Plans of the Cunlederate L!*.aders. We find in itie..Ohio Statesman a' sketch of 'a speeeli made byllon4laitinder H.Stephens, Vice 'President,of the Confederate States, at Atlanta, Georgia; on the 23(.14t1t.. It inint pOrtaat only in the fact elated without quali fication, that President Davis is calming on to take personal eornmai*all'n army in Vir ginia, and in certA other things which may be inferred front Mr. Stephens' thrguage, a mong which the reader will notice the intima tion that there may not be an attack on Fort Pickens, but that the eff,irts of the Confedor• ate authorities will be directed towards Har per's Ferry and the Federal arMy now 'con.- centrated on the Potomac. The following are extracts: My Fellow Citizens—The time for speech making has passed. The people have heard all that can be said. The time for prompt, vigorous, decisive action is upon us, and we must do our duty. Upon the surface, affairs appear to be'quiet, and r oan give you no.sat istaction as to their real condition. It is true that threats of an attack on Pensacola have been made, but it is uncertain whether any attack will be made. As you knctiv an attack was made on Sewall's Point, near Norfolk, but the vessel making it was repulsed and disabled. But the general opinion and indi cations are that the first demonstration will be at Harper's Ferry, and that there, where . John Brown inaugurated his work of slaugh ter, will be fought a tierce and bloody brittle. As frt. myself, I believe that there the war will begin, and that the first boom of cannon that breaks upon our ears will come from that point. But let. it begin where it will, and be as bloody and prolonged as it may, we are prepared for the issue! * * * * —The North is fast drifting to anarchy and an established despotism. ,On you, thei-efore, as citizens of the Confedeiate, , States, depend the. success and perpetuation of constitutional liberty for the day is not far off when free dom will exist only south of Mason and Dix on's line, and your stout arms and brave hearts her only support on all this continent.' We prefer and desire peace if we can•have it; but. if we cannot, we must meet. Lincoln and his myrmidons on their own ground and on their own terms--on constitutional princi ples. So far our progress has been all that we could expect. A Government his been or ganized, Executive Depai tments are supplied, all needful laws passed, and all necessary ar rangements ma le to -meet any comingeney At the head of our Government is President Davis—who led the Mississippi Rifles at flue na Vista—and whose flag ne7er yet trailed in the dust This noble and true sou of the South goes to Richmond to take command in person of our soldier's there, and to load upon the battle field against all the Military power and talent they con summon—even to their veteran chieftain, GeneradScott himself. "Whether brought -to a bloody conflict or not., we are prepared. Our people everywhere at'e full of enthusiasm and strong in their de termination never to submit to the rule of Lin coln 'Fathers, and mothers, and sisters are all ready, and doing all they can in aid of the cause. We are in the right, and justice is upon our side. We must succeed., The same God who guided our fathers in the bloody Revolution, and who made the glory of the late United States, is yet upon the side of right and justice. Relying upon Him who holds the destinies of all-nations in His handis, we will go forth to battle, resolved to conquer or die." afiarhtts. CARLISLE PRODUCE. ➢IARIkIST. Repoited weekly for the Herald by Woodward Zit Schmidt FLOUR (Superfine). do. (Extra.) .. do. (Family ).. 11‘ I. LOUR WHITE WHEAT... RED do RYE CORN OATS. CLOVERSEED ITHOTHYSEED.... :SPRING BARLEY. WINTER BARLEY iipeciat Holmes CALL at your dritg,glst's, and get one of" Everybody's Almanacs,"—no charge. You will find In It much use ful matter, and morn evidences in favor of Hoollaad's Balsamlp g0p5114...! than can be produced by any other remedy for lung diseases, vs. Read advertlsiltnent In another column. DEAFNESS CURED Peer. De GRATH : My brother has been deaf ior thro. years., ile used your oil a few times: and it cured him ontlreiy. CLIFFORD It. SCRANTON. JOY TO TILE AFFLICTED Do Grath's Electric Uil.—E. Watson, N0.,8:34 Eigh teenth street, says: " PROF. Ds 0 RATH : I used your Electric Oil for Neu ralgia, the pain of which was like death to ma. I tried several physicians; only one bottle of your Oil cured me. Also, I hare usea it for burns, scalds, rheumatism and dea nose on me Ulfc, with n great deal of success I would not be without It, if It cost $lO a bottle." De Grath's Electric Gil le good fo man and beast. N. 13. Pim.° Inform me of any cage of failure to cure in from one hour to three weeks, as I wish to cure, or charge nothing. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers The Lamo shall Walk, the Deaf shall Herr, the tremb• ling limb shall be restored by PROF. DR ORATilli EcritlC OIL. BE MERCIFUL TO YOUR BEASTS For the Immediate cure of the following In horses It stands alone: Galls, Scratches. Swelled lags and stiff nms of Joints. C c 'Glandular Tumors, Sand creek, Sore Bo • , Splint, a Spailn, Sweeney, Saddle Galls and Old Strains, or a disease, sore or painful, on man or be st. Depot Phil: delphia [May 24 2w I 1 : FOI cons „OWING Is e. sump e of the numerous let eceiving for liostetter'e Stoniest' Bitters” CANANDMIn t, July 15, 18507 Messrs Hostetter and Smith. Pittsburgh. PazrOents: —As we are strangers, I herewith mistime you twent3 , - eight dollars fur four—dozen- Unstettur's Stomach Bit tot s, which please forward via Michigan Southern Rail road, Toledo, Ohio and Clayton Station. I have pur chased several dozen bottles - at Toledo this summer, but the sale is oil the increase so lunch that I wish to open a direct trade with you. 1 was induced to try your litters by my physician. for theLlviii ttotaplahrt, and received such material aid that I have recommend ed it to others end have sold about two dozen per week fir some time. I have all kinds of medicine in my store bat there is none that I can en cheerfully and truth fully recommend a+ our Moils, for I know they have helped me beyond in,)t expectation. 4 Yours respectfully. PIIILO WILSON.. FIE 2 To Uonanirriptives Pepons of a consumptive tendency have need to be very careful hi the outset of a cough, and betake, them• nelvosin time, to a proper remedy. A cough Is-a-warn evidence of irritation in the throat and lungs, resulting fro l ebstrullou of the skin. In order to pre rent these att ks, we flannel flannel nep. the skin, gUard tie feet front dararo=weti and above all, take Dr.,ffeyser's Pect4 Coug ...plp upon the first approach of a cough or sort;' throat, and check the disease thereby in Its Infancy. There is nothing like attacking-disease - on its tirst'ap. , proach.„..l3y due 'attention to Mc ethic° you OE iftVe much suffering and somcdtnesprolmirlifb. • Even when' consumption has become crated. tuts- medicine will mi. tigate the suffering and has cured some very bad cases OC - Said by 8. Ei.tiorr, Carlisle, Ps.• THE GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM OP THE UNlON.—Philadelphia possesfes the most splendid Cloth -ing-Empori utn In - the rountry, It Is splendid MI regards thp palatial strutter° in Which the iminenser business of the estahlishumat is conducted, and it is eqUally splendid in - respect to its great facilities and vast re. sources. Hut to its patrons its chief attractions are, first, the Glegance of the' garments - for Youths, I(nanufactured there; sepondly. the beauty:Lod durability !, f the materials, and the superior excellence of .the tit, and lastly the moderato prices at which the, goods are Sold. We refer,• in, this description. to none ()thin , than the Brown Atone Clothing Hall of .Roekldll '-Wilson,Nes. 003 and 605 Chestnut Street, alvee 6th; Philadelpia. - . AIRP , COLIGYIS.The sudden changes of our ..elimate are seuicei of Pulmonary, 'Bronchial t and Asthmatic Affections.- - Experience having-proved that Simple reme dies often' act speedily and certainly when taken in the stiges.of the disease, recent se=should. 6t .once ha had to ..Idroirti'S Bronchial Trochee," or ; Lozenges, -let the colayepugh. or lreitotichoot the Throat . >o aver so sktit, as bylthii precaution' a more serious at tuck may be warded off. Public Speakereand. Singers, will. fled thein effectual for clearluttand strengthen,ng the voice Poo advertiseinant. , . Nov.. SO, '60,0m MRS.'WINgtow - I expeilenced and female physician, has a seething Syrup fot , ehlidien teethlro.whichvgroatly.faellitstes the process of teeth. softenlng,therguins,:. - redueing.all wlllailey all pain, and Insure to regulate the. hpw9lB4-.' Depend upon it - Onothers,lt'wlll give rest to yeurselveS and relierandhealth to yo*:.inrante: Perfectly' slife .1n all cases. • Pee the advertlimment in anothercolunan: ,4_uly 20; 1800.4 y. • NOVE BER . •.. • • readets of theAllanstn" are reminded hat.l have Just brought from the city a largo supply of SUGAR. CURED 11M1113 AND DEEM:''_ Dried Apples and Poaches, Fresh Tomatoes in cans, fresh nahrotons, :the very best - Pickles, different - kinds .of .tabsed` -Illyetarde and -Sauces, Lemons ;and Oranges, :peunts, Figs. Raisins, Sugars,. Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Fish, , Selt, films Segarstind,Tobaccol !viiry . ffne Brandies, pickily.) Whiskey,. Winos,dc ; besides _general assert. plant af goats' in, our One of teade,Siffeted :at theeisery lowest pribert, vonoAsg. . , W.ll. BENTZ:, • • ' 1 rilliaVO l S-21.-N-D STItIP liS STILL. .... - - WiVii `..IGN OF TIIE :BIG :BONN ET I MRS. II OrIVN hi now opening SUMMIT. MIEINERY , oftbo VERY lAMBI' BTYIAE. . Ladies who 'Wish to see the largest ' and moat beauti ful asso.rtmetiVellONNEW., :' , ChifOons'. Misses and Gpsey lints, French FloWers, Ribbons, 'French Lace Mantillas and Fancy Good's In Carlisle, will Oros(' /quil at the slgn'Of - the Big Boniost, whore they can got the best Bargains and the very .. ' LATEST SUMMER. STYLES. Ladles do not mistake the pined for Bargains and those beautiful styles, now opening of the sign of the Big Bonnet.(DUTTON, Juno 7, 'Ol.-St. North Hanover Street, Carlisle. 1.- 4 -1 8 TAI T NOTlCE—Letters of Ad ministration on the esiete Of George Vi'alten, late - or East Pennsborongh tap. Cramberland county, dee'd. having been issued to the subscriber fesilling in the same township. by the Register of said co. All persona haying claims are hereby notified to present thorn, and thi se ingebted to make payment to J0,71 1 t. Wit. M. GARDINER, Administrator. .I_, - ISTATE NOTlCE—Letters-of Ad / nOnlstratinn. with the annexed, of Christ°. pher Alyers, late of Atiddlesex tap.. dee'd.;boving been Issued by the Register of Cumberland county, to the subscriber residing in said tap, notice to hereby given to al) persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate, to make immediate payment. anti thoo° having claims to present them duly authenticated, to the un dersigned for payment. It it. KRIAI, June 7, 'Ol.-0 t. Administrator 0. T. A. D RUG 8, BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, • CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED„ FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C. S. W. lIAVERSTIGK 9 North Hanover Street, (Writele, rano' a. fins jot t opened on assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan cy Goods, Ultt Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Coulee tionary, whirlilias never boon surpassed in this bor ough. for novelty and elegance. The articles have been selected with groat ca o, and aro calculated, in quality and pi ice, to confnund the attentibu purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which prise every variety of fancy articleinof the most exquisite finish smith as. Papier MRCIII.I Gouda. Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy lropr, pearl and shell card cases, bridles' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, Ladies' Calms, Writ.PO4 Desks, and Port feaos. Port Monnales. of everrOicriety, Gold, pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large vs riety of ladies' Fancy station cry. Motto seals and wafers, Silk Ind bead purses, Riding whips. elegantly..fiulshed. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags. Itrushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Bach) and-' It. & U. Wright's Soaps and perfumes of various kinds. Fancy Finns for head dresses and shawls. M fo.lea I instrumee ts, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant Iv finisiond and suitable for holiday presents, : to whirl] he invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL woitice, Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound In velvet with metal clasps end corners Ills assortment of School Books and School Stationery Is also complete. and comprises everything used in the Schools. lie also desires to call the particular atten• lion of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, Ac., from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor. Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard. Sperm no Etherlal oil; also Dvorrs celebrated Kerosene or Cost Oil Lamps, together with Flower Vases Fancy Screens, Ac. His assortment In this line le no, equaled in the borough. Also, SFXI ARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the I)vorite brands, and a fine assort mont of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS AND PIPES. F It 11 I T S, such as Oranges. Lemons. Figs, Raisins. Nectarines, Prunes, FANCY CON FEC,TIONA ItY—NllTS—i'lt it- SLItVED FRUITS, MTN. ED—MEAT, PICKLES; Ac., in every variety and at all prices. all of which are pure and fresh such as cite to confidently recommended to his friends. His stock embraces everything in the line of Fancy Goods, with tinny other articles useful to housekeepers which the public aro especially Invited to call and examine. Remember thnial.Stand,_nearlv opposite the Bank on North Haney& street. _ . $5 no °5 .6 26 May 24, 1861 1,.; STATE NOTlCE.—Letters Testa ,. mmitary upon the estate of Margaret A. Mell henny, dec'd., late of the borough of,Car,isle, having been issued by the Ilegitter of Cumberland county. to the subscriber residing In said borough. All persons Indebted to said estate will matte payment apd those having clAima will 'present then! to A. C.ATIICART, Executor. 5 Carlisle, May 17, 1851.-6 t. 1 30 - 1 20 13€,'.. 3El4=)toal, HARRISBURG, PA THE management of this well known hotel, having hove leased by Messrs COYLE & It ii2R t thn present proprietors beg leave to Inform the public that the ❑onse is now being thoroughly net+ovn• TED, REF:TTEM and IMPROVED, with a vim to the, proper and comfortable accommodation of those who may favor the establishment with their custom. Guests will re ceive dur attention and courtesy,aod no expense spared tbat may conduce to maintaining the lintel Ina FIRST CLASS ST,YLE.' Now Haven, Families and others desiring to sojourn In Harrisburg, during. the Summer months will hind pleasant boarding and large and well ventilated rooms at our establish ment, upon moderate terms, May 24,'61.-1 m• QT. LOUIS HOTEL, • IJ CLIES'iNUT,STREET ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. In the Immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses on Market, Third and Chestnut Streets, the Banks, Post Office„ Merchants' Exchange, ,hc., KEPT BOTH ON THE AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN. BOARD PEER DAY, $1,50 DINNER between 1 and 3 o'clock, - 60 Cl.. SINGLE ROOM, 60 cis. upwards. AftrA first clam Restaurant attached. Prices according to Bills of Pare." - Oill Thii City Care !Ake passengers frorn.any Stetion to or close to the Hotel. KNOLES.II, PRENCII. GER MAN and SPANISH spoken. , April 5, 1861.-3 mos. CARPETINGS.—Just received at Ogliby's cheap Cann store. an entire new stock of ngrnin~ Itag and Luting Carpetings, dirort from the Nlanuinclurers, and selling at unpreceduntiy into prices fro Cash. OILAS. OGI ILB Y,' Trustee. FSTATE NOTlCE.—Letters Testa- L A meutary upon the estate of John Ftnhburn. or., late of Dickinson township, dre'd., having been issued by the Resister of Cumberilihd county to the subscrl leo:, residing in Di, kinson top, no ice is hereby given to all parsons Indebted to said estate. and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settle. mut to ' ANTFIONY FISIIIIIIIIN. May 17, 1860.-6 t BOWLING SALOON 9 1 jJE BOWLVG SALOON, itt, the mnix Restaurast usdeiltheenes Hall, ia fur• sighed with two snail:, OP THE MOST APPROVED _CONSTRUCTION. Persons fond of this healthful amusement, will 11nd every opportunity for enjoying the wipe, free Clem the intrusion of boys or Impioper persona. " April 12. 1861. C11.:01111E 11,1 FOIAND. BILLIARDS: BILL' DILI:LARD IiLAYI3RS r will 'find at JI tho Phoenix Silonn, Under Ilheetn'Olnil„two of PHELAN'S: CELEBRATED TABLES, with Marble. Bode. and,Comhinetion' Cushions. ..The room is well lighted and heated. end furnished with every'renevenioneo - fei the comfort of visitors, Carlisle, April 12, 0 'FOLAIS.D. AlAqi-43.111 . & WiIEIi•;LWRIGHT • W3T. - .C1103114,1Qt1 Now - tlanufmtl) o - nod' keep . constantly for sale at that , Now Shott:o North, Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa., opposite ltayrnond's etc', a large resorturent of Agri , cultural Implements, eh an horse powers, threshing machines, with Separate Walked, cloverhullers,gruin fans, corn shelters, ' ' • . STRAW & FODDER; GUTTERS, of which nrri 'Our latnatUnd''bent impro - fementi %pito of overy doatription..harrowa, culavatoro. Corn__ planghx, nold.ltollore, single anti doubln shovel plough ";': Carriagmen. hood a nd.tnade to ordnr.' Having it smith shot, attached, all euntotumorlt hi town or coun try!' done with neatness and dlispitch...ltonalrlng''of Janda done at short Uotlro and on reilionn bin totem. Thankful for past . ravore, wo Lospoctfully polkas liberal shore of the publlenatronage. . .ogr:Ottnene DY Matt Pnoutiny .krinwogu , _. iO ty9,. Lanibdt ! raft . and wrought Iron scraps taken fo exchange r Work. Apt:lllU. . . . El= SCOTT COYLE, J. GILBERT HERE JOAN ItN, Exam tom r. RDS: N - lmoa MIMZmW WM.OROMLIOfI & CO. • 1 (1-11,113ArATTItArOTION.AT_LVON 'IA - • ARD'S .0110 AP CIA)TLIING E DW , M . B. ' LEO NARD,; J M k , • Ilan Just returned from tile cite of Philadelphia. and opened a splendid assortment of READY MADE INO, which' cannot. be surpassed in style and 'finish,' Tho Clothing at this cstablishmout, 'conalattrin - part of - the following, viz: zutEss 4.r5.3)711.001C coATS, of which he has a ma . .cnificent assortment of black and' .f.they colors, cut in the latest fashions tosietully and elegantly trimmed, and made inn superior manner. B.IOKS AND -- lIALF SACKS, of Cloths. Cassimorom and Tweeds, all of hew styles and at very low prices. • - VESTS I tVEST§-! I , VESTS I ! . Thr richest and beat assortment ever offered at till Corner, of Satin, Black nuti Fancy Silk, Valintia, Ihbian Cloths, Marseilles, double nod single. breasted, of every variety material and ',Morn. PAN TATA-0.-CO—NS.. Plain and fancy French Doe sihn eassimeres, oath' fiat jeans and a great variety of others, all of which will be Field at the very lowest pzieeS. SIIIRTSI—Fine white linen and cotton of the Utmost style and best make. Also, calico. check and currying shirts A large assortinant of BOOTS - and SHOES, for Men and Boys, which can and will be sold cheaper than ever. Also a splendid lot of Trunks and. Carpet Bags. I therefore confidently invite one.and all, to comuand see for yourselves, es I will not attempt to describe the bargains that may be expected, for I. am dotermindd that no opposition can sell lower. 4}7 - Remember LEONARD'S Corner. EDWARD B. LEONARD, :Tr, Carlisle, May 10, 1861.-1 y SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. BELOW COST!! - At the sign of the ''Gold Eagle," &doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church. on Wert Maln street, the largest and beat selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY in the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any place in the State The stock comprises a Mtge assort ment of Gold and Silver bunting-case watches, Levers, Leplues, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pens and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Golnd Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, ,MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS , - - Oil Paintings, a great variety of fancy articles, and n lot of the finest Pianos, which will be sold 40 per cent lower than ever offered in town. The entire stock of Watch maker tools, eases, largo Mirrors, and Sate will ho sold wholesale or retaii on the easiest terms. Having selected a first class workman all kinds of re pairing will be done ns usual, at reduced prices. Three Pianos at SW below the factory price on ac count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. I will sell at the-Jewelry Store, TIMM ROSEIVOOD PIANOS, warranted, at two-third lholr real value on easy terms If called on soon. FOR SALE.—The large three.story Brick House on Main ~,,i ‘1 , ..- ::--1. , Street. will be sold on easy terms. I's}•w'^ C 1 / 1 ' all at the Jewelry Store in raid 1, 1,..13 1, '"`L, W .. .1.. m. ~ building. .l April IS, 1860. It. E. STIAPLEY. NO RT [I HANOVER STREET currrinNu EMPORIUM, Tate n pleasure to announce to its friends and patrons of the let cc as rival of the latest styles of • •CCCTIIS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, which will - he made to order - in the very latest styles nod warranted to give complete satisfaction, or no sale. Persons wishing to buy Men's or ;Boy's Wear by the seed, will invariably rave from fifteen to twenty per cent. as we ran afford to sell goods. much cheaper than any competitor. A careful inspection of our large and varied stuck Is respectfully solicited. ISAAC LIVINGSTON. Apr=l2, 1861. Proprietor. i! t rW STORE, AND NEW GOODS ./MTSOCIABS , ANDSTRA 114 TS, S ere. _ . ,i! , ::‘.. 7 ._ _......,........., = 1,......:..„: -: __ , (:),:".•-•"...;., r , rartr.R?:-.....- The subscriber has recently opened a 'ew Store it the old i:tand of J.. 1) Halbert in North Hanover St. ppfisite the Carlisle Deposit Dank. Having received from Ness York and Philadelphia, (I ne and well selected assortment argon& in his o. husiness, such as HATS and CAL'S, froru * tho common Wool to the tine Fur, SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, Spring Styles of Silk bats for 1861. Straw flats for Gentlemen. Jockey Hats for Ladies,und fancy Hats and Caps for Children, and PRICES TO SUIT TILE TIMES• Also, carpet Bags, Valises. Trunks, Hand Trunks, Umbrellas and prinfe lied Feathers. An assortment of lid Prieto Segura and Tobacco. -Vim Than kf ul for the patronage already received he would invite all his friends and lo puklic generally to give him a rail.'ACUll BOAS, Agt. Carlisle, April 10, 1801,, I 4 U M B E .g' AN,.1:2.0 C - 0 AL. BL ( K & DELANCEY I. LUMBER AND COAL YARD I On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. The subscribers keep constantly on hand, a fullas sorlment of Lumber & Coal, P'r,f-,_ — " •-:. 1 . , which they can fur- T0••,..„ , 4•: .. ' nish to order promptly _ r - • .sr %off • - and on the must Tea. 7.--.., 1,0:* I , sortable terms. LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, l i Palings, Pia tering and Shingling-Lathe, Worked Floor ing,Weatliel (turtling, Posts, ltalls,White Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shit glen, of every quality. They also furnish hung to ordtir'dfluiVytigth and size, at the shortest notice and on the most-reahoneble terms. Their worked boards are kept under cover, so that they can be fur nished dry at ell times, They have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which will be delivered clean to any part of the borough. To wit: . LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, " TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the various klzeit in use, which they offer to the public at the lowest prices. LIM Ulu it N It It'S AND 111. iCH SMITH'S COAL always on band, at Han lowest cash price. April ft, '61.-ly, BLACK Se DELANCEY. ItEAL _ESTATE AT PRIVATE SATE. The subscriber offers at private sale, on reasonable firms, tboi, valuable lot of ground sit u teed on the corner of Main and West - 72 'Streets, in th,e borough of Carlisle J , containing sixty feet in front by '240 in depth, and baring thereon erected A LARGE - WAREHOUL-E. TIiREE THREE- STOR . Y BRICK HO USES and other necessarynutbuildinga The Warehouse is conveniently located for business, and the dwelling houses are 1W good repair, furnished with - awes and ass. and all the modern imprrivemerits. I r r n.. If not Sold, the iirqperty ovill bw olTeredionrent, For terms or other Information enquire of Carlisle, April 5, '61.-tf. JACOB It !ICBM. f ~ ~ ~~~ H AS ].EFT LEONARD'S COR- J. W. SMIILEY Hereby gives Halm to his friends, customers. and the public, that-he-has -removed his store from Lnonard's corner, to his new room—formerly known as - Iceller's hot store—on Noitfi Hanover Sheet, between tiro Car. lisle Deposit Bank and it uyott's Grocery Shire. His stock of it II ADY.IIIA DE CLOTHING;Boots, Shoes and Hate Is largo and complete, and you can Oeponl upon the fart that he mn ip Soli'cliaapoi• — tholrever : antri tvnl e - Intonds to sell good 'goods and at a lOwer prio6 than any person oleo. CLOTHING - - • Always on hand, the most seasonable, best made and fashionable Coate, Pantaloons and Vests • k from the commonest to the beet qualities, which 11 cannot fall to fit, please thanye and give satis faction:in genera. Also, Shirts, Undershirts and drawers, collars, cravats suspenders, - gloves, stocklngif all to be geld nt tho very lowest, prices. ' BOOTS AND SHOES Alwaya on hand, a large and tomtlete avant. .mgnt, of every variety of Beate, Dro ens, Oxford, Tine, Slippers, gaiters, Joffersens, &a, for Ladles and Gentlimn, Miasea and Hoye, youth and • children, all to be sold cheap. Also bu hand and con stantly manufacturing the boat Fine French and Menu Morocco Roots, and Jeffersond fopladies. 'te„.„ All rips envied free of charge,:. ; . 8AT6c..;,,; A large steer of Hata for Men, Boys anda Children; rommon,' good and.due. All sell• In cheaper than ever., l ' TRUNKS. TR A VE Li NG BAGS, UMBRELLAS, V1M..., CANISED GUM COATS AND LEGGINGS—, . I hereby. tender . my thanks to my customers and. friends, ter pest .farbia; and earneitly - snliclt - yop all to call and'seeme and my stuck'of gobds,. bolero you pur.. chase elsewhere. eal , am determined to_useevery effort to supply yJn vary beilt7TinEnt - suctr prices nt wilrifult all. Ile porticalar to look for my sign, ' April W. N' .W • D - -41 J• 0 R..,.14 , 1 NEXT DOOR TO I. , rIIOFLI GORNER Just 're).elired alum) aseertieunta' unseat:pout 'ellerush Diuks,:Confnetionarles and , Fnucy Article, em, PkatFUMERIES,- SOAPS, shiCE , z, such as PEPPER — OCAVES; ALLSKOE and IN NAMON, fivshly ground , every leek. Essences of, nU kinds just made. • all the Patent , Medicines of the day constantly on hand:- also, a for 'bealis of KletTer's Dyspoptle PUwde , a.• ,•• • - • , 11311•• l'hyslclans Prescrlptlons promptly carefull y -•- SEGARS -AND - TOBACCO of bent braiids, reeeiveteqularly. Few% darn by email or the bent • . tt:YN OLDS ,PEIFFXR. Carlisle,. May _4;I9W. 4 y. _...... LIST.OF. b.EALE.ItS . dr )110 . GOODS,: WiItES AND . ATER ,k_feErANDIsE. ,Aigojoitiiiar., LiMbernion ETO W. ere, ac., ,within tho Ckmn of Cumberland,- retukt ued and doweled In accordr!..e? with the Bilvora I acts t. . is soinbly, is follows, to .1.1.4 "... '.. •: , ...._, • . .- : , , OATH, SLE, ;. • • . _ . • A. W. Bentz; dry 140041 T r - ... .9' $25 00 Leidigh,'Sawyor &Co.; dry toOdtt;:''-: , , :.• 70 . . . .20 00 Woodward & Sclimidt,; - Modkum, .. ..... 10 • • 2000 Henry Saxton, hardware,:.l • •-. .',', 10.. , - 20 00 Henderson &Mead, produeoi, ' • _ll . ,*. 15 00 C•.' Inhoir, groderies, .- .i r :l'. , ',• 10 : ' 20'0.0 J. P. Lyno & Son;.leardwa`d, ..,...;, . 11. ' . 15 00 Armstrong & 11Offer. lunibir,; .. : .r.,. 12 - -12.50 J. W.'Eby, groceries, -'.'. •• ~ • 11 .•16 00 C. Ogilbyy-Trustoo, dri-goeds: : 13 ' 10.00 S. M. Hoover, lumber auc4oali '.. .13 90'00 J. IL Nonemaiter, prod¢c4 .. — la' •-10 00 J. &D. Rhoads, do' 4 '. !J . • , 14 7 00 lienryithoadg, furniture 4 --, - 14 7ou Woo. I lan - Ez,gro - ciiios, - f 13 10 00 It. E. Shapley, jewelry, . 14 7 00 James Loudon, books, 1„ ~ 14 „.,..”. .7 00 John D. Gorges, stoves, ' 14 , 7 OD S. Elliott, drugs, . 14 7,00 Jacob Senor, *woes, . . 14 700 J. 13.. Duncan,. do. 14 7 00 Asher Wiel, clothing, ' ' 14 7 00 A. B Ewing, furniture, - ' 14 700 W. Mlles. dry-goods • 14 7 00 IC 11/mach, merchant tall*, 14 7 00 R. Itloore, shoss. 14 7 00 J. lltillln, merchant tailor i 14 7-00 Masunhelmor 14 Bro., colgx.ttonciy, 14 7 00 .1. Q. Calllo, hats,. 14 ~7 co, A. M. Piper. stationery, l4 ' 700 T. Conbrn,jewolry; ;'. 14 7 00 8. Ensmlnger, tLy_nots, whr, • 14 7 00 John Irvin, shoes, . 13 • 10 00 11. S. Ritter, merchant talbr, 14 7 bo N. O. Kramer, Jewelry, 14 7 00 S. W. Havorstick, Drugs, : 18 10 00 - . . . D. Sipo, paper and furnituio, Y. Livingeton, e,otblug, ' ... Arnold & Son, do. .1 A.'lliuror. Ich. dry.goodY, David Common. flourandfood, .. .. Jacob Wolf, grocorick - - 14 7 -00 A. Grisingar, do. 14 7 00 John Fidler, do. 14 700 . N. W. Woodc, Age , dry•goeldn, 14 7 00 J. W. Smiloy, clothing, -.: . 13 . 10 00 - . . P. Nlonyer, confectionery, . • 14 7 00 Philip Arnold, dry.goods, ....... 12 12 60 Jonathan Coroinan, shoes, 14 7 00 W. D. A.,plaugle, jewelry, ~ 14 7 00 Joseph 11. Stool, do. 14 700 George Grrssinan, bakery 14 7 00 John Sebumll, dol4 - 7 LIJ ~ John Sollore, do 14 7 01) William Smilers, do 14 '':',7 00 Ilunry Ilarknonii, groceries . . 14 . 7 00 Genrgo I.eiby, do. 14 . 7 00 David Koonoy. do. 14 7 00 .. . .. A. llonosm I th o do. 14 7 00 Wm. Ilaro,, do 14, 7 ,00 .. .1. Rauochocrab, d 9. 14 7 00 11. {Youths!, dci. 14 7 00 Mrs. M. I. etumpb, do. 14 7 00 let;rls & Smith, . _ .. Prof. 'Harebell, stationery, ' 14 7 00 A. IL Blair, morocco leather, 14 7 00 Black & Delancey, lumber, la lo 00 u. & J. Keller, hate, 14 7 Oil . .. . . !turner & Fredericks, marketing, 14 7 00 William Askew, do. 14 7 00 David Fredericks, do. 14 ' 7 00 John ilekerd, do, 14 7 00 Robert Allllson, do. 14 7 00 James Calllo. ROIL, do. 14 7 00 W loon Vonard, do. 14 7 00 Wm. Chenoweth, do. 14 7 00 D. Ruts k J Bono, do. 14 7 00 Augustus Croll, dealer, 14 7 00 Barney Holtman, groceries, 14 7 00 Chas. Eckel., do. 1+.14 7 00 Wm. Gould, da 14 7 00 James Collo, do. 14 7 00 Mary Morris, stoves, 14 7 00 Edward Leonard, clothing,• 14 7 0 0 Henry Pain's, gineer: ' ' - . " • 'l4• ' 7 00 Harlon & Swigert, mai hating, 14 7 00 L. Myers, groceries, 14 7 00 S. M. Kieffer, drugs. 14 7 00 A. A. Line, marketing, 14 7 00 Margaret Neff, millenary, 14 7 00 E. Stall, do. 14 . 7 00 Mrs..l. Hutton, do. 14 7 00 Mrs. E Wllliams,do. 14 7 00 Charles qhxpley, furniture, John B. Mock, grocerieß, EIMMMIM Keller & WaMmood, dry goods, 13 10 00 Jobe T. Green, do. 13 10 00 Benjamin Plonk, do. ' 14 7 00 11:truny Oardnor, dn. 14 7 00 Jerry Elardnor,..., , . , d 0,... . , 14_, ,, 7 00. EAST PENNSDOR01:1011 ICerr & Hummel, lumbet, Eng[chart & Co., David Ling Melt, lumber, Adam Helinger, do. D. J. ltynnrd & Co., do. Martin & Ryan, do. 0. o'. Fosler, dry goods, William Banks, groceries, Jaimb Itenninger, do. John M'Comnrick, do Lougnerker, do. D. Denlinger, dry-goods, Michael Free, produce, S. lt. Patterson, do. Joseph I) idloman, viiarkoting, J. li. House, CllllOl4ll Eve, W illiam Wolf, David Brown, Juhn Llummol, CEIZE William Greein;dry•goodso IpI2SI.DEN 11. Itupon, dry•goodii, • ' 11. Rupp, Afroduee, Bitimr & Vise, shoes Cyrus 'Pemplen. furniture, George L. Hale, stoves, John Soiror, marketing, Samuel f immons, drygoode, Win li. Echols, do. John M. Templet). furniture, Moses fidget, marketing, L0y.,44 ALLEN, William P. Lloyd, drugs, Abraham Brewers, dry-gOods, EH Wise, do. Jacob Weaver, do. • %Vlillam Crail, marketing, John Young, do. .1. Brubaker, do. lilrnm Longuecker, produce, SOUTH BIIDDLETON A. M. Loldlgh, drygoode, J. A. Cauffumn, do. Alexander A Mullin. drygoode, Samuel Shupp, Flour, C. Hoover, marketing, Daniel Wolf, A SOIL do. Itintess, do. , C. Huop. furniture, Alfrod Moore, dry-goods, MONROE 1. J. Stopheofi, dry-goods, rindlo & Soo, do. L. Dovlney, drugs, I===l2l . .. floury Spahr, flour, 14 . 7 00 D. 11. Voglusong, dealer, lri 700 UPPER ALLEN. D. E. Noel, dry goods, 14 / 700 Lioswiller & Zug, do. 13 10 00 - - Robert Bryson, dealer, David Morktuff, marketing, Obertlletrich, SILVER SPRING David Strohm, dry.goods, John J. Coble. do. Jacob Simuions, do: Michael LeMich, do. • Joseph Fink. merchant tailor, John 11 Leldlith, produce, John liouit, dealer, . Fisher Si Kapp, dealer, G. IL. Bucher. do. R. Breckeumaker, marketing, E13M133 Henry Zeigler, drygoode, -8 -IL Mtliluney, - - William Velum', marketing, IiIIDDLESEX E. L. Shryock, MISCHANIOtiBUIIG. Kauffman & Oawald, produce, D. Comfort & Sons, dry'-deeds, Josopir aniline, lumber, Daniel ()rabid, clothing, 'Jobb & Garritson, hardware, it. Wilson egad. stoves; J. B. lierring, drugs, L. Kauffnutn, do; Ira Day, do. - . Boyer & Brandt, dry.gords, Johoph Irvin, confectionery, R. Thomas, groceries. John S. Boyers, hardware, Samuel W. Worst, furniture, John Itupp,. do Miller & Eberly, doslar, William Wonderlieti, stoves, Loldich & Mathows, - —Act. - do. o anger, dry-goods, ti Lew n l d s i l o lo it b li b; sw C. Mums, shoes, Lori Bolide, shoos and hats; Margaret Goinees, shoes, Mrs, E. Lamont, do., Jacob Swartz,,ie %retry. L. W. Abrams, clothing, John Bolide, dry goods, Henry 'Leas, do. Andrew Singizor t grOcerlee, S. G..powmau, ~ do, , G. Eminger. :do.. P. Storm, dry4tlods,- , • D U. Swiller J. P. itaffensbe i ?or, music store, thotilas B. Di u, ti, produce,. ; John Johnson Sen t :- do, Joseph Singiser, .do.. Zacharias & llaverstirk, produce,, George limarnel, d 6. -'• John Johnsoni,markSting Dee. Stinoure, dn.: Geo..itteter, • - , do. Franit Marshal.' "de' ' Jacob Minetrinnybalcorv, Peter Gineroch, marketing, . . 14 ' - 7 OJ 14 ' --- 4 00 14 7 00 14 - 7.00 •:-.,----- 14 • - 7 00 14 7 00. 14 , ..' 7,00 14 , ' 7 . 00 14 . : 7OD 14 ' -- I 00 14 ' ' 7.00 12 - 12 50 12 , 12.54 12 .' 'l2 50 14 7 00 14 7 Oa. 14 7 00 14 - '7 , 00 14 700 ' 14 7 00 . ' 14 - • • 700 NEW ,ttnapanLAND.- • 14 ' 700 11 .7.00. 13 — 'lo 00 - 13 'lO 00. 12 10 00 .13 • 10 00 12-12 60 ' ' "7 00 •T. Wilfet y .drpgadds,—, Jno. Dllllar, do . Androw•ltam, preduco, , Charlos9pdor, luddler; hood¢ .ITherly, V. Ildoman. • A ddolph.rddrlliii,da . .., Modier 'Jamoit, Odom) produce,• • • . =EI J. 0.4 .Tlrowo, , Lzirdlifaro, 'B.f, Wild, drugs, •Wm. Reed, do. • . • Wm.'Bratton,doi, •'-; - Klink ecliroi•drtgoodei- - .do. • Thornao Stough; ..' brOullougb, ArliOOr, Joilopti L. Itapdid, ' . • . 13. 10'.00 14,,. • . 7 00 14- 7 I' 6 lo ••• la a 0 op 13 10 On 12.. 3250 • 14' •700 J. M. Davidson, shoos, . - . •14 700 B. Glosser, grocer, , • ' -7 , .. • 14 ~ , 7 - 00 - J.R. Frey, stoves And tin, ~: , - 14.' , 7.00 .7. B. Cobangb, Agt., grovel!, 14 ' ' 700 -.7. 11. Herring, Agt., choirs, ' , • 14-7. 7 00 Jonathan Form marketing, , • 14 • . 700 A. Furhman, "do. • ' . 14 , 7 00 'John horde. . do: . 14 . . 700 , George Stitzol, • T do.. . 14 ••• 700 S. Miller & Son, dry-goods, John LOMB. do, 1111 ands k Wuhlnger, dry griiirds t 14 7 00 James Kyle, ^- 13 10 00 Fosnaught & McCoy, .10. 14 7 00 Hur4 & flays, do. 14 7 09 'A. 51 inich, 14 7 00 Jacob 1V goer, marketing, ...-.. • 14 7 00 Lewis & Co, Zed Born, produce, 13 10 00 Snvder.& KnotAlo, - do. 11 15 00 J. &J. 11 Itursh,_ . do. It 15 00 Nolucdnier & Mini, - . do. 13 10 00 James 1316h0p, marketing, Ilowere &.-Ladhaw, dry-goods, Henry Snyder, shoes, ' 14 7 00 J. & J. B. Minh, (Oakville) forwarding, 13 10 00 a lIOPEIVELL. 3nmeg Green, dry-goods, Shoemaker & Co., do John Newcomer, flour, Hoover k. liebuck, marketing, 14 7 00 Christian Stevick, furniture, 14 7 00 PENN William Myers, dry-goods, William Watts, do. Miss E. Russel, do. George Russel, do. David [lava, U. Ocker, • do. Jacob Bishop, marketing, Jacob Buotom, Woodward & Schmidt, prodtice, . 14 .. ' 7 00 Lino & Givler, do. 14 7 00 Theodore llompshior, do. 13 10 00 law James, dry-goods, 14 7 00 G. W. Robinson, do.' - ' 13 10 00 E. James, . do. ' 13 10 00 'Alexander Goodhart, marketing, 14 7 00 Was. Bishop, do. 14 7 00 Jerry Keep, do. 14 7 00 _ Jacob lianshew, dry-goods; 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 1 7 00 Strohm & Allen, dry-goode, Clerk. & Sone, do Coo. Clover, do. Schoch & Sone, do. J. Baker, groceries, C hailer, do. . . . D. Criswell, furniture, 14 7 00 D. Frantz, du. 14 7 00 B. J. Snoddy, do. ~ 14 ' 7 00 P. S. Artz, groceries, 14 7 00 A. Hostetter, clothing, 14 7 00 Mrs. M. Dubs, notions, 14 7 00 Cox & sFoune, dry-goods, 13 10 00 ltanken & Brothers, drugs, 14 7 00 ,1, Heck & Co., dry goods, 13 10 00 H. Sturgon, trimmings, 14 7 00 J. Landis. jewelry, 14 7 00 Foreman & Bro., groceries, 14 7 00 J. & J B. Bedding, dry-goods, 12 12 50 Grabil it Johnston. hardware, 12 12 60 11. ilyoinger, jewelry, 14 7 00 A. F. Wolf, stoves, 14 7 00 Kelso & Hinkle, stationery, 14 7 00 Willis, Moore & Co., dry goods, ' 13 10 00 J. 11. Criswell, drugs, 14 7 00 A. Solrer, forwarding and produce, 14 7 00, itubey & Lawton, produce, - 10' 20 00 Blair A Brother, do. 11 15 00 Martin Angle, lumber, l3 10 00 John IVunderlich, lumber, ,_ 14 7 00 Philip Deitrich, groceries, 14 7 00 Johnson & Soarer, forwarding, 13 10 00 Benjamin Biggs, marketing, 14 7 00 J. W. Motet., do. 14 7 00 Stuart. & Sou, dry-goods, 12 12 50 0. B. Cole, shoes and hats, 14 7 00 J. Bridges merchant tailor, 14 7 00 .Jsr.mi Al Hughes, stoves, • 14 7 00 Jacob Pogue. groceries, 14 7 00 Forney A. Nl' Phorson, hardware, 13 - -10 00 .I6ho Stambaugh, do. 14 7 00 Stevick. Kunkle & Co., dry-goods, 13 10 00 G. W. Croft, hats 1 1,, slices, 14 7 00 John C. Altick, grocerlos, 14 7 00 , C. R. Hinkle, carpels, 14 7 00 0. Fosnaught, confectionery, 14 7 00 BEER, OYSTER & EATING HOUSES. II IDI 14 7 00 14 7 CO CLASS. LICENSE Andrew Omild, - Carlinle, 7 10 00 George Fnland, " 7 ' 10 Fredrk. Kenner, " 7 10 Gotlelb•Svi User, " ..., ~ ~. . . . -7.. ~......10 ... Samuel Sykes, " 7 10 Emanuel Welrich, " 7 10 Wm Moody, . 7 10 Josoph Ebrlght," 7 10 . . Jacob Stratton, " 7 10 John Caster, , " 7, 10 12 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 18 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 09 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 --.- , William Sykeo,. " 7 10 . John Hoffman, •, ' 7 10 James 'Wharf°, . 7 10 11. Arnoldl, ••• 7 10 Mrs. Low, - cc 7 - 10 Mrs. Peters, .. 7 10 Mrs. C. Myers. . 7 10 Mrs. C. Murray. " 8 5 Mrs. 13. Williams, " 7 10 Ewing Clot k, 7 10 J. Drffenhaugh, East Pennsboro', 7 10 D. B. Diller, Monroe, 7 10 S. 0 rove, Upper Allen, 7 10 John Doyle, " 7 10 . 1 . T. I.IPPoY, Shippen. , burg, 8 5 T. G. Hoffman, " 7 10 James Mackey, " 7 10 John Meloy, Nlerhanicsburg. • 7 10 Peter Wagner 7 10 Henry Eberly, " 7 1.0 John Rupert, • 7 10 John Nicholson, News(lle, 8 5 J. 1k .1. Crawford, " 8 6 P::3 13 10 00 12 12 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 'OO 14 7 00 Joseph Rhoads, Hopewell, 8 5., BREWERS AND DISTILLERS. - t i , • -- • - LICENEM Alexan r or, Carlisle,. 15.00 Wm. barnitz, 15 It. Quigley, Newton, 15 A. Beeler, South Middleton, M. G. lieltzhoovor, Monroe, D. II Vogleeorni. Upper Allen, 25 W. Henderson, North Middleton, 25 S. Grlssinger, 15 ,BEN-PINiLLEt & BILLIARD TABLES. Licsnam. Emanuel WOlrleh. 1 table, 30 00 George Fitlid. 2 tables, 40 George Fol nd, 1 alle 30 W ark', 2 es, " 40 All perso n the tibove ils are reby notlfiedjo tak.l 4 ofilit licenses without delay. A. L. SI). NSLER. 14 7 00 13 10 00 . 14 7 00 14 7 03 14 7 00 14 700 14 7 00 14 1 00 12 12 50 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 - 50 14 7 01 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 R. HOOFLAND'S BA - SAMIC 4F CORDIALI IR THE SPEEDY CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup,, Hoarse 11S8. Bronchitis, Pneunionia, Diseases of the Bowels, arisinx from, Cold, Incipient Consunip on, and for the'relief and (i at at possible) cure of a tients Ln adcane• ed stages of the latter disease. 14 7 On 13 10 on, 74 7.00 The Balsamic Cordial is entirely a Vegetable produt , Mon, cmathining the healing properties of the Bar, with the invigorating qualities of a Cordial, prodt log a combination so well adapted to the purposes int mi. ed, that there are but' few cases of disease which will not, at au early period, succumb td its healing and life giving properties. For ages, ban the treatment- of pulmonary d:senses orcupidd the greater portion of the attention of the scientific of the medical world, bat roue acquired more eminence in his treatment of these diseases, than the celebrated Prunslan Dr. HOOPLAND, the originator of th Balsamic Cordial. Ills life was devoted to the prainc , Lion of rentedia- that would stand unrivalled. Ilow well he has succeeded, the American people aro able to judge : and we positively assert, that no preparations that have over boon placed before them, have conferred the same amount of benefits en suffering humanity, or have,elleited so•many commendations from all classes of sOnlety_JuLthe_regintlies of Dr. lloolland, prepared by Dr,Q. Co, of Philadelphia. The Cordial is dOeigned for a class Of diseases more geneial and more fatal than any other to which the people of this country are subject—those springing from a " SILIOrrr COLD." That- eminent authority, Dr. Bell, says: "I will not say that Colds to our inhabitants what the PLaaus and YELLOW P,svEtt aro to those of other countries: but I can aver confidently that thwTr In disease of greater complicity and mortality than oso latter." vt 7 1 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 '7 00 14 7 00 34 7410 11 7 00 14 7 00 14 - r - 700 14 7 00 14 , 700 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 ,00 14 7 00' 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 no 14 • 7 00 13 'lO 00 14 7 og, 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 1 Am . 14 700 14 7 00 11 15 00 14 . - 7 00 14 -7) 0 , 14 7 00 Entirely Vegetable No Alcoholto Preparation DR. HOOFLA-NIPS- GERMAtRTTERS, Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., Phila. Ca , WILL _EFT.ECTUALLT 01/50 ' . ' • LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility,' Diseases or the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liier or Stomach . ; 1 Such as Constipation, Invear Plies, Fulness or Blood to the lioad,,Acidity of the S omach; Netisea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food;.Fulues or Weight in the Stem. trch, Sour Eructations, Sinking or the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head; flurried nod, .Difficult Breathing, eltitiering at the heart, Choking' or Suffocating sensations, when in a lying posture, Dim. 'newt of Vision, Dots of webs blcre the Sight, Fever and DultPain in the Head, Dade cy of Perspiration, Vol. lownees of the Skin. and Eyes, Pain-in-the Bide, Back,. Cheat, Limbs, Re. 'Sudden Flu Shes 'of Heat, Burning - in the Flesh, Constant tmegintnes of Evii4 and ereat Depieselons of Spirits, and will Poeitively nrewntirel.. low .1 0 evor,ItlIlloos S'ever i i dm.: .q . „ The Proprietor, in callinglbe attention of Ithe public' to this preparation dose so with a reeling of the utmost confidence in its yirtuetaand adaptation to the diseases fur which it is redomemnd,ed. '-- - '- " ' ' It la no new 'and - untried 'RAW:. but one that his stood the teat of a twelve years' trial befiSre the Amer!, can' pimple: end its reputation and sale are unrivalled by any similar preparation extent. The testimony In Be favor given by the most prominent end well.huown Phystriane and individuals in thp country is Immense. and a carefutpersuarof the Almanac, published mane 'ally by the proprietors, _ and to be had gratis of any a. their. Agents, cannot but eatierY the most'ilfeptirattliV -- -this 'remedy Is really deserving the great -celebrity I use obtained, . ... ~ - _ _ . tin_ S, -W. HAVERSTICK; Agent for Carlisle, and b '.' Dealers everywhere:, ' . ~... (Apr,12,.'61,-Iy. ' 01:IIRLES T.:WILSON; • No. 135, DIARKET ATREET • • A.DELPHIA, DF.AL4It'; IN Timm; nOI3B,PLOVER BEM), POULTRY; BiCON . LAID, FURSOVOOL, PELT'S, &c., . _ . . MY' Prompt -Cash - iteMitlancepTon: - tho „.. - - offthe-ProduaO. 7a tl39 . ' :,.nnimitgsCes-,tdcoutehmi* n - . 7..;Vranr oi 1. & Co., John It. Mlchcuor & Co,. Tnaiin & atiewaliTh tidelphin; PA.: Bunue.l.Pnrr Johty iloy0:0, IL - hap:an Co., Wows & Laitiao, Now,Yarlc. , ISlny ,t 4 •1801.-4 ',‘,, „ ' • ' - =I 14 7 00 11 7 00. 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 OD 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 EINI 14 7 -00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 WEST PENNSBOIIOUGH I= 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 =I 14 t 00 13 10 00 CELEBRATED- WHE ELNR LSO .RASUILY SEWING MAIMINES. 1 6. New style with the la‘tent improvethents, nt greatly prices. These machines ore nniseleSs, run rap ' ily and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, ad elasticity. which will not rip. They" ore, unques ionably, THEIS EST ill AC lIIN ES IN THE MARKET,. I ,r family and genera usn, tiny will HEM, FELL, STITCH AND SUN, boy can do anything that any other machine can do. Jlar-The new Hemmers and other now improve,- rnents, without extr3 charge. WHEELER Sr. WILSON'S SEWING MAUD - IVES. None are bettor adapted to fitmloy American Agriculturalist The undersigned having been appointbd agents for Co mbtaild County, offer them to the-public with per feet co oggo, that those who purchase will find them an represe totabove. Persons wishing to see the ma chines in operation, will please rail at the store of 11. S. R,ltter, or at the Railroad office, Carlisle, Pa. For fur ther information apply to . H. S RITTER, or J. O.ISIPBELI, Carlisle, March 15, 11361.-:41 moo. F URNITURE WARE ROOMS.- i HENRY A. RHOADS U ir 40' 1. N 1,1F0.." wr:' . , '2) :wt.* WEST lIIGH STREET 'CARLISLE The subscriber begs, leave respectfully to infintu the citizens of ()arils.° and vicinity, that he has now on hand and is manuilteturing, every variety of Cabinet Wuro, consisting in part of SOFAS, BUREAUS, DRESSING CASES, MARBLE TOP T BEDSTEADS. SECRETARIES, CHAIItS, Gilt Moulding, Oval Frames &c., &c. This work Is warrVl of tho best materials and workmanship, om bracin Ail the latest city styles, and will be furnished at the lowest retail pricey. N. ❑.—Coffins made at short flutist,. and funerals at ended to promptly In town or country. Carlisle Oct. 12, '6o.—ly. -.. ",,, 0 ,rn II ENIOVAL.—DR. NictloLs has ke °Ted his Mike from one door west of Saxlon's ler ware Store, to his residence. on e est Main Street, dire ' l t k y opposite the Railroad office, Carlisle, Pa. 0 '‘li hours : , more particularly, . from Bto 10, A. M., and fr m 1 to 3 P. M. i Ap.26.61-6m. tr i 2 2E - T _lO ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE - TEST - And grows morn and more popular every day! AND testimonials, new, and almost without number. might be given flout ladles and gentlemen, in all grades of society, whose united testi moray none could resist, that Prof. Wood's flair Restora tive will restore the bald• acid gray. nod preserve the hair of the youth to old age, In all its youthful beauty. Battle Creek. Mich., December 21st, 1858. PROP. Worm: Thou will please accept a line to inform they that the hair on my headfell off over twenty years ago, caused by a Complicated chronic disonso, at. tended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able toolitain stuff for Caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has suffered extremely frrim cold. This indirnid mu to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last cent Iliad on earth for a two.dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative, about the first of August last. I haye laithfully followed:the directions and the bald spot Is now covered with hair thick and black, though short, it Is also coming In all OVer my head. reeling confident that another large bottle would sea. tore it onthely and permanently, I feel anxious to persevere to its use, and belay destitute of means to purchase any more, I would- ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send mu an order on thine agents for a bottle. and receive to thyself the scripture declaration —" the renard is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless." Thy friend, SUSANNAH' KIRBY 'Waller Noble Co, Indiana, Feb. bth, 1859. ram 0. J. Wool,: Dear Sir:—ln the latter part of the year 1852, while attending the State and National L sir School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly. so that In the short space of six months, the whole upper part ot• my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing. and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray, so that you will not ho surprised when I toll you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were - not so much at Is loss to discover the cause o.: the change in my appearance, as my more intimate acquaintances were to recognize me at all. I at once made application to the most skillful phy. sicians in the country, but, receiving no assurances from them that my hair could Again ho restored, I men forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunate ly, in the latter part of the year 1557. your Restorative was rocounnonded to me by a druggist, an being the most reliable Hair Restorative in usu. I tried one bat• tie, and found to my great satisfaction that It was pro• ii i clueing t o desired effect. Since that time. 1 have used seven dollars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result have a ri h coat If very soft black hair, which no money can buy. a As az ark of ' y gratitude for your labor and skill in the pr ductlon i f so wonderful an article, I have re• commended Its u o to many of my friends and acquaint. soros, who, - Lii appy to inform you.aro using it with like effect. I Very respectfully, yours A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot. 441 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the wot Id. The itestoratlre Is put up in Bottles of threesizes. , qz : large. medium, and small; the small holds half a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent. more In proportion than the :Anal!, retai ld for two 0. bottle; the large holds a quart forty per ce t. more In proportion and retails for 43 per J. ( bottle. - 0. OOD & cp,,, Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, a d 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. . old by all good Druggists and Fancy Dot' & Dealer . [Ap. 12,'61: PROF. DE GRATH'S EDEQTC THE NEW PRACTlCE.—ElectricCures.—Paln Is the primiouttor of death; relieve the pain and you check the dis‘diise. —.„.. • .1:1W - Tilts OIL ACTS ON TOE SYSTEM WITH ELY:COTO:STY.— Is of puto vegetable preparation, not the slightest dan ger of applying it outwardly or Inwardly; it atonce gives a permanent cure, in most I aces, In from tun to I twenty minutes. The best phy siologlits of Europe have discovered t all organic derangement in the animal System is an e feet of the obstruction of the physico electric fluid in Ca organ diseased— a skilful application-of the All puts in immediate motion the nervous fluid, and the cure is at once accomplished, No bleeding, no vomit ing, purging or blistering la resorted to. Prof. De•Grath's Electric Oil Is the marvel of this age for the 1011owowing, (not every thing ) Cures Rheumatism often In a day. Curoa Neuralgia, Toothache, two minutes. Cures Cramp in the Stomach, live minutes. Cures Burns, Wounds, Bruises, ono to three days. Cures Headache, fifteen miuutot Cures Ear Ache, Stiff Nook, Ague, one night. Cures Piles, Swelled Glands, ton days. Cures Felons, Broken Rreasts, Salt IStiouin two to six ditys. Cures Ifinporrhate,...Scrojltle, Abcoss, six to ten days. Cures Frosted Feet and Chilblains, crib to three days. Cures Ague and Fever, one to two days, and all the Nervous and Scrofulouit Affections. . Cures Deafness lu ono to four days. Cures all Pains In the Back,.. Breast, eke., in 2 days. ~DELELFNEISS CUREILI . Nev Raverr, May 10th, 1850. Prof, Do Orath—My brother halibut:ln deaf three years, and onehottle of your ElectriePiLcurod . him entirely. Yours, : •CLIFFORD 11. SCRANTON. ANOTHER INSTANT- CURE I - Huntingdon, Pa., 50pt.,1855. II do certify that Prof. 'Do Grath's Electric Oil is in fidlable 'for Rheumatic pains. .Bly wife for some time past has boon greatly afflicted and unable_ to walk has_ been-restored by the application of this oil alniost in stantaneously. -I can -cheerfully recommend it Co oth.' ors. . JOHN WILLIABISON. PlLES.—Charlemßetion, Esq., ex-lttyor of Camden i says six applications cured him.' Almost cured s his ailieumatism. • .. • V STIFti ,N.ECK... [Editor of Law Magazine Cured Instantaneously.] . . , • Girard Rouse. Philadelphia. Prof:Ohne:Do Grath—l freely give It as my opinion that= your Mateo 0.1 is' among the most wonderful iremeilles,of utedera times. Attila earnest requeatof a :lady, who allege 1 that OM bad been cured of a nioct ',painful alio ton by Its use, I Wite induced. 10-try a bot tle, though at the thus of purchasing, I fully believed it to lie a witch medicine and a .catchpenny humbug. ' But a trialcolvimea me that it posiemstis MMegle (power, and It will prove a blessing to_Ntiffering humanity. I recently toot a i.old from sleeping In damp Sheets, and my neck became-so much,swellen and-painful that - I could netiturn my bead.. • ~ After using, without success, ever - Sabirig 'proscribed by. my pits/Aden, I last evening tried your Electric On. .This morning lain well, the relief haylk ban as cool , plots as .1 was PRlttalllttllWolltl. • . ... , , _--:-...--' • '', ' .' '; .. ~ tiOUN . LIVING 5t011.1.. _ Editor Monthly Law Magnates,' - , . , 1117Dreadway, null 120 West 14th St.,•lY. Mr. LI Masten belongs to tkm,old, wealthy and high ly,respthatable families of eld' settlers Of Now'York. 1 Any on can address"' him on the outdate( the above letter, hiCh will be answered with plasurs, -: •.. 'tnc pal Depot, 277 Smith Bth Street,' Philadelphia. okd by all Druggists, rtilli in Jersey' City rtt Van, ~ Bus ',lris's, Washington street; Shiploy's. (trove htreoti Dr, Zabriakie'r, corner of Grove and. ' South tith fitivet; - Lougetaff'd 1 .'60 'lite ,tgethery et, , , . f Ap. 12 0 , 01. 7 1 y, • . „. . . , 'GOLDEN •-FLAX: tbOjarmat nay hg bought an unu.yal large Mock of lino fibirle t . , t ye,%oll-sell -ther.entlrg, ertnek'at:vtitflott!.ttliqdr, "a very large assortanont , OC,Collare of thq various kluge. ~Stooks, Neolellea, 'provost trurnlehing °goite r 2t e., at-the tweet-priors „ APrIVPi , ..pktrtb liartover.titreet: Tr ANDSOME WOMEN t . . HUNT'S "BLOOM OF, ROSES." '-A . rich and elegailli color for the cheeks or II ps.•'• It Will not wash or rub otr and when once Applied, romaine durable for zears.-The tint Is so rich and natural, — that the - rlosest 'acretiny fails to detect Its Can'be removed by lemon Juice and will hot Injure the skin. _This lea now preparation.- need by the celebrated Court Beauties of London and free, In bottlei; With directions for use, for MOO' "COUPE.,TOILET POWDER," imparts a dazzling white:mar to the Completion, and. Is unlike willing else used for thin purpose. Moiled free- for Cents. Ik4: , '0 RUNT'S "BRITISH BALM,",removes tan' :freckles," sunburn and all eruptions o(tho skin. bialiedireefor Cents. HUNT'S "IMPERIAL POMADE" for the hair, stren gthens and Improves Its growth, keeps It from falling off and Is warranted to make the hair foil. — Altillkiffrree for $l,OO HUNT'S "PHARE, DEAUTIFIER,ff - forthivteoth end gu ms, clea °see and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums purifies the hreath effectually, preserves the teeth and prevonts tooehaelio. Mailed free for $l,OO , • . . - HUNT'S BRIDAL WREATH * PERFUME," a double extract of orange blossom and cologne. Mailed free ibr $l.OO This exquisite perfume was first used by taw Princess Royal Of Enclanti, 'On her Marriage: Messrs. Hunt & Co., presented the Princess with an .elegant case of Perfumery. (In.which all of the .above articles were Included) in handsome cut glass with gold stop pers. valued at $l6OO, particniara of which appeared in the public , prints. - All the above articles sent free, by express, for $5,00. Cash can - either accompany the order, Or be raid to the express agent on delivery of goods. HUNT & Co. Perfumers to the Queen. Regent St.: London, and 77 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ner Sale by all-Druggists and.Peafumers—_ 11Pi : V.:The Tradersuppiled. Oct: 20, 00.-Iy. NEW GOODS:--FIIIST ARRIVAL THIS SEASON, At Ogilby'a•Cheap Cciah Store I have Just returned from Philadelphia and am iow opening a lot of handsome, desirable and cheap DRY GOODS, bouaht,for cash and will be 'sold at astonish ingly low prices. ' . , A largo stock of now style prints,. Malays, DaLanes,. Ologhoms, nod other Dress Goods in great' variety. A nc,,w stock of bleached and unbieaehed Dimities, Tick logs, 'Shootings. Disponi, Linens. Checks Ac —A full assortment. orßlack Silks vary cheap nod very good. Another stock of those first class Steal Spring Skirts and under price. = Ladles', Gents', Misses', and Children's Ilose_jn great variotriit low prices. GIGOVES of all kinds and price. CARPETS! CARPETS!! CARPETS!! A new supply of Ingrain, Cottage, .I.lamp, - and Rag Carpets. All persons in want or new style -Spring Goode are respectfully invited to call and examine this stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. CIIAS. OGILBY, March 29, '6l. - - Trustee. TIRESSLER'B HAIR JEWELRY STORE. No. 206, North 8111 Street above Race, Philadelphia. On hand and for sale, a choice assortmeut'of superior patterns, and will PLAIT TO ORDER, Bracelets, Ear .Rings,'Firrrger .Rings r ßreast.. Pins, Crosses, N ecklac - ea,„Vest and Guard Chains, &e., &c., IQ- Orders enclosing the hair to be plaited, may be sent by mall.—Give a Drawing as near. as you can oh paper, .and enclose such amount as you may choose to pay.--lm.t no follow).: Ear Binge $2 to $0; Breast Pins $3 to $7: Finger Rings 75 eta. to s3,to; Vest Chains $0 to 07.:,i5k,r 4 -.,16 *Z4 , 9.5 1 . 0 * , "2, • • ' • ttirrairrout into Iltedaliong, Box limpet Pins, Ringll, ,. &e. Old Cold and Silver bpughypt LOIt SALE OR RENT.— The subscriber offers for sale or rent, the new Three Story_l3rici • Rouse._. . on North IlanoverM.raet. Possession given on the Ist of April next. Tho , louse has nine rooms, is furnished .•."..":JP` - " with seater and gas, and suitable eith er for business or a private residence. Oct. 20, Ib6o.—t f. JAMES R. WEAVER. A I B. EWING'S PURNIVURE WARE-ROOMS. 11459 West Iligh'Street, Carlisle, Pa. Premiuin awarded at„ the Cum4erl.nd County Agricultural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber has just received the Most splendid assortmout of articles in his line, ever brought to this place—which ho is detemined to sell at prices that de fy competition. Patio, 1 . Chamber - , Dining-room, FURNITURE, Kitchen and Office Embracing every article used by House and Hotel {coopers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, be., be. Putchasers are requested to call and examine his stoeiei°at his extensive ware-rooms, West - Main...street, North side. A. lI..EIVING. are. Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to prom t ily and on moderato terms. - Carlisle, May 12, 1858.-Iy. Tu s t received another new and cheap 40,1 lot of Richardson% Dunbar k DixonZineng, Mll3 Ilus, Calicoes &e., &c. At the cheap Cash Store Nov. 2. 1800. A. oaf Lay. Yruston. TVSS UTION 'OF PARTNER- I_f 911 i.—Not Ice is herey.trl yen that. the partner. ship here ofore existing be ween Misses. Duke & Augh inbough has been dissolvpd by mutual consent. Tho books will be left for settlbtnent t and the business car ried on with renewed enbrgy by March 15, 't1.1.-6t i e MARGARET DIME. TAN.IEL'.S MACHINE FOR PIC iNT4 'MILLSTONES. . The subscriber having purchased of E. WILCOTT DANIE i l y S , , the patent right for sixteen rountlea, In th e State o Pennsylvania, for his ;whine foqieking BM. stoneli is prepared to sell I idividual,:lownship, or Count rights for ti•e same. He Would' call attention to ria • hjoined certificate , from practical millers, to the rite of this highly v noble machine. JOSEPH NEWCOMER, Mechaniesb gP. 0., Cumbei land Co., Pa. We have seen 'and tried E. W. Danielle. Patent Mill stone Picking Machine, and - feel satiated that it has no superior for &dog Its work, and saving much time and hard labor. We can therof9re safely racernmend it to soy one who rishes to tako'cut Interest in it. D. H. Voglesong, Cumb. co. Edward ptaley,• Adams co. ige Ilitoesi -- --- - do. _ Andrew Harlin°, tht. W. E. Mydrs, do. C. Mcbanichor, - dG. Elkm Stover, do. Israel S. Trostlo, Adams co. Isaiah Teat. do. Wm. C. Lott„ do. D. N. idWrellierger,. do. Jacob E. Myert do. 1t...W. Draubaugh, do. Philip Sterner, do. J. Newdurnori Franklin co. Wm. Duttro. do. Alo*,. Hartman, Parry co. March 2, 1861.-3 mos. • PETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! Persons going to housekeeping end' others want ing to refurnish, aro respectfully inyited to esatuino oar large and varied sto.k of Carpets, Bush as Brussels, three ply, superior Ingrain, English and Domestic, Ve. nition % 1 widths, HEMP AND RAG CARPETS,' Druggein, Rugs, Stmw - and - Cocoaldattings, - 011 Cloths for Halls, Looking Massa, plain and fanoy blinds and abodes, fixtures, dco. llousckeeping Goode of Every Docriition • Having purchased those goods for Nett Oaskwe are prepared to offer 'great Inducements .to, buyers, as wo have lately gone into this business wo can warrant our goods new and fresh. lagmoir SAWYER & MILLER,' Carlisle, March 8,'61. East Main Street. VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designirs and ,gagrayers on Wood N. E. COR. 111711. & - LIXECAJTE all:kinds of WoodEngra .. . Vine/with beauty, correctness andillsnatch. Ori atn r a w l n d s esrs i furoishyd tor,. W i lne.,,Book t --Illustretions -tEue„eo„roh, cuts,ng hiiv b yfe:v a s n o d tAl a eg P a h s Q gt r ir a las o 2 r St l ct Fronts, 'Machines, Stoves, Patents, ac., ' engravedaswell as on personaPapplication. • • Fancy Bnyelopes. Labels, Bill.lleadlngs,Show Bills, Visiting, Beatles m. 4 .other AZlards, engraved in the highest style (d'art, and at the lowest prices: - For specimen's of One engraring see the Muitrated works of J. B. Lippincott & Co., E. Ll. Butler & Co. . Nov. 60, 1860.-Iy. FT A R N E D ' Ek i s IS p U B R N _A BB N o CE ••••• TILE A.LLEN N 11.0 :MUTUAL FIRE IN ftANOB COMPANY of Cumberland county, iheorpo• rated by an 'act of Assembly, is now fullY organised, a;d In operation. under tin: ,taimagement ot, the follow) g commiesioners, viz: .pardel Ibdisy, William-It: thergas,ichool, J. Eicholberger, Christian Eltaymen, - Jail C. lim. lap, Jacob 11. .Coover; lam la Ilyer,..)3..',Eberty, min 11.; _Messer', J.. Brandt, .JosePh yickersiiluno Ale:tender Cathcart - . ' ••••• • The rates of insurance are as loss antigitstable as any Company of the kind in 'the State., jPersons wisbing , to become members aro Invited to ximinfapplication to the agents of Tee company, :who ,artr . 'OM:act° Igion Y. . them at an tme -• • • • •• wilt n.doliaiks;riesi4tiiik. , - •. CIIRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President , , , CoCKLIN, Treasurer: _Ab ion gorgt..3lsrdill;.oorgine,li. -11 3 13 r:Vbrldttan men.Cockliiiht ,- 0 ,- Dunlap, - It. Martin.p. Batty ; 3 ll.Coover; Max. _Cathcart, J.- Whltorakam, Muttelbar gor, B.4:bbily, J. Iratttlt. •• ~ • t CONIJIIIIILANDLCOUNTY.—John.ehorideIf,..dIIen Mtn ry. , ZOarlng, Sbi rorn ustown ; &annul Woodburn Dickinson: Homy Soitymalf, Churthtowni Moder grit nth, South Middleton ; .Samuel Undly% Penns boro' ; Rommel Collvor,,,ltteobtaullaburg ; Shopliordstown;V:Coover, 'ShophbrdatOwni,J: 0: Sax. ton, Sllitir Sprlng: botif. IlasMatlek.'Silver':Sprlng ; Charlet; Boll; Cn,lislo ; :John 1330 r; Carlbdo. ",.. COUNTY,-W, S. ricking, Porpri.Pot;34 , 'Wol., ford, Fmnihlln.;:jat: tifiltbi.s4"rrlngtoil4 J. l'isPear fIMIPIII Members of the coMp3U3',.hail, ll .B Inirolio about' 'WO, 'Con have themo'..,,Tod byo,oottoB,op,kottottoo to apy , ortho.dgordOt • • • • *Pill Rtti• • • ' • '• , . ME TO 'LADIES 1859 IMMI