are Cough t ,CoN, Hoarseneai • grata,. any Irritation or t3OWNJp Soren -34'0f ihe Throat, Re ,,f,L0,1 , the , ...llhcleinse Cough Nu" a':• sn ; Rogsylnytion, Bron /?oC‘\('''' "P[lB, Asthma, - cud 'Catarrh. Clear and • give strength to the voice of PUBLIC SPEAKERS and SINGERS. in 8 Few are aware or the I npertanco of cluicklng Cough • Or ''Cotrituen_Cold'i In Ito first st.ige ; that trlt !chi n Cho beginning would j•leld to a mild remedy. If nerlecteti noon attacks the Lunge. Blown's Iltonehlel Troches," containing demulcent. Ingredients, allay Pulmonary !k" - end Bronchlaklrrltation. RBOWN'S trouide In my Throat, (fee - which the °Troches" are a hpecific) haying made am pen a room whispel; 4 ..r.'; . trAs. 4 'l recommend their use to Public Speakers." TROCHES EIII2IIO iu E. Ir. CIIAPIN. ‘• IWO proved ostremoly, xi:nice:Me for atrarvenros." lIIWRY WARD BRECTIER. TROCHES =EI •" Almost instant relief in the distress. lughtbur of bre.ithlog peculiar to Asthma - REV. A C. EGGLESTON: "contains no Opium or au% thing in Jurlous." DE A. A.IIAY.ES. Chemist Boston " A simple and pleasant combination for Coughs, &c."- TROCRE - 9 BROWN'S TBOOKES EIIMM TROCHES ' "Beneficial in BroneldliS." lilt. J. F. W. LANE: Boston. "i linen proved theni excellent for Whooping Cough." REV. it. W. WARREN, Boston. "Beneficial when compelled to speak, stiffening from Cold." DROWN '9 TROCHES E=Mll3 TEOCHEB DROWN'S "Effectual In removing Ifnarsoness and trig ti.tion of the Threat, h 0 common with ,Spcitkere and Singers." prof. y 1• STACY JOHNSON La Grange. Ca Teacher of Southern College. Great benefit when taken before nod 'after preaching. as they prevent Hoarse ness From their past effect, I think they will be of permanent advantage to - fiIIOCIEMS BROWN '8 TROCHES EZEEM TROCHES BROWN'S . . • Preeideut of Athens College, Tenn M. Pohl by all Drug:lists nt TWENTY FIVE CENTS A 110 X.—ii; TROCHES Noy t 30.180 0.-6 m MRS. WINSLOW, nn experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents to the attention of mothers her .• SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CEIII,DREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflamation—will al lay all pain and spasmodic action. and ix sure to seen late the bowels, Depend upon it mothers it will give rest to yourselves, and RIM/PT AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. Wo,have put up and mid tins article for over ton years, and can say, in confidence and truth of it, what we have never been alit, to say of any other medicine never has it M n giei"t'''' MRS. WINSLOW'S t ° fact' a cure when time 1y used. Nev.. er did we View an in- i/OOTIIING stainer o f diaatlsfactlen by anyone who used it. iF o sjpriosurs... therm] Crary all are Jt.iivis delighted with its ope- i rut lons, and speak In turns of highest commendation of Its mu gleal effects and medical virtues. We speak In this matter ..what we do know:' utter ten years experience and pledge our reputation Mr the fulfilment of what we here declare. In almost every Instance where the infant in suffering front, man and exhaustion, relief will be found In fifteen or twenty - minutes after the 'pup Is administered. This valuable preparation Is the prescription of one of tho must experienced ,and skilful nurses in Now i /England, and has burn used nith never tiillintrsuccess In THOUSANDS OP CASES It not only rollovoo the rl,lld from pain. hot Invig, realm tho stomach and bowelx,correets deldlty and gut tone nud energy to the whole nyhtom. It mdll ulmo. instantly roll.° GRIPING IN Till DOWELS AND WIND CIIOLIC, vulsi our, speedily re f n ' /tenth. It the bei, CHILDREN remedy in . na9 in all cases and Dm, TEETIIING. dran wheth Iv ea in ehli t arises from teething, or from any other CHU , O. \Ye NVOIlil lay to every mother who a child suffering (roman) of the foregoing complaints—do not let your prejudic nor the prejudices mothers stand between your suffer Ing child and the relief that will Le SURE—yes. All ISOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine If timely used. Full directions fin. using will accent pane each hottio. None genuine airless the far-slinlit of & PERKINS, New York, Is on the outside wrapper. Sold by S. W. liarersticic North HanoVer fit. and S Elliott Main at. Carlisle, and DruggiqtsThrouglinut t 1 world. Price only 25 Cents per'llottle, Principal 0111 ea, No. 13 Cedar st. N. Y. July 30, 18t.u.—Iy. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of nos- TETTER'S CELEBRATED sTomscii TEIIS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of Ole United Eitates, because the 'article has at milted arepti tation heretofore . unknown. A feyffects upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of hosteller's Stomach 13it, 7 ., tee for the last year amounted to over a halt million bottles, and from its manifest steady ' increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepare. tion, and thel,sanction of the amst prominent physicians itt those sections. of the country where the article is bestlinown, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but • are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in.nll cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resultipg therefro'in. This is not a temporary:popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of true paling the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estiMation of an invaluable inedicinc,'which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever . find ague and various other bilioui co'inplaints have • counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters"' are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like dikicases, is to the proprietors a source of un: alloyed pleasure. It removes all Morbid mat ler from the stomach, purifies the blood, and Imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that' tone and energy iudispensabio for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restorefailiem to aeondition ossent MI to the healthy diteliarge of Ike functions of nature. • Elderly persons may uselhe Bitters daily as per-directions on tho bottle, nnd s llneyivtll tutu an it a stimulant peculiarly adopted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. lire have tins evi dence of thousands of aged men nd women who have experioncea the benefit of using this preparation while buffering from stomach do= rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. ; A few works to the gentler sex t There are certain periods when their cares aro so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget ter own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Shonld tho period of maternitx, Xirrire during the Bummer season, the wear 'of bo'dy and mind is gerierally aggravated. Mere, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupo , rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her 'OXiltillßiing trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all othon invigora tore that receive the endorsement of physr oians, because. it is agreeable to the taste as well ascertain to give a permanent increase ICI of bodily strength. • All those persons, to whom we have 1 n eu larly referred above, to wit: t3ufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diakrleca, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite,i3nd all diseases or derangements of the stomach, ottperannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own, 'physical welfare' by. giving to II os- Setter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a. trial. CAUTION.—Wo caution the public against using any of the.many imitations or counter faits, but ask 10E HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED arowaott Thrums, and see that each bottle has the worils "Dr.j.'llostetter's Stonmeh raters" blown On the side of the 'bottle, aud.stampell' .the metallic, cap covering -the cork, and Observedua our autograph signature is on the IDS Prepared and'sold by HOSTF.TTEEt & •MYTH, Pittsburgh, Pa.,. and sold' by all druggists, 'grocers; and •dealtirs peuerally throughout thg United , States, Bciuth . Amu ril,s;.'euid Germany.. • . sow P. enn lott rntle . einlfilo iiohn CLAttlok ; John atomba • hfainl a n i b "un j sbiug". Ka .t l 1011,90:94' qu i t 11, and- DrungL, , 71,V ,Ty.h . , • . Dlt. G. F. BIGEhow. 'Boston Keier fall,. to ererifrate entirely al: the illTeeti. of Moe eury Infinitely emotion then the meet powerful properh. lion of lierrepnrille. Xlnlit Sweatt+, Nervoun Debility. igervoline,impletntr ail! lamb. Organic Affections, Palpitation of the Heart Palnleni! Chalk. REV. S. J. P. ANDERSON. St. Lout PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines was cured ell les of 8.5 years standing by the use or these Liver Medicines alone. Paine In the head, side, back, limbs, joints and or. guns. '' ...... • . Those MIS .tod with tbio terrible disease will Lo Buie of relief by the Lite Medicines • Itusit or mood to the (lead, Scurvy, Salt.ltheum. Swellings. • • SCROFULA, or KIWI'S L•'CIL, In lle worst forms UI REV. E. ROWLEY'. A. M Wnrins of all kinds are elfeetually mipelle.l by these medielhes. Parents will do yell U. administer them whenever thole existence Is suspected. Roller will he certain. TILE LIFE PILLS AND PINENIX lITTTFES 1860 II A DIV A w l i 1 , 11 u ! , 11A R D J•7llile. t.yuo & Son have Just completed opening their Spring Stork ot• Hardware, Paints, Oils. varnishes, lila,: &v. to which they Invite the early , at ttention of the public. We have greatly enlarged our stock in all Its various branches,and am none accommodate the pub• lie with In large or small, quantities, Al the lowest prices. But we d not wish Ore public to undert.tand that we have broulAt nil the lends In Philadelphia end New York to our tow n, but we ran ashore them that one look Into nose tore will e nivince them that we have enough to supply the demand in tide market. Persons wanting goods in our line x7ll find It to their advent me to clue us a evil honire Milani!. the Ir percluvms.—All orders personally and punctually attended to, and no mihre• presentations made to effect site: 'Slay 2,'00 JAMES R. WEAVER'S riW4:l3'.l; •CABINIIT, ANn CHAIR •", MANUFAC,TORY, Having been engaged In tire buslntent for o'er twenty yews Ire would return thanks to Ids eustoniers fluid , friends, fur the liberal uneouragentent extended to Idol In Yom ,, ndtto by, mid further insures thorn that Ito inure will hi, simnel, to give full satisfaction to all who may titver him with a call. - : 'rCIIAIItS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly 011 'bend, or made to order. Warranted to be of the beet quality, of the la• lest style, well linielted,lllllll,olo.ot the 1011 1 eSt pobslble prices for emit. Ile also continues business,. as an.UNDEIITAKER.— Ready made Collitor: or otherwise. kept'eutt• stoutly nu band and funerals promptly attended to person ally itt town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Coma Can •h II I Ot nn.dh i,t•ns IPo 1 e MO hum I,lld. Cherry and Walnut CoflinN, larze size, well finished nd lined Inside, from 8 to lt; dollars. ' Walnut Callus covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES it. WEAVER. May 25, 1839-Iy, properties situate In Ch ureli town, Cutnb. county, aro offered fur bale ou easy terms. Apply ,as Above. J. It. W. TRYING •F M ALE COLLEGE, MECIINS:ICSBUItO, PA., • . This Institution, designed for the liberal education of Young Ladies, has been In operation two years with the inost gratifying results. it Is now establihhed on a firm Laub:, and its pal rorago ,already extuuds over several States. 1t is located on the Cumberlond Valley liollroad'mid way In Ilarrlsburg and Carlisle. In the must for. 411 e and heautltul portion of the volley, and In in rime proximity to one or tho most moral, healthy, nod en terprising towns In the-State. It is control, and easy of a^ress. Studonta Ti AFing Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia In it.: morning train for Ilarrinburg, arrive at Mechanicsburg In time for dinner." The °dine° Is largo and commodious, surrounded by double verandas, and will accommodate about one hum , droll boarders. lii ftiicouxtruetla - , It ennildnesall tho modern Improvements for the promotion of health, comtbiteand convenience. In Uw) respects physicians pronounce It unrivalled. The ebambers are largo and neatly furnished. Each has Its register for heat and ventilation Only two studontsoccupy the same room. The bath rooms are at all times supplied with warm and cold water. The grounds are ample. and well arranged for IT/-n -ation, and the various,. C. axe:Thies io essan• thd to health, graceful mom ut and aynnuetry el form. Thu Faculty of hatructlon Is efficient and daperl °need.. • In the Collegiate Ihmartment the course of study Is of a high grade. comprehending all the subjects helohg• log to a Classical, Polite and Christian Education. In the Preparatory Department pupils nil be giro. fully instructed hr those bronchus forming the basis of thorough English education. SEssioss.—Flrst Session. from the Ist iVedriesday of September to the 301 h of.lanuary. Second Sesidou, from thu Ist of February to the lit, of July. Vacation, during July and August, TERMS PER SESSION OP FIVE MONTHS, PAYABLE IN ADV.ANCIi. Boarding. Washing, Furnished 'towns. F end Light. . . • . . . Tuition—Colleginto Departnieut, i• Preparatory "'First Class, Nn era charge far Ancient Languages. MusleN.Plant. and guitar. . . . . . . 20 00 Vocal ." . . . . . . . . 200 Modem Languages, . . . . . . 10 00 Painting, Drawing and other Ornamental Branches at the usual ratese Text.bonks furnished at city prices. For further particulars address, • . Rey. A. 41 MAIILATT, A. !if., Aug. 2. 1660. President. A. B. PAVING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS • 9Si 1 4 1 . " de . 7711 i grekt 1 59 - 1859 - • • rig ,w• • West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberl.cnd county Agricultural Fair. of 1857.) The subscriber has Just received the most splendid assortmant of articles in his line, over brought to this place—which ho is determined to sell at prices that de , fy competition. • PArlo, • Ulsomber, . Dining-room, FURNITURE. Kitchen and Open Embracing .every article used by Mouse and Hotel :keepers, of the most approved and fashionabla design and finish. Includingl, also Cottage furniture In setts. itception and Camp Chairs, Mattrusses, Wit frames. Ac., rchaaurs are requested to call and examine his it, at his ostensive ware-rooms, West • Main street, rth side. . A. 0. EWING. IQ- Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderato terms. A. B. Carlisle, May 12, 1818.—ly. j II •U. STEEL . WATCH. MA FR SOUTH 11 ANOVER MEET, A :few doors south of the . . Court House. Having suppliod myself with a largo assor'mant •of Watch Mate - dais, Glussos, kw, I am now prepared to ie. pale all kindeof Watches. Clocks, Jewolry, So, on- the moat reasonablo terms. that may he Intrusted to my taro -unplug by strict attention to business to bu to. eared with a liberal share of 'Public patronage, -A essortment of JEWKLItIf. such as Ladles' 'Broad Pins and Bar Ikrope Gold and Cafoto; Mitten' Breast Pi o ns an aTlltops. Box and (lists Pint all stone,; .G ol Mai dm, Plated Chains, lir Lockets, Guards Keys, Alto a large and flue tuwortmont, of . • . Also, a anoint, of 1311ver hunting', Detached Lever, and , Lepinea Watthes, aluba good assortment of bII ver ''(dlited and Stool A pktaelcia. All of which' will be geld' ow. ' A share of piddle patronage Is ieepeetfullT solid ! , pu F • y•BI, 0:11.?,D DIOIrIpAT , VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS PHOENIX BITTERS. - Tiie blab end envied celabrity vhioh these pro.entl. rent Medicines have acquited for their inverlabie racy in nil the diseases which they profess to cure, Ina rendered the usual practice of pulling not only unneces sary, but univerthy °Mem. They are known by their fruits:Wick pond works testily tar 'hem, mud they thrive not by the faith of the credulouv. In all COOP of Asthma, Acute and Chronieltheuins, Sim. Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys. Billions Fevers and Liver Coniplaints,—ln the South and West where thaw diseases .prevail, they -will. be found invaluable. Planters. farm rs and others, who once use these medicines, Will neveraftel:wards be with, out them. BilliOUß Caudle id Serous Looseness, Mug; Coldly , nOOO, Colds or d Coughs, Choi le. CONS Will gioN —Used with great success In this d sense. " Car apt 'Humors, Dropsies, Dyspepsia.—Nn. person. ith this distressing. disuse should delay using these ens Hrines itinediete'y. Eruptions of the chin, Eryel pains. Flatulency and Fe vsr and A this scourge of -the %Vested) country these medicines will be thund a sal's, speedy and certidn remedy. Other medirines lotion the system suidect to a return of the dissase—a cure by these medicines Is permanent. Try thorn. be satisfied, and ho cured . FUCLNESS O 1 COMPLEXION, .. OEN Ell AL bEDILITY, Gout, GllDnes . e, Gravel, llendachee of every kind, Inward Fever, lollannuatery Rheumatism, Impure - Dived, Jaundice. Less or Appetite: LIVE! COMPLAINTS LEPROSY, Lnosr.NEss, • ' • - MERCURIAL DISEASES I= ecru of orory desetiptioo PIJItIFY TIFF pump, • And thug remora all dleeases from thnnyidoto. Prepared by DR. WILLIAM R. MOFFAT, No. 335 ItroAwaSr. Moliat Building) N. Y July 6.-lv Per male by all Drugglstn. llisttlanconz. RELIABLE GOODS. only I'. 'LYNN tr. SON, North Ibloorer St. Carlisle NORTH 114NOVE11. STREET. Ctr.l.lnr, PA GOLD FINGER. RINGS, Ncw , * ofa .- ..... STEW STOMA BToRA ' , lug? NEW .0001:18 ,- - - Afterieturntni , Ms acknciiiieiiiietri ehts for the very liberal pativitiagii wllleb , luiii boon iixteiided to him, the undarsigned-itould , vall et,tention to the fart that lie has juat, reioyeneit.hla exteitalve essorttuitnt of fatally GRAC Es' in his new storeroom, on the soutluenst corner of,the public square, where the public are invited to call and 0:(14111110 a .stock of goods which, in elegance, 'Variety and extent. will defy competition; comprising in part loaf, lump, crushed and brown sugars, , Java, 1110 and rested Coffee Every duty and, uality or TEA. Spices, (ground and ungrouud,) i • lckels:Sauces, Table all. it ' New Orleans, Sugarbouse end Trinidad . klolasseti; Now York and:Philadolphlauyr upv. Cheese, Y. admen!, Yertnecillh'eplit Peas, Hominy, Minimum:it, corn Starch, Fnriva, Chocolate, Extract o. Colfee, refined sugar nt reduced-rates, washing mid link. ng - $01.111... 'fob:icon et the most favorite brands, and the finest quality of Segura. Also, a beautiful aksortment of Britannia Ware,' Plain and g ( id band Chloe Ware, Blass, Queens. Stone and , Earthen, Ware, In great vs. rlety, and an elegant It of Fancy Woaps, extrude and perfumery for the toilet.. - FRUITB: Including Peaches In cans, lipisins, cram berries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lenfons, Ac., Ac. • • ( . . LIQUORS: 'Wholesale and retail . o ..''' . :( B . nabracing common and oldlityoN his g = key, Brandies, dark and pale, Lk,bon i , ..,,, , Shorty NO. Mader's, WI ger, Catawba 7 . - . I and 31nseat Wines In casks and bat flee, bunch it hlakey, Holland Oln, and • Scholdam Sehrapps. _ _ FISII.AND SALT A Porge stock of LAMPS, including Dyott's celebrated lamps for burning KOMBOIIe or coal Oil, also Sperm, Plum Lard and Coal OIL Burning Fluid,. Sperm and Star Candles. CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. BrupLos. Itopea,lopPq.` Soaps, Doomnatr, Walters, hooklng.glat , ses,flne letter and note paper, Willow War - o. palatial InleketP, &u. Cotton atul Ivounen Hose, and half Rose, and a ful stock of Uloveß, Including tlw Ntell'kuovat llnnnvu Hunk s. es. In short. his stneksnmprlses everything that hi rolled for in hie line of Inniness, and no efforts will he sinned to render entire satisfaction to his cusionnni. Carlisle, Oct. 27, 1858-Iy. - - • 4*sr'.ylarketlng of all kludn taken lu exchangd fo goods. ~ ' " .11.11RI0,1" .11.11 LL” FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA S T'/II E. Just received and In store, a fresh and well se. lected assortment orlcb., Java and Mora.. caibo Coffee, Roaited Coffee. Crushed Pulverized Sugars. Refined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans (baking) Molasses. Spices of every variety— • • pure only: Starch, Farina and Chocolate. Maccaronl, Cheese and • , Cracgcrs, Tapioca and Sago, Indigo, Saleratns and Soda, Cream Tartar and as. sorigd Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TEAS.- ..1 fine assortment in Packages, ,C.Z.r.7 . 1 and Ic bulk—au well as till other.,articles yi ', ... ~ ~ ..beionow d to the bunesa—all at the lowest , ) !I and late reduced prices. 1 J. IS. EBY. WAD.)! iES, 'JEWELRY, AN!) SI LVEIi-VAIthAT CONLYN'S old established Stand, West 31ain St., nearly opposild the Cumberland Valley Milk. base just received a nen assortment of watches, ewelry. medallions. Oliver ware, .tr.. in addition to my ormer bloc]; to which 1 Invite the attention of the public, The assortment imilmires hire goldand silver Inver watches. Hunting and open case do, gold An chors for Ladles and thmtlenten and gllver Lephies and guarder watches of every variety in style, and mire. Also lino gold \ledalllnno. Dreast.pins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every ,t pattern and prier. .tlold fob, vest. curb and •nee • 'chain s. Mitt breed els, linger rings, culT•pilltl, eeve•buttons, crosses, clue ms, ,oe. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and ',latest butler knives. forks. table, tea, milt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of . gold, silver tt-766 and common spectacles, _to suit all ages to which we trrvile ipodal eaten, • A , JII. A fine lot of OOLD PENS from tke best makers, peetaele eases, fancy hoses: silver and pearl card eases, pdd and common bracelets, match chains, ?hurtle Clocks and a variety of articles non. ally kept In Jewelry tytablishments, which I will sell low for cash. All articles war. l 1:1 uteri to be what they are represented. Particular attention paid as usual to tVAVCII REPAIRINU and all work ward ranted. THOMAS bONLYN. Dor. 23. 1557.1 NEW .0001)S AGAIN. • . At Ogllhy's Cheap Cara] ttiore. Jost returned from l'hlladelphla with n lot of the cheapest Dry floods near brought to Carlisle. Figured lerlooes, Cashmeres. Del.alnes, Calkers. Flannels, Blankets. Shawls. Cloths, ens•lnteres, Ae., Taught Gar moll at Ills presn , reduced city priers. and will he sold at 11110 . 0M111011 ly low prices Crh the Cash. Now Is the thou tor great bargains. Recollect the store, Ihnniltun's corner opposite the Railroad Depot. Itee. 14. '6O. CII A. OCIII.IIY. Trustee. TII, 1 'l' 11. U 1%1 PIIAN 'V . 1,1 Th. COSIIIIiet surrey+of thu Prairie Flower Cook Siove, warrant/till. sills:ern:or In railing the attention of all who inlay want 0 superior stove to rail nod ex• amino the only stove that Ilan ghen universal sutlslitc• WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER °Tuns IS let. A saving of front 80 to 40 per rent. in* fuel. 2nd. A hotter and qul her Oven front the. Cal. Ore, :hi A larger Oven titan any other store ofn he salllo OE4 4th. The preservation of the centre piece front sinking saving repairs, sth. The bes't !taker, Roaster, and Cook now In use, nth. A superior arrangement for eleamng the flues, ti, A perfect Gels 0/11.1110, leer either won d or coat. , The Prairie Flower to warm. ted to give satisfaction In every particular. and will he sleiwn with pleasure to all who note call, whether desiring to peirelmse orghot, tiny quantity - Of rePrenre Ili Cohn reureUry, A low ether good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stench Spouting, Hoofing, doh work, Coppeusmlthinit and Sheeting work promptly attended to. in town or roue• try. All work warranted at the old stand, Hanover street north of Loutheir. MARY M. MORRIS. N. B. 0141 Copper, Bum and Pewter bought, and the gbect plea poltlin cash or good,. M. 1,1.1128. lallo.—t!, PHILADELPHIA W.ATOELAND JEWELRY STORE O. comtno, roitmEit OCCUPANT Ho. 148 NORTH . SECOND STREET, CORNICIL STREET. The undersigned hi;s leased the lINITO pretafses here he will keep a large assortment of Gold A: •n trites t r f American. English and Swiss Menu:nett..3 the 111'114 Velar:lied MOWN. in Ildditioll to will be found olways On 1511111 fond made. to order) no extensive driety of Jewelry sliver. and I , lleer Plated wave, her with a eon eral assortment of such rods 26 nro nardly kept In a first rinot Jewelry ijtoro Tho p itrons of 0 enorid; and those of the suhFcro, tnzelher with the public lomerallyAiro Invited to where they will receive n good Artirlc hnl their money. As 1 sni determined to do qtrletly 5c0..11 business mends will be sold very low. "'AMA I.I.PROFITS AND QUICK SALES," it the motto of this establishment. LEWIS lI.BROOMALL. Formerly 0. eDNItAD, No. 148 North - Second St. corner of Que.ry Phila. June PO 00 20 00 10 00 12 00 CI IL I lAN (.3- OFF AT COST ! ! ! 17) At the sign of the "(told gagleXrldoore :there the Cumberland Valley Batik, and two dente below Alio Methodist ("hutch on Wert Malta street, the largest and best selected stock of VITCHES & JEWELRY In the town. ;vIII be .nld an per cent 'ewer than at any place In the State Tin stork cam prlsee !mega aseect. mont of Gobtand Silver hunting case watches. Levees, TPIIIIIIPII. American watches. and all other kinds and styles, Gold and Sliver chains. GOLD PENS & PENCILS, Jewelry of all kinds. Spertacleslicild and Silver. Plated nrni Silver War • Music noses, Arrnrdonns, 011 Paipt lairs. a meat variety of fancy articles. and a Int of the finest Planes which will be sold 40 per cent lower than ever offered In town. The entire stork of Watchmaker tools. eases. large Mirrors. and Safe will be sold whole sale or retaii on the essb•st terms. .ITavliur selected a first class workman all kinds of ro• pairing will be done as usual, at reduced prices. Plano musk of all kinds fnr sale. A new Stet class double barwl ran warranted junulno twist will be sold fur half Its value. FOit RENT.— 'lie largo throo st,ry Brick jiOlllPO with • .4ardo parldr, 42 feat deep. Fituated on West Maln Street. will he ray tod from the' Ist of April, 1551. Call at the Jorldry Store In mild-building. 1000 P O O n U e I N t h p S 4 C 4 A 3. 4 11. 0 P 4 CH A b I N n of the celebrated Mood Manufnelurhowes. Selling very cheap LEIRRII, SAWYER lk 31ILLE11. f 1 GM BELTING ! • Jhut Mcolvud n large assorttnent of all alzes Onto hultine, Gum hose, (Imo Parking, &a., and for sale cheap at the hardware Store of ' Juuu Sk., 18110. BLIND 31 AT 1 , 1 RIAL, LOOK IN Classes, Furnishing goods of kinds. Blonk4 All kinds of goods kept hi Wholes:donna Itotall stor Nov 1W430t LItiDICII, SA WY Ith & MILLNII. . . N OVEMBER 2ND, 1860. ' .. '4iir The rondo a of the "Mono" ore reminded that 1 hivej eat brought from the city a large supply of SUUAIt CURED HAMS AND BEEF Dried Apples and Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes in cans. fresh Mushrooms. the very best Males, different kinds of mixed .31ustards. and Sauces. Lesions and Oranges, tfruat 0, Figs. Itaisins. Sugars, Coffees, Teals. Itioirisses, Shah, Self. Sine Bosons and Toharrn: very ffno Brandies, Old BY. \ Vines ae . ; ItSitidi , ffa general wort. , [neut of goods in our line of trade, offered at the very lowest nrices.•lfOlt °AEI'. W.ll. - BENTZ. Nov. :id. 1860. ÜBRIPATING OILS:—We wish .4 to Inform machined& millers and th e public gene raly. that we have on hand It full stork of, Lubrirati nw t Ong for all Minix of machinery, the oil gurpagses ; ell. others ' having been euldecled to a thorough test by the side,oftho ben hard and olive Oile. - It Is pronounced a superior Lubricator at legs coot and wearing longer. and entirely tree from guns, end will stand much colder weatherntid luisllgs tendency to heat. Trrit ahil you will um nothing else lbr Lubrlcating..-•. • - • CarlisliNov. 2, 'OIL ~' JOLIN P.LYNE &.8014.•• • • r, ~ • -• Nortli Usnarar Simi Carllsla. ~ ~ ~iigcctiancuu~~. , r{~ ~, itJArlisle POUndr F. Gardner •47, Co. now manuthetura and keep eon. knotty far sale. at their extensive Steam Worksop Enst Main street. Carlisle, a large.asserttaent vC 41. ItICULTURA,L IMPLE3IENTS, • • of well knriwn, approved usafutnns• to Ciente:T. among whit+ they would call especial attention to IVILLOUCiII BY'S CELEBRATED - PATENT • (.1.11.11 SPRING GRAIN DRILL ivhlcL has taken over fifty Mgt Flays Premiums nt State 'and County Fairs. To the Farmers o' Cumberland. ork and Perry enuntles we neertylot speak in detail of the merits of this dniltns s6.res of them mu now In urn on the belie forms In , these cdMitles. Its repute. ticn Is established es the Mast romplelo Brain Drill v man ufirctured in thu Unlted.States. Asows Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley • dud Brass, evenly, ,aini • regular, without bunehlug.the seed. Time gum Springs paid, the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking phis or Lb. drill. For even and regular sowing. iho WIllough• by Gum Spring Drill is unegurille.l by any other. R•.• alga to tnufulture and net the Milowlmt articles. which wo c m reAmmend to Farmers as reliable, Implements, of established diameter: MOHR I SON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, . ALA SIPS PATENT STRAW k FODDER currsn, " BRIDENDOLPIPS PATENT CORN SHELLER, HAHN'S PATENT TILER'Ii LL JOHNSON'S CAST IRON 1100% TROUGH. Also, Three and Four horse Poo pro and Threshing Marhines. Cast Iron Held !Oilers. Plough Castings pi 'various patterns. Corn Crushers. and other articles fur Farmers ton numerous to mention. Also. Egg Coal Stores and Ten Plato Wood Stoves. with an imtnerme varlet. of other castings fr o househrillers and others. Wu barualso an attractive variety .of patterns for . IMEM/32 and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to vhlcL wo wouhl call attantlon. Stenin lE!lglnea and 111111:Gearing To this department of our. busi nrrn we give part leu far attention. Our alicady extemive block of p.itterhs. for Paper. Flout and Saw 31111 Gearing.• In constantly 31111 Owners and 311 . 1 Wt halts s 11l ho fur n ished with a printed cn ttlol no ol• our various 31111 I's t I erns, on simile:llion. thit 31arbine Shop t omprlves nil thu vorlons tools f r tuntii g, Waning and li oleprag Shafting rind ettO fog •, byggod n d careful 3inchinbts. STATIOIItY STEAM ENGINES- of any desirable ropacity. trim ten to two,, tr•fleo borse power. built In the best style and o" acenninsojafing ternn. Engines built at ann., establishment may be sien to suree,sful operatior at many of 'the largest Distilleries and Tanneries In C t lisle. and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin ?aunties:to the on nos ot whfrh xe Well 03' refer for iniermatinn as to their eilielei ey. Persons wanting Steam I.llglllox are cal nesily r qu..teddo ci.ll and examine before contracting elg. where DOOR 'AND SASH FACTORY, Corinerted with our ustahnFlanrol tot Strum Flph and poor Mltnulltrtory which is tom lit e..muleto, ort'er for illEllll/1111111101111 , of et cry th•reripti, - • ,; for the most costly as wet Yng the plaine,tholll , l. dOW ..,721511 lurulohrd from 3 eentn upnaril, according In clue Of glues: Nl ntlow Frames lAA, $l-81 upward; Shutters ;Indßlinds (ruin ,:,1 upward; Four Panel boors from ...;;'.(1:.! OpW3ld. lloulJlugs , Cindlogs A reilltl :I, CF. Nash Hoards, ilracketi , , Fancy in aper), Scrolls. tind other articles needed in Imo, building. furnished at the 9 We at mires and at the host qualify cut lumber. 111,0)(1 are also prep:tree:in heretofore to build and repair BURDEN CARN3 for transperterel.ll the railroad, silt promptnese and nn rOll/...D111.h. terms. The continued patronage of the,publie isreppeetfully Folleited. l/rders by mall promptly attended to. flay 9. 'CO: F. GAIIDNEit & Co. • EW COA L AND LUMBER YARD The subscribers Imre this clay entered intuinn t uurnhip to trsde In JO•Ai,.AND Wu , will hnvo enfistan I ly on looolnud furnish to oidei n , l kin& nod quality of nennoned LUMBER, . ,- BOARDS,' • ECANTLINO, . - ..,‘ • FRAME STUFF Plantering Lath, Shingling Lath. morice.l Floc, Ing and ‘V..atherlmarillng. PottAnn.l Halls, and el cry or tido that helongslo a I.U3lllEit YARD,. All,kinds of Iltingles, to wit: H hitepine, Hemlock, -and (Mk, 01 Wllerent qualities. Having Cars of our 111V11-we ran furnish hills to order. of any length and size at the sitortost notice and on the tgost reasonable terns. Our wort Oti hottnla will be kept under cover in 'that they OM tat f urnisited dry al all times. WO have nonstantly out hand all kinds of Family Cool Under rover. wlll,ll we will buyer clean to any 'lad of the borough. To wit: I.IIiENS VA LLEY, Brotcon, Egg,Stovo nod Nu LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTON, do, do. do. LOCUST MOUNTAIN, I.IIIIBEItY. • which we tledgatorsolveslo sell at the lowest prkee gest quellty of • lAmehjrnees mad Blacksmith's Coal, Always on hand whirl, we will sell et the lowest llgu lard west4ltle to Grammar School. Melo street. ARMSTRONU & WEYER. July 20.480. T I ORIYARDING AND 'COMMIS, SION HOUSE, FLOUR AND FEED, The subscriber havinit taken the Ware House ear. and fixtures ut Wet. It. film ray's well kucwn cstatlirb anent. on West 11101 street. opposite Dickinson Voliege woultiltiferro-the-public--that-he-hes-etered•inte • ,eneral Foreardinn and C011111.i.510111,11,41...F. • . The highest market prico will Lo paid fur Flour, Grain and want) or all kinds. Thar are also prepared to freightturo and stark to Philadelphia and. Baltimore, at the beret rates, with safety and despatch. PIASTER .4 ND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FNED at a Indesalo or Wall; • Coat of all kinds. embracing, • LYKEN'ti VALLEY. LUKE FIDDLER. SUNBURY Nt'illTE ASH, LOPUST OAP, • Limellurner's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY FoR SALT. KEPT UNDER COVER and delivered dry to any port of the town. J. It. NONE3tAKER Carlisle, August 17, 1859. s 'S CELEBRATED OVER D uN II A M STRUNG PIANO FORTES GRAND AND SQUARE. The4e instrtnnents In all respects. are second to none manufactured In thin country. eltirens of ,Carlisle In want or n superior and reliable Instrument can ho ac. coinnrohtted at VERT MIDEISATE emcee. by addressing the undersigned at Harrisburg. de.crlblini tone. touch and style. Rotenone°, Mr. Aleninwer Cathcart, Carlisle. Ucu. O. Wiestling, Anent tor DUNHAM'S Planes Jan. 4, 18011.-3mon PRESS GOODS.—A new supply o Dress floods. such as Poplins. Do Lain. a, .tillk Irrince•s, Lustres Ac., Ac. Just received and trill h sold uncommonly low, at the cheap Cash Moto • CHAS. OUILIII'. Trustee. Nov. 2, 1660 William P. Lynch, • Practical .PL (MYER and GAS FITTER, in the basement of the M. Church, Main Street. Carlisle. Lend and Iron ripes t Iron Sink's, Ilydrants, Bath Tubs, '7 Ilk & Cold Mloirnr Baths, Bath Boilers, IPator Clnnels, Wash Kul., Force and Lift hydraulic Rains, Wm% Ind( WertlTu (s, And every deserl I steam. wider. (be, o gas fixtures nut at short nouns. n t sin and work ll out 4..1-Conotryllot Mar. 23. 1859 WALTER C. W ITMAN. Dnalorin FNE GROCERIES N. VIT• orator 17th avid Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Importers of Cross & Blackwell's . OOMPH PICKLES an I SAUCES: Particular attention paid In selecting fine TE14113 & COFFEES For Familles,Sugars al ways at Refiners' prices. Choice WINES, LIQUORS and SEU.AILS, of the best brands, always on hand. • ii, 'tlo^ly. R. E. SHAPLEY Julie 15, MO J-00 TONS IRON AND ROLLED IRON - of the Tory beet ENGLISH BRANDS 'reman dln every way Superior to American make. Just re• abed with a large assortment of • . Sheetiron, - • Anvils, , Hoop Iron, Vic es, • Baud Iron, • ! Fl'kit; Korea Shoe Iron, Rasps, , • - Spring Steel, • Bolts, ' Cagt Steel, • . ' Rivets, •-• . '--."« Blister t,ieel, flute. 't,', ' Wristlet's. ' • Iftose Shoes' ' Screw plates, ' ~ ~ Nall& Blacketekh Bellows &c..&c. . . • Cheaper Hum . the cheapest, at the Hardware Store of Match 7, 00. '. ' lIENRYSANTON. ' ' N.. 11 "Jutiron sold. Atelty prices with freight added an disarm •bid, - ''.• '; ', ". • ' IMEEM2 . DAl[4B. - .01) OILS.- " . ~ • L 10 Toon White Load. 1000 Galloon of oil. .lizet rocelyo&wlly a large assortmorit. of ... , VarOlabei.- ..-' . Fire Proof,Polnt.. : Turpiontloe, . 14..rencer White, .. . Japan:,; ... . . Wbito Zinc. "Nati,. Colinott Z no, , Lithargo, Bed Lrad, • • . • . , ~. •-•-• . -,. yhltlog; .' Iloilo& OIL • liperto Oil, • ' : Paint Brushes. - . Flab 014 &a., Colors oforerf drscrlptiOn diry,.end . 04 lo cone and lobelia& the Unaware fitopo of '' • , • - • . ' -Marcia 7,!6P. .-,'..,..; ;,..•, •-,,. SWAM AMMON,. ,'.', , . . ' AND t'AIIM IMPLEMENT DEPOT! IRON RAILINGS, BUILDING MA! EHIA L. 9 J. K. NONEDIAKER, CQ.%L, PLA•TAR AM) SALT "on of cockx and Whip: for gns, titperior cooking ranges. neuters and II In churches. atones and dwellings, tho most modern style. All materl puc line at low rates and warranted. rkand Jobbing promptly attuudod to, ly 17 -- 77111isTrlinnrouty. ---- MEI INSUBA.NCE;;LI-TNE ALLEN AND EAPT-' PENNEI.IORO MUTUAL TIDE IN SUUANCE COMPANY of Cumberland enunty..lncorno rated by an net of At.setntly, Is now fully nrganlz. d, and In operation .under the nianagement of the following ennuninloners, viz: Daub,' 'Dailey, William IL Gergas, Michael Corklll .1. tJebelberger, Chriatle r Iltoyman, :Ulla C. Dui lap. Jacob 11. Cooror, -8. Eberly., Beni: min 11. ,Illopper, J. Bramlt, Joseph Wlckershau A luxuntlei Cathi•nrt: _ . The ratoa of inaurancu are as low and tart cable as arty Compniny tif the kinil In the State. Pomona whhing to become monibur, aro in:cited to make application to the agents of the company, who aro willing to .watt upon thaw at any time. Wal. R, GOPCIAS. Preiddent.. CIIRISTMN STAYMAN. Vice President LEWIS lIYEE. Secretary. MICHAEL Cr/CKLIN. Treasurer Managers.— Wtn It. Iterate, L.lye - r. Christian Flay nian. M. Cock 1in..1. C. Inaday. It. Mattht. D. Belle, .1 ll.Ceover. Alex. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Elebelber ger. S. Eberly, J. Brandt. MEM CUMBERLAND COUN T Y.— ' .lohn Fite rrtek. Allan, ifenry Zeating, Shirenutostown ; Famine] \l'ondl•urn Dickinson; - Henry ellUrOillOW11; 4th. touch 3'1,1,1101,1n ; Vanniel (Iraharn. AV. Penns Lore': Samuel Conran Meehaniestnrg: Siteplierdstown: D. C.alver. Siteritordstown ; .7 0, ?u• toll, Silver Purina: Beni, Havel stick. Sliver Spring; Charles Doll. Cat I isle : .lobn fiver, Carlisle. 'PURE COUNTY.-IV. F. Pieklng. Dover: Peter IVol. ford, Franklin: .7:tr. Urifittli, arriaatcn : Peat lorfr. Washington: D. Rutter, Newburg; It. C. Clark, Dilleburg, ' DA UPIII• CO.—Timmer .ft Lochtran. ilarrisborg. Members of the .ttipany haring policies about to ex• Oro. can have them 3 wed by making application in any of the Agents. April 20. 1800 II OW ARD A S OCIATION! ....II I I. A I) I' II I A Benevolent Institution, estAblisbe.l by spechypyn . dowment for the relief of the slek and distressed,' Afilleted with Virulent end Epidemic diseases. And espechdb for lbe Cure of Dl,enses of tlemtiexuel ()run. MEDWAI, ADVICE given arnils, by the Arthur Fur• vent, to nil whn ripply by letter. with n liPSTriPtiOn ar their condition. (aye. oemiPliinn, linbits of if,., &r.,) and in CAPPS of extreme poverty, Medicines fUrnished free of eloirp,, VA LUA 11 - 1,1". REPORTS on Spernintorrbren. end nlher Dl.eneee of the St,nol Oren.. end on the NEW RlOl - S employed In tin lilspenwir.r. Foot to - the afflicted In crnlyd Inter 4 , 11,4rY•14. flre nt ehnrre. Two or three sot,ps fi.r poßtnne will I e nereptnllle Adelmss. PH. SK T.I.EN 1101'0117,0K. Avtlnv Sur , goon. Ifotenrol A Fnnelntlyn. No 2 Fovoll Ninth Stree. Philndt•lphin. In. Ily Priler of thp Plrertnt s,' 1 , //ItA 1). lIEARTIVELF, Presid.w. FAIRe1111.1!. Sumtary. A v' s. • Thougunds aro dolly sposkl Tv. In praise of - DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL and why? herauxe It !Inver Gila to alTortllnstantanenus relief Ntill . ll 03011 Iti.that.. It 111 . 1 Y 11x11 Iy touttle, attal 1/110 b Inl ulonn Ti 111 couvittru pat that tt hat me nay la true. It multtpu, . .• NO PAREGOR:C OR OPIATE ornny bind. and therelol - s relieves by renn.vinr: the. staderintts . l'ynnr 'hill. inntrad if by dotoloning; tta sont.ildiltio, for 11.1 k. ronstot It 01111110. Mb. Rel.)! tint Ihn 'Slily relhilde pro•leollIhol ;nor o' , n Ihr Children Teething . , Ilinerlinen, liyairii I try, (Si Ip. lug lit the lhoivels:, Altitity . td Om t•tt110.1.11, (I Ind. Odd in. Lb.. heed. and elonp. Ids, for ~,fis,dug the puns. reducing inttantt lion. r..gnlntintt Ills 'bowels and rellovlng pain. It bus nn totn.o.-1.1.10g on null epos. toodle It is its. d airt 131.f11i11, •111 . 1,/.1 , In An 'antes or COI IVIIIII,IfIII Or of her Fits. An you vAll,, thu 111,11141 111,1101 at y 0111 ..lillilli 11. :11 , 41 st 101 1 0Y/0,11ton) those sod and blighting ......o.jin ncon wide It into eprtaill to mull to ;II Ulu lise• of 11111 11.1 IrS of 10.1,1 other remedies f, In atone C. tnplait li ore et top. sod, tal.e 110114. lint hit. I.: TON't• INF. A\'1'11.1•; COIllilA I„ tills you co; toll' upon. It is porf....tly Intitniets and CAIIIILit Injure the lIIIIht. dellellf..ltillint. Price, 25 i•vnts Full directions neemnponv mid. 1 01 th. Pre, tired only by CII I'll C . il .1 DUPONT. NU 409 Irroadn ay Si etv York. . . ~-:ti..).0- 1.1741,;i6,...,1.,,,,.,„7... , ~ , :frPl;.. lO- Yik ,;, ' ll, l -`, 40 leillthy human Mood upon Lein.; 'ANALYZED al wayF prei.df. nit With the RIUlu - ehret• hitt) demo lit* and glvps of course the. 'I A mil) xi, tho of Ji I r eis nulll•rhig 1.1 \ ComlJnlut l D.reitele42l. N tolo.u. Ac. aid oc find ill every ill:entire rcl9nlu di li ,. i.uci. s fu the rid globulen of Mood t•upply them. On fit:llllo4 . s nl,d )ou urr nude Tho 111,1.11,1) PlitiD in 111011 Jed Upon title Throty Oriel [filing xuecen. 7lnere aro FIVE PIiEI'AIIATIONS adapted to the dollciene'es of tho Blood In different diseases. ' , or Eldiglig COM', 11101 0 1 . 11Illt, or any alive. thin a hattver of rho TIIIMAT or LUNGS 'minting ( gumption, We. No I. 'rrltioh is sin a; a the No. bd. Ito. prvsnion 11.1 e, et Api Oita and tor . ail cp r o n. Is Complaint! , at king front Orer tielletel Illty. nud Neer out Prostration. No. 2. for I Ivor topi g igo t , 3, tOr Ur sneroda. Being al toady plepated fi r ray sorption 11 1- tat en by drops and carried Immediately Into thu circulation. so that nimt tau 01,111 yon retain. Thtl No. F, ix f. r Fernalt, It tegulai Dies. ll,teria . . Brag across. &e. hen rpecial diroetions for this. °or hilt Rheum. Eruptions, h.:rondo°, Kidney. and Bladder Complaints. take.Nn 5. 1,1 all caner the direet.on must ho strictly followed. Prier of the Blood Ft tat $1 per bottlu. held by (TUBED k DUPONT. So doll Broadway, New York. .T W. Dyott S Song. Philadelphia. and (I,ll.l,igyser, Pith(burt Bludeside lor halo by 5. Elliott. fILOCKS WATCHES J_EWELIIY AND SILVER WA HE. At Mnnufacturi , rk prices. W.l) A. Nnugle. Art.. North Honorer Street Fly° Dooro Nottli of the forllrie Pr 1 onit Pamir, nod utzt door to Kline's Ilotel, Denier In FRENCH & AMERICAN CLOCKS, • . ' ~,tt)•4-..., . .,E., • --' , - 0 .." e•-•-•: . • XT.; , er ' • 1 71-- v x ,, , -- ) ~, - ' ' .7.- t., ; - • ' " iL: '.2 . , , Foreign and American Malebo+, .lewely. Silrer and Pla ted ante. Valley Gouda de. would moot respecttully lu trot his old patrons and the piddle penerall) that be has just returned front the Last with main) bow 'dock o 1 Fl \E WATOIIES,JEWIibIIY, SILVER dr MD WAIIF. til.trUKS !Lull.: seemed ngenclilt from Foment' the largest mid Leg Fallorles for the oats of 1111.1 , 0 goods. I ma 0 - 01,• red to tiller to theublic any article In the line from W p 75 to O per coot lost. thou they have ever hot n offered In tick place or below the regular whnlenale pi lye. tut lollowe. Clocks from 7.1 cents to $lO. (I Melt F,-fient to Sifm. Jewelry In I , e , to from 1,0 cents to S . ,:e.'reat-ettz trout do . to $30,-6 pleccli Leg quality and Weed. style:4'j CLOCKS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, 8 day alarms, Gold Hunt. Cn.e Eng. t Oral 8 " StriOlug, " " American, Pearl, 8 " titrihlng & me" " so Ice, e.tilef., 9 44 ileguliqors, " " Error),. Gold'Otone 8 " Gallery', Silver Blunt. Cate Eng. I.•va. 8- " Church, " " American, Carbuncle, 8 " Mantles. " " Slrhs. Opal, 8 " Parlor, " ". Ps ouch, Morale, 8 " Marine, • Open Face American, Jot, no llonr, •• " Lepines, Garnet. 80 Btrikirg, 44 44 Quartlera, Tnrnuols, 80 Alain, & Sirik. 44 " EngliNli, Palnlingo, 30 Time. • • " 44 French, Enamelled, 80 Levera, , 44 " Genera.. Paqe, " 30 Gothic, .." 44 German, Stone, - TEA SETTS.. • Goblets, {Talton, Tureens. Ladles. Cups. Butter Dishes, , Salt Stands. Fish Knicss, pie Kniv,.. Crumb Knives, 1,..0 Crenm do. Coke Hulse; Forks, Spoous,' Castors. Carlltlo, July 27,1860 —l.y. _NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS HATS, OM'S AND LADIES FULLS. The subscriber having reeently opened a NOS Store at the old stand 01*J. D Ilalbert in Not Ur Hanoi' or St. opposite the Carlisle Deposit Dank. Having received from New Tomb and Philadelphia. a flue and well selected assortment ape& In his lino of usiness, such us - • HATS AND CAPS, from tho common Woiel to the thee Fur. Silk and Camel more lints. and at prices to suit eha times. 'rho Mock Includes a varbay uf styles and colors of flats and Cape. Futtoinettver- an I ,Felt. Hats • for children, either boys or girls ticenilytrimmed. I'UIICAPS,COLIAItS ani GLOVES, . for Gentlemen. A Iso,'n variety of fancy furs for either ladies' or childruns wear. Iludsou Hay, Fable,. Mink, Siberian Squirrel, German hitch, Stoueillartiii, Silver do Hoek do. &c.. . • Alan, C . ' Als nap, i'' A s. largo assortment of flear t Mise Trunks, Bind Trunks. Buffelo Rotes and Prime Bed Feathers. Then Mut for the pa , mosso already 1 reelit d ho uould'lnvlto all his Blonds and the Public In gene. rut to gise him a call. JACOB BOAS, Agt. . Carllide, Deq. 7, 'eo.-t. g • . XCELSIOR.PICT.UItES _A , A. ItArKNWOOD would respertfully Inform Mr ., c tilens of Carlisle and vicinity that he has taken room. In Zug's 'now building, east corner of Market -Square where he is at all times ready .to take :A , In the latest and moot opprovt d style. Pictures taken • i In rdny and cidudy weather u well as clear. and eat.. isfection•given or no charge. made. Portraits and Da; uerruotypes copied. Miniature pictures taken for r oaketu Ambrotype. , • ~ • , . „ AmimityPes warranted to stand tho test of dine, Ileta or water. Ladles and Gentlemen are, bordially Invited to en and exewlue specimens. , • - , Prlcee from 26cts. to $lO. B. ,LIKNWOOD. t : • Jima. 27. /.0011.43." . . .• „ listHiancqus: I.AILS I NAILS I! NAILS !II - A large stock of good; Olean. Neat. and Tough nap, at the lowest Prices. Our Halls are worth (Man a keg inore,than any .other Mite or nails sold In our town. thin in OM Opin ion of ineebanien who hays tried thorn, we also kayo it 101 l oirsoi trnegtnC •111.1ILDING 1%1Ail:111AL%, of the latest and molik s 4ilpre ro 'Ashy.. All goods war ranted 1,. represented.' JOIIN 1:11:411 & SON. May 2. '6O. North Uncover St. Carlisle. N oneE AND READ ' THIS.- F. C. If 10011 M, • .; At the new Store on East Alois Ft. fit . • ' .: 71 near Henry Saxton's Ilaldware Store, ; would call the attention 01 persons in `... want of a One Watch to 1118 splendid !tti , ~- stock of American, Liverpool and Lon don 15 ATCII tilt. I have n fine stock of .Vold Watches. at all prices. from tmooty dollars up to three hundred 1 dollars - I also Intro a largo stm•k• of Silver 'Hunting I Cased and Open Cased ‘Vateltes, from three dollars up to eighty. I also have a new stoelouf French and A merb 'can .lEWEI.ItY. in setts, such as Cameo, (told 'Stone, Lava. :Unsafe, Monrning and Plain setts, &v. - I also have a new stook or MotillionN, AlBllBlO dollar up to fourteen; Ladles' and •oodien ~,,, 'a Breast Nina or all patterns and pelves: (told Chains,: a largestock of Vest Volt and Curbeltains; a very largo stock of fingerrings of all kinds and patterns• suelf as Seal Pings. Wedding Maga. and Settings: a lino stork of Cuff Pins, Oold Simla, Stony° nut taus k.r hadlea and 11 entlemen. Cowes Ilracelots. Hold Watch Keys; Seals. Gold and Silver 'fhimbles. (told ant Silver Spectacles, a largo stock of Sliver' ea and Table Simons at all prlrrls. and a collo Ode stock of Doubt.) Plated Tea and Table Spoons. pla• ted Pinks. Silver and Plated Butter Karns and a than stock of double plated Casters, F m 611,1311601., :liver Fruit Knives, and it large steel< of Common Speetarles. to suit all ages., to which I Invite particular attention; Port %formates of all kinds, Sil• ,-, -,... nor Keys and Chains ;* it !area it's• Work .of Acenrileons, Violins, ~ / ,„1 1„ ~‘ and Music Boxes. (large and ''' ‘,.. ' ' small.) and a great variety of --.19 r 3 - 111q11.1PN usually klllll,lBl tl'tone. 7., 8 , 4 airy store. I have:dye, nn hand ir:f ',* 5,,, , 11 large WO ,1 . 1.11 I8•111eted stack ...',.. 84d -- ". 7--- - ta of CLOCKS. of all patterns and ~ ,t, . ...-±7. ; _.-. , fashions. from one dollar up to. e I. c - ..r,,, , , Al fifty. tirldell I will Fella! a 8111811 profit and warrant them far one • '1 glillliall=ll year. tcs he good time keepers. Every thing gold by one 811811 be What It In represented. . ____ , Ched,s. Watches, and Jewelry. carekillY rl'Palred nod warranted. Carlisle July It, Ihntl.-Iy. ! ip -,l' '„INING,Erci j 400ittii, . 4,1,... .....„ . .. • ...... . ...... .., lox , - . 0 --* ~ ,„, ..... 7,4 ~ , ..".:4; Y GI) GIN : AS A fIE"f. , .7.EDIAL AGENT. 9 11118 DELICIOL ^ S TONIC STIMULANT, f i ISPECIA.I 4 I,I' 4esigned• for the use it, d of the Ilinilent Profetsiiin mini the l'amily„.boving sopeisedmi calln.1"1.1 ins." i•Aronmilc." - Coid Moilkited." -6clinappn," Vr.c.. Is now iOotorFed by nil of the prominent plirhielone chemists and connolicomrs .84 Itrt.c..lnte ail of !hoc , ' intrinsic medicinal littalitiem (tonic and Ilinr , tlo which berong to 11,1 old and pure Girt. I'o. Up In quirt bottle:taint 55.1.1 by all ill tygista grocers, etc. A. M. BI NI Eit .t.t CO., (Established heITTS.) Sole Propti•tors• No ID Broad street N. V. For gal° by W. W..h II Smith.—Proarb. Ca and All °r um prominent tVholes.olu in Philadelphia. Nov. Id. ALFRED D. 1;1111.1i'A UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATE, NZI.: I.OFFIC Et tt NO. 111 Solit'Fitirah Street, Nil LA DELVIIIA. N. 11.—Communleallons by moll promptly attended to Eept, 137, 'tn.- 1 1 B1IN KS ! TIIITNKS !! 'fit UN 1,5 !! I r 401,, Leather French Style. and Drops trunk. a n d 11111111 et Ilwatu. Traveling liag•, nr. tax' solid Leather, and nude Lelither 11ra.44 113nd Trunks Va.. liseF, NON' 1'1,11 . 011)g / 1 / 1 10., &e., n largo assortn,:il nod very low rnlces at LI VING*TON'S, •- 144(1111annver-Strvet. 1860. SPRING V AT ABII I N 6 ! 2 - K E LI; ERS' OLD STA Xl.). • stuck ofllats a nd Cnrw • ow read3' SILK, 1:: . • • -CA SSINI ERE, . FELT C WOOL. _ . In every at) le nod quality. We cell partleniatal ten lon Woo: .f:1 SI 1.1, II AT& Silk nod Foil /la ny stylo men ufactotell to order Cups of all kin 110 XL EL`'t IiLLLEIt'S OLD STAND. North linnover Street. Carllale M•rrll H, 1800. k 4 k§l DR. ESENWEIVS TAR AND WOOL) NAPTIIA PECTORAL Is the best medirine In the world (hr the cure o Coughs sod Colds.r!roup. lirourisitio, Ahttnna. Difficulty in breathing. Palpitation of the Marl. Diptheria, sod for the renal 01 patients its the athaneed stages of C6NSUNIPTION °gent. with all diseases of tho Throat and Chext, and w bleb pre.disposo to Consumption. it In peculiarly adapted lathe radical cure Of Asthma. Using prepared by a pra,tical rhysielau alai Druggist mid one of groat eAperielice la the cure of the various disca' , s which tlielluulau_lialuelslialle.— It Ix Olkred to t h o tigheh,d With t h o grottlest confl deuce. to)...Try It and I.e convinced that It Is Invaluable the rare of Brunchled aired lons. Price 50 cent: bottl, ESEN VS A 1101IATiC BALSAM, a very valuable remedy f, him ma, Dynunto y, Cholera Morino, and all Ica el affliction, 'try It—Prleo '..!5 cents per bottle The above meilklues aro proulled only by Dr. A. I , ,EN IS I:IN A CO., Druggists and Cloonibta N. IV. Cor of Nlollt A Poplar Streets, l'hlla :e11,1113. :+ol.l by every respeetablo thaagglat and thialer ol Metli,loe throughout the etate. Juno '2'l,, ' „F.OND'S EXTRACT OF HAMAMELIS OR PAIN DESTROYER. is one ot the few itomeatle remedies widdi have coin gerunal use and laver, without pulling. It Is th product of a simple Anil,. harmless Is All lAISVA, and a a domestic roused. unequalled Fur Burns. Cute, Ilru Co,, Sol oasis. LIIIIOIA . SA, ltheunm• WI, 11011. Ulcers. old Sores and %loni's. it has and 1111 equal. I is also 11.1 d testis great sutras, for Toothache. Ileadach Aeural r :l3. Sore Tar itt Culie, Diarrlne7l, lloarsenest and other iditillar frouldesonie and painful affections while it promptly moody all Henna tliages. ilundiad of ph3 slams use It daily in'tbrir pialet and give I their unqualified recommendation. Sold by our agent and dealeps, and by F. 111)1 PIIIIEYS 4: CJ, 562 4a ol'ati way Sole Proprietors aid Man tilacturers. A ugust 2, y. CIIAIt I t S ItU I'l', rortTE MONNAIE, AXb SATCHE/ POCKET BOOK VAN IT I'.4CTUR ER NO. 47 NORTII SIXTH STREET below Arch, Phila., formerly 118 North •ith St. Porte Nloonales, Clear Canes, Pocket Hooks, Pori FOIIINA, CI:b118, F3t1 . 111.15, Dressing Cases, 31oney Belts, ork Boxes, • Dankere' Cases, rurocs, Doles, Sc, IVIIOLESALE AND DETAIL. Aug. tl, ' • fIUMBERLAND VALLEY BANK k_,/ PROPRIETORS. WILLTAN Ken, InchA IinNNEMArr,• - Men Ann W‘wys, JOHN S. ZillatltLTT. ~ .1011 N C. DUNLAP, JOHN DUNLAP, • 11. A. STULUEON; This Bank, Is now prepared to do a general thanking and Exchange Minium. under th e. name and stn KEE, MINIM. & Co., in the mole place lately imam pled by lies, Drunnenann & Co. Money received on depoeit and paid back on dethand without notice. Cut tificatesol deposit bearicginterebt et the rate of live per cont. tyll I he Issued for as shoFE a period as four months. Interest an all rentlllcates will cease at nanturity, provided. however, that it'l 4 4lll cartitleaten ore renewed of any time thereafter fee an other given period. they shall Mutt...the same rate of in. tenant up to the time of renewal, Twee ly alayn not lee must be given of au intention to withdrew WWI eat de posits. They call the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and: all t them who 'Moire a safe depository for their money, 'lb the undeniable fart, that the proprietors of thin Dank ale net only Relate to the amount of their stock in the 'milk, but are INTIMDUALLY liable to the extent of their , estates fei all the Deposits, and other obligations o ' Ker. Dunlap & Co. Particuaar attention FIVOII to the collection of Fettdun Notes, Foreign Rills., Drafts, Chocks, dc., in any Part 01 the United antes ta)al Caned:as. Remittances weds to any part of the United States England, and • • They will at all times he ',leaned to givs'any inflarnm lion desinal In 're4tard to money matters Impellers' The faithful and ,confidentinl , execution of all order . .. , , _ entrusted to them Ins , he rolled uwn Open. for business filial 0 o'cli. k In the morning unl 4 o'clock in the evening. ,' • ' ' ; • • 11. A. STIIIMON, enabler. • . Carlisle, 'Kug.14,1860 I)U,3II'S AND .C.E.51.1DT ..„,, I,r r . finhirniletement with a rely largo afirertment lif L 'hula and Iron - Purepa,' of all kinds cheaper than ever, at the ifanl ware Store of.' . . . „ atard,l, orn. ~ , • - ' HENRY SAXWIN. a Q UIZ, s El A 111 ) .-- %V m. Fridley would 'ReipecUUlly anneeima to the dilutes ot Carlisle n the poblhi geerrally, that he hoe again • commenced be loaners; luring of tin & sheet Iron Us re Mail kinds S.C. lleyotis betiding nu Imether street, directly , apueile C. Shepley's Chair blinefactory, where in. will • nil them be In readinmeto do all kinds 01'. work In is ilitCof biasiness with nontnom end tilspeteh.. 411 . ark will be himself and a competent band as keeps no.apprentlms. Also, can at all times be had those celebrated SUP LISTING, 131414P-SIIALINU, PREMIUM AIR-1110M ItUIT 04E1/A ,TABS:; +. sr theme spotitlnie; Mill Jobbing' of all .klndi dene et tort notice and made of thu best material. e a 1 - seept'aidt Paid for old Pewter and Copper. fL •• ; • 4 Moping by.sti lam ttentien to business, and a deslye o pleas,44ll, to mama shore of rano patronage. &ado 00:2111,,11140Ay. : Jiaif-Jranbs: CUMBER..L4.Ip VALLEY R. R.- 'WINTER. AIWA IVG7LifENT. P'-`111.! rit- MANDE OF lilitlltSl Oil and after MONDAY. DECEMBER 3,1,1830, Vasseuge Tsui 1 / 1 . will run na follows: (Sundays excepted :) FOlt CIIANIDERSBUDO AND lIARICISDUILO. tat Train. 2d Train 7.00 A. Al. 245 P. M. 7.37 " 3.35 ' " Leave liagerntnwn, ‘• ti,onctuttle. t ut " 'Cliamborsburg,, B.BO " Shipper' sbiarg, Mai- " 1.57 • " 'Newlin°, 0.32 " 2.30' " • " Carlini°. 10.10 " 3.10 " Meeliallosburg, ' 10.49 " 342 " Arrive at Harrlsbure, 11.15" . 400 " FOR. CIIA3IIIEIIBIIUIIO AND II AGEBSEOWN, ' 14 Train. 24 Train. Leave Harrisburg 8.03 A. 31 1.40 P. M. 3loclianiesburg 8.47 " • 2.20 . " Carlisle,. • 0.27' " It 0 •• ~ New vila, . 10.02 ~ 3.34 , 11.11Ippensburg.. .10.33 " 4.05 " " Clumilat'. ( A 'Tiro) 11.00 445 " " 0 rotmeastlo, 11.65 - 635' .., Arrive at Hagerstown.' 12.85 0.15 ~_", TIIIIIIII Bally Tralnirleavo Harrisburg for Pittsli - uri al 310. and 1.(a), A. 31...114 4 '..0. P. 31.. . For Phllialeijobla.Ain Penuisylvanla Central Itallreat. At 2.40 A. 31, .12.55, 1.15. and 523 P. 31. Via tel.nunn V: It. It., at 8.00 A. 31.. And 1.45. P. Si. For Baltimore, at 3.00 A 7.40 A. Si.. A 1 00 I'. Si. For revarton and Rillianwport nt 1.40 and 8.15, P. 'Trains on Dauphin Road at 2.00, I' NI. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stationn where Tichotli are sold, viz: llagerf,town, GrruncaFtle, Chain. beraburg, Shlppotoduirg, Newville. Ca-llale, Mechanics burg.And Harrisburg, a induction TEN CENTS on each ll'irltet. will lin ninth, to all Passonlorx that provide thonianlves beforti ontoting thin Care. O. N. LULL Super't • Railroad Oilier, Clunbersburg, . lien. 7, I , ICO. J. . . NEW AIR LINE ROUTE 'l'o NEW 1.011 K! ~..m,;i7a m i . .. AI MI ,4 II"' SHORTEST IN DISTANCE , AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES , OF NEW YORE AND II A II It I 8 13 IJ It G--NG N N......_ VIA . READI, ALLENTOWN • AND EASTON MORNINeI E PRLSS, %tot. leaves New York at OA. .31.. arrli log at Harrisburg at 12 45 noon, only t; , ,,,i hours between the two cities. 31A11, LINE leaves NOW York at 12.00 noon, and Or. rives at Ilarritlturg at 8.30 I. 31. 3101:SING MAIL LINE East. loaves Harrisburg et 0.0(1 A. 31.. arri, log at New York at 4 ;to P. NI. AprvicNo 'N LEVI:ENS LINE, Ea•L'ittaves Harris burg at 1.12 P M. arriving at New Volt, at 0 Oil P 31t. Conanet bons are made at Harrisburg at Lon I'. 31.'velth tine POMO:I/WM 'Trains lo each direetnat on the Pennsyl vania Cumbe'rland Volley and Not theiti Central Iloil o ad. All train, eon nett at Reading with. trail. for Potts. ville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown fur Mauch Chunk. Easton. be. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New Yrok and Harrisburg, by the M. Line from New Yank or ilm 1.15 P. 31. to to flat eb,burg. For be I,ey al's .tenery. and stow. comfort and accom modation. this roots presents huperiur Miura:Dents to tho travelling DultllL Fare between New Yank and Harrisburg FIVE DOL. LAIRS. For tleker... told ct ter Information apply to .1..1. CLYDE. Illoteral Agent, Ilarritaturg.• ', -- C A RLISLEAN, i. 14 ADEL PH a ;1 5 M, tXS-4: DAILY FREIGHT FREED, {PA III) A: FREED, 611 .v.ttritxr I,TRELT, .I.•& I). IaLAW..., MAIN hint:LT, CARLIS , LC, TA: , AXV - Cari: of this Man leave tlo. Depot, 811 Mlrkiiii iit., Daily, nt 4 o'clotk. P. 31. Leave l'ai•lisle, Doily. at. 7 ~ ' clark„k M. ' • Goodaloteitile.l liar this Mee nliould be market] C. Alr h, Daily Freight Liu.,, and neat Di by 4 o'clock. May 2.4, lhali. - pAND HEADING • It A!L lio 13 51131311111 A lilt A 3;0113111NT, Oa aid after MAY 28, 18G0. Two paasenger 'trains leave Ilarrishurg daily, (Bun. days. excepted.) at 0.00 A. M. nnii 1.13 I'. M. , hr delplAn, arriving theremt 1.2 t noon ni.d II.IL P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia at h.1)0 end 3.30 1 , . 31., arriving at 11arrinbura at 12..1 noon and 8.30 I'. 31. PARES: To Philadelphia, No.l Carp. $3.25; No. 2 (lo warn' train.) $2lO. , Fares to 11eadingo$1,f,0 and $1.30. At herding. ,aninert with trains fur Potteville,'.3lluere. T:111111111,11, lopa. dr. Four trains Ira I,lllllllg for, Philadelphia dully, at 6 A. M , 10.45 A. 31., 12.30 moo and 6.43 P. 51. Leuvo Philadelphia for heading at 0.00 A. M., 1.00 P. ;1.30 P M.. and 5.00 I ' . Pores from Heading 14 Philadelphia. $1.75 and $1 45. Tho morning train from Harrisburg cnu neap at Heading with up train for Wilkeshurro. Pittston bud Scranton. In, through tickets and other information apply to cI.YDE, fliinOral &rent. --A ug. 3; 'fln, W. SCOTT, ENTlipl RN'S FURNISHING STORE AND spurn. MAN FAC . TORY, No. 8.4, Chestnut Street, • Four doors holqw the "Continental lintel" end nearly oppsitelhe•llirard lions,'" I Illlndelphla. A large a,sortnivel. of I/ref-sing !lobes emo.tantly on hand. Parlirelar attention 7. , , , iv0u to op tiered shifts—a perfect fit Rearanteed. , - Wholesale trade supplied with fine shirisand collars qtr !lime I terms. Directives for unelnierement scut on appliestion by; mil. ,July d. 1;110.-1y. E= BENJ. S. JANNEL.JR. & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AM) PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 005 Market Street, 1.111LAIll:3,V1111. • QECOND SPRING ARRIVAL.— IJ LAituE SUPPLIES Full THE HEAD AND FEET. At the store orJohn Irvin, on the N. E corner of the pliblic square. Is the place to purchase Boots Shoes . lists '& Caps. at prices that defy competition. Ile hasjind returned frost the East with tile} largest and most complete assortment of Boots, 't,hoe Mits.& Caps that he has ever presented to this community, and which h•' is determined to toll at the lowest pnsbi• his prices. Ills stook embraces everything la his Una or business. such as 111EN!.9•& , BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip ilootSiCalf and Patent Loather Os lord Ties. Cal and Patent Leather ()alters, Gall , •Culf stud Kip Brogans, Slippers, Sc. LADIES' WEAR. Fine French and English Lasting. Gaiters, liforocco, Call and Kid Mots. Flee Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers,' alorneco, a o Kid Buskins. fir.,h.' • , MISSES AND Gil I Lint EN'S IV EAlt.of all d,criptlone embracing One Lasting ihtiters, Morocco and Lasting Button Boots, Morocco Lien limits of all klude, fancy shoes of satins styles slippers. &c. !EAT, A CAI'S, Silk. Casstmere. Fur and Wool flats of all qualities a n d styles, 8150 a large assortment of STII.II IV 11.1 TS.; Rants and Shies made to ardor at the shortest notice Repel. log promptlc dour. Coned, at of hie ability to` please all classes of customers, he rospectfUlly invites the public to give him a call. Remember the pima, N. Si. corner of the Public Square. Slay 90.'00. R EDUCTION IN 'THE PRICE , OF DRY GOODS. BARGAINS I BAR GALA'S! ! We have. since the New Yoar reduced the 'tirke n} our goods such as Silks, Fignind Marina e, Poplins Reps, Detainee, Cashmeres and all °Mei kinds of chess goods. Mourning Gonda of all ktpde. Shawls of every dercrtpttnn. Cloth Mantles end hantane. ..FURS FURS FURS!!! • At greatly reduced Priem:. "layers i w ici have not sup On plied molten ul th geode eultabl the season will fled It to their advantage'te call and- - on cm block ae we are determined to Owe,. out .ouh - .lVltiter Sleek at Very lo* prfeen: ' . fkiii"Our clock to full and complete In all kinds of de elrablegoode. LicIDICII, PAIVI'EIt* Nil LI,Elt, Oirlisle, January 11. 18131. .. Emit Main Strut. ' Q'evß .IAIN • BAGS.— ust . received • find . fur sale very ellunp'for Cash • _ . " 1860 CIIAS IAs:LiIY. Truirell—., VAN INGEN k•SNIFDER; • Resigners' a nd Engravers on Wood N. E. COIL FIFTH '& CHESTNUT STS,, Philqdelphia ii lXV.CUritt all kinds of Wond. Engra ving with beanie, eorrertnesa anti dispatch. gluel designs futnirtetd for 'Fine lit ok illunitationa. • Persona wishing onto. by laldlliff A l'hotograt h or Da guerreotype. CAA have v ies Oollegeft, ellyrelleP, Sim a Fruntti. Slaihinee. Stoves, Patents, enprared as well AS on personal application. • • • , , Fancy Envelope/I Labels. Dill Headings. Show VIPHHIS, 1310111 Y ,, and other Cards.l.eneravi dtn the c' 11,thentetyle rim t, and at , the lowest prirca For nwelitleitA Of ono engraving see, the - Illustrated works 0f3.1.1. Lippincott& Co., .14,. &Antler ♦ 44. . DEEM! I=