. ,' "' . 'Citre' Ctiao - , Cola,Viine , I s ~(., I nnUen 2 q, anY Irritdiion or ,V; Sormemnf the Throat, Re kAT lieva 'thc- Haelrinm' Coujh Oit l4 ' : in Co n.nt nip ion,. Brini.• .:•'l., . chiri,r,` . .4.lthour, (lad /QP. ' " . • eitai•rl Clear wal ' --,•- giop. : ,::,!trength -to .. illisroire of , roniAo„'SkAaii:ll2.4)itixd SINGUKS, _ . 11 sa 8' • • Few arc aware ortiw portoore of t.1,..,hi.;;,‘ Cr .0, 12, ',maul; Cold" to Ito Brat ; I hat is in dm would rirllS to a ;Witt ramatly,' ir soon attacks O. I, lnlX, " 6101,111.11TIOall," ouvilc•ont. ingrodionts, allay l'ultnonary I Irritntion. . • containing d and Bronchia' 4 •Thit I tratibli: 1,, my Tlifiant• rrrhlrh the , •TII.CIII,' . ate a Filt•11114? It AI; Ulu (41011 ti uu•rc . . N. P. 41 V1, , ,111111,111(1 thoir Its° to • Public Itllols NI S TROCHES l'ltoll N S It If. CI! .I.IPIN. Halo provol i.xtremcly 111,02.0ab1e for 111,:11,1:01,,,:' TROCHES MEM Ml=l A 11. st till• ilistr,s. lug lab, of tormahit.g ig".11,11,r lo .lottluna . It CV. ,t EI;(11,1 . :STO`:. Contnills uv (Tllllll of on. t lit :intim.," • I,q( A. A. 111 VP.S. " siiiipfe 1.1.,,,t Ivr.etitighr, TROCHES MIMI TROCIFE. EIZZEI TEOCILES =I BROM N S "I In{,• provtol them Whooping . Con:AC' Bo•ron. " ronlpellpd to ~rlfu iug (cool l'ohl." ' "• TROCRZ 31P.011":\ TROCHES DEEM I,lllk. " rklllOVl UV. i 10:11:n . 111,K Alla Iri It:Aion of V.1.;',Thr011,,,, COI:111AM PI,: 31 . STACY JOHNSON Ln 01 . 11,,. of TROCHES MIME TROCHES " Il real whole taht it hetet, and :N they t•reveht II: .11 `f.- h.". I ',I'M 1 , 10: , •11. ••I , thlith 61irc ), ill Lent pjetthilient .41vailhiw ht MEE TROCHES BROWNS =I PF.'44.1.10.. or \ tht T.•no. tl_ '.1 . 11 . 1.::\ Fly i: A TROCHES ZiE E;MEMMI A i rl . tti. WINSLOW, alt experitmetol a l t t e ff ilo . , ; . o ,r! o ronalo to (tie oloihor 'nor SatffiliNG 3YRUPI • FOR OIIII,D11.E5; TEETRING, the hs. 0.1 ' 1 , 11 1 1g the Yet/11,111'4 .111 in11:111:;11 iou—gill al lay all rail mid lab. Ito- Drpt , titi 111..11 II 1111.1 h, 10, IL will 0, rust to yourti•l(l'S, 411 1 11 III:LIEF ANN) 11E,', 1,1 If To ;',ll`li 11" e 11.11011110 up :111.1 hi , 1.1(.1. 3 , ,,nre , , mill call I ty, 11,111'111h a it, lie b ase (l aser 8111, to 5,1 ) . -01 :015 0t,11,•n. never lustll.l Dins. Av y ssi , t yvv,s.. , ,cl , t e I ly clu ' I‘utoN% ill• who titiot it crt, —._ ii i i _ _.- - It. .4ett,,,, ~.3 i A ,^, , 10 111. trnry :ill aro 1 , .-- , ¢7 -,- k-- , 1-16.-- .. . •! 4 .11,1 1 i , with it.: cp.- I lat 10 'I ... 11.01 ,p,31, Its l7sTirtss or L... 0101,3111 It hit it • k m:,l. Lc, - tie 'III kinu yiur , unli plod to our nu situtiJus I, the I s - .l:.lustult ui t, hi Ire bort. ire. lu situ. ricry, lts our i 'lnfant /sulf•srliu: frusu I,IILI 01111 ssli, 1,1.1.. U. Wlll.llss G.tua In litti.,•ll or I iionl: s 1111 slut. syrup is nelminist gird. situ thle ',ern:llion is; thus s Ipflon Of uu of tilt lilt-I enlstss . ;115,1 111110.0 in Nr , .I.siulasul, and hu. ill:V/1 . 11•Vii tt ith ns Tii(Vf l S,l N1): . 4 01 0 It not 01/IV rekllo., Cho ..111h1 null: } Mt .11 . 1 4 111, .01.1,100 ,1101 . tiy to tin ,- ,‘ bolo t.y.:tvio. It ',III :Alm, loon rattly reliove - GRIMM] '1'111•: BOWEL: , AND 'VINP (111)1,1( =MI I'lllst-oils, 1,111.31,111.• I.lsrr•rlils' n rlrsttlr. jtt IPI•ii• it tltr• trirst. 611Il . UItES rrl nor, raritirrrly 11/ II II V.,/ I Su Illt 1//I,` rirr. rcs4-11. t- ^ Xl. I .s ' I._ i .•hil I t /111//1/ I'lllo J./W/111114.1W 11,11 soy Ili 111, ...no., N/ I/111 0:1y r r t rrry moth, ‘,11.01., n l/1111/1 all urtlarr , rr r t Ir r t - Sr r rr , 1 t" , tirr . Irrotiorlir r. , 4 r.rothr.oo I.t ~.to Ing 0111.16o:I v.lll i',— .11 t'l:f,l' lill• a,/ Oft/ 4is /11l ill/ If t 1111,13. //111, ///1/ 11,111 g I/ 111 a'///./11 colt bottle. N.ott. gvolt,lll. unkto td r_ I'IIItICINS, Nutt . roll tiro mash: Ivirripprrr. Srrllttry Nrrr tit t. 31111 t 3t. Ilsr , sri t t , throw. ir•rrrt Ih wollll. 1h irro jour lbott ill, rtl cc, No. 13 ( it's, st. V. July IIn , STErF"I'IPIZ'S 'll'o VA r\ i ' , " ' 1 .1,; ,:. ' .-=' ,1:' r;Ti ,V d i::,.. , e Lt.., trAn Lii z.:. i] 2, ri.:,L i:,,,, Thc:prooi.hoors rind :user, '1:1.1:1;1(.% TED 01.',1 1 I IllT TEllS•eal, arpeal 11 ith perrect cdillith.nee to m,•, 1 . :1!1y the I . nit,,l the ,1! tiele,has attained at ion btretoiorc i;al.noun, It IV II! ,II 1001111 No:peal: th ,, tl l'.lllllllt , IF .._Tlie_cousnaptiott_of_Jle'siettel;:a ;^ILIIF"1 ltit erg l . ol• the last year illlnolOlll .1 In o rit 11011 Itll,l 110111 it:;. 111:11til st ,I,OIS, i111211,1-O F0i,11.1,1 111111 dill ill; I Ile POlll the 101,1iloit ion 11i11 sea. 11 11e211.titol 101 l IFS. 'Phis. imwou-c:uu:anll could tie er have Lolls sold 1,1;1 jr. the 10110 medicinal ollel.l t'olitaio,l ill Ile 1.1 01.1111• 111111 file ;11110 iOll Itl . %,it'illll:l ill thud 11101 'lulls of the ,a.unt where the article is host known, who not /nil) , I.econonend the ]litters to their lottiviits, but fire ready :It all times to give 111 IN elliellOy ill till cnscs i,t• stomachic derangements 111111 the diseases resulting therefrom. TLis is not a IFllliroViiry IllilllllllFilY, obtained lay extrtwollinary elfort.i in the way I.f trum ticling the qualities hat n solid estimation ix,vt invaluable inedicitip;ltvhieli is destim.d to Ile 119 enduring as lina4Prelf. Ilest ell Stomach Hitters have proooll a Godsend to• 'regions where fever 1111 , 1Agli0 and various other bilious eon:plaints Have.,. collided vietints by hundreds , . To he able to stateNconlidently that the oIlluers" are a certain 0111 0 1 for the I I , speio,ln. 111111 like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of tin• alloyed pleasure. It removes 1111 morbid m a t i c r from the 61(mi:it'll, purilit , s ILO 1110110, anll impar , s rt.newed Vitality to the nervous sysl Clll, givir.g, it, that. lone and energy lu4l.isi,cllstiLe .for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, 111111 other dige.til . e organs, mildly hut. 111111 00011 rest ores I hent to a conditihit ossential to 'dui healthy tliseliarge of, the functions of nature. lildcily persons may use the Bitters daily ns per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent awn tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have t ;le evi dence of thousands of :Neil men 'tend'wenten who have'experieneed the benefit of using this preparation while tffering front stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the met4ls of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. - There are certainperiods when their cares are so harassing that many of them aink,under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she lie young, is apt to . forget her own health in her ext conic anxiety for her infapt. Should the period of maternity arrive during the P11111111e1 . 1.3115011, the wear of body and mind is get r:rally aggravated. Ilere, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, nail enable the mother to bear up tallier her exhausting trials and, responsildliticls. Nursing mothers geti'd , l rally prefer the Bitters to Idiom her invigora— tors.t hat receive the crultirsement of pliyei firms, liccause it, is agreeable to the taste well. as certain to "give's, permanent, increase of bodily strength. - All those poisons, to villein we have parlicti- JorlY. referred Above, to wit; sufferers front ` - fever and ague, caused , by malaria, diarrhoea, dystihtery,' indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalidt,i, persons of sedentary occupation, 'anditursing mothers, will consult, their awn p 4 et cal welfare by giving to II so tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters .i trial. caution ngsiust, Using any ‘ ot'.The-tuany iniltations or counter ' feits,tbitU ask- for IItrrErrint's.CLJJAIIIATIM 5T031,1441 8604 4 41111 .6 bottle has the r,ordti osfed ter'S Stomach tal,era" blown MI .the bottlq4nd on. 'cOi'cl'ing , i':flfOlitorki obsetizothritkutr antegraiilt - at atitit(iials 'on - the label. Slirrierttatiffilburoo," by- all ';l,=j' , :g . ficiiierv, and , genortillY . 13ittilett; 86uth, Arno'. • " • ,matua 2 00 7 ;!1n i , ,; -Pt ; pr , ut,rlr4 . 4 ; ~~ _~: I) U . IL E BLOOD 111¢h A11111%1,1 ceiebrity wltieh those pre-end• neat .Ntedirines 'neva acquired for their invariable riii oa , n y in all the disect.es. shirt tinny profess to core, has OVolleretl the 11,11110 practise 01 pulling not Only 31110CCF slry, but unworthy oil hon. lino aro I , no‘vn by their traits; their goad worl,s festity inn them, find they tinier not. by the Halt of if,: crodulon, !wall r:thl. 1/t . ASOIIII3, Acute and Chronic 'Rheum.- tient. Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys. 91i111,1114 Rat el, and ElVer CollllllllilltB.--111 the youth 11111 Best ahers these Jfse.tcnv prevail. they Nl,lll he fOllll4 iinalnnbht. NallterS, hall, ro uud Others, 'win tiara lme these medicines, will.neverafterwardti ha with out them. tillliens Cholle and Serous Looseness, lilies, Costive ness, Cold, at it Colatths: Cholie. C. ;SSC Al I' —Used with great nuesess in this di- 11.1 r upt, lintoorg, !Ital. , lea, 11spupqin.—\u . porson u it h 1.111, fli,t re, lug 411,, se,hould delay tuning theso itunt,liate!y. ' Eruptin , 01 the chin ~ Erysipohn, Flatulency anti Fe rrr AL:ll".—l'orthlN svutttge or the IVo:tern country th0.,0 Ittealvine, AI 111 lo• 11.utni a hale, ipatelyankluertain reoneT 011,7 eonlirines kayo the system soldeet to ret tire of the ill,easo—a rare Ly there mediehies in rerm,trieat. Try them. le.' , .alisfaol, r u nt' be cured but t,N dS OF Dlt, G. F. It1(;%1,1,V. 116,11.“ • (1141.11'11,14. flravel. lleatilielles oi . ory kind. IthelllS ' illtitllll, • Impure 1,u,. of Appetite. 1.1 V 1.1: I.IO.I,II'I,AIS'I'S, . . 17105.11:NESS. n= Never call: to orailtrat, enttivlsnll tlir ilreets nf Nler• run' Infinitely eeoner thou tho most powerful rri!lial, limn : , :11,1p . 1.111/1. iSwteit,, Norpoue Debility. Nervous Compinlnts of all I,ltulf.. ( ',auk Affections, Palpitation llfthelleart hun lcr.i Ultolie. • 11= •011,111:0 pr.rdefor of these nt.,ll,llJeR NVIIFI envod of yearn shuttling Ly the ups of thew Lisvr ISdun in the [wail, vitt, jOilltS nod or ;;;o It II 1:1 , 11 fill with than disrnsr VIII Lo start! i,db•i hl . ttu• I.lle It niai ni Ylcod to tilt! &•urvn', Silltiltimu in. 11 , 1!1.A. ee K !WS 4.: V I T, in its v,...rst 11,1 . 1 . 1;.1,11111. „rail Iwo:, :in, liy 111 nsc will do ...ell thee: aSilteli eis sty:l...tied. lIe!leb will be e l Till.; • „iND - II III: I TILE 1117/51), h u , ,I•••11141V0 1111 14•rp.ued by 1111. 1111,LIAM It. lIIC.I.TAT. N... 815 11r0...1%111y. Lu11.11...t, N. V. b.. nil lb•iLekts. .I.lly • r,. , ), A.II.I)VAIZE 11 - Ait 1) .1 nk ki \VA ILE!! EyILL , - 4 - Soil bLive,i II I LL.Loplotl.Ll opylling L., L., I.:LL tit s. ILL, vartLi.ll,. 61.1, I , lLich hoop L. IL, Cho-• trly ntt I 4.11 t ht of (I o- pnLILLit.. IV.• havo iLly Lim- ..i . k in :ill R.. at ILL 0.111./W UNTlPllllllo , iate Llio pllb. lll'tl ills in 1.11-:“. Ilr snutll , 111.tni ilk , . al. the (nerd .1 toot ni..11 tin pnltlit• to Itiplert t•tntl Chat wo lmea los lt. I.ltt:ttotl,. in I'ltiltoltdpltitt and Now l'ot 11 to, t oo. tow.,hnt t• t-to tt.lttltito 111,. 11,1. on.. fool: Intol o 1.., tow 11111 t• tti, loft. flog" lit we to rt. ottoto4ll :.apply I .ok J on:11,1 in 1111 nowt 1.1. l'ortotot '.l to 0111 lino 1 , ill lied It I , their tidy:1111 rr o lq uivo It t• 11l 1.15t.11 . tirtlet's .trottilly tool tinnet ottll.v it ttooltql mot no 1111010 prl..eutni loot, tondo 1,1.111 , 1 .lIIIIN ItY tC: SON. !!:I:,' •110, N.lrth 11:11,.tier fit. 11a•II•.Ie j A N_E 8 - . - 11 r 1-; AV E ' • •-• • C A 1: N 1: T -17? NI A N AcTO It t4eil 11l th.• t‘,.•nly ,‘ milt( ;ot tlll,l, /11).1., and I; r 1 11111.1.111•114 . 0111.1 . ,,1111'111.1 , 1 , 1 1 1 4.1 1 10 liilll In 11,11 , t‘LIII` 1%, /.1,1 it-I.ti:c , 1111.11 110 t”I p 11,1. 1.1. vise 11,11 , sti-1.11.” Ltl ;nlll L,l 1.1i11.1 C.lll. IRS .1S tn . rnqi.m 1 , 11.11,11 y 101 11.11141,-,11/3111: IL/ I , I.,' I IIML , LLILLLI I'LL r the !,'mot ol t 1,11., and at the 10n...t pn,sibk ph, • ll.' ht.i l'N nri.! , Innni uud fl/111.1,11,pnluq ' LIIII.II , IILii ILI lILLT LLLIIIS „111 11 onuntry, on tin. nins1.1 . 1,IM1011:11Lle 1.1.1 I' 1 !. .11 , 1 ().411.F., lIII'L,LII CUT, 1, VII 11111,1/ell all I I,1„•1 11.111.. lI'LLIII 'LL 1101131,LL 1S 1,l lnit CLLIIIII, rued Flom IS to JAME, It. :%1:15 1.,514-15. . It.-11vo proporl s:l. keit ofu Choi tittown, Comb. eon tit y, vv tOiorml for sale 011 easy terms. as abt J. it. 11.• TRVING I I;ML\LE COLLE6E, JL mcrllAN 111' tG, PA. Thl. I 11,titlIti011. the-it:died for the lii.rral telneal len ot Veintir Lath,. Itas lweit in otter:ditto tl o yeats It all Ile' utt , d gt'atilYine reottlts. it in non te.tahll.thed •rr 1,111 A.:a in, itatindtt,te already extends It, et nerved Sive , . It the etnalterlantl Valley Railroad ~ly h. 4 a,'.'u It it:1 , 1,111'4 :lent C:11.11,10. ill the 111,,1 !tw ine dier It,„intlttil pet lien t,f the and is ent• el the metal, healthy, anti en it. in tine Slate. It j, a wl li tt ny 1,11'1111! Italtlentre. tn. Plidatlelithia In lire morning It.itit let:II it 11.110r,r, tattle 3lechanle•litirg In tiln , Lir dinner. Thet.lllice in :gill t tow:twilit,. nt ipi t t, titt l t . t i 1, 3 tltttiltitt v t ill an etnittetlateali , itii one hou r lt,,.ilibihk,:lll Mk. II11111,11e11:1.11 . 1 , for 1.11.• I,lollllli ,oil of ill,llll, 1,1:11,I awl 1•111!1,111.111, In 1,1,6'18 )/11/111111111 0111 it:111,11. itliitittliot ........, h.., it, entil rli.ilt da l ly O,III,[IIIIOIItINI/ll'llk, the ~Bite roLttn. It stlettionat till', supplied 0 itL eatotand cold water. . . Tim '41..1.146 me autie. uud erII ;11 . 1 . 1111ged rcor n 4,0- :Mit the ti . istigl•llle f.,1..t0z• tf.l to If grat , tittl tofvoinent uud r•yiulloqry of form. Till! 1%11 . 1111y of Instruetloo Ire elm lent and 'experi cpro 1. In Ille C sll,4l•ltt. Dopartmenl lho coorr.e of ,Atoly Is (1;111h:1i eoloprekendlipg all Ow solOvel: holoog. Polite 111:11 1.11 .. 1 , 1111h 1,111..1111.1. 1 1 11 I,oparlole”t pupils Ivl , l Is. ~11,•• folly lootruell to 111 oe I.toclies lorinitor LII , I hoix 1111111.111011 1..11..1:1,111.11111.11111.11. S,lOll. 11.111 the tot 11 . 1.111,day Svpit.llll.4.l . Or the•::ulh i.f 41:11111:11 . ). •rood ft . ( ill the Ist of February to the list, of July. Vimition, during July and .tuutua. = IN kI)VANCI:. uric 1111 c. Vi)inliitw, Purnl.hi d homos, . . . . . . • Popart.tumit. Prop:11..10r). First Cla N'b ec tra ellarja the Andont L:uq • u:,gra. 31.n.l..—Pi,n.ahet Guitar. , . . . . I.ananag...:, • , , --in no I)rr•.,lrlng ana littler Ornamental ltranelies at the mual fm•ni+logl nt city-privete. 1•or further partlenlars flee A.. 0 N.tiu.Arr, .t. . 3.1 Y 0 A. B. EWING'S FIIRIUTURII WARE-ROOMS 559 4",?'1550 t . a egr- West High•Streel, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium amarded at the CamheriLuid County Agricultural Fair of 1857.) solowriber has just received t h u most splendid as4ortmont of articles in his line. over brought to to place—trident 1m Isdp_tormined to sell at prices that do fy competition. rtrlo, • Chamber, Inning-room, FURNITU.R.E. ICit.chnli anal • 011iee Embracing every Kahle peed liy House nut Hotel keepers, of the mOstlirOVOti anti I . :10110110de design and finish: including also Cottage furniture reception :Ind Camp Chairs, Mattrassos, dint frames, picture... Re., dm. • - Purchasers are requested to call and examine ,121.1 stock, at his extensive ware-rooms, {Vest Male stet, North sldo.• A. It. EMI F. ifl- Particular attention given on WWII to funklala; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderato terms. A. li. E • Carlisle, May Id, 18.38,..14. 4 J OSE' ) 1.J.• ST E . 14.1 L WATCH MAKER : , SOUTH .lIANOVER STRE . IET, A feu) doors south of the • AI, g a . .P • . Court 'louse. ' Having supplied tuyself with a large apporiumut of 4 ai .r.. tlatertalp,Ohteses, !to., I em now prepared to ra- t rmi I" RI ode of Wateltex,.(llaoka,Juwelry, fie, on the . .. aet reaeonable terms, that . " , ey he intrusted to my. care, Ifa'ping liy strict' atttint •n to Iniolneso to lat fa - voted with' a liberal shake Of Tiox no. tonrourtgo. , r . A. line oosortannit of. JEW .1.41',, such as Ladles' .Bream Vino and Ear Prams :Q. "and Canto.; :II lase.' limn& Pins and Ear DrOpa. l'lo ' 'l•d U Inos Vine ell slum, • Geld _ttlUthas, Weeks r rlated CIA ' , 'l', (I lit I,oelt 66, lluardo ;KoYlp 4 0,, 'Ala° IllaAtt audible ..,i • r tha init'ar.' . . . GOLVPI,I.IOhu, • . NG,ry• -• :, ) ,' ,, '.. , Aloe, a finelltlicettliate'llititi• 'i4lakeelted' 'Lever; , and I.oollog IY4it*ntaklki.ll.ooo.k:wirtinent Or eilv or Itlated apd Stool tlparideloo.—Altref, .0,40 0 , 0 ho snfil. l ow , : A. shartrotpuldle patronage' ' no ; fully pallet.' tt'd, ~' ,'. /r....-.', : . ---'' .. : • ;silin. - ,•i,....:,:::r.". "t0tett,4 , ...,,' , .'."' '. ' 0':.',,11, , „ '.. , • . 18111112131 VEGETABLE- LIFE PILLS, !qP. PHOENIX BITTERS = EMEMMEMEIII MEI RE t, LI I; LE I; 1)0 lEs' . C 11.1 1 ,1,.. 1.1 MI ,Nctu o uuE.- aTTEXTION; • ' jc,ji:W STORE AND NEW GOODS Afterreturnine his acknowledgements for tho Cory liberal patronage which hasheen extendedlo'hlm, tiler mniemigued would call attention to the 111 , 1 that he hasjust nropened hie extensive assortment of family 4 f ^ rtaaie ~,'~~s in 11181101 V Store-roam, on the soutlecest corner of the pnblie square, where OM pubile.aro invited to calft and examine a (took of goodp,whieb,, in elegance, vailety and extent, will defy coMpetition; comprising in ',art I,ar, lump, 'crushed nod brown sUgars, Java, Rio and roasted Coffee. , Every on. ilmp , defy and quality of TEA. Spices, (groundl'ry F . and unground,) Pickets, Sauces, Table Oil. , Now Orleans, Sugarbouse and Trinidad f I )lolasses; New York nod phin Syr upe4. OPeese, 3lacaroni, yermecil h, 9,lltNlls,llontiny, Mincemeat, run, Starch, Farina, Chocolate, Extract 0, refined sugar at. reduced rates, washing and bak• log soda. Tobacco or the most fitverite brands, and the If nest quality rf Segars. Moo, a ben ntiftil assortment or Britannia Warei plain ;ma Wed hand Claim Ware, Ohms, Queens. Stone. and Earthen, Ware, in greet v.' HOY, and et , 4 . /..0111t let of nuley Soaps, extracts and perfumery tier the toilet,' . ' FRVIT,i': Including Peaches in cans, Raisins, Cran berries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, &c. TAQIJOIIS: Il'l.mlPFala and rota(( 1 ( 1 = __. llll _ 4 ;1',...;!;r7!,nii.',,‘,..,:,:..,.:,‘,Trnk7,d„;1d„,1,',,0i:i„i;..„ ~,....,..: i i p Mierry tort. N!!‘deria, (I I nger, ' Latawba . , - -7 - . L , n and Muscat ‘l toes In ranks anti lad. t le, s•votcli Ii Ilkliey, Holland (1 In, and Scinddam Stlinapnfi. FMIL AND SALT. "'A I..ge stack of L.1.: , 1 P:4, i nelltillug Dyott's calo'brated lamps fur laarnlnEr ti et 050110 Pr cool oil, lIIS6 Spann, Pine, 1.1 . 111 Mill Coal 011, Burning Flnld. Sperm and Star Candies. _ CEDAR-WARF, AND 13ROWIS. Hopes, 31(prq, so:. lloorumfr, IVaiters, Loohlna.g.l.nses, line letter , and note paper, Willow Ware. painted Infolceta..X.e. conon and woollen ninon, and half ulnae, awl' a full stool: of IllovUh, Indutliug tho well known Hanose, Ba c !, I:loxes. • Li sharl. his ,too‘ Vompri,es everything that Is Caned [Of in his 1 . 1111! of Ilwillt•se. and fin onOltti Will lie spared to render entire satisfaction lZ hls cur..lol.lller,, C. INLLOIT. Cm lisle, Oct. 27, 1.75-Iy. S:trltetlNl Inlien In nxcliango So ,;noun. L" FAA( - GROCERY AND TEA reeelvol and In store, a fresh and tech so lertn d aa..snrltta ul of 111., .l.ne a and Man, Rots:ad ('als.o. ernsched Itadined :nod . cthrr himan curs, sone:lan. • Syrup A1a.!:1•,..F. inn le,lllh (I..alsingu M nu I • Spie. , paw only: :qandn, annual , . Mae,ar,nu, ('hen'c'e and ria , herg, Tanpinva..,ana.l nit, Indigo. Fal,stna. and Solt, 'Parlor and as. toned 1.1111.111.kr t cyr,v.r. - : 11. A1. - - A.. line :1 , 1.1011:Olt ill i'3o 1,,,e, , 7 7 1 1,,.i t t i1 , 11 i 0 , 1111, , -- ,1 : 1 1 , 2: . .' , 1.:1 , 1 , :1 ,. .1 ,.. :111 1 t o t her articles L-Ti . li. anti late - I : eat:ave. in je..s . 73 at ll ' inw i..' t ^.111.1A,L, .1. {V. 1.3117. T i l7 AT( ESZ, dE\VEII AN 1) 1 v si com.N . .Maud. 4 Alain oplieldle 1 . .. Cumberland • I ICate,iunt rocolved a nett ata•rtinent, of t• at rhos, o‘t olry, Inrd.lllmu . ,I, or ti art, 1,1•11tion to toy no, It. avlkloll l lathe t lo• atioti•t or the Tho abeam tanent, einl•raeos tine gold:not silo. tvatrloa.. I lunt,lng and open oaq,l do.. gold An -11•r; for I,a•livi , anti , ttentlotnett and ttllvor la•pinot , •ut g•;atartior 11:tehenoI every litt . h . ty in 013 . 1• and : 1 , 11• , • .11••8 iillo gold l'adallii•nn. ltrono , t•itin, for 1.1•110\ilt1 G..-taletuvo of ovvry pattl.lll mot price. Hold bd.. vo,f,, lamb and noel: elain, Gold ! , ,,,•••1 , •t4 liner :dude, G slooty•laltlon , - Press,, clonal*. old, and ,ilvor silver /11111 plated I.llllol' Isnivo.,. labia. tea. salt and pinstard spoons of over) a, loty. .1 'aria. ittv•ot (meat of puld, miter anti 0,1:11011 %peet..l ,•, , to salt till 111211 uc 1111 /11 . kr , dal att , ..11• 1 A Sao lot, of 0111.11 PENS nolo the ninhers, caaey oil r••1' :tool pearl raid eases, ,•.1.1 and 01,11:111.11 hravelet,, •,, Mel, challis, • mattil.• Clack, .11,1 a 1811etv •.i :.Iltrlrl 111.11. ally I.ept In .lecoi•lry 1011 , 11 11111 .0i) I eAt.h. All at (Ivies mar. • y• 1.1111•11 1.• 1.•• what the, nre — rept•-.••ati•tt. paid ?I, 11 1 0111 to j . )1.; 11EPA1 I: Ntil - antl all at. it ,s at e.mt•el. CONLYN. 14:•7.I 1;1V ((1()I1S AILIIN. At .1411. y% ClsstilCdsh tors. retosoud Isom l'llinstelphin with n of Ins shoal...A 'Dry 1.1 , 1 , 11,i1t. to Vigo, .1 Del.aiossc riannols, 1t1n01.t.4. Cloth, l'n•-linrre:. As.. knight fin• 55511 at Itse proient rodored eity psdn's. nod tvlll Im null at uosstninsoly lots prises" Iss.thr Vast, Ni.,, is the low hos {treat Isis,nion. Ilussllest the r.tolr, Ilatolltoti l n rII ni.pssits thu It:dints] Irepst. CHAS. Ott 1 I.IIV, Trustee. . 1 .1 tot of cairn—to n«nrtra pact: ges l nf liaises, Quarter. and h Mirrels. S A 1,3111 N. at the Sloss 01 the sonss: thus. . );.I cz, i''.fj .1, 'T it U3l 1 3 1 - 1 A N . The enntpirte ' , nen,. the: Milli.) Flutter Crail, ,11155, warrant, the sulo,riher - In railing the attention ol oho only want :t sairecior htlll . l. 1.111 . 1111 /11111 1, 111/11111111105111/) . mote that has given nolter,al sall,fac llau. _ . \VJt.t•l CI,AIMI:I) OYER IS 1 t.t. A F :;11 to 1 , 11 pee riot. In fuel Moil.. r And Ilul'i.l'r limit t 111• i.onle tile. Purl, than taken ntu\l• 11l line nize, prt.F.erraticurnt the centre pie,- from-rfulthig 511, 'l'n Lust Inikor, 110,inter, and 11011 . lu 11S11, 1411. elinning the !loos, Ili. porlo:t woil or cool. 1 lin Prairie HMV,' 11. warn, toil to Ono satisfaction In tiny pirtleniar. and n ill 1,1. talall . lll% 1111 pleasuro to all a lio nniy putili.len or not, nor qur.olity of refr,oro io toWll er c•outaty. .1 tow other good l it i`F•till en uu Laud, 1,11114111111110 talltl vi n line to chow Ntiwk. It 'taint. Itoollio:. .lob work. Cmo.r.,toltlklog titut Shoot 1,0, I, prootptly nti I Ito. in oon n r. ruyy to . All uwrl, tt:itraffiell nt tha Uld stand, Hanover t.troet north of Lout ion. • NIAEY MOI:ItIS. .N. U. • old,l'oppor. Ihms and Ih•wtur bought, undo the hieht•et pilee paid hi roil or goods. ?litreh )1,1 , ',A51• 'l'.llOE .NIIIIOE.- ,TlO. firm of I.ltllvl Sawym. Imq 'won clutotrea 10 1.01(111.11. :-:kwyor PO,OO, 1, now 110: 1110110 ,01, in 111.1.1•01 t 0 the old 1)110 tit. r•lt 1 tl104.113:01 pay I Ilvir itevotint s t ns weary 10 00111 md . unn)cit k t,Awymc Vk - e 4110 rrr,•l 110 g lleIV good,. of all Madn sails• vall at our no, 100111 011 u Martill'a 11.401. . . 0 10 211 10 10 011 12 00 S\ )111,11.1 , 1t 11.,1ruILAIEF)P111,1 7.ELTCH AIsTR JEWELRY STORE coNnAD, FORM Elt PeCUPA ST, No. 148 NORTH SECOND s7wEE.7,', CORN ER OF QUA RRY STREET Tho lindersittnell loot leased the :klstvo prrtideux tylo•re it,, will keep a large as,ortment or (701,1 A Silver \Vatcht,, 4 I:American. English and Ea No Ilatinlartnre of the most celebrated notiterr, in addition to whleh, will lie ilonolliiilll3, ml 11111111 Inud 1111144 La order) an ex,tel,ive tariety of Jewelry. silver. and , Silyer Plated ware, to,ether with a ttelleral to,sortlitant lit such ,toods nsare 111Piii) kept in ft first elms .Itiweiry SGuv The intro IV ul'll. Coorsd, :tool there of the subset lber to,el her with the public generally, aro invltell to rill, where they w ill reeeivo a good artlele for their money. As I am deterodnuti to do strletly a eash business cords will he soli! very SNIALL PIO/FITS AND QUICIi SALES," is the pot to of this establishment. LIIIYIS R, 111t0011.1 Lb. • • Formerly O.IIIINRAD, No.l-14 North Seeontl 81. corner . ofttta t!rf I.lllla. June U, 1410.-Iy. c n i ELLING OFF AT COST.!!! At ills Melt of the "liold Entle,":l,lttoes abitvo Contherland Valley hank, and two doors below tins Methodlet Choreh. ott Went Matti street, the largent and tus selected stork of WATCUTS & JEWELRY hi the town, will be sold 30 per v e nt lower than at any place In the State. The stork I,llllllllsoo n Isrgo assert -1110111. 011)0d and Silver hunting 1,1811 watches,Levers, Lephies, A merica n watches, and all other, knds and styles, (bold and Silver chains, GOLD PENS & PENCILS, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, PIMA and Silver 111 a re, Music Mines, Aecordeons, llil Paint. Inge, 0 great .Variety of fancy articles, and a lot of the llnest Mona, which will be sold .10 per cent lower than ever olferild in town. The entire stock of Watchmaker ruses, large Mirrors, and Sato will be sold whole sale or retail 411 the easiest terms. INVIng, selected 0 first elass workman all kinds of re• pairing will be done as usual, at milked prices. --' • Piano 111111- le of all kinds for,sale. A new Dist class double ham' gun warrantelneunine twist will be sold for hall its value. • 11. E. Ell A PIXY. -000 POUNDS CARCHAIN!PET CAIN! 011 Cloihx, 44 64 84 16-4 widths of tho velobratud :%loul MI11111:11, turfing Co. Selling very eheoj, . WORM, BAWYEIt it MILLER. . - f BELTING! x. Just received a largo itstiortment of all vir,es Gum Belting, (him Hose, num Packing, ke., and for onto cheap at thu llardivaro Store of Juno 24180. li. SAXTON. • p LIN D MATIMIAL, LOOKING (11aSseji, Meals of all kinds. Blankets All lands olgoode kept in a - Wholesa to and Retell store Nov U, LEIOIOII, SAW YER .8: MILLER. NOVEMB11.1.11:2so,•1860. Tfi u rondai x of tin .11i:11.UP" oro reminded that I harp just brought fisini tho city n largo supply of ' COULD 1.1A1115 AND, DUEY: . Dried' Apples and Peitth'es, Broth, TOrnit toes Ina ria, fresh Mutlimoins: tho'fityy Wit dlfforent kinds 'of ialkoafXnktortla And. Bouiirs, lemons and Oranges; Pr/31010V. Sugars, Whine, Teak klolossek,' Fish, Stiltillno Flegarii and Tiiharilo'nircky-llnoiyandles, Old Bye 101slioy, Winos ,tc . • brollies a' genentr nt.l4 . 9rt.' wont of grots in our IMO of trod6;,tifforoil at tin lowest prices, kgii,GABIL BENTZ. Nor. 24;15D0 9E5 llHsu 'Carlisle Foundry, FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT F. Gardner & Co. now mannfiteture and ,keep eon start ly for . solo, at their extensive Stunt Works on Ens Main sh vet, Carlisle, a largo aosort moo t of AU ItICULTUR AL 13IPLE31 of ‘vellknown, approved usefulness to farmers. 11111011 , 11'11111i 1.111. y would mill especial attention to WI LLODU II RV'S VEI.EBIt APED PATENT • ~G SPP r 0 GRAIN,,AHILi, whirl, haste and er fifty First CIIIPS Premiums at Stet and County Fa • To the Fatquers of Cumberland, ork and Perry cille Ti t.w t o need not speak In detail oilhe merits of th . scores of them are now in use on the best fart Is In hese counties. Its remit. tau is estabtiehed as the most complete Grain Dill ow manufactured in the United States. 1 t tows wheat .1 .0, Oats, Barley and 1/rass, evenly and regular, n i them initiating the seed, The gum Springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking 04,50 the drill. For even and regular rowing, the Willough by Hum Spring Brill is unequalled by any other. IV, also manufacture and sell the following articles, millet we Van recommend to Farmers as rellablp Implements of establlshvil character: MORRISON'S-PATENT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRAW At FOIRDER currmt, BIUDENDOLPIPS PATEN'VCORN SHELLER, 11A RN'S pATKyr CIDER NMI., JOHNSON'S CAST 11105 1100'S TROUOIL Also. Three and Four thirs ' ii Powers nod Threshing INlaelilnes. Cost Iron Held Bo i lers, Plough Car:Weis of various patterns, Corn Censbers. and other ortielci.. for Formers too numerous meillion. Also, Egg Coal and TOlr Plate 'Mond St oten, with, IOIIIIOIIAo virrielT or oilier en xi I lies i;br bousek.;rperti and rdhern. We have also on a Ltrartlild varleiy.uf patterns (or 71110.17 1145. SLINGS, and CEMETERY liNCl.A...auns to which nu would roll attention . . Steam Evirrinoo Pllll thenring. To f l, is dopartinoot ldt,lnlool lee rite 'millet] fir our already extent lie stork of rialtorris for t'apar, Flour nod Gr/trlng, Is constaoLly :11!1 Owners 1111(1 11!1 WI \kill 1 , 0 far blsharl ,Ith n printed catalogue or our ~ulous 0111 P:ltterllS, 011 nplrill'fltloll. '3lachluel , bopl . o,llllllAl. all rsrlou•. tools I , o•Orning, planing atul Ilniahlug :0111 CUSIIIIV;11. by good and rarriul 3i:u•hlulsts. STAI'ION,II.I.I - STEAM ENG 1N1 , ,S - Of It 03. dc,lrohle unfroeity, from ten to twenty Live polder. built iu the hurt style neooromndating tons. Ei.glnoo: built. lit 0110 e.toldishuletit 'totty tin even In soyee,Ml opnrotiim at many of the lorgest Diptillerie , Tatmerh, in N111,40;111111 Citotberhtml Perry nod' Doophin Counties. to the owners t 4 we voothleolly infer for Mtbrnmtion a= to thefretlivieti ey. itttpting!itelto ore eartmf tiy re quretvd 10..11.1.1 1:X41111110 I:00/0y tmatr.lettog nice. where DOOR AND SASH 'FACTORY, lib our 04(31111011111 . 11t 11 F10:1111 S:101 1 1/000 %I;tinilal . l,,t . ) . 0111 , 11 IN 1100 111 o.lnpleto order the manufacture or every tlewo 1141,1 of ;;.r the naval co,tly nc %roll at- tin 1.1.1111,1 luau o.' Wln don• Fsvh fornklo d tram l et'lltt': np•+nnl, maantlint; t rile of glass t. ‘‘lnoiow Frano , born :f.l 31 uptt ard but t orr', and !lolling trio of 71. upward:l Fon Panel ' , tuna rot nmal .moodiury. Cnetlup Avrt*.o. Inapory and other art irlra noodod bon=e builll!ng 1.ml:4104114 thu lowoat prices and of be host quali , 3 jointer. lin..lle nra oleo proton-4.d, n 4 twrotolol - O to 'Mild .111.1 ltri fitran,porters or the railroad. mitt promptnosa and on roasonnblo tor!. Th. 4 ,, ,nt10rn d patron/lan or Ito public 6.11,11,411%111 sollcitost. (Irtif.r by mall promptly attended to. May 'IM. F.ll.%llllSlllCri-Co, VEIV CO.\ A.ND 1,1 . 1\113E1l r.ARD 11 mlbactahers have this day entered Intl in I. ne,hip trail:• In JOAf, AN.II LUMBER, IV.‘ will have von.tantly no hand:mud furnish to ord. a!) Ligdannd quality or o. mould I,UIIIII It Ito.l I!DS, Fll.t:111" sTui t'lllngliott Loth. not I:ed lor, anti IVratherlx.arditor, Post: and Itallsond every tick that heloogt. ton I.IIIIIIIL Y.l HD. ..111 kind, of shinglo, 10 whiterim, llrwlm nod 0:41., or 41 1 :te,,•0 qualities. !laving Cum of o orolove can forokh hills to order of any gengt It p Oiye at the short,t notice and on the most reammt terms. Our Wlirbed he kept under cover that they rail he fit, ititAted dry at all thous. lye have constantly «n Imh4l all liltols of Family C under cover, which we will deliver clean Lid an) part the bilrouvh, To wit: EN:A VALLEY, Woken, Egg,..5..t0r0 and Nu LIIIi E FIDDLER, TREVORTI/N,.. do. do. - do. ... Locus": MOUNTAIN. • e prlcco 111,1 quality of Luurl.a'rarr's• and Illacksinith's Coal, alwaya on hand which we will sell nt the lowest figure Yard west side of Uranmar School. Main sheet. AItMSTIMMI k HUFFER. 12= TEM . a. It.NONEIII4IOER 0 11 01IWA1DING AND . COMMIS :14.)N !musk:, FLOUR AND.FeED, COAL, PLASTER AND ..,;ALT Tile 51114,1 i tier IIOY VII 010 Wore honor ears pod list oleo el IVtn. 11. 51uri.ay'k well known ertablbh invor..ol Wert street. oppu , ite Uicl.insno College, would inform the pubile • that he has •aimed Into a. ~coeral Fla nardlog alrd Ciaannirslon The bighost market price will lie paid for Flour, and produce of all kinds. Thep are also prepared to freiglat prod urn nod Flock to l'lllladelphia and Baltimore, the bewent. rates, with safety :ola despatch. PL.VSTEII AND SALT kept constantly . o 4 baud, and FLOL'il AND FEED at eloacenle or ' Coal oral! Limb. embracing, VALLIA, LUli}: it 11111.1 t. • SUNBURY wiliTE ASII, . LOCUST B I', • Limcburner's and Blacksmith's CeN.`eIANTI.V rdlt sill:. UNDER COVER Ild deli (Ted dry to any port of the towu. • J. ll.:CON11:11A11.111t Corlkle. August 17,15511. DUN CELEBRATED OVER STRUNG i'IANO VOIITES3 • ale A _VD .IND. SQ LTA RE. Th-1"0...,0”,,,t,. In all respeets. are second to Main inanntaet urea In thls countrv. Ultlztltts or Carlisle In want id . a surrlor and reliable Itotonnent can he /lc , ....dated nt t rue 11.11.1,11.1 . O: PIACI 11.1.3 . mldrrasbig the iinticoiLtned at Ilan itdnoi.t. describing ton°, touch ! no style. tiefetence, Mr. A lexaidtcr C.ltheari. Goo. O. IVlcstllng. Agent for J:ut. d, 1801.4Inicu. pCNIIAM'S Pianos . - Ess GOODS.—A new supply o urs_lire4 such as l'Ophillti, bah n. slllt Nlndalors, Lustres received and will h _sold untstunnonly Ittw, at than cheap Cash Otto , CHAS, Oil 11.11 Y, Ti union. \0 \'. Is ;0. William P. Lynch, • . I'I,II.IIIIER cud 0..-1,5 FITTER In the basement of thr .11". E. c.7,,,,•ch p Main Sind, 'Carlisle. Lon:1 and Iron l'ipos, Iron Sint's, Ilphants, 11 : , th Tnhs, !lot d Cold SiIOWCI . Baths, Bath BoHors, Wator Clo,ots. Wash naslos, Force and I.lft Pinups, I Hydraulic Itains,'£o. • Wro'L Iron herd Tubes, And every description of rooks and fittings for gas, fit caw, Water. &e. Superior cooking. ranges, heat ers and gas lixtureS put up in diarrhea, stores^and dwellings, at short nottee, In the w est modern style. All mateti ❑ls and work In our line at low rates and warranted. I/h . -Country work and Jobbing promptly attended to. Mar. 23. 18571—1 y WALTER C. WHITMAN Dealer In FNE GROCERIES N. W• ornul 11th and Aroh Str ate ' I'HILADELPITIA. linvortorx of Cross S 111.ckwolPs ' EN MASI' PICKLES and SAUCESi' Particular attention paid ii selecting fine TEAS & bOrrEES For FandlleN, Sugars always at Runners' prices. Clinics ItS,'Ll Quoits and SkillAltS, of the host brand! always on hand. !day U, '60,1y, i--- 0 . 0 ' TONS IRON. AND ,_ ROLLED IIRON of the Very best ENCILISIL BRANDS warran ted in every way Superior 0, American make. Just re celi ed with a large assortmtut of Sheet Iron, , Anvils, • Hoop Iron,f ) 'kits, . Band Iron, 1 Files, Horse Shoo Iron,; . " Rasps, Spring Steel, . Bolts; Cast Steel, ,• ' .• Rivets, • Blister tV: , ' Nuts, Washers __ house Shoes, - Screw Oates,,, „ Nulls. Blue smith Bellows de., de. • Cheaper than the cheapest, 1, the Hardware Store of , March 7, 'go. , ,•; ,•„- HENRY SAXTON. . , _. - N. B All Iron sold at cat prices with freight added nun diverranted. '.. ; ' , . • • . : ' PAINTS AND 10 Tone Write Lend. received 'with n lure nencnt 1 • R.1110108, Virir'Pro • Turpentine, Ploren Japan, Whit Putty, • • . . co . Llthetrire; , . • • Whiting, ,„• 7shallac. Paint.urAki etNr. Ornery, ilepritttigi ..I=t•LttiWitrrkieWr NM itlllCOll5. = ILS.- ME 1.000 Glctions cd or 4 of Paint - • ' • ,Wbito, • , Zinc, red Z no, ; • , , tri LCnd• . 13ollud Oil. • •:, ftbjCibiel*kin*llridirl 414= 2 1M0V 44. .111iEircilancouf3. 1 4 1 1.1.1 E , INSURANCE.- THE ALLEN AND BAST I'ENNSII6IIO MUTUAL FIRE IN SUNANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, Incorpo. rated by an act or Axseinbly;b, now . fully or:4'11100,0nd In opetution Under the munagernerkt , oi the dolloping commissioners, viz: • Daniel Bailey, William B.: Gorges, Michael Cocklin, J. Bichelberger, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun. lap, Jacob IL Conner, Lenin Ilyer,• S. Eberly, : Benin. Mill ii. Messer,. J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Mammal Cathcart. . . The rates of insnrance are an hrOi al fart ruble any Company of the kind In the State.. !I; rsone wishing to - become members are invited to inaleii• ppheation to the agents ofAho cumpaicy, who aro willlng to watt upon them et any time. WM. li, CONGAS. President. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN. Viro President LEWIS UYEIt, Secretary. .c MICHAEL COCKLIN. Trerm,urer. - - - . Managers.— thcrgas, 1,. Ilyor. Chrititlnn Stay man, M. COklin..l. C. Dnidap, R. Mat tin. I), Bally, .1 Wicker Anni, EiAielbur Eberly, .1. Brandt.. AGENTS. CLIMBED LAND COUNTY.— John She rriek. Allen Henry Zee, hut, ShirenuteStourn ; Samuel Woodburn Dickinson; floury Bowman, Chord:town ; Mode 0 ilf 11th, South Middiel ; .Senntel, reloun. AV. Penns - bero'• Samuel , o,,,, , lir.•:lfecitenirsborg; .1. W. Cocklin, Shopilerdstown; IPlDobver, Shepherdstown ; J. 0, It.ax• Silver Dorlogil Benj. liarbtetlek, Silver „Spring ; Charles Bell. Catilk . : John Byer, Carlislo. • . YORK 0011) , ITY.:--.W. S. Picking. Dover; Peter Viol. ford. Franklin ; Jas..Oriffith, IVorrington F. Pear doll'. 'Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg; It. 0. Clark; DAUPHIN (10.—Iirdder x Loclunan, 'Harrisburg. :Bombers of the compenyThoying policlesabout to ex• Ore. ran have thorn u wed by making application to ItyZof the Agents. - April till. 186 U. 'HOWARD ASL'oCIATIONI r•A T T. All 115 L IA A Benevolent institution, established by F peclal et dowinent for the relicene the slot and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemie'diseases, and especially fur the Cure of Diseases of , the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADj'ICE given grails. by ft. Acting Sur , aeon. to nit whotipply by letter, with d description of their condition, (age, occupation ?mins of lifty &c.,) in cases of esti 01110 povertr, ' Median. furnished tree of rho v Ah imni,li pEpopTs.fn Sperms orrlgen, nth] other Inseamn of the Sexual ' , mans. end on tho NEW REM— EDIES employed in die Dispentiory. sent to the afflicted In sealed leant ~.velopes, free of el urge. Two or three fir rn olgo will he acceptable,- rll. J. SKI LLEN HOUGHTON. Acting Stir. ip.wlicd Association. No. 2 South Ninth etreet, Plill,tolphin,'Po. Dv order of the Idrerfro s, D. IMAIITIVELL, President OM. FAIRCHILD, Secretory. I. ti i*.i. 1 ~i,.. l'IA• -- "-- . , - ':. r lt j kl m f . o , . .-.,. • 11 E .;„45 .0?.. $ ,' ~.. .:!; '-;' ,ig ~... ?. ~ta- -- ... • ~. Thousands are dally Nmeildou In Twain,' of_ _A • • DR. EATON'S '..! INFANTILE .CORDIAL: - • • „,, why? neon iimi il lover fella to afford Instantrinernin relief alien given in time. It arts IM II by magic, and 0110 lila' alone will convince 3ou that phut We say lii true. It sambilio. • ' NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any I.lnd. and T 11,4.1010 'relieves by removing the ...Merinos i I'p.m child. Instead of by deadening 'its tiele.iiiiiille, For this reileell it eOll/111eIllie 'teen . . the only reliably prepauillon now known for *Children l'eolislog, Illorrhoen, Dysentenj:, (drip lug in Ihe Ilowelm. Aridity of the Stomach, Wind. Vold In the head, and et imp. Intro. fee Mettenttlit tile gouts. reducing Inflain. (ion. regulating the llowelli ' and rell..1 . 1113: pain. It huh 110 elll,ll—hetlitt ell anti spas. inislii• It It used with nillaillim surcena In sill eases of Conyoilelon or other- File. As you value the lite and health of ylllll. 0111111 TO. and Inlsh Insane then [nee the, Not Met blighting l'ellSellte lire!: Whiell aro ( . 1.1 . 1.iii/ I. rm tilt from the ii,r of inircollea of which sillier remedies for Infantile Colui I hitsJ.:l are compomal,.• Line Done hilt till. EATON'a• INFANTILE CORDIAL, till. 300 eau rely upon. It Is pertbetly" liiirmletx and oannot Injute the most della:Ito Infant. Price, 25 rants roll directions acrionpany ....0). bottle. Prepared only by cid lIIICII A. DUPONT. No 4.19 Ilrbadway New York. tJ 1 G '~ ~ J ~ 1 { Sri G Y t ~' ~ r J„7l. y,i r r x~~C Healthy lunnon Blomi upon being A NALYZI4,D always presents us with the sane essentlal elements and pink or ...outsethe 'fl'ue Randard. Analyri• the Blood lot it flei,oll f.ulluring frotn,Comannptlon, Live Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scloftna, 6r. sad we find In I,ery instance certaiu,deli , leficies lu the red globule's of Ithsod. t , upply three deficiencies and you are wade well. The 111.1101 i FOOD Is founded upon this Theory —hence Its astot.h.hing tureen. There are ME PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood—ln different disease, for Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, or, Any . offer. • lien whatever (tithe THROAT or itUNOS Inducing eon somption, use No. 1. which is - always the No. for Inm pression of Spitits. Lust. of Appetite. and for all Chron• Ctouplaints arising fdtpu (her use, Keno - 0 Debility, and Net, tots I'rostr4tiott. No. 2, for Liver et mphtints, No. for Uyohupslaa tiring already prepared ••tor sorption It is taken by cl-rops and carried immediately Into the cirhulation, SO that what you kmin you retain., The No. 1, to for Eenade Irregularities, Hysteria, IVeak •• tresses, Le. Se special directions for this. For Fait Rheum, Eruptions, S7rofulotts, Kidney, and Bladder Complaints. take No 5. In all rases the direct.on must bo strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food $1 per bottle. . fold by CII EliClt k DUPONT, . . _ 409 Itrzolway, New York. .1 W. J)volt ,t 4 9oris. Plilltideli.llla, and G. IL I{eyder l'ltlsbor4 11'hult4alr Agents. n===a2= CLOCKS W A TCII ES JEWELRY AND *llNl:ft 1V,1111.:. ut Manufasturers prices. W. 1). A. Naugle; AO., North lianover Street }'ivo Dnort: North of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, nod uext door to Kline's - Hotel, Dealer in FRENCH rC AMERICAN CLOCKS, , '"/C•1 1 ",V1 If ; 441 , c , • :5 7 (- • Foreign and Amerlenn Watches, Jovely.Sllver and Pla ted ,are. F. 114, liOirti,,to. would 111001 rrSpeCtiUlly lu Pwin his ,0111 011'0ns and tho public generally that he hasjust returned from the East a 1111 an entire neir stock of FINE W ATeur.6, JEWELRY, SILVER A tLA• TED WARE. CLOCKS A. lin, seettled agenelus trout some of the largest and best V, toilet+ fur the dale of these goods. 1 am preps. red to offer to the nubile any article in the line from 75 to 100 per cent less than they hove ever het n offered In this places r below the regular WllOlO4llO price, on Ch,ets trots 75 vents to $lO. Watrhes from 52,50 to $1:,0, .leo (dry to set to from 50 rents le $.25. Tea Setts front 20 to $20,-6 pieres bent quality and latest styles CLOCKS. ' WATC,II ES. JHWELRY. day alarms, Gojd Hunt. ea. Frig. Coral, Striking," 4 . American, Pearl, 8 " Striking & Al. . " Solar. CIIITICIo t H 4 . Regulators," t 4 F n rech. (toldmt St.°, " Gallery, Silver Ilunt.t.'nse Eng. elturcli,• " " American, Carbuitele, •" wiss. Opal, " French,"_ mini; Open nteo mtrieetn, •• 1,0 nes, Garnet, Quart iers, Turquolli, " " Paintings, French, Ennulolltitl, " lienevn. Pante, " " U111'111414 Kuno, A 8 1 1 . Mantles. b l'arli.r, 8 •' NI urine, ;;0 :10 I=trikirg, ' o Alarm S Slrik no 'flue•• n» Levers, * VA) Gothic, G01:1.4j, Walters Tureens. Ladles, , Cup, Mater Mhos, Salt Stands. Flap Knives, Pie Knives. Crumb Knives, Ira Creem do. Cake Knives, Forks, . Spoons, Castors. Cerl6lo, July 27,1500 -Iy. YEW MAE, AND NEW GOODS nATs, bAps AND LADIES FURS. The subscriber having recently opened a New Store at the old sin ud or l) Halbert In North Manner St. opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank. Ilavlou received front Now York and Philadelphia, a flue and well selected assortment of goods In his line of • business, such as • • -.,.. ... . ~.,......-4.0.,..-_, ....-.., ..r... - kt....1^,- , . 4, ‘.....,.... 7 = • ....- .7. .a. .• ..',. .Z. C; -. .. ". . . . HATS AO CATS, front tho common Wool to tho litre Fur, Silk and Cassi more pats. and at prices to suit the times. The stock includes a variety of stylett and colors of Hats and Caps. Fancy Beaver and Felt Ilats for children, oither buys or girls neatly trlulnied. YELilt CAPS, COLLARS and CLOVES, i fur Gentlemen, Also, n variety of fancy' furs for either . Ladles' ur chlldruns 'scar. Hudson Boy, Sable, Mink, Marian SqulrroL.Ourinan bitch, StoneNartiu, Silver do. Rock do. &e. • . . . . Also, Carpet Bags, Valises. A largo assortment of Trunks, Hand Trunks, Buffalo 'tubes and Prime bed Feathers. Thankful for the patronage already received ho would invite all his friends and the Public in, gene. nil to give him a call. JACOB 110A8, Agt. ,) Carllsle,,Dec. 7, TPA. f ~ . •• XCE.LSIOR .PICTURES Inform the cTarens of dailisle and Vicinity that he haslaken rooms' In Zug's now building, , Inlst cornor of Market Square,' 'Whore ho is at all times ready to take AMBROTYPES in the latest 11114 tiff* approrod style,.• l'lcturoi taken Ina%luyand cloudvareather as wallas clear. and out. Jefactitai gikell'Or no 'charges made, Portratte and DA. UMCKAYPII,OPIAd, klitdatiun -Pictures taken far ~ cmitatrikodil Atubrotypo.. • - . , . ': brO m gj.warrautu N l to,SiTi4tho test of time, beta „,..'Nat0r, , ; , ,,.1 . .. , " ';,,,, L , . . „,.. , ,..l s lft 90 4,amOrrutyOrdially ihvitofiNtlVl ,' 7 . . " ' 1 / 1 ;: ,. •%,,'.'",,' ' 1 4164 - ti . 411,"1,0)1Aik::0:',' A. R. IIk.f7WOOP. ik '410: 041 6 . .:4-r7f,-' ... ' , 7:` . ' '''.''.,;.• 'Atitit. , lIMN9 Biscdtancous. . NAILS ! NAILS !! NAILS !!! A Inrge stock of good, Clean, Neat, ,and Tough untie, at the lowe.st Prices. Our soils aro worth &Ode a keg more. than ally other mkt, of nulls sold In oer town. this Is the opinion of mechanleo who have tried_ them, no also have a full a4ortmont of • ;4' BUILDING MATBRIALS, of the latest and most approved styles. All goods war mated as tepresen tea. JOIIN P.iLYNE k,I•ON. May 2, '01. ,, ! North Ilan ever St. Carlisle. NOTICE • AND 111 r) THIS.— F. C. MHO • At the new Stor on Etna Main , St. 7 • near henry Saktoo,o Hardware Store, • , would call the attention of persons in wont of a fine Waldo to his splendid SZIs., • stock of American, Liverpool and Lon don W ATCH I have a fine stock of Gold Watches, 'at all Micas, from twenty dollars up to three hundred dollars I also havo; a large stock of. 4iivor Hunting Cased and Open Cased Watches, frolic thi s tle dollars up to eighty. I aboothave a now 'stock of French and Atherlo ea .ISWELItY. in setts, such as Cameo, Gold Stone, Lava, Mosaic, Mourning and Plaho setts, kr. f also have a new stock of Medallions, from one dollar up to fourteen; Ladles' and Gentlemen's Bryast Pins of all {pattern'; and priers: Gold Chains; a large stock of Vest Polo and Curb Chains; a very, large stock of fingiorrings of Mtilde and patterns. such as Seal It Ingto, Wedding ItingSa; and -S.ottings; a line stock of Cuff Pins, Gold Studs, Sleeve Buttons for Ladies and Gentlemen, Croons Bracelets, Gold Watch Keys, Seals. Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold and Silver Spectaeleil, a large stock er Silver Tea and Tablo , Spnons at all nom, and a ea., Spoons, pia.. , plate stock of Double Plated and T ted Forks, Silver a on.,trd Butter Knives Mod a fine steelt r.o.utoto panted Castors ' Sugar Spoons, Silver ertiit ?trod a large stock of Common Spectacles, to suit all ages, to 'which I invite particular attention; Port Nlonnales of all kinds, vor Keys and Chains; a large stork of Aerordeons, Violins, and Music Boxes, .(large and small.) awl a groat variety of articles usually kept in a jaw. olry ntore. '1 have also on hand a largo and well FOlocted stock of CLOCKS. of all patterns and 'fasidons. from one dollar up to fifty. whlet I will cop al a minall I profi t and warrlth t . lbeni for one. to Ire good titne.keepqrs. E mu shall he churl It Is repretepted. Clerks. Watches, and Ju ' welry, carefully repaired warranted. ' . . Carlisle July 13, Ilitio.—J • ttDO47 , - • ••7 , • ••• O;A., GIN AS A REMEDIAL AGENT. THIS DELICIOUS TONIC E , TIMULANT, •• SPFCIAI TAY designed for the use of tho MediciAl Profession and the Faintly, having, .so perseded `• tiln s." Aromatic," "Cordial '3lonlicated," "Schnapps," etc— 10 now endorsed by all of tile prominent physicians chemists and connoisseurs as possessing all of those intrinsic 'medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) belong to an old and pure GI n. Put up ill quart bottlesand mold by all druggists grocers. etc. A. 31. IIINIKHEII &CO., (Established In 1778.) Sole Prop, lams. No. Ili Broad street N. V. For sale by W. W. & tt. Sinith,—Frerich, Itichards & Co • of the prominent Wholesale Drmmists lu Nov. ]it, - ALFRED D. ERICK'S. UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT . OFFICE, NO. 144 South Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA. N, IL—Communications by mall promptly attended to Sept. 27, '60.-Iy. rrRUN KS ! TRUNKS!! TRUNKS!; i..dieß Solo Leather French Style, and Dress trunks and Bonnet Ilexes, Traveling Bags, ne. Dents' s.dld Leather and sole Loather Br:W.11311d Trunks Vii. New T.:1,01111g Bags, &e., n largo astortmonl and vork , low prices at LIVINOSTON'S, ." North Itanover Street. • I,‘ SPRING FXS 111 O S! • SPRING Al' KEI LERS' gLI) ' A rolllpleta stock Ornate toad Caps now ready for Inspection. SILK,- • • FUR, CASSIMERE, • 'FELT & WOOL.. • In every id,) to and quallty. We roll partleularatten lion to out $3 SI LK 11 ATS. Silk and soft flats, o any style manufactured to order. Cope of all Muds RECOLLECT KELLER'S OLD STAND. EMID2 IM=l 4' 4 it it 4 DR. ESENIVCIN'S TAR AND %\'OOD NAPTHA PECTORAL Is the Lost medicine In the world for the cure 0 Coughs:el Colds, Croup, Bronchi t is, Asthma , Di ffi culty Iu brentl ng, 1 . 411030 m of the Wert, Diptherle, and for the, tior of teitionts in the Advanced stages-of •. CONSUMPTION. together with all dlFeal l es of the Throat and Cheat, and an Idch pnAispose to Consumption. It Is peculiarly adapted lotto radical- cure of Asthma. Being prepared by a practical Picybicleo and Druggist and ono of great e.tperience lu the cure of the various dioceses to which the human frame is ❑able. It Is offered to the ❑llhcted with the greatest coal dece. o . :Try- It nntl be convinWti ihTit hirnlunL)a rn tits cum Bronchieal affections. Price 50 contr par bolt n. - . . ESEN N's AROMATIC 'BALSAM, a very valuable remedy for Merriam, Dysente•y, Cholera Morbus and all Bowel afflictions. Try it—Price 2b coots per bottle tkril. Thu above medicines are prepared only by Dr. A. ESEN WEIN A CO., Druggists and Chemipts N. W. Cor of Ninth & Poplar Streets, Philadelphia . . Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer of Medque throughout the Slate. •'• June 22, 18130.-ly. POND'S EXTRA CT OF HAMAXELIS OR PAIN DESTROYER. Is 0110 of the few domestic remedies which have coat into gen. al lISH and favor, without pulling. It is to product of a simple shrub, harmless in all cases, amiss a domestic remedy unequalled. For Burns, Cuts, Hut ses, Soreness, Lameness, • Sprains, Rheumatism. Oils Ulcers, Old Sores and Wounds, It has not an equal It Is also used with great success. for Toothache. lieu/who Niqtralgia. Sere Thri at, Colic, Diarrhoea, llonrscess, and other similar troublesome and painful alholons, while It promptly arrests . all Hemorrhages. Ilrldreds of physician,: use It daily In their practice, antAlve It their u,slaalltied recommendation. Sold by eirageuts and dealers, and by • N. RUM PUMA'S & CO., 562 BandwaY, Solo Proprietors and Manulaturers. August 3, '60,1y CHA It LS U/111 , • • PORTE MONNA _l, • POCKET • BOOK AND TCHEL - MANUFACTURER . N ° be . lo 4 w 7 ArNch°PiLtlTlonfonSnolrXl;Tlij u S c rth r , R 4h E s E t T Porto Aroinutles, Cigar Cases, ocket Port Foil., CatlN, Dressing Cot.os, Motley 800 Work Bores, liaukors' ease s, Purses, Mules, &c. WHOLESALE AND 11e-Ji/L. Aug. 31, 1830.-Iy. • C D V PILE Y WILLIAM KEII, I NAC DUNNEMAN, RICIIARDWOODS, JrO B.BTARltrur t Jolts C. DUNLAP: • JON DUNLAP, 11. A. sTetiO. Thin Bank, is sow Isrepanl odo a general Banking and Excbangebusinentv amens'se name and style of NEB, DUNLAP , A Co., in tit pew place lately occu pied by Ker, Brenneman & to.; • Money received on dupe: as! Pald beck on demand without notice. Certificates°posit bearing interest 11 at the rate of five per conl.l be Issued for as abort a period as four mouths I crest on all certificates will cease at maturity, prolod, however, that if said certificates aim renewedat sly time thereafter for en other given period, the,' idadbear the same rate of in terest up to the time of mem!. Twenty daps notice must be given of an Intestdi to withdraw interest des 1111t4) !A . a • call the tm tion!f Farmers, 3lechanbo and all rdisbrs who desire esalitepository for their oneney, to the undeniable fact tha he proprietors of this Bank ale not only liable tabs, bunt of their stock in the bank, but are INDIVOUALL table to the extent of their estates' fur all the )epo , and other obligations e Ker, Dunlop & Co.! Particular attenton pl ate the collection of Fondue( Notes, Foreign BR's, Dr s. Chocks. Ac., lo on y p a !' of the United fitato and adas. • a.. Remittances "ado to Y Pir t England, and Ireladd. ,i, . FM' the United Stated They will atall time plo" el ` l° g ive a ny informs lion desired in roger v um fora in general, ties faithful and con 6 ° rla execution of all order ' entrusted to hem ma 6 relied upon. 9 o'clock In the morning tint' Open Tor 6h:sines:a 4 o'clock In the evervir , U. A. STUBOEON, Cashier. ' . Carlisle, Aug, 74... - ------- -'"--- 'MEMT VTJ3IPS ila ) C h '— , melt witha very large assortment - 50 bnru h N iPumn , f -a il kinds cheaper than aler t : a :t o t a l: l e d i r i . rr ' w -a ie 8 tn—'' "? of . II El SlBli BARTON. „, k illings 7.:901- • ' POOK, I ,IIARP.--:Win. Fridley would ito,,n,tfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle t he i t l a i c r g i e n tr ally ithat be has again emplaned in 8.0. lyrt'l6 of tin & sheet iron ware anti kinds, building en leouther @Owl, directly ' op . torpley!s Chair Manufactory, where hi will mail thee be in readiness to do nil kinds of we k In sil i a business with neatness and dispatch; All *pep .(1 be done by Iduaselland a competent hated ae • he p ee p no apprentices. _ Aileen at all times bo twit those celebrated RIX THB 0, gEbtl-SEALINO,',PREMIUR,4IItIItiIIT Fil i t:6' e C tAitg 3 . A a l ajobb get all / klads, done at shot notice arid made Of the eat material. , A-Cash pall torpid Peal mid, Copper. gloping by ate ict attention business, -end Idaho ti lean all, to receives aberi /Olio pilrousze. Carlisle Oct. 25, 1860,1 y. • i • ~ ; I . ' ' 1 : `.. , ' 0 .. • CUMBERLAND .VALLEY IEINTBO ARRAN,OEMEN2 I . • • 1 -04 ' ..' • OF 11001181 Om and altar DIOND iY, DEMI B Ell 3d,lB.so,.Bausonge Train, will run follows (Sundays osiouptod i) FOR CHANIBEISBURG AND HARRISBURG. I ut Train. 24 Train 7.00 A. DI. 2.45 Y. M . 7.37 3.35 'Leave Ilagerstown, , " Greencastle. • 61 it " Chatnimisburg, 8.30 4 ' • Shipponshurg; 9.00 " 1.57 Newville,, 9.32 " 2.80 " 14 Carliglo. 10.10 " 340 " Arrive at r 0 31 e c i ha r o r t b abA . 6 g, 1 1 0 1 ..4 1 2 7 , 4: 34 1 2 0 FOR CHA3IIIIIBB.I3URG AND HAGERSEOWN. • let Train. 2d Train. Leave Harrisburg .8.05 A. 31 1.40 P. M. • Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.20 " • Carlisle 0.27 ." 300 • Newville, 10.02 .." 3.34 Shlppenshurg, 10.33 " 4.05 • " Chambg', (Arrive) 11.00 . - 4.45 Greencastle, 11.55 535 Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.36 8 . 15 THREE G a ti.ol'rb : 811110: and 4 0 l eavol 2 liirrpb 6 u i rg for Pittsburg, at 3.10. 'WWI)°, A • ' Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Central Railroad At 2:40 A. 31., 12.55, 1.15, end 5.25 I', 31. Via Lebanon V. It. R., al 8.00 A. N.,• And 1.45, I'. 31. For Baltimore, at 3.00 h 7,40 A. DI., & For I merlon and Williamsport at 1.40 and 8.15, P. N. Trains on Dauphin Road at 2.00, P. 31. NOTICE TO PASSENOERS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, Gresticastle, Chant. bersburg, Shipponsburg, Nowville, Carlisle, Mechanics burg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars.. 0. N. LULL Supor't Railroad oMce, Chambersburg, } Dec. 7, 18110. I'lo 19y 3 4; NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO _NEW 'YORK! I HillIIIIII11111111:q very thing Hui tYcr , I? •tu, •',", • ‘.4,. ° SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST', IN_ XIME, . BETWEEN TIIE ;TO CITIES OF iwziw Tonic - • AND lIARRISBURQ• VIA READING, AEL , ENTON9L: ' AND EASTON - . MORNING MIMI:SS, Went. Ironer New York nt 0 A. M., arriving atlbtrrisburg at 12.45 noon, only o.',i hours between thr two cities.. MA 11. LIN Ede:lves New York at 12.00 noon, and.ar. river et liaritsburg at S.:10 P. N. - - - '' NIORN 13U mAri, LINE East. leaves Harrisburg at 8.01) A. 31., arriving at New York at 4.811 P. M. AFTERN6IN EXPRESS LINE, Edit, leaves Herds burg at 1.15 LM. arriving at New York at 9 09,1 , 31. i Connection are mode at H P Harrisburg at 1.00 .M. with the Passenge Trains in each direetion On the Pennsyl vania, Cunt!, , land Valley and Northern Cehtral Rail read. . All trains /nne 1 at Reading with trains for Potts ville nod Phi Mehhia, mint at Allentown for Mauch Chunk, East t.