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' , . .-- . , . A. K. F lIIEEII. -proprietor. 'Wm. X. PORTER, Editor. VOL. LXI. t TERMS Of.PUBLICATIC . N I Thu liallr•lbl.r. ILEHUH Is putdished irteltly on a iniec ailiatl c.nitelning Ordllty rI,.;Ill rolutlitie, and farnillni to sto,rinors at sl.su I Villa 1•4111 . 1.1) . 111 adrall • : s l.7 3 .ir rA i t i within the year; or $ 2 13 3 " '3.''''' x" m p ty.llOlllG Is delayed until tcer no! expiratin 1 0/ to yetr.. Se eubs,riptiona rereived the a less period tan six to )iiths, and none discontinued until :all arreall es I ars (I 1111, unless nt the orptlon of lhe puldhdier. re I'4 Coat 10 subseribur s 4 living out of Cuniterland you ty . 0,14 Ito paid liar in advance. or the payment tueal ed by null,, rerp•alSibltl person living In Climbed:nide .3- ty. 'Those tomb Wilt be rigidly adhered to in all MICH. AMVERTISEIDIECP:TS, • Adwrrtise omits will be 11111r4ed 0,00 per mop ny twelve lines Om three Insertions. and 25 emits for lel? subsist lent insertion. All advertisements of less turn twelve 11..3 considered a s a sl im,. A toe •th, inserted before 31arriares and /Piths 6 rents pe 1110 for fret Insertion, and 4 rents per,lille for mil's.. pivot insertions. Communiestiens on luh Met: of linked or individual Interest will he elitmel 6 emit, nor nue. The Vrlpriet, nein not be resmini. bin in diemmis for errors In advertitionlents. Obi - ono' notices or liarria tes not exeeilding five linein • 111 be msorted Wit bout 0, 3 rge , • .sr . - JOB PRINTING, , • • Tho Carll=in Jr/I1 PHINTING OFTTON s thy, Intrzect and moct romplAvoutablkliment. ill tilolllllltl, Foor Lrood Prp.:84.4. and /4 tmneril of tntm lot I.for plain fowl tl 3o r v work of r.rery kind. F us do doh rrlntina :It sliorte,t. . I ho most re-mom'.lo torus. ,rlot off:111s. Allan!, or :mythinz in will timlit to j.it.nr....! to ficitertif ani► Coca! aprornyiti3ti U. S. GOV ERNNIEST pre,i,l, t --J %nil Brea (NAV. Vice. Prt.:l4l.lt, _lone P. 11 , 11311:11NRID6I, R q. evr.'try of : 4 nto —.l. S. 111.Atr.. EvvroLary of lo erl,,r— -' : 4 1.4:ntl try of T nspry—Anov A Dix. E t ,r t :tAvy of War-:=.losrvo 1101.1. ' Soort.l.:try of Nnvy —I SAM: TUIA.,V. Poet II 1.0... r Uen..r.ll . Attorney Uri:oral—E. 11. ST/01 , N. Chjef,Jpstke, eel thin tidied, SIItP4---it B. Toit STATE GOOMNMENT Onvernor—A ,9n Cm' a. (Tim,. • . i lt, Stp•rutary le..S Ilte —I:11 Sl.ii ..4., , V , tirv..y . , livis 'rni--. \\ M. H. K tin. Au 116. - or lion, 'hi I 11.. 1.. Cocillt tZf. Tl•t,t,tr.,-111,,vity II Th.,. .In 140, , ,fth, Supremo Cmirl —E. 1,r.w13. .1, )I• ANt• tintom, 11 . ..1i. Lowitlk, li. W. WooDtvlta...lolls M. 11,0 COUNT QFFICERS Pre=ll , 7ll, H. Grail:1111. 111, lutul Same' Ih it ttnrney %% - .1), (111:elen. I'rialiono4ary-11,:l.j milli 11u1.. It , r •r •.—1 •, 11ev1.4-r-1: ilr3.lv. 1 1 szli !ley; T)opuly, S. lice'', ( "tint y flea,nrer —A 1 el L. jilt C,r.,ner-4din A. Iltttl:.tp. 11,mit Lr I.4—Nmimnici 11. 1',1,15..12111s IL , A" tie° 3litter. Clerk to ComitklN,le.e., J:11111, Arlll/41,,11:,. ' Wm Nor- Trlllo , l, Abraham H lor. :lobo Mille, s 6uvrlnt r evillEilit l'our_liuuh) !Oar). BOIIOUk/ II OFFICERS . Chia!' Ihtr.:es.4-3.15. 11. ulnlr. . Aashitant ilnraa , ,—.l. 11 Ale,ftwh.r. Town 1:013:10i1—.1..101 till t. 1.11, 11'.,rthloglan.. 11. Tit tt.tp , " Ileattz. Th-in Is l't.ols Calp hall, i.. MonasttilOi. IL S. licaalyear. Clari; to 1 . 0111100.—.111n. ‘1.1,1,111111,1. r. IR:It Cott,te).les—eivo. Vently, 11 ny. Perk.e. Colist:thle,—./aeol. Bret', e•v lira tun. .luriln••. of the Vele,— SpOUNICV, 0.0 :mite M1C1.1,1 RU11:01111,, A 11111. 1 ,141.11. • CHURCHES. First Prealtyterlan Chur , ll, Sort hweAt angle of Can t-e Slotore. Iter. kNottroy I. IVlng Pastor.—Serviees rvery Sunday 3lortdon; it a O'Cillelt, A. 311, and 7 o'clock P. M 5'....0n.1 ' , rushy terlau ('hutch, corner of South Hanover anti Vututretktottots. Itev. )Ir Colls, tlasto, Serricus Cl.llllllelice at II o'clock. A. 31, nod 7 "'dock P. 31. .5!. John's Chary!, t Prot. I:pn.sopal) I..l.lllva:4:nigh. of • tool tl. 310 r.... llector. r..errlvea at I I o'clock. A. 31.. op,l o'clock, P.ll. Enttliklt lAttliersu Chorell. Itedfortl between Than an.... 7, Jut het' .trews. Bet ..I.tob Vry. ISnlor. Services At 11 o'clock .1. 31., and t 1 o'elock 31. Genital lot.I1111:11 DT, and Pitt ktteets. Itev. A. U. Kremer. Pastor.— Services at 11 o'clock .1. NI. 1011 1 .:L.111 , 1k! 011,1 01.trgi.)... , 1 . 11C1 . 1.1 main :11111 1i041.4),-431e111..1111, Pail or:• Perrlresat -11 .'lock .1.31. :not 7 o'cloek P. 31 311.11,1.115 t 11. l'hurolt ist;ootol eltarge.) Hey. Alex I) I :likoa Forrlees Itt Lowry ti. Church at II it "Lek A. 31. anil I'. Ii St, l'oulfeet near East at. Iter. ,Louse lielle.l. Pastor. :sort ices curry other 1,311.1, all at. 11l 0 . 1.11105. Vespers at 3, 1,101,1,111 Church on et of Pomfret and Itt•.lior,l streets. Ile, (1. A. t-IYIIIIIZ Pastor. Pout leen , * II o'clock. A. 1J:t o ; o'elock. P. NI. 4ti - 15 fluor;es 10 tlio t 0 ,13 neeteoary the proper Lma. :fore roittiesloci to n••tity us. DICKINSON, COLLEGE !ter. 11. 3i. Johnsen, D. li., President and Professor o :dorsi rel.,. James W •Marsliall. A. M., Pforefstor of I.arki.. Lan• guages and IA 1.1 .1w e. Ituv. 01m. IL I; .t. M., Profestfor of Greek Lan gua, aml 1.11 11 A. tl., Profeshor of Natui . al Seitmee sad Cunt It,r ivi Nil11.1•Ill11. • :tlllllk . l 11, 1.11,11.1 /1. A. 31., Profest.or i f Mathnottlirs. A. F. 2.1 Who, A. 11., Protelral of Ihe Ltrototoos Echool. John, B. Styul, As,is'ant lu the Gs mitmar 130ARD OF SCIIOOL DIRECTORS Andrew lllei, President, 11. Sex lonth, I'. Quigley, F. Cnri ihuu. C. I'. Ilueterielt,./•Iton, Sbereltir)..h.llll w. bs, 'treasurer, John riulhor, Messenger. Men 011 the Ist ‘lt•etley °deb Alunth al S u'eluek'A. M. at Ed. acathou CORPORATIONS CUILISLP: DEPontTc.g..—Pre.ideHt, It • M. I render... Cashier. M. littaem ; Ansi. Cat.titer, J. P. 11.1er ; Tttikrt Itmte,V,t Clerk, C. It 'tt.iit II liotierwood; lilrt•epr,. It. M. Iloitlt•rson. John ZU:fr, &two.' Wlttqr;..- J. It. tiorgas, :..1.11t.n Ruudt tit 11, It, C. 190...1.v.trd. Cul. Ils:tutx L0..011, II u„ It Stuart., ut.d James It mittyttou COWMAN° VALLIN 11111.11aAn ComPANt.—President, Frederick WAte: Secretary end Trcamirer, Edward 31. Biddle; Superintendent, O. N,Lull. l'assen,e'et trains t wive n day. rest ;yard le: vln.; Carlisle at 10.1(1 0 . 0.1 c A. 31,,n0tt 2.-II o'cleek 1'.31. Two truing' every day Westward., lea, lug Carlisle at U.27o'cluch. A, 31., and :3.30 I'. 31. Cterthte flog AND WATER COMPA§Y..—Pre,ldent. Lem Cud_Tedd; Treasurer. A. L. 51 , ..1.r; Sul.cri,dendra, George Wi,e: Director, F. I% nue. Nn,. 31.1,ecti tn. it. V. 1r,, ,, ,hv'm,i,,101111 Bretton, F. Gardner, inn! John Coorplael. CIIIIBCRIAMI/ VALLEY pANK.—Voidulit, .101111 S. Fier. rett ; Cashier, Ir. A. Sturgvon; C. 110%n— Directors, John A. Sterrett,' Wt.. Her, ›lorchpli , B re ., man, Richard 110mb...141a n C. Dunlap, 1:1,14. C. Sterrett, . A. Sturgeon, And Captain .101111 SOCITIEA. • Cumberlat.': Star Lodtto No. 107, A. Y. M. meets at Marion /tall on the 2nd and 401 Tunsdayn o 1 every ' st. Johns Lads.° N 0,260 A. Y. M. 3leete 3d Thurs day of each ninth, at Marten ❑all. Carllslo Lodge No 91 1. 0. of 0. F. Meets Monday evening, at Trouts balding. FIRE CONIPANIES. The I(Tnion Fire Company 'was organized •In - 1;8;1. Froslueat, 11, :Comeau;Prosluaut, tirofiresldeut. Samuel Wetzel; Secretary,.l. 1). Ile in pion; Treasurer, I', men yer. Conipauf meets the first Saturday In March, June, September, 1111 d December. The Cumberland Fire Company was Instituted Felon. ary President.. Till 4 them s e : Secretary Philip gilleeY; Treasurer, E. D. Qui:4 1 1,3.1 The rempany meet,' MI the third Saturday of Jaz try, April, July, and October. 'l:he Creed Will here Convany Nlnrch, .1955.. President. U. A..titurgeon; Vico President. C. P. 1.1 tt'. ; Se,retary, Wllllalii D. t ; Treasur6r. Jesup . The company meats the second Thursday or .lanulry, April, July. and (letoher. Thn I•Snpire Hook and Ladder Company Midi In ed In 1859. ' President. Wm.-31 Vortex: , VI, Pre , 0 iron.; • Treasurer. John C. 11111 1 / 1 40 3.11111 W. Paris. The company m' ere fill 011.1 fin glild: t ranuary, April. July. and 0 l(er. M. C. A.'-„:\ 'Amin—Moans Jim. Ron imaging—Titled l'uvialny Evening. Praier mooting—Sunday Aflame 11l at 4 o'clock. Realty.; (team and - fl'uo. open ovary ° vaulty; tya excepted) (rout 6 to 10 o'clock. Strelikete especielly welcome,. • II RATES .OP POSTAGE II' : rodavi on • ft laiorsof ono•half ounce weight or un der, 3 coot, pre paid, oxeopt to California or' Oregon, Which is in con,o prepoid. itenild "—within the County, (rep. -Wlthtn the - State' 13 cotitn per yenr. tiro ony poit of Iho eon tin 1'014114e onoll tronolont papiri underl ounces "in 1 coot preqild' or tiro rentg u ,,t, it ht;" A aveliisedjotters, to 65 charged with tab cdtd s y .4..01 ' . ' • SELEC I EPtO, ETU. NO SEUT IN HEAVEN I= ToMing of SCAR tin Lae (11.0 ovo, Of tbu various dortrines the plink bellavo, 'l'h•tt ulght I stood In n troubled dream, lII' lbu Nido of n da;kly flowing 13 trent'', Ana a " Churchman down to the river tame When I braid a nt range t oleo rail his nnme ‘• 0, 01 father, stop; when''you cross flak tide, You must leave your robes on the ether bide." 'let the aged talher Mil hot mind, - Awl Ills long gown floated out behind, As clown to the stream hie way he took, }lls pale hand. elalzping a gilt-edged hid " bound for liraveni. nr,tl Ivlll.ll I'm there; I 01811 u•:ult Illy hook W* 0011111011 Ihll3 ; utl though I Nit VII n starry bhuultl feel guile loot 0 ithout 1111guiru." 1:11en he fixed his eyes on the ,lifoltiu But Ills tic in was honey, and held hint bath; And the poor old lather tr.. II lij A !.logle step fa the It god to gain. 611 the other side, Put Lio hlk gown !betted or the II le; And no one no' ed, 1u that blissful spot, hi Letbee ho belonged to Church''' or not Than il mit to the river:: Ills discs atn voi,er hill! MILS 111:0;'; coat aiiii fiat wn,t br idl el gray, ' 1 caliti9t go ally tither way.' Tiro Le Lut toned hiptunat 6traiAht up to WY chin, Mud staidly. sulobniy, xaded And lit. I.l'old-brimmed hat tic pu!lsd down tight Over b A forol,3d, An cold and Wffite. But d strong %dud carried away his hat; A moment. Alginel over thnt, And then, ne lie wizeil mI t h e farther nhore, The coat blirned nR, ondr:es'reen no Inure, As Ito entered I:vas : 011,111s stilt ofgrty :lorry, worry, Awl nine or Ow tsee:eh, lilt 11, hint At:out the width of his beaver'l.l,lllll. Nl•Ct rlme Dr. Vat is w ltii a lltividle of Dtrilmx, hiv agoil arms,' And by as mntly. a very sol:ot thltur, _ That the pl , ,plv la Deavolo, all ,itivvl," Illii it wing Itut I thoutda that he 11,1,4 an anxious sigh, flint tin , VIVO' 1911 trot nud if ugh, A 11.1 1(.10..1 rather stirl“kt,l ne, on, by nue, Thu I'n:d ;Ind lit Inns iu thu V.:INtS NOM 1101,13 And aft., him trill 111.1 Canne 1 . 1“., the lattern of god:ittena: Dal he tan4l, , hi'tr foe, ,Ilat'sltall I The water Inn, saa6e..l them yosougl. and through." An , l tia fin tlin river. far and Ivido, A w, o . they went t".‘ he sWhllvn 11(10, And no saint a .111.111.. )1,W,1 Ihrow,,ll alone, r^ 1114 unlouserlp a, up I a Ow Muni. Thoi gravely I,lllollg. two 53;01.4 by mune, Dow o to the stream lgt•tb, Dot no tbey .topped nt the mores brioL, I saw. 10 snlot bum lie other fihriol:. S[u.Dikiod or riooKod nuty 1 aid, you. friend, How .tit od La end:" .`;:b r 15.1 un 141, - '• But 1 bavelNen dipped, iLs youth set, mo now "And I really think R will hinny do, 'Anillin • ejoie. 1,111111.11111 M: 01 . 10. n ith you; l'ou'rr bound, I hilvs.to tin rea!tuA.uf lint you Inuit go tleXway, awl I'll go t1116.' pluuulug wail All his tulgla, Auay to the to I.IIP Apart they neat Inan this indd Eta at last tug Hier they uu bred Amt. now %bell the river ens iolligtiou; ZMMIUMBEMEZEiI Of M . l/1/11211 I Lel 41,111i'd iw 1.111111111,11.11 . throng, But the wen 1 c Fuld mutt as tlit.y passed along And oneerning the road. they rould never woe, oLo or the NNW way, w‘lieh It eutdd La, Ser over a moment p.A.4(1 , 011,1,9: 'hat both would lead to oh erx brink. souiid of inutinuring long end loud :one t vvr up from the moving crood, You're in lho uld Wily, 1111,1'1'm in the new, lilt it the thlo it nit Irue;" , l'ut fu the old wev, aud 3 ou'le in. lire new, 't.or Is Lire falso, nod Tills Is the Irue." It the I to.'runr!:t geemed to sprain,' ' :West /.1 If ever one of ilneu uluinerd 111 say. Voit she met whir du till' Ike sire lootvol to rosy Wyllie other side, ' Is feared to cross over the neelling A lee arose fre) the keeper,, then: "It no ono spoil, bur the `lielymen;' Fenn, j•e u t hrnd• the word.. of Paul, the,fromen keep slteuee telY". I Celled tire4ltt , lt, toy eur'oug dream, 111 hey stood t the borders of the stream, 'llo,jo it as I . thott.fitt.. the two ways tout, the het thou were talhing yet, "A 11,roold .allt on, till the heaving tide Cored them over sido t:Fhb , : fide. for Con W 11) Al no One, Theoll,sorne Joon nay Wu was done, Ant‘li wio, in Christ the Saviour died, Ca FP Olg ntik, 011 a a other cid°. , 11\o I uto, ore, they, Ra prey of silk, or suits of }tray. • No cods to outdo them, Fur r. had put Oil Chri:CfarigiltCULlfilleSS. Verdict of n Jury of Hoy' IVltq Dr Nat!mule' l't entice taught n pub- lie :.(4el in Roxbury. he was much a favor ite, he his patience at tintes`weiqd get nearly exhauted by ae infractiolle of his scholars. On ontoccasion, in rather a wituhy way. lie thretitted to putih.ll with nix blows of a hea vy farts, the first boy detected in iyhispering, and alointeti come vs tleieciots. Shortly atier.,ce of the detectors showed: ;Utter, John . 'Zeigler is•whispering." Johtuns calle'd up ,and asked if it was a fact. lotto by the way-buns n favorite both at his tveher and t.choolmatts.) . • ,• YeE sir," nusWered John ' "Iwits not aware o what 1 wits about ; L-was Wield, on workiagoot a rum, and requested the one who sat next o me to reach toe the arithmetic that contain , the rule, whiith I Wished to sec." The (et or iegrei led Lie hasty I brent, but told J. 11101 lie could not Boiler biw to whis per alid scope tile pUllibhilielit, cud cocain- - tied : •• I wilt I could avoid it; but I cannot, withom itorleit tiro of my word, and the coo sequebt Itm of toy authority.• 1 will, ho con. t Med. .:cave it to any three' scholotP you may chow?, to tay whe - ther or 'not 1 omit the pooklaml." . John 001 ho would agree To lbat, and im mediately Idled out U G., T. and G. G. The dot or told them to t eturn verdiat, Which theyooon did (alter a conetiltotion) as follows: oatitut• •altteto t. tau, at 'rt The nileter's word-must be herd inviolate —John-mii !evolve the threatened six strokes of the fel ulti ) butit must be inflicted on vol untary ureites—'and we, the arbitrators., Wig share ilab.pitrislintent by receiving each of us, two, t lie tfow s " •' • • Jolto,*litilitul listened to'llte verdict, step ped tip to itri;iloclor,. -and -,•trith - outstretched hand. -c.xclai,Cei - • .• Master, fief', is my. Ifit,ed ; they slon't he struck is blow ; puniSlinlefit.". . Ithe doom., eider' his pretence of wiping IfiS tees, ,sifieldeil,lfis••,e,yes, and. felling. the :boys 1p go tQ illttilL , V ' dtla,,,Mlid Ile wnulll , think of it. • I 'believe Ifs'tlid think or it to Ifistly.ing day; Ihtil the punislinVnt 'wesiinever a ntSI 3 4 ,041 T. % . WaZa asnam. C013.WE138."' By the Author uf. Mrs. smith's Party..:9 !Est ! look here." A The spealtef was one 'bit wo yonng men who had copse ttiQo the moon tains on a pedestrian and st: citing expedition t't ow he oily of I'biht delphm. As he spoke he laid his band on his coto,lattion's aria • t T e person he addres.=ed 'ooked , amd .111% , lit Le. gtti uti..uL tvo - yetirs old stovnocing nl. ng an ehl .okberry patch. She was blown ud IL beri.y, Irmo eximsilre to the 1.11 I : fit r feet and ariipt were b ire : lint iheie VMS a grace alintit her. :IS she 011110 tripping Ibrward that a prineei,s might have envied. dust in' Irmo it lie, a spider hitt spun his trap across Ihe pull. and. as the yontig ruin spoke, she sli:.thily stooge I her head, an l rant inglier hand+. pu s hed (he caliwel , ,wide. it was lids artless. ii ttitral iiiibveinent, which cohipleled..!lie ithalllo. •• I should (live is p tint her," said lie who had stallion. •• IVli It' love at first siglit V' snow,, rid his jeainp mina. iatt,g'iist4 " l'o illiiik tit' die fas• i hilt, is cl 11.0110 e 10.1,114 Ilk heart listploo !la fairy. You are .i4 . iteeti, and she about ten-- oh I you can 511daril to w tit " 'Phis toll Vlll.'lolol 111 I been oil Tied ea in . whisders 'llia elf.l,l,24llhulv.tacing di id by this time t had lteenys twined, unit then Vir," sniti she timi Ily, nt yell give MO illy pint ure .wliett , you littro ptititi•il •• N ~" ititerp.,:e 1 the other youn4 matt '.hot tvt %vi!l give piit ih tureetl o t the sped:et., let go Ills head nho ha„l 11,11di.lir,. an I drew lier+elt up will) nll'llll'ti h:111 111111 e". •• I don't w.tut your 16111LI', " ehe stlit . l, with prowl ttelie•try.' She W lib - rang to VS,VII)J., When the. artist, reeav , •%•illg her hand. seitt •• mail 111111,!Ily iau. liv I. print two piettire. , , and give yeti one. Comic will that do t to.)1; 1110 position 'tll. oato,i t 0 1101 3111 (1,110111 . 0 11 10011 11, lOr 11131 100 1 ilot young ti.tte, hog in rapidly Itol.ire 141 11, '1 W 0 111101 y Cll 1 . 1011 13 1 , :11 oil. 1001•. 11;6 , 0 1 4 .• 'Howe," Pe said, driwiog n lo .g breath, "VOL 11 LOU 1,13 1 11 uII 11 . 1101 110 /I 111 10 m 01100; /11111 l w 1t thmi.arlo 111111.14 1/ 1 /1 11• 1 11 10 y 1 n. ' l'4 11 I.l' 111.1 M 00..” no I he 111111,1 her the slieroll, —fool ,ontellll,,ll.grks,.yoo_ll •111: • ot Imp g tvii it to ;ion Th a I will, ;Ili my Ilk.. long " firlles4ly s!ti‘l tit• uii.d. gq7.istg rttpillli I ly mt hrr 110`.. pu-~t•y•iou Wail All 4 . 11:1111Si 1, 4 111 pal fly horn 411 the nu ti-E.s. , ul witlon her. nod 1%. tly the VC su:( of a el,il,l's itrids iu whot is its own etpe Call proptlly •• Ott ittivrritptetl the other yotalt. you'll pr,.110,0 Ii) he his wile .owe won't yUit. Miss Colotrultr • The eyes II iqui.l as' she liirtied on the speitlcer. Ilex Irwin the lint, hod moil. , her qi;ilike mein. ne. Site 11614relly 140 . 01, and rvluried saucily : .• “t any 1 . 41 e, }'On Old "11/Itilling I OrtlO " ag eXpeOl hog., 10 ll.lle the Nth - Wilt:lite sine 1144 (;Mrei birdie merry Inul;l i iu \thiell. :iher mmerm t 333333: 1:011 LICSVINt' , I it Tiel , ll'. " ttiid ChIICIICO t•ltt's n ettpind nielinnote, too. I shall en I you mulling else, atter this, than viteppleg t Ilmei„ I 110j1 , 10;" 'WOO the reply. .ddne wouldn't think ;4110 . '11 , 1S 1 , 0 0111111 . 1. 11111 whot, shreiv 5h.; . 11 to,t1:0: 1 pity. the. elfulhopper she manic , ; she II hen 'tech him out ol nli VC too, sod see I hill, to earlygi ~s tVe Nothing Inure was said. tar. al the) moment, (honey Ii rli'sountled, null the yntinz men rose hi 00111111 Will re they . had stepped lhethight hefere. Their tittle we d limited, and flint ever tug, kintp-nek op truck, they were !titles It‘voy front the scene or the ittoreitig: r 1 wee!: later they were both lintne it: the city. Cltifettte lend at work pet feeding . hiniseld in the nil, mid his cumin:low: delving lit Coke and Ilhtckoi6 . lll.. • Yea' , taaienee Ilarrav , l risen to be an arti - t of 1.111111101:0. 11 is pictures were lira lasi ion ; lie ass the tashinii If. Oo e.isionally, as he turatil over hie older sketch. es, hi* wt.tild conic 111.011 - Coto% !" 1111 he ittleustained, laughingly. 10 1:311111P skeieli of he child ; and theteislnrallloolloll, lie would wonder chat had be,naia, of the original; 111 01(000. OD 1111.11A1 /111'43 occasions, he MVO' thought of her. v. • Not so with the child herself. Kelly Bray was a poor orphan, the daughter of n deea) ed gentleman, who. alter her lather's.denth. had been adopted by n maternal uncle, living a wild upland 101 th among the Alleghenies.(ler ettildhood, from her curliest' reeidleettor, had been spent amid the drudgery of a 11fr11. 'Putts rude tali free bile bad given her the springy step and ruddy cheek which had at- I• • it 'rioted t young artist's attention , had I'lol6l'lo satisfy the higher aspirations - of her naittre•;• nspirutions %%Welt had been born in her nod which C 111111( of generations or antecedent ettiture 'hue first occasion of which these higher impulses had found can genial food Ktas' when she h dl met the young , .tills'. She curried her sketch home, and would never *part Willi it. ilia refined,, in tellectual Mee haunted all her day dreams. From that hour a new element' entered into her lire; she lice, 81.0 courcimu thou 'hero were ! other people beside the dull, plodding ones With whom her tut 1111(1 Merit 01151 ; 8110 aspired to rise to the level of such ;•!all her leisure hours ,were vi o lent in studying; gradually : through her influence, her uncle's hou , eltuld grew morereline.ll 'Mid linttlly, herancle,hini seif became ambitious' for Kelly, and, as lie Lad mrchil.frcll,,eansented, at I.ls Wife's eu treaty. to senthlit; young girl to a firet•class bearding sultan]. At (tighten?' ihe bare-footed rustle, whom ihoyaung.nrtist had sketched, Itatt dawned into a beautiful mid accomplishmt young. woman. who• having carried . glf the highest , prizes at school, was,tharliklip of the ,county. 1 , 1411 11011 E %V 111C1(71111fillIC10 . 8 ,possesdons For, meantime, 111111 tinmeluttl•lteen 'growing ' rich; like must prudent farmers, prah ly from the ride bilitlB, land pirtly fectu,the judicious 'f Id ; investments o f , . • CARLISLE, PA:, FR HUY, ALARM 8, 1861 ! Atn you going to the h'lll, next week ?" said one of Nelly's friends to her, •• They say it is to he the most splendid affair we have ever 11.1 d. Jlv brother tells no tit it Mr. .Alowliray, the eloquent.j•tun„ • iwyer from Philadelphia, who-is in the great will else here. is to be present." . I expect to ge.!' was the en .15V er. " Mr. M I wlirny heing there won't be the induce ., »160." •'.Oh! ynirare he maul, you out a(T)rd to be ia , liffweat. Ildl all Ihu other girls are dying at Ike very Ili6a4lit." Alt' Alowbray wi . there.oo I. withotll lily 1 it:l - l'he ••igreitt will ease," which 11 il' ngi lived dm eiiiintrY for Ho „twiny timothy,' hail liel , ti cone tiled I h.it very 41.4. 011,1 been fit!. Cide.l in rotor of filet:limit. No ouch speech ' ;l4 Ale. AhiVbray'S, k way itniverc illy it nit • fed, hail over boon litiorle4tt•the (111111 lioll+e. Ls 1111(11 . 110 wit 011.1 itr,ouLutt tot c irriel 'the jory by morn] so ilMo they li it given ii Venliel whinny leaving the 11.,%. The youngi, lawyer ni th it till, was - like it licrn fee..ili from the tilde li .11 :A liiiiiilre 1 eyes fiil lowed Ifs form. a lityplre 1 foie I; ).eell 4 11,11 q , lielter ns lie npiirowilioil. It it lie st w only ',WIC, in . 1110 .111111N -fit it-sentbly —ithil it it is ' Nolli , Iler geimillil him her i'molligent lice her style 'nit I I iury iirre•tiol Won, ale. ti)• Went lie, Plll ereil : le! SLW .11.11 810.! li - DI no peer . t in the room ; out Ihellevr.l 1 , 1 I iiiitelf to her, iillnost ex:liisively, I liroughont tho evetiing Ic n r had Neils ever ;ill livii I,\ hrilliontly. She conlel 'llOl b it feel 1 11.1; it ir is .1 groot e ini Winnow. in he thus Bugled ant from so ni iiiy. Itillshe 11 ilftlilltilllt. 111.111V0 foe eXe1 . (111 , 4 lice sell' 10 shine. At the ver:. firm gmliee, she !Pill' recognized, in Alr. Al , whiniy. ihe ti tlllil.lll - or the :ill lot wile had shetelivil her eight , yeti's !melt lii hope- to lie iv ,n nothing i - i Ti.. his frit.,,d,.,1, - , turned the conversation iimill ; :ill, il i o coy, chibloinel limi everything elsii that site thought might he ntiggoniiy, , i ffi rt iu , coin. She. could lilt to mare delinile. be noose she wiiii '.l to eon mil her own !lent ity, ~ floe it et M evi lent . Ale. AI ivittray ail net Ittiow : her: "lb—Blom. her 11.0 lir 0 ilolieory shrotilt i Cron! inifoiring nit iiii ti It ;rice? strmigor. - The iitici il iy, 00 soon 4. WllllOllO allltrA Sir •1711Vi,j,ly W:I, !Weil , ii - . ill:: Hp le tilt he ll Nelly iippeorod, licomicolly !wiped in ft tittllt morning ilre.:.t. iind looking so Insight and ...pirkling. 41 spite of the. 1.110 14 . 0111 , or the „i g , 1,,, , ,,e 1 . , lt it .1,11 , 1 Ti iV , Ilv Ito Cori , •10.1 11 ittery. when 'me v ..iiiiir at-I:trot ,he :hilt !ter 10v...1 111.. mix lid! cruel 1 . .111. IVIIii•II, lIV COltil/e111 .. .d 111111 reliirit 1111110 1 ii y tvlioli Nvt allot, I , ll' rr..11, = -...01,u01 matt: ill NI try. 8t •• iwroml,. cried th'i viiiror, and Ince tvilh tyloo,fire. ,1111 SO deb., 11.11. 1 11.1VO 1I11) hall/11,. to !,I,;iv Sutlit -Vont will I e ynihr an inane 1U loon nont, - Ire . oil lononlio n ! hr Nolly, if 14, Ly COINVIII, Ihu MO; , ill ;belly In n lworl coldly In inn , linor old in the revlved nii un, Thningh ihe Inrliyh of his in inner, 1,9 if, or in dererellCl:ll ndmir.li nn, n.n.n. recognized F . llllO 8111,01 ink lwli..vcl in nor log 11110 111' . IZ 1 1 1. 11 . .11 11,11 it '1 . 1 / 1 11 11.1 1 - 111 1.1 11 111,4 inetively wino' ,1 druid. U,n nig like Om .:In. ~ 11l 111.11. ; . 0 1 10 110 == is 111.1. coliverAltioq : Alowbray went ntciy. 11101 . 0 id luxe ..\ few ',tool los Inter 11,111.1 N Hy domiciled, t for t tic whaler in l'lttltelt:ll.hia. It trtity litt !,lie e h, hey ty,,,ellieg dress wilco live 111001c:ow into liar clotodter. I want yolk io loot:your [welt ie.tt In tii;!lit." ettid 111. s St.l ttley. to'r I expect a crowd or . t00k0x..111,1 among them. lon . it l. rayo,llittlti, Ilani volitia' lawyer, - sod :Ur" II irvard. 'fire formes. li Iva liter you, tifil Fares every id iom about y . tur Ibtattly.' Tint Minor. who is the grill orliSt. 1111.1 Very ern teir, laughs at Ins 'Mewl stint sites, lie it Piet you re oilly•tt emillitoli ie, tvilli Cheeks line SJ I wish yen le emit/ell I, the liertn le •• 1 6 •• I ily IL Cninntaii „ .1 t -N7 te 'l ..y to here /Mir Sill' 1 . 1;•lfiVVII to he as i Lcnwiful ati •Perhapi. ton there I, wit, at half termed resto:Ve to bi log i Ite otrentler • e lior loot, its level go. A groqt pri-o vsynited her. \llion olio entered She drawing room. th ti evening. the find tdratigs.t. tilt tilt Wit )411)1., Will) had 111011114 her lig lie 1,311' 10111.1 lisle girl; nod then. for oho 'first Hine, it 111,011 her Ilia! Ibis was the grusl owlet who hail slacken bu coothohrithously el her charms. Ilrr notion proved eerroos, 1.11. Ilses firesohled the thihiigh' io her hot Mr 3 11tirviirsl. gintioe into his hien icis,in lwr lli,l he li , .d slot reeogorz 46hcr i" nod Ilion elle turtle I till ily after a Ihhhighly courtesy. to I eceit'e the ongot I elicilatioihn oh r. Alowihray There were conflicting reelitig4 tit war in her It .111 her ohtniffteinee about . ar ence was wavne.liiptin her liy ti('tintion. as at Lis slighting' I'oll a It. 0101 ut his 1)1'05001 he had ;w i de no A l. 1011+1 10 iwpruvu Ilit1i1111.(011101ii n, hui left her to the cruh it 111 . 1111 VI. antatig.', villain %vas I . :2'lowlfrity. I'l9llo 1 and exci ted, Nell) was even nnin4r heatitiitil and witty' than usual I.llc in the evening she cons . et., red ; ill :11isti 4'0111111.y S rrtlnrSt, 10 play and sing tilie litsC,dathrd nip some briniuill! w“itzeti ; Ihru 111/liell 11118 Of n tote open:; alid. 111 lasi, 111 :111% 1,HE:11110011, sallg SeVel'ill 11.1110,15. Peer pecans 10111 such' 0)11+0111010 0.400 11011'011101100, wrLu was 11 , 111,1010111.1). 10111.1 ur music &ell/ hear las.cilia• I AI eneinping f•Atifl are ye sure the hews is I rrwl - l 4 ' "Iltitalie Du n d ee ,' and ot h ers t which had nee; nslretl fun. Clarence : '• And may 1 luo. ask flit• illy I' 3 v o i e?" "Ct.rtniuly,•' slit. nii,wvi.t.d. awh the least hit el hauteur •• is it r" •• Oh ! too sad, perhaps, for F . Q gay a cent party! •The Laud of the Leal.' I baldly dare lope you'll consent " It was her l'avoyite also, an I Iter voice slight ly trembled, as she began. From this ar some other Celine she bang I hen as even 'she had never snug before: and, when O m lintehed.ther eyes were full ate., She would litt , v given out It to have seen Clarence's face,. but she could not tool heiselr to look ; and partly to eon.- ' oval emotion, anti par ly by a sudden impub-e, she etlllek kite the narerrre of •• I I Troy di ore.' Nobody there had ever before realize I the full tr age dy o r th a t ' , widish yet more beautiful dirge: Even the seltidt heart of Mr. Mewbray was affected. When the List chord had died away, he IVIII3 the ling to speak, and ho was protium itt his admiration and Ihnuhs. Bur Clarence said nothing. Nelly al hist. looking towards Him en W Ihwl his even had been dint its well as her own. 'Bhe telt that his silence was dm most eloquent of compliments.- and from that hour forgave him.for calling her a . COMmon rustic."' Clarence soon hee9me.n constant vidtor nt Ah Stsitiley's But lie always found Mr. Mow bray there before him, won endeavored In every way to monopolize Nelly's attention Reserved, if not alisolittely haughty. Clarence left the field getieroll, to ItioNivolt and Nelly, half indignant. Vra:i'semetittals' tempted to feet n gaiety in' Mr.. Mewbray's• company which she was far from feeling Occasionally. however, etarenott would assert . his elpial rielit to slier., the society of Miss - Statiley's gniett - - rind ti! such darns his (deepen+ eclips ed that of ' even :A IT , brillitint advocate At, Nulty said in her seciret'hoi/rt, it was linskji. uguinsl , And'jlfe,• t rire . Clarence gaged in die.° eon I he more hie felt thou: fiir thellvsttithe in IIiI lire," lie had inct one *le untkaroteed•ltiiif.i ; . O , IC morning the ro..nin In C.L1113 lip to the t little pi I.lle l ft t t lip, or 1 Irf Silly An 1.1)4r trion4 were Hitting. Hl, that. M wbrey W. 1.4 in the p i view' with the former. • Nilly rued tt IMO!, far she f0r1f.044(11 lt. ir t 4 o foling, :in I w Li only too WA I to 11qva thti 1! Illy op;»ettiaity of stilp• ',jug wicalions 4,11(.0.1 h ad b32,..fnie onon hirable to her. N 1... iirlway ww °via inity irAC)irr i+s3l. nti tin /411 116114 ror him' it COllO lirklClly t , ) 11111) or hiA wool, W . 14. na Silly It id ,oilpicted, low:11,e hit. Ilia N fly mild wit kLroiLl Iltig'o,l4 at cre , if - 1',114.ii .01; of hot. (il.l II or %vb.!, th.th !wt. 1111WeVer. td1"11C1.11 , 11Ci, ClltUre , t I 1611111p11 , 1,111. turewhiur, ,h, Irer, um! the I:eil,eiwt+, r Ino'idViii ti io4 woit. Cl.treooe, who 100.40.1 •for, yet 'ill'e.l.l,l, Iliji Iti rit cotiptg.' II r itt?. An I Io it low,' in tidy w .ot I ortont... it Nolly'. Pool . N dip roil eryiug with ji)y 111111 But n little of the silly , r ivir iv is her; she thought she oWi.l it 11l 1101'. 1 :eX . 11o1 to ,Il 1 1' 1 :111 1 0r Ill' 11 3 .11 !Y : +h l .l 'Ol 111 1 V11 1) 1 31 CI 1 rilllol. : 111 yllll li l l I'. II I.l,:irtl wil.no you oro 1.1 . 0[1 ,101.4 3111 11 , 1 11,11 Ill) 111,1,11 c , ly 1101 1,. lola wily—let tie see 2 - 1 1 11 it. 11 1-1 d ?--101 I . V 3 Ll,llllllOO e 01 111 l'y 111-(10. " ARA site 1 i 111111 • '' iltm 7 t icroot ! kit up tig thist cisit.itl, 104 . 1 . y. trying hi ink.• vilit•iiie;l it lt Illinl,ll, II j mei ffiy. Iho I iv 1, 1i,t1.15 4 C1 Imo any lug it. ' motor it lu hr prr,uunl " •• I will ”sit' 11mhinq or dial loot : lit'. whim Hew i. it, [lrv ' , It 111.3 :5U lUM, you unly 11 ' .)N .• '• 1',.;. air,' stitt•tiitl demurely, - " IGunen you'! ,;,,flav - •• Far• eight pests" 40.1 1" he erica. tn•l'd:uly. Lin whole flee lighting. .. 114. w ~1144.1 I have been 11'tiy .1441 I Hill s ;WO ri iror.trl . ? V.lll RUC.. .• 7,5;:.11y, taklti4thr. Wyrds cut of Ilk 11,101 Ii tiler ivittile I Ice -1,t11:1;stg t I t oil' and gm,: stvol•piag varls.v.s'• '1 eiurr she had recovered her: , Tif 110Weter, iviir •strung 111114 WuVe a Ulllltl Cl:tre..ue IiU , V I kit he IV.•S Nolly, all of eog, had lotd a halt :lveret rem . , tL d..chen her -tutor linetv the rod, h.., tlid;ot. cot he ' l,l ‘ctlltog t octrry 11.11 I:uut 01 gill n. lIIU bUllif ...Lilt Ill! ‘IIUI 11101 11017 Two ulnut lie later Ili. re W. 1,1 :1 iyty wedding itt nti It C. .1 month niter lII.L the Inl. ithote lir to It 11,11.1,01 . 1 y in ulie q the birvelS io :thel;ll.l3. .1•.1 C.Nretice le I S Ity iltruag.:llll.tr...l4. in whielt his pet tem I%n- twett erer. Whet e, Chte g.‘e way tu escl..taiation utter exuinitt tttua of dolight .11 they lit .dite.l it tiny Itotnlair, extitti• carp:tea wl Atari:tilted. .I . jet ot g 111 lilt al 'ult. light Ili/011;41i Ille l nl.un. .1 tmiittity , pitgutat lillitg 011 . 11 in w ills. II was :lie 01i.1111 4 1 Yi:11 ell 01 lier Inl.eu eight till heroic, Iwd I/0W ele gantly leatittal_ Tae tear,* gtpdte,l Id tirlly's eyes, an 1 hieclie tln 'u.t Lersulftutu he, lillbliand'S urns. •• I ! litre you r ,he Nobody ,11..• sec+ vii-pects-its 011giII. II is lo.)Oi ell a slibjeit b,r Cil 'WV Nt.tly or CI il . vat!C lo al111 . 11: (0. lint II IV.1:1 ”Illy the ollwr do .1101 a . t . t.leI)111101 lenderlila It-hiuus“ii to IL •• 1‘11:1 . 1 IL gm•rr p,t a Lille )Ir. ll ; n•rnrd Ur, for tirt.iltr: in tiny except ;;ruins tt wuu d l,c eccentric. for 3 oil don% Itnoa• tool, ptt•tip it aunties trout •• \% .boat Dinotoods and flit Plcoimre of The meet pi etutine ' inlitinantologist in the tent Id h., ' the Doke of lit itti , tviek. Ile has in hi , pomMe,siell linen millions of dollars worth ardtilittittOiS. 11, leas just rilthe,l 1 CMS, iiiiLllo of his LiOIIIIOIOIS, a n d iu Ilit‘ appendix lltcre is n 1,00. e or flit ,- Inns! CoMilaled the world 'file catalogue numbers iti I less Ilion 2GS quarto pagcs. It give.., troth great detail. IL lint of his While 1 111,1 While, Seeillid.l% bile, steel. white, blue white, light blue, tilitek blue ,light•yellow, iglu yvll,,w, !Miller 3 elk , w, sit ntr, 11111111 pawn!, “eep-tose, rmy, light•yore, opale,eent, pomegranate, violet, greenish, green; sea— green. 111 11011, light brown, deep brown, dusk black opaque-blot k, Loudon fog, sitioly.frosty, black spini,tl, erached, split, t•erittelied,lll.cut, uncut, squire round, o%iii, oblong, octagon, pinned, pigeon eyed, almond Chine-e eyed iliainotid, II It:lines how !him inloraeil It Torkish mitre, that a'royal diadem, number all Imperial collar, IL shard n Groillit, Electoral lust: this black diamond was an ItiOrS. eye, that brilliant, rosy diamond was taken from the Emperor Hiller, nl ,%gra. in 1526, (it weighs carat,, and ie worth :titili,01111) ihnso were • the waisteoat bottom , of the Emperor Dmi Pe dro; this ClA:lamabring, with the Stunts coat lit urws Still the cypher .• belonged to Mary Queen lit Sews " ; that, pair of ear rings hung once on Marie Atitoinitette. 'Phu 1111110 ul lirtinswick basin 11.8 pus:es-io fifteen of the ninety huutru diamond: 4 , weight tg thirty six ' calms, but ho has nut a diamond worth :$2OO, Mat. 1,0 has plenty or.a,itionide $20,1,u0, ii 30,000. slid ;1;4A,000 apiece; he has two worth *gilt 000 each, tine tvoi th $7O 000, , and one worth hilt lie liasit't 011 C Worth 1it'200,01) . . Ile , tt in treaty now for two dia monds', one of ttluich is WOri $:232,000, 1114. the other $ll5O tank awl which rank in the order of Ina cedettee established by ittlansanto logiste, in the sixth rank, which is next niter • ILe Itegettes diamond,, and the termer in 'the eighth MLitt. Ilia is, next after thi‘: Orlon' dia mond of llnsida: In his list of celebrated die 111und.4 he plan: nil in the front rank illiant while diamond, weighing 2:30 Carats, anti he onging to some prince, and . worth PiL,t5Ull.OOO; next, comes the Koh-i moor, which weighs 186 calms. and which lie eels down ns worth $1,'81.000 copieli the of Matarit's (Borneo) diamond; iris of tilt' it ti,t. lle,utiful, water the (Liver:nor 01' Bannon ulfered . the:Bajall till GO, 000, - t wti_htigs of Wit 11l ea. equipped and provisioned for six wombs. mill it large tpiati7,,: Illy , of eattioni.Atalht; POWder. 41 1 ! 1 roUiLiiS;llll..! . l6.llll retikSed . lll9lll all, and pre=? 101.01 keepyg:liis diamond:'WhidlilitOool fur o ;to to :WortA: $1,039,45ci; 'Bll Lill Of . .1114'1 II Mil ,111. when \elly BtLid. Wil lo tr i,111) uionl. w LV.! or (he 11 tn•l. •• Sp ire, 111 air.. You did lA, (Li talk so looked his -" kl Lily yell's itiL.vcre.l you the salte tie , r4risu which you n env As:C." ifClllllol'o,ll . lp to tlu 10 , 1111k4. " 1 surely do not ileierve, — "Io b. , is tilt: .•NA , lwt• nrilcu 9. jest or you. Do you not 1:n I flavor r.v you !ill thii en urnU• ‘ - qtt stw m e . y;'l: ye tr-1 1 ', ) , 1 arl'i /1 fri .11.1 were en to tr. .tt 11. rootel girl whom your fris,l m t le, , k . el ell or.. owl kv:hrti yon per,: I s;l3 then nicktrtnt..l.'' Ait•f,kluifo; 11:4•13 etirteisy. for Won; s tw she wt, sow reel,r,sized. I a s 12 ,I,Arsl.s. nl. pole Vir-" Tdi , !.ll;o , llliii.t, I •Ititor never tot.;4-11 the look ofdiv.ltin with corisiel to him. iio: 1011011, f.il 1041'1114 lIIIIIOII,C. 1i,1t , ..C,1 , ;'t1).1 t hi!. , 1,11.. in . 01 irj.lje.. 11. IL It 1 . 011:I, au 91N0,..01,1 " ( Ql.lll /I, Pub....lag 11'Item c ):03.0 tII I vat( M 14 , 11, w • )ich ii or it 112,titt ful 0, )111 . , a 1 1 00 ,111 01110 . )1 10 I 010: 01y1i11 i 1 101 1 4 044;it ii 111 )ri:) . *7B 1 . 0 I 1, .I.3coraitig to :111 1) l'ci of vthl I , i r 11.100100, `lll4 it 11 nv I 91 , 711'0! ; the 11,04:It's (it n lel 1,•10). ( 111 ))/ 103'0 by tit! wty, I) ;lon .ro 1 to L)rl e 1 1 , 111.11 . 1 .g.'t I ICI.OI 1010 1) , ,)11;11t, it o In It t, 9/ 13111'1 ill 111 )113111/Hli.) .31111 ) vn 14 olly in th.) tiro! 010 ' 1 it, it tyol4lll ,',10.0-10 w.trth *70 ' ).811; it is thd purest it ; 1 ).1f)r() it 10.14 0,1 1 . it 1V.114 1 11' . 1 . .110 010:103 ; Ell 11 3 11. 1113i 1 14 4 9 11 it 1 , 191) 91111 1 .11' :811,1,3 )1. it two T I) / 1 C 3 or 11...1 s :10) 0:1011 din :olio' I n 1 )3 o ic'1 11:1 1V 1 1 1. .4 r o w 1J ) 1 0 1. 1 0 11 1 : 1 1 ' , t an I o tt*l 10.3 s (.11 'perio(ti 11 1 11 1 13 p 0,31110 ; 11,11 111 9 L)'i . 1111 SLI kill )9'l, 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1'.1 1 1.11 I'llll 1./1 Ili I a Lg.) I at Ill() 1/1 . 13,1 1 ;11 11) 1)11, ii W.)1 1 111 111 Y ( 3 1.), 1(1 0; I) (11.1.1 111., D I to 01 11 staiyi,;:c, •1•,.)(!t . )110 its 1114- (0..0311 .0 i1(1.! a.) n Ithi•1:;, altlion,4ll it 0,1k;o 11 , 11•,1;11 ((IC, 1 1 1 . 1 .7.11 . 1 C 110)11 1110 P.)l I 9 , 19 1111 111 410_ . r Ili( (11 )1(1 00 lit 11 tttle -, 01(.1 lof N . 1)1.1 1 . WI, 911.1 trrie.l to 1'0(11141 ao I 1113 . ,) 5.)1.1, 6.1101;in:4.10 liing .1,1;.)(101. I) irtary 111. e sw tIlow,) I by :1 11.0, to wlio n 1111 (;. ) ,(Iti lel it —“valow)bl by 0110 I tit oral 44 )'0. , I.i Iht deliver it to 6503, an I w it!' Li 4 hotly, w1 ) .0;11 was j • 1 1 11 9311 111 1 1 9 I lot' t vi) too of iiisop , o ' f , ittg it. I &lit., or triti not (care, Paris, at any p,.•0101 of the y.. IC: his (101.11,11.1) hoop hint chain . 1 th,ra. 101 (lire( 11.11 sleep rrot) , 1 1. )111. (91 110 r.01)1 0 ror:kon tit , liberty ~ 11)(11wor , 144,1 or (II- gre Lt. I) . ,l(teltiie4 0l l'avb. , l silizin 111411 t. Tllllll - lie.1!voo ia a bowie constrty;t wit tn , ) , .::( 1.11• Un 111 0 0,s a i s.!curity, b 119 beryl a^poo If, A(11 . '004.0 un over) - ,01 , 1.1 bY 9 Ili . 1 :4 10 1(1: 111911'01 HS 'II' ii 911 1 1 1 .19.11.11 hy lofty iron t• o, 'le 0,1 .0 by 11111 . 0'101111, sti .1111) • •11.. ) ‘11, wition are s) c ) , Itrivo.l tit . ,tt II (toy p. ) rian L 1 11 1 1 1 ,9 11Iy 0111 9; 1 111991. elli l ll.l 91 1 131.1 i ill.l'lllll . V l )'VI 11:11 ; tint iron ((ling (•ost 10.1 *ll 1:7. II • it1..11.3 hi 4 (11 . 101.11 Is in (t 1411,, 1 1 0011 in tt 1 I,j-; 11, 1 it. till( (1.-, 1t.,41 Ll' ri Lis :Ilk it W'olt - t • Ol .11 tOl4l, w t!Ci•I 4 ti n, ii I 111 tt he 111 ty n 11.1 ;it him ...a with h., so . , is !(i..•t Iviih if). all I 11.011 the 1114'0 :4 5,..21',t WIT/1 1,2 14:1,wil Yore they C 110 if Ill'' !krt . ! i 4 9 ,144” I violeniiie, 11.'110it!1 ttig i?t• lire 11.111 I tlzit pique. tidy kill the .tal Iu I!) , +/LW.. lifil n Chisli every row] in Ow are Si`f. 1 . 11Ig;:14 Lill 0/1t! ,W ill Ili.; 1),1 rules: the S Iho :51ollte 41 ii..),1 t r k.! • , I10.1101%; Are of I SllO,l Iron. '1.11,, hit roool is 11 1.0 1 1 wil I I 111th Ir. I 0.,.0,11 ill 11 ,, 1111.11:. 11 .1% tl,Ol. op .11;11.4 iiito it i+ Of ' , lli I 41,0411 11'AI /111.1 01111101 he t41111.,,1 11/11004 title Ire m 111 hit •121.rvICrrtl'Oilli , i.1.1 tit 1110 1111:'‘. A ti Litt. 0 .1 ./.11 VeV,tlv,l.o. 10 t. tI,IIIIIII 'iron 11[1,1 n 111111 Wit hill 1.0.1c11 Or his b., I 0114 yoll Ilk.. Io 1141 iti Iso place 111, l'uio 4.01.1 . ,411011.14'11t, ill . the Saw I/ I'.C./ ; '/'4114',1111411. nnpplyilp lull tills iliforlll.llll.d. The followin4 ra 1 , 1'1111;y1I1Z ill ei 1.611 t. We I OC.I frost Yor!: I , ',2liruary : Erlanylk 031 It Fallen Woulnn. Owl night al, int ! tilt std •t of wit 41f ['lt! wilti el lort Str,qit th , hr Shorili• lift , r tnrnin up,li e Niiii It Bireol ha cam • upon it thinly etal 1 0 1111ile; :1 (Irk i.I r;low skint), awl In ott.lo,Avtn;itti.r, in :Pi' 'filvor to lid; trto•dimi, td toll Ilbdettnit• 5.„•,..„ v . IniNt into a Ybtlotil. lit of toe, :unl (v.:lk] 1).1 s 6 not 1,,.”,..5ipp.,rt0,.1 by who stir)! tiear lir: A earri3.2.ii ‘ , ..a; vaned, itied the wom tti Hu It Very !Wl,' {ril/ll , ,`Thtte, for 111/WM . llj a o ", 111 , 0.414. 'hi, a nc th, el/11,t,11111V itt not ILL IQ.: I titros. lo limo he sdty bet. volivillo:ice. I 1i,111 , 1 wordy tnoittiott Lore, that the (tali.° t 01 itor griet (y thoittrii. hrr isrdu,•i•r, and boittg sltittrit'tal y Litt]. Pour !girl ! it broke lier 111,10. Twt, ttoottlis 1;3 , 1 soureely when the I Sttiolont. 6im,clt %Vadt taliett "tllll,l it .ratkitat!it haulm (bat be bad t•ott -11.401,11-Ite and oorttgdotts tli