/isle TV W—Jacob Rheem. J. Hannon, Dickinsari,—Jno. T. Green, Thos; Lee, Jr. East Pennsboore,—Daniel May, Wm. Sad • let Frankfort—M. D. Lecky, Fred'k Mentzer. Hampden.—Milten Stay man, Isaiah Stei &man, Hopewell—J. C. White, David E. Stevick, Lower .Allen,—V. W. Wise. E. B. Brandt, .Upper Allen—D. Steiner. Geo. Chapman, ,Mechanicsburg,—J. B. Kaufman, Geo. K Beidler, J E Coble, .ffiffin, —Nathaniel Brown, Geo Asper, Monroe— H I Zinn, John Strock, Newton—Elder Piper, John St rock, .Newville, James Mc:Candlish J R David. eon, New Cumberland,—Owen James B F Lee, North Middlaton,—Parker idenaerson, S F. Neely, ,Southeemton, —Benj. F. Hoch, James Beat tie, Silver Spring—J. C. Sample, Geo. V. Coo- Ter, hippensburg Bor.—Rob's P. McClure,W. b. E. Hays, Shippehstrurg rivp.—W. Baughman, D. Newcomer, West Pennsboro,—Jobe Trego, Jas. D titsas9n. Var" Kane's Rifle Regiment" under the command of CoI. Biddle, and the sth Reg. invent under Col. Simmons, have returned to Harrisburg, and will be forwarded to the army under Gen. Banks, on the Mary land heights. FATAL AFFRAY.—On Friday last, an affray, osstirred _in Harrisburg, between- Borne young men, and a number of the returned volunteers. During the excite ment, a man named Geo. Starry, late a member'of the State Capital Guards, dreif a revolver and fired among the crowd, shooting Geo. Rief, and James Ashburn of the 4th Pennsylvania Regitne.nt both of Norristown. Reif has since died from the eTect of the., wound. Ashbunr who is not dangerously hurt, has been taken 'home. Starry was arrested the same eve ning and is now in prison. AN INFUSION OF ROYALTY :—Prince Napoleon and his bride, the Princes Cloth ilde of Savoy, have arrived at New York in the Imperial yacht, Jerome Napoleon, They have a small escort and travel in cog, under the title of the Count and Countess de Hendon. Prince NapOleon is the Seeorid son of the late Jerome Bo naparte, and is now in the 38th year of his age. The Princess is 19. A reporter who was permitted to board the yacht says; "The princess is very young looking, with .a full face, bright oye, dark hair, end is of quite small stature, but is in clined to embonpoint. Her appearance and manners are quite prepossessing. She was dressed in a light Maid dress, looped up in the Elizabethan rtyle, showing a richly worked velvet un der skirt. She wore tight sleeves, and the only ornaments were a fine mosaic pin and sleeve buttons, and a beautiful watch. She also wore a plain brown jockey hat The Duchess D'Abrauntes wore a dark eolored traveling drehs and jockey hat, and veil whichehe wore over her face. 'no Duchess D'di brauntes her com• pinion is mud' Smaller than the Princes, sad'does not appear more than fifteen years dotage. She is of very dark complexion, acid exhibits her pearly white teeth very 0101. She was full of play, and con •tindy jesting with the gentlemen in ,the The gentlemen of the party were stroll ing around the ship smoking their segars and engaged in conversation with several et their countrymen who had come on board." pes.:The Pennsylvania delegation 'hav ing.' been called upon to suggest names, one for major general, and eight for brig: t►dier generals, as generals from that State sea, be wanted, are reported to have a greed unanimously upon the following For Major General—Gen. McCall, for merly inspector general U. S. A., with the rank of colonel of cavalry ; one of the nest distinguished regular artily o ffi cers serv- Insinlhe'lltlexican war. ' For Brigadier Generals—Col. Samuel P. Ueintzleinan, U. S. A.; thirty-five pan in service, toted for gallantry and distinguished service in the Mexican war, mic the commander eta column of 15,000 Men, in the recent battle. AndrearTorter, U. S. A.; ,thir ettilyears in the service; acting brigadier Veintal in the ltdept battle; brevetted 'in; 11110xico. _ CoL W:m..-13' Franklin, V. S. ; eigh .4o4,Years int the service, and wing brig 'as general in "the recent battle. 01. Wm. R. Montgomery, a graduate at West Point; now the colonel of a New Jersey regiment in theserVice, „ Rush; late of - the I.T. S: - A.; WA" the flint officers iii the service when . X 4 Pie:44". • A,,Clessinlite of Gen. Me Cleliaa at West. Point. Col. John Reynolds, II S. Army; mimmanding the cadets lir Werat Point ; *deity years service, brevetted on the - Adair* Mexico: - , Miloir Samuel 'stUrgie, Army;;' ANsh:yeara MA° service:new on , duty **der General - ,Lyon, in IVlissouri ; pro- Minted. to captaincy for distinguished Orrltie in the Mexican war. 'Colonel Mo,4eail, 'of Brie. is a native Otitis (misty; a son" or, Jamcs E3•;urgig,. ligqCornuirly cif A BU,Gant..IITION. Our readers will observe,in the Heraq , of to-day, a call for a meeting of the Re publiCan Standing Committee on-the:if:Pat ina!, ~ t o take action in regard to 'the tips_ preaching fall . election.. Similar notices ' have also appeared' in - the Tigunlger and_ Democrat; fora =actin "of . the Demo cratic Standing Committee, on the 3d inst. In view of these notices, the question comes home to every man in the County, "Is THIS A TIME pot PARTY STRIFE ?" While Democrats and Republicans are, marching side by side to sustain the Gov ernment, and uphold the flag of our Union against rebels and traitors, - will the people of this County agree to place in nomina tion a radical Republican ticket on one side,. and a radical Demobratic ticket On the other, on old party issues, and amid all the concentrated bitterness of former, contests, forget the " war for the Union," in the more immediate scramble for office? We hope not, whatever may be the opin ion of others on that subject; and in tak ing this position we. offer no question as to party loyalty. Demagogues may desire to maintain piny organizations; they may cherish party names and hug their preju dicecs as closely as they please; but, the struggle for National existence overrides all party lines, and until that is ended, let pAtical parties remain in ab - eyanee. With open rebellion on the one side, and an imperilled Union on the other, the people must take a firm stand in defence of our free institutions. And therefore, we want to seen UNION TICKET formed, without regard to party, composed of can didates pledged to vote men and money to sustain the Government, until Secession ism, that plague-spot of the South, is re moved from the body politic, and the Stars and Stripes again acknowledged and recognized in every State as the emblem of the whole Union. We have no desire to manufacture pub lic opinion; nor do we expect others to adopt our views without due consideration. We merely throw out the suggestion that it may elicit calm and friendly discussion. We believe that some of our friends will agree with us; we know, full well, that others will dissent; but, in determining the matter, let the extraordinary condition 'of - the country the claims - of which are infinitely higher than those of any party —be constantly kept in view. PROGRESS OF THSC WAR. Last week we published full details of the disastrous result attending the ad vance of the army under Gem McDowell, towards Manassas Junction. We are hap py to say that the loss is not as great as was at first reported. Capt. Allen of the 11th Massachusetts regiment, and E. P. Dougherty, of 71st New York regiment, having made their escape from the rebel lines, arrived in Washington with full and reliable details. The gentlemen state that there were 280 of our men in hospit als the day after the battle-32 have since died. Cal: Slocum, of the Second Rhode Island, lived three days, and .was.thmonly one decently buried. Col. Corcoran died soon after the action, and was, with Col. Cameron and many others of our dead, buried upon the field, a large pit having been dug for the purpose. Several of our surgeons, said to have been captured re mained voluntarily behind for the purpose of looking after the wounded. The con federates are so prejudiced against the Fire Zouaves that the bodies of all their slain are still unburied. Those of another re giment, too, are left upon the field because they were believed to belong to the Zott. ayes. The rebels admit their own loss to be 1500 killed, whilst it is believed by all of our people there, who have had some opportunities of judging, that the number was not far short of 3000. The rebels are said to have a force of 80,000 at.Ma igtisa.s. Their force at the action of Sun c:ay, was 32,000 until noon, when Jeff. Da vis arrived wish a reinforcement of 10,000 or 12,000. The entrance of Gen. McClellan upon his duties as commander of the Military Department has inspired the troops in and around Washington with renewed mill. tary enthusiasm. lie has already visited the various entrenchments on the Virginia side, thoroughly examined into their con dition and strength, and institutes the strictest discipline among the soldiers and in all departments of the service within hisjutisdiction. Brigades, regimental and line.offieers are.made to understand that lounging and tippling around, the camps are not to be permitted. The ,much . a-. bused passport system has „been greatly restricted, end the facilities heretofore en- • joyed so freely of communication betiveen Washington and the rebellious States have been as far as practicable Ourtail4 The effect of bis vigorous measures generally isieverywhere felt, and the army has be. gun Wrilize the presence of the military p trfaY he 'Safely - trusted. Gerw'Banks ,has evacuated Harpet . , Ferry, - and taken a position-on the side of tti'e Potomac, with, his pick ets extended to the heights commanding the Ferry; , • Gen. Banks hqs his headivarters at' a 'irm-house' about two' Miles 'below the - ?erry. - lfis dispositien.eftroops and Maw gement of the army so has given •reat satisfaction to both officers and' men. --Reinforcements,-by-way of-Hagerstown_ ndßaltimore, are coming in so raPily, that .Jte three months regiments . Will scarcely a missed. ' - The 'following• is; in •intelligent war otr ,les, to•duy (July 30,-) beliei , ed to be the regrininao of the rebel generals, Who are loving .theirforees northeast and south istfrunt-Manassas-Jutietion. Ist. ' ..They intend to make. a grand coup o • maia, by surrounding' Washington by I.limultaneous attilo4,- 2d. Striking Balticaoro noythward they Capect lo:obtain control of the Chesepeake and Maraca.- 341. Vh . e eerttre will make a feigned at tack Upon" Arlington or Alexamiria;- ' ,, irhis'progmmme however, is n'otgO'n". erally credited. • ,The simple fact that the'rebeldlitiVe - O - Ot crossed over and made a descent on the Federal capital'before this, in 'the•-appa randy indefensible condition of that wing of our line, is, considered-as proof positive that they well understood that in so do ing they 'would Place themselves at the mercy of Lieuteriant General Scott, who do - übtless would not bo displeased should they try such an experiment. 'As to the confederates moving on Wash ington by the way of our entrenehments across the river, either at Arlington Heights or Alexandria, the idea is now considered preposterous, as they would, in such a case, be more effectually routed from our defences, than were our own forces before their's at the battle of Bull Run. No one believes that Beauregard, Lee, or any other of the confederate com• menders would commit so gross a blunder. The present position of our lines across the river in d I cates that aforward rather than a retrograde movement is contemplated by the commander of our army of the Foto- moo All officers of volunteer regiments will, according to a recent order, be subject to examination by a military board to be ap pointed by the War Department, With the concurrence of Lieut. General Scott, as to their fitness for the positions assigned to them, the officers found incompetent to be rejected• Besides, the Government, it is under stood, has assured Gen. McClellan of its readiness to accord to him the very beat material in men and munitions, and of its cordial co operation in everything that will render his forces efficient Cul. Lander has been appointed a Brig adier General. [eorretpondenee of the Herald.] BALTIMORE, Jetty 2.9, 1861 Mr. Emma.: Nothing is talked of here at present, except the great stampede of the Federal force. , from Manassas. Numerous speculations are -flouting as to the probable cause of the unfortunate retreat. .n. great deal is said about - the - ponic which seized the troops, and moat poisons imagine that the frightened teamsters and strangers occasioned it. But I would ask, did General Scott send troops to Manassas to follow the load of teamsters, Congressmen, and silly women 7 What had they to do with such creatures that c' uld be scared to death almost at the sight of a bayonet or pistol. My own impression is that the defeat was occasioned by the in efficiency of the commanding officers. More galtat.t fighting was never seen than that dis played by the 69th and 79th of New reek. and some other regiments. When the terrible charge was made by the rebol cavalry, which drove back our brave. but exhausted, men, why did not. the force in reserve rush to the aid of our yielding columns 1 In my judg. went, here was the great .mistake of the day, Whitt' lost to us the glorious victory which was w t sic our grasp. I haoe recently mingled freely with our militart, men and members of Congress, and .1 ant confident that General Scott thought he had sent a sufficient force to drive the r4leels from Mai:memo. 1 was in Washington 'he day niter General McDowell commenced hie grand march for, Richmond. and learned what 1 have stated-above-from a-reliable-source; I am sorry to say that two thirds of the officers whom I have conversed with, were under fhe influence of liquor at the time of the interview, and I am of opinion that much of the disgraceful inefficiency at Manassas leay be traced to this source. General intskey has too much to do with the army. It is true perhaps, that the Administration has yielded too much to the clamors of politicians in the distribution of military appointments; if this be so, it has learned an important lesson, which will contribute much to the future glory of our arms. Last week [ took a trip to Fortress Monroe, at Old Point. When I entered General But ler's presence, and announced that I had no official business with him, but had simply come from Baltimore to= pay my personal re , specie to him, and get a good look at his gen eralship. he smiled, and gave an expression of the utmost surprise. '• lam glad to see you, sir, but I issued orders to the Provost Marshal to allow no one to land from the boat not having special, business with the fortress." In reply to all this, the general was given to understand that there were more ways than oae to get through the worltl 'Tht rt were four of us in company, "and flaw, general," said one of the party, "we will not trespass upon your time longer, and the only favor we ask is a pass, giving us permission to visit Newport News." "Certainly, gentlemen," and iu a fee moMents the necessary document was in our possession, and we bowed ours, lees out of the-presence of the good-natured gen eral. It may be proper to state that before we entered the fortress, out loyalty was es tablished by taking the oath of allegiance to the United Slates. The boat which runs bet ween Fortress Mon roe and Newport News is for the accommoda• lion bf the government officials; and it is rare thing to ace a man aboard the 454 rent. the name of the boat, without gilt buttons and other martial fixtures. In mfr paosnge over, we went within gun-shot of the rebel battery at BoweWs Point. The secession flag was flying defiantly. and by aid of a glass we en. joy.ed a fine view of the extensive battery.— Jubt - before returning, a gun was fired from our steamer, with the hope of waking up the !sty rebels. as we were anxious to, see a ball front the battery Make a spMeh upon the waters.' 'They did pot respond,.bo wever.— Newport News is about eight miles from Sew. all's Point. The ball from our gun did not reach half way. Tho only effect it had was to arenas our own troops, who rushed in. stoutly upon the fortifications to see what was the matter. There they stood, to the plumber .ef,fiee thousand,; and, on findin g , no enemy Weight [tearer than the battery'across the waters, the poor fellows Seemed ditiappointed L understood they were under the impression that our vessel ,ha d fired • into a rebel ship trying to : run. the hlockede, ; Three, hundred rebels mime ; Vrithia' titre() miles Newport News on the morning of 'our.visit.'aud our ireope were very anxious to' hero st, brush with.them,.but.prdera. - -were eat -given for-a forward, movement., „I-waa "'pain! : to 813 P e a..lit, somewhat, but had _so - leave _without, being gratified. 1 . went through Fortress Monroe,:and made a careful examination of all points of interest. Everything was in prime order; 1 was greatly interested in some secession prisoners of war confitted aiiltis tile fort, as alsoin We large, aumitente or , "contrahand"Wito initLffeirfront_ th e irlantes - atilleonies in the fori for protec tion. Most of the m were cheerful , ' and work itigAndustriously,l" One little follow, abudf twolvt+•yoats of age, wasdresred in -the Zottove -uniform. 1-have-neverwienessed;the - Zouseve drill, but It would require - Oareftil training to require to ' out up More 'singular antics n this young disciple of the " obi - - unbend!! party at, Forwent Monroe. - Junt as • wits, learltig, fieltimet myt rip to Old Point,leareed, hat the, Pennsylvania _regiment.' fkotn _Comp_ Waitio,;-etribreeing .this -1 Carlisle otoinpanies and -ann company. from MeobinicsOurg, bad reached theoity. • On my: return- to. Baltimore,' I went °et to the en.% oimpnieet. audieund thaPenuOlvanin First, Colette' Roligris,"atioarikped in good poiition. Derleg my vitsit,l iert.with"Captahla MeGirt ney2ited Cr :p find Major Tedd. : Captain M - 1 _Cartney_liad his Mett itt after _a few -words et •sonyoreatme, be , 'iwi - tweed go - • them, and gave them poimb.sion to leave the ranks to speak to me.— few only-came for ward:. The first one that made himself known was named:Askow. I was pleased to see the Soldiers. yet.l knew but few of them, notwith- - standing d had spent some dine, in Carliste.— limst t went lo!CtiPtain Crop's quarters, but hie'rektwOre.all 'strolling round,ezdept one er'two. !X.15.1r. ItfoFeely, spoke tome, a nd in quirittr>alinti Ottrlisl Ca ptatrthicEaitney's !. - Mett 100kedleariy.4inti well. - I Passed a few words, with Major Todd, hit he did not seem very conibunicotive, and I withdrew. I think -he said he was - suffering . from siOtness. Cul. - Roberts' icaitnent has orders` to repslir to. Annnpolis. to guard the ancient capital of Maryland and the far,as the Junc tion. I belieie Carliale: has four , coinpanirs in the field, list I saw only tivo at this point: The regiment containing the second coin pany. from Mechanicsburg bad Passed on to Washington This- I regretted,. as I knew, personally,, many of the men. . I could give a desoription,of Fortress Mon roe, Niwport News, Sewall s Point. &e., ,but 'I judge your reader:4 are familiar with tkera, from the descriptions already published. Tli•EBOIt. ' Correspondence 01 the Ramp About Coisipony A. 7th Regiment. WASHINGTON. JULY BQ. 1861. On Wednesday. at midnight, the Pennsyl vania 7th arrived. Seeing their arrival !men tioned in the evening papers, we went to head-quarters, to learn Where they were en camped. The following afternoon we visited their catop.. 7 .)it is situated at the border of a woods on a gentle elope of a hill, directly north of the city, and about a haltmile dis tant. _ From the central avenue, by the way, cal ed Pennsylvania Avenue, it is about one and a half miles. The location is as healthy as any to be fOund.and besidestbat,pmsesses some • advantages over must camps. A little Stream wind's along the border, and as the we ter is clear, it affords a good bathing place. It is not as wide or deep as the Letort, for in Maniklaces a full.sized man can stand with one foot on each shore, like the Colossus of Rhodes. The white tents, arranged in streets, sur rounded by rather pretty scenery, make the landscape quite picturesque. With n two hundred yards, is a large woods. called th• Park, in which there are several Pennsylva nia Regiments, I three companiei of esv II- Ty. You could almost I,rget at time., Vint you were not near Carlisle, for the oh'. la oil ier calls of the Regulars, sound like the voices of. friends. We found the camp almost deserted, as the Rsgitnent had marched to the Arsenal to ex change their muskets for a better kind. Not long before sundown their drums and fifes an nounced their approach, and presently they wheeled from the road into the wood in fine style and marched up. Our Carlisle boys formed the first company, and almost passed w:thout our recognizing them as it was hard to didtiuguisli them all d:essed alike. They discovered me and one exclaimed "why there's Carl," then followed "how are you Carl?" which drew me right up to their, and made me feel and say that I wished I had a hundred hands that I Mght ,hake their's all at once. There is a the welcome of the tons of " Mother Com'ierland" which makes you feel th it it comes from the heart, and bin Is you to them. Old schoolmates, old friends, and t oy•companions st'.nding before me armed for the d fence of liberty, was a Proud sight, and filled me with emotion. In a m intent the o der to " break ranks !" wits g van. and then we gathered around the ittlf fires on which dinner and supper were eockiug, as they had spent the day at the fiseenal without anything to eat. They were necessarily not well provided for as yet, dor 311e7 had. - 4.0.9 two days beiSaim broker' 01.14 at West Chester, and what provisions trey had were carried along with them from that p'aoe; consequently the bread was stale, and-nothing'remarkably-fresh: FOCI - if ai a joke, and not one grumbled. The offi cers fared not more sumptuously than thepri. vales, all appeared to eater into the rough• ness of a soldier's life in good earnest. Capt. Henderson and Lieu's. Colwell and Beatty look in robust liea:th • although a little bronzed by the sun. The Captain occupies a pleasant tent alone, white the Lieutenants possess one id partnership about two steps from it. The boys were. smacking- their lips over their supper, and popping puns and wit. ticisms, instead of bottles of champagne.— God humor and contentment, if not plenty, _r_eignell.___lke_nrui_Will Elliott, with eeveral others, were taking their meal in real orien tal style, having a blanket. spread upon the grass as a mat, upon which they reclined as they ate. The illiltALD is well represented in the company; there being no less than five from your office, including Marion Sips. Ed: Rheem god Charley Halbert. Will Harkness, who had his 'meerschaum hanging from his mouth, and sending .up curling smoke, was standing in the rear a few feet. having taken his •' pork," and looked very happy. Will Watts makes a fine looking_ soldier; and ap pears, to enjoy soldier's life. Will and -Dick Henderson were running Around, end the last l'sawot the latter, be was on Lie way to the spring for a bucket of water. -Joe and Will Havers 1 it were seated at the door, of their tent, and looking eon tented. Tiro( Neff cried out' wirers after bigger game than partridges now ;" I told him I knew ho wqs . successful after the birds, and I hoped he would be as lucky after the .• aeoesh." The tallest man in the regiment -- belonga to our company—)to is Bill Holmes. Bill Emu:Mager, Wils Spottiwomi and Van Ehy, have become right tat. I could tell you' something about every one of them, but I. mast close, that I may set this Off in . ..the mail, and in time for your next issue ; suffice it to say that not one of the company is.eink, or in the slightest de-•' gree unwell, And•tliat they are not daunted Itc diet lesat ar Mir repels° at Bull's run, tint pear more than oier,determined to teach the rebels a leason, and, to maintain untarnished thb glory of 4 ' , ltiother Cumberland." I May again give you'solue • more Den about our boys, and notetioust:l:eave Ilion to lite pray ers of good aiotheia and affeciionate Sliders: . rimrs• 'CAUL. ALEXANDRIA, July 29.—0 n Saturday night, the buildin;sYnowtt as Riehe's foUr milei on . , oti the,Loudon aid Hampshire , r.tilread Weie htinied: Ten Meraberd:Of the 29th New York'reiiment are under arrest, charged with being the.inheedinries.,, A debuting ,of the.2 3 dl_N.4w,Torl,t, re girnent, on Saturd.fy, encountered fire isms elAhtntilea_out -rm - ,the-r-ditfaic-= road. A man sukniked to be the captain i .-- 'NCO kiledj - .also -hts florae.. They made good, their eicape with `his hotly:-' A maml erof the 29th New ?rock' reiiment Wa4, kdle,i yesterday,Aty one of his - own rear. Inept Whileti-bhing'a potat:e 'patch" 'in ido- 'im* .- soldier3by tho si3ces:. sionista re.ident; hers has:- become - s within the , tseueci ao order diky, .for the itrt ,Of All parties euspicteti: - 2 .. ..„ pflrin order o raidu t ipoury to Oontribule a lull shore of aupport' he "rebellion; ha peophi ot _the;cityof Mouiptibt tut vo'' their public school 4; • - - - • , ■I+AVSItI IN TIMM OF WAIN. . _ BUTUR having put about sixty 'Vi.'" ginia slaves to Work, who escaped from their owners, and - took refuge in the Feder•lL At my, a distreeming.howl is kept Op in SOUth. era newspapers, and the cry of 'negro—steal— ing is rained against the Federal troops;ithd }heir Jrings tip , the principleitif iilternittiotial . la;v, and the several precedents that Butler seems to be following. A synopsis of the doctrine was given by Om.N. Enausn P. Gives, at New .Orleans, in 1,838. Gen.- Jessue had cap• tured many slates and. Indians in Florida, and had ordered them west of the Mississippi. At New Orleans, the slaves were claimed by the owners under legal process; but General GAINES. commanding that Military District, and-a man who was never tainted with Aboli lionism. refused to deliver them 'to theaberiff, and appeared in court. making his own de . fence, the following synopsis of which was given at the time in the newspapers. And among other papers it appeared in the Knox ville Register, and we leave the impartial reader to say whether or no General GAINES does .not support General BUTLER'S declare lion that slaves are contraband of war: Ile declared that these people (men, wo men, and children) were captured in war, and held as ''prisoners of war." That as coin wander of that military department or din trier, he held them subject only to the order of the National Executive; that he could recognize no other power in time of war, or by the laws of war, as authorized to take prisoners from his possession. '• lie asserted that in time of war all slaves wore belligerents, as much as 'their masters The slave men said he, cultivate earth and supply provisions. The women cook the food. nurse the -wounded and sick, and contribute to the maintenance of the war, often more •`than the same number of males. The slave children equally contribute 'stutterer they are able to the support of the war. " Nor could he, as a military officer, know what the laws of Florida were while engaged in maintaining the - f'ederal - 13 - oVMlbfetti by force of arms. In such case he could only be guided by the laws of war; and, whatever may be the laws of any State. they most yield to the safety of the Federal Government." This defense of Gen. Gatass, both able and conclusive, may be found in House Document No. 225, of the 2d session of the 25th O 013.• re is. He sent the slaves west, where they b came free, and wee sustained by the then Democratic Administration. Among the men in Congress from Tennessee, who sustained the course of General GAINES, were Hymn L. WHITE and Faux Gstusov, of the Senate, and JOHN BELL and JAMBS, K POLK, of the Houser These men were not Aholitionisis, because the reign of Secession had not set in ! Lin coln was not then President, and his Masea ehusetts General _had, not set a-gang of Vir ginia negroes to work !- - ---- = In 1838, Gen. TAYLOR captured a number of nogroes. who turned out to be fugitive slaves. Citizens of Florida, who declared themselves to be the lawful uvrnere of the elates, rallied to the General's camp, and made their de mands. Gen. TAYLOR replied that he bad no prisoners but prisoners of war." The al leged owners desired to examine them, but the veteran‘Generai told them that no man should examine hie prisoners, for any such purpose, and he ortlM-ed thein'to leave his camp.— Complaint was made to the President, Vas Beam and his Cabinet, and TAYLOR, was sus tained, while the slaves were sent west. In 1836. Gen JESSUP wanted men to act as spies and guides, and he engaged some fugi tive slaves. etipnlating-that - if they served the Government faithfully, he would esoure their 'freedom. They fu.hlled their engegOment they were sent West and liberated—and YAM BUREN'S Democrdtic Cabinet approved the contract. Not only so. but the same q_nestion came before JOHN TYLea's Administration. and General JESSUP'S contract was again en• dursed. The excuse for these several endorse mews of more ultra measures than General BUTLER has resorted to in Virginia, is that secession had not then commenced its winked work ! But here comes a knock down, argument In December. 1814. General ANDREW JACKSON seized upori a large number of slaves at and near to New Orleans, actually in the posses eon of their lawful owners, and kept them at hard labor, erecting defenses, behind which his troops won the victory of the Bth of Jan uary, 1815. The owners remonstrated —de 80111100.1 JACKSON for a usurper and tyrant. JACKSON disregarded their remonstrances. paid no sort of attention, to their abuse, kept the negroes at work, until many of them were killed by the enemy's shots. The ease went before %willow and hie able Cabinet, was ap- proved by them and by Congress ; ancr when the owners applied for pay for their slaves, Congress refused pay, and that; too, by Southern votes. These slave owners were the friends of the Government,, and .were thus treated, beeause done in the exercise of the war power. And if Durum shall send back, as he will, the slaves of men in rebellion against the Government, he will prove to be much more liberal and less of an Abolitionist than our great Southern Generals have been. We have called up these facts that our readers may have both sides of this great question of international law, and not because we advocate any interference with Southern slaves by the Federal army. Indeed we urge the army to see that in every instance the owners of these slaves. get them back, or a just equivalent.—Knoxville Whip. A New REGIMENT TO na ARMED WITH SCYTHE3.—A large meeting of German citi zees was held on Thursday evening', the 251 h inet at Stadelberger's Hall, No. 624 :Eighth avenue New York, for the purpose of taking energetic steps to etipPort our 'Government. Mr. Adam' Roediger, bsing called to the chair, explained briefly ob fect . ofthe meeting. Re 'introduced`, Mr. Fredrick Kapp, who ,aeliv e red an . elm:pent' weech, atilt eXpressed 'the hope that thepeo , woulifieePond nobly to the, call for mare, trooPe. •,Re spoke in,layor of _the. proposition made by Mr. Roediger, to organize a _regi meat to'be armed With acithes, Such a re• giment would riot cost mueb,and be of great; service s if properly directed: They would be a terror to the.enemy's Cavalry. Similar re gimenta Were fighting in thePulish Tevo'ntion, , and ho'deubt there were plenty Of 'men who, could 'handle a scYtbe.: , _A_ committee__ was appointed, Consisting of :Messrs Roe liger, Kocet and Stone,"to; ctinfer with . ihe other The meeting then adjot.rne4, sub jelit-te the call, of-the Phair.— , . , VuETTY:Goon.--An illustrated paper at telPsie, Germany, compares the North . and South is this forcible era.* the7south lanai- •' and the favor of God. -What the SouthThas—Nigiers, yellon . 'fever, and 'the alliance of. Satan. What' the', North has—Money, Meti' pght i cous, cause and ,the syuipathy of hu manity— What-the North hteks---Piratis and thieves. Caton ant Counig Patters. _ . , s. H , HruftNiiii HoluE.L-The SUMNER RI , : t LEfi, under eoramand of.,Capt t d. k,uHN, returned hope on 8 'muddy lain. after their three un on the tour ofstuty:i_. This enrol was , Among to=v,olutlte,er in!re: spouse to the call of the Government, at a time too, when the political horizon look ed dark - and gloomy, and when citizen saltr diets, hurrying to the defence of the Na tional Capital, had been shot down in the streets of Baltimore, by an armed mob of Secessionists. Attached to the Ninth regi ,lDeflt, (COL LONONECKER,) a good portion of their time has been spent in Maryland and Virginia,under Gen. Patterson, and although they were not afforded an oppor tunity to meet the rebels in battle, the y, have steadily obeyed orders, and were ways up with the foremost, whenever the word was given to advance. We are pleased to state; that the of& cers and privates generally, seem to be in improved health ; camp life—harff as it is-has evidently agreed with them. On Thursday; the citizens of the town gave them a public dinner at the Fair Grounds. The company assembled at the square at 12 o'clock, and marched to the ground accompanied by the splendid band from the Barracks; the men marched ad mirably, each one feeling that 'be was wiser, if not better, for his three month's military experience. As the dinner seems to have been a matter of special invitation, we had no opportunity to note the proceedings; we doubt not, however, that - the "Rifles" cei ved a generous welcome, and were made to feel that their gallantry was fully ap preciated. Thii - b - rT " HAnVEST HOME."-Our farmers throughout the County, give flattering ac counts of the crops they have just har vested. The hay, although not heavy, is of unusually good quality ; and the wheat crop is rather over the average, and has been harvested good in condition. The corn and potatoes are somewhat backward, but both Look well, and with favoringshow ers, will produce abundantly. With - the exception of fruit, the crops of Cumberland C‘outity will compare -with any -other in the State. What are the stocks and bonds of the capitalist, or the goods of the mer chant, to the crowded barns and granaries of-the farmer? Or what is the contem plation of such wealth worth, to the con tentei feeling of well-rewarded labor ? The farmer has labored through the sum mer's heat; he has cast many an anxious glance at the lowering clouds; but now, as he stands on his barn-floor, with the last rays of the evening sun gilding his stack-yards, and sees undeniable signs of svealtLou all sides, his heart min 'not fail to overflow with gratitude and thanksgiving for God's goodness, and na 'ture's bounties. In connection with this, we may mention that the ( . onaberland county Agricultural CSocici; , will celebrate the Harvest Home, - at the Fair Grounds, on Sattirday, the 10th inst. RETURNING VOLUNTEERS.—On ac e )unt of the number of regiments still .waiting at Harrisburg to be paid off, and mustered out of service, the Fourteenth regiment, Col. Jounsort, and the Fif teenth, Col. OAKFORD, have been en camped here since Saturday last, on the East side of the town, near the Gas Works. The two regiments comprise about fifteen hundred men, who are ier general, orderly, and intelligent, though bronzed and soiled by a three months experience of the real'- ; ties of camp life. The camp has been daily visited by large numbers of our .citizens who have vied with each , other in provid ing bountifully for the soldiers, all the comforts that the largest hospitality could prompt. Many of them have kept, open house, where all who came were received With a generous welcome, _while otluirs have thoughtfully supplied the camp with many delicacies which find no place in a soldier's rations. In this good work, the ladies have been among the most active contributors, and we doubt not their kind ness and attention are fully-appreciated. Both regiments during their stay here have made street parades—the Fourteenth under Col. Jottris9N, and the Fifteenth under Maj. BRADFORD, and from the movements they performed in the square, showed theniselves to be profipient in re gimental drill. Arrangettients have been made to pay the men off-hire, is soon tie the muster and pay-rolls can be made out. The Chaplain of the Fourteenth, Itcy t Axx.„ IbloGurria, of the. Philadelphia Confer ence, preachedin thiC First M. E. Church, on Wednesday (ironing,. " ' A aunt rots HYDnoruotte.—Frout the number of dogs running at large in our town, without being Muzzled, it , may be; that ,some df our 'citizens 'hive aause to try the , fellOwiel remedy ~b efore the 'doq clays!' are-over: - Saxton forester; , named'Gastell. now of the-venerable age of eighty.two, Unvtil liug to take , loll° grave With him a tie; oret of so meek inipertance, has made pub. lie in the Leipsio Joarnal, the means which he has usedLlor Tlfty _years, f end wherewith he affirms he has rescued as many'human "beings and,enttle fro n, • the & f eel desth,Of bydruphobitt..; Take. im. mediately.warin; vinegar .or: tepid water, wash!the wound clean therettith, end then dry it, thou poor upon the Wound a:. feW droP'3:of kl;Ydicietdßria,"kloo,-"baPalise'iOn oriil agided9stroy: thikpoison of. the ,salivA; by whit* meaqs - thellatteris , neutralized •Acip[DFNi:-Mr. Etrr . .Fuf, who.. ,h 144 for a long; tjitic! hbeenin the eMploy o the , Cumherland , Raiiroad >Co:, , neei• Aontly'foll from the ; , Itailroltd. bridge ,on. 'Saturdwlttet, and frimiureit hie)!`fr' )3dYB AND TonAm: A sensible wri ler"aciu-linristers a. wholesome dose to boys who itse,,,tobaeco.. Indulgence in the fll thX,weed has'utterly ruined-thousands of boys, inducingdangerous precocity, devel oping,:doftentng_and—vreakening -of the bodes 'nod ;greedy injuring the spinal mar row, the brain,‘and the whole nervous fluid. A boy who early and frequently smokes, or in any way uses large quanti- ties of tobacco, never is. known to make a man of much energy of., character, and generally lacks physical and muscular as well as mentalCnergy We would partic ularly warn boys who want to be anything in the world to shun' tobacco as a most baneful poison. It injures the teeth, pro duces a► morbid condition of the throat and intim, compromises'tho stomach, and blasts the brain and nerves. Those twelve year old spenimens of Young America who strut about the streets at the hind end of a long nine, ought to be regularly spanked and put to bed by their mamma to We congratulate our former fellow citizen, W. LI; LAMBERTON, Esq., on his safe arrival at home, having escaped the hands of the Philistines, into which, for a time, he had fallen. At the commence ment of the Secession troubles, and the investment of Fort Pickens, Mr. LAM BERTON was Postmaster at Warrington, Florida; and because he refused to violate his oath of office, and forget the duty he owed to his country by allowing the rebels in authority there, to use the mail matter for their own purposes, he was arrested, and thrown into prison, where ho was kept in irons. He has at length made his escape, and arrived safe at home a few days ago, with a loss however, of nearly all the property he has accumulated. noulicEs.—lf there is one fashion, nroe'likelf-than all others, to keep its• place foitlidanently in the beau monde, it is certainly flounces. Again and again has their fall been predicted ; and occasion ally they have been shorn of their fair proportions for a season, but they soon re appear under some new form, to be as universally adopted as ever; and no won-: der, for no trimming is more elegant and becoming; although there'may be some objection on the score of extravagance, as in making flounces according to the pres ent style, a great deal of silk necessarily goes to waist. DINIVRTERS.—We intended to notice the fact, that when Captain iIIcCARTNEy's company arrived at Baltimore, about twen ty of his men refused to be sworn into the United States service, under the false plea that they did not volunteer to go out of the State, and have returned home. On reflection however, we have concluded to say nothing about it, as we do not want people at a distance to know, that we have any young men in this county, who, after drawing rations, pay and clothing from the State, would desert their flag, as noon as they were ordered into active ser- vice. MOREREINFORCEMENTB.—On Wednes day evening, a large train of cars freighted with army wagons, ambulances and horses, passed through town for Chambersburg. Immediately after, - followed.a train having on board the Thirteenth Massachusetts regiment. This regiment numbers about Ono Thousand men, armed with Enfield rifles, commanded by Col. LEONARD, of Boston. They have 16,army wagons, 2 hospital wagons, 9 ambulances, about 100 horses, and complete camp equipage. OUR TaooPs.—The First Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, Col. ROB ERTS, to which the companies of Cap tains MoCaRTNET and CROPS are attach ed, have been ordered to Annapolis, Md., the former post-of-the Sixth - New York regiment. A letter from our friend 'CAttL,' gives us the whereabouts of Captain HEN. DEMON'S _company, Palm , REA.BNEY, formerly stationed at this Post, as a Lieutenant of the First Dragoons, has been appointed a Brigadier General. Gen. KEARNEY was well known in the Mexican war, where he lost his left arm in 'charging one of the gates at the city of Mexico. Goon WHEAT.—Tobiarn It Soils, of West Pannsborongh township, pulsed a stock of wheat in one of his•fielde, which produced 8 heads, measuring in the aggregate, 46 inches; Ore of them measured 6 inches each. M. We would call especial attention to the abvertisement of Dr. - Ludwig Hechinger,. in.another column: 'The Dr: is, an eminen t optiti n, and comes recommended by some of. the most prominent citi..ena of New York city. He will be at Martin's Hotel for a lien• i ed period, where he can be consulted upon any,tbing•pertaining to the eye._ parrh. Albany t drhrus, a Democratic pa per of Southern proolivities, refers to the late • retreat ffotf,ititrtiritle in the following Army, patrietio - spirit.. The eentimonts expressed must etrike a ' chord in every loyal' heart : - 5. 1 .110 people have offered to the Advolnier (ration the 'unetineed treaseres of their blood and tilde means. This calamity will not elope their hearts, but will open .them atilt widor. 'Tile - Government eltould have drawn more. largely trent the resources offered twit, Let it not spare : then) now. In the hoer of na- Ilonel calamity all men . should be patriots.;;-- This War; restint_whero woUld not of indepetaiindtic7f the Confederacy. with the Potonane far its_ boundary, 'but . the Northern Repuitlio would" commence an . V 0414668 diebonored by the stein of war)ike intionmeteisoy Crew ire very • birth iue stitert 141e . double!onlanifty."' . . Cht VAIRLIIikotO 14100170111 - MARILICTi_ Itteyerteil • tieriblvfor the - Illereld by Weettitard . . • 11 , 1.01)U (BuPerfine). ..-.. ' ~ _ 's4 25 . do, jcztra) , ' dn. ' amilik ).'.‘ ' -.-• •••6• • 4 76 411, 1i. 4 UR . 73 VUTTJAWIINAT . • •.....,..• . ..,....,..,,, . ~ t ..,-1 3 EgD ,-•,-. , --' 2: .... .. ,; ... ....V..,....,,:... 55 Itll4 ' . .41%.442° .OATB. . ... . , OLOVEI ... rratOTU lomat) . ..... •••), 741 . .411, ..... • _