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''''' '4l%)fi•f;?'^P • •I' __ --- - 7-- . 4 --- ---.--;-,_ ..- - -7 7 . ------'-• —, - ., -- 7. ---.- 4 --- -E. - - - 4 ' —__ ,- - t-- --=_-,_,_:- —. , AM" Aft. . —4.. 41 '. 1 1- ` I A .--, ' - '- ,-- t'i MI •'-i - T-N- '-'. ~ - - --=- 7, --- - - - 73 . . ------- _,....=, . 1-.._.--,-.;-__.--A -- A .: f, - --- __- - "Z A ' ' :,,,tv.-.‘ ,, .:;- - . 3 ......_. .: , -- - r -, ---. -• ---:-_--;,-;--:, . ~,--, , ,-- - - --, =7 - __.:-73, ,Y .„..-7.--.l_-. 4,,,_,.--7-,:.------s .. _ _:.;, -,,,,,,F----,-,--. ,- :tc -, " —,-- ÷ , ...=-1 . '-'--:-'" ~ . • ~.. ... •. , _ . . ... , . A, M. ftlinelE74, Proprietor.' worm. rot PORTER, Editor. f VOL. LXI. TERMS OF PUBLICATION. MO CALILLIBLIC liIMAILO is published weekly on a tame sheet containing, twenty eight columns, acid f irnlshed to subscribers at $1.50 l paid strictly In advance; $1.75 If paid within the year; or Via ail eases triton payment is delayed until after the explratio t of the year. No subscriptions received fop a less period than Ix mouths, and none discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Papers sent to subscribers living out of• Cumberland county must be. paid for In advance, or the payment assumed by some responsible person, living in CuMberland coun ty. These terms will be rigidly adhered to In all sues. • - • ADVERTISEMENTS, Advertisements will be charged SIAO per square of twelve linos for three insertions, and 25 cents for eats subsequent Insertion. All advertisements of lose than twelve linos considered as a square. Advertisements inserted before Marriages and deaths 6 cents per Ilne.for first insertion, and 4 cents per. line or subsequent insertions. Communications on sub acts of limited or individual interest will be charged 5 cents per line. The Proprietor will not be responst bin in damages for errors In Advertisements, Obituary notices or Marriages not exceeding five lines, will be wie rteil without charge. JOH' PRINTING The Oarlode lieraid JOB PRINTING OFFICE Is the !arrest a id ni et co:npleteestabllshment In thecounty. your 4o of P..esies and a general variety of material Suite I f plain and Fancy work of every kind. enabler Us t d Job Printing at the shortest notice and on the raison this terms. Persons in want of Rills, DI mks o • anything in the Jobbing lint, will find it to rifle Interest. to Eire as is call. tjencraf anh Coca( 3nformation U. S. GOVEEtNNIENT President—Aan•n /Of LINCOLN. Vico Pro4i , lo —II mg xtooL H WAN. Secretary of State—Wm. H. SEW RD. Secretary of Interior—Cm-to SMITH. Sooretary of Treasury—SALMON P. CHAO& Borrot•try of-War—Stunv CLIO ERON. iteerstrtry.of Navy —GIDEON Virrll l / 3 PooL NI aster He nerai = Moitrooutitir BLAIR. Attorney ilenerai—liDWAltt. RAM. Chief Justice of the United Statee—R B. TANEY STATE GOVERNMENT Governor—ANDßKW G. Currrirr. SecroLiry tlf auto—ELl BLIFMIt. urveyor td ueral—Wm. 11. K Eta. Auditor tiounrul—Titos. B. Cuoctio..N. Tro tiN;usuret—llmtr D. 11foolx. Wkaa enomo. 15'. B. LOWRIE 0. W. WOODWARD.JOHE M. READ COUNTY OFFICERS President 'Judge—lion. James IL. Graham. Ass..ciate J edges— iron, Michael Cocklan, Samuel Wherry. District' Attelmoy=T. kt. Girlei .,'' Prothoboterr—Berais.min thno Its,wr.l, dc, 1071. Itegister—K. A. Brady. Itigh liheriff—itobt. McCartney; Deputy, S. Keepers County Treasurer—Alfred L. Sponsier. • Coroner—lobo A. Dunlap. County Commissioners—Nathaniel Ft. Betels, Jamea H. Waggoner, Ono Miller. Clerk to Commissioners, James Armatrongc, Dire-tors of the Poor—Sao. Trimble, Abraham Dos ler, John Miller. Superintendent of Poor Mous 1 'Leery Snyder. BOROUGH OFFICERS Chief Burgeee—John Noble, =MI=ZI=III To wo Dom - keit—John tirutMall, Wni. W. Dale, J. R. ittlan Caruny, John Halbert, J. B. Parker, Fred crick Pinkie, Samuel Nnsminger. Clerk to Council.—Jas. U. Slasonheimer. High Constables,—Geo. Bently, Joseph Stuart. Ward Constables—Jacob Bretz, Andrew Bailin. Justices of the Peace—A. L.'Bponslor, David Smith ilolcomb, Aiwa. Dehuff. CHURCHES, yjrAt PresbyterlAn Chureh, Northwest hnglo of Gen stpun.o.,;7?..cev. elouway..P.„ Wing Pancor.—,tiervlcer. every Bandsy Storming et 11:o'clock, A. U., end 7 o'clock P. NI • • Second-Presbyterian Church, corner-of South Hanover and Pomfret streets. •Rev-111r -Cells, ['actor. Services oommunce at 11 o'clock, A. 31., and 7 o'clock P. M. . . tit. John's Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle of Centre Square. Rev. Francis J.CAorc, Rector. Services 41.41 o'clock A.M., and it o'clock, Y. English' Lutheran Church, Bedford between Main an:r,outher streets. Rev. Jacob Fry, Pastor. Services at 11 o'clock A. M., and 6',4 o'clock P. Id. Gorman Reformed Church, Louther, between Han over and Pitt streets. Rev. A. H. Kremer, o'c ck P. M Paster.— Services at 11 o'clock A. M. and ti Meth , list R. hurch. ( fi rst charge) ce iierot Maln and Pitt Streets. Rev. Joseph A.. Ross. P tor. Serrlcesat .11 o'clock A. M. ar.d 8 o'clock P. 31 3lethodist B. illiureh,secoud charge.) Rev. Herman M. Jobina.l i'ziator. Services in Emory M. E. Church at 11 o'clock A. M. and 6 1' M. . - St. Patric 4.'5 ..latheltc Church, Pornfrit near Kist at. Sea. James Kelley, Pastor. Services every other klablrith at ld o'clock. Vespers at 3. german Lutheran Church ,corun of Pomfret and Bedford streets. Rev. G. A. Strinila Pastor. Services at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 8%. o'clock, P. M. • Kir When changes in the above are nccesaary the proper persons are requested to notify us. DICKINSON COLLEGE Rev. H. M. Johnson, D. D., President and Professor o. Moral Science. James W Marshall, A: M., -- Professor of Latin Lan guages and Literature. Rev. Wm. L. Boswell, A. M., Professor of Greek Lan gusts and Literature. William C. Wilson, A. AL, Professor of Natural Science and Curator of the Museum. Samuel D. Hillman, A. M., Professor of Mathmnatirs. A. P. Mullin, A. 8., Principal of the Urammar School.PZt John, B. Storm, Assistant in the Grammar School BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Andrew 73lair, President, H. Saxton, P. Quigley, E Cornman, C. P. Ilumerich,J. Hamilton, Secretary,llason W. Eby, Treasurer, John Spbar, Messenger. Meet on the tot Monday of' each Month at tPo'cloek A... M.. at Ed. neation COR:PQRATIONS Ch.61.1813-DEPOSIT BANK.—Presideut, R. M. Henderson. Cashier. W. M. Beam; Aut. Cashier. J. P. Hasler; Teller ' Jas. lioney,-, • Clerk, C. B Plabler; Messenger, John Underwood; Directors, R. M. Ilenderson. John Zug, Samuel Wherry, J. D. °argils, Skiles Woodburn, IL U. Woodward, Col. Henry Logan, Ilugh•btuart, and James Anderson. - OtIMBEILIAND VALLEO RAIL nom) Courmn.—President, Frederick Watts: Secretary and Treasurer, Edwani M. Biddle ; superintendent, U. N. Lull. Passenger trains twice a day . Diaterard leaving Carlisle at 1040 o'clock A. M. and . 2.44 :o'clock P. M. Two traits every' day Westward; :at 9.27 o'clock A, DI and 3:30 P. M. • _ CARLIN:if' " AwD . WiensicComearm.—Predde . id, Lem• nel Todd; Treasurer, A. L. Spuneler; Superintendent, GaorgeWise; Directors, Watt. W oodward, John B. , St en. B. lleetem. B. Dr„, Henry Saxton, it. Bretton, F. tiardner, and John Campbell. • CUMDERIAMD VALVE BANlL—Predent, John S. Ster rett; ICashier, U. A. Sturgeon; Teller, Jos. C. Boiler.— Directors, J./km.B. Sterrett, Wm. Her, Melchoir Dream. liiiin,'lticktrd Woods. John C: Dunlap, Debt. C. Sterrett, U. A. Sturgeon, and Captain John Dunlap. SOCIETIES. Climberloot Star Lodgo No. 197, A. Y. M. meets at Markin . Hall 0)1 -the - .2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every Mouth. • ': • •,..13ti:Johns lodge No 260 A, :Y., M., Bleats Rd Thurs day of each• romath, at Marion Hull. ' • Carlisle Lodge•No 91 I. 0. 'of 0. P. Meets Monday irrenlug, at Trouts , • . , 0 ----- 'FIAE pQMPANIES.. The .Union Fire Cemipany was organized In.-1189. Preelanat, 'lt. • Cornvoin; Vice' President,., Samuel Wetzel ;' Secretary, J. D; Hampton Treasurer, P. Mon yer.llorapany meets the Slat Sat urday In March; June, 'September, and-December.. - , •- • , • • • .. The Cumberland ElyeDempany.wastnsUtutenYebrw airy 18; 1809. President, Tpoe. Thom - son f Secretary Phlllp qulgleyVTrealhrer, le..D.Aidaler The minium, 'meets - on the third 'Saturday of ApyllOuly and October. Tlie Good Will HosecemiatiY Wax Institutedln_March. 1885. — Preablent;lt - A - . - SturmsorirVice President., C. -P. Jilmnrich t - secretary; 'William' D.' Halbert ; :Treasurer, 'et.nIPOY.. - meats tbs. - second Thensday of Jannary,AMll, July, and October • The Empire Heols s and Ladder Company was WAIN • ad In 1859;: . President, Wm. M. Porter; Nice 'Presldeuf, .John 0. Artles;••Tremmrer; John Campbell:- Secretary, John: W. Parts.' The`oompany meets' ou Aho - Iliac Fri day In January, April: Jul•#_and:October. • • .M. C. A.:., .ROOIW—MLRION IMAM - • • , . • itegulaemonthly meeting--Third Tuesday, Evening. Prayer meqing--flunday Afternoon at 4 o'clock: -;-Reading Room and Library—Admiasien free.. open every evening (flundayaexcepted), !rota 6 to 10 o'clock. _Stranger' especially welcome... . • . r., . • RA-' B OF . POSTAGE. ME • , ..•' „ .. , ~.. ~ , ... ~ . . t4Lcau re weight er-un - restage on eltlettereefone:bilf Ott " • lier;11 unto . pyelpitd,', except which Isle denim prepeld, ' - ,tet_CaUfornls