Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 19, 1861, Image 4
311ebitines.' air HOSTgaVER'S STOMACH BITTERS/ -The proprietors and mnnufacttirers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and Citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a'reptt teflon heretofore unknown. Aow facts upon ~. this point will speak more po verfully Than volumes of bare assertion or blsz ling puffery. The Consumption of Hostetter'SStomach Bit ters for the last year amounted io over a half- . •.illion bdttles, and front its manifest steady nerease in times past, it it -evident that. during the coming year the .codsuinption will reach near ono million bet tips. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties enntained intim preprira• Lion, and the sanction of the most prominent _physicians 'in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients,, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its . efficacy in all cases of stoinachic.derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. - . This is not a - temporary popularity, obtained' by extraordinary' efforts in the way of trust peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is deetined . to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints' ' have 'oseanted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the ...Bitters" lire a certain cure for the Dyspepsittsnd like , diseases, is to the proprietors a source of Un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid-motley from the !stomach, purifies llie bided, nit Imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indiSpensabie far the restoration of health. It operates upon Om stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and ores them t• acondition essential to the heafGay diseharge of the functions of nature. it . Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions me,the bottle, and the); will find. le it a stimulant iibcoliarly adapted to condo it .declining years, te it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to thbowela, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating enerally. We have file col.' i dance of thousanda of, .aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of - physicians, they-have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the 'merits of this article. A few words to "he gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of niother and child is so absolingly tender, that the mother, especially if tdo" be ,young; is apt to forget her own health in her extreme atixici for her infant. Should the period of mat end arrive during the summer season, the wear f body and mind is generally aggravated.. Here, thin, bra necessity for a stimulant, tojecupe ratelhe energies of the system, and enable the soother to bear *under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nurtng mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as , well tie certain to give a permanent increase •f bodily strength. . All those persons,.to, whom tee have partien larly referred' above, to wit.: sufferers from fiver and ague, caused by malaria, tfiliriliCen, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, amid all diseases or,derangements of, the Woniach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary secupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—Wo caution the public against using any of the ninny imitations or counter feits, but ask for 110STETTEIt'S.CELEISRATED *MIAMI BITTElla; and see that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. llostettees Stomach I.r.tters" 'blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped in, the metallic cap covering the cork, and eliherve that our autograph signature is on the label. •i- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & 531.7. TH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and cbablers generally throughout the United 'States, South •Ame s4sa. and Germany. , . Sold by S. Elliott, S.W. ilairratick, Carlisle; John 0. Attica', John Rowboat'', Sltlpponeburg; I. Ron man, J. B. limning Meehunli.ahurg ; and Druggist generally throughout no county. Nov. 9; 'IU. LINDSEY'S MPROVED . 1: ). B1. 1 ID SEARCHER . • A STANDARD MEDICINE • Yor the speedy, radical, and effectual curo of ,ALL DISEASES arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. . • tit the most miraculous curbs Thin medicine hem wrout, tn - desperate COACH of — Scrofula, Cancerous formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Eryslpelas,•Bolls, Pimples on the face, • Sore Eyes, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Scald Bead, Teter affections', Rheumatic Disorders; Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Jaundice ' - Salt itheum, MercurlalDisennes, . . Ciendral Debility, 'Mier Complaint, Loss jof Appetite. Low Spirits, • Foul Stomach Female Complaints, and all Disparate having theirrol gin In an impure state of the Vinod. We refer to the case of David McCreary, of Napier township, Bedford Co., Pa. who on the 31 at day of A ug ust, DM made affidavit before who Gorky that lie was treated for the cure of Cancer by three physicians of Bedford county, and by Dr, Newton of the Eclectic College in Cincinnati, for n' p Hod of nearly ' eight months, notwithatandlng which, his lip, nose,• sod hadof Ins loft chock wore entirely eaten away! lie had given up all hope, when ho heard of the'ltipdd marcher." and was Induced to ;try it. Four bottles eared him, and although sadly disfigured, there is no griection but what this invaluabin medicine saved his • life. The full particulate of ibis remarkable robe may be noon In a circular, which can be had of any of the Agents. aladleforto the case of Nancy Bleaknof, — eliacr. ton, Armstrong county, l'n., cured of Scrofula afterlr• lug unable to get. Out of her bed Sir three years. ' To the case of a lady in Ansonville. Glearttoici county who wax also afflicted with Scrofula in its worst form. To the case of George Meisel, residing in Carrolitown, Cambria county, Pa.. who was so badly afflicted with Cancer that it eat hie entire nose off, and his case tons worse It possible, then McCreary's. The particulars cf. these cases—every one of ,which wan cured by the use of the Blood Searcher—may logo be found in a circular to bcl had of any of the Agents. It. M, LEMON, Proprietor. • Laboratory for the vottnufaetuttt and sale, near the Pa. Railroad Depot. Ifollidaysblitg, Pa. Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, Wholesale 'Agent, Pittsburgh, Pit. In"— For sale in Carlisle by S. W. Haversflck, S. ill nett, and S. B. Kieffer; Dr. J. Herring Mechanic s' burg ; Oosweller & Zook, Shepherdstown ; t bnbyColta Hogstown• Jacob Simmons, Crest] Ron&_ tble, E. fee Shiremanstown; A.M. Leidich, Bolling t , rings Mary W. Russel, Churchtown; G. W. Robinson West .11111; Fasnaught & Co., Oakville; Shoemaker & Illiott, Newburg;' Wm. Bretton, Norville; J. flood & Ca. Springfloidt Russell & . Co., Dickinson; •Ilintstiand & Washing, Jaeknetsvllle;•. Wm. Clark & L,., Lees, &pada; 'Wm. 11. Rattles, Sporting 11111; D. Donlinger Wblta Rail; J. O. Altiok,Shipponeburg; all of Cumber land county, Pa. RS. WINSLOW, an experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presenta to the • ten ton of mothers her FOR SOOTHIN G SYRUP, CHILDREN TE'E,THING, which greatly facilitates the process 'xi ccc ng, iy softening the gumn, reducing all I ofiamation—will al lay all pain and spasmodic action, and Is sure to mu late the bowels. Depend upon It mothers, It will ,give net to yourselves, and I. gig: ~i. VD DEA [Alf 4T, 0 YeOeltilli e 111FANver TS. or over ten ye d 1 a ..... 1 4 , and truth of it, what we u 'any other medicine mover has elm& Wet, Low's ce to inf lict ' a ogre . when tune 17 need. Nev. • er did. we know an in- f BOOMING .. . stance o f &malefaction . . By anyone who mad it. lighted ie con! teary ail are lei"srMri. d with its ope- irations, and speak In terms of highest commendation of its ma. _Opal effects mid medical virtues. We speak in this mutter g.what we do know," after ten years experience cad ledge ledgo our reputation Or the fulfilment of what '45 were declare. In almost every Instance where the OM tis suffering from pain and exhaustion relief . wBl be found In fifteen or twenty minutes slier 'the syrup le administered. • Thir valuable preparation is the prelierlption of one orf the most experienced and skilful ' nurses in New Illeigland, and has been used with never falling success Is • - . ~- ' . .. THOUSANDS OE CASES. • -It Moe only relieves the child from pain, but Invigo Wes the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity and given tamest:id enentylo the whole aystoli..._lt will almost hudantly reliezei-, , , ':: ...0.04011,4:10.010ply' gls ANDi. 1;1) 011 01,1 0, ' .'ti 'd O* 6 lt ,-,.,,. ' • - come con ' trade io'tt pi -:, . ":':',, poi' - which tricot iimdtk7,r 6- • ... ; , I",i . . .. - medied, end' t n'" death, .' ' ' •, Wo believe le'llie' beet ,: ..' ••• ••%CHILDREN • : • , and. 'urea .Xesnear In - , .;< t l e world, ' . issall,eates ; ` 4nTrirt, , • ofDynentey iind - Diarr .Y , has haehlb -",-erieiwheth.;___. - - =.- -" .. ... ~,, it arise . freil teething, or' Item aily ,qther, cause. , %Tfe;:woultl .1117 fo every mother who hes a - child inffering troth any .., 'olllll l f P regedng complaints—do. not-let your prejudice ,Merthe prnindices of others stand between your starer. '.'fittitilld and'the relief thatvillj be; BUMF}—yes, AB. , . mamma sugy.--to follow the nee of thug medteine, •;Iftilimely Mead. 'Ptillailfectlatie for 'using. will IIaCOM. ''''olladrriagaballtllWßej '/InerletaUrZll"th:beftittlell • trapper... . • • 801 d by 8. W. liaveiatick North Ilan bv'' at.pand B. *Hon Main it. Carlisle, and Druggists th Ughoilt the soolgt._,_'' Prim, only 26 Ciente par Bottle. Pri ripe Ofk iski ilk,* ctratir al. W. It. • 1 al7 20 g 09 1 *.. .., . , p U'l 1F Y TIIL BLO 0 - .1)) • nicniNxis VEGETABLE LIFE 111.11 AND 4 PHOENIX BITTERS . . • , The high and envied celebrity which these pre-emi nent 31edlcines have acquired for their invariable al. racy. in all the discuses which they profess to •cure, has ' rendered the usual practice of pulling not only unneces ' saryi-but unworthy of them. They are keep' , by their - fruits: ' their good worke 'testily for lisetai'aud, they ID. thriv; not by the faith' of the credulous..: ' • .. . ... Its all casespf Asthma, Acute 'and Chronic ithisunia tismsAlTeetits of the Bladder and liildneYs, '; • ' Billions livers and Liver Complaints.—ln the Soioth and West x., sere these diseases prevail. they will he . • found Inv, Waldo. Planters, tarns rs anti others,. who once u se sem medicines, will never afterwards ha with out them • ' . 1311110 9 Plaolic and Serene Looseness, Biles, Costite / nem, Cr kg and Coughs, Chulie. . • CONSUMPTION —Used withgreat success in this di- SNISe. . Cot upt !tumors, Dropsies, ,Dyspepsfa.—No person It It this distressing discos should delay using Ilium medicines Immediately, ' i. Eruptions of the Skin. Erysipelas, Flatulency and Fe ver and Ague.—For this scourge of tam Western' country them medicines will he found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the System subject to it return of the tilseas..—a cum by thee medicines is permanent. TryAlicin. he satisfied,•and be cured FOULNESS OF COMPLEXION, 0 ENERAL DEBILITY. Gout, Giddiness, Gravel, ifeatlidties of every kind, Inward Fever, 'lnflammatory Rheumatism, %mpure Blood, Jaundice. Lose or Appetite: ~ LIVER COMPLAINTS, LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, . • • ' M lIRCUItIc DISEASES, Never fills to eradicate gntirely all t • effects of Mer cury Infinitely sooner than the most pone ftki prepara- Oen of Sarsaparilla. ' I Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Organic Affections, palpitation of the Heart .Painters' Clsolic. ' . . L--------T- GM The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by the use of those Liver Medicines alum,. Pains in filo he,ad, side, back, limbs, joints and or . gans. ' Those Allied With tide tOrrlble disease will Lome, of relief by tlfe, Medicines Rush of Blood to the Head, QS.curvy, Salt•Rimum, Swellings. J SCROFULA, or KING'S EVIL, in Its worst forms Ut errs of every description - . \Willits of nil kinds are effectually expelled, by these medicines.. Parents will do well to administer them . - Relief will be Thousands aro daily spanking In pralso - Of DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL. land why? because It never fails toafford instantaneous relief when given in time. It nets as magic; and tine trial atone mill convince you that what ivy any is true.„ It contains NOAREGORIC OR OPIATE ri nay 1611,4. lid therefore relies es i;y removing the. sufferings of 'ur child. Insteall of by deadening its sensibilities. For tlgorrea , on it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now linotvii for Children Te&thing, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Grip ing in the Bowels, ANdity of the StouMeli, Wind. Cold in the head. and Croup, also. for softe,tling the gums. redwing Juliann lion, regulating the ['dwelt and relieving pain. It has no equal—being an anti 9110 , motile It is 11,11 e Itli tinfalling.success In all eases of Convulsion or other Fits. As you value LIM' life and health of yorir children. and wish to save theth from those rad and blighting conseabences which are certain to rooult, from the use .of narcotics of which other remedies for Infantile Complaints are composed, .take nono lint lilt. EATON'S - INFANTILE CORDIAL, this yen ran ridy upon. It Is perfertly harmless and rennet injure the most delicate infant. nr,ice, 25 rents Full directions ith.ompativ iamb bottle. Prenared only by ' CilUlt,Cllll DUPONT,. No Add Broadway New Healthy human Mood upon being ANALYZED . always'presents us with, the marne• essential elements and gives of courso3 tho . Truo St.ndurd. A.nalyze th A Blond of a pern muttering froze Consumption. Lire Complaint, Dyspepsia, Belau., &e. end we find In every instance curtain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood Supply these deficiencies and you are made well. Thu BLOOD FOOlris founded upon this Theory —hence its astonishing sum's. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Bided In different diseases. For Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, or any ailed• lion whatever of the THROAT ocLUNUS inducing Con• sumption, use No I, which Is aleoys the No. for. De. pression of Spirits. Loss of Appetite. and far all Chrou• lo Complaints arising frbm Overuse, General Debility, and Nervous Prostration., No. 2, for !Aver Complaints, N 0.3, for Dyspepsia. Being already prepared lia oh sorption IL I+ takuirby drops•gnd carried Immediately - into tliticirculation-so-thet-what-yOtt.gahlyou_retaln. The No. to is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria. Weak messes, Ae. See special directions Mr this. For Salt Eruptions, - Scrofulonle, Kidney, and Bladder Complaints. take No.s. In aft cases the directent must bo strictly followed.!'Price of, the Blood Food $1 per bottle. Sidd by . CH,ERCII k DUPONT, No. 414:Broadway, New York. .1 W. Dyott & Sons., Philadelphia, and G. Ropier Pittsburg Wholesale Agents. • . For Sale by S. Elliott, Carlisle. Cure Coughs, Cold, Hoarseness Influenza, •• any Irritation or OM 4% Soreness of the Throat, Re• b 414 , ‘ n urto liege the Hacking Cough otiON ,L• in Consumpt ion, . Bran -11 o‘•\' rag Asthma, and v ' ,Catatcrh. Clear and give , strength to , . (be voice of I SPEAKERS and SINGERS. rare of the Importanco of chocking a Cough Cold" In, Its first stag° ; that which In the mid yield to a Mild remedy, if nwtlected, the Lungs. 4 . Ihown's Biouchill Troches," leinuicent ingrodiMits, allay Pulmonary it Irritation. "That-troublo in my Throat, (for which the "Trochos" are it specific) having made tuo often a more whisperer." N. P. WILLIS. recommend their use to Publl. Speakers." PUBLIC 15 Few aro aw or .• Commix bogirnaing 00011 attacka containing_ d, and Bronchial 11.11OWN'S TROCHES Into,wv , ? , TROCHES REV. E. 11. CHAPIN. • " Have proied extremely hurrleeablo fur•Hoarsonese." 'REV. HENRY WAR!) BEECHER. BROWN'S ° Almost instant Mist' in the distress. tug labor of ilroatiting peculiar to Asthma 'REV.A. C. EGGLESTON. ”Contains no' Opium or aurthing In jurious." Dit A. A. 'HAYES. A . A. " A simple and pleasant combination for Coughs, &c." DR. G. F. BIGELOW. Boston. • TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES • " Beneficial In Bronchitim." DR. J. F. W. LANE. • Boston "I have premed them excellent fo Whooping Cough." REV. U. W. WARREN, BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'B Boston " Beneficial when compelled to speak suffering from Cold." ' RCN% 8. J. P. ANDERSON. St.. Louis TROCHES DROWN'S "Effectual In removing hoarseness and Irritttion of the Throat, so common with Speakers and Singers." Prof. STACY :MUNSON ' Ist Orange, Ga. Teacher of Music. Southern • Female College. "Great benefit when taken before and after preaching. no they prevent, Hoarse ness From they past effect, 1 think they will he of ilormationt advantage to me?' ROWLEY. A. M. Nee sot of Athens College, Tenn. ell.. Poi • Drdmdsts at .TWENTY— Ft CENTS A 80X.—i.4 TROCHES BIIOW TROCHES MEM TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES N0v.R0.1860.-qm A CARD TO THE DIES Dr. Dnponoo•! Golden Pill! for Females. Afallible in correeting,.regulaling or removing ~all bbatrucana,from whatever cause, and ' always aucceasful as a preventive. TheCombinatton of ingrodlenta in Dr. Duponco'a golden Pllh are perfectly hill•relese. They have bees usod in the private phone° of old Dr. Dupenco, for 30 years, and thonsamis of Indica can testify to their great •and never.falling sure Ons in almost every cave; in °or.- roeting Irregularities, relieving painful and distressing menstruation particularly at the change of t Prom five to ton pills will cure that common, ye dreadful complaint, the Whites . Nearly every fecual in the laud suffers froni this co plaint. Thekbove p 1 has ' permanently , mired thousands, end will cure you If you' use them. They cannot. harm ,vou, co tho contrary, they remove all obstructions , and restore nature to Its proper channel, and Invlgoratethe wllol4 sy4eng they are perfectly safe end'hermiess, • . • Price .$l. per, box. Bold wholesale and retell by • tf."ELLIOTT, Druggist; Carlisle, Pa. '.:,"who to tire sole neat for that place Ladies; by remit. sing blut O. to the " CaOlele Post Office" can have the. Pitts sent to any pert of 'the . country, free of - floatage, by mail., Said also by Chas. A.•Bannvart, ,Ilarrlsburg, E.T,lllller,-Yorlt;J.-11... Wolf, Wrightsville and by one : drugglet in every village end town In the Union. , • 'Look. out for, counterfeits. 'Buy no 'Golden% Pills of any kind, unlese every box Is, signed by S. D. ' Alrotliers mre a , base imposition and unsafe, tiierefore;iiii y'ou.valuOyogrldiee ;and health, (to say nothing of being humbugged ; out Of yowl money) buy, only Shoes who phovethe signature-of .8: D., lime on every box, which has recently bean added on account of " a recent counterfeit of the Pills. S. D. UOWE, JAN.O it , Yeas Pau distartliew York, New Obouuti. .4TTEXTION: • , Oar Foundry, NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS After returning , his aelineeriedgements for the von) liberal patronage which hoe been extended to him, the undersigned would • eall attention to, the fart, that in igesjust reopened his !extensive assortment ofamily t r i zr l o 9ti In his new store-room, on the soutiovesQcorner of the public square, where the publko invited to call and ekamlne a stock of goods will in elegance; variety and extant, defy competitlo ; comprising In part, loaf, lump, will brown sugars, lava, Rio nod roasted Coffee Every •vit- -4, •-„ „ riety and qualityof TEA Spices, (ground it ( and unground,) Pickets, Sauces, Table OIL Now Orleans, .Sugarhouse and' Trinidad . J Molasses; New York had Philadelphia Syr-. ups. ,Choose, Macormit,. Vermecllli, split Peas, Hominy, Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate Extract 0,• Coffee, relined sugar at reduced rates, washing and bak ing soda. Tobacco (Wale most favorito brands, and the finest quality of Bogota. Also, a beautiful assortment of Britannia Ware, plain and flu band China Ware, Glass, Queens. Stone and Earthern Were, in grilat sa• Oath and an elegant let of Fancy Soaps, extracts and perfumery for tho toilet. FRUITS: Including Peaches in'cann, Ilelsloo, Cran• berries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, 1 81 ' 1 .. ` LIQUORS: Wholesale and retail, ; a" _FT 4 . re l y b r 1 1 11%1 e s,. commonark and od ' I p d „ re 3' , . Liston hiA i ( ( i 7 . 77 ..I, V Sherry Port. Inaderla,Gioger, Catawba ...,-= - -i,• and Muscat Winos in casks and bat. tics, Scotch natiskey, Holland Gin, ant Scheidarn t Schnapps. FISH AND SALT. A large stock of LAMPS, Including Dyott'a celebrated. lampa for Binning IC Imogene or coal nil, also Sperm, Pine, Lard 4nd Coal Oil, Burning Fluid. Sperm and Star Can diet& . CEDAR-WAI —AND BROOMS. Brushes, Ropes, Illops Soaps, Dooments, {Batters, Looking.glasses, goo lo{ and note. paper, Willow Ware. painted buckets, &c. Cotton and woollen Hose, and half Hose, and a full stock of Gloves, including the well known. Hanover Buck 0 loves. In short. his stock comprises everything that Is called for in his line of business, and no efforts will bo span(' to render entire satisfaction to his customers. . C. INIIOFF. Coylisle, Oct. 27, 1858-I.y. Marketing of all kinds taken In exchange fo goods. 4171• IR ?) a FAMILY GIOCETtY AND TEA _ - STORE. $ ' Just received and in store, a fresh and well' so lectad assortment of Rio, Java and Mara caibo' Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed ' Pulierired Sugars. Relined and • other brown Sugars, superior • Syrup Molasses, Orleans (biking) MOl as MOH. , . . Spices of every variety— .. pure only ; Starch, Farina and • Chocolate. Mammon!, Cheese and • Crackers, Tapioca and Sage,' indigo, Saleratns and Soda, Cream Tartar and as• sorted Pickles, Mustard and 'Coriander Seed. • ' TEAS.- -A fine assortment. in Packages, ,111 ... 0 .7.: and In bulk—as well as all other artlelimi ".. belonging to the bud aces—all at the lowest i'.. I . and late reduced prices. • J. W. ED Y.• , JUST OPENED •rcir /lino of tle*clicapest and best selected kf stocks Of Dry floods, over opened In Carlisle, PH, Is now In the room of A. W. Bentz, consisting In part of SILK. It0131:9 FANCY AND.PLAIN.. Sldm !Ivwed Merinos, boehmeres, 01l wool 4itiolnes and Overy style of Drem Goods been In thee/mite - 2*nm. kets:' CLOTH. 'MANTLES, colorsntial stripes of every style. My stork of Mantles iv orknowledAed to be the most completb ever opened In thin place. ~currr•,(ooDS purchased front tho best houses in Philadelphia and Saw• York. an be had of ate at less than usual retail prices. I hare In this branch. Linens. Laces, Edgings, f7ambries. Brilliants, Nal nsooks. Jaconetts. Lawns. dull &e., all of which I ask but an examination. FURS, . . The best article of Siberian • Squirrel, German Fitch, Lustre do,. Stone Martin Mid Silver do. I base at east two hundred setts, out Of i'hich all can select. DOMESTICS Mpsllna, American; English and French Prints, all of the bust nwnura•ture and rulers. Lancaster, Watertwist and Manchester Ginghauls, Flannels, Blankets and everything usually fund in a well regulated Dry Good. Store, 110SIEEY AND 0 LOV ES, Silk. Woolen. Cotton and Linen Hose forChlhiren, diem and Gentlemen. Kid, Kid Finish, Silk, Lisle thread and Genuine Buck Glows for Gents, il.viiiii • Cloths, Casslmeros, Testings and Shawls.- There is no place this side of Philadelphia, where gentlemen can, he fitted out In better styles or quality of cloth and at s low rates us In my store. Call and sue the now at) le[, rrenoy C asimerao, emcnowledgita by the runiletnnn ' to he the prettiest and beet over brought front the eastern markets. 011. CLOTHE, • Superfine two and three Ply, Brussels and Velvift ear. pets, of all sizes and figures and extremely • low prices, ono, one find a quarter, one and a half, two and three yards wide, Oil Clotb of tho vory best reticle and sold at the very lay price of fifty cents pensquare yard. Having enlarged Ty room and added every cnnvenf enco and corn art for customers, I invite all to eallam examine a steels of Bands purchased for CASH Sand se is that A. W. Bentz can sell Ids goods at seen very low rates, It Is to the Interest of all who are need-of Dry Hoods to give our stock an irispect km, motto in to sell cheap mud please my S. fianceet - Sti, Oct. 12'00 Nearly opposite the 0. Carlisle Pa. FANCY GOODS, GIFT 800K,5, --- CONFECT lON ARIES, FRUITS S. W. HAVERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Cadmic, Pout a. MIR y tut opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Far cy goods, Girt Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Conk, tlonary, which bus never been surpassed in tins he ough, for novelty and elegance. The articles have bee selected with great on e, and are calculated, In qualit, and pt ice, to command the attention of Purchasers. ~,, FANCY hOODS, which comialso every variety of fancy articles of the alm ' i . exquisite finish such as. l'apier Machu Goode. . . - Elegant alabaster 1 1 211•Vrcelain ink-stands and tray Fancy ivory, pen nd shell card cases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, — 4...adiel,V,Caltdk, 171 h Dig Desks. and Port fedes. Port Mounaies. of every variety, gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and, large variety of Indies' Fancy statloi ery. . Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses, hiding whips, elegantly finished. ,Fine'cutlory, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, N. Basin and It. & Q. Wright'a Soaps and Vellum. of various kinds, Fancy Pins for head dre 'es and shawls. Musical instruments, . together with an Innunicr to variety of articles slogan' ly finished and suitable for IMllday presents, to whit he invites special attention. . Also, an extensive and elegant collection of ... • . 'SOUKS, .S comprfsing various English and American Work' richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Ilibles ar hymn BookS, elegantly bound In velvet with met clasps and corners, suitable, for holiday gift.. Ills assortment 3i School Books and School Stationery klso complete, and eemprilles everything used DI ti Schools. lie also desires to call the particular att., lion of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, de., from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Arch ' and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style , Parlor. Chamber arid study Lamps, for burning elth' ' Lard, Sperm of Etherial ell: ales DYOTT'S celebret, Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, together with FlowerYase , Fancy Screens i.e. ills assortment in this line is m equaled in takerough. Also, .SEGARS AND TOBACCO, • embracing all the iSeorite brands, and a fine asses meat of ME ERSCIIAIIII SMOKERS AND PIPES. , .F.„IIUITS, ' such as Oranges, Lemons, -Figs, Raisins, Nectarine Prunes, Itc„ FANCY do. FECTIONMIX—rNUTS—PIt I SERVED FRUITS, Sit I , ED-SIEAT, PICKLES, A, 'in every variety. and at 1 prices, all of which are put and fresh such as earl be confidently recommended I" his friends. Ills stock embraces everything in the lit of Fancy Goods; with rattly other articles' useful t hose °keepers which the public, are especially invite to call and (mai:nine.. ,' Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank o North ilanover street. • S. W. 11AVERBTICK. Dee. 7.1859. e.. . . aII°READ BISCUIT • &o. The fl , ,nof Tartar 'i3ubssiltute" Is recommer ed s a sus crier allele In combination with Baleratr or Soda for Baking purposes. It produces bread cabs Ac., which u,.. ii,. cold are sweet, moist and grateft while those of Cream of Tartar are often dry and test. NM. It will cost less than Cream.of Tartar and is use In the same way for cooking, AS. THIS SUBSTITUTE, togetflor with Saleratute Soda, Pure Cream of Tarter Bermuda Arrow Boot, Mustard Seed, ground and us ground. spins of all kinds uhadultorated,•and ale 0 rocorlas In every variety constantly on bandy and a the lowest priced for sale by 1.• Dec. 14, 18504' J. W. EBY. . . . OOK SEI AltP.i—Wr. Fridley woul( RespeOtfully announce to he citizens of Califs' and the public generally, that he as again commence the manufacturing of tin & sheet Iron ware ofall kind, In 8.0. liuyetts building no liouther street, directi opposite 0. Shepley 's Chair Manufactory, whore he VII at all times bo in readiness to do all kinds of work his line of business- with -neatneemand dispatch. Al work will be done by himself and it competent hands he keeps no apprentices. „ • Also can at all times bo bad " hose'celebrated SELF. TEBTICNO, SELF-SPALING,:PII , E3II I fId AIR - TIC F. FRUIT CIAICB & q,gle., • - Muse and , lobblog ,or'allr,klidei,*ne at shed notion and made 'of the bust Materiel: ; :Al-Cash - Paid foe old Pewter and o,oPipee. Hoping by strict attention to businesel and a desire o pleas all;„, - to receivea chariot Obi ic patronage., Carlisiii•Oot.lo,4BBo,ly. - r I • • • • AILSVNAILSI . t. , NAILS :11 . 1 • ': N,, A large stook of good, Olean, eat , end ~ r ougt . 'nails, a the lowest Prim's. Our nails are worth .I,oet • a keg more, than any otbermake of nails sold : In , ou town. this Is the opinion of meohaoles who have trhu them, we also have a full assortment of L. .: ,' 1' , 11 • 1 ILDINO MATERIALS,LS, • • - 'Atha bitest. nd most appiored styles. All goods war r M . outed as re resented. JOHN PAI,YNE ay 2 , VA.. . - , North lismorer O. Oirildo. • iniKellancous. ° AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT I F. Gardner & Co: now manufacture and keep con aitittly for sale, at their extensive Steam Works ou East Main street, Carlisle, a large assortment of - AttIaCULTU-It AL IMPLEMENTS, of well 'mown, approved usefulness to felYinors. nutmeg ..which they would cell especial titteitat to WII t LOOOII nrs c.E44.:IIICATED A,T,llit" 'd UM SPRINIP.G AIN DRILL, which bestehen ever fifty Fir, t Class Premiums at State and Connty,-Fairs. To the Fainters of Cumberland. ork and Perry counties wo need not Speak in' detail of the merits of this drill, as scores of them are now in use on Om best lambs in these counties. Its rqute• tion is established es the most complete Grain Drill now manufactured in the United States. It sows ‘Vhent, nye, Oats, Barley and Gress, evenly and regular, without bunching the seed. The aunt Springs pass the, drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pins or the drill. For even end rtitultir sowing, the Willough- Aby Gant Spring IMMO unequalled by any other. We also manufacture and sell the following articles, which we via recommend to Farmers es reliable Implements, -of established character: 'MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER. LASH'S PATENT STRAW A FODDER CUTTER, Bill DENDOLPIRS PATENT CORN SHELLER, HAHN'S PATENT CIDER MILL, JOIINSON'S CAST IRON lIOLPS TRIM; ' Also, Three and Fotir Dori. Toners and Threshing Machines, Cast Iron Meld Rollers; Plough Castings of various mitterns, Corn Crashers. and other, articles for Partners WO numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ten Plato Wood Stoves, with an immense variet.v of other castings for housekeepers and others. Wu have also an attnictive vat ISty of patterns for IRON RAILINGS, and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to which wo would call ottoution. Steam Engines and DIM Gearing Toil& department of our business we give. peanut • tar attention. Our alteady extensive stuck of patterns for Paper, Flour and Saw Mill (leering, Is constantly increasing. Mill Ow neta and Mill WI tants bo fur niched with a printed e.talogue of ourevarions Mill tterne, on application. Our•MarbluoShop coulprisoF ell the various tools for turning, planing end finishing Shafting and Cast ings, by good and caret ul Maehluists. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES" of any desirable capacity, from ten to twenty•fire horse pow or, built in the best style and o" accommodating terms. Engines built at our espsillishinent May be seen In successful operation at ninny uf the largest Distilleries and Tanneries in Carlisle, and Cimilerland Perry mad Daunatin Counties, to the owners tid which we.contidently refer for information as to their4lcien ry. Persons wanting Ream Engines are earnestly rem quested to cull and examine Wore contracting else• where. • DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. - Conneeted'with our I,stabileinneot is a Steam Sash and Door Manufactory which to new in complete order for the umnufltet urn of elm., description of . , s BUILDING M ATI I A Lp. for the indqt costly as well as the dainest house. Win dow Sash fur nish i nt.front 6 cents upward, according to Rios .of glare : W ode., Frames from $1 al upward; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from 51 75 upward; Pour P.4nel Doors from 52 12 opwai d. Mouldings, Castings Arehltraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy It, aperY. Scrolls, and °Net articles needed in house buildng, furnished at the lowest prkes,and of the best quality of luntb ”fo er. ..N1 a re also prepared. Its heretore to build and repair II t 'BORN CARS for tran . sportersou the rail rol, with prk mildness And on renSolllll,lo terms. Thu Milt Hued pain go of the public Is respectfully solicited. Orders by nodrizomptly attended to. May U. 'W. - --F. G Alt LINER At Co,- EW COA L AND LUMBER YARD. , The sub.:ll,4:m hem this day entered Into part norshly Vktrade Iu AN•D LUMBER, We will lino constantly on lirtod'aud furnish to order ail kliolirand quality of aeasoood . . LUMBER, .. .. • BOARDS, SCANTLING, • FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Fiwir. lug and lVeatherboarding, Pokts and Rails, and every Sr tide that belongs to a LUMBER , IARD. All lands of Ithlugles, to wit Wltitepine, Hemlock, end Oak, of ditforent qualities. Having Cars of our men we can furnish hills to order of any length and size at the .thertollt notice and on the most reasonable term. Our worked boards will be kept under cover CO that they can be furnished dry al all times.' IVe have constantly on band all kinds ot.Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit. INKENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TEEVOItTON. ' . do. do, LOCUUT • - • "- which we pledge ouraideee to sell at the lowest prices • Best quality of Ltmeburner's and Blacksmith's Coal, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut 415. • Always on hand whirl., we will sell at thielowest tgure Yard west al& 01 tiraunnar School, Main street. AItAIiiTRONU & IlOyFElt.. July 20. 1859 J. R. DION.IOIIAIiEIi , FORIVARDING -AND COMMIS SION 110 USN, FLOUR . AND FEED, COAL, AND SALT. The subscriber having taken the Ware House cam and fixtures of Wm. It. Murray's well known establlrli giant, nu FYcet high street.opposite Dickinson College, - would inform the' public that ho has entered into a general .Forwarding and Commission businoss. The highest market price will be paid for Flour, Grain and produce of all kinds. Thew are also prepared to freight produce and. stock to Philadelphia and Ualtknoro, at the lowest rates, with safety and despatch. 'PIASTER. AND SALT kept constantly nu hand, And Fliniit AND FEF:D at wholesale olx,l,Okr - Coal of all kinds, embracing, LYKES'S VALLEY, LUSA: FIDDLER, SUNBURY WHITE ASII, LOCUST CA I', Limeburner's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY YOB B•6e. REPT UNDER COVER and dellvered dry to any part of thntarn. NONEMAKEIf Cornell), August 17,1859. Willi.m P. Lynch, Practical PLUMBER and GAS FITTER, in the basement of the AL E. Church, Main Street, Carlisle: r ?run Sinke, Bath Tubs, Bath Donors, Wnsh IlydruullC Karat, ,te Lead and Iron Pipes, Hydrants, llot St Cold Shower Baths, Water Closets, Force and Lift Pumps, Wrol. Irdn WeStl"nbes, Xi - description of cocks and fittings for gas, tkuperlor cooking ranges, he:demand arcs put up in churches. stores and dwellings, notice, in the most modern styJle. All mated work in our line at low rates and warranted. Z7duri try workand Jobbing promptly attended to. 123.11rdi--13, And es 611j1111, Fns t int nt s hn els an WALTER C. WILIT,MAN. Dealer In FNE GROCERIES S. W. Corner 17th and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. , Importers of Cross Ai Blackwell's ENOLISII PICKLES awl SAUCES. Particular attenticip paid Iri Selecting tine TEAS & SOITTIES • For Fatnllles,Sugarsalwaysat Refiners' prices. Choice WINES, LIQUORS and SEUAIIS, pf the best brands, always on hand. May IL '60.-ly. I)UM S AND CEMEIVIT. - 60 barrels Colima with a very large assortment hr Chain andiron Purnivb of all kinds cheapui• than 'over, at the Hardware Store of March 7. '6O. 1 , ' HENRY BA XTON ÜBRICATING OILS.—We wish 4 to inform machinests, millers and thopublic gone rally, that we have on band a full stock of Lubricating 'Oils for all kinda of, machinery, tit's oil aurpasses all others, having boon subjected to a thorough lest by the side of the best Lard and other Oils. It is pronounced a superior Lubricatdr at lees cost and wearing longer. and entirely the from gum, and will stand much colder weather and hail lees tendency to bust. Try It and you will 'use nothing else for Lubricating. 'Carlisle Nov. 2, 'el JOON LYNE . & SON. •, North Ilanover Street Carlisle. PHOTOGRAPHY in all its bi'anches executed In the beet style known fu the art, at C. G. CRANE'S GALLERY;' No. 532 Arch Street,. East of Sixth, Pumsnatents. Life Slie in Oil nail Pastil: air ITTEREOSC6PIO PORTRAITS; ADIUROTYPES DAGUERREORYPES, ire., for 'asses, Idelallons and Orders for Ow& promptly attended to. March B, 'Ol.—ly. • PAPER ,W OW SHAD.g3,-L-A leigiassoetineoCatittr style Witidow Blisda just received at the cheep store of • _ L . Carlisle, Feb. 180: 11.' . • --. O. Ohq.OY, Trhste . " 0 - Ait ; YARD ;•j . • The eithoCrltieeiretatesieettitliy cell the atten ttc;n. of Llvtebutneep, ettittlitteltteeee of Cerltele v ettd the. ow:mounding countoo. generelly, tO -4 '.."-.. • . -,--1 NEVV-.1 vf) A - re YA. Rlj i , :., 4 ttab ,: t l ii , fila Waial ban d West 111gh",13t.; !there he *lll keep constantly •on a largasupply itt: the best quality of COAL, to wit; .. • . •-. , A. f f , Lykeris Valley, Iddte Elddler,l'lne anise and 'Erevan toni.Brolten, Egg epd Nut Coal—sersened'and ry coal, ,which he pledgee himself to sell at the loves enable „price's. beet ' , attain, a 1... , ' • . i •-• .' L.WignAltlq l o.!Ar i i 1 3 !AC IBMINI AT' . Okt , alwaYst onhand. : , :L,... '.,,,..„- .. . .., :., ~ ~- i' :tf .Er All orders lett at, the *are Manse, or talk's' reel donee In Nor,th Illmover • street, wi he promptly at, tended to. : • .1. 19.11ENDERSON. • Carlisle. ALYrII-14 '6441. . • • . „ • . , . 11/ocOes nub 3etnefrq CLOCKS A,WATCHES ~JEWELRY N../ AND Manufacturers prices. -W. 11,-A, Nnugle.-Apt.. Zug's building P.M Main St., oilpnalto Seaton; Hardware Stare/ Dealer In . FRENCH & AMERICAN CLOCKS, ~5., e , . ., ,, i7, -- , - i,... -0 . - : -.., e - - - , _.'--., ~ - i , \.*::l7--,-: ..."--. ' - I ''.. 1, }, r7;*'.l.,t-L,..".1i,_•:: Foreign and American Watches. Jewelr, Pll ver and Phi , ted ware. Fancy Cards &e. would most respectfully Pain Mold patrons and the public getter:lll3 that be hasjust returned from the East with an entire new slack of FINE WATCH ES, J EWELRY, SILVER A Inot• TED WARE, CLOCKS Jlaving secured agenelea from some of the largest and host Fit-tories for the sale of these goods. I am preps , red fo otter to the public any article to the ID. from 75 to 100 per cent less than they have ever lso n offered In this place or below the regular wholesale price. as tolltmi, Clocks from 75 cents to $lO, Watch. s frt. 1:2,50 to $l5O. Jewelry In amts front 50 cents to s2s.Tea Set is from 20 to $30,-0 pieces best quality and latest styles CLOCKS, WATC II ES: JEWELRY. 8 day alarms, Cold Ilunl..Cass Eng. Coral. 8 " B.trlking, ' 1" American, Pearl, 8 " tstrllting.& Al. ". " Bwl,o, Cameo, 8 " Regulators, "1 " • French. 401,1 etone. 8 " °idlers, 81Ivcr Hunt. Case Eng. 8 " Church, " ~ American. e.,irhuncle, 8 " Mantles. t'ol.Bl. 8 " Parlor, 4 " 0 French,elloattle, 8. ".Marine, - Open Face American, ti 30 llour, " " -LoPinea, rnet. QuintifFrs.'loB"oB,, ' :30' t.riii irlry ~ d 111 tlOrs, , ...gums, 8t) Alarm J... StrlO. " " English," , l'aintlegt., 80 Time, " " Frenelq, Ensmelled, 80 Levers," - " (linters. Paste, - 80 gothic, " " German, Stone, TEA SETTS. - '. Goblets, ' 'Welters Tureens. ' Ladles, Cow+, Butter Dishes, ' Solt Stands. FAJh Knives, lie Knives., - Crumb Knives, NI Cream do. Cobb linty - as,. Forks, , Spooms, Castors. • Carlble. July 27, 1 0 00 — I .Y• ' , JUS P" II U. S TELL WATCH MAKER SOUTII II ANOVER STItEET, • 411 A few doors south of. the • Court 'Rouse. Having supplied myself with n large assortment of Watch Materials. Glasses, Ac., I am now prepared to re. pair all kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Al', on the most reasonable ter that unty i.e Intrusted to my care Hoping by s let attention to busineas to tat Lo- voted with a liberal slain, of I uldic patronage. A 111143 assortment Of JEW EERY. such as Ladles' Breast Bins and Ear Drops Gold and Cameo: Mo e n' Breast ploy and Ear Drops. IMx and Olto.r, Pills all sires, Gobi Chains, Hooks, Plated Chains, Gilt Lockets, Guards Keys, &e. Also a largo and 11110 assortment'. of a - - GOLD FINGER, RINGS, Alen, a fine lot of Silver Hunting, Detached LeYor, tJ Loplues Watches, tel a good assortment of :liver Inted and Steel Spectacles. All of which Will 111. Mai to. A sharp of public patronage Is respectfully solid• J. JOS. U. STEEL Carlisle Jan. 1560.-ly V ATC HE, • JEWELRY, AND • v - s 1 LiTivemader CONINN'S out established St ild, West _Main St., nearly oppovito the Cumberland Valley Bank. I have just received /11.1110 ...aromt of watches', owelry. medallions laver weer, Sc.. In hildltioll to my 'collier stock to which 1 invite the .nttention of the public, The assortment embrneck line gold and silver lover watches. Hunting and open ens., du, gold An chors for Ladics end ilentlemen and vqlver Lepluen and Quartier welshes of every variety in" style nod Aro. - ' , Also fine gold Medallions. Breast:phis for Ladies and Gentleinen of every quality. pattern and price. Gold fob, vest. curb and neck chains. liold braveleb., linger rings, euff.phin, studs, sleoveddittrins,, elotrins, Arc. Gold and silver thimbles, sliver and plated butter knives, forks. table. U.11..111 lillllllllllo.llrd Ffmolll.l of every variety. A large momrtmont of gold, bliver •r' and cominon spectacles, to salt all ages to which.° invite special alien. • lion. • - A fine lot of CHAD PENS from the best makers, , pertaele cases, fancy box.. silver and pearl card ranee, gold aud'eroomon bracelets, watch cluthis„ Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usu• ally kept In JewelryystahliAnnents, whieb I will sell low for cash. All articles war.! touted to ba what they are represented. Particular attention rid no usual* In WATH C REPAIRINU, ml all work war ranted. "4._ THOMAS CONLYN Dec. '23. 1857.1 NOTICE AND READ THIS.— F. c. IMF:MS.Ii, ' r7A - . At Met now Store on East Main Ft. ta C • • 71 near Iloilo. Saxton's Itaidwan. Sts a, would call Ins sttentlno of persons In I•. want of et line Watch to his splendid (;) ' stock of American; laveris of aud Lon don it AIt;IIES. 1 tenets a fine stock of I.lold Watches, at nil prices, front twin ty dollars up to theta, hundred dollars I also love a largo sloth of Silver. Bunting Cased and Open Cased 11 itches, fret (luto dollars up to eighty. I also have e new stock of French and A inert, can JEWELRY. in setts, such as Csineo, (bid Stone, Lava, Mosaic, Mourning and Plain setts, Se. I also have a new stork of Medallions. fnun one dollar up to fourteen; Ladles' and ..entlemen's Sr. not Pins Pi all patterns and priced: Gold Chain's; a large stock of Vest Fob and Curb Chains; a very large stock of fingerlings of all kinds null patterns. such as Seal Bingo. Wedolog Kings. and Settings: a One stock of Cuff Pins. Gold Studs. Please Buttonnfor Lattlesand Gentlemen. Crows -Bractdela, Gold Watch Keys, Seals. Gold .and Silver Thimbrea. Gold anti Silver Spectacles, a large stock of Silver fen and Table Spoons at all prices, and a ,0:1 - "ploteatock - of Double Plated Welt and 'Pablo ted Forks, Silver sod Plated Butter Knives and a tin steak of double plated Casters, Sager Sponos, Hive Fruit Knives, and a large stock ofCeintoon Spectacle: to stilt nil ages. to which I invite particular attention Port Monnales of all kinds, SII. ver hoya and Chains; a largo Mork of Accordvons. Violino, and Musk (loxes, (largo land email.) and a great variety of grth•lrs usually kept in n Jew- City store. I barea;so on hand n large and well velocted stork of CLOOK:3,ot all wilt,. nod fashion., iron, 0110 dollar nip to fifty. which I will roll at a small prollt and warrant them for one year, to hn good thoe.kuepers. livery thing Fold by tne shall be what It in represented. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry. carefully repaired and warranted. Carlisle July 0, 1b60.-Iy. Ft IN E WATCH RE PAT li ING .- F. C. KREMER. t the Now Jewelry Store on East ... i r ms , Main street. near the Public iitt Squar6 is prepared to clean and repair the Finest Watches; and . .. mot . , a warrant them to dye entire , ,',. satisfartion Also tine Mantle : ( • ..!_0( Clocks of fill kinds, Musical liorc• . . .„ es, Accordions. .Ic. put in cow. \ ~ 4 i , t . 'i :".---' ' plate order, and warranted. 3 ii i ., - •., ~w, Carl I lo duly SELLING OFF AT COST!!! • At the align of the "Gold Cagle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley hank, and two doors below the Methodist Church. on West Main street, the largest and best selected stock et WATCRES & JEWELRY • In the town, will be sold 00 per cent lower than at any place In the State The stock commies a large assort ment of Gold and Silver hunting ease watches. Levers, Lepines, American watches. and all other kinds anti styles, Gold and Silver chaise. ..... - GOLD PENS & PENCILS, Jewelry of all kinds. Spectacles Gold nod Silver, Plated and j, liver Ware, 31Uttle Doses, Accordenns, Oil Paint lugs a great variety of fancy, at tides. nail a lot of the fin t Pianos, which will he sold 40 per rent lower than eyor offered in town. The entire stork of Watchmaker t6ols. cases. large Mirrors, and Safe will be sold whole sale or retail on thennslest terms. Having selected a first class workman all kinds of re pairing will be done us usual. at reduced prices. 1.- Plano music of all kinds tbr sale. A new first class double bar-el gun warranted Jeuulne twist will be sold for half its value -1. 4 1 011 RENT.—The large three story Brick !louse with . t ime , parlor, 42 bent d w i i tip t . stt o e un r ted t,d V: _f trinn the lot of AprlL 1861. Cell at the Jewelry Mora in said building. Juno 15. 18h0. .r WATCHES, .114 (7, , 7 ; JEWELRY iN g O.) )A AND *), s 4 IS */ 4 /, SILVER WARE. WEwould respectfully inform our Mende. patrons and the public generally, that re have now in store and taw Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest C 0511 PRICES, a large and very choice stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, of every variety and style. • Every description of BUMPED WORE and other Jewelry, made to orddr at short not co. • 44- All goods NTARRANTED . to ho as represented. "VA Particular attention given' 1 the repairing of IVatehes and Jewelry or every description. STAUFFP,R & HARLEY: NO. 622, Market St. (south side,) Iltra dir?2, 1861.-3 mos. • • • • g - ILOCKS WATCHES & JEWERRY '' .‘,/__ , SILVER AND PLATED WARE. ELI HOLDEN, ..;;,?)." No. 708, plarEet St., Philadelphia, . ^; • : ".C r %."-: ' Invites special attention to his full supply of %Albs& of ENOLIdII end GENEVA SI AN UFAVISRE, / I JEWELRY DM ELEGANT DESIGN'S', :. Siiver'4' S'iltr :Plaied Traie4f t he ,1141 qiia . y, ' ' ; idill . fin estonPlvd assortment pi' ' :.. SUPERIOE TIME EEEPING CT:OCES • In e i Style SOW prlcS /OSP MiftOtti'ds4nt;','itidli: ~ a •gocido audfalr mires le my prluelple. .. , • ,';.., - ! .-' /'Also; to Ms Patent Shirt Stade, 1.1.6 of no 01 consarget!on, possessing advantages over , auy other n - Morels ZS, 11161. , -1. y. ' . Q'rORE ROOM TOR RENT.- . - Ly. The Store Room on .Enst. 31nin Street recently oceopled by Loidleb 8 Sawyer, In offered for rent from the Isr of April next. . . for ternmenqulro of 11. A. Sturgeon, Dec 21, ISUO.-4. f. , ELIZA lIITNER. Dlti 111 H CB AN 13 ERWIES.- A superior article ofCranberrlesjut received and for solo by 611 • Ir, EBY, Oct. 211,'60. TRUNKS ! TRUNKS !! TRUNKS !! t • Ladles' Sole Leather Frenol Style, and Dress trunks and Bonnet Doses, Traveling Bags, Sc. Gents' sol Id - Leather and sele,,,Leather Bran Band Trunks Va lises, New Traveling Dal &c., a largeonssortmonl and veiy•loiv pilees at LIVINGSTON'S. North Hanover Street. 1860 HARD A l - I R A I R V , 1 1.-I . A s R . D .1.,0, I'. Lynn .k. Son have just completed opening, their :vying Stock ofHardware ' Pith) tfl, Otis. varnishes, Gja,;. , kr. to a Welt they' invite the early atttention of the public. If e have greatly enlarged our Meek In all Its various brancher4ud can now accommodate the pub lie with , • .. —RELIABLE GOODS. In large or Atoll quantities, at life lowest prices. But, we do not wish the public to understand that we have brought ',lithe t sods In Philadelphia and New York to our town, but we QM assure them that ono look Into our store Will 00111,111C0 them that we have 'enough to supply the demand In Portions wanting goods In our line will find it to their advantage to give us a rail before nothing their purchases.—Ali orders personally nun pima ually attended to, and no misre presentations Made to affect sales .ftillN P. & SON, May '2, '6O. • - North Hanover St. Carlisle A.I.E'S R. WEAVER'S CABINET T tel • 10:11a 2 e!•.t AND CHAIR • SIANUFACTORY, Having been engaged to the business fir over twenty years he would return thanks to hls custotners'and friends, fur the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gone by, and further assures them that no Aaiun will be spared. to give full satisfaction to ailtwho way fdvor him with a call. r • . CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description ronsta,tly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the In. lest style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices tor cash. lye alan continues business as an UNDERTAK ER.— Reedy anode Coffins, Metallic or otherwise. kept con• latently on band and funerals promptly attended to personally In town or country, on the most reasonable terms. .• Cherry and Walnut Coffins, inure Size, well finished 41.1 lined 1.1.1 c, from 0 t 0,12 dollars. IValnut,Coffins covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES It. WEAVER. :Niay 25.1859—bi. le. 11.—Two properties situate in Ch urehtovin, Climb county, are offered, for Mil) on easy terms. Apply a: above. • • J. It. W. CUMBERLAND VALLEY BANK PROPRIETORS. WILLIAM IC ER, • ISAAC IIasyEMAN, RICHARD WOODS, , - JOHN S. STERRETT, . JOHN C. DUNLAP, Jolly DUNLAP, 11. A. STURGEON. . . This Ilank, is now prepared to do a general Banking and Exchange business, stutter the mums and style Of K Eli. DUNLAP a Co., In the same placti lately etcu• pled Ity•Ker, ilrennentan'S: Co. Money received cut deposit and paid bark on demand without notice. Certificates of deposit bearing Interest at the rata of five per cent. will be issued for as short n period as four months. Interest en all certificates will 'rose at - maturity. provided, however, that if said certificates. or,, renewed at any thno thereafter for up other given period. they shall bear tits same rate of in terest tip to the time of rptiewal. Twenty days notice must be given of au intention to withdraw interest de posits. They call the 'attention of Farmers; Mechanics end all o thers Who iesire n safe depository for their money, to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Rank ale not only liable to the litirolllit of their stock In the bank, but tirt, INHIVIDUALLY liable to the extent oftheir estates foe all the Deposits, and ,ether obligaitlone o Ker. Dunlap &I'd. . Partleulartittentlon elven to the collection of Tendue Notes, Foreign Itfl.s. Drafts,.Checks, &c., in ~it, i ly earl of the United State sm! Canatins. . Remittances in de to any part of the United States EllVlAllil, and in+dd. T iv hey will at all Imes be pleased to g rt. , e any Informs t lion desired In titti to money, MO tem' in.general The fill fill 1111 d. Ciallidentlnl execution of all order entrust ei4liein one be relied upon ' Open for businesk from it o'clock In the Morning tint 4 o'clock to the evening. 11. A. STUItIEON, Cashier. Carlisle; Aug. 14. MN. ~: . ~~' . ~~~a, ri4 X C LSIURR PICTURES - A ; 11. II FNWOOD would rorpoetfialy 'ru the cltl...fearlisle and sic i ni ty that ho has t a kon rLm. lu lug's new building, east corner of Market Square, where he Is at all times ready to take AMBROTYPES in the latest and most approved style. Pictures takon In rainy and cloudy weather us well as clear. and sat isfaction given or no charges made. Portraits and Da nerreotypes copied. allniature Pictures taken for uciwts kc.. In Ambrotype. Anihroty pea warranted to stand the test of time, beta or water, Ladles and Gentlemen aro cordially Invite d to ea and fIXAMIno•Ppo . 11110.. . Prices Irons 2Sets. to $lO. A. It. lIENWOOD. dun. 27. Artist. FOR SALE.-50,000 bilil4ing, brick for sale. at less price I ban'they can be had at the Mtn: Ett.olro at this ethre. Sept. 14, '6O. NOVEMBER 2ND, 1860. p-0 -The readm s of the ' 4 llrinatri" are reminded that 1 have Duet brought from the city a large supply of SCO AR CURED HAMS AND BEEF: Dried Apples and Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes In cans, fresh - Mushrooms. - the.vo?y best-Pickles,. different kinds.. or mixed 3lustards and Sauces, Lemons and Oranges, Prunus, Figs. Raisins. Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Flue Seger!: and Tobacco:. very Rue Brandies, Old Rye Whiskey, Wines fir ; besides a general assort. went of goods In our line of trade, offered at' the very • lowest pt lees. FOIL CA.411. WM. BENTZ. Nov. '2,1.1860. ; •` rio ' l\ 9 y 3 8 , I illitli:111} Cl RAIN BAGS.—Just received and ‘ ,. 1 . for sale very • Noir.2, 1560. che" fo l_ . `f a ie 0011.illt, Trustee ci.TILL TRIUMPHANT. k . The comulete SUCCORS. of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the subscriber to calling the attention of oil who may want a superior stove; to call and or. airline the only stove that has given universal stab:lac. that. • WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS Ist. A saving of from 30 to 60 per cent. In fuel. . , 21111. A hotter and :k er Oven from the same Ore, 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove of the same size, 4611. The preservation of the centre piece from sinhiug - saving repairs, fttli. The best Baker, Bo: niter, and Conk now In use, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the tines, ith. A perfect Otto Consumer for either word or coal. The Prairie Flower Is warrat,tied to give oatlsfaction In every particular. and will be shown with pleasure to all whoniav call, whether desirfng to purchase or not, any quantity of reference in town Cr country. A few other good Cook,Stoves ou hand, which will be sold very low to close stock. " Spouting, Roofing, Job work, Coppar-outithing and Shoetituat ork promptly attended to. In town or coon. try. MICA - gk warranted at the old stand, Hanover street north of Louther. MARI' M. 11t109. N. B. Old Copper, Brass and Pewter bought, and the hlgheot price raid to cash or goods. March 28, 18110.—t f, ilO FARMERS. 80;000 barrels Pouilrette, matte by - the Lodi- Mattufacturik for sale In lots to suit purchase.. This is the tAISAPENT ei.nrimzEtt in market. $3 worth will manure :an ayre of corn, will increase the crop from one-third tq one.half and will ipen the crop two weeks earlier, ,mod unlike guano, smith• riiiitire the seed nor laud..;A pamphlet with satisfactory evideuce,and full particulars, will be sent gi atls to anyone sending address to LODI UANUFACTURINO CO., Feb. 8,-10t 130 South 11 hams, Phliadelphla, • Covil ! • , Coal!! TO FARMERS LIMEBURNERS 4 AND OTHERS. undersignod have been appointed sole agents for thu sale of thin celebrated Troverton Coal. This Call Is recommended by Mr. L. Is and others who have tried It, to be equally as st Ing, and hurn as much lime per ton, as Lykuns Valley r any other coal In use. Persons In wont of L U Coal will lied It to their In terest to buy this coal as It costs from twenty to twen ty-five canto per ton less than Lykens Valley. Webers the prepared Trevertom.etiol for family use always ou hand. Also u bilge stock of coal of all kinds. Our shirk of LIJ3IIIER la large and complete andwilf be sold at the lowest prices. Thankful for past favors we respectfully ask a• con- Thankful of the saute. . ARMSTRONG A HOFFER. July 23,1840. I.~ARGAINS ! BARGAINS !! hialug out Now le the time for' cheap goods. C the entire mock at 'unpreceden lir low price& to snake r. BBO for Kiting assortment. All In want of Cheep lily Cockle, ale respectfully inelted•to Call at the cheap Y store of • • CTIAB. 0011.11, Carlisle, Feb. 16, 1801. Trustee. . . ON.ARD'ASVOCIATIQS I PIIILADELPIII it lieneyolent Institution, mitablished It special , en dowment for tbe reliant the Ink and dlitressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. • • and especially for the. Cure of Diseases of . • . .' • the Sexual Organs. . , • . IOEDiOAL ADVIOS given:gratis:l)y the Aetink Sur geon. to olpwno apply:by letter, with a description at their condition, (ago, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) :and to amiss of extreme' poverty, Medicines furnished free ofabarge, " . • VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrbcca, and other Dlsofseant the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REM EDIES the'Dispeusary. sent to the al:Mated in sealed ,letter ouvelopell; free of charge. Two or three Stamps far pastage will be acceptable. • • Address, SRILLEN lIOI3fitITON. Acting. Sun pouf ltowarlk Aseaciatiota,No. 2. South ,Ninth ittreet, Philadelphia, Pc - By'order of the Directors; • - EZRA D. lIIIARTWELL, 4E0 . : FATROMLD, Secretary. '.! : • • ..• March:B; ' '." . • C 1 I.l tl lll VW lot received a large assortment oP all el ting, GUM Hose; :Oum Parking, Act, and Tor• sale Cheap at the hardware Stare of •r' :• . June 74 IBM): ' M. SAXTON. n)i.steitantous , . Nontrn 114Novr.rt StfteET, C‘numin, PA Mail hubs. ' UMBERLAND . 11:. it.- WINTER ARRANGEMENT, WM L'" - A • CHANGE OF HOURS! Un and after 6111NDAY, DEOE6I6EII 3d,1800, rassenge,. • Traim will run as follows: (Sundays excepted:). • FOR CLIA,6IBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG. Ist Train. 211 Train Leave Hagerstown, ';; 7.00 A. 31, 2.45 P.M . " Greencastle. 7.j7 " 3.35 , - • Chambarebtirg, 8.30. 1.25 ' .0 " Shippensburg, 9.00 " 1.57 " Newville, ' 9.32 2.30 Carlisle. ' - 10.10 " 3.10 " • • Mechanicsbiirg,. 10.42 " 3.42 Arrivo at Harrisburg, 11.15 • " 4.10 " FOIL bIIA3IBEItSBURG AND lIAOEItSEOWN, Ist, Train. 24 Tram. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 4.61 1.40 P. 31, " • Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.20 • Carlisle 9.27 3.00 •" ; • Newvllle, "10.42'. ' 1134 " Ippon tthu rg, 10.33 '4.05 . Chatubg'. ( Arrive) 11.00 ; •4.45 Greencastle,' 11.55 '. 9.35 Arrive at,llagerstow n: 12.35 6.15 THREE Daily Trains leave Harrisburg for Pittsburk at 3 18, and 7.00, A. M., and 4 :10. P. M., For Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Central Railreat. At 2.40 A. M., 12.55, 1.15. and 525 P. M. Via Lebanon V. R. 11., at 8.00 A. 32.. and 1.46, 1'.51. For Baltimore at 3.00 6: 7,40 A. 61.. A 1 00 P. M. For • reverie,. and Williamsport nt 1.40 and 8.15, P. M. Trains on Dauphin Road at 2.00, 1' 31. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where Tickets aro sold, viz: Hagerstown, tireencaslie, Chum. bersburg, Shipponsburg, Newville. '6lecha nics burg And Harrisburg,. a reduction of TLN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide themselves .with Tickets before entering the Cars. 0. N. LULL Rupert • Railroad Office, ChandieraLurg, } Dec. 7,1800. NEW AIR LINE' ROUTE • T! NEW IORK! SHORTEST IN DISTANCE \ AND QUICKEST IN TIRE. BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF • NEW YOR AND HARRISBURG. VIA READING, ' ALLENTOWN AND EASTON • MORNING EXPit ESS, West. lenves Nevi: York nt 6 A. M., arriving nt Harrisburg at 12.45 noon, only &b bourn between tile two titles. 3I AIL LINT 3 leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ■r. rives at Harrisburg at 8.30 P. M. IIORNINH MAIL JANE East. leaves harrinburg at &Oil A. 31,, arriving at New York at 4 30 P. M. • AFTERNO.iN EXPRESS LINE, Eapt, Tenure Barris burg at 1.16 I' M. arriving nt New York nt it 00 P M. , Connocilonn ore nindu nt Ilarrinburg at I.ool'. M. with the Trains In each direction on tho Pennnyl vanla litijnberland Valley and Northern Contra,. Bail- " All train's connect at Heading with trains for NAN ville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Mauch Chunk, Easton, kr. No change of Passenger Care Or Baggage between Ne'w Yrok Nut Ifarrleburg, by the 6.00 A. M. Line from New York or the 1.15 I'. M. from, .llarrieburg• For helot!, of scenery. mid speed, comfort and accem modation. title route present superior Inducements to the travelling nubile. ' Fore between Now York and llarrtelwirg FIVE DOT,. LAII.S. For ticketot nod other infortmttion apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Ilarrirburg. ARLISL .AND• I'HILADELPIIIA . Ala DAILY FIR.EIDIIT LINE. FREED, WARD k FREED, 811 MARKET ' STREET, PHILADELPHIA.' M. RHOADS, MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA. 44 — Cars or this Linn leave the Depot 811 Mtatet at., Daily, at 4 o'clock. P. M. Leave Carlisle, Daily, at 7 o'clock. A M. _ throds Intended for this Line should be tr.arked C. ,t P. Dolly Freight Line, and eentln by 4 o'clock. May 25, 1859. pii ILADI LrFiI,A AND READING IL A I Lo- It 0 A I) RUMMER ARRANGEMENT, On and rifler MAY 28, 1860.. Two pamsenger trains leave IhirriBhurg daily, (Sun. davx excepted.) at 8.00 A. M and 134 P. M.. for Phila delphia, arriving thero at 1.25 noon and 0.18 P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. DI., and 3.80 P. M., arriving at Ilarriaburwat 12.1• noon and 8.30 P. Fenno: To Philadelphia, No: 1 Cara, $3.25; No. 2 (in same train,) $2 70. ,'Fares to Reading. $1.60 and $1.35. • At Reading. connect with trains for Pottsville, 511bers v11le,Tamanua, Catawissa, dc. Four trains leave !leading for Philadelphia daily, at 0 A. 51 , 10.45 A. M., 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. 51. Leave Philadelphia Mr Beading at 5.00 A. M., 2.00 I'. M., :1.30 P. M., and p.OO 1'. 51. Fare,. from Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1 45. The morning train from Ilarrinburg connects at Reading with up train for Wilkesbarre, Pittston and Scranton. . For through ticket. and other Inforinatton apply-to .1. CLYDE, Aug. 3, '6O. Glaneral Agent. Jiats & cops -N"w.STORE, AND NEW GOODS HATS, CAPS AND LADIES FURS. Theaubscriber having recently 'opened a Now Store at the old kand of .1.1/ ibilhert in North Hanover St. opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank. Hawing received from New York and Philadelphia. a dint and Nell keleeted asaortnaut of goods in his line o, tounircil,s, such as 9 svi! HAY'S AWI) CAPS; front the common Wool to the flue Fur. Silk and Cass! mere lints, and at prices to null the times. The stock Includes a variety tastyles and colors of Bats and Cape. Funcy Denver and Felt flats for children, either boys or girls neatly trimmed. FUR CAPS, COLLARS an•d GLOVES, fifr Gentlemen. .Also, a variety of fancy furs for either ladles' or childrens wear. Hudson Bay, Sable, Mak, Siberian Squirrel, German hitch, Stono3lartin, Silver do Rock do. &e. - Also, Carpet Bags, Valises. A large assortment of Trunks, hood Trunks, Buffalo Robes and Primo lied Feathers. Thankt ul for the patronage already received he would Inrite all his (Mende and aim Public In gene. ral to give him a call. JACOB BOAS, Agt. Carlisle. Bee. 7,'00.-t f. Ai Gli* FIRM: HAT AND CAP EMPORILT3II-; rphe undersigned having purchased the ptock, Ac., of the late Woo 11. Trope dec'd. would respectfully announce to the public that he will con• time the MATTING BUSINETS at the old stand. In IVied nigh street. and with a renewed and efficient effort, produce Waldo of tired Dress of Every Variety, Style rut Quality, that shat be strictly in keeplog - iiih the improvement of the Art, and fully up to the age In which wo live. I bars, on hand a splendid assortment of HATS AND CAPS, of all descriptions, from the common Wool to the finest FUR AND SILK HATS; and at prices qua mug suit every one who has an eye to gettinetha worth able money. The stock includes, MOLESKIN, OASSIMERE, BEAVER & FELT lIATS, of every style and color and unsurpamed for MOM NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those of a pd• other establishment in the country. MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAW, of every description constantly on hand. • He respectfully invites all the old patron:: and as manyi9 him J. a O c . a O II ALLIO.' new ones as possible, to gv Apr. 25, 1.860.—1 y SECOND SPRING- AARIVAL.- LARUE SUPPLIES FOR THE HEAD AND FEET. At the store of John Irvine, on the N. E. corner of the public square, is the place to purchase Boots Shoes Hats A Caps, at prices that defy competition. • He haajust returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots, Shoes; Hata Caps that he tom over presented to this ; community, and which he is determined to sell at thelowest possi ble prices. Ills stock embraces everything In his line of business. such as • MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boots, Calf and Patent Leather Oxford Ties'ACal And Patent Leather Gaiters, CalUNullifiers, Calf and Kip Brogans, Slippers, &c. - , • 'LABIUM' •WEAR. !, Fine French and English 'Lasting Gaiteill,' Moroded, Calf and - Kid Boots, Sine Kid Bilbpert, Fancy - Slippors, Morocco. und Kid Buskins, &c.,A. • MISSES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR oifall descriptions embracing fine Lasting Gaiters,; Morocco and , Lasting Button Boots, Morocco Lacelloois o 7 : 4 2 kinds, limey shoes of various elyies slippers . &o. • HATS & CAPS, silk; Caen Fur 41 Wool' Hats 'Of all qiutlities and styles, also a large assortment of 'STRAW. ,BAMS" Boots and tihoes made to Order at, the shortest notice Itepalrlng promptly done. • Oonlidint of him ability to pisses all classes of ousteruers, : he respectfully Invites the pliblie to give him a call. , . Remember thiplace, Ea corner of the Public Better.. . . ri-uT 30164 nivnia. El