• ~ The Ty rany of Southern4lllllzolteroent. The following letter has been handed to us with a request for its publication, It seems that Some three weeks ago, Mr. Joseph D. Halbert, of this place. procui•ed a eituation for his son Clintibts, with the Messrs. Fritek ej, of Westminster, Md.. After an absence or shalt ton clays, he returned Wilthe fol lowing letter to his father from the m : WESTMINSTER, Feb.' i 7. 1861.. MR HALBERT—Pear Sir: —1 Mil exceeding ly, sorry that your eOn Charley is so. 80011 to return to Carlisle Charley, rather unhesita ,tingly, has expressed his sentiments in favor of the Republican party. The result is, in the present excited state of the •public mind, that'a great many of the people became great ly exasperated and embittered spinet him, so much so list some of the young men actually thriatened to rule him .on aoll, and Instil.. not been for the interferedee, tif;my brother yand myself, ' would certainly.. Itii.ve carried it. into effect. Under the eirctimst'anCee. Char . ley has concluded to return home to-morrow, Thursday, fo'r which 1 am very sorry, as he is well' adapted to the. mercantile business. and would have stilted us in every sense of the word. ' Ile has made good progress in.tho store since he has been with us, and would have stilted us well, had it not been for the unhappy circumstance of his freedom in expres sing. his sentiments. I remain yours very truly, WM.. A. FRITCHEY. P. S.—The reading of the Carlisle Herald which Charley has received, has slab had a tendency to add considerable to the flame. Yours in haste, . W. A. P. • We find by the postscript that the litatAxn, notwithstanding its moderate tone; is • placed under ban, by these would-be secessionists. liathis so-called offender against thS: senti ment of the South, been a man, who, assum ing a defiant attitude had gone into the high ways and proclaimed his adherence to Repub lican principles, there, might. be an excuse found for threats of personal violence, in the imprudence of the 'sot, under the present ex• eitement. But when it is known t hat he is a mere, boy, of eighteen years, who, with the thought lessness of youth,gave utterance to his politi cal predilections, we aro at a loss to know on what plea they base such an act of petty tyrany. God help the people! when boys are to beheld responsible for their opin• ions, and driven from their employment, to appease the 'outraged chivalry of the south. We hope, for the honor of our race, that such proceedings are sanctioned by but few of the citizens of Westminster.. OLD BOOKS.-I'llo Rev. /SELLS, of the 2d Presbyterian Church, bits two books in hie possession which are • real_ curiosities, such to would make the mouth of nn antiqua rian ater to po4sess them.. The one is (loopy, of the New, Testiment, in Latin, published at Basle, in Switzerland iu 1526, itud..believed to be Erasmus last edition, printed without the division of the verse's. The paper is of excellent quality, and the typography singu lady cle4r; and. beautiful ; and to give it the appertrande of a manuscript, the initial letter of each chapter, and all the through. out the entire work, hams been touched with /colored ink, retaining in some cases, ii gloss as if but a day old. Just think of reading a copy of the Gospels. published only five years after the Diet of Worms,' before which Matt• ITV( LI;q11EIL way summoned. anti thirty years before Ca/4111ER was burht tit - the stake.. The other volume is one of especial interest to Mr. Enct.s himself, being a hook of menu script'sermons preached IWIIO4. by the Rev. NathanielEsm.s, the greht, great, great grand father of the present owner. Tho buck is au octavo in .size. the pages written in double columns, avid Indy be rend almost ns easily as printed copy. It was re cently recovered by accident, and is justly prized by. the reverend gentleman who claim lineal descent from this old patriarch. NOTICE TO• ELECTION OFFICERS.-4t has heretofore been customary for the Cl:M[oy Commissioners to send out certified lists of the qualified voters in the different districts, to thtielection - Officers, at: nib Opritig — elections — Ti;is will net be done hereafter, as an act of Assembly passed the 17th of March, 1855,. provides "that , so much Of the act of 18th June, 1840,-as requires County Commissioners to furnish every election district with a list of the voters residing thereiu, be and the same is hereby, repealed," and " it shall be the duty of the inspe'liors•tq whom suck,lists are furnished at the general elections, to preserh the same for use at the township elections." TIM FLAG OF , XLL NATIONS —A pet— ticoat. • I.tLong may it wave." The Reception of the President's In augural In the South.,, The Inaugural nt the President, attracts much comment in the South, as we gather from telegraphic reports, many of the people looking on it as a declaration of war. ' • ' In Tennessee.—Louisville; March .s—The opinions in relation to the inaugural at Nash ville are unfavorable. It is believed that the President is deteimined to retake the forts, and forcibly collect the revenue. Knciaville, March .5.-r—President Lincoln's inaugural is universally condemned, and if correctly reported, will induce Tennessee to fight him to the bitter end. In Missisippi and Alabama.—At Jackson and Columbus, Mississippi, and Tuscumbia, Alabama, the people consider it to be a decht• ration of war. In Louisiana.—New Orleans . , March 5. The inaugural.is most generally condemned. .In Kentucky.— Louisville, March s—The Union men are rather favorably impressed with ebe language of the ivangural, while the sympathisers with the' southern confederacy' think it a declaration of war. Virginia:—The Richmond Whig, (muter. waive) says, that the policy indiCated towards the seceding States will meet with stern, uu• yielding resistance by the united South. The Enquirer (secession) says that no action of our convention can now maintain the peace, and Virginia must fight. The Richmond Dispatch remarks that every border State ought to go out within twenty four hours. Dispatches from Staunton, -Va., says that the inaugural is received with universal dis satisfaction, and resistance to coercion is the feeling of all parties. `Petersburg, Va., hfarch s.—The reception of the inaugural had created intense excite meat. Hundreds hitherto for the Uniett avow boldly for revolution, lithe convention does not itnreediately paste'a secession ordi ranee. ) In South Carolina.—Charleston„ March 5 —This community !testi& been 'disappointed and has exhibited very little feeling in re• gard to the innugural...l. They : are content to leave President- Lincoln and his inaugural re the bands of President Davis and the Congress of the confederated States. Special .J(o((ceer CHILLS AND. VEVERI 'CHILLS AND NEVER] I One of the greatest melodies Abet has over been laid before the public, for Fever and Ague, and whieh have received the highelt encomiums from the prose and the people; in Ull.U. fIO.I4 . ICTTNIt'S UKLEDItATED tiff- TNltd. Who would endure the tortures arising from Shia terrible disease, when it can. be so easily euredt Who would endure aleopless uhtbte, burning feversand toy,chills.alternatelyorhen a remedy can be obtained for a more trine? . - And-yeatiew many Catellles linger out a painful existence under 'tide deadly blight; and ,do nothing but gulp down quinine, nntititteconies as .eommon ac their daily meals. , And yet they are not re. Doted. None Lot the foolish and week would hesitate to procurn'theaa valuable. Diane. and aavatheinsolvte intensessgony:. • Boldhydruggletsainddealerageneralty . eVerywbere. gar Row edverrieraient in another column. ... . • ATTAND TO . COUGTIS AND COLDS.-:-'Thorn is fd significance in the above advice which. If attended to In time, would save hundreds of persoun from, unihnely, graves. Do we not.kuow that many persons neglect to attend to coughs and such like maladies under the Hope tbat'Ontute will curet Nature sometimes does curs; but she will cure much moire rapidly If assisted by wine such' remedy an br.'lCoyner's Pectoral Syrup, which Is compounded for those.very dieennee of the lungs ,in : . bronchial apparatus, so prevalent in cooly port of the United States. We advise cur readers, therefore, who may be afflicted with coughs; bronchial irritation or any disease', of the lungs or wind pipe, to have recourse at once to this remedy, whither. Keyser has prepared with 'groat care for the' cure of those cnaes.—Tlmely attention will save: much suffering and 'oftentimes the life of the person using It. Sold at fifty cents and one dollar per bottle, by Dr. Keyser, No. 140 Weg7d Street. — _ .tkar Sold by. S. SLI.IOIT, Carllßlo, P 0.701 11S.-The sudden changes of our climate are sources of PulnuMary, itronehini, and ..Antlinuale Affections. Experience having proved that simple come. dies often net speedily nod certainly WiIPTI taken to the early stages of the disease. rticoui se should at once be hind to oltrinrit's Itronehhil Troches," or Lounges. let the Cold, Comth. or !Minna,' or the Throat to ever so ns by this precaution n more serious al tack may be wsrded off Public Speakers and Singers will find them offectwil fir clearing and strongthen.na the voice Pee advertisement.' Nov.:10. 'OO .am Markiagts. • At ITernion'o Trott', on On, '29th ult.. by neV. Jacob Fry, 91r.GEORGE W. STAUFFER, to 911 to Ehriapwrii SPOTTS, both of Muth Aliddltton, Comb. to. Pa: , At Waroltm's Hotel, on the 4th Inst., by the game. Mr. ABRAHAM MEALS, to Miss HANNAH A. situ) LY, both of tho vicinity of Petersburg, Adams co. Pa. On the 2Sth ult., by the Rev. J. Ulrich, Mr. GEORGE W. S:sZYDEIt; of Frankford top., to Mho SUSAN 7.IM MER3IAN, of Muchnutesburg. On the :let ult , by the Rev. Wm. Kopp. Mr. 30IIN SIIUPI'. to Miss HENRIETTA WISE, both of South Middleton. Vie glariuts. CARLISLE PRODUCE MATIFLET. Reported oodwar weeklyd & Schmi ß dt. - tbr the eread by W • FLOUR (Suporfino) do. ( Ex trn ) do. (Entntly ).. ' 1.0111`" 11111: WHEAT... RED - do RV I , • • • • NEW do OATS. per 12 OATS,per So CLOVEUSEED..... ITMOTUYSEED.:.. S MONO BARLEY. WINTER BARLEY Jihnertismitents CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! 1, PersOns going to housekeeping and others want ing) to refurnish. are rospertfitily invited to exarolno our Inrgeand. , nried sto^k of Corpsts, turb as itrussols, titre., ply. r,uperior Ingrain, English and Domenic, to "i'::,l4" 1 width's, HEMP AND RAG CARPETS, Druggnts, Rugs, Straw 'and Cocoa Mattings, 011 Cloth; for lions Looking . lasses, plain and bailey blinds and shades, fixtures, kc. - • • llousekerpftv Goods of Every Description. Hering purelmled these ponds fnrit Comb, we are prepared to pifer greet Indureannu to to buyers RR we barn lately gone Into this business we can uarrant our goods new end LFIDICIt SAWYER & MILLEIL, Carlisle, Marsh 8, '6l. East Main Street. VSTATE NOTlCE.—Letters mentary on the espito of Margaret Porter, late of Pon. twp., deeht, hare been if 6110(i by the Register of Cumberland county to the subscriber, r, siding in said township. All persons hnowlint themselves Indebted to sold estate will tolke Immediate pytuent, and those having claims wilt pre,out them fur settlement to .10IIN T. OREE:4, Mar. 8, '6l.—tit.. Executor of Margaret Niter deed. 1, - IXECUTOIt'S NOTICE.- Notice it; Jh r by given that Letters Textamentary hare thin day been tinned by the ituglater of Cumberland county, on the-last Will and Testament of thtvid Iluckwaltnr, late of Frankford_twp., deed., to the undersbtu ed, ro• tidied In Bald towlmlilp, All pornons knowing them- Pi Ives Ind.:lAM are called upon i',r payment, and those baring dolma will please pi count them for settlemaut [0 HENRY 131:0KWALTEll, }larch 8,1651.—ft. ' Executor. 0WA,11.1.) ASi:OCIATION! P.Ill;A-Dh'l,ll1IA A leuovolrnt Institution, established by special elfr. dowment fonthe relief of the hirk and distressed, afflicted with Virulent mid Epidemic . diseases., and especially for the Cure of DilwetreS of the Sexual Organs. •- MEDICAL ADVICE give i p gratis. bribe Acting Sur. dl.O/1. to nil who apply by e tier , with cleArrintion, or their co:1411110n, Otte, or ohntion, tilet. or Ille, and in cares of extrema overly. Medicines furnished free of chart,o. VA LUA ISLE REPORTS n Spaftnatorrhota, and othet Diseases of the Sexual Owens, sAid on the NEW DI:M EDI,, employed lu the Vispenaary. sent Loth° afflicted ht seal Intel envelopes, 11,.'5 - charge. Two or three Staulps .stage will be acceptable. Address. DR. J. 51(11.1.EN 11011011 TON, Milne; Sur peon, Howard Association. No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, in. lly order of tho Dirertol a, EZRA D. IIEARTWELL, President 0 P.O. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. March 5, 1561.-Iy. h[IOTOGRAPtIY in all its brithelips executed in the best . style known In the art, at C. G. CRANE'S GALLERY, No. L 32 Arch Street, Fan Of Silth, Life Size in Oil and nar STEREOSCOPIC I'OI:TRAITS, A.MBROTYPES, DM:/ERRE:OINY L'ES. A. for cases, Maltallona; and OrdCrs for Goode promptly attended to. Man h 6, 'nl.—ly. .• 13"CrIPS RAW BONE SUPER-PH V OIIATF; OF LIME '\ I= -. ]..A,,IJGH. ,t SONS, No.F{O . South iVharves, .P.OII,4DELP'III4. CO Price; $45 per 2000 Ws , in strong Sacki FARMERS, REMEMBER ! ' This article Is prepared from RAW syd, con tains nlargo nement of tenni:leg iioustittllqut; - "edtbod led In no other Mueller proptrati.m. - 1. It In slipurlor to Peruvian Oueuo, produ4ng; Income ens...A, 50 vor cent. pure. '' 11. It costs tit per tun loss. 3. It has nil the virtue of Pure Bone, while yeu lose no • thno in waltinefor it—it acts nt once. . .1. It Turnisbes precisely Cho loud required fur the grow- log crop. 5 It permanently I mprovesabe P6II. n. It produces large mops of Ifsln:v. 7. It prevents the at•acics of worms. S. It does hit exhanat the soil. P. The last reason .I:Tyco should use it, is that then 'you can make a practical test no to the truth of nil tliegt assertions. It will eu4t but little to give It a try.]: , ..t We also manufur.t.eof . "pROUND -- RAW BONES." (guarantied pure.) Cash Price, $35 per 2000 Pounds. The above :itanures wo warrant entirely lieu from adulteration, being manufactured under the personal Superintendence of one of our Prin. BAUGH LC; SON'S. No: 20, South Wharves, Philada.. or The highest CASH paid for 111/NtiSrthil 11 h , - lINE . WA'l'oll ItliTAI hING.- V .C. KREMER. • • t t o New Jewelry Shire on East ... pg. Main street, near the Public el.:* Elquare, is prepared to clean and . • repair the Finest Watches, and. ' c -..• : -,...114 warrant theta to sire entire satisfaction. Also tine Vantle .I. . .. ... Clocks °Yell kinds, IllusicAl lion •' • .' • •..` es, Accordions. Ac. put in COW" ',V, 4 I, '.^;c pieta order, and warranted. ..I 111ik.'1,.., . .. '.s. I "'"' • Car I *iKELETON SKlRT.—Anotherlargo /nipple or those superior and cheap steel spring sk rte lust received. Decidedly the best and cheeped% In Carlisle, at the cheap Cash Store Nor. 2, 11160. OGILIW, Trustee. 600 TRACE CHAINS .OF • ALL kinds wlth, a large assortment of BUTT CHAINS, HALTER CHAINS,- BREAST CHAINS; NINTH CHAINS, 1.00 CHAINS, TONGUE 01I' INS. COW CHAINS, SPREAD Am.,idm., • Just received at the Cheap hardware Store of March 7, .60. HENRY SAXTON. RIME YELLOW PLN.E LUMBER. L —For Salo. 134 blob F63lound Floaina Boards and 2 {orb Plonk. Apply to Q. °Lass, Carlhile. Fob. 22. 1881.-3 al. O . IIA RCOA L.—Any amount of' Char.- 14...Yanl can be had by applying to Christian Leib, near Dolling Spring. or IL Glass, Carlisle. rob. 22. '6l.—dm. otl,i STA'rE..NOTECE.—Letters testa i Mortar!, under the will of Abraha m Doner, late cat Pennaboro' townehip, der'd., hate been ironed by the Register of Cumberland county, In dueform of law, to the subscriber reattlinn. in the name township. All Persons indebted to the estate. are required to make Immediate payment, and those havlna cialute to present then, fur battlement to - DAVID DM Itli, March I, 1801.—Ut. ' . .. . . Executor. NOTHJE:—Notice is hereby given, that application for Llannee,' under the .severat acts of Assembly, must be filed with the undersigned. on 0i before the 11th flay of Starch twat, otherwise they will not be Lima • , JOHN FLOYD, Clerk. 18111'-2t ch. . ,THE .RODIUGGER.', This Woodorful lole; just.pateiltOcl, is -.. Something softaxtr.s ,And.ovier 'before offered, to agents: who sea .sniote; overywhere. , , Foil -particu lars sent PRISM. •Address 0, • 4 1i5r.1461„ . MAW CLARK, DiddelbrCilsine.. pouf I.IOOSE ST4TRMENT FOR . - TILE YEAIeIB6O. Announce Dorm, WILLIAM ORACET and 3005 :HILLER, ' Esquires, Director), of the Poor and of the House of Employment of tho County of Cumberland, in account with Raid County, - fern The lirst day of January to the thirty-firet day of December, MU. 1.4,,,, ' 4../ 44 4 ' DR. , • To.mash r - col vi:lt irotrto'utkl, . ' $lO,OOO 00 44 loaned frOm Ilarrish irg flank, • , .. 2,000`h0 44 Dem it. M. liondeFS' n, for use et E. • M0b10r,,.,10 , 0 - 50 " from C. Inhoff and'qihers for Candice. '' -- - and tallow, ' 118 38 44 John Stuart for lumber, • . 15 55' 1 44 Col. Gracey, refunded, - ' 13 0 ) 44 '• A. ilusler, Esti:, " 55 • " .Cohanissloners, Interest refunded, 10 07 44 J. 51 Means, Esq., lur use 910. Laugh lin , 51 113 n• ' wodtvard A- Pchinidt, for hags, 91 58 Dicectoru on oottlemont, 1 36 4 4 J. IL Held or, 001.. One, 490 .4, 44 J. Meier, money. leaned, 50 00 44 J. Oh:infante, her hides, : 216 50 ' Drovers t'or pasture, • '-'' 0310) " 'C. I nhoff. fur fags, 4 74 " J. I'. Sterling, 11,r use of Mrs. IS net lie. . 120 00 " D. Wherry, ENO , for use of 51m. Hol ler,. • Id 00 Mr. Kieffer, and others, for gralti, de., 3 45 " , Franklin co. Poor House for maul pan or' ' It per,' 14 OS . . . . Paid Bentz and others, merchandise and gro ceries, • $3,053 40 " Mrs. hullahurg and others, out door aid, 1,007 35 0 F,,, shoemaking. tailoring s: hotting, 204 10 " Perprinting proposals for new barn, • 2 00 " For t3addlory, o 57 0 J. Clerrettiu. for leather, . 131 80 " W. Ho VWPod, Ihr Plows, 32 75 " F. EAU dt,ifor scuds, Ste, 5 35 0 - For out dirtrlCuterol expenses, 87 00 . " Cambria, and other counties, outdoor paupers, , 58 32 " Countable and justke fees. 160 25 " Dr, Coovor, mutt 0t5070, out-door medh t...„„„ cal old, - - 32 50 " F - 5 - r rolls and malting fence, 53 60 " Pus elder pro.. and materials for farm, 131 71 " For tinware and tinkering, . 163 II ,• .1.1 L0ud,,,,. for stationety, .. 850 For three stove 4 and pipe, . . 27 25 It 1). 0114 and others, tOr nom furniture, 05 no " .1. Littrapt, foe old tut allure, . 61 00 " For weaving dyeing and carding,. 24 33 " A. Bottler and others, stock and hooves, 1,081 20 " For wood nod cool, 757 32 " For lumber, ' 2.117 45 . . " li.r earpentoririg and painting, 82 S 7 " For illitekamilliing, 210 02 " „For wagonntaking. O7 00 " 11. Saxton, hardware for 1077, 104 42 do. d 6. 1800. 140 78 " A. Dolor and liundersou, grain grind. lug. 1,12.8 75 • Carlivlo Hank, and others; for money loined, ' 2,060 07 Minton and NlTiinnis, dowry, ' 281 78 • State I.unatie•Aaylonn, 404 SO : • Expresa.and postage, s 54 '6 F. 4. soo.loloa, 20 10 Mrs Lolt.tch, extra pay as matron. 47 J 7 . 1)r. S. P Zeigler, salary and tnedlciaen o 108 t;'.! '• it. SnAr. stow.rd, 1 years sslar), 618 78 • " Drui:s and 88 88 " Harrisburg Bank, interest for money oo 33 Jacol; egulec, Mfg , sa . lary,so 00, IV. .1. Hwarer, Et.q., salary and fee to Ilarrinbarg, 35 00 .f. 5.11114. r, 1.:,1, error In account, 23 40 .1 Trimble. Esq., extra pay, 22 50 • .1. Bosley, En)., do. 00 00 " W. G racey, Esq., do. 24 00 Ilalando dun Treasurer at last hettlement, 06 19 Of the foregoing expenritturen $4,187 It were paid fur Stale contracted lu the 3'1.11,1 1h55 and ItlsU. , JACOB IiqUIER, Erg., Treahurer of the Poor House and (louse of Employment ut Cumberland County, In aeeoutit with the Directors of mid Itiatitutlon, front • the lat - dly of January till the Slat day of Decentbor, • A. D To cash from Coordy Commisl-Inners, • $lO,OOO 00 Irnm ibtrriitrltro: ikwk, 2,000 00 OP from dillerent sources, as exhibited In Cho foregoing statement, 072 00 By cosh paid on Directors' or. den., . . ~$13,633 53 3 Balums duo Treasurer. atlast ~---- bUitloment, lid 12 , 13,619 72 , STOCK OCSIIL I , lnr , t I 3 J.VIIIMIT, ISO 7 horses, 2 colts rising 3 years old 14 uillrb eows, 10 steers. 12 Yoke or ‘r irking oxen, fi bead of flock exttle, calf, 14 pl.;s, i 5 oho.rt•, liraodiug soave, 0 sheep, POEK, Boa AND TEAL. EATTEIED AND KILLED ON TOM 46 bPavon (average weight 041 37-46 lba) 25,001 lbs.: 7 calves (avutago 61 lbs.) 440 lbs.: 47 bogs (aver age weight 100 lbs.) O,OOU lbs.; waking In all 34 43016 x. UTENHIL3 ON VIZ 7.11111, 107 JANUARY, 100. ,1 broad and I narrow wheeled wagons. 1 stone wagon 1 wavn bed, I pair winfil ln•lders. 8 paint hayladdin s. 1 cart and cart gears, 1 jackscrew, I spring wagon and harness, 1 largo Sind, b p10w5,.2 alligie shovel plows, 0 double shovel plows, 4 harrows.] large cull traitor, 4 one horse cultivators, I ground roller. I grain drill, 1 thresh ing machifie horse pow., and strap, I windmill, I fod der cutler, 0 whoelbarrows.2 log chains, 6 setts of wagon gears, 26 cow chains, 2 11111 chains, I carry ing chair", if salts of plow gears, 0 leather tiv nets, I wagon middle, 9 halter chains, nod halters, 2 gi r intlqttoues, I sett of ear pooter's tools, 1 sett of blacksmith's tools, I sett of butcher's bads. 7 gi sin cradles. 17 mowing scythes.! hire horco rake, 4 picks, I mnttm•k, 3 crowbars, Mono drills, ii shovels. and n variety of quarrying' tools, also. spades. forks, rakes, sickles. corn hong. Mons .1311111 Malt, /2M 5110 WINO Tilt PROCELOS OF TILL FARM WOK 1500, I,COO bushels of wheat, 32 bushels of rye, I.IIS bush. els of corn, 600 bushele of imbltoes, Fni bu•helo of timo thy seed, 55 loads ell hay, .2,000 bushels of oats. 21 10,05 of corn fodder, 0 'owls of pumpkins, :110,1 heads of cab• .logo, :{(100 cucumbers, 40 bunhals of beeto 4U buebelsuf turnips, :V) busbnis of pirsolps, .13 1,041015 of .1/101111,'IU bushels of been, I I Ombels of redlsbes,o buqoris of to. nottoos, I bunt.] of pen, I . lm:did ell red peppors. 2 40 comforts. 205 shirts 180 chemise, 200 frocks, 104 aprons, 40 bonnets, 71 socks, 05 caps. 5) pairs stockings fouled, 01 pairs of stork' tip and s3aks knitted, 40 tnwria. 00 !ilium eases, 10 holgtarq, chair bags, 70 sheets, 130 handk. rchiefA hymned, tabio cloths, 03 skirts, 100 Its h ird soap, CO barrels soft seep, made 10 yards rag carpet,.a pairs mittens, 05 pairs pants, 24 vents, 15 un ter nemeses,. 15 . peIrs answers, IT rtnindabouts. 179 bogs, done $32 84 north of shoemaking Is the linuse caper;, 01,0 111 !mars of new shore wore made by 1/. p 15 Ink uua mended, atuountivg to $7O 54, wll,lell.3rrn en 1 nut,l33.lcr, 3 c1i3.301, 3 031333, 1 rupignird, U tthiglottene, 1 63,1AI:title, 130 hammer LI ENItV 3N11)ii11, ELIZA111:1711 SNYDER, 3latron. Number of peupers in the 'muse on the let day a:Januar*. 'MU), of whirl., 3-1 wore colored. 13) Number adihlttint up to Slat day of ',number, 1810, of which 33 woro colored and `5 boru In the house s • 210 513.1:!ng the whole no. through the year, 379 No. dled, of which 8 worn colored, 19 No. hound 01lt, No. dlecharged nod eloped, • . 212 Leaving the number remaining In the house ou the lot Jay of January, Igel, of which It ere colored, 13:1 Out doer pauper. supported xt public expense through the year, 60 Of whom 4 deed end 4 tilecoutluuo, .42 •There are aloe-In the Stain Lunatic Hospital, nt II trrhiburgi who are supported at public ex, puttee nt the rat. of $2 60 per week each, ex• cluplve of clothing, •' Whole number remuluing chorgoable at the end of the year, . 184 There are in the house SS maleo of whom 7 ore colored, There are In the house M. females or whom II new colored, sl . And out-doer paupers Including those In the Luustie Hospital st Ilorrisburg,. 45 —•184 , nle July ,160.—1 y There are as near as can fin ascertained in the house, 4 under 1 year old; S from I to 5 years; 11 from 5 to 10 peen.; 2 from 10 to 15 years; 5 from 15 lo 20 years; 15 from 20 to 30; IR from 30 to 40; 20 !rota 40 to 50; 16 f rum 50 to 00; 20 from 00 to 70; 14 front 70 to Big 4 from 60 to 00; 2 from 90 to 10U. In addition to the hove 2033 transient paupers or travelers bars broil received and supported for short periods without regular orders. We the directors of the poor end of the Musa of Flue iiielqueut of Cumiterland county, do certify that the. shore and foregoing otattunent contains a just and true exhibit of the Institution, during the period allove eta. ted seclrding to tlye beet of cur knowledge. : • ~...,\ ~, (liven under our hoed and the seal of said sit; A ii, , office, tole 14t1„tlay s of January, 1861. • ‘......) A. posum, . . 1 Wlt, (1 ItACEY I . .10FIN WILLER. We the undersigned Auditors of Cumberland County having amunlned the account and vouchers of the DI rectors of the Poor and Home of Employment of the said county, from the let day of 'limitary, to the PM day of December, A D.. MO, inclusive, do certify that we find a bnianco due tomb tlquier. Esq. Trennurer, of said iniditution of the sum cf six hundred and aty. seven dollars and ehtly.three mute. Olven under our hunch at Carlisle the 10th day of January, A. D.,1801. • OEOEHE KOURY., JOHN IT: COMMIE, JOHN S. DEE bAP. Auditors of Cumberland County. F OR RENTt—The two-itory-.l3riok Miaiii t lately oecuplod by John . D. Duncan, on Went High btro.t. , The property in all, gibly rlturtteil.: near the Railroad Depot. , The Dwelling Howie and store ram will bo rented iteparately if. de.. alred and loamodlato posianwion given. Apply , to March 1, , JOHN li. DARRRII. . D uKINsoN COLT EGE • . GRAM MALI BCllOOb, • • ' , Term Opeus,Thur , day,l7th January: The•Pilosipal A, F. Hu LLIN, A. 13, has pmeed himself a superior. teacher, and we eati,m4.l). Commend the schoolits.one of the beat classical school" In the tonittry, , '. , •• pb.1.1881.-2 mom, U. = SEiIE = WORK MARL lY AAPLNT Lit KUOP A • CARDTO T E.I.ADIES . . Dr, Dnponoo•e, Golden Pi lle for, Fen lc~ee. infallible in correcting, regulating or removal, all obstructions, from- w(ratever cause, and always successful as'hNyreentire., The Combination of ingredients In Dr.. Duponco 4 s Holden Bills are perfectly harnaltra 'they have been 'usua is the pricatelencticoof old Dr Dtipeneo, for SO yam's, and thousands of 1040 can testify to their great and never failing success an almost every case. In roe meting Irregularities. relitiving Painful and distressing ' menstruation. particularly at the change of Ilie. [non - 11ve to ten pills will cure that common, lat dreadful complaint, the Whites. Nearly every fanitle In the loud setters from this complitint The :above pill bee pernin no t'y cured thousands,aud %Striae yen if you use them. They cannot harm you, en the contrary' they remove all obstructions. and restore nature to Its proper channel, anti Invigorate the whole system; they are porlectly safe and harmless Price $1 pee boo. Sold wholesale and retail alb B. ELLIOTT, Druggist, Carlisle, ra. axle) Is the male unmet for that place Ladles, by remit. !lug him $1 to the "Car 1910 Post Office" ran halm 111 J neat tai nay part of rtha. country, free of postage, by mail. gold also by Chan. A Bounvart,. Harrisburg, T, york, J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville and by, one druggist in eVery village and town In the Colon. N. 11. Utah out for comitetleits. Buy no uolac,, PIIIB of say kind, unless every 'gm Is signed by S. D. Hews. All others area base Imposition and unsafe, therefor,,, as you value your lives' and health, (to say nirlhWg of being humbugged out of your money) buy only these echo Phew tho signature of S: B, Howe on `every box, 'which has recently been added un nerount of a recent counterfeit of the Pills. S. I). 110W11, Jan 29 51 ly Solo Proprietors New York. $1 ' 972 09 CO ()1.4 :AM ATION WHERNA the lion. JA).ES IL GRAHAM, Prei.l. dont Judge of the several Courts of Common Pleas of tho counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery In said counties, and lien. Sam- BRIO( 0 ad' !ion. M. Comm, .hidges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gomm] Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, Ir, the maid county of Cumberland. by their precepts to me dl. rected, dated the 19th of Noventlxr DM, hare ordered the Court oftlyer and Terminer and G num.:tidal' Delivery to he holden et CARLISLE, on the second MONDAY vi Aprtl. (being the 13th day,) at 10 o'clock In the rofooooll. to 1.0111,11111 one weeks. NOTICE IS liEltEllY (II YEN to the Coroner. JUF.. arcs of 1110 Price and Constables of the said COO nty. of Cutoberieml, that they are by the said precept cont. nonmed to lit: then and there lu their proper persons, with their rolls. records, InquDitions, examinations 011t1 all other remembrances. to do those things shine lo their ofnrer apportrin to he done, and all thn.‘e tied are bound by reeegulzances. to pronesuto against; the prlsonms that are nr then shall he In the jail of; said outlay, are to ho there to prosecute them as shall be just. ROB' r. McCARTNEY, Sheriff. Simmer's Orric::. Carlisle, Eel,. 8. 'ISM. 1 Plul " f i rCt e ( ?6 " :t. ' ll% A „ l r ' u r' : ' — null :Fancy Store recently kept he doreased 7 In afered for nolo, on easy terms, ton good purchanor. to whom Iniinedsite wOowssion con lie given. Thu Ecru having Fenn opened I,ut a short time, tho stoat Is theretaro comp tratAyely new. and with prop, addit'onn to up he ansorltitent, would ben I.ndltablo lrhsints. For toms and othalulortnation apple tr ti, toil. IIF:NIIV SAXTON rATI4.I NOTlCE.—Letters :Testa , imootor., on tho ontat , of Wlilinut Shrivel . , (101.51, bite of Penn townAllip, hoeing been Isom,' by tt, Ite'gh.ter of Climberland County, to the Fmlwirib, pitting In Itenn top., make l le pis':•u to all per- FM'S indrtted C, sold estate to Make. pay alent„ Mid th having riAnts toprehent. them duly :lothentWated to JOHN T. (tItEEN. Feb.ls, t. Executor,. FI'AT E tors of ag _,lminiFtralori on the estalte.i4-%Conrail Clever, i le P ulhampton tmo nvhip. dee'd.. have IlCerl Issued by ho Ilegittrr of Cthnberland Connty-to Abe cabling in the S3l. top All petvonaindolAvd to tie: •vtato aro required to olio hnnoeliale paytnent. and 01060 having claim.; to prevent them for vat thne•it t to 1).•& Adult astrators of Colirad Clever, dee'd. Feb. 22. 1561.;--3 t. f 1.1419 72 It E A 1) 1.11.5C1 VIT &e. ,p• Creme of — racier ": 4 nhstitule" is recommen ded its n superior artiele in combination w ith Seleretus O r SA,* for linking purposes. It.prodicees breed i..11q• &c.. width when cold are sweet. moist and while no, of Creme of Teeter are Mien die end taste less. It will cost le, than Create of nod Is used in tl mane may for cooking, he. SCIISTITUTE, together with Salocatu,' Soda. Pyre Cream of 'near, it,..ht .t new Ito?. Mustard Sen..l. ground .and on. ground, ~ p ices of all k hole. unedulteraced, Mid 1.1S1) Urocaries ill every verity constantly - in hand, raid at tits lowest priers for sale by Dee. 11; pce, J. W. EBY. 1 NOTieli—Notice is ' thereby given. to Air persons Interested, that the fe lowing Ceeiltiot4 bare Lein klod in Oda Whet., by the accountnitts thoroin fleeced, for execoluation. and will he pre.cdted to the Orphan's Court of Cumber/nod County, for confirmation and allowance, Cu Tuesday, the Nib day of March, A. D., 1861, cgs: No. 1. The test end 1111211 rieeootit of John Oiler Ad miel-t rotor of tlit, 1./40t.. of William ilefllelinger, Into Of-Dickinson township, doemierd. Thu first nod mn.i account, of ihhnry 0 Ife.orcr, ad• minl , tretce of tl.e. c7tat,r,ti Ms". 1%. - 44;.4 Into of host Peensboro, deed. 1. Thu second and final account of John 11. Coovor, executor of the last will end tortamout of Jacob Holier, -late of Upper Allen top, doe d. 4. 'rho guardienship account of Jonathan. Snyder, guardian of Smote Ilartzler, formerly SISS.III Seitz. a minor child of Jacob "tells !sleet West l'unnsbero• twit., deed. S. Tho first and final account of Andrew narrett, ad ministrator of the estate of Catharine thirrett, late of Shophordstown, th.c . .l. H. 'the tirst,and final account of Cyrus linen. rla,. of the °stet,' of .1 ohn Wolf. Int, of milli top., doe's!. 7. 'rho nommit of.lolto mounts. executor of the but will and testament of John Wynkoop, lido of W cwt Pentishoro` top., deed. H. Tho neceunt of Devitt Finkenbirder, aduer. of the _est,rdenf.(icorge • Finkonblude_r, Jet° of Crnickford anp. z doe'd. U. The account of Samuel Meow, tbe', of the estate of Jonas. Landis, late of 31111lin twit.. deed 10 The account of Alexander _Comm ie. adm'r• cif the estete of Abraham Nuke), late of North Middleton top, deed. . 11. The guardianship account of Joseph Culser. guar. 'Man of dosophfcce Se•doci, a minor child of John Saxton, Into of North 11.1.110t0n twp,, deed. I'2. The guardianship account of John Irvine. guar 'dine of Reboaa 1.. Law, Illi1101.1.1111(1 of David I, C. A. BRADY, Register. Ilkoc:erra , . Or Pir fit[Carlisie, Tebrunry £12,V72 OD Mil WILLIAM P. LARISIT. 11. AIVAILT7- t AIt K & IV Alt , VIMOTII rffo,.rob RA Pll GA LED; r, S. E. Corner Eighth and :I.4,;:hllJtrenta, (ENTitANCi: OX STIIEET,) After ninny ear.: experience la 1111 the varinuc bran• v14.414'0. Art. the Proprhitorr in% ite the atitoiCt6 rt. :00. the p‘ntth , to their ~ t -too,tro too,tro 000t.;i,tt.00,a. Inch presents the oppertunity fir preedilliZ the..ant pltures, equal at luxe:, to soy first-clash ti - illery In 013 If !died S/t.lui+. PriViretiiiiii: are otpleiciVer anneallng nil the tin• proved style. , I..tawn to the Art. They !lava a patent arrangement enpyiny.: iniguerrroly,e, mai:- leg then. Lice 147. i. lidiedreil—the thi y a to of the hind In title count•;. Attached to tuls obtal , ll 4 lnuent are three coloring Artlnts. PEUT ::Ac9F,lnd adi ng 14i1nII g, as iuvr as }2 .00 Da • with l'no.tc, • •• ,• 2,0:4 - at 75 cunt,. and Si. I:4:trit comm. 50 cents, or $5 pm,dr/en. I.or stzu Pooto.rephs nslow ns O. nod I vroytpu :tt tame prier. bumble Authrotypos At 5 0 con is and 11pWrit A. trios; m.tmlsive sq.,,,:tmer.t or cut Frames log a select 041(.1 0110100 variety of Um Incept 1.ty!“1. Prices from 02 cents and upward, I:speaul attontiOn bostnyed upon Life steed Photo. graphs In Oil. transNrrml from mall Ida utea, and Irma Pare. from $5 oto I 00. - ost!iuctirus given in tha Art. Fa,. 2'2, 4 -. OM rhISSOLUTION OF PARTNER. •rtherAldp hervtoforn exlAting un. der the firm of Bllltoll BLACK. h,o this de" Lien tilog.ilvet by mutual consent, therefore no 11,uld snakit ull,these Indebted to come and settle their eceouut.,.. 1 end all those-having elnievi will please proent them fur settjumunt. JACOB SHRUM. itoßEicr 11. III.ACIt. Jaw. 3, ISGO. • Tito business will hereafter he continued at the old , stand of Shrum A; Black. under tho firm of BLACK A. DEL A NOY. where WO . will keep constantly on hand oil kinds of LUMBER AND COAL of OVetY • duo iPthm. which we will Hell at the lowest each urines, and nil or dors fir bill stuff will be promptly ntionded to on the shortest notico We are thankful for Abo patrenage of a icenerona public at the old stand of .Shrenti At Black, and would still solicit a 'continuance. :Alf - Orders left at the resident.° of Jacob Affront for coal and lumber, will be promptly attended to as heretofore. BLACK A DIRLANCY. Jan. 11; itlo FARMERS. 80,000 barrels • Poudrette, made by the Lodi Manufacturing Co., for sale In lots to suit purchasers. Tblcie the CHEAPEST FERTILIZER In market: • s3.worth will manure an erre of corn, will Increase the crop from one-third to one-half and will , Ipen Ike crop two weeks earlier, and unlike guano, nel r injure the seed nor land, it pamphlet with satisfactory evidence and full parlidulars, will he sent gratis to any one sending address to . Win -MAN CFACTUMIPIG , Feb, 8,-10t 130 South 11 hareus, Philadelphia. S • TORE ROOM FOR RENT.- •. The Store Room on East Main Street recently occupied by Lehllch & Sawyer, le offered fur rent from the let of April next. ' For terms enquire of 11. A. Sturgeon, ' Dec. 21,1860.-t. f. ' ELIZA lIITNER. F • OR lIENT..,'—The large tteterstory Brick flume with large feet duop, oltunted on 7'; • W' front Main Seteat will be rented from the lot April MI. Celt, it, the Jewelry Store In seldtulidiett. lure iB, ISM DIDER WINDOW SHADES.--A. large anaortinent of now styl e Window Illindajust received at the cheap More of, ' Carlisle, Feb. 15,'U: ' ' C. OGILItir, Trustee, • .. CIARPET ..CITAIN:- . --A npw'supply of k_Auperiorcarivut , Ottedu,juet recelef d at , Ilts cheap store of . • .:.. ; , , , , .CIIAB. 0011.111% Feb. lh,1861. ; , ; ;,,. ; ;- 1 , , , ;: : .: Trustee. V.OR SALE.— A good sioOnd•han. ' atibopermid Olgoe. 1141* Bopt. 28; 'GO.' • 400110 wet _ ' TOrl”tre:oo3 ASUPERLATIVE TONIC,DIURETIC, 4417 7 DYSPO IIIi° Cat_ INVIGORATING, CORDIAL To the citizene of New Jersey Sr Pennsylvania, Apothe caries, Druggists, Grorers and Private woira Pure Covnv Windy. W Pm Pure Mode , Is. Sherry Our Port Wino. Wolf*. Pure .Imo: lea and St. (3,11 Rum. WoWs,Pure Scotch. and blab Whi , hey. . ALL IN BOTTLES. I beg leave to call the attention of tits ettir..tria of the United States to Mkt MbOVC Wines and Liquors. Impor ted by Udolpho Welto, of Now York, whose name is fa miliar in every part of this country for the purity of his celebrated Solllrol3l Mr. Wall in its let. ter to 111, speaking of the purity of ilk Will. and lA. qnors, says: • I will stake any reputation es a man, mu standillZ as n moral:int of - thirty years' residence ,tn-t he city of New York, that till the Brandy and Wines Odell I bottle are pure MR imporod, and or the hest 'quality. en • it,, Ito relied upon by every purelwer " Every bottle has the prdprit.t. is Mims On the wax. and a fee simile of his signature on the certilbate. The public are respectfully invited to call 4,14 examine Mr themselves. For male at Retail by alhApothecaries and Grocers in Upiladelpitia. George 11. Agit", No. S 3 Merbet St. Tile Agent for Philadelphia. Rend the folhitrinit from - the Neve York Courier: 'lriorotous liusitiet.S. for one New York •Merehant —'Eva are happy to Sulam 6ur fellow citizens tied there in One pines In our city when. the phyi•iei.n. 21p,.11)0 , 11rY, and country inJrclinut, can go and purchase purr. Wines and liquors, no pure as imported, and of the hest quail ty. 11 odo not Intend to give an elabilrato th.s,ription of this merchant's extonslve loodoess, altitnegh till well repay any' stranger nr eitiZen to Wohili, extensive unrelattise. Soo. IS. 50antl12.11eaver street. and lion. IT, iii and di, Nail el field street. Has stock of Schnapps on hand t.,..1) 7 for shipment could not have Leon less than thirty thousand eNtio 4 : the 14011 , 1 y sorio ten thousand ..arto,—Viiita,es of Mk.; to lain. sn.l ten,thousnull mote,: vf Maderla. She, ry and Port Whir, Scotch Irish Vt hishey,,.lttelaicA null Ed.. Croix Rain. some v..cy old .0 •to at.y In (hie conutry. cellars 1111...1 o itit Brandy, in risks, undor enstout How, key, rs...ly for bottling. Mr. 1% fintfe ...ties of S.hilapps last y ear amounted t a one humbsol and e 1,111.; thousand dt amt we.hopeld too years . he may Ito sueresstul with Ids lh.ando, noel Wino, J11*1.11.1111 , S merits the tettoom,..s. of evil:: lover of . ;..peel , •:. Private fontilles trioo wish pure it ines and Lion...ft for medical us , • should sent th,dr orders direct t.. Mr. M olio, pull! ..ver ' • Ap.dhecary in the land Wane sip their 11110.1 s to discard the psh , onnusstuiffrom their sheivs. and replam it with Wolte't Pure Wines nod Lig acre. We understand Mr Wolfe. fir the are' nuuo,1010 . 1) of email leull 6la the Cul:Miry. puts tip ,F.,1t01 enseoof Winewan.niAuerr. xo.icrhti:1001 . 01:111t At,hl.lSt tilt teng,ofthou‘atule of .1,....ents In the United of ites %rile l u ll 'Rubin , hut in t it. t tiou N rul,,eue nlike to human health Sept. it, 'OO.-ilul. _ . For rAlo, Ly C'.ll , llt)fr CAlll , l‘.. U ILN IT I_7lt WARE ROOMS- • HENRY A, RHOADS CPA;;:rt. ,Ol WEST HIGH, STREET CAKISIX The suhscrlhor I,u,s No respectfully t, infirm tlin riti...l,.,)frarlis,e and vl-Inity. In it he hag nriw nn Lind and In 1.11111.1 . .1.1.11rirr.r. ON cry Val Ictp . li - Are. ronf.kting in, part or EJf AF. . BUREAUS. Fi LIMSSING CASES, MAItnI.V. TOP T %DLLS. ILIEDSTE.4II6. . C II 2.1,. I I: , Gilt llnuldiog. oval Frnlons hr. Tidy work is ‘vsrrltand 4'11.11e hr. t nritnrials nod IVl,llll2ltlPilip. eht• brhein 7 ..: all tha ht t tt city styles. nod will ha furnlnhe.l-- at the lollr.t retliLo kek. • N. 11.—(ntlion ul:i4” at short wall, nod funerals nt• elided to pr mp:ly iii: •n II or i,mulry Carllsle:Ort. 12.'4,... , 3.. • milliaL Attorney nt Low, Office., .oath ltano. nr snv, t wlt h A. It. Fpo Egg. - Nov. 1 I~ron RENT —The flonsesituated on West Street, now In occupancy of Roy. A. Wane, Al,. The House, oomph:11 by,..Chas.lV. Reed, In West Mehl r.treet, A leo. 'fa, House to Went Louthor street, formerly occupied I.y lint. A 1.., The liou e to North Hanover Street, now oc cupied lay JOF LI. ifolliert, ore for rent trot the ar April to lit. For tams epply Fan S, tsni JACOB ItllliE3l. 1N AWAY .—Run away fi we the D otriihie. MI the fith ihty nt nevem- Err last. nu irtlentured gill, 115tued Emma Ilennett, about 15 years . of nge All pt roam: aro unmet' ngalost. harboring ur trusting her int t..y 11,1..1111. ) A RGAINS ! BA RG A INS ! ! Na.yi Is to time for good:. Cinrlng out at uupi crrdrvu ly Ins priers. to tuntiu nivii fur t•prinit iii,,irtment. All In I,llle of Chmipi.ry Good., mu respectfully luillted to at MU elso3l , %WI a Of • CHAS. CM 11,141% Feb. 15. Trustee. ZTOIt B ROOM FORT. REN —Tho Istrge Stmo Room nt Elm IVest mid or Main Stroot. It I. fitted up with conntms. and shAvlng and Las rimvrifient cellar. Posgekcion given tm meth. Enquire vi AIMM SENSEMAN. Deo. FOR SAM , : OR RENT.— , the subscriber olerst for .sala ~r rent. the nen Three Story Brick Howie A 11 ._, . . -ti on North honorer ntrvet. l'riFsLcs,lan .g . iTi.. : v elven du Linn 1,1. of April next. The It ' House hoc nine ranna, to tnrol,hed ......!—:.T._ "*"" with w tier and VFW. and suliable eitl, er for hnsinv," or a private rest:len:a Ort 2G, tsw.-t. r. JA 2.1 OS It. wt:Avrit, T.EW•COtiI, YARD- A' Tit!: TVEAT Thu aul,eriller Imola re=pertfuliy call the attention of Litnebornor's, and the citizens of Carlhie, and the surrounding' country generally, to his N El': COAL VAR'', attached to bin Ware iiOllE.., 00 IVOSI 1101 St., There he will hoe!, rfliVit.tritiy t.I) 11.111,1 f. ILrt,e atlrply of thu hex!, of COAL, to wit Lyli..ns Valley, 1.1.11,04 io.ller, Pine Grove and Troyer tan, lir Jlion. Eitir,,end Nut Coal—o- t °nod and dry coal, rittah ha plath4oe iflr,olf La tell et the lowont possible pnteb. DOA que.l:ty of LIMI:iitiItNEWS AND DLACItSMITIPS COAL al ays hap). order= Irrfnt tho Ware !louse; or at his real Lan, Ia Not th 11a:toyer btreat, La i:rchttaly ECM Carl:l.le, Aprfl 14, 'Si—,f. LI 4,N S 0 M.E W E 4 YI TO THE lADIES. HUNT'S IILOO3I OF IOIELIS." A rich mid elezont rotor lei. the eheott.rr lip.. It wilt not wo.li or rub off and when corn upplivd, remains durable for yoors. The tint 10 to itch and outurol, thot the rlooe,t scrutiny fall:: to dute.e., its use. C.in to renn.re.t 1.. y lemon juice nun wall not bjjure the st.in. This ton new prep trotlon used by the al..l:r4ten Coat t Ile:tulles of London and nolo. Mailed free, in tottiro, with ,directions her 11.1. IfUKi'S "COURT 'figlXT 1 , 0111.11::It," Imparts a da'szling stilitcuess to thn temples lon, and Is unlike mn•thlng else used for this put rose. )IiIIed• free for LJ Cuua.•• 111 7 NTS" BRITISH BALM." =hires tan, freckles, sunburn end all err': Liens of tho skin.. Mall4freo ebe to Costs. AUN'T'S "I3IPERIILTOMA DE" fir the hair, stren , gth,n,and inipreven its growth, keeps it from falling off add is warranted to make the hale curl. Mailed free for $l.OO HUNT'S "MARL BEAUTIFIER," for the teeth:mil gums. cleanses and whitens the teeth. hardens the gums purifies the breath enact ually. preserves the tenth and prevents toothaehe. Mailed free for :0,101. HUNT'S BRIDAL WREATII PEREU3IE," a double extract of orange blossom and cologne. Mailed free for f.i.thi This exquisite perfume was first used by the Princess !loyal of Encland, on her Marriage. Messrs. Cunt & Co., presented the Princess with an elegant, rase of Perfumery., in which all of the above articles were included) in handsome out gloss with gold stop. pers. valued at 31300, particulars of %Illicit appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent free, by express. for $l.OO. Cash can either accompany the order, or lei cold to the express agent on delivery of goods. lIUNT & Co. Perfumers to the Queen. Regent St., London, and 77 Sancom Pt., Philadelphia, Pa. For Salo by all Druggists and Pei tumors. The Trade sun. j(d. . Oct. 211, 60.—1 y. AVA.NTEDI WANTED! WANTED! All Persons indebted to the late firm of beidlgh A Sawyer, are s wanted torsi l and pay their old accounts ax we are In great need of money. IVe hope persons knowing themselves Indebted will bo kind enough to, give this notice a I:mumble consideration. Selling off our stock of winter goods at consideration.. Prdca.v. Feb.ls, 'ill. , 1,E101.011. SAWS) & MILLER. N OW IS TIVE UR TIME TO BUY GOODS Just in from Bolduc Neer York If lar01.1021014111(11)t e Winter Mantles ofthe 10(.1, designs, in urns:, from $4 to $3O. . tiAWYER & MILLER. IFjSTATE NOTICE —Lottery of Ad , - 1 mlnlidrntlOn ntl the estala ofJohn Plough Into of Dickinson township. deed, bar.. boon issued by the Register of eumbeiland county, to John tier) ter, lading In South Ulddletou twp., nod Jopoph Plough, rosldlnd In 'Dickinson twp. All poisons lodobted to, !Wit estette,.nre required to wake Immediate paynienti and those laving clams to pinsent .then for settle. went to- • . JOHN HARTZLEIt,. • ..... 5110.'01 -et.. Admrntstint4reofJohn Plnugb Oailby's cheap Oish atom. an entire , neat , attilc L ot' agent Itani , ana Luting Chirpetlaga ethic; frenn,tba Maatdatagnensi anthaelyzgatnatincedently lnv prices he Nab. • • OII6B. Truntis. • • LJ. W, FOULIC; Attorney at La* . 0171ce with .7.11. Smith,' I.le re., In Ulan' Row, In roar oY Prat Preebyterlan (Introit. All Iluelnerse. en. ,Iruelo.l to lilnl will be prinniAly attendetl to. May 9, '139.-Is. A_ OA Itil—D111.• JNb. K. SMITH, 1:a apcctfully announces to his old frk nds and llw..nur patrons, " that he has returned from his south western tour. with his health greatly Imp oral, and has re/imam( his praci ha, inalarllslo, • , . .OF,. I(.18 on Mall, gtroet. one door went of the Railroad Depot, where ho ran ha tonsil t all hours, day and night, whon not oat Korai:dm ty. Carililo,,,Clet. 2 . 0, 1869-t I'. . - .. BENDER, M. D. (ITOMMPATiIIST) P IIYS WIAN, SITU. EON & ACCOW,HEIL Odlce on South Hanover Strout, formerly occupied by Sr. Smith. 1 - 11 t. S. B. KIEFFER Office ht North Ly lan nvo r street two doors from Arnold Se Sort's tort, Onlenhours, more p3rticulnrly from 7 to ir o'clock A. M. nod from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. ' 1 - 111. GEORGE SAEA fir • LAW; ITT, DP.NTIST, from the Bub ilmore College of Dentol Surgery:. ft . •,_..0111e0 at the residimee of hls mother, EnEt Loutho, street, three deers below 13edfottl. Nloreh,l9.losll—tf. 1)OCITOR. ARMSTRONG has remov‘ oil his office 4i thu South west corner of Hanover Pomfret of, whore ho may he consulted at auyllllllrot the day or night. Dr. A. has had thirty years experhuice u tile prole scion, the last ton of whilh have boon done toil to thu sf udy Evict practice' of ilouueopathic moll• rind. • May 20, 'nein. •;44t'tr, Itc- D[t. J. C. NEFF respect- Iliti- - ;; ; ,,f2.'..% fullv informs the ladies and gentlemen - --15 . ..• of C . arlinle. and vicinity, that 110 has rms 11111110 ii till, l ie.,,ti. of Dentistry. 11101 is prep !red topm• form all ow:Ainnx on the teeth and gums, helonginv to his protessmn. Ile oil insert fall sots of teeth 011 gold or silver, with single gnin teeth, or lAork s, as the) . nt.Ly prefer. Tends moderator. de• suit the times ' D it. I. C. LOO3ll S _ r .,,,,...w t South 11,nnover street,nr e ‘iTsi , era dour to tho Pont —• • - • _. 0111 re: •, Mil,. 1, '5O. . • ATIE(). ll'. NEEDICII, 1). - 1).s.-- IALao IMlnonstritor or npma , lvo Dentlatiy to Ups lof 1, 1111Tt.) r ... ,, 1 n ; . ‘ , ..1 . 10.0 1,75 - r. pill, zit 111,. esidt;tlen, orrovitu )1..-1.11111.111, bk'ost 3lalu strueL, Car Penn NUT. 11,15. W. 33. Vit. AVE It3TICK, Druggist, ri North lianover Street, C.trltAo. pre,crlplionnearefolly compounded A Cull suppitof fresh draws and elm:Meal, E 3.1 0 V A h . LI) , L. SPONSLI:II., 11.11 runvos'ed 1118 ollicu to his ; New !louse. opposite 0 lay . : ' [Marrli 2S. I Silo-tf, A.Ny fi Alt ES E. MA • I_4 114, lILI N. Lair, - 1)111., in In kt,t onp e Market Hoop., .'.14,11 lA. 'Ol-Iy. 1 MIN LIA VS, ATTORN TAW.— N 11,14,1 "Arcot., opp,tsitti" Marlon HMI," Carl4l., ht. . j Oct.. ;N, , C 1 Y. 111.51111C11; Attorney at Law. v).-0111, on North 11.nrovrs. street. n few• floors ;oath of t/ nte:. All iiustuese 11111.111Nted to him will be promptly attentliA [April lb.' _ A.W NOTLeg. ItEmovAL., —W. ILA \l, PEN ili.lSll has removed his nffleo rear n the i!onrt lianoe, where ho 11111 promptly attend to all busines, en trusted to him. Au4ust 19,11,37. ASP OFFICE.—LMIUMA TODD has roquinot tit" pwartice of the Law. ocl,, in Ceptre :.3.1113re, west hide, near the Firnt Presbyterian Chttreh. April S, 1557. ER. IN 10 OV S 1111-A0 RI , - • A'ITORNEY AT LAW. °Met with Wm 11. South Ihmover Strett opp e the .Voluntete Uthee. CarllAhn, Sep. I)IENV J . WILCOX, Attorney at 13„ . Low. 0111,.. No. 11 Lox log ton SL. Doltimoro. Iluni PUSS promptly tatonthol It1:1,1:10:NCES. II: M. Job _ JACOb llhr m, A. Swrgooo, Er AL. CArlkle April '2;4%0.-3m. NV. C. 111111 E. NI ATTORNEY AT. LAW AND GENERAL AGENT. 113.4./ X innrapolis, .11iIiiieep;a. T , au speeial attention to . rollootions through out the tit ate, make Ivestmnta: buy and AOl Ital Eqt.to and securities. Seg.ltlnt t. loans, pay t:i xe- Itirntl. land M . :MMUS. Sc., &C. Refer ti , the members u the Cumberland County liar, and to all prominent tit! aunt; of Carlisle, VA. jAugESS-Iy. ME= STATES UNION.IIOTEL GOO 4k, 608 Market Of., above sixth, JAMES Propileior. TER5l5:—$l 25 per day. JuSe'SS. UNITED STATES HOTEL.- . S. E. Cur. 11th 4- Market Ste., IMIZ! .N. lIANTQII,• MERCHANT TAILOR. 117,, , 5r MAIN sTREE, 7', , Opposite the Rail Road Office. &ay- lull. ami Winter :styles of Cloth Cossimcres mid fre.yt toys mode to order. Q,!.71.1. May 2, tht.A.). • 1, TO IS'FAK E.--All persons in want NI of a bottle u: Flue o;dln.p,ted atol Pure Ilmnar. or Old Ityn Whihkey, or gett the pure article at, t1..4 Unwary of Lilo mulmeril,f7 Carllshb. JR), IS. I , Cti, • • Itit3lll Oli A N BEIIRIES.- A Faxperior article of Cranborriesjust [waived and for Fmlo by .1. IVf: Lb b'. EMEMMM I, l [lN ISRING GOP DS Thu Inrga,t and Lest vol'loty of Gent,',B Furnish ug; Goods', and lit Ulu lowoht pilcoe cAn Ito lou lid :IL INOSTON'S. North Ilatiovor Strott. 00 K TO YOUR I & Tii; It E STB.. - Ladies pleas' tnkomotleb, thatfunt, of our firm (I.oldieh Fawyer k lillrr, tee, Jtpd urns„:„ . ' (rink Now York and Phllmb.lphia trial a full atoelror‘l'lNTl:d GOODS, .mirlshm; Cho. nosemt styles of Silks. Vetems. Poplins, I.l,4ured Merino., l'amdisb Reps. (plain stud barred) Prench Delnines and Marines, Acnerlcati.D4laines & Cassinieres, and,many other styles of goads, whirls no 'ran sell at CsOrs PAtcra having purchased shire the late glvlug away of the sonrkrt. MOURNING GOODS, of all klndc, Mertnoes. itombo.ines. Caseltnere..Pelsnes ladies Coate, Clanks and Mantles. Shawls for aver}• descriptiou,iess than manufacturers pi ices. . Furs ! Furs !! Furs l! f com wor , ll.or M Meat. Furs °fall kinds styles and sizes, Muffs, Cuffs d:e. MOUS and Boy's whiter wear, woolen Shirts, Drawers Gloves; Stock Inas, Tles. and Semi's. : Ladlea' Cloaking Cloths and trimmings, CARPETS! CAGIGAS: I 011. CLOTHS! Furnl Ing Goods, suit:Gale for the season. Blankets, Torn , !cc. .. We respectfully Invite all to nn Inspection of her Im*.. njens Lock, fivllng assured we ran otter superior 6r .thrum nts over all competitors. At the :vow Store - ono door below Martin's Hotel,. - . Dee. 11, 'W. • LEIDICII SAWYER & MILLER. BAT AND - CAP EMPORIUM I lie undersigned having purcliased the ,tock; Of the late Wm 11, Trout deed. would respectfully anuounce to the puhlie that ho. will con• Hullo th. fIUEINETS nt the old 'stand, lu {Vied 1110 edema. and with n. renewed and efficient effort, produce articles of Mad Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, '4 . , that shat by strictly in keeplug with the Improvement of the Art; and fully up to the ego to which we live. I have ou hand a splendid v assortment of ^ • • II ANS AND CAPS, ' • of all descriptions, front .the common Wool to the finest' FUR AND• SILK HATS; and ut pricey that must suit everyone who has an eye to getting the worth of Ida money. ' , The stock Includes, Masa, it FIiLT BATS, of every siyfe Mid :color and unsdrpaiotsl for Llolll'.. ' NNS9, •DUItAIIIIATY AND FINIAL : those of any other establishment 'itithe codntry. • .. EWA, BOYS' and OM Milt EN'S llAtd. and, CIADD.' of every lescriptien constantly on hind...',. ;,.Ile rospectfully invites All the , old , mtrons'itildas manx.noir euro as posilble;to' giro him -a call, • ; .:4 I it:.(4.k.Q4_ 1 49.. Apr. A, • " ustness jj.r'FARE REDUCED. gi = 131=! 11. W. 1K:1111A G.A., JVCir FIRM. • .91751' OP.ZNE:D etact.e, no of the cheapest mid. best -SelectC(Pc stoats 01 Dry floods. der opened In Onrlblei In now In tho room otIA. W. llant,z, conslatlng In pail: • si r t rc ROBES tANCY AND PLAIN. Stlto. Flzurod Rerinog, ensilmoresioll wool Del:tines und'ovory styfo of Di•ese Goods s u in, the eastern war: kola. CLOTH colors and strips of cvory Ptyl a. My stock of Mantles is soknoolc,l.;ed to bo tho most complete over opened in this pi.icu, I= pill...Mudd front the best bowies 10 philadolphla and N.AV York. ens be hod alba at less than *natal Wail prices. I liitve In thin branch, Linens. Laces, Edgings, Caminics, imooks. Jaconetis. Lawns. Mull &c., all of which I ask but an examination. FURS, • Tbo best article of Merlon Squirrel, Gtrznan Fit cb, Lustre do., Stooo Macao and Silver do. 1 havo at, oast two hundred sot. a. out of which all can select. PONI STIC, Amerlean, English end French Prints, nil of thu bust man u fnutnre and colors. Lsnenutur, Watortsrlat twit Muncliestel Gingham% l'hinmis.. Ilinnketa and tL utarrthing mlly ftdrid in a w oil regulated Dry Goods IIOSIERY AND GLOVES, • Woolon. Onion and Linen Hose for Children ' La. dies and Gentlemen, Kid. Kid Finish, Lisle thresd said Ovnuine Buck 0 loves for (Junta, • . • MSN'S WEAR I ' Cloths, Casslineron. Yestings and Shawls. There is no . Oka tills side of Philadelphia, where gentlemen can Ire fitted out ip hotter styles or quality of cloth and at as low ratios as In my store. Call and sue the now sty es of fancy Cassltneres, neannwledged by the gobitemon of this plats to he the prettiest and best over brought front thu edgers) marlcots. CARPETS Of &CLOTHS.. Superthin two and three Ply, Brussels and Velvet Car. pets, of all NIA.; atilt figures and extremely low prices, one. one and a quarter. one and a half, two and throe" yards wide, Oil Cloth of the very best at tido and sold' at the vary low prlou or fifty rents per so mire yard. ii, t ring enlarged my roonrand added every convent. enco and coot ...rt for onstomers. I invite all to call and °sande° it sloth of goods purchased far CASII and see why it 14 that A. IV. Boot:: can sell his goods at such very lowrates. It is to the interest of all who ore in need of Dry undo to glen our stock an inspection, ray • motto Is to sell cheap nod pleats utv customers. A. IV. BENTZ, S. Hanover mt.. 'let, 'lll.l Nearly opposite the I'. O. Carlisle In. Tut received another new and. cheap ty lot, of II Irlumisous, Dunbark nlsr , a Linens, MII3 ling. Calicoes fie., &c. At the cheap Casil Stero Nov. 2, 16,10. CLIAO. WIELDY, lruatee. FOR THE I.WMJX3D-aa.IEEL GOODS, GE. , 'T BOOKS, FRtITS, CONFECTIONARIES IS, W. IIAVERSTICIC, North Ilanorer Centric ffiNjuet opened an ausortincnt of Fresh Drugs, Fan cy th:o4s, Perfumery. Fr nits, nod Cooler— ilatotry. 391dch has wirer been fiUrp,s44 In this bor• ough. Gm ildvelty and elegimeo. The. ankles have been. selecb.iltwith groat rn e, slid urn calculated. in quality and pilot', to camas mist the at ten Liao of purchasers. FANCY GOODS whlehr.onprhalevery variety of fancy articles of the most ax,llo , ito tint>L snrh us. Papi, Ma Unfair. el)n Uair. • Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays., Fancy ivory. pearl and shelf card eases, Ladles' Fancy 1311Slietr. Fogey Work 'Boxes, with sewing instrutnents, 1,1,110,' cefaF, iyrl tag Desks. and Port fellow. Port Monneles. of every variety.. ' Offill pens and pencils. Fancy pallor weights, and'a tan., rt.rkty Of ladies FaraTtit:lti,,l.ery. . Motto seals. and wafers. .Slll. tod hood purses, 'Offing whips. elegantly fininted. . Perfume baskets and bags, • lirtodries °revery kind for the toilet, X. 1{:11.111,1I111 It. 1.; ft. Wright:fp:loaf's and Partumas of various kinds, — Ptuttx—PlOs for head dresses and ,shawls. ' • )11f..ical histrunnufts, together with an inn ulneralde variety of articles elegant ly finished and snit:olk for holiday presents, to which Ito Invites special ilitelltiOn: • Aloe, au extensive and elegant collection of MII2I cam p t iong. Tarinua 'English and Atharican• Workn, richly colhdllisheol 191.:TICA ', Bibles Hymn I.l4;antly hound In relvet with meta/ ela6h, renew. finitablo for holiday gift=. :t, , 011100111 al School lonics Doll School Stationary In 5100 roinplvtq, nod comprlFes'orerythiilr nacd is; foie :Cm*, ah•olitTiree to call the partieulat lion of ramifies to his elegant aq6nettneat of • , LAnPs;,c,., from the rt . tcnsiTe establishinent a of CornelluN, Arrlinr ad other,: 01 Philadelphia, comprising over) , - stylo of PerlOr, Chombor-aird study Lampl, for burning eltlicr bard. Sperm or Etherial oil; also DI:01'1":3 colobr..ted • lierosone or Coal Oil Lamps, togetherulth Flower Vases Fancy Screens, Cc. Ills assortment In this line• la no: croak] lu the borough. Also, • SBOARS AND TOBACCO, • umbrarin7 nll tho I: , vorite braslt.c and a lino osaort• moot of :siDERSCIIAUD 01011:LatS AND PIDES4 F IC L ITS, inch as Orangeg. Lemong, Flee, 'Raising. Nectarinegi Prue•,. dc.. FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—Pit/le SIIRVED Fituurs, MIN"ED-lIIIAT, PICKLES, Ac., in every variety and at all priori., all of which are pure nod fresh ouch as emit., confidently reconunendnd to his friends. Ilia stock ombrareg everything in the lie• of Fancy Mods, with ninny other nrtichet useful to how. ekerpvro which the public nr• espeelally Invited in call anti ovaninn. Remember the Old Sland, nearly opposite the Dank on North ll:mover atreet S. W. lIAVERSTICIr lEEE= 00P SKIRTS ! HOOP SKIRTS latest and At Mr. to dery eotupo, tiou, LE11)1,C11, SAW VEIL 11,,MILLEK. 41011 SALE.-00,000 building brick far sole. o f less Oro thou they con ho hod of t he Mtn. notate' at this office. &ht. 14,'130. USEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD• SEARCIIER, A STANDARD 11,:DICINI For the speedy. radleal, and etTeetttei• cure of ALL DIOESSES arising fr.: IMPURITY • ot"rliE BLOOD. Title medielun boo wroughtsthe most miraculous Mires In desperate cases of. S'ro'fuin, Cancerous formations, Cutancouti Diseasen, Erysipelas, Bolls, Pimple , : ma the fam, Si re Eye. Old, fflubborielllcers, Scald Read. 'Totter :dilations, Rheumatic Disorders, Dy spepsio, Costiveness, Jaundice, Salt 'theme, :Memorial Diseases, (Funeral Debility, L'ver Complalut, less of Appetite. , I , _Foul Stomach ',male Complaints. and all Diseases having theirro.l gin Ira an impure state of the Wool. We refer to the care of David McCreary, of Napier tor:no:big, lleiltord 10,, l'n. x heion the 3lst day of Aug -tint, lea. made afillyvit before ..toet ice Oorley that ho WhS t: cat.nl for the curtn.uf,"Calwer by three pbyalclans of lh•ilterd county'. and by De. Newton of the Eclectic in Cincinnati, for a p- Hod of nearly eight evaitlehluotwlthrtandleg which, Ida lip, uoso, and a tits lett cheellOwere entirely oaten away I lle bad giro op all hope, when he beard of the 13101X1,, Searcher." end-was Induced to try D. Four, bottles enrol him. and :,illiough sadly disfigured, there (stun , goof...atm lint what this Invaluable tuedicino saved hie' Ilk The toll partienima of this remarkable care. may be sem lu a circular; which can Le had of tiny of the Agente. We alm.refec to the car" of Nancy Meal:nes, of Elder.' ton, .krtustrinig,sonty, Fir., cured of Ser”fula after bar lug unable to ger. out ol her bad for throe year. To the Cos', oft LAlly' In Anton vlllo. Cleatbeld iounty n is rn also effficted with Sernfela In tta worst Irwin. tutu eons , of ritur,,,e Meisel, realdint; in Carrolltowu, • Candela connty, to. who was so badly afflicted with' Cancarthat iLeat Ids entire nose off, and his ruse was - worse if possible. than McCi cony's, _ The particulars ernes° caneo—every one of whlth was coved by the use of the Blood Searcher—may sine tattooed Ln a circular to be had of any allot Agents. , R., M. LEMoN, Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near the' Pa. itellroad IN.pot, liollidsysborg. Dr. (leo. R. Koyser, Wholesale Afoot, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Lou' sale in Carlini° by 5, W. Ilavorstick, S. El Dolt, and S. ii. RNLI.; Dr, J. Iforrin-" Mechanic's borg; onweiler k Zook, Shepherd:gown ;.lorhos llogrtown ; Jacob Stmmotia. Croon Roads; J. J. Cotta, E. Wise Shiremanstown;•A.,M. Leidich, Iloißug coring' • Mary W. Kissel, Chtxrchtown ; O W.' Robinson West llill; Fastiaught A Co., Oakville; Shoemaker Elliott. Nowburg; Wm. Bretton, Newvtlle; J. Loud Aa Co., Springfield; Russell A Co., Dickinson; Illg"land'. b, Washing, JackooltsiTßr; Wm. •Ciark. A Lo., Lees,, Roads; Win. IL Eckleo, Sporting 11111; D. DenllueLr • White hfull ; J. C. Mitch, Shloponnburg ; allot Cutabar " land county, Pa. WrE LL MU gl;1 1. 4 11' •- .i%IN , FITTING CLOTIIINO I Tikkobsertber htotjust rucolvotl tt very sup,stior, sklectod stook of •• SPRING 3:: SUMMER CLOTHING . Consistind °Mimi:acre, .Suuimer and Italian cloth,,Ah 31arsalles, Linneiestud COW:made, Coats,' Patitai & Shirts also SII4 and Satin vests and In short avolli't thing In the vriy of AR3INNTS. Itis stook of '6, ENTLEAIENS' PURA/141/INQ GOODS,, • • ~,...- • - . baSt been selected with star eat deal otaaro, and Ar t a," cravats, L. ae:, are Aoki at unuombldtv prices. • , • a TRUNKS dAIIPET BAGS &' VALISES. • I vutmoriber,would .0.41 special attention to fait /argo.etock or . . HATS AND CAPS which he hen rterivoil ;aka le ooliing thorn at very low , • Nur.% Of tho abnro. you• can enuvince .yburaelf calliog at the Cheakelothlug .Store near the hlarlivki Rotolo ASEIBR Wllfro, d. . =BEIM . A lot ontackerol—now catch—ln essoded goo orpakyoo, tliseiTtor t a!ul 410tIt Bomb, • . for oftleitt the Store titho yv,l;rolber. .11ilfk Oct. 30.'6u.. , • . . , or.tku,F Biwe ttl fAl,ankt,*hiull:lo-AlitAilore'rln.- tr' n ittrTatkur Atly.:AtioWise44/e. E E