Ilzcbiciizes. lIOSTITIVERI3 EL - r 1 511 kg fin G MYERS. .The proprietors itiamanufacturers of ITOS- Tlil"l'l...lC.S :VI ED-BTom,ki•ri Bi r- TER.'''. can , with perfect confidence ,to physiiiiiin , aiii; citizens generally of theliiiited loiesiiqethe article has nitained n repu-, tot ion here: stud; unknown. A few, facts upon till- point . trill rp.iak inure powerfully thou I tion or I.liizoning puffery. "he col moil t n i.l Bit- th, la-t 4.711'111'.3 , 111111eti to /,,c, a half. 1.11i111 , .11 1,1 , 1111 1111 1 11,1111 iI 111:111irl . 1.11 1 1 1 1. 11.1) , in 111111•• I' , Clitl o 'lll 11:111 ii4g yo'itl . Hie 1. i'1, 4 11111111i;,11 1.21.111 •'l' .'•-. 11111. ,•I 11 ,• ; • 0 lardieitt tl )•1 titto4,et-tt!ililli , (l,l ill ilit , 111111, /111'1 ti the //111..t . 1)111, r iy).( - q., the nrtit•l,. 1,1 only recotanitAitl !hi! 1 1,111 111,4. tire ready at Lill tinios to t_..l\ r t :iintoatal- to its cilia:ley in all ales or :•t tlerttnLlrtit,nts 111111 Ihr 1 1i'011.S1' ,1 1 . 1 . $111iillg 1111'1'1q t' Phis is not a tetaiwyttr . x. extraordinary rtlort, ill th• hut or 11'1111, 1 , 1;1 Iht• llnnlitic 4 :!•e 1.1 i11111111:1;•11. 1.1 , hicli is dentinal to 1 , ,t ns claim irg at: time it-.L''. 1',',!(8: lith proved. a GiBlsBB4 18 ley ion' , Whore attlio And various oll.or Lili u.y r Iniu e It ye cnuulctl t hoir linis 1v 1%, but able to Prate conli.ienily I loit are a certain cute for Iw. hol . is :18.1 litre liscar •s, i; to 1118 1 , 1.8 i :8-1,1; it toiure or un rdivyed Itica , tire. It I'olll , lv , butt tor front the I 1i.0.1, imd imparts renewed vi:iiliiy ioiAten^rcnil - it chat Iota: 'and ioal .0 for the retiirat ion of 0i , 0r: . '.: tile stoat:Leh, livt aiol 111..1' mildly Lnl pol.e; }.. 7,--1,1 tnaConditit II 0,,v1111,H the ;ild.pii,L hat or the of nails F.11101'1 . 5' 1:::i yl. 111. 1' lit Chtily ns Clp thirectimm im the l„ ttte , ttmi ilt, v, ill find. in it a slit:tilt:int 1 tomlittrly oti..pted to moittm•t, declining year, 0 , it i• j•h•,it,titt to the paint e, ittri;rorating t,t e anti rejuvenating pow: ttity. Ittc.o 10.0 &nee ft' :1;t1•.1 i:11•11 Whl.) IffiVo WillOrit•To I I the I etit".'t I , ino this prep:l'l.o:lon while Hiller:lm; Iu i 01 ,, 100011 de rangements generoi illg the edvice ph . l :o,,lndonea all tlttleieri,ttiq r,rnr. :HA i',.1110 ~:t,•11 the merit:4 .k f,tv 'l'L , t , •:r^ ,, .lll.iuloti , . , l;ohon I (ill, are i.e , 1•,,. • I • I / MEM 111 I• 1111.1 i ;11/ I . ‘• 11 . 11.10., 11111 11111 t•l'. ( Illy 11 !lio p 11 :1 1 , 1" 1111 In : I o ll_ !I 1,21. t • ( . 1 y 11011111E1 I !he i 1,1011:ily The 11 efir f.r and aldid lli r , •, hr 1 a I.d. t11,d1.1.1t0 and t J.:11.1,1110 I I .1,11 . Hi. II il• I. Flak lIM tit.. i• :.1 1. f.) Irr I , r it r I 111111NEEMIE1 nt.L . ,t Ilse S Ci I I \ 1 , 110 ,1 /14 ,J MEI 1.1% I ! rt r s ii:: 111 lI rrr : ;• , 10. 1 y I, 1111.,‘ 1 ,, of ,! L.- 111. I . 11, 1,1 • "I ,dent:try ni:;,craniu;:lic~L ilm.:ui•l 111:1` -. 111 , 2: I 11:11'. I,WII tiro 1w1 , 1;.• n . ::1111!•t, lihing ;my Ow Inn?iy ihlir , hut II s; t'hhhr hs I hi, 1-;nil wit hni on, 11In ti 11:1-1 t h e tr. Mot\ n on tlic !:ole or Cle lo ki I . I.l'.lped on Cm• metallic eat , et , \ t , ,g alttl ___o.l.a.tartc I it: , L_OLIV-11LLIAJ L , 444,1414 he label. Xtir. Prepared and sold by - HOSTETTER & ISMITH, Pittsbw*gh, d'a., slid sold by al/ druggists, grocers, and deniers generally throughout the Upitcid estates, Ame rica, and Germany. Sold S Elliott. Haversti. k, .1 , /bn o.'Attirk, ,101111 Slllmwittdm ; 1. Kau man. t. II 11..1mi , Lur.; , 1111. i 1.1 t1,17.1•L generally thi• Nov. 11. 1 , IND-;1:1"ti DIPIZO \ 1:1) BLOOD SEARCHER A S'I'ANI).I 1:!) EDI( i; For thr I.ll', cll Of ATA OF ow 7'111,110 !i in despot .tte.uses ul Fe . ll/1 . 11111, ell ' tlllll l oll, Pimple.: on t 1.4. face, Old. Stubhurt) I. I. or., Seald 11...1. 'l'elter'allections, It hem rau oDyspep , la, .1a adiee, It lonat. Morourial Dim.amm I;enm al lid e, laver Complaint., 4,, ,D.A . ,w Foul h I.l4),.ColoplaintK, and all 1)4, their, 1.; l gin Ina Impure , tat,. .4 the Wm.!. W ive In the ea tat ..f David leCre.iry. Napier township, Itedlor.ll,o., Pa. mho, on the tist day ,if nice net. 511 made affidavit -before .1 tt.t Ir.rl'ey that lif wa tre Lod tor the curt, of CllllOOl. by three of Medlin 1 county, and by Dr. Newton 4,1 the I:, 1,..•11.• illege it Cincinnati, for n p Hod ..r nearly ei mouthsolotwlthstrunittig u hielt. Ills' lip, portion of his left eitt,lc wero entirely eaten au a:, Ile had given up all hope,-, hen he heart of tli” • 111,.,..; gearcher." and was itidin•ed to fry it. Lour 1...111. ell 1 1 0 .1111111.1111,111101 . 111,11•11.11 3. 111,11,111,1 IIII•11. question but what Ili, invaluable mrJi, it. 4. ~ive.l his life. The full particula, of this rentarkat.d” 1 . 11,e nine he xl3llll in a circular, in filch 1 1 11111, had Of :1113 1.1 I.lle .Agente. ii' clue refer to the elle' Of Earev Jilealotey. o r. Eid".. ton, A ,1•111,11 I.w ing una)d.• to get out of 111 1 1 1 , 1,1 ;111 three y,• TO the race of a Lute in M l .Olllllll l . Clearm•iti county who Iragn/so afflicted ivith Scrofula it, it • ,o),.1 Mint. To the rose ora. rge Mei,el, I esidlins in I 1 , 11 t ,” 4), Cambria county. Pa., who wan so 1.141iy titicted uith „,Cancer that it felt Iris entire un.e 011, and his case was worse it W l , l 'll/111. thee Met Thu particulars "rthem•4..l,es—every ono of v. 141,11 was soled by the use ~t. t h,• 11l ic,l Se:tr,•lter—may I,SO be 'Lund in /1 fin:11111e to bot Inta 4.1 any the Agents, It. M. 1.1:1144N. Pc , .prietor. Laboratory for th.. mat, tfctnro att.! sale, near the Pa. Itallroad Depot. 1.14 ...burg, Pa. Dr. Geo. 11. ISeyser. \l'holesale A ten t. Pittsloirgh,, Pa. yor sale in Carlisle by 5, IV. Haveraiiel:, S. El Hatt, and S. It. Kieffer; Dr. .1. Ilet ring 111.,b•ittics burg; Closlveller 1, Zonli, Sitepherdstown ; Jothila (21,10 nogstruvn ; Jacob Slut MOM:, Cross Kends; .1..1. Coble, L. Riau Sidiretntinstmvn; A. Si. 1,141141, _Mary IV. itissel, Uhurchtnwn: tic IV , : Robinson Whet 11111 • Fasnaught A Co., OalcvIlle; Slmentakor 1:111olt, Nowbutg; Win. Dratton, New ville; .1, flood it • Co., Springfield; Itrusell 1. Co., Dickinson; 11tg'•1041.1 1, Washing, 3nel:gottville I IVm. Loss, Ronda; Win. 11. Eekles. Sporting 11111; D. Donlint!1•1. Whita 1101; J. C. Alti..k,Shippensburg; all of Cumber -- +laud county, Pa. M l expe t rie t nc t c i ! i d attuutiou nnithors ha,r SOOTHING SYRUP,' FOR CHILDREN TEETI/iNG, which greatly facilitates the process of teethinc, by softening the -urns, reducing all liiilannitlon—will al lay alt pain . an% spaittnodie action, and is cure to regn Into the bowels. Depend upon It mothers, It will give rest to yourselves, and AND 'MAI:CIE TO YOUR INFANTS. We hays put up nud sold this article for over ten years, and can any, lit-contidenee and truth of it, what we have never been able tb nay of any other litedivillo never has It. 611100 luFtand MRS. w iNsLowts tact a cure ly used. Nov lcuo‘v tin in alsatlsfactlon who -utaal•lt.. Wary all are with Its 01,e 'ad stoic' • BOOTRIN4 rszrzsialp. irations, and speak in terms of highest commendation of Its tna: gicaloffeets and medical virtues: We speak In this - matter “what as do know," after ten-years experience and pledge our reputation for the fulfilittojt of what wix hero declare. In almost every Inntanco where the infant is suffering from'pain and exhaustion, relief wilt be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup Is administered. . This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of 6ho most. experienced and skilful nurses he New Ebglaud e antl.hua been used with never failing kiIICCOFS in ' THOUSANDS OF CASES - - - •It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo• rat eg - thci stouineli and liinvels, correate acidity and gives to , l§,and energy to the, iviible - systoin.. It will most lustautly,relleve " cIRIPINCI IN TIM BOWELS AND WIND a n — valet ono, .apoodilytro. FOIL a death, - It the . Lust remedy 71nall C4llllB mitres •nirr tZtr 'and Alum 0 # 1 ..t. - A -4 Va dein iihoth__. from tooth' CHILDREN , ;0011111 con- Which if net, ' mottled end We believe and surest th o world s , iofDYsentery • ,Inta la OM- • l ____ er It arises AVM teething,or from any other edllfil.. , IVO' 'WOWS. nty to every mother - who hash child sulferlngtrom any of the foregoing complaints—do, hot let youvrejndlco i • 4 % . nor the prejudices Mothers stand between ur sutler- , ' fug childand the relief that will _be Stlith •es, All,: "• BOLUTIZLY SURII•:•46.follow the' ago of this ulleluO, , j , //timely used. rull directions for'l using will aceon“ ' 1 , . "RUT each bottle:. Nene.genulne unison the 1111 , 8111:111.0 . j of OURTIS li nuticips, New York, IS il 'a the outside .. _.. "i ll .ri r . 4 c ' ,l ... ' T' ' . IT, , ' : "` , tl.o;..Nnr . 111 1 T . , .! ,,, '^'. 1 ~ t. '3il;l 4. • =I I r r 10l r , :trt irn I :I'LL 'lll, tII , in. ~.: / ti, i 1 t li It• 1 i 4 cIII . t, S failed in Co t n ef n Limp Cr did wb— idgnee n f by ratty Otto 071 th o con - delight I. Itl P Y Tfl lg B - I. _ -11E.GETiy8LE LIFE PILLS. PTIO2~N 11C 131±.1.)ErtS. • The high and envied eelel.rlly there pt e-01111 uoet Me.lieines hove arqulr.ellne;*h r luvarliane eft cries In all the iliseuses' %Odell they profem, to ritte, has rendeitirthe usual prlietlee of fluffing not only nuance. wiry, but on Worthy in them. They am it now t• by their fruits: their Bond works testify for I hem, and they thc.,lve not by the talth of the (Ted u10u,.. In al/ ca toe of AoU, nut, Acute and Chroule Itheuron tlsm. A fievtions of the Inndiler and Ithlue3s. Billions levers and Liviir Complaints. Lt bile South, ALLA %VITA 'lO burn LII DSO dlinases prevail, thm elll be found Invaluable. Planters:, farm ra and nthers, who On, non these 1/1111likill,S. will never do he with nut them. Itillimo , Cll die mot Smoak I,,,(Gene,s, lilies, r. 1 1 ,1, .0 - .1 ( 11.11 C. CONSUMPTWN,,UNOtt With greht a ounces In alh3 opt p,rson it). h ,111:.! dire nc should using thus," In • lu•nu.s i,nnundi Eruption. , 0 the shin Erys!tdaq. Flatulenry and Fe e, rred zne.—For soottrge ol the te•tern reuntry thy:lr. re1.:01,31e, speedy red , ert.iin rtseedv. , . Where mrhisiner - frave the n3hLll.lll ,tl.j,ct t.“ t,!;11ril of the direr st•--r. cur:, Lr lice , medieinem IS pl•rrmu .111. than In. kritd. met be cured IhIULNESri 111 ItOIII.I,NXIIIN, t;ENEItIL DEBILITY. (I•11i Gravei. •.1 11r ry 1.111(1, 1110.1,1.00.1 Y Impure LIN I.llt 01111'1. \l\'!,, ). 4 V. V. 1,1,1!3:,1*.Q yell,. tail^h. nadir rin vet het, - t elroet,,f :11er eury FlIttlIt•I' than the least pee rill! le-opera lt,, I‘.:,',V,Z=CM•II,IIIIItS 11,,,t 1 . .111W`1,. (.111dbe. , ii• rinn: Pr. P. ti y. in tac Itottcl, j• iutx Iti Jor Mil rif!'`' , l' , ll"%l 1: ~; 1!: 1.144. e, I 111. isl'c t 1. tNi,ielli t• raf . lll 1: ill tw ecrt. 1.111: P11.1.: 4 l':1'11 , d TIN; Vid),,D, d thu , ,ll,VP all I= s , llO I , y :',ll Dru kl 4 vimsq - e It N yq . ke : 4.04 Ti., :in Is • DR. EATON'S fiIFANTE CORDIAL. ,IIN noi . : 111,4• it tit , 01'1 tit^ t ttltrt.lti titt4t,lll.l-11.M`-- I' ii..l I,lieu I b 1. , if I, :1•0 tiLllll..or. that ~- 1 1,11, , It PAREGORT OR OPIATE. r ' 01 Inv kind. nnh t1i , .. , •1-1, 11,11,1 , 7 I.v rrtnnvin.r thn I lICIII., in, ..I ~,I n .1.1.1. in.h., I , I 1., 11 , ... , 4r.ninz l' , . sn.n.lhinti. , ... • l'n,' I hi , :-.•,,,,.. I , . nhn , nil. it, II ,I. 11, .01., r , •liil I- ~ I. ;•••r Ili ; t' I ll' Clilltli•t•ii tite•t•liting, itint•ritoett. 1tt,..1e,,t,••• 3 • • (),1 1 ,.. itet..; in % the Llttiveltt .1.1,1 i!.- ; : IC, t•,,,, , , 11,101 t 11 In tht• In a.l, '1 , ht I' . ..nt 31-.. 1.,..•th•1ti: .. 111 , . 1 . ,,-.. n.hin , ,,,... 1nn,,,, tv•ll.r , - - 11: , ,III., thy 11.•,,i , . Int 1., I,: ; :nth ii hi. 1,.....” 0.-1., 1.., , ,,,,,,ti ..1,.. \ ‘4. ~ I , ' :I. 1. In. I, 1111 11, I , i'hnh ..,,,.., ih :01 hi-- oar a• likillll 01' 01 lair Fits. .t • t•• 11,,, ,, ...• II • 11,111,,1ith , 1 , 0111 . •:Iihi/1.11.1111.i ‘N i -it 111 , ,Ve 1,,t, ht. i 1V... 'l , l 1,1.1 ' ii,111:11r 1 , 1.-1 , 01 i. , ••• Sal , I. \.‘ ct•l t Ilk t t " o ~ 'tit! 11 `PI Cli rt. (.1 11:11,14 :.'.0 t.l , t:ii. I .ItIII, l• , t , I.t• , t , I' il. l'.l 1,1 il , l'conplhint,..:ll, chinn , .•, , .l, 1 , 11,t• I L'l4 LULA/it. tt.....k:(11.N.,•-iN i.:AN-1464•;--t-14tti Hi .A 1,. LH.' 1,11 cll . Ir.l, 11;...n. It b• pf , r... tit - Larn31 ,, , , ./. and ,• , nn..t i 1 , :hiti,...1 In , ••:.. , .Itn . :h.:o, i I' , ,n C. Priet•, '2 ~,1 11 I 11;1 .Itr, Linn,. nin ,,, 11./.,,,,v / , ,I, h I folio. 1 . 111.:,1.1 nnh, by Clil i ' liCll A 23 t.. 14 )NT. N,, .1 ,t 1 li,,tlitt Ny Nt.,,' \.n I:. ' - 41. : 4 Y l t»lt •StNON'. 1 ,..5..' r '6lol l A : . c • rj ,,, , IsVP 1 . .^ , =7,-- ', u ....# i.. 11 , ,t1thy 1:ultrIll 1•101. 1 A; A _ j F.] - 1) nittlyti prosvitt sn•:n Mt eskt.t.tinl t tits Ow Tone tit it toivi of n pr rnn stifTvri nc from l'•tt. I,i , .113 tittil v% Pry Intir.trit . .• r•,11:1111 itl lb , ri•tl t•tittipty I.llvsi• tleti witvitiv nud yutt 1111• ttitt %veil. 71, Itip nits Hit tit in it.uti.l,l tirrirt this y e It 1 ttilot ti•it I, .11 , •c•:. 11.t•14 I'ItEPABA'FIONS thq11 • 11 , 111 th 41117,011 i t lir 11.,” v.1136•‘..s ••I tiit• TIII;11.1 . 1', lA' 1.1-t• Ni 4 ,011. is 111%%/I:.S lii N... 1. r 1,• Prt 1.1.14i111..11111. 1.11 itt• i 1.1 . • •i. I.r i•jrti i I. r al, "I I• 1 1, n Jr i. tab 00l 11,1 1. “1111 , 1 111111 ‘ 1. • .li 1!••I• hit.. HI" irt Ili it nn hat ytol 'rh o " "" .• II .1 irt, I S,,ltth/1/ and :i:l , l', ahtlt. take, .tiroot , t1:111.t I' .ultr t ly L. lilt, ; 4 ,1,1 111.;1'INT, Broadway. Na,‘ .1 W. Ilyntt ,t Solis, Philadelphia, and 0.11. lie3ber kVhedesall• A.,ents. Par 5:00,4:6, C roml,s, Iloarsrilc• 11 . , / lirii,lll.ll tip ,core m 11,re !hr. llic!,itty Cem : yla Pro,o- C•ltarrh. Char ant/ ;illy VI - owl/I to e voice of PUBLIC SPEARELIS and SINGERS Yew are awari ~ r Lim importance 'l' elidclititg n Celia ee i • remilein Cold - ill its Iliad stage; that whigh in II wain I yield to a mild remady, if neglect°, smut tit laelcs the L 11132,1. ‘• iisrevida inenchial l fersdies, 1,10.1h.311 4 demulcent ingredients, allay l'uhilunar . . . moms ..That troal.h. ht :ay Throat. far will. 1 tlii,"Tr. all, - nro haling mad 1110 oftelt n inerolvhh twin," MOE TROCHES N. I'. WILLIS. rneenunend their use to Pub! DEEM Flicakcr REV. H. CHAPIN. '• I [:l% 111 . 111'1,1 ox trl!IllelY SerVlOV,lble for 11,11.,111,S." TROCHES MEE 1: EV. HENRI' 'WA tID BEECHER . . in,tant rrlirf in the diAre.i. ing labor of l•reAthlng pallor to Asthma 1(1:1'. .1. C. EGGL,P;SIO. " no Opium or anything in jurf , aNi! Lit A. A. 111 YE: , . Chemist Ilant,n A simpli: and plug ant combinatio, for Owghs, TROCHES mffimin TROCHES ME= TR 00 lIE Beneficial In Dif..i. F. IV. I. \NE on . h, stmi "I ha, pcotwl them excellent 101" huoping Cough.' REV. 11. IV. WARREN, Boston. " Beneficial when compelled to speak, suffering from - BEV. S. .1. P. A N BERSON. St. bulls. " Effectual In removing Unersenessallll hrrlt .ti ill or the Throat, HO COllllllOll With Smuthers and Singers.'' Prof. .11.• STACY JOIINSON La Grange, (la Teacher of Music, Southern Female College. "(beat l , kofit when taken before and Ilft.ol. preaching. us they prevent Hoarse ness prom their past effect, I think WWI' Will Lu of permanent. advantage to, me," MMIEII TROCHES IMMO TROCHES ItItONVN '3 TROCHES MEM TROCHES EIBEEEI TROCHES IMMO REV. E. 'ROWLEY, A. M. Prooldtmt of Athol. Col legr, Toni, trs)„. Pohl by nil Dr th4vlsts at TWENTY . V E CENTS .A TROCHES =1!!! A CARD TO THE LADIES Dr. Duponoo•s Golden Dille for Foninles btfalliblo in correcting, reyulaling,a• remoping all obstructions, front aultaterer cause, and always sithcessfui as a prevenqvc. The Combination of ingredients in Dr. Dupgrico's °olden Piiik.4kre perfectly harmless. They 1110,4 63 ell used iu the private practice of old Dr. Duponco, fir tiO years, and thousands of ladles can testify - to - Willi' groat . and noVer-tikillng HUCCOHS in almost eydry case, to cor rooting irregularities, relieving painful - runt - dlstiesslng knetutruation, pa ctioularly at the changik of life. prrem iltekto ten pills will curl, that common, yet dreadful cailplifint,,the Whites. 'Nearly every female in the land suffers from..this - complaint: - The abovi pill )111:4 'permanently cured thousands; mud will cure ou if yqk use them. They cannot" harm 'you, tb - contrin' they remove all obstructions, and rester ittureqn s proper channel, and invigorate the whole system; they are put-hotly safe and harmli:Es. - - - - Price FI per box, flold wholesale nod ?dell by ' 13. ELLIOTT, Druggist, garliale, who Is thu eJlo itgont for that place ,Lad,loe ; remit. Ling film to the "Corlett) Post Oftlefi”2eatt-hayo thu Mlle cant to any' part of the country, freu' of pang°, by than. Sold also-by Chas. A. Bannvitrti Ilarriskprg, C. Tadlllor, At'orti,'J. A. Wolf; Wrightsville and &Yon° (lE4ff:tint to *very ylDago and towfi ion. • N.• 8., 'Look out. for enuntorfhlts; Bu' no 11014611 Ville of pony lthid, Unless', blowy box le eloutt by S. D. Down. All other); aro a ,baso Inipostflph .itod'husafo, thoreforY, an you yaluo"your Ileum and health, (to say nothlif Et of tieing htitnbitued oht of, your money) buy th.ito , •vhO phew_ Alio Ai qintlirLl of S. D. nowt: on 1,•,../il}.t -ria. }loft trno:n loot! , te.t.ttot. - tor I t hilndrlpliin ittulv. AA. )1 1,, h A, 11.. 1_".:;u noon 14.111.1,1rhi.1 for Peloliog at r.Oll A. 1.00 I'. \ .3 ,tot : no V. \I. Fort , Itton Ittottlitor to Philattelphito. hi 7.f !Ind sI .1 . .. The Imo oh. 2, tint. In.ot IlarrisJor4 roam, .1 !eo:tot 'ith cp (min for 'A Pitt,lon Ni.ll '1,1111 , ,11. ti , hethl ani t.tht , r lottotonlloo to J.. 1 C1.1'1,1. MEM ;pint, 6.. Lop U 0 ° 11.1'r ANI) 1:.11' The tlr( lie ,•1, ) ,.• h o . n, 11. allll,lll, I he public 111.1 t ill •,- ,:ntio , 41.1171. V; LlS:it the told .1,1,1 Ili 11, , t High ttrt•o•t :ma r. and en, i , in °LI ace t id. 5 1.11 !lead LireNs ot Ecera Para./ sh/la and (,)a / that tl I," strictly In lotrphig t , with Itr• itritrt,yetn rut tit the rt, ttittl !nil,' up, I• 1 tog° itt n Itivh ttr lit v. hand a sph.n.ll4l as. ; tu.t.n t , 11 N• t , LLo 11n1-1 1.1 It Als :11.11 11,, an.,l :al r!. s [lint nt , t. t•,i . 13 011" VII. 11., 11,011 , '). 1110 SIMI. in , I tan.s, .1N1) ('Az 4 SI‘II:ItE, BEA 1' ER v. 1 , 1:1,T ri s k T. o: el try sty le and colorllllll llllwurp,, I lor I I'• Nth.l6, 1/UBIIO.II,ITV AND FIN 1:11 I.y of :thy other establishment 111 the rout] try. 31 and HAT,: nud CAPS, clever)' illwription constantly oil hand. Ile rc•nl a 'elfull • y Invite% all the 01.1 pattoos and a s many hew c.urs as possible, to give Lim a call. J. U. Apr 1 80-ly - L 3 I..ltuE:;upi.LlEs roil TIII: 111:AD .I\U Fl At tho store of John I; lino. an the N. N. mrrnr of the pohlh Sqlelee, is tile to 1111teilOte Ilootti :that, MI. A Caps. at prises that dory eantpetnion. 11e ha, rotaria II front tile thu largest and 1:) . o.t oat:1111ot. tts,artment or Boot , , :110,, I lots ez our prerellbvi tO this roumuuJt y, 1110011 h 1 la ilatortilloort to sell at the 101vost pat...l - ',tees. Ills stook embraces orouttliug lieu Ol bllni 11150. 1+11(11 14 ALEN'S 3 BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip lim~t Calf and Patent. Leather o)hird Ties, Cal turd Ca tent Leather Cutters, Call Sulllllor ,Calf and Rip Brogans, Slippers, &e. Nvrai n. I , • rench and English Lasting hlaiturs, Moreres, and Kid linnts7 - Finc Eirt,,Siippers, niney ::11ppers, 3111,11,0, and Uhl Buslans,V:c.. AND tlllllAtlt EN*B WEAR of all deFerlptltols entbreeing fine ',astir% (loiters, 31,0 "c oo ~,,d 1,,,,t h ug Butts., BOOLS, 11011,tt . 0 Loco noun, of ell kinds, Miley shoes of verluns sly lON blipp.l . S, HATS S: C.l PS, Silk, Catedinere. For and Woul Bats of all qualities end styles, alto a largo et , sortilieitt ut S 77?..4 11 7 ‘ Li TS, Roots and Shots mad° to order at thirshortoof not ire Repairing promptly-done. Confide nt irf hio - ability to ploase all elastos of cukonlerti, lto rospeetlully Invites (Ito ',oldie to iziro hint a (•all. 9 Itinutonllor the placii,i l • of the .Publiu Srplare. May :Oh AND OIL CLOTHE!! AT lII.DRIDOIII'S . 011IAL' . • Im peri al , Bruseell, ) ... Imperial, Ingrain, - ;• ARPETsc VO t &c., • Also. 011. 01.0'1118 of ,all Widths. and IVIATTV:(OI' o f MI , Muds, With a large supply of'vrav L.ay stunia , - IIItAIN and 6NTltir and STAIR. CAll l'li'S, MG CAR , PETS, COTTON and III , II I IP 04111.01T8. Au. • ' Ilelng,under ocry light expenses law gambled to so❑ 0/080 goads at sufliszently lOIC PRICIN to out 111010,10, 'ENT TIMIN, sod buyers this. to Alio piano they guu £41,01110110y., `IL IL ELDRIDGE, No: 93 Strdwberry ,9t.;,',2d door above Chestnut, PHIL.ADELP.FIA. . Ani.StrAwfwrry,lB ti fl of Streurirt oyoSavond SE Mirth 20; 1801,- I ZtEnoo. , • r • ii ES II; •A` lot of Macherel—now retch-1n assorted rack gos allalvos, Quarter, attri.t:lghtit Bands.. Also,. • S-A N , fur tialo dt the Store of thu subscriber -0i3i,t17; • . .. , ii,6o - T,RACT -- 'CFIA - INS ., OF 41 4 14 .‘ y . % -- klintii . iittli it' iiitge'ammrim 6, l':or ' - BUTT CII AIN :';: , .., 11 A 11.I'Elt ell A.7NB, IiItE4ST CII AIN'I3O •• . Al 11'11 V1 1 ..4:1N8 , ..1 WO CIO yis:':; 4 . . .. • . ' ' .T. ts (- •,.I, k , p., El _~ ,~ : ) .10 1 U.I i " It, d, QM Ip. 11,' ' I it ES .1011 N IRVIN} J v L 1 y: