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The C s aidmiri, 117. a 11.11 Is published wvelc ly on a lance sh,,t containing t, went). eighth minim", and f ninishod ti soliscriiio, at .1„1.111 b paid strictly in adv3nrii; $1 7a If paid within the year: or $2 in all t aces when plc meet is delayed until after the expiratio oof the ye tr. S.) subscriptions ris•eived for a less jo than if in niths, and wine until all arrearages lure p sail at the option of thin pubsher. l and c In subleriliers living out of Cumbe li rland coun p ty must he pall for in advance, (Jr the payment assumed by one responsible living in Cumberland ennui ty. These terms will 1,13 rigidly adhered to in all eases. ' AD V RTISRME NTS, verti,nn elan will be charged $l.OO per square of t w.•loe lines For three insertion, and a rents for smell 03,11 C Insrrl ion. All advertl4einents olions than t wel,e to a square. A iverti4em-r.ta inserted Intro Marriruzes and deaths rt, p, fnr nrot insertion, and 1 rents per line frir etIIIIIIIIIIII,OIOIIS ••t• of•I i i topl or indivlipal interest will ho charged "Ito fine. The Proprietor will not be respon.d. Id r e in 41 im fn. errors in advertisements, Obituary . or Itv I not axo:ding five dines, will be Ins'rt.od without charge. JOB PRINTING The Clarliglo'lloral4l.Toll Cll OFirrrE in thn r otet 11;1 , 1 mo,t ,onlplotootnl,!iginnont in thoentinty. void l'regso.s. nnfi :1 geziontl variety “t nuttnrlll fir pima and Itanev work or every kind. .1,1 ' .. 1 , 1011_! :It tho Olortr.4 nntiro:lnd on thn Tn ,, t re tsk.P.—.,olo Percolle In want Mt lilts or any thinc In tho dabbing will find It to rlho into o,i U , ,iVe Ili a Vail. Benerar anti total aitrormation S. GOVERNMENT PrPqiiiont DR A 111 M i.1N , 01.N. Vu.o '..1 - 12-1,14•111. i 011.1 N. S • m ite-11 Ct. 11. t. - , , Ett'ten. "r —llllll S.•,,iit.trit of l'redi,dry.—: , ll,MON P. CII.kSZ. S.• War—NmoN CAM ERON. •0r , .: try el' Nary —'itli`N,N - • iNt. I 0111`1111—MONTWIM EllY BLATR. A t.t.iirney tot‘n II CTES. due Lice et the United State.-11_ B. TANEY STA.TE GOVERNMENT G..yernor—.kxtir.r‘v l'euTlN. •••,...t.try ,f tir —ELI Sr irElt. rarvrrol• lierteral-IVNt. 11. 1(1:131. An 1.16.. r tlenet.tl-1 . 114). E GocnitAN Troa,tirer—ll,Nity It Mo. ur. .1 ttqz,, of t lit. ,Zlllll'olllo Court—E. I.v.wit. .1. M• A 117.1- 6T.LONt., W. 13. LOWRIE M. 13. WoODWARI, JOHN M. READ COUNTY OFFICERS rr,i 41 cut .111 d D,—111111..ri1 , 1108 11. Uraham AA,,wi.tte J ut.l4es—lloa. Michael Conklin, Samuel Wherry. 1tt ,, r11..y —.I. NV. D Ii fl ' ol,ll'y 1/1.1160. U, •.n t. r .c.•.- 1 1.1,1 Floyd. E. A. Brady. lirl'3l.l.nry: Deputy, S. If ooporx CoT,T,U.l'Pri , :ikurvr—All . l . E...l 1.. t.ponsler. C .k. (1,11,11i , ,,, , ,i0rs —Nathaniel 11. James II 1,00 )II Her. ell,k to Ci mmi.sxlun era, .1,11,11.zs A 'Iv:Irmo:. . . •t,,rs or the l'o,r—.1111). Trimble. AbrAhau, H o s. .1.0111 I.uperintendeut. of Poor Hours BORUUUII OFFICERS Chlef 13urzews—John Noble A>. istant liarges,—A.l3lll 6onFonlftri. ).I.).•ll—John I:at:hall, Wm. W. Dale, J. R 11 tan l'arne,v, John Halbert., 3.11. Pat het, Fled BriFtninger. •• ' Ot..rk to enuticil.—.lan. 3lationlwlincr. Hi g h Constaldes—tioo tiently, J”sepi, Stuart. Ward o.ln4tAbles—Jactob Bretz, A IllirOW )111.11111. tlt Spnaulor, David Smith, 111 i liuel Ilulco nI, Abu, Delluir. Cll WICIIES Fiat P rosby Lori:tn. Chor , h, Northwest angle of Con tie Square. Iluv. Om way P. 11 . 1 rig ,Pastor.—Servlces e‘ort Sunday 3loruiug at 11. o'clock, A. Al., iklat 1 o'clock 1. '.l Socoin.l Pro,Lv terian Church, cornier of South 11.1nover and Poiniret nets. Iles. Mr Eells, P.tstnr. Services commune , ' at II o'clock, A. M., and 7 4, clock P. M. northea,t ain;le of Centre Square. lire. Frain ItUCLor. Services at II 0';1 , ,. I. A. 31.. and .1 o'clock. P. M. liugll.lh Lutheran Church, Bedford between Stain " nit her siccote. Ur), Pastor. :5e1 . 111., at 11 11'111101( % 31.. 11111 its o'clnok I'. M. it•rillAll 1t..1.,1111,1 Church, I,nuther, between lion. er :1101 PILL sheet,. Ile, A. 11. Krell., :it I i M, and tlo'clo..F. M 1 . ,1 Ch iirh.l lire) char.:, cornier of Alain and Pitt S i reel-. Itcv, into 11. 1111,1111, ith, Pastor. :,erricesat 11 n'cl.a . l. A. 31. o'elock M Help nly:Lt E. Church (se,,,nd charge.) Rev. Alex. I) P.1..t0r. Set rives it, Emory M. E. Church at II o' dock A. M. and .0!, I' N. Patri -k Catlnrhe Church. Pomfret near East st. terriers .0% ery other \ ,Imlh at In Vtn.per , at 1. vrtlllll :A1011,311 111111 , 11 et): mtr of roinfr,t, and 11. tho .1 • Ire, ts. hoe. tI. A. Stratum Pastor. .`ors ices at I I k. and o.4 . o'vloch, P. M. 6 , • rhan4eq iu the al,oVe are neros.mry file proper perhnns are requested to- twtity DICKINSON COLLEGE ft,v. Johnson, I). 0., President and Professor o‘ Moral Sin 0. .latam, W A. M., Proflmsor of Latin Lan mot Literature. al. L. 11.a,w,•11, A. M., Professor of Greek Lan ua_. :11/ . 11 Lit. at um NV ilsou, A. M., Profeasor of Natural Science and Carat,- (Jr Lhu M LIM! 11-111. 1). I; I , nut it. A. U. Prof.,Aor of A. F. Mullin, A. IL, Principal of the Gramlnar Julio, 11. Sin m, AssiKtant iu the Grammar School BOARD OP SCIIOOL DIRECTORS Andrew Ti Pri,idont, TT. Faxtnn, - Quiz Cornam C. I'. II utuonrh..l. Hamilton, :. , e , retar),Jason V. Eby, Treasurer, John Splint., Munseugur. Meet on I Ile Iht i I, slay ul each Manila at b o'clulat A. M. at Li neation Hall. CORPORATIONS CARLISLE DEPOSIT BA:VA.—President, R. Ilendorson, i:ashier, W. M. Beaten; Asst. Cashier. J. P. Hasler; 'roller, Roney,: Clerk, Cr. II Plahler; 3lossenger, John Underwood; Directors,' It. M. Henderson, John 'Lug, Samuel Wherry, .1. 11. llorgas, Sitiles Woodburn, R. C. Woodward, Cul. Henry Logan, ll'ugh Stuart, and James Anderson. CIDIIikinLANI, VALLEY RAIL ROAD COMPANY.—ProAIdent, Frederick. NVatts Secretary and Treasurer, Edward M. Biddle; Superintendent, U. N. Lull. Passenger trains t wire a day. Eastward leaving Carlisle at 10.10 o'clock A. M. and. 2.41 o'clock 0. 11. Two trains every day %Vogt ward, leasing, Carlis le at 9.27 o'clock A, M.., and 1i.30 I'. M. Cif:IA.ILE(Ii r s n WATER Co,, PANE.-I . l,,idrilt, Lein 11,1 TJd.l; Treasoror, A. I. Spinshtr; Stsporh.tendent. lieorze N% inn; ails. 11 in. 11. her L. nu U. 7.1. Ili Idly, llrnrr Saxton. H. C. NVonds,arLi. John It Brattqp, V. Gardner, and John enurphell. CemsEitt.Aiin AI.LET lIAAR.--...llrsitle 11 t 4 Julin S. Sire. rott, ; A. Sturgeon: . Jos. C. ll"fler. Direc tors. John S. ?iterrett. Wtn. lien, Nielchnlr ilrenr IMEMMES U. A. Sturgeon, Cannherlur Stn Lodge No. 197.,k. Y. 'l. meeth nt 111nrion trail on the 2u(l and 4th Tuesdays of ur ury St. Johns Lott;a No 260 A. V. M. Moots Thurs day of each loonth, nt Marlon Ilan. tatitslo Lruigo N, (U .1. o._ of U. F. Monts Monday evuniug, at Trouts building. FIRE CO NI PAN IES The Union, Fire dm pity was organized In I/RD. Pr.:slue at 11, Cornman; Vice President. Samuel Wetzel; Speretary,.l. D. Oampton; Treasurer, P. lion yer. Company meta the first Saturday In March, - .ltine, Sbpteutber, n d 'DeceMber. The Cumberland Fire Company was instituted 'Febru ary 18, tFOIL President, Times Thom son ; Secretary Philip Qui,cloy; Treasurer, C. D. Qulgloy The company meets on the third Saturday of January, Anal, -1,111 , and Uctiffillr. -- The - Mod Will Hose Concytny was inegtuted In March, lull. President, IL A. Sturgeon; Vice President, C. P. untriel ; Secretary, William D. Halbert ; 'Treasurer, Joseph W. Oallby., The company meats the second Thnrsday M . January, AprO. duly, and October. The Clapire limb and Ladder Company ViliToillTuG ad In ISSO. Preeidant, Wm M. l'ortmr: Vice President, John-0.- Amos ; Treasurer. John C. m Olen : Secretary, John W. Pdris. The company meets on the first Fa day tu January, April, July and October. Y. M. C. A .11441-llsrtiox_TE 1 LL. Regular monthly mooting-Third Tnesdny Evening. Prayer meeting- , -Stipdsy A iterecon et .1 o'cleCit. Itesdin{ and I . ll tritrT—Atittilssion rrec, open ovory evening (Sniultlys excepted) from 0 to 10 o'clock. Strangers espuelsliyelcome. RAT'E,O OE'POSTAGE • Postage on all lettei•sof one-half On nee weight or unl der 3 cent;,4 pre paid, exceOt to CalltorOp or Oregon, Which to 1.9 C 0 .11,8 prepaid. 6 , Poseato On the " Ite'rald "—within the County . , 'tree. Within the State 13 cents pur year. 'fenny part of the United Staten . 2.6'venta. ,Pomiagu Oil nil transient paPern under 3 ounces In weight, :1 heal prC.piild or two cents unpaid. Advertised lAtera,tl.) be tharged with•the cost v g•ic,...rll4inT. fJ, %V. FOULK, Attorney at Law j e orti, wilh .1. It. Smith,' in Iflass' how, in re, of I , r,t. Presbyterian l'hu.reh. All hardness en trusted to ldm Mill be promptly attended to. )lay U , 'Go -I y. A 1.5 A JNO. K. Smint, re spertfhlly 1111)10lItleeli to his old frit nds and former patrons, that he has returned from his south western tour, with lilt health greatly implovedraud has resell - nod his prartire in Carlisle. Ul+ It'll on Main Street. one deo; west of the Railroad Depot, where he can he found at all hours, day and at At. when not nut professionally. 111 PIISSICIAN, SU RG EON & ACCOUCHEIt. ornf , • on Fouth thinover Street, flamer!) . occupied =ME D . ,,, 5 , .. „ 1; 1 . t : , K F., E . R t. 0 in North tore. I title, , Ivan, isle particularly from 7 to 9 o'clock A. 31., aud from it to 7 o'clook, P. M. TIR. GEORGE S. SEA fir I RIG DT, DENTIST, from the Bel - - t 'more l'ol!em. of Deutal Surtmry. 12" , )_0111ee of the h , Menee of his mother, East Louthet EAreet. t hroo risers brAuVi Bedford. 1)R. J. C. NIt;FF respee,t - fully ittf , rtuts the ladies atul Fnntinmon • of Carlisle. and vieiffit v. that Ito hats re ,tlttotl the-pra , tive v. and is pteleireil to pm. ::II equ•ratl ,, ll , 4 nn tin teeth alit Flints , loolomrinc 111, Il.• a ill inonrl lull gets or teeth nu silt co. a illt oiut , lr enw teeth, Or Lincl:s, AS they way prefer. Terms moderate. to suit the times. DR. I .C. 1,00)11S South Hanover e ! tr.e..4, " 7 " . lrkft"it Tv-rt . ' door- , IMIE ri El). \V. S'ElL)l(.'ll, D. D. S.- ‘..jr Ltie Deniolislrati.r npota , li e Pentlgtry to the Hal tiveiTi College of ""r.s I.W :surgery. eV. '2 , „011ie° liis resitlenee, \Jar' at ll.tu, it est Main hlreet, Carlisle, Perin s. W. ,JIIVERSTICI(, Druggist, North IlttuoVer `tree t, Carll4l, prevrrlptconsra refu liv cuutppuudet.l A full supply of fresh /Ind \V 131 - 1/1)1.1.1, Attorney at Law. 0111 Is, :"01111, 11.tm v Str4 , ..t with A. B Fhni po I. EMOVAL. %. L. izi , N , LER, 0 , 4 his orli, to hit Ni,v opposito i Mtroll j ) E:\1()V - 2\ Ilat and Cap store . 11. hort4.4" a to on n,'• tern re "pp .nitu the obt ntaml. two d.. ore Alai' rho in` r011.11.1,t• heret 'tares :toil all the both holm. made and city matiiii.icturi. ! Nviirriiiite.i C. , in Sat,i , l'a•ti,l .1111111.11,1••,i, A full patron:vit. 1v respocttolly no every °Hort will ho Mad., to keep the a.Nortineilt of inc , awl hey, hat, and caps complete, Mill pricer to atilt the tinier. IiELLE It. ANV ('A.111).-CILARLIS E.' INlA ft,j Attorney nt tinier in In bliilditot, Jost opposite the 3ltteket. Llouvo. Cal 11.1 u, 31,1.11 li, 'o9—lr. lOEIN HAYS, T LA W. 9P (Mice on Main Street, opposite "Marion Hall," Carlisle, [oct, 2h, '5O-Iy. CP. HUM RIC 11, Attorney at Law. e _oia, 0,, North II:molt, street, n low doors son!h dote'. All busine,i entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [Anti: lb. A\V NOTICE. TI E :Nr o vAL. ji J )1 PEN It(IS has removed his 01E, in rear o the Court 11-case. whore he will promptly attend to all bu , iness entriMcd to situ. All'4U]t • 1! S 1 AI 31 , ATTORNEY AT LAW. oni, with Wm 11 Miller. Egg_ Pi oth Ilanocer Street, app toile the Volunteer 0111 , e, Car//sli,, Sup. 11, W. C. inJEEM iTTGIINEY AT LAW .I.NII GENERAL AGENT. t Minneapolis, Minnesota. TILL eloo special attention to collections through IV out the State, make inNestieuts, buy and sell Real I , ...tate and or. uritles. Negotiate loans, pay taxa-, brute turd WArratill, Ac., Ac. Refer to thu members a the Cumberland County liar, and to all prornim , nt citl• .a.:lls of- Carlinle, l'a. i A ug-1 . ..0.-Iy. FARE RE DUr ED. °' STATES UNION lIO'I'EL, 606 & 608 Market St., above sixth, I'IIII.IDIMPAIA, JA-311:s W. POWER, Proprietor, TERMS :—sl tir, per d.ty. ju:ikrf,S. "[NITER STA'T'ESHOTEL.— s 8. -- E. Cur.-11llt rice( -Ste., I'IIILAIIELPMA. . Y. /I INT A a 11. PROPIIII.7OII. J 3.11.4,1600. PIoSIGNANT TAILOR. WEST MAIN STREET, Opposite the Rail Road Office. xpo-- Pall and Winter styles (r Cloths, CassillierCS awl 1 - estinus made to order. lity Iso. BENJ. S. JANNEY, JR. & CO. wrioi.EsALE cilt6cElts, Am> PRODUCE CONIMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 605 Maiktt PHILADELPHIA, = ,lulu Dun lap IBM PATENT OFFICE, NO. 141 South Fonyth Street, PIIILA 17E7,1'111A. N. B.—Commurlicalloue by mail promptly attended to Sept. 27, '6O POCKET' 1300 K AND.' SATO LI E MANUFACTURER. - iNcl. 47 NO)1T1I SIXIII ;3rrp,EET .111iow Arrh, Plulla.. fort:mg-1y 118 North 4th :...4.. Porto . )1 14, , mitaiw?, (Agar Carxti, , l'oektft nooks, .. 1'4.4 1! Dos, ~ ' Cr.INL, SI-I[olon, Dresnin CtLsos, MOlll4 Ilelt9, \l to It Dimon, De liktitrB' L'aeve, -'l'umes, liluks, be. ' WIIO4..;7tSiLYE AND IiETA IL. . • • • Aug. 31, I6eo.—ly, • . J. N. • SCOTT, • T 'LEA EV -1 S FURNISIIING-.. t~ S'l,Olt U A NI) SMlt e t i TANT.JFAC'fOI.IY, . 81.1, .Chrstnul Street, ' Four dens below the "Continental hotel" and nearly • Opposite the ••Oirrd House" Philudelphln. • A large tlSSOlAlliellt of Intoning liehos cum-lenity on ltutt. Particular attention given to ()Atonal shirto—n parted lit guaranteed. - - - - Wholesale' trade stipplial 'with tine nLlrl 'and collars on liberal terms. Directions fur mensurrifient - sent on np Anon by mail. . • July. 1111STAK —: - 11—A11 pOsOns In want 1.1 .0t n. bottle ' ot Pine Oldimportodantl Cain Brandy, or OM Dye Whlskey;•tle•filn,.VOnett, can_geh porourtiele at the Grocery of the subecrlbor. • • • ‘, 15'A1. EDN'FZ. Carllvle,lnu.'lB; I'M, • ' Zu.stitess Ectais = J. BENDER, M. 1) (immcr,orATl[Pn',l MMMI N.- II A NTC , ALFRED D. ERICK'S.. UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN CHARLES RUISIPP, PoRTH MONNAIE, dTaßmm wom TF9s% tEl43ltZar GEROZa. -- - - - - - =- SELL T , E I) P 14] T 11Y Tll E following beautiful and suggestive lines were written for the HERALD, by a valued friend, and published about two years ago. 11 e republish them, by request of a correspon dent. - ED. HERALD. "Tench me to know mtno - end, and the Income° of my days, what It le." Where shall I die! shall dear (lien& gather round me fn eige the •• death sweat," limn my throbbing brow, thine I (ye, In sadness then surround mu VS true, as kind. lIN Loving i11t.11113 now? 'r bhnll some stranner hand w,llOll nil is ended, Ith rgrple,, tour)) close I ny I n dinv front toy house, unwept nod vunl tended? Father of :ire: 0 say wltere.slotil I die! Flow shall I Ille! Shall pin and anguish smite me, Ind Name ,pith sharp relontiess hand, Shah ill., disea, with gent]• force invite M lone this ourld tel j , .111 tile Gpiell band Or shill I fall, a, i••li the star of morning, Fuddeu and rmift fans out the calm clear sky, Without our hint—ono gentle, timely warning, Fathor of life: Oh city how shall I din: shall I die' Sliolll,4e and Lnnors CrOWD 100, th, issue from Illy titronol Or shill I fall, kith inid-da)'s sun arOlthti \Vile') lit. , is sweetest a h‘l its use heat the She!! tno oath all iLs worn! aft•Yti,.ns Sink in the grave in 4lart.nesS there I, lir, 1iir.011.,1 in bud dltd ihuyer—bef,re Either of Ills! I) soy svki4n slinfj 1 diAt! Itn,11! 0 my FOl.ll, away mm ith this repinii; This anti. us re 11. 21101,11 t tI stay on ealth; 111.1 d bral t in ,al to, meet; love reclining Stilanit thy ...loath to Ulm nho game thee birth. j." .l '' ) '1,11,1(4 Wail, by the side. Ihi em, } foni , ter snving. Poksp.A.i-' ,6 ? - 8= lIIIIIIITMIIII , 1 ALE 01.' A E rEI I beg your pad uiY • ' " Excuse me, 'Flu' lir:d spekker was a fa,hionably dressed 'young into, and his Ht,rlocutor a beautiful young lady. Their situation woo the Ines( em harras,ing in the world, for ns the gent letn,tn turned the corner of t lie street he had been Un exvvete•lly C- I nfr.mi c .l by the damsel 11.1111/es lion After a sure,% - :sion or desperate efforts to pass each other, which only resulted in various di,sigrecahle col 1-ions MIA 111;1111111 !1111e.let1 11 11 , 1111;1 l'e,;111:i1;111• -analogous to the tnollevers of two elect rill,l pit 11-b ills, they had come to a stand still The blu-oh on the lady's cheek, :tit , °ugh deep and lick as the C11111.:011 un the sunset cl ut I, W. 19 nearly e(itiVed by the it - Oritty , p oolintx, hut' of the-gent , ilernan's Liar. o:te last de , pairing movement on 4115 pli i to p ass his lovely antagonist, was 1111 fer 11 / 1 / 1 1 1 11) . SeC ,11111 ; 11 1 by n ` l llll l lll.llll l llllll en deavor of hers: anlpercei ring almost irrepres sible mirth on the c,oultentui •e or his c onpan whost , o 1 a few feet (11)1010 to watch the is , me of the rencontre, the gentleman - raised Iris hat from hi; hi ad, and, marching at right angles directly to the curbstone, gave utterance to the shave ejaculation, which elicited its fellow from the ro , y lips of the young lady. With a bow and a glance from her bright eyes! of ming'eq amusement anti vexation, she avail ed'herselt. or thi, retreat., and plased on, en:cr hp, n shop a !4hort, distance below. Oar hero east his eyes behind /111. 1 110 Went by ; and, noticing that she had dropped her handkerchief, he h tstity piuke.l a Ilp, 111111 was On the, point f following her to return it, when observing n. name in one corner, he paused coolly pock eting the dello ite 1001104011, and rejoined his com;.anion The latter received him with mock gravity, while merriment evidently filled stml to the very brim. Bravo'" was his salutation. " Ralph, you are in In dk to day ; I envy your tete a-(etc with so charming a neighbor. 'Pon honor, now, don't W 3 , 1 10 your liktieS in private on that handkerchief ; without doubt, it was a fair prisoner of war, but be magnanimous and give IL to me It slitt.l Ibe framed in magnifi cent style, and receive toy profoundest odor ation." " I should like to gag you with it, hurry,'' retorted irritated friend. "t',111,1 not you 1 111 ,1 acn