Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 19, 1861, Image 2

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Friday, JULY-.19,-=lB6l.
Specie continuos to pour, into New
___York from Europe and California at the rate
of about . a Million by evt3,y — itiniffeiC,The
North Star, on Saturday, brought a million
and a quarter from California.
.- bar At the Poet office Deparrment calcu
lations she* that, the yearly income from
pOstage in the seceded States was only $ l ,OOO,
000, while the cost.of the service was $3,000,-
000 at least, which is all now saved.
irelograph I o genital ion to Le Stiopiied.
The following order fiom the War Depart
ment . in regard to telegraphing sensation re
ports—wfti:seceive a hearty approval. The
three and four" different sensation reports a
bout ono item is sickening both to the Editor
and reader, and we hope to receive no more of
it hereafter.
tIFFICIIAL.—HODCOforiVREd the telegraph will
*convey no dispatchei "concerning the Opera
tions of the army not permitted by the com
manding General. WINFIELD BOOM
DEPAIRTMENT OF WArt., July 8, 1861.
The abov6 order is confirmed.
SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War.
'- Ants o VTR GENERALS.—Lieut. Gen. Scott
AU seventy-six years old the 13th of June.
General Wool is 73; Harney, 66; Mansfield 60;
Totten head of the Engineer Corps, 80;
Thayer (Engineer) 80; Craig, head of the Or
dnance department, "76; Ripley (Ordnance)
70; Sumner, 65; Lamed, Paymaster-general,
70; Gibson, Commissary-General, Churchill,
Inspector-General, and Thomas, Adjutant-
General, are all old men, having entered the
army in the beginning of the present century
—Gibson in 1808, and' Churchill in 1612
Gen ral McClellan is not_yet 35, Gen. Fre
m fr nder 46. General. Lyon is about 44.
al Butler is 43, and General Banks is
44. General McDowell is about 90.
fter The following extract from the Wash
ington correspondence of the North American,
evinces the appreciation of the action gf
Governor and Legislatur6 in raising and
equipping the fifteen regiments now in camp
in our State. Especially do we commend this
letter to those Pennsylvanians who have
found something to condemn, and somebody
to abuse in every movement of our State Gov
ernment since the debut of this rebellion.
"The acceptance by the Secretary of War
of the fifteen splendid regiments of Pennsyl-
- vania-reierve volunteers will give great: satis
faction Oen. Scott coma - Muds heartily the
isdom and foresight of Gov. Curtin,. •tvlio,
it must be admiited, deserves much praise for
baying got ready for service so valuable on
addition to the grand army of the Union now
in the field. •The, activity, zeal, and devotion
to the cause necessary to the speedy and
thorough organization of fifteen full regiments
entrettlylts - tirretrlnted - hy -- thoso — w fie — have'
been enagagod in the work. We learn here,
too, that these regiments are officered and e
quipped in' such a manner as,ip elicit the
warmest coni'mendation from all who have in
spected them. Not the least of Gov. Curtin's
praiseworthy acts, is that which put. General
McCall in command. Army officers of dis
tinction here, say that he will prove himself
one of the most distinguished in the field, and
reflect lustre on the State which delights to
honor hint. his 'probable that six of these
,regiments will be ordered to this city and five
to join General Patterson—two being already
heard from, and the remaining two not quite
ready for mustering."
The following article is copied from the
Richmond Whig. We commend it to
those in our neighborhood who syinpa
thize so much with the Southern Uhival-
a When the Yankees go to Lord John
Russel and tell him that Virginia, which
inaugurated civilization and freedom on
this continent, is one of the rebel prov
inces, why, his lordship, who is as thin
visaged as a razor and as scant of flesh as
an Egyptian mummy, will give them a
grin which shall last them a lifetime.
They, the makers and venders of tin cups
and wooden clocks, the liege lords of the
Old Dominion, the sovereign and inde
pendent73lTito of Virginia! It ariyi,
could inflamp-,the indignation and scorn
which this -amnions war excites; it would
be this - Ya Icee pretension to superiority
and supren acy. To be under the domin
ion of a lad like Queen Victoria, distin
• _______ ! .
guiehed by every virtue, would constitute
a favorable exchange for the vulgar rule
of a brutish blackguard like Lincoln.
To be' conquered in open and manly fight
by a nation of gentlemen, and subjected
to their sway, might not drive us raving
distracted with rage antLstriamerhut for
Yankees, the most contemptible and de--
testable of God's creation,the vile wretches
whose daily sustenance consists in the
refuse of all other people— r -for - they eat
nothing that anybody else will buy—for
them to lord it over us! The English
latiguttoo must be enlarged, new words
must be invented to express the Went
and depth of out feelings of mortification
and shame. No, it is not possble that
we can'be reduced to a state which there
are no , words to describe.
Instead of this, we must bring these
enfranchised slaves back to their true
condition. They have long very properly
looked_uponAheinselves_as our social in- -
feriors, as our serfs;•• their • mean, nig
gardly lives, their low, vulgar, and sordid
occupations have ground this conviction
into them. Bat of a. sudden they have
come, to
_imagine that their numerical
strength givekthent power, and they have -
Mast the bonds of servitude, and aro •
running riot with more than the brutal
passions of a liberated - wild beast , Their
uprising has all the characteristics of a
servils in u-reetlon: Their first
aim is demolition, the, destruction of eve
rything which has the appearance of su
periervirtue whiCh excites their, envy
and hate, and which, by contrast, exposes
the shameful 'deformity of their own
We of the South sought only to sop,-
rateTour_deatiny.from_theirs._ glititent-to "-
leave thorn - to: pursue their oriVdegmded
tastes and vicious appetites as they Might
choose; But - they: will - riot leave us this
privilege. They force us to subdue them
•or be subdued. They_glyfilue_no alter
suggesteci to us the
invasion of their territory, and the rob
bery of their banks and jewelry stores.
W e may profit, by the suggestion, so fbr
as the Invasion goes,'for that' will enable
- Atts to restore them "to their normal condi
. tion of yfßisrilage, and teach them that cap
, in liana is the proper attitude Cf.tho ser-
Vark ,l/efore_his master. , As to the rob
' bert of: - the banks . and jeVielry _stores, _
Which 'the Gallant Col. WXI) so much',
insists on, that we shall leave to their suf
poor; , _ .
Washington, July 9
The news from the seat, of war in Viz..'
g inia, is of a very,,gratifying ,
exciting character.: At present :wr4ing,
'Alava to - record two -severe engage-_
-ments, - which , resulted in complete tri
r pha'T,Or our forces. The ; rebels. being .
totally routed with great loss both of life
nitions—in2—Missouri-- too,-
arms ofthe United States forces ha-416en
crowned with, victory, and unlessrebellion,
in that State speedily receives ieinforce
meets, it ,may be said to be practically
I crushed out. _ _ : •
So far, it'has been demonstrated by - every
euga - g,ement, when the position and num
.bers of the contending forces have even
approximated equality, that our troops are
vastly superior to the rebels both in dis. 7
cipline and bravery; for whenever such
a fight has occurred, the much vaunted
chivalry of Virginia and Carolina, after
firing a few scattering and ineffectual vol
leys, have ingloriously fled.
We resume our weekly account of cur
rent events, giving everything worthy of
mention :
On Sunday noon an attempt was made
to blow up the U. S. fleet off Aquia creek,
by means of floating infernal machines,
but it failed.
James Guy, son-in-law of ex-Senator
Mason, has been arrested as a spy. He
had about him, when arrested, a bundle
of letters for prominent_ citizens of the
south, and . plans of all the fortifications
about Washington.
Col. Smith's command at Monroe, Mo.,
was reinforced on Thursday by three hun
dred mounted men from Illinois, when the
rebels were attacked and dispersed. The
rebel commander, General Harris, was
forced to leave his horse and take to the
woods. A large number of the rebels
were captured.
The rebels in northern Missouri have
burned the railroad bridges at various
At Rich Mountain, western Virginia,
on Thursday, a battle took place between
two thousand rebels, under Col. Pegram,
strongly entrenched, and a detachment
of Ohio and Indiana regiments, un
der General Rosencrantz, the latter having
to march seven miles and cut a mid thro'
the woods. The fight lasted an hour and
a half, and resulted in a loss of sixty of
the e n clity"k Med; a' - ?arge•iiuinter won nlf.`
ed, and many prisoners; some of the lat
ter, officers. The enemy retreated precip
itately, leaving behind them 'Six guns, a
large number ofhorses, wag,ens-and-cadip
equipage. The loss on our side was
twenty killed.and forty_wounded.. . _
'The State Journal, a furious rebel news
paper 16 St. Louie, has been suppressed
by order of Gen. Lyon.
-The privateer Jeff. Davis has captured
two brigs and a schooner, among them the
brio John W loli:'
At Fortress Monroe, on Sunday night,
J. T, Songster, a' Philadelphian, of Col.
Baker's California regiment, was shot in
mistake by a sentry, and diA.
From an official source' we at length
have some reliable details of the battle
near Carthage.- It seenia•to have been a
severe one. • Col. Siegle captured 85 ri
derless horses, 65 shot guns, and a num
ber of revolvers and bowie-knives. The
battle was renewed at several points, and
the enemy suffered heavily. Siegel's Ad
jutant, who brought this news, rode 153
miles in 29 hours to reach reinforcements.
The troops of General Sweeney and Col.
Brown were met near Mount Vernon, hur
ryinr, forward to reinforce Siegle. Lieut.
CoCWolf was not killed, as reported.
Bishop Polk, of the Southern Episco
'pal Church, has really accepted the office
of Major General in the Southern army.
Near Laurel Hill, in western Virginia,
on Wednesday, a skirmish took place be
tween seine Ohio and Indiana troops, of
Gen. McClellan's outposts, and a Georgia
regiment, in which the latter, after suffer
ing seriously, retreated in disorder, and
could not be brought up to the scratch
again. The rebel arm'y is very strongly
entrenched in a formidable position, and
Gen. McClellan has divided his army into
two columns, to march from different
points upon them and storm their Works.
Gen. James -H. Lane, of Kansas, has
received an order from the War Depart
ment for the inimediate mustering in of
his brigade.
General McClellan telegraphs that lie
has received propositions from Col. Po
gram for the surrender of himself, officers,
and the remnant of his command, 600
men. This will increase the prisoners to
nearly 1000.
The rebels at New_ Orleans are prepar- -
ing iron floating batteries to attack the
blockading fleet.
At Harrisburg,-on Saturday, a salute of
thirty-four guns was fired in honor of Mc-
Clellan's victory at Bevelry.
By an arrival at New York from Ha
vana, we learn that the privateer Sumter
had arrived at Cienfuegos with seven prize
vessels, being the brigs Cuba, Machias,
Naiad, Albert Adams, Ben Dunning, and
the barques %Vest Wind and Louisa Kil
ham. She also fell in with and plundered,
andrned the ship Golden Rocket, off
the Ile of Pines, taking off the officers
and ew. The Captain of the privateer
sent an officer ashore with a letter to the
Governor of the town, wjio telegraphed to'
the Captain General at Havana for instruc
tions. _
From Gen.' IsyClellan's lastnfficial dis
patch it appears that he. followed up his
victory near Beverly by pushing against
that place and routing the rebels. The en
emy lost 150 killed and . F6unded, 100 ta
ken prisoners, 6 brass cannons, all their.
camp equipage and transportation. Our.
loss was 11 killedand 35 wounded.. The
rebel force numbered 10,000.
The body of the rebel Geqeral Garnet
has arrived at Grafton. He commanded
the rebel army at Laurel, Hill, and was
killed in the battle fought on Sunday,
eight miles fronft" - :• - t. George, at a place
called Cif?' ack's ford. When'slain he was
attempting to rally, his retreating forces.
The rebel's were completely routed - by Gen
Morris' division, who. captured all their
camp equipage, seven - cannon and 1,000,
prisoners The rebels had 200 - -killed.
Our loss is - 13 killed and a faw-.wounded.
-Tho rebels-scattered:in:A:Tory direction.____
The Captain , General-;of Cuba bus or
•dered away the . - privateer- Sumter from
Cienfuegos and retained the prize vessels,
the cargpes being Spanish property:'
vessels will, beheld . until the - home Gov
erriment can be heard from. -Another. ea.._
Count Says that . tho v,csitcls have all; been
released and were tp,Sail
FairfaX:Ctitirt House has.not 'yet been
occupled - binny - of i eur-troopsi - the march
thither so fully reported,,ifithe-NewYork
papers liein g only the usnal bogus tehieve.
inenta sii emumetilrilhaf4nartei:
All mail matter for east. Tennessee
=o ;to the _Cmaims:lti distributing
The Charleston Courier says that the
stock..ofiteel-pentrat - the - scuth — will 801 C
• The New Orleans, belts., despairs of*.••
foreign recognition of the bogus confed-'
eracy.. • •
A whole'division of troOpS was sent
Id Alexandria from _Washington and vi
cinity, to.repel_an_tiftack threatened afthat_
point by the rebels tbr some days past.--
It is, known that the 'rebel army, mainly
withdrawn from the' 'Manassas - Junction,
has been concentrated against Alexandria,
that being deemed the-weak point of our
lines. The-U. S. troops sent consisted of
three batteries, five New Yoilt re g iments,
two New Jersey regiments,, two Massa
chusetts regiments, ono. Michigan regi
ment, one - .Pennsylvania 'regiment and the
MileTbrigade. The Pennsylvanians were
Col. Einstein's Twenty-sevefith, Germans,
with their four field pieces. On reaching
Alexandria all these troops were organized
into brigades.
Orders have been received at Easton,
by telegraph, for all the troops of the Re
serve in camp there to hold themselves in
readiness to march at an.hour's notice.
Col March's Fourth Regiment of the
State Reserve force• left Easton for Har
risburg en route for the seat of war.
An important undertaking is now in
progress that Will have for its object the
destruction of all the privateer craft afloat,
and also the thorough blockade of the
Southern ports.
The recent bold seizures of southern
privateers have infused new life into the
President and his Cabinet, and they are
determined that such measures shall be at
once adopted as will prevent a repetition
of the work, and render northern com
merce more safe than it is at present.
Reports from Fairfax represent the Vir
ginians as still - in undisturbed possession,
and that the rebels were impressing every
capable man into their ranks. These re
ports are confirmed by a number of far
mers who arrived in Washington from
Fairfax, and who have given much valu
able information concerning the proposed
plans and movements of the enemy.
One of the Richmond papers states that
the visit of Col. Taylor to Washington had
reference merely to the prisoners taken on
board the privateer Savannah.
The New York Thirty-sixth regiment
have gone into camp on Meridian
The. DeKalb regiment went over into Vir
ginia this morning.
Lieut. Green's battery of rifled
-has^ ?It'd trfeinblieno — tiatii Areiiindria—
The orders for the Massachusetts Sev nth
to go over into Virgin', have been ith
drawn, and the ies are now in, nap
_near this:city___ _
Advices from Arizona represent that
the secessionists have obtained the corn
lilac control of that territory. They have
instituted a reign of terror, and mesh to
hold the territory for the southern confed
eracy. The Union men are overawed and
---Wo haver , -- ff7a - i - n -- god news - from western
Virginia. On Friday night three com
panies of Col. Woodrull's second Ken
tucky reg'ment attacked 500 rebels, be
tween Mad river and Barbourville, on the.
Kanawha river, completely routing them
and killing twelve and wounding a num
ber. The Kentuckians bad but one kill
ed. Gem Cox's brigade was moving rap
idly up the Kanawha against Wise's force.
McDowell's corps has marched toward
Fairfax Court House. - It is an immense
army, mainly-infantry, 55,000 strong,'
with several squadrons of cavalry, eight
siege guns, and four mounted batteries.
General Johnston's rel e' army has re
treated to Winchester, pursued by Pat
terson's army.
The U. S. fleet ha's blockaded Galves
ton and captured five rebel vessels.
At Dlillville, No., on the Hannibal and
St. Joseph railroad, 800 U. S. troops en
countered a body of rebels who had torn
up the track, and a battle ensued, in which
7 rebels were killed, several men' and 30
horses captured, and 3 U. S. troops killed
and 7 wounded.
Seemlonian' Constipated
Tennessee State Bonds are selling in New
York at 35 cents on the dollar, and Kentucky
bonds at 80 cents. These are some of the
fruit., of Secession. Heretofore, Tennessee
Bonds were second to none in that market.—
But the State has gone out, linked herself with
the destinies of a bankrupt Government, and
our only surprise is, that any one should of
fer 85 cents on the dollar, for her promises to
Genuine P-atrlotta,
Senat Andrew oiJohnson, Tegnessce, was
serenade 7 on the evening of hie arrival in
Washington, on which occasion he made a
brietepeech, whioh — WcTfild — occupy too trtck
of our space at this time. In rending it as
published in the Philadelphia Press, we were
particularly struck with the following senti
ment :
"They may confiscate my little property I
own in Tennessee. My life may bo required
to lay upon the altar of my country, but let
my country be saved I 'She is right, and right
and justice must prevail, while the stars and
stripes may continuo to float over us."
We, of the Northern States, where all are
loyal, know little of the actual hazards which
men in the eeetded States encounter who en
tertain or vent tire to express such Attiments as
these. Our patriotism demands no sacrifice
of personal security, And its expression leads
us not into danger. We speak, and think,
and feel, as our neighbors speak, and think,
and' feel, anclthere is no espoinago sot upon
us, to catch our, words and carry them to self
constituted vigilance committees, who are on
the hunt for our lives. We sleep quietly at
night, and pursue, in conscious security, our
avocations by day. But with men situated as
Senator Johnson was at his home in Tennes
see, it required &Roman courage to boa patriot.
Treason, remorseloss", — Toloodthirsty, was all
around him ;,his dwelling might at any mo
ment be given to tlames,,his person to outrage
or his"life to destrtctiOn. To have drifted
along-witt . the current of rebellion would not
only. have; been safe and easy, but would have
been popular.— Still with his life in his hand,
he spoke plainly,_ eourageously, - defiantly, in
favor of the Constitution. Ile wavered not
one niOrnent in hisloyalty to the Union.'
Tennessee, as in Washington, he nveyzed' his
allegiance to the glorious Old Flag,. and de
nounced secession as alike wicked in principle ,
and ruinous in Polio - Y, Such men should bo
respected and lironorml7-by
millions of the Republic. •
P. V. li.. O—A requisition has. been .
made by, the War.Departnient upon
Ourjin for:the fifteen'. Regimen'ts
tilting thePennsirvania lieserve,,and they
are Soon to be mustered into.,tie service
of the. United States. Two Of these Regi- -
nieuts are_alreadY in a Virkinia, baying oe..
copied Grafton, a small town on the eal.
tinnitO Ik, Ohio Rail Road..., • * •
Hale,,provide for an As.
tihflant, Seeintary of thOlitiivy., A cbmrnuni•
cation .„wris
L ike Wed from the•Pbstmaster
Gerieral• tnitifying:CotigreSS of the suipension
of the siniihr.iii r the seceded Slides. Messrs.
Carlile and, .Willey; the new Senators from
Virginia, were Sworn . in: -The loan bill was
then taken , up. A motion to substitute
- slso,ooo;oooTiiiiiiSlia — drs2 - 50;01f0X0:0; wris
rejected , by ayes . 4, noes The bill to in
creaSe;the regular artny . viastaken'up and v.-
thended en as to require that at the close of
the war. the array shall--be--reduced to the
standard of the act of May, 1860, and that
Ibis "reduction shall be effected by the dis•
charge officers and,privates.
In the House Mr. Blair, offered a pream•
bleand resolutions to_ expel Jno. B. Clark.
from his the House, for holding a
commission iii the rebel army-of Missouri,
and acting in the late engagement at Boone
ville, which was adopted. A resolution was
adopted, calling on the Secretary of Wnr, if
consistent with the public interests, to furnish
the reports of General Harney while connec
ted Oh the forces in Missouri. On motion
of 3,11:. Cox, of Ohio, a resolution was adopted
calling for the correspondence with foreign
powers relative to the blockade, privateering,
Fse. to be communicated at the next Con
gress. A. committee of seven was appointed
to report a plan for the reduction of expen ,
ditures. A bill to create a retired army list
was passed. A. bill, also passed to pay sol
diers and officers for private property lost in.
Forts Moultrie and Sumpter.
In the 11. S. Senate, Mr. Hale introduced
bills t? regulate the employment of volun
teers la the navy, to regulate the marine
force, to regulate the rations, to increase the
navy in time of war, to increase the number
of paymasters in the navy, and to reorganize
the naval academy; all of/which were I li::
ferred to the committee on naval affairs
The committee on Finance reported back
the House bill for the payment of the militia
and volunteers, with On amendment, making
'the • appropriations $5,750,000, instead of
$6,000;000. The amendment was agreed to,
and the bill passed. On the resolution to
expel the rebel Senators, Mr:. Latham moved
to strike out the word expel, and simply
to erase the names from the roll, which was
defeated, the resolution then passed, 32 to
In the House Mr. Stephens, from the
Committee of Ways and Means, reported the
usual civil and other appropriation bills for
the year ending June, 1862. In the com
mittee of the whole on the army bill, a long
debate ensued- upon --the- opposition 'of Mr. - -
Burnett. An amendment by Mr. Vallandig
_ham providing_ that the_money_ should- not
be t ed to subjugate any States and hold
the - s conquered provinces, nor to inter
. ...
ith African slavery in any State, was
rejected. The Naval appropriation bill was
•Ocsidered r and--botlr—.brilis—reported — to — the
House and passed. The House concurred 1
in the Senate amendment to the bill for the
payment of the militia and volunteers.
Col. John W. _Forney was elected Secretary
of the Senate, by 26 out of 36 votes cast. Mr.
Wade introduced a bill for the protection of 1
government contracts. Mr. Trumbull intro ,
dagesta_bill-to-oonfiscate - tire - prowty Of reb
els. The army appropriation bill was taken
up, and several amendments of the Finance
Committiel'aketitif*" '4. amendment was
adopted rOgive the Iwo years' volunteers tram 1
New York the same land bounties. etc., as the
three years' volunteers. The bill was report
ed to the Senate from the Committee of the
Whole, and passed. The bill to increase the
regular army was taken up, and amended so
as to provide that one year after the suppres
sion of the insurrection the army may bo re
duced as Congress may direct. The loan bill
was taken up, and several amendments re
ported by the. Finance Committee were adopt
In the House, a resolution was adopted to
inquire at once what further mmsures are
necessary to make the blockade effectual, and
aarest the depredations of privateers; also, a
resolution reported by the Committee on Com
merce to request the Secretary of the Treas
ury to, employ immediately a sufficient force
to protect our commerce. A resolution was
adopted to adjourn next Friday, if the Senate
concur. Also a resolution providing for a
Select Committee to report at the next session
on a general bankrupt law. Bills were re
ported from the Committee on Military Affairs
to increase the efficiency of the volunteer
forces, and $o reorganize the army. Mr."
Wood, of New York } offered.a resolution pro
viding for the election of a national conven
tion to males a compromise, which was voted__
down by ayes 51, noes 9.1 Mr. Ward, of Now
York, offered a general bankrupt law, which
was referred to the Committee on the Judi
ciary. A resolution was adopted requesting
the government to refuse payment of money
due under the contract for the Catalina steam- -
er. Mr. Hickman reported from the Com
mittee on the Judiciary a bill, which was
passed by ayes 128, noes 7, to punish trea
sonable conspiracies. A resolution was a•
dopted by ayes 121, noes 6, pledging the
House to vote the required amount of money
or number of men, to suppress rebellion and
restore the. national Luthority. The naffs
were Burnett, Grider, Norton, Raidanci Henry
May, a member of Congress frotnHaltimore.
The House then concurred in the Senate
amendment to the volunteer bill.
In the U. S. Senate, on Tuesday, a bill was
passed relative to U. S. District Attorneys.
A select commktes.of five was ordered on the
Pacific Railroad. - A bill was passed for the
relief of the widows and orphans of those lost
on board the Levant. Bills were reported to
create the office of Assistant Secretary of the
Navy, and to reorganize the marine corps.
The resolution to, approve,_tbe acts of the
President was token up, and Mr. Breckenridge
made a long speech in opposition.
The Naval Appropriation bill was taken up,
the aniendmost relativo to Stevens' battery
disagreed to, and, tho bill passed.
In the House, the Committee on Commerce
reported a bill authorizing the Secretary of
the Navito' hire, purchaati or contract
. _ for
such vessels as may be necessary for tho pub
lic service, arm and equip them, confirming'
'tfict. appointments' previously made of navfit
officers for each vessels, and appropiiating'
$8,000,000 for •thw purposes of the act. It
was'reforred.. The Judiciary COmmittes re
ported a bill providing for the suppression of
"rebellion or resistance of laws. It authoriies
the President to oall out the adlitta for the
purpose, . The.bill Was passed almost unani
mously. The Committee-on Military Affairs
reported thO Senate amendinents to thO4tart
bill, which, -- on - their - reobininaiidaticin;-Weri
4114tatootirred in. 'Mr, - Wrighti of Pennsylva
,. ,
ni4; introduced a bill authorizing the Sure-
tary the'Treasury lo.ittsue : exchange bills",
to the amount of +-r- 7 -- htindreds
of dollars, which wee referred. Bills
..tiported.rind 'pinned _anthorizing.the Secretary.
of the Navy to' altev ' and -regulate , „the navy
ratiens, and the Senate bills proviOing for tbe.
appointment. of assistant paymasters in the
navy, and to Waildii" fOr itticr,i4 7
pliantyof those lost in thestoop.of. war Levant.
Bills were introduced to increase the West•
Point cadets, and to Vegultite the revenue tier- .
vice.' -A monition passed unanimously, bf
thanks to General McClellan, his officers and
victories in western
Virginia. The bill to increase the efficiency
of the volunteer forces was passed.
In the U. Senate, on Wednesday, a bill was
passed to . appropriate three millions of dollars
to buy, hire and"fit up vessels for the tem
porary increase of the navy. This is the bill
which had previously passed the House. The
bill to recognize the army was taJ.en up, and
Mr. Wilson offered an amendment prOidding
a retired list for the army— Mr. Grimes of
fered en amendment to provide a retired list
for the navy. A committee of oonferenoe was
appointed on the disagreeing amendments to
the volunteer bill.
In the House, a resolution was adopted, by
yeas 81, nays 42, to authorize the Select Com
mittee appointed to examine into the War De
partment contracts, to extend their inquiries
into all contracts up to the time of the sub
mission of their report, with any department
of the government, and to sit during the re
cess of Congress and send for persons and
papers. A- bill was reported and passed to
reorganize the revenue marine. The House
then took up the new tariff bill.
Peiiii'sylvanta Reserve Corps
Our readers are aware that at the re
quest of Col. WALLACE, in command at
at_, Cumberland, Md., Gov. CURTIN de
spatched two regiments of the reserve
corps, from Camp Curtin to the Maryland
line to support Cal. WALLACE, in case
he should be attacked. Col. BIDDLE,
commanding the, detatchment makes the
following report of their march, to Gen.
Moved toward the State line.
June 23d, 1861.
To Major Ger eral McCall: —General: I have
the honor to report my arrival here to-day.—
On the 21st., while in command of Camp Cur
tin, I . received from headquarters an order to
prepare two regiments for immediate and ac
tive service. At the time no regiment in the
camp was armed or equipped, or supplied with
military clothing. Through the active per
sonal assistance of the Governor of the Corn
mouwealth and other public furdilltitiffeiK '
within less than twelve hours the rifle regi-
I meat under my command, and theFifthlnfan
try, under Col. E. Simmons, (who is also a
Captain in the Seventh Infantry U. S., Arnry t )
were'arnied and equipped, and largely sup
plied with military clothing; and started from
Camp Curtin at about three o'clock on the
Morning of the 22.1, the detachment being un
der my command as senior by date of commis
sion from the State, under "orders to proceed
in the direction of Cumberland, to defend the
border of this State and support the Indiana
regiment.-in the United States service, now in
that vichtirr" — Orillie eveliiriq of the 22d - iFil:
reached Hopewell. and, in obedience to your
order communicated to me by telegraph, en
camped there. At three o'clook'on the morn
ing of the 28d, we took up our line of march
for this place The day was hot and the
road unusually dusty, and it was the first foot
march made by these troops. It was, howev•
er, performed with perfect order, and with
great spirit. b.Y . Vie_men, believe — cou a,
rtrith some aid from wagons, have been pushed
on much further, under the incentive of a call
to perform instantly the duty assigned to ue.
On reaching Bedford, your telegraphic order
,to bale reached me., and , I then moved to this
encampment. The spirits of the men did not
flag till it. was known that their movement was
no longer towards an enemy. The actual dis
tance marched was twenty miles, under cir
cumstances, both of weather and newness to
service, t hat,render it creditable to the com
mand. In Col. Simmons the State has secured
the services of an officer of long and constant
military experience, and of the highest nisi rue
ti•e capacity. The State goverlment, in offer
ing him a State command, and the national
government, in permitting him to accept it,
have, 1 may he permitted to say, initiated a
practice that may contribute in a most materi
al degree to the effectiveness of new levies for
State or national service. It may , place offi
cers of regular military educat ion in spheres of
wider usefulness than subordinate positions in
the line of the U. S. army, and will greatly
'contribute to the comfort and efficiency of vol
unteer troops.; of an inconvenience from it, I
can imagine none. In Colonel Sirnmons'ao
quiescence in the superiority in rank which
date of commission gave to me, his junior in
years and in military service, I recognize the
spirit which now, as in the war with Mexico,
animates officers, of the regular army in their
relations with officers appointed from civil
life. Col. Gregg, who resigned the command
of the Fifth regiment to accept a commission
from the Federal government, accompanied
tus throughout. the expedition. Lieut. Col.
Kane, by a rapidly performed journey, to ad
vance of the troops, prepared the way for
them. Major Roy Stone, of my_regiment, an
officer of the highest merit, gave me most ef
fective assistance, and no officer in the coin
-mend-afforded me any grotto - A - for dissatisfac'
tion. At the time of starting the Governor at
tached to my staff' his Aid de-Camp, Capt.
William McMichael, to whose intelligence and
zeal lam glad to testify. It is unnecessary
to trouble you with any mention of the incon
venience suffered by the troops, save of that.
which still continues from the inadequacy of
our supply of tents
Very respeotfull, your obedient servant,
Col. Rifles, commanding detachment.
We give place to the above report, not
only on account of the public interest at
tached to it, but . .because it affords 'us an
opportunity of doing justice to the valu
able services of one of our own townsmen,
connected with this expedition, whose
name has not been introduced into the
report; doubtless because he was not di
rectly attached to the command.
When the forward •movementof these
regiments was decided on, Col. J. B.
PAnKrit,'of tbis'place, one of the Gov
ernor's aids, was despatched to HOpewell
in advance of the, troops, as Superinten
dent of Transportation, having for his as.
sistant, F. JORDAN; Esq., of Bedford.—
By_the aid of :Mr. JORDAN,-Col. PARKER
was enabled to concentrate some seventy
_wagons at Hopewell, to be used in trans
porting baggage, rations, camp equipage,
&0., to Bedford, a distance of twenty miles;
and few can imagine the amount of labor
- necessary; - in - collecting so many - teams,
in a district of country, NM. miles in
extent, in a sudden , emergency, and a a
sOason_whou farmers eanknot-well be 1..
seat from •home.- A second order •t o
days afterwards, directing the troops to
proceed to tho Maryland line, twenty-three
miles farther, required a re-engagement
of the wagons. Nor was_ this all, but oth
ers had to be furnished to run from Rept: 7
well to Camp Anson 4Sr, _Di xon constantly,
was to secure regular suppliesof provi
_sions and stores , tOthe men' in camp. ' Add
to this the superintendence of loadinglind
Alonding goods, the Settling of so minty
bills of freight, and the responsibility of
and it makes up an amount of labor-un
usually large . ; pit, these tivo gentlemen,
giving their whole time andattention to
the work, performed Their duty.with such
due regard to.the public interests, and the
rights'of piiiate individuals, thii they
merited and rneeived the commendations
o f_a Id who were_eognizant of. their—pro.-
. ncedings. We speak froth personal ob
servation, having been present most of, the
time and know that they not only faith
fully performed this legitimate duty, but
went beyond it by patiently attending to
Vie wants of the men who had been left
behind sick, in providing them with rations
and transportation .to reach thentunp.
Those, who by their zeal and efficiency,
contribute to the health and comfort of a
body of troops, are not less entitled to
honorable mention, than the rren who di
net their movements in the field.
The following is a correct copy of a
Bond of the Confederate States, given to
a Union Man of Berkely county, Virgin
ia, to acknowledge the stealing of a span
of horses from him. It was copidd from
the original, by a gentleman , of our town,
whlie on a visit to Martinsburg, a few
daps since. If any of our readers desire
to make a permanent investment, and at
the same time secure no authenticated
memento of this rebellion, we understand
that Mr. Myers can be induced to sell
ibis bond, and if applied to soon", will say
nothing about the interest due thereon.
Berkely County, State•of Virginia
June 29th, 1861.
Received of Mr. Jacob Myers, 2 Hor
ses, 3 setts of Harness, pressed into the
service of the Government C. S. A., by
authority of iustructions to ma, dated
Richmond, June 18, 1861.
Appraised at $215, by Wm. Riddle,
D. B. Morrison, C. W. Doll, three free
holders, of the County of Berkely.
Description of horses, 1 bay; one sor
Signed by A. C. Myers, Quarter-Mas
ter General, A. H. Cooper, Adjutant &
Inspector General and Thomas R. Sharp,
Special Adjutant of C. S. A.
gobu an triounig niattzts
tion given in Rheem's Hall last night the finest affairs ever-presented
to a Carlisle audience. A person can take
a comfortable seat and in an hour's time
travel all over the world, seeing the finest
soenesy the most remark:4)le edifies, the
grandest monuments and the rarest views,
with a beauty and truthfulness beyond the
power of description-.
We would advise all our readers not to
fail to go and see for themselves on the
next night of the exhibition.
"e congratulate Messrs. LOCEMAN,
PORTER & EARLY for the 'very creditable
Manner in which this exhibition was
gotten up, and we are satisfied they *ill
meet with the abundant success which
the enterprise fully deser'res.
fliJ" The Sixth Regiment Pennsylvania
Reserve Corps, the REgimerrt -to which
Col. PENROSE is attached, passed through
this place on Saturday last, on its way to
New Castle, where it is now encamped.
Those of our citizens who are old enough
to remember the persuasive eloquence,
the high social qualities and amiable char
acter of JOHN D. MAHON, will hear of
his death with deep regret. The follow
ing proceedingi, in relation to his death,
which we take from the Pittsburgh Chron
icle, contains an appropriate tribute to
his memory, coming as it does from one
whom we may also claim as a fellow-
"The demise of the late John D. Mahon,
Esq., was announced in the Court of Quarter
Session this morning by Marshal Swartz
welder, Esq., in a few feeling and appropriate
remarks. Judge McClure, as soon as Mr. S.
had done speaking, addressed the members of
the bar present in a speech of some length, in
he_paid_a higb-tribute to-the—memory
of the deceased. His Honor said: John D.
Mahon was raised and educated at Carlisle,
Cumberland county, Pa. He graduated with
honor at Dickinson College. He studied law
with Thqmas 'Duncan, at Carlisle. David
Watts and Thomas Duncan were then in the
zenith of their fame; they were giants in in
tellect ; they were leviathans in the law, and
both Eton of magnificent literary acquisitions
—they were retained in all great cases within
the circuit of their practice, and always on
opposite sides. At. the very time that Mr.
Mahon was admitted to practice, his precept
or, Mr. Duncan, was elevated to the Supreme
bench; which he adorned as long as he lived.
lie transferred his whole business to his then"
youthful student, John D. Mahon: The re
sponsibility was immense, but be did not
shrink from it—he met it, and his eminent
success vindicated the highest hopes of his
warmest friends. His very first step watt into
the front rank of profession Mr. Mahon has
told me more, than once, he has told me with
in' the last year, that his self posession and
success were, iu part at least, owing to the
magnanimity and kindness of his veteran op
ponent, M r . Watts, of whom he always spoke
with admiration and feeling.
Mr. Mahon was one of those rare men whom
nature sometimes, but "very rarely, frames in
her prodigality of gifts. What others learned
by study and painful investigation, seemed to
'flash upon him clear as the blaze of day. His
pereeptions.were intuitive, quick. as ,thought,..
and seemed almost to'exempt 'him from the
idrudgery of books. lie was intended by na•
ture for an orator. Who.ofthese good Judgea,
present but Ithow this well. His powers of
persuasion were exceedingly great, and
dressing the_passions, the sympathies,' or the
peculiarities of the diepoifitions of men; he
never made mistakes.- His every go tare was
graceful, ills style of °legume° was the prop
er word in the proper Flue for the occasion,_,
and mum. Ho never made a
tedious speech in his life: but how- often the
court, the jury, and the bar fell regret; almost.
disappointment, that his "ohm of meledy , had
ceased so aeon the time-ke, ertotifiletl.Was not,
too shiort, e it only- sienie'd so': • seeiertriter-•
course his elieerfuliitsik. g od istppor,• and
brilliant ooevereatiefial pd eriremeizated to
fascOnation ,
I have knoirn Mr, Mahon !nee T was seven
years'of age.'nrl - I here bear-vrltness that I
never - heard - him speak ill of any man.- His
pit was ltright..and playful as sheet lightning
-it never took a personal direction, it never
blaelid'aarman or anything/ With his mode
'and-manner_ al trying causes . We
but it is worthy .ef especial mention,, that
if the .poor and needy were on trial„ So either
at suggestion of the Court, or. frem the: gen''
Oroue Impuls'oe nature; mast cheerfully
undertook 'their' defence, arid these defenses
were_alurais conducted with ne.tnuob obiltt r y
and seal as he 'would have.beetrowedi or could
1, -- sini - itiren ; to - the - utak if a large compensation
been the reward Of hisexerions.__Ther e Are
tatty and' pure luiuries in- this,liin which
money cannot purchase , and to him the de
fence ofthase wha,had helper,-vvas a l ways
a high - . - and positive enjoyment, I cannot
trtlet_nlyeelf to say.more. Itly Personal feel.
Inge toward the 'deceased. wore too warm and
are too , strong for eiplassion here or in any
'public place.
At the conclusion of the Judge's remarks,
the Court was adjourned, and it
"meeting of
he hold; over wilier] his honor was called
to pi - noble.' The following resolutions' report
ed, a Committee appointed for the purpose,
were adopted, after which - the meeting ad
iirnErtias, an inscrutable Providence has
suddenly called away from amongst us, in the
midst of his activity and usefulness, our bro
we are desirous of expressing in on appropri
ate manner, our sincere regret at his death.
Therefor e;_ -tablva ( That in the - death of our brother,
Jun. D. MAHON, Esq., our"bar has lost a bril
liant ornament: The community a most worthy
member, his family a kind and allectlonate
protector and head.
Resolved, That we deeply deplore his death,
and from the brilliant lesson of his life, will
learn to emulate his genius and professional
and personal amiability, courtesy and worth.
Resolved, That a committee of nine be ap
pointed_by the:chairmail of this meeting to
convey these resolutidns to the family of the
deceased, and also,. an expression of condo
lence and sympathy at their, great bererve
ment ; assuring them that we in common with
themselves, have sustained a loss which it is
impossible by words to express.
Special Noaces.
It is utterly impossible to publish all the Certificates
We have. . t would take abook-of 100 'peg, e.
Itheumatiann.—ExMayor Seiton, Camden. N. J.; Gen
eral Welch, Moue Proprietor; 0. W. Ward, beg., Mar
chant,"Cliestnut Si.. Philad'a.; F. Duffy, Eng., 12th and
Locust sts., Neuralgia.—Dr. Wood, Wood's
Museum. Philail'a. Neuralgia, 13 years —Rev. James
Temple, 316 South st., Phila. Croup, life sav'ed.—Mrs.
Cannon's child. Coates et., Phila. Hip disease—Mrs.
Winter's daughter, 60 Ridge Ay., Phila. Fronted Feet,
3 years.—Mrs, Uinta Channel, 15th and Brown eta.,
Phila.; Mrs. Melville Anderson, cor. 4th and Willow
eta., Phila4•Edwin 1):881mble Esq., 184 Marshall at.,
Philm Chronic Rhettmaelstri,f—John Rain, 23 South
Sixth et., Phila. Neuralgia, 4 years.—lt Jenkins, 4
Olive st., Phila. Stiff Neck.—Marlin Pancoept, Mulllea
11111, Phila. Deafness.—Wm. E. Birch, 88 N. (oth at.,
,Itheumatism,- Helpless.—Mrs. Dickinson, 13th
and Thompson, Phila. Itheurnatism.—Mis. E. Hutch
ins, 17th and Thompson, Phila. Pain in Back and Kid
neys.—JamewL. Pointer, Evansburg, Penn's. Swollen
Limbs —J. E. With, 528 Chestnut St. Phila. Sprained
Foot.—Jas. A. Free, West Phila. luflamation of Stomach
and Bowels.-111rn. Ogden, 150 North 4113 at., Phlind'a.
Pain in Breast—F. 5 11ildleton, 430, North Sixth st.,
Phila. Sprained Ankle.—J. Rees, Front and Market
eta., Phila. Crooked Hand Straightened.—Charles J.
Green, 1 3,1trandywInest., Phila. Neuralgia and Caked
Breast —Mrs. Mayland, Providence, Bel. Croup and
Cramp.— Henry B own's child. Turner's Lane, l'hilad's.
Itheumatiamr-Mrs Goo. Smith, Corner 10th and Locust
nth, Phila. Neuralgia and Pain In Back.—Mrs. Mary
Evans, Trenton, N. J Rheumatism.—P. Petty, Chest
nut 11111, Phila. Swollen Limbs.—L.Bl.uilger, 329 North
Broad at., Phila. Neuralgia-51ra. 51. McElroy, Cuth
bert, at., Phila. Rheumatism.—Mrs. L. Johnson, Dan
ville, Pa. Chill, Fever and Cough.—lt. Thomas'n dough.
tor, Hanover st., above'Franklin, Phila. Rheumatism.
dr., Welch. (City Council.) 28' Catharine at.; Mrs.
liiii4lshite, 169 Hutchinson et., Phila. Deafness G. H.
Smith, Columbus, Ga. Pains In Shoulder.— A../. Rob
eson, Columbus. Ga. Sprained Ankle —. G. R. McNeil,
Montgomery, Ala. Deathenn—Robort Waro, Atlanta,
Ga. Spinal Complaint, 2'2 years ntanaing.—W. C. Ring
by, Montgomery, Ala. Inflamatary Itheumatisin.,4).
4 11 k1a...Winrisboro 1 ,--S:0,- -Paid Dretist3---Wm. Mid
dleton, Lincoln county, Sty. Deafness, 1 Bottle.—Mra.
J. C, Palmer, Raleigh, N. 0. Piles.—John Ammonds,
Augusta, Ga, Da afness. -- Tb o nas.o..Cax,.Atianta. Oa.
- RhetimationolitiDliriesol, 22 Chestnut st., N. Y.
Nottralgta.—S. C. Price, 7 Ron'evelt at., New York. Pain
in Back.—Wm. Lucas, 40 Baxter at., New York. Old
SOre.--Wm, Maddox 10 Suffolk st, New 4ork. Deaf
ness.—H. Woods, en, Hancock, co., Ind.,; John Taylor,
Indianapolis, Ind. Rheumatism.-51r. W. Blanchard,
208 11th st., Phila., John Clinton, 70-North sth street,
Phila.; David Sp•olttch, 1 Lybura et. Philg. Sprained
-Wilat..—WA-Prailklitr;24-13(11.1thlitrist.; John Pible, 416
Arch at., Phila. Felon.—W. Ripped°, 24 Bth st. Gout.
—G. W. Humphrey, sth and Dickinson Ste, Philad'a.
Rhenmatlsin.—hlre. Sarah Sutton, 3.32 South Bth st.,
Phila.; S. Stiteon. Filbert at. above Bth, Phila. Sprained
Ankle, also Enlargement of Elbow Joint.—,J. Draper„
3)7 Market st. Phila. Eruptions on Head and Swollen
Neck of a little child, only one year 041,281 13th et. A
very remarkable cure. Burned Head bison, and Swollen
Breast of wife of D. E. Davis, Eng , Somerset_ Borough,
Pa Erysipelas and Rheumatism—B. Tree,Esq., Port
Penn, Grain Dealer._ Ithennuttimm.=,3ll',Willituna, M" . -
I"chatit Tiiiliii;Dttiw - Castle, Del. 4nd hundreds of others
that may be seen and talked with by any one.
EVERY RIMIER the demand for fiostetter's cele
brated Stomach Bitters increases. -_lt, Ittfound to be the
only certain preservation of bodily strength during the
period when the atmosphere is calculated to-produce
feeling of lassitude and Indigestion. The worst cases of
Diarrhtua and Dysentery, give way to Its potent Influ
ence. Innumerable persons who are now alive and weil
must thank the discoverer of this preparation that they
have not been swept away in the harvest of death. The
Bitters is recommended by the best physicians in the
land. This is the best evidence of its real value, be•
cause an sigenomi:thlng, they will-net speak a word in
favor of advertised preparations. They have been com
pelled to acknowledge the claims of the Bitters upon
the community. Sold by all druggists.
giving a brief diseription of your cane, and I will send
you information that may bo-ofservlce toyou. Address
Smith's Ferry, Pa.
Jy 5, '61.-3t.
CANANDAGUA, July It, 1859.
151essre Hostetter and Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa.:—Cents:
—As we are strangers, I herewith onc/ose you twenty
eight dollars for four dozen Hostetter's Stomach Bit
tots, which please forward via Michigan Southern Rail:
road, Toledo, Ohio and Clayton' Station. I have pur
chased several dozen bottles at Tolothilbls Summer,
but the pale Lon the increase so much that I wish to
open a direct trade with you: I wee Induced to try
your Paters by my physician. for the .Liver complaint,
and received ouch material aid that I have recommend.
ed it to others and have sold about two dozen par week
for come time. I have all kinds of medicine in my store
but there is none that.' own act cheerfully and truth
fully recommend as your Hitters, for I know they have
helped me beyond my expectation.
Yours respectfully,
To Vonoomptiveo
Persons of a consumptive tendency have need to be
very careful in the outset of a cough, and betake them
noires In time, to a proper remedy. A cough in always
evidence of irritation in the throat and lunge, resulting
from obstruction-of the skin. In order to pre rent these
attarke, wear flannel' next the skin, guard the feet from
damp and wet, and above all;taka Dr. Keyser'ePerteral
Cough Syrup upon thelirst ePproiieh of a cough or sore
throat, and chock the disease thereby in its infancy
There is nothing like attacking disarm, on "its first gip
preach. Dy due attention to this advice you will save
much entleringand sometimes prolong life. Even when
consumption has become seated, this medicine will mi.
tigate the coffering andhas cured some very had mica
.$ `Bold by 8. BLLIOTT, Carlisle, re./i/la
•itir COVOllB.—Tho sudden changes of our„climate
ere sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial, end Aettunatic
Affections. Experiencethaving proved that siniple rave
dies often act speedily sad certainly when taken lb the
early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be
had to "Brown's Bronchlal-Troches," or Lozenges, let
the Cold, Cough ; or Irritation of the Threat re ever so
slight, es by this precaution ri more seitowl attack may
Vd-warded off. Public Speakers and Singves will find
them offectftel for clearing and strengthening theAnic.
Bee advertisement. Novi 30, '60,6m
MRS. WINSLQW, an experienCed wire()
an 4 female physician, been seething Syrup for children
teething. which greatly facilitates the process of teeth
lug by softening the gums, .reducing all inflarnation,
will allay all pain, and insure to regulate the bowels—
Depend upon It, mothers, it will give rest toyonreelvea
and relief and health to your: infants. Perfectly wire
in all MOS. See the advertisement inanother column.
July 20, 11160,-ly.. .;
Urnort.—Philadelphia pommel' thenicist splendid Cloth.
Ing Emporitfm in the country,' ft Is splendidly; regsrds
• the palatial structure In' which' the ,immense business
of the establlstnuent is , comineted, and it is equally
splendid In respect to its great facilities and vast re
sources. But to its patrons Its chief attractions are,
drat, the elegance of the garments for Gentlemen and
Youths, manufactured there; secondly, the beauty and
durability of the materials, and the superior excellence
of the fit, and lastly the moderate prices at which the
goods are sold. Ws refer, in this description, to none
other than the Brown Stoue Clothing Hall of itociami
A Wilson, Noe. 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, above 6th,
Philadelphia.' • ' • [A p.12;61-ly.
. ,
,-- alatiilloo. -_
___0_....... _ __.
• .
On the Ilth Inst., by Rev. W. EDP, Dr. GEORGE W
•STINE,--of - -,llarriaburg, - to fillia—.l4l , 4l/4- claustkter- of
Dr. J. O, Neff, of Carliale, Pa: • ' , ,
New ,Elbuertisements.
OTICE.--*At - the - sol:ieitaticin of:m' spy
nionds;l aro , anvivirfaiir - a - taxidid4d . fof
Treatillrer at the ensuing eleotlen.,
•Jy 6,'61. ' . „ JACOB BliitEM.
..... .
or, Cueinentimn foultri., The -.nnderelgned offer 0
bla *n . ue° to- the consideration of.the chimes-Ofthis
'County. no a candidate for the attire of ElliElllFP- and
if elected, will perterin the duties tritß fidelity and itn.
partiality. - •40111••1451Elt.
Carnal.. J uly 12;104 . ._
.. •••••• -•-•,,, • • • .
. ...
. „ .
a badily Itaarnilly will& , forbklemy ongarim ent
la natio labor, coarpolor me to ark of my fallow eltixona
tbiroMee oftlounty Tril/44m. If electod to that of co
at..the aiming alectioa,• 1 pledflo all ray W o rts t o di s .
charila Ole dnilllB of It with iuttbfaction tokbe public.
Jain 21,18111 ti. .. . Vr4nliforot Yrownxhip.
. .