i..............,..........,......, : : -- - - ': : : 7. ''''"-:•—•='.:='l-4''f7)llllVE4Bg.-t.'.:-. / _. B . 59. ;:, ' ..The mc ! ituieft: ' 4 ;1;3 2 - -.. - : •-• :' .. . .' 4 li•ibi illsianco -. 4,','', e .., round the Nock. 7.- . •?:, . U t0.131.1.h0 Yoko !. -.:4-'. • . . ;•-'''• .. • :. • ' . :r • • C to C Sleeve. .., :' ' ' . . 13 tar) Weime r f! ?, i i ..,, 7 .... . : •51 , 0l1:11(1 tho . body , 1 111. *leder' the Arm. 1 3 . i i F. : ~.,: .: ~ pIM. ~ a •., '.; -: • • t!. .. ..,.. ~, i . . . in to Eo; the .. . _ loogth of the , , -, Blatt: BA LLOU '• Patented Improved' .Prench, Yoke PATENIII NOVI& IlEll ht, , 1859. A New Style of Sliirt, warranted to FR • By tiM.4tbovo,tnesauros_ por tnall, we CAD: guarantee a perfect fit 61 our now stylo of Shirt. and return by express to any part of the United Staten, at $l2. *B. SIS. $24, &e.,&0.. per &mon No order for warded for leas than nai' II &ten. plans. Also, Importers and Dealers In IsgN'S FUTtNISIIING .pp- 49,h desale . trad4auPpllod on thommol BALLOU rikLOTHVIRS. • 409, Broadway, New York. Juno 2t, 1981.-3 mos. ?SPEC LAIL N ‘PTIC E I 0Y -and after this date will• be' sold by 41.44.a.0 LIVINGSSON, ''at ties North Ilauover Strout CLOTIIING EMPORIUN, At greatly reduced prices, our large and SUPNRIOII. STJUK OF SIDPIEWOOODS. Fine ,Cloth of,egety Style " Cantina° " " " Fancy " " Itali n Cloth ' 1 erino 411 " Twoodo and Woolen Mixed, do. Also. a large niisortment of every style Llunens, In very large varieties, and a general assortment of Cotton do Us, whirl' we will make to order, or sou by the nerd or piece, et astontshingly leiy prices. ' Do You Want to Save Money! Then be surd to call at the North Itanover Street Clothing Emporium, opposite the American House, where you e:ta,hay geode at prices to init. tuo times: June le ISA ISAAC LIVINGSTON. TO 'FRE CITIZENS OF CUMBER. LAND COUNTY. . . . . The bodty infirmity which forbids my _engagement lu active labor, compels :no to ask of my follovt citizens Ulu olfra et County Teeletrer. If elected to that office at We ensuing electionv.l.pledgemy. elforte.J.9 Mk cherge the duties of it with sutiefactiou to the public. .1011 N _Ib.M.MAN. Frunkford 'township. Jane 21, 1861.-6 t. ?STATE NOTlCE.—Letters Teso - on the estate of Daniel Diller, late of Jlll - 00 two deed = have bueo isuu dto the aubseriber iresidiug lu the Fame township, by the itegiuter of Cum berland county; noticu is hereby , given to all-persona indebted. to make immediate payment, A nttthose hay ing cleitn4 to prurient them duly authenticated for eat• t lament to ItOSANNA Dl Juno 14.261.-6 t. A. E.) 31 'NIST RAN() R' NOT IC E. Noticn Is hereby given that letters of admlnla trd ion, with the will annexed, on the rshite of Philip _Weaver. late of the borough of Carlisle, deed., have beds Issued to, the subscriber. residing in West Pennir barn' All - Pdflons tfiVrthrt Alms -against tmldas. - tate are requested to Present them,-and those indebted to make payment to CIiABLES W. ‘YEAVER, June 14, '61.-6t. Administrator. STARS AND STRIPES STILL • WAVE AT VIE - SIGN OF THE BIGBONNET! MILS. II UTTON MOW opening SUMMER MILINERF. of the VEST LarEsT STYLES, WWI; who wish to see the largest and most beauti ful assortment or !MN MLA, .Childrens' Misses and Gypeey Hate, French Flower's,.Ribbons. Freneh Lice Mantilla; and Fancy Goods in Oarllale, will please call at the sio of the Big Bonnet, where they eau get the best Bargains and the very LATEST SUMSIER STYLES. Ladles do not mistake the rime Bar Bargalne and thee., beautiful styles, now opening-at the sign of the Big Bonnet.UrTON. June 7, '61.-3t. North ll:mover Street, l'arlisle. izs , r4Tp.LNoTi,plll-I,.!tteri of Ad, 11.1 t Maranon -on - the estate oft:tem - go Waiwn. late of E.tst Pannsborough twp . Cumberland county, dee'd having been issued to the etibscriber residing in the tonne township. by the Register of said co. Ail persons hewing aline, are hereby notified to present them, and th• se in lebtecrto Make payment to - Jo 7.• fit. IVd. U Ct A REIN lilt. Administrator. NTO FIOK. =An assignment for the bonefit of creditors, having been made by Robert Bryson, to John B. Dancer, Esq., 411 pertains Indebted or baying, chins- will call and present their eltilms, or make paymonl. to JOHN B tIOOV Kit. Jun. 21,1861.76 t. Antiguan T ARGL. A.RItIVA.L. OF FRESH. CiItOCBRIBS—VISII OF All. KPOD-.t. A .uf.ng which k a lame lot of thoroal genuine Balti more dry-aalt In oak barrels, MACK t at prices that la really astonlshlngly low. Pickets of all SAIJO, ES, PRI-,l$El-I,VES, and 4 gclod -assortment of TOBACCO AND SEGARS, • L Q,U 0 :It -S,, &C . , at the.lowoat rates for 0A.81.1 or Country WM Produce. • BENTZ. Carlisle, Tune 21, 1661. ' SICLIOOL A•D BUILDING TAX . FOR 1901. o The-Taxable Citizens-of-the Bormligh - or CarDales-ar hereby notified that tho Duplicate for the School and Building TWOS. of 1.61. has been homed .to the undor signed Treasurer, and that be will 'be In attendance at the County Court Reuse, Commissioners' Office, on. MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1861;: - ' , between the hours of 0 and 12 In the forenoon, and 2 and 6 o'clock In the afternoon of saldley, for the pur• pose of Teeeivion . said Taxes. On nil taxes paid on or before that day, a deduction will be made of - FIVE -- PER E The Treasurer vrtil receive all taxes nom Portions lug to ply. In the mean time, at bin place of business, MarlonJtall-bullillng, West Main Street:- J. W.,EISY;, Treasurer. Carlisle, Juno 17, 111161. I ) it u * BOOKS. ' FANCY GOODS, ' CONFBCTIONAntgs; 'FR UI T S • • • • PERFUMERY; • - . BESERVOU FRUITS' MINCED MEAT- - PICKLES &C . Sc W. - HA VEIiSTICK, • North Hanover Street,./!arliAle, Has jutt opened an assortment of Fresh , Druga:Van . c Goods, Gilt Books; Perfunierl.' Fruits. 'and etiyitec ttonary, which never been surpassed in ,thla - bor. uugh, for novelty , and elegetnie: -.The articles have been • selected wlth'great no e 'and ainealculated;.in quality and mice, to co:nmand the attention purchasers: •FANCY COOPS. - ' which Wmprlse every variety of finitey krtloles otiti s meet, esquislto finish such as.' - r • Papier Nlaelte Goods( - Whigantridatialter *nit porcelain Ink-04011 . 4nd tray!,, Peaty ivory, pearl and shelbertyd:aiseffi."`, ,--- r* -- : - 7 Ladies' Rirterparkiste, Fancy Work Boxes, wi th cowing inetirimerite, - • ' Ladies' Cates, Writing Lleeke, and Pert . Port afennalesi of every variety; ' ' • - • Gold 'pens and pencils, , PalteY-}wiper Weights, and'a large variety of ladies' Piney statiol airy, Motto seals anct.vrafere c ,Boll' and headpnises, Siding *nips, eleginfly, finished: - pine' untiory; • ' 'Perfume baskets and bege t ', •'' '". Brushes of every kind - for the toilet; • • X. !lista and- &U. Wrlgitt'ir kloapii and Perfumes of various kinds, , • Fariey.Pirth for head dresses shawls. • ' Musloallnstrutrients, -, ' together with an Inimperable variety Of articles elegant ly,f3 nished and suitable for- boli , tay presents,', to he invitei special - . 7 , Also, an est:mil:ow and, elegant collection of . couinnsing,;,,.variena. , Eualinh 'and' Arneriran,'.Wei_ki, richly lithros ilyni it lifieke„elegantly . ; valv itti Metal sleeps and c o rners Ills , tsiortinent School lieolia dtatlnitary",li' also comple terilot comprises uv quing.irsud 'ln the gai no b ; ; . call tien of .Fainllimi to his elegant ." S • • from the Axton KiVII risca!iiiatcinctd,i Archc,. and othurs oCy„'iityle oi Parlor,,Chamber and study I:an:RN for hurnind „ei ther liiia.:Sporin "14lierial oil; '41:40 'we'll.% • celebrated Ort)R0110 Or tidal niipiarope,logother ‘yithdolower Fancy Anrucnq, , &c. ale assortment In this line is un equaled in the /Ira Alta umbrae! ng all.. the , 4:4inrito bran de. , addsfl no, ment of Egli:4olf &GB 91519K;Bliii,ANP;PPlf , 8 ' such as Oranges. 'Len:oda,- Pltias._ :,. nlii" 4 " 4 ' N e c tork e l l ; Prunes, dc.. 1 , A NO itl.lo74Pklh'illOffAltYl4liTTS-'.,:- 144 -Pirtle iliMtV BB : tutulTS, ED- il.llA'f, PICKLI.4ti;:; 'lna Very variety hit prim,. all 'Which ere pure! and-fresh "such as Calihn,contidentlY,fecommended to - his - friends. Flia'atockgmtbraclnaverYthinit ''the Win of nancy.GoOds; , witlf-:tittnriither-nntialerinsful hops ekeepeM, ,which , the pfibllk are; especiallydcrelted , , io call end, OX4TEOI.O, Remember , the v)l&.dttlint l. l6 - 01,014 uppostatltitr North Usuureistpht,W,U , .; . • - OVVILIVC,V ;;t: 1 . 1 .. Phtentx ttentatirent elude' Itheem's Milk ) Us far a a ied with-two alleys, ..- . • . ._. _ ....'.V..oi:Til it riklosp:Arliol,tED-CONSTTIiIerION.--- , Perenhe find - Of tiiiB boalthrul - amusement: will - find ,' every opportunity far enjoying the game, kee hoot the 1 tntruidee - or hoes or ltopoper per/tone. - • ‘l , . • April 12, IRWL • . (il.:011141, W VALANT. - 1 BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS!! 110,:; ;; . 1 • r " • - escremecio - PILLIARD PLAYERS will find at the Pliionig Baleen; under Rheetn's u&i, two of I'HELAIVI3 CkLEBRATED TABLES,. with Marble Beds end Combination Cushions. Thu room is well lighted •end. hosted. and furnished with every ennVelllollo3 foe the comfort of visitors. Ca.liele, April 12, 'titGEORGE W. NOLAND. REAT ATTRACTION" AT LEON WARD'S.ottivingo STOUP,. EDW'D• J 3. LEO N.ARD,...M., - ilas Jest returned froth toe elle or, Ptilltidelplits... and • [vaned a splendid assortmoflftf READY M &DK 01.0T1i ,INIo, which cannot be surnassed In style and finish. The Clothing al this establishment, consists In part of the following, vitt DRESS AND, moor. COATS, of *bleb be has a maattlncept assortment of Week and fanny enters, ant-In the lateitt-fa.blOns• tastetullY and elegantly. trimmed, and niade in 4 superior manner: SA,CKs AND 'HALF SACKS: of Cloths. Casslmeres and Tweeds, all of new styles and at very low Prises. VESTS! VESTS.!!_ VESTS !!4 • ti!M:II Iti1:1 The llama and best assortment ever rffered at 01 Oernar, of Rat{ n, Mack and',Etaney Ita.tan MOB, Nam!lles, double and single tireasted o et every variety rnaterlal and patern. PANT Plain and fancy French Doe skin casalmeres. sat , ' nett Jeans and - a great variety of others, all of which will he ealdrat the very lowest prices. Slit IITSI-=i•Flne white liven and cotton or th e hewagt, style and best Make: Also, called. check and currying shirts .A,large assortment of BOOTS end SHOES, for Hen and Daya; which ean and will be sold cheaper than ever. Also a splendid lot of Trunks and Carpet Bags. I therefore confidently invite one and all, to come and see for yourselves, as r will not attempt to dmicrP‘e the bargains that• tray be expected, fur I am datermindd that no opposition_can ... /R7 Re ' member ERONAILD'S Corner. EDWARD D. LEONARD, Jr. Carlisle, May 10, 1001.-4,y, SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE CENT.rER BELOW COST!! At the sign of the "field Eagle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church.. on. West. Main street, the largest and besteelected stock of - WATCHER ANID JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30,per cent Inyrer,t4n fit any ,meePlittfia - Statif7Triti-ik - iouifirtak alirge aeenrt ment of Gold end Silver hunting-case watches. Levers., Leplnes, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, , - GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pam and Pendia, Jewelry of all itlnds, Spectacles Gold and Silver. Mated and Silver Ware. • BOXES)--ACCORDEONSr-._. Oil Palntinks. a great.varlety of fancy articles. and a lot of tin; finest Pianos, which will be sold 40 per cent lower thatirerer offered In town. The.entire stork of Watch maker tools, cases, large allirors, and Safo will be sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. . . . . !loving selected a first class workman all kind!' of re pairing will be done as usual. at reduced prices. , Three Manna-, et $lOO below the factory price on ac. count of the Philadelphia Cork:any closing out. I will sell at the-Jewelry Store, THREE ROSEWOOD PIANOS, warrairted, at two-third thole real value on- envy terms Meath:don soon. 1?OR SALE.—The lure • -7 ~ three story ileuse on Main Street. - a,lll tin sold kof/ easy ternia. - Call at the Jewelry Store in raid Jbuilding. oiALF Alittl 19, 1860. 11. 1. 911.A.1'Litlt. rE NORTH 11 A N OVII.IR STREET CLOTILTNO'• PoitlON. lakekPlP,a_ Alive to-Itfi3lo,Vgrkt,to italyiernisFAßstrops oftlio arrritil or the, Wiest st r yleilir cLorus, C.ASSIAIERES; and VESTINGS, which wilPbe made to order In .the very latsst styles and warranted to give complete satisfaction, or no sale. Persons wishing to buy Ideri's or Boy.'s Wear by the yard, will invariably save from fifteen to, twenty per cent. as WV cap afford to sell goods much cheaper than any competitor. A careful inspeetion of our largo and varibd stock is respectfully solicited. ISAAU LIVINOSZON. Apr =l2, 1861. Proprietor. NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS. HATS, CADS AND STRAW GOODS. T C c • . . .• • . - . . . • • The subscriber has recently opened. a Now StUre at the old stand of J. D Ilalbiirt in North ilauover St. opposite the Carlisle Deposit Dank., - -- Daring received from New York and Philadelphia, a fin. and well selected assortment of goods in his tine o. business, such asllATS.and CAPS, from the common Wool to the One Vur, 'SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, Spring Styles of, Silk itats ferniBSll .Stiaw Tints 'for Gentlemen, Jockey Nate for Ladles, and fancy that., and Caps ler Children, and PRICES TO SUIT TEEM TIMES. Also, Carpet Bags, Valises. Trunks, Hand Trunks. Umbrellas and prime Bed Veathers. An - asset tment of Aar' Prime Segara and- . Tobacco. - 11:41 Thankful for the patronage already received 13% would inv.te all his friends and the public goneraik to give him a call. JACOB 110 AS, Agt. Carlisle.-Aprll-1.0.JJ3111.- L u 4,fIBNIR AND. COAL.. ' 'BLACK & DELANCEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARD; Owthe Rail Road , near the Gas Works. • . . nit shlateribertt k.cep constantly on 'band, a MI as. olio:gent of - , „:___ . __ ,' . .... ... . • ' - -- k - - I,prakerA, C6O, _ • .- , _ :.-- -' • ' . . ' em 4 ,-.. 1 ,—...._ -,, *bleb they can fur. . re:11,,. 4! ._.....,____:,..,.7. .. - olotitriorderpromptly , w : A ti m j and, on. the most tea. -%----_, 4, ; $ t 7 _ , sortable terms.- ' " --.,. ---,....,- - - , ,,i• -...:-.... 7-- 'LUMBER,, .... SCANTLING, ~ • - BOARDS. -.- FRAME , STUFF, • -. _ Pilings, PlasterlngarldShlogling-Latha, Worked Floor. -log, Weal herboarding; Poets, Ilalls,White Pine, hemlock .and,Opk Obluglev, of, every quality , They also furnlvh hitis.to order of any length, and sliit, Cl the. abottest notice linden the most reasonable term, 'Their worked *arils - aro- kept under cover, so, that, they can be fur• tasked driat all tiniest, • - I. ' ' ' ' ' • They have constantly- on -hand all- kinds of Fatally Coal under rarer, which will be delivered clean to auy part . * tho *lnfiniti.. To wit: , , - -:. • ' ' '''.:,:j.tY.K.RIVIINA,I44IE.Y.-' • e ' ',' - '''' ' ..:LE10 1 : El DDLEtt, . '''. ''' ';ir --4 -o - i:,,, , ••• , , . -...•• .. ' TREVERTON. •- .• . .. - ' . • . . . '-;'' - '; • ' LOCUST. MOUNTAIIiv And other varletlea,and all' the, `varlotut sizes In, use, yllit'h they Odier to the public at the IowentprIcest ..,,niEIInIINICRIVANDAILACASSIITLPIIO9.4.LaIwnYe an tiantlat-the lovrestlnsli filet): --- , .._'' ' - ' ':' - A_Solifi, - .?M• 4 3'-" '' '''•-'' % -- 41.4CIR:'4015.ELANCEY. ' • E . . .V.STATAI:...4I I . ' .PRIYA:1 1 11 The'rtubritilbei ottani et...privette nnle, ftrt reititkiitttle • trrtne:thet vottcohlfWerkretitid • *• . 11,1 red :err the corner Of Mein'ettd:Writ Stierts. In the hotouttli.otieer4loll ., .', • eontiihateg ettzty fet!tie,froht , hy.140 In depth. Old httilittrltiertirttt ert:et_ed ••. , • A LA RGE THREE 7' LIRE& SlTO,RlrAttrakllol4,s4'S' • • *Ad, other ,pere!tintry,mitbittlditTi.''' 'o6iiveitkehtlo96l:ollfoi iAlolnntll,`, end the houlmti 'tie to* 'HO..lritivitr, - rurnlitied with 'writer nitd ann. and all the modernlmerovententr: xtett...o not•tehh•theproperty tvlll be fur rem: • kgr gentle or other Infortnattop, ettittilre • - garllidei - Apr4 4i'dl.;tr, " - :Enentary;Japow the t.letotruof dohn- Flolibuni; I of Dlcklußoß towurhlp. de01d,.,1411n4 , been,lrktled• by'tbo.ltigkitir of Cumberland' eiuiutylo,the Oubsort•!, trld bore; ding 10 bleklimorr.tov4 ncifio't4 hirebY alt lodebted sodd redhito.allil-thos o hing: eleline tdproaroir t. ttumn duly authenticated for Belt -Fitiit s to , .telAttlll3flN: . ... • • t • ' ' • '' z VATX-V-Itl - t-CE ,. . 4 - 2 40.tfil* , Of - 41(1.. 104 41itiltiii 41f,Aii040, (40444(.4, 1 115,1.14418.063 c dee,o, 4 , bnvlult . fsufqt. Omrphartilao,,county. tomig, :pubict l Por,:e,oluaTg.in'eald.Xo4:o9l,lo4l, - berebygiati, 40, - 41 1 2Priwim'ku4whif.:0'PrnftePiniik ii4ptiOd Mid •:;. ga i w n ic t o Virqijii4; .. .t lOW 40)1 • dAreigned: foo.paym . ont. , . : ; T, 'ol. t. Adtainlgtnetpt 0. T. A. T. U o N SS . - UT) A•11)1 . .f, ta3tifbeiime • gr n t r lr ° l l t.ii C tre ri " l'arte ‘‘ t. t\"B - ad fallow:" to It.: ' ; ' • ; •• •. , : 1 .. 4iiiitOri. • . . . , . . . , .. .... . „ = ,r , ~-1...., : 1.,, , ,..- ,'... 171.4 e. Ltegges. ..A. W. Bents, d ry gtindsi ,- ,, ~•.•• r -,:.'' • • 9 $26 00 ' - I.oldigh, Searydr.&Lla',:dikitoods. , ..=,, , ' , ' .10 - 20 00 - Woodward ecileittialdl.:produale, , ~ ...i ~.",. 10 .. -- 20 00 Henry SaxioitiliirdWare,,,c-I, ~, .... l' , - 10 ' 20 00 lientlerson;&E Reed; produce, II ...-• : ::.,..... , 11 16 00 0 . I Oborr, groterlearl , ,_-_,..-- .-' ,-.;-• .".. ••. - 10 . 20 00 J. P. Lytle & Son; : l.arateire , , .. 11 1100 -- Ariffel &frig Itlliftferrliii 11ib4.t`.:1 - .777 - --7'12 - ': -- 7..21 - 13 - 60 J. W. Eby, gnicerilie,:• , .--,,- ,' -.. , II , - 16,11,0 C. Ogilby, Trustenidry4.oll4 •,, .- .13 10 W. , S. 31.. ,Iloover, lutnb,retudeue4 , ': .13 -'...,..1.0„00. .1. 11:3totiemaker, produce, -, . '• 13 10 00 •.-j. & D. Rhoads, , do, ~ .'' _, ~. ' • .. 14 '. ' , 7 00 • . - :lllefirytthorideiturniturs, , ' .. 14 . :, .7 00. 11'm. Bente, grocerialt, , ;.. .l3' .. , 10 00 IL B. Shepley. jewelry. ' :„. .' 14 . I- ,- 7 , 00 Jannis Loudun,boCke, • , . ',' - 14' . :., 7 , 00 — JohilD:Gbega - S. -- stoVeo. - „ ---- `l4 --- , r - 7 - OD 8. Elliott, drugs, ..* _.. .„ , .. 14 , 700 • Jacob Saner, saes, ' .' - 14 7.00 • , • _. • .1.11. Dyrizan, do, , . . 14 ..,7 .00 Asher Mel, clothing,l4 _ 7.00. A. B 'Ewing, furniture. .. ' ,: • ‘, 14 • - 7 00' , W. Mlles. dry.goode . . 14 •.7 0 N. it.teb, 'nieroliant tidbit, 14 ” 700 . R. 'Moore. shoes: 14 . 700 J. Mullin, merchant tailor,. 14 7 00 i. Maeonliaimer & Bro., confecionery. 14 ,7 00 J. G. Celli°, linte l '', 14 7 00 j A.M:PiPer. stationary,` - =-14-'---1 - 00 T. Coul,vn,linvolry. • • 14 7 00' ~ r 8. E . netniugtr. tli.neta, whips, --- - • - 14-- - John Irvin, &Mee. 11. S. Bitter, morebant tenor. 13 - 'lO 00 ' 14, • 7 00, 1 F. C: hauler. jewelry, 34 • ' 7 0.. ; S. W. lineal-stick, irugli, . • 'l3 10 00 D. Sips, piper and ftiroitti 13 10 00 rt. I. Livingston; °tiling, - .. Arnold &En. ' ,10. , • 14 700 13 10 00 .7 A. Gun:teach'. drygoode, - 34 700 I , David Common: flour and feed, 14 .. 7 0000 Jacob Wolf, guireries, - 14 7 ; A. Ortalnger, do. • '. 14 '7 00 John Puller,. do.' ' 14 - 7 00 N. W. Woods, Agt., dry.gooda, • • - 14' , '7 00 j J. W. Smiley, clthing. ". 13 10 00 P. llonyor, confectionery, 14 7 00 1 Philip A mold, dry.goods, 13' 12 60 l:n Jonathon Coraen, shoe., ''' 14 7 1.0 W. D. A.,Nguale. jewelry, • • 14 . 700 Joseph U. P r eol, do. 14 700 Oeorgo Orr amen, bakery 14 T 00 John., Schtnall, • do . 14 ' 7 0.) Johnciallera. do 14 7 AIL 11/1111nm Shiers do 14 7 00 Henry llarktiess, groceries . , 14 - 700 00064/4.Leiby, do. • ..14 ' .7 00 Doi/id/Cooney, do. ' 14 , 7 00 A. Illonesenith, do. 14 700 Wm. !born, .. ' do 14. 700 J. ltauticluscrab, dn. 14 .-7 00 .IL Wenchel,2.... do. 'l4 700 hire. M. J Stumpb, do. .74 , ' 700 Morris &-Smith, do. 14 700 Prof. Illarshall, stationery, 14 7 00 A. 11. Blair. Morocco leather, , 14 , 7 00 Black ,t-Delancey, lumber, .“ 13 10 00 G. &J. lieller, - hats, ° • 14 700 • Hum sr & Frederi c ks, marketing, 14 700 William Askew, do. 14. 7 00 Daild Fredericks', d0.. 0. 14 7 00 d John Rekord, .14' 7 00 Robert Alillson. do. l4 7 00 James Celli.. eon., do. 14- 7 00 W loon Vtinard. do. 14 7 00 WED. Übe , OWothi, do. . 14 7 00 D. Katz & .7 'Duos, do. 14 7 00 Augustin , Croll dealer 14 7 00 Barney lioffuLtu, groceries, 14 7 00 Chas. Eckcie, ' do. .14 7 .00 Wm. Gnu d, do. 14 7 00 James Ca.io, . do. 14 7 00 Mary Morris,etnvee, 11 7 136 Eduard L,onard, clothing, 14 - 7 00 Henry Peters. grocer, 14 7 00 Ilarlen & Sw,igert, marketing, • 14' .7 00 L. Myers. groceries, . 14 ' 700 S. 31 _,Kieffer, drugr. 14 c 700 A. A. Line,' Marketing, - ' 14 700 Margaret Nett, millenary, 14 7 00- ' B. Stoll, do. 14 - 7 00 Sire. J. !lotto°, do. 14 7 00 Mn.r IS ‘rillinins,do. 14 7 to " Charles Rhipley, furniture, 14 7 00 John U. Mock, grocerlem. 14 7 00 DzoKIKaO ll Keller & Washmood,. dry goods;l9 .... ...,„„„, 10 00 John T. Green. . do. 13 10 00 11e . elaridir - Planki ----- , , do.- -•_. ___,-.....14 , , 700 Barney Gardner, do. L 11 r ta) Jerry Gardner,— do. 14. 7 00 EAST PSNNSEOROVCIEL Kerr & Kummel, lumber, 12 12 50 EnglehArt & CO., 14 7 00 David Linglefelt, lumber, 14 7 00 Adam Eslinger, do. .. . 14 700 D. J. ilynard tr. CO., do. 14 7 00 Martin A !VIM, do. 14 700 11. IV. Feeler, dry-goods, 13 10 00 Wililam;.Books. groceries, 14 T 00 Jacob Iteuninger, . do. 14 7 00 John'M_Cormaalc; do. 14 - 7 - 00 Jacob Le ugnecker, do. 14. 7 00 D. Donlinger, dry-goods, 14 „ 7'oo Michael Free,.produce, 14 7 00 S. R. patterson, do. 13 • 10 00 Joseph Bidtemaa, - Marketing, 14 - - 7 . 00 J. 11. blouse, do. 14 7 00 Christi .0 Eve, do. 14 7 04 Whilain Wolf, do. 14 7 00 David trout', do. . 14 704 John LlMnand; saddlery', 14 T 00 TIINNEJfORD. 1 411111 i tick Grieni arrgondsq lIKAIPDSN H. Rupp k, Bob, dry.goods,, 18 10 OD 11. Itupp. produce, 12 12 'DO Bituer & Wise, shoos 14 7 00 Cyrus Tampion. furl:Sure, 14 7 OD George L. lisle, stoves, .14 7 00 John So ror, marketing, 14 7 00 Samuel :Minions, dry-goods, l4 7 00 Wm IL Bekels. , do. LB 10 00 John M:TeEnplen, furniture, 14 7 00 Moses Beget, marketing. LOWER ALLEN ri'lll'a n P. Lloyd, drugs, 14 7 00 Altr h tir Browers, dry-goods, 13 10 00 Ell t• I.n, do. 14 7 00 JecA, Weaver, ' do. 14 7 03 Will'ain Ciall. marketing, 14 7 00 Joltn liming, do. , • 14 700 J. Brubaker, dO. 14 7 00 Ulu m Longneeker, produce, 14 7 00 .-11011TII MIDDLEtON A. M. 1,014104 elry•goods, T 2 12 00 J. A.-Caul:futon. -- do. , - 13, 10 00 Aloy.andor teslullln. dry•goods, 13 10 00 fitun'uol t‘hupp, Flour. 14 • 7 00 O. 114our...mnrkutlfig, 14 T 00 llaul,ol VFtrotßoo: .do. 14 ), 7' 00 14, Itfiallax, . do. 14 . 7 00 . C. Itoop.:fu idtiirii, ' 14 7 - 00 Alked Ido re; dryloude, •14 7 00 ."..-.-. - . -M017005.. 11. J. Stephens, dry-goods, Brindle k Son, do. U. L. Derlacy, drugs,- Fonnuel Plank. dealer, Henry 'Spahr, flour, D. LL. Vogleeeng, dealer, UPPER ALLZr D. K. Noel, drygoode, tioawiller dr. Zug, do. Rohort Drypon, dealer, David Markle', 'marketing, hob ,rt llelrich, . do.. SALVER SPRING David Strehm, drrgoods, , 13 10 00 John J. Coble.. ' do. 13 10 no Jacob Simmons, do. 14 700 Michael Leldlch, do. 14 7 00 Joseph Flisk. merchant tallest,. 14 7 00 John 11.1ildIgh, produce, . 23 .• 10.00 John Houk, dolor, 14 - 7 00 libber & Kapp; dealer, . 14 7 00 0.11. Bucher. do. - ' - ' 14. - ' ~7 00 Y. Breckenmaker, marketing, ''. It ::7 00 Ileinvzithr ! y_ 7 : 44 v o ._li 7„00 William Vaaara, mediating, 'l4 • 7 ,44.1 MIDPLESILIX E. L. 13111106 k, NECHANICOIItrae. • Kauffman & Osirald,„priduee; . 19 10 00 D. Comfort ft done . rirylnooda, . 33 20 00 Joseph Milken, lumber, • 14 7 00 Danl.l Grablol, do/Ilium, , . 14 7 00 ll it o . b w ltit - o llar a ri s t o so n n e ,.ll 4 ls . ‘l . 7 3 ,7s .- . 1134 10 00 7 00 J. Et Herring, drugs, • l4 7 00 L. Kauffman, . do. • ' : .14 , 700 elm 'Day,. -. ' d 0,,. , 14 - 1..7 'OO Boyee4 Brandt, dry.gorde, . l3 '' 10 00 Joseph Irvin, confectionery, • 14 . 700 j il Li Llto s ni . li tis o , y g e lo r4 ee tt r a ie rn s. ,, , a . rl” .. • ,: _ L. _:,..1 1 44 4? :. _i0 7 7 ' ,0 0 041 1 -:-Samuel W, Wprzt; furulture,-, 77 --___.l4 ~, ~, „. --..--.,. 7 . Johu ItUpP, -, ‘ lO .... •' ‘. --. I,- , • ‘l,B ' Miller,& elberlii.desier.: a:. . W fri l l l o l l ia ch m 4 2Y 3 o l lss 44 o li e l? r iv ile 4 l:;st 4 o o s . sa,.• . • .... , 1 2 4 4 -.!.: ,-,, • 2 77 00 0000 ' Lewis ilobb, : • ::., ' do. • . • , 14 Brindle* Neidwanker ? tryjsoeds. ', 11_,_ s , ." 15 _ 00 '• C Ktinel. absei l ,: , : -. . 14 , ,7 00 Levi lielettahoes and hate, ' 34 . :75 0 •. • Dia•42aret Doltnes,shoes, , - , ,14 : _I 1. 7 !D eo Dire. el LelnotiN - do.:' . -•. . • .. '...: 147, :"; • • 7 7120 ' Jacob Separtaijorreby. ':• - • .. ~ 14 .. 7 in, L W. Abrnmy, Oohing,- . John iteiglo,Adry'eno4s,:: , , i , ~, .14 . :,` 4 , ..., i ~, 1 0?, Henry,,,Lows. , do. ',, --• ' L. 1,...- .41 4 ,Of,CAP , , - - Ab4few„Siilo#6l,;"egiitt-07,,, - -Al ',I L A •: .136: nawinAck,•• -,- • dO, '{',l4 =, -, ~.,;,, 4 ~.„, ~7 , 0. kminger . ~ V. storm. datodsp ~,, . '.,.. ~ ~ , , ... 14 . -:: ' . ”.1 , 24W 1 . DIU/Dallier' ' Co:1 tilliort, • •-• "' ', • ' - '.,, 1-' . „r , ..tw 'J. 'V. liaffausbenleri music st ore, .." ', ii :,') ' : : .- 12:iscfl : 1 -, '000335 B. Bryson, Producao,__,,." - '32 - 12-90 , Johit Johnson .4.Stah -- do; •.,' 4 ..,/, . : , ' , ..1 - .. :12 62 ~, JOitoph Blngllier;r • '..' do. ..,,i, - : • ,•:•,,,,-.::, ..... 00 ' - Zacharias & Ilaveratlrk, p . pi . .:l ~.. ~. i .,00 .'• e - orge , liummel, '_:: - , -..-. , r , , 3 ~,,,,,,..1 .... , •.. le Ohn'Johqsalli, mti , " .4•41 ‘ 5!) a -ri.,....14 , 2 . r eo . Btinoure, , 2. ado .: ' • ~..11 , -,..i . :, -14 • . ' 7 , 00 it.. - - 7,00 Ovo. Kest,* -'. - ~.: ', dq. ; ,, .. 4 " ,, ::,:it? ...,•0:7 -- -.. :.,...,..., . - , Frankpiorkal; :?.'aii:- 7 •,,iir••••,- ,. •:' , '.,IF - 7 •,i' nn uu ' Jacob wirionlati; hatterv,, ~,, ~,,...,- {, :- s ,-... ' , , ..:`,. . - PstorDinarach, xparkoiJalf,'. ' -'.. • ~,, - ? -* .lt,-. .. , • 7.00 • NEir ' ' T. iVillocaki r loodd, '• . • . - 700 -300. '. „ ' , 7_oo Androw.ltomt , P l4 l ( inoer. , `'. , / A, 10 OD Chariots QystilrOinilbFr V/ OD .Lee • - 12 12410 Foollutu." ,'• , • 33 10 00' ' Rudolph Marto:4o. ‘'" •IrL* , %."- - - - -33' • •-• 10 00 . ..010480r AC Jatos - • 72 ' 6 ( 1 Rourgo'llexto , prOduc,o,-; 1.0 • ;7 00 sEivvtitt: • • J. (I.d 3, lidtdwiro,' ' 10 OP* drUpuw • . l i•BrOttOilidN Ai , ,OPL. 1/lok /11147,001 i 1 13 ." 114 z . Weaiditho , . . . ; . %':':1 1 1:t 1 : - 12 W. y„'ol . cullotugh...draln, 312 ,- .30 001/ 31 4 1 18/ 111 .4,..0 4,433 #4, •14 , 0 r ; !.t. Handel, do. 14 , • y MM • ;"!7 -7 ,litiltS(ir;'..v. , . ,- - - „,,,; , „,—, m24 r :-;- :,.,‘„..ii,,,,,,re.,;,,4„,,. dog ''; - , --,:.''7 , ; . - .14 „ _ ~ uit.t.u - , ; . 4::,;if. ,4 :,i'l'i. ',. v .' , ; - •`"..,:. ; ;,..7irr.i1,t,r..•:,, 4111 Write. -."'::'_;'''i'do ''...'"•;•ti'.-"-: '',,'n'' . T,tll .- ',');, .rg., st)tztil; - ' l 'iii . 4iv , ;',:l., - .. ';'+ -,, , , '-',":14'",...,-.. , 'B. 51110ir .k finn",',:dry.groliide. - yr;tl.,;,i,i;- i. ol' i iikriii. , ,.-:' . 7 00 , i t, John. air lei . " ~ , 1:{16,7-r - '.'*-.ll:L.ri i:L,"..2 2 "'''). ';'''ejl7'-'. Val/ • Ilibindifk'Venhin3o,i'ldil 110t 1 Nii' ''''' 1 ' '''' " ' ':- 7. 00 ' ai11011314 Hy 10,... , , ...,.' - ` d 0.: ., '+',,,,,-.',..., . - .,i , ,?: ` lO - o6 • Voinaught & 01cCoy, , ',.: do. ""i ", ,ig;. - -..: / '•;' , i. ' - 7, 00 HurNt .t' Ilaye, .. . .. . :dn.' .... ;','.., ...:i ;0.'...13 , ' ,, • " 7.00 7. 00 i' r _______..„, : -, Ja - coly-Muotronirkrtikoi7,7::-'7,77: - -:- ie.:' -- - , - - i-- -,,,,, i .1.0 wls ..ti Co ,-Redllerni produce ! -. .:13 -=lO 00- Snyder k....Kunttie, . ~ do.' . • - ,• , ,e,, , e31,--• , _ _ J jll3OO7, ..f...V.L.0. liursh., '':' - - do. - ',;.,. .. .. 1.1 . - :., :In, no . Nenitioniei - k 11orn.-• '• .' 'do. • '1;, c;- 13' ,--',' '''. '.. 10 OD. Jinnee Ulehop, ii•arkethig: . ' .. r .; , I: . s ;44 .- ..' -7; 00- oowers & Lanthem; dryloode, ~ . ,- ,:!-i'.' 13 1'.' , .". .10 00 Henry Snyder, shoes, • , - .., - . -..e. , . - .11;... ,-- '-- 7 on J. AJ. B. Hursh,(oakyllio,) forviaidoW 13'. ; 10 00. . . . . ~ . ' - , -- , -;.-:-.---.---11CiP3731.3:-7 . ,----..-,--- :lames Green, - dry.goodi, - ' •-- 'l3' ShoOnialiTr.4 Co.; do.. .*. -- -• ~ .i • ": , -.. , 43,' John Newcomer, flour, - ' _.- .- 14 , Hoover k Robotic' marketing, :• '.. .! 1 14 ' 'Obad & iah welch ' , furniture, ' : ' '.. i';:13; .. ' •' William iktyera, drylooda, , . . ' ` s ; rA3 , ; ', 10 00 William Watta,• dn. r. 14: 7'oo allai .E. - Itusbel do: :, ..14'• • 7 00 GoOrge Ituaaell Mi.:, - • ' ',' 14 ; 7 00. •i' David 'lava, - . dd. - ••••., .14, - . 7;00 11. Ockar, ; • d 0... - -' . i'V• 14,- .-,. 7 00 Jacob Blaboli, markodzg, -- • .s - M . • . 7ou Jacob Bectiotn, do. • • '' •' 'i-'•` 14-. •- ' . 700 - *i37 PENNOIOII.OOI4 -': • , . • Woodward & Schmidt, prodnai, :L l ' :14 - I' 00 Lino 4,91M0r, 7'oo Tnuodora Llooipsher, ' do. ---13> ~ 10 00 Rber James, dry.gooda, ' -. 700 G. W. 'Robinson. , 2 3 19 00 James, . do.. ' 13 • 10 00 Alexamforpoodhart, Marketing,. • '1,4,„" 7 00 WM. dO. . 7 00 Jerry Keep, - ,do. ' -7 00 Jacob Ilauehow, dryliooda, ,„ . _ - 7 00 soiniantil4;irt...3:'' -, Striebat & Allan, dry-goodoi.. . .; , , ii:' 10 00 Clark A'Sone, . do: • • Ciao. Clever, do. ' , • " .'. 14. 700 delforb A.done, .0. . • . J. Baker, grocorlecr 'l4 ' ' 7 OD S.C. Milks.; do. - . - . 'l3 lO 00 0. Criswell, furniture, . ...it - .7 00 D. Frantz,. ' dn. '',.l4 ' 700 B. J. Suoddy, do. - - " , 14: .. 7 00 I.'. B. Arts, groceries,. „ 'l4 , •7 00 A. If totter clothing, 14 ' - 700 Mrs. 51. Dubs, notions, - ~ 14 - 7 00 On; & M'Cuue, dry.good.:,-_-. r-13 - 10 00 itankeu & Brothers, drool, ' : 11 - 7 00 J. Heck & Co, dry goods, 13 10 go 11. Sturgon, trinuninge 414 r 7 00 -J.latudle.-fewelry, 14 . 7 00 Foremen & Bro., groceries, - `1.4. - 700 J. &•.11 Ir. Redding, dry-goods, 12 50 Onshil & Johnston: hardware, - 1 - 12•• • 12 50 H. Hysinger, jewelry, - . 'l4 7 00 A.O. Wnic stovOni ' - - - 'll4. 7 - 00 Kelso & !tinkle. stationery, ` ~ 14- 7 00 Willis, Moen, & Co., dry goods. • 13 10 00 .5. H. Criswell, drugs,- 14 7 00 A. Balm., forwardingan - d pioditoe, , • •• 7 4 7 OD' !Whey & Lawton, produce, . 'lo , 20- 00 Blair & Brother, do: • - 11. 15 00 Martin Angle, lumber - . :21 10 00 John Wunderlich, lumber, ' i 4 100 Philip Donnell: gr..cerlert - . •-• .14 - 700 Johnson &Soarer, 5 rw•rding, 13 10 00 Bariemin-Blggs, market!! g, ''ls 7 go J. W. Meteor, do. . le -- 7 00 .Stuart & Sou, dry•goods, 12 12 50 C. B. Cole, shoes end hots. 'O4; ' 700 J. Bridges merchant te''or,7 00 Isr el .0 Hughes, so 'reit,. 'it 700 Jinn!, Pogue. groc.-ries,_ 147 00 vorney & M'Pli.titora, harlware, /3 . -_ 10 - 00 John Stontliugh, ' • do. 'T tot 'Le, lett, liunitle.le Co. dryitooilr i , 13 10 00 (5 W. Croft lints & stoop, 14 7 00 John C. Al tick, in-mice, " -24 7 u• C R. Ilinkle, carpets .I`' 700 C. Fosnaught, confect onery, 4 7 00 BEER .OYSTER & EATING HOUSES. 'cFar't'ig-,&' .tildrew Gould, Carnet°, George Wetland. .EnT'k - :n - SidTranT -- 44- - Gotlalb Snit/or, Samuel Sykes, " Ewan uul " Wm. Moody, " Josoph Ebright, " Jacob 8ix:11ton, John Caster, William Sykes, " John - Untre,•o, dames Wharfe, 11. Arnolut, Mrs. I ow, -Mrs. Peters, qrs. C. Myors, qrs. l'. Murray. " qrs. P. Williams, " Ewing Clark, ' 4 I. Dellotibaugh, Enst Pentiaborte, - D.ll. 11111Cr, - MoOroe, -- S. Urges°. Upper Alien, • John Doyle, J. T. hippo', ShiPpeusburg, r. G. Hoffman, - 10- Jan' %tat key, " John Maloy, Mechanicsburg. ~ • . 10 . Pots, Wagner 10• Inory.,Eberiy„ ", : - ID' John ftdport,o NiS.,I7P John Nicholson, Newlin°, 1, lc J. Gremlin-i t " 5 Josl ps Rhoads, flopOwoll, 8 ! - 5 BREWERS AND DISTILLERS. ;~:. _..:.~.0a Wm. Alexander, CarMelo, Wm Barnitz, It. Mutedey, - N ow ton, A. B .eler,,South Middleton, M. G. Beltzotiver, Monroe,' D. H Vogleering, Upper Ally n, W 1.1 mderson, North Midd.iton, §. Or esinger, IEN.TIN ALLEY & BILLIARD TABLES. timer, 30 00 Emanuel Weida', 1 table, .levnge Poland. 2 tablet., Ue , rge Poland. 1 alley, Jan es Marto, 2 tables, • All persona In the above lint are hereby notified to take up Itch Ileouses without - delay'. June 1. A. L. SPON.ILER. ' D R. 1100 FLAN D'S 'BALSAMIC c6nDIAL! • FOR THE SPEEDY ICURE OF co tghs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, : Hoarse. nms, Bronchitis, PneuniOnia,..lDisedses of the Bowels, arising from Cold, Incipient Cansumptfon, and for the relief and (f at 04 - possible) cure o f Per. 7. . fields in advemc. cd stages of the Adler diAizsc. 14 '7 oo 00 -14---7-00 14 7 00 14 7 00 . 14 7'oo The Balsamic Cordial to entirely a Vegetable produc tion, combining the beeline properties of the Helmut, with the invieonttitig - quellties of a Cordial, prodtwinf a c .mbluation PO ' well adapted to the.-purposes Intent• vd, that there are but fta cases of cIIFC3Bo winch p ill not, atmn early period, e.t mumb to Hi he'd te , • and Itra giving properties. • For ages, halt the 'treatment of pu1e5......,, d:ter li !C occupied the greater 'portion of the attention of (he e&"ntlflc of the medical wall, brit roue acquired wore eminencedn his treatment of these, diseases, than the celebrated Prussian Dr. 110011411 D, the originatorpf _the Balsamic Cordial; Ilia life was devoted to the Fondue. lion of Pl:audio that would stand unrivalled. How will he I•aa succeeded,. the American people are able to ! mitre:int:l we positive!, assert; that no preparations . that haie - ev.w been placed before them, Have conferred the vamp amount of benefits on aufferine hnmanity. or have elicited so many , contoaendationst from all- classes 'of satiety, as' the remedies of Dr. Wetland, prepared by Dr. 0. M. Jackson is Co., of 'Philadelptila:.' • The Cordial Is designed-for a class or diseases more ,general-and more fatal than any other to, which the' people of this countr, are felject..-tbom springing from a. ~eeianr cotrt,tt- That •eminent' authority, Dr. Dell. sayst.."l will not sav that Cold* to tem inhabitants what the PLAOnsand Ytt.tow Feyseamlothose of other• 'et:amities: 'but I can ever confidently that the, usher to dl seise of e r.uttor complicity wad mortality than those' hitter.° 14 , 7 On 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 ',l 00 14 7 00 tt Y bo .EnOrelyVegetable, -- . - NoAlatihOlc:Prepaitation; et:, 0 ',,LAN - CIit'SIDIATED . ~. • • 1. CPU:. LIVRR ilOMPE:AlNT, , DYSPl(Pfitd;'doUtfifkelibonlis or :Verrone Debility, Diseases:Of the K 1 llittfirithli 4 tt diseaseti eating from a distfiderid , iffefinStbinabh,, • Such i's Constipation, Jrniard'FilimllitootOt.Oflnv3di, to the Heed.. Acidity ,. of the Stbmichndltilinisa. 'Assiut , . butn,'Dbfgust for Fond, Fulness of •Welithtla theSiont itch: BouratMetatbAik - itinitlngtor..Ylit,tterittiYatltrol% of the Stomach', , §ofrottelhis of the /1411; - ,t1 torle4 cud pl(ffeult hieethlyg,l4l.l,Metiecthe lb& tliatte; Ohohig , , Suliticating or,platbilitirben 10...a - tirtrig'lloatursel li trol, poit'ofVfilcd;44,ol of snlist oeforti thelteit, lifavcr, and bolt_Pain the need" Tialialonq if H$ piration, ,y eh Inrness of the Skin Flee. retitle file;,Stdc.fillicki r4pat,' , ' - kuddim rush** - ho`Vieeh, Constant ' przn,t-; rextunr of Apirits.andirlif wolf ittelfprOyent Iff low 'tiveir, illOO L lC.Fieviri 1601, ' • Thh Proprietor in eitl,lth'c'the' Attantl46l" ;thejitthilo . to this preparation; dfifutbUtiiittia 'flOing Of - the uttaeol Confidence in Its vistfire eectedst)h!tleecto , .the dtsen . see ,ttr which lt It reontruipinded„ • , IC' Id no litiir - an nii*ript.l - artfaVe. — tiuj min that hai stood the toot of filWelire.yostsrbriel'biide're the Itthert'. 'can pmple o and Ito reputstion by' any si-ollar prbittirrif ini'mftant., 7 lltalisstimbriy, in • Its fitvorgirbu.by-tbe'most.pronlinfhlt 'lnd 'wOil:litpuint lihysiclans 'and itullvidi'utlain the eeoetry le hhplitoeti. ind a careful - persual ofthit'Airnanec: imblfilind'attnib) ally hy:tbe propriattibii ADO to 'titi! . boit of their Agents, cannot blitballiify'tbelatptlf tilfsfotical that " 11418 mii°4rPt-r!*k4o,4/Joo,ll4:olooiircialobrltyli -: haa EL . ..W. for Deal,ere.eeety,e , here: . FIAALES T. 'WILSON,.. , No. 13, 5; 'ROUT ilrn, lolo 1 I' ' • PRILA,OVM(4 . I I4 4' • , T*4„ SUTTER, Roos, abov.miesomb i loutagyi-liAeop., LanD,_spits,voc#44lJl,N!‘,Og t „. - , • • • •. • - Aita/U 4 - - /1:9141- .` ; '"' th4r7 ' • Haiti. tot . 4110(%Trtidtki, iiErnitrz•ClEo3l , l4 , tiolgoOnkgig ' 10.. SA k'Stkiiptor . , ietputa; Jobti,JWliik4, 4144144 i r ss r • t toot Toi New, york. • itir 24,1801.-4 , . '- • II FE 16 oo 10 : 00, 7 OQ 7 00 7;00 SIUPPENSIIIIRG. 10 00 7• 10 7 10 " 10 10 '7 10 . 7 10 . to 7 10 7 10 10 .7 10 10 10 5 c 7 10 1 —lO 7 10 7 10 .7 4 7. • 10 10 LlczKes. 15''00 • , tit/. 1./..l.4kaidtsit ot, .t , Y _ • . • tigtviffi ittici,liNt _ IG., , . . Now style with the iritest. Improvements , at great' reduced prices...lThesti machines Aio noiseless,' run ra. , Idly and.f.Win a seam or , unequalled strength, beaut .rtid elasticity. Which .Will not rip ,., They ate, untrue I .-tionably,-T 11E% ars Id Atli INES -IN"flIE - PdAlt • for faudlyand general Mt, ~11E3I FELL STITCE AND NUN,, They can do anything that any ethisOrrachine can d i War The new lieunnere and other ,riewltriprove.' • ments, without extra charge. . 'I . WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES. None ere better'adapled to family nee; Amerlean-Xgrlinz4ereitek Tho undersigned having been oppolotet 'agents for ,Co coborland County, offer them to the , publicrivith per feet confidence. that those Who purchase Will find them as represented above. Persons wishing to see the ma chinos lo operation, will please call at the store Of MR Ritter, or at - tho Railroad taco ' , Carlisle, ht. .For;fur ther infinunitiott apply to - _ • .nritinf, or J. 021,111.11 ELL Carlisle, March 15, 18 - 01.-0 uses, • • 1 - 4 1 URN IT URE W. .413;k - 4tPOMS. •*- " § HENRY .A.. RHOADS . 741 V 1.." WEST HIGH STREET CARLISLE. The subecrilair begs leaVe raspactfally to infirm the citizens of Carl's.° and vicinity. !hat he has now on hand and Ix manufaCturing, every varlets'Of Cabinet .Ware. consisting In part of .80FAS, BUREAUS, DRESSING CASES, MARBLE TOP TA.BLES. - -BEDSTEADS. SECRETARIES, . , °FLAIR'S, Gilt Moulding, Oval Prams Arc., &a. This work warranted of the best materials dud workmanship, out. bracing all the latest city styles, and will he furnished at the lowest retail prices. N. IL—Coffins made at short notice; and funerals at ended to promptly in town or country. Carlisle Oct. 12, '6o.—ly. ' - D EMOVAI4.—Dit. Nionots boa re. I,u moved Ms office from ono door, west of Saxton't. 11 irdtvare Store, to Ids residence. on 'west Main Strout, 'ffirer.ly oneckite the Railroad offlce, Carlisle; Pa. - ' °Mee hours, more particularly, from 8 to 10: A. M., and from 1-to 3P. 51. 7EIC. ONLY PREPARATION BIZSIM STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS; Aid grows more and more popular every .xlay I j NI) testimonials, new, and almost without number, might bit Moen hour ladles aro iresibuiten, in all grades of society, whom united.torfl moot I,on - t1 mind midst, that N.M. Wood's Hair Reston 'eSieraiririktittn"ertnirtialfl - turitirmi'ltaid"proserse the bah...! the youth to old age, in all Its youthful beauty. B ittle Creek. Mich.,-December 21st, 1858. raor. Waco: Theo will please nezept s line. to Inform Thee 6n7ifilidlyttr - on - my - herad-ral-folt-off-ovair_twenty years age, cawed by a ,ampllcated chronic,disease, at tended with au eruption on the head. A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to state of dependence. I have not bean able to obtain et tiff for cape, neither have I been able to do them up, In annsequencenf which-my head hat suffered extremely from cold. This induced ma to pay:Briggs & Bodges Almost the last cent had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorat lye, about the Brat of Angara last. I have faithfully followed the) directions and the . bald soot in now eovered wl h.hair thick and black, though short. 'it, 1n elan earning in all over my head Feeling confident that driother large bottle would lee tore it entirely - and permanently, I feel anxious' to persevere In Its - useiand belag- deatituteef means to purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst net be willing to send me an order on thine agents for n bottle and receive to thy Self the scripture declaration —" the reward Is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless." Thy friend, SITSANNAII KIRBY. - I lgonler Noble Co, Indiana, reb. frth, 1859. - Pa'. 0..1. Wept Dear Sir.—ln the latter partof the year 1852. while attendingllin State and-Nattomitl.tw . otehool 01 the State ot'New York,' my hatrifrorrYa cause unknown to rosvoomatiedeed fatting off xery'rapidlyx-ao - Haat in-the shOrt sparser ale months, the whole upper partof ray scalp was alm a at entirely bereft of its cover ing. nod much of the remaining porthal upon the side and back part of my bead 'alertly after became gray, so :that you will not be surprised when I tell you that open my. roturn.to the State ofindiana. my more casual acquaintances were not co much at a loss to discover the canoe o. the change in.my appearance, as my more intimate acquarantances were tat recognize me at all. I at once made application to the most skillful phy .siclana in the amigo, but, receiving no - assurances from them that nay hair conld again be restored, I wee forced to become reconciled to my fate, until. fortunate ly. in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restarative was r 'commended to Me by a drug,ghtt, its being the most reliable link Restorative-1u too, I tried one bat• tle, and foundlo my great - satistiretion that it tras'Pro. clueing the desired effect. Since thitutime. I have used 'moan dollarfe worth of yOur 'Restorative, and an a result have a rich cont of ver:yeeft black hair, which no money ' , lan buy. Ana mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of an wonderful an article, have re. commended its ;veto many of my friends an ' tl'aequaint ances, who, I am happy to Inform you. area n cee, using It with like effect. Very memo:Unity, y ours A. Id. LATTA; . .2. Attorney and Contisellorat law. Depot, 411 Broadway. and sold by all dealeis through. out the world. . The Restorative Ic put up in Bottles of three sisci. , via largeonedinm, and small ; the small -holdrhalf et pint and retails for one dollar'per bottle; the mediate holds at least twenty per cent. more In proportion than the n:null, retails for two a bottle; the large bolder quart forty per cent. more in proportion and retails for g:3 per bottle. 0. J. WOOD .4 CO., Proprietors, 444 Droadway, New Yo%k, and 114 Varlet Street. St. Louis, He. Piy- Sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Deeds Dealers. [ . d.p. 12, 'al. pno.F..DE GRATFI'S •ELECTRIC • Till: NISW PItACT.M.--BlectrlcOurce.'-;-Pain Is the premonitor of death; relieve -the pain and you check the disease. Tins OIL ACTS ON TITS SYNTXSI WITH ELECRTIOITY.— Is of pure Vottetattlo preparation. fiat the slightest dam tor of applying It outwardly or inwardly it at once gives a permanent cure, most cases, infrorreten to twetity tninutes. • •---•• ' The best physiologists of Europe have dikeiered that Allergenic derangement in the animal system Is an of lecke' the obstruction of the physic° electric fluid in the organ dlsdated a skilful application' of the 011 puts in Immediate motion the nervous fluid, and the cure is at once' accomplished. No bleeding, no vomit; lad, purging or blistering Is resorted to: Prof: De Grath's Electric 011 is the marvel of tills ago for the followo.ving, (not every thing) ' Cures ltheumatisin often in a day, • Cures Neuralgia, Toothache; two minutes'. • Cures Cramp in the Btorrmet:,33ve minutes. 'Clime Burns, Wounds, Bruises, mietellueo days. Cures Mad:tette. fifteen minutes. '• ' • .. .. .... . - . . , • Cures Ear Ache, Stiff Neck, Ague, one night. ..Cures Plies, Swelled Glands,. ton days. Caron Felons, Broken" Breasts, - Salt S, ours, two to slx days. , Cures Ifernorrhage, Serofula;,'.Abeess, . x to ten 'aye. Cures Frosted Feet andShiltolainnone,to three days. ;' Cures-Ages-and Fever, unit to -t o days, and all the Nom:Sits and Scrofulous Affections. , . , • .Cures Deafness In ono to fent , an : "' . Cures all Patna lit the ]lack; ackioa is t,. etc., in 2 days. .. • 113gAMSTESS :0 Rl3lll. ' ' Nzir 114 v N, May 10th, 1850. Pror. Do Grath—My brotlorbagliten deafiJnee :yeare, and onP bath) of your Electrlcllll - curfid - him entirely; Vow's, . CLIFFORD:AL SQRANTON. ANOTIIER-IN3IPNUCURET „ . . 't • iluallugdoil, Pa., 8ept..1855. certify. that, Prof.•heOrath'e,Pihtetilo,_ 13:10 .. fellable for Itheumatio pains . bly trite fdr,semo time past has been greatly afflicted and* unahle.to walk,.has • been restored by the, applleation' of ibis 01l ahnost 10- 6taatanuously. I eau. recommend it to oth• • . • . ,JOIIN 3v11,14.45.180N..• - Saxton,' Esq., ii-Mayor of deaden , alu 4 implications cured -111mr. Almost' - Cured his Eheutnattsm. , STIFF'N ditor Law.alagasine Cured InstanteneOuslya , • .„ Girard-llPtiie.'Vhlladelphia.• • Ficil.4llni.•lie Grath-1, freely give it•si my opinion "t - hat..,your Eloatrla 0.1 la , liesong- the Most wonderful • rlemedins,Of modern times. the'earnest: request ofs lady, who 'alleged - that ebo' had• been cured of a went • painful aff,,rtion by tie 111111, U* , eilltnikieect to try a 40k. tie; though at' tlerthee iiinylmilovo4 It to be a cuncielnedlelne'llnd-ii catchPeliviY.huult.VE. Out alibi convinces me that, It possesses magic power, and It will•prove a hiessloglio suffering tniroapity„ 1 recently tqok a ,rold from „sleeping ' and .nly 114 Cl{ b9CAMP.so much awolion4und,palt ( pl that conid not -turn "nty, head;'.. , , Alter , tn.fug, without sucoess, everything pl4vor/hed r kt,l; l 3 l - 7,V t r o l:4l i t e r r i; l d tvi v l our b lest l g r o m O x il ; l 'TeS- 1 4° 84 I ntl !"C I W I ' 4 %',T • very troly..l , • ; - • - LIVINGSTON.-- 4,1 ,Editor. IllentblY Lew. Msgestriik r . •,* • il7.llreaay.„ tlvr.aubigt) _ Nr,tivb,4itton,belonge to the old, wealthy. and i-r9O99tM of the old settlers of: New` York. • Any one 'oak ,ftthiress )41m Inv- the subject of the, slxive: I hitter, WM. With•pleasure, ,• • ; grioelpulgefrOti , 4227.stiushEtb: Eitrest;-I , lllladoltkii, 4 • Ileg,.:Bold.hy„ell Ditigiclite; and In ,lerseir City Veer ; ,finsktrk's, Watehington , streett 84iplefs,Aroye street). 7 Dr:lebrlskin'ii;.',iorner Of Grope and SoUttr Bth'llltieetf - .Lou 'S. bti•Bolontgdisiery at. 1 4 IXTEA.::,II.I.nIi:GOIAII.E6I--iFtAX - 4111RT8 attlaasl4.ol4tillai:iad,Tatikair: , a ua 'bought au automat 'law , 4001qC.A.tm . W40,, _ ift6ll,4ll„.tta attWatilatiCtiVry,lairploo A 10: ii,rovir_rgo alortrairit ati,lNlara oro t treotwon,*l .--,*".:lltOica• Ilia3CTlii,Altaaati.. • tobitikraodar 4, at Oa laaiat laciest • ,11. TO $011.191 , P5: April 12, 'el. • ' 'Re, *tamer I**,o: .'..' . 1s lV ,L) WI t.) /NI ;JUL "•• •• • •••.' :• . • 4 'Aitilra tit; sad color for theehooke rr Ilpa.. It will not ',iamb xor tub-off ' and *hen once' atkplled, , rerealnederabla for 'years. The tlntie ao tlch And net Ural, that "the: rfotert screttnj fella to detect Ranee. 'Can be retrieved by !keen jilted • :and will lobt Injure the ekin. "-TWA la a rum PtoPliratic iti „ used t,y tke cblebrated CourtAtiataties sit .i.ohtidOil 'Mitt larie. 3 . l .lNCtion,ick I p:4Elll47lth directLaurf.fir.'uFtri. HUNT'S' .4 Cobll.l',.TOltti'i 'POWDER;! , ' haparta dazzling 'whiteness to ttio compla‘lon, and is - .anvihlng 610 - ased,for 'thla... , purpoate, Maned, frog, for _ . . .- •- - BALM P remains tan, freckles, __sunburn-and.all eruptions of the4klm- , -blailed-freff fey 'IICST'S "IMPERIAL'PCMAD&tfer ftati liStr,Mrom gthenn and Imprensa Its growth, keeps it from falling off and Is warranted to make the heir curl. Mailed free for AUNT'S "PEARL 1311AUTIPIER,°. for the teeth and gums, cleansesand whitens the teeth, hardens the gums purifies the breath effectually, preserves the teeth and ' prevents toothache. Mailed free for $l,OO fruNrsBITIITAVVi'RHATIC - PECIFUMIV doable extract of orange blossom and cologne. Malted free for $l,OO Thus exquisite perfume was ,tlrat used _by the '-Prlncessitoyal of,Enclaud, on her , Marriage. Messrs, Runt & Co., presented the Priactise •with an elegant , ' cane of Perfumery. dri - which alt orthtfabOve:artlelea' were Included) in handsome cut glasia with gold stop. pers. valued at $lOOO, particulars_ uf shleb appeared In' the public prints. &litho above 'articles sent free, by express, for SS,OO: - Cash can either accoMpany the order, or be bald to the, expreee agent on delivery of geode: HUNT & to. ' Perfumers to the Queen. Regent St., London, and 77 Sannom St, Philadelphia, Pa. For Salo.by all Druggists and Pinfumeni, ' tlfsf,„; The Trade impel Ind.., Oct. 20, 60.-ly. N Ew 000 DS:a-FIRST ARRIVAL - -THIS SEASON, Al Ogilbses -Cheap Cash Store, I havo just returned from Philinlelphin and am now opening a lot of handsomo, desirable and obese DRY °arms, bought for.cas) ; t , aod•wlll ho, sold ish ikstolsh- Ingly low prices.- A•largo stock of new aty!e Prints. Malays" Deforms. Ginghams, and other Dress Goods in great variety. A Imo , stock of bleached and unbioached. Muslins; Tick• Legs. Shootings. Dlopera Linens. Chocks, lee Toll assortumnt'al Black Silks very cheap - a:1 d" t ery good. Another stock of thoso first ekes Stool Spring Skirts and under'prlpe. nosr IVRY 1 nosituty I Ladles', Gant?. Mtaine,and Children's lfrosa;,lo Omit variety at low prices. GLOVES of all kltnla and prim CAiI,PETS I CARPETS I AftPlati.l I 1 A new supply of Ingrain, Cottage, Hemp, and Hag Carpets. All parsons in want of now style Spring °nods are respectfully invited to call and examine this stack be fore.purchasing elsewhere. • • CHAS. OMB V, March 29, '9l. Trustee. DRESSLER'S HAIR JEWELRY ST , /It It: No. 206, .2Vorth . Bth. Street above Race, Plittadelphia. • On_baud.and for sale. a choice enactment of superior patterns, and wilt PLAIT TO'OII.DER,' , Ijiaceleta,,Eaf.Rings, .'Finger Ritige,,Breast Bias, Crosies; Neeklgees, Vest and, Guard Chains, ike., &c., Ate` Orders enetosing the halr to bo plaited, may be rent by matt: (live a Drawing as neer as you- - can On paper, and enclose such amount as you may above., to pftv.—un t AS follows: Ear hinge $l. to $6; breast Pins $3 to $7; 'Finger Rive 7" , cts. to $3,,,0; Veat Chains „$, to *7; NOchinos $2 to $lO. 03,„ Mir put Into 31editilon.,.111ox Breast Pius, Rings, ace, and Silver-bought at fair rates. 4015,18c-1.-Iy. - FOR SALE OR RENT.— . The subscriber offers for sale or rent, the new - Thrpe—Story 7 BFick house it t— n.., on North Ila nover Street. Possession r ??''47,,....,,,; given on the Ist of April next. Th e . C' 'A i .arlY , House has nine rooms, is furnished 4... .1 . 4 . ..1''' . with water and gas.and suit able eith er for business or a private tesitienee A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS LS ''.lyest dip strect,...4osle, Pa. (Premium' warded i;.t. the GiMbiß;iidiCounty Agricultural Fair of 1857.) The AllbBCribOr /MS Just received the most splendid assortment of srticles in hie line, ever brought - to this place—Vehich ho is determined to sell at prices that do Cy competition. Parke,_ „ - Chamber ? :\ Dlnlak-room„l IEPURNITURE. .Kiltalken and Vflicti _Embra4pg 'every artiele teepers,'OrthemoSt approverd'and - toll able- design and finish/ Including also Cottage furdttura In setts. receptinn and Camp Chairs, !Mattresses, dilt franis, pictures, &c., &s. Purchasers are requested to earl and exaMli:fe "stock; at his extensive ware-ronms, West Main •street, •Northaide. - - - - A-, El. EWING. . . . • .Bfly- Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to_ promplly and on moderate terms: A. 13. Carlisle, May.l2, 1858.-1 y„ Tust, received another new and cheap 11 lot of Richardsons, Dunbar A Dixon binotis,litus line, Calicoes &e., &c. At the cheap Cash .Store Nov. 2. 1860. OOILDY, Irustee. A R PETS ! CARPETS! CARPETS! Personb going to houseitscplng and °Mira want. lug 'to refurnish, aro respentfalfy inTlted to examine Our largo and varied sto^k of Carpots,- Snell as Brussols, throe ply, auporior Ingraln, English and Domes*, lie ultion %91 I widths, HEMP AND RAG CARPETS, , Druggots, Rugs, Straw and Cocoa alatings, Oil Clotlii for Illalls,-Loolting.Olasses; plain and. fancy, blinds and abades, Oat uras, &c. 'Housekeeping Goods of Every Description Having purchased these goods for Nett Cosh. we are prbpared to - olter great• Indu umlauts to buyers, as we have lately gime Into this business we can warrant oar goods new and fresh. LEEDICII SAWYER & MILLER,. Carlisle, March 8, 'Ol. East Main :treat. yAN INGEM tlr. SNYDER, Des!guers and Engravers -_on Wood N. E. COIL FIFTI,I k ONESTIVUT STN., Philadelphia. 1 -1 4 XECUTE all-.kinds of Wood Enoa i 4 wing with beautv', correctness and dispatch. afoul designs furnisteld for !lon Took Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by ending a Photograph or Da guerrootypo. can have views or Cellegea, Churches, Stoll. Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, &c., engraved as well SS on persona! application. Fancy Einvelopes_Labele, Bill [readings, Show Bills, yisiting, Busineaand. other. Cards, engraved in the highest style of art, and at the lowest' prices, For specimens °trine engraving see the Illtistrated works of J. B. Lippincott & Co., IL IL Artier & Co. - p105..60, ro— , ' • T_T. , AS LEFT LEONARD'S COR, 0. - NER I • . . - .J. W..SMILEY ., ;-- - . . . Hereby gives notice to his - iriendd; 'customers, and the public,•that he has removed bin store Irmo Pienbrd's• corner to his new room— tbrelorty. knonii as Keller'e 'hat stora—on North Genesi+ Street,. between the, Car lisle Deposit. Bank and Ruyeti's'OroeurY'atO.re.', '. Ms stock of RE ADY. isi ADE OLOT It iN 0,, Boote, , ' Shoes and Hotels largo and, ompletei and•unu :- ran depon i upon the fart that ho con. and Hill 5011 cheaper •thairevert and' always Interi4ntli . sell good . goods and at a lower price they, any . prison . _ else. • • • . ,„ _, •, - .CLOTHING. • , .. , ~ • Always on hand/ the most seasonable, bostmade and fashionable Coats,. Pantaloons ,and; Vests from the commonest to the best qualities, which • cannot fall to lit, please the, op and give 'eai Is . faction' in-•gmorol. - Alm, Shirts. -Undenshlrts and drawers, collaiWcmvata .sumenders. gloves, stockings, - Ad:. Si.; all:to be sold at the very lowest prices. , • • •••••" --------- BOOTErAND - SIMEEF ----- , -, Always on hand, a large and complete , accort, t . ' mast of overyvarlety• of Boots, Ilrozzins. Oxford Ties, SllPpork. Galters. - J °Ohioans, de., for Ladies • and Goodrum% Minos and Boys. - youth' and, ' ' children, all to.be sold ebeap".---Also on-hand - and con - •atantlyonarnitlicturing the beet Fine French and Mena Mince° Boots;'and Jetlersona for Ladles. - ult. All-ripe sowed franof Charge. , - . . . •• ' . ' . . ._ , .... . • /;:fiA large ateelc'ef Kam fur nen: Bays and i tt. Children, common, good and lino. All soli• log cheaper, than over.. TRUNKS. TRAVELING BAGS; 13.318 RE F.At3, V UL- . ' .CANISED GUM. COATS ..krrn'r,.Eactuicitt---;. -- -- ~_... , .. ER ---:-- . :CHEAPER.,THAN 'E, ".-; • . .. .• • I bereby,,tonderMy" that:ilia' to my ' , indenter's and' ' ,friende, fur poet. favors, and, earnestly tidbit you all to 'eall and see me and my - Steck of goods,. before y,eu Pur• clineecleewhere. eat ant determined to use' every effort to auptilr.-Yin.with. the eery boat, and at finch prices as will isult a 11.. - Bo prtionar CO look faigil, ; .• ',?•Aprill..l.eirt.,--ix.a.., -l -, I:my v smrr,Er.•.•. B • W1, 7 7j.' R UHG S 1`;4:1'It511 , - ritt*.; , o9 - Xipurni !•- I:tist'recoly,C4 i,kiltrga* issOitroCrit ular4e"atisorticarit of Pruitt Drugs, DonfuctlancirlkiCaug .Dincy,atriiclo, sun., =BOIIPS - , . :BPlOl3le, mist), , P.IATIM , ;-0104$; - AiL80100)241 eiNNAmor!, frimblyzriund every-wools,' Essancon'Or. pU Irtlrds just made: All ttur 'Dateilt - 10,411ctinierott*1l. - ,dsy,constantly on hart., ffr!f • bpsoit:or*ivpg , ,• • PlOsielaus D 3 1 4110.0- '- : ifo'isn,,po;44 d er ityptho 1400460 r - - - MXYPPLip•ft TELMER . ar0.13, ututeei • - w.- •, • A ' ' - - ww Sha.of nsto Attia utiiitlkosautors. sod. shelving son bsi Atigoistid,convooloni_balisr: Posfesston gt.rEn ittoosllo - EnoldrooP 4.7IO4IfLEFSAKO. *undo, Dee. 21, •• - •. , . ~.....• , . , Nvi....4.4.„,,„•--.....•...,...„4.6,,.....„.......,...".,. . of dutnynika..coairkiiortlilnietut thiceing:. nnlitiOntiONlll , ht - tariki*Dion,d.o3 1 00544- 44' ' • nt July . Ars t; - :IQ: ()WO*, 4,..!MAlWAtlitolOitge 'Mi. 400h* - 65mptistiitrilia - 11oldlefe*Wet Otidaidnee *in ievasted to- yreiktlttt. , their elatne44 - By ,oiderit lb* rd., , .. '. •. ; ...: ~.,..L . .: - AItaISTROP,,GPVIIKitt 1••• ' Carlbjei J uni 20 7, 19161.-•-).t. - ,-, ..."'":" •,.:: i '7'7 •• . ' T B i§ N. • ... - Au"eicelicint chines for reliable bu iteaintinv Oriel!» a profitable mitnnfisetitring•builuesn. reqtllting.htit soul' Inits,establishment andvosecutlon. , The'mcilirttfactore Consiste In theapppllcation errant.. euliar compatition • or enamel to common red bricka,actad A.Sadety.,of other 'building tilitterlitir-ARaviental arclth tectural finishings,eelllngs„tiles for licioncandAr root! log •Thin enamel may ba 'tinted of any color, Vanilla p neon white to •the deepest Week, with • sit' the coliti and shadesbetwerm. It impute to the articles to,whigh it Is applied a hardness and durability !finest Ingrid!. bin, en Wit beauty' , eurpanei rig that 'of the rareSt indium costly of the 'variegated [garbles* , and,- nttlikei,thian r Impervious to moisture.- and will - never ;fade.: slalafor - deteriorate, - costinekinfa - fitictititill al ordinary marble: . • It is also valuable for table and stand-topOilantliev , pieces, monuments, and an endieits variety or other ar ticles of staple nee. The peeress of applYingtbe email is simple, whilelbe articlaa enameledzwill•coMniand ready sale, affording large-prelits. Responsible nettle. may procure licenses for mannficairpring‘undeFthe pat. ant for city or :imminent •towns by appiying to this atibscribera. A email' tariff.. on :t her, articles :manufactured will be requiredfar' the use of. the invention. Clieularagiving full particularSiy/1114 • forwarded to albappticants. , • 'The superior •'lnerlt and beauty, of ibis' Octant's , id building material to anything ironed has the -untoldt fiedlndorsetnent of many of the most eminent:lnv**. tects and scientific men of Ibleitnci other.citles: • For particulars address ' ": • , • . • JOHNSON & PRALU General Agents for Enameled Ilitllding•Material.. , i nAesITI STIIIIRT,,NEvi YORE: • IrTNION GOODS AND INSIGNIA . WIICLEDALE AND . . Gomm/ Diiiot, - ANN - - Strad,. 2+kui.T . otk. ENVELOPEd with new and 'splendid' iforiceir Invest rates. . • let quality (white) per ttonersod, ',sooo' ; . 2nd- " " 5.0 J let P Light - Buff " c• 6.50 • 2 n d . 0 tit Name and. Business Card. printed on them If o. quirad. -- A stool., Package of SPLUrAib ENVELOPTSi sent post paid 'fOr 20 cents. 1;0 rPI,IO DID ENVELOPES post ' . paid for *l,l, . • • , UNION PAPER extra quality at $350 par Ream. , one quire sent poet paid for 25 tents. ' , UN lON DA DOES AND ROSETTES: elegautly•mado np at 10, 15 20, 25 and 3) cents oath. Liberal discount when ordered by the quantity,: PORTRAIT OF AINIOWANDERSO*2S cents. TILE YOUNG CONTINENTAL, 25 cants. • ' A character of '76. • ' TRH stAirSPANGLED.BANNER, 25 cent*: , A heart stirrlng design. -DOM BAIIIMENT.OF SUMTER, 25 cents. A splendid colored ongraVing. MASSACHUSETTS - 41th :REGlMltNT..and'tbit BAUM. DIORK 51 , 1 t. 25 ; A splendid colored engraving, giving a correct idea - of the terrible tran.action. ._ • ' //aP.Sont postage prld,na receipt of price.-- • .HARDEE'S' TACTICS For Recruits and Volunteers, being. itteorapleier Mandeb of all military tactics and regulations. and newel be , fore published so complete and sheap. sent post:TIMM for 25 cents each. Liberal discount-when ordered hyt the dozen, • . All lot amatlon concerning,Linion!Goodss ic., sent on uppllention-. age- AGENTS WANTED. Address all orders and mannuuktalons to L. J.' VOIGT &•CO., .N 0.12 4nn Strear,Noyr.tark, May 31-lt FIRE INSURANCE. -,HTrit - Ailkiv AND EAVP PENNSI3OIIO MUTUAL EIRE IN 4 IJRANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo. rated by an act of Assonibiy, is now fully organized,and ln' - operatjon undor tics management of thelollowing commissioners, viz: Dadiol Bailey, William R. Oorgas,-Illichael Cocklias 1. Eiclielberger, Christian - Stsyman, --- JoiLn - C. 'Dun. lap, Jacob LI. Coovor. bowls Ilyer, A..Eberly,. - Benjao An 11. 'Moser, J. Brandt, J.oseph.-Wiciforshana, Alincandet Cathcart. - - - Tho ratordf insurance atnas low and favcrablo as Any •Ccitepairrofthe kind the , Stato.--Peraonawiabhig..to_. become members aro invited to make application to the agents of the company,, who are willing to.rwait upon them at any time, WM. R. GODGAS; President. CHRISTIAN STAYBIAN, Vice Prealdent. . LEWIS HYER, Secroiary,. , MICHAEL COCRLIN. Troaeurer. Managers.—Wm. R. Gorges, L. layer, Clarlstian Stay man. M. Cocklin. J. C. Dunlap, It. Blartin, D. Daily, 3 iiCouvor, Alex. Catbeart,.J. Wicke]reheur f j. Eiellelber ger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. AGENTS: CUMBERLAND COUNTY. John Sherrlck, Allen; Booty Zearlng, Shiremanstown; Samuel Woodburn Dickinson; Henry Bowman, quirchtown.; Mode (lilt Pith, South Middletod; Samna] Graham," W. Penns boro' ; Samuel Coover,-filechanloiburg J. -- W: Cocklin, -Shopherdstown; D. Cotner ' - Shopherdstowp ; J. 0. Sax. ton, Silver - Spring; .13.911.1._itavenstick, Silver Siring-; 'Charles' Bell, Caillnle t'aohn YORK COUNTY.—W. S. P.lckitinalaikikl . toter , WO ford. Franklin ; firlffith, , Warrington -Dear dnrlf, Washington; U. Buttery Newburg; NCIXt-10 1 10. 1 1%.&. 71, 201 11 1 1 1111,.IR;Wljri,,;, alembora of the company fuming pollotasanant to ex pire, can have them a "wed by making application to any of the Agents. April 20. 1859. 4 lEL'S MACHINEI.FOR-PIOE INfrMILLSTONES,'- 'the subscriber having purchased of E. WILCOTT DANIELS, the Indent rlghtler sixteen counties, in the State of Pennsylvar la, f.r his machine for Pliking Mill stones, is prepared to soil Individual, Township. or County rights for the same. He,,would call attention to the subjoined certificates. front-practical millers,to the merits of this highly valuable mephitis. , JOS EMU NEWCOMER, Mechanicsburg P. o,,.Cumbo.land Co., Pa. Wu have soon and tried E W. Daniel'h Patent ?Oil stone Picking Machina, and fenl eatistled:that it has no sunnrlor for doing its work. and saving much"-time and hard labor. We can therefore safely recomnend it to any ono who wishes to 'take au Interest in it. r D. IL Voglosong,joumb.un. .Edwoid.Rialey, Adanalto. On rge Hines, - do. - David lllillott,, , Andrew Harlin°, do. W..E. Myer's; do. C. McLanicher, 'do. Elks Rover, : . 1 do. Israel B. Troatle, Marna co. Isaiah Test,. -de- Wm. C. Lntt, do. 13. F. Marlalforaor, ;' do . • Jatoh E. Myers, do. It. W. Draubaugh. 'do. Philip Strroor t do. .I.lslewcomor. Branklinoo. Wm. Mitt do. Aloi. nartrnah, Perry ca March 22 1861 thoc. N STA' 0";-.1%).—"Lettrs . Tetsi:: 1 1 11311allr ri a . 'the estkorrhin aret A. , Mcll.. bonny, deo' ~ la, • A , h_t_!-. b etth of,Caraislo, haying ( i. beet] Issued the leg , tor of tunberlaud 'county, Ci the'soWrilWr — l, ii - g - liriaTd-bliforiFff.-1117ffieTiet intiebtet1 to said estate will make payment and thou; haling claims will presmit themto, A. CATMART, Executor: • Carlisle, Mnv 17, 1801.-0, t. • ~,::/,, —. . . m ACH IN E &s,rl,:c7l,lllilE'L WM. CROMIACH & CO. I . , New Nianuticture and ke..p .conatal,tly for "sdlo' . that.. New Shnp . on Korth Hanover Strod,t;Carlislii,.pa. f unpnaltn Raymond's lintel. &largo a.satinant of Agri; Cultural implements': Sucb all horse, poyerakikiolng machlusiorlth separators a ttachad, clovraullerk grain, Inns corn iinulleas & T'ODDEIR-CUTTEREt. of which are all the latest and beat 'improvements Wagons of every description. barrow s. cultivators: Corn ploughs. field Rollers, singldaud double sinifelnlonghs, &c. tlarriages on band and mado.to order.: Having,a malth shop attached, all custom work in town or coon, try, done with 'at and , dispatch. itepalring- . :of all kinds duns 'at she rt nothn and on .reasonable arms. Thankful for past favor's, We 'respectfully solicit-anorak sharo of the public patronage... . isar Ortimits IIY MAI)L- VILOMPTLT:4I.TTBNDED .CO. , , . ' Lumber , east and wrought iron scrapirtakentn exchange for work: . u , • April 10, 'Ol-3 m„ • WM. CROMLICII & CO. ;Cure ,CottYhp, ,Cold, lioareene Influenza, any ~/rrit4!ign !Val Soreaese of tho - 1 ,7 4 Ln uot. •• here Z (Faking:l' , Cough, . 9RONt)." in Catint7aptiott, k 4? A d, 'sikntai, 'an : uC' Catarrh. 'Clear • • ' „give ; stretigat.. to .., JeILULII4II.APEAKIFIIRSiIind4SICIVIOPitS.L. - -. Few are aware or the hoportanno nt.e,tkeekflla b CODA or : 4 •'Conien o deold" in'its first stage t th beginning *cub! ylaid, tun mild, eaffLneglcate4 aonnettack tribe Una; containing dinnuiceut ingredibntS, utnonaq, and Bronchial irritation. - - BBOWN'A trouble Part4ll, 09t WM* TRO the “Treeties" are a apeettio) havjag mad me oftenamaYfvf4l!,rtar•l'w' 00 1 reeotamead that Speakers..) ' •". ' - "Hare ineead.-extri*O L lY',fb,PVAq'Tl. ferApareeneee? , ItEV. • " Almoet lastant relief 10 the iNetehaa,! l lug labor of breathti.lEPcltillaA . 0. c14"A8T.,. 4'"CoPtaino ° O., iunr tfit uitt!'"'' ivyW latiOton , " P1P ' 4.499 1 1 1; NV" DROWN'S TROCHES UROWN'S T• CELE BROWN'S, TROCB.; tatowirs.t. t• -- • CIEBS- itoowiTamt , TROCHE) nitowo e TR9O. II Eb I I TIROiYI4.S --, eitoOficol.l when sufttAnif from - • ;, - - ~Azy:8:.7.0.431)14t€1131,'• 8A; Tomb: ~i 'ZireetVsliwre44wdligtlotirpou- o ksisiair' Jrrlta.tion of the 'Mout , kti elgE4Ortiqt 3 Sptakers iO4 "Pral.S l '4TlkoV. l 9, 6 2- 4 003,,'4'; • ' o ' l OO , .7 46, ,F1L; -.T a.4lor , tr-a4440,' timiiyaiichvti l Ackli ‘ ru49 o . t. 1 ! 4- the s lo ***- , q 64 47 44 7 -, - th nit ` 4l , m - INV, - . 4.44; t 1100 ,4 4 0 0 40 :Pa t .t . qt 44situbtAatb mp to kv r :$ 01 )"13t i Ott V 30 1:4=334 11,001tE BBOW:1 1 8 - TB, _ , 09/411 : )144:0`,04, Nci. so.. $