ill 31teoicitteA. - • HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. . . The.proprietors rind menufncturers of 1108- , • TET"IBB'S C.EIXBIIATED .STOMACII . TEIIS can' appeal with perfect confidence to physiCians and ditiit ns generally of the United ' States, because the'rirtiele has attained a repu tation,lim:et:dere•dnhnoWn. Aim:et:dere •liiiknown. A few facts upon - this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or hhtioning puffery.- :he consumption of llostettcr's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a wiftlent bottles,..and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that (hiring ':the'. - coming year the consumption will 'rend& near one millian bottles. ..This immense ninount could never have been-sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the ceuntry where the article is hest known', who not only recoinmend thli Bitters to their patients, but, are ready at all times to give testititonials to its einem:Lin all 'eastis - cif stionachie derangements and t s diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a tentporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of . trum. paling:the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaliffible medicine, which is destined - to Ito as enduring as time itself. -Hostetter's Stomach Bit tors have proved a Godsend to regions Where fever end ague and -various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To Ito able;to stake . confidently that. the "'Bitters' are a certniti cure for the Dyspepsia end like diseases, is to the proprietors it source of un alloyed pletisure. It removes all morbid matter, from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, givir.g it that tone and energy intlispernabm for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, niter, and other digest ive'''orgn Ils, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores than to a condition essential to the healthy discharge - of. the filllClimis of nal ure. - Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily ns per directions on the bottle, and they will find In it a stimulant adapted to comfort declining years, as it. is pleasant to the palate, invigorating .to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and'rejuvenating • generally. We have toe evi den6e of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering, from stomach de rangements and general debility; act ing under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned _ all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A. few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares tire so haras. , ing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and. child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if the Ito .young, is apt to fotet her own health in her ext !Tole nnxiety forlicr infant. Should the'period of maternity arrivn during the summer season, the weer of bodytitnd mind is generally aggravated. Bore, then, is a necessity foc - a slim - fa:int to recupe rnitilhe energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mot het ii gene rally prefer the Itittors to nll other invigora tors that receive the indorsement of physi- • !dans, because it is agreeable to the taste 113 well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons. to e hem we have particu larly referred above,, to nit: from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrheca, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the litoninclr, e9erannuat ed invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, end nursing mothers, will consult their - 'own pbysical wcrtare by giving to Hos teeter's Celebrated :Stomach Litters .t trial. CAC:MON.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for 11118TETTEIR'S CELEBRATED STOUACn BITTERS, and see tho CaCh bottle has the words " Dr. J. l lostet tot's Stomach t t ers" blown on the side of the bottle, end stamped on the metallic esp covering the colic, and observe thp,t, our autograph signature is on the label. lti/- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittshurgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame rica, and Germany. Bold by S. Elliott, S. W. ilaverstick, Carlisle; 'John O. Attiek, John Stenihmt h. Shippitushu ; L hnu man, .1. B. Lienhin.r, Mechanicsburg; and Itrmfuist generally throughout the county. Nov. h. 'lth. 4NDsEY'SI3Ii'IiOVED 11:z.BLOOD SEARCHER A STANI)AItI) Nor the speedy. radical, and Orevtual cure of A LI. DISEASES iu•iof ug Iron, I ‘I T Y I{LOOD. This medicine hag wren In despenfte cases of Scrofula, on the ditee, - - Old, Stubborn U1C1:11., Tetter affections, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Mercurial Diseases, Lifter Complaint, Law Spirits, Feaffale Complaints. and gluita'au ithpure state of We refer to the case of David AlcCreary, of Nepier townahip,.liedtord Co., Pa, who, on the 3ist day of A na nd, Ma anode affidav at 'team.) Justice (Jerky that he wee treated for the cure of Cancer by three pilyniehillN of Bedford county, and by Dr. New um of the Eclertie College; in- Cincinnati, for a p rind of nearly night Months, notwithstanding which, his lip, nose, tied a portion of hie Idliatifek were entirely eaten away I Ile bad given up all hope, when he heard of the • Bli.ed searcher," and woe induced to try it. Four bottles eared him. and although welly dleti4ured there is Ito question but what this Invaluable \ mutlicein saved his life. The full particulate of this remarkable case may be a circular, which cab be had of any of the Agents. We eisn refer to the case of Nancy Ttleakney, of Eider. ton, Aroistrong Aaiun , Pa., cured of ratrefula alter be. Idg-unable toket. out otherbed-for-time years. To the caao of a.lady in Ansonville.4Nearruld county Who WM; aisn afflicted with Scrofula in its worst to; to. Co the case of ileerge 5101sel, residing in Carroll I,twn, Cambria county, Pa. who tens Co badly afflicted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off, and ilia elate 'wait worse it posstblerthanlicereary's., - - - . - The particulars or these rases—every ono of v. hi. was cured by the use of the Blood Scorcher—cony also be found iu a circular to be had of any of the Auents. it. M. LIMON. Proprietor. Laboratory for the mnnufarture and, sale, near the Pa. Ritilroad Depot, Hollidaysburg. Dr. Goo. H. Keyser, Wholesale Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. For Bide lit Carlisle by S. W. Haverstiek, S. El )Mit t . and S. 11. Kieffer; Dr. J. Herring Alrehnnies lbtfrg IGosweller & 'Look, Shopherdstown ; Joshua Coln Hogatown t Jacob Simmons. Cross howls ; .1..1. Coble, X. Wise Shiremanstown; A. 31;Loidieb. riirings Mary W. .Kissul, Ohurchtown ; G W.ltabinson West Hill; Fasnauvkit & Co., Oakville; 51, 00 ,,,,n e , & Elliott, Nowburg; Wm. Bretton, Newrille; J. flood & Oe., Springfield; Russell & Co. ; Dieliitlqoll; IPu'land -k Washing, .lacksonvill&; Wm. Clark & Lres, goitis;. Win. IL Kettles, Spertink.lllll; D. Denlimrei• IYhltd ;J. O. Altiek,Shipponsburg ; ell of Cumber lead county, Pa. MRS.. WIN :31.0W, an expepeticed Nurso3end Female Phyolclau, presents •to the tlOll,Ol'l4U/there her , . SOOTHING SYRUP, F - OR,CHiI.DREN TEETHING, which greatlysaellitatee the process of. teethina, by softening the gliem;reducing,till irifiamntlnn--wltl al lay all pain and spasmodic action. and is sure to rep; late Ihebowele.• Pupond upon It mothers, It will give rest to 'yoUrselves. and ' RDIAEF AND . IIEALTIL TO YOUR INFANTS - pr o jmuuput up and sold this article tar over ten years, and can say, in ccmthieuce and troll; of it, what . • vVekhave,never been tibl to say of any, other medicine worm. ,bee it , ---- ailed in, a kil l gt °l " t4tl "l DIRS. WIDiSL,OW,S of, feet',,a :intro whentuno 17 need. Nov- 800TIIING Or did we knew, an in- • stance o f iliatlefsetion by any one Who used it. .11W.,.prrips ' On tho'con thou-all -are I ! . ..iagear. delight) Wilhite, - ape- • ' ratio istgi , 1 aid speuk In term 4 or laighei.t comanendation of its nis: • igteal &Teets and' me'dicar , virtnes: We speak in this aaattor "whnt , wo'do know." after ten years experiencebud pledge our reputation for the fulfilment' of what vre here declare. 1n almost every inetanee where the. , .. ladntlnl,ulferinit.from pain and exhaustion, relief in fifteen or, - twenty minutes after tbo. greup is administered. • ' Thin yaluablaproparation le the prearriplion of one ; ol the met' experioneed 'and" ninacs in New aitd_hae boSit used with neverttiling success THOUSANDS .0E CASES 2t A.ot only relieves thu child froni'palm, but inVign• fates, tbw,stoutach and hewels t curfects acidity and gives baailaixd . atiergy. ta the frhulel system.. /t irill almost instantly relloya.. ' ' - IM II IN OI INVlti 4 ilowrii AND iSIND CTIOLIC, and treer7-17, come con. which if not ;nettled, end' SF n ..bol And surest 1. - i l i ••,.• • • ;i lan trecthing. oc..from .uny....hther cno,6„ Ape i rou t a sty. 'lb asary Mother who Min n child iiniretinertnni-ticiy, .. oirlitiii'forygetngoomlaintsrlo-notlet:yeui,_prsiddi ee auhrOle pn.thittleett ot others stand between your dulTer..;" • Satehttdand the ridrin that - will F 11110LOTELY , t3Ultg,-to folirk& the lieu of title ineoteitie; 1011 dlreet.lntis Tor. using will , • . . • , . • *ay loch bottle: None genuine unlefit,tho .N 4 it o 1 0,11 E 41,60 ItEN T he - - ptc.rfra $.1.1)411.gtN ..Nolr_ putaldo Mapper. • - largo Store Rooth. lit Wtnt.eird of &14t , Street. acid by 8.. W. ItalierstiCk North Hooter lt n fitted up with counters ;' mid shelving. und ben Tup...t Moto pc. Votr-11111... nod - Drop , Ant,4 hrontriniP ho ; • Itir,ro and convenient cellar, _ roaeosiou given hroo - r dp 9,1 ror. 0. 0 1v.. - EITIN or - ADAM. SkINBI.4IIAN: . - • spoon,' rc- VI death It Mitt bas fi .74 . .... cxILD,R,N 0111100 %Ail ease aaal Darr eras stbutts ,ht the wont mirneulum curet.; Cancerou% Munitions, Erpopelas, Sore I•:yes, scald I h.od. Filen latle Disorders, Cost 1V,11.),5, Salt Rheum. General Debility, Loos of Appall°. Foul Stomach alb Ditmages having theirroi he 111110.1. Puo`roja cLAMis, including Pointing, nirlOwng 32.00. • Do• with ,a 2,6 4 , • --Do. qt 75 molts.. ]Sutra cople. 5 0 `or $5• -• por; &vol. LIfo• Mzo Photkraphi itS $(1 ••niirll , 4o.V. , po at moo price. dblo Ambrotypop nE 50. sums and upwardp. ' • • '.' • • ' moltmaonstvo ft4portinerit of gilt Frames otitbr46: Mfg - Cll , lldo - varlot - y - .of thu lutept- btylvv. Prices Prom 024 , 0nt,n and, upwordg.! Ottimtloq hogtowod Upon TMe sIzO4 rhoto. Vicoll4-tramteorrodlrom s maD•piet Ufihriltlid from UN: Prk4i from-$l 5 010 $i 0 o . 1 " --1- '• • •• '• glonin ii, tun 'Art. • B. BLOOD, DIOFFATIS VEGETABLE. LIFE PILLS, WM Cr:N.IX BITTERS, nn • , The bkilt and envied celebrity Which there Pro- KIM - went Medicines have acquired for their invariabib racy In all the diseases which they profess to cure, hue renderud'the usual practice of purling not only untieevs, totro., but unworthy °Ohm. 'fbey are known by their fruits: their gond works testify. the them, and they thrive not by the init.!, - Of the crodulouc. in, :-A. all.cAsea,qf Asthma, Acute and Chronic Ilhouturt tisioffecriens-nf thi? Bladder and Kidheya. Billions Fevers mid Liver Complalnts.-1n the South and 11 est where these diseases prevail. they will be fqund invaluable. Maniere:firm re and others, who once use these medicines, will uowafterwards be with out then. Itillimis Cholla and Serena Looseness, Blies, Costly 6 .- 1' floss, Gilds ar Couolis. Citolie. CIiNSUMPTION —Used with great succees' in this di. sense. Cur upt Humors, Dropsies. Dyspepsia.—No person 10l this distressing cliso. se should delay using these triedleines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin. Erysipelas, FlatUNnerlind P. Wl' null Aglie.—Forthiß scourge of the Western country these Medicines will he found a safe, speedy and certain reni.ty. Other inedirinee leave the sy stein subject to a return of the disetts---a - cure by these' utedielnes is permanent. Try them. he satisfied, And be cured ' FOULNESS OF COMPLEXION. GENERAL DEBILITY. Gout. Giddiness, Gravel, ilendarbes of every kind, Inward Fever. In liammatery Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice. Loss t. O Appetite. LIVER COM PL A I NTS, LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, M ERCURI AL DISEASES. Never fails to ertoliente entirely all the effects of Mei , en ry 1111'11101y POoller than the most ponerful prepara tion of Sarsaparilla. Niebt Sweats, Nervous Debility: Nervous Complaints of all kinds. Organic Affections, Palpitation of the Ileiat Painters' Cholie. GEE! The othinal proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 83 years 1111111dillk by the nee orthese Liver )led Moos alone. 1.111116 iu the head, side, t back, limbs, joints and or gans. illf ETAtlvrism. • Thm‘e offs tod thlsltnrrible disease will Le snre ofl,ll - 171'iv the Lite Med!tea Kush of Blood to the I end, Scurry, Snltitheutn. Swelling. SCROFULA, nr KING'S EVIL, In its worst forms Cl =lll=ll Worms of n 1 hinds are efbmt un Ily expelled by these nedieh,en. Parent, kill do nell P.. administer theni whenever hoi; e'xisteueu is suspected. Relief 111 be certain. Till LIFE PILLS AND PIIIP.NEX WITTYRS PURIFY 'PR IILOO- 1 , And thug remove all diseases from the system. Prepared by " " Mt. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, No. Rss Broadway. 'Moffat Building) N. Y July 6.—ly For snleby all Drugglsto ... . .t.".,;4:1:070-t;'-itidlt,' ~,!e_',1t.,..g,,,,..1.,,,,:i"c:,, - - , , , --6,,,,,,, _ , N 4 : of „. ~,:-.. ,‘,.,, ~,,,„, - , .. te, E Thoilundli are daily spent:big in without DR. EATON'S INFANTIL. GOi46A.L. and why , benne. It never fails toalierd instantaneou relief %Oren Di time. -- a acts aa It by inagie, an rims trial alUlle w II conaiDee you that what ee say I true. It contains NO PAREGORIC OR fPI TE of any hind, and therefore relieves by removing the sufferings el your child. instead of by deadening Its sensibilities. For this reason It commends Itself as the rod v reliable now known for Chlldrail Teellilitg, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Grip ing in tile Bowels. Aridity ill the ~ t etnttelt, 11 till. Cold in tho head. and Croup, also. for softening the gouts rr. , ll3 , ing inflater thou, regulating ti,, Bowels and relieving pain. It has no equAl—beittgan anti spas medic it is u.i dNN ith 11 fa I I inu. sweet's In all cases ill Convulsion or other Pits. As you raisin the 11, and heal(li of your children, and wleh to save them from those sad 'anti blighting conFequvocos which are certain to result from the tine of narcotics of whir i other remedies-for Infantile Coniplaintltiare composed, take none bat DR. i , vroN.s-INTA.,NTIIaP. CORDIAL. this you can rely upon. It is perfectly Itarmler.s and (,1111111t lid ore the most delicate infiint. Price, 25 cents Full directions accompany earl) bottle, Prepared only by CIIURCI4 A DUPONT. No :109 Broadway I% ew York. grittalakiggQl tetft A 4 Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents us with the some essential elements and gives of course the True ;standard. Analyze th Rio el of a per on suffering from Consuniption, Live Complaint, Dysperig: Set ofu.a. fie. sod ins find In every ins state certain deficiencies in the red globules of glood tmtopty these deficiencies and you are mode well. The 111...A./Li FOILD is too uthl upon this Theory —hence its tistonishins; suttees. 'there ore V I 'lt II: PAR At lONS adaptod to the deticienOes of the Need In differ., disnases. For Curbs Cold, Bronchitis, or any offer lion whatever of the TilltGaT or LUNGS Induclug Con. u, No 1. which Is ale ays the No. for Do presslon of Spir its. Loss of Appetite. and for all Cb roe le Complaints arhdne. from liver use, Getreeal AndN err ons frost ration. No. 2. for I.lver p mpinin ts. No.:1, f o r Dyspepsia. Heing already prepared f.r ab sorption it totem by drops and carried Immediately into the eirrulation. so that what you main you retain. The No.n I. for Feur.delr regularities, Ilysteria, peak nest's. A. See special directions tor this. ('or Salt Rheum. Eruptions,•S:rofuloue. Kidney, and Bladder Qom p slots. take No 5. In all ease , the direct..m must bo strictly followed. Price of the Blood Fond $1 per bottl& Sold by CHURCH A: DUPONT, - No 409 Broadway, Now York. .1 W. Dvot t k Sons, Philadelphia, and G. 11. Keyser Plttgbure Wholesale Agents. Fur Sale by S. Elliott. Carlisle. " A CARD TO THE LADIES Dr. Duponoo•s Golden Pills for Females. Infallible in correcting, rept/thing or removing all obstructions, from whatever cause, and alleaus successful as a preventille. The Combination of ingredients in Dr. Duponeo's eieleime Phis arc pertemly harenluen: They have been used in the private practice of old Or Duponeo, for lio years. and thousands of ladle can an testify to their grunt and never failing success in t !most every ease, in cur resting irregularities, relievin , painful and distressing molest: nation. particularly - at ho change of life. From Ilse to toe pills will cure that common, yet dreadful complaint, the-Whites, -Neely. every female in the land soff rumple ererfront this umple tet The above pill has permanent y,tireet Lithos:mei. and will cure you if you use them. They cannot hart you. cm the contrary they remove all obstructions. red restore nature to its proper channel, and in vigonete the whole system; they are perfectly teeth and Lamle 6 filet - TA - I, iiis'l7PC. -- Siill - Will , 1 3 , 110 - Irrld - T6rtiti I t o S. ELLIOTT, Drafrst, Carlisle, 'Pa, whole the sato agent fur that pence Ladies, by remit Ile g him Si to tho -• Car isle Post Ofilee''-ean have eh., Pills sent to nay part or the country, free of postage., by map. Sold also by ell3K. A Bann vart. Harrisburg, II T, Miller. York, J. O. Wolf, Wrightsville and by one druggist in every village and town In the Union. N. 11. Look out for countentelts. Buy no Golden -MIN of_ any_kind, unless every box is Owned by - S. D. down. All Ailiers are a base imposition anditlug43, therefor:, a 4 pi n value your liven and _health, (to say nothing id being humbugged out of your money) buy only those who show the signature of S. D. Howe pll every box, which has recent ly been added on account of a recent counterfeit of the Pills. S. D. BOWS, . ! elan 30 61 ly , Sole Proprietor, Now York. 1 gio MANHOOD, ZCow wit, How I?estored. Just : Published in a Sealed .lEnvelope, ON Till' : NATIIIII,I, TREATMENT. AND RADICAL CURE of biI'ERMATURIIDLA, or Seminal Weimene,,,,, :kismet Debility, Nervousness nod involuntary emissions Inducing it/ 1 1 , 0 4 ' 110 y. and Mental and Physical 'mope: city. Ily ROUT, J. CU LV 1) • , ' Author of the " Green Book," b.e. The werld.renowned author, In this admirable Lea tore, clearly proven front hie own experience that the awful consequenceoof Self:dingo may be effectually ro. moved _without medicine and without - dangerous gin gko' operations. hoagies, Instruments. rings or cordials. pointing out a mode of ("meat once certain aniteffectitai by whi e ch livery nutferer, no matter what bin cundithin may be, tufty cute hiimmlf CItEA PLY, PRIVATELY and RADICALLY. This lecture will proven boon to thou sinthi hod thousands.' Snot under seal, In n plaits envelope, to any address, posbinthione the receipt of two postage stamps by ad. Messing, Dr. MI J. C. KLINE, A pliLly 127 Bowery, York. Post Office, box 08G.' L A-Ii K • • 45z , 0" Q:. , mpimont PHOTOGRAPH GAL:LERT;_ S. E. Corner. Eigh . th 7 icrid 'Arolli Sweets, (13NTRANPI O EICiIITIL' STREET) . Pl-I I LAW!: LPI-1 rA, • After many ) eara' oprririicOu all the vat - lona brain , atm the Art, the Vroprlittors ivulicloolly Invite tiAt :iitontlim or their *len& and, OM pnblic. to their ex - 7 teusi Yo evaiait.hinent. which preseutalhe uppori uuL y for piocurirnt the best' pleturea‘"equal at least, to any lirst-close tlaliery In the Baited Btat..s. • Preparations are complete for oxoeutlng ell thy Inn proved atyleaknown to the Art. • Tom , haven ,patent arranuotinint for -copying; Daguerreotypes, Ete„&o., • mitit- E-g them Life size ' lf desired- 7 01f only one of the. kind tu , thls country . Atiaelted to tnls esta,blishompt'ero three coloring Artists. Nat): , • 412 , 11 TEAVItiarr: NENYT D_NEW `. ,090, After retuilelni his achnotietutemeuts;.for, the Veil , I lberal.patronege tvldeti has been extended to him, the utapikelgued would call, atteutlow,to• thela , 7t that hr luiej est rtopeutal'hht exteualye assorttudd-ot family • : In Ms new store.rubm. on thirsenitipecet. corner of the public square, Where the.pnblie:ftre invlted.tie call'and extunint riatook goikie which; ill- elegance, variety and extent, will defy competition pconaprising In lout loaf, lump, crushed and brown sugars,'" - lava, Rio and roasted Coffee Every -va. - lety and quality of TEA: . Spices, (ground 11,4" lh and unground,) Pickela'Sauces, 'fable Oil. Now Orleans, Sugarhouse and Trinidad , I , ti : Molasses; New York and Philadelphia yr up.. Cheese, 3;laceronl, Yermeeilli. split Read. fitnin3, Mincemeat, corn Starch, farina, Chocolate Extfifct Coffee, refined augur at reduced rat,* washing and bnk. lug soda. Tobacco of the most favorite brands, and the finest quality of Segare. • Also, a beautiful • assortment of Britannia Ware, plain and g.,111 hand China Ware, Glass, Queens. Stone apd Earthein Ware, in great ea , rlety, and an elegant let of ihney 'Reaps, extracts and perfumery for the toilet. FRUITS: Including Peaches In - cans, Raisins, Cran berries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, - lemons. &c., &c. LIQUORS: Wholesale and retail. (t a l k embracing common and old Rye L lllil4 , ,s = = . key, Brandies. dark and pale, I 10. 1, 1 ",.. TA, 11 Sherry Port. Nl:Merin, 01 , ger, Catawba (4Y 4. , -is , •,.... and Muscat Wines In casks and Rol llee, buut.Cll 11 hiskey, Ilolland Gin, and ScheWain Schnapps. FISH AND SALT A Dirge stock of LAMPS. Including Eiyotrecelebratea lamps for burning Kei miens or coal oil, also Sperm. l'lno, Lard and Coal Oil, Ilurnlng Fluid. Sperm and Star Candles CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. Brushes, Ropes, WTI" Solna, Door-matt, Waiters Inolthig. , glasses", fine totter and• note paper, Whine Ware, painted bucke,to, Sg. Cotton and woollen Hose, and half Hose, and a full stock of Gloves, including the wall known Ilanoven Huck allovos. In short. his stock emit - wises overything that !smile for In his line flimsiness. and no efforts will he spare o render entire satisfaction to his customers. Carlisle. Oet. 27, 185S-Iy. Ans. lilarketlng of all Muds taken In exchange II tends. " 014 1: ifo.l* ilia FAMILY GROCERY At D TEA STOitli. Just received and in store, a fresh and well so boated assortment of Itidi,lava and -Mane caiho Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed Pulverized Sugars, Refined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans :baiting) Molt's' ses. Spices of every variety.— pure only: Starch, Farina and Chocolate. Macearonl, Choose and Crackers, Tapioca and Sage, Indigo, Saltwater. and Soda, Cream Tartar and an. sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TEAS.- -A fine assortment in Packages `‘ .7--411 "-„' and it bulk—as i,- well as all other neticl 4 '"' belonging to th e nt the lowest 11 V and late reduced prices. J.«'. JUST 0 B t q ,- One -of the cheapeSt and best selected stockc of Dry Donds, ever spelled In entlfsle, Is now in the room of A. W. Bentz, consisting in . part or Figured 3lerinos. Cashmeres, all wool Delalne and every =Lyle of Dross Goods seen In the eastern mar kets. CLOTH :11ANTLES rotors and stripes of every style. My stoeloof 11Inntlee Is IleklloWie4,ed to be the Itioßt comple s te over opened In tills ploee. purchased from tin; best houses in Philadelphia an :uuw Turk. can be had of nue at less than usual ruin prices. 1 have in this branch. Linens. Laces, Edging - Clunlorles, llrilllantic Nainsoolis. Jacnnetis. Lan is II UI AlUßilnii, &c., nil Or n hich 1 ask but an examluatiun. FURS, The best article of Slberitin Squirrel, main Fitch Lustre do., Stone Martin ant) Silvor do. I have cast two hundred sat. s, out a which all can select. Mnslins, American, English and French Prince, all ci the best manufacture and colors, Lancaster, II otertwist and Manchester Bingllama, Flannels, Blankets and everything usually f mad in a wed regulated Dry Bee& Morn vesu no and Shasils. There It, no place this side of Philadelphia, where ftentlemen can be fitted out in better styles, or-quality of e.nth and at as low rates as in my store. tall and see the new st kr of fancy etnisitneres, Iletnowletigt-d by the gent lemoutil this place to be the prettiest and- best over brought from the eastern markets. nuportine two and three Ply, 'Brussels and Velvirt tar pets, of