HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS• „ .. . ... Th e Proprietors and manufacturers of ill S.. .TETTEIFS cELEBRATED STOMACik IT TERS can appettl-,with perfect 'confident to physicians and citizens generally of the United tates,.beeituse.the artiole'hits attained, ampu tation heretofore unknown. A. few , facts upon this point„will. speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. -.7he eeneuniption of Hostetter's Stomapli-Bit , ters for timing, year amounted - to ovens half millien: bottles, and from its manifest steady . inereasc`in times past, it iii evident that during,_ the coming year the consumption will roach near One million bottles., This immense amount could never have been sbld but• for the rare Medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion; and the sanction of :the mist 'prominent physicians in thoso sections. of the' country whore the article is best known, who not only „recommend the Titters:to their'_patiente, but arsicady atall-fimes to give testituiiiiials to its affumeyin all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. - This is mot a . teMporary popularity, obtained by, extraordinary efforts in the way of trum• petit.% the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid eilliinutiOnlof an invaluable medicine, which is thistinedlO - be as enduring as time itself. -- Hostetter's - Btemoth Bitters hare proved I godsend to regions where fever and ague and.itariOus other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able, to state confidently that the "Bitters” are a Certain cure - for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. t removes all morbid matter from the stomc purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vility to the nervousystem, giving, it that toml-Andrnerrylipensable for the-restoration of l'l'eltitli. it operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to Stoudition.cesential to the healthy discharge of the Inactions of nature, . '. , Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per - directions on the bottle, and they will find, In it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic., and rejuvenating generally. 'We have Coe evi dence of thousands of aged men and women niho have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the adViewef physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that -many of them sink littler the trial. The relation of mother and * Child is so absorbingly tender, that tho mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forgot her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, .the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, . then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable , the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as 'well ae certain to give a permanent increase of 'bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, , to' wit: sufferers from fever anti ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all _diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by, giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters t trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against lasing, any of the many imitations or counter- Atte, but ask for. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED .1570146,C11 BITTERS, and see that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hostetter's. Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and •beerve that our autograph signature is on the Ra - Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburth, .and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally Throughout the United States s •South Arne vies. and Germany. Sold by S. Elliott, S. W.silaversticic, Carlisle ;• John 0. Attica, - John Stambaugh, Shippoosburg ; Kau man, J. B. Henning Mechanicsburg ; and Druggist generally throughout the county. Nov. 9,'69, LlNDsgrs IMPRO-VED 1P: T. 81.09D SEARCHER ` A Si`ANDAItt , hIgInCINZ - . for the speed•, radical, and effectual cure of ALL DISEASES arising from I 1111.1.1111 TY OF TIM BLOOD.. This medicine hoe wren' to, desperate cases of Scrofula, Cancerous formations, Cutaneous Dlimanes, Itrysipahm, Balls, Pimples on the face, Sore Eyes, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Scald /Mad, Totter affections, Rheumatic Disorders, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Jaundice Salt heath. litercurlaiDlsesses,` General Debility, Diver Complaint, loss of Appetite Lew Spats, Foul Stomach Female Complaints, and all Diseases having thelrrmi gin in en impure state of the Mood. We refer to the case of David McCreary, of Napier township, Bedford Co., Pa. who ' on the Slot day a Ang ina, 1858 made affidavit before Justice Gorloy that be was treated for the cure of Cancer by three physicians of Bedford county, and by Dr. Newton of the Eclectic College in Cincinnati for a period of nearly eight •Inentbs; notwithstanding whic'h, his lip, noes, and a portion of his loft cheek were entirely eaten away ! its bad given up all hope, when he heard of the Blood searcher," and was induced to try it. Four bottles cured him, and although sadly disfigured, there le no AiifiritleributNliattltis Inimluable molicine saved his -life. The full particulars of this remarkable case may be seen in a circular, which coolie had- of any of the Agents. We also refer to the case of Nancy Bleakney, of Elder ton, Armstrong county, Pa., cured of Scrofula after be. tog unable to get out of her bed for throe years. , To the case of a lady in Ansonville, Clearfield'county who was also afflicted with Scrofula iMits worst form. To the case of George Meisel, residing in Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa.; who was so badly afflicted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off, and his case was worse if possible, than McCreary's, The perticulare of those ceses... - -every ono of which was curedhy.the-use .of the Blood. Searcher—may also be found in a circular to be had of any of the Agents. R. If. LIMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near the Pa. Railroad Depot. Hollidaysburg, Pa. Dr. Coo. IL Keyser, Wholesale Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. For sale in Carlisle by_§. W, Ileveretick, S. El Mott, and S. IN Rieder; Dr. J. Herring Mechanics burg; Comelier It Zook, Shophordstown; Joshua Culp Plogstown; Jacob Simmons,Cross 'Roads •, J. J. Cobb, e 71, Wise Shiremanstown; A. 11. Loidich, Bolling Springs Nary V. Kissel, Churchtown; 0. W.. Robinson West 11111; Pasnaught do Co ., Oakville; Shoemaker & %Mott, Newburg; Wm. Bretton, Ncrwville; J. Hood A 'Springfield; 'Russell & Coy Dickinson,. Highland A Washing, Jacksonville; 'Wm., Clark Co., Lees, O';‘,,lteeds; Wm. If . Deities, dporting 11111; D. Dimling& 'White Hall; J. C. Altick,Hhipponsburg; all of Cumber bind county,,Pat IWS. -WINSLOW, an experienced • Nurse:and Female Physician, presents to the a ,en. ton of mothers Luz • ; . SOOTHING .. SYRUP, • v.oR.CEII.LbREN TEETHING; which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing till inffamation—will 117'41 pain and spasmodic action, and is sure to regu tate the bowels.; Depend upon It mothers, it will give soil-to yourselves, and lIIILIBIi AND TO YOUit INFANTS. • W 4 l have put up and this article for over ton • Tee', and owl 'Say, in confidence and truth of it, what ; 'lre have never been able to say, of any, other medicine *ever has it, failed in at>gtelnston• Digs; wirisbowls co to et' tiot,-A • cure • • .• when time Si 'staff. - lily.• - or did we 1300TIIING stance o f - Abed1idact1ed........................ by anyone irks used it. On the con 41-nry IP. delight d with Its ope- rations," wad speak% terms of highest - corninondatlenof its ma. .• *toff effects and medical virtues. We 'speak In this rpriatteewhat'we'do.ltnovi," after ten years experience and pledge our-reputation for the fulfilment of ybat. .488 heredeclare. In Oiliest every ,instance whore the ;slollnt is suffering ; :from „pain and exhaustion, relief , • SsililkifoUndin fifteen, or twenty minutes after the ',digital, administered. , „. Thlis '% minable preparation Is, the-prescription of one ' ----.4l.theittia/tLaxperienced - and .:Bl tilfu l- nurs e s -i n -J Now ---- 38iaglandi and has boon Usod with never Ming success' lVw ';f' THOUSANDS .OF CASES: . . It!' ot only relieves the child from pain, but %Ago- -111attOttle stomach and bowels, corrects acidity and gives :ffotstatid energy to the 'whole system. It will almost ileatently relieve .;.4131t4F.r r tiari urn nolvzta AND :sviND °now, 7; ilk a AvAlr - - vainione, FOl2l, ' • "'O en " n ‘ ) ' f peodlat re - • end' . St 'the beet We believe • CHILDREN' _ . • and .surest • sioSiodr " • , ' .Ssii *ll.i:suet __images/Emu . oir,y.ent ors, a, • 3.t. „,„„„.•. ~asrteething.or from any-- ether cause.. 'We it , :sew tow-rery mother who bas a child suffering irom any i threping'soinplatats4de not lot ytecir prejudice OW tlitOPrOndieisfer others - starittlitawsonyour suffer... - SWAIM atatbe AD auro3-10 follow' the use of this, medtclnei, , , palely need; ;Full dheotlons for' using A e to u,., --0114iteurch-Pettle. , -;--Naniv•genuineoultiss.the'. Bl of CURTIS a F.Bll.KINfi l , New Xork, Is on the 'ontsida c vir n, .nrattda North Tinnever ,and 8, • , ~,,, • 1- -n,,.lll"iit: thn Tr" , • v. .ht the most miraculous cures u 11:1- 1 K 1 1 7 ,-TiT -F177 - 11 -7::: B - 17 .- 0.0 -11", ;11101EriFkr18 VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS, CM • BITTEREI: The high and envied ceicbilty which"theso Pro-omi• rent Medicines have acqUiredthr their invariable oitl ency'ln all the dimities which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of palling not only unn odes vary, hut-unworthy °Mem. 'They are known by their fruits: their fiord works testify" for them, and they thrive :not by the tntth of the'credulons. • ' In all cases of Asthma, !lento and Chronic Rheuma tism. Affections of the Bladder and Bldneye.' Billions Fevers and Liver Complaints,--In the Booth and West where these dimities prevail, they wilt be found invaluable: Planters, farm •ra and others, who 'ease use these medicines, will neverafter wards be with -out them. • ..131111ou . e °hone and Serous Looseness, Bites', Costlia: toss, Colds and Coughs, ChM°. • ' - CONSUMPTION —Coati with groat success in this 411,- 80114 EL Cor upt limners, Dropsles, Dyspopsia.—Nn persoit ith this distressing dtsuae should delay using those medir . inee immediately. liruptionaof the Skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency and Fe- Ter and Agnes—For this scourge of the 'Western Chu n try these modidnes will be found a se fh, speedy and certain remedy, Other medicines leave the - oaten' • sUbject to return of the disease—a cure by these Medicines is permanent. Try them. be satisfied, and be cured FOULNESS 01 0 COMPLEXIOII, GENFRAL DEBILITY. , Gout, Giddiness, Orayeli, Headaches of every kind, Inward Favor, Inilammatory Rheumatism, Impure Mood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. LIVER COMPLAINTS LurnbsY, toosENtss, MERCURIAL DISEASES. Newer falls to eradicate entirely all the effects of Nei, cury infinitely Beeper than the most powerful prepare. lion of Sarsaparilla. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Complaints of all hinds, Organic Affections, Palpitation of the 'kart Painters' Cholle. • •. - The original pro - Meter of these medicines Was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by the use of these Liver Medicines alone. Pains In the head, side, bacit,.limbs, joints and or gans. ItTIEUMATISM. Those spirted with thin terrible disease will be sure of relief by the Lilo Tledielnes hush of Blood to the Head, Scum', Salt•ltheurs. Swellings. SCILOFULet, or KING'S la Its worst farms VI, core of every description. , Worms of all kinds are effectually , expelled by these medicines. Parents will do well to administer thorn whenever their existence is suspected. Kellar will be ccrtafn. TIIE LITE PILLS AND PIiCENIX BITTERS PURIFY TIIE BLOOD, And thus remove all diseases from the system. Prepared by DR. WILLIAM. 11. MOFFAT, No. 335 Broadway. Moffat Building) N. Y. For.s4le by all Druggists. , . July 6.-1.5. Thousands aro dally speaking in praise of DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL. and whyl because It never falls to afford instantaneous refer when given in time. It acts as It by magic, and one trial alone will convince you that what ire say is true. S t contains NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing the sufferings of your child, instead of by deadening its 6nnsfbllltiog. For this reason it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for Children Teething, Din.rrhoea, Dysentery, Grip ing in the Dowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Cold in the head, and 'Croup, alga, for softening the gums, reducing inflame tion,rogulal ing the Bowels and relieving pain, it has no oqual—being an anti. spas• medic it to used with unfailing success in all Cases of Cci v ulatozi•orother Fits: 21/7 you - *altie the life and health of your children, and Wish to save them from those sad and blighting chitequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotics of which other remedies for Infantile Complaints are composed, take none britDß. EATON'S ..INFA.NTILB this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless and cannot Injure the moat delicate infant. Price, 25 cents Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by CHVIICII & DUPONT. N 0.40 9 Broadway New York. Ilea'thy human Blood upott being. ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential elfmtente end gives of course the Truo Standard. Analyze tie Blond of a perron suffering from Consumption, Live Complaint, • Toympepala Scrofula, he. end we find in al? ery SuistallOODUCCalo4ofli2loavelee i. ties -rod • a1.b. 1 9+ Of Blood.' Supply thesedeficiencies and you are made well. The BLOOD NOOD is bounded upon this Theory —hence Its astonishing succes. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, or any auto tion whatever of the TDROA T or LUNG'S InduclogCoo sumption, use No. l, which is always the No. for De pressfon of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, and for all Citron. lc Complaints arising from Over-use, General Debility, and Nervous Prostration. N 0.2, for Liver Complaints, No. 3, fur Dysponsla. Being already prepared ftr ab sorption it is taken by drops and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 15 is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria, Weak nooses, &c. Seo special directions for this. For Salt Rheum; Eruptions, Scrofulous, Kidney, and Bladder Complaints, to ko No. 6. In all cases the direct.ou must bo strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH. & DUPONT, No, 406 Broadway, Now York. J. W.Waft & Sons. Philadelphia, and Q. M - Keyser Pittsburg Wholesale Agents. For Sale by S. Elliott, Carlisle. A CARD TO THE LADIES Dr. Duponoers Golden Pills for Females. Infallible in correcting, regulating or removing all obstructions, from whatever cause, and always successful as a preventive The 'Combination of ingredienta in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pills are perfectly harmltse. They have been used in the private practice of old lir..Dupencorfor 30 years, and thousands of ladles can testify to their great and never.falllng oilmen in almost every moo, in_cor. rooting irregularities, relieving painful and distressing menstruation, particularly at the change of life. Prom Aye to ten pills will mire that common, yet dreadful complaint, the Whites. Nearly every female in the laud suffers from this complaint. The above pill has permanently cured thousands, and will cure-you if you use them. They cannot harm you, on fife contrary they remove all obstructions, and restore naturgeto its proper channel, and invlerate the whole systoWthey are perfectly safe and harmlese. Price $1 per box. Sold wholesale end retail by 8. ELLIOTT, Druggist, Carlisle, Pa. who is the solo agent fbr that Tinge Ladies, by iernit- Ong him $1 to tbQ "Carlisle Pest Oface" can have the Pills sent to any part of the country, free of postage, by mall. Sold also by Chas. A. Bannvart, Ilarrisburg, E. T, Hillier, York, J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville and by one druggist In every village and town in the Union. N. IL Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind, unless every box is signed by S. D. nowt. AU others Ore a baso Imposition and unsafe, therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of being humbugged out , of your money) buy only those who show the signature of S. D, flows on every box, which has recently been added on account of a recent counterfeit of the Pills. B. D. 'HOWE, Jan 20 01 ly Solo Proprietor, Now York. o& MANHOOD. _ 5 How Loit, How It estored, Just fublished ina Sealed Envelope, ON TUB NATURE, TREATMENT, AND RADICAL CURE 01' SPBRMATORIREA, or Seminal Weakness, Selina Mobility, Nervousness and Involuntary omissions inducing impotency, and Mental and Physical I ncepa , , city. By MDT, J. CULVBRWELL, M. Author of the "Onion Book,", &e. Tim world•ronowned author, In ;this admirable Leo. tore, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences, of Self abuse may be effectually re. moved without medicine and Without dangerous our gicat operations, bougleCifistriunents, - rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual by which every sufferer, no matter what Ida condition may he, may cum himself CLICAPLY; PRIVATELY and RADICALLY. This lectuto will prove a boon to thou. 'sands and thousands, .- Sent under seal, to &plain envelope, to any address, post•paid, on the receipt of. two , postage stamps by ad. dressing, .. , Dr. CU. J.O. KLINM, Ap1.0,13 127 DoWery, 'York. , Post Office, box 4,680, t A.R I N 0. , - VAtIBSOTII :• PL'OTOGRAPH GALLERY, , - S. E. Corder Eighth and Arch Streets, "(ENTRANCE ON MONTH STREET,) PHILADELPHIA; After many years' experience In all the various bran. :ekes ofthe-Art,the-Proprietora , eo' bildently - lavitti - tIW attention of their Mende and the public to-their ex tenalve eitabilehment, which primula the opportunity for procuring the boat picture*, equal at least, to any ttrat.claaa Gallery In the United States. •, Preparatlone are complete fur executing-all the irn.:\ proved etyles known tathe Art. They have a, patent arrangement for copying Paguerreotypelk&e.i trialt leg thetn:Lffe size, if deslred—tho only one eftlee!_kintk to-tilla = eatililreliniont:are IhntiitheiltraltrAY44644Bh.- - . PlloTodttAlinltV Includtrig Painting;ra how 4E42;0 0. • Do. with Frame, - " ", 2,024 Do. at 173 canto. ..Extra 'ooproat) 0 'conk,. ,or $l5 per dozim. Life also' rmatoviraplas itos as $O. and Prorytypont /1411111 prlco. ~D 'urablo Arnhrtypcs at 4 0 'cents and upward% ' • ' A moat ox.tonstvo asaCittitant of Gilt Funnel!. otohrac• Ing •a • actect , and.choico variety of the .latest Styles. Pricoa Prom 02 cents and upwards. • . Especial attention bestowed upon LIES olsod Photo .grapho in Oil, tranoforrett from tuna pt .- dares, and Ilona.. Urn. -Pitc,” from 105 0 .toslo - - • 4for:triettactldnitiltven' the 2iitj - ' ' , . ~ . . 5T0103 ROCiltt' . V011.; - : R,EN'X' .:,:-.7,T-tiei laii k 3l4o6, ni - iii nimthf;Weseollit irtgatt :liirent. It a fltted to with coantoraVand",sataiving swilots a Inrldlrtl gonvofilvnt eallar: ranallFßiOtt given !myriad,. .0,... - ..11,0 i ',' "' . , ' Al‘lll M.15:5 . ..111•.,.. , •_..7 . , , ,. 1 7 .1 V:4 6 ",:. ( 000, 0 ,#- -Nrx., STORK:AND DI - Kw GOODS After retrunlnglild acknowiedgeinimts' ihr:thO Very I Ibmailuttronage stUleh has bean extended ,t0.1.1m,' the landoreigired r wottld, tall attention' tb.t,he EA that, he ,:basiust roupenedlikreitensiveasaprtment of family • 'halite now Store-rooir;, on,the south-east'corner of the publiescluare,where:the'publle are invited to 'mill and examine a stock or goods which, in 'elegance, variety, nod eitent - Wllidefy competition; Corapriehigln part loaf, lump, crushed and brown sugars," Java, Itio and roasted Coffee. Every, va• -„,„„, slaty-and-quallty-offillA,-Bplces,- (ground and unground,) Plckels, Einupos, Table Oil. Wk. 4 4 Now Orleans, Bughrhouse - and Trinidad . , Molasses.; New York - and PhilndolpbtaSyit - ups. •Cheese, Alacaronl, Vermeallii, split Peas, llorniny, Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate, Extract 0. Coffee, refined sager at reduced totes; Washing and bilk: log soda. 'tobacco of themost favorite brands, arid the guest quality of Segors. Also, a . beautiful assortment Cif Britannia Wars, plain and g.dd band China Ware., Ohne, Queens, Stone and Earthern Ware, in groat va riety, and an elegant lot Of Fancy Soaps, extracts. And perfumery for thefollet, FICULTS: Including Peaches In cans, 12111811:11q, Oran. berries, dry apples, citron, almonds,' oranges, lemons, . . . . ( ( it n " gra -. embalri4kcSn'mWtnohn6lacnij.cohnlyerici,t •-,. _ \ v kay o Brnndies, dark and pain t Lisbon . i, -,._,V ..,, Sherry Port. Diaderia, Ginger, Catawba 3_,.„ . ...,_.,...' , and . Unseat Wines in casks and bet. ties, - Scot WniSin4c.ifollandLain, and ficholdam Schnapps. - - -- --- - - , , . A largo stock of LAMPS, Including toyett's celebrated lamps for burning Kerosene or coal also Sperm, Lard and. Coal 011, Burning. Fluid, Sperm and Star Candles_ , . CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. • lirnaLes, Ropes, Menps, Scapa, Doormats, Walters, Looking , glessee,,fine letter and - note. paper, Willow Ware, painted buckets, kc. Cotton and woollen 'Mao, end hail nose, and a full l stock of Gloves, Including the well known Mooney Book lloves. . . In short, Ma stock comprises everything' that to celled for In his line of bunions& and 130 Otiorts , *tll-bo'-spared to render entire satisfaction to Ills customers, U. INIIOFF. Culled°, Oct. 27,1858-Iy. far Marketing of all kinds taken In exchange fo goods. • " .1.1.1R10.11' ILI ILL I) FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA STORE. Just received and in store, a fresh and well se lected assortment of Rio, Java and Morn catbo Coffee, Roasted Coffee, Crushed Pulverised Sugars, Refined and othor brown Sugars, superior Syrup. Molasses, , Orleans (baking) iff o I aa 13 es. Spices of every variety— pure only; Starch, Farina and Chocolate, lilaerarrini, Cheese and" Crackers, Tapioca And Sago 'lndigo, Saleratus and Soda, Cream Tartar and as sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Food. ~,,. TEAS: -A fine assortment, in Packages, XT.,I '-';' and In bulk---as well 48 all lother articles 1 ~,.„1 " i ^ belonging to the bualness—all at the lowest 7t, i 1 and late reduced pried."' ' ''''"' " ' J. W. EBY. .1 i 1 '. . DRY 'GOODS I - DRY AGOCPDS F IRST ARRIVAL 9F DRY GOODS THIS SEASON. We havejust completed oppning our Spring stock of Dry Goods. -which Is larger and more , varied than at any former poriod. To our friends and customers we invite you to visit our inomonse Store Rooms. Our stock consists in part of SILK F. 01315, FANCY AND PLAIN. Magnificent and brilliant, styles of Spring Silks, a. Tory large lot of BLACK SILKS, plain and figured, and Four aids at PANIC voices. We especially incite. the ladies to this department of our monster stork. Norwich Poplins, .lacquered Worsted Clothe, Grey Ghent Lusters, Chain Pe Lathes, colored and ligured.Grilliants, French and English Chintzes, English and Jcmoclwu Calicos, &c., &c. IYGITE GOODS _ _ These goods hair° been selected with care, and arc from the largest and best importing houses In New York and Philadelphia. • We have in this department, Linens, Laces, Edgings. Canibilcs, Brilliants, Nainsooks, Jaconetts, Lawns, Mull Ladies Vine French Collars, Underatoms, &c., all of which wo respeettully ask a thorough examination, In order to satisfy Ladles that we have theeo goods better and lower In price then the lowest. MOURNING GOODS. Thin line agenda ie - very largo and ample in e-very department. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, Silk, Woolen, Cotton and Linen Mae for. Ladles and Gentleman, Kid, Kid Finish, Silk, Lisle thread Gloves. Call and asp our far famed "Buck Gloves." DOMESTICS. Muslims, Flannels, Blankets, and every article in the domestic lino of Dry Goods, in larger quantity and in more complete assortment than can be found In any House in tho' interior of Pennsylvania. /aBN'S 1982C111 , Clothe,' Cass'mores, Testlnge, Linens, Cottonadea, Beaverteens, and cords, for both :ilea and Boys.—Our Onesimeree are adjudged by connolesnots to be titusur passed for beauty and quality. CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS Superfine No. 1. two and three Ply, Bruits°la, Velvet' and ingrain Carpets, a large assortment of Rag Carpets; made to order under our immediate supervision. 01 2 Cloths, Mall widths and styles, Mattlugs, Rugs, Look ing Olasses, &c. To young men and old about entering upon Rowe. keeping, we invite you to pay a visit to our large CARPET ROOM, admitted to lie the most splendid affair outside of the largo cities, whore goods in this department are cold at very low prices. Remember ladies and gentlemen, my motto always hoe been, and Is now, to sail cheap for CASH, and to please my numerous kind patrons. A. W. II ENT'!., 8. Hanover at., May 3, '6l. Nearly opposite the P. 0: Catliale Pa. TO ARMS ! TO ARMS II IS ALL TUI CRY. ALL PERSONS, without regard to AGE, are requested to cap at LEIDIGII SAW)! ER A NiII,LER'S Now Store, East Meta st., and turarelue their immense stock or NEW' GOODS! Suet in store front New York and Philadelphia, con sisting of ell the NewestStylesabd klude of Gross Qoods, Shawls, Cloth and Silk Mentuas, Embroideries, Sun Umbrellas, Parasols . Lace Mitts, Kid Gloves, &c., IllOl3ll.NINti 0001)5 of every description Imported by the celehirated house of BESSON & NON. MEN AND DOI'S WEAR! Cloths, Cassimeros, Yestings, Linen and Cotton Pant- Inge, Coatings. Gloves, hosiery, Collars, Nock Ties, Pocket 'Kerchiefs, &c. AtlV'Doinestio Goode of Every Variety, at Wholesale and Retail."Ria CARPETS I CARPETS All .kinds direct from the_ Factory, 011 Cloths, fast, tinge, Window Shades, Blind illaterials, Looking Glasses Gilt and Mahogany frames. „ Every variety otgoods suitable for the wants - of tbb whole community. As we bought since the WAR and customers will Bud our prices. to_sult this times. Miss call at LELIdOII, SAWY.2,ti May 3, 411. Now Store, Esat Main Street. BREAD BISCUIT &o. - The Cream of Tartar "Substitute" is recommen. dod as a superior article in combination with Salerattts or Soda for flaking purposes. It produces bread cakes &c., - which whoa cold are sweet, moist and gratofti, while those of Cream of Tartar are often dry and taste less. It will cost less thin Croamof Tartar and Soused In the same way for cooking, &c. THIS SUBSTITUTE,,, togethererith Saloratus' Soda:Vera Cream. of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow Boot, Mustard Seed, ground and un• ground, spices cif all kinds unadulterated, and also Groceries in overy variety-constantly on band, and at the lowest prices for sale by Dec. 14, 1850. J. W. EDY. • OOK SHARP.Wm. Fridley Nvoidd Respectfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle and the public genorally.that ho has again commenced the manufacturing of tin & sheet iron ware ofall kinds, in 8, C. liuyetts building on -Louther street, directly opposite 0. Bbspleyle Chair Manufactory, where ho will at all thrum bin readiness to do 'alt kidds of work in bis line of business with 'neatness and. dispatch - , All work will bo dorm by himself and a competent band as he keeps no apprentices. • ' Also, can at all times be bad those celebrated BOWL TBSTDIO, 1301M-BOALIDIO, MIMI= Alli-TIORT MIT CANS k JAILS. - • - . and Jobbing of ail *lnds done at sbert notice and made of the bent material. - Alireash paid. for old Pewter and Coppor. Hoping by strict attention.,to tinniness, and a desire' o pleas an, to recoil?'" a share of pubOe patronogo. Carlisle Oct. 20,1860.-ty, • TAILS.!' NAILS II NAILS 1.1 . 'A large stock of good, Clear Neat,' and Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. (liar nails are worth fohts a keg more, than any other ruskdortraillOrrid in "our town. this is the opinion of rueshaults who have tried them ipe also have a fall assortroantnf i - UILDIfiq ; • . . of the lafoot +Nod moot apiworod at lan. . All goodo_wav_ iifirtOdits YOUti nay -2 , . North lionovor U,ANISHING - ,The largastt and beet earlotyofthee Fernielf• fog Goode, and at the lowest pleas can be found at, ~LIVINOSTOWS. • Hanover-Stroot—f' . , . _ .._ ... Ikrbi;IETAMI - SX.IRTS.= - -Aiiiither itne • , aptly. of thnio inperler• and , cheap' steel spring sk rtsJust,reeeliud. Dpeldedly the p ew nnd cliespellt In Ontlislo, nt . the ohwip Cask stoio , ' ' ' '. ..q.1ey,2., poo .. . -,”- . , gu.n.B.osiTAY;Trustie.;.,- I • , . . , . ... NEW GOODS: - '"dust received linotlier 10t, of.elegant, apjaNg Si tinught at the liteAratvednead city prices and - selling uncommon/1 low fur , ' •-• • ODA yaoooa for..travollog TAnitron. /Anne, groativnrinty.., - - .!•- ',blnalluv;-Bliennings.ol4dOnfrA r ..l.lloghtitnni;-,An vitt ibo vnry , , -dai - DIAN'S AND,. DOVE(' :WRAY % . 00TTONADtS,. - -- • • SIIMMER - CANSTISFILIGB, JEANS , .. ._, : • • ••• -- • Ladles', aerate; BUtraos' and Children's Gloves • Stock.? Inge 1p endlose,vorinty and very cheep.. • Winn:fleet the .tnrn nnnily nnpnnite the Tlopnt. iilliotiltouttitio AND . '--- , FARK-liiIPL. EME NZ. DE,P . OT I F. Gardner & Co. now marattneturo , and keen' eon. titantlY 'lot' hee>ittlhoir ex tot il via geint Worts on East Sista street, Carlisle, a tarp assortment of AUAIOLITATIITiAL .IDIP,LEMEN,TI3, •of well known, approved niatulnalta 'to fanners. among vb Irk tho' would call ogPeclalattentlovaciVlLLOUGll BY'S CELYBILATBD PATENT • - GUM SYIUNG 'GRAM:DRILL, whfcli has taken - niter fifty:First Class Proinirime at State and County Palo. To the Formers of Cumberland, York and Perry counties we need not speak In detail of the merits of this drill, as score,' of them are now in use on the beat forma, in these counties. Its reputa tion la established :no the moot complete Grain Drill now manuthcturedln the United States. It sows Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Grass, evenly -- trnd regular, without bunching the seed. .Tho gum Springspaes the drill over stumps_ and atones , without breaking pineor the dr111„ :E6r eviiiiiiiCreglatwouiving; the Willough by Gum Spring Drill Is-unequalled by any other. We also manufacture 504 soll.the following articles, which no an reComMend to Farmers as reliable implements, of establlehed character: MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRAW FODDER CUTTER, DRIDENDOLPIPS 'PATENT CORN SHELLER, 'HARE'S PATENT - CID Elt MILL, - 31)1INSON'S OAST IRON 1100'8 MUG Also, Three and 'Four "[lime Plaveers and Threshing Machines, Cast Iroftlield -Milers, Plough Castings of various patteine, Corn Crushers, and other articles for 'remora -too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ten Plato Wood Stoves', with an immense variety of other castings for _housekeepers hnd others. We have also an attractive vat iety of patterns for . . • Iltol4 • RAIL INGS. and CIFXIITII(7.IC EII'CLOSURES to' wLlch wo would call attention. Steam Ellginee and Mill Gearing To this department of our business we giro particu lar attention. Ow already extensive stock of pattern for Paper, Flour-abd Saw Mill ()oaring, is constautlz Increasing. Own :re and Mill Wright* will be fur 'defied with a printed analogue of our various Mil Patterns, on applicati Our Machine Shop comprise all the varlouotools fo • to rang, planing and tinishts Shafting and Castings; by good and careful Machluiett STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES' of any desirable capacity, from ton to twenty-five hors power, built ha the best style - and on. accommodatin terms. Engines built at our establishment may soon to successful operation at many of the larger Distilleries and Tanneries In Carlisle, and Cumborian Perry and Dauphin Counties, to the owners of whir we confidently refer for information as to their official cp. Persons wanting Steam Engines are earnestly r. quested to cull and examine before contracting els, where. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Connopted with our establishment is a Steam Sash an Door Manufactory which Is now In complete order It the manufacture of every description of „..._.uuustma MATERIALS.. for the most costly as well as the plainest bonne. Virlt, dow Sash furnished from 5 cents upward, according_t size of glass; Window Frames from 31. upward Shutters and Bolling 75 upward 1 Fon ,Pauel Doors from g 2 12 upward. Mouldings, Castinv Architraves, Wash' Boards, Brackets, Fancy Draper Scrolls, and other articles needed In 'house buildim furnished at the barest prices' and of the best