_•• • N 1 ELTVGOODS AT PANIC PRICES. . duet receii - ed another lot . of eIegant:SPRANG U .) S, bought nt the present raducod city prices and selling uncommonly low- for (ME:4k ------ -- - UItAY adoos for traveling drabs, Chan de Laines, Lustros, Lawns, Silks, ke. in great vprloty. Musline, Elkeetings, Tlskings, Ulughams, .c, at the very lowest prices: Jje7,-.llEN'd AND' DOYS' WEAR, COTTONA ES, SUMMER CASSIMERES, JEANS, DRILfINUS, &U. • Ladles', Gents'. Misses and Childron's Gloves S ock ings In endless variety, and very cheap. Reeollret the store nearl y opp• ES site the ilepot. CUARLt)OII.OY, Trustee. Carlisle. May 10, 1801. AUDITOR'S NOTICE —The under , signed, Auditor appiiinted by Orphan'-Court of CumberlAnd county, to audit, settle And adjust the account of John Oiler, administrator of William Heine. finger, dee'd., and to report distribution of the balance roultining in his bands, will wadi the parties lutenist. od, at his office, Carlisle, on 31 . 9tiday, the :47,11 day of May, 1861, at 10 o'clock, A. M. WM M. 111tIDLE,Oudltpr. May 10, 1001.-3 t NOTICE TO BUILDERS. The Trustees of the Farmers' High School, of Penn's. will 'Twelve proposals for the Stone and Brick Masonry, Carpenter work,mud Plastdring of the remaining part of their building, which consists of five stories high, ono hundred and forty-two feet in front, the end vt fug oxtonding back °Laity one feet and six inches. The proposals will be received at the • Farm school, In Centro county, until Wednesday, the 22d day of Alay, 1861. at 11 o'clock, A M., and may be for any part or tile whole work. Drawings and specifications of the work may be set , iirit the Farm School. at any time, upon application to Dr. PUGH, the President of the Institu tion. The Trustees have on hand a large quantity of atone, brick, sand. lumber, finished doors and windows, iron unties and sills, which may bo used in the building, nod which the contract or will he required to take at cost prim.. An examination of the work to he done, and the materials on baud, would be necessary to enable any one to bid for it. EVAN PU(rir, Flt ED' K. %' ATTE, 11. M. WALL! ST Eft, Committee of the Board of Trustees May 3,1861.-3 t DRY GOODS:. DRY GOODS! F IRST ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS MIS SEASON. We have just completed opening our Spring stork of Dry Goods, which is larger and more varied than at soy former period To our friends and customers we Invite you to visit our immense titoro Booms, Our stock consists iu part sf LIL - 1101SE . '", FANCY AND PLAIN Magnificer.t and brilliant styles of Siirkpg Silks, a very largo lot BLACK SILKS, plain and froured.and Foul aids at PANIC PIIICEA. We especially iriyite the ladies to this department of our monster snit*, Norwich Poplins, lacquered Lt ersted Cloths. Grey Cluole Lusters, Chalk Do Latium colored and figured Brilliants, French and English Chintzes, English and Amerkan Calicos, WHITE GOODS Theseritiiriarheen selected with care, and are from the largest and best importing houses in New York and Philadelphia. We have in this department, Linens. Laces, Edginp Cambries, Brilliants, Nainsooks, Jaconotta, Lawns, Mu. pluallus, Lndiea Fine French Collars, Undersleeyes, &c.. all of which we respectfully ask thorough examination. in order to ratlsfy Ladles the we base those goods better and lower In price the the lowest. MOURNING 0001)8. Thle line orgoods Is very largo and ample In every department. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, Silk, Woolen, Cotton and Linen Hose for Ladies and Gentlemen, Kid, Kid Finish, Silk, Lisle thread Gloves. Call and see our far hutted Buck Gloves." DOMESTICS. Muslina, Flannels, Blankets. and every article in the domestic line of Dry Goods, in larger quart ty and in more comph to assortment than can be found lu any House in the Interior of Pennsylvania. I=l Clothe, Cass!mores. Postings, Linens. Cuttonades Bearewens, and cord., for both Men and ltnys.—Ou Casslnieres are adjudged by connetssuers to be unsur passed fur beauty and quality. =! Superfine No. 1. two and three I'ly, Bruasele, Velvet and Ingrain Carpets, a largo assortment of R,u Carpet., wade to order under our Immediate supervision Oil Clothe. of ail widths and "styles, Mattings, hugs, Look log Glasses, kr. To young men and old, about eine:lug upon House. keeping, we Invite you to pay a visit to our large C P: It' 0 0 M, admitted to be the most splendid affair outside of the largo cities, where goods In this deportment are sold at very low prices. Remember ladles and geutlenuM. my motto always has been; and is now to sell cheap for CASII, and to please my numerous kind patrons. A. W. BENTZ, S. Hanover st., .11lay. 3. '6l. Nearly opposite the P. 0. Carlisle Pa. MO ARMS!`TO ARMS!! 1S ALL THE CRY. ALL PERSONS. without regard to AGE, are requested to call at LEIDIOII SAWYER & MILLER'S New Store, East Mein at., and examine their immense stock of NEW GOODS! 3.xt J.. store from Now York end IthiludelphLa, eon misting of all the Newest Stylesand kinds Irf Dress Goode, Shawls, Cloth and Silk Hartung, Embroideries, Sun Umbrellas, Parasols, Lace Mitts, Kid Gloves. Sc., Sc. MOURNING 00008 of every description imported by the celebrated house of lIESSON & SUN. MEN AND BOYS WEAR! Clothe, Cassimeree, 'Wettings, Linen and Cotton Pant- Inge, Coatings. Gloves, Hosiery, Collars, Neck Ties, Pocket 'Kerchiefs, &c. e — Domestic Goode of Every Variety, at Wholesale and Retail.'lslll CAN , ETS ! CARPETS! All kinds direct from the Factory, Oil Cloths, Mkt tlngs, Window Shades. Blind Materials. Looking Glasses, Gilt andhogimy triunes. . - Every variety of goods imitable for the wants of the whole corinnunitv. As wo bought since the WAlt CRISIS, and customers will Bud-our prices to suit the times. Please call at SAWY2R it. MILLER'S New Store, East Mate Street. May 3, 'Bl. At/gm RI AM 0 0 7 0 .: NM, mt. , : How Lost, How Restored Just Published in a Sealed Envelope, ON .TLIE NATOPE, TREATMENT. AND RADICAL CORE OM SPERMATORIBEA, or Seminal Weakness. Sexual Debility, Nervousness and involuntary emissions inducing impotency, and Mental and Physical incapa. ell.Y • By ROBT, J. CULV Author of the" Green Book," &c. The world-renowned author. in this admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self abuse may be effectually re moved without' medicine and without dangerous:sur gical operations. boogies. Instruments. rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself CREA PLY, PRIVATELY and RADICALLY. ' This lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thousands.-' Sent under seal. In a plain envelope, to any address post paid, on the receipt or two po.dage stamps by ad dressing, Dr. CIL .1 C. KLINE, AprilLly 127 Bowery, York. Post Odlee, box 4,586. A N ORDINANCE -RELATING TO TUE DUTIES OF THE POLICE OE TUE DOEOUGLI OF Section I.—Be It enacted by the Town Council. of the Borough of Carlisle, and It hi hereby enacted and or dained by the authority of the same ' that it shall be the duty of the Police of the Borough, to arrest within its limits, all noisy and disorderly persons, all parsons standing upon the public pavements, streets, and 'talks. to the obstruction of others passing to and fro. -and who refuse, on request o' the proper authority, and to remove all intoxicated persons and vagrants. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority of the same, that upon the arrest by the said Police. of any intoxicated persons or vagrants, they ebali 1)0 takill before any Justice of the PIVICI, of the said Borough, and be properly committed to the- County Jail, and in case' of the arrest of any other of the persons named in the foregoing Section, they shall be token before the Chief Burgess. or In his absence or inability to act, before the Assistant Burgess, who upon hearing the complaint. shalt have power to sommit the offender to the Jail fur a period not exceeding forty-eight hours: ' Sec. 3.—Be itfur ther enewled by the authority of the same, that the SherilTof tun ,Cduaty shall receive from the Borough, a salary of Twentrflve Dollars per annum. for receiving and 'detitining - persons so committed by the Chief or Assistant Burgess. Enacted into an Ordinance, the sth day of Aprll, 1861. JOHN OITTSIII A Lb. Pres. of Council. Attest—J. M,- MISONHEIMLft, Sec'y pro. tem. Cur. r 'JOHN NOBLE, Chief Burgess. April 26, 186 - BILLIARDS: ,BILLIARDS: I aminnuei '6AI . '4YEI S - : 4ill:'flnd Tat _LI the Phainlk Saloon, :tinder Iwo of CELEBPATED TABLES;, With.l4arble. Bode and Cornbicnition Cushions.' room le well lighted, and heated. and ftirnished with every convenience fo the comfort of-visitors. — GEORGE W. EVIAN% , BOWLING SALOON 14 • - ''';'9441111(1011111.111. !! I • • _ ' - THE. BOWLING - SALOON, at the Mr.utx Itestiukint under:Alicieni'i..nall,:ts_ fur ~-• OF Tpti'MOt!ly',..l.4lPpayED,:co.lolltUcTlON. Dereons fond of title healthful Protteement, will find 'every opportunity .for enjoying the game, free from the Antruidon of boys or - improper poraenii••—• -- ' , • April 12.1801,- GINOROB W. NOLAND: IB RAUOy . ink .tleatly "MEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS HATS, OAPS AND STRAW GOODS. T 9 . C S ..... . . . . • .' -. ',' -.A- ". . - , -4.-- . : ..... _ .:... z . . .. . . ~. .'. -: - 7„, ~. . - - .'"-, s:- ,: :"...:. . : , -t..• - ' , , --.--- ' , - . . . . ...z. =...- --,:"...:. • .fi! , " ~....,, ~, The subscriber. has recently opened a Now Store at the old kit nil of Ilailtert in North ilanoyt r,St. opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank. Having received front New York and Philadelphia, a finuand well selected assortment agoutis In hiir linen, business, such as HATS and CAPS; from the common Wool to the line Fur, SILK AND CASSTMETE Sprtor Styles of Silk bath for IS6I. Straw Hats for Gentlemen. Jockey Hats for Ladles, and fancy llatm and Caps for Children, and PRICES TO SIIIT THE TIDIES• Also, Carpet Baps, Vallxeit. Trunks,.lland Trunks. Umbrollas and prime Bed Feathers. An f 1.4501 tmont of iti,W- Prime Segura and Tobacco.' Thank lel tor the patronage already received he would incite all his Moods nod the public generall!, to give him a call. JACOB BOAS, Agt. • " Carlisle, April 19, 1861 A N ORDINANCE-RELATING TO E REGULATION OF THE MARK ET GOERS. Section I.—lie it enacted and ordained by the Town Council, of the borough of Carlisle, and it is hereby en• acted and ordained, in the authority of the same, that the hour for opening the markets upon the market days, cf this borough, shall be at sunrise, front the Ist of alay to the let of October, and at 12 o'clock, M , from the Ist of October to the Ist of May. Ser. it further enacted. by the authority of the same, that the hour for opening the Markets shall be Indicated by the rlnging of a bell, by the clerk of the Market. and no porno shall sell or purchase in the Market House, any article until the hour appointed f opening the market, under a penalty of ONE DOLLAR. Sec. 3.—lie it further enacted by the authority of he same. that all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances incon sistent herewith. are hereby repealed. Enacted into an ordinance the 6th day of April, 11161. .101 IN OUTAIIALL. Pres. Town Council. Attest—J. M. MasoNuemee, Si'c'y. pro. tern. ter. .1011: 1 1 NOBLE, Chief Burgess. Carlisle, April 213, I gin. ACIIINE \VHEELWRIGIIT lI SHOP. WM. CROMLECH & CO. Now Manufacture and keep constrontly for sale at thel• New Shop, on North Hanover Street. Carlisle, opposite Raymond's Motel. n larae aysortment of Agri cultural implements. such as horse powers, threshing machines, with separators attached, clover hullers, grain Inns. corn shel let 8, STRAW & FODDER CUTTERS, of which are all the latest and best Improvements. Wagons of every description. harrow s.EllithilLOES, Coro ploughs flold Hollers, single and double shovel plouxhs. &e. tiarringes on hand and made to order. Having a smith shop attached. all custom work in town nr coun try, done with DeIIEDEDOt and dispatch. II epairlng of all kinds done at short HOLD.° MEd AD reasonable term,. Thankful for past favors, ino respeetfullY solicit a liberal share of the public patronage: AV - ORDERS DE MOIL PRoxerur ATTENDED 11'5..1C.0 tcJ Lumber. ca+t and wrought Iron scraps takon In exchange ler w, April 19, Nil .-3 w. • WM. CROMLICII & CO. SELLINV, OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE •li ...Nl'. BELOW COST !! .At a, f , h 3 e,alen of the Gold Eagle," doors above the .un .aand Valley Bai k. end two doors below the Methodist Church on II t Main street, the largest and best selected stock of -"" In the town. will be sold 30 per cent lower thnn nt any place In the State The sleek compriseo u Isrge npßotrt mont of Gold and Silver hunting-case watches. Levers, Lepines, American watches, and all other hinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pena and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS , Oil Paintings, a great variety of fancy articles. and a lot of the finest Pianos. whirls will be sold 40 per rent:MK, than ever offered in town. The entire stork of %Vetch maker tools, rases, large Mirrors, and ;3aft, will be sold wholesale or retaP on the racist terms. Having selected a first class workman all kinds of re pairing will he done as usual. at reduced prices. Three Pianos at $lllO below the factory price on ac count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. laa ill sell at the Jewelry Store, THREE ROSEWOOD ..INOS, warranted, nt one-third their real value on easy term If railed on soon. ?OR. SALE.—The large .--,,, three-story Brink House on Main '. . 11,4 &, rent. will be cold on easy terms. •i• -, : ... ~,..:". ~....,, Call at"tlio Jintelry Stiiin iu raid', ? " 31r '--.lri building. Apr 1119,1860. It. E. SIIAl'i.l.A. , CORRECT YOUR ASSESSMENT ! Persons wishing. alterations, additions or dedur tient. In their tax, as also such as are Inuit tt d will assist much by making their cams knOWII to Ca rllolo, April 10, 'Ol.-30 * E Tr I HE NORTH HANOVER STREET CLOTIII NO EIM POR I UM. - ! r takes pleasure to announce to Its friends and patron; of the large arrival of the latest styles of QLOTIIS; CASSINIERES, and VESTINGS, which will be made to order In the very latest styles and warranted to give complete satisfaction, or no sale. Persons wishing-to buy Men's or litty's Wear by the yard, will invariably save from fifteen to twenty per cent. as we ran afford to sell godds much cheaper than any competitor. A careful inspection of our large and varied stock is respectfully solicited. ISAAC LIVINGSTON. Apr=lB,-1801. •' Proprietor. A. 13. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS 18 — irest High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumber l ::nd County Agricultural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber has just received the most splendid assortment of articles in his line. ever brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that de fy competition. Parlo r Chamber, Dlining..room, I I FURNITURE Kitchen and OM ee Embracing -every article wail by, House and Hotel Soutar's, or thu most approved and 'fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattrasses, Jilt frames. pictures, tc., Purchasers aro requested to call and examine ids stuck, at his extensive azire.roenis, %Vest Main sheet. North aide. A. B. EWING. Altcsr- Particular attention given as usual to funerals: orders frdm .town and country, attended to vett!) and on moderato terms. Carlisle, May 12, 1838.-Iy. Just received another new and cheap tot. of 111cher4one Dunbar d• 'Dixon Linear, Moe llne, Calicooe Au., ,gyp. At the cheep Garth Store Nov. 2, 1460. Cll/04. OGll.lll', Irtietee. 1. -I OOP S ! - 11001' SK 1111';": haeo, novelties, and at prices 'to duly comps ties. LEI DIM, SAW VISA & MILLER 14 1 .1R14: INSURANCE. - THE ALLEN I AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FIRE IN SUItANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, !neon))) rated by an act of Anneuibly, Is now fully organized, a nil In operation under the management of the following comutiesionere, viz: Daniel Bailey, William It. Gorgae, Michael Cocicliti, .1. Bich°'burger, Chrlatlan Stayman, John C. Pun lap, Jacob 11. Coover, Lewin Ilyer, B. Eberly, 8,13,111 min li. Mower, J. Brandt, Joueph Wlckerehani Alexandel Cathcart. The rates of insurance are as low and revertible an an) Company or the kind In the State. j•ersons wishing to become members are Invited to malferappheation to the gents of the company; who are wlllths to wait upon them at any time. MIL R. 00110 AS, Piesident. CIIRISTIAN STAYM.AN, Vice President ' LEW-18 RYER, Secretary. MICHAEL COCRLIN. Treasurer. • Managerse--Wm. lt. Gorges, L. Myer.. Christian. Stay. man. 51. Cockircit - Jr . C. Dunlap. It. Martin. 1). Bally, .1 ll.Coover ' Alex. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, ...I. Eli:bother "ger, S. Eberly; J. Brandt. • AGENTS. - IMBEIILAND . COUNTY.— John Sheinick, Allen, He ry Zearlng,. Shiremanstown ; Samuel Woodbm n • tneen ; Henry Bowman, Churrlitown f Mode Orli filth, South' Middielont - Samtiel Ci Mikan; W. Penns 'bore': Samuel enlive., s lochanicsbprg; .1. W. c oc kli n. .Sttephordstown; D. Coovor, Shopherdatoron ;...1 0, .it ax . ton,'Sllver Spring; Benj. linvetetialt, Silver'Spring Charles Bell. Cam lisle; John flyer, Carlisle. .YORK.COUNTY,-.NV. S. Picking, Dover; Peter Wel ford, Franklin ; Jae. Orifilth, Warrington; P. Den; dint!, Washington: D. Rutter, Newburg; R. O. Clark, Dllloburg. DA UPIII CO.—Houser A Lochntri, - Harrisburg. _Members of the corapinytaving policleeabont tort ,plre,:canliave them a ' wed by making application to any of tho AgOots. • April 20. 1859 ER ? 2 EMOVALL—,Da. .N.TelioLs• him re. Itnyrd . hts , ,Vll,co from one door west of e:sx.;on's ItirdweieStore, to ilk reedden,e. ou • est •5141n.Streot, Alreetly'oppoifte tholtallroad °Mee, Cerlielo, ra, Offine hours, more partleularlj , . 'from Bto 10. , A. 111 , end from 1 0.3 P, 51. " Ap.2B'Bl-6m, FE:I • • OTICE;,--Noticeis hereby iyOn that. will be he'd on Monday thp 18th day .of May,.A. D., 1861, at the Court ileum In the boroualt "of Carlisle, between the hours of 2 and 4. o'clbck, P. - M., of that 7layi - toalert• Prelildent 6114 - FiV4ll . iiiigurs; for the Carl is le,Das it Water Company. , LEMUEL TODDI - • :April 20, 2861. • . - Pres. C. 11. &'W. Co. . . „ 2. -- 411141).30j1.,: Fnc Sitle f 13.6' inrit seiuorical flaming liouidifigna 2 Itch Pl4 , ik. Apply. to_ll. 014/38, Carlinlo.. 2?.. 120,7-8 WATCHES AND JEWELRY J. W. 1:11Y, Assossor. =I .-.LIA - OE - DEALtitS . ' t. (11.PLGOODS, WARES AND ME - ‘,./ORANDIS2. Aiso, Distillers, Lumbermen Er sr. ors, &c., within the County or Cumberland, retvi cd and rtamitted in accordr.ce ,with the several acts t \ b southly, as follows, to It: ..,-- , Ml. . 4 1 oArtidBldt. A. W. Bentz, dry gotAti, Leidilgh, Sawyer it. Co, dry-gOods, Woodward it Schmidt, produce,- - -Henry Saxton, hardware, ' Henderson /it Reed, produce, C. I nitolt groceries, .1. P. Ly lie & Son. t ardwere, Armstrong it. Holier. lumber, .1. W. Eby, groceries, C. 01411Ity, Frost.). drr-goods: S. M. Hoover, I emir r and coal, .1. It. Nonemaker, produce, J. it D. Rhoads,do. Henry Rhoads, furniture, Wm. Bents, glycerine, It. E. Shepley. jewelry, James Loudon, books, John D. o,,rgas. stoves, S. Elliott, ileugs. Jutrob Senor • .1. 13. Duncan, do. Asher Wlel, clothing, A. II .Eivirs4, furniture, W, dry-goods N. ilantelf merchant tailor, R. Moore. shore. J. Multin, merchant tailor, Moe m¢ Pbner & llro., confectionery, J. 11. CAIIio, hats . , A M. iper, stationery, T. Cooly n, jewelry, S. En-oninger, tly nets, whips, John [rile, shoes, lI S. Ritter, merchant tailor, F. C. llrainer. jewelry, S. W. 11.iverstIck, D Sipe, piper and furniture, I. Livingston, c °thing, Arnold AL em, do. .1 A II um, tell, dry.gonds, David Cornina 11. flour and feed, Jacob Wolf groceries, A. Orisinger, de. John Faller, do. N. W. Maids, Agt dry-goods, J. W. Smiley, clidhlor, P. Viii.yer, con fectlmery, Phllip Arnold, dry•gonds, Jonathan Ourriiiranothees, W. I) A. N jewelry, .11i•eph 11, t , teel, dn. George Gr• amn n, bakery, selimai I, do. John Sellera, dt. William Sellers, do Henry Hark Willa, groceries, George do. David Keeney, dn. .1. 31tinemnith, do. Wm. Hero, do .1. Ito unchocrab, do 11. Weneliel, do. 'lra 31..1 stumpli, il.o. Harris .4 Smith, do. Pref. Marshall, etationery, A. 11. Slide. morocco leather, Black & Delancey. I umber, Ii S J Koller. hats, Heiner Fredericks, marketing, Witham Askew, do. David Fredericks, do. John Eckerd, do. Robert VIII isun, do. Jaan Celli., sea., do. W lion Venard, do. Win. l'honoweth, do. D. itufz , Kiikaat irk s 'erlla.dearei lieriley II Eckels, (hold, do. .lames Cn Ito, do. Mary Merits. stoves, Edward Leonard. clothing, floury Voters. grocer Harlen swigert. inn. heti/4, 0. Myers. groceries, Frodorh.k i!ormnan, furniture, l , S. VI Kieffer. drugs • A. A. [Joe, marketing, Mortnirot Neff. iiiillenery, E. Stall, do. Mrs..l. Hutton, do. VI Widtains.do. Charles sli•ipley. furniture, John B. Meek, groceries, Koller & Ws..ihmrrod, dry goods, 13 10 00 .liihr. T.llreon. do. 13 10 00 Benjamin Plank, do. 14 .-, -7 00 !Slimily ii.rrilnor, do. 14 7 00 Jerry Gardner, do. 1.4 7 00 Kerr k TI klmmel, lumber, IZIM=II ==i=l Adam E,dingur, do 1)..1: Ilpuard dr. Co., do. Morilu .t Rpm, do Nosier, dry goods, 13 10 00 Wlllimn Banks. groceries, 14 7 00 = John M'Cormuck,. do Loognecier, do 1). Demlinger. dry-goods, IMMIZZMICE = Joseph Ilidleinan, mnrketlng, 14 7 00 .1. H. lause, 14 7 00 (I,rlolo❑ P. do. 74 7 00 \lillotto David Br."". do. JAn Rummel, xaddlory PlIANKF0111) WIIII3M Grobn, dry.gliods IL Rupp & Son. dry•goods, 13 10 00 It. Rupp. orodues, 12 12 50 !Muer I Wis.), shoos, 14 7 uti Cyrus , ' Tower, furniture, 14 700 GiJ erlo L. II tie. stores, 14 7 MI John Selror...niarketing, 14 7 110 Saninol r amnions, dry goods, 14 7 - 00 1V,,, It. Echols.) do. 13 10 00 JOi/11 M Toniploo. furniture, 14 7 00 Moses Baget, marketing. ' 14 7 00 r, LOWER. ALLEN \VIIIIMn P Ll"yd, drugs, Allralmin itrowors, dry-goods, 1:3 10 00 Eli I‘ 'so, Ju 14 i 00 Jacob N' over, d". 1-1 7.00 11111inm inniketiog, 14 7 00 John Young I Brubaker, Hiram Longnocker, produce, A. M. Leldligh. dry.goods El n 1:3=1! Alosander & Mullin dry goods, 73 10 00 1859 =1 C. ilnover. nuirtetintt, LI;: : d d o. C. hoop furniture, ,tifred'Nluore, dry-porlo, Fdepllnnst. dry-goods, ' 4 Oll. uu. D. 1,. Deviney, dangs, : , ,auuel Plank. dealer, Relay Spahr. flour, D. 11. Voglekung. dealer, 1).4C. Noel, dry vods, az Zug do. Robert [tryst., dralor, David Merkirtr, tuaritaiug, Hobert Iletrtch, do. Dnvli Strohm, dry goods, 10 . 00 John .1 colds. do. 13 10 00 Sills do. 7 00 Leliftch, do. 14 - 7 On Joseph Fink. merchant tailor, 14 7 tin Jonn B Lel-114h produce, John Rouu. dralor, Fhdier h linpp, dealer, IL 11. Bucher, do. F. Brecitcumuker .marketing llodry Zeiler, dry good S 11'Kintley, 11 it Ilum Vuttald, marketlng, E. L. Shryock, Banff nen & Oswald, prod u. e, 13 U. Coml. I & :‘,llh, dry-roods, 13 Joseph 1 Unison, lumber, l4 Daniel Grablii, clothing. 14 Rabb & Garr/mon, horde are, 13 It. Wilvon & Lone. stoves,- . A -.. nl4 .1. 11 ilerrtug, drugs, 14 L. Kauffman, do. 14 Ira Bay, do. 14 Boyer & Brandt, dry-gordn, 13 Joseph I rvih, confectionery, 14 It. Thomas, groceries. 14 John S. ILloyors. bunt .rare, 13 ' !Samuel W. Worst, fur ~aura, 14 John Rupp, do 14 M .. Miller k Eberly, dealer, 14 ' William Wooderilch, stoves,l4 Iteldich & Inactions, do. ..... 14 . MIAs Bobb, do. 14 u llrlodlo & Nolswattgor, dry-goods, ' 11 ,C MUM. shoes, 14 pawl 'Wight. oboes and. hall, . 14 'llle-garet I !pintos, shoos, 14 ten. r. LautuPt, do. 14 Jacob Swartz,je wet ry. 14 L. W. Abrams, clothing, John iteigle, dry goods, 14 Henry Leas, . do. 14 Andrew Slnglzer, groceries, 14 B. O. Boorman, do.ll -(1.. End ogee, do. ~ 14 •P. Storm, dry•goods, • -14 D U. dottier dr. Co., tailors, 14 .1. P. ItatTonsbet ger, music store, 14 'Molting 11. Bryson. produce, 12 John Johnson & Son, do: - , 12 . alvoph Singiser, do, 12 ' Z./violas% & Ilaverstick, produce, 14 neorge Chun tool, 40. 14 'John Johnson. - ounricetitre 14 'Ono. Stinoure, . do.. - 14 Geo. Baser, • . do.- - • 'l4 Frank' Marshal, do. .., .It 4.lolilVlneurin, balteey,';' '.' • ' ' .14 Peter Olnorech, marketing, , 'l4 NEW- CUMBERLAND. T.' Wind., dry•noode, 5w..5111.1er,. do • Andrew Hose, produCe, 'Chn^lee Oy ohm; lumber. 'Leo & Eberly, do. —V. 'Melain. dte. Rupp). n311 . 18;1,4°. —Monier James, do.. Gore 4oes, produc'e. • , • ..• , .. • • , J. 0. - & J. Tt..Flrown, hardware, , .., .. /3 ". •-10 00 8,. 0, Wild, drugs, 14 ' . ' 700 ' :Win. need, .r-do'.. :- , . ~- 14 - -.. ''7 00 311nn.11rniton, do: - . 7-00 -It liuk. & Bro ; dry - pads,. - -13 ' 10 00 -- -'l`; NlTsudish, du. -,_ ...13 , 1040. -.Tillmn il ataugh, do —— ' • 79 , .. , 12 Do if: L. 51'Cullangii, grncer, '. ' l 10' I %' 10 00 -Joarph Lauisitlin, - cicolltig, - • • ' 14, ' 7 '.0.1. ..,L IL J 4444 '' , ON -• . ._ . • IC. :-‘,-.-- :7 Op CLAM , . 1.194N9E. 9 $25 00 10 20 00 'lO 20-00 10 20 00 10 15 00 20 00 11 15 00 12 12 50 . II 15 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 - 7 Oo 13 - 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 IA 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 0.1 13 10 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 11 7 00 10 10 00 14 7 00 12 12 50 14 7 00 14 7 On 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 Oa 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 " 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 01 14 7 00 14 7 00 • 14 7 00 14 - 0 0 ' " ,- 7'oo 14 7 00 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 oo li 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 ou . 14 7 00 14 7,.0 I= EAST PONNSBOROUGII lE:MiI lIIIESI 14 7 on 14 7 00 14 7 00 FIZEI 14 7 00 14 7 00 EllEil 14 7 1.10 11 7 00 11 7 00 11111 EU= 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 SOUTH MIDDLETON 12 12 60 lIIMI 14 7 00 14 7 00 11 7 ou 14 7 OU 14 7 00 120111 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 14 7 UU 14 7 00 14 7 In I= 14 7 Oo 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 OU 11 7 410 13 10 00 14 7 UU 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 rEIMEEI 14 7 00 14 . 700 14 7 00 I=3 14 7 00 =I 1 4--7-00 1i , .. ~7 00 ' 18- 'lO 00 13 10 00 ' 12 - , 12 03 13, 10 00 _ _ " ~. 13 10-1)0- 12 .. -- - 1270 • - -- 14 -'- 700 ivairvzLLt J. M. Davidson, shoes. ,' 14 8. Glosses, grocer, -. i , ,/. • 14 J. It. Prey, stoves and tin,/ 1, , 14 4!. B. Oobaugh, Agt:, - smeml;•: , • - - 14 )1, 11. Herring, Agt.,ehnirs, 14 Jdnathan Forms, marketing . ' 14 A.l'lt hinOn;,, R . ," de, , ' . - ' - 14 - John' ord.), • : do. ' . 14 George itzel, do. . ' ' . • ..- 14 ...__ .. NE TON. '1 ' ' . ._ 8. Miller &So dry-good '':' ' i . 1 14 John Lewis, do, ; .14 .14 111landic& Was nger , dry node, - _ - 14' Jumes Kyle.‘.. ..' do - •'-' 'l3 k'osnaught & 3.1cC0 , '. ' . 14 Hurst & flays, do. 14 A. Ilinich. do. 14 Jacob Wagner marketing, 14 Le ale SI Co , lend Barn, produce, la Snyder & Knew., . . do. , it J. &J. B liursh,' do: 1 ' ,11 Nemcomer & Horn. One - ) .),- 13 Jennie Bishop, marketing. j \, - .).,,i , 14 Bowers & Lasthaw, dreg e, . 13 lienry•Sayder, shoes, -" 14 J. & J. D. liursh, (Oakville,) forwarding, 13 HOPEWELL. James Green, dry-goods, 13 Shoemaker Ar. Co., d 0.13 John Newcomer, flour, 14 Hoover k Itobuck; - marketing, 14 Christian Stevlek, furniture, 14 PENN Wllliam 'ityara, dry-goods, William Warta, do. MI gi E. Kurnool, do. George Russel, do. David Ilaya, do. 11. Ockor, do. Jacob Blahop, morkming, Jacob Deotom, do. WEST PENNBIIOII.OIIIIII. Woodward & Schmidt, produce, 14 Lint, & G Ivier, do. 14 Theodore Ilompshier, do. 13 lilber .lames,-dry-goods, l4 G. W. Robinson, do. 13 B. James, do. 13, Alexander Goodhart, marketing, 14 Win. Bishop, do. • 14 Jerry leen, do. 14 Jacob llanshew, dry-goods, 14 SOUTHAMPTON Strohm & Allen, dry-goods, Clark at Sons, do Geo Clever, do. Schoch St, Sons, do. e 9HIPPENBBURG T. flak rr, groerries, S C. Hallo r, D. Crig.voll, furniture, D. Frantz. do. B. J. ynnddr, do. P. B. Arta.. gro,ries, A. Hostetter, clo . bluff, Mrs. M. Dohs, notions, CMC I•Cutte, dry goods, Rani:en St Brothers, drugs, .1. !lock A. Co, dry goods, 11 Stur,con, trimmings, handle jewelry, Foramen A. 11r,, . groceries, .1. .1 11.,11cdding, dry-goods, O rabll & Johnston. hardware, IL Ilysinger. jewelry, A. F. Wolf, stoves, Kelso & Hinkle. stationery, Willis, Moore St Co. ; dry goods, J. 11. Criswell, drugs; A. Solror, forwarding and produce, ,pulley & L.:kw torn, produce; Whir& Brother, do. Martin Anglo, lumber, "• PLllip Doitrich, groceries, Johnson & Soarer; f •rwarding, Benjamin Biggs, marketing, J. W. Meteor, do. Stuart A Son, dry goods, (1. B. Cole, shoes and lists, J. Bridges merchant tailor, 11. r of )1 Hughes. stoves, Jacob grot—rirg, Forney 4 H'Yh••rwn, hardware, John Fto•ahaugh. " do: Stevlek. Kunkle A: Co.. dry-goods, U. W. Croft hate & shoes, John V. Altiek, grveries, C. It. Hinkle, carpets, C. Fu+naujrht. confectionery, BEER, OYSTER & EATING HOUSES CLASS. LICF.Sisr. Andrew Gould, Carlisle, 7 10 00 George Foland, •• ' 7 10 Fred'k. Kenner, " .• 7 10 Uotleib Switzer, '• 7 10 Samuel Sykes, '• 7 10 Emanuel SVelrich, .` 7 10 Win Slowly. . . 7 10 J))sopit Ehright, " 7 10 JACO! , I.st rattoti, " 7 10 John Cooler. " 7 10 William Sykes, " T 10 John Ileffiniin, " 7 10 James St harfe, " 7 10 11. Arnold), 7 10 Mrs. Low, m 7 10 Mrs. l'eters, 7 10 NI), C. Myers, " 7 10 Mrs. C. Murray. " 8 5 Mrs. 11. Williams, " 7 10 11sving Cie, k, " 7 10 J. DeffenbAugh, EaBl. Ponnsboro', 7 10 D. 11.' Diller, Monroe, 7 10 0. (byre, Upper Allen, 7- 10 John Doyle, " 7 10 .1. T. ippllV, Shippensburg, ii fi T. 0 Hoffman, •• . 7 10 ,Inures Thu key, 7 10 John Melo), :Mechanicsburg. 7 10 Deter Mugu I 7 ' 10 . .. Henry Eberly, " r'l - , 10 John Rupert, ' I '7 ,) 10 John Nlcindson, Newville, a , 5 1. Jr J Gra *ford, " 8 , 5 Joseph Rhoads, Hopewell, , BREWERS ANDISISTILLERS.! , pczNsß. Wm. Alexander, Carlisle, , i" ~, 15 00 Wm. 'Woltz, l5 It. Quigley, Newton, . 15 A. Boater, South Middleton, 25 M. O. lieltzhoover. Monroe, 25 D. 11 Voulessoe, Upper Allen, . 25 W. Henderson, North Middleton, '". 25 S. Urissinger,_ 15 Samuel Einanirger, Newton, 25 ' I EN-PI:s1 ALLEY & BILLIARD TABLES. Licr.N.,. E.,,,,,,44 Weirich. 1. talle, 30 00 Ili•o 40 George Folmid. 2 talkies, : George Foland. 1 21110 y, 30 Jaw Yi) Whorls, 2 tables, , 40 A lly persona feeling themselves aggrieved by the above ewssilieldion, will have an opportunity of appealing by calling on the subscriber, at his residence, in CArlisle. tine cline before the 271,11 of April,after which no appeal will be heard, WM MeI'IIKIISON. April 5, 1001 -6t. Mercantile A ppalser. aro R. HOOFLAND'S \ BALSAMIC conui A L ! • FOR THE SPEEDY CURE \OF Coughs. Co/is, Influenza, Croup, lbarse ?less. Bronchi Pneumonia, Diseases o/ the Bowels. arising front cold, Incipient Consumption, and ibr the relief and (if al a 1 possible) cure of Pa. tients"iwad • ed stages of the latter disease. Theta-Is:note Cordial is en , irely n Veinitahlo lion, eambliiina tllc heelinif proixittlea , the Balastn, with the iiiifttori_ititrifi.llunlititia ul n_emlinl.:ll.E4s:_o7' rg CO well adapiecrto t e ptirpnaes intend• ed. that there at, but (en cases of disease which will 501, at an early period, succumb to ita healing and life givtng Fur ages. has the treatment of pulmonary dlsonses occupied the greater portion of the attention of the scientific of the medical woil t, bnt rune acquired more eminence b. his treatment of theta diseases, than the celebrated l`russian Dr. 1100PLAND, the originator of the Balsamic Cordial. Ills lire was devoted to the produc tion of ream:die that would stand unrivalled. ❑ow well he has succeeded, the American people are able to judge: and we positively assort, that no preparations that have ever been placed before them, have conferred the same amount of benefits on suffering huinanity, or have elicited so many commendations from all classes of society. as the remedies or Dr..llnotiand, prepared by Dr. C. M—lneltsoo 1k co., of Philadelphia: The Cordial is designed fur a class of diseases more generni and more fatal than any other to which t)se people of ILIA country are subject—those springing from a amour cow." That eminent authority. Dr. Bell, says: ••I will not aav that Colds to our Inhabitants what. the 1.4.01ut: and Wive Fr:mare to those of other countries: hut I can aver confidently' that they usher In disease of grunter complicity and mortality than these hitter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic 'Preparation •DR 1100fLAND,S E LED ATED GERMAN BITTERS, lEMME:ISI Dr. C. N. JACKSON & Co:, Phila. Ea I LIVER . COMPLAINT,,DYSPEPSIA; Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, 'Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered 'blear or Stomach. Such as Corlett potion, Inward Piton. Fulness pr Dined to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Mamma, heart. burn, Die:test for Pond, Fulness or IVelght In the Slum ach, Sour eruct:along, Sinking or Fluttering tit'the fit of the Stotmich, Swimming of the Head, flurried , and Difficult Breathing, Stuttering et the Boort, Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying , posture, thin. moo of Vision, Doti: of webs before the Sight, Peter and oDull Pain In - the !lead, Deficiency of Perspiration, Vol. lowness of the Skin and Byes. Pahl In the Side, Back, Chest, Limbo, kc. Sodden Pluihes of limit, Burning in the Flesh, condrant-tmeginings of Evil', :tad creak Depress Int P of Spirits, and wilt positively prevent 'lf el. low Fever, Dklliode Feiferi &0,, - - The Proprietor in calling the attention of , theliublie tolhiapteparation.-doep so with a feeling of the utmost 'confidence In Ito virtues and adaptation -to the (linemen f or g l i t c h it is,reeconnoladed. It - hi nn, DOW and untried article but one that bee stood the teat ofa twelve yearn' tidal befero,the Acuer' canneople. and Its reputation and sale •are untie - ailed •by any similar preparation extant The testlmeny In ns favor given by the most prominent and welbittiown Physicians and Individuals In the country Is immense, .and a .carefutpersnalof the Almanac; published annu ally by the proprietors, and to be had grails „of ,tiny pr, their Agents, cannot but satisfy the most skeptienatiat Me remedy la really .floservint' the great celebrity it , 'Ol.B. W. HAVIMSTICK, Agent for Carlisle, and by. Dealero tweiywherm , , ri 4 XtRA:: . 'FIPTE 7 dOIiDEN. - FLAX hj SUIRTS of the latest Sqlims and Nprovortiecule Having bought aW unuwal large 'stock of inv.-Wile. we will eel) theontlre stock at Tory !o h! Icee t Also, a MY le!go a eortinotit otreollare et tbi verioun 10,..Stecks. Neck .Tleec Cravats; Vorelehine. (loode, etc..,at the loweet prlcen at ;. • prll 12,!61. , • North Honorer Street. Job -Printing .tiontlyoxooutia. 7 00 7 00 . 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 OD 7 011 7 00 7 00 ONLY PREPARATION THAT 11A8 - , --:-: 'STOOD THE -TEST OF YEARS, And grows more and more popular every day! A:ND testimonials, new, and almost without number. might be given from ladies and gentlemen, In all grades of society, whose united terli mon) none codld resist, that firol. Wood's Hair liestoril tive will restore the bald and gray. qIA prcelervd the hair of the youth to old age, In all its iouthful beauty. Battle Creek. :filch., Deaf, titer 21st, 1858. Prior. Worm f Thee will please Imam a lino to inform ,thed that the hair on my bead all fel off over twenty gyears ago, caused by a a.otnplicated chronic disease, at tended with an eruption on the bead. A continual course of sufiluipg through fife Miring reduced me to a state of dependence. I have not been able tooldain hl tiff for raps, neither hove I been able to do them up, In consequence of which my bead bag suffered extremely from cold. This tittle-oil me to pay Briggs 3 Hodges almokt the last rent I boil on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Halrliesteratlve, about the first of August last. I have lalthfully followed the directions and the bald spot la now covered with hair thick and black, though short. It is also coming in all over my head Pealing 'confident that another large bottle would les tore it oath ely and permanently, I feel anxbius to persevere In Its use, and bola!, destitute of militia to purchase any more, I would ask thea,ll thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine miaints for a bottle and twelve to thy•elf the scripture deciandion .—." thn reward is to those that Sure Rind to tire widow and the fatherless." Thy friend, i a 7 00 7 00 7 00, 10 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 SUSANNA II KIRBY. 1 Jollier Noble Co. Indiana, Feb. sth, 1850. Poop. 0..1. WOOD: Dear Sit,—ln the latter part of the year 1852. while attending its State and National I,lw School of the State of New York. my hair, from a cause unknown to toe. commenced falling off very rapidly. si, that In the short spare of xlx months, the whole tipper part of my scalp was almest entirely bereft of Its cover ing. and much of the remaining portion upon the side and hack part. of my head shortlyafter became gray, no that you will not be surprised when 1 tell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana.my more casual acquaintances were not no much at a loss to discover the enure-o: the change in my, appearaoce, RN my MOTU intimate acquauntances were to recognise me at all I at since made applicatom to the most skillful phy Melons in the couotry, butt, receiving no assurances from them that my hair could again" he restored. 1 WAS forced to become reconciled to My fate, until, fortunate in the latter part or the year 1857. 3 our Rest, ative WAS recommended to me by a druggist. as 1.0 1 / 1 4 the most reliable !lair Restorative In 14S11. 1 tried one Lot tie, and found to my great satisfaction that It ATas pro diming the desired etlect. Shire that time. I have 1.14.1 semen Mutters' worth of your Restorative. and as a result have a rich coll of very soft Idat.k hair, which no money can buy. As It mark of my gratitude for your labor and shill in the production of so o onderful an article, I have re commended its use to many of my friends anti /1.4111:1111t 111111 S. who, I am happy to Inform you. are using it with like effect. Very reaper trolly. yours 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 01 7 00 7 00 14 7 00 13 lu 00 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 1.0 13 10 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 12 50 12 12 50 14 7 00 11 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 1 7 00 14 7 00 10 20 00 11 15 OU 13 10 00 ^ll7 00 14 7 00 13 10 410 , 1/ 7 00 14 7 00 12 12 ro 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 \ 700 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 oo 14 7 OU A. M. LATI'A, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot. AU Broadway. and a.ld by all dealers through out the world The Restorative is tint up in liottleiTif ihree sizes. viz : large. Medi lan, and small: the snail holds mitt pint and retails tor one dollar per heftily: the medium holds at heist twenty per cent more in proportion than the stintlMYelatihi for two a Lot tie: the large holds a quart forty per cent. more in liroportion itml retails fur i 3 per bottle. 0. .1. WOOD k CO., Vroprietors. 414 Broadway, New York, and 114 Nlarket Street., St, Cif- Sold by all g0..,11 Dru4gists and Fancy Goods Dealers. [A p. 14, 'GI. LARK LN & MkMITOTII PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, S. E. Corner Eighth and Arch Streets, (ENTRANCE ON ERIIITII STREET,) YIIILADELI'IIIA. After many tears experlenee in all the various bran ches of the Art. the Proprietors confidently invite the attention of their Mond: and the public to their ex tensive establishment. which preset.ts the opport °pity 11)r procuring the best pictures, equal at lea.t, t, any first-class Gallery in the United States. Preparadomt are complete for :,.e•utine all the lin proved stylus known to the Art They haven patent arrangement for t•artstav: Daguerreotypes, Sc., Ac., Hui,- irg them bile size. if ile.d red—the only one of the kind in this country Attached to tnis ustablklm•nt are three coloring Artiste. PnoTons...MlS, 11101 Odin Painting, as low as ;2.00. Ile V, II (rams, 2,02. Do. at 75 cents. EkEi'a ',pie , 50 cent, or ,{5 per dozen., Life size Photograph, so ifr,V as 06 and voryts roe :It 1,11110 Uri,. DUI Ride A nibrolyoos at 50 cents anti upwards. A most extensive assortment of (lilt Frames einhrac• lug a select and choice variety of the lateal ft. 3 les. Prices from 02 cents and upwards. Especial attention be.toWed Up ‘ll Lire steed Photo graphs in Oil, transferred front small Oct mei, and from life. Price, from 650 to 5100. Aar Instructions given In the Art. Feb. 22, '61.-Iy. T i VNIBER AND COAL BLACK 81, DELANCEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARD! On the Rail Road, near the Gus Works. The suhs,ibors keep constantly on band, a full as sortment of Lumber & Coal, . which they ran fur nklt to order promptly yr, 511 . 1* and on the most 1,11 v i lk• sonahle terms, • LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palltwa. Plastering and Shinglin , l-Laths. Worked Floor leg. Weatherboarding. I' .ate, Itnik,l% hits Pine, llendock and (ink Shingles. of every q uality. They alwo bills to rod r 1/1 Kos leogth and site, at the sho; teat notice and Orl 010 1111000 rea,nable terma. 'I heir sv.•rk ary kept under cover, se that ;they can be fur nished dry at all tlinva. They have eonstantly on hand all/kinds of Family Cud under cueer. which will be doll - voted clean to auy part 01 the borough,. 'ro wit; LI'KEN'S LEM'. LUKE FIDDLER, TREV ER FON. LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the various FiZeP In use. which they offer to the p3.ld lr at the lowest prices. I,lllEllu RN ER'S AND tit, kCIiSMITII'S ()OA L always on hand, at the lowest cash prier. April 5, '61.-I.y. BLACK. 'c DELANCEY. II) 4 EAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The subvcriber offery at private sale, on reasonable terms, that valuable lo I , f ground sit u drd on the curlier of lain and Wrat Streets, in the boron , h of Carlisle containing sixty feet In front by '..40 in depth. and having thereon erected, v A. LARGE WAREHOU:.,..E. • • • TIIREL THREE.S7' . ORY BRICK 110 USES and other necessary , uthulldings. The Warehouse is conveniontly located for bust ores, and the dwelling houses we in goad repair, furnished with water and gas. and all the modern iminsivetnentit po?pmAy...,Nvilli.tmt_ollered.fer,tessts ihr'rUttiiii dr oilier intrifflial:kiii enquire of• Carlisle, Apill 6,'61.-If. JACUII 1t11E631. pRoF. DE GRATH'S ELECTRIC OIL! THE NEW PRACTICE.— Electric Cures —Pala). the pn.monitor of death; relieve the pain and )' - ou check the disease. 'EMS OIL ACTS ON THE SYSTEM WITH ELECRTIC!TY.— IS of pure vegetable preparation. not the slightest dum ger of applying 0010 artily or Inwardly; it at once gives a peruianent cure, in most r ases,in froth ten to twenty minutes. The best physiologists of Europe have discovered that all organic derangement in the animal 'system In ST. of feet of the obstruction of the physico eleOtric de id In "the organ diseased a skilful application of that Oil puts in Immediate motion the nervous fluid, and the cure is of Mice accomplished. No bleeding, uo vomit. Ing, purging or blistering It, resorted to. prof. De lirath's Meade till is the marvel of this ago for tho lellowowing, (not every thing ) ,•. Cures Rheunistisittloft en in a day. Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Iwo minutes. Cures Cramp in fhe Stoinitch, five minutes. Cures Burns, Wounds. Bruises, one to three days. Cures Headache. fifteen minuted. Cures Ear Ache, Stiff„Neck, Ague, one night. - Cures Plies. SwelleCtlia rids, fen days. Cures Felons, Broken Breasts, Salt Eheum, two to six (Vivi. Cures Iferuorrhegyl, Scrofula, Abcess. SIT to ten fifty's. 'Cures Frosted Feet - Mid Chilblains, one to three days., Cures Ague and Feria, nue to two days, and all the Nervous and Scrofulous Affections Cures Deafness in one to four days. Cures all Pains in the Back, Breast, etc, In 2 days. DEAFNESS ourtED I•• • New IlaveN. May 10th, 1850. Prof. De Grath—My brat her has been deaf three years, and one bottle-of-your Ele arld !II c ured him entirely. Yours, c CLIFFORD R. SCRANTON. ANOTHER INSTANT CURE: Ilutitingdon, Pa., Sept.. 1855. I do certify that, Prof. Du Orat Elentric • 011 is In fellable tin. Rheumatic pains. Sly wife for some thou past has Ikon greatly etillieted and unabba.to walk, has been restored by the application of this sir, al mo st in. stsiits.sousiy.. I can cheerfully recommend it to nth - PlLES.—Dharlys Sexton, Esq„ ex-Mayor of—Duirlden 'says six applications cured him. Almost cured hie Ithetnath.rn. . STIFF :N E C K . [Editor of Law Magazine Cured histantmeously.] flirdrd House, Philadelphia. _ Prot_Chns. Do Chath,-1 .freely . give It an my opinien. t h at your .Blectric Oil is among themost wonderful' reruedles - of modern.titnee. At the earnest voquest of a' lady. who alleged that she - had been cured of a mot t painful aff.ctiomby ha use, I Willi induced to try A bat. tie, though at the timo,of purchasing, 1 fullyhelloeed It to be a quack medicine and: a catchpenny- Into/hug. Duto trial convinces We that It possesses a magic power, and it will min a bleSsibg to , offering - humanity, I recently took it told from -leaping In damp sheets, and my neck became so tnucifswolleu and painful that I could not turn ply head.. • Atter using.'wlthout success . ; everything prescribed -by-my physician,- I laet evening tried your Electric Oil. This morning I our Well. the relief having hems corm a plate as It wilt instatitaneouS. .... • , l' Yours; very truly. - - . , : '_ - - JOHN I,IVINGBTON. : 4'. - . - . Editor Monthly Law Magazine ' Ik7 Urn dway..anh 8.0 West 14th lit, N Y. Mr. Livingston belongs to the old. wealthy and high= ly respectable fen files of the old settlers of New York: 'Any one can ad. Nor him on- theatibjert of the above letter,'whlch Nell , he answered with pleasino.' . • • • . *, Principal Depot, 277 Pooch Bth Street,, Philadelphit. ' 'ISM- Bold 14 - nit Dritggista, - I,lnlin Jersey' City at I t atl 111114iiirk's, Washington street i , Phlpley'sf.. p rove street t Dr. •Tothri s kie'Ati ,rorn re, - of (1 re ve - tinti: Ann th - Rill - Street: Leragetaft'a 4Sillontgootray orb. .. .r.O. 12,, , el,4r, • 'UV X-3C z ^ Xl5l 414 p • 11 • • ' . . WHEELER & - WILSON; FAMILY OEWIN ( I 1 teRTNES New style with the latest Improvements. at greatly reduced prices. Those machines Are noisolt:ss, run rap idly and fi rm a seam of unequalled strength: beauty, end elasticity. which will not rip. They are, unques lionaidy, TI 11l if EST MACH INES TN TUE MARKET, for family and general use, they will imm, I ELL, STITCH AND RUN, They rananyl I, that env other machine can do Arai , The new Hemmers /1114 other now improve ment,,, without extra charge, W HEE L SC' IV I LgON'S SEIVINCI MACHINES. None are bettor adapted to fornlay Amor!put-Agriculturalist, The undersigned having been appointed agents for Cv atherland County, offer thorn to the public with per fect confidence, that those who purchase will find them as represented above. Persons wishing to see the III:I/- Chill. In operation. will plelse call at the ntnre of 11. S Ritter. or at th.t Railroad offleo, Carlisle, Pa. For fur. thor information apply to S RITTER, or J. CANIPBELI. Carlisle, March 15, 1561.—R mass FURNITURE WARE R 00318.- HENRY A. RHOADS E WEST MGR STREET CARLISLE The subscrihn• hems leach respectfully to in fir m the citizens of Carlis.e nml vicinity, Ova. he has now on hati,ll‘mi is in in ulteturinz, every vhriety of Cabinet Ware. consisting in part of SUF AS. BUREAUS, 1)I:1,;SS1 NO CASES, MARBLE TOP T AISLES. BEDSTEADS. SECRETA RIES, CIIAIRS, M Oral Frames &e., &c. This work is warranted of the brat materials and workmanship, em bra •Ina all the la'est city styles, and will be furnished at the await retail priers. 11.—Coffins made at:short notbe. and funerals at ended to promptly in town or country. Carlisle Oct. 12, '60.-ly. LITORE ROOM Foa RENT.—'I he I.irge Store Itnoin at the West eneinfain Street. It is titled up with counters. and shelving and lies a large and convenient cellar. POSSOSSII /II given inunedi• =QM ME Car:isle. Dee. 21, . _ 11011 SALE OR RENT.— The subscriber offers for sale or rent, the new Three Story Brick [louse • I. on North Ilanov - er Street. hossero.lon vt lon the let of April next The 4 . is rooms, is fornb.hed it hwa Or and Ras. ds ul blu ei Lb- Cr for luonesi., or a private tesidenve Oet 9il. Is6o.—t f. JA NI ES It. WEAVER. ANDSOME WOMEN! TO TILE LADIES. HUNT'S , " BLOOM OF ROSES." A rich and elegant co:, fie, the cheeks or lips. It will not wash or nth riff and e, hen once applied, remains durable for years. The tint is so licit and natural, that the closest scrittiny falls to detect Its use. Can be removed by hlll,Oll juice and sell. not injure the skin. This is a new preparation used by the celebrated Court Beauties of London and Paris. Mailed free, in bottles, with directions for use, for .Sl,Oll . _ . . II t' ••COFIRT TOT LH:T POWDBIIe' Impar'fs rl dazz.ling whiteness to the complesion, and Is unlike anything else used for tills pun pose. Mailed free for be Cent, 110:11":3 LM," removes tan. freebies, sunburn and all eruptions of Life skin. Mailed Gee 'or 50 Cents. INVER( AL POMADE" for the hair. stren gthens and he'proves Its growth, hoops it f fall ins my and is warranted to loathe the hair curl. Mailed tree fur sl,no HUNTS ,• 1 4 1.: MIL BEAUTIFIER," for the tooth:tut gums. cleans , r and ii - hitens the teeth, hardens the sums purities the lineal. s h oat sally. pre , erYes the teeth and prevent. Mailed free for - HUNTS BR D.\, WHEAT If PRltletlM E." a dSul,le ext,..l of 11,1111Z0 ,trt cologne. Mailed free l'or $l.Ol Thhtexquislte perfume Was first used by the Prioress !loyal of En,lttrid, on her Nlarringe. Mesers. hunt S Co., ine.entel the Prince, with an elegant ca..: of Perfumery - In which all of the above Arti e ], wero included) in handsome vitt glass with gold stm.- pore valued at 31300, particulars of w Lich appeared in the NOM, Prints. All nill roe :tr.:ides sent free, by express. for $5.110 Cool, can either 11,0:11pally the ,order, or he nth! to the express agent on delivery of goods. HUNT SE Co. Pi-rumen. lu I he Queen. Regent St.. London. and 77 .`7..111.0in st.. Philadelphia For Yale by all Drnzgist. and Pe. turners. WA. The Trldt. sup Plied. CA R 1 1 14r1' I N GS. —,J ust • received at 0.2111,y's cheap Vas i store an en tiro now Stark of I mtraih, Raz on I Luting Carperinzs. (lir, et ham, the lantit:teturero, and t:lling at unpteee iently 100 priros fur Cash. Cll.ln toi I I.lCf. pAINTs AND OILS.- iq Tons White. Lsad. Won tiallous of oil. Just received With a largagurteXent of Varnishes. Firel4 , ,,of Paint. Turpentine, 1.1. wen., to, Japan. IN bite 'LAM', Putty. Colored Z no, Li tith rge. lied Lead, Whiting, Boiled Uil, li lu.•, Lard Oil, Sperm Oil, Paint Brushes, Fish nil, Re., Cohere of es cry description dry, and 011 lu cans and tubes at the Hardware Store of March 7. 9:O. HENRY SAXTON, STEW GOODS.—FIRST ARRIVAL .1.11 THIS SEASON, At Ogillq(3 Cheup Cash &bre. y I mace just returned from rhll.idelphla and am now opening a 1.4 of handhome. desirable and cheap DRY (I I IDri, bo•r_ht for cash and will be hold at astonish ingly low poker. A levee stook of new style prints. Chaleys, Glo.zhami. and other Dress Goods in great vat trey. A 11.0 stork of bleached and Unbleached Musllns, Tick. logs. Shootings. Divers. Linens. Cheeks, Ac fu Ii assortment of Black Silks very cheap a..d very good. Another stock of those first clans Steel Spring Skirts and under price. = LAM,' Grob; Misves' i. and Children's. untie In greAt - tariot asrleitr - pnro, .410 =I A new /supply of Ingrain, Cottage, Hemp, 31.1 - Hag Carpotx. All p,mnis In want or new style Sprino Goods are respectfully invited to call and examllle this stook be tore purvliaslng elsewhere• CLIA.i. ()GLIM V. Marvh 29, 'lll. Trustoo T AW OFFICE.LEMITEIi TODD LA has resumed the practice of the Law. Office In Centre Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian Church. April 8, f 5157. D RESSLER'S II AIR JEWELRY Prow NO. 206, North Bth Street above Race, Philadelphia. On hand and for aale. n choice assortment of superior patients, and e ill PLAIT TO 0110101, Bracelets, Ear Rings, 'Finger Rings:"'Breast Pins,'Crosses, Necklaces, Vest and Guard Chains, &c., Air Orders enclosing thallair - to be phitted, may be sent by mail.—Olve a Drawing as near as you Call on P3llnr, and onebwe such amount as you may choose to pay.—in.t ns tbilows: Ear Rings ~••' '2 to 60; Breast Pins 53 to 57: Finger Riggs to 53.0; Vest Chalua $i to $7; Necklaces $2 to 510. to_ flair put into Nit:dation,. Dos lireast Pins, Riugs, &c. Old Gold and Silver bought at yr rates. ' April 5,15L1 HAS LEFT LEONARD'S .00R NEIL! 1 ' J. W. SMILEY Hereby gives notice to his trlends, customers, and the public, that ho has removed his store from Leonnr•l's . corner to his now room—formerly known as Roller's Bat store—on North Danover Sheet, between the Car lisle Deposit Bunk nod ilnyetr'e•Ortwory Store. ills - Mock of lINADIf. 31 AD E cLOTUINO, Boots, • Shoes and Hats Is largo nod complete, nod you can ilopen r noon the fact.that ho can null will - sell cheaper than over: and always intends to sell good goods and at a lower price than any person sloe, CLOT II ING • Always en hand, the most seasonable, hest made and fashionable Co:de, Pantaimms and Vests from the isumunnest to the best qualities, which 'cannot fall to lit, please the oy& and etre sat is fsetion In goner Undsr•shirta 'and drawers, collars,sravnts suspenders, gloves, stockings, all to he sold at the very lowest prices. BOOTS AND SIIOBS Alyrsys nu howl, a lafge' nod complete a.sorts r tnent of evarrimrlotv of Boots, Prozans, Oxford Ties; HlPpllru, Gutters, Jefferson s. Sc., for Ladies and Gentlfmen, Misses-and Boys. youith - and. children, all tit be sold cheap. ,Also nu band end 'eon 'et - Slaty mitunfacturlng thn host Rine French and Men: DI , rico° Boots. and JelTersais,fur Ludlus.y. sowed frac, of charge. .• . . 411 ATS. - , . Alnrge Ave, of lints Ibr !Ben; Boys and AChildren. comm,on.•nnod , an I duo: " All sop. - . Ing cheaper than ovar.. 'TitNICS.4ILAVIILI: 4O B AGS, UMBRELLAS, VUL - „ OANISNII) GUM, (ATS All:11./ LEGGINGS— CFI P A. N ' it R. =1 horaht=tender..my_thanks_to .my-custotners' and friends, fur past levnea, - and earnestly I.ldßit you all to . and "Len inn and' my stock of Gauls, beforo you pur., chsau elsewhere. an I ant determined tn uso every effort tn. 'mord v_ yau with-the very best, and atvinclt - priciiiii veillsnit nil. Bo psrtlular to_lnok fur my . .l,:n. Atfril W. vextY, LSI"; • I ••- 000 81„,,,V Ft j " TEN / . p ESORATI fSOF ' inn LORD'S Druivrini 3ErICaPt, /' ...~/~ I~ VALUABLE PROPERTT IVEN AWAY? THE idea of representinc , file• LORD'S PRAYEa by an engraving, and of ornamenting and arranging It inNich a manner as to producjl at once a model of neatrieel: and taste, NVIII3 conceived and carried out by ORMSBY, the celebrated Bank note Engraver, of New York Mi. It commences with exquisitlvely• executed words of "OUR FA rli ER," and then follow in sUrCLFSI, the other pat to of the Prayer, every phrase of It hick IF engraved in the moat elegant and tasteful mmincr.—Near the tel tote of the pletme Is a superbly executed bead of OU It SA V I dUlt, and encircling tho upper part of the engraN'lng are ten angelo, each boar lug one of the 0 TEN COMMANDMENTS. Thu engraving line received the most unqualified pralso fr•on the rellg.ous community, as there lit , noth ing et a sect irlan chum-her about it,. having been rs coaunende.l clerzynoto of all denominations. Ait an ornament it in one of the most splendid ever published In this country, and Is destined to take the place of a pimp- chess n 1 oimmeinen. The size of tho plaints 20 a •20 inches. nod is unque,tinnably the cheapest engrav ing ever offered in this country. 1( Iv. tha , lures Art —who that delights to study a fine snare VI iz—who I ha t would rocel or the Impressions which suet, n work is calculat,l impatt. would fail to secure a copy when the price in only ONE DOLLAR, ith the chance of secorinz for that sum In-addition, a permanent home or another valuable all , ? As a work of art this valuable and beautiful engrav ing In worth more than the liar asked for it, as will readily be acknowledged on an Inspection of lt; but the subscribes intend to make a 6111 littrlliution to purchasers of the engraving, of valuable presents as follows: 1 House and Lot, in York borough. 2 Building Lots. 2 Itur=les; Quinn & Palmer's make, warranted. 1 lii.e%a way. 10) Val ualllll Books. 50 It irrels of Flour. warranted. lOW Gilt Frames. to Plat the Lord's Prayer. 50U Steel Plate hingraeln,7s—liirth of Christ. I,ig . illieeut Looking ti lassos. COLD AND SILVER WATCHES. All hind , : of.TEII'I:I,ItY, embracing Cameos, Flerete. GOill e, ' A vitt il,orth from ~,1) cents to i5OO 00, with each en gra v sold. When the Engravings are ill Fold, a meeting of the purchasers will in. relied at Washington Hall, York, Pa., when the (lifts above named will be distributed in such a manner as the purchasers may determine—the pur chasers solo ling n er , mmit toe of disinterested persons to make the awards in inch a manner as they may des ignate. The proprietors. from the fitverablo manner In which this (lilt Enterprise lies been received and the number or Engravings already sold. hope to be able to have the whole amount disposed of by the first of July muting, and ‘,11.1 all are sold they will notify the purchasers, and have the diets Dilation of . the Gifts proceeded with. This engraving has received the commendation of the Reverend Clergy, Our tiri.t citizens, and, indeed, of ell who 011(.4 - iota. it with Interest and Fplrit. Send on ONE DOLLAR, and four-Red Stamps, to pay postage on Engraving. and you are sure to get it by return mail. Address, AUSTIN & WEHRLY— York, Pa. GsertoE Wmantr. INDIMII . . tienerai Distribution Office, No. 10 South aeorgo St., York. Pa.. here Engravings may Lu seer. and pur chased. ADAM SESSEMAN Ageney fer CarliNlO at A. M. Piper's Blink and PerJodi vs] Store. West Main Street. Any person sending us a el u h of ten, will get one extra copy and ticket, We ate kindly permitted to refer to the undersigned, who have given its written reeommendetlons, but want ut stflee pre‘ents us from giving them in full. Road the folio.. 11,5: THE LORD'S PRAYER. We !rive carefully' examined this engraving, offered for n sale in this community by Messrs. Austin ft Wehr ly, and do not hesitate to pronnunoe it one of the finest norks of American Art we have ever seen. The design is beautiful, the style of execution is superior, and the iliti,tral ions are excellent. Its appearance will at once secure I r it the admiration ofa refilled c, mmunity,and recommend it to the Christian public. It is highly or namental. and is calculated to exert a refining Influence in a faintly, and an elevating and purifying' effect upon the morals :Ind religion of society, and IL should meet. as we understand It deserves, with a rapid and exten sive stile. Ili A. fr. Lortnuan, L. L. I); Pastor Ist Lutheran Ch urn), York, Pa. n0v..10, A. Rona, M. E. Church, Calilisle. floury Saxtrui, Rev. A. W. Lilly. Pastor 2.1 Lutheran Church. Rev. C W Thompson, Rector St. John's Pretestat t Episcopal Church. Hes. F. F. Ilitiron, Pastor NI oravian Church. Rev. oil. Eagle. •• • St Patrick's Church, lies. Mal th. Jon. Mar 'a do. Hon. Thomac Cochren..Aud. Penn's. floury Welsh. President 1. us k Bank. David Small, Post Master, York Pa. .. And many other-. Are. Editor; Cr Publishers of papers giving this ad vertisement ti insertions. will be entitled to an Eugrar logand Tieh, t. by tat, arding the paper for that time to oar address, or insert i It until-that timeappointf f, the dy.trilattion,.. ith an editorial notice once In 4 3,oks, will receive the emzraving, framed with a flue gold gilt frame to suit its size, and a ticket. Mar. 211, AUSTIN BiIRLY SSO LUTIO N OF PARTNER. ISllll' —Notice is berehy vivim that the parther ship heretrifi - ve esi Rion hetwoen Misiies Duke & lulaugh has 14 , 011 di56411‘,.11 Icy mutual Nuffield. The hunks will be hilt !Mr settlemeut, and the busluess ear rieJ o with r ed energy by Ma sb - RO Alt ET DUKE. DANIEL'S MAC N , E E F . OR PICK- subseriher having' puirh.rd of F,. IVILCOTT 1/1 the patent ii,ht tor sixteen counties, in thu State or to. 1.1. r.dr his aandil.n. fn Pichina; stone,. i , ino•pir,l to iool I,o!iiniti 0, to, ship, or rowdy i:ht • 1.. r ,11.• rail :goon llm L , . so) j oined eertitivatos froia prat inil.ers, to the niorits id this hiAlily talwJ.lr ni.n•ldu[: ..WUCINIER, e•dilli,idird . Cu., Pn. W., have gees and tried ‘t". Daniel's Putrut 51111- stone Machine, and nod satin. ed that It has no snipe: 1, , r 5n dolt, its work. and sal ing tottalk time and hard (tutor. \Vt. rat, therefin a safely reraandiend it to any one o in! wishes to take an interest in IL. . D. I. Vo::10,..,11g, Climb. c.. Ed Clw . ,tl ,lidey, Adams Co. G.• t.,:a Ilim,-, do. David llilliott, do. Andre.' 11:tr!ine, do. 'W. E. 513 ere, , do. C Me lApirher. do. ElI: 0 Stover, ",,, do. I ono•I'S. Tro.llo, Adams co..lvaltth l'est, do. ' Wm C. t t. do. .181,b E. leer, do. Duarn. dn. Marti 22, ISUI —3 !nog 11ARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! k) Persons going to housekeeping and otherawant ing to refurnish, are respe , tfully Invited to examine our large and sari ad sto-l< of Catt.ts, welt as Brussels, three ply. superior Ingrain, English and Domestic, Ye :1; 1 widths, lIENIP AND RAG CARPETS, Drugge , s, Ituas, Straw mid Cocoa Nlatt,lnga. 011 Cloths for Italia, ',oohing Glasses, plain and fancy Winds and shades, fixtures, &c. flouse4reping Goods of Every Description Having purchased these goods for Nett Cash, wei are prop:. erl to utter great Indueemen to to_buyers, as we hard Intel r` gala; Into this hualnesa wo eaa wartant_uur LEIDICH SAWYER:A: 'MILLER, Carlisle, March 8, '6l. East Main, treat. Designers and Engravers on Wood IIXECUTE all kinds of Wood Ecto J v lig with beauty, correctness and dispatch. - Orr gloat designs furnishad for Hue Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by 'ending a Photograph or Da guerreotype. can have views of Colleges, Church., Store Fonts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, engraved as well us on personal application. /Fancy Envelop. ',shots. Bill Headings, Show Bills, V siting. ItusineA and other Cords, engraved In the highest style of art, and at the lowest prices. For specimens of lino engraving see tho Illustrated works ofJ. It. Lippincott C 0.,& E. 113tutlor & Co. , Nov. GO, 1860.-Iy. TO BUSINESS MEN An excellent chance for reliable business men tosecure It profitable manufacturing business. requiring but a sauJl capital,in its establishment and prosecution. Thu manufacture consists lu the appplication of a,be culitr comp , sitlou or enamel to common red brtalca,and a variety of aller building mikterlal, - ornatnental archi tectural llnishings, ceilings, tiles for floors and (or,,ruuf• lug. . Phis enamel tnay he tinted of any color, from the purest Nc h Ito to the deepest Wadi, with all the colors and shaslesahetWeen: - - It imparts teethe iirtieles to which it is applied a hardneks and duraldlity almost unda beauty surpassing that o' the rarest and most east!) , of the variegated marbles, and; unlike them ? is impervious to moisture. and trill never fade, plain, or deteriorate, costing but a fractional part of tire prl,cuSot 6rdinary marble. It in also valuable for table and Htand tops, mantle pieces. monuments, and an endless variety of other ar• tides of nbtplo use. 'l'llo process of applying tba enamel Is simple, while thi),articies enameled command a randy pale , a ff ording large, profits. Ifespounible . partial, May procure, lkonses for manufacturing under' the. Pat• ant for city or prominent towns in the-United States, by applying to the subseribera. A small tariff cm the articles manufactured will be required for tbe usonf tho Invention. Circulars giving Tull particulars wilt be forwarded toldi applicants.- - - 1%0 superior merit and -beauty of this - crufmered building material to anything ia.use has the . unqUall lied indorsement of anany'nf,thm most eminent arch', toots and scion tirlerhen oftbia end other cities. For partleure adrlrePa • • • •; •-•— •• JOHNSON & General Agent,: tnr EnsimPted Building iiintoriter •, • 2,1 NOS MT STREET, NEW YORK: T. LOUIS FIOTEL, • CILESTNUT- STRENT - - , In the immediate nelehborhood of the Jobbing lleneoe on Ilerhet. Thint end Chentn ut - Street,e, thnßauke, Post Office, Merehtatte' Exchange, &e.;• &c.; •,` KCPT DOTI( ON -Tll}l- - '- AIIIERICAN and EUROPEAN. PLAIN. BOARD 'PER DAl',' $1,50 ••••••4 DINNER bettvcon 1 and 8 o'clock, . - 50`cd1. SINGLE, Room, 50 g53".e.1 first chnts Restaurant attached, - .. `Ptie, 8 according io Bt'ild of Pare.--011 - The City enie tekt k peAscinfcers gent any Stnt4ot tie or ulnae to - the -lintel. - ENgtastt,_raNcit, bra t . MAN end SPA N s l y , en, , • Ar , • +` • " ONLY ONE boiA4it lIL F Llwlshertrer ' do. It. W. Dranbauith, do. Nee eutner, Franklin en Alex. Hartman, Perry Co VAN INGEN & SNYDER, N. E. CON. CILESTNUT STS.,